temple israel bulletin-august 2011

Tammuz—Av 5771 PAGE 1 AUGUST 2011 Temple Israel Bulletin “Todah Rabah” to our volunteers—page 3 Religious School begins—pages 4 and 7 Grief and Growing Conference—page 5 Hazon Food Conference —page 5 Adult Education series—page 6 Fundraising opportunity of the Temple—page 8 Rules for using the kitchen—page 9 Join the High Holy Day Choir! - page 12 Message from the Oneg Shabbat Committee—page 13 Wanna dance? - page 14 NEW! - Donation coupon—page 15 IN THIS ISSUE SCHEDULE OF SHABBAT SERVICES EREV SHABBAT, August 5: 6:30 PM: Family Shabbat evening ser- vice on the patio. Torah Portion: Devarim, Deut. 1:1- 3:22. Haftarah: Isa. 1:1-27 EREV SHABBAT, August 12: 7:30 PM: Friday Evening Shabbat eve- ning service led by the Youth Group Torah Portion: Vaetchanan,, Deut. 3:23- 7:11. Haftarah: Isa. 40:1-26 EREV SHABBAT, August 19: 7:30 PM: Shabbat evening service with guest Rabbi, Harry Manhoff. Torah Portion: Ekev, Deut. 7:12-11:25. Haftarah: Isa. 49:14-51:3 EREV SHABBAT, August 26: 7:30 PM: Shabbat evening service Torah Portion: Re’eh, Deut. 11:25- 16:17. Haftarah: Is. 54:11-55:5 . A MESSAGE FROM THE TEMPLE ISRAEL OF ALAMEDA FOUNDATION The Temple Israel of Alameda Foundation was established in 1995 with a $10,000 bequest from the estate of Diana Garfinkle, one of the original found- ing members of our congregation. The Foundation’s fiscal year runs from January 1 to December 31 each year. We purposely set it 6 months off the Temple fiscal year so that we could provide the Temple budget planners with information about our annual grant in time to prepare the budget. We meet early in the year to go over our financial reports for the previous year. We grant 5% of the total assets of the Foundation with the condition that those to- tal assets remain over $150,000. Disbursements began in December of 2002, and have totaled $104,000 over the years since then. It is clear that continued growth of the Foundation's assets is crucial to the fi- nancial stability of the congregation. We need more congregants to include the Temple Foundation in their estate planning. Many of you will say that your means are not great enough for estate planning, but that may not be true. If you own a house in northern California, your estate is large enough to need estate planning. If every congregant left the Foundation 1% of their estates, the Temple would become financially stable. 1% should not adversely affect your heirs and will save estate taxes. We encourage all of you to create or modify your estate plans to include the Foundation. The Foundation Board has prepared an information sheet with suggested word- ing to add the Foundation to your will or trust; it also contains the relevant identification information. It will be available from the Temple website or at the Temple office. We encourage you to speak with your financial and legal advisors to work out estate planning solutions which will benefit you as well as the Temple. We know that many of us are at the limit of spending for our current life styles or fear we may outlive our resources. We are asking you to consider a donation from your assets when you no longer need them. Beverly Blatt Temple Israel of Alameda Foundation

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Monthly bulletin for Temple Israel of Alameda, California- August 2011


Page 1: Temple Israel Bulletin-August 2011

Tammuz—Av 5771 PAGE 1AUGUST 2011

Temple Israel Bulletin

“Todah Rabah” to our volunteers—page 3

Religious School begins—pages 4 and 7

Grief and Growing Conference—page 5

Hazon Food Conference —page 5

Adult Education series—page 6

Fundraising opportunity of the Temple—page 8

Rules for using the kitchen—page 9

Join the High Holy Day Choir! - page 12

Message from the Oneg Shabbat Committee—page 13

Wanna dance? - page 14

NEW! - Donation coupon—page 15





6:30 PM: Family Shabbat evening ser-vice on the patio.

Torah Portion: Devarim, Deut. 1:1-3:22. Haftarah: Isa. 1:1-27

EREV SHABBAT, August 12:

7:30 PM: Friday Evening Shabbat eve-ning service led by the Youth GroupTorah Portion: Vaetchanan,, Deut. 3:23-7:11. Haftarah: Isa. 40:1-26

EREV SHABBAT, August 19:

7:30 PM: Shabbat evening service withguest Rabbi, Harry Manhoff.Torah Portion: Ekev, Deut. 7:12-11:25.Haftarah: Isa. 49:14-51:3

EREV SHABBAT, August 26:

7:30 PM: Shabbat evening service

Torah Portion: Re’eh, Deut. 11:25-16:17. Haftarah: Is. 54:11-55:5




The Temple Israel of Alameda Foundation was established in 1995 with a$10,000 bequest from the estate of Diana Garfinkle, one of the original found-ing members of our congregation. The Foundation’s fiscal year runs fromJanuary 1 to December 31 each year. We purposely set it 6 months off theTemple fiscal year so that we could provide the Temple budget planners withinformation about our annual grant in time to prepare the budget. We meetearly in the year to go over our financial reports for the previous year. Wegrant 5% of the total assets of the Foundation with the condition that those to-tal assets remain over $150,000. Disbursements began in December of 2002,and have totaled $104,000 over the years since then.

It is clear that continued growth of the Foundation's assets is crucial to the fi-nancial stability of the congregation. We need more congregants to include theTemple Foundation in their estate planning. Many of you will say that yourmeans are not great enough for estate planning, but that may not be true. Ifyou own a house in northern California, your estate is large enough to needestate planning. If every congregant left the Foundation 1% of their estates,the Temple would become financially stable. 1% should not adversely affectyour heirs and will save estate taxes. We encourage all of you to create ormodify your estate plans to include the Foundation.

The Foundation Board has prepared an information sheet with suggested word-ing to add the Foundation to your will or trust; it also contains the relevantidentification information. It will be available from the Temple website or atthe Temple office. We encourage you to speak with your financial and legaladvisors to work out estate planning solutions which will benefit you as well asthe Temple. We know that many of us are at the limit of spending for ourcurrent life styles or fear we may outlive our resources. We are asking you toconsider a donation from your assets when you no longer need them.

Beverly Blatt

Temple Israel of Alameda Foundation

Page 2: Temple Israel Bulletin-August 2011



There aren’t very many Jew-ish months in the calendaryear without major holidaysor holy days. And with onesignificant exception, Augustis one of them. August, in theheight of summer, is really aholiday month, except that

usually somewhere in the middle of it a day of fasting andmourning interrupts the idyllic laid-back time that we oftenhave, when we enjoy a slower pace, more days of vacation(or “stay-cation”). But August usually coincides with theHebrew month of Av, on the ninth day of which we ob-serve the fast of Tisha B’Av (in Hebrew tisha means 9).The day of mourning reminds us not only of the destructionof the first Jerusalem temple at the hands of the Babyloni-ans and the dispersion of the Jews, but also of the secondTemple at the hands of the Romans and the carting off toRome of the Jews who were captured when Jerusalem fellthe second time.

The ancient rabbis saw the hand of God at work when theyrealized that the destruction of both Temples occurred onthe same day, but more than six hundred years apart. Astime passed and Jewish history unfolded, other calamitiesbefell the Jews on the 9th of Av as well. As a result, the dayhas come to be observed – more by Traditional Jews thanby others – as a universal day of mourning for many of themajor calamities and catastrophes the Jews have sufferedover the millennia. It is a day on which we read the Bookof Lamentations from the Tanakh, where we fast, don’tshave, and don’t do anything celebratory. We are allowedto work; it’s not the same kind of day that Yom Kippur is.But it is different in manner and style from regular days.

If you think about it, there aren’t really that many days inthe Hebrew calendar when we are asked to stop and focuson the tragedies of our history. There are a few, as is appro-priate for a people who have gone through so many in-credibly difficult times in our history. But on measure wedo more celebrating than mourning, and that is somethingthat bears a little closer look.

Living in the United States means that, even if we are go-ing through tough times, we still probably have it betterthan people in a large swath of the world. Without ques-tion, economic times are really difficult for many of us. Butfewer of us – by the millions – are starving here in theU.S.A. than are doing so in parts of Africa, Asia, and else-where. We may not be able to afford going to the(expensive) college of our choice, but there are still ways

for us to get our kids educated. Not so in many parts of theThird World. Having to decide whether to pay rent or buymedicine is no longer uncommon among seniors in thiscountry, but in many places there is no choice at all; onedoesn’t have a place to live or medicine between which todecide.

I was on the verge of grumbling about not being able to goto a particular place for part of my vacation this year, untilI realized that the whole concept of vacation at all is utterlyforeign for vast numbers of people around the world. Inshort and on measure, how “bad” do we have it that we canreally complain compared to others whose worlds don’teven include the very idea of vacation, public education,the right to health care, etc.

I recently received a gift of an artistic paper cut in whichwas written (in Hebrew): “Who is rich? One who is happywith [his] lot.” It reminded me that my view of the worldisn’t always the best or only view, and that complainingabout what I don’t have almost never produces what Iwant. It also reminded me of the story of the Hebrews whohad been freed from Egypt. Once they were free, they com-plained for the next forty years! For us, with 20/20 hind-sight we can realize that they were promised a land, butfirst they got a journey through which they had to go be-fore they could reach and settle that land. Our lives arefilled with promise, too. It’s not up to someone else to real-ize that promise for us. And not every promise is fulfilledat the time the promise is made. We, too, have things wehave to do to make the promises real. We are not automati-cally entitled, even if we are chosen.

Shalom,Rabbi Allen B. Bennett

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Tammuz—Av 5771 PAGE 3


The President’s Message will return next month.


Each month, we will be thanking some of our volunteers in the Bulletin. Temple Israel could not functionwithout our hard-working congregants. This month, a big shout out goes to Kimberlee MacVicar and JenniferWhatley. Kimi and Jen are cousins, and members of one of Temple Israel’s founding families, the Garfinkles.Together they have served on the Temple Board of Directors in charge of fundraising. They have been re-sponsible for putting on our Holiday Expos, Children’s Clothing Swaps, setting up a consignment accountwith Second Home resale shop, selling the Eco-Metro coupon books, setting up an online shopping accountfor Temple Israel, and running the gift card program.

This summer, Jen, with her husband, Fred and daughter, Eliana, will be moving to Nicaragua for an extendedstay. While all of us at Temple Israel will miss Jen’s energy and creativity (and Eliana’s enthusiastic help!),Kimi will most likely miss her even more as she works on fundraising alone. If you are willing and able tohelp on any or all fundraising activities, and/or have ideas for fundraising, please let Kimi know at [email protected]. Your support will be most appreciated!

Jen, we here at Temple Israel wish you and your family buena suerte in yournew adventures, and to Kimi, keep up the good work! It is most appreciated!


The Temple Israel Dinner Cooks are proud to have been preparing dinner once a month for the residents of theMidway Shelter for the past several years. Many religious and community organizations in Alameda take partin this activity, so that the women and children who are putting their lives back together at the Shelter get anourishing, healthy dinner each day.

In July, Alison Harris shopped for the groceries, and Gretel Gates and Alison prepared zucchini frittata, greensalad, rolls, and juice. Nancy Freed baked pumpkin-chocolate chip muffins for dessert, and freshly pickedplums from Alison’s tree were included as a special treat! Gretel and Suzi Scher donated several bottles ofsalad dressing for the green salad. Beverly Blatt delivered the meal to the Shelter. As you can see, there areseveral opportunities to assist with this mitzvah if you would like to participate.

We cook on the third Wednesday of each month. Our next cooking session will be on August 18. Four orfive volunteers are needed, and if you’d like to help, please contact Alison Harris at 521-3375 or [email protected].

Page 4: Temple Israel Bulletin-August 2011



Dear Temple Israel Commu-nity:

The summer is slowly draw-ing to a close and it’s hard tobelieve. Didn’t it go by fast?

I’ve spent a good amount of time this summer work-ing on the year’s curriculum, writing and retoolinglesson plans for all the classes for all grades, schedul-ing all-school events, and ordering books and materi-als for the students.

Ordering new materials requires me to have a clearunderstanding of the number of children in each grade.If you have not yet sent in your enrollment materialsfor this next Religious School year, please do so assoon as possible. If you lost your enrollment form,please contact the office and another one will be sentto you. We ask that you pay your deposit and thesnack fee when turning in your application, and there-after you will be billed monthly. Thank you for yourattention to this.

The first day of Religious School is Sunday, Sep-tember 11th. Children in the Alef Bet class (grades k –2) should arrive at 10:15 a.m. and go to the Peter Panbuilding. There will be signage directing you to theappropriate classroom. If you are unsure where that is,there will be a teaching assistant available to bringyour child to his or her classroom.

Grade 3 – Amitim will begin Religious School at 9a.m. There will be no tefillah service the first day ofclasses. There will be signage on the doors directingstudents to their classes. Most likely, classroom as-signments will be similar to last year. Again, there willbe a teaching assistant available to direct you and yourchild to the appropriate classroom.

We ask that parents not linger during drop off. Stu-dents need to acclimate to their new surroundings, getto know their new teacher and make new friends/reacquaint themselves with old friends. I have askedthe teaching assistants in the lower grades to help par-

ents whose children are a bit clingy or anxious to ad-just. Redirecting your child’s focus to the interestinggame going on in the classroom may be the parent’scue to take their leave.

At 9:30 a.m. there will be a meeting for Amitimparents and parents with children becoming barmitzvah in 2011/2012 with Rabbi Bennett and myselfin the Social Hall. We will have 45 minutes to talkabout b’nai mitzvah directions. Rabbi Bennett willdiscuss b’nai mitzvah requirements and standards.Parents will be introduced to the fantastic new b’naimitzvot tutors: Beth Dickinson and Bon Singer. I willtalk about tutoring, party planning, and inclusivity.We will also have a discussion about the Amitim fallretreat and the spring trip. There will be time at theend for questions.

At 10:30 all parents are invited to an all-schoolparent orientation in the Social Hall. I will discussthe program of study for the year for each grade,changes in curriculum from last year, and specialevents we have planned. Parents will also be intro-duced to all the teachers. Following the orientationwe will split into parent volunteer groups. Assign-ments will be given out at the orientation. I appreciatein advance your efforts in making the ReligiousSchool run smoothly and efficiently.

At 12 noon, classes will be over and the entire Tem-ple community will gather in Leydecker Park tohave a grand picnic, schmooze with old friends andmake new friends. We are a small Temple communityand it’s great to connect with each other in friendship!

For the picnic: please bring a side dish and a des-sert. Thank you.

The Religious School remains interested in growing.If you can recommend a new family who might beinterested, please send them my way. I would behappy to talk with them and show them around.

Continued on page 12

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Tammuz—Av 5771 PAGE 5

twelve days before Chanukkah and Christmas(Chanukkah begins on Christmas Eve this year). Morethan a “holy land theme park tour,” our trip is really

depth introduction to Israel, from ancient timesto modern, and from north to south, and east to west.Under the auspices of Da’at Educational Tours and itssubsidiary ARZA World, we receive VIP treatmentfrom the moment we register until we are back in our

Petra, Jordan, where the historical site there has beendesignated one of the new “10 Wonders of the

If you ask any of the guests who have gone on ourprevious trips, they will tell you that they learnedmore than they ever expected in ways they could nothave imagined, and gained a respect for the countryand people of Israel (and its neighbors) that they never

Please join me for what promises to be our best trip

rah). For details, more information, and registration,

rael of Alameda. Alternatively, call me at the office at

August 18th-21st at UC Davis.

The Hazon Food Conference is at the forefront of a na-tional movement that explores the dynamic interplay offood, Jewish traditions and contemporary life. The HazonFood Conference provides an opportunity to participatein four days of discussions, expert-led sessions, joyfulShabbat celebrations, and delicious, consciously preparedkosher food.

Highlights Include:

Hazon’s Food Conference Beit Midrash, with com-munity-wide Jewish learning accessible to people of allbackgrounds.

DIY Extravaganza: An Endurance Event for Do-It-Yourself Enthusiasts! A Thursday night extrava-ganza, with hands-on container gardening, cookingwith seaweed, ginger beer brewing and more!

Knowledgeable Presenters, who are doing innovativework nationally--

Including...Oran Hesterman, Fair Food NetworkAbby Leibman, MAZON: A Jewish Response toHungerJoel Berg, NYC Coalition Against HungerGary Oppenheimer, AmpleHarvest.orgDoron Comerchero, FoodWhat?!David Schwartz, Real Food ChallengeDahlia Rockowitz, American Jewish World ServiceBrahm Amadi, People's GroceryAdam Berman, Urban AdamahShira Potash, "Food Stamped" (the movie)

Just Added!

NEW Scholarships: Portland, Young Adult, WesternMass

CSA and JFEN Pre-Conference Trainings Jewcology Public Narrative Leadership Training

Register today!

Contact us at [email protected]


Page 6: Temple Israel Bulletin-August 2011



One of the burning passions of my adult life has been my love for, and fascination with, almost all things

Israeli. I try to visit the country every year, I find both ancient and modern Israeli history not only interesting,

but also deeply personal, and the more I experience of the country and its culture, cuisine, ethnic and religious

mix, worldview, and a host of other things, the more I want to know and understand. Part of my retirement

plans include making aliyah and working there as a volunteer as much of the time as I can.

But before any of that happens, I wanted to share my love of Israel with you to the greatest extent possible in

this, my last year as rabbi of Temple Israel. Fortunately, our own Temple member, Howard Sidorsky, in his

capacity as a member of the East Bay Jewish Community Relations Council, brought to my attention the

possibility of having some very high quality Israel-focused programming here at the Temple over the course of

the coming year. I jumped at the opportunity and wanted to share with you the first fruits of the collaboration

with the Jewish Community Federation of the East Bay, the Jewish Community Relations Council, and Temple


Temple Israel will host a five-session adult education program on the third Wednesday of five consecutive

months, beginning September 21, continuing each month through January 18, 2012. Under the general

heading of “Momentous Moments in Israeli History,” the series will feature Riva Gambert, well-known, highly-

respected, and beloved member of the East Bay Jewish Federation’s staff, speaking on these subjects:

1. September 21: “The Real Story Behind Theodor Herzl’s Dream of a Jewish State”

2. October 19: “Exodus 1947: How One Ship Changed the Course of History”

3. November 16: “Harry [Truman] and Zion: Presidential Decision-Making and the State of Israel”

4. December 21: “From Garibaldi Street to Jerusalem: The Hunt for Adolph Eichmann”

5. January 18: “Saving the Lost Tribe: The Rescue of Ethiopian Jewry”

All lectures are free and open to the public. Programs begin at 7:30 p.m. and will include time for questions

and answers.

Even if you believe that you are well-versed in these moments in Israeli history, it will be worth your time to

hear Riva’s perspective on them. She is an undisputed expert on these subjects, is one of the most

knowledgeable and affable speakers in the Bay Area, and her profound love and respect for Israel is unmatched.

Please mark your calendars now and bring your friends with you.

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First Day of Religious School, Parent

Orientation & Community Picnic

Sunday, September 11th

Alef Bet class begins at 10:15 a.m.

Grades 3 – Amitim begins at 9 a.m.

All classes end at noon on the 11th.

Please attend important meetings:

An important meeting for parents of Amitim students from 9:30 – 10:15 a.m. in

the social hall to discuss b’nai mitzvah directions. Mindy Myers and Rabbi Ben-

nett will co-lead discussion.

All-parent orientation from 10:30 – 12 noon in the social hall. Mindy Myers will

speak about new directions, parents will meet the teachers, and parent volunteer

committees will meet.

At 12:15, Religious School families and the entire Temple Israel

Community are invited to a Community Picnic!

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Because many different groups use the Temple kitchen, the Ritual Committee is reminding everyone of the rules ofkashrut that must be followed:

Meals prepared or served from this kitchen may contain meat or dairy, but not both at the same time. Ameal may be a meat meal or a dairy meal or a vegetarian meal. Vegetarian dishes may only be served at ameat meal if they are prepared without dairy.

Dairy includes butter as well as margarine made from dairy products. It also includes any other milk prod-ucts or products derived from milk, including cheeses. Cream, half-and-half, whipping or whipped creamand cream cheese are also considered dairy unless they specifically indicate that they are non-dairy.

Permitted meats include beef (including veal) and lamb (including mutton) [i.e., any four-legged mammalthat has a cloven hoof and chews its cud], as well as fowl (birds) including chicken, duck, and turkey.

Meats that are not permitted are those which do not both have cloven hoofs and chew their cud. Primaryamong those not permitted is pork. Thus, no pork products may be brought into the kitchen nor preparedin it nor served from it. This includes pork, ham, bacon, etc. Products made with lard are likewise not al-lowed, such as some chips and baked beans. Cooking oils containing lard are not permitted.

Permitted fish are those which have both scales and fins. Typically, these include varieties such as salmon,tilapia, halibut, cod, trout, whitefish, bass, pike, etc.

Shellfish are not permitted (they have neither scales nor fins). These include, but are not limited to,shrimp, lobster, mussels, clams, crabs, oysters, etc. These may not be brought into the kitchen, either to beprepared or served here.

Fruits and vegetables may be used with either a meat or dairy meal unless they are prepared using dairyproducts. If they are prepared using dairy, they become dairy and may not be served with a meat meal.

Even if you are using the kitchen for your own personal purposes, these rules still apply. This is a commu-nal kitchen, and the rules we have established apply to everyone at all times, Jews and non-Jews, Templemembers and guests alike. There are no exceptions.

Just because a product is marked “kosher” does not mean that it may be used without consideration of itsstatus as meat or dairy. Please check carefully so that there is no question about the suitability of a productfor use in the kitchen.

If you are not sure about whether a product may be used, err on the side of caution and don’t use it untilyou have checked with someone who can authoritatively determine whether or not it may be used.

Feel free to ask the rabbi about questionable products or procedures.

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18:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM AAmeeting

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise


:45 AM Jazzercise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

8:00 PM Bandrehearsal

38:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

7:00 PM RitualCommittee meet-ing


5:30 PM I ni C

58:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

6:30 PM Shabbatevening service onthe patio



3:00 PM I ni C

88:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM AAmeeting

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise


Tish’a b’Av

8:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

8:00 PM Bandrehearsal

108:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

7:00 PM Board ofDirectors meeting


5:30 PM I ni C

128:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

7:30 PM FridayNight Shabbatservice led by theYouth Group



3:00 PM I ni C

158:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM AAmeeting

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

7:00 PM RabbiSearch Committeemeeting

168:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

8:00 PM Bandrehearsal

178:45 AM Jazzer-cise

10:00 AM Mid-way Shelter Cook-ing

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise


5:30 PM I ni C

198:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

7:30 PM Shabbatevening service ledby Rabbi HarryManhoff



3:00 PM I ni C

228:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM AAmeeting

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

238:45 AM Jazzer-cise

8:00 PM Bandrehearsal

248:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise


5:30 PM I ni C

268:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

7:30 PM Shabbatevening service


289:30 AM Minyan& Bagel Breakfast

3:00 PM I ni C

298:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM AAmeeting

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

308:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

318:00 PM Bandrehearsal withdancing

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18:00 AM SeedlingChild

5:30 PM I ni C

28:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

6:30 PM Shabbatevening service onthe patio, weatherpermitting



3:00 PM I ni C


Labor Day

Office Closed8:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM AAmeeting

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

68:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

8:00 PM Bandrehearsal

78:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

7:00 PM RitualCommittee Meet-ing

88:00 AM SeedlingChild

5:30 PM I ni C

98:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

7:30 PM FridayNight Shabbatservice with music.


119:00 AM HebrewSchool

10:15 AM Reli-gious School

12:00 PM Com-munity Picnic

3:00 PM I ni C

128:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM AAmeeting

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

7:00 PM HighHoly Day Choirrehearsal

138:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

8:00 PM Bandrehearsal

148:45 AM Jazzer-cise

4:00 PM HebrewSchool

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

7:00 PM Board ofDirectors meeting

158:00 AM SeedlingChild

5:30 PM I ni C

168:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

7:30 PM Shabbatevening service


189:00 AM HebrewSchool

10:15 AM Reli-gious School

3:00 PM I ni C

198:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM AAmeeting

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

7:00 PM RabbiSearch Committeemeeting

208:45 AM Jazzer-cise

8:00 PM Bandrehearsal

218:45 AM Jazzercise

10:00 AM MidwayShelter Cooking

4:00 PM HebrewSchool

5:15 PM Jazzercise

6:30 PM Educationcommittee meeting

7:30 PM Adult EdProgram

228:00 AM SeedlingChild

5:30 PM I ni C

238:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

7:30 PM Shabbatevening servicewith Torah reading

249:00 PM Havdal-lah

10:00 PM SelichotService

259:00 AM HebrewSchool

10:15 AM Reli-gious School

3:00 PM I ni C

268:45 AM Jazzercise

5:15 PM AA meet-ing

5:15 PM Jazzercise

7:00 PM High HolyDay Choir rehearsal

278:45 AM Jazzer-cise

5:15 PM Jazzer-cise

8:00 PM Bandrehearsal

28Erev Rosh Ha-shanah

8:45 AM Jazzercise

No Hebrew School

7:00 PM Erev RoshHashanah service

291st Day RoshHashanah

9:00 AM Children’sService

10:15 AM MorningService

12:45 PM Tashlich

5:30 PM I ni C

302nd Day RoshHashanah

8:45 AM Jazzercise

10:00 AM MorningService

5:15 PM Jazzercise


Page 12: Temple Israel Bulletin-August 2011


Dear Temple Israel Community,

I am very pleased to be able to serve your community once again this High Holiday season. The sacreddrama that unfolds between Selichot and the concluding services of Yom Kippur take us through thewhole gamut of human emotions and spiritual introspection. Music can help elevate and edify this entireworship experience. Have you ever thought about singing with your congregational choir during the HighHoliday season? Do you love to sing? Would you like to deepen your own experience of the season andadd to the depth of feeling of the services for your congregation? If you’ve answered yes to any of thesequestions, please consider joining us this year. There will be four rehearsals only, Monday nights from 7-9P.M.:

August 29,

Sept 12

Sept 26

Oct 3

A good part of the music can now be found on the Temple Israel website, so you can rehearse on yourown. The recordings of the High Holy Day Prayers can be found on the Temple's Web pages (under"Calendar" "Worship, Holy Days and Holidays"). It can also be accessed directly at http://www.qibits.com/TIHHDChoir/HHDSongList.html Anyone interested in singing with the choir can con-tact Josh Cohen at <[email protected]>.

For those of you who are not interested in the “official” choir, I’d like to encourage you to become famil-iar with the melodies we will be using, and to sing along. Synagogue music has a rich tradition of “calland response” chanting and singing between the cantor and congregation. I look forward to worshippingwith you again this year.

Your High Holiday Cantorial soloist,

Fran Burgess

Continued from page 4

If you have any questions about the first day of Religious School. Feel free to contact me.

Enjoy the rest of your summer! See you September 11th!!!!


Mindy Myers, Director of Congregational Learning,[email protected]; 510-593-5285

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Tammuz—Av 5771 PAGE 13


Dear Members of Temple Israel:

When you attend Friday night Shabbat services, you have the opportunity to socialize with your friends andother congregants at the Oneg Shabbat afterwards. This tradition has long been an important part of TempleIsrael life.

But, these Ongai Shabbat do not happen by themselves. Each member family is responsible for ensuring thatthis lovely (and delicious) tradition is maintained by hosting an Oneg Shabbat. Most hosts choose a date nearor on an event they wish to honor, such as a birthday, yahrzeit, anniversary, etc. Hosting is not a difficult task:

You provide a challah, finger foods such as cookies, crackers, cheese, fruit, nuts, etc. for about 30 peo-ple. Ground coffee and tea are provided by the Temple, but you may want to also bring juice, spar-kling water, or other beverages.

Cover the tables in the social hall (you may either bring your own tablecloths or use the ones in thelinen closet in the kitchen), prepare the coffee, and set out the food, plates, napkins, cups (paper goodsare provided by the Temple).

During the Oneg Shabbat, make sure the platters and the coffee and tea pots are filled.

Afterwards, clear the dishes from the social hall, and stack the washable dishes next to the single sink.Take leftovers home or wrap them up and place them in the freezer for future use.

Your Oneg Shabbat can be as simple or as elaborate as you wish, and you can host it alone or with a friend.

Don’t know where things are kept in the Temple kitchen? Never hosted an Oneg Shabbat before? The OnegShabbat Committee is pleased to announce a new ONEG BUDDY program! If you feel that you could usesome guidance in performing this mitzvah, just ask for a Buddy, and someone on the committee will arrangeto meet you at the Temple at a mutually convenient time, and take you through the steps. You may also re-quest that your Buddy meet you at 6:00 PM at the Temple the evening of your Oneg Shabbat. Additionally, aweek or two before your date, you will receive an email or letter reminding you of your date and outliningwhat needs to be done.

The 2011-2012 Oneg Shabbat Calendar will be sent in the mail shortly.. Please look it over and indicate yourpreferred date(s) and return it to the Temple office. I will confirm your date upon receipt of your request. Ifno one signs up for a particular date, the Oneg Shabbat Committee will provide only challah and grape juicefor after the service. Those members with mobility issues may contact the Committee for extra help with theirOneg Shabbat. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call me at (510)521-2614.

Thank you in advance for hosting an Oneg Shabbat and helping to maintain this wonderful Temple Israel tra-dition!


Rita “Ritz” Cohen

Chair, Oneg Shabbat Committee

Page 14: Temple Israel Bulletin-August 2011


Big Band Concert/Dance

in Alameda Every Last Wednesday of the Month

Come and listen/dance to Dave’s Swingtime Big Band playing the hits from the 30’s to the


18 piece big band plus a female vocalist performs east and west coast swing, rumbas,

waltzes, cha chas, tangos, night club two-step and a few surprises!

Every last Wednesday of the Month

Temple Israel 3183 Mecartney Road

8:00 pm to 10:00 pm

$5.00 donation requested

For further details call Dave at 510-521-1349 or Email: [email protected]


Jazzercise on Bay Farm Island would like to offer any Temple Israel member a 25% EFT discount on ourmonthly membership. Jazzercise does not offer this discount to anyone else because our prices are so low.This is a special offer for Temple members only.

Normally Jazzercise is $40.00 per month, which is already a great value. At 25% off, Temple members arebeing offered an extraordinary fitness value. Jazzercise hopes you will take advantage of it.

Please let Karen Park know if you have any questions. The Temple office cannot answer any questions youmay have.





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Darryl Berk August 2Marti Freeman August 4Kimberlee MacVicar August 4Lois Steenhard August 5Liam McDonough August 6 8thReed Parker August 6 21stBob Gavrich August 7Elliot Paget August 7James Cooper August 9Inbal Graham August 9Ross Charney August 10Lillian Montell-Weiland August 11 8thJudith Altschuler August 12Barbara Simon Harris August 12

David Elefant August 14David Penney August 14Sophia Sussman August 14 12thMindy Myers August 15Marlene Miller August 16Michael Berkowitz August 18Ivan Goldwasser August 18Carl Steven Penney August 18 14thElaine Markowitz August 21Tavien Thresher August 21 1stAmy Kesner August 23Helen Kutin August 23Jerrilyn Kaplan August 24Jerome Wagner August 25Bella Goldwasser August 26 5thKim Soskin August 26Burton Litvack August 27Heather Satin August 28M.D. Susan Fertig August 30Patrick Carnerie August 31



ANNIVERSARIESDavid & Anna Elefant August 5 27thJoshua Cohen & Genevieve Pastor-Cohen August 9 13thInbal & Ronald Graham August 11 15thMikhail & Anna Linetsky August 11 26thElana Swartzman & Scott Benson August 11 15thPamela Wain & Pierluigi Serrano August 17 9thElliot & Kathy Paget August 21 28thDaniel Zinn & Carrie Green-Zinn August 26 21stJerome & Nancy Wagner August 27 8thGary Waldman & Laura Grunbaum August 27 22ndMaxine and Manny Karell August 28 46thAndre Kruglikov & Silvia Grassetti-Kruglikov August 30 24thPeter Burrows & Wendy Moorhouse August 31 14th

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Kimberlee & Mark MacVicar In memory of Dan Garfinkle and in honor of Wilma Garfinkle’sbirthday

Carmel Jacobs In memory of Saul Jacobs

Margie Gates In memory of Helen Gassenheimer

Wilma Garfinkle In memory of Gayle and Diana Garfinkle

Jerry & Natividad Rabinovitz


CJ Kingsley In memory of her uncle, Meyer Tennenbaum

Mike and Betty Riback In memory of Kathy Kwasman

Raviv Moore

Helen Kutin


Naomi Weiss In appreciation

Dave Altschuler In appreciation

These donations were received between June 17 and July 10, 2011.

When making a donation, be sure to indicate which fund you want the money to go to, and in whose name thedonation is being made. This will ensure that the donation is properly credited.

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August 5

George Friedman 7/30

Norma Smith 7/30

Robert Brown 7/31

Marion Dubner 7/31

Gus Levy 8/1

Sarah Tanenbaum 8/1

Arlene Cooper 8/3 Av 3

Pearl W. Klotz 8/3

Dolores Samuel 8/3

Herbert Cohn 8/4

Gilbert G. Cone 8/4

Sidney Corcos 8/4

Harley Davidson 8/4

Martin Gumpert 8/4

Elsie Silverberg 8/5 Av 5

Leah Wolff 8/5 Av 5

August 12

Esther Barnett 8/6

Jean Braverman 8/6

Ernest Kaufmann 8/8

George Meyer 8/8

William Dorfman 8/9

Esther Feldman 8/9 Av 9

Jack Morris Levine 8/9 Av 9

Tillie Weissman 8/9

Mort Kofman 8/10 Av 10

Mort "Bud" Soskin 8/10

Rosel Schlachter 8/11

Diana Garfinkle 8/12 Av 12

August 19

Louis Altman 8/13

Dorothy Coopersmith 8/14

Lucille Fisher 8/14

Suzanne Mack 8/15 Av 15

Rose Meyerhoff 8/15

Abram Zaspitsky 8/15

Herman Zwerling 8/15

Jack Freund 8/16

Felix Greenebaum 8/16

Margaret Lathe 8/17

Patricia Gogol Malakoff 8/17

Adelheit Strassburger 8/17

Tobia Yerhoff 8/17

Bessie Haidt 8/18

Frank Copeland 8/19

Maria Lozovik 8/19

Max Milan 8/19

Arthur Pinckney 8/19

Mildred Revis 8/19 Av 19

August 26

Minnie Hartstein 8/20

David Brown 8/21 Av 21

Elaine Lyon 8/21

Frederick Marquez 8/21 Av 21

Lawrence Quaccia 8/21

Alfred Wagner 8/21

Sheldon Seidenberg 8/22

Cyla Grossman 8/23

Joseph Tobias 8/23

Hy Gurman 8/25

Sonya Pekurovskaya 8/26

September 2

Ethel Norell Distefano 8/27

Arlene Smith 8/28 Av 28

Arlene Smith 8/28 Av 28

Barbara Gold 8/29

Edward I. Kushner 8/29

Patricia R. Bartholow 8/29 Av 29

Tina Wong 8/29

Clyde Nelson 8/30

Rose Jaffe 8/31

David Minovitz 8/31

Sam Stoller 8/31

Page 18: Temple Israel Bulletin-August 2011





20 1 0

The 90th Anniversary Cookbook is available in the Temple of-fice, or, you can contact Alison Harris at [email protected] 510-521-3375 and we will arrange to get you your copy at amutually convenient time. The cookbook is just $18.00 andcontains many of Temple Israel’s favorite recipes from “Fiddlerin the Kitchen” as well as new dishes submitted by our mem-bers.

OFFICE HOURSRabbi Allen B. Bennett is generally in the office:

10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Wednesdays,

9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Thursdays,

9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Fridays,

and Sundays during Hebrew and ReligiousSchool hours.

The office is open from 9:00—Noon on Monday, Tues-day, Thursday, and Friday.

In July and August, while Rabbi Bennett is on sabbati-cal, Rabbi Harry Manhoff is covering emergencies. Hecan be reached at (510)357-8505.



President - Cindy BerkTreasurer—Jacob Lustig

Fundraising— Kimberlee MacVicar & JenWhatley

Operations – Eric StrimlingRitual— Suzi Scher

Membership—Charley Weiland

Karyn Ogorzalek

Ron Soltz

Larry Sussman

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Tammuz—Av 5771 PAGE 19


The Temple Israel Bulletin is a monthly periodical.Deadline for articles is the 10th of the month for thefollowing month’s issue. Comments can be directedto the Temple office: 3183 Mecartney Rd., Alameda,CA 94502-6912, Phone 510-522-9355, Fax 510-522-9356, email: [email protected].

RABBI: Allen B. Bennett,

[email protected]


Mindy Myers

[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]

The TI Times is a weekly email publication sent tothe Temple Israel membership with email addresses.If you would like to receive the TI Times please con-t a c t t h e T e m p l e o f f i c e a t : o f [email protected]


Name ________________________________________ Amount Enclosed $ ________________

Address ______________________________________ Phone _________________________

Email ________________________________________


[ ] Dues Payment [ ] Religious School Tuition


[ ] Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund [ ] Annual Giving Campaign [ ] High Holy Day Fund

[ ] Gunther Gates Memorial Fund [ ] Campership Fund [ ] Children's’ Fund

[ ] Library Fund [ ] Temple Israel Foundation

[ ] Other. Please specify: ____________________________________

In Honor/Memory of _______________________________________

[ ] Please call me to discuss a Temple Israel Foundation endowment.

Please fill out and returnto:

Temple Israel Alameda

3183 Mecartney Road

Alameda, CA 94502-6912

Page 20: Temple Israel Bulletin-August 2011



HAZON FOOD CONFERENCEAugust 18—21: At UC Davis. See page 5 for more information.

GRIEF AND GROWING WORKSHOPAugust 25—28: At Camp Newman. See page 5 for more information.

MINYAN AND BAGEL BREAKFASTAugust 28, 9:30 AM: Join us for davening followed by a delicious bagel brunch

HIGH HOLY DAY CHOIR PRACTICES BEGINAugust 29, 7:00—9:00 PM: see page 12 for information if you’d like to be in the choir this year.

WANNA DANCE?August 31, 8:00 PM: Dance to the Big Band sound of Dave Altschuler’s Swingtime Band. A $5.00 donation at thedoor is requested. See page 14 for information.