technical support document for draft air emission … tsd_0.pdf · technical support document ......

Technical Support Document, Permit Number: 09100061- 004 Page 1 of 71 Technical Support Document For Draft Air Emission Permit No. 09100061004 This technical support document (TSD) is intended for all parties interested in the draft permit and to meet the requirements that have been set forth by the federal and state regulations (40 CFR § 70.7(a)(5) and Minn. R. 7007.0850, subp. 1). The purpose of this document is to provide the legal and factual justification for each applicable requirement or policy decision considered in the preliminary determination to issue the draft permit. 1. General information 1.1 Applicant and stationary source location Table 1. Applicant and source address Applicant/Address Stationary source/Address (SIC Code: 5153) Diane Madison 15407 McGinty Rd W MS 1 Wayzata, Minnesota 55391 Cargill AgHorizons Fairmont 1005 Bixby Rd N Fairmont MN 56031 Contact: Diane Madison Phone: 9527422796 1.2 Facility description Cargill AgHorizons (Cargill) supports Green Plains, Fairmont LLC. (Green Plains) in providing grain required to operate an adjacent fuelgrade ethanol production plant in Fairmont, Minnesota. Cargill and Green Plains are considered one source for Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD), Part 70 and Part 63 NESHAPs; therefore they must consider the combined emissions from both facilities when determining regulatory applicability. Green Plains has a maximum design capacity of 122.9 million gallons of undenatured ethanol or 125.85 million gallons of denatured ethanol on an annual basis. Cargill is authorized to receive up to 43,703,704 bushels of grain per year. The facility has a 1,333,678 bushel storage capacity. Grain receiving and handling operations generate PM/PM10/PM2.5 emissions which are controlled by fabric filters. An enclosed conveying system transports the grain from the silos to the ethanol facility for processing and is controlled by baghouses. The Cargill grain elevator and Green Plains facility will jointly have controlled emissions less than 250 tons per year for each criteria pollutant. Therefore, the combined facility of Cargill and Green Plains is a minor source with respect to New Source Review. 1.3 Description of the activities allowed by this permit action This permit action is a first time Part 70 Permit Issuance which incorporates a Major Amendment. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has a combined operating and construction permitting program under Minnesota Rules Chapter 7007, and under Minn. R. 7007.0800. Under that authority, this permit action authorizes construction as described in Section 1.6. 1.4 Description of notifications and applications included in this action

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Technical Support Document, Permit Number: 09100061- 004 Page 1 of 71 

 Technical Support Document 

For Draft Air Emission Permit No. 09100061‐ 004 

 This technical support document (TSD) is intended for all parties interested in the draft permit and to meet the requirements that have been set forth by the federal and state regulations (40 CFR § 70.7(a)(5) and Minn. R. 7007.0850, subp. 1). The purpose of this document is to provide the legal and factual justification for each applicable requirement or policy decision considered in the preliminary determination to issue the draft permit.  1. General information  

1.1 Applicant and stationary source location  Table 1. Applicant and source address 


Applicant/Address Stationary source/Address (SIC Code: 5153) 

Diane Madison 15407 McGinty Rd W MS 1 Wayzata, Minnesota 55391     

Cargill AgHorizons ‐ Fairmont 1005 Bixby Rd N Fairmont MN 56031     

Contact:  Diane Madison Phone:  952‐742‐2796   

 1.2 Facility description 

Cargill AgHorizons (Cargill) supports Green Plains, Fairmont LLC. (Green Plains) in providing grain required to operate an adjacent fuel‐grade ethanol production plant in Fairmont, Minnesota. Cargill and Green Plains are considered one source for Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD), Part 70 and Part 63 NESHAPs; therefore they must consider the combined emissions from both facilities when determining regulatory applicability.   Green Plains has a maximum design capacity of 122.9 million gallons of undenatured ethanol or 125.85 million gallons of denatured ethanol on an annual basis.   Cargill is authorized to receive up to 43,703,704 bushels of grain per year. The facility has a 1,333,678 bushel storage capacity. Grain receiving and handling operations generate PM/PM10/PM2.5 emissions which are controlled by fabric filters. An enclosed conveying system transports the grain from the silos to the ethanol facility for processing and is controlled by baghouses.   The Cargill grain elevator and Green Plains facility will jointly have controlled emissions less than 250 tons per year for each criteria pollutant. Therefore, the combined facility of Cargill and Green Plains is a minor source with respect to New Source Review.  

1.3 Description of the activities allowed by this permit action This permit action is a first time Part 70 Permit Issuance which incorporates a Major Amendment. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has a combined operating and construction permitting program under Minnesota Rules Chapter 7007, and under Minn. R. 7007.0800. Under that authority, this permit action authorizes construction as described in Section 1.6.  

1.4 Description of notifications and applications included in this action   

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Table 2. Notifications and applications included in this action  

Date received  Application/Notification type and description 12/18/2012  Part 70 Permit Issuance 01/19/2016  Permit Change ‐ Major 


1.5 Facility emissions  

Table 3. Total facility potential to emit summary for Cargill Ag Horizons – Fairmont Only  

 PM tpy 

PM10 tpy 

PM2.5 tpy 

SO2 tpy 

NOx tpy 

CO tpy 

CO2e tpy 

VOC tpy 

Single HAP tpy 

All HAPs tpy 

Total facility limited potential emissions 











Total facility actual emissions (2013)  21.426  8.8081  1.626  0  0  0  *  0  * *Not reported in Minnesota emission inventory. 

 1. Emission Factors used to determine the actual emissions for PM10 are different and more conservative than those used to calculate the limited potential to emit. Thus, actual emissions are represented as a higher value. The Permittee still complies with all limits and conditions of the permit regarding PM10. 

 Table 4. Facility classification for Cargill Ag Horizons – Fairmont Only 

 Classification  Major  Synthetic minor/area  Minor/Area New Source Review     X    Part 70  X       Part 63        X 


1.6 Changes to permit The permit authorizes specific modifications as listed below. The MPCA has a combined operating and construction permitting program under Minnesota Rules Chapter 7007, and under Minn. R. 7007.0800, the MPCA has authority to include additional requirements in a permit. Under that authority, the following changes to the permit are also made through this permit action:  

Process Throughput limit of 1223704 ton/year was changed to 1.223600 million ton/year to reflect the information submitted in the facility PTE calculations. 

Baghouse limits were changed from gr/dscf to lb/hr.  

Performance testing requirements were added to insure baghouse control efficiency and lb/hr limits are met. 

Short term process throughput limits were added at STRU 1, 2, 3 for performance testing. 

New Emissions units for uncaptured emissions from grain receiving and shipping were added to the permit. 

Hood Certification requirement added to ensure 80% capture of emission from grain receiving and shipping. 

Permit requirement to submit modeling information was added to the permit. Past permit modifications at the combined source changed limits and increased production without demonstrating that the changes did not negatively impact the dispersion characteristics previously 

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modeled as required by the existing permit. The modeling information will be used to address modeling requirements in the combined Part 70 permit. 

Groups 1 and 2 were removed from the permit and requirements were moved to each individual Stack or Control. 

Fugitive Sources FUGI1‐5 were removed from the permit as they do not qualify as Fugitive.   

This permit action includes a major amendment for the following:  TREA 2. Baghouse #2, which controls grain receiving and handling operations, is permanently removed from the facility.  TREA 4. Baghouse #4 On August 30, 2015, Cargill replaced TREA 2 with a new baghouse TREA 4 and, on August 31, 2015, commenced its operation. The bag house controls emissions from grain receiving and handling operations previously controlled by TREA 2.  

EQUI 6. The short reclaim drag conveyor is permanently removed from the facility.  EQUI 14. The existing truck receiving drag conveyor is permanently removed from the facility.  EQUI 24. The existing flat storage conveyor is permanently removed from the facility.  EQUI 26. This permit authorizes construction and operation of a new conveyor to take the place of EQUI 14.  EQUI 27. This permit authorizes construction and operation of a new conveyor to take the place of EQUI 24.  No change in emission limits are requested and no change to stack locations will occur as a result of the equipment changes.   

2. Regulatory and/or statutory basis  

2.1  New source review (NSR) The permit carries forward limits on the combined facility (Cargill and Green Plains) such that it remains a minor source under New Source Review regulations.   This permit contains limits on corn throughput at Cargill that restrict annual emissions for the combined facility of Particulate Matter (PM), Particulate Matter less than 10 um in size (PM 10), Particulate Matter less than 2.5 um in size (PM 2.5), Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) to less than 250 tons per year. VOCs are measured, and compliance is determined, as total VOCs by mass. The Green Plains and the Cargill grain Elevator are considered one source for PSD purposes and must consider the emissions from the two facilities when determining regulatory applicability.   The changes authorized by this permit do not authorize emission increases thus PSD does not apply.  

2.2  Part 70 permit program The combined facility is a major source under the Part 70 permit program. This is a first time Part 70 permit issuance for Cargill.   

2.3  New source performance standards (NSPS) 

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The Permittee has stated that no New Source Performance Standards apply to the operations at Cargill.  Cargill is not subject to 40 CFR pt. 60, subp. DD – Standards of Performance for Grain Handling Facilities. Applicability is based on a grain elevator’s storage capacity, which must exceed 2.5 million bushels for any grain storage facility not for human consumption. The storage capacity of grain elevators at this facility is 1,333,678 bushels; therefore, Subpart DD does not apply.  


Bin Number  Capacity, bu(1)


1 71,366 2 71,366 3 71,934 4 71,934 5 4,617 6 4,617 7 18,416 8 1,769 9 2,745

10 16,601 11 8,019 12 9,639 13 250,457 14 250,457 15 477,541

Scalper Bin 2,200 Total Permanent Storage Capacity, bu 1,333,678

NSPS DD Permanent Storage Capacity Applicability Threshold,


Is NSPS DD Applicable to Facility? No

Notes: (1) - Capacity from USDA Form WA-310 excluding pack factor

 2.4  National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants (NESHAP) 

The combined facility has limited potential Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) emissions of less than 9 tons per year of a single HAP, and less than 24 tons total HAPs. It is, therefore, not considered a major source of hazardous air pollutants. There are no emission units at the Cargill facility that are subject to area‐source NESHAPs. 

 2.5   Minnesota State Rules 

The combined facility is subject to requirements for controlling fugitive particulate matter, Minn. R. 7011.0150 and portions of the facility are subject to Minn. R. 7011.1005, Minnesota Performance Standards for Bulk Agricultural Handling Facilities. Operations at Cargill subject to these rules include grain receiving, grain handling and grain loadout. Minn. R. 7011.0715, Minnesota Performance Standards for Industrial Process Equipment, will apply to any unit not subject to Bulk Agricultural Rules. 

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Table 5. Regulatory overview of facility  

Subject item*  Applicable regulations  Rationale 

TFAC0000000001 ‐ 

Air Quality Total 


Title I Condition: Avoid major 

source under 40 CFR 52.21 

Limits to avoid Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD), Total Facility 

process throughput limit of 1.223600 million ton/year of Corn received. 

This is used at the basis for calculations. 

Minn. R. 7007.3000  PM10 dispersion modeling requirements. As described in Section 3.2. 

Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 2  Construction Authorization for TREA 4, EQUI 26 & 27. 


‐ Air Component 

Group  Minn. R. 7011.1005 

The units within COMG 3 cannot but used until a combined permit is 

obtained including both parties as one source. The combined facility 

modeling does not reflect current operations and requires updating. The 

facilities need to determine a federally‐enforceable method for 

documenting grain shipping. The facility also must show compliance with 

Minn. R. 7011.1005 subp. 4 before operating any shipping equipment. 

EQUI0000000001 ‐ 

Dryer/Oven, direct 

fired  Title V Modeling 

In the2006 modeling, the Permittee relied upon this unit being 

disconnected from service to model compliance with the NAAQS. 

EQUI0000000028 ‐ Loading‐Unloading Equipment  Minn. R. 7011.1005 

Minnesota Standards of Performance for Dry Bulk Agricultural Facilities.  

Applies to the loading, unloading and handling of grain and grain 

by‐products. Grain by‐products in DDGS. 

Facility is constructed after 1/1/1984 and has an annual 

commodity throughtput >180,000 tons. Therefore, the loading, 

unloading and handling operations require control. 

Subp. 3(A) applies to the uncaptured unloading and handling operations Subp. 3(D) requires operations to achieve <10% opacity from control equipment  Unload, handle, clean, dry, and load commodities to minimize fugitive emissions to a level consistent with RACT 

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Subject item*  Applicable regulations  Rationale 

EQUI0000000029 ‐ Loading‐Unloading Equipment  Minn. R. 7011.1005 

Minnesota Standards of Performance for Dry Bulk Agricultural Facilities.  

Applies to the loading, unloading and handling of grain and grain 

by‐products. Grain by‐products in DDGS. 

Facility is constructed after 1/1/1984 and has an annual 

commodity throughtput >180,000 tons. Therefore, the loading, 

unloading and handling operations require control. 

Subp. 3(A) applies to the uncaptured unloading and handling operations Subp. 3(D) requires operations to achieve <10% opacity from control equipment  Unload, handle, clean, dry, and load commodities to minimize fugitive emissions to a level consistent with RACT 

FUGI0000000006 ‐ 

Vehicle Emissions 

Title V Modeling  Truck traffic limits based on modeling assumptions 

Recordkeeping requirements 

Fugitive Dust plan required since the facility relied upon the Paved Road 

memo to omit paved roads from the model. 

STRU0000000001 ‐ Stack/Vent 

Title I Condition: Avoid major 

source under 40 CFR 

52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 

7007.3000; Title V Modeling 

Limits to avoid Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and PM10 

dispersion modeling requirements see Section 3.2  


PM, PM10, PM2.5 limits (lb/hr) to avoid major source classification. 

The limits for PM10 were relied upon in the modeling analysis conducted 


Minn. R. 7011.1005 

Minnesota Standards of Performance for Dry Bulk Agricultural Facilities.  

Applies to the loading, unloading and handling of grain and grain 

by‐products. Grain by‐products in DDGS. 

Facility is constructed after 1/1/1984 and has an annual 

commodity throughtput >180,000 tons. Therefore, the loading, 

unloading and handling operations require control. 

Subp. 3(D) Opacity limit ≤ 10.0 percent opacity for grain receiving 


Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000; Minn. R. 7017.2025 

Limits to avoid Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD)  Process throughput limit to identify the maximum capacity achieved during performance testing. This is a short term limit that can be reset by retesting at a higher capacity.  

STRU0000000002 ‐ Stack/Vent 

Title I Condition: Avoid major 

source under 40 CFR 

52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 

7007.3000, Title V Modeling 

Limits to avoid Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and PM10 

dispersion modeling requirements see Section 3.2  


PM, PM10, PM2.5 limits (lb/hr) to avoid major source classification. 

The limits for PM10 were relied upon in the modeling analysis conducted 


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Subject item*  Applicable regulations  Rationale 

Minn. R. 7011.1005 

Minnesota Standards of Performance for Dry Bulk Agricultural Facilities.  

Applies to the loading, unloading and handling of grain and grain 

by‐products. Grain by‐products in DDGS. 

Facility is constructed after 1/1/1984 and has an annual 

commodity throughtput >180,000 tons. Therefore, the loading, 

unloading and handling operations require control. 

Subp. 3(D) Opacity limit ≤ 10.0 percent opacity for grain receiving 


Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000; Minn. R. 7017.2025 

Limits to avoid Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD)  Process throughput limit to identify the maximum capacity achieved during performance testing. This is a short term limit that can be reset by retesting at a higher capacity. 

STRU0000000003 ‐ Stack/Vent 

Title I Condition: Avoid major 

source under 40 CFR 

52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 

7007.3000, Title V Modeling 

Limits to avoid Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and PM10 

dispersion modeling requirements see Section 3.2  


PM, PM10, PM2.5 limits (lb/hr) to avoid major source classification. 

The limits for PM10 were relied upon in the modeling analysis conducted 


Minn. R. 7011.1005 

Minnesota Standards of Performance for Dry Bulk Agricultural Facilities.  

Applies to the loading, unloading and handling of grain and grain 

by‐products. Grain by‐products in DDGS. 

Facility is constructed after 1/1/1984 and has an annual 

commodity throughtput >180,000 tons. Therefore, the loading, 

unloading and handling operations require control. 

Subp. 3(D) Opacity limit ≤ 10.0 percent opacity for grain receiving 


Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000; Minn. R. 7017.2025 

Limits to avoid Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD)  Process throughput limit to identify the maximum capacity achieved during performance testing. This is a short term limit that can be reset by retesting at a higher capacity. 

TREA0000000001 ‐ 018‐Fabric Filter ‐ Low Temp, T<180 Degrees F 

Title I Condition: Avoid major 

source under 40 CFR 

52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 

7007.3000, Title V Modeling 

Based on calculated maximum annual uncontrolled PTE and stack vent 

limits the required control is ≥ 99.6% control efficiency of PM, ≥ 99.3% 

control efficiency PM10, and ≥ 99.3% control efficiency of PM2.5  

Monitoring and Recordkeeping requirements for baghouses. 


Minn. R. 7011.1005 

Minnesota Standards of Performance for Dry Bulk Agricultural Facilities.  

Applies to the loading, unloading and handling of grain and grain 

by‐products. Grain by‐products in DDGS. 

Facility is constructed after 1/1/1984 and has an annual 

commodity throughtput >180,000 tons. Therefore, the loading, 

unloading and handling operations require control. 

Subp. 3(A) Collection efficiency of ≥80 % 

Subp. 3(D) requires operations to achieve <10% opacity from control equipment 

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Subject item*  Applicable regulations  Rationale 

TREA0000000003 ‐ 018‐Fabric Filter ‐ Low Temp, T<180 Degrees F 

Title I Condition: Avoid major 

source under 40 CFR 

52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 

7007.3000, Title V Modeling 

Based on calculated maximum annual uncontrolled PTE and stack vent 

limits the required control is ≥ 99.3% control efficiency of PM, ≥ 98.3% 

control efficiency PM10, and ≥ 98.4% control efficiency of PM2.5 

Monitoring and Recordkeeping requirement for baghouses. 


Minn. R. 7011.1005 

Minnesota Standards of Performance for Dry Bulk Agricultural Facilities.  

Applies to the loading, unloading and handling of grain and grain 

by‐products. Grain by‐products in DDGS. 

Facility is constructed after 1/1/1984 and has an annual 

commodity throughtput >180,000 tons. Therefore, the loading, 

unloading and handling operations require control. 

Subp. 3(A) Collection efficiency of ≥80 % 

Subp. 3(D) requires operations to achieve <10% opacity from control equipment 

TREA0000000004 ‐ 018‐Fabric Filter ‐ Low Temp, T<180 Degrees F 

Title I Condition: Avoid major 

source under 40 CFR 

52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 

7007.3000, Title V Modeling 

Based on calculated maximum annual uncontrolled PTE and stack vent 

limits the required control is ≥ 97.9% control efficiency of PM, ≥ 94.6% 

control efficiency PM10, and ≥ 94.6% control efficiency of PM2.5 

Monitoring and Recordkeeping requirement for baghouses. 


Minn. R. 7007.0800 

Hood certification required within 60 days of permit issuance to ensure 

80% capture of emissions.  

Minn. R. 7011.1005 

Minnesota Standards of Performance for Dry Bulk Agricultural Facilities.  

Applies to the loading, unloading and handling of grain and grain 

by‐products. Grain by‐products in DDGS. 

Facility is constructed after 1/1/1984 and has an annual 

commodity throughtput >180,000 tons. Therefore, the loading, 

unloading and handling operations require control. 

Subp. 3(A) Collection efficiency of ≥80 % 

Subp. 3(D) requires operations to achieve <10% opacity from control equipment 

*Location of the requirement in the permit (e.g., EQUI0000000001, STRU0000000002, etc.). 


3. Technical information  

3.1 Calculations of potential to emit (PTE) and Emissions increase analysis The proposed changes to the facility do not result in emissions increases.  Attachment 1 to this TSD contains Form GI‐07, which summarizes the PTE of the Facility, and detailed spreadsheets and supporting information prepared by the MPCA and the Permittee.  

3.2 Dispersion modeling  History: The facility was subject to Environmental Review for its modification in 2006. As a result of that review, the facility was required to conduct PM10 dispersion modeling and an Air Emission Risk Analysis (AERA). The modeling demonstrated that predicted ambient concentrations for the project complied with the PSD increment threshold of 30 micrograms/cubic meter (ug/m3). However, some of the predicted impacts exceeded 25 ug/m3. The following assumptions were relied upon in the modeling: 

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1. Removal of emergency generator and decommissioning of Grain Dryer 

2. Limits on PM/PM10 from emissions venting to STRU 2, 3, 4  

3. Limits on water flowrate to cooling towers at Green Plains LLC. 

Remodeling triggers were included in the permit for any future changes to the permit that increased 



Modeling conducted in 2008: An air dispersion modeling analysis was completed to incorporate an 

Alternate Operating Scenario (AOS) for Cargill to ship grain out when Green Plains is not operating. As 

currently permitted this AOS is not enforceable. The requirements will remain in the permit as a 

placeholder, but the AOS may not be used until a single permit for the Source is obtained. The following 

assumptions were relied upon in modeling and have been included as permit conditions: 

1. 280 Trucks per day summer, 250 in winter. 2. There is no fence completely surrounding the facility to prohibit the public from getting on site.  

Indicate what measures are being taken to restrict public access from the site.  Railroad tracks are not considered a physical barrier.   

3. Modeling was done for hours of operation of 0600‐2100. 4. Green Plains was unable to achieve 1 SIL of future growth so any future changes will need to be 



Permit 09100061‐004:  The modeling conducted in 2006 and updated in 2008 does not reflect current 

operations at the combined facility. To address this issue the permit will contain requirements limiting 

modifications or changes to the facility that would impact modeling results. A requirement has been 

added to the permit to submit updated modeling information. This information will be used for the 

remodeling for Green Plains and Cargill combined. 

 3.3 Monitoring 

In accordance with the Clean Air Act, it is the responsibility of the owner or operator of a facility to have sufficient knowledge of the facility to certify that the facility is in compliance with all applicable requirements.  For CAM, the Permittee shall submit a CAM proposal as required by 40 CFR § 64.3 with the Reissuance application. CAM applicability can be found in Attachment 3 to this TSD. Further discussion of decisions about CAM can be found in Table 6.  

Table 6. CAM Summary 

Control CAM 

Applicability Pollutant 

TREA 1 Baghouse  Other  PM/PM10 

TREA 2 Baghouse  Other  PM/PM10 

 In evaluating the monitoring included in the permit, the MPCA considered the following: 

the likelihood of the facility violating the applicable requirements; 

whether add‐on controls are necessary to meet the emission limits; 

the variability of emissions over time; 

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the type of monitoring, process, maintenance, or control equipment data already available for the emission unit; 

the technical and economic feasibility of possible periodic monitoring methods; and 

the kind of monitoring found on similar units elsewhere.  Table 7 summarizes the monitoring requirements. 

 Table 7. Monitoring 

 Subject Item*  Requirement (basis)  Monitoring  Discussion 


Truck Traffic <= 280 trucks per day (grain receiving trucks) during the months of April through November. [Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 7(A), 7(L), & 7(M), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 1‐2, Minn. R. 7009.0010‐7009.0080, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 9] 


Recordkeeping of 

number of trucks and 

time of first and last 


Daily records will provide the necessary 

monitoring for this requirement. 


Truck Traffic <= 250 trucks per day (grain receiving trucks) during the months of December through March. [Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 7(A), 7(L), & 7(M), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 1‐2, Minn. R. 7009.0010‐7009.0080, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 9] 


Recordkeeping of 

number of trucks and 

time of first and last 


Daily records will provide the necessary 

monitoring for this requirement. 


Total Particulate Matter <= 0.28 pounds per hour 3‐hour average. [Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000] 

Fabric filter TREA 2 

pressure drop 


inspections under 

COMG 1, and 

periodic stack testing 

for PM, PM 10, and 

PM 2.5. 

PM, PM 10, and PM 2.5 Stack testing provides a direct determination of compliance.. Visible emissions readings, periodic inspections of the control equipment, corrective actions as necessary, and pressure drop monitor calibration provides a reasonable indication of compliance between stack tests.  


PM < 10 micron <= 0.28 pounds per hour 3‐hour average. [Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 7(A), 7(L), & 7(M), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 1‐2, Minn. R. 7009.0010‐0080, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 9, Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000] 

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Subject Item*  Requirement (basis)  Monitoring  Discussion 


PM < 2.5 micron <= 0.05 pounds per hour 3‐hour average. [Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000] 


Opacity <= 10.0 percent opacity discharged from control equipment. [Minn. R. 7011.1005, subp. 3(D)] 

Daily check for visible 


A properly operated and maintained low temperature fabric should not emit any visible emissions. Visible emissions readings, periodic inspections 

of the control equipment, corrective actions as 

necessary, and pressure drop monitor 

calibration provides a reasonable indication of 



Total Particulate Matter <= 0.39 pounds per hour 3‐hour average. [Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000] 

Fabric filter TREA 4 

pressure drop 


inspections under 

COMG 1, and 

periodic stack testing 

for PM, PM 10, and 

PM 2.5. 

PM, PM 10, and PM 2.5 Stack testing provides a direct determination of compliance. Monitoring of Pressure drop provides a reasonable indication of compliance between stack tests. A Properly operated and maintained low temperature fabric filter (such as TREA 4) should not emit any visible emissions. Periodic inspections of the control equipment, corrective actions as necessary, pressure drop monitor calibration, and requirements for improved monitoring provide assurance that the periodic and compliance assurance monitoring are adequate indicators of compliance between stack tests. 


PM < 10 micron <= 0.39 pounds per hour 3‐hour average. [Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 7(A), 7(L), & 7(M), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 1‐2, Minn. R. 7009.0010‐0080, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 9, Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000] 


PM < 2.5 micron <= 0.07 pounds per hour 3‐hour average. [Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000] 


Opacity <= 10.0 percent opacity discharged from control equipment. [Minn. R. 7011.1005, subp. 3(D)] 

Daily check for visible 


A properly operated and maintained low temperature fabric should not emit any visible emissions. Visible emissions readings, periodic inspections 

of the control equipment, corrective actions as 

necessary, and pressure drop monitor 

calibration provides a reasonable indication of 


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Subject Item*  Requirement (basis)  Monitoring  Discussion 


Opacity <= 5 percent opacity from truck unloading stations, railcar unloading stations, railcar loading stations, and handling operation emissions. [Minn. R. 7011.1005, subp. 3(A)] 

Daily check for visible 


A properly operated and maintained low temperature fabric should not emit any visible emissions. Visible emissions readings, periodic inspections 

of the control equipment, corrective actions as 

necessary, and pressure drop monitor 

calibration provides a reasonable indication of 



Total Particulate Matter <= 0.40 pounds per hour 3‐hour average. [Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000] 

Fabric filter TREA 3 pressure drop monitoring, inspections under COMG 1, and periodic stack testing for PM, PM 10, and PM 2.5. 

PM, PM 10, and PM 2.5 Stack testing provides a direct determination of compliance. Monitoring of Pressure drop provides a reasonable indication of compliance between stack tests. A Properly operated and maintained low temperature fabric filter (such as TREA 3) should not emit any visible emissions. Periodic inspections of the control equipment, corrective actions as necessary, pressure drop monitor calibration, and requirements for improved monitoring provide assurance that the periodic and compliance assurance monitoring are adequate indicators of compliance between stack tests. 


PM < 10 micron <= 0.40 pounds per hour 3‐hour average. [Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 7(A), 7(L), & 7(M), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 1‐2, Minn. R. 7009.0010‐0080, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 9, Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000] 


PM < 2.5 micron <= 0.07 pounds per hour 3‐hour average. [Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000] 


Opacity <= 10.0 percent opacity discharged from control equipment. [Minn. R. 7011.1005, subp. 3(D)] 

Daily check for visible 


A properly operated and maintained low temperature fabric should not emit any visible emissions. Visible emissions readings, periodic inspections 

of the control equipment, corrective actions as 

necessary, and pressure drop monitor 

calibration provides a reasonable indication of 



Process Throughput <= 1.223600 million tons per year 12‐month rolling sum of corn, based on a 56 pound bushel.  This is equivalent to 43,703,704 bushels per year. [Title I Condition: Avoid major modification under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(2) and Minn. R. 7007.3000, Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i)] 

Recordkeeping: Daily 

records of grain 

received. Monthly 

12‐month rolling sum 

Monthly calculation and recordkeeping of grain receiving is required by the 15th day of each month and provides a direct determination of compliance with the 12 ‐ Month rolling sum 1.2236 million tons/yr process limit. 

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Subject Item*  Requirement (basis)  Monitoring  Discussion 


Opacity <= 10 percent opacity discharged from control equipment. [Minn. R. 7011.1005, subp. 3(D)] 

Daily check for visible 


A properly operated and maintained low temperature fabric should not emit any visible emissions. Visible emissions readings, periodic inspections 

of the control equipment, corrective actions as 

necessary, and pressure drop monitor 

calibration provides a reasonable indication of 



The Permittee shall operate and maintain control equipment such that it achieves a control efficiency for Total Particulate Matter >= 99.6 percent control efficiency. [Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000] 

‐Performance testing 

for lb/hr limit,  

‐Daily check for 

visible emissions   

‐monitoring pressure 

drop in inclement 


‐operate and 

maintain the fabric 

filters according to 

the manufacturer’s 

specification and/or 

O&M plan 

Daily monitoring of VEs (or pressure drop 

during inclement weather) provides a 

reasonable indication of compliance. A properly 

operated and maintained low temperature 

fabric filter (such as CE 010) should not emit any 

visible emissions. Periodic inspections of the 

control equipment, corrective actions as 

necessary, pressure drop monitor calibration, 

and requirements consistent with the Control 

Equipment Rule provide assurance that the 

periodic and compliance assurance monitoring 

are adequate indicators of compliance.. 


The Permittee shall operate and maintain control equipment such that it achieves a control efficiency for PM < 10 micron >= 99.3 percent control efficiency. [Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 7(A), 7(L), & 7(M), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 1‐2, Minn. R. 7009.0010‐7009.0080, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 9, Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000] 


The Permittee shall operate and maintain control equipment such that it achieves a control efficiency for PM < 2.5 micron >= 99.3 percent control efficiency. [Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000] 


Opacity <= 10 percent opacity discharged from control equipment. [Minn. R. 7011.1005, subp. 3(D)] 

Daily check for visible 


A properly operated and maintained low temperature fabric should not emit any visible emissions. Visible emissions readings, periodic inspections 

of the control equipment, corrective actions as 

necessary, and pressure drop monitor 

calibration provides a reasonable indication of 


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Subject Item*  Requirement (basis)  Monitoring  Discussion 


The Permittee shall operate and maintain control equipment such that it achieves a control efficiency for Total Particulate Matter >= 99.3 percent control efficiency. [Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000] 

‐Performance testing 

for lb/hr limit,  

‐Daily check for 

visible emissions   

‐monitoring pressure 

drop in inclement 


‐operate and 

maintain the fabric 

filters according to 

the manufacturer’s 

specification and/or 

O&M plan 

Daily monitoring of VEs (or pressure drop 

during inclement weather) provides a 

reasonable indication of compliance. A properly 

operated and maintained low temperature 

fabric filter (such as CE 010) should not emit any 

visible emissions. Periodic inspections of the 

control equipment, corrective actions as 

necessary, pressure drop monitor calibration, 

and requirements consistent with the Control 

Equipment Rule provide assurance that the 

periodic and compliance assurance monitoring 

are adequate indicators of compliance. 


The Permittee shall operate and maintain control equipment such that it achieves a control efficiency for PM < 10 micron >= 98.3 percent control efficiency. [Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 7(A), 7(L), & 7(M), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 1‐2, Minn. R. 7009.0010‐7009.0080, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 9, Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000] 


The Permittee shall operate and maintain control equipment such that it achieves a control efficiency for PM < 2.5 micron >= 98.4 percent control efficiency. [Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000] 


Opacity <= 10 percent opacity discharged from control equipment. [Minn. R. 7011.1005, subp. 3(D)] 

Daily check for visible 


A properly operated and maintained low temperature fabric should not emit any visible emissions. Visible emissions readings, periodic inspections 

of the control equipment, corrective actions as 

necessary, and pressure drop monitor 

calibration provides a reasonable indication of 


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Subject Item*  Requirement (basis)  Monitoring  Discussion 


The Permittee shall operate and maintain control equipment such that it achieves a control efficiency for Total Particulate Matter >= 97.9 percent control efficiency. [Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000] 

Performance testing 

for lb/hr limit,  

‐Daily check for 

visible emissions   

‐monitoring pressure 

drop in inclement 


‐operate and 

maintain the fabric 

filters according to 

the manufacturer’s 

specification and/or 

O&M plan 

Daily monitoring of VEs (or pressure drop 

during inclement weather) provides a 

reasonable indication of compliance. A properly 

operated and maintained low temperature 

fabric filter (such as CE 010) should not emit any 

visible emissions. Periodic inspections of the 

control equipment, corrective actions as 

necessary, pressure drop monitor calibration, 

and requirements consistent with the Control 

Equipment Rule provide assurance that the 

periodic and compliance assurance monitoring 

are adequate indicators of compliance. 


The Permittee shall operate and maintain control equipment such that it achieves a control efficiency for PM < 10 micron >= 94.6 percent control efficiency. [Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 7(A), 7(L), & 7(M), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 1‐2, Minn. R. 7009.0010‐7009.0080, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 9, Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000] 


The Permittee shall operate and maintain control equipment such that it achieves a control efficiency for PM < 2.5 micron >= 94.6 percent control efficiency. [Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000] 

*Location of the requirement in the permit (e.g., EQUI0000000001, STRU0000000002, etc.). 

 3.4 Insignificant activities 

Cargill has several operations which are classified as insignificant activities under the MPCA’s permitting rules. These are listed in Appendix A to the permit.   The permit is required to include periodic monitoring for all emissions units, including insignificant activities, per EPA guidance. The insignificant activities at this Facility are only subject to general applicable requirements. Using the criteria outlined earlier in this TSD, the following table documents the justification why no additional periodic monitoring is necessary for the current insignificant activities.   Table 8. Insignificant activities 


Insignificant activity General applicable emission limit  Discussion 

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Insignificant activity General applicable emission limit  Discussion 

Fuel Use: space heaters fueled by kerosene, natural gas, or propane, less than 420,000 Btu/hr 

PM <= 0.6 or 0.4 lb/MMBtu, depending on year constructed Opacity <= 20% with exceptions (Minn. R. 7011.0510/0515) 

Based on the fuels used and EPA published emissions 

factors, it is highly unlikely that the facility could 

violate the applicable requirement. In addition, these 

types of units are typically operated and vented inside 

a building, so testing for PM or opacity is not feasible. 

Gasoline storage tanks with a combined total tankage capacity of not more than 10,000 gallons 

Check to see if Minn. R. 7011.1505, subp. 2(B)/1505, subp. 3(B) apply, if not  PM, variable depending on airflow Opacity <= 20% (Minn. R. 7011.0710/0715) 

Emissions from tanks are unlikely to violate the 

applicable requirement. 

Brazing, soldering or welding equipment 

PM, variable depending on airflow Opacity <= 20% (Minn. R. 7011.0710/0715) 

For these units, based on EPA published emissions 

factors, it is highly unlikely that they could violate the 

applicable requirement. In addition, these units are 

typically operated and vented inside a building, so 

testing for PM or opacity is not feasible. 

Blueprint copiers and photographic processes 

Opacity <= 20%  (Minn. R. 7011.0105 or 7011.0110) 

While no known emissions estimation method exists for these units, based on general knowledge of how they operate, it is highly unlikely that they could generate visible emissions. In addition, these units would be operated and vented directly into an office area, so monitoring or testing is not feasible.

Fugitive dust emissions from unpaved entrance roads and parking lots 

Requirement to take reasonable measures to prevent PM from becoming airborne (Minn. R. 7011.0150) 

The Facility is located in a Rural area and has one 

unpaved parking and few private roads. Nearly all 

surfaces are currently paved. The permit does contain 

a general requirement that this standard must be met. 

The Permittee has stated that no additional unpaved 

surfaces will be added in the future. 

Infrequent use of spray paint equipment for routine housekeeping or plant upkeep activities not associated with primary production processes at the stationary source 

PM, variable depending on airflow Opacity <= 20% (Minn. R. 7011.0710/0715) 

While spray equipment will have the potential to emit particulate matter, these particular activities are those not associated with production, so they would be infrequent and usually occur outdoors. Testing or monitoring is not feasible.

 3.5 Permit organization 

In general, the permit meets the MPCA Tempo Guidance for ordering and grouping of requirements. One area where this permit deviates slightly from Tempo guidance is in the use of appendices. While appendices are fully enforceable parts of the permit, in general, any requirement that the MPCA thinks should be electronically tracked (e.g., limits, submittals, etc.), should be in the Requirements table in Tempo. The main reason is that the appendices are word processing sections and are not part of the electronic tracking system. Violation of the appendices can be enforced, but the computer system will not automatically generate the necessary enforcement notices or documents. Staff must generate these.   

3.6 Comments received – to be edited after Public Notice Period  

Public Notice Period: [start date] – [end date] 

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EPA Review Period: [start date] – [end date]  4. Permit fee assessment 

 This permit action is the issuance of a first‐time individual Part 70 permit based on an application received December 12, 2012.  The Permittee previously held a state operating permit. This action also includes additional rolled in permit applications to which fees did apply. No additional points apply to this permit action.  

5. Conclusion  Based on the information provided by Cargill AgHorizons ‐ Fairmont the MPCA has reasonable assurance that the proposed operation of the emission facility, as described in the Air Emission Permit No. 09100061‐ 004 and this TSD, will not cause or contribute to a violation of applicable federal regulations and Minnesota Rules.  Staff members on permit team:  Benjamin Carlson‐Stehlin (permit engineer) 

Bonnie Nelson (peer reviewer) Beckie Olson (permit writing assistant) Laurie O’Brien (administrative support) Cory Boeck (Compliance) Curtis Stock (Compliance)  

 TEMPO360 Activities: Part 70 Permit Issuance, Permit Change ‐ Major   

Attachments:  1.  PTE summary calculation spreadsheets 2. Subject item inventory and facility requirements 3. CAM Plan applicability 


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Attachment 1 – PTE Summary and Calculation Spreadsheets 

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Cargill AgHorizons - Fairmont Grain Elevator Page 1 of 2Grain Elevator Receiving and Cleaning - PTE Emission Calculations

Green Text Edited by MPCA


Total Grain Receiving Throughput: 43.7 x10^6 bu/yr (Based on BLE ethanol plant production limit.)

Grain Density: 56 lb/bushel

= 1,223,600 ton/yr (= bu/yr x lb/bu / 2000 lb/hr)

= 139.7 ton/hr (= ton/yr / 8760 hr/yr)

Corn Received by Rail 32,000 bu/day (From 11/2005 original permit application.)

= 896.0 ton/day (= bu/day x lb/bu)

= 37.3 ton/hr (= ton/day / 24 hr/day)

= 327,040 ton/yr (= ton/hr x 8760 hr/yr)

Total Rail Shipping Throughput: 450,000 bu/day (Limit from Permit 09100061-002.)

= 18,750 bu/hr (= bu/day / 24 hr/day)

= 525.0 ton/hr (= bu/hr x lb/bu)

= 1,223,600 ton/yr (From grain receiving. Total shipped can't exceed total received.)

Total Truck Shipping Throughput: 50,000 bu/day = (Limit from Permit 09100061-002.)

= 2,083 bu/hr = (= bu/day / 24 hr/day)

= 58.3 ton/hr (= bu/hr x lb/bu)

= 511,000 ton/yr (= ton/hr x 8760 hr/yr)

Emission Calculation Method

Controlled Potential Emissions = air flow rate through dust collection equipment x outlet concentration

Control Efficiency 99% PM

99% PM10

93% PM2.5

Emissions from Grain Receiving and Cleaning for Controlled EquipmentVent ID Stack/Vent Description Flow Rate1 Emission Factor2 Controlled Controlled Unrestricted Emissions4

PM/PM10 PM2.5

Emissions Emissions3 PM PM10 PM2.5 PM PM10 PM2.5(DSCFM) (gr/DSCF) (lb/hr) (tpy) (lb/hr) (tpy) (lb/hr) (tpy) (lb/hr) (tpy) (lb/hr) (tpy)

SV001 Column Grain Dryer (Removed from Service) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

SV0025 Baghouse #1 (CE001) Stack 16,130 0.002 0.28 1.21 0.05 0.21 68.8 301.4 37.3 163.3 6.4 27.9 99.60% 99.30% 99.30%SV0036 Baghouse #2 (CE004) Stack 22,900 0.002 0.39 1.72 0.07 0.29 18.9 82.7 7.3 31.9 1.2 5.4 97.90% 94.60% 94.60%SV0047 Baghouse #3 (CE003) Stack 23,500 0.002 0.40 1.76 0.07 0.30 54.7 239.4 24.4 106.9 4.2 18.3 99.30% 98.30% 98.40%

1. Flow rates from MPCA's "Facility Description: Stack/Vents (SV), 8/13/2012.

2. Emission factors for baghouses based on stack tests from similar grain handling equipment at Buffalo Lake Energy.

3. PM2.5 = 17% of PM10 emission rate per AP-42 Table 9.9.1-1 Reference 40

4. Unrestricted emissions for SV003 are calculated in table below, see "SV003 Unrestricted PTE Emissions". Unrestricted emissions are calculated based on the specified control efficiency of the baghouse from the permit or MnRule 7011.0070 for SV002 and SV004.

5. EUs associated with SV002 are: EU002, EU003, EU004, EU005, EU006, EU007, EU008, EU009, EU010, EU011

6. EUs associated with SV003 are: EU012, EU013, EU015, EU026

7. EUs associated with SV004 are: EU016, EU017, EU018, EU019, EU020, EU021, EU022, EU023, EU025, EU027

SV003 Unrestricted PTE Emissions

Emission Throughput1 PM Emission PM10 Emission PM2.5 Emission ntrolled (Unrestricted) Uncontrolled (Unrestricted) Uncontrolled (Unrestricted)

Unit Fugitive Emission Factor2 Factor2 Factor2 PM Emissions3 PM10 Emissions3 PM2.5 Emissions3

ID Source (ton/yr) (lb/ton) (lb/ton) (lb/ton) (lb/hr) (tpy) (lb/hr) (tpy) (lb/hr) (tpy)EU012, EU013 EU026, EU015 Straight Truck Receiving 61,180 0.18 0.059 0.010 1.26 5.51 0.41 1.80 0.07 0.31

Hopper Truck Receiving 1,162,420 0.035 0.0078 0.0013 4.64 20.34 1.04 4.53 0.17 0.76

Rail Receiving 327,040 0.032 0.008 0.0013 1.19 5.23 0.29 1.28 0.05 0.21

1. Assume 5% of grain received from straight trucks and 95% from hoppers.

2. Emission factors taken from AP-42, Table 9.9.1-1, (4/03).

3. Emissions = Throughput x Emission Factor

Demonstration of Compliance with Industrial Process Emission Rates, per 7011.0715.

Demonstration of Compliance with 7011.0715, Subpart 1.A Limit

SV EU Description Flow Rate PM PTEPM Emission

Limit % of Limit

(DSCFM) (gr/DSCF) (gr/DSCF)

SV002 Baghouse #1 (CE001) Stack 16,130 0.002 0.30 0.7%

SV003 Baghouse #2 (CE004) Stack 22,900 0.002 0.30 0.7%

SV004 Baghouse #3 (CE003) Stack 23,500 0.002 0.30 0.7%

Demonstration of Compliance with 7011.0730 Table 1

EU EU Description Process Weight Rate PM PTE

Process Weight Rate PM

Emission Limit1 % of Limit

(lb/hr) (lb/hr) (lb/hr)

SV002 Baghouse #1 (CE001) Stack 139.7 0.28 11.31 2.4%

SV003 Baghouse #2 (CE004) Stack 139.7 0.39 11.31 3.5%

SV004 Baghouse #3 (CE003) Stack 139.7 0.40 11.31 3.6%

1. Process Weight Rate LImit dervied from following equation: Limit = 17.31 * Process Weight Rate (ton/hr) ^0.16 (for process weight rates > 60,000 lb/hr)

Cargill AgHorizons - Fairmont Grain Elevator Page 2 of 2Grain Elevator Receiving and Cleaning - PTE Emission Calculations

Fugitive PM Emissions

Emission Throughput1 Emission ontrolled (Unrestricted)p

Efficiency4 Efficiency5 PM

Unit Fugitive Emission Factor2 PM Emissions3 Emissions

ID Source (ton/yr) (lb/ton) (lb/hr) (tpy) (lb/hr) (tpy)

FS001 Corn Storage Pile (Removed from service) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FS002 Grain Receiving Straight Truck 61,180 0.18 1.26 5.51 80% 0% 0.25 1.10

FS002 Grain Receiving Hopper Truck 1,162,420 0.035 4.64 20.34 80% 0% 0.93 4.07

FS003 Grain Receiving Rail 327,040 0.032 1.19 5.23 80% 0% 0.24 1.05

FS004 Grain Shipping Rail 1,223,600 0.027 3.77 16.52 80% 0% 0.75 3.30

FS005 Grain Shipping Truck 511,000 0.086 5.02 21.97 80% 0% 1.00 4.39

1. Assume 5% of grain received from straight trucks and 95% from hoppers.

2. Emission factors taken from AP-42, Table 9.9.1-1, (4/03).

3. Emissions = Throughput x Emission Factor

4. Per MPCA Standardized Air Modeling (SAM) 09097 spreadsheet. Assume 80% capture for enclosures.

5. The uncaptured emissions are released as fugitive dust. There is no control eff iciency associated w ith the uncaptured fugitive dust emissions.

Fugitive PM10 Emissions

Emission Throughput1 Emission ontrolled (Unrestricted)p

Efficiency4 Efficiency5 PM10

Unit Fugitive Emission Factor2 PM Emissions3 Emissions

ID Source (ton/yr) (lb/ton) (lb/hr) (tpy) (lb/hr) (tpy)

FS001 Corn Storage Pile (Removed from service) 0 0 0 0 0 0

FS002 Grain Receiving Straight Truck 61,180 0.059 0.41 1.80 80% 0% 0.08 0.36

FS002 Grain Receiving Hopper Truck 1,162,420 0.0078 1.04 4.53 80% 0% 0.21 0.91

FS003 Grain Receiving Rail 327,040 0.0078 0.29 1.28 80% 0% 0.06 0.26

FS004 Grain Shipping Rail 1,223,600 0.002 0.31 1.35 80% 0% 0.06 0.27

FS005 Grain Shipping Truck 511,000 0.029 1.69 7.41 80% 0% 0.34 1.48

1. Assume 5% of grain received from straight trucks and 95% from hoppers.

2. Emission factors taken from AP-42, Table 9.9.1-1, (4/03).

3. Emissions = Throughput x Emission Factor

4. Per MPCA Standardized Air Modeling (SAM) 09097 spreadsheet. Assume 80% capture for enclosures.

5. The uncaptured emissions are released as fugitive dust. There is no control eff iciency associated w ith the uncaptured fugitive dust emissions.

Fugitive PM2.5 Emissions

Emission Throughput1 Emission ontrolled (Unrestricted)p

Efficiency4 Efficiency5 PM2.5

Unit Fugitive Emission Factor2 PM Emissions3 Emissions

ID Source (ton/yr) (lb/ton) (lb/hr) (tpy) (lb/hr) (tpy)

FS001 Corn Storage Pile (Removed from service) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

FS002 Grain Receiving Straight Truck 61,180 0.010 0.07 0.31 80% 0% 0.01 0.06

FS002 Grain Receiving Hopper Truck 1,162,420 0.0013 0.17 0.76 80% 0% 0.03 0.15

FS003 Grain Receiving Rail 327,040 0.0013 0.05 0.21 80% 0% 0.01 0.04

FS004 Grain Shipping Rail 1,223,600 0.00037 0.05 0.23 80% 0% 0.01 0.05

FS005 Grain Shipping Truck 511,000 0.0049 0.29 1.25 80% 0% 0.06 0.25

1. Assume 5% of grain received from straight trucks and 95% from hoppers.

2. Emission factors taken from AP-42, Table 9.9.1-1, (4/03).

3. Emissions = Throughput x Emission Factor

4. Per MPCA Standardized Air Modeling (SAM) 09097 spreadsheet. Assume 80% capture for enclosures.

5. The uncaptured emissions are released as fugitive dust. There is no control eff iciency associated w ith the uncaptured fugitive dust emissions.

Control Efficiency

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Cargill AgHorizons - Fairmont Grain ElevatorFS006 Paved Road Traffic Emission Calculations

Grain Receiving Daily Truck Limit = 250 trucks/dayGrain Receiving Annual Trucks = 48,944 trucks/year (Based on annual grain throughput / 25 ton/truck.)

Grain Shipping Throughput Limit = 50,000 bu/day (Limit from Permit 09100061-002.)= 1400 ton/day (= bu/day x lb/bu / 2000 lb/ton)

Grain Shipping Daily Trucks = 56 trucks/day (Based on daily shipping throughput / 25 ton/truck.)Grain Shipping Annual Trucks = 20,440 trucks/year (Based on Daily Trucks x 365 day/yr.)

Paved roads {AP-42 Chapter 13.2.1 (1/11)}

Equation (2):

Description Variable ValueValue used for PM k 0.011Value used for PM10 k 0.0022Value used for PM2.5 k 0.00054

Surface material silt content (g/m2) sL 0.49Maximum Instantaneous Control Efficiency No Control 0%Road Cleaning Frequency N/A N/A

Mean vehicle weight (tons)1 W 27.50Precipitation Frequency P 90.00

Vehicle Type

Average Weight of Truck

(tons)1Quantity per


Maximum Number of

Trucks (Trucks/yr)

Limited (Trucks/yr)


Miles per Truck

Unlimited VMT/yr

Limited VMT/yr

Limited VMT/day

Grain Receiving 27.5 25 tons 91,250 48,944 250 0.93 84,863 45,518 233Grain Shipping 27.5 25 tons 20,440 20,440 56 0.93 19,009 19,009 52Total 27.50 103,872 64,527 285


Paved Haul Road Emissions E(lb/VMT) (TPY) (TPY)Average lb/hour

Maximum lb/day

Emissions PM 0.169 2.00 48.06Annual PM Emissions 0.158 8.23 5.11Emissions PM10 0.034 0.40 9.61Annual PM10 Emissions 0.032 1.65 1.02Emissions PM2.5 0.008 0.10 2.36Annual PM2.5 Emissions 0.008 0.40 0.25 Notes:

All trucks are assumed to have an empty weight of 15 tons and a full weight of 40 tons.Corn Trucks travel entirely on paved roads.


1 Mean vehicle weight (W) accounts for the vehicles weight (load or no load depending on the vehicle) while traveling only on the portion of the road in which the vehicle can

36541021910 P

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Attachment 2 – Subject item inventory and facility requirements  Subject Item Inventory  

Overview of SI's (count) by type 

Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons ‐ Fairmont Agency Interest ID:  None 

Activity:  IND20120001 (None) 

 Details for: 

SI Category:  All SI 

Type:  All 

Subject Item

Category Desc Subject Item Type Description

Activity Insignificant Air Emissions Activity 1

Agency Interest Conventional Site 1

Component Group Air Component Group 1

Equipment Conveyor 9

Dryer/Oven, direct fired 1

Elevator 1

Hopper 1

Loading-Unloading Equipment 6

Material Handling Equipment 2

Other Emission Unit 1

Screens 1

Silo/Bin 4

Fugitive Vehicle Emissions 1

Structure Stack/Vent 4

Total Facility Air Quality Total Facility 1

Treatment 018-Fabric Filter - Low Temp, T<180 Degrees F 3

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AISI Conventional Site Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons - Fairmont Agency Interest ID: 102165 Activity: IND20120001 (Part 70 Permit)

Details for:

SI Category: Agency Interest SI Type: Conventional Site

Subject Item ID within 50 miles.. SI Regulatory Pro.. Sub Program Descr.. Sub Program Start Date SIC / NAICS

AISI0000102165 Iowa Null Null Null 5153 - Grain and Field Beans

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Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons - Fairmont Agency Interest ID: 102165 Activity: IND20120001 (Part 70 Permit)

Details for:

SI Category: Activity SI Type: Insignificant Air Emissions Activity

Agency Interest Name Activity ID Subject Item .. Subject Item .. Subject Item ID Subject Item .. Subject Item .. Status Desc Sub Attribute Desc

Cargill AgHorizons - IND20120001 Activity Fairmont

Insignificant Air ACTV0000000001 Emissions Activity

Null All IA's Active / Existing

Minn. R. 7007.1300, subp. 3(A) Minn. R. 7007.1300, subp. 3(E)(1)

Minn. R. 7007.1300, subp. 3(H)(3)

Minn. R. 7007.1300, subp. 3(H)(4)

Minn. R. 7007.1300, subp. 3(K)

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PTE by subject item

Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons - Fairmont Agency Interest ID: 102165 Activity: IND20120001 (Part 70 Permit)

Details for:

SI Category: All SI Type: All

Subject Item Category Desc

Subject Item Type Description Subject Item ID

Subject Item

Designation Parameter Desc

Equipment Loading-

Unloading Equipment

EQUI0000000028 Null PM < 2.5 micron

PM < 10 micron

Total Particulate Matter




PM < 10 micron 0.63

Fugitive Vehicle FUGI0000000006 FS006 PM < 10 micron 2.73

  Emissions     Total Particulate Matter 14.02

Structure Stack/Vent STRU0000000001 SV002 PM < 2.5 micron 0.21

        PM < 10 micron 1.21

        Total Particulate Matter 1.21

    STRU0000000002 SV003 PM < 2.5 micron 0.29

        PM < 10 micron 1.72

        Total Particulate Matter 1.72

    STRU0000000003 SV004 PM < 2.5 micron 0.30

        PM < 10 micron 1.76

        Total Particulate Matter 1.76

    STRU0000000004 SV001 Carbon Monoxide 0.00

        Nitrogen Oxides 0.00

        PM < 10 micron 0.00

        Sulfur Dioxide 0.00

        Total Particulate Matter 0.00

        Volatile Organic Compounds 0.00

Total Particulate Matter 2.58

EQUI0000000029 Null PM < 2.5 micron 0.11



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PTE by subject item

Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons - Fairmont Agency Interest ID: 102165 Activity: IND20120001 (Part 70 Permit)

Details for:

SI Category: All SI Type: All

Subject Item Category Desc

Subject Item Type Description Subject Item ID

Subject Item

Designation Parameter Desc

Equipment Loading-

Unloading Equipment

EQUI0000000028 Null PM < 2.5 micron

Total Particulate Matter

PM < 10 micron

Fugitive Vehicle FUGI0000000006 FS006 PM < 10 micron

  Emissions     Total Particulate Matter

Structure Stack/Vent STRU0000000001 SV002 PM < 2.5 micron

        PM < 10 micron

        Total Particulate Matter

    STRU0000000002 SV003 PM < 2.5 micron

        PM < 10 micron

        Total Particulate Matter

    STRU0000000003 SV004 PM < 2.5 micron

        PM < 10 micron

        Total Particulate Matter

    STRU0000000004 SV001 Carbon Monoxide

        Nitrogen Oxides

        PM < 10 micron

        Sulfur Dioxide

        Total Particulate Matter

        Volatile Organic Compounds

Total Particulate Matter

EQUI0000000029 Null PM < 2.5 micron

PM < 10 micron




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PTE by pollutant Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons - Fairmont Agency Interest ID: 102165 Activity: IND20120001 (Part 70 Permit)

Details for:

SI Category: All SI Type: All

Parameter Desc

Subject Item Category Desc

Subject Item Type Description

Subject Item ID

Subject Item Designation


Carbon Monoxide Structure Stack/Vent STRU0000000004 SV001 0.00

Nitrogen Oxides Structure Stack/Vent STRU0000000004 SV001 0.00

PM < 2.5 micron Equipment Loading-Unloading EQUI0000000028 Null 0.11

    Equipment EQUI0000000029 Null 0.11

  Structure Stack/Vent STRU0000000001 SV002 0.21

      STRU0000000002 SV003 0.29

      STRU0000000003 SV004 0.30

PM < 10 micron Equipment Loading-Unloading EQUI0000000028 Null 0.63

    Equipment EQUI0000000029 Null 0.63

  Fugitive Vehicle Emissions FUGI0000000006 FS006 2.73

  Structure Stack/Vent STRU0000000001 SV002 1.21

      STRU0000000002 SV003 1.72

      STRU0000000003 SV004 1.76

      STRU0000000004 SV001 0.00

Sulfur Dioxide Structure Stack/Vent STRU0000000004 SV001 0.00

Total Particulate Matter Equipment Loading-Unloading EQUI0000000028 Null 2.58

    Equipment EQUI0000000029 Null 2.58

  Fugitive Vehicle Emissions FUGI0000000006 FS006 14.02

  Structure Stack/Vent STRU0000000001 SV002 1.21

      STRU0000000002 SV003 1.72

      STRU0000000003 SV004 1.76

      STRU0000000004 SV001 0.00

Volatile Organic Compounds Structure Stack/Vent STRU0000000004 SV001 0.00

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is R


PTE by pollutant Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons - Fairmont Agency Interest ID: 102165 Activity: IND20120001 (Part 70 Permit)

Details for:

SI Category: All SI Type: All

Parameter Desc

Subject Item Category Desc

Subject Item Type Description

Subject Item ID

Subject Item Designation

Carbon Monoxide Structure Stack/Vent STRU0000000004 SV001

Nitrogen Oxides Structure Stack/Vent STRU0000000004 SV001

PM < 2.5 micron Equipment Loading-Unloading EQUI0000000028 Null

    Equipment EQUI0000000029 Null

  Structure Stack/Vent STRU0000000001 SV002

      STRU0000000002 SV003

      STRU0000000003 SV004

PM < 10 micron Equipment Loading-Unloading EQUI0000000028 Null

    Equipment EQUI0000000029 Null

  Fugitive Vehicle Emissions FUGI0000000006 FS006

  Structure Stack/Vent STRU0000000001 SV002

      STRU0000000002 SV003

      STRU0000000003 SV004

      STRU0000000004 SV001

Sulfur Dioxide Structure Stack/Vent STRU0000000004 SV001

Total Particulate Matter Equipment Loading-Unloading EQUI0000000028 Null

    Equipment EQUI0000000029 Null

  Fugitive Vehicle Emissions FUGI0000000006 FS006

  Structure Stack/Vent STRU0000000001 SV002

      STRU0000000002 SV003

      STRU0000000003 SV004

      STRU0000000004 SV001

Volatile Organic Compounds Structure Stack/Vent STRU0000000004 SV001

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SI - SI relationships Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons - Fairmont


Agency Interest ID: 102165 Activity: IND20120001 (Part 70 Permit)


Details for:    SI Category: Equipment SI Type: All


Subject Item Category

Subject Item Type

Subject Item


Related Subj Item Type

Start Date (Subj Item

End Date (Subj Item

Confidentiality Desc Description Subject Item ID Designation Subject Item Desc (F/R) Related Subj Item ID Description Related) Related) Flag

Equipment Conveyor EQUI0000000002 EU002 Leg 1 is controlled .. TREA0000000001 018-Fabric Filter - Low Tem.. 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

sends to STRU0000000001 Stack/Vent 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000003 EU003 Leg 2 is controlled .. TREA0000000001 018-Fabric Filter - Low Tem.. 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

sends to STRU0000000001 Stack/Vent 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000004 EU004 Bin 13 Raclaim Drag Conveyor

is controlled .. TREA0000000001 018-Fabric Filter - Low Tem.. 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

sends to STRU0000000001 Stack/Vent 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000005 EU005 Shipping Bottom Drag Conveyor

is controlled .. TREA0000000001 018-Fabric Filter - Low Tem.. 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

sends to STRU0000000001 Stack/Vent 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000010 EU010 Upper Train Drag Conveyor

is controlled .. TREA0000000001 018-Fabric Filter - Low Tem.. 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

sends to STRU0000000001 Stack/Vent 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000019 EU019 Dryer Conveyor is controlled .. TREA0000000003 018-Fabric Filter - Low Tem.. 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

sends to STRU0000000003 Stack/Vent 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000022 EU022 Bin Drag Conveyors

is controlled .. TREA0000000003 018-Fabric Filter - Low Tem.. 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

sends to STRU0000000003 Stack/Vent 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000026 Null Drag Conveyors is controlled .. TREA0000000004 018-Fabric Filter - Low Tem.. 8/31/2015 Null Not Confidential

sends to STRU0000000002 Stack/Vent 8/31/2015 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000027 Null Conveyors is controlled .. TREA0000000003 018-Fabric Filter - Low Tem.. 2/16/2016 Null Not Confidential

sends to STRU0000000003 Stack/Vent 2/16/2016 Null Not Confidential

Dryer/Oven, direct fi.. EQUI0000000001 EU001 Grain Dryer sends to STRU0000000004 Stack/Vent 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

Elevator EQUI0000000018 EU018 Dryer Legs is controlled .. TREA0000000003 018-Fabric Filter - Low Tem.. 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

sends to STRU0000000003 Stack/Vent 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

Hopper EQUI0000000017 EU017 Shipping Hopper is controlled .. TREA0000000003 018-Fabric Filter - Low Tem.. 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

sends to STRU0000000003 Stack/Vent 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

Loading-Unloading Equipment

EQUI0000000009 EU009 Shipping Upper Garner

is controlled .. TREA0000000001 018-Fabric Filter - Low Tem.. 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

sends to STRU0000000001 Stack/Vent 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000012 EU012 Truck Unload Pit 1 is controlled .. TREA0000000004 018-Fabric Filter - Low Tem.. 8/31/2015 Null Not Confidential

sends to STRU0000000002 Stack/Vent 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000013 EU013 Truck Unload Pit 2 is controlled .. TREA0000000004 018-Fabric Filter - Low Tem.. 8/31/2015 Null Not Confidential

sends to STRU0000000002 Stack/Vent 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000015 EU015 Rail Dump Pit is controlled .. TREA0000000004 018-Fabric Filter - Low Tem.. 8/31/2015 Null Not Confidential

sends to STRU0000000002 Stack/Vent 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

Material Handling Equipment

EQUI0000000008 EU008 Distributor is controlled .. TREA0000000001 018-Fabric Filter - Low Tem.. 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

sends to STRU0000000001 Stack/Vent 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000016 EU016 Grain Leg 3 is controlled .. TREA0000000003 018-Fabric Filter - Low Tem.. 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

sends to STRU0000000003 Stack/Vent 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

Other Emission Unit EQUI0000000025 EU025 Flat Storage Building

is controlled .. TREA0000000003 018-Fabric Filter - Low Tem.. 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

sends to STRU0000000003 Stack/Vent 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

Screens EQUI0000000007 EU007 Screener/Scalper is controlled .. TREA0000000001 018-Fabric Filter - Low Tem.. 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

sends to STRU0000000001 Stack/Vent 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

Silo/Bin EQUI0000000011 EU011 Head House Concrete Shipping Bins (5, 6)

is controlled .. TREA0000000001 018-Fabric Filter - Low Tem.. 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

sends to STRU0000000001 Stack/Vent 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000020 EU020 Concrete Storage Bins (13-14)

is controlled .. TREA0000000003 018-Fabric Filter - Low Tem.. 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

sends to STRU0000000003 Stack/Vent 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000021 EU021 Steel Bin (15) is controlled .. TREA0000000003 018-Fabric Filter - Low Tem.. 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

sends to STRU0000000003 Stack/Vent 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000023 EU023 Headhouse Storage Bins (1-4, 7-11)

is controlled .. TREA0000000003 018-Fabric Filter - Low Tem.. 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

sends to STRU0000000003 Stack/Vent 8/24/2006 Null Not Confidential

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Aboveground Storage Tanks, General 

Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons ‐ Fairmont Agency Interest ID:  None 

Activity:  IND20120001 (None) 

 Details for: 

SI Category:  Equipment 

SI Type:  Aboveground Storage Tank 

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Underground Storage Tanks, General 

Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons ‐ Fairmont Agency Interest ID:  None 

Activity:  IND20120001 (None) 

 Details for: 

SI Category:  Equipment 

SI Type:  Underground Storage Tank System 

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Equipment Conveyor EQUI0000000002 EU002 Essmueller NA 50000000 bushels years ACRN 3/14/1973 3/14/1973 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000003 EU003 Essmueller NA 50000000 bushels years ACRN 3/14/1973 3/14/1973 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000004 EU004 Tramco G-24EHS 50000000 bushels years ACRN 3/14/1973 3/14/1973 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000005 EU005 Essmueller NA 50000000 bushels years ACRN 3/14/1973 3/14/1973 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000010 EU010 Essmueller HFB241124 50000000 bushels years ACRN 3/14/1973 3/14/1973 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000019 EU019 Wedgecor NA 50000000 bushels years ACRN 3/14/1973 3/14/1973 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000022 EU022 Wedgecor NA 50000000 bushels years ACRN 3/14/1973 3/14/1973 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000026 Null Null Null 50000000 bushels years ACRN Null Null Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000027 Null Null Null 50000000 bushels years ACRN Null Null Null Not Confidential

Elevator EQUI0000000018 EU018 Essmueller G16842BE 15000000 bushels years ACRN 3/14/1973 3/14/1973 Null Not Confidential

Hopper EQUI0000000017 EU017 NA NA 5000000 bushels years ACRN 3/14/1973 3/14/1973 Null Not Confidential

Loading-Unloading Equipment

EQUI0000000009 EU009 NA NA 50000000 bushels years ACRN 3/14/1973 3/14/1973 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000012 EU012 NA NA 50000000 bushels years ACRN 3/14/1973 3/14/1973 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000013 EU013 NA NA 50000000 bushels years ACRN 3/14/1973 3/14/1973 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000015 EU015 NA NA 50000000 bushels years ACRN 3/14/1973 3/14/1973 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000028 Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000029 Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Null Not Confidential

Material Handling Equipment

EQUI0000000008 EU008 Gerber Industries 18-D-14-Elect 50000000 bushels years ACRN 3/14/1973 3/14/1973 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000016 EU016 Essmueller DG14848BE 50000000 bushels years ACRN 3/14/1973 3/14/1973 Null Not Confidential

Other Emission Unit EQUI0000000025 EU025 NA NA 500000 bushels each ACRN 3/14/1973 3/14/1973 Null Not Confidential

Screens EQUI0000000007 EU007 GSI Rotomax 50000000 bushels years ACRN 3/14/1973 3/14/1973 Null Not Confidential

Silo/Bin EQUI0000000011 EU011 Ibberson Construction NA 9234 bushels each ACRN 3/14/1973 3/14/1973 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000020 EU020 NA NA 500914 bushels each ACRN 3/14/1973 3/14/1973 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000021 EU021 NA NA 477541 bushels each ACRN 3/14/1973 3/14/1973 Null Not Confidential

EQUI0000000023 EU023 NA NA 334150 bushels each ACRN 3/14/1973 3/14/1973 Null Not Confidential

Abrasive Equip - Welding, General Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons - Fairmont


Agency Interest ID: 102165 Activity: IND20120001 (Part 70 Permit)

Details for: SI Category: Equipment SI Type: Conveyor, Elevator, Hopper and 5 more

Subject Item Category Subject Item Type Subject Item


max design max design Max Design cap units cap units

Max Des Cap Const Start Oper Start

Confidentiality Desc Description Subject Item ID Designation Manufacturer Model Capacity (numer) (denom) Material Code Date Date Mod Date Flag

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Boiler - Thermal Unit, General

Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons - Fairmont Agency Interest ID: <Agency Interest ID> Activity: IND20120001 (<Activity Type Label>)

Details for:

SI Category: Equipment SI Type: Dryer/Oven, direct fired

Subject Item Type

Max Design

max design cap units

max design cap units

Max Des Cap Const Start

Oper Start

Firing Type

Engine Use


Engine Displace


Description Subject Item ID Manufacturer Model Capacity (numer) (denom) Material Code Date Date Mod Date Code Code Displace Msr Units Code Flag

Abc ..ven, direct fired EQUI0000000001 Zimmerman AP-3500 39.4 million British.. hours AHET 8/1/2003 10/1/2003 Null Null Null Null Null Not Confidential

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CEMs/COM, General 

Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons ‐ Fairmont Agency Interest ID:  None 

Activity:  IND20120001 (None) 

 Details for: 

SI Category:  Equipment 

SI Type:  Continuous Emission Monitor & Continuous Opacity Monitor 

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Parametric Mon, General 

Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons ‐ Fairmont Agency Interest ID:  None 

Activity:  IND20120001 (None) 

 Details for: 

SI Category:  Equipment 

SI Type:  Parametric Monitor 

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Data Acquisition System, General 

Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons ‐ Fairmont Agency Interest ID:  None 

Activity:  IND20120001 (None) 

 Details for: 

SI Category:  Equipment 

SI Type:  Data Acquisition System 

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Cargill AgHorizons .. Vehicle Emissions FUGI0000000006 Null Total Particulate Matter Not Confidential

Air Landfill‐Vehicle Emis, Fugitive 

Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons ‐ Fairmont Agency Interest ID: 102165 

Activity:  IND20120001 (Part 70 Permit) 

 Details for: 

SI Category:  Fugitive 

SI Type:  Vehicle Emissions 

Agency Interest Name

Subject Item Type

Description Subject Item ID Install Year

Parameter Desc (air fugitive poll)

Confidentiality Flag

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Buildings, General 

Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons ‐ Fairmont Agency Interest ID:  None 

Activity:  IND20120001 (None) 

 Details for: 

SI Category:  Structure SI Type: 


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Stack/Vent, General

Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons - Fairmont Agency Interest ID: 102165 Activity: IND20120001 (Part 70 Permit)

Details for:

SI Category: Structure SI Type: Stack/Vent

Agency Interest

Subject Item Type

Stack Height


Stack Flow


Info Source

Discharge Dir Confidentiality Name Description Subject Item ID (feet) Diameter Stack Length Stack Width Rate Temp Code Code Flag

Cargill AgHorizons - Stack/Vent Fairmont

STRU0000000001 142 2.26 Null Null 16130 Null ESTM HORZ Not Confidential

STRU0000000002 50 2.5 Null Null 22900 Null ESTM UNCP Not Confidential

STRU0000000003 162 1.66 Null Null 23500 Null ESTM UNCP Not Confidential

STRU0000000004 84 Null Null Null Null 200 MNFR Null Not Confidential

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Scrubbers, General 

Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons ‐ Fairmont Agency Interest ID:  None 

Activity:  IND20120001 (None) 

 Details for: 

SI Category:  Treatment 

SI Type: 001‐Wet Scrubber ‐ High Efficiency, 002‐Wet Scrubber ‐ Medium Efficiency, 003‐Wet Scrubber ‐ Low Efficiency and 11 more 

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Gravity Coll ‐ Paint Arrestor, General 

Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons ‐ Fairmont Agency Interest ID:  None 

Activity:  IND20120001 (None) 

 Details for: 

SI Category:  Treatment 

SI Type: 004‐Gravity Collector ‐ High Efficiency, 005‐Gravity Collector ‐ Medium Efficiency, 006‐Gravity Collector ‐ Low Efficiency 

and 55 more 

The view is broken down by Subject Item Type Description, Subject Item ID, Manufacturer, Model, Install Start Date, Parameter Code (Subj Item Air Ctl Poll), Capture Efficiency Pct, Destruct Collect Effic Pct, Compl Assur Mon Flag, Poll Spec Emis Unit Flag, Efficiency Basis Code, Other Control Flag, Other Control Desc and Confidentiality Flag. Details are shown for Agency Interest ID and Activity Type Label. The data is filtered on Agency Interest Name, Subject Item Category Desc, Activity ID and Effective Flag. The Agency In- terest Name filter keeps Cargill AgHorizons - Fairmont. The Subject Item Category Desc filter keeps Treatment. The Activity ID filter keeps IND20120001. The Effective Flag filter keeps Other permit activities. The view is filtered on Subject Item Type Description, which keeps 38 of 229 members.

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Collectors‐Cyclones, General 

Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons ‐ Fairmont Agency Interest ID:  None 

Activity:  IND20120001 (None) 

 Details for: 

SI Category:  Treatment 

SI Type: 007‐Centrifugal Collector ‐ High Efficiency, 008‐Centrifugal Collector ‐ Medium Effi‐ ciency, 009‐Centrifugal Collector ‐ Low 

Efficiency and 4 more 

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Electrostatic Precipitators, General 

Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons ‐ Fairmont Agency Interest ID:  None 

Activity:  IND20120001 (None) 

 Details for: 

SI Category:  Treatment 

SI Type: 010‐Electrostatic Precipitator ‐ High Efficiency, 011‐Electrostatic Precipitator ‐ Med Efficiency, 012‐Electrostatic Precipitator 

‐ Low Efficiency and 1 more 

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Fabric Filters, General

Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons - Fairmont Agency Interest ID: 102165 Activity: IND20120001 (Part 70 Permit)

Details for:

SI Category: Treatment SI Type: 018-Fabric Filter - Low Temp, T<180 Degrees F

Subject Item Agency Interest Type

Parameter Code (Subj

Install Start Item Air Ctl


Destruct Collect Effic

Poll Spec Compl Assur Emis Unit


Fabric Min Pres Drop

Fabric Max Pres Drop

Fabric Bag Leak Detect


Name Description Subject Item ID Manufacturer Model Date Poll) Efficiency Pct Pct Mon Flag Flag Basis Code Msr Msr Flag Flag

Cargill 018-Fabric TREA0000000001 Carter Day 124RF10 Null CRIT0004 100 99 Null Null Null 0.5 6 N Not Confidential

AgHorizons - Filter - Low CRIT0005 100 93 Null Null Null 0.5 6 N Not Confidential

Fairmont Temp, T<180

 Degrees F CRIT0007 100 99 Null Null Null 0.5 6 N Not Confidential

TREA0000000003 Carter Day 144RJ5 Null CRIT0004 100 99 Null Null Null 0.5 6 N Not Confidential

CRIT0005 100 93 Null Null Null 0.5 6 N Not Confidential

CRIT0007 100 99 Null Null Null 0.5 6 N Not Confidential

TREA0000000004 Donalsdon Torit RF 8/31/2015 CRIT0004 80 99 N Null MFVD 0.5 6 N Not Confidential

CRIT0005 80 99 N Null MFVD 0.5 6 N Not Confidential

CRIT0007 80 99 N Null MFVD 0.5 6 N Not Confidential

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Catalytic Oxidizers, General 

Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons ‐ Fairmont Agency Interest ID:  None 

Activity:  IND20120001 (None) 

 Details for: 

SI Category:  Treatment 

SI Type: 019‐Catalytic Afterburner, 020‐Catalytic Afterburner with Heat Exchanger, 109‐Cat‐ alytic Oxidizer 

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Direct Flame Afterburners, General 

Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons ‐ Fairmont Agency Interest ID:  None 

Activity:  IND20120001 (None) 

 Details for: 

SI Category:  Treatment 

SI Type: 021‐Direct Flame Afterburner, 022‐Direct Flame Afterburner with Heat Exchanger, 131‐Thermal Oxidation 

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Technical Support Document, Permit Number: 09100061- 004 Page 46 of 71 

Injections Systems, General 

Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons ‐ Fairmont Agency Interest ID:  None 

Activity:  IND20120001 (None) 

 Details for: 

SI Category:  Treatment 

SI Type:  028‐Steam or Water Injection, 031‐Air Injection, 032‐Ammonia Injection and 9 more 

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Technical Support Document, Permit Number: 09100061- 004 Page 47 of 71 

Condensers, General 

Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons ‐ Fairmont Agency Interest ID:  None 

Activity:  IND20120001 (None) 

 Details for: 

SI Category:  Treatment 

SI Type: 047‐Vapor Recyc Sys‐Condensers, Hoods, Othr Enclos, 072‐Tube and Shell Condenser, 073‐Refrigerated Condenser and 1 


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Technical Support Document, Permit Number: 09100061- 004 Page 48 of 71 

Wet Sepators, General 

Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons ‐ Fairmont Agency Interest ID:  None 

Activity:  IND20120001 (None) 

 Details for: 

SI Category:  Treatment 

SI Type:  057‐Dynamic Separator (Wet) & 085‐Wet Cyclonic Separator ‐ Wet Cyclone 

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Catalytic Converter, General 

Agency Interest: Cargill AgHorizons ‐ Fairmont Agency Interest ID:  None 

Activity:  IND20120001 (None) 

 Details for: 

SI Category:  Treatment 

SI Type:  057‐Dynamic Separator (Wet) & 085‐Wet Cyclonic Separator ‐ Wet Cyclone 


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 Facility Requirements 

Subject Item 

ID  Seq. #  Requirement 

TFAC 1 (09100061)


Process Throughput <= 1.223704 million tons per year 12-month rolling sum of corn, based on a 56 pound bushel. This is equivalent to 43,703,704 bushels per year.

Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) & Minn. R. 7007.3000


Daily Recordkeeping. On each day of operation, the Permittee shall record the total quantity of grain received at Title I Condition: Avoid major source

the facility. This shall be based on delivery records. under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) & Minn. R.



Monthly Recordkeeping - Grain Received. By the 15th of the month, the Permittee shall calculate and record the following: 1) The total tonnage of grain for the previous calendar month using the daily receipt records. 2) The tonnage for the previous month. 3) The 12 month rolling sum corn receiving for the previous 12 month period by summing the monthly grain tonnage data for the previous 12 months.

Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 4-5


Permit Appendices: This permit contains appendices as listed in the permit Table of Contents. The Permittee shall comply with all requirements contained in Appendices A - Insignificant Activities and Applicable Requirements, B - Haul Roads Fugitive Dust Control Plan Cargill AgHorizons and Buffalo Lake Energy, LLC; Modeling parameters in Appendices C are included for reference only as described elsewhere in this permit; D - Truck Traffic and Fence Diagram, E - Daily Sweeping and Vacuuming Road Segments, and F - Performance Test Recordkeeping Items.

Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 2


Air Pollution Control Equipment: Operate all pollution control equipment whenever the corresponding process equipment and emission units are operated, unless otherwise noted in this permit.

Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 16(J), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 2


PERMIT SHIELD: Subject to the limitations in Minn. R. 7007.1800, compliance with the conditions of this permit shall be deemed compliance with the specific provision of the applicable requirement identified in the permit as the basis of each condition. Subject to the limitations of Minn. R. 7007.1800 and 7017.0100, subp. 2, notwithstanding the conditions of this permit specifying compliance practices for applicable requirements, any person (including the Permittee) may also use other credible evidence to establish compliance or noncompliance with applicable requirements.

This permit shall not alter or affect the liability of the Permittee for any violation of applicable requirements prior to or at the time of permit issuance.

Minn. R. 7007.1800, (A)(2)


Comply with Fugitive Emission Control Plan: The Permittee shall follow the actions and recordkeeping specified Minn. R. 7007.0100, Minn. R. in the control plan. The plan may be amended by the Permittee with the Commissioner's approval. If the 7007.0800, subp. 2, Minn. R. Commissioner determines the Permittee is out of compliance with Minn. R. 7011.0150 or the fugitive control 7009.0020, Minn. R. 7011.0150, Minn. plan, then the Permittee may be required to amend the control plan and/or to install and operate particulate Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a matter ambient monitors as requested by the Commissioner.


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TFAC 1 (09100061)


The Permittee shall clean up commodities spilled on the driveway and other facility property as required to minimize fugitive emissions to a level consistent with RACT (reasonably available control technology).

Minn. R. 7011.1005, subp. 1(A)


Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 7(A), 7(L), &

The Permittee shall comply with National Primary and Secondary Ambient Air Quality Standards, 40 CFR pt. 50, 7(M), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, and the Minnesota Ambient Air Quality Standards, Minn. R. 7009.0010 to 7009.0080. Compliance shall be Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 1-2, Minn. demonstrated upon written request by the MPCA. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat.

116.07, subd. 9


Circumvention: Do not install or use a device or means that conceals or dilutes emissions, which would otherwise violate a federal or state air pollution control rule, without reducing the total amount of pollutant emitted.

Minn. R. 7011.0020


Operation and Maintenance Plan: Retain at the stationary source an operation and maintenance plan for all air pollution control equipment. At a minimum, the O & M plan shall identify all air pollution control equipment and control practices and shall include a preventative maintenance program for the equipment and practices, a Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 14, Minn. R. description of (the minimum but not necessarily the only) corrective actions to be taken to restore the equipment 7007.0800, subp. 16(J) and practices to proper operation to meet applicable permit conditions, a description of the employee training program for proper operation and maintenance of the control equipment and practices, and the records kept to demonstrate plan implementation.


Operation Changes: In any shutdown, breakdown, or deviation the Permittee shall immediately take all practica steps to modify operations to reduce the emission of any regulated air pollutant. The Commissioner may requir feasible and practical modifications in the operation to reduce emissions of air pollutants. No emissions units that have an unreasonable shutdown or breakdown frequency of process or control equipment shall be permitted to operate.

l e

Minn. R. 7019.1000, subp. 4


Fugitive Emissions: Do not cause or permit the handling, use, transporting, or storage of any material in a manner which may allow avoidable amounts of particulate matter to become airborne. Comply with all other requirements listed in Minn. R. 7011.0150.

Minn. R. 7011.0150


Noise: The Permittee shall comply with the noise standards set forth in Minn. R. 7030.0010 to 7030.0080 at all times during the operation of any emission units. This is a state only requirement and is not enforceable by the Minn. R. 7030.0010-7030.0080 EPA Administrator or citizens under the Clean Air Act.


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TFAC 1 (09100061)


Inspections: The Permittee shall comply with the inspection procedures and requirements as found in Minn. R. Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 9(A) 7007.0800, subp. 9(A).


Parameters Used in Modeling: The parameters used in the modeling performed for an Environmental Assessment Worksheet under Minn. R. ch. 4410 and for determining emission and/or operational limits, if applicable for this facility are listed in Appendix C of this permit. If the Permittee intends to change any of these parameters, the Permittee must submit the revised parameters to the Commissioner and receive written Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 2, Minn. R. approval before making any changes. The revised parameter information submittal must include, but is not limited to: the locations, heights and diameters of the stacks; locations and dimensions of nearby buildings; 7009.0020 velocity and temperatures of the gases emitted; and the emission rates. The plume dispersion characteristics due to the parameter revisions must equal or exceed the dispersion characteristics modeled for this permit, and the Permittee shall demonstrate this in the proposal.


The Permittee shall comply with the General Conditions listed in Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 16. Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 16


Performance Testing: Conduct all performance tests in accordance with Minn. R. ch. 7017 unless otherwise Minn. R. ch. 7017 noted in in this permit.


Performance Test Notifications and Submittals: Performance Tests are due as outlined in this permit.

Minn. R. 7017.2018, Minn. R. 7017.2030, subps. 1-4, Minn. R.

Performance Test Notification (written): due 30 days before each Performance Test 7017.2035, subps. 1-2

Performance Test Plan: due 30 days before each Performance Test

Performance Test Pre-test Meeting: due 7 days before each Performance Test..


Limits set as a result of a performance test (conducted before or after permit issuance) apply until superseded as stated in the MPCA's Notice of Compliance letter granting preliminary approval. Preliminary approval is based Minn. R. 7017.2025, subp. 3 on formal review of a subsequent performance test on the same unit as specified by Minn. R. 7017.2025, subp. 3. The limit is final upon issuance of a permit amendment incorporating the change.


Monitoring Equipment Calibration - The Permittee shall either:

1. Calibrate or replace required monitoring equipment every 12 months; or

Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4(D) 2. Calibrate at the frequency stated in the manufacturer's specifications.

For each monitor, the Permittee shall maintain a record of all calibrations, including the date conducted, and an..


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TFAC 1 (09100061)


Operation of Monitoring Equipment: Unless noted elsewhere in this permit, monitoring a process or control equipment connected to that process is not necessary during periods when the process is shutdown, or during checks of the monitoring systems, such as calibration checks and zero and span adjustments. If monitoring records are required, they should reflect any such periods of process shutdown or checks of the monitoring system.

Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4(D)


PM < 10 micron : The Permittee shall submit computer dispersion modeling information : Due 60 calendar days after Permit Issuance Date. Information shall be submitted using form AQDM-02 for equipment at Cargill AgHorizons - Fairmont.

Minn. R. 7007.0100, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 2, Minn. R. 7009.0020, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 9


Modeled Parameters for PM10: The parameters used in PM10 modeling are listed in Appendix C of this permit. The parameters describe the operation of the facility at maximum permitted capacity. The purpose of listing the parameters in the appendix is to provide a benchmark for future changes. Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 7(A), 7(L), & The Permittee must submit to the Agency for approval any revisions of these parameters that are caused by a 7(M), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, physical change or change in the method of operation of the facility and must wait for a written approval before Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 1-2, Minn. making such changes. The information submitted must include, at a minimum, the locations, heights and R. 7009.0010-7009.0080, Minn. Stat. diameters of the stacks, locations and dimensions of nearby buildings, the velocity and temperature of the gases 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat. 116.07, emitted, and the PM10 emission rates. The plume dispersion characteristics after the proposed revisions must subd. 9 be equivalent to or better than the dispersion characteristics used in the model dated May 23, 2008. The Permittee shall demonstrate this equivalency in the proposal.


If the information submitted does not demonstrate equivalent or better dispersion characteristics, or if a conclusion cannot readily be made about the dispersion, the Permittee must remodel.

For any physical change to or change in the method of operation of a stack emitting PM10 or for any increase in PM10 emissions (whether or not the increase would require a permit amendment of any type), the Permittee must remodel.

For changes that do not involve any increase to any emission rate or any emissions from a new emission point, this proposal must be submitted as soon as practicable, but no less than 60 days before beginning actual construction of the modification, stack, or associated emission unit(s).

Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 7(A), 7(L), & 7(M), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 1-2, Minn. R. 7009.0010-7009.0080, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 9


EBD Modeling Triggers (Modeling Required) for PM10: Changes that require, or would require, a moderate or major permit amendment due to an increase in PM10 emissions and affect any modeled PM10 parameter or emission rate listed in Appendix C, or an addition to the information documented in Appendix C, trigger the EBD Remodeling Submittal requirement. The Permittee shall include previously made changes to modeled PM10 parameters and emission rates listed in Appendix C that did not previously trigger the EBD Modeling Submittal requirement with this modeling submittal.

Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 7(A), 7(L), & 7(M), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 1-2, Minn. R. 7009.0010-7009.0080, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 9


Computer Dispersion Modeling Triggers for PM10: The Permittee shall conduct a refined remodeling analysis in accordance with the Computer Dispersion Modeling requirements of this permit and the current version of the MPCA Air Dispersion Modeling Guidance if: (1) the results of the EBD modeling analysis do not demonstrate equivalent or better dispersion characteristics; (2) a conclusion cannot readily be made about the dispersion, or (3) the criteria in the EBD Modeling Triggers requirement are met and the Permittee has previously conducted three successive EBD analyses using the same Baseline Modeling.

Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 7(A), 7(L), & 7(M), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 2, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 9


The Permittee shall submit an application for permit reissuance : Due 180 calendar days before Permit Expiration Date.

Minn. R. 7007.0400, subp. 2


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TFAC 1 (09100061)


Recordkeeping: Retain all records at the stationary source, unless otherwise specified within this permit, for a period of five (5) years from the date of monitoring, sample, measurement, or report. Records which must be retained at this location include all calibration and maintenance records, all original recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation, and copies of all reports required by the permit. Records must conform to the requirements listed in Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 5(A).

Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 5(C)


Recordkeeping: Maintain records describing any insignificant modifications (as required by Minn. R. 7007.1250, subp. 3) or changes contravening permit terms (as required by Minn. R. 7007.1350, subp. 2), including records Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 5(B) of the emissions resulting from those changes.


If the Permittee determines that no permit amendment or notification is required prior to making a change, the Permittee must retain records of all calculations required under Minn. R. 7007.1200. For expiring permits, these records shall be kept for a period of five years from the date the change was made or until permit reissuance, whichever is longer. The records shall be kept at the stationary source for the current calendar year of operation and may be kept at the stationary source or office of the stationary source for all other years. The records may be maintained in either electronic or paper format.

Minn. R. 7007.1200, subp. 4


Shutdown Notifications: Notify the Commissioner at least 24 hours in advance of a planned shutdown of any control equipment or process equipment if the shutdown would cause any increase in the emissions of any regulated air pollutant. If the owner or operator does not have advance knowledge of the shutdown, notification shall be made to the Commissioner as soon as possible after the shutdown. However, notification is not required in the circumstances outlined in Items A, B and C of Minn. R. 7019.1000, subp. 3.

At the time of notification, the owner or operator shall inform the Commissioner of the cause of the shutdown and the estimated duration. The owner or operator shall notify the Commissioner when the shutdown is over.

Minn. R. 7019.1000, subp. 3


Breakdown Notifications: Notify the Commissioner within 24 hours of a breakdown of more than one hour duration of any control equipment or process equipment if the breakdown causes any increase in the emissions of any regulated air pollutant. The 24-hour time period starts when the breakdown was discovered or reasonably should have been discovered by the owner or operator. However, notification is not required in the circumstances outlined in Items A, B and C of Minn. R. 7019.1000, subp. 2.

At the time of notification or as soon as possible thereafter, the owner or operator shall inform the Commissioner of the cause of the breakdown and the estimated duration. The owner or operator shall notify the Commissioner when the breakdown is over.

Minn. R. 7019.1000, subp. 2


Notification of Deviations Endangering Human Health or the Environment: As soon as possible after discovery, notify the Commissioner or the state duty officer, either orally or by facsimile, of any deviation from permit conditions which could endanger human health or the environment.

Minn. R. 7019.1000, subp. 1


Notification of Deviations Endangering Human Health or the Environment Report: Within 2 working days of discovery, notify the Commissioner in writing of any deviation from permit conditions which could endanger human health or the environment. Include the following information in this written description:

1. the cause of the deviation;

2. the exact dates of the period of the deviation, if the deviation has been corrected;

3. whether or not the deviation has been corrected;

4. the anticipated time by which the deviation is expected to be corrected, if not yet corrected; and ..

Minn. R. 7019.1000, subp. 1


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TFAC 1 (09100061)


The Permittee shall submit a semiannual deviations report : Due semiannually, by the 30th of January and July The first semiannual report submitted by the Permittee shall cover the calendar half-year in which the permit is issued. The first report of each calendar year covers January 1 - June 30. The second report of each calendar year covers July 1 - December 31. If no deviations have occurred, the Permittee shall submit the report stating no deviations.

Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 6(A)(2)


Application for Permit Amendment: If a permit amendment is needed, submit an application in accordance with the requirements of Minn. R. 7007.1150 through Minn. R. 7007.1500. Submittal dates vary, depending on the type of amendment needed.

Upon adoption of a new or amended federal applicable requirement, and if there are more than 3 years remaining in the permit term, the Permittee shall file an application for an amendment within nine months of promulgation of the applicable requirement, pursuant to Minn. R. 7007.0400, subp. 3.

Minn. R. 7007.0400, subp. 3, Minn. R. 7007.1150 - 7007.1500


Extension Requests: The Permittee may apply for an Administrative Amendment to extend a deadline in a permit by no more than 120 days, provided the proposed deadline extension meets the requirements of Minn. R. 7007.1400, subp. 1(H). Performance testing deadlines from the General Provisions of 40 CFR pt. 60 and pt. 63 Minn. R. 7007.1400, subp. 1(H) are examples of deadlines for which the MPCA does not have authority to grant extensions and therefore do not meet the requirements of Minn. R. 7007.1400, subp. 1(H).


The Permittee shall submit a compliance certification : Due annually, by the 31st of January (for the previous calendar year). The Permittee shall submit this to the Commissioner on a form approved by the Commissioner. Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 6(C) This report covers all deviations experienced during the calendar year.


Emission Inventory Report: due on or before April 1 of each calendar year following permit issuance, to be submitted on a form approved by the Commissioner.

Minn. R. 7019.3000-7019.3100


Emission Fees: due 30 days after receipt of an MPCA bill.

Minn. R. 7002.0005-7002.0095


The Permittee shall install fencing around the facility. The fencing shall be fully installed prior to the start-up of any portion of the facility. In areas where fencing is not permissible by setbacks, right-of-ways, safety concerns, Minn. R. ch. 7009 or clearances, the Permittee will commit to installation of signage and patrolling to sufficiently restrict public access to the property outlined as fenced in the dispersion modeling.


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TFAC 1 (09100061)


The Permittee is authorized to install and operate EQUI 26 and 27 as defined by the emissions unit information in Appendix B of this permit, at any time during the life of permit 09100061-004. The units shall meet all the requirements of this permit.

Title I Condition: Avoid major modification under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) & Minn. R. 7007.3000



The Equipment associated with shipping out grain shall not be used until the Permittee completes a Hood Evaluation, can show compliance with Minn. R. 7011.1005 subp. 4, and obtains a single permit with Green Plains Fairmont LLC.

Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 2


EQUI 1 (EU001)


The Grain Dryer EQUI 1 (formerly EU001) has been decommissioned by disconnecting from electrical power and natural gas service and not operating following the initial start-up of the ethanol plant as required by permit 09100061 - 001 but it has not been removed from the site. This unit shall remain decommissioned, shall not operate and remain disconnected from electrical power and natural gas service.

Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 7(A), 7(L), & 7(M), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 1-2, Minn. R. 7009.0010-7009.0080, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 9



The Permittee shall unload, handle, clean, dry, and load commodities to minimize fugitive emissions to a level consistent with RACT.

Minn. R. 7011.1005, subp. 1


Opacity <= 5 percent opacity from truck unloading stations, railcar unloading stations, railcar loading stations, and handling operation fugitive emissions.

Minn. R. 7011.1005, subp. 3(A)



The Permittee shall unload, handle, clean, dry, and load commodities to minimize fugitive emissions to a level consistent with RACT.

Minn. R. 7011.1005, subp. 1


Opacity <= 5 percent opacity from truck unloading stations, railcar unloading stations, railcar loading stations, and handling operation fugitive emissions.

Minn. R. 7011.1005, subp. 3(A)


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FUGI 6 (FS006)


The Permittee may accept Truck Traffic (grain receiving trucks) between the hours of 5:00 AM and 9:00 PM.

Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 7(A), 7(L), & 7(M), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 1-2, Minn. R. 7009.0010-7009.0080, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 9


Truck Traffic <= 280 trucks per day (grain receiving trucks) during the months of April through November.

Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 7(A), 7(L), & 7(M), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 1-2, Minn. R. 7009.0010-7009.0080, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 9


Truck Traffic <= 250 trucks per day (grain receiving trucks) during the months of December through March.

Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 7(A), 7(L), & 7(M), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 1-2, Minn. R. 7009.0010-7009.0080, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 9


Daily Recordkeeping: The Permittee shall record the time of the day the first grain delivery truck enters the facility and last grain delivery truck exits the facility as well as the number of grain delivery trucks entering the facility each calendar day and keep these records on-site.

Minn. R. 7007.0100, 7(A), 7(L), & 7(M), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 1-2, Minn. R. 7009.0010-7009.0080, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 9


Abide by the Fugitive Dust Control Plan in Appendix B.

Minn. R. 7011.0150

STRU 1 (SV002)


Total Particulate Matter <= 0.28 pounds per hour 3-hour average.

Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


PM < 10 micron <= 0.28 pounds per hour 3-hour average.

Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 7(A), 7(L), & 7(M), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 1-2, Minn. R. 7009.0010-0080, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 9, Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


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STRU 1 (SV002)


PM < 2.5 micron <= 0.28 pounds per hour 3-hour average.

Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


Opacity <= 10.0 percent opacity discharged from control equipment.

Minn. R. 7011.1005, subp. 3(D)


The Permittee shall vent emissions from all grain handling and storage units venting to STRU 1 to a fabric filter meeting the permit requirements for TREA 1 whenever grain handling and storage units venting to STRU 1 operate, and operate and maintain a fabric filter meeting the requirements of TREA 1 at all times that any emissions are vented to the fabric filter meeting the requirements of TREA 1.

Minn. R. 7011.1015, Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) & Minn. R. 7007.3000


Process Throughput <= 560 tons per hour 3-hour average of corn received unless a new limit is set pursuant to Minn. R. 7017.2025, subp. 3 based on the throughput recorded during the most recent MPCA-approved performance tests for STRU 1 where compliance was demonstrated for all pollutants. If the Permittee test results are less than or equal to 80% of all STRU 1 emission limits, the process throughput limit may be increased by 110%. If the Permittee conducts any performance test for STRU 1 at less than 90% of the process throughput rate, a new limit shall be implemented upon receipt of the Notice of Compliance letter granting preliminary approval. The limit is final upon issuance of a permit amendment incorporating the change. This operating parameter must remain in the permit to define the maximum capacity of the process on an hourly basis. The Permittee shall maintain at the facility adequate records to demonstrate continuous compliance with these operating condition limitations.

Minn. R. 7017.2025, subp. 3, Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


Procedure to Increase Process Throughput Limit: The Permittee may increase the STRU 1 process throughput limit by conducting a performance test at an operating rate that exceeds the permitted STRU 1 process throughput limit and meeting requirements 1 through 7 below. 1. Performance Test Notification (written): due 90 days before performance test at an increased process throughput rate. 2. The Permittee may exceed the existing process throughput limit upon MPCA receipt of the notification of performance test at a higher process throughput (required by item 1 above). 3. The Permittee shall calculate actual emissions (i.e. for emission inventory or any other purpose) using the emission rate from the increased process throughput performance test retroactive to the date of the Performance Test Notification. 4. Performance Test Plan: due 30 days before performance test. The Test Plan shall identify the new propose..

Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 2, Minn. R. 7017.2018, Minn. R. 7017.2030, subps. 1-4, Minn. R. 7017.2035, subps. 1-2


Performance Test Recordkeeping: During each performance test the Permittee shall record and maintain the process and control parameters as detailed in Appendix F. These records shall be included with the performance test results and submitted to the Commissioner with the performance test report.

Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 4-5


Total Particulate Matter : The Permittee shall conduct an initial performance test : Due by 180 days after permit issuance to measure Total PM emissions. The performance test shall be conducted at worst case conditions as Minn. R. 7017.2020, subp. 1 defined at Minn. R. 7017.2005, subp. 8, using EPA Reference Method 5 & 202, or other method approved by MPCA in the performance test plan approval.


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STRU 1 (SV002)


PM < 10 micron : The Permittee shall conduct initial performance test : Due by 180 days after permit issuance to measure PM10 emissions. The performance test shall be conducted at worst case conditions as defined at Minn. R. 7017.2005, subp. 8, using EPA Reference Method 5 & 202; or 201A & 202, or other method approved by MPCA in the performance test plan approval.

Minn. R. 7017.2020, subp. 1


PM < 2.5 micron : The Permittee shall conduct initial performance test : Due by 180 days after permit issuance to measure PM2.5 emissions. The performance test shall be conducted at worst case conditions as defined at Minn. R. 7017.2005, subp. 8, using EPA Reference Method 5 & 202; or 201A & 202, or other method approved by MPCA in the performance test plan approval.

Minn. R. 7017.2020, subp. 1


Total Particulate Matter : The Permittee shall submit a test frequency plan : Due 60 calendar days after Initial Performance Test Date for Total PM emissions. The plan shall specify a testing frequency based on the test data and MPCA guidance. Future performance tests based on 12-month, 36-month, or 60-month intervals, or as applicable, shall be required upon written approval of the MPCA.

Minn. R. 7017.2020, subp. 1


PM < 10 micron : The Permittee shall submit a test frequency plan : Due 60 calendar days after Initial Performance Test Date for PM10 emissions. The plan shall specify a testing frequency based on the test data and MPCA guidance. Future performance tests based on 12-month, 36-month, or 60-month intervals, or as applicable, shall be required upon written approval of the MPCA.

Minn. R. 7017.2020, subp.1


PM < 2.5 micron : The Permittee shall submit a test frequency plan : Due 60 calendar days after Initial Performance Test Date for PM2.5 emissions. The plan shall specify a testing frequency based on the test data Minn. R. 7017.2020, subp.1 and MPCA guidance. Future performance tests based on 12-month, 36-month, or 60-month intervals, or as applicable, shall be required upon written approval of the MPCA.


Notwithstanding the Protocol detailed above, the MPCA reserves the right to set operational limits and requirements as allowed under Minn. R. 7017.2025. If the MPCA sets limits, the new limits shall be implemented Minn. R. 7017.2025 upon receipt of the Notice of Compliance letter that notifies the Permittee of preliminary approval. The limits set according to Minn. R. 7017.2025 are final upon issuance of a permit amendment incorporating the change.

STRU 2 (SV003)


Total Particulate Matter <= 0.39 pounds per hour 3-hour average.

Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


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STRU 2 (SV003)


PM < 10 micron <= 0.39 pounds per hour 3-hour average.

Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 7(A), 7(L), & 7(M), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 1-2, Minn. R. 7009.0010-0080, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 9, Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


PM < 2.5 micron <= 0.39 pounds per hour 3-hour average.

Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


Opacity <= 10.0 percent opacity discharged from control equipment.

Minn. R. 7011.1005, subp. 3(D)


The Permittee shall vent emissions from all grain handling units venting to STRU 2 to a fabric filter meeting the permit requirements for TREA 4 whenever grain handling units venting to STRU 2 operate, and operate and Minn. R. 7011.1015, Title I Condition: maintain a fabric filter meeting the requirements of TREA 4 at all times that any emissions are vented to the Avoid major source under 40 CFR fabric filter meeting the requirements of TREA 4. The Permittee shall document periods of non-operation of the 52.21(b)(1)(i) & Minn. R. 7007.3000 control equipment.


Process Throughput <= 560 tons per hour 3-hour average of corn received unless a new limit is set pursuant to Minn. R. 7017.2025, subp. 3 based on the throughput recorded during the most recent MPCA-approved performance tests for STRU 2 where compliance was demonstrated for all pollutants. If the Permittee test results are less than or equal to 80% of all STRU 2 emission limits, the process throughput limit may be Minn. R. 7017.2025, subp. 3, Title I increased by 110%. If the Permittee conducts any performance test for STRU 2 at less than 90% of the process Condition: Avoid major source under 40 throughput rate, a new limit shall be implemented upon receipt of the Notice of Compliance letter granting CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. preliminary approval. The limit is final upon issuance of a permit amendment incorporating the change. This 7007.3000 operating parameter must remain in the permit to define the maximum capacity of the process on an hourly basis. The Permittee shall maintain at the facility adequate records to demonstrate continuous compliance with these operating condition limitations.


Procedure to Increase Process Throughput Limit: The Permittee may increase the STRU 2 process throughput limit by conducting a performance test at an operating rate that exceeds the permitted STRU 2 process throughput limit and meeting requirements 1 through 7 below. 1. Performance Test Notification (written): due 90 days before performance test at an increased process throughput rate. 2. The Permittee may exceed the existing process throughput limit upon MPCA receipt of the notification of performance test at a higher process throughput (required by item 1 above). 3. The Permittee shall calculate actual emissions (i.e. for emission inventory or any other purpose) using the emission rate from the increased process throughput performance test retroactive to the date of the Performance Test Notification. 4. Performance Test Plan: due 30 days before performance test. The Test Plan shall identify the new propose..

Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 2, Minn. R. 7017.2018, Minn. R. 7017.2030, subps. 1-4, Minn. R. 7017.2035, subps. 1-2


Performance Test Recordkeeping: During each performance test the Permittee shall record and maintain the process and control parameters as detailed in Appendix F. These records shall be included with the performance test results and submitted to the Commissioner with the performance test report.

Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 4-5


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STRU 2 (SV003)


Total Particulate Matter : The Permittee shall conduct an initial performance test : Due by 180 days after permit issuance to measure Total PM emissions. The performance test shall be conducted at worst case conditions as Minn. R. 7017.2020, subp. 1 defined at Minn. R. 7017.2005, subp. 8, using EPA Reference Method 5 & 202, or other method approved by MPCA in the performance test plan approval.


PM < 10 micron : The Permittee shall conduct initial performance test : Due by 180 days after permit issuance to measure PM10 emissions. The performance test shall be conducted at worst case conditions as defined at Minn. R. 7017.2005, subp. 8, using EPA Reference Method 5 & 202; or 201A & 202, or other method approved by MPCA in the performance test plan approval.

Minn. R. 7017.2020, subp. 1


PM < 2.5 micron : The Permittee shall conduct initial performance test : Due by 180 days after permit issuance to measure PM2.5 emissions. The performance test shall be conducted at worst case conditions as defined at Minn. R. 7017.2005, subp. 8, using EPA Reference Method 5 & 202; or 201A & 202, or other method approved by MPCA in the performance test plan approval.

Minn. R. 7017.2020, subp. 1


Total Particulate Matter : The Permittee shall submit a test frequency plan : Due 60 calendar days after Initial Performance Test Date for Total PM emissions. The plan shall specify a testing frequency based on the test data and MPCA guidance. Future performance tests based on 12-month, 36-month, or 60-month intervals, or as applicable, shall be required upon written approval of the MPCA.

Minn. R. 7017.2020, subp. 1


PM < 10 micron : The Permittee shall submit a test frequency plan : Due 60 calendar days after Initial Performance Test Date for PM10 emissions. The plan shall specify a testing frequency based on the test data and MPCA guidance. Future performance tests based on 12-month, 36-month, or 60-month intervals, or as applicable, shall be required upon written approval of the MPCA.

Minn. R. 7017.2020, subp.1


PM < 2.5 micron : The Permittee shall submit a test frequency plan : Due 60 calendar days after Initial Performance Test Date for PM2.5 emissions. The plan shall specify a testing frequency based on the test data Minn. R. 7017.2020, subp.1 and MPCA guidance. Future performance tests based on 12-month, 36-month, or 60-month intervals, or as applicable, shall be required upon written approval of the MPCA.


Notwithstanding the Protocol detailed above, the MPCA reserves the right to set operational limits and requirements as allowed under Minn. R. 7017.2025. If the MPCA sets limits, the new limits shall be implemented Minn. R. 7017.2025 upon receipt of the Notice of Compliance letter that notifies the Permittee of preliminary approval. The limits set according to Minn. R. 7017.2025 are final upon issuance of a permit amendment incorporating the change.


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STRU 3 (SV004)


Total Particulate Matter <= 0.40 pounds per hour 3-hour average.

Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


PM < 10 micron <= 0.40 pounds per hour 3-hour average.

Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 7(A), 7(L), & 7(M), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 1-2, Minn. R. 7009.0010-0080, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 9, Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


PM < 2.5 micron <= 0.40 pounds per hour 3-hour average.

Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


Opacity <= 10.0 percent opacity discharged from control equipment.

Minn. R. 7011.1005, subp. 3(D)


The Permittee shall vent emissions from all grain handling and storage units venting to STRU 3 to a fabric filter meeting the permit requirements for TREA 3 whenever grain handling and storage units venting to STRU 3 operate, and operate and maintain a fabric filter meeting the requirements of TREA 3 at all times that any emissions are vented to the fabric filter meeting the requirements of TREA 3. The Permittee shall document periods of non-operation of the control equipment.

Minn. R. 7011.1015, Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) & Minn. R. 7007.3000


Process Throughput <= 560 tons per hour 3-hour average of corn received unless a new limit is set pursuant to Minn. R. 7017.2025, subp. 3 based on the throughput recorded during the most recent MPCA-approved performance tests for STRU 3 where compliance was demonstrated for all pollutants. If the Permittee test results are less than or equal to 80% of all STRU 3 emission limits, the process throughput limit may be Minn. R. 7017.2025, subp. 3, Title I increased by 110%. If the Permittee conducts any performance test for STRU 3 at less than 90% of the process Condition: Avoid major source under 40 throughput rate, a new limit shall be implemented upon receipt of the Notice of Compliance letter granting CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. preliminary approval. The limit is final upon issuance of a permit amendment incorporating the change. This 7007.3000 operating parameter must remain in the permit to define the maximum capacity of the process on an hourly basis. The Permittee shall maintain at the facility adequate records to demonstrate continuous compliance with these operating condition limitations.


Procedure to Increase Process Throughput Limit: The Permittee may increase the STRU 3 process throughput limit by conducting a performance test at an operating rate that exceeds the permitted STRU 3 process throughput limit and meeting requirements 1 through 7 below. 1. Performance Test Notification (written): due 90 days before performance test at an increased process throughput rate. 2. The Permittee may exceed the existing process throughput limit upon MPCA receipt of the notification of performance test at a higher process throughput (required by item 1 above). 3. The Permittee shall calculate actual emissions (i.e. for emission inventory or any other purpose) using the emission rate from the increased process throughput performance test retroactive to the date of the Performance Test Notification. 4. Performance Test Plan: due 30 days before performance test. The Test Plan shall identify the new propose..

Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 2, Minn. R. 7017.2018, Minn. R. 7017.2030, subps. 1-4, Minn. R. 7017.2035, subps. 1-2


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STRU 3 (SV004)


Performance Test Recordkeeping: During each performance test the Permittee shall record and maintain the process and control parameters as detailed in Appendix F. These records shall be included with the performance test results and submitted to the Commissioner with the performance test report.

Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 4-5


Total Particulate Matter : The Permittee shall conduct an initial performance test : Due by 180 days after permit issuance to measure Total PM emissions. The performance test shall be conducted at worst case conditions as Minn. R. 7017.2020, subp. 1 defined at Minn. R. 7017.2005, subp. 8, using EPA Reference Method 5 & 202, or other method approved by MPCA in the performance test plan approval.


PM < 10 micron : The Permittee shall conduct initial performance test : Due by 180 days after permit issuance to measure PM10 emissions. The performance test shall be conducted at worst case conditions as defined at Minn. R. 7017.2005, subp. 8, using EPA Reference Method 5 & 202; or 201A & 202, or other method approved by MPCA in the performance test plan approval.

Minn. R. 7017.2020, subp. 1


PM < 2.5 micron : The Permittee shall conduct initial performance test : Due by 180 days after permit issuance to measure PM2.5 emissions. The performance test shall be conducted at worst case conditions as defined at Minn. R. 7017.2005, subp. 8, using EPA Reference Method 5 & 202; or 201A & 202, or other method approved by MPCA in the performance test plan approval.

Minn. R. 7017.2020, subp. 1


Total Particulate Matter : The Permittee shall submit a test frequency plan : Due 60 calendar days after Initial Performance Test Date for Total PM emissions. The plan shall specify a testing frequency based on the test data and MPCA guidance. Future performance tests based on 12-month, 36-month, or 60-month intervals, or as applicable, shall be required upon written approval of the MPCA.

Minn. R. 7017.2020, subp. 1


PM < 10 micron : The Permittee shall submit a test frequency plan : Due 60 calendar days after Initial Performance Test Date for PM10 emissions. The plan shall specify a testing frequency based on the test data and MPCA guidance. Future performance tests based on 12-month, 36-month, or 60-month intervals, or as applicable, shall be required upon written approval of the MPCA.

Minn. R. 7017.2020, subp.1


PM < 2.5 micron : The Permittee shall submit a test frequency plan : Due 60 calendar days after Initial Performance Test Date for PM2.5 emissions. The plan shall specify a testing frequency based on the test data Minn. R. 7017.2020, subp.1 and MPCA guidance. Future performance tests based on 12-month, 36-month, or 60-month intervals, or as applicable, shall be required upon written approval of the MPCA.


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STRU 3 (SV004)


Notwithstanding the Protocol detailed above, the MPCA reserves the right to set operational limits and requirements as allowed under Minn. R. 7017.2025. If the MPCA sets limits, the new limits shall be implemented Minn. R. 7017.2025 upon receipt of the Notice of Compliance letter that notifies the Permittee of preliminary approval. The limits set according to Minn. R. 7017.2025 are final upon issuance of a permit amendment incorporating the change.

TREA 1 (CE001)


The Permittee shall operate and maintain the fabric filter at all times that any emission unit controlled by the fabric filter is in operation. The Permittee shall document periods of non-operation of the control equipment. Vent emissions from all units controlled by the baghouse TREA 1, through the baghouses at all times that the associated units are in operation.

Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps 2&14, Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


Total Particulate Matter >= 80 percent collection efficiency for the control equipment.

Minn. R. 7011.1005, subp. 3(E)


The Permittee shall operate and maintain control equipment such that it achieves a control efficiency for Total Particulate Matter >= 99.6 percent control efficiency.

Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


The Permittee shall operate and maintain control equipment such that it achieves a control efficiency for PM < 10 micron >= 99.3 percent control efficiency.

Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 7(A), 7(L), & 7(M), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 1-2, Minn. R. 7009.0010-7009.0080, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 9, Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


The Permittee shall operate and maintain control equipment such that it achieves a control efficiency for PM < 2.5 micron >= 95.7 percent control efficiency.

Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


Opacity <= 10 percent opacity discharged from control equipment.

Minn. R. 7011.1005, subp. 3(D)


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TREA 1 (CE001)


The Permittee shall operate and maintain the fabric filter in accordance with the Operation and Maintenance (O Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 14 & M) Plan. The Permittee shall keep copies of the O & M Plan available onsite for use by staff and MPCA staff.


Visible Emissions: The Permittee shall check the fabric filter stack STRU 2 for any visible emissions once each Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 4-5, Title I

day of operation during daylight hours. During inclement weather, the Permittee shall read and record the Condition: Avoid major source under 40

pressure drop across the fabric filter, once each day of operation. CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


Pressure Drop >= 1.0 and <= 6.0 inches of water, unless a new range is set pursuant to Minn. R. 7017.2025, subp. 3 based on the values recorded during the most recent MPCA-approved performance test where Title I Condition: Avoid major source compliance was demonstrated. The new range shall be implemented upon receipt of the Notice of Compliance under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. letter granting preliminary approval. The range is final upon issuance of a permit amendment incorporating the R. 7007.3000 change.


Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 4-5, Title I Pressure Drop: Recordkeeping. The Permittee shall record the time and date of each pressure drop reading and Condition: Avoid major source under 40 whether or not the recorded pressure drop was within the range specified in this permit. CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R.



Recordkeeping of Visible Emissions and Pressure Drop. The Permittee shall record the time and date of each Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 4-5, Title I

visible emission inspection and pressure drop reading, and whether or not any visible emissions were observed, Condition: Avoid major source under 40

and whether or not the observed pressure drop was within the range specified in this permit. CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


Corrective Actions: The Permittee shall take corrective action as soon as possible if any of the following occur: - visible emissions are observed;

- the recorded pressure drop is outside the required operating range; or Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 14, Minn. R.

7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. - the fabric filter or any of its components are found during the inspections to need repair. 7007.0800, subp. 5

Corrective actions shall return the pressure drop to within the permitted range, eliminate visible emissions, and/or include completion of necessary repairs identified during the inspection, as applicable. Corrective actions include, but are not limited to, those outlined in the O & M Plan for the fabric filter. The Permittee shall keep a r..


Monitoring Equipment: The Permittee shall install and maintain the necessary monitoring equipment for measuring and recording pressure drop as required by this permit. The monitoring equipment must be installed, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4 in use, and properly maintained when the monitored fabric filter is in operation.


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TREA 1 (CE001)


Periodic Inspections: At least once per calendar quarter, or more frequently as required by the manufacturing specifications, the Permittee shall inspect the control equipment components. The Permittee shall maintain a written record of these inspections.

Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 14, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 5

TREA 3 (CE003)


The Permittee shall operate and maintain the fabric filter at all times that any emission unit controlled by the fabric filter is in operation. The Permittee shall document periods of non-operation of the control equipment. Vent emissions from all units controlled by the baghouse TREA 3, through the baghouse at all times that the associated units are in operation.

Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps 2&14, Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


Total Particulate Matter >= 80 percent collection efficiency for the control equipment.

Minn. R. 7011.1005, subp. 3(E)


The Permittee shall operate and maintain control equipment such that it achieves a control efficiency for Total Particulate Matter >= 99.3 percent control efficiency.

Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


The Permittee shall operate and maintain control equipment such that it achieves a control efficiency for PM < 10 micron >= 98.3 percent control efficiency.

Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 7(A), 7(L), & 7(M), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 1-2, Minn. R. 7009.0010-7009.0080, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 9, Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


The Permittee shall operate and maintain control equipment such that it achieves a control efficiency for PM < 2.5 micron >= 90.4 percent control efficiency.

Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


Opacity <= 10 percent opacity discharged from control equipment.

Minn. R. 7011.1005, subp. 3(D)


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TREA 3 (CE003)


The Permittee shall operate and maintain the fabric filter in accordance with the Operation and Maintenance (O Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 14 & M) Plan. The Permittee shall keep copies of the O & M Plan available onsite for use by staff and MPCA staff.


Visible Emissions: The Permittee shall check the fabric filter stack STRU 3 for any visible emissions once each Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 4-5, Title I

day of operation during daylight hours. During inclement weather, the Permittee shall read and record the Condition: Avoid major source under 40

pressure drop across the fabric filter, once each day of operation. CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


Pressure Drop >= 1.0 and <= 6.0 inches of water, unless a new range is set pursuant to Minn. R. 7017.2025, subp. 3 based on the values recorded during the most recent MPCA-approved performance test where Title I Condition: Avoid major source compliance was demonstrated. The new range shall be implemented upon receipt of the Notice of Compliance under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. letter granting preliminary approval. The range is final upon issuance of a permit amendment incorporating the R. 7007.3000 change.


Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 4-5, Title I Pressure Drop: Recordkeeping. The Permittee shall record the time and date of each pressure drop reading and Condition: Avoid major source under 40 whether or not the recorded pressure drop was within the range specified in this permit. CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R.



Recordkeeping of Visible Emissions and Pressure Drop. The Permittee shall record the time and date of each Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 4-5, Title I

visible emission inspection and pressure drop reading, and whether or not any visible emissions were observed, Condition: Avoid major source under 40

and whether or not the observed pressure drop was within the range specified in this permit. CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


Corrective Actions: The Permittee shall take corrective action as soon as possible if any of the following occur: - visible emissions are observed;

- the recorded pressure drop is outside the required operating range; or Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 14, Minn. R.

7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. - the fabric filter or any of its components are found during the inspections to need repair. 7007.0800, subp. 5

Corrective actions shall return the pressure drop to within the permitted range, eliminate visible emissions, and/or include completion of necessary repairs identified during the inspection, as applicable. Corrective actions include, but are not limited to, those outlined in the O & M Plan for the fabric filter. The Permittee shall keep a r..


Monitoring Equipment: The Permittee shall install and maintain the necessary monitoring equipment for measuring and recording pressure drop as required by this permit. The monitoring equipment must be installed, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4 in use, and properly maintained when the monitored fabric filter is in operation.


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TREA 3 (CE003)


Periodic Inspections: At least once per calendar quarter, or more frequently as required by the manufacturing specifications, the Permittee shall inspect the control equipment components. The Permittee shall maintain a written record of these inspections.

Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 14, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 5



The Permittee shall operate and maintain the fabric filter at all times that any emission unit controlled by the fabric filter is in operation. The Permittee shall document periods of non-operation of the control equipment. Vent emissions from all units controlled by the baghouse TREA 4, through the baghouse at all times that the associated units are in operation.

Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps 2&14, Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


Total Particulate Matter >= 80 percent collection efficiency for the control equipment.

Minn. R. 7011.1005, subp. 3(E)


The Permittee shall operate and maintain control equipment such that it achieves a control efficiency for Total Particulate Matter >= 97.9 percent control efficiency.

Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


The Permittee shall operate and maintain control equipment such that it achieves a control efficiency for PM < 10 micron >= 94.6 percent control efficiency.

Minn. R. 7007.0100, subp. 7(A), 7(L), & 7(M), Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 1-2, Minn. R. 7009.0010-7009.0080, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 4a, Minn. Stat. 116.07, subd. 9, Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


The Permittee shall operate and maintain control equipment such that it achieves a control efficiency for PM < 2.5 micron >= 90.4 percent control efficiency.

Title I Condition: Avoid major source under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


Opacity <= 10 percent opacity discharged from control equipment.

Minn. R. 7011.1005, subp. 3(D)


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The Permittee shall operate and maintain the fabric filter in accordance with the Operation and Maintenance (O Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 14 & M) Plan. The Permittee shall keep copies of the O & M Plan available onsite for use by staff and MPCA staff.


Visible Emissions: The Permittee shall check the fabric filter stack STRU 2 for any visible emissions once each Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 4-5, Title I

day of operation during daylight hours. During inclement weather, the Permittee shall read and record the Condition: Avoid major source under 40

pressure drop across the fabric filter, once each day of operation. CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


Pressure Drop >= 1.0 and <= 6.0 inches of water, unless a new range is set pursuant to Minn. R. 7017.2025, subp. 3 based on the values recorded during the most recent MPCA-approved performance test where Title I Condition: Avoid major source compliance was demonstrated. The new range shall be implemented upon receipt of the Notice of Compliance under 40 CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. letter granting preliminary approval. The range is final upon issuance of a permit amendment incorporating the R. 7007.3000 change.


Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 4-5, Title I Pressure Drop: Recordkeeping. The Permittee shall record the time and date of each pressure drop reading and Condition: Avoid major source under 40 whether or not the recorded pressure drop was within the range specified in this permit. CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R.



Recordkeeping of Visible Emissions and Pressure Drop. The Permittee shall record the time and date of each Minn. R. 7007.0800, subps. 4-5, Title I

visible emission inspection and pressure drop reading, and whether or not any visible emissions were observed, Condition: Avoid major source under 40

and whether or not the observed pressure drop was within the range specified in this permit. CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) and Minn. R. 7007.3000


Corrective Actions: The Permittee shall take corrective action as soon as possible if any of the following occur: - visible emissions are observed;

- the recorded pressure drop is outside the required operating range; or Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 14, Minn. R.

7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. - the fabric filter or any of its components are found during the inspections to need repair. 7007.0800, subp. 5

Corrective actions shall return the pressure drop to within the permitted range, eliminate visible emissions, and/or include completion of necessary repairs identified during the inspection, as applicable. Corrective actions include, but are not limited to, those outlined in the O & M Plan for the fabric filter. The Permittee shall keep a r..


Monitoring Equipment: The Permittee shall install and maintain the necessary monitoring equipment for measuring and recording pressure drop as required by this permit. The monitoring equipment must be installed, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4 in use, and properly maintained when the monitored fabric filter is in operation.


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Periodic Inspections: At least once per calendar quarter, or more frequently as required by the manufacturing specifications, the Permittee shall inspect the control equipment components. The Permittee shall maintain a written record of these inspections.

Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 14, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 5


The Permittee shall submit a report : Due by 180 days after permit issuance that certifies that the hood conforms Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 2, Title I to the requirements identified in the Hood Certification and Evaluation requirement in this permit. The Permittee Condition: Avoid major source under 40 shall submit the results of the evaluation and certification on forms HE-01 and CR-02, along with any other CFR 52.21(b)(1)(i) & Minn. R. information required by the forms for MPCA review. 7007.3000


Initial Hood Certification and Evaluation: To claim a hood capture efficiency of 80% for PM, PM10 and PM2.5, the control device hood must conform to the design and operating requirements referenced in Minn. R. 7011.0072, subp. 2(B). The Permittee shall certify this as specified in Minn. R. 7011.0072, subps. 2 and 3. The hood certification must address how cross-drafts are accommodated in the design (i.e. higher face velocity, oversized hood, etc.). The Permittee shall maintain a copy of the evaluation and certification on site. The Permittee shall certify that the hood conforms to the requirements of the reference listed in Minn. R. 7011.0061. The Permittee shall submit the results of the evaluation and certification on forms HE-01 and CR-02 no later than 180 days after issuance of permit No. 09100061-004.

Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 14, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 2, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 5


Annual Hood Evaluation: The Permittee shall measure and record at least once every 12 months the fan rotation Minn. R. 7007.0800, subp. 14, Minn. R. speed, fan power draw, face velocity, or other comparable air flow parameter(s) that was measured during the 7007.0800, subp. 2, Minn. R. initial hood certification to verify the hood design and operation parameter(s) meet or exceed the parameter(s) 7007.0800, subp. 4, Minn. R. measured during the initial hood evaluation conducted according to Minn. R. 7011.0072, subps. 2 & 3. The 7007.0800, subp. 5 Permittee shall maintain a copy of the annual evaluation on site.


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Attachment 3 – CAM Plan Applicability  


Cargill AgHorizons - Fairmont Grain ElevatorGrain Elevator Receiving and Cleaning - Uncontrolled Emission Calculations for CAM Applicability

GivenGrain Received 43,700,000 bu/yr (Based on ethanol plant production limit.)Grain Density: 56 lb/bushelTotal Grain Receiving Throughput: 1,223,600 ton/yr (= bu/yr x lb/bu / 2000 lb/hr)

Uncontrolled Emission Calculations for CAM Applicability

Emission Factor Emissions

Emission Factor Emissions

Emission Factor Emissions

(ton/yr) (lb/ton) (ton/yr) (lb/ton) (ton/yr) (lb/ton) (ton/yr)EU002 CE001 Leg 1 407,867 0.061 12.4 0.034 6.9 0.0058 1.2 1,2EU003 CE001 Leg 2 407,867 0.061 12.4 0.034 6.9 0.0058 1.2 1,2EU004 CE001 Bin 13 Reclaim Drag Conveyor 1,223,600 0.061 37.3 0.034 20.8 0.0058 3.5 1,3EU005 CE001 Shipping Bottom Drag Conveyor 1,223,600 0.061 37.3 0.034 20.8 0.0058 3.5 1,3EU006 CE001 Short Reclaim Drag Conveyor 1,223,600 0.061 37.3 0.034 20.8 0.0058 3.5 1,3EU007 CE001 Screener/Scalper 1,223,600 0.061 37.3 0.034 20.8 0.0058 3.5 1,3EU008 CE001 Distributor 1,223,600 0.061 37.3 0.034 20.8 0.0058 3.5 1,3EU009 CE001 Shipping Upper Garner 1,223,600 0.061 37.3 0.034 20.8 0.0058 3.5 1,3EU010 CE001 Upper Train Drag Conveyor 1,223,600 0.061 37.3 0.034 20.8 0.0058 3.5 1,3EU011 CE001 Head House Concrete Shipping Bins (5,6) 1,223,600 0.025 15.3 0.0063 3.9 0.0011 0.7 1,2

CE001 Total (SV002) 0.6 301.4 0.3 163.3 0.1 27.9

EU012 CE002 Truck Unload Pit 1 611,800 (see notes) 12.9 (see notes) 3.2 (see notes) 0.5 4EU013 CE002 Truck Unload Pit 2 611,800 (see notes) 12.9 (see notes) 3.2 (see notes) 0.5 4EU015 CE002 Rail Dump Pit 1,223,600 0.032 19.6 0.0078 4.8 0.0013 0.8 1,3EU026 CE002 Drag Conveyors 1,223,600 0.061 37.3 0.034 20.8 0.0058 3.5 1,3

CE002 Total (SV003) 0.1 82.7 0.0 31.9 0.0 5.4

EU016 CE003 Grain Leg 3 407,867 0.061 12.4 0.034 6.9 0.0058 1.2 1,2EU017 CE003 Shipping Hopper/Loadout 1,223,600 0.027 16.5 0.0022 1.3 0.00037 0.2 1,2EU018 CE003 Dryer Legs 1,223,600 0.061 37.3 0.034 20.8 0.0058 3.5 1,3EU019 CE003 Dryer Conveyor 1,223,600 0.061 37.3 0.034 20.8 0.0058 3.5 1,3EU020 CE003 Concrete Bins (13-14) 1,223,600 0.025 15.3 0.0063 3.9 0.0011 0.7 1,2EU021 CE003 Steel Bin (15) 1,223,600 0.025 15.3 0.0063 3.9 0.0011 0.7 1,2EU022 CE003 Bin Drag Conveyors 1,223,600 0.061 37.3 0.034 20.8 0.0058 3.5 1,3EU023 CE003 Headhouse Storage Bins (1-4, 7-12) 1,223,600 0.025 15.3 0.0063 3.9 0.0011 0.7 1,2EU025 CE003 Flat Storage Building 1,223,600 0.025 15.3 0.0063 3.9 0.0011 0.7 1,2EU027 CE003 Conveyors 1,223,600 0.061 37.3 0.034 20.8 0.0058 3.5 1,3

CE003 Total (SV004) 0.4 239.4 0.2 106.9 0.0 18.3

Notes:1 Emission factors from AP42, Table 9.9.1-1.2 There are 3 Legs. Assume 1/3 of total throughput for each leg.3 Assume all grain through EU.4 There are 2 Truck Unloading Pits. Assume 1/2 of total throughput for each pit. Truck Unload Pit uncontrolled emissions (ton/yr) are from FS002.

EU CE Emission Unit Description

Annual Throughput

PM PM10 PM2.5
