the french and indian war. first settlements first french settlement in north america started in...

Download THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. FIRST SETTLEMENTS  First French settlement in North America started in 1608 by Samuel de Champlain  Claimed the Mississippi

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THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR FIRST SETTLEMENTS First French settlement in North America started in 1608 by Samuel de Champlain Claimed the Mississippi basin for France, and named it Louisiana after King Louis XIV To protect fur trade, made alliances with Native American tribes Algonquains and Hurons While French made alliances, Britain was doing the same THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR Lasted from 1754 1763 Also called the Seven Years War and in Canada, called the War of Conquest War began in colonies; spread to Europe eventually Spain and its colonies also involved ALLIANCES AND FIRST CLASH France allied with many Native American tribes However, Iroquois League allied with Britain 6 tribes in the Northeast Had a constitution and council of leaders French built Fort Dusquesne on British owned land 1754 George Washington and militia made unsuccessful attempt to take land back from France First battle of the French and Indian War BRITISH RESPONSE THE WAR PROGRESSES AND TURNS Started out poorly for the British in the first 3 years 1757 William Pitt became British Secretary of State and took control of directing the war British officers began forcing colonists into the army, seized supplies, and forced to let soldiers stay in colonist houses Colonists none too pleased This was the turning point in the war French began to lose Native American support PEACE TREATY Treaty of Paris in 1763 Britain gained all French land east of the Mississippi River, including much of what is now Canada Spain gave up Florida area to Britain Gained Louisiana territory from France EFFECTS Colonist workers supplied food, weapons, and ships to army huge profits Forced colonists to work together, helping unite the territories British Empire increased greatly Decided to tax colonists to help pay for new costs Native Americans devastated Most helped French side that lost Proclamation of 1763 line across Appalachian Mountains to prevent settlers from moving west Largely ignored