the morter report- april 2016

Copyright 2016 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved. The Mt Rept April 2016 Oſten, we don’t make a decision to change our paern unl something drasc happens. The business that didn’t make it or the relaonship that didn’t work – that doesn’t have to define you. The choice is up to you. The gorilla in the corner needs aenon, and only you can address the situaon. The choice is to let it connue and be the vicm, or take steps to make a change. It’s completely up to you. Are you willing to learn the lessons the past can teach you and then take massive acon to move forward toward your goals and dreams? This is the me to shine – shine with the power of creaon. This is the me to be pro-acve, producve, and unstoppable! No one else can do it for you! Only you can fix it, but it will never materialize unl you get off of dead center! This issue of The Morter Report will give you some fuel to get started!

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Post on 27-Jul-2016




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The April 2016 edition of The Morter Report, the official newsletter of Morter HealthSystem and Morter HealthAlliance.


Page 1: The Morter Report- April 2016

Copyright 2016 - Morter HealthSystem. All rights reserved.

The Morter Report

April 2016Often, we don’t make a decision to change our pattern until something drastic happens. The business that didn’t make it or the relationship that didn’t work – that doesn’t have to define you. The choice is up to you. The gorilla in the corner needs attention, and only you can address the situation. The choice is to let it continue and be the victim, or take steps to make a change. It’s completely up to you. Are you willing to learn the lessons the past can teach you and then take massive action to move forward toward your goals and dreams? This is the time to shine – shine with the power of creation. This is the time to be pro-active, productive, and unstoppable! No one else can do it for you! Only you can fix it, but it will never materialize until you get off of dead center! This issue of The Morter Report will give you some fuel to get started!

Page 2: The Morter Report- April 2016

Four short months ago I decided to take my body back. Not like I haven’t said that before, and not like it has ever worked. None-the- less, I made the commitment. But this time, I did something different, and something which I have never regretted since that life shifting moment . . . I created a situation which, as I reflect, was destined for success.

I can remember back when I graduated from chiropractic college, I was on top of the world. I decided I would lose weight, get fit, and take charge of my life. Yes, I had it all figured out. And for a brief period, I did lose several pounds, I did play racquet ball a couple times a week, I did join a softball league, and I did take action toward my goal to lose weight. And, here-in lays the problem. As I’ve done since having to wear “Husky Jeans” ordered from Sears and wanting to lose weight, I focused on the wrong goal. My goal was to simply lose weight. Now as I reflect, I was destined to fail. Up and down the scale; I couldn’t maintain the loss. From the grapefruit diet to counting carbs, weight watchers and even fasting . . . it never worked long-term. I was focused on the wrong goal.

You’ve heard me say from stage to set the goal, imagine the goal, take massive action to get it done and win the game. Since the latest Elite Master Training earlier this month, I’ve learned even more about setting and then hitting the target goal. So, here’s the secret for achieving success with a goal that just isn’t manifesting in your life. Here’s the “how” to get what you desire with your goals – the secret steps!

1. First, identify the goal, and then Think Bigger! The reason you have not manifested the goal you “think” you desire is that it’s not big enough. What? I bet you think the reason you can’t hit your goal is that it’s too big, right? But listen; there is a greater goal above and beyond the goal you have been unable to hit and maintain. Bigger is the key. I’ve discovered this pattern while leading the Alka•Slim® Challenge. When my goal to simply lose weight shifted to a goal to alkalize my body and improve my health, a whole world of possibilities opened up to me. The goal to lose weight now had more purpose and more power because it was about something much bigger. Alkalizing my body became the priority. Alkalizing for better health seemed more attainable and less restrictive. I could train myself to make better choices, make better meals, and be better. And, this “Pattern Shift” to a bigger goal resulted in attaining the smaller goal to simply lose weight. This was a Mental Shift . . . crazy . . . yes, crazy good! If your goal is to have more clients/patients visits each day, think bigger. Think about how you might affect more families each day, how you might teach more people the principles of B.E.S.T. each day, and watch this bigger goal completely take over the smaller goal.

2. Get a plan to measure the goal. Remember, we’re thinking bigger, so we need to quantify exactly how we are to measure the progress step by step. If it’s about weight loss and you need to lose 50 pounds, let’s start with a quantifiable step of 15 pounds first. That seems like a goal you can hit if you commit . . . right? If you are setting a goal for something else, like number of treatments you give in a week and you have never given more than 1 per day, a goal of 10 is too high. It will not work when affecting the Mental part of this process. Pick something more reasonable like 2 or 3 treatments per day. That feels much better and much more reasonable to the mind.

3. Set a timeline to hit the goal. It’s reasonable to lose 15 pounds within a 30-45 day period. Set your personal goal and write it down on paper. More treatments/visits for B.E.S.T.? Same thing; write it down.

4. Develop a plan to reach the desired goal. If it’s weight loss, do the 45-Day Alka•Slim® Challenge . . . it really works! Want to alkalize your body? Yes, 45-Day Challenge will work. Have more client/patient visits? Watch for the 52-Week Practice Success Program being launched on April 15. Just get a plan. The main thing is to create accountability and excitement. It worked magically with the 45-Day Alka•Slim Challenge Facebook page. Not on Facebook yet? Make the pattern shift and join us!

5. And last, use Mental Massive Action. Decide you are in this for the long haul, whatever the goal is to be accomplished. Commit to yourself and to others, your desire to win this goal, and ask for their support to help you make it a reality. This is a large portion of the Mental I speak about in the Alka•Slim® 45-Day Challenge. Surround yourself with people who will support your efforts and not “bushwhack” your plan. When you commit to yourself and to others, you have stacked the odds in your favor like never before. More than just “Massive Action” this step is about training your mental processing. Mental Massive Action is the key. And, here’s exactly what I did to totally create a shift in my pattern to take back my body. Here’s the Mental part I want you to follow to shift your pattern just like I have done. I formed a support team to help me and to help each other on this journey to alkalize our bodies. That’s part of why this program is completely over the top with success. And as we support each other, alkalize our bodies, and lose these unnecessary pounds, we are totally accountable. We are accountable to ourselves and to each other. We are committed to success each day, one day at a time. When we fall, others catch us and help us remember we can soooooo do this. Yes, we have each taken Mental Massive Action.

Failure is not an option unless you chose to accept defeat. Success with goals is not elusive; you simply need to re-set your goals to something bigger than you have been thinking. Losing weight is about alkalizing first. Seeing more visits with B.E.S.T. is about sharing your story about B.E.S.T. to more people. Join the Alka•Slim® 45-Day Challenge to alkalize and lose weight; be at the Live Out Loud training program to learn how to better tell your story and increase your income by helping more people. These are just two examples of how you can think and play bigger than ever before.

You are in charge of your life. You can attain loftier goals than you ever imagined, but you must do something different if you wish for something different in your life to manifest.


Dr. Ted MorterThe Secret Steps to Achieving Your Goals

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The Biggest MistakeHave you ever WANTED something so badly you could almost taste it? Do you wonder why it NEVER happens? Have you ever decided you must just be wasting your time to want more out of life? Have you ever noticed how others seem to get what they want almost effortlessly? Do you eventually just settle for less?

If these questions make you stop and think and reevaluate your life then my first task has been accomplished! You see, in order to get or change anything in your life you must first develop a dream or desire for something to actually BE different! You must be able to picture it in your mind’s eye as if it has already occurred. You must have laser-like focus on the steps it will take to get you there. That is the easy part, once you understand the difference in wanting and picturing/desiring/imagining things to be different. This principle applies to ALL aspects of your life at ALL times. It does not matter if you are working on material items like cars, houses, vacations, etc. or relationships, or jobs, or money itself.

You must change the frequency of your thoughts from wanting to desiring to imagining. This very principle is the crux of Dr. Morter’s messaging in his “Brain on BEST” series. Yet, this is not the biggest mistake people make in attempting to change something in their lives.

This biggest mistake is in NOT taking massive immediate action. Yes, that’s right. Most people don’t fail in wanting, desiring, imagining things differently; they fail by falling into the trap of waiting for it to magically appear in their lives, because they thought of it! They believe they can just attract it to themselves. They fall into the trap of “good things come to those who wait” mentality and never realize that while that commonly used phrase may have some truth to it, “great things come to those who ACT”!

You must engage and take ACTION in order to bring important changes to your world! Get a plan, take small steps, celebrate each successful step (the wins), stay on course, course correct, keep imagining it “as if” it had already occurred and “it” will be yours

Sometimes you must identify what you don’t want in order to visualize what you DO want! Don’t make the biggest mistake! DO celebrate the wins and take massive immediate ACTION!

eat to liveJoin us for an intense training on fueling your body for maximum performance! This includes slowing down the breakdown of muscle, skin elasticity, proper oxygen function, which comes along with aging. You will learn the specifics of nutritional science and begin to heal your body with delicious food. Learn to make practical day-to-day choices in the grocery store, at the farmers market, in restaurants and at social functions, which lead to health, instead of taxing your immune system and leading to disease.

June 23-24 in Rogers, Arkansas

Alka•Slim® 45-Day Challenge Participants come to this class at a special rate! Call 800.874.1478 for details!

Page 4: The Morter Report- April 2016

My father-in-law always used to tell me to work smart! At first I just thought, it was an interesting spin on the phrase to work hard. The more I reflected though, I got it. Lots of people go to work or school and work hard every single day. They put in their time, and the hours fly by because they are busy.

But what are they doing really? Are they completing tasks that pop up during the day which other people throw on their plate? Are they occupied with meaningless and possibly mindless activities which could be done more efficiently, delegated to a subordinate, or simply not at all? I have found it is easy to be busy. It is much more challenging, however, to be productive. Other people will try to steal your time and attention. TV, social media, e-mail, games and puzzles are all time consuming activities that may not be serving your best priorities.

You have heard this hundreds of times, but we all have the same amount of time each day. It is how we choose to use time that determines our productivity and progress toward greatness. I challenge you to develop habits necessary to work smart each and every day. I challenge you to get up and start your day in a way that ups your momentum. I challenge you to be relentless throughout the activities of your day, and finish your day strong! Be unreasonable with your expectations and goals! Be unreasonable with your focus during the day! Be unreasonable to accomplish that which you set out to achieve!

My vision for you is to start your day FAST and finish your day STRONG! In between, honor all commitments to yourself and others as you move through the activities of your day. Do not allow yourself to be distracted, but instead focus on the prize at the end of the day of a job well done and all tasks completed because you work smart!

Dr. Bruce PhillipsWork Smart!


There is a wealth of information available for those on the personal development journey. The interesting thing about it is anyone who ever accomplished anything has a unique perspective on what makes success. The key is to be able to discern the common elements from the many success stories you encounter in order to boil it down to condensed, usable bits of data. Dr. Morter had a knack for being able to do this as many of you have discovered.

The toughest part for me, when I found mentors with whom I could counsel and learn, was coming to the realization that I knew enough to get started. After all, one of the axioms of success is to take massive, immediate action. So, what holds us back from taking a leap of faith and starting an action item? Fear. Fear of not being enough. Dr. Ted elegantly illustrates this point in his B.E.S.T. Life programs.

Guess what? When you lean into that fear and acknowledge it and resolve to take that first action step anyway, you create magic in your life. My dear reader, you know how this feels if you ever did something you were afraid to do and then found that your fear was unfounded. There is delicious joy awaiting you on the other side of that flimsy fence of fear!

So why do so many of us fail to take action more often? I believe it has to do with our default patterns. If there happened to be a technique out there designed to disrupt our default patterns so we can make new choices and maybe even take some action, you’d probably want to know about it right? (Say, YES! - nod to Zig Ziglar and Ed Foreman) And you know what that technique is, right? It’s B.E.S.T.!

At this point in the year, if you’ve been paying attention, you have your goals written and ready to go. Get treated with B.E.S.T. around your goals and your action steps; take action now, and see what happens! You can do it!

AND... ACTION! Corey Allshouse

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These past couple of months have been emotional roller coasters for me and my family. Our third child was born while my wife and I were out to dinner (literally... he was actually born at the restaurant), and I’ve watched our older two continue to grow and learn. Our 3 year-old daughter has been learning her alphabet and, as she has done so, has developed a passion for learning. As important as it is for a child to learn his ABC’s as a foundation for a lifetime of learning, it is just as important for adults to establish their own ABC’s when it comes to realizing their dreams.

Get out a notebook and something to write with right now and write down your “A,” or where you are currently at. What do your results currently look like in the areas of health, wealth, relationships, and overall fulfillment? Without coming to terms with where you are now, it will be very difficult to measure your progress moving forward.

Next, write down your “B,” which is where you hope to be in the next 6-12 months. This will consist of your next level goals, or the next step in your journey toward the life of your dreams. For example, if your “A” in the area of wealth is creating $5,000 per month, your “B” may be $7,500 or $10,000 per month. If your ultimate health goal is to release 50 pounds, your “B” may be 10 or 15 pounds lighter than you currently are. Your “B” goals are what go on your vision board. Too many people make the mistake of confusing Vision Boards with Dream Boards, which are actually two very different things. Place representations of your “B” goals on your vision board and look at them each and every day, making sure to re-synchronize yourself to any goal you are not currently aligned with when testing utilizing the Morter March Release.

It is now time to write down your “C,” or where you see yourself going in life. This consists of your “bucket list” goals, or where you eventually hope to end up. Using wealth as an example again, if your “A” is $5,000 a month, and your “B” is $10,000 a month, your “C” may include being a multi-millionaire with complete financial freedom. It is your “C” goals that you place on your Dream Board. Having a Dream Board in place will give perspective and purpose to your Vision Board goals.

Have fun with these tools. Get your Vision Board and your Dream Board on the wall and use them to realize the greatness within you.

The ABC’s of SUCCESSEric Bailey

Live Out LOUD!Sharing your passion with the world is very exciting . . . and sometimes challenging, too. Because, if you’re missing key skills and knowledge about how to effectively communicate – if you’re locked in an unsuccessful pattern – it can be extremely frustrating to say the least! This is why most people are really “just getting by” in their businesses. They’re poor communicators. They don’t have the success they dream of because they need to do two vital things: Learn the skills and the art of the communication and update their emotional pattern for success! Attend the Live Out Loud program on May 21-22nd, and make your impact on the world!

Call 800.874.1478 for details and registration today!

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We have all been introduced to the concept and importance of seeing the good in everything and everyone including ourselves – seeing that everything happens for a good reason and it`s always OK.

The next and most important step is to learn the lesson of each and every moment, and in those instances we failed to do so, forgive ourselves, forgive others and give others permission to forgive us.

One major question is, “How are we doing with this process?”

There are two really easy ways to ascertain the answer to this question. One, as with all other questions we may have for anyone we are treating with B.E.S.T., is to ask. Recently, I have begun to ask at the end of every B.E.S.T. treatment when the person is balanced, “Is this person learning the lessons and implementing them into their lives?” Of all the patients that I have done this for so far, only a handful have come up with a yes, and I was not one of them! This is helpful information and can be verified by doing the 2nd easy way to assess, the saliva pH test. The test can substantiate very objectively how we are doing.

I have found an action step, which can be very helpful in the process of learning the lesson. Do a journal that lists all of the chronic [long term] patterns that continue on an on-going basis as well as those chronic feelings that continue and re-occur repeatedly. As I see it, these are all representative of lessons unlearned. Include, in the journal, a list all of the lessons that are to be implement NOW for each experience. This may and probably will require changing some of our core beliefs.

A good way to check how we or our patient/client is doing in the process is to monitor it at the end of future treatments by having them think of the experience and the lessons learned that are being implemented, and check for reactivity. If reactive, there is more to do AND we can help through the treatment protocol to remove any interference in the subconscious which could be impeding maximum outcomes and allowing for the fullest expression of the POWER. Additionally, I recommend doing further monitoring of the saliva pH to ensure they/we are getting the maximum results.

Another indicator would be the rather obvious absence of on-going chronic experiences/ feelings. At that point, we have done our homework and made it less necessary for the Law to give us more opportunities to get it right.

Here`s to seeing the good, learning the lessons and using them actively in our lives on a moment to moment basis and living life to our fullest potential.

Learning Lessons EVALUATION Dr. Blake Brown

Join us for the

Alka•Slim 45-Day Challenge!Since we began the first Alka•Slim® Challenge, SO MANY of you have contacted me after seeing my health and body change (I’m down 35 pounds so far) asking if you could get in on the Challenge. Unfortunately, as the challenge had started and people were competing to win prizes, the answer was no.

That’s about to change!

We are starting a NEW Alka•Slim® 45-Day Challenge on May 2, 2016, and this will be the last one we do for a while. I’m going to offer you the same health and life improving opportunities I offered people who started with me in January. You’ll get great pricing on the Challenge Pack and I’ll let you into the private Facebook group (you’ll be blown away by all the information that has been compiled in that group, recipes, success tips, and life changes).

If you are as serious about changing your life, your health, your relationship with food, this is YOUR CHANCE to take control!

Call 800.874.1478 to order your starter Challenge Pack today and be ready to start with the group on May 2nd!

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Our stories are clusters of limiting thoughts and beliefs with which we identify, and therefore continually perpetuate in our lives. Our conviction that they are true gives them the power to shape our reality. We live according to these stories. It becomes a vicious circle—our story creates our identity and our reality, and the events of our reality appear to validate our story. What we believe, we become. Until you can uncover your old stories you will not be free to heal fully, body, mind or soul. Nor will you ever be able to live to your full potential. You remain trapped in your old stories, pressing rewind and play, which causes us to unconsciously relive the past.

Stories come from different sources. We inherit stories from our family, lineage, school and from our culture and subcultures. We develop these stories further through the process of childhood conditioning. Childhood condition-ing is extremely powerful in developing negative stories, because children see things as black or white. So a simple, thoughtless remark like “bad girl”, especially when repeated, can become the seed of a powerful story that rules that same girl’s life. This can continue on into womanhood and can only be changed when she empowers herself to heal.

These foundation stories influence (or even create) our everyday lives, and then we make up supporting stories based on our life experiences. As we come to more conclusions that seem to validate our stories, the stronger the power of our stories become, and the more we are bound by them. As the seed story is pressed deeper into the unconscious with layer upon layer of “proof” welded to it, this unconscious material crystallizes into energy blocks in the nervous system and limbic brain. From here, they rule our lives and create dis-ease, unhappiness and even mental imbalance.

The biggest barrier to change is Subconscious Emotional Memory Override (SEMO), which is the condition in which your stories are stored as interference to healing in your brain, nervous system, cells and energy bodies. SEMO is so powerful it can override your awareness and your desire to change. How frustrating! Nonetheless, it is possible to transform the old stories that are so deeply embedded in the very cells of your body that they seem to create your life. There are keys to access the old stories and peel away the layers of interference. At the same time, new positive stories may be written to replace the old, layer by layer. How is this possible?

This profound healing is possible because the nervous system communicates between body, mind and soul. Therefore, energy blocks, interferences and crystallized stories can be readily accessed and removed by a practitioner of the Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique, aka B.E.S.T., a powerful system of healing designed for this very purpose.At the same time you will learn how to replace the old negative material with vibrant, positive material.

Yes, it is possible to transform your dysfunctional old stories into stories that allow you to be victorious, successful and healthy. You can create the life and healthy well-being of your dreams!!

Dr. Don Williams

Transform Your Story . . . Transform Your Life

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One of the greatest joys in my life, are my amazing daughters. They turn 20, 17, 14, and 13 this year and, yes, everything they say about the teenage years is true.

My wife and I have gotten to experience their newfound independence, an assortment of new attitudes, and their strong desire to do whatever it takes to get their way. They have become more driven than ever. When they see something they want, something amazing starts to happen. There are 3 distinct behaviors that come to life when it comes time to “close” mom and dad on getting this thing they want.

The first behavior that is exhibited is their ability to Identify Our Needs as parents and align them with their own agenda. They instantly seek out ways to link this new thing they want, or event that they can’t miss, to something that is important to us as parents. Here is an example of how it might go down . . .

“You know how you and mom are always trying to have date night? There is a new movie coming out on Friday, you could drop me and my friend off there while you and Mom go to dinner.” Then I get the close . . . “Would you like to have date night with Mom?”

The Ninja way they implement this puts us in a position to not only say “no” to their request, but ultimately ourselves. By saying “no,” we are in a sense saying no to something that would increase our own enjoyment. That is sneaky. Do you see how this could be a useful technique to employ with your prospects?

The second behavior that shows up is Urgency. They treat the impending event or new thing as if missing out on it would be the end of the world. If you have children, I am sure you’ve been exposed to plenty of these scenarios as well. This is also one of the times when that newfound attitude of being a teenager is put on full display. When the “no” comes, I will usually get something in return like...

“If I don’t go to the movies, then you and Mom won’t get a date night for a long time.” Or, “The movie will only be out for a few weekends and we already have plans for next weekend, which means we will both miss out.” Followed by a close like, “Dad, don’t you see why we should make this happen now?” There is a ton of urgency mirrored with a belief and assumption that this is actually going to happen. I think this last statement is one we should all get behind.

The third behavior is Curiosity. Rather than give up when faced with a “No,” they always seek out understanding. This is when I hear the words, “Why not?” And, “Because I said so” doesn’t seem to quench her thirst for understanding. Rather than except defeat, they insist on learning “why.” They will relentlessly pursue the truth. Because, without knowing the truth they can’t bust or counter our objections. The persistence of figuring out the “why” is remarkable. When people tell you “No,” think like a teenager and ask, “Why or why not?” Seek out the truth so you can overcome each “No.”

In the end, remember to close like a teenager! Identify and appeal to your prospect’s needs, act with urgency and the assumption that something can be worked out, and be curious. However, I do caution you to avoid using those teenage attitudes!

How to Close Deals Like a Teenager!Dr. Ralph LeBlanc


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February20-21 Spiritual B.E.S.T. – Los Angeles, CA20 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Calgary, Canada26-28 Personal Care – Rogers, AR27 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Georgetown, Ontario

March6 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Manhattan Beach, CA19 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Saanichton BC, Canada18-19 Personal Care – Noosa, Australia19-20 B.E.S.T. Training – Noosa, Australia20 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Paris, France

April 1-3 Elite Master – Rogers, AR10 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Hermosa Beach, CA15-16 B.E.S.T. Training – Paris, France17-18 Personal Care – Paris, France23 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Calgary, Canada23 B.E.S.T. Workshop – Georgetown, Ontario29-1 Personal Care – Rogers, AR

May20-21 B.E.S.T. Training – Rogers, AR21-22 Live Out Loud! – Rogers, AR

June3-4 Animal B.E.S.T. I – Rogers, AR5 Animal Mastery – Rogers, AR10-12 Personal Care – Rogers, AR23-25 Eat to Live & Live Rich – Rogers, AR

July8-9 B.E.S.T. Training – Chicago, IL

August12-14 Personal Care – Rogers, AR19-21 Personal B.E.S.T. – Rogers, AR

September8-9 Elite Diplomate – Rogers, AR10-11 Homecoming – Rogers, AR 30-1 Certification/Diplomate – Paris, France

October2 Elite Master – Paris, France14-15 B.E.S.T. Training – Niagara Falls, NY21-23 Personal Care – Rogers, AR28-29 B.E.S.T. Training – Seattle, WA

November5-6 Spiritual B.E.S.T. II – Chicago, IL




All programs are subject to change or cancellation without notice. Please call or visit our website for updated information.

Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique