the chatter box - · 2 the administrator’s note hello gang, just this past...

1 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: The Administrators Note - pp. 2-3 Celebrating October-p.3 Monthly Birthdays & Anniversaries - p. 4 Bowling News - p. 5 Kings In A Corner - p. 6 Employee of the Month & Voting Information - p. 7 Our New Employees - p. 8 Our New Residents - p. 9 Meet Your Neighbor - p. 10 Kathys Corner - p. 11 Snippet of the Month - p. 12 Announcements - pp. 12-13 Jokes, Riddles & Poems Section - pp.13-14 THE CHATTER BOX OCTOBER 2017 ISSUE

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The Administrator’s Note

- pp. 2-3

Celebrating October-p.3

Monthly Birthdays &

Anniversaries - p. 4

Bowling News - p. 5

Kings In A Corner - p. 6

Employee of the Month

& Voting Information - p. 7

Our New Employees - p. 8

Our New Residents - p. 9

Meet Your Neighbor - p. 10

Kathy’s Corner - p. 11

Snippet of the Month

- p. 12


- pp. 12-13

Jokes, Riddles & Poems

Section - pp.13-14




The Administrator’s Note

Hello Gang,

Just this past weekend I went to a concert, something I haven’t

done in years. And who did I see? Barry Manilow. Do you

remember him? He was huge in the 70’s and has been a big

presence in the music world ever since. Despite it just being a

fantastic event, there were a couple of great take-aways for me

from the show. The first was

how hearing some of those

old songs, like Mandy and

Could It Be Magic, immedi-

ately transported me

back to that time period

which was when I was a

young adolescent and

feeling my first longings of

romantic love. I remembered the old girlfriends and the feelings

of those loves and I again experienced all the warmth that

surrounds such thoughts of reminiscence. The feelings of love

both romantic and selfless, for both past and present relation-

ships came to the forefront in my heart and magically all other

emotions were gone. The power of music to focus us on life’s

true importance is so wonderfully amazing. The second great

realization for me was in seeing the maestro himself. Barry is

now 74 years old and still sounds and plays great.

(To be continued on page 3)

“The power of music to

focus us on life’s true

importance is so

wonderfully amazing. “




Emotional Wellness Month

Vegetarian Aware-ness Month

Roller Skating Month

Mystery Series Week - October 1–7

Guardian Angels Day - October 2

Face Your Fears Day - October 10

Mulligan Day October 17

Chemistry Week October 22–28

World Pasta Day October 25

All Hallows Eve October 31

The Administrator’s Note (Cont’d.)

When you see him perform you are not

only impressed by his abilities at his

age but you also see something much

deeper. You see what time has

accomplished in him; he carries

himself with a certain wisdom and

confidence. His facial expressions

convey a certain gratitude and loving

appreciation that he freely and humbly

offers to the audience continuously

throughout the performance. He was

truly an inspiration regarding the gift of

wisdom that comes with age and the

positive effect that, when shared, it has

on the younger and less mature.

Thanks for reading,

- Dave


October Birthday Celebrant

Julia V.—Oct. 21st

Happy happy

Birthday, Julia!!!

Staff Birthdays

Gloria—Oct. 5th

Jessica—Oct. 7th

Joseph—Oct. 20th

Jake—Oct. 21st

David—Oct. 24th

Have a blast!!!!

Staff Anniversaries

Kathy H.—5th yr.—Oct.12th



Bowling News Our bowlers’ average scores from last month: Bernice B.: 148 Bill: 117 Dot: 153 Hank: 164 Joe: 148 Nikki: 151 Pauline: 143 Peg: 128 Phyllis: 117 Vivian: 164 Wes: 88

Great game!

Everyone is welcome, so please come and join in the fun!!!


Kings In A Corner

Our card players score board: Dot: 2 Marie: 1 Pauline: 2

Game on!


Employee of the Month Voting Information:

November Employee of the Month voting

will be collected 1 hour before and after the Resident Council Meeting,

scheduled on October 19th at 2p.m.. We’ll be providing you a print-out of our staff’s pictures with their names on it to help iden-

tify the staff member that you would like to vote for. The ballots and drop box will

be set on the activity table.

Thank you very much.

Employee of the Month

Kathy Huff—Nursing Dept.

Kathy is very helpful

and attentive to what we

(residents) need.

Way to go, Kathy!!!


Our New Employees

Welcome to the Abington family!!

Kristen Morgenstern

Activities Aide

Ke’arah Debreaux

Dietary Aide


Our New Residents

Shirley Leh of

Room 221.

She’s born in


Easton, PA

and lived in

Philipsburg, NJ.

Mary Jane Yetter

Of Room 322

She’s born and

raised in ???

Welcome to the Abington family,

Shirley & Mary Jane!!!


Meet Your Neighbor

Julia Veres of Room 315

Julia was born on October 21, 1922 in Easton, PA and grew up there. She

went to St. Bernard’s Catholic School and Easton Catholic High School. After

high school, she went to Churchman Business College and took a Secretarial

course. She joined the Navy and served as a Radioman from 1943—1946. She

later on worked as a Secretary at Kressler Wolff & Miller Insurance Co. for 3

years. Then, she worked at the Social Security Office in the Unemployment

Department for another 3 years. She got married at 27 yrs. old and had five

children and two cats. She used to love to read books, drawing and doing

puzzles. Now-a-days, she enjoys reading the newspaper, watching TV shows

& movies, and participating in most of the activity programs we have. She es-

pecially loves to go out on community trips & drawing pictures on her own

time in our art station. We love having Julia in our community!


Kathy’s Corner

The Story Of Kate

By Katherine Wismer LPN DORC In the last episode, Rex the dog and Walter Jr. survived their first duck encounter. Kate and her old friend, Harold, have been seeing a lot of each other and are quite the talk of the town. All the children are back to school, Kate, Rex and Har-old walk them to school bus everyday and get them off the bus in the afternoon. Walter Jr. says he is a little too old to have grandma come to get him, but he always has a smile on his face when he sees them on the bus stop. And Rex always jumps on him and licks his face. You would think they have not seen each other in ages the way they act with each other.

Today seemed different. Harold was nervous and did not seem himself. While they were walking back to the house, Harold stopped by the front step at the porch and got down on his knee and asked Kate if she would be his wife, that is if Wal-ter Jr. approves. Kate was surprised and did not know what to say. Yes she was quite fond of Harold. They have become quite close and they have known each other all their lives, but she still loves Walter and misses him. She knows Harold still loves his wife and misses her as well. Is this her last oppor-tunity for some happiness, and a chance to be able to love and be loved by someone who cares for her? How will their fami-lies feel about this change? Where will they live? There is so much to consider. She feels that she is not trying to replace Walter with Harold and she hopes he feels the same toward his wife. What to do? What to do?

Stay tuned next month...




As we have discussed dur-

ing our Resident Council, we

will have a “claim” pile of lost

items set up in the Activity

room every weekend

(Saturday to Sunday). Af-

ter a month, all unclaimed

items will be moved to “for

grabs” pile for another two

weekends. Any unclaimed

items after then will be dis-



For this month’s theme dress

week, wear ’20s Era clothes

& accessories. NOTE:

We’ll give away plenty of

tricky tray tickets for those

who participate in our

Theme Dress Week



As we have discussed

during our Resident Coun-

cil, we will have a “claim”

pile of lost items set up in

the Activity room every

weekend (Saturday to Sun-

day). After a month, all

unclaimed items will be

moved to “for grabs” pile

for another two weekends.

Any unclaimed items after

then will be discarded.


For this month’s theme

dress week, wear your fa-


clothes & accessories.

NOTE: We’ll give away

plenty of tricky tray tick-

ets for those who partici-

pate in our Theme Dress



Our annual safe Trick Or

Treat is here again! Please

see the calendars for more



Come in as much or as lit-

tle costume that you want,

everyone’s welcome. Just

come out and have some

fun with us!

Snippet of the Month

Go Nuts for Squirrels in October

Squirrels will be busy throughout October burying nuts in the ground in preparation for the long, cold winter. No wonder October is both Squirrel Awareness Month and Nut Month. Nuts such as acorns, hickory, pecans, and black walnuts are the most important part of a squirrel’s diet, for they give the squirrel the protein and fatty acids they need to survive. But the truth is that squirrels, like humans, require a balanced diet to stay healthy. They may love nuts, but they also need to eat berries, seeds, young plants, and even insects to get the nutrition they need. Like humans, squirrels also sometimes don’t realize that too much of a good thing could make them sick. Many squirrels adore peanuts, but peanuts can harbor a fungus in their shells that is poisonous to squirrels.

These furry critters, often seen scurrying up and down trees in the backyard, are easy to take for granted. Yet the squirrel is a highly adaptable animal; there are 285 different species located all over the world. Tree squirrels, such as North America’s eastern gray squir-rel, play an important role in forest regeneration. The gray squirrel often eats damaged seeds and nuts first and stores the best seeds to eat later. Burying these seeds gives hardwood trees a greater chance to thrive. With a 17-inch body and a 20-inch tail, the Indian giant flying squirrel is impressive for its size and has the abil-ity to soar up to 300 feet. These squirrels do not really fly but glide on thin membranes of skin that are at-tached to their front and hind legs like a parachute. Ground squirrels, including marmots, woodchucks, and prairie dogs, have evolved to live outside of forests, in-stead digging vast underground burrows in mountains and grasslands. These species, unlike their tree-dwelling cousins, are also highly social and communi-cative. The next time you watch the silly acrobatics of these backyard visitors, take some time to appreciate how squirrels have been able to find success in habi-tats all over the world.


Jokes, Riddles & Poems Section:

Going Squirrely and Nutty in October

The Jokes

1. I wanted to catch a squirrel, but I wasn’t sure how. I decid-

ed to climb up a tree and act like a nut.

2. What do you call the nuts on the wall? Walnuts.

3. How many squirrels does it take to change a lightbulb?

None, actually, because squirrels only change bulbs that are

NUT broken.

4. How do you catch a squirrel for the holidays? Climb a tree

and act like nutmeg.

5. Where do peanut drivers go to fill their tanks? The Shell


6. What kind of nuts always seem to have a cold? Cashews.

7. What do you get when you cross a squirrel with an ele-

phant? An animal that remembers where it hid its nuts.

8. What did the bird say to the racing squirrel? You walnut

beat that!

9. I tried coming up with a squirrel pun but everything I

thought of was nuts.

10. Why couldn’t the squirrel eat the macadamia nut? It was

one tough nut to crack.

11. What do you call a nut in a spacesuit? An astroNUT.

12. Why did the squirrel take apart the classic car? To get

down to the nuts and bolts.

Announcements (cont’d)


Calling out all the men out

there, the Men’s Social is

back! A very nice gentle-

man, Tom, from one of the

local church, Cornerstone in

Easton, will be coming to

join us. Please check your

calendar for more details.


Calling all our artists & craft-

ers out there! We’d like to

take pictures of all your

beautiful work. We will post

them in the Activity Connec-

tion for display!


We’re on a project making

mode again this month!!!

We have lined up another

set of great projects to

make this year.


In case you or your family is not aware, we have a Facebook page! Search for ‘Abington Manor at Morgan Hill’ and Like us


Our monthly newsletter and

calendar is now available in

our website. Go to http:// and

follow the Quick Links.

Announcements (cont’d)


We have set up tables at

the Activity Room with vari-

ety of activities to choose

from. Please check them

out, have some fun and

earn as many Tricky Tray

Tickets as you can!!!


Calling all our artists &

crafters out there! We’d like

to take pictures of all your

beautiful work. We will post

them in the Activity Connec-

tion for display!


We’re on a project making

mode again this month!!!

We have lined up another

set of great projects to

make this year.


In case you or your family is not aware, we have a Facebook page! Search for ‘Abington Manor at Morgan Hill’ and Like us


Our monthly newsletter and

calendar is now available in

our website. Go to http:// and

follow the Quick Links.


Jokes, Riddles & Poems Section (cont’d):

Going Squirrely and Nutty in October (cont’d)

13. Cashew a question? Nut now.

14. Why was the squirrel late for work? Traffic was nuts.

15. I just saw a squirrel bury a nut in my backyard. I’m going to dig it up

and replace it with a chocolate bar. That will blow his mind!

16. How do you catch a carpenter squirrel (a squirrel that likes power

tools)? Go to the hardware store and pretend to be nut wood.

17. Families are like fudge, mostly sweet with a few nuts.

18. Why shouldn’t you tell a nut a joke? Because it might crack up.

19. How do you catch a Polynesian squirrel? Climb a tree and act like a coconut.

20. What do you say to a nut when it sneezes? Cashew.

21. Did you hear the joke about the peanut butter? I’m not telling you; you might spread it!

22. How do you catch an Irish squirrel? Climb a tree and act like a green pistachio nut.

23. Why don’t squirrels have any friends? Because they drive everyone nuts.

24. How do you catch a European squirrel? Climb a tree and act like a metric nut.

25. What did the nut say to the squirrel? Nothing, nuts can’t talk.

26. How do you catch a squirrel interested in ornithology (study of birds)? Climb a tree and act like a


27. How do you catch a rich squirrel? Climb a tree and act like a cashew.

28. What did the psychologist say to the squirrel with multiple personalities? You’re one tough nut to


29. Psychologist: What brings you here today? Squirrel: I realized I am what I eat.

30. Why didn’t the woman tell her friend the joke about peanut butter? She was afraid she would

spread it around. THE END