the offically wacky boolprop challenge by pettech part seven


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The OWBC by PetTech Part Seven


Page 1: The Offically Wacky BoolProp Challenge by PetTech Part Seven
Page 2: The Offically Wacky BoolProp Challenge by PetTech Part Seven

Hey! Welcome back to The OWBC by PetTech! Where we have more birthdays than you can shake a stick at…Where does that saying come from?

Anyway, this is Alexander Goth becoming a teen. He rolled romance and promptly got a make over. I’m not going to spend too much time with the spares in this update, don’t worry. Those of you familiar with the Goth house will spot some updating to the interior of the house in this and the following pictures. Mustard yellow walls and forest green carpet DO NOT go together! Ever!

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Here he is post makeover sitting on the new floors in the entry hall. Better glasses and wilder hair help to hide the odd look of this kids face. I’ve never grown him up all the way to adult- does he stay weird looking?

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One of the first things I did to the Goth house was correct the Seasons unfriendly roof top using the decorative roof thingys that came with apartment life. The family gained an extra room up top and won’t have to worry about snow in the hobby area.

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Alex wanted to go on a date and I said to myself, “Self they are stinking rich sims. They can afford to pay 5000 simoleons for a perfect match. What harm could it cause.” Then Maxi dropped from the sky.

Granted she does match his turn ons and zodiac signs, but she turns up everyday to kick the can and steal the paper. Morty will not be happy to see her. I went ahead with the date anyway as much as I could given the age differences. They played games and danced.

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Alex got a perfumed love note from the date and he seemed happy to have a new friend.

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Mortimer however didn’t have much time to complain about Maxi dating his son. Nor did he get to meet his first grandchild. He did however argue with the Reaper over how much time he had left. Cheapskate!

I re-did the wall paper and flooring in the living room too. They also have a tv now as well since Oscar likes to watch sports.

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The same night Morty kicked the bucket there were two new arrivals in the house. The first was little Mandy here. She has Oscar’s skin and hair colors but Cassie’s brown eyes.

The second arrival was quite a bit smaller…

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This is little Alegra. The kitten Cassie just had to have. She rolled the want after her father passed on so I’m going to say that Morty was too cheap to get his little girl a kitty. Oscar adores her and will only put her down to pick up his daughter.

Moving on to the next spare baby, which was actually born first…

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Olive and Geoffrey have been settling in to a normal life very well. Geoffrey is working in the science career track and Olive has been looking for that dancer job she has always wanted.

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Their little offspring is a boy named Kyle. Brown hair and blue eyes for this future heart breaker.

Over at Brian’s house one more baby has arrived…

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This is Brian and Lucy’s son George. The skin and hair is all Brian. The eyes are Lucy’s.

Just baby pics at the moment for the spares. Next update you will get toddler pictures I promise.

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Oh look! It’s me stealing Bob again. *sigh* For the fourth time. If you look carefully behind me you will see a row of flamingos missing. They have been moved to watch over Joe’s gravesite in back of the house.

Life at the main Trueheart household moves on in usual fashion…We have a birthday!

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It’s time for Lori to decide what she wants to when she grows up. Unless you people choose her as heir. Then she gets to be a grilled cheese sim.

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I’ve been pretty lucky with the everyday clothes lately but the hair will be changed.

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Lori has an unusual face much like her mother. I see the triangular shape but I can’t really put my finger on what is making her look odd. Looking at this photo now I’m not happy with the eye shadow/liner I gave her and will have to change it. I don’t mind odd sims and considering Odell’s jaw line and Jerry’s nose I was expecting some unusual genetics.

Lori rolled family for her aspiration with a LTW of raising 20 puppies or kittens. Good thing she becomes a grilled cheese if she wins the poll.

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Lori had her want for a first kiss right away and since the family is very flush with money despite no one working (gotta love the fortune sim aspiration benefits from Freetime), she called up the gypsy for a date. Mind you, I had already dealt with Alex’s date prior to this so I knew the old gal was throwing curve balls. Pleasant View actually has teen townies and playables. Eventually I should get one right?

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The sun set right as the guy dropped hence the change in lighting. Bon Voyage tourist Stephan Go- family sim who only wanted to talk to Lori then learn how to cook. This date ended quickly. Bye bye Stephan.

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Same night, second date. Not quite 5000 simoleons and we get…

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We get second tourist guy whose name I forgot to write down. They talked. They played catch. Then he wanted to earn skill points just like the first one. Lori sent him home as well. At the very least she got two reasonably good looking guys to date in the future.

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Sweet little Psion, who I’m being told is eligible for heirship (yay!), is a little friend making machine. Her teen birthday is coming up and while I will roll for her she really should be a popularity. This is the youngest Ottomas kid from the sim bin. Who also stole Bob from the front yard before she left for the day.

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This time it was Rochelle who went and fetched him back. I think Psion must be too nice to do the fetching.

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Rochelle has been doing very well so far in taking care of herself. She and Psion will be aging up on the same day. I can only hope that she rolls an aspiration that can self maintain like Olive did. If I manage to make it though the entire challenge without one visit from the shrink it would be impressive.

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Tess is still plinking away at that robotics badge. She has a silver one now and can make sentry-bots that I can’t use during the challenge as they attack gnome stealers and munchie-bots which might be useful in college.

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Again with the birthdays. Okay Paul, let’s see what you got little man!

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That face is Jerry all the way. Paul at four points is the laziest sim this house has seen so far but that doesn’t stop him from jumping on the beds non-stop in the morning before school.

Since Psion is eligible, Paul was kind of unneeded. But on the Brightside, I will have at least one boy for the readers to choose from when the time comes.

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Odell, after hours of finger breaking work finished her required family story. It mostly talked about her strange encounter with the aliens as a teen and how her husband came back from his visit with a little surprise package. It was a best seller and here’s the doo dad to prove it.

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Brian pops by for a game of pool occasionally. Oscar should do this too but I haven’t seen him yet. What ever Brian was thinking about he just couldn’t get it out of his mind- or unattached it from his skull.

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Funny pic of Lori- just because. Is it me or have the ants made trees and rolling hills in there? I’ve never looked. Who knew?

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It’s birthday time for Psion and Rochelle. Ah…Why are all the insects chirping?

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No, that’s not the problem. See that belly? Four active points and a house of good cooks will do that to you.

I still hear chirping…

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Wait! I think I see what is stirring up the bugs. Could it be?

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Psion brought her half brother Titus home from school today. I know I haven’t shown his grow up pictures yet. I’ll get around to that. All the insects around his home act weird and I think maybe it is because of him.

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Remember? Two nice points. Still he did stay for cake and a short visit.

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Psi gets a cake and a special wish. Please roll popularity…

Oh look. Random townie teen that Lori hates but still brought home from school.

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Fortune?! Are you serious? I need to pick out a new die. And we have pink which goes nicely with green skin. The clothes will stay. The hair will change just a bit. I found something just for her.

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Okay. They’re longer pony tails. Doesn’t she look cute? While I was fixing Psi up to look decent Rochelle took it upon herself to grow up as well.

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I’m lucky with the clothes again. If I could, I would probably change these but they’re not terrible. Rochelle rolled the popularity aspiration that Psi should have gotten. Fortunately, I have a plan to survive that particular aspiration.

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Finally Paul brings home the grades we need to try for private school. Final score: Tour- 45, Schmooze- 1 and Food- 47. Jerry just kept making this guy angry whenever they talked so I stopped asking him to do so. 114/90 gets the kids in and will help with the fun levels.

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With no one working I’m having a hard time finding things for the adults to do. Tess has been working hard on that robotics badge for what seems like an eternity. I gave Odell some fruit trees and a green house to look after and Jerry got a toy making bench.

I miss sending people to work and having time fast forward. I never, ever play at anything other than normal speed. With a vampire in the house and no one leaving to go to work, twenty-four hours is an eternity.

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Someone asked me what I was going to do with Tess. Was she staying in the house? Was I going to cure her? To be honest, I wasn’t too sure about that until out of the blue and old acquaintance called her up and asked her out on an outing. I was bored with the house at the moment and clicked yes.

It turns out that someone has been carrying a torch for my lovely Tess and I never knew. She found a three bolt romance that night and a little photo booth woo hoo helped the outing score tremendously.

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Most players will recognize him. Ocean Copur with his cute face and green eyes. I really couldn’t believe it. Tess had known him as long as she had known Joe. Tess and Joe had two bolts and I never checked out Ocean because I found and built a relationship with Joe so quickly.

So now I have some plans for Tess but she needs to finish a few things up first.

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Honestly, how does a kid that bounces around this much have a big belly? Every single morning! Like clock work!

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Lori and Psion stick to more traditional Trueheart forms of entertainment. Rochelle plays pool or pinball or Don’t Wake the Llama. No cooking channel, no chess or telescope. No skill building at all since becoming a teen. College going to be tough on her.

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Finally! Getting that gold badge took forever! I had Tess create a substitute for herself. Eventually, she will be moving out to be with her true love Ocean.

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As for the Tiki Hut, I sent Tess and Odell down to get those last needed stars for level ten. While there I also had Tess pass along her perks and the deed to the club to her heir.

It was Dina Callente who gave me the last star. Now the Trueheart clan only needs to maintain the club through the rest of the challenge.

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Once things were settled about club ownership, I had Tess activate the Servo. The challenge doesn’t allow the family to have nannies or maids but servos are permitted. I named him Tin (it was all I could come up with) and he got Tess’s maxed cooking, body, mechanical and cleaning skills. He is also a fortune bot.

Tess moved out that night.

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After her mother moved out I had Odell drink the milk from the cow plant. Not that I needed her to live longer but I want to return the bone phone and cow plant to the secret society. When the kids head off to college they will take them with them.

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Tin seems to be a little suicidal. This was this first non chore activity he choose. To jump in a puddle during a summer thunderstorm.

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Over at Tess’s new, and still under-furnished house, I manage to survive the “wake the vampire” game the welcome wagon likes to play and the “I’m preventing you from proposing ‘move in’” game the stupid head wolf tried and get Ocean into the house.

They will have the proper wedding Tess didn’t get with her first husband.

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Since Psion is old enough now, let’s see if we can get a teen from the old girl this time.

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Okay…Am I just doing this wrong or what? Where are the teens? At least Toby (I think that is his name) and Psi got along pretty well but it is really hard to have a good date with limited interaction. Psi got a love note from this one.

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And finally Joe comes out to haunt.

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The only resident that Joe choose to terrify was his one and only grandson.

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Hey! It’s Oscar. And he didn’t steal Bob. He did try and eat the cow plant cake though! That went into Lori’s inventory after that. Bad Cow plant! Bad!

Oscar must have sensed it was time for a birthday.

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Paul becomes a teen today. He kind of strikes me as a knowledge sim. Let’s see what the die does to me this time.

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Popularity. Hmm… I guess that works. Yes, muscular arms and a big flabby belly!

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Even his clothes are kind of lazy. Now that he is a popularity it’s time to start adding to the friends list.

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For your entertainment- some smustling pictures. These are your choices for heir.

Lori Trueheart- Cancer (9/2/10/8/6). Family sim with the LTW to raise 20 puppies/kittens. Preferred hobby: Tinkering. Nice young lady who love to play pool and video games.

Wait what do I see in the background?

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Crazy eyes! I miss them. Sorry, on with the smustling!

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I really should change those PJ’s. Orange is not her color.

Psion Trueheart- Pisces (8/8/10/1/10). Fortune sim with the lifetime want to “Be the Law”. Preferred hobby- sports. Extremely nice girl who makes friends like crazy.

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Rochelle Trueheart- bad apple. Sign and stats- unknown. Aspiration: Popularity with a LTW to be Captain Hero. Preferred hobby- science. Plays games, any game, all day long. Gets tired of doing homework quickly and has to be invited to play chess or watch the cooking channel.

She also has the ability to pass through solid objects.

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Paul Trueheart- Capricorn (10/6/4/10/3). Popularity sim with the LTW to top the journalism career. Preferred hobby- games. Likes to bounce on beds and tub pirate like his mother.

Whoever you choose will become a grilled cheese in college and sire the third and final generation of the challenge.

Lets’ skip across town for the last few slides…

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I promised to show you grow up pictures of little Titus here. Simself Lea is a really good mom who seems to want to over populate the town with her spawn. Two will be her limit I think. I need space for a legacy in Pleasant View.

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“Yes human mother/father. Blow out the candles for me.”

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Titus grew up just fine and didn’t cause any mass destruction. Here he is post haircut. The changes in the shape of his face caused the other hair to glitch through his eyebrows. Now you can see his very tiny little ears. The shirt with the skull on it seemed appropriate.

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Little Elizabeth too is pending a birthday. Here she getting a cuddle from Michelle Fobbs. Several of the resident simselves seem to be baby oriented.

Skipping all the diaper and bottle days and straight on with the growing up…

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So far she’s pretty cute. Liz is a Scorpio (10/3/9/9/1)… One nice point? Which one of you is doing that?

I was a little concerned that she was going to be tormented by her half brother. Now it appears that he might be the one in trouble.

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Come back next time for a wedding, a whole lot of college and the announcement of who will inherit the Trueheart house. Maybe I will throw in some toddler pics from the spares as well.

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to vote for your favorite!