the electro-thermic production of iron and steel

Dec., I9o7.] ~Votcs amt Comments. -1-59 Just as electrically-made steel has first found a f,~,Xing :t- a competitor of the most expensive kited of steel--crucible ,.;tool-- so electrical reduction has first found foofiltg in the metalhtr% ,)f iron in the production of the most expensive and ,lifficult fevrt)- alloys. As an example of the calculations attaching to this branch of the subject, and of methods applicable to all the ferro-allovs. I would cite the pr(~duction t~f ferro-silicon, which is attainin~ c~,n- stantlv increasing c(mmlercial and industrial iml)~Wtallce. (To/~e corn/ruled.) Book Notices. NE\.V PUBLICATIONS. U. S. War Department, Annual Rep~rts for the fiscal year (ruling June 3o, 19o6. IO vols., illustrations, plates, maps, 8-w~. Washington, Govern- ment printing office, I9O6. Containing Reports of the Secretary of \Vat, Chief of Staff, The M'iIitary Secretary, Inspector-General, and Judge- Advocate-General: Reports of Division and Department Commanders; Militia Affairs; Military Schools and Colleges, and Military Parks; Report of the Chief of Engineers: Report of the Chief of Ordnance: Rep~,rts and Acts of the Philippine Commission. Dew ponds, by Edward A. Martin, F. G. S., reprinted ir~,m "Kn,,wled~, and Scientific News," May and June, 19o7. 12 pages, illustrati(*ns. ~2 m,,. London, King, Sell & Olding, 19o7. Michigan State Board of Health. Thirty third Annual Report ~,f the Secretary for the fiscal vear endi1~g June ,3o, 19o5. 2r4 .pa~c~, S-v,~. Lansing, State Printer, I966. Manchester Steam Users' Association. M e m o r a n d u m 1)3" Chief E n g i n e e r for the year 19o6. .34 pages, illustrations, 8-vo. Manchester \~s~wiati~*n, I9o7. A new study of nature by George W. Edgett, B.L. 3o t~a~t:~, p,~rtrait, 12-mo. No place of publication, no (late. From Rime t~ Reason. or the great San Francisco earthquake rhythmi cally, orchestieally and logically considered. Clarence Miller J(mes. "5 pages, 8-vo. Second edition, revised. Colum/ms, Ohio. Printed for pri- vate distribution only, August,~9o7. Providence, R. ~.. ,-._;nual Report of the Chief Engineer oi the City of Providence for the year I9o6. 85 pages, illustrations, plates, maps, tables, 8-vo. Providence, City Printer, z9o7. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Circular No. to8. The Strength of Wood as Influenced by Moisture, q)y Harry Donald Tiemann, Assistant Forest Inspector. 42 pages, illustrations, 8-vo. Wash- ington, Government Printing Office, I9o7.

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Page 1: The electro-thermic production of iron and steel

Dec., I9o7.] ~Votcs amt Comments. -1-59

Just as electrically-made steel has first found a f,~,Xing :t- acompetitor of the most expensive kited of steel--crucible ,.;tool--so electrical reduction has first found foofiltg in the metalhtr% ,)firon in the production of the most expensive and ,lifficult fevrt)-alloys.

As an example o f the calculations at taching to this branch ofthe subject, and of methods applicable to all the ferro-allovs. Iwould cite the pr(~duction t~f ferro-silicon, which is attainin~ c~,n-stantlv increasing c(mmlercial and industrial iml)~Wtallce.

(To/~e corn/ruled.)


U. S. War Department, Annual Rep~rts for the fiscal year (ruling June 3o,19o6. IO vols., illustrations, plates, maps, 8-w~. Washington, Govern-ment printing office, I9O6. Containing Reports of the Secretary of \Vat,Chief of Staff, The M'iIitary Secretary, Inspector-General, and Judge-Advocate-General: Reports of Division and Department Commanders;Militia Affairs; Military Schools and Colleges, and Military Parks ; Repor tof the Chief of Engineers: Repor t of the Chief of Ordnance: Rep~,rts andActs of the Philippine Commission.

Dew ponds, by Edward A. Martin, F. G. S., reprinted ir~,m "Kn,,wled~,and Scientific News," May and June, 19o7. 12 pages, illustrati(*ns. ~2 m,,.London, King, Sell & Olding, 19o7.

Michigan S t a t e Board of Health. Thirty third Annual Repor t ~,f theSecretary for the fiscal vear endi1~g June ,3o, 19o5. 2r4 .pa~c~, S-v,~.Lansing, State Printer, I966.

Manchester Steam Users ' Association. Memorandum 1)3" Chief Engineerfor the year 19o6. .34 pages, illustrations, 8-vo. Manchester \~s~wiati~*n,I9o7.

A new study of na ture by George W. Edgett, B.L. 3o t~a~t:~, p,~rtrait,12-mo. No place of publication, no (late.

F rom Rime t~ Reason. or the great San Francisco earthquake rhythmically, orchestieally and logically considered. Clarence Mil ler J(mes. "5pages, 8-vo. Second edition, revised. Colum/ms, Ohio. Printed for pri-vate distribution only, August,~9o7.

Providence, R. ~.. ,-._;nual Repor t of the Chief Engineer oi the City ofProvidence for the year I9o6. 85 pages, illustrations, plates, maps, tables,8-vo. Providence, City Printer, z9o7.

Un i t ed States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Circular No.to8. The St rength of Wood as Influenced by Moisture, q)y Har ry DonaldTiemann, Assistant Forest Inspector. 42 pages, illustrations, 8-vo. Wash-ington, Government Printing Office, I9o7.

Page 2: The electro-thermic production of iron and steel

.460 13ooh Notices. [J . F. f . ,

The Handclshochschu|e, a foundation of the Berlin Merchants' Corpora -tion, second edition. I2 pages, 12-mo. Berlin. H. S. Hermann , I9o7.

On tile Establishment of the High Temperature Scale, by C. W.Waidner and G. K. Burgess. 4 pages, 8-vo. Reprinted from the PhysicalReview, vol. 24, No. 5, May, I9o7.

U. S. Bureau of Standards. Preliminary ~feasurements on Temperatureand Selective Radiat ion of Incandescent Lamps, by C. W. Waidner andG. K. Burgess. Repr in t No. 4o, from Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards,Vol. 2, No. 3. i2 pages, illustrations, 8-vo. Washington, Government,Printing Office, I~7 .

U. S. Bureau of Standards. Radiat ion from and Melting Points ofPalladiuln and Platinum, by C. W. Waidner and G. K. Burgess. Repr in tNo. 55 from the Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards, vol. 3, No. 2. 48l~ages, illuslraticms. 8-vo. Washington. Government Printing Office, I9o7.

U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Bulletin No. 70. Et-feet of Moisture upon the St rength and Stiffness of Wood, by Har ry Don-ald Tiemann, Assistant Forest Inspector. I44 pages, illustrations, plates,8-v,,. W:,shington. Government Printing Office. ~9o6,

U. S. Department of Agricuhure, Forest Service, Circular No. loS.The St rength of \Vood as Influenced by Moisture, by Har ry Donald Tie-mann, Ass is tant Forest Inspector. 42 pages, illustrations, 8-vo. Washing-1,~n, Goverumcnt Printing O,ffice. I!K)7.

tmernational Exhibition oi Modern Appliances for Ligh t ing and H e a t -ing, promoted by the Imperiai Russian Technical Society in St. Petersburg,i9o7. .Regulat ions. P rogramme and Rules of the Exhibition; Regulations~,f the Committee on Exper t s ; F o r m s of Application and Invoice; List ofCharges f(,r Advertisements in the Exhibition Catalogue. T h r e e pamph-lets, g-v,,, and 4-to*. St. Petersburg, Imperial Russian Technical Society,I9o7

Zoological Bulletin ~f the Division ,ff Zoology o[ the Pennsylvania Dc-Fartment of Agriculture. Subject: Insect Collection. Vol. v, No. 5, Sep-t e m h e r J, JC)OT. 38 pages, illustrations, 8-vo. Harrisburg, S t a t e Printer,1!7o7.

Pennsylvania S t a t e College Agricultural Experhnent Station, BulletinNo. 82. Winter Whea t Varieties. 19 pages, illustrations, 8-vo. StateC~dlege. August , I9O7.

Lidgerwood-Miller Mar ine Cableway for Coaling in the Seaway. 48pages, illustrations, 4-to. New York , Lidgerwood Manufacturing Co.,~9o7. (Co,pies aent free on application.)

Pond Rigid Tur re t Lathe. 43 pages, illustrations, 12-too. New York ,Niles-Bement-Pond Company, 19o7.

Deuxi6me l~'tude sur l'appareil Cireumz4nithal par Fr. Nusl et Josef JanFric. 4.2 pages, illvstrations, plate. 4-to. Repr in t from Bulletin de FAcade-mie des Sciences de Boh6me, I9o6. Prague, Academy, I9o6.

U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Circular No. 97. TheTimber Supply of the United States, by R. S. Kellog, Forest Inspector,i6 pages. 8-vn. \Vashingtcm. G,,vernment Printing Office. I9o7.

Page 3: The electro-thermic production of iron and steel

D e c . , I 9 o 7 .] Book Notices. 4~1

Rose Polytechnic Institute, Twenty-fifth anmutl catal,,guc. !,~o7 145pages, 8-vo. T e r r e Haute,,Indiana, n. d.

Ontar io Bureau of Mines. Repor t vol. xv, part ii. Clay and the ClayIndust ry of Ontario, by M. B. Baker. 127 pages, illustrati,,ns. 8-v~,. T,,ronto, King's Printer, i9o6.

Zoological Bulletin of the Division of Zoology of the Pennsylvania I)e--partment of Agriculture. Subjects: Formuhe and Insect Pests . vol. v. N,,. i.19o7. 32 pages, plates, 8-vo. Harrisburg, State Printer, I9o7.

Fifth Annual Repor t of the Di rec to r of the Bureau oi Science tt , fl~eHonorable the Secretary of the Interior, by Paul C. Freer , Director oi theBureau of Science for the year ending August 1, 19o6. 25 pa~es, il]ustrat ions , 4-to. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 19o6.

Four th Annual Repor t of the Superintendent of the Bureau ui Govern-ment Laboratories for the year ending August 3I, I9o5, to the Honorable.the Secretary of the Interior, by Paul C. Freer , Superintendent of Gov-e r n m e n t Laboratories. 24 pages, 8-vo. Manila, Bureau of Printing. 19o6.

Zevy's Engineers ' Cont rac t Book (blanks intended for the use of engin-eers) , folio sheets. Cantou, Ohio . The Goheen Manufacturing Co. u d.

U. S. Departlnent of the Interior, Geological Survey. Mineral Re-sources of the Uni t ed States, calendar year I9o5. David "1. Day, Chief ,,iDivision of Min ing and Mineral Resources. 14o3 pages. 8 - v o . ch,th.Washington, Government Printing Office, 19o6.

U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Bulldtin No. 74, F~,rcstP roduc t s of the United States, 19o5, by R. S. Kel log and It. M. Hale.69 pages, tables, 8-w). Washington, Government Printing Office, 19o7.

Issue and Redemption of National Bank Guaranteed Credit Notes . Re-port from the Committee on Banking and Currency, submitted by Mr.Fowler. T o accoml)any House Repor t No. 23o~7, 59th Congrc~. 2d ~c~i,)n,December 20, 19o0. 29 pages, 8-vo. n . p . n . d .

U. S. Cc~mmerce and Labor Department, Coast and Geodetic Survey.Appendix 3. Repor t for I9O6. Terrestrial Magnetism. Results of Mag-ne t i c Observations made by the Coast and Geodetic Survey between July i .19o5, and June 30, I9O6, by L. A. Bauer, lnsp,cctor of Magnetic W o r k .Pages IO7 to 209, 4-to. \Vashington, Government, J9o6.

Appendix No. 4. Repor t for 19o6. Terrestrial Magnetism. Distribu-tion of the ~magnetic Declination in the Uni t ed States for January I. 19o5.with Isogonic char t and Secular Change Tahles, by L. A. Bauer. Pagc~213 to 226, maps, 4-to. \Vashington, Government, 19o6.

U. S. Navy Department, Bureau of Steam Engineering. _knnual R q m r tfor 19o6. 4I pages, 8-xo. Washington, Government, 19o6.

Sections.(Abstract of Proceedings.)

SECTION Ol." Plt~sl~ s AND CHEMISTRY.--The Sect ion hehl a >tared meetingon Thursday evening, October 24th, at 8 o'clock, Dr. Edward Goldsmithin th~ chair. The pape r of the evening was presented by Mr. F, P.