the morter report july 2016

Copyright 2016 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved. The Mt Rept July 2016 The greatest investment you can ever make is in yourself! Teaching you how to let go of what is holding you back and to live your life proactively instead of reactively – in abundance thinking rather than lack thinking, speaking positive words instead of negative ones, planning for victory instead of preparing for defeat – that is what Morter HealthSystem is here to help you do! So, as you enjoy these months of summer, make them productive, too! Make this investment in yourself, and you are sure to reap the rewards! Use this issue of The Morter Report to get you started!

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Post on 04-Aug-2016




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The July 2016 Edition of the official newsletter of Morter HealthSystem and Morter HealthAlliance.


Copyright 2016 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved.

The Morter Report

July 2016The greatest investment you can ever make is in yourself! Teaching you how to let go of what is holding you back and to live your life proactively instead of reactively – in abundance thinking rather than lack thinking, speaking positive words instead of negative ones, planning for victory instead of preparing for defeat – that is what Morter HealthSystem is here to help you do!

So, as you enjoy these months of summer, make them productive, too! Make this investment in yourself, and you are sure to reap the rewards! Use this issue of The Morter Report to get you started!

Each of us has the potential to be and to do great things, yet we often don’t. And, from my experience, over 35 years of training and teaching, there is a very specific and predictable pattern each of us exhibits. And, this pattern serves to sabotage our best dreams, our best hopes for our success. It’s a pattern etched deep inside our head, which seems very logical and reasonable, yet does not serve us well. And, this pattern tends to derail our path to our greater good, our best self. The ability to follow through with the plan for success falls short. It never seems to materialize with the passion and delivery we think and hope it will. So ask yourself, why? Why do I fall short of my dreams, my goals, and my success?

Here’s what I know. There is a specific and deliberate course of action or, more truthfully, inaction you follow. It’s been with you since a very young age, and unless specific steps are taken to release this pattern, you will take it to your grave. You will blame others, look for excuses, and never realize your fullest potential. Remember, the pattern unlocks the power.

It’s all about self-doubt. For 20 years, in live programs with thousands of excited par-ticipants, I’ve asked this question: What is it that holds you back? And, the answer is the overall feeling of not being “enough.” I’ve often wondered why this feeling/pattern is so prevalent. When stuck in this pattern at least two (2) predictable behaviors are evident.

You need the approval of others to make a decision.

You fear disappointing your family or spouse by making a decision they might not approve. You place undue stress on yourself worrying they will not support you or, worse, they will patronize your decision. You feel stuck in the wait-and-see mode. Rather than listening to your inner wisdom, you bat ideas around in your head trying to talk yourself into or out of the entire decision making process. Self-doubt takes over and you feel helpless, almost paralyzed to act. Think about something you wanted to do and just didn’t follow through with. Maybe a purchase you wished now you had made or a trip you wished you would have taken. How about a relationship you let go because you didn’t get that approval from someone important to you. Am I getting close yet?

When you decide to go with your gut and with your heart, you are in charge of your outcome, your happiness. Honestly, if I had always listened to others opinions I wouldn’t be where I am today. I’ve learned by making decisions based on my instincts and my gut, I can create the happiness I deserve.

You compare yourself to everyone else.

If you look at a successful B.E.S.T. practitioner, one who has been in business for several years, you see their success as something you should have. And, in truth, when you fall short of their results and level of success, you don’t stop to think about the trials and tribulations they must have gone through to be successful. You can’t see the challenges they have gone through so, to you, they never happened. You have no idea about the level of commitment they have invested, the many shifts and re-grouping of direction they have gone through. By comparing your lack of success to their success, you feel inadequate, incapable and discouraged. It’s as if they’re up on a pedestal and in no way could you ever do what they’re doing. You see the climb to success as the obstacle.

Acknowledging what you have already accomplished, rather than fretting on what someone else has done, is the key to your success. Focus on your path to success; celebrate the small wins which will re-set your thinking, and you will begin to feel happy. This pattern shift will change your life . . . forever.


Dr. Ted MorterShift Happens!



Letting GoDo you ever stop and think about why you are where you are in life? Do you ever wonder why you made some of the decisions you made in that previous unit of time? Do you aspire to do greater things than you are currently doing? Do you know why you aren’t accomplishing those things already? Do you remember the “good ole days”? Were they re-ally that good or were they just more simplified? Have you identified what things are holding you back?

These are the types of questions people often ask themselves at various stages of life. Maybe you are one of the truly fortunate ones who are currently where you envisioned you would be at this stage of your life. If so, you are the exception, not the rule. You weren’t just “lucky.” You actually were very focused on a specific goal for long periods of time. I mean the magnificent obsession type of focus. The kind of focus it takes to “eat, sleep, and drink” your passion – the truly specific focus that occupies your every waking thought. Did you realize I just referred to four of the Six Essentials in expressing the type of commitment required in total success?

The exact same steps are required to change every aspect of your life; whether it is your health, your finances, your relationships, or even your spirituality. First, you must identify what it is you wish or desire to accomplish. Second, you must picture yourself as though you had already ac-complished it – regardless of what the “it” is. Next, you must develop a plan and begin to execution of that plan in a logical sequence.

When I became a certified scuba diver, I learned a critically important lifesaving process. It was called “Plan your dive, then dive your plan.” I learned that system forty-two years ago. I have never forgotten it. It has served me well over the years as I have applied it to many aspects of my life.

Are you planning your life and then living your plan? If not, what is holding you back? The most common answer to that question, asked for decades at Personal Care and in the treatment of tens of thousands of patients, is forgiveness and letting go of the past. Our brains run our bodies out of our past stored memories. We must alter that pattern, actually change the previous pattern, to unlock our truly God-given power! Let it go! Put the shovel down. Forgive your past; learn the lesson; see the good, and let it go! Your ultimate success is there for you. Go get it!

Imagine being able to balance yourself with B.E.S.T. anytime you choose! The next logical step to having it all, is to be completely in charge of your personal life. When you feel empowered, you are in charge. You feel great all the time. You attract others and experiences to support this feeling, and you are able to rise to the top of your game.

The Personal B.E.S.T. program, which is coming up August 19-21, is completely devoted to you and your desire to remain in balance at all times. It’s about teaching you a technology engineered to simply and effectively infuse the principles of B.E.S.T. directly and completely into your very being. Imagine being able to balance yourself at any time and under almost any circum-stances regardless the stress.

Using the technology you will experience at Personal B.E.S.T., you will learn to be completely in control of your life. Your relation-ships will improve; your health will improve; and your wealth will improve. We know this because we’ve helped literally thousands of people just like you to live happier, fuller, and more excited lives.

Join us for this unforgettable weekend. Call 800.874.1478 for more information on how you can attend this powerful program.

When coaching a practice member, I am at my best when I actually practice what I preach. Whenever I look for an expert in any area, I look for someone who has accomplished what I want to accomplish. So, many claim to be expert in an area, but when you dig deep, you find out that they are learning and not actually doing. Would you take investment advice from a person who hasn’t put money in the investment that they are recommending? I wouldn’t.

So, to be the BEST at B.E.S.T., you must choose to live the principles of B.E.S.T. – the Six Essentials – and get regular treatments. If you are not healthy yet, be honest with your practice member and tell them that you are on the same journey back to health. Share your struggles and your victories! You will come from a place of integrity. Because, to share health you have to be healthy. When you are tired and run down, you cannot possibly share health with others. I learned this lesson with my personal emotions. I used to feel it was bad to love myself. I felt it was selfish to be happy. Then I realized that if I do not love myself, I cannot whole heartedly love others. If I am not happy, then I cannot coach others through stressful times to find joy and happiness. To understand this more fully, think of giving money instead of giving love or peacefulness. If you ask to borrow $20 from me and I only have $10, how could I ever loan you what you need? The same is true with health. If you are not honestly on the right path to health, how could you possibly get others on the right path?

Most practitioners can improve by being a constant B.E.S.T. student. You can never know it all or understand it all. Constantly fill your knowledge bank. Regularly read health-related books. Master the basics like palpation, anatomy, physiology and nutrition, so that you can better understand and build on that foundation. When you are asked a question you do not know, commit to finding the answer and getting back to your practice member with that answer. Remember, when you serve others from your heart and not your head, you will be surprised at how often the answer just comes to you when the question is asked.

Lastly, people see and resonate with truth. That is why Dr. Morter always was in search of truth, and why we were drawn to him. For example, I participated in a health fair recently. I scanned participants with the CardioWave and told each person what I could do to improve their current situation. In four short hours, we scanned almost 50 people. Everyone wanted what we had to offer. Even the other vendors wanted to be scanned. People were calling their friends and family members to come to the health fair and get scanned. We constantly had a line at our booth, while the other venders were standing and talking to each other. I share this story so that you all know how powerful it is to serve from a position of truth and love.

We have to make it our personal responsibility to share our message and our truth in every small and big way that is presented to us in practice. Do your BEST, and that will always be enough!

Dr. Bruce PhillipsPower ThroughTruth & Love


Homecoming 2016!Plan NOW to attend

along with Elite DiplomateSeptember 8-11

“Engineering the Quantum!”New procedures, new ideas, new programs and new ways to study and make a living using B.E.S.T.!

. . . special gatherings for Challenge Participants and Inner Circle Members, and a 50’s GREASE-themed party on Saturday night!


I watched from the sidelines as The Morter Family and about 100 other folks rocked 90 days of the Alka•Slim Challenge. In that 90 days, it seemed we were getting calls every other week about people we had gone to school with who were dying. Dying not from some horrible accident, but from heart attacks in their sleep or horrible diseases. I knew in my heart if I didn’t do something quickly, I could be included with our friends who were dying too young.

After seeing how great Dr. Ted, in particular, was looking and feeling, I decided I would take the Alka•Slim plunge! Since no one wants to plunge alone, I talked my sister, Cindy, into doing it, too. My wife joined in as well, doing one shake a day.

The first week, I released 17 pounds. While I was excited, I thought, “how long can that last?” The next week, I only released 2 pounds. I was not discouraged, I was ENCOURAGED by the power of thought. I remained committed to the process and, the following week, I released another 10 pounds. This time, I did not sabotage myself with the questioning. I knew I could continue to release several pounds per week . . . and I have.

The second week into the challenge, I noticed I was getting really tired in the afternoons. I started checking my blood pressure and realized that it was becoming very low (100/55). I made an appointment with my doctor to get my blood pressure medications reduced. He was shocked when he saw me. I had released 27 pounds since my last visit to his office 4 months earlier. He reduced my medicine to 1/4 of what I had been taking. He encouraged me to keep doing what I was doing and said I could be off the medications all together in a few more months. What a win!

I admit, I was a bit afraid my results might suffer because I have never been a vegetable eater. I stayed away from anything green. In addition, I was a soda junkie. I was drinking 5-6 sodas per day, and I was eating fast food for breakfast and lunch most days. Since being on the Challenge, I have discovered I like spinach and have even tried guacamole and liked it, too!

While the product is terrific and obviously works, one of my favorite things is participating in the Alka•Slim 45-Day Challenge Facebook Group page. Everyone is so supportive and encouraging, and I have learned some great recipes there! This group taught me the power of leverage.

Thank you to Dr. Ted, Dr. Tom, Janna, and Anna and all of you other folks who blazed the Alka•Slim Challenge trail and set the example for all of us to follow. I am forever grateful for the encouragement that Dr. Ted gave me to jump into the Challenge and continues to give. It truly has changed my life and the lives of my family. I actually like to go for walks with my wife, which I wasn’t able to do before. I enjoy talking with my sister each day to encourage each other. I am so proud of her! At the end of this first 45 days, I have released 55 pounds and I feel AMAZING! I have more energy than I have in years. Trust me, if I can get results on this Challenge . . . anyone can! Alka•Slim for life!

Letting Them Go Feels AMAZING! Don Higby

Interested in being part of the next Alka•Slim® Challenge?

Go to for informationand call our office at 800.874.1478 for special pricing!

What is the most effective way to corner the market and lock out your competition? Simple: you need to become an expert. You need to develop a compelling, engaging personal brand, which positions you as the leading expert within your market. You need to be the first name that pops into any potential customer’s mind when he or she

needs your services or products.

In order to stand out in a crowd amidst your competition, you need to go against the grain.

This makes logical sense, right? If you want to become the industry expert in your area, ahead of all your competition, why would you want to sound and look just like everyone else? Here are just a few strategies for differentiating yourself and your business from the competition, while establishing yourself as the leading expert in your market.

Break the Mold; Be Bold!

How many businesses put serious effort into engaging their market via social media and compelling web sites? While some businesses are gradually starting

to come around, the reality is that most small businesses have been slow to adopt social media and web marketing as part of their overall marketing strategy.

Of course, it is not enough to simply create a Facebook page and a Twitter profile, and then sit back and wait for the phone to ring. To build a truly powerful presence, you need to do social media differently than your competitors. Keep these three principles in mind:

1) Focus on relationships. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are full of individuals and companies that are trying to establish their brand and sell their products by ramming them down their audience’s throat. The theory is that it is free marketing, so why not aggressively self-promote and sell? The problem with that line of thought is that most people don’t log on to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram looking to be sold something. Your customers use Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to build relationships, both personal and professional. The key to establishing your brand on these sites is to build relationships. Spend more time replying to status updates and tweets than you do creating your own.

2) Don’t be boring. Too many Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram profiles are completely devoid of originality, personality and substance. If you’re going to stand out, you need to be interesting and thought provoking. Post jokes, or commentary on pop culture, or predictions for upcoming NFL games. Be creative. Find a way to express yourself, your personality, and the personality of your business. Before you know it, you’ll realize that followers and friends are looking forward to your next tweet or status update. Not only does this mean more exposure for your business, but it also means a stronger bond between you and your clients.

3) Break down the news. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are great sources of breaking news. As soon as anything of even minor importance happens, you can bet there will be thousands of postings and linking to that news story. Posting a link to a breaking news story will not help you stand out, but insightful analysis will. Imagine for a moment that a new healthcare law is being passed. Don’t just share the news; explain what it means for business owners and their families! Your post or your tweet will stand out from the thousands of others, because you won’t simply be stating what happened, you’ll be telling your audience what it means to them. By breaking down recent developments which matter to your customers, you’ll provide value to your social media followers and you’ll establish yourself as the clear expert in your market!

Social media can be a great way to differentiate your business from the competition, but you have to find a way to stand out. Be creative; don’t hesitate to think outside the box; and keep these three strategies in mind as you build your social media presence.

Dr. Ralph LeBlanc


Be a OUTSTANDING on Social Media! Developing Relationships Instead of Promotion



April 1-3 Elite Master – Rogers, AR10 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Hermosa Beach, CA15-16 B.E.S.T. Training – Paris, France17-18 Personal Care – Paris, France23 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Calgary, Canada23 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Georgetown, Ontario29-1 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

May20-21 B.E.S.T. Training – Rogers, AR21-22 Live Out Loud! – Rogers, AR

June3-4 Animal B.E.S.T. I – Rogers, AR5 Animal Mastery – Rogers, AR5 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Manhattan Beach, CA10-12 Personal Care – Rogers, AR11 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Paris, France23-25 Eat to Live & Live Rich – Rogers, AR

July8-9 B.E.S.T. Training – Chicago, IL9 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Paris, France

August12-14 Personal Care – Rogers, AR19-21 Personal B.E.S.T. – Rogers, AR

September8-9 Elite Diplomate – Rogers, AR10-11 Homecoming – Rogers, AR17 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Paris, France 30-1 Certification/Diplomate – Paris, France

October2 Elite Master – Paris, France8-9 Animal B.E.S.T. - France14-15 B.E.S.T. Training – Niagara Falls, NY21-23 Personal Care – Rogers, AR28-29 B.E.S.T. Training – Seattle, WA

November5-6 Spiritual B.E.S.T. II – Chicago, IL




All programs are subject to change or cancellation without notice. Please call or visit our website for updated information.

Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique