th waning of tawthalin 1374 me monday, 15 october, 2012 usdp … · 2012. 10. 15. · volume xx,...

Volume XX, Number 178 15 th Waning of Tawthalin 1374 ME Monday, 15 October, 2012 NAY PYI TAW, 14 Oct — Chairman of Union Solidarity and Development Party President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar U Thein Sein met delegates to the First Party Conference of the Union Solidarity and Development Party and encouraged them this morning. The President has a similar favourable attitude to other national races parties and political parties for national reconciliation and national unity. — MNA USDP Chairman Pr esident U Thein Sein meets delegates to First USDP Party Conference Chairman of Union Solidarity and Development Party President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar U Thein Sein cordially greets representatives from other national races parties and political parties at First Party Conference of the Union Solidarity and Development Party.MNA Japan plans to resume yen loans to Myanmar in early 2013 TOKYO, 14 Oct—Japan said Thursday that Myanmar’s largest creditor will clear the Southeast Asian country’s overdue debt to it in January and that it will re- sume yen-denominated concessional loans to Myanmar at the earliest time possible next year. The Asian Develop- ment Bank and the World Bank, Myanmar’s second- and third-largest creditors, expressed their intention the same day to clear the country’s debt arrears to them next January, according to Japanese officials. The envisioned move by the two international lenders, unveiled at a meet- ing of officials from Myanmar and its main credi- tors in Tokyo, will pave the way for the international community to start provid- ing full-fledged develop- ment assistance to the long- isolated country. Following the meeting, which was hosted by Japan on the sidelines of the an- nual meetings of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, the Japa- nese government began ar- ranging tens of billions of yen in such loans to Myanmar for next year, gov- ernment sources said. During the meeting, par- ticipants agreed on the need to unite behind Myanmar’s reform efforts in order to fa- cilitate the country’s reengagement with the inter- national community, accord- ing to Japanese officials. “Addressing Myan- mar’s debt issue in a compre- hensive way is important for Myanmar to engage in the international community,” the country’s Finance and Revenue minister U Win Shein told the meeting, ex- pressing his appreciation to Japan and other creditors. The meeting was called mainly to chart a clear path toward settling the roughly $900 million in overdue debts to the ADB and the World Bank. The settlement has been eagerly awaited by Ja- pan, which has already agreed to resolve Myanmar’s roughly 500 billion yen debt to it but has yet to implement the debt relief. “It is high time that the international community united in its efforts to under- pin reform efforts by Myanmar and reintegrate Myanmar as one of its mem- bers,” Japanese Finance Minister Koriki Jojima told the meeting, noting that a series of reforms are under way in the country. Participants in the meet- ing also agreed that the two international lenders’ full en- gagement is essential for Myanmar’s economic reform and that active engagement by the IMF is also indispensible in reforming the country’s macroeco- nomic management, the Japa- nese officials said. Kyodo News Noteworthy amounts of rainfall (14-10-2012) Bhamo (1.34) inches Myitkyina (1.18) inches Pyu (1.10) inches Brilliant Messi leads Argentina to 3-0 romp past Uruguay India- born Kalten- born flies a flag for women in F1 PAGE 15 PAGE 14 Myanmar’s Finance and Revenue Minister U Win Shein (back) delivers a speech during a meeting of officials from Myanmar and its main creditors held in Tokyo on 11Oct, 2012 to discuss how to settle roughly $900 million in overdue debt to help the country's economic development. —KYODO P1(15).pmd 10/15/2012, 2:39 AM 1

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Page 1: th Waning of Tawthalin 1374 ME Monday, 15 October, 2012 USDP … · 2012. 10. 15. · Volume XX, Number 178 15th Waning of Tawthalin 1374 ME Monday, 15 October, 2012 NAY PYI TAW,

Volume XX, Number 178 15th Waning of Tawthalin 1374 ME Monday, 15 October, 2012

NAY PYI TAW, 14 Oct —Chairman of UnionSolidarity and DevelopmentParty President of theRepublic of the Union ofMyanmar U Thein Sein metdelegates to the First PartyConference of the UnionSolidarity and DevelopmentParty and encouraged themthis morning.

The President has asimilar favourable attitudeto other national racesparties and political partiesfor national reconciliationand national unity. — MNA

USDP Chairman President U Thein Sein meetsdelegates to First USDP Party Conference

Chairman of UnionSolidarity and

Development PartyPresident of theRepublic of the

Union of MyanmarU Thein Sein

cordially greetsrepresentatives fromother national racesparties and politicalparties at First Party

Conference of theUnion Solidarity and


Japan plans to resume yen loans to Myanmarin early 2013

TOKYO, 14 Oct—Japansaid Thursday thatMyanmar’s largest creditorwill clear the Southeast Asiancountry’s overdue debt to itin January and that it will re-sume yen-denominatedconcessional loans toMyanmar at the earliest timepossible next year.

The Asian Develop-ment Bank and the WorldBank, Myanmar’s second-and third-largest creditors,expressed their intention thesame day to clear thecountry’s debt arrears tothem next January, accordingto Japanese officials.

The envisioned moveby the two internationallenders, unveiled at a meet-ing of officials fromMyanmar and its main credi-tors in Tokyo, will pave theway for the internationalcommunity to start provid-ing full-fledged develop-ment assistance to the long-

isolated country.Following the meeting,

which was hosted by Japanon the sidelines of the an-nual meetings of the WorldBank and the InternationalMonetary Fund, the Japa-nese government began ar-ranging tens of billions ofyen in such loans toMyanmar for next year, gov-ernment sources said.

During the meeting, par-ticipants agreed on the needto unite behind Myanmar’sreform efforts in order to fa-cilitate the country’sreengagement with the inter-national community, accord-ing to Japanese officials.

“Addressing Myan-mar’s debt issue in a compre-hensive way is important forMyanmar to engage in theinternational community,”the country’s Finance andRevenue minister U WinShein told the meeting, ex-pressing his appreciation to

Japan and other creditors.The meeting was called

mainly to chart a clear pathtoward settling the roughly

$900 million in overdue debtsto the ADB and the WorldBank. The settlement hasbeen eagerly awaited by Ja-pan, which has alreadyagreed to resolve Myanmar’sroughly 500 billion yen debtto it but has yet to implementthe debt relief.

“It is high time that theinternational communityunited in its efforts to under-pin reform efforts byMyanmar and reintegrateMyanmar as one of its mem-bers,” Japanese FinanceMinister Koriki Jojima toldthe meeting, noting that aseries of reforms are underway in the country.

Participants in the meet-ing also agreed that the twointernational lenders’ full en-gagement is essential forMyanmar’s economic reformand that active engagementby the IMF is alsoindispensible in reformingthe country’s macroeco-nomic management, the Japa-nese officials said.

Kyodo News

Noteworthy amounts of rainfall


Bhamo (1.34) inchesMyitkyina (1.18) inchesPyu (1.10) inches


Argentinato 3-0romppast


Kalten-bornflies a

flag forwomenin F1PAGE 15


Myanmar’s Finance andRevenue Minister U WinShein (back) delivers a

speech during a meeting ofofficials from Myanmar

and its main creditors heldin Tokyo on 11Oct, 2012 to

discuss how to settleroughly $900 million inoverdue debt to help the

country's economicdevelopment. —KYODO

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2 Monday, 15 October, 2012

NATIONALColour newspapers with new forms will be presented to

the public soon for disseminating a wide range ofknowledge as public servicing

Myanma Alin

As of18


Three newspapers will be published in colour in Nay Pyi Taw and Mandalay daily

Myanma Alin and the Mirror will be in circulation in Yangon every other week

Publication of all newspapers in colour will be in mid-December

Old and new agents and readers may subscribe to the newspapersat the respective dailies

The Mirror

There will be no change in prices. Agents are requested not to

rise the original paper prices. Colour advertisements are


NAY PYI TAW, 14 Oct —A ceremony to observeSchool Environment Daytook place at BasicEducation High School No5 in Zabuthiri Townshiphere this morning, attendedby Union Minister forEducation Dr Mya Aye,Deputy Ministers U Ba Shweand Dr Myo Myint, Director-

School Environment Day observedin Nay Pyi Taw

General U Bo Win ofEducation Planning andTraining Department, Chiefof Water Sanitation andHygiene Mr. Dara Johnsonof Country Office of UNICEFin Myanmar and officials.

Next, the Unionminister attended aceremony to mark the GlobalHandwashing Day and

called for keeping thepractice of washing handsover a lifetime.

All teachers andstudents from every schoolacross the nation are carryingout five tasks of schoolenvironment under theleadership of school headson 14 October, 2012(Sunday) which isdesignated as SchoolEnvironment Day accordingto 2012-13 AcademicCalendar. Water Sanitationand Hygiene Section ofCountry Office of UNICEFprovided cakes of soap forabout 200, 000 students frombasic education schools inNay Pyi Taw Council Areaand took part in GlobalHandwashing Daycommemorative cere-mony.— MNA

YANGON, 14 Oct—Filmpersonalities who broughtglories to Myanmar’s movieindustry were honoured atMyanmar Motion PictureDay ceremony at SedonaHotel here yesterday.

Life-long FilmAchievement Award winnerU Tin Yu and Sithu titlerecipients film legends

Film legends pick up honourBogalay U Tint Aung, UAung Myint Myat, U KyiSoe Tun, Daw Myint MyintKhin, Daw San Shar Tin andDaw Nwe Nwe San and someother film stars receivedhonour of Myanmar MotionPicture Association in thedramatic evening.

“It is the very firstMyanmar Motion Picture

Day in my lifetime on whichmovie stars are honoured. Iam heartened that all thosedeserved are awardedtonight,” said Sithu BogalayU Tin Aung.

U Zin Waing, Chairmanof Myanmar Motion PictureAssociation, proposed thetoast at the dinner.


NAY PYI TAW, 14 Oct—Knowledge on labour issueswas shared in Dawei ofTaninthayi Region on 12October. Taninthayi Region

Knowledge on labour issues sharedForestry and Mines MinisterU Thein Lwin opened theceremony at the town hall withhis keynote speech.

Director-General of

Workshop and Labour LawInspection Departmentunder the Ministry of LabourU Win Shein explainedlabour affairs.—MNA

News in Brief

The Myanmar Nurseand Midwives Associationwill organize the 31st

ceremony to pay respectsto older nurses and

Respects to be paid to older nurses,midwives

Work proficiencycourse No 1 for Staff ofYCDC was opened attraining school in MingalaTaungnyunt Township on8 October morning.

Work proficiency coursecommences

The coordinationmeeting on second BasicEducation School StudentSports Festival for 2012-2013 academic year was

Meeting on Student Sports Festivalheld

Chairman of MyanmarNational Sports CommitteeUnion Minister for SportsU Tint Hsan inspectedtraining of golfers at Gold

Training of golfers, boxersinspected

Myanmar Motion Picture Dayobserved

A ceremony to markMyanmar Motion PictureDay and the ceremony topay respects to olderpersons of motion picture

TANGYAN, 14 Oct—Asignboard bearing that freeeye care service will beprovided to eye patients inTangyan Township soon.The 10 feet square signboardis presented in Myanmar,Shan and Chineselanguages.

The announcementstates that Cherry MyittaFoundation will sponsor freeeye care services for thesecond time at TangyanPeople’s Hospital from 16 to23 October under treatmentsof eye specialists andtechnicians from Yangon.Moreover, the patients willbe provided with charge ofmedical treatment andsurgical operations, opticalglasses and medicines.

So far, over 500 patients

Free eye care service in Tangyan16-23 October

midwives of above 70 yearsold at the hall of Universityof Nursing on BogyokeAung San Street in Yangonat 9 am on 24 November.

Altogether 70 trainees fromEngineering Departments,Parks and PlaygroundsDepartment and MarketsDepartment are attendingthe six-week course.

held at the hall of No 1 BasicEducation Department on12 October, with an addressby Deputy Minister forEducation U Aye Kyu.

Camp in Nay Pyi Taw on 13October morning. He alsoviewed training of boxers inmen’s 64-kilo and women’s51-kilo events.

world were held at MyanmarMotion Picture Organiza-tion on Wingabar Road inBahan Township on 13October.

have registered at thehospital. The number ofregistered patients mayexceed 1000, according toan official.

The eye patientswishing to receive eye careservices of Cherry MyittaFoundation may contact U

Kyaw Oo (Shwe Training),Tel: 09-47326237 and UAye Lwin (Health): 09-47326020.—Kyemon


LASHIO, 14 Oct—Purified drinking waterfactory of MyanmarCorrectional Departmentproduces sufficient amountof purified drinking waterfor inmates from Lashio Jaildaily.

Wellwisher U ThanLwin (Taw Win Plaza) ofYangon donated K 15.2million for the factorybuilding and K 12 millionfor purified wateraccessories. In-charge of thejail Assistant Director UMyint Swe supervisedconstruction of the building.

At present, the factoryproduces 2000 litres ofpurified drinking water dailyto supply 1600 litres forprisoners’ consumption.

Myanma Alin

Purified drinkingwater produced for

Lashio Jail

Union Minister for Education Dr Mya Aye meets school children atSchool Environment Day.—MNA

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Monday, 15 October, 2012 3



Missile gets makeover on 50th anniversary of Cuban crisis

MIAMI , 14 Oct — InOctober 1962, as fears ofmushroom clouds andradioactive fallout grippedthe United States in the midstof the Cuban missile crisis, abattery of anti-ballisticmissiles near Miami stood asthe nation’s first line ofdefence against nuclearattack. Half a century later,the missile base is still there,in the middle of the marshy

The Cold-War era Nike Missile Base is seen inEverglades National Park in this undated aerial view

released to Reuters on 12 Oct, 2012.— REUTERS

Everglades, but the missilesare long gone.

Now, to mark the 50thanniversary of the missilecrisis, students at a Miamiaviation school are restoringone of the original NikeHercules missiles once tippedwith a nuclear warhead andaimed at Cuba. The UnitedStates and Cuba remainideological foes to this day,and Florida is home to tens of

thousands of Cubans whofled the island after FidelCastro’s 1959 revolution, buttensions have cooled downconsiderably as memoriesfade.The students realize thedecommissioned missile wasonce part of a historic event,but confess to knowing littleabout one of the momentousepisodes of the Cold War. “Ijust know it was part of theCuban missile crisis, but Ihaven’t researched it,” saidAbraham Hidalgo, 17, one ofthe students at George T.Baker Aviation School.

The 41-foot (12.5-metre), surface-to-air NikeHercules missile waspreviously stored in a U.S.Army depot in Alabama,covered in dust and spiderwebs. A flatbed truck hauledit down Interstate-95 to theschool next to MiamiInternational Airport.For thelast two months, studentshave been working to restorethe 5-ton missile to near-original condition; sanding

wings, replacing sheet metaland repainting the US Armymarkings. Its finaldestination is EvergladesNational Park, where it willbe installed at an abandonedNike missile base.The 13-day missile crisis began on16, October 1962, whenthen-President John F.Kennedy first learned theSoviet Union was installingmissiles in Cuba, barely 90miles off the Florida coast.After secret negotiationsbetween Kennedy andSoviet Premier NikitaKhrushchev, the UnitedStates agreed not to invadeCuba if the Soviet Unionwithdrew its missiles fromthe island.—Reuters

Israel kills Qaeda-tied leaderof Gaza militant group

Palestinians wheel the body of a militant at a hospital,following an Israeli air strike in the northern Gaza Strip

on 13 Oct, 2012. — REUTERS

GAZA , 14 Oct — AnIsraeli air strike killed thePalestinian leader of an al-Qaeda-affiliated group in theGaza Strip on Saturday,Hamas and medical sourcessaid. Gaza Medics said asecond militant was alsokilled in the strike. The after-dark attack targeted the two

men who were riding amotorcycle in the northerntown of Jabaliya. The interiorministry of Hamas, theIslamist group that controlsGaza, said one of the menkilled was Hisham Al-Saedni,also known as Abu Al-WaleedAl-Maqdissi, believed tohead the Jihadist Salafi groupTawhid and Jihad (One Godand Holy War). Sources fromTawhid and Jihad could notbe reached to confirm thatSaedni was killed. The group,rival to Hamas, has an Islamistideology shared by al-Qaedaand sources have said thatSaedni joined al-Qaeda inIraq at the beginning of theUS-led invasion in 2003.InMarch 2011 Hamas detained

Saedni for 17 months andhad freed him in August.Lastyear members identifyingthemselves with Tawhid andJihad kidnapped and killed apro-Palestinian Italianactivist, Vittorio Arrigoni, inan apparent attempt to securethe release of Saedni.

An Israeli military

spokesman could notconfirm Saedni was the targetof the air strike. A writtenmilitary statement said thetwo men targeted were “terroroperatives of the ShoraCouncil of the Mujahideen,a Gaza-based Global Jihadaffiliate.” The same group hadclaimed responsibility for arocket that was fired intoIsrael on Friday and landednear a house in the Israelitown of Netivot, causingdamage but no casualties. Inresponse, a few hours later,the Israeli military launchedthree air strikes against whatit said were “terror activitysites”. There were nocasualties reported in thoseattacks.— Reuters

VenezuelanPresident HugoChavez speaksafter taking anoath with new

cabinetministers atMirafloresPalace in

Caracas on13 Oct, 2012.


Venezuela’s Chavez shuffles cabinet, then tweetsabout it

CARACAS , 14 Oct —Venezuelan President HugoChavez shuffled his cabineton Saturday then announcedthe changes from his Twitteraccount, days after winninga re-election bid that couldextend his rule to nearly twodecades.

Chavez on Sunday beatopposition challengerHenrique Capriles by aresounding 11 percentagepoints, giving him a thirdsix-year term to continue his

self-styled socialistrevolution in the SouthAmerican OPEC nation.

He named GeneralNestor Reverol, who has ledVenezuela’s anti-drugsagency, as the new interiorminister. That post is key toaddressing the violent crimethat is the top complaint ofVenezuelans of all socialclasses.The shuffle also putnew faces in theenvironment and comm-unications ministries. He

ended several tweets withthe phrase “efficiency ornothing,” reflecting effortsto address complaints aboutstifling bureaucracy andhalf-finished infrastructureprojects that at timesdogged him on the campaigntrail.

He has tapped severalkey allies to run in electionsfor state governors inDecember in efforts to winback states now controlledby the opposition. Chavez,58, on Wednesday namedForeign Minister NicolasMaduro as vice president.Maduro has been seen as apossible successor to theflamboyant socialist leadersince his cancer diagnosisin mid-2011. Chavez insistshe is fully recovered fromthe disease, but doctors saya relapse cannot be ruledout.— Reuters

Space shuttle Endeavour makes final voyage

Spectators watch space shuttle Endeavour making aturn at an intersection of a street during its second daytrip on city streets in Los Angeles, the United States, 13

Oct 2012. Endeavour on Friday began a two-dayground journey to its final resting place at the

California Science Centre.—XINHUA

BEIJING, 14 Oct — Thespace shuttle Endeavour ison its final voyage to itsultimate home the CaliforniaScience Centre in LosAngeles. As thousands of fanslook on, the retirement ofEndeavour is seen as the

grand finale following theother three Americanspacecraft “Discovery”,“Enterprise” and “Atlantis”.

The Procession wasreminiscent of medievaltimes when a horse-drawncarriage would ferry the king

through the village. “it’sdefinitely not moving rightnow.” And the commonerswould line road just to catcha glimpse.

“It’s just is once-in-a-lifetime opportunity thatwon’t ever happen again.”

But this is no modernday royalty, though somemight argue that it is in facthistory.

Kenneth Phillips,Curator, Aerospace Sciences,Calif. Science Ctr., said, “Amoving piece of space historyactually because it’s actuallya flown space craft. We’regonna physically transportthe space shuttle endeavorfrom it’s hangar at LAX to theCalifornia Science Centre, 12and half miles through citystreets.”

“It goes from what itbreaks the sounds barrier to

going 2 miles an hour downthe street.”

Marty Fabrik, ProjectDirector, said, “So our realchallenge has been just thephysical size space shuttleorbiter has a wing span of 78feet, it’s about 122 feet long,the tail sticks up 56 feet abovethe ground when we’removing it.”

Moving this 138,000pound wideload throughnarrow, densely-populatedurban streets has beendubbed: Mission 26 butcould be considered MissionImpossible. Marty Fabrik,Project Director, said, “Wehave to cross two runwaysthere are a lot of street lights,traffic lights, more than 250power and communicationslines we have to cross 4 high-voltage transmissionslines.”—Xinhua

Damage but no injuries as US Navy cruiser,submarine collide

NEW YORK, 14 Oct—AUS Navy Aegis cruisercollided with a nuclear-powered submarine duringexercises off the East Coston Saturday, collapsing thesonar dome on the cruiserand possibly causing otherdamage, but no injuries, USNavy officials said.

The collision betweenthe USS San Jacinto and thenuclear-powered submarineUSS Montpelier occurredabout 3:30 p.m., the Navysaid in a statement. The Navydeclined to say where off theEast Coast the accident

occurred. A Navy officialsaid the watch team aboardthe San Jacinto saw aperiscope rise from the waterabout 100 to 200 yards(metres) ahead of the vesselduring the exercise. Thecruiser ordered “all back,”but the San Jacinto stillcollided with the submarine.

The collision caused thecollapse of the cruiser’s sonardome, a bulbous-shapeddevice on the bow of theship beneath the water line,the Navy official said oncondition of anonymity.

The rubber dome houses

some of the vessel’selectronic navigation,detection and rangingequipment.

The Navy said nopersonnel were injuredduring the incident and therewas no damage to thesubmarine’s nuclear-powered propulsion plant.Both vessels were operatingunder their own power. Theships were part of a strikegroup led by the aircraftcarrier USS Harry S. Truman.The Truman was in the areaand providing support to thevessels.—Reuters

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Page 4: th Waning of Tawthalin 1374 ME Monday, 15 October, 2012 USDP … · 2012. 10. 15. · Volume XX, Number 178 15th Waning of Tawthalin 1374 ME Monday, 15 October, 2012 NAY PYI TAW,

Science & Technology Monday, 15 October, 20124

NASA’s Mars rover finds rock with Earth-like chemistry

C a p e C a n a v e r a l , 14 Oct—When scientists selected a rock to test the Mars rover Curiosity’s laser, they expected it to contain the same minerals as rocks found elsewhere on the Red Planet, but learned instead it was more similar to a rock found on Earth. The rock was chemically more akin to an unusual type of rock found on oceanic islands like Hawaii and St. Helena, as well as in continental rift zones like the Rio Grande, which extends from Colorado to Chihuahua, Mexico.

“It was a bit of a surprise, what we found with this rock,” Curiosity scientist Ralf Gellert of the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, told reporters on a conference call Thursday. “It’s igneous,” Gellert said, referring to rock formed from molten material. “But it seems to be a new kind of rock type that we encountered on Mars.”

Curiosity arrived on Mars two months ago to learn if the most Earth-like planet in the solar system was suitable for microbial life.

Last month, Curiosity’s laser was used to zap the football-sized rock and the

This NASA image from Mars Curiosity’s Mast Camera taken

on 22 Sept, 2012 and released on 11 Oct, 2012 shows

where NASA’s Mars Curiosity rover

aimed two different instruments to study a rock known as ‘’Jake


rover analyzed the pulverized material, as well as tiny pits left behind, to determine its chemical composition. Scientists found the rock lacks magnesium and iron - elements found in igneous rock examined by previous Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity.

The rock, named after a Jet Propulsion Laboratory rover engineer, Jake Matijevic, who died shortly after Curiosity’s

landing, was also rich in feldspar-like minerals, which provided clues about the rock’s history. “The way in which this type of rock forms ... is like how applejack liquor was made,” geologist Edward Stolper, with the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, told reporters.

In colonial times, hard apple cider was put into big barrels and in the winter the liquid would partly freeze. “You’d crystallize out ice and you’d make more and more and more concentrated apple-flavored liquor,” Stolper said.

Magma inside a planet can undergo a similar process.

“You melt the interior and it comes to the surface and, just like the applejack, when you cool it, it crystallizes,” Stolper

said, adding that it takes very particular conditions on Earth to produce this type of magma. The rover meanwhile has moved on to testing and cleaning of its soil scoop. Eventually, scientists want to funnel soil samples to Curiosity’s onboard labora-tory for more extensive chemical analysis.—Reuters

Apple gets OK to use Swiss railway clock design

ZuriCh, 14 Oct— Apple, sensitive about protecting its own designs, has struck a deal to use Swiss railway operator SBB’s trademark station clock design on iPads and iPhones. SBB, which holds the trademark for a 1944 design by Zurich-born engineer Hans Hilfiker, said last month it might challenge the US company after the clock appeared on a new operating system for the iPad.

“For the use of the clockface on certain Apple devices such as iPads and iPhones, the parties have negotiated an arrangement that enables Apple to use the SBB station clock under a license agreement,” SBB said on Friday.

NASA in nasal spray deal to combat motion sicknessCape Canaveral, 14

Oct—NASA has signed an agreement with a California-based startup to develop and market a nasal spray for motion sickness, the US space agency said on Friday.

NASA will work with privately owned Epiomed Therapeutics of Irvine, California, on the nasal spray, which has been shown

to be a fast-acting treatment for motion sickness.

About half the astronauts who fly in space develop space motion sickness, with symptoms that anyone nauseated or light-headed from more terrestrial forms of travel will recognize.

NASA has been working on giving astronauts an edge: a fast-acting medicine called

intranasal sco-polamine, or INSCOP.

The drug also can be administered as a tablet, via a transdermal patch or injected, but a nasal spray can work faster and more reliably, NASA said.

“NASA and Epiomed will work closely together on further development of INSCOP to optimize

therapeutic efficiency for both acute and chronic t r ea tmen t o f mot ion sickness,” NASA researcher Lakshmi Putcha, with the Johnson Space Centre in Houston, said in a statement.

In addition to partnering with NASA, Epiomed is working with the US Navy to test the nasal spray.


Attendees sit in front of an Apple logo during the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference 2012 in San Francisco, California on 11 June, 2012.— ReuteRs

The cost of the licensing fee and further detail of the agreement will remain confidential. “It is a design icon that has obviously lost none of its appeal in the digital age,” the SBB said. “Even now, it symbolizes the innovation and reliability that are key qualities attributed to both SBB and Switzerland as a whole.” Hilfiker designed the minimalist clock to help travelers check the time at a distance while hurrying to catch trains. In 1953, he added a red second hand in the shape of a railway guard’s signaling disc, which pauses briefly at the top of each minute “to enable trains to depart punctually”, as he put it.






US court clears Samsung’s Galaxy Nexus, hands Apple setbackWashington 14 Oct—A

US appeals court overturned a pretrial sales ban against Samsung Electronics Co Ltd’s (005930.KS) Galaxy Nexus smartphone, dealing a setback to Apple Inc in its battle against Google Inc’s (GOOG.O) increasingly popular mobile software.

A p p l e ( A A P L . O ) is waging war on several fronts against Google, whose Android software powers many of Samsung’s devices.

The ruling on Thursday from the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit is not expected to have an outsized impact on the smartphone market, as the Nexus is an aging product in Samsung’s lineup. Apple’s stock closed down nearly 2 percent at $628.10.

However, the court’s reasoning could make it

much harder for companies that sue over patents get competitors’ products pulled from the market, said Colleen Chien, a professor at Santa Clara Law school in Silicon Valley.

Such sales injunctions have been a key for companies trying to increase their leverage in courtroom patent fights.

“The Federal Circuit has said, ‘Wait a minute,’” Chien said. Apple declined to comment, while Samsung did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Apple scored a sweeping legal victory over Samsung in August when a US jury found Samsung had copied critical features of the hugely popular iPhone and iPad and awarded Apple $1.05 billion in damages.

The Nexus phone was

Models pose with the Galaxy Nexus during a news conference in Hong Kong on 19 Oct, 2011.



not included in that trial, but is part of a tandem case Apple filed against Samsung earlier this year.

US District Judge Lucy Koh issued a pretrial injunction against the Nexus in June, based on an Apple patent for unified search capability. The appeals court then stayed that injunction until it could

formally rule.In its opinion on Thursday,

the Federal Circuit reversed the injunction entirely, saying that Koh abused her discretion.

Apple failed to prove that consumers purchased the Samsung product because of the infringing technology, the appeals court ruled.


Cyber attacks against Wells Fargo “significant,” handled well: CFO

los angeles, 14 Oct— Recent cyber attacks against Wells Fargo & Co were “pretty significant” but didn’t cause customer losses or a major increase in expenses, the bank’s Chief Financial Officer, Tim Sloan, told Reuters on Friday.

The No 4 US bank by assets and other large banks in recent weeks have suffered so-called denial of service attacks that delayed or disrupted services on customer websites. On Thursday, US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta

The logo for Wells Fargo bank is pictured in downtown Los Angeles, California on 17 July, 2012.


called the “scale and speed” of the attacks “unpreced-ented” in a speech that urged Congress and businesses to step up cybersecurity efforts.

Wells Fargo’s Sloan told Reuters, “I don’t want to minimize the potential damage it could cause to the industry.”

“But in terms of how the industry performed and how Wells Fargo performed in reaction to the recent efforts we actually performed very well,” he added.

Sloan said the bank continues to invest in its

technology platform to defend against potential attacks. “We in the industry just have to appreciate it as a cost of doing business today,” he said.

A group that calls itself the Cyber Fighters of Izz ad-din Al Qassam has claimed credit for the recent bank attacks, declaring them a protest against the anti-Islam video posted on YouTube and stoked violent protests across the Muslim world.

The hackers behind the attacks have used sophisticated and diverse tools that point to a carefully coordinated campaign, security researchers have told Reuters.

Sources familiar with the attacks have previously told Reuters that they could be part of a year-long cyber campaign waged by Iranian hackers against major US financial institutions and other corporate entities.

Sloan decl ined to comment on the source of the attacks. Wells is in close contact with other banks and the federal government, he said.


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Monday, 15 October, 2012 5


Dentists work on patients at the Remote Area Medical(RAM) clinic in Wise, Virginia on 20 July, 2012.


Bankrupt Solyndra seeks $1.5 billion in damages fromChinese peers

NEW YORK, 14 Oct—Bankrupt solar firmSolyndra has filed a lawsuitagainst three US-listedChinese solar players,including Suntech PowerHoldings Co (STP.N),seeking $1.5 billion incompensation due tomonopolization by thesefirms, according to courtdocuments filed onThursday.

The lawsuit was filedagainst Suntech, Trina SolarLtd (TSL.N) and YingliGreen Energy Holding Co(YGE.N) claiming that thetrio’s panel prices moved intandem — falling 75 percentin four years in the US

Solyndra, which claimsin the lawsuit that the triowere involved in predatorypricing and price fixing, filedfor bankruptcy a year ago asit could no longer competewith plunging prices of solarpanels imported from China.

US solar companies

launched a complaint last yearalleging prsotectionism fromBeijing for Chinese panelmakers, sparking tradedisputes between the twocountries. As a result of theongoing tryst, the US slappedsteep final duties on billionsof dollars of solar energyproducts from China earlierthis week.

Defendants — Suntech,Trina and Yingli — came tothe US and raised moneyfrom the stock market anddeployed that capital to“destroy” American solarmanufacturers, saidSolyndra in the suit filed ina Northern California districtcourt.

“We just receivednotice of this complaint, butfrom our initial review, theseare unwarranted andmisguided claims from acompany that has a clearhistory of failed technologyand achievements,” saidRobert Petrina, Managing

Director, Yingli GreenEnergy Americas.

The other two Chinesecompanies named asdefendants were not availablefor comment outside ofbusiness hours.

Solyndra has soldeverything from its remaininginventory and assemblyequipment to officecomputers in a bid to raisemoney to repay creditors.

The Obama administra-tion came under fire for

missing signs of financialtrouble at the California-based Solyndra andapproving nearly $535million in loans in a bid tospark a clean energy industryand create jobs throughstimulus spending.

Last year, executivesfrom bankrupt Solyndra LLCtestified that a flood of cheapChinese solar panels kept itfrom realizing $1.2 billionin contracts it announced in2008. —Reuters

A Solyndra solar panel factory in California.REUTERS

China’s Sept M2 growth accelerates to 14.8%BEIJING, 14 Oct—

China’s broad measure ofmoney supply (M2) rose 14.8percent in September from ayear ago, accelerating fromthe 13.5-percent growthregistered in August, thecentral bank said on Saturday.

The increase was alsoabove the central bank’sannual target of 14 percentgrowth in M2 for 2012 amida sign of slight loosening in

the monetary policy as thecountry strove to boostgrowth in the world’s second-largest economy.

Outstanding yuan-denominated loans reached61.51 trillion yuan (9.72trillion US dollars) at the endof last month, up 16.3 percentyear on year, the People’sBank of China (PBOC) saidin a statement on its website.

The central bank said

outstanding yuan depositsrose 13.3 percent from oneyear earlier to 89.96 trillionyuan at the end of last month.

The country’s foreignexchange reserves, theworld’s largest stockpile, roseto 3.29 trillion US dollars atthe end of September from3.24 trillion US dollars at theend of June.

The PBOC has twice cutthe benchmark interest rates

and reserve requirement ratiothis year to buoy nationaleconomic growth, whichslowed to its lowest rate inmore than three years in thesecond quarter of the year.

The country is schedul-ed to release its third-quarterGDP data on Oct. 18, whichanalysts expected to be belowthe second-quarter’s 7.6percent increase.


Singapore researchers saythey find approach to fightchikungunya virus

Deutsche Telekom aims closing MetroPCSdeal in second-quarter 2013

FRANKFURT, 14 Oct—Deutsche Telekom (DTE.DE)aims to complete the mergerof its T-Mobile US unit withMetroPCS (PCS) betweenApril and June 2013, ChiefFinancial Officer TimotheusHoettges told a Germannewspaper.

“The transaction is notlikely be carried out until thesecond quarter of 2013”,Hoettges told dailyBoersenzeitung.

Deutsche Telekom andMetroPCS on 3 October saidthey planned to combinetheir American wirelessservices units in an effectivereverse merger, in whichUS-listed MetroPCSwill buy T-Mobile US

The merger marks along-awaited consolidationin the US mobile market, inwhich the fourth-largestmobile carrier DeutscheTelekom’s T-Mobile aims toget the scale it needs tocompete with AT&T (NYS:T)and Verizon (VZ).

Deutsche Telekom’s head office in Bonn, Germany.REUTERS

SINGAPORE, 14 Oct—Researchers from Yong LooLin School of Medicine inNational University ofSingapore (NUS) have founda new way to fight againstchikungunya virus, whichonce broke out to a recordcases of 1,000 during 2008-2010 here, according to thereport by local media ChannelNewsAsia on Tuesday.

The chikungunya,which is spread by the Aedesmosquito, is a viral diseasewith symptoms similar todengue fever, with an acutefebrile phase of the illnesslasting only two to five days,followed by intense pain inthe joints for a long time.

There are no specifictreatments for this decease,and no vaccine is currentlyavailable, with only sometreatment to relieve the pain.

The researchers said theyhave “successfully identifieda genetic sequence — called‘small hairpin RNA’ for theshape of the sequence —which stops the chikungunyavirus from replicating beforegoing on to destroy the virus”,the Straits Times reported.

“For the past two years,we don’t have as many casesbut I think chikungunyavirus may come back andgive us another ‘ explosive’round of infection, inSingapore’s context,” ChuJang Hann, the lead principalinvestigator said, adding thatit could be used in the futureto protect Singaporeans whotravel to countries wherechikungunya is endemic.

According to the StraitsTimes, the new approach hasnot yet been tested in clinicaltrials.—Xinhua

It will also help DeutscheTelekom lessen the burdenof investing in the US bymaking the local unit moreindependent, and give theformer German monopoly aliquid asset it can sell down ifit wants to exit the USeventually.

Hoettges reiterated thatDeutsche Telekom’sshareholder remunerationpolicy for 2012 will not be

affected by the merger plansand that shareholders are setto receive a dividend of atleast 0.70 euros ($0.91) pershare for 2012.

“Given profits broughtforward of 1.6 billion eurosand retained earnings of 15.5billion euros there can be nodoubt in our ability to pay adividend,” Hoettges told thenewspaper.—Reuters

A patient has her blood pressure taken before receivingtreatment at the Remote Area Medical (RAM) clinic in

Wise, Virginia on 20 July, 2012.—REUTERS

Age, travel time affect Canadian breast cancerpatients’ mastectomy rates

VANCOUVER, 14 Oct—Areport released earlier thisweek showed that age andtravel time, among others,largely affect mastectomyrates among breast cancerpatients in Canada. Thereport, jointly released by theCanadian Institute for HealthInformation and theCanadian PartnershipAgainst Cancer, examinedsurgical care for women withinvasive breast cancer andthose with the non-invasiveform of the disease, ductalcarcinoma in situ (DCIS).

Mastectomy and breast-conserving surgery (BCS,commonly known as alumpectomy) are two typesof surgery used to treatinvasive cancer and DCIS.For women diagnosed withsmaller tumours, evidenceshows that BCS followed byradiation treatment providesa survival rate comparable tomastectomy, the report said.

After following thesurgical treatment of about22,000 women for one year

starting from the date of theirinitial surgery, the studyidentified a U-shapedrelationship between age andmastectomy rates. Rates wererelatively high, 44 percent,for women aged 18 to 49 andfell to 35 percent for thoseaged 50 to 69. Rates roseagain to 45 percent forwomen aged 70 and older,according to the report.

Women who chooseBCS as their surgical optiontypically undergo post-

surgical radiation therapy,which was provided only atcertain cancer centers andoften requires daily trips. Thereport showed an increase inmastectomy rates correspon-ding to travel time between awoman’s home and the cancercentre offering radiationtreatment. Mastectomy ratesexceeded 50 percent forwomen who must travel 1.5hours or longer to reach acentre offering radiationtreatment, it said.—Xinhua






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Monday, 15 October, 20126

Emperor Akihito (R) and Empress Michiko (C) meet with residents living intemporary housing in the village of Kawauchi in Fukushima Prefecture on 13 Oct,2012. The imperial couple visited the village near the crippled Fukushima Daiichi

nuclear plant to meet with the residents and inspect decontamination work. KYODO NEWS

Big blast rocksDamascus

district beforedaybreakDAMASCUS, 14 Oct—A

big blast was heard beforethe crack of dawn on Sundayat an upscale district of thecapital, in what appeared tobe a booby-trapped carexplosion, witnesses andmedia reports said.

The blast at al-Mazzehwas believed to have beencaused by a booby-trappedcar that went off near a high-end restaurant, reports said,adding that no humancausalities were reported.

The street at which theblast happened is also closeto a number of foreignembassies located in thatarea, including the Iranianone, and also someheadquarters and houses ofSyrian officials.

Still, the target of theblast could not be determinedimmediately due to itsstrange timing.Locals in thearea posted online images ofthe blast site, showing aravaged building and pilesof debris. —Xinhua

Syria Mauritanian presidentshot accidentally by army

patrolMauritaniaABIDJAN, 14 Oct —

Mauritanian PresidentMohamed Ould Abdel Azizwas lightly injured as hismotorcade was accidentallyfired on by an army unit,according to reports reachinghere on Saturday.

Abdel Aziz is now beingtreated at a heavily guardedmilitary hospital in the capitalcity of Nouakchott, said thehospital sources.

The country’scommunications ministerHamdi Ould Mahjoub saidon national TV that an armypatrol unit failed to recognizethe president’s convoy,

which was heading back tothe capital, and opened firedon it.

He also said thepresident was just lightlywounded on the occasion,and got out of the vehicle onhis own as he arrived at thehospital.

Earlier, the country’ssecurity authorities toldXinhua that it was a group ofunidentified armed men thatwere responsible for theshooting, and there is nofurther detail of theincident.— Xinhua

China’s first aircraft carrier leavesport

BEIJING, 14 Oct —China’s first aircraft carriersailed from the port of Dalianin Northeastern China onFriday evening.

This is the Liaoning’s firstvoyage since it was delivered

to the People’s LiberationArmy on 25 September.

Pictures of the event showa J-15 carrier-based fighteraircraft practicing take-off andlanding on the craft. The carrierwas rebuilt from the Soviet

ship Varyag. It was renamed“Liaoning” after years ofremodelling work. Its deliverymade China one of the fewcountries in the world to havean aircraft carrier in activeservice.— Xinhua


Syrian gov’t bans Turkishcivilian flights to pass over


DAMASCUS, 14 Oct— TheSyrian government issued aban on Saturday, prohibitingTurkish civilian flights to passover the Syrian territories, thestate-run SANA news agencycited the Foreign Ministry assaying.

The ministry said the banwill go into effect as ofmidnight Saturday, addingthat the move has come inretaliation to a similar moveundertaken by Turkey, whichprohibited the Syrian civilianflights to pass through Turkey.

In its statement, theministry said it laments theTurkish “ escalatory decisionthat aims primarily to hurt theinterests of the Syrianpeople.” The tension betweenboth countries has hit a newhigh on Wednesday when theTurkish governmentforcefully grounded a Syriancivilian plane, which was enroute from Moscow toDamascus, under the pretextthat the plane carried “non-civilian cargo.” The Turksalleged that the Syrian flightcarried Russian military gearsdistended for the SyrianMinistry of Defence.

Both Syria and Russiachided the Turkish move anddismissed the statementmade by the Turkish PrimeMinister Recep TayyipErdogan, who said thatRussian military gears wereconfiscated and that theywere Syria-bound.

Further-more, the SyrianInformation Ministrychallenged Erdogan onThursday to display theconfiscated gears in public toprove his claims.— Xinhua

Syrian gov’t bans Turkish civilian flights to pass overSyria.— XINHUA

Over 800 mln Chinese disastervictims aided in last decade

BEIJING, 14 Oct — About855 million people affectedby natural disasters havereceived assistance from thegovernment over the lastdecade, according to datafrom the Ministry of CivilAffairs. Emergency aid andreconstruction for majornatural disasters that occurredover the last decade has beencompleted, the ministry saidSaturday, which is also the23rd International Day forDisaster Reduction.

Government investmentin disaster reductionallowances jumped from 2.4billion yuan (about 390million US dollars) in 2002to 8.6 billion yuan last year,officials with the ministry


Police seize 150 kg heroin innorthwestern Turkey

ANKARA, 14 Oct —Turkish police seized 150 kgof heroin in the Province ofDuzce in northwesternTurkey on Saturday, thesemi-official Anatolia newsagency reported.

Acting on a tip-off, theTurkish security teamsstopped a car in Duzce andconfiscated 150 kg of heroinin the car, said the report,adding that one person was


Friendship mascots United Buddy Bears are displayednear the Eiffel tower in Paris, France, on 13 Oct,2012. 140 Buddy Bears, painted in the colours of

different countries, mark the 25th anniversary of thetwinning cities of Paris and Berlin.


A destroyed vehicleis seen at the blastsite in Darra Adam

Khel, northwestPakistan, on 13 Oct,

2012. At least 15people were killed

and 17 othersinjured when a

suicide car bombblast ripped through

a market in DeraAdam khel on

Saturday morning,reported local


said. The amount of theallowances was also raisedduring the period, with thosewho lost their homes due tonatural disasters receiving10,000 yuan per household,up from 300 yuan perhousehold, the ministry said.

The government alsoestablished 18 storage depotsfor relief supplies, with anetwork of depots extendedto the township level, theministry said. Multipledroughts, earthquakes andfloods have hit several partsof China over the last decade,including severe earthquakesthat struck Sichuan andQinghai provinces in 2008and 2010, respectively.


detained in the operation.In another operation in

Yuregir town of the southernProvince of Adana, the policeseized 50.6 kg of hashish in acar and detained one personin connection with the haul.

Turkey has long been akey transit point along thedrug smuggling route fromAsia and Middle East toEurope.


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WORLD Monday, 15 October, 2012 7

Scientists attack planned British badger cullLONDON, 14 Oct—A

controversial British plan tocull thousands of wild badgersto control the spread of bovinetuberculosis is a “costlydistraction” that risksincreasing incidences of thedisease, wildlife experts saidon Saturday. The mass killingof the furry black and whitenocturnal creatures, whichhave been found to helpspread tuberculosis (TB) incattle, has raised the threat ofaction by militant animalrights activists.

The move also isopposed by celebritiesincluding Queen guitaristBrian May and veteran natureshow presenter DavidAttenborough. “We believethe complexities of TBtransmission mean thatlicensed culling risksincreasing cattle TB rather

A badger walks through woodland near Pickering,northern England, on 21 July, 2011.



badger population there by70 percent. Marksmen are setto start the cull soon butdetails are being kept secretfor fear of clashes betweenfarmers determined to protecttheir livestock and animalrights activists.— Reuters

than reducing it,” PatrickBateson, president of theZoological Society ofLondon, said in a letter toBritain’s Observer newspapersigned by 30 other wildlifeexperts.

“Even if such increasesdo not materialize, thegovernment predicts onlylimited benefits ... We areconcerned that badgerculling risks becoming acostly distraction fromnationwide TB control,”Bateson said. The disease inEngland has cost thetaxpayer some 500 millionpounds ($804 million) in thepast decade, and thegovernment says 1 billionpounds will be needed in thenext decade to control thedisease if no action is takennow.

Britain’s forestry

commission says there areabout 250,000 adult badgersin the United Kingdom. Theirplan calls for culling only incertain areas of England —the counties ofGloucestershire andSomerset — to reduce the

One killed, dozens injured inboat-capsizing in S Africa

S AfricaJOHANNESBURG, 14 Oct —At least one person was killedand dozens injured after theirboat capsized in the westernSouth Africa on Saturdayafternoon, local mediareported. The accidentoccurred when the charterboat lost its control in HoutBay, Cape Town, the SouthAfrican Press Associationcited the National Sea RescueInstitute as saying.

The boat was carryingabout 41 people beforecapsizing at about 3:00 pmlocal time, and six peopleremained missing, accordingto the National Sea RescueInstitute. The city’s disastermanagement department saidtwo passengers were stuck inthe hull of the capsized boat,and the rescue operation was

underway.The local government

was identifying the nationa-lities of the passengers,according to the disastermanagement department.The exact cause of the fatalaccident remained unknown.On 31 July , a boat on a whale-watching trip was hit by awave and capsized off theeastern port city of Durban,and eleven foreign touristswere rescued. Cape Town isthe second most-populouscity following Johannesburgin South Africa, and isAfrica’s most populoustourist destination withfamous harbor and naturalbeauty.


An exhibitor stands behind comic posters during the2012 New York Comic Con at Javits Centre in New

York, the United States, on 13 Oct, 2012. As the secondlargest comic book and pop culture gathering in thecountry, the four-day New York Comic features latestproducts like comic books, video games, toys, movies

and television shows. — XINHUA

Two NATOsoldiers, one

civilianemployeekilled in S

Afghan blastKABUL, 14 Oct — Two

soldiers and a civilianemployee with the NATO-led coalition forces werekilled on Saturday in a blastin southern Afghanistan, thecoalition forces confirmed ina statement. “An Interna-tional Security AssistanceForce service member diedfollowing an improvisedexplosive device (IED)attack in southernAfghanistan today”, theNATO-led ISAF said in thestatment.

“One coalition forcesservicemember and onecoalition forces civilian diedfollowing an improvisedexplosive device (IED)attack in southernAfghanistan today”, thecoalition said withoutdisclosing the nationalitiesof the victims under the ISAFpolicy.

Earlier Saturday, anofficial in southern KandaharProvince told Xinhua thatfour security members withthe Afghan intelligenceagency, two NATO soldiersand a NATO civilianemployees were killed andthree other people werewounded in a Taleban suicideIED bomb attack in Marufdistrict bordering Pakistan ataround 11:30 am onSaturday.


AfghanistanTwo anti-drugs police killed in Peru jungleambushPeru

Washington urges Tunisia to bring embassyattackers to trialUS

TUNIS , 14 Oct —Washington on Sunday urgedTunisia to bring the attackersof its embassy here last monthto trial and pledged tocontinue support for thedemocratic transition inTunisia, the cradle of the ArabSpring. “I call upon theTunisian government toconduct its investigation andbring the perpetrators andinstigators of this attack tojustice,” US AmbassadorJacob Walles said in a letterto Tunisians marking a monthafter the attack on the USEmbassy in Tunis.

Salafists attacked theembassy last month to protesta film made in Californiadeemed offensive to Islam.At least four people werekilled when they stormed theembassy.In a recordingposted to Islamist websiteson Friday, al—Qaeda leaderAyman al-Zawahiri called on“free and distinguished

zealots for Islam” to“continue their oppositionto American crusader Zionistaggression against Islam andMuslims” around theregion.Walles called uponthe Tunisian government “toprovide security for itscitizens and guests,” addingthat relations between the twocountries would not beaffected by the attack.

“These attackers wereunable to damage the stronglink between two peoples andUS commitment to supportthe transition in Tunisia froma dictatorship to a democracy,free and tolerant,” he said.Tunisia expects Washing-ton to guarantee around afifth of its $2.2-2.5 billionborrowing needs next year tohelp its economy recoverfrom last year’s revolution,the country’s minister ofinternational cooperation,Riadh Betaib, told Reuterslast month.The US amba-

ssador’s message comeswhile Tunisia is preparing totry Abu Ayoub, a seniorleader in the Salafistmovement in Tunisia nextweek on charges of disturbingpublic security and incite-ment to violence, includingthe US Embassy attack.

The government-ledIslamist Ennahda movementarrested dozens of Salafistsafter the embassy attack.Lawyers said the detaineeswould be tried under an anti-terrorism law.Lawyers saidthis week some Salafists hadstarted a prison hunger striketo protest ill-treatment andprison conditions.USPresident Barack Obamavowed last month to tightensecurity at diplomaticmissions around the worldafter the killing of the USambassador to Libya andattacks on embassies inTunisia, Yemen and Egypt.


LIMA, 14 Oct — Twopolice officers were killedand another two injured in anambush in Peru’ssoutheastern jungle regionlate on Friday, the latest strikeagain President OllantaHumala’s drive to regaincontrol of cocaine-traffickingstrongholds. The head ofPeru’s police force said onSaturday that an anti-drugsquad was attacked on its wayto the district of Kepashiatoin the dense group of junglevalleys known as theVRAEM, the mostproductive growing area in

jungles areas. It was notimmediately clear if Friday’sattack was led by the ShiningPath rebels or someone else.Last weekend, the ShiningPath destroyed threehelicopters on the groundbelonging to the companythat runs Peru’s only naturalgas pipeline.

In April, they captured36 natural gas workers in theirfirst large-scale kidnappingsince 2003 and said later itwas a ruse to lure soldiers intoambushes. Shining Path’sfounders were captured in theearly 1990s, when Humalafought against them as anarmy officer in a conflict thatkilled 70,000 people. Takingcontrol of the remote valleysin southeastern Peru is crucialfor Humala’s economicplans. Construction will soonbegin on a $3 billion naturalgas pipeline that willoriginate in the area and feeda new petrochemicalcomplex on the Pacificcoast.— Reuters

the world’s top cocaproducer.

“Yesterday, a group offive intelligence unit officersboarded a truck to go toKepashiato. They wereambushed near kilometre 51on the highway, presumablyby drug traffickers,” policechief Raul Salazar told localradio. Prime Minister JuanJimenez said: “I’m sure wewill continue lamenting(incidents like these). It’sinevitable in a war like theone we have in the VRAEM.”Rebels often catch soldiersin ambushes when theyventure outside their fortifiedbases.

Counter insurgencyexperts have criticized thegovernment’s securitystrategy as too predictableand Humala has had severaldefence ministers sincetaking office last year.Remnant groups of the 30-year-old Shining Pathinsurgency remain active andsmuggle drugs in lawless

Workers operate a machine to lift the trains for Harbinsubway line 1 at the CNR Changchun Railway Vehicle

Co, Ltd. in Changchun, capital of northeast China’sJilin Province, on 13 Oct, 2012. The new type of

subway trains, which can offer continuous services inextremely cold areas with the lowest temperature of

minus 38 degrees Celsius. — XINHUA

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8 Monday, 15 October, 2012

Monday, 15 October, 2012

The depth and speed of analysis of censusdata has evolved considerably with theintroduction of computers. In the 19th centurytabulations were completed manually thusrestricting the amount and complexity of theanalysis performed. Today tabulations can bemade relatively quickly and products are madeavailable in a wide range of formats and detail.The term census is used mostly in connectionwith national population and housing censuses;other common censuses include agriculture,business, and traffic censuses.

The word is of Latin origin; during theRoman Republic, the census was a list that kepttrack of all adult males fit for military service.The modern census is essential to internationalcomparisons of any kind of statistics andcensuses collect data on many attributes of thepopulation, not just how many people they are,although population estimates remain animportant function of the census.

Myanmar at present is in the mission totake her latest census. The country has alreadyconducted nationwide census twice. The firstone was in 1973 and the last in 1983. So, theneed of experiences, funds, staff and equipmentsmay be challenging in the census compilation in30 years after the last compilation. Ministry ofImmigration and Population will act as thefocal ministry of nationwide census compilationproject in 2014.

Other problems of enumeration may benew born babies, refugees, people away onholiday, people moving home around censusday, and people without a fixed address.

Myanmar will take the census in foursteps: preparation, data compilation, preparingstatistics, and assessment and review. In fact,there must be coherence between the focalministry and other ministries, relatedorganizations and civil societies andinternational organizations to fully accomplishthe last three steps although the MIP alonecould complete the preparation tasks.

Census taking


YANGON, 14 Oct—Deputy Speaker ofPyidaungsu Hluttaw U MyaNyein led a delegation thatleft for Germany to pay agoodwill visit this morning.

The secretary ofAmyotha Hluttaw Financialand Legal AffairsCommission, and officialsof Yangon Regiongovernment and Hluttaw

Pyidaungsu Hluttaw delegation leaves for Germany

office saw off the delegationat Yangon InternationalAirport.

The Deputy Speaker ofPyidaungsu Hluttaw wasaccompanid by Chairman ofPyithu HluttawGovernment’s Guarantees,Pledges and UndertakingsVetting Committee U WinSein, Member of PyithuHluttaw Fundamental

Rights of Citizens,Democracy and HumanRights Committee U TinMaung Win, Member ofPyithu Hluttaw Banks andMonetary DevelopmentCommittee U Win Myint,Member of Pyithu HluttawTransportation Develop-ment Committee U MyoSwe, Member of PyithuHluttaw Agriculture and

Livestock BreedingDevelopment Committee UAung Thant, Member ofAmyotha Hluttaw BillCommittee U Kyaw Kyaw,Members of AmyothaHluttaw National PlanningCommittee U Sai Thant Zinand Member of AmyothaHluttaw People’s Complaintand Petition Committee UAung Kyi Nyunt.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 14 Oct —Union Minister for Hotelsand Tourism U Htay Aungstressed the need forconvenience of arrival anddeparture of touristswithout delay at the airportin meeting with officialsconcerned at NyaungUAirport on 12 October. Thenhe inspected functions ofinformation counter and

No delay in tourist arrivals and departures stressedmoney changer of MyanmaTourism Services.

In his speech inmeeting with in-charges ofcooperative societies whoare dealing withmicrofinance in fourvillages of NyaungUDistrict and Township atThazin Garden Hotel inBagan Myothit, the UnionMinister said that number

of tourist arrivals duringthis year increased by 57per cent as against about120,000 last year. With anincrease in tourist arrivals,more job opportunities andgreater income would begenerated, he added.Emphasis should be placedon good services for theconvenience and securityof visitors.

The Union Ministercontinued that the intereston the loan of 111.2 millionfor better socioeconomy ofsouvenior-makers inNyaungU District would bespent in repair of villagepost primary school andconstruction of lake androad, and loan for the thirdtime would be given.


NAY PYI TAW, 14 Oct—Under the aegis of MandalayRegion Maternal and ChildWelfare SupervisoryCommittee, surgicaloperation have been givenon patients with inbornabnormalities at face, jaw andmouth operation unit ofMandalay People’s Hospitalsince 8 October. MandalayRegion Chief Minister U YeMyint and Region MCWSCPatron Daw Myat Ngweencouraged and providedtoxic, snacks and cash

Surgical operation given topatients with abnormalities

assistance to patients on 11October.

Medical Superinten-dent U Win, In-charge of face,jaw and mouth operation unitDr Nu Nu Yi and membersexplained progress insurgical operation on patientswith cleft lip and palate. Theregion chief minister spokewords of encouragement tothe medical team.

So far, surgical operationhas been given to 95 patientsand the operation continuestill 15 October.—MNA

First Union Solidarity and Development Party Conference heldNAY PYI TAW, 14 Oct—

Union Solidarity andDevelopment Party held itsfirst party conference (2012)

at the party headquarters inDekkhinathiri Township,Nay Pyi Taw Council Area,this morning. Party Vice-

Chairman Thura U ShweMann delivered an inauguralspeech to party members.

The meeting was then

held according to the agendaand the conferencecontinues till 17 September.


Illegal two-digit lottery seller arrestedYANGON, 14 Oct—Police

members of a squad of DagonMyothit (Seikkan)Township, acting on tip-off,searched Ma Zar Yi Yi Win,33, of A Block from94 Wardof Yuzana GardenCity between 1st and 2nd

streets in A Block at 3 pm on

12 October.They seized documents

on two-digit illegal lotteryand K 43300 in her hand.

Dagon Myothit(Seikkan) Township PoliceForce opened a file of lawsuitagainst her under GamblingLaw.—Myanma Alin

KALAW, 14 Oct—Atrawlergy driven bySarrbies, 24, of Ward 7 inKalaw from the west to theeast along Nyaungbin Roadhit Mauya Electronic andBetel Shop on the southernwing of Myoma Market inKalaw at 11.30 pm on 12October due to out ofcontrol.

In the accident, some

Reckless driving hits shopitems of electronicequipment were destroyed.Seller Ma Aye Yi, 35 wasinjured at bruise at her rightlittle toe. The injured wassent to Kalaw People’sHospital to receive medicaltreatment.

Kalaw Police Stationtakes action against thereckless driver.

Myanma Alin

Tobacco Kills

Shwe Ko Oo 12

Uncle, what makesyou visit here eachday? What’s your


Automobileor me?






U Mya


and party


seen off

at Yangon






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Monday, 15 October, 2012 9


News in Brief

Ageing is nowoccurring fastest in thedeveloping world, which haslimited resources and plansto deal with thisunprecedented demo-graphic trend. The olderg e n e r a t i o n — w h i c hincludes caregivers, voters,teachers, volunteers,entrepreneurs, leaders, andmore – represents a growingreservoir of talent andexperience that can betapped to reap a ‘longevitydividend’.

Rapidly and surely theworld is getting older. In

Longevity dividend

2000, for the first time inhistory, there were morepeople over 60 than childrenbelow five. By 2050, theolder generation will belarger than the under-15population. The number andproportion of older personsis growing faster than anyother age group, and willsurpass 1 billion people inless the 10 years—anincrease of close to 200million people over thedecade.

While the trend ofageing societies is a causefor celebration, it also

presents huge challenges asit requires completely newapproaches to health care,retirement, livingarrangements andintergenerational relations.

Today two out of threepeople aged 60 or over livein developing countries. By2050, this will rise to nearlyfour in five or 80% of world’solder people. If notaddressed promptly, theconsequences of these issuesare likely to take unpreparedcountries by surprise. Inmany developing countrieswith large populations ofyoung people, for example,the challenge is thatgovernments have not putpolicies and practices inplace to support their currentolder populations or madeenough preparations for2050. Ageing is a lifelongprocess that does not start atage 60. Today’s youngpeople will be part of the 2billion-strong population of

older persons in 2050.Countries like the

Republic of Korea,Singapore and China willsee a rise in the proportion ofthe elderly to the totalpopulation from about 15per cent today to some 40percent by 2050. Myanmar,Indonesia and Malaysia willsee older personsconstituting 20 percent oftheir total population by2050.

There are globalorganizations like theUnited Nations PopulationFund-UNFPA and HelpAgeInternational that arehelping older people claimtheir rights, challengediscrimination andovercome poverty, so thatsenior citizens can leaddignified, secure, active andhealthy lives. UNFPA andHelpAge are workingtogether in hosting high-profile press conferencesand symposiums inconnection with the growingpopulation of global senior

citizens. These events willbe followed by similarlaunches and action plansaround the world.

Important progress hasbeen made by manycountries in adopting newpolicies, strategies, plansand laws on ageing. Forexample, over 100 countriesin the last decade have putin place non-contributorysocial pensions inrecognition of old agepoverty. But much moreneeds to be done to fulfillthe potential of our ageingworld. Forty-seven per centof older men and nearly 24per cent of older womenparticipate in the labourforce.

In fact, peopleeverywhere must age withdignity and security,enjoying life through thefull realization of all humanrights and fundamentalfreedoms. In this context,global and national actionplans are needed to create apathway to transform theexplosive number of peopleover 60 to become growthdrivers and value creators.By revolutionizing our

approach and investing inpeople as they age we canbuild stronger, wealthiersocieties.

Social protection andage friendly health care areessential to extend theindependence of healthyolder people and preventimpoverishment in old age.This will help countries toharvest longevity dividendapart from harnessing thepotential benefits andminimizing the disruptionthat ageing will bring.


Tin Maung Than

Marubeni Corporation celebrates70th anniversary ceremony for its

Yangon BranchYANGON, 14 Oct— Japan-

based Marubeni Corporationcelebrated its 70th

Anniversary Ceremony forYangon Branch at SedonaHotel on 12 October evening.At the ceremony, ChairmanMr. Teruo Asada of MarubeniCorporation explained factsabout Marubeni Corporationand investments to be madein Myanmar.

Union Minister for

Health subcommittee preparesworks

Deputy Minister forHealth Dr Daw Thein TheinHtay delivered an addressat second coordinationmeeting of health

subcommittee for the 19th

Myanmar National Races’Traditional Performing ArtsCompetition at 2 pm on 13October.

Cash donated to Special OlympicsMyanmar National Games

On 11 October,Chairperson Mrs EvelynChung of InternationalFriendship Group-IFGdonated K 8.6 million toparticipants for Special

Olympics Myanmar NationalGames 2012 to be held on 15and 16 November throughPresident of MyanmarSpecial Sports Federation ColMyo Myint (Rtd).

Daw Lay Kyi from Gandama Street, UniversityAvenue Garden City, Dagon Myothit (East), tomark her 87th birthday, donated K 200,000 toHninzigon Home for the Aged recently. Joint-Secretary of executive board U Maung Maung

Gyi accepts the donation.—NLM

YANGON, 14 Oct—As partof efforts to makepreparations for taking newsphotos and documentaryphotos in XXVII SEA Games,the Information and PublicRelations Department underthe Ministry of Informationand Myanmar PhotographicSociety jointly conductedthe sports photo techniquecourse that concluded at 27/29 on 35th street in KyauktadaTownship on 13 Octobermorning.

Chairman of MPS U TinMyint (Sit Nyein Pan) madea concluding remark.Director (Production) U AyeKywe of IPRD, the chairmanof the association andinstructors presentedcertificates to the trainees.

Sports photo techniquecourse concludes

Photographic pro-fessionals and scholarstrained the trainees to takephotos with the use of digitalcameras and apply thetechnique for taking thephotos.

As practical works, thetrainees took photos at theASEAN Suzuki Cup qualifierand training of athletes at thecamps for SEA Games at theSports and PhysicalEducation Institute(Yangon).

Altogether 40 traineesof Township IPRDs fromAyeyawady and YangonRegions, Myanmar NewsAgency (Nay Pyi Taw) andMNA (Yangon) attended the12-day course.

Myanma Alin

Commerce U Win Myint gavewords of honour to MarubeniCorporation for makingbusiness in Myanmar so long.

Chairman Mr. TeruoAsada from MarubeniCorporation presentedscholarships for human

resources development to theMinistry of Science andTechnology through UnionMinister for Science andTechnology Dr Ko Ko Oo.The Union Minister spokewords of thank for the help ofMarubeni.—MNA

Agricultural Cooperatives: Key to Feedingto the World NATIONAL

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Monday, 15 October, 201210

A visitor poses for photo beside a mascot piled up by peppers during an exhibition ofagricultural production in Xinjiang County, north China’s Shanxi Province on 12

Oct, 2012. Xinjiang County has embraced a good harvest this year. — XINHUA

Yemeni intelligence officer injured in drive-byshooting

ADEN, (Yemen), 14 Oct—Unknown gunmen on amotorcycle shot and seriouslyinjured an officer of the militaryintelligence agency inYemen’s southeasternProvince of Hadramout onSaturday evening, agovernment official toldXinhua.

Two masked shootersopened fire from automaticrifles and injured Col SalehBadhoris while he wascoming back from hisworkplace and passingthrough a main street indowntown HadramoutProvince, the localgovernment official said,requesting anonymity.

The armed attack has the

fingerprints of al-Qaeda, thegovernment source said,adding that the unidentifiedgunmen then fled the areaafter the botched drive-byshooting.

A local medic toldXinhua anonymously sayingthat “the officer was gravelyinjured and he is in criticalcondition. Gunshots hit hischest and neck.”

Saturday’s shooting wasthe latest of a wave of armedattacks and assassinations oftop military officials in theimpoverished Arab state,which is battling al-Qaedamilitants.

Although the al-Qaedamilitants are usually heldresponsible for such armed

attacks and terroristbombings, no group hasclaimed responsibility for theshooting.

Yemen has undergone apolitical transition after thestepping down of formerleader Ali Abdullah Salehearlier this year under apeaceful transfer of powerbacked by the UnitedNations.

Restoring security inYemen has become a priorityafter last year’s unrest createdsecurity vacuum which wasexploited by the insurgental-Qaeda wing to controlswaths of remote land andexpand activities to majorcities.


Waitresses serve passengers during the test operationof a high-speed railway connecting Hefei and Bengbu,two cities of east China’s Anhui Province, on 13 Oct,2012. The new Hebeng high-speed railway, which isexpected to be put into operation on 16 Oct, covers a

distance of 132 kilometres and trains will run on it at adesigned speed of 350 kilometres per hour.



5.9-magnitude quake hitsSolomon Islands

HONG KONG, 14 Oct —An earthquake measuring5.9 on the Richter scale joltedSolomon Islands at 2012-10-14 04:58:07 GMT on Sun(2012-10-14 12:58:07 BeijingTime), the US Geological

Survey said.The epicenter, with a

depth of 60.90 km, wasinitially determined to be at7.1914 degrees south latitudeand 156.0636 degrees eastlongitude.— Xinhua

5.0-magnitude quake hitsTonga


HONG KONG, 14 Oct —An earthquake measuring5.0 on the Richter scale joltedTonga at 1752 GMT onSaturday (0652 on Sunday atlocal time), the US GeologicalSurvey said.

The epicenter, with adepth of 25.6 km, was initiallydetermined to be at 19.895degrees south latitude and173.949 degrees westlongitude.


5.2-magnitude quake hitsnear the north coast of NewGuinea, Papua New Guinea

HONG KONG, 14 Oct —An earthquake measuring5.2 on the Richter scale joltednear the north coast of NewGuinea, Papua New Guineaat 2307 GMT on Saturday(0707 on Sunday at localtime), the US Geological

Survey said.The epicenter, with a

depth of 6.7 km, was initiallydetermined to be at 2.52degrees south latitude and142.3012 degrees eastlongitude.


Turkey FM meets Arab, EUleaders amid tensions

BEIJING, 14 Oct— TurkishForeign Minister AhmetDavutoglu has met Arab andEuropean leaders amidgrowing tensions betweenTurkey and Syria.

Davutoglu has held talkswith the UN envoy to Syria,Lakhdar Brahimi, and GermanForeign Minister GuidoWesterwelle. Their meetingcomes after Turkey’sinterception of a Syrianpassenger plane onWednesday.

After meeting withDavutoglu, the German FMsaid that Turkey has a right to

the inspection if they suspectweapons are beingtransported to Syria.Davutoglu added that Turkeywill retaliate withouthesitation if its border withSyria is violated again.

Turkish Foreign MinisterAhmet Davutoglu said,“Turkey’s retaliation wasinevitable in terms of self-defence and deterrence. Sowe have retaliated. Turkey willretaliate again if its borderwith Syria is violated againand if we feel that Turkey’snational security is indanger.”—Xinhua


Police car hit by grenade in Libya’s Benghazi,no casualties reported

TRIPOLI, 14 Oct — Apolice vehicle was explodedon Saturday in Libya’s eastern

People watch a hand grenade destroyed car belonging toa police officer in Libya’s eastern city of Benghazi on 13Oct, 2012. A police vehicle was exploded Saturday here,causing no casualties, security sources said. — XINHUA

Four off-duty soldiers killed in Iraq’s violence IraqBAGHDAD, 14 Oct — Four

off-duty soldiers were shotdead by gunmen near Iraq’snorthern City of Mosul onSaturday, while a lawmakerfrom the Sunni-backedparliamentary bloc escaped abomb attack in central thecountry.Four Iraqi armysoldiers were shot dead whengunmen stopped their car inthe town of al-Shora, south ofMosul, some 400 km north ofBaghdad, a local police source

told Xinhua on condition ofanonymity.

The soldiers were onleave in civilian clothes whenthe gunmen attacked their car,the source said. In a separateincident, Ahmed al-Alwani,an outspoken lawmakeraffiliated to the parliamentarybloc of Iraqia, escaped

unharmed a roadside bombexplosion near his convoy inAbu Ghraib area, some 20 kmwest of Baghdad, an InteriorMinistry source anony-mously told Xinhua.

One of the vehicles inAlwani’s convoy wasdamaged and two of hisbodyguards were wounded

by the blast, the source said.Violence in Iraq has decreasedfrom its climax in 2006 and2007, when sectarian conflictspushed the country to thebrink of a civil war, buttensions and sporadicshootings and bombings arestill common across thecountry.— Xinhua

Lightning strike causes fire at Venezuelanrefinery

CARACAS, 14 Oct— A firebroke out on Saturday at anoil refinery in Venezuela’snorthwestern state of Zulia, amajor oil production base ofthe country, governmentsources said.

Gladys Parada,marketing general manager ofthe Venezuelan PetroleumMinistry, told reporters that alightning bolt hit the refineryduring a thunderstorm andstarted the fire, which wasquickly brought under control

City of Benghazi, causing nocasualties, security sourcessaid.

Initial investigationshowed that the blast occurredwhen a home-made grenadewas thrown at the car of asenior police officer outsidehis house, the sources said,adding that no casualties werereported during the explosion.Saturday’s attack was the latestagainst security personnel andpolice officers in eastern Libya.

Radical Islamists,repressed during the era oftoppled former strongmanMuammar Gaddafi, werereportedly behind the recentattacks, in which at least 17people, including formersecurity members, were killed.


by plant employees andfiremen.

The fire affected therefinery’s extraction plant inBajo Grande, Parada wasquoted as saying by theofficial news service AgenciaVenezolana de Noticias(AVN).Parada added that thefire also caused explosion in a“secure area” of the plant,without mentioning anycasualties.

This is the third fire thathas hit refineries and plants

under the state-owned oilcompany Petroleos deVenezuela (Pdvsa) in recentmonths. In a major disaster on25 Aug, a fire causedexplosion of three hugegasoline tanks at the Amuayrefinery in the northwesternFalcon state, killing 42 workersand injuring another 132. Alightning strike on 19 Septset ablaze two gasoline tanksat a refinery in PuertoCabello, but caused nocasualties.—Xinhua



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REGIONAL M onday, 15 O ctober, 2012 11

The Moranbong Band, a local female music group, perform in Pyongyang on 10 Oct, 2012, in celebration of the 67th anniversary of the founding of the ruling Workers’

Party of Korea.— Kyodo

Ancient man in SW China ate pandas: scientist

Chongqing, 14 Oct — Giant pandas, China’s “national treasures,” were once delicious food for ancient man living in the country’s southwest, a Chinese scientist has said. Pandas were eaten by prehistoric man who inhabited in the area of today’s Chongqing Municipality, where the cuddly creatures once teemed, paleoanthro-pologist Wei Guangbiao told Chongqing Morning Post in a recent interview.

“We have studied many samples of the panda fossils excavated in Chongqing f rom the s i tes where

humans once lived,” said Wei. “A large number of them showed that pandas were once slashed to death by man.” “In the primitive time, man would not kill animals that were useless to them,” he said. But Wei said the pandas ancient man devoured were by no means “giant.”

“They were much smaller than today’s giant pandas, just the size of the Tibetan mastiffs,” said Wei, adding that the miniature creatures were the direct ancestors of the giant pandas we see today. Wei, head of the Institute of Three

Gorges Paleoanthro-pology at the Chongqing China Three Gorges Museum, is a co-author of the award-winning book “Origins of Giant Pandas.”

The scientist said, dating back 10,000 years to 1 million years, high mountains in Chongqing were home to wild pandas, which later left for other areas, including the neighboring Sichuan Province, now dubbed “hometown of pandas.” Wei attributed their massive migration to the extinction of their staple diet, bamboos, because of climate change.


China launches two satellitesTaiyuan, 14 Oct —

China successfully launched two satellites, Practice-9 A/B, into space at 11:25 am Beijing Time on Sunday, the

The Long March 2C carrier rocket carrying two satellites blasts off from the launch pad at the Taiyuan Satellite

Launch Centre in Taiyuan, capital of

north China’s Shanxi Province, on 14 Oct, 2012. Satellite A and

Satellite B, which form Shijian (practice)-9

satellites, successfully entered preset orbits on

Sunday morning. Xinhua

launch centre said.The satellites, launched

from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch centre in north China’s Shanxi Province,

were boosted by a Long March-2C carrier rocket and sent to the predetermined orbit.


China-DPRK trade expo debuts in border city

Shenyang, 14 Oct— An economic, trade, culture and tourism expo jointly initiated by China and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) opened Friday in the border City of Dandong in northeast China’s Liaoning Province.

A delegation of 500 members from the DPRK is attending the 2012 China-DPRK Economic, Trade, Culture and Tourism Expo,

which is scheduled to run from Friday to Tuesday, the event’s organizers said. Over 400 Chinese companies from 12 industries are also attending the expo.

With the theme of “friendship, cooperation and development,” the expo consists of commodity exhibitions, trade fairs, DPRK art performances, craftwork exhibitions, a border trip to the Yalu River and an exhibition

for the tourism resources of the two countries.

Supported by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the event is being organized by the Liaoning Provincial Government. China is DPRK’s biggest trade partner. Statistics show that bilateral trade volume went up 62.4 percent year on year to 5.64 billion US dollars last year.


Japan, US to hold joint island drill in November

Beijing, 14 Oct — Japan’s Kyodo News Agency says a joint Japan-US exercise is to be held in November, simulating the retaking of a remote island.

Troops from Japan’s

self defence forces will work alongside US troops stationed in Japan, for the drill near an inhabited island in Okinawa prefecture. The Island exercises are part of an overall joint drill being

held from November the 5th to the 16th. Naval, land and air forces from both countries are expected to participate in the drills. Some 10 thousand soldiers are expected to take part.— Xinhua

China, Japan resumes dialogue over Diaoyu Islands dispute

Beijing, 14 Oct — China and Japan have resumed dialogue over the Diaoyu Islands dispute. The head of the Chinese Foreign Ministry’s Asian Affairs Department, Luo Zhaohui, has met his Japanese counterpart, and the 2-day visit to Tokyo paves the way for vice-ministerial talks between the two nations. Breaking the Diaoyu Islands deadlock.

After the preliminary Tokyo talks, which ended on Friday, China and Japan have decided to start a new round of consultations between their respective foreign ministers.

Luo Zhaohui is the first senior diplomat to visit Tokyo since Japan moved to illegally purchase the Diaoyu Islands from what it says was private ownership on 11th September . Japanese Kyodo News Agency says Luo’s

Victims of food poisoning in S Philippines increased to 131

Manila, 14 Oct — The number of victims of the recent food poisoning incident in southern Philippine Province of North Cotabato has increased to 131, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) said on Saturday.

The food poisoning

Tokyo visit “may help ease frayed ties.”

Meanwhile, Japanese Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba has confirmed that the vice-ministerial talks will take place in Tokyo.

T h e f i r s t v i c e -ministerial talks after the row erupted were held in Beijing, on 25th, September when China’s Vice Foreign Minister, Zhang Zhijun met his Japanese counterpart, Chikao Kawai.

At those talks, Zhang Zhijun said the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands have been China’s sacred territory since ancient times, according to historical and legal evidence. He said Japan must quickly abandon any illusion, face its erroneous actions and correct them with credible steps, to bring Sino-Japanese relations back to the right track of sound and stable growth.— Xinhua


Strong cold front to sweep


Beijing, 14 Oct — Strong cold front coming from northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region will drop temperatures in most parts of China in the next three days, the country’s national observatory forecast Sunday. Temperatures in most regions across the country will fall by four to eight degrees Celsius, along with strong winds, the National Meteorological Centre (NMC) said.

Some northern regions will experience temperature drops from 10 to 12 degrees Celsius, it added.

Most parts of the country will see light to heavy rain in the next few days, and light to moderate snow may fall in parts of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Heilongjiang and Jilin Provinces, the NMC said.— Xinhua



Photo taken on 9 Oct, 2012 shows the Jinshan Yellow River Bridge linking Yongji City of north China’s Shanxi Province and Heyang County of northwest China’s Shaanxi Province. The closure of the 9,969-metre-long bridge, which was a major project of

the Datong-Xi’an passenger railway line, finished on Friday. — Xinhua

incident occurred following a fun run in Makilala, a town belongs to North Cotabato, on Wednesday, which has caused at least 131 people to have treatment in hospital, the agency said.

NDRRMC initially reported on Friday that 94 victims were hospitalized when they experienced

stomach ache and vomiting after eating breakfast in the Fun Run Programme in the celebration of Makilala Foundation Anniversary.

But the number of victims rose to 131 after 37 others were admitted in the hospital, NDRRMC said, adding that investigation has been ongoing.—Xinhua





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E Asia finance chiefs agree toboost financial sector

cooperationTOKYO, 14 Oct — Finance

ministers from membercountries of the East AsiaSummit on Saturday agreed tostrengthen cooperation onfinancial issues amid concernsover the economic slowdownin Asia and the eurozonesovereign debt crisis.

Finance chiefs andrepresentatives from theAssociation of SoutheastAsian Nations, Japan, China,South Korea and the UnitedStates among others met inTokyo on the sidelines of theannual meetings of theInternational Monetary Fundand the World Bank.

“The ministers agreedthat regional financialcollaboration is crucial” forallowing the member states tobenefit from the region’sstrong growth, a Japaneseofficial told reporters. Thefinance ministers called forthe need to seekmacroeconomic stability byimplementing properpolicies, while pointing outvarious risk factors such as

slowing growth in Europe, theUnited States and some Asiancountries, the official said.

It is the second meetingby the finance ministers of theEast Asia Summit members,following their firstconference in May 2010. Thisyear’s conference is chairedby Cambodia. JapaneseFinance Minister KorikiJojima told a press conferenceafter the meeting that Chinesefinancial chief’s absence amida territorial row with Japanwas “regrettable,” but thecontent of the conference wasunaffected.

The United States andRussia joined the EAS lastyear, making it an 18-membergrouping that also involvesthe 10-member Associationof Southeast Asian Nationsplus Japan, China, SouthKorea, Australia, New Zealandand India. ASEAN groupsBrunei, Cambodia, Indonesia,Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, thePhilippines, Singapore,Thailand and Vietnam.

Kyodo News

E Asia

Fed’s monetary easing to support globalgrowth, US recovery

TOKYO, 14 Oct — USFederal Reserve ChairmanBen Bernanke on Sundaystressed the significance ofmonetary easing steps, sayingthe central bank’s policyaccommodation will assistglobal economic growth aswell as the US recovery.

Speaking at a forumjointly hosted by the Bank ofJapan and the InternationalMonetary Fund in Tokyo,Bernanke said, “This policynot only helps strengthen theUS economic recovery, butby boosting US spending andgrowth, it has the effect ofhelping support the globaleconomy as well.”

In its policy meeting lastmonth, the Fed employedadditional quantitative easingsteps through increased assetpurchase, while signaling thatthe bank will keep its ultralowinterest rate policy at leastthrough mid-2015, anextension of a half year fromits earlier projection of late2014. The Fed chief alsodownplayed an unexpected

drop in the US unemploymentrate from 8.1 percent to 7.8percent in September, sayingit is “well above what we judgeto be its long-run normallevel.”

The Fed said inSeptember that it will continueto purchase agencymortgaged-backed securitiesand undertake additional assetpurchases until the outlookfor the labour market improvessubstantially in the context ofprice stability. Bernanke alsobrushed aside concernsamong emerging marketeconomies about the negativeimpacts of the Fed’s monetaryeasing policy on theireconomies. “It is not at allclear that accommodativepolicies in advancedeconomies impose net costson emerging marketeconomies,” he said.

While noting that he is“sympathetic to thechallenges” faced by manycountries in a world of volatileinternational capital flows,Bernanke said, “The linkage

between advanced-economymonetary policies andinternational capital flows islooser than is sometimesasserted.” The Fed chairmanpointed out that capital flowsare rather affected by globalinvestors’ risk appetite as wellas the difference in the pace ofgrowth between advancedeconomies and fast-growingemerging economies.

Bernanke also criticizedpolicymakers of emergingeconomies as guiding theircurrencies to remainundervalued. “In someemerging markets,policymakers have chosen tosystematically resist currencyappreciation as a mean ofpromoting exports anddomestic growth,” he said.“However, the perceivedbenefits of currencymanagement inevitably comewith costs, including reducedmonetary independence andthe consequent susceptibilityto imported inflation,”Bernanke said.

Kyodo News

Ukraine economy minister calls for Japaninvestment in agriculture

TOKYO, 14 Oct —Ukrainian economy ministerPetro Poroshenko onSaturday called on Japan toinvest in the country’sagriculture, citing its vastfertile land and its growingimportance amid recent hikesin commodity prices.“Ukraine has a biggestcapacity of possibility for theagriculture,” said Poro-shenko, minister of economicdevelopment and trade, in aninterview with Kyodo News inEnglish, adding that there isalso a “huge market” foragricultural equipment.

Poroshenko also stressedthe importance of signing abilateral investment treaty toattract Japanese firms,expressing the country’sreadiness to strike the deal inmid-November when he will

Photo taken on 13 Oct, 2012 shows a view of the Pavlovsk park outside StPetersburg, Russia. — XINHUA

visit Japan again for talks withKeidanren, Japan’s largestbusiness lobby.

The minister was inTokyo to attend the annualmeetings of the InternationalMonetary Fund and the WorldBank. Poroshenko also saidthat former Prime MinisterYulia Tymoshenko should bereleased, as Westerngovernments’ oppositiontoward her imprisonment hascaused the country to miss outon economic opportunities.

“If we don’t have aTymoshenko case, mostprobably we will have anassociation agreement withthe European Union” thatwould pave the way for tradeopportunities in the “hugeEuropean market,” saidPoroshenko. “If theTymoshenko case is the price

for the integration for theEuropean Union, we shouldpay this price,” Poroshenkosaid.

Tymoshenko, opposi-tion leader and the politicalenemy of President ViktorYanukovych, was jailed forseven years in October lastyear for abuse of office inwhat the European Union andthe United States said was apolitically motivated trial.The government has deniedthe allegation but herimprisonment has strained tieswith the West, leading theEuropean Union to postponenegotiations of an associationtreaty with the Ukraine inOctober last year, andprompting US Secretary ofState Hillary Clinton to issuea statement urging her release.

Kyodo News

Tourists take the bamboo rafting on the Jiuqu River ofWuyi Mountain, southeast China’s Fujian Province, on13 Oct, 2012. The tourism revenue of Wuyi Mountain

during the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Dayholiday reached 524 million yuan (about 83.58 millionUS dollars), up 37.74 percent year on year. — XINHUA

Toyota recalls 8,700 Camry,Corolla Altis in India

KOLKATA, 14 Oct — In asignificant move, ToyotaKirloskar Motor (TKM), theIndian arm of Japanese carmaker Toyota, has recallednearly 8,700 units of itspremium segment CorollaAltis and Camry cars in India,a company executive said onSaturday. The decision torecall the cars was taken toavert a glitch in the powerwindow master switch(PWMS) in these cars.

Globally, Toyota isrecalling 7.4 million vehiclesto address the problem,making it among the biggestrecall of vehicles after Fordcalled back 7.9 millionvehicles back in 1996. Therecall in India is restricted to6,800 units of the Corolla Altiscars sold between 30 July,

2008 and 31 Dec, 2008 and1,900 Camrys sold between 1Sept, 2006 to 31 July, 2008,the company said. The Camrywas imported through thesemodel years though theCorolla Altis was beingassembled locally. So far,Toyota has sold 83,427 unitsof the Corolla Altis and about6,700 units of the Camry,which it started assemblinglocally in August.

Toyota said the powerwindow switch on the driver’sside may experience a“notchy” or sticky feel duringoperation and that theapplication of commerciallyavailable lubricants maypotentially melt the switchassembly or smoke could occurand lead to a fire under somecircumstances.—Xinhua


Ukraine Automobile

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ENTERTAINMENTBrad Pitt blasts US ‘War on Drugs,’ calls for policy rethink

LOS ANGELES, 14 Oct—Brad Pitt has thrown hisweight behind adocumentary that blastsAmerica’s 40-year war ondrugs as a failure, callingpolicies that imprison hugenumbers of drug-users a“charade” in urgent need of arethink.

The Hollywood actorcame aboard recently as anexecutive producer offilmmaker Eugene Jarecki’s“The House I Live In,” whichwon the Grand Jury Prize inJanuary at the Sundance FilmFestival. The film opened inwide release in the UnitedStates on Friday.

Ahead of a Los Angelesscreening, Pitt and Jareckispoke passionately about the“War on Drugs” which,according to thedocumentary, has cost more

than $1 trillion andaccounted for over 45 millionarrests since 1971, and whichpreys largely on poor andminority communities.

“I know people aresuffering because of it. I knowI’ve lived a very privilegedlife in comparison and I can’t

stand for it,” Pitt told Reuterson Friday, calling thegovernment’s War on Drugspolicy a “charade.”

“It’s such bad strategy. Itmakes no sense. It perpetuatesitself. You make a bust, youdrive up profit, which makesmore people want to get into

Brad Pitt

it,” he added. “To me, there’sno question; we have torethink this policy and wehave to rethink it now.”

“The House I Live In”was filmed in more than 20states and tells stories frommany sides of the issue,including Jarecki’s African-American nanny, a drugdealer, narcotics officer,inmate, judge, grievingmother, senator and others.

It also shows thatalthough the United Statesaccounts for only 5 percentof the world’s population, ithas 25 percent of its prisonpopulation. Additionally,African Americans, whomake up roughly 13 percentof the population and 14percent of its drug users,account for 56 percent ofthose incarcerated for drugcrimes.—Reuters

Emma Watson stalked onmovie set

NEW DELHI, 14 Oct—Actress Emma Watson wasconfronted in the woods by astalker while she was shootingfor Noah in Oyster Bay, LongIsland, here.

The 22-year-oldrecognized him as a mansuspected of haunting herbefore and he tried to handover a letter to her, said aninsider, reports“The man managed to slip onto the set with some visitorsand then approached her. Sherecognised him from hangingaround outside her house andscreamed,” said a source.

“He took off into thewoods and was chased bysecurity and a couple of thetough stunt guys who alsohappen to be martial arts

fighters. They caught up withhim in the woods. Police werecalled and he was removed bysecurity. It was really creepy.Emma was really shaken upand was given some time tocompose herself,” the sourceadded.

Watson is popular forplaying Hermione in the HarryPotter films. Her new film Noahalso stars Russell Crowe andAnthony Hopkins and is duefor release in spring 2014. “It’sbeen a really tough shoot forher. The movie has beengruelling anyway and this lefta very sinister feeling hangingover the set,” said the source.

The man was notarrested or charged, but waswarned about trespassing.



Rihanna and Chris Brown have been havinglate night dates

NEW DELHI, 14 Oct—TheDiamonds singer is so busyfinishing off her latest albumUnapologetic that she barelyhas time to see Chris—whoshe recently reconciled witheven though he is still onprobation for physicallyassaulting her in 2009—sothe pair have been forced tohave their dates at unusualtimes. A source told “[She’s] tiedup and busy with the album,but she [makes] time for Chrislate nights.

“She did one night before—I think, like, Tuesday[09.10.12] I’m not sure but Iknow she saw him this week.”

Chris recently dumpedhis girlfriend Karreuche Tranover his “friendship” withRihanna and posted a candidvideo he named ‘The RealChris Brown’ onto his twitter

page during which hediscusses his romanticdilemma over the two women.

He said: “I’m stressed

out ... when you share historywith somebody, then youtend to fall in love withsomebody else, it’s kinda

difficult. “Is there such thingas loving two people? I don’tknow if that’s possible, butfor me, I feel like that.” —PTI

Rihanna andChris Brown

Penelope Cruz may play murderous ex-wife of Gucci heirThe Oscar winner is

slated to portray PatriziaReggiani in the movie.Reggiani was jailed in 1998 forhiring a hitman to kill herhusband four years after thecouple officially divorced. Herdaughters urged lawmakersin Milan, Italy to overturn theirmother’s conviction on thegrounds a brain tumour hadaltered her personality,reports

The conviction wasupheld, but Reggiani’ssentence was reduced to 26years. Last year, she wasoffered a chance at parole,but refused stating, “I’venever worked in my life andI’m certainly not going to startnow.” —PTI

LONDON, 14 Oct—Actress Penelope Cruz is saidto be in talks to play themurderous ex-wife of Gucciheir Maurizio Gucci. The filmwill be directed by RidleyScott’s daughter Jordan.

Actress PenelopeCruz

Richter painting sale setsrecord for living artist

LONDON, 14 Oct— Anabstract painting by Germanartist Gerhard Richter has aset a new record for the pricepaid at auction for the work ofa living artist, after selling for$34.2 million, Sotheby’sauction house in Londonsaid.

“Abstraktes Bild (809-4)”, from the collection of rockguitarist Eric Clapton, wassold to anonymous buyerafter five minutes of biddinglate on Friday, triggering around of applause.

The sale smashed theprevious 2010 record of $28.6million paid for Jasper Johns’“Flag” at Christie’s auction

house in New York in 2010.Richter’s red, yellow and

black oil on canvas had beenestimated to fetch $14-19million.

“The combination ofoutstanding provenance andgold-standard quality in thissublime work by this blue-chip artist made for an historicauction moment,” said AlexBranczik, senior director atSotheby’s and head of thesale.

The top end of the artmarket has performedstrongly in recent yearsdespite a faltering globaleconomy.


Visitors look at Gerhard Richter’s “Abstraktes Bild(809-4)” from 1994 which has an estimated value of £9

to £12 million (US$14.1-$18.8 million) at Sotheby’sLondon on 8 Oct, 2012.—REUTERS

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Monday, 15 October, 201214


SoccerJohnson repays Klinsmann’sfaith with brace

NEW YORK, 14 Oct—Forward Eddie Johnson repaidcoach Juergen Klinsmann’sfaith by scoring twice,including a 90th minutewinner, in his first internationalin over two years, as the UnitedStates beat Antigua andBarbuda 2-1 in a 2014 WorldCup qualifier on Friday.

Facing the possibility ofan embarrassing draw againstthe soccer minnows, Johnsonheaded home an Alan Gordoncross in the 90th minute tokeep the Americans’ destinyin their own hands ahead of

the final stage match againstGuatemala on Tuesday. TheUS need to finish in the toptwo of their CONCACAFgroup to advance to the finalqualifying round in theCentral and North Americaand the Caribbean regions.

They had been locked ina three-way tie with Guatemalaand Jamaica in the group priorto the match and a win in theirlast match on Tuesday willguarantee a place in the finalstage of qualifying for the

2014 World Cup finals inBrazil.

After a lean time inEurope over the last fewseasons, Johnson signed withMajor League Soccer’sSeattle Sounders this seasonand found his form,prompting Klinsmann to addhim to the squad for the finaltwo games of qualifying.

Looking for an aerialadvantage it proved amasterstroke as Johnsonopened the scoring in St John’swith a header from a GrahamZusi cross in the 20th minute.

Antigua temperedAmerican celebrations justfive minutes later when PeterByers beat his man for paceand crossed low for DexterBlackstock to equalise fromclose range. With time tickingaway Johnson produced thematch-winner to validateKlinsmann’s faith.

“All I can say is we talkabout dreams and makingdreams a reality and it’s goodto be back,” Johnson said.


Eddie Johnson of the US celebrates after scoring a goalagainst Antigua and Barbuda during their 2014 World

Cup qualifying soccer match in St John’s, Antigua,on 12 Oct, 2012.—REUTERS

Brilliant Messi leads Argentina to 3-0 romppast Uruguay

MENDOZA, (Argentina),14 Oct— Lionel Messiguided Argentina past atough Uruguay side in thefinal half hour with twobrilliant goals for a 3-0 winon Friday that keeps themtop of South America’s WorldCup qualifiers.

Argentina lead the nine-nation South American groupwith 17 points from eightmatches at the halfway stage.Colombia and Ecuador areone point behind, Uruguayand Chile five behind.

Messi created andfinished his first goal in the66th minute, playing the ballto Angel Di Maria and racingthrough to tap the reboundpast Fernando Muslera.

Argentina went two upnine minutes later withanother move on the left,Messi again feeding Di Mariawho returned the ball withhis first touch where SergioAguero touched it into thenet.

The third goal in the 80thminute came from a cheekyfree kick by Messi, whodeceived the Uruguay wallby sliding the ball underneath

them and inside the base ofthe near post when theyjumped expecting a shot toone of the upper corners.

It was sweet revenge forMessi, who has now scored12 goals in his last seveninternationals, and Argentinaafter they were eliminated byUruguay on penalties in the2011 Copa America andwhich the 2010 World Cupsemi-finalists went on to win.

“Great match by theplayers,” Argentina’s coachAlejandro Sabella toldreporters pitchside. “Againstan experienced team who forgood reason finished fourthat the (2010) World Cup.”

Argentina enjoyed farmore possession and territorythan Uruguay in the first halfbut could not find a waythrough a well organiseddefence and when they did,they were caught offside.

Uruguay were a latentthreat on the counter-attackwith forwards of the calibreof Edinson Cavani, LuisSuarez and Diego Forlan.

Messi created a goodchance for himself with adribbling run past several

Lionel Messi of Argentina celebrates after scoringagainst Uruguay during their 2014 World Cup

qualifying soccer match in Mendoza, on 12 Oct, 2012.REUTERS

defenders towards the end ofthe first half in Mendoza buthis final, left-footed shot wentover the top and hit the farstanchion.

He was also close with afree kick from the left whichwould have gone in if Muslerahad not punched the ball over.

There was fightingamong players from bothsides early in the second halfwhen Uruguay captain DiegoLugano chased a loose ballwith Sergio Romero andstamped on the Argentinagoalkeeper’s hand as he went

for it, earning a booking.Messi’s first goal came

during a spell of totalArgentine dominance butsoon after there was a scarefor Argentina with defenderPablo Zabaleta clearing offthe line.

It was an expensiveouting for the Uruguayanswith Lugano, who came offinjured, and fellow centraldefender Diego Godinsuspended for Tuesday’svisit to Bolivia after bothwere booked.


Motor racing-McLaren waryof Webber ‘riding shotgun’ forVettel

YEONGAM, (South Korea),14 Oct—McLaren’s JensonButton dismissed, with abroad smile and theatricalnod of the head, Red Bullrival Mark Webber’s chancesof Korean Grand Prix victoryon Saturday.

Australian Webber willline up on pole position onSunday with team mate anddouble Formula One worldchampion Sebastian Vettelalongside. Vettel is fourpoints behind Ferrari’sFernando Alonso with fiveraces remaining and 56 aheadof Webber.

Asked whether heexpected Webber to ‘rideshotgun’ for the German,allowing Vettel to pass andbuild up an advantage while

keeping others behind him,McLaren team principalMartin he Whitmarsh saiddoubted it.

“I don’t think he will, doyou?”, said Whitmarsh.Button, sitting on a stoolalongside, nodded vigo-rously to the assembledreporters. “I do,” said thedriver.

“Well, I don’t think hewill willingly,” addedWhitmarsh. McLaren haveLewis Hamilton, fourth in thestandings and 42 pointsbehind Alonso, third on thestarting grid and directlybehind Webber.

With Vettel on the ‘dirty’side of the track, and Webbernot always the quickestdriver off the grid, Hamiltonwill be looking to strike early.

So-called ‘team orders’are legal in Formula One butRed Bull have so far resistedimposing them, or not hadany need to.

Button will have to playa more strategic race afterqualifying 11th at a trackwhere overtaking has notbeen straightforward in thepast although the ‘DRS Zone’where the rear wing can bemanually operated for morestraight line speed has beenextended in distance.



Murray into Shanghai final

Andy Murray of GreatBritain returns a shot to

Roger Federer ofSwitzerland during the

Men’s Singles semi-finalsof the Shanghai on 13 Oct,


SHANGHAI, 14 Oct—Andy Murray cruised throughhis semi-final at the ShanghaiMasters on Saturday to set upa repeat of his memorable USOpen final last month.

Briton Murray, biddingfor a hat-trick of titles in theChinese port city,overpowered world numberone Roger Federer 6-4, 6-4after Djokovic dispatchedTomas Berdych for the lossof one less game.

Federer, who concededa crucial break of serve in thefirst set after three double-faults, was given a reprieveby a rain delay when Murrayreached 5-4 in the second buthe could not fend off theinevitable on the resumption.

Murray will be lookingfor a third consecutivevictory over Djokovic afterbeating the Serbian worldnumber two in the Olympicsemi-final and then in theirFlushing Meadowsshowdown. “I’ve known himfor 14, 15 years now,” Murraysaid. “We’ve obviously hadsome incredibly toughmatches which can maybetest a friendship. But we’vealways been I think prettyrespectful of each other.”

There was not too muchrespect for 17-times grandslam champion Federer whoproduced a lacklustre displayto lose for the 10th time toMurray in 18 meetings.

Murray was thedominant player throughoutand Federer was merelyhanging on for much of thetime. After service breakswere swapped early on,Murray seized control of theopening set in the fifth gamewhen the Swiss served threeconsecutive double faults.

Murray squanderedseven break points at the startof the second set as spots ofrain caused a six-minute

delay. Federer was 40-0 up at2-2 but Murray fired twounstoppable forehands on hisway to snatching the gameand he never looked back,despite the rain interventionat 5-4.—Reuters

Birdie blitz takes AustrianWiesberger clear in Portugal

LISBON, 14 Oct —Abarrage of birdies midwaythrough his third round liftedAustrian Bernd Wiesbergerinto a one-shot lead at thePortugal Masters onSaturday.

The 27-year-old Wies-berger, bidding for his thirdtitle of the season followingvictories in his homeland andSouth Korea, picked up sixbirdies in seven holes from

the eighth to fire a six-under-par 65 for a 13-underaggregate of 200.

Overnight leader RossFisher (69) was in secondplace, three strokes ahead offellow Englishman RichardFinch (66), former US Openchampion MichaelCampbell (67) of NewZealand and Ireland’s ShaneLowry (67).

European Ryder Cupvice-captain Miguel AngelJimenez (68) was also on thefringes of contention on eight-under 205.

“After seven holes I wasnot thinking about a 65,”Wiesberger told reporters onthe Algarve. “I hit somehorrible wedges early on butI grinded through that and hitbetter shots around the turn.

“I then playedbeautifully on the back nineand my score could havebeen even lower.” —Reuters



Mortor Racing


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R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information.

GENERAL Monday, 15 October, 2012 15

(15-10-12 09:30 am ~16-10-12 09:30 am)


Focus Myanmar TV Programme



(15-10-2012, Monday)

2012”* News* Culture Stage* Healthcare Travel Council

(Press Conference byMalaysia HealthcareCouncil)

* News* Yamanya Land: Heritage

of Mons* Efforts for New Social

Security Law* Myanmar Movie

“Rain Clouds on theHorizon”

* News* Japan Product Show

2012* News* Record Album* News* Myanmar Youth Forum

Press Conference 2012* News* Festive Events of

Twantaye* News* Oversea Stores in

Yangon* News* Astrology & Astronomy

“Horescope for 12 SignAscendants in October,

Photo taken on 13 Oct, 2012 shows a snow view at theDiaoqiao Park in Zhalantun City, north China’s InnerMongolia Autonomous Region. The first snowfall thisautumn hit some parts of Inner Mongolia on Saturday.


Secret Service says officerfound passed out, arrested in


India-born Kaltenborn flies a flag for women in F1YEONGAM, (South

Korea), 14 Oct—MonishaKalten-born’s fast track tothe top in Formula One hasseen her steer smoothlythrough the daunting ‘esses’of scepticism and sexism tosuccess with Sauber.

The 41-year-old Indian-born lawyer broke through agender barrier with theannouncement at the KoreanGrand Prix this week that shewas taking over from PeterSauber as principal of theSwiss team he led into thesport in 1993.

Kaltenborn is the firstfemale team boss since thechampionship started in 1950,

the first to join an elite oncedubbed the ‘Piranha Club’ onaccount of their infighting andpower-hungry egos. Oncemistaken by one team bossfor Sauber’s interpreter whenshe first attended a meetingof the paddock powerbrokers,the Austrian is no tokenappointment in what manystill see as a ‘Man’s World’.

“This is FormulaOne...and the team principalsare probably the most sexist,machismo bunch of managersyou could ever hope to meet,”McLaren’s Martin Whitmarshtold Reuters with an apologeticgrin when asked for hisreaction.—Reuters

Monisha Kaltenborn (L), the new principal for theSauber Formula One team, and outgoing team principal

Peter Sauber pose at the team’s garage during anannouncement ceremony ahead of the South Korean F1

Grand Prix at the Korea International Circuit inYeongam on 11 Oct, 2012. —REUTERS

WASHINGTON, 14 Oct —A US Secret Service officerwas arrested in Miami the dayafter a visit by PresidentBarack Obama, the agencyacknowledged on Friday, inwhat is likely another blackeye for the agency that wasembarrassed by a prostitutionscandal in April.

The incident is beingturned over the SecretService’s Office ofProfessional Responsibility,its internal affairs unit, saidagency spokesman EdwinDonovan.The Secret Serviceofficer was found passed outon a Miami street corner lessthan 12 hours after Obamahad left the city, according tonews reports citing localpolice. Officers are uniformedmembers of the agency, and

perform support services, incontrast to plain-clothedagents who directly guard thepresident and vice president.

Obama spoke atcampaign events in CoralGables and Miami onThursday. The episodecomes not long after a dozenSecret Service employeeswere accused of misconductfor bringing women, some ofthem prostitutes, to their hotelrooms in Colombia in Aprilahead of Obama’s visit toCartagena. A governmentinvestigation concluded theiractions did not compromisethe president’s safety, but theevent was an embarrassmentfor the Secret Service and itsdirector issued a stricter codeof conduct afterwards.


US mother gets 99 years in prison for gluingtoddler’s hands to wall

HOUSTON, 14 Oct — A USmother was sentenced to 99years in prison on Friday forbeating her 2-year-olddaughter and gluing herhands to a wall, local mediareported. Elizabeth Escalona,from the Texas city of Dallas,pleaded guilty in July to felonyinjury to a child, according to

a report by The HoustonChronicle.

The 23-year-old mother“savagely beat” her child,Jocelyn Cedillo, and deservedto be punished, said StateDistrict Judge Larry Mitchell.Escalona’s other children toldinvestigators that their motherattacked Jocelyn in

September 2011 due to pottytraining problems.

Escalona reportedlykicked her daughter in thestomach, beat her with a milkjug, and then stuck her handsto an apartment wall with anadhesive commonly knownas Super Glue. Jocelynsuffered bleeding in her brain,a fractured rib, multiplebruises and bite marks, andwas in a coma for a couple ofdays, doctors said.

Prosecutors, whodescribed Escalona as an unfitmother with a history ofviolence, played recordingsin which Escalona as ateenager threatened to kill hermother. They also said shewas a former gang memberwho started smokingmarijuana at age 11. Jocelynis now being cared for by hergrandmother, who is alsotaking care of Jocelyn’s foursiblings.


2012 Women’s Forum encourages innovationto motivate growth

DEAUVILLE, 14 Oct —The three-day 2012 Women’sForum Global Meetingconcluded on Friday inDeauville, northwest France,pinning the hope of theeconomic growth oninnovative strategies, andmeasures that better deploythe talent and skills of womenas agents of change. Growthwas theme of the 8thWomen’s Forum GlobalMeeting.

As the world has beenexperiencing the headacheeconomic recession for quitea few years, finding ways togrowth is not only concernedby men, but also mulled bywomen who is part of thebuilder of the society.

The influential inter-national Women’s Forumgrouped more than 1,200participants this year from 60countries to discuss how toachieve a growth fromwomen’s perspectives.

“Women are agents oftransformation and actors ofchange,” said VeroniqueMorali, President of theWomen’s Forum for theEconomy & Society. “Weshould look much moreclosely at innovativeeconomic drivers, includingnew technologies andstrategies that focus from thebottom up.”

“The CEO Championsdiscussions this yeardemonstrate that companiesrealize we need more diversity,because it results in moretalent, more initiative andcreativity, better performance,and a stronger pool of skills,”Morali said.

Speaking at thediscovery session oninnovation, Maria Harti,IDGTV CEO, stressed that“both successes and failuresin innovation should becelebrated” in order to assurethat risks be taken among a

team. Focused on increasingwomen’s access to seats incorporate SupervisoryBoards and ExecutiveCommittees in Europe,Viviane Reding, Vice-Chair ofthe European Commissionargued that “we needwomen’s talent in order tosucceed.”

Cherie Blair, founder andpatron of the Cherie BlairFoundation for Women whospoke on new techniques todrive micro-finance and socialentrepreneurship, declaredthat “across the world,women come up againstbarriers.”

“They include a lack ofconfidence in themselves thatreflects society’s lack ofconfidence in them, as well asbarriers involving lack oftraining and barriers to capital.We can use technology toovercome some of thosefactors,” she said.


A girl plays with newly-harvested corns at YudingVillage of Tancheng County in Linyi City, east China’s

Shandong Province, on 13 Oct, 2012. A total of 3.04million hectares of corns in Shandong saw the harvest

season in this October. — XINHUA



7:00 am 1. Paritta By Venerable

Mingun Sayadaw7:15 am 2. Dhamma Puja Song

7:25 am 3. To be Health Exercise7:30 am 4. Morning News7:50 am 5. Selected Songs For 19th

Myanmar TraditionalCultural Performing ArtsCompetition (2012)(Modern Song)(Amateur (Second)Division) (Level) Men& Wimen)

8:15 am 6. International News8:20 am 7. Islands of Dhamma8:25 am 8. Nine Precepts

Administred8:40 am9. Myitta Pawana by

Mingun Sayadaw4:00 pm10. Martial Song.4:10 pm11. Musical Programme4:25 pm12. Dhamma Sekka Thutta

Reciting Competition(2th Prize Winner)(B.E.H.S (1)Sanchaung)

5:00 pm13. University of Distance

Education (TV lecture)Second Year(Philosophy)

5:10 pm14. Musical Programme

(The Radio MyanmarModern Music Troupe)

22:00 pm15. TV Drama Series

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Monday, 15 October, 201215th Waning of Tawthalin 1374 ME

YANGON, 14 Oct—AMyanmar parliamentarydelegation led by Speaker ofPyidaungsu Hluttaw andAmyotha Hluttaw U KhinAung Myint after attendingthe 7th Asian-EuropeParliamentary Partnership(ASEP-7) in Laos from 3 to 5October and paying agoodwill visit to Australiafrom 7 to 12 October, arrivedback here this morning.

The delegation waswelcomed by DeputySpeaker of Pyidaungsu

Myanmar parliamentarydelegation attends ASEP-7,

visits AustraliaHluttaw U Mya Nyein, thesecretary of AmyothaHluttaw Financial and LegalAffairs Commission, officialsfrom Yangon RegionGovernment and HluttawOffice, Charge d’ Affaires aiMr Vongpano Sipaseuth ofLao PDR Embassy intoMyanmar at YangonInternational Airport.

Delegation members,Chairman of AmyothaHluttaw Public AccountsCommittee U Thein Win,Secretary of Amyotha

Hluttaw and Local andOverseas Labour CommitteeU Saw Maw Tun, member ofAmyotha Hluttaw BillCommittee U Soe Myint,Secretary of AmyothaHluttaw InternationalRelations Committee U HtayMaung, member of AmyothaHluttaw Economic andCommerce Committee Dr SoeWin and Director-General ofHluttaw Office U Kyaw Soealso arrived back on the sameflight.


YANGON, 14 Oct—Newtraffic lights will be installedfor ensuring safety of roadusers in Yangon.

Four new traffic lightswill be installed at the cornerof Anawrahta and SulePagoda Streets, at the corner

YANGON, 14 Oct—Afteroverage vehicles have beenabolished, the number ofvehicle users increases dayby day in Yangon. Thus,traffic jams can be seen invarious places.

That is why, the localroads are being upgraded withthe aim of ensuring smooth

New traffic lights for road users in Yangonof Bogyoke Aung San Streetand Sule Pagoda Street,eight at the corner ofMerchant Street and SulePagoda Street, eight each atPyay and Bagaya Roads andat Pyay and Shin Saw Puroads and four at Pyay and

Ahlon Roads.The traffic lights will be

of digital LED with manpicture. Moreover, CCTVs willbe installed at the traffic loadareas for safety drive ofvehicles and traffic safety forpedestrians.—Myanma Alin

Roads under upgrading works in Yangontransportation and minimizingtraffic jams.

As a significant example,Ngamoeyeik (Parami) four-way bridge was built forlinking South Okkalapa andDagon Myothit (North)Townships.

Moreover, WaizayantaRoad in ThingangyunTownship, Upper Kyi-myindine Road and No 3Highway in MingaladonTownship will be upgradedin order to avoid traffic jams.


TOKYO, 14 Oct—HeatherWatson became the first Britonto win a WTA singles title in 24years by beating Taiwan’sChang Kai-chen 7-5 5-7 7-6 inthe final of the Japan Open inOsaka on Sunday.

The British No 2succeeded where LauraRobson had failed inGuangzhou last month tobecome the country’s firstwinner on the women’s toursince Sara Gomer in 1988.

Before Robson andWatson the last Briton to reach

Watson wins Japan title

a WTA final was Jo Durie atNewport in 1990 – before eitherplayer was born.

Watson haddemonstrated her potential bypushing French Openchampion Maria Sharapovato three sets in Tokyo lastmonth, the Russian tippingher to be a future winner.

The 20-year-old fromGuernsey had alreadysurpassed her career-bestresults on the WTA Tour –three quarter-finals last year.


NAHA, (Japan), 14 Oct—Kenichi Kuboya was thebenefactor of a stunning latemeltdown by JuvicPagunsan of the Philippineson Sunday, posting a one-stroke victory to capture theJapan Open for his first winof the season.

With Pagunsan still outon the course, Kuboya waspreparing to go home afterhe wrapped up the third

Kuboya wins Japan Open afterPagunsan suffers late collapse

major of the season with a 70that included a chip in foreagle on the 10th hole at thepar-71 Naha Golf Club inOkinawa Prefecture.

But Pagunsan doublebogeyed the 17th and thenbogeyed the 18th to put thetitle on a plate for Kuboya,who narrowly missed out onvictory last year after losingto South Korea’s Bae SangMoon in a playoff.—Kyodo

MANILA, 14 Oct—Malaysian Prime MinisterNajib Abdul Razak arrivedin Manila on Sunday towitness the signing Mondayof an initial peace agreementbetween the Philippinegovernment and thecountry’s largest Muslimrebel group.

The pact between thegovernment and the MoroIslamic Liberation Front, theFramework Agreement ofthe Bangsamoro, is aroadmap designed to end theMuslim insurgency in thesouthern Philippines sincethe 1970s.

Malaysia has served afacilitator in bringing thetwo sides together since2001 and has been head ofan international monitoringteam since 2004.

Philippine PresidentBenigno Aquino said the 13-

Malaysian Premier Najibarrives in Manila for

peace-pact signingpage “framework agreementpaves the way for a final,enduring peace” inMindanao and outlyingislands.

Philippine chief peaceadviser Teresita Deles saidAquino is expected to thankNajib and the Malaysiangovernment for facilitatingthe negotiations with theMILF while Najib is likelyto express Malaysia’scontinued support for theprocess.

The Department ofForeign Affairs said in astatement the trip is Najib’sfirst to the Philippines sincehe assumed office in 2009.

It added that Najib isaccompanied by his wife, theMalaysian ministers offoreign affairs, defense andinternational trade andindustry and a businessdelegation.—Kyodo








U Khin





at Yangon







Japan’s KenichiKuboya holds

the victor’strophy afterwinning theJapan Open

with an 8-over292 at NahaGolf Club in

OkinawaPrefecture onOct. 14, 2012.

School Environment Dayobserved in Nay Pyi Taw


then tweetsabout it


Klinsmann’sfaith with

bracePAGE 14

Longevity dividend




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