the brain – heart frequency dilemma (50 slides) creatively compiled by dr. michael farnworth

The Brain – Heart Frequency Dilemma (50 slides) creatively compiled by dr. michael farnworth

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Page 1: The Brain – Heart Frequency Dilemma (50 slides) creatively compiled by dr. michael farnworth

The Brain – Heart Frequency Dilemma(50 slides)

creatively compiled by dr. michael farnworth

Page 2: The Brain – Heart Frequency Dilemma (50 slides) creatively compiled by dr. michael farnworth

In this section I will attempt an explanation of the frequency and domain of the heart.

Page 3: The Brain – Heart Frequency Dilemma (50 slides) creatively compiled by dr. michael farnworth

Joseph Pearce, speaking of the awakening in the scientific community

“More and more, all experience is being interpreted by the new science (Quantum theory) as an infinitely interwoven complex of

resonant frequencies that selectively modulate to form worlds, bodies, thoughts, emotions, rocket ships, and sonnets.

More and more researchers say in a mounting clamor of consensus: “Its all just frequencies! Just frequencies!”

(Joseph Pearce, The Biology of Transcendence, p. 39)

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First some basic information about frequency waves

Frequency waves carry information.

Everything you see, hear and know can be reduced down to frequency wave lengths.

Whether light waves, sound waves or quantum waves of the brain.

All information can be reduced down to its primal state of frequency.

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The electromagnetic spectrum uses a scale called a logarithmic scale- used in science to reduce a very large range of some quantity into a manageable and comprehensible size.

If a linear scale had been used for the wavelength range the figure would have been many light years long.

In other words, the electromagnetic scale is near to infinite length.

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What if life were one large, sophisticated frequency spectrum?

Individuals could tune into the fields of discipline and study by reading, education, thinking, contemplation, practice and


Some of the various fields would include medicine, sports, mathematics, language, finances, history, art, music, engineering, business, biology,

accounting, anthropology, hobbies, philosophy, family, psychology, home arts, physics, dance, construction, literature, writing, performing arts, sociology,

theology, archeology, etc, etc.

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The study of and tuning into the discipline frequency fields would then be received into individual minds and hearts.

They would then share common frequency waves of

information, behavior, values, skills and knowledge with 1000s of others who had tuned into those same frequency fields of

education and study.

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Tuning into a frequency field is accomplished by intention, desire, study, concentration, work, experience, practice and


Depending upon the frequency field an individual could spend all their life absorbing and learning the distribution of the frequency waves of information, skills and knowledge.

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There are problems that arise when incoherency exists between the frequency waves of heart and mind.

A person could feel stuck in an area of work or study because they may hate or be bored to death in with it.

They just don’t have their heart in their work, we might say.

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Since the heart produces an electrical field 60 times more powerful than the brain.

And an electrical magnetic field 5000 times more powerful than the brain.

Then the heart is much more powerful and influential than the brain.

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“With every beat, the heart transmits to the brain and throughout the body complex patterns of neurological,

hormonal, pressure and electromagnetic information, which form a major component of the physiological back drop that

ultimately determines our emotional experience.”

(Dr. Rollin McCraty, The Scientific Role of the Heart in Learning and Performance)

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Maybe this explains why an adult who was victimized and abused as a child, having that dark energy frequency encoded within their hearts, still can’t seem to shake the effects 10, 20, 30 years later.

Even after years of new brain cerebral, logical efforts and energies.

They can read, think, analyze, talk, get cognitive therapy, pray, set goals, disassociate, forget, and all with varying degrees of non-


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What gives?

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There is a very unique measurement of the heart which is called Heart Rate Variability (HRV).

Negative energies like anger, frustration, anxiety cause

incoherence and physiological inefficiency.

While energies like appreciation, love and compassion create coherency and physiological efficiency.

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“The term Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is used to refer to these naturally occurring, beat to beat changes in heart rate, which are

reflective of heart-brain interactions and autonomic nervous system dynamics.

Recent research has revealed that heart rate variability patterns, or heart rhythms, are remarkably responsive to changes in emotional


Specifically, during the experience of stress and negative emotions such as anger, frustration or anxiety, heart rhythms become more

erratic and disordered, indicating desynchronization in the reciprocal action between the parasympathetic and sympathetic branches of

the autonomic nervous system.”

(Dr. Rollin McCraty, The Scientific Role of the Heart in Learning and Performance)

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Heart Rate Variability is an interesting measure that some consider the best predictor of death available.

It measures in milliseconds the variation in the intervals

between heart beats.

It encodes complex patterns of neurological, hormonal, pressure, and electro-magnetic information.

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) effectively measures the dynamics of stress and desynchronization between the two braches of the

autonomic nervous system, the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.

(Dr. Rollin McCraty, The Scientific Role of the Heart in Learning and Performance)

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And if we still haven’t awakened to the damage of stress does to us please consider the following:

“Stress kills slowly, suppressing the immune system, shutting down growth, and eroding memory and the ability to learn.”

Robert Sapolsky, Professor of Neurology at Stanford University.

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Stress, (which I believe is simply the consequence of living incoherently) can physically kill us.

I also believe stress can cause inner death, by creating an incoherent state responsible for the conditions of psychological

ill health.

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With all our emphasis on physical heart health: exercise, eating right, not smoking, stress reduction, strokes, failure, attacks, etc.

Maybe we need to redirect our aim and attention to the spiritual heart dangers of self contempt, self loathing, self hatred,

depression, and the like (which creates the inefficient Heart Rate Variability

measurements) are the real foundational conditions of a sick and out of sync heart.

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It is a well known medical reality that our state of health is an interplay between mind (ego) and heart (body).

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The implication may be that stress and out of sync heart frequencies create discomfort so that people in pain are tuning into the cognitive frequency field of their brain for temporary


They may have escaped to their brains for relief from the uncomfortable frequency waves of pain, sadness, fear and anger

of their heart.

They engage the frequency fields of their cognition which opens up techniques where by they can sooth the heart stress, anxiety

and intensity of their past.

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Role playing, addiction, survival strategies, being busy, living their life by a check list of things to do, may seem like a wise

thing to do (by virtue of our cultural socialization) but it is not.

All these mood altering activities are temporary and may become, overtime, the god to which we may turn to in times of

need and when we hope for salvation.

It is called metaphorical idolatry.

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Each addictive, mood altering activity creates a frequency field that offers temporary relief from the incoherency of our life:

food, sex, work, drugs, religion, studying, risk taking, romance, relationships, money, control, worry, alcohol, spending, saving,

investing, exercise, television, cleaning, reading, music, impression management, being good, analyzing, thinking, gambling, sugar, eating, success, studying, masturbation,

pornography, internet, etc.

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The addiction frequency provides temporary pain relief from the static of incoherent living.

But it is short lived and soon the heart static and pain returns.

The counter frequency of the addiction temporarily negates the pain, discomfort, fear and anxiety in our life.

But it is only temporary and the disturbing and painful energy will return!

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What happens to an person who, as a child, had their heart encoded with fear, violations, pain, sadness, threat and

contempt via physical, spiritual and sexual abuse and wounding?

What frequencies fields bath their body and soul with each beat of their heart?

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The slide that follows are a series of questions that a child once wanted to ask God and now as an adult, articulates into words.

How might you answer them and would your articulated answer

come from your head or from your heart?

That simple fact of information origin (head or heart) might make all the difference in the world.

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Questions and thoughts of a sexually abused child (now as an adult):

“If you knew it would be so hard for me to find happiness in the future, why didn’t you allow room for someone to love me?

Why didn’t you intervene?

Why did you leave me alone at such a critical age?

Why did your guidance and love have to be so subtle?

Couldn’t you have abandoned silly rules for a moment to help me and give me hope as a child?

You didn’t manifest yourself in more obvious ways more helpful to a child, so I shut down.

Don’t you hold some responsibility?

Why must children be left without your help?

Why weren’t you more compassionate to a child?

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Hard and legitimate questions with no easy answers but…

understanding the paradigm of frequency fields may provide some new avenues of explorations.

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What wisdom and intelligence frequency can the heart tune into that the ego can’t?

How can mind, heart and bodyentrain (coordinate) their systems (brain, heart, breathing, circulation) to receive

and live in the frequency field effect of health and Life.

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I believe one of the consequences of childhood abuse is sanctuary trauma.

This sanctuary trauma is when a child is forced to vacate the

inner sacred places for survival reasons.

Because of abuse, they are turned against themselves and over time see them self as the enemy.

When this happens, a child is forced to break the relationship they have with them self.

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There are serious linner dilemmas when one’s body becomes the instrument and vehicle of the pain, abuse and hurt of childhood


Being forced from the sanctuary, leaves it empty, with no one to care and nurture it.

This abandonment of the sacred places of the heart set the stage for outward feigned and addicted living with which the ego

seems to excel in!

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“I am not a mechanism, an assembly of various sections.

And it is not because the mechanism is working wrongly, that I am ill.

I am ill because of wounds to the soul, to the deep emotional self and the wounds to the soul take a long, long time, only time can

help and patience, and a certain difficult repentance, long difficult repentance, realization of life's mistake, and the freeing

oneself from the endless repetition of the mistake which mankind at large has chosen to sanctify.”

D.H. Lawrence

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Love as a frequency field:

The greatest of all the powers is love, without it we are empty.

Our heart, not our ego, is the surrender center of the soul.

It is there (in our heart) that the frequency of love is received, lived and given life.

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This last part will explore giving our self permission to be wounded and releasing stuck energy fields.

The simple fact of reality, despite our frightening powers of denial and ego dishonesty is:

That we are wounded.

And it is denying this reality that we live incoherently and create myriads of problems!

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The conundrum is:

How can we awaken to the fact that we are wounded people if our ego has spent it’s life defending us against that simple but

disturbing fact?

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Only by giving our self permission to acknowledge our wounded nature, can we replace the arrogant ego dishonesty which

originates the energy of hatred and contempt towards the self.

Outer behavior of creating a public persona for the world to see, while harboring self contempt and hatred of heart, is the result of

incoherent, out of sync living.

It is dysfunctional, dishonest and wounding.

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We need to give our self heart felt permission to be wounded.

We need to extend mercy to our self, as well as others.

We need to feel compassion for our self, as well as for strangers.

We need to love and comfort our self as we desire to love and comfort others.

This is not selfishness.

This is embracing the inner stewardship of soul.

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One’s inability to accept the self with love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness is a conundrum that many need to solve.

It is this conundrum of self-contempt and loathing that prevents the frequency powers of love in our lives.

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Note: this is where our ego and culture’s conventional wisdom come back to haunt us!

What we may think as a logical, self-willed, goal-setting, check-list journey towards humanistic perfection may well be a simple

issue of pride, vanity and an ego unwillingness to marinate in our own wounded juices long enough to be wakened to our

desperate need of being healed!

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Many of us carry around stuck energy fields of thought and emotion that originated in our childhoods and that continue to haunt us in


How many of us intellectually know we shouldn’t feel this way but can’t seem to do anything about it?

There are some wonderful healing strategies available if one is willing to make an investment of time and effort to learn the energy

release therapies.

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There are specific energy/thought fields from childhood that need released:

• Self contempt• Self hatred• Self loathing• Self blame• Self disgust• Self meanness• Self punishing

• Shame• Feelings of worthlessness• Feelings of fear• Numbness• Disassociation• Feelings of deserving hurt• Feelings of hatred

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Many psychological problems are created when we refuse to integrate and suffer the lessons of our life.

We can disassociate, forget, deny, keep busy– but the truth of our life will need be acknowledged one way or another!

If we were sent to the earth to have experiences and to learn from them…

then what sense does it make to have them and then attempt to hide from their lessons?

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Please read: The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamers

IT DOESN’T INTEREST ME WHAT YOU DO FOR A LIVING. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing.

It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for you dream, for the adventure of being alive.

It doesn’t interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know have you touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life’s betrayals or have become shriveled and closed for fear of further pain. I want to know if

you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it or fade it or fix it.

I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own, if you can dance with the wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, to be realistic, to remember the limitations of being human.

It doesn’t interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself; if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul; if you can be faithless and therefore


I want to know if you can see beauty, even when it’s not pretty, every day, and if you can source your own life from its presence.

I want to know if you can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, “Yes!”

It doesn’t interest me to know where you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up, after the night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done to feed the children.

It doesn’t interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.

I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.

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To me, we have come to the core of incoherent living.

The inner dishonesty of between how we are suppose to feel about our self and what energies are really harbored within our


But we can desire a healing.

We can look for a way to change our heart frequency!

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If you cannot embrace yourself in love, while in your wounded state, then you create the very incoherency that prevents you from

resonating in the frequency field of love.

You are out of sync and your heart and mind are at war.

And war is inconsistent with love, healing and peace.

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Love is the greatest power and greatest gift in the world!

Why wouldn’t we want to accept it into our lives?

I don’t know, but maybe Hugh Nibley does.

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Referring to the gifts of love:

“As for these other gifts how often do we ask for them?

How earnestly do we seek for them?

We could have them if we did ask, but we don’t. People don’t want them?

No, not as gifts– they are proud and don’t want to accept a dole.

Their hearts are really set on these things, they want to have them, but they want to earn them fair and square and to be beholden to no one for them.

They want to say, This is mine because I earned it.

In our Anglo-Saxon ethic we just don’t like the idea of having to depend upon anyone else, we must be independent before all things.”

H. Nibley, Approaching Zion, p.90

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The quintessential incoherent life is being a creation of Life and harboring self contempt, loathing and hatred for that


As long as our hearts are turned against our selves then we will suffer the consequence of living our life out of sync and

coherency with the frequency of love.

Incoherent living breeds stress, contempt, fear and feignness while self abuse, wounding and

self-loathing keep us out of the frequency of love’s power.

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Seek for the inner coherency of love in your life.

The change of frequency will do you good.

And it all starts with a compassionate acceptance of your whole self.

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