the art of tapping dewayne pate

with Dewayne Pate Produced by David Schaub This book is sold to accompany the video download of The Art of Tapping for Electric Bass. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out, distributed, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent. Please respect the rights of artist and copyright owners. We endeavor to keep these lessons affordable and available. Please help support our efforts. This book copyright © 1992 Video Progressions. Copyright renewed © 2006 Video Progressions, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unauthorized reproduction in any form is an infringement of copyright. Infringers are liable under the law.

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Post on 26-Jun-2015




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Video Lesson bass


Page 1: The art of tapping   dewayne pate

with Dewayne PateProduced by David Schaub

This book is sold to accompany the video download of The Art of Tapping for Electric Bass.This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out, distributed, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent. Please respect the rights of artist and copyright owners. We endeavor to keep these lessons affordable and available. Please help support our efforts.

This book copyright © 1992 Video Progressions.Copyright renewed © 2006 Video Progressions, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Unauthorized reproduction in any form is an infringement of copyright. Infringers are liable under the law.

Page 2: The art of tapping   dewayne pate
Page 3: The art of tapping   dewayne pate
Page 4: The art of tapping   dewayne pate
Page 5: The art of tapping   dewayne pate
Page 6: The art of tapping   dewayne pate
Page 7: The art of tapping   dewayne pate
Page 8: The art of tapping   dewayne pate
Page 9: The art of tapping   dewayne pate
Page 10: The art of tapping   dewayne pate
Page 11: The art of tapping   dewayne pate
Page 12: The art of tapping   dewayne pate
Page 13: The art of tapping   dewayne pate
Page 14: The art of tapping   dewayne pate
Page 15: The art of tapping   dewayne pate
Page 16: The art of tapping   dewayne pate

Copyright © 1992 Video Progressions, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Unauthorized reproduction in any form is an infringement of copyright. Infringers are liable under the law.