term4, wk6

1 Delivering opportunities for innovative learning, excellence, leadership and success A The Parkway, Beaumont Hills NSW 2155 T (02) 8824 6470 F (02) 8824 6473 E [email protected] W www.beaumonthi-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Term 4 – Week 6 Thursday, 17 November, 2011 Our School Newsletter Beaumont Hills Public School Dear Parents, Bronze Awards Well done to all bronze award recipients. Like your families, the students and staff at Beaumont Hills acknowledge your hard work and commitment to your class, your peers and to your learning. Well done! Our wonderful Bronze Award recipients! November 2011 School Promotion Conference: This week a school team, comprising Ms Nicole Tuite (our New Office Manager) myself, Mrs Gae Bromwich (Assistant Principal) and Mrs Maxine McKenna (P&C member) attended the first day of a 2 day conference focussing on the promotion of excellence in our school. Over the next month our newsletter may adopt a different format, our website may display some subtle changes. Feedback on these changes will be most welcomed and very much appreciated. Please email the school with your feedback on [email protected] School Security 9672 2000

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This fortnight's newsletter


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Delivering opportunities for innovative learning, excellence, leadership and success

A The Parkway, Beaumont Hills NSW 2155 T (02) 8824 6470 F (02) 8824 6473 E [email protected] W www.beaumonthi-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

Term 4 – Week 6 Thursday, 17 November, 2011

Our School Newsletter Beaumont Hills Public School

Dear Parents, Bronze Awards Well done to all bronze award recipients. Like your families, the students and staff at Beaumont Hills acknowledge your hard work and commitment to your class, your peers and to your learning. Well done!

Our wonderful Bronze Award recipients! November 2011

School Promotion Conference: This week a school team, comprising Ms Nicole Tuite(our New Office Manager) myself, Mrs Gae Bromwich (Assistant Principal) and Mrs Maxine McKenna (P&C member) attended the first day of a 2 day conference focussing on the promotion of excellence in our school. Over the next month our newsletter may adopt a different format, our website may display some subtle changes. Feedback on these changes will be most welcomed and very much appreciated. Please email the school with your feedback on [email protected]

School Security 9672 2000 

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Term 4 – Week 6 Thursday 17 November, 2011

Enrolments for 2012: If any family know that their child will not be attending our school in 2012 could you please advise us as soon as possible. Accurate numbers for next year will greatly assist with planning of class formation and teacher allocation. I thank you for your anticipated support. Interactive Whiteboard Installation Update: I am pleased to report that all classrooms now have interactive whiteboards installed. This final phase of implementation was a result of the government stimulus package and a component of Building the Education Revolution.

Learning is fun using the Interactive Whiteboard Walkathon Presentation: Last Wednesday the P&C presented the winning class and individuals with their prizes in recognition of contributions made to our school walkathon. The total amount raised was approximately $9,000. Well done to all families who supported this fundraising event. Congratulations to Joshua H, 4H and Nathan T, 1E who raised the greatest amount of money for the walkathon and to 2T, the class who raised the most money. A wonderful effort by any standards!

Walkathon prize winners with

Mrs Alisa McDonald, P & C President.

Contribution of our P&C: Our hard working parent body presented our school and students with a cheque for $40,000. This culminates a year of fundraising activities:- Walkathon, Trivia Night, Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day stalls, uniform shop, canteen and the Freaky Friday Disco. The funds raised will support the purchase of iPads, reading materials and reading software. The staff and students of Beaumont Hills are very excited at the learning possibilities that have been created as a result of your hard work and commitment to our school. Thank you P&C. Beaumont Hills – Regional Educational Award Recipient: It is with great pride that I announce the hard work staff have undertaken this year in the effective and innovative implementation of technology into classroom practice has been officially recognised for its significance in being awarded the ’Regional Excellence in Education in Innovation in ICT Award’. This award reaffirms the commitment of staff to constantly plan creative learning experiences that are engaging through the integration of technology as an effective learning tool. Congratulations to all staff at Beaumont Hills. Your journey of professional learning in the use of ICT in the teaching learning process has been an important one - a journey that has provided many challenges; challenges that each and every one of you have embraced. Well done! Math Olympiad Awards: Congratulations to our senior students who participated in this years Maths Olympiad. This is an Australasian Competition attracting many fine mathematicians from all countries. We are particularly proud of Jack D, Jayden H, Bonnie L, Andre L, Chris A, Josh M and Sachini W who were placed in the top 25% of all competitors. This competition consists of a series of rounds involving challenging mathematical problems to solve.

2011 Math Olympiad Award recipients

School Security 9672 2000 

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Term 4 – Week 6 Thursday 17 November,2011

Thank you from Naomi P I would like to take this opportunity to thank the teachers, students and their families in helping me raise funds to represent Beaumont Hills Public School in the NSW PSSA Softball Team. Your support in raffle ticket sales and gold coin donations for last weeks pyjama day has helped a great deal. Thank you for your wishes and support while I am in Victoria at the Nationals this week. After two days of competition and have won all of our games so far. Thank you Naomi P

Naomi in Victoria ready to play in the Nationals Book Club: The last Book Club for 2011 has been distributed this week. All orders need to be placed in an envelope with the students name and class in the red box situated at the front office. All orders must be paid for on line or by cheque (made payable to Scholastic). Last term a few families still sent in cash, please note these orders will not be accepted. The order and the money will be returned. If you pay via credit card this must be done online via the Scholastic website, not directly to the school. In order to receive the orders back before the end of term, NO orders will be accepted after the due date. All orders are due back by; Tuesday 22nd November 2011. Thank you Mrs Natalie Fink Co ordinator

Chess at Beaumont Hills: Mrs Bates chess club, which meets weekly during lunchtime held a competition over the last couple of weeks. The culmination of this event saw a great contested final with Max A, S3I being the ultimate Beaumont Hills Chess Champion. Celebration Concert: The school is in full production mode for this ‘not to be missed’ event. Your children and their teachers have been working very hard to create items worthy of ‘Tony Awards’. We look forward to performing for all families throughout the week commencing Monday 28 November. Hand Foot and Mouth Disease: One of our students has been diagnosed with hand, foot and mouth disease. The symptoms are small red dots that develop into blisters inside the cheeks, gums, sides of the tongue as well as hands and feet. If you child presents with this disease please keep them home from school until the blisters have dried. Kindergarten Orientation: Our final Orientation morning was held today. The focus on this session was how we use technology in the teaching/learning programs at Beaumont Hills. Parents viewed a variety of work produced by students K-6 to illustrate the way in which technology is being integrated into student learning. Our youngest students for next year experienced first - hand the technology available in our classrooms - the interactive whiteboards, beebots (simple robotic) and laptops. As the photo demonstrates, engagement and enthusiasm was high. A big thank you to our committed Kindergarten teachers who have planned such varied and engaging activities over the last three weeks to excite and enthuse our students for 2012.

Future 2012 Beaumont Hills Public School Kindergarten students using the latest technology

Heather Thomas Principal

School Security 9672 2000 

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Term 4 – Week 6 Thursday 17 November,2011

South Windsor. Full details will be advised at a later date, but the carnival is being held a little later than normal to allow for the Stage 3 camp in week 3 of next year. Tony Trollope Sports coordinator Year 6 Farewell The Year 6 farewell at Dural Country Club is fast approaching! If you can donate some of your time over the next few weeks to help with tasks to ensure the smooth running of the farewell, it would be greatly appreciated. The first meeting will be held on Tuesday November 22nd in S3SK’s classroom at 3pm. Thank you in advance for your support of what promises to be a fantastic celebration of your child’s time at Beaumont Hills Public School. Canteen News: Volunteer Roster: Mon 21/11 Nikki & Darren Tue 22/11 Emma Wed 23/11 Penny & Vicky Thu 24/11 Nicole & Catherine Fri 25/11 Janelle Mon 28/11 Gillian & Darren & Katrina (11am) Tue 29/11 Elizabeth Sz Wed 30/11 Jill C & Debbie T Thur 1/12 Therese & Johanna (11am) Fri 2/12 Melanie C & Jin Mon 5/12 Vicky & Darren Tue 6/12 Nadia (11am) & 1 extra helper needed Wed 7/12 Munazza & 1 extra helper needed Thur 8/12 Nicole L & Michelle Fri 9/12 Belinda P & Tammy Mon 12/12 Sharon & Liz Tue 13/12 Christine (11am) & 1 extra helper needed Wed 14/12 CANTEEN CLOSED - Presentation Day Thur 15/12 Linda Sue & 1 extra helper needed Fri 16/12 Helpers required Beta Stokbaek Canteen manager

Future 2012 Beaumont Hills Public School Kindergarten Students using computers

Library News: It is that time of the year when the Library needs to get ready for stocktake. To assist with the process, all Library books need to be returned. Please have your child return all their borrowed books during their usual library time! Your help is greatly appreciated. Stocktake starts next week (week 7). Premiers Reading Challenge: Congratulations to the 308 students who completed the PRC challenge this year. Nearly 200 more students than last year!! Well done Kindergarten who had a 100% participation rate. This is a first for Beaumont Hills PS. Certificates are due to arrive by the 4th of December. Honour rolls and certificates will be handed out during week 9. Students who would like to start reading for the 2012 challenge can do so by keeping a personal record at home. Let’s make 2012 the first year all BHPS students complete the PRC challenge   

Thankyou: Thankyou to all the Parents and Grandparents that helped me in the Library this year. Whether it was through covering books or with the Book Fair etc your generosity of time is very much appreciated! Jane Flanagan—Librarian PSSA Semi Finals, Friday 18th November: Junior A girls T-Ball at Charles McLaughlin Reserve, Baulkham Hills at 9.30am Boys Basketball playing at the Hills Stadium, Castle Hill at 10.00am Junior and Senior Touch Football teams playing at Memorial Avenue, Kellyville commencing with the Junior game at 9.30am followed by the Senior game. Sports report: It’s hard to believe that school sporting activity for the year is almost completed, however it has been very rewarding to see students representing the school in organised competition for the first time, and learning about sportsmanship and the higher level of skills needed for this level of competition. Congratulations to the school teams which made the semi finals of the CHPSSA summer competitions. The teams involved are the Senior and Junior Touch Football teams, the Junior Girls A T- Ball side and the Boys Basketball Team. Best of luck to all of these teams in the semis this coming Friday. Team Coaches have details of names of opponents, venues and times of matches, if you would like to go and see your child participate. While mentioning the wonderful support given by parents, it is impossible to ignore the efforts of one parent to support the side in which their child plays. The parent cycled all the way from Beaumont Hills to Fred Caterson Reserve at Castle Hill last week, and then returned, riding along Windsor Road. The first major event for 2012 will be the annual school swimming carnival, and this will be held on Tuesday 21st February at The Windsor Swimming Complex at

School Security 9672 2000 

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS Thursday 17 November, 2011

NOVEMBER 18 – Silver Award – cut off PSSA Semi Finals NOVEMBER 22 – Sport In Schools NOVEMBER 24 – Silver Morning Tea NOVEMBER 28—School Performance Years 3—6 6.30pm - Final payment due for ‘The Great Aussie Bush Camp’. NOVEMBER 29 – Sport In Schools Gold Award – cut off NOVEMBER 30—School Performance Years K—2 6.30pm DECEMBER 1 – School Performance K—2 Matinee 10.30am Years 3—6 Matinee 12.30pm DECEMBER 5 – Gold Breakfast DECEMBER 6 – Sport In Schools DECEMBER 7 – Scripture Breakfast DECEMBER 9 – Parent Helper Morning Tea - School and Community Christmas Carols DECEMBER 13 – Sport In Schools DECEMBER 14—Presentation Day DECEMBER 15 – Year 6 Graduation & Farewell DECEMBER 16 – Last Day of Term 4 for Students

Future 2012 Beaumont Hills Public School Kindergarten Students having fun with Bee Bots.

School Security 9672 2000 



Student banking: of making regular savings. Every time students make a deposit at school they re-ceive a Dollarmites token which can be redeemed for a range of exciting reward items in recognition of their regular savings. Students will have lots of fun saving their tokens for these cool gifts. Our school takes part in the Commonwealth Bank School Banking program and we have a number of chil-dren who are actively participating by banking each week. We are looking for a volunteer parent or grand-parent to take over as the School Banking Co-ordinator. This only takes a small amount of your time one day a week. Your help with the program will greatly benefit students as they continue to develop vital financial liter-acy skills and also help our school with fundraising. Our school would really like to continue to actively par-ticipate in this program, which is teaching our children how to save regularly - an important habit to get into! The Commonwealth Bank provides support to our School Banking Co-ordinators with the running of the program. Please contact the school office if you can help. Stage 3 Teachers Occupational Therapist Erica Moses, Occupational Therapist Western Sydney OT Services currently works here at Beaumont Hills on Mondays. Her work includes support for students who are experiencing difficulties with fine and gross motor skills. Erica works in the class room or the withdrawal room and ensures her support assists students in the areas most needed at school. There is still time on Mon-days to add more students who are in need of occupa-tional therapy. The service is conducted by Erica Moses and the parent/s of the child concerned with payments to Erica on the day. The school provides the space only. Erica is currently scheduling dates for School Readiness Workshops for children beginning school in 2012. These workshops will be run over 3 Saturdays (2 hours each day). The dates will be 1st, 8th and 15th October 2011. Venue still to be determined. Cost is $260 and includes all resources, therapy, therapist’s travel and a compre-hensive report for the child’s parents and future Kinder-garten teacher. Erica can also offer the following services – initial as-sessment, travel and report $165; 40 to 60 minute OT sessions are $60. If you are interested in any of these services, please Contact Erica Moses on 0416 574 994 or [email protected] or http://www.westernsydneyotservices.com/default.html

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LOST DOG—REWARD Beautiful 20 month old female chocolate Labrador with dirty nose and slight pigmentation on left side of bottom lip. Missing from Seymour Way, Kellyville since 4.30pm on Thursday 10 November - last seen heading towards Sherwood Ridge Public School. Much loved and dearly missed by all the family. If found, please call Andrea on 0406 533 881. REWARD Our family are utterly devastated and the kids won't stop crying. Your help in finding little Bella is greatly, greatly appreciated!!

ADVERTISEMENTS Thursday 17 November 2011

*Disclaimers ‐ we sincerely thank our advertisers for there support of our school.  The NSW of Department of Education and Communities and 

Beaumont Hills Public School do not endorse these products or services.   






Girls turning 5 & 6yrs in 2012 :- Programme where you are taught Netball skills.

Girls turning 7yrs, 8yrs, 10yrs, 11yrs & 12yrs in 2012.

Vacancies are ideal for new or lower grade players Don’t delay contact Jeanette now for all details & to

arrange your registration. Registrations are still being taken for those turning

15yrs & over in 2012. JEANETTE 9636 8842 [email protected]


Give your children the wonderful opportunity to have an international big brother or big sister by hosting one of our exceptional international stu-dents arriving in Australia in February 2012 for their 5 or 10 month programs. Our international students from France, Germany, Italy, Austria Ja-pan, Scandinavia and the U.S.A will live as a lo-cal, attend a local secondary school, arrive with their own spending money and comprehensive insurance cover – all arranged by Southern Cross Cultural Exchange. Visit us at www.scce.com.au, email [email protected] or call us toll free on 1800 500 501, request our little booklets of in-ternational student profiles, and capture the spirit of family and friendship!

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ADVERTISEMENTS Thursday 17 November 2011

*Disclaimers ‐ we sincerely thank our advertisers for there support of our school.  The NSW of Department of Education and Communities and 

Beaumont Hills Public School do not endorse these products or services.