the new york herald. (new york [n.y.]). 1864-04-22 [p 3]. · aeeotuus: canshowpood testimonials....

3^ ^-L aiB^p WAHTBD-1ALCI. pOfcTBR WANTED.IN A WHOLESALE ORO< BRY A provision »U>re. one who is sccustoned to marking and shipping goods *u>i bu had rxuerteuce in Una kind <h bt*«ines*._ Apply at 154 West at . N. Y. pHYNlCIAN WANTKD. A REGULAR GBADOATB. X to take charge 01 a nimbly resectable iua<!1ral establish ¦teat, ooe having & knowledge of tiie medical application of ote> Ulcily preieued. Addrtiaa Medicos, Hfrild otliee. Tu t Tl'.ADE -WANTKD. AN OUTDOOR fc'ALESMA*. for tli» on*. 10 aril to large buyers oolv he mual be mu'usant w lb ti.r trade. Audress siating full particulate ae to experience. Ac Tea Trade. lleiAld OUice. rVIIYNICIANH-WANTED. A PIlYSIt IAN OF IN- teMgeuce ami «ood address to travel in a speciality Addimx. with real name and residence D. C. K . tin raid .die tor three day*. Communications strictly e< mbdentlal. UNITKD HTATEH NAVY-WANTED, FOB FAST steamers lining on blockade service, alup for one or two yea(6, seamen. flreincti, c> a! itssacrs, black-.luilns, lands loeo and j;recu band". $ kJO bouniy, cash In baud. II> ad (WiUm. Ui llcd Mates Naval Rendezvous, 174 South street. UNEMPLOYED BOOKKEEPERS OR CLERKS, WHO are t,0"d at figures, can inakn a good living t>y selling t bookkeepers and merchants a new invention, invaluable that dafN ot the <ouimunt'y Address or apply to Fowler Adding Mitt blue Co., 212 Broadway, room No b. K WARTt.u-A ^Ji.riiJirf7r iFEtL.XCvCaISTTBD wiib the WHgt t<» navel &n<: lake orders lor hard- ware. Address, with rd'ert'uce, Hardware, liOi i!10 Herald .See TANTKD-1N A SMALL, FAMILY. FN BROOKLYN, A young m..n and wife; the latter o do gmeral house¬ work and cook nit; the lormer to look after garden, horse, Be Beat relerences ret|Uired. Address t row, box 3,410 Mew York Poat office. WANTED-TWO COLORED BOYS, ABOUT 16 YPARS >ld. on board the United SmP-h steamer Brooklyn. In Ihc engineers steerage. Apply at the receiving atoiea be tweeu the hours of IU and 12 A. M. Wanted immedutely-men who wish to enuage in a legitimate business, iu which they ran wake >25 every day by a amall investment of $200 to $3i>0 Call at tiifr Broadway, room No. 4, up aiaira. HOWARD TILDBN. WAV, ED.A man TO RUN A STATIONARY EN glue in a bri'-k yard. The st< amboat Sylvan Shore leaven the foot of Jay a1 reel every day at - o'clock. Addicts Wm. Wright, South river, Middlesex county. New jersey. ANTED.A YOUNG MAN. TO ATTEND A DRY gui ds and fanry autre: one who ban wine experienc.i and willing to make himself generally useiul. Api ly at M Atlantic aL. Brooklyn. WANTED-A YOUNG MAN. OP 18 YEARS OK AOS, who can write a stood hand and ia rmdy at figures. Apply lo James A. Heara A son, 775 Broadway. ANTED.IN A N OFFICE, A RESPECTABLE LAD. about 14 vearaof age. who can write a fair band and Wi w w make himself generally useful, and who knowa the city well Apply to P. 8. Reuwuy, i7 Pearl «t. WANTED-TWO RETAIL DRY COOIJR SALESMEN; permanent ailnations tlirouuli tho auiniiier will be given to good men. Apply personally or by letter to Oeorge Xejea, 343 Mb WANTED.AN EXPKRTFNOKD BOOKKEEPER I OR a Cru ciaas grocery store. Addieaa P. A T., Herald .floe. WANTBD-A GOOD. 8TR0NG BOY, TO MAKE HIM *clf uftn>:»itlly iiNeful, from 16 to 17 years old. Salary 0i*t year $10U Addreaa, in own handwriting, box 1,674 Poat office. ANTED.1U0 YOUNG MEN FOR FISHING VOY ages for codtiab, mackerel and whale from two Months to twenty, in Hcho<,ners, brigs and ships. Pay per ¦aeoth $:<0, and outfit furnished. Apply to RANDALL k COURTNEY, corner of Chambers and West sis , up atairs. w WANTED-TEN MALR NURSES. AT LADIES' HOME. United States (leneral Hospital, Lexington av , corner MU U. Apply at 6 P. M. WANTBD-A 8TOUT, ACTIVE LAD. TO OPEN AND clean out an office and make himself generally tsefnl; ¦luat a fair penman and willing; salary not over fl.'tU Addrei-s, with references, box 'J, 156 Post office. WANTED.A BOY. IN A LAW OFFICE. ADDRESS, in handwriting of the applicant, box 170 Poat office. UTANTBD-A STRONG. ACTIVE ERRAND BOY; ONE YY residing with his parents preferred. Call at -14 Fulton at. after 4 o'clock. WANTED TO-DAY.A TIMEKEEPER, MAN TO GOTO Pauama, clerk for a steamer, tallyman for a railroad, proeery clerks bookkeeper, dry goods salesman, hospital Steward, corresponding clerk, copyist, betel clerk, barkeeper. Other situations alwaya open at the Mer anttle Agency. 268 ¦roadwuv Merchants supplied gratis. Unly otlico under Me patronage o: the Mayor. Organized 1S5'.*. MONGOMERY A. CO. XJ7"ANTBP-A OOOD, STEADY MAN, TO WORK IN A Yv livery stable; one n lio knows the oity would be pre fotreri Apply at Prior's bakery, l.'Cih at. and Broadway, ^Iter H o'cloca tbis day. WANTfiD-AT WILLABDS. 532 BBOADWAY, TWO voang men waiters. None nesd apply unlem tbev iu 4eratand the business Apply tbis day, alters o'clo k P. M* WANTED.IN AN INSfBANCK OFFICE. A BOY about 15 years old. who can write well. Address S.B., V>x 861 Po« o ,-r, New York. ANTED.A YOUNG MAN. 18 OR 20 YBARB. AS light porter and to assist in a store; one who writes a hand and of steady habits. Call from 10 to 12 at US n st. W Km WANTBD-A FIRST CLASS WAITSB. TO WH IM good wagca «111 be paid. None other n»ed appiv at tto Nassau Dining Booms, 10o and 1U6 Nassau st , from b to IDA M. W CSX' ANTED-AS LIGHT PORTBR IN A WHOLESALE fancy goods house, a stout, active bor to carry small ;es ami make himself useful. Addieaa, with refer- J ix 1,781 Posto:iice. WANTED-A YOUNG MAN WHO TRANSLATES AND wrltr* the Spanish language corrretly; must write a r«l hand and be lamillar with bookkeeping. To a peieon ability a desirable and permanent situation would be pve n. All applicants must state their ago of what eountrv a native, what bitu»ii<>ns, and where, they have he:d during the last live years, salary uxpeued. and naming references. Address, In Snitnitb and English, B. V. P., Herald ODlce. \JLJ ANTED.A YOUNG MAN. TO ASSIST A8 BAR YY keeper and to make himself generally neeful; none aeed apply anlcha tbe> are willing to work and bring satis factory reommendanons. Call between the hours of 12 sail 1 at 14 Lcroy place, Uleecker sl WANTED.A YOUNG MAN AS GENERAL ASSIST- ant in a first class oyster snd dlntnc saloon, ooe bar. IM f luo in casti can meet with a good, steady situation on application to day. after 12 o'clock, at 171 Spring st. i WANTED-A HEALTHY, STRONG MAN; NO OB je- tion If only lately arrived from Europe Very liberal wages paid. Apply, between 1 and 3 o clock, at 2231a Bowery, lb the lager beer saloon. & WANTED-A THOROUGH INDOOR SERVANT; A young nun. Excellent citv reference required. Wagea Mbenu, provided be understands bis work. Apply atdlti Mroadn ay. near 12th su. between tbe l.ours of 11 nail .. WA.NTI.D- \ COACHMAN. THOROUGHLY ac <iuamte<l with the streets and drives 01 this c :j, iu Englishman prrterred. Apply ai (kt Wf»i 3-d >t. WANTED-TIIREE RESPBCTaBLB HE'S. TO TRAVEL and take orders in the United Stales and Canada lor % wholesale house In New Yors. Apply truin 10 to 1 A. M. at 587 Broadway. WANTED-AT KENNY'S OY.vTER HOUSE. 182 AND 1M Kim at., a young mm who understands open lag oysters and to wait on tables. Apply afier ID o'clock. 2 CLEVER SALESMEN. WHO THOROUGHLY UN di'rsUkiid I he house furnishing hardware business, wanted. Apply to Edward D. Bassfoid, Housekeeper* Ureal Bazaar, Cooper Institute. SITUATIONS WANTRD-XALBS. A~ CLERKSIIir WANTBD-BY A YOUNG SCOTCH man. ."J years of ace; writes a good hand and quick at aeeotuus: can show pood testimonials. and Is willing to make himself generally Address J. U. K., box 184 Herald .See A YOUNG MAN. WHOSE HEALTH REQUIRES A .eft voyftje, w uld like to slup for a cruise of no: less than eighteen or twenty months, as captain's or purser a slcrk. Salary of no ao ount. Address John (J. Hoban, box 174 Herntd ofllre. A SITUATION WANTBD-BY A TRAVELLING salesman. is thoroughly f mp»tfnt to (ill a post Ion In the above capacity; has travelled with fanrv goods and Yankee notions. Best of referenoe give*. Address O W., box I7S Herald office. YOUNG MAN. TWENTY TWO YEARS Or AGE. DB sires a situation as clerk or porter In some who e»ate >nse: furnish first clsss city reference. Address Energy, box 106 Hera'd ottice. A SITUATION WANTBD-ASGARDENKR BY A MAR- rled man-, no encumbrance. la competent to take ear* of a gentleman's plat*; bes' reference Call a' or addrcu II Vyeaoir St., hir. present employer's, far one week. AYOUNO SAN WISHES A SITUATION AS LIOHT poiier ni adry goods store, or any such business; has t»"d lettlmoniala Address J, II., H'ii bih av. A YOUNG MAM. UNDERSTANDING RNOLKU AND Oerinan, and ft rood penman, wishes a situation in a whelesa.c bouse. best of references given. Address F.,66 John st Williamaiiurg. Ao::nti eman of great expbhiencb in the Indin rubber trade and mill furnishings, is open for aa engagement aa salesman or agent: he can Inlltience bust aee* t n large amount from tlreat ITrltain and Ireland: Ms tastiriinninla ate of tba highest class. Address India Rubber, ¦era Id ¦'fllce. ____________________ AS COACHMAN,-WANTBD. A SITUATION AS JL coachman, bv a man who understands bis business; ¦aacood and careful dilver; can give i>rat class reference. ON be seen at 427 East ICth at for two day* ATOUNO MAN WISHES A SITUATION AS UROOM Apply at .10ft 4th ave between 23d and ?4th its. HOtlKRY -SITUATION WANTED IN THE HOSIERY department, by an experienced talesman. Address O. 6. «., Ilerald oOlce. nTEE'S SITUATION WANTED.14 YBABSIN HIR ' refereooe. Addresa John Langdna, STUATION WANTED.MY A LONO MXPBRfMNCBB head waiter, aa responsible ..i?a*; nnde rstaods Bn? , Oerraan and Preach eqaalty; wonld prefer an coram haent in the above meatiooed capacity la a snmmar h«£Tl Address M. ti. N box 144 ller^ldToioe. ."¦»».* Situation wantbd-it a well ¦dcoatkii vouag man, of good hnatneaa habits and good eharartaT la a wholesale More millinery or fancy preferred: aalarV expected moderate if chance to advene*. Addreee M M Station D Eoet olllee * SITUATION WANTBD-BY A S1NQLB MAM, coachman, has no oh lection logo In ibe country; haa reference from one of the best houses In tbe city - Can be l*en at IB West 16th St.. prlrate stable. Inquire for Wa. ¦.Lean. SITUATION WAMTBD-B? A YOUNO MAN, LATBLT arrived from Dublin, who has had many years' experi¬ ence as salesman and aasietanf. clerk In a flrst class paper hanging and painting establishment m that city. Reference* if required. Ad dross R. M , 337 West Mh st. r HARDWARE MRRCH A NTS . W A l(THI». HY A young inaiM! year; of age, a situation either as clerk or saresmaai ca.i snow llrst rlase testimonials and eenM en ler upen hlsduttn uniMMiiahM' Jre*m< uki tag ^46 Hei»i1i niTum. ^ ^ ¦ITUATIOSS WiNTBO>MALKI. r CLOTH UERI'll aNTM..A MAN OP OOOD BDO- < atiou. 3H years of age, who baa b««n actlug its aalee uian in different cloth bouaci la tb'a utty for a ouinbei <if IMra, la open for an eoga^emeui; understand* English and Orrmaa equally, ud rat furnish the beat of refe/eocea. Audi can b. B, box 126 Uerald oOioe. T'O BOSS TAILORS.-A YOUNO MAN WISHES A SIT- uatiou aa light porter, or to make himself gem-rally ime rul; can fill up hia tune In the bushel shop. Referent «'ve». AddreKa A M., Herald ooioe. TO BARKEEPERS-AN ACTIVE YOUNO MAN, JI'ST arrived fioni England. wiahee to obtain a situation as iaru-nder or waiter: wil ing to make himself um-r-n. First .-laaa ifleran.-, a to laat employer, as also to Brum lo il.s city. Addri ss Baruian. Herald ofllce TO MERCHANTS..WANTED A situation AS salesman, or bookkeeper by single entry. In a respect able bouse, by an a.-tive. steady, sober man. forty vears of age, who served bis time in'Ireland to a ri-ai enable mer i ant in the tea, grocery and wine trade. Addrei-s M. J K Msrunant, box Ml Herald oltlce. TO GROCERS..WANTED A SITUATION BY AN energetic youug uian, ol live jeai* pra.-ti.-al experience. Audi-sa Enterprise. Herald ollice. 1 IUANTED.BY A YOUNG MAN', WHO WRiTP'R A ine a"^ .n'i h"* """ne knowledge of book keep 8t^e:UCAdd^«Rb; WC.",.%^'.ConriV. U",ted W s»I t>J UATION AS BOOKKEEPER. KY doiilde entry. or assistant bookkeeper, or an rla*°y buAtjMM. or as clerk in a wholesale liunor taJd oUice * retired. Address T J.,W avivfM caraH W7 ANTED.BY A TO! NO *AN, !9 YEARS OP AOS A situation at assistant bookkeeper or entry clerk k<*o<1 Penman. qui k and correct »i l,*ur.s Best city and c"un Iryrefeience given. Address J K. M. Herald ollloe. WAtiln^?7?Y A vOVV(l MARRIED MAN. A SITUA either n-hnuJLuTnK°°dB, grocery, or boot and shoe store, rooiir has hsrf «J2.r't n* ",a'e,"n"n or In the counting ? hSe >'*." mercantile experience;»tn ^om 8iU?sf««, ri "i", 8I01'' a" ioab,lity mthB counting &N H^H^d omJe.nCe K'Ve" 10 Chj4r"f!6r- 4c' A" TtyANTED-Bl A MIDDLE AGED MAN. A 8IT0A. fl, .i» ! ia® or 01'l <lo#r salesman or bookkeeper; he iier- fu n7sh.n(.r^Hn. ^lhe buvln« stove- aud general house on mailing good*, or in any oiher kind of business- luahexL «Jb«.N. Y U,t*0 be«iven- Address J. i P.. M3fc.*si I ANTED. A situation AS COACHMAN BY A MAN < °f °DK «*perlence. who has over three veara'refe- rtn-®- ln<l«lreat lib hast 41nt si., near 3d hv.. for M. ,M. WA.ED7A SITl'A'r'ON. AS coachman, or j oh» ti!2?I« .k! "h' * "S0;, B®«t of reference*. Has,,.. &tii unii tJtITav. s, ^ C" atW WestlC!1' - ""»een j AKTBD-A SITUATION. BY A YOUNU Man AO* Q'tnol'd with gen is i irnishlng goods, as «n esmun or Wd olhce ' ° 'referen'* Addieos J. lie. WAITER S situation WANTKD-BY AN ENCiLISH Wall""25 «tS Sv aner.rBmhys(. B"'erencp» «iv«n- Wanted.a situation as » oachman in a pri. . vat* Iftmily: has no objection to go in the co'intrr ?,"tWOrJ,?"- 'nd l'n* ,n0nllis reference from hlKbSt Brwtdwa^ °U °r ad'1't'" ".« »l i barlct Wuten,'. MO ILjANTED.A situation AS CLERK IN A WHOLE- h«,i\.^ L0r r'ta 8r^CL'r.v "ore. by a young man who has ^te"rV4,B0Sb'5.d cad slve«°°l1 ^ 'efertute- THE TKAOEI, A bookbinder WISHES A PERMANENT SITUA- tioa. Addiess Muno, Madifion square 8'atiOD. a ?jEA^Vw painter or vaenisher can OB- S\ tain uork all > ear round. P acking end vaibisbme map rollcra: m>iai be a worker himself and make otheia work Apply to J. T. Lloyd, 164 Broadway. Engineer wanted-at the maihson square M^*Ddrftw*3 p"m app'y thu ''*y' t,ef0,e 9 EXPERIENCED BRASS FINISHERS WANTEdIaP- Co'frt^i , Bkistcm^Masa.' l",e'"'#Ph lu8l'"mcnl ®a»". ''AWTEKS' association.-rvployers iVr« ^7 « '»*»" P»iiitem please aoply st head>|uai tert. ^87 Second avenue, between Twenty lourth aud Tweu- ly-ftftb atreeu. KREDERIC KOSENfiERli, Se reta. L-1ILK COTTERS WANTED -TWO TO WO UK O.N HAS A l»ida, aud three ou lapers. In«|iiire at 10 Beekman st DL'RRIE A RUSHER. T^ILE FORCER WANTED.FOR TAPER SAW FILES- ,l'the highest price psld. Apply to Samuel Peace comer o Kith and Amsl.-e sta., Williamsburg. enmer avss" sasft.'arw ss,-*- .# iP0a®,'01lTN!?R,,58' "JRNACES and olasswo!^ J. Supeilnr Rf*d sand Btone, tor hearths, side walls and linings. fniDifched t. order from the ro'ebraied Conkliiia <iuarray, WALTER KEESLKR, ICi Ureenwlcb street! /"ornamental iapannrr who . tS3 Oberry».«nt feather dustcjr handles preferred. Call Photographer-operators or those wi#h RONl(«KKBfinu VV, Pro"lre S-'Od situations at J. KtmiusHhRO It. Principals in want of asslstanta free of zisKiedwIj1**6 'ine ,'ho;o«lal,ll Galleries for Mle. at Photographist wanted -to oo to Tnnapo- is. Md Tn one who understands the l»is:ness a cood ensnre Iso. ered. A gallery is n,» put up. and a h^f Interest will be gives to « good pr*<-tlral man. .10,0; 0 sol- wSSt>y^?wi3^ Partl<;ular* ai'P" « m P^ssBBteiga^tf&£%sssffi, r MACHINISTS -A YOCNOMAN 17 YEARS OP AOE, wlshea lo learn the businesa: has worked at the U.a'-k ¦inltblng in the old country; is strong and h-althv. ami not aftaid to work. Inquire at Mr Moore a, 76 West ^4th at. TWO SAW grinders WANTED..(IOOD WORKMEN can have »tea<lv work ami the beBt or pay. Iiiumre at fi^'wniiamsbur* corner t'",on »v and Ainsley TO PRINTERS..WANTRD, A competent PRE«1S man, to take chsree o; a press room in a neighboring ' city one lanniiar with the working of a Hoe'* rotarv and Napier presvs. To 14 steady, temperate, capable man a permanent situation will he glveu. Addreta. with refer *" toebarai-tv. Printer Ofllce, 172 William st I WANTBD-BY A RESPECTABLE MAN, YBARS OF age actuation a*i utter; ha* enMlderahleejperlcn'-e Anil (fnort reference. no objection to the ..o iniry. Adc:ie*a Cutter, box -MS Herald office. WANTED. FOR A LARGE PHOTOGRAPH EST AR lithrrunt In PltUbiirR, Pa. two operator*; one to at¬ tend to printing and toning and one for Hitting. Audret* tf. L. 11. Dabb*. Piitubnrg. Pa. WILLIAM M't.'RAITB, K7 WEST .'ATI! NT , WANTS tonr (>'0(1 liouae j'*lnt' r*. Also a buy wanted to *ei p tlietiore. \v ANrED-A OOOD BLACKSMITH 1IKLPFR. AP rr plv at the Knickerbocker Ice Company ¦ (hop, in West '.it, it MM lOh av. 1\TANTED-A S1T0ATI0N AS ASSISTANT RNGI- VI ne> r. by a man capable of inking charge of a station¬ ary engine. A l'liw for two day* Wu>. V»rker, Ne. U llam tlton av , Brooklyn. 1VrAJ,TRO IMMEDUTELY-TWO OR THREE V1LB H cutter*; aoo«t work. Heady nnplotment and :re hit-b¬ eat price* paid. Apply at Simmon*' Miner i Arm*, No. 2 Front it. T. ________________ WANTF.D-A VEGETABLE GARDENER AND COOK, man and wife; both miiat iinde.r*tand their btikiuc** thorough'*. the man must fully und i*t»nd the rare of horaci; will require to come well re,'xuamended from th«lr lait place*: Prote«tant» preierred. App.y from 12 lo 3 P. M. at Iki Maiden lane, np *>air*. WANTED-A FEW BOYS TO LBABN A LIUHT MAN ofa< luring b«*lne«*. Apply at £11 Weit .'Ctb at., be¬ tween 8tb and 9th art. IIKI.P WAKTRD-FEMALRS. AM, IN WANT OF COMPETENT MALB HELP. SUCH a* coachmen. watlerii.ig*ril*ner*.clerk*. porteii. private ¦ervanu, farm hand*, or for other brancbe*. can be Imme¬ diately lulled at Employment Iiou*e, 138 11th *t., corncr of .tb ar. ALL WHO WANT COMPETENT COOR8, CHAMBER- maid*, waitrea*e*. laundre*oea. **ainilre>acs nura*«. conk* to wa<h and Iron, houieworker*. *mall stria or girl* lately landed, ean he Imtnediatoly oulted at CARPENTER 8 Bmployment llou«e, I1W lltti at., corner of Oth a*. A FIRST CLASS TOOK WANTED-WHO THOROUGH ly under*tand* her bualneaa. aober and honeet. city reference*. Call at No I Bait 3uth al, immediately. a CIRL WANTED-FOR GBNERAL HOUSEWORK*; J\ miiat be a good waaber and Ironer, reference required. Apply ai 70 We*t 4Id 1 \ T UP HUDSOB STREBT-A waitress and a :\ cbainberinald wanted, for a large boarding hou*e moat be thoroughly competent. Apply after 9 o'clock la the morning. A WET BURSB WANTED-TO TAKE TUB BNT1RB charge of an Infant two month* old; mual come well recommended and reoide In New Tork city or Its vicinity. AddreaaO B. K Now Fork Harold office. * A GIRL ABOUT FIFTEEN TBARI OLD WANTED~ Apply at Bo. 9 Lewi* place, 2d at, between South 10th and llth, Wililamaburf. AFAtTHTUL. STEADY GIRL WANTED-TO COOK, wafb aad Iron for a private family. Good city refer- en-e* required. Call at ISO Henry *t , Brooklyn. k TOUBO GIRL WABTED IB A SMALL AMERICAN JX family, fer which moderate wage* aad laatruetlon la the Bngllab brancbe* will be give*. Apply at 03 Bowery, up atalra. ClOOK WANTED.IB A FRIVATB FAMILT, WHO J thoro ughly underatand* her bullae**, and ha* no ab¬ jection to go to the country^ Apply at 81 We*» 37th el C^OOB -WABTED. IN * PRIVAT1 FAMILT. A COM- J petent wnmaata cook, wash .and troa. Apply, with reference*, at Bo. 6 Bk*t Mth *t. TABBSSMABBBS WABTED.THREB GOOD TTAND8 U and oa* a**l*t*nt fitter, at M# Broadway, np *talr*. VXFBRTBNCKD CAIIPBT SBWBRS WANTED-NONE JM hat competent per*en* need apply to A. A * irk ham, uphel Merer. 118 Broadway. FIRBT CLASS MILLINERS AND TRIMMERS WABT. ed; wage* $13 per week. Apply to A. Fleming, corner ar 4let at aad flih ar. fjMBST CLASS BMSROIDBRT HABDS OS OBOVEB * Baker'* marhlae* waplod. wage* from $6 u< fs per week A teafned hand eewera BIT/. A CO., *42 Broadway. FIFTT irr.OAK AND MANTILLA HABDS WANTED .miredialet*. Auu>» MUD iUU ec* A f « ' Ian. F'" n HBU* WABTHD-rEMALEI^ ^ HOUiBBhEPFR WASTED-IN i KAU FAMILY, capable of taking n«arly the entire eharge: » middle W«d woman preferred. Address. sta'ing when- to bo eeen. with refereuee Ac. box 4.8C7 New York »". st ofllca. LACWDRr 88 WANTED-A PROTESTANT WOMAN, who la thoroughly -ompuient and cm bring ,ou4 city reference. Apply at So 9 Heat 31st st. MRS M. OREEN MOST RESPECTFULLY INFORMS tier friends and the public mat sne U now ready to wake arrangements to supply tliem with domestics of the flrst class. fur city or country. Public pa'ron >gfl Is reel**"' fully solicited by Mrs. Green, 930 Broadway, between 22d and 23.1 eta. Milliners-two first class mili-ineks wanted Immediately; one saleswo an. who under aland* the business; wa'jes nn object; also an appientlce to learn the business Apply ai 211 lith »v. Nl KaB tilKL WANTED-TO TAKE ('ARB OF A child, a youni; Klrl, fourteen or rtfteen years ol aqe whose poems would desire her to have a good, comfortable heme. Apply at 199 Fort i.ieen plai*, Brooklyn. A NTED.tllRLS TO PACK TOBACCO. AlTLY AT M>J Water st. w IVANTKD-OPKRATORS OR WHEELER A WIL- tt son a and n iilcox'a machines. Apply at 81 Leonard st, up tltlra WANTED- A YOC'SO LADY TO ATTEND A SALOON. Inquire at 434 Caual St., up stairs. WANTED.A GIRL, WHO understands PLAIN it *cv\ m«. hairdrvsiag, and willing to do chaiuberwork, with good refeience. Apply nt U Went -7th at. No«tber nec.d apply. WANTED-A YOUNG l.ADY TO DO embroidery and waitiDg in u *tore; she must speak French Ap¬ ply at .ol Beeckti st. WANTED-A GERMAN OIRL TO COOK AND DO The iene :il houses urk; good wages will be |.vei. iu- quire at :'43 West X.M st., N. Y. WANTED-A FRENCH NIKSE AND SEAMSTRESS. Apply l«foie Id A. M. or after !> P. M. at 2t> West 37th St., with lecominendatious. Wf ANTF.D. A (SOOD COOK, WHO WILL ASSIST IN tt -the washing aud Ironing of a small family. None but those bavin;: the best city reference need apply'at 71,'J Madi¬ son av.. on Friday aud Saturday mornings, i>eiwecn V and II o clock. fV ANTED.A RESPECTABLE GIRL. AS CHAMBER V? maul, waitress snd to do washing nnd ironing in a small private 'amllv ; innst he willing and obliging. Call at 13:! East 14th st., ictween .'a and 3d avs., from ? to 11 A. M. or ft to 7 P. M. w AMTED-A GERMAN GIRL AS NURSE AND seaman-ess. Appl\ at 13 West 13th st. WANTED.THREE OR FOUR THOROUGHLY EXPE rienced salesu omen tor tlie millinery and straw goods trade, at No. 1 Division st., coin"roi Catharine. WANTED.A GIRL ABOUT 16 YEARS OP AGE. TO <lo general housework in a small ramih ; she will be required to go bome every evening after and to return each moiuing at 7. Apply In the drug store corner ol luth hi and 1st av. WANTED-A CHILD'S NURSE CAPABLE OF TAK- lntcareol an Infant from Its birth. Onh those fully capable and well recommended need apply. i )all at 67 East 2.ldst., between the hums of 11 aud 1-. tlilx dav. WANTED.DYE HOl'SE AND LA UN DRY HELP Dyers, cleansers, washers. ironers and ordinaiy hands, male nnd female. can nml constant employment at the Ded- ham Dye House and Laundry, Dedlfam, Mann WANTED-A GOOD COOK, TO GO A SHORT DIS lan e in the country. Apply at the Employment office, 7-4 oth av., between 42u and 4 id its., one block be.ow the lall car depot. No charge unless encased. WANTED.IMMEDIATELT, A WEI NURSE. TO take a baby to her own bouse. Apply at Gt> East 3bth Street. WANTED.THREE AMERICAN WOMEN. FOR AN Institution in this city; one to take charge o me wardrobe, one lor the laundry, aud one as housekeeper. Apply at -W Bast lUtb st , between 9 and 11 A. M. TIT ANTED.A GOOD GIRL. FOR THE COUNTRY, TT llfteen miles from the citv, convenient to ihe depot snd churcbes. One capable ot taking caie ol children, with good relerence, may he r of a good home by applying at 233 Ftillon st. from 12 to 2 o'clock. WANTED-A GIRL. TO COOK, WASH AND IRON. Must bring good reference I Apply at 183 West 37th St. WANTED-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN. TO TAKE an lnlant to mu sts. Applv at 86 Marion St. WANTBD-AS COOK I.N A SMALL PRIVATE FA Ml l.v. ,i young woman with tood reference. Apply at 239 West 34th St., between 7th and nth avs. WANTED-A FIB'ST CLASS COOK AND LAUNDRESS in a private family of two. None but Protestants wanted. Apply at Ml Kemsen st Brooklyn. WANTED.A FRENCH OIRL. AO NURSE AND SEAM stress. One who can come well recommended may apply at 120 West 14th St.. between Cth and 7th ats WANTED-A NEAT, KIND, WILLING GIRL, FULLY comoeteut as a nurse and feanistress, to take rare oi one child for a isdy who buards; must come well reom ntended. Apply for two days at 21 West 11th st., near Hiu.<d<vay, WANTED-AN OPERATOR, WITH OR WITHOUT A Wheeler A Wilson sewing machine; none but a first rale baud, and one accustomed to cloaks, need.appty to II. B. Ulape Co.. ft.' and &.. Catharine st. * \Xl ANTED.TWO OU THREE LADIES OF INTEL.LI tt gence and respectability for lucrative outdoor employ ment, ttiuse having Influence iu congregations liberafy dealt with. Apply to W. C. Brown A Co., 02 Jonu st , room 11. ANTED-A FEW KXPERIBNCBD DRESSMAKERS. Also a few apprentices. Apply at 108 3d av. w WAHTkD-FOR THE COUNTRY. two HOURS FROM New York, a nice, tluy girl, about l.r>, to wait nnd do chamberwork in a fatnily ot tnco. Apply between lu and 11 tins morning, st J7 Fulton st., up stsirs. WANTED-A respectable GIRL. TO GO INTO tt the country as i hambermaid anil nnr»e. Apply, with recommendations, at 110 WIUow m., between J*ierrei>oai and Clarke sts., Brooklyn. __ Wanted-a GIKL to do the chamberWORE and line washing sod Ironing ot a .small fainllv good city reieicnce required. Apply at 4&0 6ib av. WANTED-A NEAT and TIDY protestant GIBL. as l.a'nbermaid nnd laundress lor a small family; must have the nest city relerence. None others need app y at 'J2 West .Kith St., between Mh and ith avs.,attrrluo'clock. WANTED-A GIBL TO cook, WASH. IRON. HAKE and make nerself generally useful m a private faini ly. Apply at 12 St. Timothy s place, bid st., between Bruau »ay and 8tb av. ' WANTED.A good CHAMBERMAID; ALSO A c.IRL to cook, wash and iron lor a private family Uei mans, speaking good English, preierri d. Call at -'<0 West 13th at Wanted.a tidy « kambermud and wait ress: ne who understands her btisiness am! can rome well lecorenieinled from hrr last p.uce, can apply at West 34tb St., between 11 and 1 o'clock. \V ANTED.BY THE 1ST OF MAY, IN brooklyn, f T a woman, not under thirty years cf age, to do the work of a faintly ol three persons To save trouble address box lo6 br o»i< n Post oihce, with i auie and wl.ere to he seen. \V ANTED-A WOMAN FOR UP STAIRS WORK AND tt *o assist with tlw washing and ironing. Must under stand fine star huig aud tinting. Apply, wuh referee is, at 7. Bast ». n st. nranted.a chambermaid, waitress, co<iK tt laundress, nurse and seamatress, lor a nrst cia*s pri rate family, who pay ^ >od wages Apply ai No. 7 West llth sttcet. between Bieadway and I'mverstty pla*, from 10 to 4 o'clock. WANTED.TEN GOOD OPERATOR* OR WHEBLBR A Wlleon'a aewln# machine. Alao m-at han<' M«" to fnl»h. Nun* but ral cam pei».>n« ne*u api'iy at li ^Varreu atreet. Til' ANTED.A GIRL, TO COOR. WAtflT AND IKON. TY ana aaaiat In general bouaowork; mu»« be a first rate washer *n>l ironer, ami brine Rood city references; noni- other* need apply. Call ai IV* Wot -.'th it., between **tii and 9th avei. WANTED-a COOK. APPLY TO WILLIAM TAYLOR, 6&S Broadway. WANTED-COMPETBNT OPERATORS ON GBO\ KR A Baker's or Singer « sew In* machines. t««o a i.h"ii distance-in the country. Apply at 37 il road nay WANTBD-A LAUNDRESS IN A PRIVATE TAMII.T Apply, wtlli reference, tbia moraini, frum«;oll o'clock, at f.'7 West 38th it. WANTED-A 01RL TO DO THE HOl'SEWORK Of a small family ;i eferences req nred. Inquire to-day at 443 lliida. n at., from 9 to 12 o'cloc*. WANTBD-A OIRL TO DO GRNEBAL HOt'^H work; none need apnly who do not understand Itieil business. Apply at 157 Kort Greene place, Brooklyn. "\\T ANTRD.A GIRL TO DO CBNERAL HOlfiE Y Y work; one who understands her business and i< wlli Ing to mate bersell g.>neialiy uaeful; ws^es $8. A|.p!y at No. 6 Co'tage plac. Mar Bleeckei a*., thla day. WANTED-A RESPECTABLE MIDDI.R AGED WO man to attend an infant (two we>'k* old) and the mother while in bed. and make herself fjenerally useful about the houee, to a aatlafaetory person g.*>d wa«e* will he Bid. Apply, betweenand 13 o'clock, at 3J« TV est 38th ».. iween 8th and 9th area V|7 ANTED.A TIDT YOl'NO OI RL TO DO THB HOPSg ft work of a small lanitly and tindere'anil p!aln aewins; German preferred, Call for two daya to Mra. Roluff, Clinton at. TITARTED.MILLIN BRS AND TRIM MP TH .S TRIM. TT m'i a wanted at L. Blnna' millinery. ski Broadway, 3 milliner trimmer* wanted, alao 3 lmpro*er«. L. B1NN8.5M Broadway. WARTED-A OIRL. AS CfTAJ BKRMAID AND WAI- treaa. alao one to attend * child aad make herself generally ueefui. Apply at 34 Varlek at. ^»iUOH ADVBRTlSEMKSTIi ON DEMANDE-UNE JEINE PILLE FRANCAI8B OU Hoi nee PrancalN, sachant bien coudre, pour prendre ooln d'un enfant age a* 3 ana S'adreaaor Lundl on Msrdl en ire 10 et 11 bauree an 29 Washington *>tuar*, an coin d* Maodougal a*. POLITICAL. ONHB McCLKLLAN UNION CENTRAL EXECUTIVE jL CommlttO* will meet thla / Friday) eranln*. at ihe Sin¬ clair House. at S o'clock. Pnn. tual attendance I* deaired. HIRAM KETCHl'M, J*-. Chairman pro teni. THB LICTURE BBSA SOB. IMPORTANT LKCTUltBH DAILY. FOR OBNTLBMBN I only, at the New York Mnaenm of Analotny. 61C Hroad- way. I'artion unable to attend theee lectures ran hare tbctn forwarded on receipt of len eenta by Addressing Secretary of Rew York Masstim of Anatomy. .E0ARI ABO TOBACCO. CEOARB -AT TOB LOWKBT rOHSlHI.E PRIRRB. ?<>* O (M»h, by the New York Segar MamitiuruiMiig Compan* O CIIHKKB, Agvtit. 10 «ur'V Mml «.«> <Vv rvk'JI ftMt nmk «AL*S OR RltAL E8TATK. A bargain .fifteen ki ll lots, free and e"lar: suitahls for manufacturing purposes, sv uate in J^onard streel Williamsburg. ea<h lut worth J.'St) win sell iheiwuol# for 12,600. JOHN FORQIE. Nu C fine ll_ At yonkekr-a cottaob nt ¦ vlb oi to rent; food river view and wiUin ilv# t.iinutea walk or tbs depot; contains twelve room* and all tbo modern Im- provemente: nien>y of shade and truit treea. For parM^ulara, Impure »t room Wo ». 58 V> iliiaiu iumL FARM ON SHARES (IR TO LET.-YBAKLT BIT pl¥ ot tnao'ire; «*aty to cu'ttvut#: .*oiiv*»»ient to market; WiU pnxiuie ftuv imt-n r#<|uii itu rtcto toil Api-ly noia * to II A. M. and 3 to 8 p. M., to i>r IfOORK 86 KmI Fifwt-nth street. A NBXTENSIVE. (JOOD FARM lOR SALE CHP.AP- Or in thief, with good buili! n:;s on ca> h; ail in good or«l«r. 1'enc# and c iltivufion, wtl» watered and denlnbly «MUed. 80UTHWICK £ WOOD, ltt Pine alieet. A| FULL RKJIIT ANI» TITI.H TO A COPTER MININO Interest, of (i acres located within 4" miles or' 'h:s city, to be disposed of on liberal terms at a uv it bai gam K ill parti' ilar* bjr F. D RICH aKDSO.i A CO., Ki ai.d M Nassau ¦trot u A NEW and TASTEFUL little COTTAUK ASH J\ Harden for K.ile cheap. situated on Linden street, B' ar Evergreen avenue Htuoklju iBowrom olei. *:> minute* from New Y> rk ity by the Roosevelt street feri.y aud East New York car*, contains lire large rontna. wasli house and cellar, built in the veiy besi manner; fruit and berries of all kinds; lor lion very agreeable aud healthy; either four oreixlots. Term* to ¦nil. lirawiuga Ac., an tie seen al the store of JNO. READY. .V6 Broadway, New York, or apply on the premise-, to J. SUTTON. Am IXOIUINT HOHirOI SALB-81X v a its "Id. lftti hands high. ce.or nla k. perieotly sound. kiud and gentle, anu cat. go in three inlutlte*; very atyllati and a beaulilul saddle lioi«e will lie sol.I low. the owner hat Ing mi use fur mm. Can be seen at S& toon goiucry street, Jer wf City. A SUBURBAN PLACE WAN IK[).FOR $3,000 CASH aud $1',00* in Iota in Brooklyn, worth ffi.uUO; water view prefeired. AI*o one worth to $16.(1)0. for Brooklyn house*: mortgage one-third. One warned at New- burg. worth tor New York house, unincumbered J. A. UEISSK N 11AIN Bit A CO., 29S Broadway, room 1. ANEW AND NEAT TWO STORY HOI NE-$l,S 0 will buy it, with a I'til Lut of Ground, situated ai Bh.i betbport. N J. $_'n0, $2&o, $SW1, $<i 0 .Either of the unote price*, will buy a jjood Lot at Eli/al'eth|Hirt; place luppMud with water ano ua*, taxen wry small, h.m over 7 00n inliiibitatiii; oireiathe belt indui einenta of any place u»ar New York for persons deslroua of <>¦ curing a home. Persons building an nave all the purehawi money i "main on mortal:e f desired, or paymrutsof $10 a month taken About 700 U,:s lor rale giving a chani e for i#iol< e lot*. $1.HH) will buy a mo story and ti*ae nent llo'i*e aud lull Lot; more lota il desir d. rent* lor per year. Dorner Store.A lirat rate aiaud lor a groierv or Oountry (tore aau trtm< nt: ua'erandgaN. lot 26*100 eet. Tor sale on easy lernm. or would be icnted to a finoil tenant Apply to COOL I' Y A HE i DRI ITER, Amenta, Eluab«tbpoi-t, or E. B. KELH)<.(.. owner, 11!) Pearl street, N Y. A PARM OK 22 ACRES FOR 8ALK-OOOD HOl'SB. A earn, p!em\ of Huit. :> tuinute*' walk Iroin depot; one t> a' res, one lis aces, ore v acrea, oue IlKI a. re», one M acre*, all Hithtn SO miles ol '.be city. Apply to P ZEOLIO, IJ Centre street. » NEAT. PRIVITY TWC STORY COTTAGE 10 ROOMS), J\ Coaobbmise and stable; large, line garden; fru t *haile. lawn. .v. pleasantly aitaated on Ktngaorldge raid and l&iat .treit, convenient :o ca *; immediate poseeasmn. For sale low. W. P SK\ MOI'K, !&¦ Broadway. Brown stone frost HIGH stoop, all the im- provement*. liter |>to;-v basement. 20xl,r> lot J 'x 100. $7,'-'DO; No, 2 Mortis plane iWest Forty second street), four ttory bnek Tenement, 20 feet irom corner ol Forty *"conil street auil Eleventl. avenue, south aide. $ft.uoo; three s;oiy and hasement, IS :uoiih. gas and Croton, lot JliillKI. (tj.rit/0, lf> West .Sixtieth street Prie»s low and terms litx ral. Titles ;ood THOS. S AM.AN. 10 West Sixtieth street / 1ITT AND COUNTRY.-A BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN \ J Resilience for sale at Windsor Terrai'e, Flatbtiah. with seventeen iota, w ell stocked with all kinds ol the rnreat lruit* In abundance, shrubbery, flowers anil shade trees, good H<<u*e, witu louileen looms nearly all the modern improve¬ ments: good stable, earrisue house, ohieken bouse and yard; good garden Ac., lo. stion peile-'tlv lieaithv and pleasan:. forty live minutes to terries hy hor-e ear* ever* six min ute». For further parlicuiars apply lo A. BL'P.118, 12 Bai- clay sti-eet. naiAP OOTTAOS FOR SALE, ,* BROOKLYN..TWO \ ' atoriea. ba*eni> ut. Ac ; gas. water, front and rear yards, with peaches and granes, east side of Skillman street, 2S0 leet north of Myrtle avenue; will ray 1"> percent. C. H. OLIVER. No. 7 Ueekman street. CCOUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR BALE-OR WOULD BE J exchanged for a dwelling In a first i-lass neighborhood , an elegant, mrge and very eommodi 'iia Mansion, near Kimli inft, L. 1., replete with all the iuipr n nmen'.s o! a first class City resilience, admirably situated, on high pround, over¬ looking the bay, river. I'aliaades. Ac , on leading from Hbitestone to College Point about one mile from the depot. The grounds are beautifully laid out, and huuee and lawn shaded with line old forest trees and e* ergreens: .-'.bout li seres, highly cultivated and abundantly fruited. t:t.e large garden, rapacious hnrn. ra ria^'e house, odge. laundry, ice house and outbuildings, all In complete omer. Coiuiniini cation honrlv bv steamboat and railroads. Apply a', the oilier f the (ilote Eire lnsuran e Company, uo'utr of 1- ni¬ ton and tireenwtch street*. N*. Y. DBY STREET, NEAR BROADWAY.-I OR BALE. THE commodious and substantial Slore. No. It I»ey street, near Hroa wav; ills lui'll of Pbilade'tiUia brie.k. is Jlxiio feet. K >r lnil'particulars apply lo E. 11. LUDLOW A CO., No. 3 I'lue street HARM FOR SALE AT ATVTION. Will be sold ou the 2Mb day of April, on the premises, at 12 o clock norin. the Farm of the late Christian IleHaun. de- reused Said arm contains 6ft acres, In a f.i^h state of cul tivali. n, almut IS ai.-iea of Wood Land, tin the proper y is a large Dwelling House Kitchen and out kitchen, two barns, hovel, carriage liouee and granary, aud other necessary farm buildings, two wel.a of never tailing water: alao an rehard o! ches" apples, and a variety of other fruits Said farm Is located in the town of <'larkst'.urn llock and county, on 'he road leading from Nyack lo Hsverstraw, about three miles from Rovklanu Lake and three imieafroin the Court Ho ise N. B .Terms of sale.10 i er cent on da* of *ale, .10 tier rent upon the exreiulng of the deed, aud th* balance ou the property. JOHN C. DfBAUN, j CORNEL!I H Df BAl'N, 1tl#c,lt0r*' Cf.AlltSTOWN, April 2, ih 4. A KM FOR SALE.OF ACRES IN ROCKLAND r eouaiy; largo house and all necessary outbuild Ing*: .Sorohards. 4 acresol (Imlwr: wator in the boase and hy the barn: alao a lar^e stream runs through the centre of the farm, sufficient for any null purpose; .1 hoises. Scows, fowls Ac.; II wagoiiiuaiid alt farming utensils. The wliolo will be sold for $1 IlUt).$ I ,'KJO can remain on bond and nion gage. For particulars Inquire of Mr LITCIII LT. 252 1111- ton street, rear Washington market. FARM.-FOR SALE. A SPLEND!D FARM. CONTAIN ing rtt acre- ot go d Land. 15 ol young <v od sl'.i ared oue mile fiomSag Harbor, L. I.; building new and lin cem plete order, well teuced and well watered, plenty of *11 kindsof fruit; will sell ctc-ap with the crops. Inu'iirc of W. Mcevo^ , 270 Bwnrj Farm for sale.on long island, near iimmp- stead t24 seres), villi farmhouse, ham. fruit, Ac. Price t-'OM. onr third itown. liniulre of W. F. LhE, IH We.i Forty eighth street. Farm for sale ok exchange-for nkwtork property, of 78 a re* situated at Rockland Lake, three miles fm in Nyses landing. lOod house, l am. raua y, abundance of Unit Poss. s«i u immediately. Apnlj to J. J. TALLMAN. Ito Broadtviy. F1ARMS FOR SALE-FOR F. KRY PP.J. E AND I ri pose. Also 24 a. res valuable Land w ith a i ttbl cs nnd store »ho|.s. A , on a nUlrosil tati n, st Staten Island, de¬ sirable for Investment A sp: ndid plae« for liatblnc and li«hinc ArP'T to C. DORINO, is lloaery, N. Y. or to J FElDMANN, iiackensa k. N J. Farm wantkd-of from ten ro thirty acres, essy of a ee*s an i near t!ie city. Price must he r»a«ou- ah e and possession given by 1st of May. Address 8.. ban 5 U.'J Post office, stating terms and location. L»<»R SALS.THE Til REK STORY AND BASEMENT L briclt House and Lot No 110 West Tueniy-lourlh street; Islet to the pieseut occupant for the ensuing vear. or pea¬ ses-on may be Fad If re.uirel; price $ti,ond Apply to JNO C GILES, R.eeutor, 11 Soutb William street. IpOK SALE-1N fordham, A ' OTTai.E. CONTAIN me leu io in*. Urc« burn, hen hotfe. A*1. Lot J(» iKl ir» KrtiH of ail klnda In abundance I'ri< i-A; ply to J. YaNDBRBILT. JO Fulton ¦mat. hiOK^M-K.EOR M am FaoH'IUNC "R OTHBR BO aineaa purpoarr, Hirt'o'irt!¦¦ >1 a Bl>*'k of U round near theCatharloe ("Try, in Mronklyn verv <le»irat>l<» for buai- prw t>ltrpO«ea, to bo Mild 10 closa au f t*tc. Apply to HEN- JAMiN <>. UrTOHINtJSi Krectttor, 3S Pine neat. N. Y. FM)R >»ALB-AT FAIRMOl'NT, \VE«TCHE>TER COI'N If, near Weat Karma, half mil* from ¦t'-am or horae c»r railroail. elercn mlra from the city. <ommmlc&tion f: y trn minine^.a gontl Houae and on* a<re of Ground, barn atat>ir, fruit. grape*, flowera. lawn and everything to c«mtort.»ble, 4'« feet of evemrrcna and abun- dance of the Bnc«t .rnila, nn'a A>' Apply toil STONE*. 5at; Broadway, New York Price $7,300. 1/uR SALE.IN LLEWELLYN PARK, NORTH P Orange, the Relalitrn.-e the ite Richmond W latfrny. within our hour a ri ic of tiie city; a hundaomc and well bull home, with every convenience. 13 acrea of land, well laid out in lawn, Duwcr and He lien Garten abumlan< e of Irtilt and egetablee In th»ir aeaaon S'able la of (tone. li g.-and foinmodloua, Altogr'iier a very ile< irahlo (.eutle man a realdwce. Apply to B. H. Ll.'liLOW A CO.. No. 3 fmc street. _____________ F'or SALF-AN El. F.i I ANT villa ON inc. hudson. From aeveo to fouric n acrea of Ixud to au't P' rchaafr Kit particular* addreaa N. H. Hall, 40 Burling alip. N, Y. For »*le-at bikiewater. nf,w jersey, onb mile beloiv Pleaaant Valley Hotel, about lonr acr»a of Land, la- nig on North river, with watt r prlvi e.r uood building lota Tan minute* walk from ateamhoat landing Pnoe lerma e»«r. Inquire of A (. HOUKKT IW Bank Itreet, or of JOHN WINTEliBl R> n-at Jour to |.r<mi«e» FOU *\LE-sbparately OR TOtiBTfTBK, HIE thre- three »tory Brick BnlldlngaNn* Ml. f«73 and 67S Third avenue Apply to WM. SPARKS, M5 Third avenue. h>OR B ALE-A BEAUTIFUL rOt'NTKY RESIIlENt B on tba ihore of Prin e'a Bay, Stolen laland; giapea and fruit, good fi'hlng, bathing. A<., near Richmond Valley .tnlion. Htaten laland Railroad; or will ba lit. Apply toS. W CROMK. T«'i Eighth avenue. _______ rOR SALE-AY YONRBRS, A COTTAGE hoi SB, eleven rooma; faidea, grapery, milt tr«*e*. bcrile*. flow-ra. Two Lata View or mar and Highland*; water and gaa Seven mi no tea walk from depot. Apply to ,F. YOI'MANS, Yonketa, or to THOS. WOOD, » Naaeao (treat, N. Jf. For sale-two, new brown stonr high I'enp four ijpry Kauaea. raplate with modern Improve- menu, 79 and IJJ Waal Forty eighth afreet; price SlC.OOO. Apply to J. W CLARK, an tba pieralaea. or ta DYE S Cl HTIS. M >"th avenue. For sai.e-a first class brown stone norss. on Hurray Uill, four atory high atoop. with all the mo¬ dern improvement. Impure Of CHAS. L. CORNISH, 638 Pearl atreat, aear Broadway. FOR 8ALR- A HOI SE AND LOT ON TEN 1 It AYE nua. thai mijr renta for $7*a Price »ft,M0 Apply to JOHN HtCLAVB. 44 Pine atreet. JiOR SALB-TOB Sll.nOO. AN RNOLIU1 BASHMENt lloirae, with all modern Improvementa, I0S Bart KtlbNntli itrtft, onf door of Irving pU<.*. fount of brown. IIALL YANOEHPOOL, 271,Broadway MOR XALK-A XBRY PLEASANT RKSir>F,N<'E. IN T Hie llourlahiaa village ot Cambria Villa, Hilla<ta>a co aty. Hh-Ii., iontalatng ono aere a fine large ha»ae, harp and a IMfpitffhly imlahe4 frame houar of oua and a half aloryi br1 k walla i i.ara la in the village a hr*t iji aily 111' r and taw mtil ant dally mail, attea mll'a from theeonnty »ea». ItiUadale. on the M s k R.ipr'ea ft ^ffll fSDOA WII »or lartbai M»'t.r-ulara aildreaa Itm NuJ. »uip« .AXKB or RIAL CNTATB. I30B BAl.B-A ' "I'TAdK. WITH VIS CITY LOT*. ¦ stable, t met tnd trees two minuet from Ford bam depot Apply Mr. Hl'RLBY, ticket Agent, Forduain depot. FO* 8ALE. A SMALL LOT OF THREB IN^H IRON I Shafting, one K.«» Lai be. two four wheel -torw Truck* Punching I'rMs* and Diet. Will be told very tin tp indeed. Inquire At No 23 Dey st TaOR ItLE-ATA BAROAIN NK \R PASSAIC, N. J I" 11eau: uUy furnished < ottage. new. wrh til in>-mod¬ em luiprji euienia; complete in ever* respect; two tores u (trdeu tnd lawn, ten minutes wtU from the depot; will tell wltb or wnboiil furniture. Teriut to lUlL Apply tu J A KBmrON,MN«M»u street. 1/OB BALE.BROWN STONP. FK<IBT HOI'RR. NORTH " west coiner of For'* eighth alree1 tud Bec»>> il nvenne price $H,UUd. Two b'owu ttone front Hm * ». Not. 3 ami 3 Morrla place, Wrtl Forty--aiond ttreet; price $M urn each. Hrown e:one fron' llu i», north side Forty-lirtt ttreet, ISO leel east from Nei'oud tvrnup; price J.7..V0. B'own ». ..«»« from House, No. 3IK hast rhlrnetU ttreet; price Hrown stone front Home. No. iiS K»st Thirtieth tueet; price $8.1 U I. App!> to HRAINARU A H1CB 41 Wall IVeet FOB SALE.PREMISES NO. 311 AND <13 MOSRiiR street, a large tenement |>rnpertv. pa teg 14 nei ent on ltt\eatnient. newly repaired. Price $10,<4J0; bait in luort gage Apoly nt No 0Goldsirei I. IjlOR HALE.A VERY DESIEAHLB TIIRI.H HTORT r Ingli «toop bi'.iwu (tone front Moure rep,.'to with im- provciiientk silnec on Eaat Fifty nfth ttreet; st/e l"Mu. lot IOi; furnace, A Must and will be a Id. For permit* app j to .1 AMI S KO\\ E, 7M Third avenue IiVON SALE.AT A BARdAIN TBE FOUR STORY AND X1 basement brick lld iw tow Seiond :iveu ie nea fhirty first street. terms easy. \ppiy to WM. C. U1UG1NS, 4-'3 fhlid avenue. corner of Thirty-tlrst ttreet. Fob bale-at ryk, westchistek county. 21 unlet nil thecily. 10 ininiiiea' walk Irom Mti.tio neck depot, a House and about Ift acre* of land; apple or¬ chard, <t variety el other fruit treea, evergreens, barn* Ac. Ilo.ise 4 leet (root <0 feet d. ep, two atones high. f.lle In wltli brick. hard timahed folding door*. intrhla mmi tels. cellar under the w hole, and a kite en attached. near the Hound; a good n .'ioi. churche*, market and taadince. AIfo, 13 acret of good land ad loiuing; well fenced, .arge barn and well ol waier. Inquire of the owner, NOAII TOMPKINS, 420 Niutii avenue. 1710It SVLE-ON THE HI D80N. A PBOI'F.RTY DE- lighifully aitoated, directly opj o«i e Kort Wa tiling'on one mile narth oi Fort Lee. ronnitiiug Dwelling lluiite ami about one acre of I and. well aio-ked with shrube tnd Iruil tr< et. iii<|U're of J. W. HHOWN, Goldbeater, <70 Green¬ wich street, or to JOSEPH COYTE. Coytcsville, near Fort Lee. K'.eamer II nine lemon foot of Spring alreel at 10 A. 11. dally. FfOli HALF..LEASEHOLD PROPEBTY.I'OSHI'.88IOIf May a two atory ami a'tlc biien Hoiite, l.'t Anuty ttreet. near Hlztb Iivruue; Jl ycar< li ate Irom IMM. lent $3 *1. with lb* Iglit to puMlian- at 'he low price of J.Vi^ij lot 23x1011; alleyway to rtui'ol lot; lermt eaty. Apjily ai ll'C tlreeno atreei. OOR SALE-A XKff TWO STORY HIGH STOOP J1 briok pru aie DwellinM, wltk baeement and tub cellar, on Fl'ty «l*tU streer, near Second aveiinej I'ontalnt modern improvements: poi«c*amu lat of llty; price *&,04); »l',00U cath, balance mortg.ig''. O. A KISSAM, 30 Pine Htrect (bateinent?. Ij^OE SALE.PRICK. SVMH, TWELVE THREE STORY House*, ol a ui!» mill beautiful deaign. untight)u v t tutted, loot of Ea.t Fllty fiitt street and Ten ace walk. In 1'iire on the premlsea. FHOK SALE AT A BARiiAIN .THE HANDSOME I'WO tnd a Italf atorv klioi Hottte, 66 Monroe (treat. It of¬ fered at ihe low price of $4. ftOO. AU the modern in prove incuts. Apply In tlie dry good* stoie, 101 Chttnber* »uoet. POE KALE. AT PORT RICHMOND STATES ISLAND. f M* valuable l ots of Uro tnd. ni ely tlloated, wnhiiiten uiinuivo' oulk of the tteauiboat amlini;. I'aoinT on three av I.oea Wi'l be Hold Hcpaiiitnlv ortogi liter. Apply to .lOSKl'll b. JONES, 232 South meet. FOR Sale AT MINERAL OLEN.10',' ACRES, BE- tweeu (Ji'nton Point and Sing Sinn, a line Mautioii and eleguut grounds, fruita, aprtnga, ea»'adei). Ac. Price $l.r> Oo i. Eatv terms. I'Lotogiapba etn be tecu tt JOHN H. HI LL'S, 160 nmertnij I^OR SALE IN BROOKI.YN-THR NEW THREE PTO rv, baaemnm and sub-cellar bri k House on DeKalb avenue, near Carlton, with modern improvement* hot and .old water t'atli. range, beater. Ac.; pi Ice $5,0 .>; nlao three brat clans three ntorr, buaeinrnt ami *ul> eellai brii k House*, Willi all the modern improvement, bo: and cold water. I alb, water cloteti. range, furnace. A"., aitualca on Carlton av. comer of Dekalb avenue. Inquire on the premise*, or of J K1KHY, Builder, (iaiet aveuiia, near Wathiuglvn a\euue. For salb cheap.a very nice, comfortable House, with one lia f a rc of Land, fronting run e a Kay, S'ateu Island, witb carriage bouse, fruits .ami. oyt- tert, balbiug and Ltliing. Price $t.800. Kent 910.1. M. L. SHELDON. 7S l e lar atreet. For sale or exchange, or hemp Ktead. L 1., eight unriut.'* walk from railroad denot, a tine Boute. ten room*, basement and cellar, partly lur nixbet], four at re* of g.inlen, nil kindt of fruit*, with more land It'deaired. Anply to J. STOUVliNAL A <TO., No 203 Centre atreet. I^OR S4I.B OR To LET.A Col'NTRY RESIDENCE, at Klngabriilue. Weatcbeiter cuuntv, N Y a bne Hoiiae, Ham and otber outboiiaes, all In comple order. Full parli' ulart by applying lo J. J. DRUMMOND, °>tC < 'anal ttreet, Foil SALE OR TO LEI.STATKN ISLAND PROPER ty. an elegant Cottage containing twelve roomt. ou 1'iince'a l'.av, one mile irom rallrnail depot, with barn, aheda, sublet, can ttge, ben. Ire. summer tnu btlhing noutes In ron piete order; fruit in ibundtnee; nucelleut ^trden, well ami rtm water at door; grounds lastetully trrtnged about H) acres, with Hie whole or pari thereof. Alto jii ucre« In a bigb state of cultivation, with good Dwelling, utiurter mile from Kotsvtlle. Also three ttoey Dwel Ing .'ttrt bn*e. tin it, outuning K rooina. barn, attblei and sheds, well calculated for boarding public bouae or acliool, three <ptar lei a of a mile from rai.road depot and bench Also lh'- pro |ierty. fotmerly Staten Island Oil Co . wharf and building!, t illable lor almosi an* kind of nianui ^ciuring ptirpo«oa. Aputv to aLBKKT JoCRNfcAY, No. 8 Pine meet, or 11.M BAILEY, .'-'il Hrooine aireet T.10R SALE OB TO LET.A COTTAGE, WITH IM TO 20 r acre* of food OrOttM, In Hie village o' Jatnai a, L. I ; a large barn a good well ot walar. varietv of fruit; large garden Inquire of Dr. KI TPER. corner of Second avenue and Ninth itreer. N. Y. Posaetslwn Itiiiiie llttely L^OR SALE OR TO LET..A SPACIOUS COTTAGE AT P Long Bnineb. furnlalicd. for sale oi to lei. for 'he so mer; mable and outlioutca complete. Inq-ilrc at 67 Exclianie pltc> , room No, 4. IfOR SALE OR TO LET.A FfRB PROOF BRICK P Factory, wilh or without Engine. Boiler. Ac.; mill* bare b"*n used *t a paint and varn *h factory situated on corner of .North Ninth and Sixth sfeets, Williamsburg; four mil lota of ground Inquire of U. L. WOOD A CO., 214 Pearl atreet. For sale to let or exchange-tub beai ti. ful Homestead ou \anderb lt arenne Staleu Island, known as the ..Snuggery." formerly tl.e residence of Judge Emerson, more recently of Win. P. Kro«l. Et«p, containing about three acrea, line bouse and burns, abundance of fruit and slirtiberr*. For parte ular dev ription apply to V AN WINKLE A W1NANS It Pine street, New York or addrca* Snjggery, He: aid o.Hcc F^OK S41.E LOW-A NRW TWO STORY HOI'SE, WITH two acres of laml; al*o a poiid House and ten acres of Land, i tuateil on me line of the Erie Railroad nine t h ¦!u iiiiniitesj Irom New York, with ten train* a dny ea> li way. C. BLACKISI'ON. si>3 Wasblngton ttreet. COOING WEST..A GREAT BARGAIN A FINE STOCK T I arm trad, of abo .t i. to acres, snuate on Dea Moines river, low.t, tor sale. a> one dollar per acre, citab. Ad¬ dress Broad Acre*, box 1 m. Herald olUce. /¦"*OBIIPN FABM FOR SALE-FORTY ACRES, WITH IT good b i Idingt, a lew mlniitea' ride from ilepot to e-mer w lllt S. ck and l'ieii«il>; will bn sold very cheap, on easy terms, wltb Immediate po»«'-imnn. C. 11. OLIVER. No. 7 Beckman atreet. HOI'SES FOB RALE-POSSESSION MAY I. l«t#4 - 4 atorv biown stone, »'Jd ai near ."illi arroue....$22,6 0 4 ttory bro'.n * one. *.)ib at., near 7tb avenue I5.ki0 4 atory luown *tnne, 31th .t., n-ar 7ili avenue.... 14 nou 3 story brick. 47th -I. uetr Broadway 7.0 0 3 ttory biown stone Slat at near tith avenue 11 ih»i I itory bren n stone, 2'th tt.. near Oih avenue 37,S') VAN WINKLE A WINANS, 14 Pine street. HOCFKF AND LI>T8 FOR SALB. ,'l.Hi at. near .'<th a v..H'ouigh i. r y brown atone..$2?,500 47th a1.. Iiet. iih X 6th ava.four atory lirowu <iou'\. tJ.wO 30ih «u, near Id av..Four *tory brh k. 8t)i48 RflUl Mtn «t.. near Broadway.Three «tory hrio*. i&.uxw.. 14..110 M iioratio at..Flrce at.irv brick, 20-4<i O A. KI88AM, 10 fine *treet < basement/. HOI SK WANTED.FIRST CLASS, WITH ALL TilK modem improvement* md garden attached prefcrre.1 Location Hioiklyn. Will eienant'e I<»r s>'i« or B.>nda Addreaa. jiving partl< ulara. F A. II., Horftld LAROK mansion FOR SALR Oil RENT.P\RTLY I irm*bed; one hour from tl.e dty: linavicw extanalva around*. elegant pai, (erfecUy healthy. Apply to T. ¦ODD, iSBraadwu, *- ORANGE .FOR SALE A LARCH DO I'BLR MAN aion III' ae. wi'h ix-w heaeiv, iceh.>.i«e, carriage houae aii'l ne."«jwrv outhoiar*. with aii int 7n a. r> « or iand, large frontal <>n the road; btul out aud adapted for etvalr; real* dence*. Ar e*alble ho.iriv from New York city. A) ply to IOIIN B 8rR\h.NS t,7 Wall i r'it. TIIREK LOTS FOR sal; -8ITCATRD ON TUP. amith nld"" of Went Thirtv-tblrd ¦ir'et, near Eleven'h aven-ie « litalile tor mat itactimng pnrpoaea. Apply to WM. II. BOSS .i*4 Broadway. rtUlilLI CITY PROPKRTV FOR SALK -TIIR \ ent.ra Bln-'ll on F:r l a <-n r inning from 8<->on.| to Third atr- et, and form-rlv or iplcd by the aoap an.I curl a man ifartmy of Ailun II*' A IJo for aale on ravorable t»r"i«. Apolv t-i ALLAN IIA Y. VI Brond *tiee', oi to M> *«r*. A. H. Mt'LLRR. P. R. WILK1NS A CO.. No. 9', I'm* at. VrERT CHEAP LOTS..FOCR TO TEN CHOK'R LOTS, \ on MGtii atreet, between Second and Third avenue*, wil! be *o'd l"<* tban $'.<00 .ach, Ca I St 78 Cedar at reel, -0m No. 4. w S'l A HO -TO* SALR. THK TWO NRW TWO O.TlU'r. atory brick llouaea, wl u liaaemAta, anb- eellar*, marble mantel*. caa and wntcr. located on Wal worth atreet. InO fret north from DcKaln avenue, Bro ¦kltn, oa wnich the car* run to Fulton an.I rmharlne terriea. A loo aomc (ine Store* on Mrrtla avenna tor aale. Trim* ea*y Apply to J. CLARKK, on the pre in ...*, 1 acres ok valuable timber land-ib Oai/l/U the weal'hieat p irt of Now V»r< surrounded by Improved farm* of e*tv are** to n.arket, .atlmavd to eon tato nver 71.000,(1110 feet of hemlock, epru.o white me. aah, birch, hard maple and cherry; 1,000.010 buahri* of chnreunl; 47,0141 cord* of aenitonk bark th wanted In the *|. Inltn ; watar po« ef .infaillno, and *nlBcient to cut Irnm lire to all mi ill. n* f"«t a year; bark worth on the tr-ea onn dollar per oor.t Land wanted for farming purp .*ea a* f*«t aa leared Tree* !ar«e and w.ind, live anT varan log* to each an iron fnrna.« ad'oinlng and aeveral tanaerlna in vicinity; Iron ore formerly roim and Mill anvpoaad to eilat. It la the mo*I valuable t mtier tract la the Stale, and wor'liy the *t .ennonoi lumhermen and capltallMP. Apply to E. LYON, 18 Nae*an atrwat. New Terk. inn - for sale, a mew two sturt aed i). HM'. ba«ei"ent llo .ae with anb-cellar, in tax Fifty 4)rat atreal, between Klrlt and Bacond aveava. oi. o e | renr. iiea _______________ tft AAA ACRKS MINERAL AND AORMTLTItRAL 0""t''v»V/ I And* . A reai>onalble paraon. having abont SmiOl a. re*of nab miner*! and agricultural laadaia Mla- aourl and other Western Slatea. deelrea to open a "Orre*- < ponden e wiUi a rellahl* and laUuentlal party w ho will eo- . operate in the aale of aaid landa To «uch » rai tyaremu- . neratlvr inu raai w nld be offered. >'omparn'v arc already In t roitat'le operation* In and a<t lOlning the vicinity of the mineral land. Full de*-rlptlon of localmn and i| iahly of land* fumlancd. with towoah.p plot*. Ac KeferencM *i- ! changed Arldreaa hoi 4,008 Poal oflloe. St. Louia, Mo. ¦lleUAAlM. I BILLTAUI'H plkasr call and ksaminr w h. { . IHI' VII I' 8 fnc atock of Table*, with hi* uniltallM oombW RiKiii ciMbhma <)rdera by mail for Rall% C "* ai.'l it w.ju. uMu/fittL ta» « i ^¦IICELLAIIBOCI. A roR MAKITCAL DBI'NSBNIIEfc« - £¦¦*** Kliy» M»ii siii.n p. vdor*. < it von withn.. rl>« 2»£* «""»'. r'»* <1 a bo.. at St Lulc a riiari..ary, ua U idsou It.e. t corner of <.rose, H. V. A*tn!'fTf\i D AM<MR-pr'RM)IlH nMIR'NH Tim ir,.ir». *rr'""*'1 i*»»e >na K ai-a delK-toxa liar,-..»'. **". "RT^iT.!!? *"D 'rK MOT K PP.OTEC- i i > lecgue is still in r\iai'u.<- twi. Ml, .-<t b itch' rs l.ase ooei. protected i,oul ,,,,4, ''¦ Ir :0 ;e'nent of p.i'eut* 'or houses mi peon. .. 1 u! proto lion froui wild milt* must join at on .. "UCOkOMY 18 WEALTH.".if R IN KL1 N TUB li irea'est o: modern philosot -r». remark* mat 4 penny ik M is a penny earned. In»tead .if des.rosnii your waste paper. pieserve it and receive IU »".u.v»i». n cash, which >e will pay for old newspapers 01 iwuj d> « cripttou. wnul< or tun. old painp i.aisol all kinds. old r Culi r*. handbills tickets, .-trd*. catalogues an old <i.p pn|>er. .11 alt it' >arl«'les, in |uantltie» 01 * nail A Ik.. 0 *i writing and ». hool tim k. old hlanK books « Cent. Ac o' an* stv l«, It matters uot bow in rh tbey may L1* written on or routl'ated. «IO» KWUI. A EMERSON. 25 Anil . re»\ One door west of Naau 1 n rrl. H1VBRV PERSON READING THIS PAI'ER 01".HP J to patroni'e i'U.1 IlLfcf Sll hit WOOD III Vatic* s rect, corner of Bminne street. lie In the Brat to p it au art cle dow n mid the last to tal«e It he tell* nthlsdavia puis hi* best Oranre County Hntl .'!Ro. and toed fr<m SO to '.2<:; good Flour $1 115 er bag; Sugsrs frou |] 1. 11 51. pi-r 7 li)".. I eitra Uieen and Mack $ per lb ; Codec. 3tle. to 4tV Decker's Pa'ent Flour. 31c Lei pe. .a (To mm llirl"tn to the Battery aud nave f.i 1 I' k: no ha dollar to trada witi. him 171 I. KINO. commissioner OK DEKDH FOR Al l. 1 . the State* and Territories. No. Broadway (Mo at Uiitlilinir). room .'I'aaaporia obtained from Waahlin'tou In 4S houri. leifal noriuurntu prepared rorraetly. L^ROM 7', TO 8 CENTS I'RK I'OI'NII I>A11> FOR OI.I) r H'.nks NawhpuparH Pamphlets and Ltdiori and tlia biL'haat i-aah price paid I'orali kiudaof Kagn, by K. K W A L- KEK. Hi Spruce atrMt. MANIXOOI) AN l> TIIR VniOR OF VOrrH RESTORED in four weeka hv Or.'ORD'iLEaaeiicn of Life. Thta wonderful accnt will i> ^tora uialionu u- tha hum shat¬ tered cniiHtit'tt.looa. wlieih. r arNtn^ from exoeaaee, ««lf almse. the e'lei;t* of ellmatv r natural i-aiiaes The tuna reiittlreii to on e tlie mo»i Inveterate cane ia f.nir weeka. Failure |a nnpnailble. Or. HI.: nd'-« Ra«en.;i« of Life ii aolil in caa> « with Instruction* f'n nae, tor ft, nr four 'I'.antitlea in one lor Sent carefully p.w:.ed. on r<*-ett>iof tanoe by hi* accredited a^ent. t'ln-ular hent Tree on receipt of lour *iainp«i. PMII.IPKOt.ANIi, No. 447 Broome street. New York, one door went of Broadway. MAHKI.K MANTBLS.-A FINK SKLKCTION OK M\R- ble M-intela on band, and o'lered cheaper than ;.n»- where elao, at S. KI.AllElt'M Marble Yard, 64 First aven ie, near Third afreet, »w York. Call anil enaimoe for your- .cll. Marble MANTELS. SLATK MANTELS A choice >e!ec'ion, and ai iin ch lower prices tl^n :.0f it In r place. T. B. MTK WART, 412 Broadway, N Y Mrs m. o. bkown's "METAPntsical niscovE- ry" tor deafu-aa, catarrh, neiwaluia, rheuu.atiaui dla ea.ed evea. and nil dtaeaaen of head, throat. AC.. Ac., can ha ol'taiiiH.I at her principal ollic 2 llood street alter Mav I, at Iti Bond street 1. New York, and 4111 Arcli street. Philadel¬ phia also of dnicgiats generally. Price $fl. So poured down the thrnat. No boring with instrument*. OOMETUmti NEW IN PI.AVINO CARLiH. LOVE 8CKNKB. LOVE SCENES. LOVE SCENES. LO\E SCENhS IJESIONS FROM FRENCH ARTISTS. The above new ard has hftv-two beautiful picture*, of elegant dnalcn. and they can aiao ho used the name as ordi- tiary plavlni; cards, thus umlilulnn pleasure with ainuse- meiil Enclose fiO cents :nid two red stampa »nd send fol sample pack. $'¦ iter dozen. LUeTal discount lodealera. T. C, C ASWELL, Ml Nassau at,, room No. 1, up stair*. QTILL WANTED-AOAI'TED FOR ID OR 24 OAL- ii> Ions. Adilress, with pri e atrl pnrtlculara, J, Murray, Herald oitlce. OTORAOE FOR F URN IT I RE, PIANOS, TRL'NKH, AC*, ir in the Que dry loft* over inv piano warernoin*. l'rtcca low. T. S. HKRRY. ,W:t Uroa.lwny, between Prince and Ho ifttontireela. T"yPR METAL AND OLD UAD WANTKf>-CASH* will t>e paiil for a few hundred weight of Type Metal audold Lead. Appty at ibe desk of this oihce. ffO SHIRT MAKERS-STEVENS' KI1IRT BOSOM X folder, by which 100 dozen per dav nan oe folded, n Pla ts of all si/es. irom one eighth of an inch 'toward*. Sold by tbe Patentee only, at 5l<tf Eight avenue. fPHK VDVBRTISKR HAS TIIR FORMULA POR ARO 1 inatic I'd's, lorauiokers and persons al lc'ed with t>*d breath. An energetic business mau, with S3'*» to fOWl, want, ed to latrnduce this preparation Into the market. Addrew box 5.4.i7 Post office \*"ERY HROK THREE YEAR OLD FRfTITIVO VINER w ith splendid oots, of the toiloW'ii »n, n ti. »--Con- Old, Delaware and Diana. 1st »i/e, S2 ns'-h 2d n/a *IH e.i h. Delaware cut back to one loot Rogers liybrlda, line cine*, Nos lftand ill verv valuable $i.10each; Allen'* Hybrids. I year C evcllnr. 2year, $1 each. Adins* Win. Perry k Sod. lirldycport. Conn. VI/ANTED.OF T1IE TURNER OALLERT. PARTS l7, TV 17. tH. 1(1.20 Anr one liavlng either or all ..f theea nnioheis tor sale will pleaae address, atating orlce, Q. S. C., box 4.UIH I'o>'. offlcc. Wanted to purchase two second hand Lathes w ith or without scrsw gear. one mm 3<>U>3t Inch awinit, 10 22 feet bed; the otlui 12 to 14 inch *wing, 4 to 5 leet bed. Addl es* Lockw uil brook*, Tatbaiu's Lead W'uks, Ueckmau itrcnt. New York. WRAPPINO PAPER AND ROOK PAPER .TO MANU- Isctuieia .The advertiser, avln* a i.ew sa.l valuab.e method of prodii'ma a superior <rt c e of the nho^e at a low price, la ready to arrange with a responsible party to carry out the process practlcatlv on the most liberal terms if ap¬ plied for Immediately. Address Paper, bo* 21.1 11 a d office. llf ANTKD-CONFECriONhltY, AT 370 UKAND ST., f I New Vork. WANTED.A (IOOD BAR, FROM 18 TO 20 FEET IN length, high top, w!tli drainer aud ba«iu lalow. Apply at Fulton street. 7 TO 7>i CENTS A POUND-PAID POU OLD NEWS papers. Rooms, Pamphlets, Mugs 'ities, ,v.c. No. Henry street, lour door* Ir nil Fulton, Brooalyn. ti'f.M .MANOLKS AT TIIR OLD STAND, BSTAH Ilslied In IH:i4. J. O WEST, late Duncan A West. Mangles propelled by stea u or by lo.nd; prices ^1... $'/A, $411, $/*i, itf. «st» $luu. Oasntilng Plum) log. Lorksmlti.taa mid Kcllhanging. IHvnmit to agents. .Nos. 4 and 10 Lib¬ erty place, nesr the New York Post office. rn nnn pounds OF OLD nkwspapbrm. books, . Painphle's and all k111 Is of paper maker s S o-'k wanted per week, for which I pay en«h a naif i*tH 00 a pound more than am >'her house In the cltv. Co direct la I'J Ann street, near vVilliatn. THOMAS <\ BENNETT. Till: BALL NP.ANON. 'PWELFTII RE'ilMI.NTAL BALL. 1 IN AID 0^ Till. WIW;Hh AND ORPKAN8 O* DECEASED NEW YORK SOLDIF.Its ACADEMY Or MUSIC. APRIL 2ft, WW. AS80CIATE~~00MMITTBE. Vt or General OEORQB B~M<"cLBLLAN, Hon. C tlODKREY OI NTIIKK, Hon. JOHN T HOFFMAN, ORISON BLUNT. I'.sip, ARTHUR LKARY Esq., JAMES M MolLEY. Esq, D P. ItARREDA. U. ... . , ... ALK\ANDKK BUaNDON, Esq, His Eicelien-y HORATIO SKYMoUR. Maior General JOHN D1X, Hon. WM V. TWEED. IJun. IIIKAM W \ LB III DOE. UfcO W ASH. JENKINS, V. S N, fllOMAr, LltlLK. F.s«i . HEN R V A ROSI WICK, F.i James murphy, h»m SIMEON DRAPER. Es.l. JAMES B NICHOLSON. Esq.. OEOR'.E A. PETEKS. Raq. W. P. BI CKM ASTER. Est. Tl< ke'* Five Dollars each. ra»y l>e proiured of any me in bers of ma Regimen',and .a tho nrttn ipal notelsoi this ci'y. Lie-it. t'ci, L. SATtKRI.EE, Major OBO. A. HILTON, Capt. W. V. BYKN'E. Cspt. N. L HANSEN, | Commit tea Cape JOHN WARD Jr., \ of . 'apt. W II HAVES, Jr., I Airncgeo, «*apt. Wm R V Y NOR, I Lieut. R. .MILHANK. I Lieut. JOHN E DOWLET j IA>AM OFVICRIi AT 77..MONEY LIRKKALLY ADYANCHD AT 77 ON DlAMOJlDH. WATCHES. JKWELRT, Ac. HORSES. IIAUNKS8, WAUONS, Ac. AUO. AT 77 PAWNBROKERS' TICKETS WANTED AT 77 *>r Diaa>oo<l* W«i. b«, Jewelry, Ac , Hid CO per »nt more i«ld than ''an be ohu inert at >0} other pi* :e Id the city, at 77 Hieeckcr street. AT .». MONEV LIBERALLY ADVANt KD OH Dlam nds, Watches, Jewelry, Sllvir I'ltM, Una*. Pl*tol*. Ac. AI*o Pawnbroker*' Ticket* wanted of Diamond*. Walesa, JeiioliJ. (iuni. Pistol*. A«\, for which 1 will jay .VI irr ent more than :in !*. obtained at any other place In the city. 0OQ Hroalway, corner ol Himxton itree', np stair*, room 5 \DVAN'K* MADE ON WATQHEN DIAMONDR, JKW- elry. Dry tJ<>od* and Personal Property at » Ue ictlpti ii or the *nme bought and *old, by .1 A J M'RSON, Broker and Oommi*«ion Merchant, 111 Uraud Ureal, '.<*. loom *e»t of Br utway. AT .16..PAWNBROKERS' TICKETS WANTED. f will pay rtO per cent more than any other person in tbie city lor ticket* for Diamond*. Watche*. ,l«welry, flun*. P *- tol*. Milk*. Ac., Ac.) at 36 Chatham street, room No. 3, oner the hat store. . The hlull est cash price paid rwi camel Hulr Shawl*, old Fnr Cai>e« fine I.*cr« old O. Id an.I Hirer, by I.Ot'IS AS RICH, 7XJ Bradwaj, under the New York Hotel. SPOHT1NC*. Door roR rale -one larue Newfoundland Dog, one Spits* Dog. one small Italian Ore/hound, use King Charle* Spaniel, small Poo.llr*. also Mack aud tan Terrier* K.t>tch Terrier* snd small Skre Terriers; all of tho purest ire". and |»'><l ratters, a fair trial given, fall at tl Kooeerell street, llr«t floor. JOHN (IRAT. LiRANCis bi:tleb. NO SPICK SLIP, has ALL rim X1 Choice breed* for sale snd slock. Butler s Infallible Mange l ure and Flee Kitereilaator. 75 cent* per hottl*. Butler's new W rk. |1. Dogs boarded, trained, Jtc. MeOI- clnes for all dlseaae*. Ii^AVi T KiWLS AND PKIEONS. AND FRESH FtJOE for hkteblng. from all the choice breed*. blvk Spauieh. b:*ck»nu while Leghorn. gulden ami silrer Poland*, name*, ¦mall Bantam*, cold and silrer Seebrlght* and a line lot of fancy I'lgroa*. for (ale by M, JOHNSON, 10 North Wil- Ham ciroet. New York. For sale-a handsome tacht, ABOUT IS TONS. m '^if",«L'?V'.L.'rJ?'*ne ' *n(" ln feUect order. Ir«|sire 01 P. Ml'BRAY. ISP Pearl street. MY. IP OR SALE-A LARUE NEWI.HNDLAND DOO, oighl montha old. Inquire at E< kert * Hotel, corner of Bronawny and flushing avenue, Williamsburg. PlRARl'BE BOAT FOE SALB.-A FIRST CLASE Whitehall Boat, new last year, with cushions in f- rtrt o^der; sold for want of »e Apply to JOIIH LIA)l » A riuNS, 15 Nassau straet. CETTEK DOQ POR PAIJ5.COLOR ORANtlE AN 1) O. whl'e, well broken and staunch *n all game. inquire at V Crosby street. rrwo ENGLISH. Dol'RLK EA RKEt LKH KtlWLISl# 1 Pi* c*f"r*ate; eae ha* thirty two In h rariei*. twrise Bs! the other lw«nl» »iulil loch barrel* fo r|e-u ' . are eNeUtui Mkseili'* ilonea AMY al ?. . >l«i*a» kntb

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Page 1: The New York herald. (New York [N.Y.]). 1864-04-22 [p 3]. · aeeotuus: canshowpood testimonials. andIs willing to make himself generally AddressJ. U. K., box 184 Herald.See

3^ ^-L aiB^p WAHTBD-1ALCI.pOfcTBR WANTED.IN A WHOLESALE ORO< BRYA M« provision »U>re. one who is sccustoned to markingand shipping goods *u>i bu had rxuerteuce in Una kind <h

bt*«ines*._ Apply at 154 West at . N. Y.

pHYNlCIAN WANTKD.A REGULAR GBADOATB.X to take charge 01 a nimbly resectable iua<!1ral establish¦teat, ooe having & knowledge of tiie medical application ofote> Ulcily preieued. Addrtiaa Medicos, Hfrild otliee.

Tu t Tl'.ADE -WANTKD. AN OUTDOOR fc'ALESMA*.for tli» on*. 10 aril to large buyers oolv he mual be

mu'usant w lb ti.r trade. Audress siating full particulateae to experience. Ac Tea Trade. lleiAld OUice.

rVIIYNICIANH-WANTED. A PIlYSIt IAN OF IN-teMgeuce ami «ood address to travel in a speciality

Addimx. with real name and residence D. C. K . tin raid.die tor three day*. Communications strictly e<mbdentlal.

UNITKD HTATEH NAVY-WANTED, FOB FASTsteamers lining on blockade service, alup for one or

two yea(6, seamen. flreincti, c> a! itssacrs, black-.luilns, landsloeo and j;recu band". $ kJO bouniy, cash In baud. II> ad(WiUm. Ui llcd Mates Naval Rendezvous, 174 South street.

UNEMPLOYED BOOKKEEPERS OR CLERKS, WHOare t,0"d at figures, can inakn a good living t>y selling

t bookkeepers and merchants a new invention, invaluablethat dafN ot the <ouimunt'y Address or apply to Fowler

Adding Mitt blue Co., 212 Broadway, room No b.K

WARTt.u-A ^Ji.riiJirf7r iFEtL.XCvCaISTTBDwiib the WHgt t<» navel &n<: lake orders lor hard-

ware. Address, with rd'ert'uce, Hardware, liOi i!10 Herald.See

TANTKD-1N A SMALL, FAMILY. FN BROOKLYN, Ayoung m..n and wife; the latter o do gmeral house¬

work and cook nit; the lormer to look after garden, horse,Be Beat relerences ret|Uired. Address t row, box 3,410Mew York Poat office.

WANTED-TWO COLORED BOYS, ABOUT 16 YPARS>ld. on board the United SmP-h steamer Brooklyn. In

Ihc engineers steerage. Apply at the receiving atoiea betweeu the hours of IU and 12 A. M.

Wanted immedutely-men who wish toenuage in a legitimate business, iu which they ran

wake >25 every day by a amall investment of $200 to $3i>0Call at tiifr Broadway, room No. 4, up aiaira.


WAV, ED.A man TO RUN A STATIONARY ENglue in a bri'-k yard. The st< amboat Sylvan Shore

leaven the foot of Jay a1 reel every day at - o'clock. AddictsWm. Wright, South river, Middlesex county. New jersey.

ANTED.A YOUNG MAN. TO ATTEND A DRYgui ds and fanry autre: one who ban wine experienc.i

and 1« willing to make himself generally useiul. Api ly atM Atlantic aL. Brooklyn.

WANTED-A YOUNG MAN. OP 18 YEARS OK AOS,who can write a stood hand and ia rmdy at figures.

Apply lo James A. Heara A son, 775 Broadway.ANTED.IN A N OFFICE, A RESPECTABLE LAD.about 14 vearaof age. who can write a fair band and



wmake himself generally useful, and who knowa the citywell Apply to P. 8. Reuwuy, i7 Pearl «t.

WANTED-TWO RETAIL DRY COOIJR SALESMEN;permanent ailnations tlirouuli tho auiniiier will be

given to good men. Apply personally or by letter to OeorgeXejea, 343 Mb

WANTED.AN EXPKRTFNOKD BOOKKEEPER I ORa Cru ciaas grocery store. Addieaa P. A T., Herald


WANTBD-A GOOD. 8TR0NG BOY, TO MAKE HIM*clf uftn>:»itlly iiNeful, from 16 to 17 years old. Salary

0i*t year $10U Addreaa, in own handwriting, box 1,674Poat office.

ANTED.1U0 YOUNG MEN FOR FISHING VOYages for codtiab, mackerel and whale from two

Months to twenty, in Hcho<,ners, brigs and ships. Pay per¦aeoth $:<0, and outfit furnished. Apply to RANDALL kCOURTNEY, corner of Chambers and West sis , up atairs.


WANTED-TEN MALR NURSES. AT LADIES' HOME.United States (leneral Hospital, Lexington av , corner

MU U. Apply at 6 P. M.

WANTBD-A 8TOUT, ACTIVE LAD. TO OPEN ANDclean out an office and make himself generally tsefnl;

¦luat 1» a fair penman and willing; salary not over fl.'tUAddrei-s, with references, box 'J, 156 Post office.

WANTED.A BOY. IN A LAW OFFICE. ADDRESS,in handwriting of the applicant, box 170 Poat office.

UTANTBD-A STRONG. ACTIVE ERRAND BOY; ONEYY residing with his parents preferred. Call at -14 Fulton

at. after 4 o'clock.

WANTED TO-DAY.A TIMEKEEPER, MAN TO GOTOPauama, clerk for a steamer, tallyman for a railroad,

proeery clerks bookkeeper, dry goods salesman, hospitalSteward, corresponding clerk, copyist, betel clerk, barkeeper.Other situations alwaya open at the Mer anttle Agency. 268¦roadwuv Merchants supplied gratis. Unly otlico underMe patronage o: the Mayor. Organized 1S5'.*.


XJ7"ANTBP-A OOOD, STEADY MAN, TO WORK IN AYv livery stable; one n lio knows the oity would be pre

fotreri Apply at Prior's bakery, l.'Cih at. and Broadway,^Iter H o'cloca tbis day.

WANTfiD-AT WILLABDS. 532 BBOADWAY, TWOvoang men waiters. None nesd apply unlem tbev iu

4eratand the business Apply tbis day, alters o'clo k P. M*

WANTED.IN AN INSfBANCK OFFICE. A BOYabout 15 years old. who can write well. Address S.B.,

V>x 861 Po« o ,-r, New York.

ANTED.A YOUNG MAN. 18 OR 20 YBARB. ASlight porter and to assist in a store; one who writes ahand and of steady habits. Call from 10 to 12 at US

n st.


good wagca «111 be paid. None other n»ed appiv attto Nassau Dining Booms, 10o and 1U6 Nassau st , from b toIDA M.


ANTED-AS LIGHT PORTBR IN A WHOLESALEfancy goods house, a stout, active bor to carry small;es ami make himself useful. Addieaa, with refer- J

ix 1,781 Posto:iice.

WANTED-A YOUNG MAN WHO TRANSLATES ANDwrltr* the Spanish language corrretly; must write a

r«l hand and be lamillar with bookkeeping. To a peieonability a desirable and permanent situation would be

pven. All applicants must state their ago of what eountrva native, what bitu»ii<>ns, and where, they have he:d duringthe last live years, salary uxpeued. and naming references.Address, In Snitnitb and English, B. V. P., Herald ODlce.

\JLJ ANTED.A YOUNG MAN. TO ASSIST A8 BARYY keeper and to make himself generally neeful; noneaeed apply anlcha tbe> are willing to work and bring satisfactory reommendanons. Call between the hours of 12sail 1 at 14 Lcroy place, Uleecker sl

WANTED.A YOUNG MAN AS GENERAL ASSIST-ant in a first class oyster snd dlntnc saloon, ooe bar.

IM f luo in casti can meet with a good, steady situation on

application to day. after 12 o'clock, at 171 Spring st. i

WANTED-A HEALTHY, STRONG MAN; NO OBje- tion If only lately arrived from Europe Very

liberal wages paid. Apply, between 1 and 3 o clock, at 2231aBowery, lb the lager beer saloon.


WANTED-A THOROUGH INDOOR SERVANT; Ayoung nun. Excellent citv reference required. Wagea

Mbenu, provided be understands bis work. Apply atdltiMroadn ay. near 12th su. between tbe l.ours of 11 nail ..

WA.NTI.D- \ COACHMAN. THOROUGHLY ac<iuamte<l with the streets and drives 01 this c :j, iu

Englishman prrterred. Apply ai (kt Wf»i 3-d >t.

WANTED-TIIREE RESPBCTaBLB HE'S. TOTRAVELand take orders in the United Stales and Canada lor

% wholesale house In New Yors. Apply truin 10 to 1 A. 587 Broadway.

WANTED-AT KENNY'S OY.vTER HOUSE. 182 AND1M Kim at., a young mm who understands open

lag oysters and to wait on tables. Apply afier ID o'clock.

2 CLEVER SALESMEN. WHO THOROUGHLY UNdi'rsUkiid Ihe house furnishing hardware business,

wanted. Apply to Edward D. Bassfoid, Housekeeper*Ureal Bazaar, Cooper Institute.


A~ CLERKSIIir WANTBD-BY A YOUNG SCOTCHman. ."J years of ace; writes a good hand and quick at

aeeotuus: can show pood testimonials. and Is willing to makehimself generally Address J. U. K., box 184 Herald.See

A YOUNG MAN. WHOSE HEALTH REQUIRES A.eft voyftje, w uld like to slup for a cruise of no: less

than eighteen or twenty months, as captain's or purser aslcrk. Salary of no ao ount. Address John (J. Hoban, box174 Herntd ofllre.

A SITUATION WANTBD-BY A TRAVELLINGsalesman. is thoroughly f mp»tfnt to (ill a post Ion In

the above capacity; has travelled with fanrv goods andYankee notions. Best of referenoe give*. Address O W.,box I7S Herald office.

YOUNG MAN. TWENTY TWO YEARS Or AGE. DBsires a situation as clerk or porter In some who e»ate

>nse: furnish first clsss city reference. Address Energy,box 106 Hera'd ottice.

A SITUATION WANTBD-ASGARDENKR BY A MAR-rled man-, no encumbrance. la competent to take ear*

of a gentleman's plat*; bes' reference Call a' or addrcu IIVyeaoir St., hir. present employer's, far one week.

AYOUNO SAN WISHES A SITUATION AS LIOHTpoiier ni adry goods store, or any such business; has

t»"d lettlmoniala Address J, II., H'ii bih av.

A YOUNG MAM. UNDERSTANDING RNOLKU ANDOerinan, and ft rood penman, wishes a situation in a

whelesa.c bouse. best of references given. Address F.,66John st Williamaiiurg.

Ao::nti eman of great expbhiencb in theIndin rubber trade and mill furnishings, is open for aa

engagement aa salesman or agent: he can Inlltience bustaee* t n large amount from tlreat ITrltain and Ireland: Mstastiriinninla ate of tba highest class. Address India Rubber,¦era Id ¦'fllce.


AS COACHMAN,-WANTBD. A SITUATION ASJL coachman, bv a man who understands bis business;¦aacood and careful dilver; can give i>rat class reference.ON be seen at 427 East ICth at for two day*

ATOUNO MAN WISHES A SITUATION AS UROOMApply at .10ft 4th ave between 23d and ?4th its.

HOtlKRY -SITUATION WANTED IN THE HOSIERYdepartment, by an experienced talesman. Address O.

6. «., Ilerald oOlce.

nTEE'S SITUATION WANTED.14 YBABSIN HIR' refereooe. Addresa John Langdna,

STUATION WANTED.MY A LONO MXPBRfMNCBBhead waiter, aa responsible ..i?a*; nnde rstaods Bn?

, Oerraan and Preach eqaalty; wonld prefer an coramhaent in the above meatiooed capacity la a snmmar h«£TlAddress M. ti. N box 144 ller^ldToioe. ."¦»».*

Situation wantbd-it a well ¦dcoatkiivouag man, of good hnatneaa habits and good eharartaT

la a wholesale More millinery or fancy preferred: aalarVexpected moderate if chance to advene*. Addreee M MStation D Eoet olllee


SITUATION WANTBD-BY A S1NQLB MAM, A«coachman, has no oh lection logo In ibe country; haa

reference from one of the best houses In tbe city - Can bel*en at IB West 16th St.. prlrate stable. Inquire for Wa.¦.Lean.

SITUATION WAMTBD-B? A YOUNO MAN, LATBLTarrived from Dublin, who has had many years' experi¬

ence as salesman and aasietanf. clerk In a flrst class paperhanging and painting establishment m that city. Reference*if required. Ad dross R. M , 337 West Mh st.

r HARDWARE MRRCH A NTS .W A l(THI». HY Ayoung inaiM! year; of age, a situation either as clerk

or saresmaai ca.i snow llrst rlase testimonials and eenM enler upen hlsduttn uniMMiiahM' Jre*m< uki tag^46 Hei»i1i niTum. ^


r CLOTH UERI'll aNTM..A MAN OP OOOD BDO-< atiou. 3H years of age, who baa b««n actlug its aalee

uian in different cloth bouaci la tb'a utty for a ouinbei <ifIMra, la open for an eoga^emeui; understand* English andOrrmaa equally, ud rat furnish the beat of refe/eocea.Audi can b. B, box 126 Uerald oOioe.

T'O BOSS TAILORS.-A YOUNO MAN WISHES A SIT-uatiou aa light porter, or to make himself gem-rally ime

rul; can fill up hia tune In the bushel shop. Referent«'ve». AddreKa A M., Herald ooioe.

TO BARKEEPERS-AN ACTIVE YOUNO MAN, JI'STarrived fioni England. wiahee to obtain a situation as

iaru-nder or waiter: wil ing to make himself um-r-n. First.-laaa ifleran.-, a to laat employer, as also to Brum lo il.s

city. Addri ss Baruian. Herald ofllce

TO MERCHANTS..WANTED A situation ASsalesman, or bookkeeper by single entry. In a respect

able bouse, by an a.-tive. steady, sober man. forty vears ofage, who served bis time in'Ireland to a ri-ai enable mer

i ant in the tea, grocery and wine trade. Addrei-s M. J KMsrunant, box Ml Herald oltlce.


energetic youug uian, ol live jeai* pra.-ti.-al experience.Audi-sa Enterprise. Herald ollice.



ine a"^ .n'i h"* """ne knowledge of bookkeep

8t^e:UCAdd^«Rb; WC.",.%^'.ConriV. U",ted

W s»I t>J UATION AS BOOKKEEPER. KYdoiilde entry. or assistant bookkeeper, or an

rla*°y buAtjMM. or as clerk in a wholesale liunor

taJd oUice* retired. Address T J.,W


situation at assistant bookkeeper or entry clerk k<*o<1Penman. qui k and correct »i l,*ur.s Best city and c"unIryrefeience given. Address J K. M. Herald ollloe.

WAtiln^?7?Y A vOVV(l MARRIED MAN. A SITUAeither n-hnuJLuTnK°°dB, grocery, or boot and shoe store,

rooiir has hsrf «J2.r't n* ",a'e,"n"n or In the counting? hSe >'*." mercantile experience;»tn

^om 8iU?sf««, ri "i", 8I01'' a" ioab,lity mthB counting&N H^H^d omJe.nCe K'Ve" 10 Chj4r"f!6r- 4c' A"

TtyANTED-Bl A MIDDLE AGED MAN. A 8IT0A.fl, .i» ! ia® or 01'l <lo#r salesman or bookkeeper; he iier-

fu n7sh.n(.r^Hn. ^lhe buvln« stove- aud general houseon mailing good*, or in any oiher kind of business- luahexL

«Jb«.N. YU,t*0 be«iven- Address J. i P.. M3fc.*si I

ANTED.A situation AS COACHMAN BY A MAN <°f °DK «*perlence. who has over three veara'refe-

rtn-®- ln<l«lreat lib hast 41nt si., near 3d hv.. for M. ,M.

WA.ED7A SITl'A'r'ON. AS coachman, or joh» ti!2?I« .k! "h' * "S0;, B®«t of reference*. Has,,..

&tii unii tJtITav. s,^ C" atW WestlC!1' - ""»een j

AKTBD-A SITUATION. BY A YOUNU Man AO*Q'tnol'd with gen is i irnishlng goods, as «n esmun or

Wd olhce' ° 'referen'* Addieos J. lie.


Wall""25 «tS Sv aner.rBmhys(. B"'erencp» «iv«n-

Wanted.a situation as » oachman in a pri..

vat* Iftmily: has no objection to go in the co'intrr

?,"tWOrJ,?"- 'nd l'n* ,n0nllis reference from hlKbStBrwtdwa^ °U °r ad'1't'" ".« »l i barlct Wuten,'. MO


h«,i\.^ L0r r'ta 8r^CL'r.v "ore. by a young man who has

^te"rV4,B0Sb'5.d cad slve«°°l1^ 'efertute-


A bookbinder WISHES A PERMANENT SITUA-tioa. Addiess Muno, Madifion square 8'atiOD.

a ?jEA^Vw painter or vaenisher can OB-S\ tain uork all > ear round. P acking end vaibisbmemap rollcra: m>iai be a worker himself and make otheiawork Apply to J. T. Lloyd, 164 Broadway.

Engineer wanted-at the maihson squareM^*Ddrftw*3 p"m app'y thu ''*y' t,ef0,e 9

EXPERIENCED BRASS FINISHERS WANTEdIaP-Co'frt^i , Bkistcm^Masa.' l",e'"'#Ph lu8l'"mcnl ®a»".

''AWTEKS' association.-rvployersiVr« ^7 «

'»*»" P»iiitem please aoply st head>|uaitert. ^87 Second avenue, between Twenty lourth aud Tweu-ly-ftftb atreeu. KREDERIC KOSENfiERli, Se reta.L-1ILK COTTERS WANTED -TWO TO WOUK O.N HASA l»ida, aud three ou lapers. In«|iiire at 10 Beekman st


T^ILE FORCER WANTED.FOR TAPER SAW FILES-,l'the highest price psld. Apply to Samuel Peace comer o

Kith and Amsl.-e sta., Williamsburg.enmer

avss"sasft.'arwss,-*- .#iP0a®,'01lTN!?R,,58' "JRNACES and olasswo!^J. Supeilnr Rf*d sand Btone, tor hearths, side walls andlinings. fniDifched t. order from the ro'ebraied Conkliiia<iuarray, WALTER KEESLKR, ICi Ureenwlcb street!/"ornamental iapannrr who

.tS3 Oberry».«nt feather dustcjr handles preferred. Call

Photographer-operators or those wi#h

RONl(«KKBfinu VV, Pro"lre S-'Od situations at J.KtmiusHhRO It. Principals in want of asslstanta free of

zisKiedwIj1**6 'ine ,'ho;o«lal,ll Galleries for Mle. at

Photographist wanted -to oo to Tnnapo-is. Md Tn one who understands the l»is:ness a cood

ensnre Iso. ered. A gallery is n,» put up. and a h^fInterest will be gives to « good pr*<-tlral man. .10,0; 0 sol-

wSSt>y^?wi3^ Partl<;ular* ai'P" « m

P^ssBBteiga^tf&£%sssffi,r MACHINISTS -A YOCNOMAN 17 YEARS OP AOE,

wlshea lo learn the businesa: has worked at the U.a'-k¦inltblng in the old country; is strong and h-althv. ami notaftaid to work. Inquire at Mr Moore a, 76 West ^4th at.

TWO SAW grinders WANTED..(IOOD WORKMENcan have »tea<lv work ami the beBt or pay. Iiiumre at

fi^'wniiamsbur* corner t'",on »v and Ainsley

TO PRINTERS..WANTRD, A competent PRE«1Sman, to take chsree o; a press room in a neighboring '

city one lanniiar with the working of a Hoe'* rotarv andNapier presvs. To 14 steady, temperate, capable man a

permanent situation will he glveu. Addreta. with refer*" toebarai-tv. Printer Ofllce, 172 William stI

WANTBD-BY A RESPECTABLE MAN, YBARS OFage actuation a*i utter; ha* enMlderahleejperlcn'-e

Anil (fnort reference. no objection to the ..o iniry. Adc:ie*aCutter, box -MS Herald office.

WANTED. FOR A LARGE PHOTOGRAPH ESTA Rlithrrunt In PltUbiirR, Pa. two operator*; one to at¬

tend to printing and toning and one for Hitting. Audret* tf.L. 11. Dabb*. Piitubnrg. Pa.

WILLIAM M't.'RAITB, K7 WEST .'ATI! NT , WANTStonr (>'0(1 liouae j'*lnt' r*. Also a buy wanted to *ei p


\v ANrED-A OOOD BLACKSMITH 1IKLPFR. APrr plv at the Knickerbocker Ice Company ¦ (hop, inWest '.it, it MM lOh av.

1\TANTED-A S1T0ATI0N AS ASSISTANT RNGI-VI ne> r. by a man capable of inking charge of a station¬

ary engine. A l'liw for two day* Wu>. V»rker, Ne. U llamtlton av , Brooklyn.

1VrAJ,TRO IMMEDUTELY-TWO OR THREE V1LBH cutter*; aoo«t work. Heady nnplotment and :re hit-b¬eat price* paid. Apply at Simmon*' Miner i Arm*, No. 2Front it. T.


WANTF.D-A VEGETABLE GARDENER AND COOK,man and wife; both miiat iinde.r*tand their btikiuc**

thorough'*. the man must fully und i*t»nd the rare ofhoraci; will require to come well re,'xuamended from th«lrlait place*: Prote«tant» preierred. App.y from 12 lo 3 P.M. at Iki Maiden lane, np *>air*.

WANTED-A FEW BOYS TO LBABN A LIUHT MANofa< luring b«*lne«*. Apply at £11 Weit .'Ctb at., be¬

tween 8tb and 9th art.


AM, IN WANT OF COMPETENT MALB HELP. SUCHa* coachmen. watlerii.ig*ril*ner*.clerk*. porteii. private

¦ervanu, farm hand*, or for other brancbe*. can be Imme¬diately lulled at Employment Iiou*e, 138 11th *t., corncr of.tb ar.

ALL WHO WANT COMPETENT COOR8, CHAMBER-maid*, waitrea*e*. laundre*oea. **ainilre>acs nura*«.

conk* to wa<h and Iron, houieworker*. *mall stria or girl*lately landed, ean he Imtnediatoly oulted at CARPENTER 8Bmployment llou«e, I1W lltti at., corner of Oth a*.

A FIRST CLASS TOOK WANTED-WHO THOROUGHly under*tand* her bualneaa. aober and honeet. city

reference*. Call at No I Bait 3uth al, immediately.

a CIRL WANTED-FOR GBNERAL HOUSEWORK*;J\ miiat be a good waaber and Ironer, reference required.Apply ai 70 We*t 4Id 1

\ T UP HUDSOB STREBT-A waitress and a:\ cbainberinald wanted, for a large boarding hou*emoat be thoroughly competent. Apply after 9 o'clock la themorning.

A WET BURSB WANTED-TO TAKE TUB BNT1RBcharge of an Infant two month* old; mual come well

recommended and reoide In New Tork city or Its vicinity.AddreaaO B. K Now Fork Harold office. *

A GIRL ABOUT FIFTEEN TBARI OLD WANTED~Apply at Bo. 9 Lewi* place, 2d at, between South 10th

and llth, Wililamaburf.

AFAtTHTUL. STEADY GIRL WANTED-TO COOK,wafb aad Iron for a private family. Good city refer-

en-e* required. Call at ISO Henry *t , Brooklyn.k TOUBO GIRL WABTED IB A SMALL AMERICANJX family, fer which moderate wage* aad laatruetlon lathe Bngllab brancbe* will be give*. Apply at 03 Bowery, upatalra.

ClOOK WANTED.IB A FRIVATB FAMILT, WHOJ thoro ughly underatand* her bullae**, and ha* no ab¬

jection to go to the country^ Apply at 81 We*» 37th el

C^OOB -WABTED. IN * PRIVAT1 FAMILT. A COM-J petent wnmaata cook, wash .and troa. Apply, with

reference*, at Bo. 6 Bk*t Mth *t.

TABBSSMABBBS WABTED.THREB GOOD TTAND8U and oa* a**l*t*nt fitter, at M# Broadway, np *talr*.

VXFBRTBNCKD CAIIPBT SBWBRS WANTED-NONEJM hat competent per*en* need apply to A. A * irk ham,uphelMerer. 118 Broadway.

FIRBT CLASS MILLINERS AND TRIMMERS WABT.ed; wage* $13 per week. Apply to A. Fleming, corner

ar 4let at aad flih ar.

fjMBST CLASS BMSROIDBRT HABDS OS OBOVEB* Baker'* marhlae* waplod. wage* from $6 u< fs per

week Ateafned hand eewera BIT/. A CO.,*42 Broadway.

FIFTT irr.OAK AND MANTILLA HABDS WANTED.miredialet*. Auu>» MUD iUU ec* A f « ' Ian.

F'" n


capable of taking n«arly the entire eharge: » middleW«d woman preferred. Address. sta'ing when- to bo eeen.with refereuee Ac. box 4.8C7 New York »". st ofllca.

LACWDRr 88 WANTED-A PROTESTANT WOMAN,who la thoroughly -ompuient and cm bring ,ou4 city

reference. Apply at So 9 Heat 31st st.

MRS M. OREEN MOST RESPECTFULLY INFORMStier friends and the public mat sne U now ready to

wake arrangements to supply tliem with domestics of theflrst class. fur city or country. Public pa'ron >gfl Is reel**"'fully solicited by Mrs. Green, 930 Broadway, between 22dand 23.1 eta.

Milliners-two first class mili-inekswanted Immediately; one saleswo an. who under

aland* the business; wa'jes nn object; also an appientlce tolearn the business Apply ai 211 lith »v.

Nl KaB tilKL WANTED-TO TAKE ('ARB OF Achild, a youni; Klrl, fourteen or rtfteen years ol aqe

whose poems would desire her to have a good, comfortableheme. Apply at 199 Fort i.ieen plai*, Brooklyn.


IVANTKD-OPKRATORS OR WHEELER A WIL-tt son a and n iilcox'a machines. Apply at 81 Leonard st,up tltlra

WANTED- A YOC'SO LADY TO ATTEND A SALOON.Inquire at 434 Caual St., up stairs.

WANTED.A GIRL, WHO understands PLAINit *cv\ m«. hairdrvsiag, and willing to do chaiuberwork,with good refeience. Apply nt U Went -7th at. No«tbernec.d apply.

WANTED-A YOUNG l.ADY TO DO embroideryand waitiDg in u *tore; she must speak French Ap¬

ply at .ol Beeckti st.

WANTED-A GERMAN OIRL TO COOK AND DOThe iene :il houses urk; good wages will be |.vei. iu-

quire at :'43 West X.M st., N. Y.

WANTED-A FRENCH NIKSE AND SEAMSTRESS.Apply l«foie Id A. M. or after !> P. M. at 2t> West 37th

St., with lecominendatious.

WfANTF.D. A (SOOD COOK, WHO WILL ASSIST INtt -the washing aud Ironing of a small family. None butthose bavin;: the best city reference need apply'at 71,'J Madi¬son av.. on Friday aud Saturday mornings, i>eiwecn V andII o clock.

fV ANTED.A RESPECTABLE GIRL. AS CHAMBERV? maul, waitress snd to do washing nnd ironing in asmall private 'amllv ; innst he willing and obliging. Call at13:! East 14th st., ictween .'a and 3d avs., from ? to 11 A. M.or ft to 7 P. M.

w AMTED-A GERMAN GIRL AS NURSE ANDseaman-ess. Appl\ at 13 West 13th st.

WANTED.THREE OR FOUR THOROUGHLY EXPErienced salesu omen tor tlie millinery and straw goods

trade, at No. 1 Division st., coin"roi Catharine.

WANTED.A GIRL ABOUT 16 YEARS OP AGE. TO<lo general housework in a small ramih ; she will be

required to go bome every evening after and to returneach moiuing at 7. Apply In the drug store corner ol luthhi and 1st av.

WANTED-A CHILD'S NURSE CAPABLE OF TAK-lntcareol an Infant from Its birth. Onh those fully

capable and well recommended need apply. i )all at 67 East2.ldst., between the hums of 11 aud 1-. tlilx dav.

WANTED.DYE HOl'SE AND LAUNDRY HELPDyers, cleansers, washers. ironers and ordinaiy hands,

male nnd female. can nml constant employment at the Ded-ham Dye House and Laundry, Dedlfam, Mann

WANTED-A GOOD COOK, TO GO A SHORT DISlan e in the country. Apply at the Employment

office, 7-4 oth av., between 42u and 4 id its., one block be.owthe lall car depot. No charge unless encased.

WANTED.IMMEDIATELT, A WEI NURSE. TOtake a baby to her own bouse. Apply at Gt> East 3bth


WANTED.THREE AMERICAN WOMEN. FOR ANInstitution in this city; one to take charge o me

wardrobe, one lor the laundry, aud one as housekeeper.Apply at -W Bast lUtb st , between 9 and 11 A. M.

TITANTED.A GOOD GIRL. FOR THE COUNTRY,TT llfteen miles from the citv, convenient to ihe depotsnd churcbes. One capable ot taking caie ol children, withgood relerence, may he r of a good home by applying at 233Ftillon st. from 12 to 2 o'clock.

WANTED-A GIRL. TO COOK, WASH AND IRON.Must bring good reference I Apply at 183 West 37th St.

WANTED-A RESPECTABLE WOMAN. TO TAKEan lnlant to mu sts. Applv at 86 Marion St.

WANTBD-AS COOK I.N A SMALL PRIVATE FA Mll.v. ,i young woman with tood reference. Apply at

239 West 34th St., between 7th and nth avs.

WANTED-A FIB'ST CLASS COOK AND LAUNDRESSin a private family of two. None but Protestants

wanted. Apply at Ml Kemsen st Brooklyn.

WANTED.A FRENCH OIRL. AO NURSE AND SEAMstress. One who can come well recommended may

apply at 120 West 14th St.. between Cth and 7th ats

WANTED-A NEAT, KIND, WILLING GIRL, FULLYcomoeteut as a nurse and feanistress, to take rare oi

one child for a isdy who buards; must come well reomntended. Apply for two days at 21 West 11th st., nearHiu.<d<vay,

WANTED-AN OPERATOR, WITH OR WITHOUT AWheeler A Wilson sewing machine; none but a first

rale baud, and one accustomed to cloaks, need.appty to II.B. Ulape .« Co.. ft.' and &.. Catharine st. *

\Xl ANTED.TWO OU THREE LADIES OF INTEL.LItt gence and respectability for lucrative outdoor employment, ttiuse having Influence iu congregations liberafydealt with. Apply to W. C. Brown A Co., 02 Jonu st ,

room 11.

ANTED-A FEW KXPERIBNCBD DRESSMAKERS.Also a few apprentices. Apply at 108 3d av.w

WAHTkD-FOR THE COUNTRY. two HOURS FROMNew York, a nice, tluy girl, about l.r>, to wait nnd do

chamberwork in a fatnily ot tnco. Apply between lu and 11tins morning, st J7 Fulton st., up stsirs.

WANTED-A respectable GIRL. TO GO INTOtt the country as i hambermaid anil nnr»e. Apply, with

recommendations, at 110 WIUow m., between J*ierrei>oaiand Clarke sts., Brooklyn.


Wanted-a GIKL to do the chamberWOREand line washing sod Ironing ot a .small fainllv good

city reieicnce required. Apply at 4&0 6ib av.

WANTED-A NEAT and TIDY protestant l.a'nbermaid nnd laundress lor a small family;

must have the nest city relerence. None others need app yat 'J2 West .Kith St., between Mh and ith avs.,attrrluo'clock.

WANTED-A GIBL TO cook, WASH. IRON. HAKEand make nerself generally useful m a private faini

ly. Apply at 12 St. Timothy s place, bid st., between Bruau»ay and 8tb av. '

WANTED.A good CHAMBERMAID; ALSO A c.IRLto cook, wash and iron lor a private family Uei mans,

speaking good English, preierri d. Call at -'<0 West 13th at

Wanted.a tidy « kambermud and waitress: ne who understands her btisiness am! can rome

well lecorenieinled from hrr last p.uce, can apply atWest 34tb St., between 11 and 1 o'clock.

\V ANTED.BY THE 1ST OF MAY, IN brooklyn,f T a woman, not under thirty years cf age, to do thework of a faintly ol three persons To save trouble addressbox lo6 br o»i< n Post oihce, with i auie and wl.ere to heseen.

\V ANTED-A WOMAN FOR UP STAIRS WORK ANDtt *o assist with tlw washing and ironing. Must under

stand fine star huig aud tinting. Apply, wuh referee is, at7. Bast ». n st.

nranted.a chambermaid, waitress, co<iKtt laundress, nurse and seamatress, lor a nrst cia*s pri

rate family, who pay ^ >od wages Apply ai No. 7 Westllth sttcet. between Bieadway and I'mverstty pla*, from10 to 4 o'clock.

WANTED.TEN GOOD OPERATOR* OR WHEBLBRA Wlleon'a aewln# machine. Alao m-at han<' M«" r»

to fnl»h. Nun* but ral cam pei».>n« ne*u api'iy at li^Varreu atreet.

Til' ANTED.A GIRL, TO COOR. WAtflT AND IKON.TY ana aaaiat In general bouaowork; mu»« be a first ratewasher *n>l ironer, ami brine Rood city references; noni-other* need apply. Call ai IV* Wot -.'th it., between **tiiand 9th avei.


WANTED-COMPETBNT OPERATORS ON GBO\ KRA Baker's or Singer « sew In* machines. t««o a i.h"ii

distance-in the country. Apply at 37 il roadnay

WANTBD-A LAUNDRESS IN A PRIVATE TAMII.TApply, wtlli reference, tbia moraini, frum«;oll

o'clock, at f.'7 West 38th it.

WANTED-A 01RL TO DO THE HOl'SEWORK Ofa small family ; i eferences req nred. Inquire to-day

at 443 lliida. n at., from 9 to 12 o'cloc*.

WANTBD-A OIRL TO DO GRNEBAL HOt'^Hwork; none need apnly who do not understand Itieil

business. Apply at 157 Kort Greene place, Brooklyn.

"\\T ANTRD.A GIRL TO DO CBNERAL HOlfiEY Y work; one who understands her business and i< wlli

Ing to mate bersell g.>neialiy uaeful; ws^es $8. A|.p!y atNo. 6 Co'tage plac. Mar Bleeckei a*., thla day.

WANTED-A RESPECTABLE MIDDI.R AGED WOman to attend an infant (two we>'k* old) and the

mother while in bed. and make herself fjenerally usefulabout the houee, to a aatlafaetory person g.*>d wa«e* will he

Bid. Apply, betweenand 13 o'clock, at 3J« TV est 38th »..iween 8th and 9th area

V|7 ANTED.A TIDT YOl'NO OI RL TO DO THB HOPSgft work of a small lanitly and tindere'anil p!aln aewins;German preferred, Call for two daya to Mra. Roluff, n»Clinton at.

TITARTED.MILLINBRS AND TRIM MP TH .S TRIM.TT m'i a wanted at L. Blnna' millinery. ski Broadway, 3

milliner trimmer* wanted, alao 3 lmpro*er«.L. B1NN8.5M Broadway.

WARTED-A OIRL. AS CfTAJ BKRMAID AND WAI-treaa. alao one to attend * child aad make herself

generally ueefui. Apply at 34 Varlek at.


ON DEMANDE-UNE JEINE PILLE FRANCAI8B OUHoi nee PrancalN, sachant bien coudre, pour prendre

ooln d'un enfant age a* 3 ana S'adreaaor Lundl on Msrdlenire 10 et 11 bauree an 29 Washington *>tuar*, an coin d*Maodougal a*.

POLITICAL.ONHB McCLKLLAN UNION CENTRAL EXECUTIVEjL CommlttO* will meet thla / Friday) eranln*. at ihe Sin¬clair House. at S o'clock. Pnn. tual attendance I* deaired.

HIRAM KETCHl'M, J*-. Chairman pro teni.


IMPORTANT LKCTUltBH DAILY. FOR OBNTLBMBNI only, at the New York Mnaenm of Analotny. 61C Hroad-way. I'artion unable to attend theee lectures ran hare tbctnforwarded on receipt of len eenta by Addressing Secretaryof Rew York Masstim of Anatomy.

.E0ARI ABO TOBACCO.CEOARB -AT TOB LOWKBT rOHSlHI.E PRIRRB. ?<>*O (M»h, by the New York Segar MamitiuruiMiig Compan*O CIIHKKB, Agvtit. 10 «ur'V Mml «.«> <Vv rvk'JIftMt nmk


A bargain .fifteen ki ll lots, free ande"lar: suitahls for manufacturing purposes, sv uate in

J^onard streel Williamsburg. ea<h lut worth J.'St) win selliheiwuol# for 12,600. JOHN FORQIE. Nu C fine ll_At yonkekr-a cottaob nt ¦ vlb oi to

rent; food river view and wiUin ilv# t.iinutea walkor tbs depot; contains twelve room* and all tbo modern Im-provemente: nien>y of shade and truit treea. For parM^ulara,Impure »t room Wo ». 58 V> iliiaiu iumL

FARM ON SHARES (IR TO LET.-YBAKLT BITpl¥ ot tnao'ire; «*aty to cu'ttvut#: .*oiiv*»»ient to market;

WiU pnxiuie ftuv imt-n r#<|uii itu rtcto toil Api-ly noia * toII A. M. and 3 to 8 p. M., to i>r IfOORK 86 KmI Fifwt-nthstreet.

A NBXTENSIVE. (JOOD FARM lOR SALE CHP.AP-Or in thief, with good buili! n:;s on ca> h; ail in good

or«l«r. 1'enc# and c iltivufion, wtl» watered and denlnbly«MUed. 80UTHWICK £ WOOD, ltt Pine alieet.

A| FULL RKJIIT ANI» TITI.H TO A COPTER MININOInterest, of (i acres located within 4" miles or' 'h:s city,

to be disposed of on liberal terms at a uv it bai gam K illparti' ilar* bjr F. D RICH aKDSO.i A CO., Ki ai.d M Nassau¦trot u

A NEW and TASTEFUL little COTTAUK ASHJ\ Harden for K.ile cheap. situated on Linden street, B' arEvergreen avenue Htuoklju iBowrom olei. *:> minute*from New Y> rk ity by the Roosevelt street feri.y aud EastNew York car*, contains lire large rontna. wasli house andcellar, built in the veiy besi manner; fruit and berries ofall kinds; lor lion very agreeable aud healthy; either fouroreixlots. Term* to ¦nil. lirawiuga Ac., an tie seen althe store of JNO. READY. .V6 Broadway, New York, or

apply on the premise-, to J. SUTTON.

Am IXOIUINT HOHirOI SALB-81X v a its"Id. lftti hands high. ce.or nla k. perieotly sound. kiud

and gentle, anu cat. go in three inlutlte*; very atyllati and abeaulilul saddle lioi«e will lie sol.I low. the owner hat Ingmi use fur mm. Can be seen at S& toon goiucry street, Jerwf City.

A SUBURBAN PLACE WAN IK[).FOR $3,000 CASHaud $1',00* in Iota in Brooklyn, worth ffi.uUO; water

view prefeired. AI*o one worth to $16.(1)0. forBrooklyn house*: mortgage one-third. One warned at New-burg. worth tor New York house, unincumbered

J. A. UEISSK N 11AIN Bit A CO., 29S Broadway, room 1.

ANEW AND NEAT TWO STORY HOI NE-$l,S 0will buy it, with a I'til Lut of Ground, situated ai Bh.i

betbport. N J.$_'n0, $2&o, $SW1, $<i 0 .Either of the unote price*,

will buy a jjood Lot at Eli/al'eth|Hirt; place luppMud withwater ano ua*, taxen wry small, h.m over 7 00n inliiibitatiii;oireiathe belt indui einenta of any place u»ar New York forpersons deslroua of <>¦ curing a home. Persons building annave all the purehawi money i "main on mortal:e f desired,or paymrutsof $10 a month taken About 700 U,:s lor ralegiving a chani e for i#iol< e lot*. $1.HH) will buy a mo storyand ti*ae nent llo'i*e aud lull Lot; more lota il desir* lor per year.Dorner Store.A lirat rate aiaud lor a groierv or Oountry

(tore aau trtm< nt: ua'erandgaN. lot 26*100 eet. Tor saleon easy lernm. or would be icnted to a finoil tenant Applyto COOL I' Y A HE i DRI ITER, Amenta, Eluab«tbpoi-t, or E.B. KELH)<.(.. owner, 11!) Pearl street, N Y.

A PARM OK 22 ACRES FOR 8ALK-OOOD HOl'SB.A earn, p!em\ of Huit. :> tuinute*' walk Iroin depot; onet> a' res, one lis aces, ore v acrea, oue IlKI a. re», one M acre*,all Hithtn SO miles ol '.be city. Apply to P ZEOLIO, IJCentre street.

» NEAT. PRIVITY TWC STORY COTTAGE 10 ROOMS),J\ Coaobbmise and stable; large, line garden; fru t *haile.lawn. .v. pleasantly aitaated on Ktngaorldge raid and l&iat.treit, convenient :o ca *; immediate poseeasmn. For sale

low. W. P SK\ MOI'K, !&¦ Broadway.

Brown stone frost HIGH stoop, all the im-provement*. liter |>to;-v basement. 20xl,r> lot J 'x 100.

$7,'-'DO; No, 2 Mortis plane iWest Forty second street), fourttory bnek Tenement, 20 feet irom corner ol Forty *"conilstreet auil Eleventl. avenue, south aide. $ft.uoo; three s;oiyand hasement, IS :uoiih. gas and Croton, lot JliillKI. (tj.rit/0,lf> West .Sixtieth street Prie»s low and terms litx ral.Titles ;ood THOS. S AM.AN. 10 West Sixtieth street

/ 1ITT AND COUNTRY.-A BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN\ J Resilience for sale at Windsor Terrai'e, Flatbtiah. withseventeen iota, w ell stocked with all kinds ol the rnreat lruit*In abundance, shrubbery, flowers anil shade trees, goodH<<u*e, witu louileen looms nearly all the modern improve¬ments: good stable, earrisue house, ohieken bouse and yard;good garden Ac., lo. stion peile-'tlv lieaithv and pleasan:.forty live minutes to terries hy hor-e ear* ever* six min

ute». For further parlicuiars apply lo A. BL'P.118, 12 Bai-clay sti-eet.

naiAP OOTTAOS FOR SALE, ,* BROOKLYN..TWO\ ' atoriea. ba*eni> ut. Ac ; gas. water, front and rear

yards, with peaches and granes, east side of Skillmanstreet, 2S0 leet north of Myrtle avenue; will ray 1"> percent.

C. H. OLIVER. No. 7 Ueekman street.

CCOUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR BALE-OR WOULD BEJ exchanged for a dwelling In a first i-lass neighborhood ,

an elegant, mrge and very eommodi 'iia Mansion, near Kimliinft, L. 1., replete with all the iuipr n nmen'.s o! a first classCity resilience, admirably situated, on high pround, over¬

looking the bay, river. I'aliaades. Ac , on leadingfrom Hbitestone to College Point about one mile from thedepot. The grounds are beautifully laid out, and huuee andlawn shaded with line old forest trees and e* ergreens: .-'.boutli seres, highly cultivated and abundantly fruited. t:t.e largegarden, rapacious hnrn. ra ria^'e house, odge. laundry, icehouse and outbuildings, all In complete omer. Coiuiniinication honrlv bv steamboat and railroads. Apply a', theoilier f the (ilote Eire lnsuran e Company, uo'utr of 1- ni¬ton and tireenwtch street*. N*. Y.

DBY STREET, NEAR BROADWAY.-I OR BALE. THEcommodious and substantial Slore. No. It I»ey street,

near Hroa wav; ills lui'll of Pbilade'tiUia brie.k. is Jlxiiofeet. K >r lnil'particulars apply lo E. 11. LUDLOW A CO.,No. 3 I'lue street


Will be sold ou the 2Mb day of April, on the premises, at12 o clock norin. the Farm of the late Christian IleHaun. de-reused Said arm contains 6ft acres, In a f.i^h state of cultivali. n, almut IS ai.-iea of Wood Land, tin the proper y isa large Dwelling House Kitchen and out kitchen, two barns,hovel, carriage liouee and granary, aud other necessaryfarm buildings, two wel.a of never tailing water: alao anrehard o! ches" apples, and a variety of other fruitsSaid farm Is located in the town of <'larkst'.urn llock and

county, on 'he road leading from Nyack lo Hsverstraw,about three miles from Rovklanu Lake and three imieafrointhe Court Ho iseN. B .Terms of sale.10 i er cent on da* of *ale, .10 tier

rent upon the exreiulng of the deed, aud th* balance ou theproperty. JOHN C. DfBAUN, j!I H Df BAl'N, 1tl#c,lt0r*'Cf.AlltSTOWN, April 2, ih 4.

AKM FOR SALE.OF .« ACRES IN ROCKLANDr eouaiy; largo house and all necessary outbuildIng*: .Sorohards. 4 acresol (Imlwr: wator in the boase andhy the barn: alao a lar^e stream runs through the centre ofthe farm, sufficient for any null purpose; .1 hoises. Scows,fowls Ac.; II wagoiiiuaiid alt farming utensils. The wliolowill be sold for $1 IlUt).$ I ,'KJO can remain on bond and niongage. For particulars Inquire of Mr LITCIII LT. 252 1111-ton street, rear Washington market.

FARM.-FOR SALE. A SPLEND!D FARM. CONTAINing rtt acre- ot go d Land. 15 ol young <v od sl'.i ared

oue mile fiomSag Harbor, L. I.; building new and lin cemplete order, well teuced and well watered, plenty of *11kindsof fruit; will sell ctc-ap with the crops. Inu'iirc of W.Mcevo^ , 270 Bwnrj

Farm for sale.on long island, near iimmp-stead t24 seres), villi farmhouse, ham. fruit, Ac. Price

t-'OM. onr third itown. liniulre of W. F. LhE, IH We.iForty eighth street.

Farm for sale ok exchange-for nkwtorkproperty, of 78 a re* situated at Rockland Lake, three

miles fm in Nyses landing. lOod house, l am. raua y,abundance of Unit Poss. s«i u immediately. Apnlj to J.J. TALLMAN. Ito Broadtviy.

F1ARMS FOR SALE-FOR F. KRY PP.J. E AND I ripose. Also 24 a. res valuable Land w ith a i ttbl c s nnd

store »ho|.s. A , on a nUlrosil tati n, st Staten Island, de¬sirable for Investment A sp: ndid plae« for liatblnc andli«hinc ArP'T to C. DORINO, is lloaery, N. Y. or to JFElDMANN, iiackensa k. N J.

Farm wantkd-of from ten ro thirty acres,essy of a ee*s an i near t!ie city. Price must he r»a«ou-

ah e and possession given by 1st of May. Address 8.. ban5 U.'J Post office, stating terms and location.

L»<»R SALS.THE Til REK STORY AND BASEMENTL briclt House and Lot No 110 West Tueniy-lourlh street;Islet to the pieseut occupant for the ensuing vear. or pea¬ses-on may be Fad If re.uirel; price $ti,ond Apply toJNO C GILES, R.eeutor, 11 Soutb William street.

IpOK SALE-1N fordham, A ' OTTai.E. CONTAINme leu io in*. Urc« burn, hen hotfe. A*1. Lot J(» iKl

ir» KrtiH of ail klnda In abundance I'ri<i-A; plyto J. YaNDBRBILT. JO Fulton ¦mat.

hiOK^M-K.EOR M am FaoH'IUNC "R OTHBR BOaineaa purpoarr, Hirt'o'irt!¦¦ >1 a Bl>*'k of U round near

theCatharloe ("Try, in Mronklyn verv <le»irat>l<» for buai-prw t>ltrpO«ea, to bo Mild 10 closa au f t*tc. Apply to HEN-JAMiN <>. UrTOHINtJSi Krectttor, 3S Pine neat. N. Y.

FM)R >»ALB-AT FAIRMOl'NT, \VE«TCHE>TER COI'NIf, near Weat Karma, half mil* from ¦t'-am or horae

c»r railroail. elercn mlra from the city. <ommmlc&tionf: y trn minine^.a gontl Houae and on* a<re of Ground,

barn atat>ir, fruit. grape*, flowera. lawn and everything c«mtort.»ble, 4'« feet of evemrrcna and abun-dance of the Bnc«t .rnila, nn'a A>' Apply toil STONE*.5at; Broadway, New York Price $7,300.

1/uR SALE.IN LLEWELLYN PARK, NORTHP Orange, the Relalitrn.-e the ite Richmond W latfrny.within our hour a ri ic of tiie city; a hundaomc and wellbull home, with every convenience. 13 acrea of land, welllaid out in lawn, Duwcr and He lien Garten abumlan< e ofIrtilt and egetablee In th»ir aeaaon S'able la of ( g.-and foinmodloua, Altogr'iier a very ile< irahlo (.eutleman a realdwce. Apply to B. H. Ll.'liLOW A CO.. No. 3fmc street.


F'or SALF-AN El. F.i IANT villa ON inc. hudson.From aeveo to fouric n acrea of Ixud to au't P' rchaafr

Kit particular* addreaa N. H. Hall, 40 Burling alip. N, Y.

For »*le-at bikiewater. nf,w jersey, onbmile beloiv Pleaaant Valley Hotel, about lonr acr»a of

Land, la- nig on North river, with watt r prlvi e.r uoodbuilding lota Tan minute* walk from ateamhoat landingPnoe lerma e»«r. Inquire of A (. HOUKKT IWBank Itreet, or of JOHN WINTEliBl R> n-at Jour to|.r<mi«e»

FOU *\LE-sbparately OR TOtiBTfTBK, HIEthre- three »tory Brick BnlldlngaNn* Ml. f«73 and 67S

Third avenue Apply to WM. SPARKS, M5 Third avenue.

h>OR B ALE-A BEAUTIFUL rOt'NTKY RESIIlENt Bon tba ihore of Prin e'a Bay, Stolen laland; giapea

and fruit, good fi'hlng, bathing. A<., near Richmond Valley.tnlion. Htaten laland Railroad; or will ba lit. Apply toS.W CROMK. T«'i Eighth avenue.


rOR SALE-AY YONRBRS, A COTTAGE hoi SB,eleven rooma; faidea, grapery, milt tr«*e*. bcrile*.

flow-ra. Two Lata View or mar and Highland*; waterand gaa Seven mino tea walk from depot. Apply to ,F.YOI'MANS, Yonketa, or to THOS. WOOD, » Naaeao(treat, N. Jf.For sale-two, new brown stonr high

I'enp four ijpry Kauaea. raplate with modern Improve-menu, 79 and IJJ Waal Forty eighth afreet; price SlC.OOO.Apply to J. W CLARK, an tba pieralaea. or ta DYE SCl HTIS.M >"th avenue.

For sai.e-a first class brown stone norss.on Hurray Uill, four atory high atoop. with all the mo¬

dern improvement. Impure Of CHAS. L. CORNISH, 638Pearl atreat, aear Broadway.

FOR 8ALR- A HOI SE AND LOT ON TEN 1 It AYEnua. thai mijr renta for $7*a Price »ft,M0 Apply to

JOHN HtCLAVB. 44 Pine atreet.

JiOR SALB-TOB Sll.nOO. AN RNOLIU1 BASHMENtlloirae, with all modern Improvementa, I0S Bart

KtlbNntli itrtft, onf door of Irving pU<.*. fount ofbrown. IIALL .» YANOEHPOOL, 271,BroadwayMOR XALK-A XBRY PLEASANT RKSir>F,N<'E. INT Hie llourlahiaa village ot Cambria Villa, Hilla<ta>aco aty. Hh-Ii., iontalatng ono aere a fine large ha»ae,harp and a IMfpitffhly imlahe4 frame houar of oua and ahalf aloryi br1 k walla i i.ara la in the village a hr*tiji aily 111' r and taw mtil ant dally mail, attea mll'afrom theeonnty »ea». ItiUadale. on the M s k R.ipr'eaft ^ffll fSDOA WII »or lartbai M»'t.r-ulara aildreaa Itm NuJ.»uip«


I30B BAl.B-A ' "I'TAdK. WITH VIS CITY LOT*.¦ stable, t met tnd trees two minuet from Fordbamdepot Apply v« Mr. Hl'RLBY, ticket Agent, Forduaindepot.

FO* 8ALE. A SMALL LOT OF THREB IN^H IRONI Shafting, one K.«» Lai be. two four wheel -torw Truck*

Punching I'rMs* and Diet. Will be told very tin tp indeed.Inquire At No 23 Dey st

TaOR ItLE-ATA BAROAIN NK \R PASSAIC, N. JI" 11eau: uUy furnished < ottage. new. wrh til in>-mod¬em luiprji euienia; complete in ever* respect; two tores u

(trdeu tnd lawn, ten minutes wtU from the depot; willtell wltb or wnboiil furniture. Teriut to lUlL Apply tuJ A KBmrON,MN«M»u street.

1/OB BALE.BROWN STONP. FK<IBT HOI'RR. NORTH" west coiner of For'* eighth alree1 tud Bec»>> il nvenneprice $H,UUd. Two b'owu ttone front Hm * ». Not. 3 ami 3Morrla place, Wrtl Forty--aiond ttreet; price $M urn each.Hrown e:one fron' llu i», north side Forty-lirtt ttreet, ISOleel east from Nei'oud tvrnup; price J.7..V0. B'own ». ..«»«from House, No. 3IK hast rhlrnetU ttreet; priceHrown stone front Home. No. iiS K»st Thirtieth tueet;price $8.1 U I. App!> to HRAINARU A H1CB 41 Wall IVeet

FOB SALE.PREMISES NO. 311 AND <13 MOSRiiRstreet, a large tenement |>rnpertv. pa teg 14 nei ent

on ltt\eatnient. newly repaired. Price $10,<4J0; bait in luortgage Apoly nt No 0Goldsirei I.

IjlOR HALE.A VERY DESIEAHLB TIIRI.H HTORTr Ingli «toop bi'.iwu (tone front Moure rep,.'to with im-provciiientk silnec on Eaat Fifty nfth ttreet; st/e l"Mu.lot IOi; furnace, A Must and will be a Id. For permit*app j to .1 AMI S KO\\ E, 7M Third avenue

IiVON SALE.AT A BARdAIN TBE FOUR STORY ANDX1 basement brick lld iw tow Seiond :iveu ie nea fhirtyfirst street. terms easy. \ppiy to WM. C. U1UG1NS, 4-'3fhlid avenue. corner of Thirty-tlrst ttreet.

Fob bale-at ryk, westchistek county. 21unlet nil thecily. 10 ininiiiea' walk Irom Mti.tio

neck depot, a House and about Ift acre* of land; apple or¬chard, <t variety el other fruit treea, evergreens, barn* Ac.Ilo.ise 4 leet (root <0 feet d. ep, two atones high. f.lle Inwltli brick. hard timahed folding door*. intrhla mmitels. cellar under the w hole, and a kite en attached. near theHound; a good n .'ioi. churche*, market and taadince.AIfo, 13 acret of good land ad loiuing; well fenced, .argebarn and well ol waier. Inquire of the owner, NOAIITOMPKINS, 420 Niutii avenue.

1710It SVLE-ON THE HI D80N. A PBOI'F.RTY DE-lighifully aitoated, directly opj o«i e Kort Watiling'on

one mile narth oi Fort Lee. ronnitiiug Dwelling lluiite amiabout one acre of I and. well aio-ked with shrube tnd Iruiltr< et. iii<|U're of J. W. HHOWN, Goldbeater, <70 Green¬wich street, or to JOSEPH COYTE. Coytcsville, near FortLee. K'.eamer II nine lemon foot of Spring alreel at 10 A. 11.dally.

FfOli HALF..LEASEHOLD PROPEBTY.I'OSHI'.88IOIfMay a two atory ami a'tlc biien Hoiite, l.'t Anuty

ttreet. near Hlztb Iivruue; Jl ycar< li ate Irom IMM. lent$3 *1. with lb* Iglit to puMlian- at 'he low price of J.Vi^ijlot 23x1011; alleyway to rtui'ol lot; lermt eaty. Apjily ai ll'Ctlreeno atreei.

OOR SALE-A XKff TWO STORY HIGH STOOPJ1 briok pru aie DwellinM, wltk baeement and tub cellar,on Fl'ty «l*tU streer, near Second aveiinej I'ontalnt modernimprovements: poi«c*amu lat of llty; price *&,04); »l',00Ucath, balance mortg.ig''.

O. A KISSAM, 30 Pine Htrect (bateinent?.

Ij^OE SALE.PRICK. SVMH, TWELVE THREE STORYHouse*, ol a ui!» mill beautiful deaign. untight)u v

t tutted, loot of Ea.t Fllty fiitt street and Ten ace walk.In 1'iire on the premlsea.

FHOK SALE AT A BARiiAIN .THE HANDSOME I'WOtnd a Italf atorv klioi Hottte, 66 Monroe (treat. It of¬

fered at ihe low price of $4. ftOO. AU the modern in proveincuts. Apply In tlie dry good* stoie, 101 Chttnber* »uoet.

POE KALE. AT PORT RICHMOND STATES ISLAND.f M* valuable l ots of Uro tnd. ni ely tlloated, wnhiiitenuiinuivo' oulk of the tteauiboat amlini;. I'aoinT on three avI.oea Wi'l be Hold Hcpaiiitnlv ortogi liter. Apply to .lOSKl'llb. JONES, 232 South meet.

FOR Sale AT MINERAL OLEN.10',' ACRES, BE-tweeu (Ji'nton Point and Sing Sinn, a line Mautioii and

eleguut grounds, fruita, aprtnga, ea»'adei). Ac. Price $l.r> Oo i.Eatv terms. I'Lotogiapba etn be tecu tt JOHN H. HI LL'S,160 nmertnij

I^OR SALE IN BROOKI.YN-THR NEW THREE PTOrv, baaemnm and sub-cellar bri k House on DeKalb

avenue, near Carlton, with modern improvement* hot and.old water t'atli. range, beater. Ac.; pi Ice $5,0 .>; nlao threebrat clans three ntorr, buaeinrnt ami *ul> eellai brii k House*,Willi all the modern improvement, bo: and cold water. I alb,water cloteti. range, furnace. A"., aitualca on Carlton av.comer of Dekalb avenue. Inquire on the premise*, or of JK1KHY, Builder, (iaiet aveuiia, near Wathiuglvn a\euue.

For salb cheap.a very nice, comfortableHouse, with one lia f a rc of Land, fronting run e a

Kay, S'ateu Island, witb carriage bouse, fruits .ami. oyt-tert, balbiug and Ltliing. Price $t.800. Kent 910.1.

M. L. SHELDON. 7S l e lar atreet.

For sale or exchange, or hempKtead. L 1., eight unriut.'* walk from railroad denot,

a tine Boute. ten room*, basement and cellar, partly lurnixbet], four at re* of g.inlen, nil kindt of fruit*, with moreland It'deaired. Anply to J. STOUVliNAL A <TO., No 203Centre atreet.

I^OR S4I.B OR To LET.A Col'NTRY RESIDENCE,at Klngabriilue. Weatcbeiter cuuntv, N Y a bne

Hoiiae, Ham and otber outboiiaes, all In comple order.Full parli' ulart by applying lo J. J. DRUMMOND, °>tC < 'analttreet,

Foil SALE OR TO LEI.STATKN ISLAND PROPERty. an elegant Cottage containing twelve roomt. ou

1'iince'a l'.av, one mile irom rallrnail depot, with barn, aheda,sublet, can ttge, ben. Ire. summer tnu btlhing noutes Inron piete order; fruit in ibundtnee; nucelleut ^trden, wellami rtm water at door; grounds lastetully trrtnged aboutH) acres, with Hie whole or pari thereof. Alto jii ucre« Ina bigb state of cultivation, with good Dwelling, utiurtermile from Kotsvtlle. Also three ttoey Dwel Ing .'ttrt bn*e.tin it, outuning K rooina. barn, attblei and sheds, wellcalculated for boarding public bouae or acliool, three <ptarlei a of a mile from rai.road depot and bench Also lh'- pro|ierty. fotmerly Staten Island Oil Co . wharf and building!,t illable lor almosi an* kind of nianui ^ciuring ptirpo«oa.Aputv to aLBKKT JoCRNfcAY, No. 8 Pine meet, or 11.MBAILEY, .'-'il Hrooine aireet

T.10R SALE OB TO LET.A COTTAGE, WITH IM TO 20r acre* of food OrOttM, In Hie village o' Jatnai a, L. I ;a large barn a good well ot walar. varietv of fruit; largegarden Inquire of Dr. KI TPER. corner of Second avenueand Ninth itreer. N. Y. Posaetslwn Itiiiiie llttely

L^OR SALE OR TO LET..A SPACIOUS COTTAGE ATP Long Bnineb. furnlalicd. for sale oi to lei. for 'he so

mer; mable and outlioutca complete. Inq-ilrc at 67 Exclianiepltc> , room No, 4.

IfOR SALE OR TO LET.A FfRB PROOF BRICKP Factory, wilh or without Engine. Boiler. Ac.; mill*bare b"*n used *t a paint and varn *h factory situated oncorner of .North Ninth and Sixth sfeets, Williamsburg;four mil lota of ground Inquire of U. L. WOOD A CO.,214 Pearl atreet.

For sale to let or exchange-tub beai ti.ful Homestead ou \anderb lt arenne Staleu Island,

known as the ..Snuggery." formerly tl.e residence of JudgeEmerson, more recently of Win. P. Kro«l. Et«p, containingabout three acrea, line bouse and burns, abundance of fruitand slirtiberr*. For parte ular dev ription apply to V ANWINKLE A W1NANS It Pine street, New York or addrca*Snjggery, He: aid o.Hcc

F^OK S41.E LOW-A NRW TWO STORY HOI'SE, WITHtwo acres of laml; al*o a poiid House and ten acres of

Land, i tuateil on me line of the Erie Railroad nine t h¦!u iiiiniitesj Irom New York, with ten train* a dny ea> liway. C. BLACKISI'ON. si>3 Wasblngton ttreet.

COOING WEST..A GREAT BARGAIN A FINE STOCKT I arm trad, of abo .t i. to acres, snuate on Dea Moines

river, low.t, tor sale. a> one dollar per acre, citab. Ad¬dress Broad Acre*, box 1 m. Herald olUce.

/¦"*OBIIPN FABM FOR SALE-FORTY ACRES, WITHIT good b i Idingt, a lew mlniitea' ride from ilepot toe-mer w lllt S. ck and l'ieii«il>; will bn sold very cheap, oneasy terms, wltb Immediate po»«'-imnn.

C. 11. OLIVER. No. 7 Beckman atreet.

HOI'SES FOB RALE-POSSESSION MAY I. l«t#4 -4 atorv biown stone, »'Jd ai near ."illi arroue....$22,6 0

4 ttory bro'.n * one. *.)ib at., near 7tb avenue I5.ki04 atory luown *tnne, 31th .t., n-ar 7ili avenue.... 14 nou3 story brick. 47th -I. uetr Broadway 7.0 03 ttory biown stone Slat at near tith avenue 11 ih»iI itory bren n stone, 2'th tt.. near Oih avenue 37,S')

VAN WINKLE A WINANS, 14 Pine street.

HOCFKF AND LI>T8 FOR SALB.,'l.Hi at. near .'<th av..H'ouigh i. ry brown atone..$2?,500

47th a1.. Iiet. iih X 6th ava.four atory lirowu <iou'\. tJ.wO30ih «u, near Id av..Four *tory brh k. 8t)i48 RflUlMtn «t.. near Broadway.Three «tory hrio*. i&.uxw.. 14..110M iioratio at..Flrce at.irv brick, 20-4<i

O A. KI88AM, 10 fine *treet < basement/.

HOI SK WANTED.FIRST CLASS, WITH ALL TilKmodem improvement* md garden attached prefcrre.1

Location Hioiklyn. Will eienant'e I<»r s>'i« or B.>ndaAddreaa. jiving partl< ulara. F A. II., Horftld

LAROK mansion FOR SALR Oil RENT.P\RTLYI irm*bed; one hour from tl.e dty: linavicw extanalva

around*. elegant pai, (erfecUy healthy. Apply to T.¦ODD, iSBraadwu, *-

ORANGE .FOR SALE A LARCH DOI'BLR MANaion III' ae. wi'h ix-w heaeiv, iceh.>.i«e, carriage houae

aii'l ne."«jwrv outhoiar*. with aii int 7n a. r> « or iand, largefrontal <>n the road; btul out aud adapted for etvalr; real*dence*. Ar e*alble ho.iriv from New York city. A) ply toIOIIN B 8rR\h.NS t,7 Wall i r'it.

TIIREK LOTS FOR sal; -8ITCATRD ON TUP.amith nld"" of Went Thirtv-tblrd ¦ir'et, near Eleven'h

aven-ie « litalile tor mat itactimng pnrpoaea. Apply to WM.II. BOSS .i*4 Broadway.

rtUlilLI CITY PROPKRTV FOR SALK -TIIR\ ent.ra Bln-'ll on F:r l a <-n r inning from 8<->on.| toThird atr- et, and form-rlv or iplcd by the aoap an.I curl aman ifartmy of Ailun II*' A IJo for aale on ravorablet»r"i«. Apolv t-i ALLAN IIA Y. VI Brond *tiee', oi to M> *«r*.A. H. Mt'LLRR. P. R. WILK1NS A CO.. No. 9', I'm* at.

VrERT CHEAP LOTS..FOCR TO TEN CHOK'R LOTS,\ on MGtii atreet, between Second and Third avenue*,wil! be *o'd l"<* tban $'.<00 .ach, Ca I St 78 Cedar at reel,-0m No. 4. w

S'l A HO -TO* SALR. THK TWO NRW TWOO.TlU'r. atory brick llouaea, wl u liaaemAta, anb-

eellar*, marble mantel*. caa and wntcr. located on Walworth atreet. InO fret north from DcKaln avenue, Bro ¦kltn,oa wnich the car* run to Fulton an.I rmharlne terriea.A loo aomc (ine Store* on Mrrtla avenna tor aale. Trim*ea*y Apply to J. CLARKK, on the pre in .. .*,

1 acres ok valuable timber land-ibOai/l/U the weal'hieat p irt of Now V»r< surrounded byImproved farm* of e*tv are** to n.arket, .atlmavd to eontato nver 71.000,(1110 feet of hemlock, epru.o white me. aah,birch, hard maple and cherry; 1,000.010 buahri* of chnreunl;47,0141 cord* of aenitonk bark t» th wanted In the *|. Inltn ;watar po« ef .infaillno, and *nlBcient to cut Irnm lire to allmi ill. n* f"«t a year; bark worth on the tr-ea onn dollar peroor.t Land wanted for farming purp .*ea a* f*«t aa learedTree* !ar«e and w.ind, live anT varan log* to each an ironfnrna.« ad'oinlng and aeveral tanaerlna in vicinity; Ironore formerly roim and Mill anvpoaad to eilat. It la themo*I valuable t mtier tract la the Stale, and wor'liy the *t.ennonoi lumhermen and capltallMP. Apply to E. LYON,18 Nae*an atrwat. New Terk.

inn - for sale, a mew two sturt aedi). HM'. ba«ei"ent llo .ae with anb-cellar, in tax

Fifty 4)rat atreal, between Klrlt and Bacond aveava. An.lyoi. o e | renr. iiea


tft AAA ACRKS MINERAL AND AORMTLTItRAL0""t''v»V/ I And* .A reai>onalble paraon. having abontSmiOl a. re*of nab miner*! and agricultural laadaia Mla-aourl and other Western Slatea. deelrea to open a "Orre*- <

ponden e wiUi a rellahl* and laUuentlal party w ho will eo- .

operate in the aale of aaid landa To «uch » rai tyaremu- .

neratlvr inu raai w nld be offered. >'omparn'v arc alreadyIn t roitat'le operation* In and a<t lOlning the vicinity of themineral land. Full de*-rlptlon of localmn and i| iahly ofland* fumlancd. with towoah.p plot*. Ac KeferencM *i- !changed Arldreaa hoi 4,008 Poal oflloe. St. Louia, Mo.


BILLTAUI'H plkasr call and ksaminr w h. {. IHI' VII I' 8 fnc atock of Table*, with hi* uniltallM

oombW RiKiii ciMbhma <)rdera by mail for Rall% C "* ai.'lit w.ju. uMu/fittL ta» « i


£¦¦*** Kliy» M»ii siii.n p. vdor*. < it von withn.. rl>«2»£* «""»'. r'»* <1 a bo.. at St Lulc a

riiari..ary, ua U idsou It.e. t corner of <.rose, H. V.

A*tn!'fTf\i D AM<MR-pr'RM)IlH nMIR'NH Tim

ir,.ir». *rr'""*'1 i*»»e >na K ai-a delK-toxaliar,-..»'. **".

"RT^iT.!!? *"D 'rK MOT K PP.OTEC-i i >

lecgue is still in r\iai'u.<- twi. Ml, .-<tb itch' rs l.ase ooei. protected i,oul ,,,,4,''¦

Ir :0 ;e'nent of p.i'eut* 'or u« houses mi peon. .. 1u! proto lion froui wild milt* must join at on ..

"UCOkOMY 18 WEALTH.".ifR IN KL1 N TUBli irea'est o: modern philosot -r». remark* mat 4penny ik M is a penny earned. In»tead .if des.rosniiyour waste paper. pieserve it and receive IU »".u.v»i». n

cash, which >e will pay for old newspapers 01 iwuj d> «

cripttou. wnul< or tun. old painp i.aisol all kinds. old rCuli r*. handbills tickets, .-trd*. catalogues an old <i.ppn|>er. .11 alt it' >arl«'les, in |uantltie» 01 * nail AIk..0 *i writing and ». hool tim k. old hlanK books «

Cent. Ac o' an* stv l«, It matters uot bow in rh tbey mayL1* written on or routl'ated.

«IO» KWUI. A EMERSON. 25 Anil . re»\One door west of Naau 1 n rrl.

H1VBRV PERSON READING THIS PAI'ER 01".HPJ to patroni'e i'U.1 IlLfcf Sll hitWOOD III Vatic*

s rect, corner of Bminne street. lie In the Brat to p it auart cle dow n mid the last to tal«e It he tell* nthlsdaviapuis hi* best Oranre County Hntl .'!Ro. and toed fr<mSO to '.2<:; good Flour $1 115 er bag; Sugsrs frou |] 1.

11 51. pi-r 7 li)".. I eitra Uieen and Mack $ per lb ;Codec. 3tle. to 4tV Decker's Pa'ent Flour. 31c Lei pe. .a(To mm llirl"tn to the Battery aud nave f.i 1 I' k: no hadollar to trada witi. him

171 I. KINO. commissioner OK DEKDH FOR Al l.1 . the State* and Territories. No. Broadway (Mo atUiitlilinir). room .'I'aaaporia obtained from Waahlin'touIn 4S houri. leifal noriuurntu prepared rorraetly.

L^ROM 7', TO 8 CENTS I'RK I'OI'NII I>A11> FOR OI.I)r H'.nks NawhpuparH Pamphlets and Ltdiori and tliabiL'haat i-aah price paid I'orali kiudaof Kagn, by K. K W A L-KEK. Hi Spruce atrMt.

MANIXOOI) AN l> TIIR VniOR OF VOrrH RESTOREDin four weeka hv Or.'ORD'iLEaaeiicn of Life.

Thta wonderful accnt will i> ^tora uialionu u- tha hum shat¬tered cniiHtit'tt.looa. wlieih. r arNtn^ from exoeaaee, ««lfalmse. the e'lei;t* of ellmatv r natural i-aiiaes The tunareiittlreii to on e tlie mo»i Inveterate cane ia f.nir weeka.Failure |a nnpnailble. Or. HI.: nd'-« Ra«en.;i« of Life ii aolilin caa> « with Instruction* f'n nae, tor ft, nr four 'I'.antitleain one lor Sent carefully p.w:.ed. on r<*-ett>iof rHn.lttanoe by hi* accredited a^ent. t'ln-ular hent Tree on receiptof lour *iainp«i. PMII.IPKOt.ANIi, No. 447 Broome street.New York, one door went of Broadway.

MAHKI.K MANTBLS.-A FINK SKLKCTION OK M\R-ble M-intela on band, and o'lered cheaper than ;.n»-

where elao, at S. KI.AllElt'M Marble Yard, 64 First aven ie,near Third afreet, »w York. Call anil enaimoe for your-.cll.


A choice >e!ec'ion, and ai iin ch lower prices tl^n :.0fit In r place. T. B. MTKWART, 412 Broadway, N Y

Mrs m. o. bkown's "METAPntsical niscovE-ry" tor deafu-aa, catarrh, neiwaluia, rheuu.atiaui dla

ea.ed evea. and nil dtaeaaen of head, throat. AC.. Ac., can haol'taiiiH.I at her principal ollic 2 llood street alter Mav I,at Iti Bond street 1. New York, and 4111 Arcli street. Philadel¬phia also of dnicgiats generally. Price $fl. So rnedk.napoured down the thrnat. No boring with instrument*.




IJESIONS FROM FRENCH ARTISTS.The above new ard has hftv-two beautiful picture*, of

elegant dnalcn. and they can aiao ho used the name as ordi-tiary plavlni; cards, thus umlilulnn pleasure with ainuse-meiil Enclose fiO cents :nid two red stampa »nd send folsample pack. $'¦ iter dozen. LUeTal discount lodealera.

T. C, C ASWELL, Ml Nassau at,, room No. 1, up stair*.

QTILL WANTED-AOAI'TED FOR ID OR 24 OAL-ii> Ions. Adilress, with pri e atrl pnrtlculara, J, Murray,Herald oitlce.

OTORAOE FOR FURN IT I RE, PIANOS, TRL'NKH, AC*,ir in the Que dry loft* over inv piano warernoin*. l'rtcca

low. T. S. HKRRY. ,W:t Uroa.lwny,between Prince and Ho ifttontireela.

T"yPR METAL AND OLD UAD WANTKf>-CASH*will t>e paiil for a few hundred weight of Type Metal

audold Lead. Appty at ibe desk of this oihce.

ffO SHIRT MAKERS-STEVENS' KI1IRT BOSOMX folder, by which 100 dozen per dav nan oe folded, n

Pla ts of all si/es. irom one eighth of an inch 'toward*. Soldby tbe Patentee only, at 5l<tf Eight avenue.

fPHK VDVBRTISKR HAS TIIR FORMULA POR ARO1 inatic I'd's, lorauiokers and persons al lc'ed with t>*dbreath. An energetic business mau, with S3'*» to fOWl, want,ed to latrnduce this preparation Into the market. Addrewbox 5.4.i7 Post office

\*"ERY HROK THREE YEAR OLD FRfTITIVO VINERw ith splendid oots, of the toiloW'ii »n, n ti. »--Con-

Old, Delaware and Diana. 1st »i/e, S2 ns'-h 2d n/a *IHe.i h. Delaware cut back to one loot Rogers liybrlda,line cine*, Nos lftand ill verv valuable $i.10each; Allen'*Hybrids. I year C evcllnr. 2year, $1 each. Adins* Win.Perry k Sod. lirldycport. Conn.

VI/ANTED.OF T1IE TURNER OALLERT. PARTS l7,TV 17. tH. 1(1.20 Anr one liavlng either or all ..f theeannioheis tor sale will pleaae address, atating orlce, Q. S. C.,box 4.UIH I'o>'. offlcc.

Wanted to purchase two second handLathes w ith or without scrsw gear. one mm 3<>U>3t

Inch awinit, 1« 10 22 feet bed; the otlui 12 to 14 inch *wing, 4to 5 leet bed. Addl es* Lockw uil brook*, Tatbaiu's LeadW'uks, Ueckmau itrcnt. New York.

WRAPPINO PAPER AND ROOK PAPER .TO MANU-Isctuieia .The advertiser, avln* a i.ew sa.l valuab.e

method of prodii'ma a superior <rt c e of the nho^e at a lowprice, la ready to arrange with a responsible party to carryout the process practlcatlv on the most liberal terms if ap¬plied for Immediately. Address Paper, bo* 21.1 11 a d office.

llf ANTKD-CONFECriONhltY, AT 370 UKAND ST.,f I New Vork.

WANTED.A (IOOD BAR, FROM 18 TO 20 FEET INlength, high top, w!tli drainer aud ba«iu lalow. Apply

at Fulton street.

7 TO 7>i CENTS A POUND-PAID POU OLD NEWSpapers. Rooms, Pamphlets, Mugs 'ities, ,v.c. No. !» Henry

street, lour door* Ir nil Fulton, Brooalyn.ti'f.M .MANOLKS AT TIIR OLD STAND, BSTAH

Ilslied In IH:i4. J. O WEST, late Duncan A West.Mangles propelled by stea u or by lo.nd; prices ^1... $'/A, $411,$/*i, itf. «st» $luu. Oasntilng Plum) log. Lorksmlti.taamid Kcllhanging. IHvnmit to agents. .Nos. 4 and 10 Lib¬erty place, nesr the New York Post office.

rn nnn pounds OF OLD nkwspapbrm. books,. Painphle's and all k111 Is of paper maker s

S o-'k wanted per week, for which I pay en«h a naif i*tH 00a pound more than am >'her house In the cltv. Co direct laI'J Ann street, near vVilliatn. THOMAS <\ BENNETT.







... . , ...ALK\ANDKK BUaNDON, Esq,His Eicelien-y HORATIO SKYMoUR.

Maior General JOHN D1X,Hon. WM V. TWEED.


fllOMAr, LltlLK. F.s«i .

HEN R V A ROSI WICK, F.iJames murphy, h»m



Tl< ke'* Five Dollars each. ra»y l>e proiured of any me inbers of ma Regimen',and .a tho nrttn ipal notelsoi this ci'y.Lie-it. t'ci, L. SATtKRI.EE,

Major OBO. A. HILTON,Capt. W. V. BYKN'E.Cspt. N. L HANSEN, | Commit teaCape JOHN WARD Jr., \ of. 'apt. W II HAVES, Jr., I Airncgeo,«*apt. Wm R V Y NOR, ILieut. R. .MILHANK. ILieut. JOHN E DOWLET j




AT 77 PAWNBROKERS' TICKETS WANTED AT 77*>r Diaa>oo<l* W«i. b«, Jewelry, Ac ,

Hid CO per »nt more i«ld than ''an be ohu inert at >0} otherpi* :e Id the city, at 77 Hieeckcr street.

AT .». MONEV LIBERALLY ADVANt KD OHDlam nds, Watches, Jewelry, Sllvir I'ltM, Una*.

Pl*tol*. Ac. AI*o Pawnbroker*' Ticket* wanted ofDiamond*. Walesa, JeiioliJ. (iuni. Pistol*. A«\, for which1 will jay .VI irr ent more than :in !*. obtained at anyother place In the city. 0OQ Hroalway, corner ol Himxtonitree', np stair*, room 5

\DVAN'K* MADE ON WATQHEN DIAMONDR, JKW-elry. Dry tJ<>od* and Personal Property at » Ue

ictlpti ii or the *nme bought and *old, by .1 A J M'RSON,Broker and Oommi*«ion Merchant, 111 Uraud Ureal, '.<*.loom *e»t of Br utway.

AT .16..PAWNBROKERS' TICKETS WANTED. fwill pay rtO per cent more than any other person in tbie

city lor ticket* for Diamond*. Watche*. ,l«welry, flun*. P *-

tol*. Milk*. Ac., Ac.) at 36 Chatham street, room No. 3, onerthe hat store. .

The hlull est cash price paid rwi camelHulr Shawl*, old Fnr Cai>e« fine I.*cr« old O. Id an.I

Hirer, by I.Ot'IS AS RICH, 7XJ Bradwaj, under the NewYork Hotel.


Door roR rale -one larue NewfoundlandDog, one Spits* Dog. one small Italian Ore/hound, use

King Charle* Spaniel, small Poo.llr*. also Mack aud tanTerrier* K.t>tch Terrier* snd small Skre Terriers; all of thopurest ire". and |»'><l ratters, a fair trial given, fall at tlKooeerell street, llr«t floor. JOHN (IRAT.

LiRANCis bi:tleb. NO SPICK SLIP, has ALL rimX1 Choice breed* for sale snd slock. Butler s InfallibleMange l ure and Flee Kitereilaator. 75 cent* per hottl*.Butler's new W rk. |1. Dogs boarded, trained, Jtc. MeOI-clnes for all dlseaae*.

Ii^AVi T KiWLS AND PKIEONS. AND FRESH FtJOEfor hkteblng. from all the choice breed*. blvk Spauieh.b:*ck»nu while Leghorn. gulden ami silrer Poland*, name*,¦mall Bantam*, cold and silrer Seebrlght* and a line lot of

fancy I'lgroa*. for (ale by M, JOHNSON, 10 North Wil-Ham ciroet. New York.

For sale-a handsome tacht, ABOUT IS TONS.m '^if",«L'?V'.L.'rJ?'*ne ' *n(" ln feUect order. Ir«|sire01 P. Ml'BRAY. ISP Pearl street. MY.

IPOR SALE-A LARUE NEWI.HNDLAND DOO,oighl montha old. Inquire at E< kert * Hotel, corner ofBronawny and flushing avenue, Williamsburg.

PlRARl'BE BOAT FOE SALB.-A FIRST CLASEWhitehall Boat, new last year, with cushions in f-rtrt o^der; sold for want of »e Apply to JOIIH LIA)l »

A riuNS, 15 Nassau straet.

CETTEK DOQ POR PAIJ5.COLOR ORANtlE AN 1)O. whl'e, well broken and staunch *n all game. inquireat V Crosby street.

rrwo ENGLISH. Dol'RLK EA RKEt LKH KtlWLISl#1 Pi* c*f"r*ate; eae ha* thirty two In h rariei*. twriseBs! the other lw«nl» »iulil loch barrel* fo r|e-u ' .

are eNeUtui Mkseili'* ilonea AMY al ?. . >l«i*a»kntb