the baptist herald - clover

First Baptist Church 1905 Lebanon Road, Crawfordsville, IN The Baptist Herald July 2012 The Gourleys are serving in the small, Central Asian country of Kyrgyzstan where approximately 80% of the population is Muslim. Jed and Renee are primarily involved in church planting and leader- ship training, where Jed is serving as pastor of Calvary Chapel Renewal and Renee is directing the children's ministries and women's ministries. Early on in his Christian walk, Jed attended First Baptist Church of Crawfords- ville and was actively involved in the youth group. Later he began leading the youth group at Calvary Chapel of Crawfordsville. Renee (Markey) grew up in Calvary Chapel, where her father, George, was the pastor. In 1992, Renee left for the mission field with her family at the age of 16. Jed soon joined the team in Ukraine and began serving the young people who were coming to the Lord. Jed and Renee were married in Kiev in 1994. From 1995-1999, both completed university studies in southern California and returned to the mission field. Jed and Renee have four children, Anna, Elizabeth, Joshua, and Rachel. The Gourleys will be sharing at First Baptist on July 29th in between services. Come see and hear what God is doing in Central Asia. MISSIONS SPOTLIGHT Jed & Renee Gourley—Kyrgyzstan ABW Ministries 2012 Womens Day—October 13, 2012 Madison First Baptist Church, Madison Indiana Workshops Mold Me Ministry—Carl & Judy Elmer Night Light Jewelry—Lydia Davis Historic Madison Break the Chains—Galen Bremmer Missionaries to China, the Wus Costs Womens Day on Saturday, October 13th—$15 Officers Meeting on Friday, October 12th—$7 Registration forms available at the Welcome Center or contact Pat Snow

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Page 1: The Baptist Herald - Clover newslet… · The Baptist Herald July 2012 The Gourleys are serving in the small, Central

First Baptist Church 1905 Lebanon Road, Crawfordsville, IN

The Baptist Herald July 2012

The Gourleys are serving

in the small, Central Asian

country of Kyrgyzstan where

approximately 80% of the

population is Muslim. Jed and

Renee are primarily involved

in church planting and leader-

ship training, where Jed is

serving as pastor of Calvary

Chapel Renewal and Renee

is directing the children's

ministries and women's


Early on in his Christian

walk, Jed attended First

Baptist Church of Crawfords-

ville and was actively involved

in the youth group. Later he

began leading the youth

group at Calvary Chapel of

C rawf o rds v i l l e . Renee

(Markey) grew up in Calvary

Chapel, where her father,

George, was the pastor. In

1992, Renee left for the

mission field with her family at

the age of 16. Jed soon

joined the team in Ukraine

and began serving the young

people who were coming to

the Lord.

Jed and Renee were

married in Kiev in 1994. From

1995-1999, both completed

university studies in southern

California and returned to

the mission field. Jed and

Renee have four children,

Anna, Elizabeth, Joshua, and


The Gourleys will be

sharing at First Baptist

on July 29th in between

services. Come see and

hear what God is doing in

Central Asia.


Jed & Renee Gourley—Kyrgyzstan

ABW Ministries 2012 Womens Day—October 13, 2012 Madison First Baptist Church, Madison Indiana

Workshops Mold Me Ministry—Carl & Judy Elmer

Night Light Jewelry—Lydia Davis Historic Madison

Break the Chains—Galen Bremmer Missionaries to China, the Wus


Womens Day on Saturday, October 13th—$15 Officers Meeting on Friday, October 12th—$7

Registration forms available at the Welcome Center

or contact Pat Snow

Page 2: The Baptist Herald - Clover newslet… · The Baptist Herald July 2012 The Gourleys are serving in the small, Central

Page 2 The Baptist Herald

Process of Discipleship II—Pastor Isaac

Sometimes the call to "go

and make disciples of all nations"

can be a bit overwhelming. In

my last article I talked about

people who had actually sought

to intentionally disciple me in a

planned and organized way.

However, discipleship starts

even before you sit down with

your Bible across the table from

another person. I am including

Tim Keller’s (Pastor and Author)

top ten tips for personal evangel-

ism below, which are very helpful

and practical.

1. Let people around you know

you are a Christian (in a natural,

unforced way)

2. Ask friends about their faith –

and just listen!

3. Listen to your friends’

problems – maybe offer to

pray for them

4. Share your problems with

others – testify to how your faith

helps you

5. Give them a book to read

6. Share your story

7. Answer object ions and


8. Invite them to a church event

9. Offer to read the Bible with


10. Take them to an explore

course [I assume that this is a

class offered through the church

designed to teach the gospel]

The guy who shared this list

went on the comment that often

we need to begin with the first

areas. We usually only think of

evangelism or discipleship as

comprising the things in the last

half of the list but this is not true.

Think for a minute about the

impact that the first tips would

have on your opportunities to

evangelize and make disciples.

Do all of your friends know

you are a Christian? If not, why

not? Why has the topic not

come up? Is this an issue that

you are embarrassed to discuss?

This does not mean you have to

go around and introduce yourself

as a Christian to everyone you

meet, (natural and unforced)

but if you are a secret Christian

then you have some serious

questions to wrestle with.

Do you know about your

friends faith? Have you ever

asked them? I wonder how

many gospel conversations

would result if people just began

asking others about their faith.

The resulting conversations

would almost certainly lead to

more and deeper topics. Also,

asking someone about their faith

proves you care about them and

are interested in their lives. You

may find out that your non-

Christian neighbor is a deacon!

Everyone has problems and

this list suggests using them

as opportunities for the gospel.

Everyone is grateful to have

someone listen to their problems

and they might really be glad to

have you pray for them. This

could also be the open door to

more conversations as you ask

how the problem is going and

continue to check up. When God

answers the prayer (either way)

this is yet another opportunity to

talk about God to your friend in a

caring way. Notice how Keller

also encourages people to

share their problems with others

and describe how the gospel

helped them to deal with it.

Often Christians are fooled into

thinking that the best witness is

for Christians to have perfect

lives with no problems. This is

not true. All people will have

problems, Christians and every-

one else. The gospel changes

how we respond and deal

with our problems. This is a

great witness, much better than a

perfect, problem-free life. Dealing

with problems, both yours and

your friends can also give you

the chance to give a book

that you have found helpful.

Especially if they empathize with

your struggles they might really

appreciate a book that benefited


Always be looking for oppor-

tunities to proclaim the gospel.

But recognize that so often those

opportunities come as we share

the fact that we are believers and

seek to understand where others

are coming from. As we deal with

problems and try to help friends

do the same we have the chance

to continue to point to the gospel.

The goal of salvation should

always be in our hearts but we

recognize that sometimes we are

called to plant seeds, sometimes

we are called to water seeds,

sometimes we are called to

fertilize tiny plants, and other

time we can reap a harvest. Pray

for the harvest and keep planting

seeds in many ways, at all times

and in everyone.

Page 3: The Baptist Herald - Clover newslet… · The Baptist Herald July 2012 The Gourleys are serving in the small, Central

Page 3 July 2012

Thank You:

Church Family,

Thank you for the

mug, key, chain,

and devotional

book I really

appreciate it

and look forward

to reading the

devotions during

my college ex-

perience. Thank

you again.

Lydia Smith

Terri Henderson—tests

Bernadine Casteel—constant pain

Evelyn Kidwell—two stents

Matthew Commons—deployed, stepped on IED

Virginia Todd—rehab at Lane House

Mike Barclay—test results

Veda Ross—shoulder replacement

Jeff Mills—test results

Cindy Wittum—recovering

from surgery

Sandy Morehouse—car accident

Rick Holtz—test results

Joan Pass—brain scan for aneurysm

Ronald Taylor—fell, low blood sugar

Cindy Kidwell—stroke-like symptoms

Vern Wittum—heart attack

Judy Leonard—heart cath.

Extended prayer needed:

Lois Deck—cancer

Janet Allen—cancer

Tom Newlin—colon cancer

Our deepest sympathy to the families of:

Louise White

Walter White

Sympathies & Prayer Requests

The month of June

we talked about how

God gave us plants. We

had Bible stories about

how God made the

seeds and the land.

I have one opening

in the twos and a few

openings in the fives. I

am also looking for

school age kids for the

summer program.

Financial information:

We are currently helping

families in the commu-

nity with assistance from

the scholarship fund.

The school age pro-

gram is in full swing. We

went to Conner Prairie

and participated in

Vacation Bible School.

VBS is always a favorite

of all the kids, they love

being a part of it.

Thanks for including us!

We bought some

more items with the

Chr is tmas of fer ing

money. We built a large

sandbox by the swings,

Big Thanks to Dick

VanArsdel and Meredith

Manges for building it.

We bought a basketball

goal, badminton set, and

sand toys.

The garage sale

was once again a huge

success. We are so

appreciative of all your

donations, without your

help we couldn’t do it

every year. We will be

using the money for

more playground equip-


We are still in need

of baby dolls and barbies

for our fours and fives

classes. Big thanks to

the Judson class for

donating the bubble

wands for the school age


Continuing to serve,

Julie and the Guiding

Light Staff

Guiding Light—June

Page 4: The Baptist Herald - Clover newslet… · The Baptist Herald July 2012 The Gourleys are serving in the small, Central


1905 LEBANON RD (SR 32 E)


(765) 362-6504 - Church Office

(765) 362-6590 - FAX

(765) 364-0656 - Guiding Light Office

Email - [email protected]


Dated Material July 2012

Jesus Christ, Head of the Church

Every Member, Minister

Isaac D. Zull, Senior Pastor

Jeff Strickland, Associate Pastor of Christian Ed & Leadership

Linda Wilson, Director of Music

Julie Randles, Director, Guiding Light Child Care Ministries

Cathleen Robbins, Office Manager

Marjorie N. Hughes, Christian Counselor

Brooke Martin, Wedding Coordinator






1 Cozetta Haines

2 Florence Gobel

Susan Streetman

3 Melissa Thornburg

Tina Martin

5 Phil Hunter

Dylan Earl

Lincoln Zull (5)

6 Jennie Veach

7 Pete Utterback

Julie Zull

Maria Salter

Elizabeth Warner

8 Larry Ratcliff

Neil Barclay

Danielle Martin (2)

9 Ronald Taylor

10 Lucy Moore

Meredith Manges

Brett McKinney

11 Robert Porter

Phyllis Radcliff

12 Jonathan Streetman

13 Brian Smith

14 Nancy Carpenter

Nick Wilson

Brendan Mitchell

15 David Christensen

Katie Oliver

Lincoln Heide (3)

16 Dick VanArsdel

Nathan Sheridan

17 Barbara Cook

18 Steve Ross

19 Ken Barclay

20 Sissy Shermer

Kim Barclay

Jared McMurry

22 Dick Ames (70)

25 Terri Duncan

Rachel Earls

26 Shirley Pearson

Dan Martin

Taylin Edwards

31 Margaret Groves

William Priest

Robert Maxwell

5 Dick & Barbara VanArsdel

6 Curtis & Letty Calder

10 Isaac & Julie Zull

13 Matt & Jennifer Pearman

14 Terry & Arlene VanScoyoc

Mike & Sheila Cox

Pete & Bronna Utterback

15 Doug & Brooke Martin

18 Dick & Ann Baker

19 Allen & Dianna Personett

23 Bill & Nancy Carpenter

27 Robert & Janet Smiley

Jim & Shari White

28 Tim & Jennifer Veatch

31 Peter & Cindy Zull