Ätch on he this sisfcÄ i kaufmann co

ÄTCH ON to tho best opportunity of a lifetime for buying MEN'S HOT- WEATH ËR CLOTH ! M ; at prices to suit tho times. AND BROAD. * R. SflCPPärü S, AND BROAD. Without any fuss or funny business, without any noise or nonsense we are going to sell a magnificent line of SEASON- ABLE HOT-WEA.THKR CLOTHING, HATS, and NEGLIGEE GOODS at prices that will make them jump. Catch On to the fact that choice new goods can now be bought at prices never before named for * in any way approaching those now place at 1 »osai of the people of Richmond Judges of good bargains will have an opportunity of taking fedvai !" this phenomenal LOW PRICE SALE of the sea- voir.- pick of desirable new goods at «clearing prices. All our Men's, and Children fl Clothing, Hats, and Men's Furnishings at reduced prices. Don't delay, but come at on« HE COMES THIS WEEK REV. O. M. DASIKL* OKGUS WORK AT RANDOLPH-STREET. ENDORSED BT MEN IR HIGH PLACES. II r. II.MiMjn, an Old Virginia Boy, nd Mon» Others Speak Moat High- ly of Him.Ha* Dough, a Gooch- Iniiil Form. J. R. SHEPPARD, Fourth and Broad Streets, _.: | T-f U&Ttt._ --'»- -hmmsssm Rev. Q. M Daniels, psstor-elect of Rsndolph-Street Baptist church, this city, wlil come to Richmond Friday ol thi» week, and will pre...li the first ser- mon of hi» paatorate next Sunday morn- ing. The fact 1«. Rev. Mr. Daniels Is already In Virginia. Ho left Chicago on account o? the severity of the climate, and brings his entire family to Virginia. He hns purchased a nice farm In Goochland ccunty, and hla wife's mother and hi» two older children will live there, while hi» wife, ft course, and hi» youngest children will compose his family at the parsonage, on Randolph street near the church. The church la looking forward to hts coming with a great deal of pleasure SiSfcÄ *****E,t#,le * * * ?t^^dr^L°-T'r¿- ***"" Nom» Atkinson. Third Cía».-Firat Honor: Mlasea M Clïrké Canderly. Annie Bank». Una Second Honor: Miase* Carrie Shack«*!. g* »« * Hayr.,,. Minnie Bowíri. art. Mabel Bradley, mea Robinson. Nettle Sow«. BeMle B«al. Amanda Passady* srs: p.ííSoSurneit- ^iie ap^"°b- Ml..« Minnie Dlckenson. a former nupll or Mr*. Pembarton. presented gold mídala to two member« of h :r cía.«.«.Ml«s*i Bes- ale Dlckenaon and Carrie Swetmaa, Tirât Meeting of the Council, The Common Council will hold ita first mooting at 7 o'clock fo-morrrw night It a not thought that the attendance will be large, for both the holiday and the lack of business stated to be brought before the body have conspired to rob the meet- ing nf the interest it might otherwise have held. Councilmen can. however con- Kratulate themselves that the session will be a short one. for though Important mat- tors may be introduced by individual mem- bers, it Is hardly likely that any definite action will be taken at this session. Increased the Bond. Judge Waddlll, sitting in the United Btat*« District Court yesterdav. entered an order ¡ncrraslng the bond of the de- fendants In the case of Jones vs. the coun- ty <.f Powhatan and others, from ftx> to 12,500. TH» STORE CLOSES MONDAY. 4TH Of JULY, AT NOON. mÊmmmmmmiimmm^mtmtmÊi0m*^mmmmmÊmn»mÊmÊmmmwmmm^ÊimmmmÊi^nt^^mal^^aW!^^^^^^^m' I KAUFMANN & CO. THIS STOtt CLOSES MONDAY, 41» Of J*T, AT NOON. sm» R.H.BOSHER'SSORS, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURERS, 15 South Ninth Street, Richmond, Va, A LARGE STOCK OF VEHICLES OF ALL KIND». PRICES I_o\VI.IC THAN EVEIl. Now is tli<' time to boy. Cal] and Bee our rptingstyles, Iiuua- bouts, Traps, Phaetons, Btanhop b, Box Baggies, Surreys, Dsytons, etc. One snd two-passes Speeding Carts. ...... put on INK SI'KINGFIELD RUBBER TIRE by the Nl I While «¡own In the groove. NOT i i >R i.\G th« RUBBER OVER FLANGE OF THI Orocerjr and : t many stylM. One- and Two-Horse Trucks. Repairing and Repainting Harnest', Whips, Robes, &v. Runbei lo or !<>r. Call al uur PNEUMATIC-Tl '' BALL-BEARING AXLE RUN-ABOUT. It la a beauty. a;, 17-S:,.W&F&w ' HEADQUAB-.-. "PERS FOR LOW PRICES AND BEST (jUALITY GOODS. Special Bargains, Read how cheap we arc Belling everything. We are enabled to sell you cheaper than any honte in Richmond Why throw away money when you can save 25 per cent, by buying your goodfl irom the Old Reliable. We do not need to advertise special bargain days« Money urden must come with all .shipping orders. Every day the prices are studied to your interest. Come early. We have put on extra wagons and extra clerks for this great sale. S. ULLMAM'S SON'S THIS WEEK. Prompt Service and a Peilte Force at Both Our Stores. Down-Town Stores, 1820-1822 East Main Street. Old 'Phone 818. New Phone r»oi>. lip-Town Store, 506 East Marshall. OJtl and New Phones 04. QUICK SERVICE. WE RUN NINE FAST DELIVERY WAGONS. Fresh Country Ratter, Miss Mary Welch Dew, who has Wn visiting her aunt. Mrs. Linton O. Miller, left Tueaday, accompanied hv her coti««!n, Miss Emma Perkineon. to viait the beau- tiful home of Judge Thomas N\ Welch of Caroline county. COVIXGTOX. SPECIAL FOURTH OF JULY BARGAIN SURPRISES DOWN! DOWN !! DOWN ! !! GO THE PRICES ON LADIES' UILOR-MADE SUITS AND SEPARATE SKIRTS, $7.95 Handsome Black Sar*e Suits cut down to W.98 ; 18.98 Imported GbovM^m^ ¡£*¡* to $5.85 ; all our *11, $11.50, and $12 Finest Imported Camels-Hair Suite, lined with tmeet taffeta silks, slashed to ¿7.50. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^.^ xm gMtyg^ MUSLIlM UNDERWtAK E^b^^ and. contrast them with the ordinary muslin underwear and you will admit it is the most winsome collection ever shown. Prices are simply marvellous, and are without a parullel in the history of this store. UHBRELLA DRAWERS extra quality cambric, worth 45e-» for Üoc. NIOHT QOVVNS, Finest Muslin, worth 79c., for 48c. EMPIRE GOWNS, square neck and reveres, trimmed with bucrtion aud edgings, worth $1.69, for with deep heirt^aad cluster of tucks, WALKINO SKIRTS. umbrella ruffles and trimmed with MUSLIN DRAWERS, ll-ijC. pound. Thistle Tomatoes, 6c. can. Palm Soap, La cake. Large Cans Cream, 7c. Tea Dust, good as any tea you ever drank, lóc. pound. Snowflakc Patent Family Flour, $495, oi 81c. bag. Silver King Minnesota* Pa- tent Family ¿lour, $5.10 bar- rel, or 82c, sack. Mason's Jar filled with Homo Made Preserves only Large font-string Broom, ¡ 12o. jar. 15c; three-string Broom, 10c.; j Best Cream Cheese, 10c, two-string Bloom, 9c, New Lake Fish, 10c.dosen. Large Lemons, 15c, dozen. 1-pound box Pocahontas Baking Powders, 3c. pound. (,>uart Mason's jars filled with French Mustard, 9c Family Flour, :^0c. bag, Virginia Extra Flour, $4.50 The Opening of the Season nt the Intermont. (Correspondence of the Dispatch.) THE INTERMONT, COVINGTON. VA., July ..-The return to this little town, aN ter an absence of twenty-five years, may be styled a Rip Van Winkle experience, for nothing seems unchanged but the sur- rounding mountains in their grandeur and the sky In Its soft beauty. Then the travellers' only resting placo WAA Um railway eating-house, the only boetelry in the town, and lung ago b_rn- the ground. Now, opon an comniiindinç a lovely view and catching th¿ breezes from every point of the compass, stands tu- Intennoni t m dern city hotel, a monument to tiie fore-sight and judgment it» builder*,, who t!. many advantages of Hie location which would make this a popular place of resort. 'ih:- ..ltitude. which «ivrs a perfectly dry climate ¡n the very heart of thj moun- tains; tin- bold springs still higher u^, iur- If SUi ,. powi ; lui Bon of Mit, lr«c- water; the river flowing by, to ),e UtilLsed Cor drainat'c- and M-'.veiage; the «r uf excellent minciul springs. ;'"*1". ''<' and s-iphur. with! Mjr roach, together with the near- many places of Interest easi.y V1 '"' In dajr*i outing; all miiko up at- lona sulncient to araw the sunnncr traveller, und when tu tlMM art ad«led such comiorta u um latennoal offers, then Momi nothing left to i., desired. 'ihe house is modern in ;¡ii lu appoint« m<nts; plumbing that even the gr- aoltary crank would approve, and such in_ .;.-;. i..!.- aa to keaec no room fur com;,lair.t, eoflM fri>m chronic grumblers. Colonel E. G. Peyton, so weil known in Virginia, is now the fea '^er, and brings to the bu Of « xperience of making his eui happy and comfortab!«?, with the addition- al ,u.vantage of all of these modern ap- pliances to aid him. lie- is fortunate in having associât 1 with him his ton, Mr. Brisco« Peyton, who has already won golden opinions by his gentlemanly ieneanor and kind and prompt attention to the wants of the oil. For these defiling athletic Sports, am- ple provision has been made Fine golf links were laid off in the spring, and now are in the beat condition. Bvery alter« noon Und* a number of sntbustastic play- ra "n tbe groan The open court at the back of the house has been given up to tennis, and the ground is well levelled and roiled. Hare, tOO, SaCh «lay the devotees of this gane find amusement, I the, baa« ball craze this is consequently years of Bge, really season, and has engaged a fine team, in the prime powers of his manhood. 11. held a pastorate at Batavia, in., for five yearn, and was .:.,.: .:.v successful. HIS three years later at La Oraaga hav« also been greatly blessed, and be k the church for th« Richmond laid liour- lthing, but sorroa REV. f;. M DANIELS, and he will receive a welcome as sincere as hearty. The church, at a recent meet« Ina, appointed Messrs. John J. Mitchell, <j. i- Dickenson, snd BS. W. Qardner a committee to meet the instor and nls family at the train on Friday and escort th-in to their n<w home A number of the members of the ehurch have also Blgnlfled their Intention of Joining this committee. Another commltte. will be appointed to-«ia>, probably, to arraags for a reception to the pastor by church, :o he and Mrs. Daniels may I acquainted wi«h the members. Later, also, probably the third Sunday in tilia month, the pastors Of Richmond will hold a welcoming service at Ban« dclph«8treet I IS A FINE MAN. Rarely does a strange paatOf como to Richmond so highly recommend« d by people in hifth places as Mr. Daniels. Dr. P. s. Heneon, a Vlrgmlan, now tor of the First Bap l8l church of Chicago, and one of the two first full at«-s of Richmond College, speaks "t Mr. Daniels most warmly. Dr. Hen- sbundant opportunity to Know Randolph-Street's p : He has been for the past thres years pastor at La Orange, a suburb of Chi- cago, and was up to the time of leaving the MO of the Chi Laptut Ministers' Conference. Rev, C K. Hewitt, secretary of the Divinity School of Chicago University, also praises him unaUntedly. Mr. Daniela is a graduate of the Divinity School, hav- ing taken In UM the degree of Lach.-lor Of 1'ivlnlty. II" is I native of WtScon- ... s born February r^. iw H 88c. FOR THE LITTLE 0\ES. Hundreds of July bargains for the Ut« tie folks. Styles and fiu_Uties are Ju3t what they should be. Infants' Long Slips, good quality cam- bric Mother-H'ihhr.r.l Style, neck and sleeves edged off with dainty Hamburg smbroldery, extra special at -15 CENT?. Children's Short White Dress^«. beau- tifully made, w th tu^k yoke, neck sle<»ves eilsfed with Hamburg embroidery, special July PCIOS only 4. CENTS. Dresses of Finest Quality Cnmbric, with pointed yoke of Insertion and tucks, « and ne« k prettily finished with Hamburg embroidery, special price fio CENTS. Fine Nainsook Dresses, mad« with pretty round yoke, and trimmed with deep ruffle of Swiss and Valenciennes lace, neck and sleeves edged with lace, for only 85 CENTS. BOYS' AM) MISSES' BLOtSES. Only One Plaoe to Buy Them nnd Save Money.Thnt'n Sorely Kauf iiiaiui's. worth ¿ye., for 10c. LADIES' L1NEX, DVCK, AXD P. K. SlITS ABO SEPARATE SKIRTS. Don't Ml-s ThU Chsnre! f5.50 Salt» for fBJfc ladles' Extra Quality Linen Suits, b**\\- tlfully tailored and trimmed In \vnite I. all newest effects, extremely nobby -tylish. suits actually worth Í6-0. for sa a*. Handsome White P. K. Putts, latest cut. recular 18.50 value, now for 15. Beautiful Linen Du^k Skirts, cast aft^r latest .Mi models, all full seven gored and perfect hanging, would be a great bargain at {LfO, special price to- morrow. O* CENTS I.,aies' White Duck Skirts, extra fine y and fully worth W75, at this sale H.ÜS. SILK WAISTS AT $5. Chance Impossible to Repeat Aguln. Special-Handsome Rlfl^k Tafffta Silk Waists, with beautiful plaited ruffle and turk-.l front, tucked back, and tucked de- ta< h ib!« "liar, «rail 'hat would i « \ ilu<a at $9, for to-morrow's salo seo Roys' White Fauntleroy Blouses, h.-Hiitifully made wi'h large sailor collar and cuffs, edged with Hamburg embroi- dery, also labot of Hamburg down front, all s'z. s Tom 2 to 8 v- ' <' <'¡:nt.-. Kxtra Fine Quality Boys' Blouses, In nfw««;: styles, fully worth ?'. at ÖO CENTS. V. rv Handsome White Fauntleroy j gomely trimmedi "with three rows of 1 Rlouse«. with Jabot of Insertion and em-! velvet ribbon and lined luality front, large sailor colla Alna, bound with new corduroy bind- ing, exc« IU« for Ϋ.T5 SEPARATE SKIRT«. Beautiful Sicilian Dress Skirts, hand- and turn-hack cuffs, edged with finest Hamburg embroltl-rv real worth regu- « for 7.% CENT* Mt< s' Figured Blouses, nicely made, at only 48 CE.N KAIFMAW * CO., I «i it and Hi. I. k Camel's-Hatr Berg« Bklrts, silk lined snd bound with bes* corduroy bind' ing, beautifully tailored, full seven | lap scams, for J*».«o. K aUWUAMM A CO.. Fourth nnd BroHil, tucks and einbroi'.L'ry, worth ^i, for 50c. WALK1NQ SKIRT5, han'lfiome ones, nicely triuimcd, worth $2, for 95c. BELTS AMU BVCKLES. Another Ml« snU 25e. Sale. î$ dozen White Kid Belts, with kid- covered buckles; 15 dozen Real L-.uh-r Belts. In Black and colors, with new nickel-plated harness buckles, and 10 dozen Belts of Corduroy Velvet. In all colors, leather lined, patent leather km*. .. n*w harness buckles-Bel's worth up to 3Sc, f r IB CENTS CHOICE. M CENT BELTS -55 CMBYfl. Real Seal leather Belts, ir ail n«^ shades of Tan and Ox-Hïood. Black, etc., fullv worth Sfte., for ¡¿r» CENTS. 75c Moire Sl'.k B<*lt*. all new shades, with fine kid-covered buckles, now f.^r i- AT.-'. Heal Leather Tielts. with purs« attach- ed, worth regularly Ho., for -i.*» CENTS, Handsome Belt Buckle«, entlrelv with cross «words and enamell d \ States flaif, worth «8c.. special Monday at SB CENTS. Another supply of Fhlrt-Wa!«t r>ts. In Pearl and Smoke P*arl. »ells ev«ryv at Me., her« for I a CENTS Shirt Waist BetS, gold plated and ame'.i.'d centres, worth MC, now 25 CENTS Hat Pin«. N«-w Military Ruttons, or United st it. ' ,_ pli > for « CENTP ANOTHER CH-kBCE T" HI v PIBH <H \LITY HIKMII PICtl ES At f E\TS. *fot»» Itli.tiMidin« the scnrcllr «nil vreat denimul for II it; li-'.rn.l,- P. K., y\ are ilftermliretl lo elose ont «lio balance of onr «lork, »» t> n nut >! - to onrry tilín Une of u111*1'». It.-'.ii«' «In » |n i. «.: so a: French Corded P. K for 18 < NTS A YARD. Illith Quality French P. K., In fine nnd h nv cords, also Whits 1'. K.'s wi«h colored itrioes, all fuUy wortlx »c., for 40 CENTS A TARD. KAI rMABB -t i <».. Fourth and Hi nul. ,i,is'i,( CvsrteMaM'a tourt. Justice Crutchfleld had a large number of cases betöre bin tor Saturday > day morning. Most of them, however, « ire trifling. Ikp W< Instt in and Richard Hamlln. two small boys, v. «' before bi« Honor for Ing in tii- street They were each fined n and tb« Mr. D. Weinstein, father of th.^ young Weinstein, wss up, too, charged wJth strikina; Hamlln, and was lined M H Mid thi' fine cheerfully for himself and both boys. John Duncan, a colored man, e i- charg« I with torturing a horse, and I fl ii | :,. rt< went lo fall in default Po- ii Talley made the arif^t. Dr. w .'.i itated tna; tb« ca a Qagrant ne, as ! bad be< n sxci ptlonally lenient to Duncan In tb pasi and bad islsted blm, snd he wanted th«- man to sent to Jail. Captain \. B. (juikion also stated thai i Instance <<t ths most barbarous ca The cas« of John foung, charged with shooting Bam. A\'.'iiu-, In Bakers alley. Friday night, v. s continued until ths Uth Instant White is in a critical condi- tion. Young was represen ltd by Mr. 1'.. Wise. The remaining cas« s wert unimportant. Sent to our Midiera. The St. John's Circle of King's Dauch- tan and Sons desiy« to thank t)n-ir Fresh Bologna Sausage, 6c. ¡bairel, or ;50c. bajr. pound. Quart Mason's Fruit Jars, Koastetl Peanuts, 3c. quart. 59c. dozen. Cedar Tubs, 30c. j «i '.oundb Sal So;ia for 8c Cedar Buckets, 10c. Half-Gallon Mason's Fruit 4 cakes Turkish Bath Toi-1 Jars, 69c, dozen. W Sniin rw* (ionl Rv« Whi«lr_.-» di Ki\ ******* outside of the circle who con pSOOap, OC. _ lTOO«llt\e «TOlSKey, ^l.oi) trlbUted so kindly to the box n j sent to Captain .Ma?uri«r's comiany at Camp Ali,-«-! Many u.-eful articles were In the box- soap, both toilet and laundry, for each man; also, a bandana hand- kerchief for each; seventy towels, stationary, es seltne, nssdlss. linen thread, pocket - cushions, other no- tions, reading matter, and last, but not 570 mtdiuni-. :/.. ! safcty-pti.s. I men here about the person they can always be ccnctaled ready to take the place of a vanished button or temporary nly repair a torn garment. Boston Baked Beans, 3c 3-pound can OottoHne, 2.5c. gallon, 5-pound can Cottoline, 10c. Four-year-old live Whis- ki; r, %i gallon, Pure Lard, 5c pound« Good Hay, 50e. hundred. Potted lir.ui and Tongue, le. can. can * 2-pound ed 1 can in Boston tomato Baked' Beans, sauce. 5c. can. New -North Carolina Clip- ped Herrings, *e. dozen. Fine Drinking Wine, Black- Large California Fruues, Ge berry and ' Catawba, 10c. pound. quart or 40c, gallon. Mill Feed, 80c. cwt. Dairy Salt, He. bag; large Small Hams, 7U\ pound. i bans Dairy Salt, 5c. Dove Brand, be>t Hams, Boot Beer, 9c, bottle-mikes lie. pound. I 10 gallons. " Refrigerators at Factory Prices. Wo have purchased the business of W. S. Hugg & Co., and iind that we have too many REFRIGERATORS, all of which aro the celebrated " ÜÜRXEY." In order to « lose them out *.v,« offer tluin at factory prices for a few days only. Call early and make your selection. MILLER CHINA CO., § inn FAdT RDiun ff Property Trnnafera. Richmond: Josiah und Julia D. Ryland to Caille T. Ryland, 1-4 lntcr«->st in 'JI feet on Marshall street, southeast corner Se- .t.-.i April M. lKis. jr.. Henrleo: W. T. Robinson and wife to Sarah Roblnst n, 35 feet on west side Twsnty«SSVeQt-l street, 153 feet north of T. $410. Charles P. Winston to Cornelia R. Sheilds. 0 feet on south Bide Wallace .street. 92 feet «vest of Ritchie, $300. Alberta L ar.d S. L. Vahntiric to James V I'onough, 5 acres on Charles City rotd, about 21-2 miles east of Richmond, J6t0. Tno Churth Hill Men Hurt. Mr. L. R. Lixon. who reside» at No. 72. north Tw. nty-fourth .tr«. t. was slightly Injure«, at the Locomotive-Works rtlsy mi..-r.ln<. Mr. K. (). l'rtdily. of No. 5.7 i orth Twenty-seventh streer, was a'so slightly injured In thp same a. |. dent. 1 r. Rrown. of the City Hospital corps, treated both men. Dr. Brown was also call«d to treat a white trump at Seventh and Canal streets yesterday morning, who had been over- borne by heut. The man was resting too hard. 109 EAST BROAD. HP « *m TuAF; Mr». IV iu her ton'» Hoilr Clan«. The closing .Mr;(. pember- ton's music class took place on Friday night at Corc«>ran Hall. The following honors were awarded: First Claas-Mlssvs Nora Plllsworth Grace Cmisby. Ivy Heale. Alma Pollard. ' Second Class-First Honor: Miases Bes- ,i fr«»in différent couses teams, to remain here all the sun::¡. r tad play ma'.v!: fSffttt, beïip.nini,' on the Fourth with two j, unos ftg-tinst Cilfton Ths tSOXO ll under the nt of Mr. Robert Camm, and tho proosrtCS of such fsnUsmsnl) yoanf bm -. m sroU d in d-UQClnf in ball pitying, irtl] prors a plesstnt addition to the OOEOptny. Already there is gathered here a much larger company thaa ever before at tins tariy date, and such a number of t booked as will almost fill tbe house early In the season. On the STOateg of the Frurth there will be the opening ball of the s«ai-on, b«. many other dlveraiofta, fireworks, a bicy« irado, etc The company is most tgreeaUe and con- genial, spending most of tiie day in groans on the wide, shady verandas, fan- ned by the cool mountain brs / s. rettfing, ns, stc Prominent amongst the I aro two charming women, weil known i:< Rlchmondso let* Mrs. Thomas Rolling and her aunt, Mrs. \V_re, of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Garret Oooeb, of Staun- ton, have taken a cottage In the town for ..imer. irla, o? the Old Sweet, Is the gin st of Mis..s RUBBbold, of Wood Hall. Miss Wheaton, of St. Louis, and Mrs. loan, ->t BtTtnnah, ar«; here for tUe >i^ .1- -II. Mr. and Mrs. __, M. Nettleton, of Cov- Ington, have returned from a delightful driving tüur through the Warm Spring Valley. Jackson rlTer has become quite noted for its black-bass Sahína. The seasoa oponed on the 1st of July, and a large party of fishermen went from the Inter- ment for a day's sport, and returned with a handsome string ><i Bat ash, one welsh- ing four pounds. «. I in - t r %,.! >. ZANONI, GLOUCESTER COL'NTV, VA.. July 2..(Special.).Gloucester Dem- ocrats will celebrate the "Glorious Fourth" by a mass-meeting at the OOOft« The object will be the election of a new County Committee for their party. Our backward corn crop suffers for rain during the present hot _pe!l. Mrs. John T. P"rrln, of Baltimore; Mi.-s Eleanor W. Perrin and her friend, Miss Anna Pool«, have jjust ended a j brief visit to Mrs. John N. Tabb, at i While Marsh. Miss Mollle C. Jones and her niece, Mim Fanals Jones, left on Friday for Fauquler. M s Maule and Miss Marguerite Gar- laad, of Delaware, will visit the Misse- Jones, at "Ciaremont." Miss Hjury Proctor Brady, of Balti- more county, Md., is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Walter C. Harwood. Miss Janie Moore, after a visit of sev- eral weeks to her sister, Mrs. William a Mou, at "Toddsburg," wid return to Berryville «luring the approaching week. William K. Perrin, Jr., of Baltimore, is spending his usual summer holiday at "Goshen." Miss Maretta Cannon and Miss Loui3e Gamble, of Baltimore, are to be the guests of Miss Maretta felinb'luff. Colonel and Mrs. C. O'B. Cowardln and family are spending their second summer at Glen Roy, ca Ware river. William K. Perrin and E. D. Clopton will go to Baltimore Monday night. Proponed Alliance With Enalaad. If the United States and England ehould form an alliance, the combined strength would be so great that there would be little chance for enemies to overcome us. In a like manner, when men and women keep up their bodily strength with ilo_- t.'tur's Stomach Hitters, there is little chance of attacks from disease. Th« old- time remedy enriclie» the blood, bunds up the muscles, steadies the nerve* and locraasca the >»«-«(*. T.» il. The Spaniard»' I.nck of Ilninor. (I."'iisville Courier-Journal.) Richard Hauling Davis, writing In the July lerlbaet of early observations of tho war, tells of th- melon h cut on board the New York by the first l/ri.soner, ,- lieutenant, and how he was freed and turned over to Scovel, the correspondent, who. after pumping him, showed him hospitably over the ship. BcOTOl, who is thor- oughly detested by th.- Spaniards In Cuba, "wore a yachting cap and a bluo serge suit, so it is probable that the Spaniard mistook htm for one of the ship's junior officers. But when they i there waa a little scene. They had said farewell With many SOttlishOO, and the Spaniard had, after the fashion of his race, made a littlo »pe> :h to the effect that he saw It was as Impossible A MEETINGS. M A I 0 NIC NOTICE. - THE STATED COMMUNICATION OF HENRICO UNION LODOS, No. ISA, will bs b< Id st Mtsonl HsU, on Twenty-fifth srr«^. t. MONDAT EVE- NINO, July ith. at 7:30 o'clock. M Masons in good Ftnndlng are fraternally by ordat of th» W M. WILLIAM WII-SON. ,)y 3-lt*_Secretary. office of Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company, July 1, 1S;»8. SPECIAL NOTICE. Under resolution of the Board of Direc- tors, passed .¡t regular meeting on Juno 3*ith. there will be a special ni"> ting of th«> Stockholders of the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company held at tbs office of the company. No. 1 Exchange pis Jer- sey City. N. J.. at I o'elo k on JULY 30th. in order to comply with th^ statutory requirements with regard to this meeting AMim-MESTS. BASE-BALL. Broad-Street Park. RiCHMOND VS. NORFOLK. Two gamei to-morrow. 10.43 A. M., 4;Ml IV M. Admission, 25c.; hovs 10c. ijrJ.it | to surpass^ the courtesy of an^American ¡ ¡J ^ ¡SJSST&ViSi SSttS\fSt Common and Preferred Stock, from July et!: er as to surpass his warship " Toil baet bota most kind to mo,' he tddod, 'and I Should Ilk'1 to know your name. I shall always remember it.' "Scovel lauslied and nodded. "My name is ylTsater Scovel,' h* said bowing. 'I am the correspondent of the New York World.' The Spanish hav«? no sense of humor, and this one could not rü'e to the oc- casion. He only gasped and stared, and back« d hastily away. He can hardly be blamed, it must bj bewildering to finii that you have been overwhelmed with courtesies by the man whose death, had he been your priSOUOl aii'l >«">u liai kilkel him, would have brought JTOU a lew.in! of HMM and a vot3 of thanks from your government." This Spanish lack of th* sense of hu- mor has been humorously Illustrated at every stage of the war. It Is usually the case that those who are most laugh- ablo see hast to lau^h at. The. p'>m- pOUS poatag Of the Spaniards, th'dr flam- boyant boasting, their bombastic gian- dlloquence, their tnoeeaaat prating ot l ride and honor, has furnished laughter for the world, but it has all be«-n most Serions and solemn to the Spaniards ¡v. .1. Bias récent letter to Gome, Is one of the most striking Illustrations of thi:« unconscious humor. The transparency of the sliiy trick would be ridiculous to anybody bul a Spaniard. I'ntu the United States Intervened the Cuban In- surgents were not even recognized M at war, but when M a last poor resort It is detersalned to try to unite them with Spain against the- people who had au- SW< red their prayers ¡aid come to de- liver them from Spain. Qomct is ad- dressed as "Cenoru'.-in-Chlef of the Rev- olutionary Forces," as a "loyal enemy" and credited with "noble ^ent.ment." And this Is the proposition which Blanco makes to Gomez In all SOilOnSnoSS; "Spaniards and Cubans find th mselves opposed to foreigners of a. different race, of naturally absorbent tendencies and Whose intentions are not oi prive the Spanish people of their ri.-,ht to Cu- ban soil, but al-o to exterminait the Cu- ban people on a -count of their Spanish bloo«l. Their blockade of the po d has DO Other Object It n/u only hurts the Spaniards, but also the Cubans, completing ths m .k cf extermination commenced in the civil war." In other words. Cuba has long been fighting desperately to free herself of vanish yoke, but as soon as the United States heed her appeal, come to Btn to .I>11\ nth, both dates Inclusive. No- lle« Is hereby given that the books will be closed ac -ordingly. jy - ' E. STRl'DWICK. Secretary. Office of the Rlchmoml ai 1 Petersouig Railroad Company, Richmond. Va., June 15, 18.8. NOTICE OF GENERAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS OK THE II« ii- MOND AND PETERS« URO RAILROAD COMPANY. Notic« is hereby siven that a general , meeting of the STOCKHOLDERS OF THE RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG RAILROAD COMPANY will be held at the general office Ol the company. In the itj of Rl< hmond, Va at io o'clock A. M. ¡VEDNB8DAY, th« Wth day of July. A. D. lsD-, for the purpose of considering and acting upon the matter of the con- solidation of the Richmond and Peters- burg Railroad Company and the Peters- buig Railroad Company, under an act of ItH« Gen. ral Assembly of Virginia ap- proved Maren 1. O.S. entitled "An ad to authorize tho consolidation of the Richmond and Petersburg Railroad«' nv pany and the Petersburg Pailroad Com- pany, and to authorize the consolidated company to change its name to the At- lantic-Coatt Lino Railroad Company of Virginia." By order of the Board of Directors, je 15-td W. R. JONES. Secretary. Office of the Petersburg Railroad Company, Rlchn NOTKE OF GENERAL MEETING < 'U STOCKHOLDERS OF THE PETERS- BURG railroad company. Notice ia hereby given that a general ng of the STOCKHi ILDER8 OF THE PETERSBURG RAILROAD COM- PANY will be held at the genera! ofrh-e of the. company. In the city of Richmond, Va., at 12 o'clock M. on WEDNESDAT ttie _vth day of July. A. D. LW for thé purpose of considering and acting <m the nutter of the consoltdntlon of the Rl mond and Petersburg Railroad Com- pany and the Petersburg H.;liroad Com- pany, under an act of th« General As- sembly of Virginia, approved March 1, ntitled "An act to authorise the ion of the Richmond and Pe- irg Railroad Company and tho r_- tersburg R ompany, uml to au- ¿ the consolidated company to Changs its name to the Atlantic-i.'oast L'ne Kaiii«, uila." ny order of thi tors. J.- 13-td W. It. JO* tarv. KXCIKSIOIS. OLD POIVT AM) OCBAN va:w. " THE LADIES OF THE OLD DOMIN- IO HOSPITAL will give an EXCUR- :-!' >N to View FRI- DAY Ju y IS, UM. Train leaves Ch PS-fce and uhlo «lepot. Seventeenth and tt ! »A M.; returning, her aid, and are about to irte her from leaves Old 1'oi.t al « P M. ! tho Spanish yoke. Cuba Is asked by Spain to turn against her deliverers und unite with Spain to repel them. It will be observed that Rlanco tells Gomtz that the object of the United States Is the "extermination" of the Cubans, and yet he lets slip the admission that the objec: of Spain has been the exter- mination of the Cubans, for he saya thJt extermination by the United States will complete "tho work of extermination commenced In the civil war." If Blanco believes this, and If he thinks that the Cubans believe It, he should at least give thorn credit for In- telligence enough to prefer extermina- tion by the United States to extermina- tion by Spain. They know what the trip to old Point. $1; round-trip to Ocean View, n _6; r o Norfolk JI f>>; round-trip to Virginia Beach. «.*>. Jy 3-8u,W,Su«-Thlt GUAM) »KlvHUE Bicvatioa to UK Al II, BY THE LADIES' SOCIETY OF ST Johns Grrman Lutheran church, THL'RS- DAT, J.uy 7th. T .,,!. ,,t is Deitrlch's, 5u3 i- if th street- A. Hartung's; J. F. Kohler's, TU, Broad and .* child! peake and Ohio Depot at S a M thick* i . roe. 7:30 P. M. Je là-SuÀWtd l IIR-S, Í loWCTS, Ribbons, <VC , TROLLST PARTY, TRACTION LINE. MONDA*! NIGHT. Jv'LY 4TH, benefit Randolph-Street Baptist church. Leav. corner Beech :«n«l Pc-v« rly streets at ? o'ck REFRESHMENTS AND PIRBWORXI at Chimbf'razo and Reservoir Parks. Fireworks also ftt starting point. _ (Jy 3-lt» AUDÍTORIUE BROAD-STREET PARK. WEEK. COMMENCING JI L*i ITH, E\ EH Y NMHT AT » 30 P. M. MATINEE SATURDAY AT 4 P \!. A ORKAT HILL OF HIGH CLASS. VAUDEVILLE. WITH Sien NOTED ARTISTS AS JutiN T. TIKRNEY. King of Irish Comedians, Formerly Star of the M 8 rley 1 a tny. PATERSON UK-«Til CUS Masters of Triple Horizmi'al h rs. LA BELLE MAIE, Serpentin- Elancer on High Wire. DOLLY LAFFERIA, Singing and Dancing comedienne. TOMMY BAKERi THE DUBLIN Í.OY. Cperatlc and Character Vocalist. LAST WEEK <>E CAMPBELL AND BEARD, The Musical EccentriQiies. \ I «MISSION, 10 CENTS. :dld car ^ervl« e to and from the park over 'he Traction Line. Performance closes at lu.30 o'clock. _ _ Jy» in.Street Vaudeville Park CORNB» MAIN AND VINE STREETS. only hlph-class attractions. Entire change Dill 04 b week. WEEK COMMENCIN«; MONDAT. JULY 4. UML NIGHTLY PERFORMANCE AT 8:16 O'CLOCK. GATES OPEN ONE HOI R EARLIER. SATURDAY MATINEE .'¿0 V. M. JAMES RICHMOND OUBrtBOT, "Tin M.t:i Wim the Oreen Oloves." DAVENPORT BSOTHXHS, Comedy Acrobati and BurlsoaOQ Doxers. MASON AND HABÓN, Ski :i Artl.ls. LEULLA MIL. Ity. NELSON i tad Dai Adniisyion. 10 cents. Seats In privets stall extra. Saturday Matinee to ladies an«! chii'lren. cent*. All cars of Main- and Clay-street lines run direct to park, without transfer. .ya MILLINERY, m On iiccount of alteration* to be made, and needing room, tafs, 426 Broad.' .aIiu!«,""*«i »11 Trimmed and l'ntrimmed Iron, M cents. Train leave» cîeoa« AM'iiiiiLu nuu viMHaaaai COAL, WOOD, de. "~(-rill be sold at GREATLY wE.H*y?op4 ,.^""bcE ANn I REDUCED PRICKS. S.le begin on Tuesday morning. makes on behalf of Spain, "the tender mother," to Cuna, "the daughter, who speaks btr language, professes her re- ligion, and feels running in her veins the ancient blood of Spain." Gomez's reply could hardly have been better. "I believe," he writes, "there is only one race, of humanity, and for me th re are hut good and wicken nations. Spain has heen up to the present time a wicked nation. The United States is en- deavoring to fulfill toward Cuba tho duty of humanity and civilization." That ought to be einjgh to even si. leace us for a little In our talk about Anglo-Saxon superiority. Old naoers for sale at the Dispatch Otuce. the patronage of those who need eoods in our Une. Will keep on hai.d ., stock of all grade» of Coal and Woo<_ and will be prompt In delivery aou k'uar^ antee full weight. WJlLM.*M H. CULLING WORTH A CO. New Phone «54. Old 'Phone _». _Us 7-Tu.ThAS-ulmi W. S. Pllcher. Benj. L PurccH," W. S. PILCHER á CO.. COAL, WOOD, AJ4D L'OKR, MARSHALL AND BO WE STREETS. RICHMOND. VA. Railroad tracks In our yards give us special facilities. Quslity. Weight, and Prie.« Guaranteed Old 1-hone 330. New 'Phono 7»0. ' Uo »-Tu.F&SaJny Mrs. CELIA KASS, 517 EAST eRGAQ, Jiy^uj_ FOR SALE, CHEAP, TWO »-GALLON RELINE1) COPPER SODA TANKS Can be seen at R R. PADGETT'S. No. £00 wtst Main street. S d ior waot of use. Jy »-It0 AND GET BT RE- TIKN MAIL the Ut«»t "F1T2VIUOH LEE TWO-8TKP" C. LJEONARD, M Rebina street, Allegheny, Pa. jy l-Sull**

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ÄTCH ONto tho best opportunity of a lifetime for buying MEN'S HOT-WEATH ËR CLOTH ! M ; at prices to suit tho times.


Without any fuss or funny business, without any noise or

nonsense we are going to sell a magnificent line of SEASON-ABLE HOT-WEA.THKR CLOTHING, HATS, and NEGLIGEEGOODS at prices that will make them jump.

Catch Onto the fact that choice new goods can now be bought at pricesnever before named for * in any way approaching thosew« now place at 1 »osai of the people of RichmondJudges of good bargains will have an opportunity of takingfedvai !" this phenomenal LOW PRICE SALE of the sea-

voir.- pick of desirable new goods at «clearingprices. All our Men's, and Children fl Clothing, Hats,and Men's Furnishings at reduced prices. Don't delay, butcome at on«




nd Mon» Others Speak Moat High-

ly of Him.Ha* Dough, a Gooch-

Iniiil Form.

J. R. SHEPPARD,Fourth and Broad Streets,

_.: | T-f U&Ttt._ --'»- -hmmsssm

Rev. Q. M Daniels, psstor-elect of

Rsndolph-Street Baptist church, this

city, wlil come to Richmond Friday olthi» week, and will pre...li the first ser-

mon of hi» paatorate next Sunday morn-

ing.The fact 1«. Rev. Mr. Daniels Is already

In Virginia. Ho left Chicago on accounto? the severity of the climate, and bringshis entire family to Virginia. He hns

purchased a nice farm In Goochlandccunty, and hla wife's mother and hi»two older children will live there, while

hi» wife, ft course, and hi» youngestchildren will compose his family at the

parsonage, on Randolph street near the

church.The church la looking forward to hts

coming with a great deal of pleasure

SiSfcÄ *****E,t#,le * * *

?t^^dr^L°-T'r¿- ***"" Nom» Atkinson.Third Cía».-Firat Honor: Mlasea M

Clïrké Canderly. Annie Bank». UnaSecond Honor: Miase* Carrie Shack«*!.g* »« * Hayr.,,. Minnie Bowíri.art. Mabel Bradley, mea Robinson. NettleSow«. BeMle B«al. Amanda Passady*srs: p.ííSoSurneit- ^iie ap^"°b-Ml..« Minnie Dlckenson. a former nupll

or Mr*. Pembarton. presented gold mídalato two member« of h :r cía.«.«.Ml«s*i Bes-ale Dlckenaon and Carrie Swetmaa,

Tirât Meeting of the Council,The Common Council will hold ita firstmooting at 7 o'clock fo-morrrw night It

a not thought that the attendance will belarge, for both the holiday and the lackof business stated to be brought beforethe body have conspired to rob the meet-ing nf the interest it might otherwisehave held. Councilmen can. however con-Kratulate themselves that the session willbe a short one. for though Important mat-tors may be introduced by individual mem-bers, it Is hardly likely that any definiteaction will be taken at this session.

Increased the Bond.Judge Waddlll, sitting in the United

Btat*« District Court yesterdav. enteredan order ¡ncrraslng the bond of the de-fendants In the case of Jones vs. the coun-ty <.f Powhatan and others, from ftx> to12,500.







15 South Ninth Street, Richmond, Va,A LARGE STOCK OF

VEHICLESOF ALL KIND». PRICES I_o\VI.IC THAN EVEIl.Now is tli<' time to boy. Cal] and Bee our rptingstyles, Iiuua-

bouts, Traps, Phaetons, Btanhop b, Box Baggies, Surreys, Dsytons,etc. One snd two-passes Speeding Carts.


put on INK SI'KINGFIELD RUBBERTIRE bythe Nl I While «¡own Inthe groove. NOT i i >R i.\G th« RUBBEROVER FLANGE OF THI

Orocerjr and : t many stylM. One- and Two-Horse Trucks.Repairing and Repainting Harnest', Whips, Robes, &v.Runbei lo or !<>r. Call al uur PNEUMATIC-Tl ''

BALL-BEARING AXLE RUN-ABOUT. It la a beauty. a;, 17-S:,.W&F&w'


Special Bargains,Read how cheap we arc Belling everything. We are

enabled to sell you cheaper than any honte in RichmondWhy throw away money when you can save 25 per cent, bybuying your goodfl irom the Old Reliable. We do not needto advertise special bargain days«

Money urden must come with all .shipping orders.Every day the prices are studied to your interest.

Come early. We have put on extra wagons and extraclerks for this great sale.


Prompt Service and a Peilte Force at Both Our Stores.

Down-Town Stores, 1820-1822 East Main Street.Old 'Phone 818. New Phone r»oi>.

lip-Town Store, 506 East Marshall.OJtl and New Phones 04.


Miss Mary Welch Dew, who has Wnvisiting her aunt. Mrs. Linton O. Miller,left Tueaday, accompanied hv her coti««!n,Miss Emma Perkineon. to viait the beau-tiful home of Judge Thomas N\ Welchof Caroline county.



LADIES' UILOR-MADE SUITS AND SEPARATE SKIRTS,$7.95 Handsome Black Sar*e Suits cut down to W.98 ; 18.98 Imported GbovM^m^ ¡£*¡*

to $5.85 ; all our *11, $11.50, and $12 Finest Imported Camels-Hair Suite, lined with tmeet taffeta silks,slashed to ¿7.50.

^ ^̂ ^ ^^ ^.^ xmgMtyg^MUSLIlM UNDERWtAK E^b^^ and. contrast them

with the ordinary muslin underwear and you will admit it is the most winsome collection ever shown.

Prices are simply marvellous, and are without a parullel in the history of this store.

UHBRELLA DRAWERSextra quality cambric, worth 45e-» forÜoc.

NIOHT QOVVNS,Finest Muslin, worth 79c., for 48c.

EMPIRE GOWNS,square neck and reveres, trimmed withbucrtion aud edgings, worth $1.69, for with deep heirt^aad cluster of tucks,

WALKINO SKIRTS.umbrella ruffles and trimmed with


ll-ijC. pound.Thistle Tomatoes, 6c. can.

Palm Soap, La cake.Large Cans Cream, 7c.Tea Dust, good as any tea

you ever drank, lóc. pound.

Snowflakc Patent FamilyFlour, $495, oi 81c. bag.Silver King Minnesota* Pa-

tent Family ¿lour, $5.10 bar-rel, or 82c, sack.

Mason's Jar filled withHomo Made Preserves only

Large font-string Broom, ¡ 12o. jar.15c; three-string Broom, 10c.; j Best Cream Cheese, 10c,two-string Bloom, 9c,New Lake Fish, 10c.dosen.Large Lemons, 15c, dozen.1-pound box Pocahontas

Baking Powders, 3c.

pound.(,>uart Mason's jars filled

with French Mustard, 9cFamily Flour, :^0c. bag,Virginia Extra Flour, $4.50

The Opening of the Season nt theIntermont.

(Correspondence of the Dispatch.)THE INTERMONT, COVINGTON. VA.,

July ..-The return to this little town, aNter an absence of twenty-five years, maybe styled a Rip Van Winkle experience,for nothing seems unchanged but the sur-

rounding mountains in their grandeur andthe sky In Its soft beauty.Then the travellers' only resting placo

WAA Um railway eating-house, the onlyboetelry in the town, and lung ago b_rn-the ground. Now, opon an

comniiindinç a lovely view and catchingth¿ breezes from every point of thecompass, stands tu- Intennoni t m derncity hotel, a monument to tiie fore-sightand judgment oí it» builder*,, who n«t!. many advantages of Hie locationwhich would make this a popular placeof resort.

'ih:- ..ltitude. which «ivrs a perfectlydry climate ¡n the very heart of thj moun-tains; tin- bold springs still higher u^, iur-

If SUi ,. powi ; lui Bon of Mit, lr«c-water; the river flowing by, to ),e

UtilLsed Cor drainat'c- and M-'.veiage; the«r uf excellent minciul springs.

;'"*1". ''<' and s-iphur.with! Mjr roach, together with the near-

many places of Interest easi.yV1 '"' In dajr*i outing; all miiko up at-

lona sulncient to araw the sunnncrtraveller, und when tu tlMM art ad«ledsuch comiorta u um latennoal offers,then Momi nothing left to i., desired.'ihe house is modern in ;¡ii lu appoint«

m<nts; plumbing that even the gr-aoltary crank would approve, and such

t» in_ .;.-;. i..!.- aa to keaec noroom fur com;,lair.t, eoflM fri>m chronicgrumblers. Colonel E. G. Peyton, so weilknown in Virginia, is now the fea

'^er, and brings to the buOf « xperience of making his eui

happy and comfortab!«?, with the addition-al ,u.vantage of all of these modern ap-pliances to aid him.

lie- is fortunate in having associât 1with him his ton, Mr. Brisco« Peyton,who has already won golden opinions byhis gentlemanly ieneanor and kind andprompt attention to the wants of the

oil.For these defiling athletic Sports, am-

ple provision has been made Fine golflinks were laid off in the spring, and noware in the beat condition. Bvery alter«noon Und* a number of sntbustastic play-ra "n tbe groanThe open court at the back of the house

has been given up to tennis, and theground is well levelled and roiled. Hare,tOO, SaCh «lay the devotees of this ganefind amusement,

I the, baa« ball craze thisis consequently years of Bge, really season, and has engaged a fine team,

in the prime powers of his manhood. 11.held a pastorate at Batavia, in., forfive yearn, and was .:.,.: .:.v successful.HIS three years later at La Oraaga hav«also been greatly blessed, and be kthe church for th« Richmond laid liour-

lthing, but sorroa

REV. f;. M DANIELS,and he will receive a welcome as sincereas hearty. The church, at a recent meet«Ina, appointed Messrs. John J. Mitchell,<j. i- Dickenson, snd BS. W. Qardner a

committee to meet the instor and nlsfamily at the train on Friday and escortth-in to their n<w home A number ofthe members of the ehurch have alsoBlgnlfled their Intention of Joining thiscommittee. Another commltte. will beappointed to-«ia>, probably, to arraagsfor a reception to the pastor bychurch, :o he and Mrs. Daniels may I

acquainted wi«h the members.Later, also, probably the third Sunday intilia month, the pastors Of Richmondwill hold a welcoming service at Ban«dclph«8treet

I IS A FINE MAN.Rarely does a strange paatOf como to

Richmond so highly recommend« d bypeople in hifth places as Mr. Daniels.Dr. P. s. Heneon, a Vlrgmlan, now

tor of the First Bap l8l church ofChicago, and one of the two first full

at«-s of Richmond College, speaks"t Mr. Daniels most warmly. Dr. Hen-

sbundant opportunity toKnow Randolph-Street's p : Hehas been for the past thres years pastorat La Orange, a suburb of Chi-cago, and was up to the timeof leaving the MO of the ChiLaptut Ministers' Conference. Rev, CK. Hewitt, secretary of the DivinitySchool of Chicago University, alsopraises him unaUntedly. Mr. Daniela isa graduate of the Divinity School, hav-ing taken In UM the degree of Lach.-lorOf 1'ivlnlty. II" is I native of WtScon-

... s born February r^. iw H


Hundreds of July bargains for the Ut«tie folks. Styles and fiu_Uties are Ju3twhat they should be.Infants' Long Slips, good quality cam-

bric Mother-H'ihhr.r.l Style, neck andsleeves edged off with dainty Hamburgsmbroldery, extra special at -15 CENT?.Children's Short White Dress^«. beau-

tifully made, w th tu^k yoke, necksle<»ves eilsfed with Hamburg embroidery,special July PCIOS only 4. CENTS.Dresses of Finest Quality Cnmbric, with

pointed yoke of Insertion and tucks,« and ne« k prettily finished with

Hamburg embroidery, special price fioCENTS.Fine Nainsook Dresses, mad« with

pretty round yoke, and trimmed withdeep ruffle of Swiss and Valencienneslace, neck and sleeves edged with lace,for only 85 CENTS.


Only One Plaoe to Buy Them nndSave Money.Thnt'n Sorely

Kauf iiiaiui's.

worth ¿ye., for 10c.LADIES' L1NEX, DVCK, AXD P. K.


Don't Ml-s ThU Chsnre! f5.50 Salt»

for fBJfcladles' Extra Quality Linen Suits, b**\\-

tlfully tailored and trimmed In \vnite

I. all newest effects, extremely nobby-tylish. suits actually worth Í6-0. for

sa a*.Handsome White P. K. Putts, latest cut.

recular 18.50 value, now for 15.Beautiful Linen Du^k Skirts, cast aft^r

latest .Mi models, all full seven

gored and perfect hanging, would be a

great bargain at {LfO, special price to-

morrow. O* CENTSI.,aies' White Duck Skirts, extra fine

y and fully worth W75, at this saleH.ÜS.


Chance Impossible to Repeat Aguln.

Special-Handsome Rlfl^k Tafffta SilkWaists, with beautiful plaited ruffle andturk-.l front, tucked back, and tucked de-ta< h ib!« "liar, «rail t« 'hat would i «

\ ilu<a at $9, for to-morrow's saloseo Roys' White Fauntleroy Blouses,

h.-Hiitifully made wi'h large sailor collarand cuffs, edged with Hamburg embroi-dery, also labot of Hamburg down front,all s'z. s Tom 2 to 8 v-

' <' <'¡:nt.-.Kxtra Fine Quality Boys' Blouses, In

nfw««;: styles, fully worth ?'. at ÖOCENTS.V. rv Handsome White Fauntleroy j gomely trimmedi "with three rows of 1

Rlouse«. with Jabot of Insertion and em-! velvet ribbon and lined lualityfront, large sailor colla Alna, bound with new corduroy bind-

ing, exc« IU« for Ϋ.T5


Beautiful Sicilian Dress Skirts, hand-

and turn-hack cuffs, edged with finestHamburg embroltl-rv real worth regu-

« for 7.% CENT*Mt< s' Figured Blouses, nicely made,

at only 48 CE.NKAIFMAW * CO.,

I «i it and Hi. I.

k Camel's-Hatr Berg« Bklrts, silklined snd bound with bes* corduroy bind'ing, beautifully tailored, full seven |lap scams, for J*».«o.

K aUWUAMM A CO..Fourth nnd BroHil,

tucks and einbroi'.L'ry, worth ^i, for 50c.

WALK1NQ SKIRT5,han'lfiome ones, nicely triuimcd, worth$2, for 95c.


Another Ml« 1» snU 25e. Sale.

î$ dozen White Kid Belts, with kid-covered buckles; 15 dozen Real L-.uh-rBelts. In Black and colors, with new

nickel-plated harness buckles, and 10dozen Belts of Corduroy Velvet. In allcolors, leather lined, patent leather km*. ..

n*w harness buckles-Bel's worth up to3Sc, f r IB CENTS CHOICE.

M CENT BELTS -55 CMBYfl.Real Seal leather Belts, ir ail n«^

shades of Tan and Ox-Hïood. Black, etc.,fullv worth Sfte., for ¡¿r» CENTS.75c Moire Sl'.k B<*lt*. all new shades,

with fine kid-covered buckles, now f.^ri- AT.-'.Heal Leather Tielts. with purs« attach-

ed, worth regularly Ho., for -i.*» CENTS,Handsome Belt Buckle«, entlrelv

with cross «words and enamell d \States flaif, worth «8c.. special Monday atSB CENTS.Another supply of Fhlrt-Wa!«t r>ts. In

Pearl and Smoke P*arl. »ells ev«ryvat Me., her« for I a CENTSShirt Waist BetS, gold plated and

ame'.i.'d centres, worth MC, now 25CENTSHat Pin«. N«-w Military Ruttons, or

United st it. ' ,_ pli > for « CENTPANOTHER CH-kBCE T" HI v PIBH


*fot»» Itli.tiMidin« the scnrcllr «nilvreat denimul for II it; li-'.rn.l,- P. K.,y\ are ilftermliretl lo elose ont «lio

balance of onr «lork, a« »» t> n nut>! - to onrry tilín Une of u111*1'».

It.-'.ii«' «In » |n i. «.:

so a: French CordedP. K for 18 < NTS A YARD.

Illith Quality French P. K.,In fine nnd h nv cords, also Whits 1'.K.'s wi«h colored itrioes, all fuUy wortlx

»c., for 40 CENTS A TARD.KAI rMABB -t i <»..Fourth and Hi nul.

,i,is'i,( CvsrteMaM'a tourt.

Justice Crutchfleld had a large numberof cases betöre bin tor Saturday >

day morning. Most of them, however,« ire trifling.Ikp W< Instt in and Richard Hamlln. two

small boys, v. «' before bi« Honor forIng in tii- street They were each

fined n and tb«Mr. D. Weinstein, father of th.^ young

Weinstein, wss up, too, charged wJthstrikina; Hamlln, and was lined M HMid thi' fine cheerfully for himself andboth boys.John Duncan, a colored man, e i-

charg« I with torturing a horse, and Ifl ii | :,. rt< went lo fall in default Po-

ii Talley made the arif^t. Dr.w .'.i itated tna; tb« ca aQagrant ne, as ! bad be< n sxci ptlonallylenient to Duncan In tb pasi and bad

islsted blm, snd he wanted th«-man to b« sent to Jail. Captain \. B.(juikion also stated thaiiInstance <<t ths most barbarous caThe cas« of John foung, charged with

shooting Bam. A\'.'iiu-, In Bakers alley.Friday night, v. s continued until thsUth Instant White is in a critical condi-tion. Young was represen ltd by Mr.

1'.. Wise.The remaining cas« s wert unimportant.

Sent to our Midiera.The St. John's Circle of King's Dauch-

tan and Sons desiy« to thank t)n-ir

Fresh Bologna Sausage, 6c. ¡bairel, or ;50c. bajr.pound. Quart Mason's Fruit Jars,

Koastetl Peanuts, 3c. quart. 59c. dozen.Cedar Tubs, 30c. j «i '.oundb Sal So;ia for 8cCedar Buckets, 10c. Half-Gallon Mason's Fruit4 cakes Turkish Bath Toi-1 Jars, 69c, dozen.

W Sniin rw*(ionl Rv« Whi«lr_.-» di Ki\ ******* outside of the circle who con

pSOOap, OC._

lTOO«llt\e «TOlSKey, ^l.oi) trlbUted so kindly to the box n

j sent to Captain .Ma?uri«r's comiany atCamp Ali,-«-!Many u.-eful articles were In the box-

soap, both toilet and laundry, foreach man; also, a bandana hand-kerchief for each; seventy towels,stationary, esseltne, nssdlss. linenthread, pocket - cushions, other no-tions, reading matter, and last, but not

570 mtdiuni-. :/.. ! safcty-pti.s.I menhere about the person they canalways be ccnctaled ready to take theplace of a vanished button or temporarynly repair a torn garment.

Boston Baked Beans, 3c

3-pound can OottoHne, 2.5c. gallon,5-pound can Cottoline, 10c. Four-year-old live Whis-

ki; r, %i gallon,Pure Lard, 5c pound«Good Hay, 50e. hundred.Potted lir.ui and Tongue,

le. can.

can * 2-pounded 1


BostontomatoBaked' Beans,

sauce. 5c. can.

New -North Carolina Clip-ped Herrings, *e. dozen. Fine Drinking Wine, Black-

Large California Fruues, Ge berry and ' Catawba, 10c.pound. quart or 40c, gallon.

Mill Feed, 80c. cwt. Dairy Salt, He. bag; largeSmall Hams, 7U\ pound. i bans Dairy Salt, 5c.Dove Brand, be>t Hams, Boot Beer, 9c, bottle-mikes

lie. pound. I 10 gallons.


Refrigerators at Factory Prices.Wo have purchased the business of W. S. Hugg &

Co., and iind that we have too many REFRIGERATORS,all of which aro the celebrated " ÜÜRXEY." In orderto « lose them out *.v,« offer tluin at factory prices for afew days only. Call early and make your selection.


Property Trnnafera.Richmond: Josiah und Julia D. Ryland

to Caille T. Ryland, 1-4 lntcr«->st in 'JI feeton Marshall street, southeast corner Se-

.t.-.i April M. lKis. jr..Henrleo: W. T. Robinson and wife to

Sarah Roblnst n, 35 feet on west sideTwsnty«SSVeQt-l street, 153 feet north ofT. $410.Charles P. Winston to Cornelia R.

Sheilds. 0 feet on south Bide Wallace.street. 92 feet «vest of Ritchie, $300.Alberta L ar.d S. L. Vahntiric to James

V I'onough, 5 acres on Charles City rotd,about 21-2 miles east of Richmond, J6t0.

Tno Churth Hill Men Hurt.Mr. L. R. Lixon. who reside» at No.

72. north Tw. nty-fourth .tr«. t. wasslightly Injure«, at the Locomotive-Works

rtlsy mi..-r.ln<. Mr. K. (). l'rtdily. ofNo. 5.7 i orth Twenty-seventh streer, wasa'so slightly injured In thp same a. |.dent. 1 r. Rrown. of the City Hospitalcorps, treated both men.Dr. Brown was also call«d to treat a

white trump at Seventh and Canal streetsyesterday morning, who had been over-borne by heut. The man was resting toohard.

109 EAST BROAD.HP « *m TuAF;

Mr». IV iu her ton'» Hoilr Clan«.The closing .Mr;(. pember-

ton's music class took place on Fridaynight at Corc«>ran Hall. The followinghonors were awarded:First Claas-Mlssvs Nora Plllsworth

Grace Cmisby. Ivy Heale. Alma Pollard.'

Second Class-First Honor: Miases Bes-

,i fr«»in différent couses teams, toremain here all the sun::¡. r tad playma'.v!: fSffttt, beïip.nini,' on the Fourthwith two j, unos ftg-tinst CilftonThs tSOXO ll under the nt ofMr. Robert Camm, and tho proosrtCS ofsuch fsnUsmsnl) yoanf bm -. m sroU

d in d-UQClnf a» in ball pitying, irtl]prors a plesstnt addition to the OOEOptny.Already there is gathered here a much

larger company thaa ever before at tinstariy date, and such a number of tbooked as will almost fill tbe house earlyIn the season.On the STOateg of the Frurth there will

be the opening ball of the s«ai-on, b«.many other dlveraiofta, fireworks, a bicy«

irado, etcThe company is most tgreeaUe and con-

genial, spending most of tiie day ingroans on the wide, shady verandas, fan-ned by the cool mountain brs / s. rettfing,

ns, stc Prominent amongst theI aro two charming women, weil

known i:< Rlchmondso let* Mrs. ThomasRolling and her aunt, Mrs. \V_re, of NewYork.Mr. and Mrs. Garret Oooeb, of Staun-

ton, have taken a cottage In the town for..imer.

irla, o? the Old Sweet, Is thegin st of Mis..s RUBBbold, of Wood Hall.Miss Wheaton, of St. Louis, and Mrs.

loan, ->t BtTtnnah, ar«; here for tUe>i^ .1- -II.

Mr. and Mrs. __, M. Nettleton, of Cov-Ington, have returned from a delightfuldriving tüur through the Warm SpringValley.Jackson rlTer has become quite noted

for its black-bass Sahína. The seasoaoponed on the 1st of July, and a largeparty of fishermen went from the Inter-ment for a day's sport, and returned witha handsome string ><i Bat ash, one welsh-ing four pounds.

«. I in .« - t r %,.! >.

ZANONI, GLOUCESTER COL'NTV,VA.. July 2..(Special.).Gloucester Dem-ocrats will celebrate the "GloriousFourth" by a mass-meeting at the OOOft«

The object will be the electionof a new County Committee for theirparty.Our backward corn crop suffers for rain

during the present hot _pe!l.Mrs. John T. P"rrln, of Baltimore;

Mi.-s Eleanor W. Perrin and her friend,Miss Anna Pool«, have jjust ended a jbrief visit to Mrs. John N. Tabb, at iWhile Marsh.Miss Mollle C. Jones and her niece,

Mim Fanals Jones, left on Friday forFauquler.M s Maule and Miss Marguerite Gar-

laad, of Delaware, will visit the Misse-Jones, at "Ciaremont."Miss Hjury Proctor Brady, of Balti-

more county, Md., is the guest of heraunt, Mrs. Walter C. Harwood.Miss Janie Moore, after a visit of sev-

eral weeks to her sister, Mrs. Williama Mou, at "Toddsburg," wid return toBerryville «luring the approaching week.William K. Perrin, Jr., of Baltimore,

is spending his usual summer holidayat "Goshen."Miss Maretta Cannon and Miss Loui3e

Gamble, of Baltimore, are to be theguests of Miss Maretta felinb'luff.Colonel and Mrs. C. O'B. Cowardln

and family are spending their secondsummer at Glen Roy, ca Ware river.William K. Perrin and E. D. Clopton

will go to Baltimore Monday night.

Proponed Alliance With Enalaad.If the United States and England ehould

form an alliance, the combined strengthwould be so great that there would belittle chance for enemies to overcome us.In a like manner, when men and womenkeep up their bodily strength with ilo_-t.'tur's Stomach Hitters, there is littlechance of attacks from disease. Th« old-time remedy enriclie» the blood, bundsup the muscles, steadies the nerve* andlocraasca the >»«-«(*. T.» il.

The Spaniard»' I.nck of Ilninor.

(I."'iisville Courier-Journal.)Richard Hauling Davis, writing In the

July lerlbaet of early observations oftho war, tells of th- melon hcut on board the New York by the first

l/ri.soner, ,- lieutenant, andhow he was freed and turned over toScovel, the correspondent, who. afterpumping him, showed him hospitablyover the ship. BcOTOl, who is thor-oughly detested by th.- Spaniards InCuba, "wore a yachting cap and a bluoserge suit, so it is probable that theSpaniard mistook htm for one of theship's junior officers. But when they

i there waa a little scene. Theyhad said farewell With many SOttlishOO,and the Spaniard had, after the fashionof his race, made a littlo »pe> :h to theeffect that he saw It was as Impossible


M A I 0 NIC NOTICE. - THESTATED COMMUNICATION OFHENRICO UNION LODOS, No.ISA, will bs b< Id st Mtsonl HsU,on Twenty-fifth srr«^. t. MONDAT EVE-NINO, July ith. at 7:30 o'clock. MMasons in good Ftnndlng are fraternally

by ordat of th» W M.WILLIAM WII-SON.

,)y 3-lt*_Secretary.office of

Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company,July 1, 1S;»8.

SPECIAL NOTICE.Under resolution of the Board of Direc-

tors, passed .¡t regular meeting on Juno3*ith. there will be a special ni"> ting of th«>Stockholders of the Virginia-CarolinaChemical Company held at tbs office ofthe company. No. 1 Exchange pis Jer-sey City. N. J.. at I o'elo k on JULY 30th.in order to comply with th^ statutoryrequirements with regard to this meeting


BASE-BALL.Broad-Street Park.

RiCHMOND VS. NORFOLK.Two gamei to-morrow. 10.43

A. M., 4;Ml IV M.Admission, 25c.; hovs 10c.

ijrJ.it |

to surpass^ the courtesy of an^American ¡ ¡J^ ¡SJSST&ViSi SSttS\fStCommon and Preferred Stock, from Julyet!: er as to surpass his warship

" Toil baet bota most kind to mo,' hetddod, 'and I Should Ilk'1 to know yourname. I shall always remember it.'"Scovel lauslied and nodded. "My name

is ylTsater Scovel,' h* said bowing. 'Iam the correspondent of the New YorkWorld.'The Spanish hav«? no sense of humor,

and this one could not rü'e to the oc-casion. He only gasped and stared, andback« d hastily away. He can hardly beblamed, it must bj bewildering to finiithat you have been overwhelmed withcourtesies by the man whose death, hadhe been your priSOUOl aii'l >«">u liai kilkelhim, would have brought JTOU a lew.in!of HMM and a vot3 of thanks fromyour government."This Spanish lack of th* sense of hu-

mor has been humorously Illustrated atevery stage of the war. It Is usuallythe case that those who are most laugh-ablo see hast to lau^h at. The. p'>m-

pOUS poatag Of the Spaniards, th'dr flam-boyant boasting, their bombastic gian-dlloquence, their tnoeeaaat prating ot

l ride and honor, has furnished laughterfor the world, but it has all be«-n mostSerions and solemn to the Spaniards

¡v. .1.

Bias récent letter to Gome, Is oneof the most striking Illustrations of thi:«unconscious humor. The transparencyof the sliiy trick would be ridiculous to

anybody bul a Spaniard. I'ntu theUnited States Intervened the Cuban In-surgents were not even recognized M at

war, but when M a last poor resort Itis detersalned to try to unite them withSpain against the- people who had au-

SW< red their prayers ¡aid come to de-

liver them from Spain. Qomct is ad-dressed as "Cenoru'.-in-Chlef of the Rev-olutionary Forces," as a "loyal enemy"and credited with "noble ^ent.ment."And this Is the proposition which Blancomakes to Gomez In all SOilOnSnoSS;"Spaniards and Cubans find th mselves

opposed to foreigners of a. different race,of naturally absorbent tendencies andWhose intentions are not oi I« privethe Spanish people of their ri.-,ht to Cu-ban soil, but al-o to exterminait the Cu-ban people on a -count of their Spanishbloo«l. Their blockade of the po

d has DO Other Object It n/u onlyhurts the Spaniards, but also the Cubans,completing ths m .k cf exterminationcommenced in the civil war."In other words. Cuba has long been

fighting desperately to free herself ofvanish yoke, but as soon as the

United States heed her appeal, come to

Btn to .I>11\ nth, both dates Inclusive. No-lle« Is hereby given that the books willbe closed ac -ordingly.jy -

' E. STRl'DWICK. Secretary.

Office of the Rlchmoml ai 1Petersouig Railroad Company,


RAILROAD COMPANY.Notic« is hereby siven that a general ,

meeting of the STOCKHOLDERS OFTHE RICHMOND AND PETERSBURGRAILROAD COMPANY will be held atthe general office Ol the company. In theitj of Rl< hmond, Va at io o'clock A. M.

¡VEDNB8DAY, th« Wth day of July.A. D. lsD-, for the purpose of consideringand acting upon the matter of the con-solidation of the Richmond and Peters-burg Railroad Company and the Peters-buig Railroad Company, under an act ofItH« Gen. ral Assembly of Virginia ap-proved Maren 1. O.S. entitled "An adto authorize tho consolidation of theRichmond and Petersburg Railroad«' nvpany and the Petersburg Pailroad Com-pany, and to authorize the consolidatedcompany to change its name to the At-lantic-Coatt Lino Railroad Company ofVirginia."By order of the Board of Directors,je 15-td W. R. JONES. Secretary.

Office of thePetersburg Railroad Company,


BURG railroad company.Notice ia hereby given that a general

ng of the STOCKHi ILDER8 OFTHE PETERSBURG RAILROAD COM-PANY will be held at the genera! ofrh-eof the. company. In the city of Richmond,Va., at 12 o'clock M. on WEDNESDATttie _vth day of July. A. D. LW for thépurpose of considering and acting u¡ <mthe nutter of the consoltdntlon of theRl mond and Petersburg Railroad Com-pany and the Petersburg H.;liroad Com-pany, under an act of th« General As-sembly of Virginia, approved March 1,

ntitled "An act to authorise theion of the Richmond and Pe-

irg Railroad Company and tho r_-tersburg R ompany, uml to au-

¿ the consolidated company toChangs its name to the Atlantic-i.'oastL'ne Kaiii«, uila."ny order of thi tors.J.- 13-td W. It. JO* tarv.



THE LADIES OF THE OLD DOMIN-IO HOSPITAL will give an EXCUR-:-!' >N to View FRI-DAY Ju y IS, UM. Train leaves ChPS-fce and uhlo «lepot. Seventeenth and

tt ! »A M.; returning,her aid, and are about to irte her from leaves Old 1'oi.t al « P M. !

tho Spanish yoke. Cuba Is asked bySpain to turn against her deliverersund unite with Spain to repel them. Itwill be observed that Rlanco tells Gomtzthat the object of the United StatesIs the "extermination" of the Cubans,and yet he lets slip the admission thatthe objec: of Spain has been the exter-

mination of the Cubans, for he saya thJtextermination by the United States will

complete "tho work of exterminationcommenced In the civil war."

If Blanco believes this, and If hethinks that the Cubans believe It, heshould at least give thorn credit for In-telligence enough to prefer extermina-tion by the United States to extermina-tion by Spain. They know what the

trip to old Point. $1; round-trip to OceanView, n _6; r o Norfolk JI f>>;round-trip to Virginia Beach. «.*>.

Jy 3-8u,W,Su«-ThltGUAM) »KlvHUEBicvatioa to

UK Al II,BY THE LADIES' SOCIETY OF STJohns Grrman Lutheran church, THL'RS-DAT, J.uy 7th. T .,,!. ,,t

is Deitrlch's, 5u3 i- ifth street- A.Hartung's; J. F. Kohler's, TU, Broadand .*child!peake and Ohio Depot at S a M thick* i .

roe. 7:30 P. M. Je là-SuÀWtd l IIR-S, Í loWCTS, Ribbons, <VC ,


MONDA*! NIGHT. Jv'LY 4TH,benefit Randolph-Street Baptist church.

Leav. corner Beech :«n«l Pc-v« rly streetsat ? o'ck

REFRESHMENTS AND PIRBWORXIat Chimbf'razo and Reservoir Parks.Fireworks also ftt starting point.

_(Jy 3-lt»





JutiN T. TIKRNEY.King of Irish Comedians, Formerly Star

of the M 8 rley 1 a tny.PATERSON UK-«Til CUS

Masters of Triple Horizmi'al h rs.LA BELLE MAIE,

Serpentin- Elancer on High Wire.DOLLY LAFFERIA,

Singing and Dancing comedienne.TOMMY BAKERi

THE DUBLIN Í.OY.Cperatlc and Character Vocalist.

LAST WEEK <>ECAMPBELL AND BEARD,The Musical EccentriQiies.

\ I «MISSION, 10 CENTS.:dld car ^ervl« e to and from the

park over 'he Traction Line.Performance closes at lu.30 o'clock.

_ _Jy»

in.Street Vaudeville ParkCORNB» MAIN AND VINE STREETS.only hlph-class attractions. Entire

change 0Í Dill 04 b week.WEEK COMMENCIN«; MONDAT.


AT 8:16 O'CLOCK.


JAMES RICHMOND OUBrtBOT,"Tin M.t:i Wim the Oreen Oloves."

DAVENPORT BSOTHXHS,Comedy Acrobati and BurlsoaOQ Doxers.

MASON AND HABÓN,Ski :i Artl.ls.


NELSONi tad Dai

Adniisyion. 10 cents. Seats In privetsstall extra. Saturday Matinee to ladiesan«! chii'lren. cent*.All cars of Main- and Clay-street lines

run direct to park, without transfer..ya

MILLINERY, mOn iiccount of alteration*

to be made, and needing room,tafs, 426 Broad.' .aIiu!«,""*«i »11 Trimmed and l'ntrimmed

Iron, M cents. Train leave» cîeoa« AM'iiiiiLu nuu viMHaaaai

COAL, WOOD, de. "~(-rill be sold at GREATLY

wE.H*y?op4 ,.^""bcE ANn I REDUCED PRICKS. S.lebegin on Tuesday morning.

makes on behalf of Spain, "the tendermother," to Cuna, "the daughter, whospeaks btr language, professes her re-

ligion, and feels running in her veins theancient blood of Spain."Gomez's reply could hardly have been

better. "I believe," he writes, "there isonly one race, of humanity, and for me

th re are hut good and wicken nations.Spain has heen up to the present time awicked nation. The United States is en-

deavoring to fulfill toward Cuba thoduty of humanity and civilization."That ought to be einjgh to even si.

leace us for a little In our talk aboutAnglo-Saxon superiority.Old naoers for sale at the Dispatch Otuce.

the patronage of those who need eoodsin our Une. Will keep on hai.d .,

stock of all grade» of Coal and Woo<_and will be prompt In delivery aou k'uar^antee full weight.WJlLM.*M H. CULLINGWORTH A CO.New Phone «54. Old 'Phone _».

_Us 7-Tu.ThAS-ulmiW. S. Pllcher. Benj. L PurccH,"



Railroad tracks In our yards give usspecial facilities.

Quslity. Weight, and Prie.« GuaranteedOld 1-hone 330. New 'Phono 7»0.


Uo »-Tu.F&SaJny



TWO »-GALLON RELINE1) COPPERSODA TANKS Can be seen at R R.PADGETT'S. No. £00 wtst Main street.S d ior waot of use. Jy »-It0

AND GET BT RE-TIKN MAIL the Ut«»t "F1T2VIUOHLEE TWO-8TKP" C. LJEONARD, MRebina street, Allegheny, Pa.

jy l-Sull**