the new salesperson

The new salesperson The reading below helps you practice the present perfect and see the verb tense in action. How many times do you see the present perfect in the passage? Bob and Darren work together. They are talking about interviews for a new sales manager position at their company. This reading has many soft examples using the present perfect tense. Bob: _We need to make a decision on whom we are going to hire for the new salesperson position.

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The Present Perfect Tense


The new salesperson

The reading below helpsyou practice the presentperfect and see the verbtense in action.

How many times do yousee the present perfectin the passage?

Bob and Darren work together. They are talking aboutinterviews for a new sales manager position at their company. This reading has many soft examples using the present perfect tense.

Bob: _We need to make a decision on whom we are going to hire forthe new salesperson position.

Darren: _I know. There are a lot of good applicants. So far we haveinterviewed 10 people and have looked at over 50 resumes.

Bob: _Well, lets take a look at some of the best and make a decision.

Darren: _Ok, the first person is Phil. He has worked as a salesperson for10 years in both The United States and Canada. Also, he hasbeen the manager of the sales department of a large auto-parts company.

Bob: _Sounds interesting, but has he ever worked in the food salesindustry?

Darren: _No he hasnt.

Bob: _That might be a problem; we need someone with foodexperience.

Darren: _OK, what about Karen? She has worked in the food industryfor 6 years. She has been a manager of a major supermarketand worked in marketing for a large meat company.

Bob: _OK. Has she worked in international sales before?

Darren:_No, she has never worked in international sales.

Bob:_Well, that could be a problem. This job will require a lot ofinternational experience. I think we need someone who hasworked in an international environment

Darren: _Well what about Larry? We havent met him yet but hisresume looks good. He has been a salesperson in the foodindustry for 13 years. He has lived in The United States,Canada and Mexico. In the past 4 years he has learned how tospeak Spanish and French.

Bob: _Wow, sounds great!

Darren: _The problem is we still havent had an interview with him.

Bob: _Well, lets get him in here and see what he has to say!Present Perfect SimpleOsPerfect Tensesso formados com opresente simples do verboto have(have / has), que, neste caso, funciona como verbo auxiliar, seguido doparticpio passado do verbo principal. O particpio passado dos verbos regulares tem a mesma forma que o passado, ou seja, terminam em -ed e o dos verbos irregulares tem forma prpria. Sendo assim, necessrio estud-los um a um.

Para estudar os verbos irregulares, veja alista dos verbos irregulares.Comearemos a estudar osPerfect Tensesa partir doPresent Perfect Simple. Observe alguns exemplos de oraes noPresent Perfect:

- FORMA AFIRMATIVA:Hehas brokenhis leg. (Ele quebrou a perna.)

Wehave boughtnew clothes. (Compramos roupas novas.)

Shehas writtena letter to her friend who lives in Madrid.(Ela escreveu uma carta para a amiga que mora em Madrid.)

Hehas hada terrible headache. (Ele teve uma dor de cabea terrvel.)

Theyhave finishedthe homework. (Eles terminaram a lio de casa.)

That rabbithas appearedon our garden.(Aquele coelho apareceu em nosso jardim.)


* FORMA CONTRADA:I / You / We / You / They' ve-He / She / It' s.Veja alguns exemplos com as formas contradas:He's studiedlaw. (Hehasstudied law.)(Ele estudou Direito.)

She's beenhere. (Shehasbeen here.)(Ela esteve aqui.)

We've workeda lot. (Wehaveworked a lot.)(Ns trabalhamos muito.)

I'vebroken a glass. (Ihavebroken a glass.)(Eu quebrei um copo.)

She's givenbirth to a boy. (Shehasgiven bith to a boy.)(Ela deu a luz a um menino.)


NaForma InterrogativadoPresent Perfect,o verbohave/has,que funciona como verbo auxiliar, posiciona-se antes do sujeito:Haveyoualreadytalkedto your boss? (Voc j falou com o seu chefe?)

Havetheylivedin Amsterdam? (Eles moraram em Amsterd?)

Hasshebroughtthe English/Portuguese dictionary?(Ela trouxe o dicionrio de Ingls/Portugus?)

Hashefoundhis wallet? (Ele encontrou a carteira dele?)

Haveyou everbeenin the United States?(Voc ja esteve nos Estados Unidos?)

Hasshesolvedthe problem yet? (Ela j resolveu o problema?)

Havetheygoneout? (Eles saram?)


- FORMA NEGATIVA:AForma NegativadoPresent Perfectforma-se acrescentandonotao verbo auxiliarhave/has:

Theyhavenotheardwhat I've told. (Eles no escutaram o que eu falei.)

Youhavenoteatenanything so far. (Voc no comeu nada at agora.)

Wehavenotdoneour homework. (No fizemos nossa lio de casa.)


* FORMA CONTRADA:haven't / hasn'tI haven't goneto the beach, I've gone to the countryside. (No fui para a praia, fui para o inteior.)

She hasn't toldto her parents where she's been all day.(Ela no disse aos pais onde esteve durante todo o dia.)

We haven't seenthis movie yet. (Ainda no vimos este filme.)

Susan hasn't boughta car. (Susan no comprou um carro.)

They haven't believedher. (Eles no acreditaram nela.)

USOS:O Present Perfect usado para:1. Referir-se a aes que ocorrerram numtempoindefinidono PASSADO(No confunda o nome com o tempo, o tempo chama-se Present Perfect, mas expressa uma ao ocorrida no passado):Someonehas leftthe door open. (Algum deixou a porta aberta.)

Shehas cutherself. (Ela se cortou.)

Youhave forgottento call me. (Voc esqueceu de me ligar.)

Ihave founda wallet on the street. (Encontrei uma carteira na rua.)

The researcherhas sentthe information to the newspaper.(O pesquisador mandou as informaes para o jornal.)

Shehas fallendown the stairs. (Ela caiu das escadas.)

Theyhave studiedFrench. (Eles estudaram Francs.)

2. O Present Perfect usado com os seguintes advrbios:a)just- para indicar que as aes que ocorreram num passadobem recente:Wehavejustknowneach other. (Acabamos de nos conhecer.)

Ihavejustseenyour sister. (Acabei de ver sua irm.)

Theyhavejustarrivedfrom Belfast. (Eles acabaram de chegar de Belfast.)

b)already (j)-para indicar que a ao j ocorreu. usado apenas em frasesafirmativaseinterrogativase posicionado sempre antes do verbo principal:Shehasalreadyarrivedhome. (Eles j chegaram em casa.)

Theyhavealreadygoneto the birthday's party. (Eles j foram para a festa de aniversrio.)

Ihavealreadyseenthis movie. (Eu j vi este filme.)

Haveyoualreadyreadthis book? (Voc j leu este livro?)

c)yet (j; ainda)- Usado em frasesinterrogativassignificaj,e em frasesnegativas usado com sentido deainda. Posiciona-se sempre nofinal da frase, nas oraes negativas ele empregado para dizer que a ao ainda no ocorreu:Wehavenotdecidedour topicyet. (Ainda no decidimos o nosso tpico.)

Haveyoutalkedto your teacheryet? (Voc j falou com a sua professora?)

Shehasnotcamefrom lunchyet. (Ela ainda no voltou do almoo.)

d)never (nunca)- usado para indicar que algono aconteceu:Hehasneverforgottenyou. (Ele nunca esqueceu voc.)

Theyhaveneverbeenhere. (Eles nunca estiveram aqui.)

Ihaveneverseenthis movie. (Eu nunca vi este filme.)

e)ever (j; alguma vez)- usado para saber se aquela ao j aconteceu alguma vez. Geralmente usado emperguntas:Haveyouevertravelledabroad? (Voc j viajou para o exterior?)

Hassheeverbeenin Salvador? (Ela j esteve em Salvador alguma vez?)

HaveyoueverflownAir France? (Voc j viajou com a empresa Air France?)

*Evertambm usado com osuperlativopara indicar que algo o maior, o melhor, o mais interessante que algum j viu, leu, fez, trabalhou, etc.:He is thebusiestman Ihaveeverknown. (Ele o homem mais ocupado que j conheci.)

f)lately(ultimamente) erecently(recentemente)- esses advrbios so posicionados no final da orao:Haveyouvisitedyour relatives in North Carolinalately?(Voc tem visitado seus parentes na Carolina do Norte ultimamente?)

Ihaven't goneto the movieslately. (No tenho ido ao cinema ultimamente.)

Havetheycomehererecently? (Eles vieram aqui recentemente?)

Shehas movedrecently. (Ela se mudou recentemente.)

Saiba mais sobre os advrbios de tempo

3. Expressar aes que comearam no passado e se prolongam at o presente. Nestes casos, muito comum aparecersinceefor:Ihave beenheresince8 o'clock a.m. (Estou aqui desde as oito da manh.)

Theyhave livedheresince1998. (Eles moram aqui desde 1998.)

Wehave livedherefor12 years. (Moramos aqui h doze anos.)

Shehas workedherefor5 years. (Ela trabalha aqui h cinco anos.)

Many thingshave changedsincelast summer. (Muitas coisas mudaram desde o vero passado.)

NO CONFUNDAPresent Perfect x Simple PastO Simple Past refere-se apenas a aes passadas queacabaram em um tempo definido no passado:

I went to the parklast weekend. (Simple Past)

O Present Perfect pode expressar aes passadas que acabaram emum tempo no definido no passadoouaes que ainda no terminaram:

I have worked hard. (Present Perfect)

They have been here since midday. (Present Perfect)