the orthodox vision - february 2015 issue #300

February 2015 www. Issue No. 300 The Official Monthly Publication of Holy Trinity

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The Official Monthly Publication of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of Bridgeport, CT


Page 1: The Orthodox Vision - February  2015 Issue #300

Fe b r u a r y 2 0 1 5 w w w. H o l y Tr i n i t y B r i d g e p o r t . o rg I s s u e N o . 3 0 0

The Offi

cial M



n of H

oly Trin


Page 2: The Orthodox Vision - February  2015 Issue #300

February 2015


Strict Fast Fish Allowed Wine and Oil Allowed Dairy,Eggs, and Fish Allowed

1 Liturgy-

10:00am Sunday

of the Publican

and Pharisee:

Triodion Begins

Today Godparents’ Sun-

day Κυριακή



—DOP Lunch-


2 Fast Free




of Our

Lord ;Υπαπαν

ηή ηος


Gabriel the

New Martyr

3 Fast Free

Symeon &


New Martyrs

John, Nicholas

and Stamatios

4 Fast Free

Wednesday of

Prodigal Son

Isidore of Pelu-


Nicholas the


5 Fast Free

Thursday of

Prodigal Son

Martyr Agatha

Polyectus, Pat.

Of Constanti-


6 Hellenic Cul-

tural Associa-

tion’s Movie


εκδήλωζη ηοσ



Fast Free

Photius, Pat. Of


7 Fast Free

Saturday of

Prodigal Son

Parthenius, Bish-

op of Lampsacus

Luke the Right-


8 Liturgy-

10:00am Sun-

day of the


Son ;Τος

Αζώηος -


Λοσκοσμάδες -


9 Meatfare


Apodosis of

the Presenta-


Martyr Niceph-


10 Hieromart

yr Haralambos


Patriarch of





Empress Theo-


12 Tsiknope

mpti Celebra-

tion 6-11pm




Meletius, Abp.

Of Antioch


Meatfare Friday

Martinian of Pal-


Apostles Aquila

and Pricilla

14 Service,

9:30am 1st Sat-

urday of

Souls ;1ον


Auxentios of the


Cyril, Apostle to

the Slavs

15 Liturgy-


Judgment Sun-

day (Meatfare


day) ;Απόκπιερ

Onesimus of the







Martyr Pam-

philus and


Flavian, Pat.

Of Constanti-



Great Martyr

Theodore the


Mariam Is-





Leo the Great

Agapetus the





Philemon &

Archippus, of

the 70

Philothei of



Cheesefare Fri-


Leo, Bp. Of Cata-


Agathus of


21 Service,

9:30am 2nd Sat-

urday of



Cheesefare Sat-

urday PTO’s

Dance 7pm

τορός ηοσ PTO

Timothy the


22 Liturgy-




day ;Τςπινήρ

Uncovering of

Relics at Eugeni-


23 First

Monday of

Lent - Clean

Monday 5pm /




1st & 2nd

Finding of the

Head of the



Prince of



First Wednes-

day of Lent

Tarasius, Pat.

Of Constantino-


Martyrs Regi-

nus and Lebade-


First Thurs-

day of Lent

Porphyrius, Bp.

of Gaza

Photine, the



27 Service-

1st Salutations

7:00pm ;Α΄


First Friday of


Procopius the


28 Service,

9:30am 3rd Sat-

urday of

Souls 3ον


st Saturday of

Lent: The Com-

memoration of the

Miracle of Kollyva


Saturday February 7 Estelle Hawie - 1 year

Sunday February 8 John Agronis - 1 year

Sunday February 15 Yianni Louloudes- 1 year

Sunday February 22 Angie Sharp - 3 years


άββαην 7 Φεβξνπαξίνπ ηαπξνύια Hawie 1 ρξόλνο

Κπξηαθή 8 Φεβξνπαξίνπ Ισάλλεο Αγθξόλεο 1 ρξόλνο

Κπξηαθή 15 Φεβξνπαξίνπ Γηάλλεο Λνπινύδεο 1 ρξόλνο

Κπξηαθή 22 Φεβξνπαξίνπ Αγγειηθή Sharp 3 ρξόληα

Page 3: The Orthodox Vision - February  2015 Issue #300


A t the beginning of a New Year, it is customary

for us to greet each other with "Happy New

Year!" Do we mean "day" rather than "year?"

We give the greeting on New Year's Day, but do we

continue to say it throughout the year? Are we wishing

friends to be happy for only a day, or for a whole year?

How can one be happy for a whole year when the

forecast for the new year may predict unhappy times?

Can you be happy if in the coming year you may have

less to eat, if you must make old

clothes do for another year, if a

vacation is out of the question, and

if you must worry about the bills

coming due?

Regardless of conditions, we do

want to be happy. Is there anyone

here who does not want to be

happy in the coming year? A

teacher of a young adult class

asked the students to write their

answers to the question, "What do

you want most out of life?" Nine

out of ten answered, "Happiness."

Psychology Today magazine took

a poll of 40,000 readers. Eighty-

three percent responded that their

main question was, "How can I

find real happiness?" If anyone

should be happy, it is a Christian.

But, is the average Christian

known for his joy? Many think of

a Christian in terms of solemnity,

seriousness, and severity.

Christians have good reason to be the happiest people

in the world. Their happiness is not based upon the

condition of the world, but upon the condition of the

heart. They are happy because of God and not because of

man. I would like to differentiate between worldly

happiness, which is temporary and passing, and

Christian joy, which transcends this world. Christians

can be joyous even in the face of suffering and hardship ,

because our strength comes from God.

St Paul writes from prison to the Philippians ―Rejoice

in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! (Philip.

4:4)‖ Even though St. Paul was in prison and facing

death, he was joyous and wanted all Christians to share

in his joy. As Christians we have been give the power to

overcome any difficulty, even death. Each Easter, we

proclaim ―Christ is Risen from the dead, by death

conquering death!‖ We proclaim this hymn with joy,

letting the world know that there is nothing that keep us

from being joyous.

I especially see this miracle of

Christian joy during my hospital

and convalescent home ministry. I

have met Christians who have

endured enormous physical

suffering due to old age or sickness

and who are alone, having been

turned away by their family and

friends, and yet glorify God every

day. Often times, instead of giving

comfort to the sick and dying, I am

the one being comforted by these

pious men and women. Instead of

giving consolation, I receive it for

from them! I am inspired by the

lives and witness of many of these

men and women, who to the very

end, remain faithful to God and are

a living witness to our Faith.

I was inspired by a message given

by Pope Francis on World Day of

the Sick. The Pope stated, ―time

spent with the sick is holy time.‖ It is holy time because

it is through the sick and suffering which we experience

God‘s love and healing. The sick and suffering offer us

an opportunity to fulfill our Christian duty of

philanthropy and become like Jesus Christ, who ―came

not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as

ransom for many‖ (Mt 20:28)

This New Year let us infect others with our Christian

joy. Let our joy be contagious, even while the world

struggles to smile. May God bless you and your families

this new year with peace and, above all, joy!

Christian Joy by Father Andreas Vithoulkas

“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think.

When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.”

Page 4: The Orthodox Vision - February  2015 Issue #300


ηος π. Ανδπέα


Ε ίλαη ζπλήζεηα ζηελ αξρή

ηνπ λένπ έηνπο γηα καο

λα ραηξεηνύκε ν έλαο

ηνλ άιινλ κε ην «Καιό λέν

ρξόλν»! Δλλννύκε ηελ «εκέξα»

αληί γηα «ρξόλν»;

Γίλνπκε ην ραηξεηηζκό αλήκεξα

η ε ο Π ξ σ η ν ρ ξ ν λ η ά ο , α ι ι ά

ζπλερίδνπκε λα ην ιέκε θαζ’ όιε

η ε λ δ η ά ξ θε η α η ν π έ η ν π ο ;

Δπρόκαζηε ζηνπο θίινπο καο λα

ραξνύλ γηα κόλν κηα εκέξα ή γηα

έλαλ νιόθιεξν ρξόλν; Πώο κπνξεί

θάπνηνο λα ραξεί γηα έλαλ

νιόθιεξν ρξόλν ό ηαλ ν η

πξνβιέςεηο γηα ην λέν έηνο κπνξεί

λα είλαη δηαθνξεηηθά δπζάξεζηεο;

Μπνξείηε λα είζηε επηπρήο εάλ ζην

πξνζερέο έηνο ίζσο ρξεηαζηεί λα

θάκε ιηγόηεξν, αλ πξέπεη λα

θνξέζνπκε ηα παιηά ξνύρα πνπ

θάλνπλ γηα άιιε κηα ρξνληά, αλ νη

δηαθνπέο δελ ηίζεηαη ζέκα, θαη εάλ

πξέπεη λα αλεζπρήζνπκε πσο ζα

πιεξώζνπκε ηνπο ινγαξηαζκνύο


Αλεμάξηεηα από ηηο ζπλζήθεο,

ζέινπκε λα είκαζηε επηπρηζκέλνη.

Τπάξρεη θαλείο εδώ πνπ δελ ζέιεη

λα είλαη ραξνύκελνο ην πξνζερέο

έηνο; Έλαο δάζθαινο κηα ηάμεο

λεαξώλ ελειίθσλ ξώηεζε ηνπο

καζεηέο ηνπ λα γξάςνπλ ηηο

απαληήζεηο ηνπο ζην εξώηεκα, «Ση

ζέιεηε πεξηζζόηεξν από ηε δσή;»

Δλλέα ζηνπο δέθα απάληεζαλ,

«Δπηπρία». Σν πεξηνδηθό

Φπρνινγία πήξε κηα δεκνζθόπεζε

ζε 40.000 αλαγλώζηεο. Ογδόληα

ηξία ηνηο εθαηό απάληεζαλ όηη ήηαλ

θύξηα εξώηεζή ηνπο, «Πώο κπνξώ

λα βξσ ηελ πξαγκαηηθή επηπρία;»

Αλ θάπνηνο είλαη ραξνύκελνο,

πξέπεη λα είλαη Υξηζηηαλόο. Αιιά,

είλαη ν κέζνο όξνο ν Υξηζηηαλόο

γλσζηόο γηα ηε ραξά ηνπ; Πνιινί

ζθέθηνληαη όηη Υξηζηηαλόο

ζεκαίλεη επηζεκόηεηα, ζνβαξόηεηα

θαη απζηεξόηεηα.

Οη Υξηζηηαλνί έρνπλ βαζηθνύο

ιόγνπο λα είλαη νη πην επηπρηζκέλνη

άλζξσπνη ζηνλ θόζκν. Η επηπρία

ηνπο δελ βαζίδεηαη, ππό ηνλ όξν

ηνπ θόζκνπ, αιιά ππό ηνλ όξν ηεο

θαξδηάο. Δίλαη ζηελ επράξηζηε

ζέζε ιόγσ Θενύ θαη όρη ιόγσ

αλζξώπνπ. Καη ' αξράο ζα ήζεια

λα γίλεη δηάθξηζε κεηαμύ εγθόζκηαο

επηπρίαο, ε νπνία είλαη πξνζσξηλή

θαη πεξαζηηθή θαη ρξηζηηαληθή

ραξά πνπ ππεξβαίλεη απηόλ ηνλ

θόζκν. Οη Υξηζηηαλνί κπνξεί λα

είλαη ραξνύκελνη, αθόκε θαη παξά

ηελ ηαιαηπσξία θαη ηηο δπζθνιίεο,

επεηδή ε δύλακή καο πξνέξρεηαη

από ηνλ Θεό.

Ο Απόζηνινο Παύινο γξάθεη

από ηε θπιαθή πξνο Φηιηππεζίνπο

"Υαίξεηε ἐλ θπξίῳ πάληνηε. Θα ην

μαλαπώ: Υαίξεηε! (Φηιηππεζίνπο.

4:4)» αθόκα θη αλ ν απόζηνινο

Παύινο ήηαλ ζηε θπιαθή ,

αληηκέησπνο κε ηνλ ζάλαην, ήηαλ

ραξνύκελνο θαη ήζειε λα

κνηξαζηεί ηελ ραξά ηνπ κε όινπο

ηνπο Υξηζηηαλνύο. Χο Υξηζηηαλνί

έρνπκε ηε δύλακε λα μεπεξάζνπκε

νπνηαδήπνηε δπζθνιία αθόκε θαη

η ν ζ ά λ α η ν . Κ ά ζ ε Π ά ζ ρ α

δηαθεξύζζνπκε «Υξηζηόο Αλέζηε

εθ λεθξώλ, ζαλάησ ζάλαηνλ

παηήζαο!» Γηαθεξύζζνπκε απηό

ηνλ ύκλν κε ραξά λα δείμνπκε ζηνλ

θόζκν όηη δελ ππάξρεη ηίπνηα πνπ

λα καο θξαηήζεη από ην λα είκαζηε


Ιδηαίηεξα, βιέπσ απηό ην ζαύκα

ηεο ρξηζηηαληθήο ραξάο θαηά ηε

επίζθεςή κνπ ζηα λνζνθνκεία

θαη ζηνπο νίθνπο επγεξίαο. Έρσ

ζπλαληήζεη Υξηζηηαλνύο πνπ

έρνπλ ππνκε ίλε η η εξάζη ηα

ζσκαηηθή ηαιαηπσξία ιόγσ

γήξαηνο θαη αζζελείαο θαη νη

νπνίνη είλαη κόλνη θαη

α π ν κ α θ ξ π ζ κ έ λ ν η α π ό η η ο

νηθνγέλεηέο ηνπο θαη θίινπο ηνπο

θαη ελ ηνύηνηο αθόκε δνμάδνπλ ην

Θεό θάζε κέξα. Πνιιέο θνξέο

αληί εγώ λα δίλσ παξεγνξηά θαη

άλεζε ζηνπο αξξώζηνπο θαη

εηνηκνζάλαηνπο αδειθνύο, είκαη

εγώ απηόο πνπ βξίζθσ παξεγνξηά

από απηνύο ηνπο επζεβείο άλδξεο

θαη γπλαίθεο! Παξακέλνπλ πηζηνί

κέρξη ην ηέινπο ζην Θεό θαη είλαη

δσληαλνί κάξηπξεο ηεο πίζηεο καο.

Δκπλεύζηεθα από έλα κήλπκα

πνπ δόζεθε από ηνλ Πάπα

Φξαλζίζθν θαηά ηελ παγθόζκηα

εκέξα ησλ αζζελώλ. Ο Πάπαο

δήισζε όηη "ν ρξόλνο πνπ πέξαζε

κε ηνπο αξξώζηνπο είλαη ηεξή

ζηηγκή." Δίλαη ηεξή ζηηγκή γηαηί νη

αζζελείο , βηώλνπλ κε ηελ αγάπε

ηνπ Θενύ θαη ηελ ιύηξσζε. Όηαλ

ππνθέξνπκε καο δίλεηε ε

επθαηξία λα εθπιεξώζνπκε ην

ρξηζηηαληθό καο θαζήθνλ ηεο

θηιαλζξσπίαο θαη λα γίλνπκε ζαλ

ηνλ Ιεζνύ Υξηζηό, ν νπνίνο "ήξζε

όρη λα ππεξεηεζεί αιιά λα

ππεξεηήζεη θαη λα δώζεη ηε δσή

η ν π σ ο ι ύ η ξ α γ η α

πνιινύο" (Μαηζαίνπ, 20:28)

Απηό ην λέν έηνο αο αγγίμνπκε

ηνπο άιινπο κε ηε ρξηζηηαληθή

ραξά καο. Αθήζηε ηελ ραξά λα

είλαη κεηαδνηηθή, αθόκε θαη ελώ ν

θόζκνο αγσλίδεηαη λα ρακνγειάζεη.

Ο Θεόο λα επινγεί εζάο θαη ηηο

νηθνγέλεηέο ζαο απηό ην λέν έηνο κε

ηελ εηξήλε, πγεία θαη, πάλσ από

όια, ραξά!

“Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your

joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.”

Φαίπεηε ἐν


πάνηοηε. Θα

ηο ξαναπώ:


Page 5: The Orthodox Vision - February  2015 Issue #300


“Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.”

T he New Year began with laughter and joy, and

if you attended the New Year‘s Dance, the

music by DJ Peter Vallis was, as usual ,

incredible, and the lights he set up added to the hall

fabulousness. The desserts that decorated the venetian

table were incredible and yummy. Thank you to all that

baked and donated. The decorations were incredible.

The hall was transformed into such a magical and cool

scene. Thank you to the two women who chaired the

event, Maria Gountas and Anna Papanikolaou. Panta

axoies! Also, to everyone involved in helping in any

way, thank you!

We are now getting ready for this year‘s Valentine's

dance, which will be held on Saturday, February 21st

from 7pm - 12:00 am. Since Apokries start on Feb 1st

until the 23rd, we thought why not incorporate that into

the theme as well this year. Please call for reservations.

Prepayment is preferred, please. Gather your friends and

family for a fun filled night of laughter, dancing, food,

and memories. The musical entertainment is George

Moutsis and his band, so wear comfortable shoes for a

night of dancing!

PTO will be selling the Easter lambades, or candles,

again this year. Sale starts on Kathari Deftera, ―Clean

Monday,‖ which is Monday, February 23rd. We will be

selling them until Easter. They are very neat gift ideas

for your little one, or big one. This day, we also

participate in the Parish Pot luck, and the children fly

the kites provided by us. Share a favorite lenten dish or

dessert, and if you prefer to bring your own kite, that is

fine. We will have some other crafts for the kids as well

this year.

Congratulations to the children of the Sunday School

and Greek School who had the lucky coin in their

Vasilopita pieces this year (M. Andriotis, M. Pisacreta).

This year, we decided to have the Sunday School and

Greek School programs bring all of the classes together

and cut one big Vasilopita per program instead of having

individual ones per class; makes the stakes higher and a

little bit more exciting in whose going to find the lucky


The Greek Independence Day Parade in New York

this year will be on March 29th. Information will be

going out soon from ka Limberis.

"If everyone is moving forward together, then success

takes care of itself."

PTO by Effie Vlamis, President

O ur basketball season is

nearing the end already.

If you haven‘t been able

to make a game yet, please come

and cheer on our young athletes.

It‘s been a season of learning and

reinforcing foundational skills, and

games have been tough for our

Youth and JV teams. The Varsity

team is making great strides, and is

shaping up as contender in the

playoffs. Volleyball started on the

10th of January, and the girls are

working hard at their game.

On Jan 23 , our Parents vs Play-

ers Basketball evening was a lot of


Save the dates: Jan 30th is our

Volleyball Parents vs Players night.

April 26th - Awards Ceremony.

We continue to work on our Hall

of Fame Event. If anyone has info,

pictures, or any suggestions, please

submit them to Chris Danas,

[email protected].

We‘ve received the support from

several new sponsors this year and

continue to look for new ones. If

you know a local business that may

be interested, please let us know.

The Player of the Month for De-

cember is Chrysoula Vlamis. She

is a junior at Trumbull High

School. She is a second degree

black belt in Tae Kwon Do, which

she has been involved with for the

past 11 years. Chrysoula is co-

President of the GOYA and is an

aide to the kindergarten Sunday

school class. Chrysoula loves vol-

leyball and is one of the hitters on

our Church team. She also loves

her Greek culture and is a dancer in

the Olympiad Greek dance group.

Chrysoula is a fun loving gal, al-

ways willing to help. Congratula-

tions Chrysoula!

Athletic Department by Chris Danas , Director

Page 6: The Orthodox Vision - February  2015 Issue #300


Θ έ ι ν π κ ε λ α

επραξηζηήζνπκε όια ηα

παηδηά καο γηα ηελ

θ ε η η λ ή σ ξ α η ό η α η ε

Υ ξηζηνπγελλ ηάη ηθε γ ηνξηή .

Δπραξηζηνύκε όινπο πνπ καο

ηηκήζαηε κε ηελ παξνπζία ζαο,

επρέο θαη ζαο επρόκαζηε θαη πάιη

θαιή θαη επηπρηζκέλε ρξνληά.

Κόπεθε ε Βαζηιόπηηα ζηηο

ηάμεηο , θαη νη ηπρεξνί ηεο ρξνληάο

είλαη ην Διιεληθό καο ρνιείν.

Δπραξηζηνύκε ην ΡΣΟ καο γηα ηελ

Βαζηιόπηηα. Καη ηνπ ρξόλνπ θαη

ρξόληα πνιιά.

Η γηνξηή ηνπ ρνιείνπ καο –

Γηνξηή ησλ Σξηώλ Ιεξαξρώλ θαη

ησλ Διιεληθώλ Γξακκάησλ –

Γηνξηή ησλ Διιεληθώλ ρνιείσλ,

καζεηώλ θαη δηδαζθάισλ –

γηνξηάζηεθε θαη θέηνο ηηκώληαο

όινπο ηνπο δαζθάινπο/εο, βνεζνύο,

καζεηέο/ηξηεο, θαη όινπο ηνπο

θίινπο ηνπ ζρνιείνπ καο, κε

κλεκόζπλν ππέξ αλαπαύζεσο όισλ

θνηκσκέλσλ κειώλ θαη κε

αξηνθιαζία ππέξ πγείαο όισλ ησλ

δηδαζθάισλ – καζεηώλ θαη

βνεζώλ ησλ ζρνιείσλ καο

Διιεληθνύ θαη Καηερεηηθνύ





Κ Α Ι Σ Δ Σ Α Ρ Σ Η 1 8





D A Y F E B R U A R Y 1 6 &


Η θα ζ α ξ ή Γε πη έξα ζ α

γηνξηαζζεί ηελ: ΓΔΤΣΔΡΑ 23

ΦΔΒΡΟΤΑΡΙΟΤ 2015, 5:00 κκ.







31 MAIOY, 2015

Δπραξηζηώ πνιύ, Κα. Διέλε

“We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world.”

Greek School

Ελληνικό Στολείο by Eleni Limberis, Director

W hat is a choir? Webster says:

―A choir is a group of people

who enjoy singing together.‖

But a choir is not a choir without that one

very special person who brings it all together

– the choir director.

Holy Trinity is most fortunate to have one

such person, Phoebe Kamelakis Leask. She is

truly a leader we look up to and who, through

her enthusiasm, encouragement, devotion,

endless patience, knowledge and love of mu-

sic, keeps us all together. Behind the scenes,

she has volunteered 11 years of untold hours organizing and preparing music, attending music seminars, planning

and coordinating our special Choir Sunday activities, playing the piano for the Sunday School Pageant, not to men-

tion conducting weekly choir practices and liturgies. Phoebe is someone we look up to with love and respect.

The choir members are sincerely thanked for their help in the composition of this article. They also join me in

saying ―Thank you Phoebe.‖ We hope that many good years ahead will continually ―Let us sing together.‖

Choir by Carol Vaniotis

photo courtesy of Vicky Andriotis 2014

Page 7: The Orthodox Vision - February  2015 Issue #300


“Joy is prayer; joy is strength: joy is love; joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.”


With Love and Health! Time goes so fast.

We are already approaching February! The

name February comes from

the Latin word, februa,

meaning ―to cleanse.‖ In

ancient times, they had such

celebrations to purify them-

selves to welcome the

Spring (ηελ ´Αλνημε, the joy

of life—ηε ραξά ηεο δσήο).

February has 28 days and

every four years, there are

29. Then,that year is called dissectos. In the old days

in Greece, during the dissectos year, they wouldn‘t plant

anything in the farms and no one would get married!

We are almost in the middle of the winter, and so far

we haven‘t had a real snow day. This month, we have

very nice celebrations that have to do with farming.

Easter this year is going to be on April 12th, a little bit

earlier than last year. Some of our celebrations are go-

ing according to our Easter. They are ―movable‖ cele-

brations, as they are called. One of those is the Apokries.

That period of time, which is about three weeks , is the

transitional period in which we prepare ourselves for the

Great Lent.

In ancient times, there were a lot of celebrations at

the end of the winter and the coming of Spring. But

along with the start of Christianity, during the same pe-

riods of the existing paganistic celebrations, our Chris-

tian religious celebrations began. Some of the ancient

celebrations have remained until this day. Apokries , or

Karnavali, is one of them. Apokries last three weeks.

People get dressed and mimic different people or ani-

mals, or costumes are a satire of contemporary things or

persons. They even make the king of the karnavali. In

Greece, every city or town has their own customs, and

they dance and sing and enjoy themselves to the fullest.

The second week is called the meat week (meatfare)

and the last one is the cheese week (cheesefare) . The

last day of the Apokries, they burn the king of the kar-

navali. Then comes ―Clean Monday,‖ which is when we

begin to fast and pray for the Great Lent. This will pre-

pare Christians for Easter.

A very nice custom of the ―meat week‖ (meatfare) is

Tsiknopempti . But, what is Tsiknopempti?

For sure it is a Pempti, that is, Thursday. What is

Tsikna? Tsikna is the smell of burned meat. Legend has

it that in olden days, when all the events for the

Apokries were starting (from Thursday to Sunday), and

all the nikokyres (housewives) ran outside to watch the

maskarades (those dressed in costume) thus, forgetting

the food in the oven which then burned. All the villag-

es, the towns, and the cities smelled of Tsikna, the

burned meat. Later on, the Tsiknopempti celebration

was established to remind us of the day when all of

Greece smelled of Tsikna! Needless to say, that

Tsiknopempti is celebrated with Music and Songs in an

atmosphere of Burned Meat. The Philoptochos Ladies

decided to bring this very old custom from our beloved

Greece our community . I hope all of you will come and

celebrate Tsiknopempti with us. All the proceeds will

go to the fund for the St Nicholas National Shrine in

New York City at the World Trade Center. We will

have lots of meat and good, old music from Greece .

Dinner is only $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children

12 and under. As for singing, you can sing along if you

know the tunes!

In December, we donated 672 pounds of food to the

Connecticut Food Bank . We need to give more for

Easter. Let's try to exceed 1,000 pounds. If we are will-

ing , we can achieve it. Please, start bringing cans and

other dry food now. Whatever you can afford will be

appreciated. Be as generous as you always are.

We also gave a lot of food and warm clothes to Res-

cue Mission. At Easter time, we give food to the Ever-

green Network as well.

On January 18, 2015, we had our Christmas Dinner

and all the participants brought Women's toiletries for

the Bridgeport Woman's Center.

On January 31, 2015, we‘ll visit St Basil's Academy

in Garisson, N.Y. to celebrate Vasilopita Day, and we ‗ll

bring along pastitsio and will bake Vasilopites for the

occasion. Together with the PTO and the community

(via the wish list), we also bought gifts for the children.

On February 15, 2015, we will have a Loukoumades

fundraiser. All proceeds will go to the fund for St

Nicholas National Shrine of New York City at the

World Trade Center. Please help us by attending and

buying your loukoumades!

February 14th, 21st, and 28th are the Saturdays of

Souls-Psychosavata. If you need kolyva, we make indi-

vidual containers for $10.00 each. Call us to order one.

Thank you. February 3rd, 2015, meeting at 7 PM.

Save the Date: March 15, 2015 Lenten Luncheon .

All proceeds will go to Holy Cross College.

Philoptochos by Lena Protopapas , President

Page 8: The Orthodox Vision - February  2015 Issue #300


M any thanks to the

Philoptochos for sponsor-

ing the annual Vasilopeta

Celebration. All the proceeds went

towards St. Basil Academy. The

winner of the coin was found in the

piece given to a guest visitor from

the Academy.

The P.T.O. is presently working

on their annual Valentine's Dance.

They did such a fantastic job in

sponsoring the New Year's Eve Gala

that we are sure that this, too, will be

outstanding. Please support them

with tickets or ads for they are con-

stantly dedicated to our children.

The Dance is being held on Febru-

ary 21st.

Godparents' Sunday will be cele-

brated on February 1st. After

Church Services, the Daughters of

Penelope will sponsor their annual

"Penelope‘s Cafe" luncheon in the

Aegean Hall. The donation for the

adults will be $12.00 and the dona-

tion for the children will be $7.00.

There will also be a "Koulouraki

Baking Contest." We encourage all

Godparents to attend with their re-

spective Godchildren.

Our Hellenic Cultural Association

will sponsor a Movie Night on Feb-

ruary 6th at 7:00 p.m. Admission is

free. All are welcome! Refresh-

ments will also be served.

Our Athletic Committee has be-

gun a program sponsoring "Athletes

of the Month." To date, the follow-

ing have been honored: Angelika

Demestihas for her achievements in

basketball. She is a high school

Freshman and excels in soccer in her

school; Nicholas Tsorvas for his

achievements in basketball. Nick is

in the 8th grade and an honor stu-

dent. Congratulations to both stu-

dents. We are so proud of them. Kai

eis anotera.

Perastika and get well wishes are

extended to Helen (Hallas)

Reicheldt following heart surgery.

She is recovering at home.

It is hard to believe but start

checking your calendars for Febru-

ary: 1st Saturday of the Souls - Feb-

ruary 14th, 2nd Saturday of the

Souls - February 21st, 3rd Saturday

of the Souls - February 28th, Great

Lent begins Monday - February 23.

Around the Parish by Stella Capiris

Sunday School Christmas Pageant 2014 photos courtesy of Vicky Andriotis

Page 9: The Orthodox Vision - February  2015 Issue #300


“Beauty is whatever gives joy.”

Happy new year

to everyone.

W e started

the new

year with

a wonderful party.

Our ladies from the

PTO had decora-

tions that were su-

perb, and the DJ had

everyone dancing

until the end of the

night. A full-

hearted ―thank you‖ to the chairpersons, Maria

Gountas and Anna Papanikolaou , for hosting such a

nice event and a great time.

Last Monday, we were at the Trumbull gardens.

We served fasolada prepared by Jimmy Trimpalis and

meat pies made by Philoptochos. The children who

were there were apprehensive about tasting food that

was foreign to them, but with little persuasion, they

tried it, loved it and came back for seconds. There

were booths set-up to educate the residents on how to

prepare resumes, balance checkbooks, and to give

them financial advice. Also, Chef Rachel demonstrat-

ed how to pickle vegetables and make kale chips. We

were there for a couple of hours (from 6-8) with John

Bochanis, Kathy Yiannoulis, Jim and Helen Yeotsas,

and Jimmy Trimpalis. Thank you for your help, and

thanks to Philoptochos for their snacks!

Recently, we attended a Stewardship meeting. Dr.

Pericles Rountos invited two speakers to introduce an

alternative method of promoting stewardship. We had

a packed room with all the executive boards of all or-

ganizations. The double class room was packed with

people. Thank you all for taking part of the most im-

portant part of establishing fellowship and together-

ness. Let's all remember, alone we can only lift rocks

but together we can move mountains. As February

comes along, we will soon fall into sarakosti (lent)

which means that our festival is only around the cor-

ner. Let's all gather together and have the most suc-

cessful one yet!

Δύρνκαη ζε όινπο ζαο Δπηπρηζκέλν ην λέν έηνο,

Φ έ η ν ο

μεθηλήζακε ην

εξρνκό ηνπ λένπ

έηνπο κε έλα

π π έ ξ ν ρ ν


γιέληη. Οη θπξίεο

ηνπ PTO είραλ

δηαθνζκήζεη ηελ

αίζνπζα θαη ε

κνπζηθή θξάηεζε

ηνλ θαζέλα θαη

όινπο ρνξεύνληαο κέρξη ην ηέινο ηεο λύθηαο. Έλα

κεγάιν θαη ζεξκό επραξηζηώ ζηελ Μαξία Γθνύληα

θαη Άλλα Παπαληθνιάνπ γηα ηελ ππέξνρε βξαδηά.

Σελ πεξαζκέλε Γεπηέξα ήκαζηαλ ζην Trumbull

Gardens. εξβίξακε θαζνιάδα πνπ καγείξεςε ν θνο

Γεκήηξηνο Σξίκπαιεο θαη θξεαηόπηηεο πνπ εηνίκαζαλ

νη θπξίεο ηεο Φηινπηώρνπ. Σα παηδηά πνπ ήηαλ εθεί

ήηαλ ιίγν δηζηαρηηθά λα δνθηκάζνπλ θαγεηά άγλσζηα

γηα απηά, αιιά κε ιίγε πεηζώ ηνπο άξεζε θαη

επέζηξεςαλ θαη γηα δεύηεξε θνξά. Τπήξραλ

ζεκηλάξηα πνπ ηνπο εθπαίδεπζε πώο λα

πξνεηνηκάζνπλ αηηήζεηο γηα εξγαζία, θαη λα

δηαρεηξίδνληαη ηα νηθνλνκηθά ηνπο. Ήκαζηαλ: Ο

Γηάλλεο Μπνηζάλεο, Καηίλα Γηαλλνύιε, Γεκήηξεο

θαη Διέλε Γηώηζα θαη ν Γεκήηξεο Σξίκπαιεο, εθεί

γηα κεξηθέο ώξεο από ηηο 6-8. αο επραξηζηώ γηα ηε

βνήζεηά ζαο, θαζώο επίζεο θαη ηελ Φηιόπησρν.

ήκεξα είρακε ζπλεδξίαζε γηα ηελ Υξηζηηαληθή

Οηθνλνκία. Ο Γξ ν Πεξηθιήο Ρνύληνο θάιεζε δύν

νκηιεηέο λα εηζαγάγνπλ κηα ελαιιαθηηθή κέζνδν γηα

ηελ πξνώζεζε ηεο Υξηζηηαληθήο Οηθνλνκίαο. Δίρακε

κηα θαηάκεζηε αίζνπζα κε κέιε από ηηο επηηξνπέο

όισλ ησλ νξγαλώζεσλ. Η δηπιή αίζνπζα δηδαζθαιίαο

ήηαλ γεκάηε. αο επραξηζηώ όινπο γηα ηε ζπκκεηνρή

ζαο θαη ην ελδηαθέξνλ γηα ην θαιό ηεο Κνηλόηεηαο

θαη ηεο ζπλαδέιθσζεο. Αο έρνπκε ππόςε καο όηη

κόλνη καο κπνξνύκε λα ζεθώζνπκε κόλν βξάρηα,

αιιά όινη καδί ζα κπνξέζνπκε λα θνπλήζνπκε


Καζώο έξρεηαη ν Φεβξνπάξηνο αξρίδεη ε

αξαθνζηή, πξάγκα πνπ ζεκαίλεη όηη ην Φεζηηβάι

καο πιεζηάδεη. Αο είκαζηε όινη ελσκέλνη γηα λα

έρνπκε κηα αθόκα πνιύ επηηπρεκέλε ρξνληά!

Our Parish by Constantinos Vlamis , Parish Council President

Page 10: The Orthodox Vision - February  2015 Issue #300

FEBRUARY 2015 10

“Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief.”

P lease join us on

February 1st for

Penelope‘s Café! It

is Godparents‘ Sunday, and

after church services we will

be serving a delicious lunch.

We will also have a

Koulouraki contest and we‘ll

be making and selling frappe!

Come with you Godchildren!

It will be a fun event for all!

We are completing our Let‘s

Keep Them Warm Drive. We had

a very successful year and have

given out over 1,000 items to

various charities such as Bridgeport

Rescue Mission, The Open Door,

The Justice Center, local schools

and Bridgeport Hospital. We

would like to give a big thank you

to all who donated and made a

difference to all those in need. We

would also like to acknowledge all

those people in the greater

Bridgeport community who left us

hand-knitted items in all our

collection boxes. We would also

like to thank the businesses that

supported us by having a box

collection box in their stores. It all

made a difference.

Our next event as part of the

Trumbull Gardens Community

Alliance will be on February 9th.

It will feature healthy smoothies

and line dancing for the kids. The

theme of the event will focus

around Valentines Day! If you

are interested in being a part of

this wonderful initiative,

please don‘t hesitate to get


2015 will bring another year of

Acts of Kindness. Look out for

the dates of our mini-drives,

which will be held on

dedicated Sundays during the

upcoming months.

Our next meeting will be on

February 18th at 7 pm. We

will be discussing our Acts of

Kindness in addition to

planning for our spring raffle,

our district conference and our

annual Mother‘s Day Flower sale.

P l e a s e v i s i t u s a t

daughters.html. Our chapter email


[email protected]

g. Lastly, ―Like‖ us on Facebook

at Daughters of Penelope -

Bridgeport "Hermes" Chapter 41,

District 7. Please consider being a

part of our group. We would love

to have you!

Daughters of

Penelope by Kathy Yiannoulis ,


D uring the holiday season, the

Bridgeport Chapter of AHEPA

joined with the Daughters of

Penelope for our annual Christmas dinner ,

which was held at the Spinning Wheel

restaurant in Redding. We thank Chris and

Steven Rountos, owners of the Spinning

Wheel restaurant, for doing a beautiful job

in hosting our dinner. The setting was

gorgeous and the food delicious.

The Bridgeport Chapter of AHEPA continued its

participation in the community service outreach program

with Trumbull Garden Apartments. In

January, a financial planning evening was

offered to the residents of Trumbull

Gardens. Jimmy Trimpalis prepared a

wonderful Fasolada, which was served at

the Trumbull Gardens event. Thank you to

AHEPA members Costas Vlamis and Jim

Yeotsas for participating at the community

service event.

To become a member of AHEPA please contact us at

203-394-8001 or [email protected]

AHEPA by John Bochanis , President

Let’s Keep them Warm Project—photo courtesy K. Yiannoulis

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FEBRUARY 2015 11

Submitted by Vicky Andriotis. Source: Poulos, G. "Lives of the Saints and Major Feast Days" GOARCH, DRE., 1974 Print.

Kids’ Corner

The Presentation of

Our Lord at the Temple ~Feast Day celebrated on February 2~

M any years before the coming of Christ, there live a very pious and

saintly man called Simeon. He was one of the most intelligent

Jewish scholars of his day. Simeon found himself praying for the day that

the Saviour would come and deliver all of Israel (and the world) from sin.

Simeon waited for many years, and finally one evening as he knelt in prayer,

he heard the voice of God saying to him that he would not die until he had

seen the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Simeon was filled with great joy and fervently prayed each day that the

Messiah would come into the world.

Holy Tradition tells us that Simeon was over 150 years old when the Promise

of God was fulfilled. The Bible tells us that, finally, on February 2nd, 40 days

after the birth o Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary brought the Christ child to

the Temple for Presentation.

It was common Jewish practice to bring the first-born make child to the

Temple and offer him to the service of the Lord. It was here that Simeon

waited patiently that day , as he had done for many years. The Virgin Mary

presented the Christ child to Simeon, who took the infant child in his trem-

bling hands and recited the following beautiful prayer, which is recited in the

Orthodox Church every evening during Vesper services:

“ Lord, now let Your servant go in peace according to Your promise, because

my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared in the presence

of all people, a light to the Gentiles, and for glory to Your people Israel.”

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FEBRUARY 2015 12

Submitted by Vicky Andriotis, Source: Pantanassa Monastery.

The Jewish tradition of presenting children at the Temple is still practiced in

the Orthodox Church. In fact, you too were presented by your parents to the

Church on the 40th day after your birth. We call this presentation, “being


Here’s a question for you: Who is the woman standing behind Simeon

in the icon of the Presentation? You can find the answer by reading your Bi-

ble—Luke 2:22-40!



Submitted by Vicky Andriotis. Source: Poulos, G. "Lives of the Saints and Major Feast Days" GOARCH, DRE., 1974 Print.

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FEBRUARY 2015 14

This film will be presented in the Aegean Room at Holy Trinity. Free Admission. All are Welcome! Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the film.

In the 1930s and 1940s, wives on the island of Andros cope when the men go on long voyages on ships. Μικρά Αγγλία, Mikra Anglia (Little England ) is a 2013 Greek period drama–romance film directed by Pan-telis Voulgaris. The film is based on the novel of the same name by Ioan-na Karystiani.

February 6, 2015 7:00pm

M o v i e N i g h t presented by the Hellenic Cultural Association

This is a Greek film with English Subtitles.

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FEBRUARY 2015 15

“Tsiknopempti is a day of celebration and indulgence prior to the 40-day fasting period leading up to Easter. The word Tsiknopempti comes from the Greek words, Tsikna meaning the smell of roasting food and Pempti meaning Thursday. On this day, Greeks gather and celebrate the begin-ning of Lent, with the consumption of savory grilled and roasted meats.”

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FEBRUARY 2015 19

February 14th, 21st, 28th Our Philoptochos will prepare individual sized containers

of Kolyva for $10.00 each. To place you order, please con-tact Lena Protopapas at 203-929-1582

SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2015 the Ladies Philoptochos Society will

hold a


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FEBRUARY 2015 20


Annual Lenten Luncheon Sunday, March 15, 2015

Directly after services to benefit Holy Cross School

of Theology and Hellenic College

Save the Date Save the Date


April 25, 2015

at the UCC Church 877

Park Ave, Bridgeport

on this date,

The Council of Churches

of Greater Bridgeport will


Our parish of

Holy Trinity

with the Faith and

Community Award

Your Attendance is

Requested , details to follow

Bellarmine Museum of Art

Family Day

Daily Life in Ancient Greece Saturday, February 7, 2015

Free and Open to the Public Best for ages 4-12, but all are welcome!

12-5 p.m. Museum is open

1-4 p.m. Explore daily life in Ancient

Greece: learn how to braid your hair like

an Ancient Greek goddess; try on a Chi-

ton or a Peplos; make a shield, a Greek

vase, or a scary Medusa mask

2 p.m. Take a child-friendly tour through

our galleries

3 p.m. Hear tales from antiquity in the

museum‘s galleries

Fairfield University 1073 N. Benson

Road Fairfield, CT 06824

(203) 254-4046

Page 21: The Orthodox Vision - February  2015 Issue #300

FEBRUARY 2015 21

In the Orthodox Church, a Memorial Service is always offered for all the faithful departed on the "Saturdays of the souls." This service will be offered on February 14, 21 & 28, which are the two Saturdays preceding Great

Lent and the first Saturday of Great Lent. Please submit the names of your departed faithful on this form. The names will be read during these services.


Ψυχοσάββατα: 14, 21 & 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2015


NAMES OF DECEASED Saturdays of Souls:

February 14, 21 & 28, 2015

Page 22: The Orthodox Vision - February  2015 Issue #300

©2015 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Bpt. Ct Publishing &Design-Vicky Andriotis-1/17/2015

The Official Monthly Publication of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 4070 Park Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06604

“Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every Creature. ” Mark 16:15

Sylvia Bal 814-2131 Michael Bouloubasis 336-2116 Stella Capiris 259-7344 Phil Georgas 257-7452 Periklis Gountas 690-1765 Petros Karayiannis 631-258-3933

A. J. Metsopoulos 292-6418 Chris Papachristos 380-0566 Pericles C. Rountos 268-7173 Peter Tsimbidaros 334-2578 Constantinos Vlamis 268-5464 Nick Vlamis 459-0521 All are codes are 203, unless otherwise


Parish Council Newsletter Editor

Vicky Andriotis

Newsletter Staff

Eleni Limberis Father Andreas

Vithoulkas Vicky Andriotis

HISTORIAN & ARCHIVES ROOM S. Capiris 203-259-7344

historian@holytrinitybridgeport. org

HOSPITAL MINISTRY S. Kapetaneas 203-926-1751

JR. CHOIR J. Bogardus 203-736-6501

MAINTENANCE G. Hatzis 203-260-5359

L. Tsouris 203-334-2781

NURSING HOME MINISTRY S. Capiris 203-259-7334

OLYMPIANS (GOYA) F. Papachristos 203-380-0566

P. T. O. E. Vlamis 203-268-5464

pto@holytrinitybridgeport. org

PARISH COUNCIL Constantine Vlamis 203-268-5464

parishcouncil@holytrinitybridgeport. org


philoptochos@holytrinitybridgeport. org


PUBLICITY COMMITTEE E. Vaniotis 203-374-0013

publicity@holytrinitybridgeport. org

SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE S. Karagiannis 203-820-1975

SENIOR CITIZENS V. Hatzis 203-268-7231

STEWARDSHIP A. J. Metsopoulos 203-292-6418

Stewardship@holytrinitybridgeport. org

SUNDAY SCHOOL T. Hallas 203-522-5022

sundayschool@holytrinitybridgeport. org


V. Andriotis

vicky@holytrinitybridgeport. org

ALTAR DIRECTOR P. Bozikis 917-692-2317

AHEPA J. Bochanis 203-254-7595

AROUND THE PARISH S. Capiris 203-259-7344

aroundtheparish@holytrinitybridgeport. org

ATHLETIC DIRECTOR C. Danas 860-916-3777

athleticprogram@holytrinitybridgeport. org

BOOKSTORE V. Andriotis

vicky@holytrinitybridgeport. org

CANTOR G. Bakes 203-374-8561

CHOIR P. Leask 203-258-9160

choir@holytrinitybridgeport. org

CULTURAL ASSOCIATION V. Hatzis 203-268-7231

culturalassociation@holytrinitybridgeport. org

COUNCIL OF CHURCHES S. Kapetaneas 203-926-1751

DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE K. Yiannoulis 203-372-6591

daughters@holytrinitybridgeport. org

ECCLESIARCH D. Trigonis 203-374-0725

FORCC E. Vaniotis 203-374-0013

GOYA E. Demestihas 203-380-2923

C. Vlamis

GREEK SCHOOL E. Limberis 203-371-6305

greekschool@holytrinitybridgeport. org

GREEK SCHOOL DANCE GROUP E. Limberis 203-371-6305

greekschooldance@holytrinitybridgeport. org

Church Office

Eleni Limberis Email: Email@holytrinitybridgeport. org

Office: 203. 374. 5561 Fax: 203. 374. 5770 Hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 4:00pm Sundays after Services: 12:00pm-1:00pm

On the Web -www. holytrinitybridgeport. org Bookstore Online -bookstore. holytrinitybridgeport. org

Shopping– shop. holytrinitybridgeport. org On Facebook—www. facebook. com/holytrinitybridgeport

On Twitter – www. twitter. com/holytrinitybpt

Father Andreas Vithoulkas, Presbyter fatherandreas@holytrinitybridgeport. org

phone: 917-334-4192


Weekdays & Saturdays Orthros 8:30 am / Liturgy 9:30 am


Orthros 8:45am/ Liturgy 10:00 am

Ώρες Λειτοσργίας Κσριακής ‘Όρθρος: 8:45 πμ / Θεία Λειτοσργία: 10:00 πμ

Page 23: The Orthodox Vision - February  2015 Issue #300

DeJesus Dental Group Cosmetic, Family & Implant Dentistry

Pericles Rountos, D. M. D. General Dentist

T:(203) 372-1220 www. dejesusdental. com

F:(203)371-8540 4131 Main St. Bpt, CT

Dr. Kevin R. Bellows Chiropractic Physician

25 Lindeman Dr. Trumbull, CT 203-373-0315

Fax: 203-373-0367

Special Attention to Athletic Injuries

651 Villa Ave. Fairfield, CT 203-384-8176

www. androsdinerfairfield. com


MAHER & MURTHA LLC 528 Clinton Ave

Bridgeport, CT 06605

Phone: (203) 367-2700

Cell: (631)258-3933 PGK@maherandmurtha. com

MY SMILE Orthodontics Maria Karayiannis,DMD

865 River Road, Suite 307 Shelton, CT 06484

Phone: 203-538-5014 fax:203. 538. 5001

www. MySmileCT. com Maria@MySmileCT. com

Commerce Hill Funeral Home 4798 Main St. Bridgeport , CT


Ronald J. Dougiello

Charles W. Dougiello

David P. Dougiello

Call the Office and place

your ad today! 203. 374. 5561

Tomlinson’s Restaurant 1400 Noble Ave, Bridgeport

Tel. 335-5296

Nicholas Vlamis Constantinos Vlamis- Owners

www. cactusrosecantina. com

5 River Road Wilton River Park

Wilton, CT 203. 762. 8484

Our GOYA regrets any names omitted

or misspelled in their Annual

Christmas Card, including:

Nick and Bessie Phakias and

Pericles, Irene, Marianna, and

Christos Rountos

Sincerest apologies!

Page 24: The Orthodox Vision - February  2015 Issue #300

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 4070 Park Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06604 Address Service Requested

300 issues— 25 years