tabata protocol

Tabata: The Ultimate Fat-Burning Finisher For bodybuilding purposes, Tabata entails eight, 20-second segments worth of reps, each followed by 10 seconds worth of rest. For each exercise, you’ll select a weight that you can handle for 12–15 clean reps on your first segment of work (you likely won’t complete that many as you’re constrained by a 20-second time limit, but you want to do the reps fairly quickly). This might seem a modest demand but we assure you that you’ll have a different outlook by your third or fourth segment. The goal is simply to complete as many good reps as you can with that weight over the course of the four-minute set and to constantly strive to do more reps with the same weight, or to apply the same tact to progressively heavier loads from one workout to the next. As the reps pile up, your ability to execute them with good form diminishes while your body’s tendency to burn fat increases. It’s the same basic concept with more familiar get-lean techniques such as running the rack or 100s training, only with a more energy-efficient, if very rigid structure. By pushing your rep totals to 50, 60, 70 reps or more, you’re also calling more total muscle fibers in to play, which can also lead to greater fat- burning in the long run since more muscle means more calories burned at rest. “As you begin performing reps in the 12–15-rep range, your slow- twitch muscle fibers serve as the primary movers,” says Peña. “But as they fatigue, your fast-twitch fibers must come into play to get through a full rep. This greater cumulative breakdown in muscle fiber means more stress, more repair and thus, more growth. This kind of training definitely fatigues both kinds of fibers, which is great for those looking to improve aesthetics.”

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Tabata: The Ultimate Fat-Burning FinisherFor bodybuilding purposes, Tabata entails eight, 20-second segments worth of reps, each followed by 10 seconds worth of rest. For each exercise, you’ll select a weight that you can handle for 12–15 clean reps on your first segment of work (you likely won’t complete that many as you’re constrained by a 20-second time limit, but you want to do the reps fairly quickly). This might seem a modest demand but we assure you that you’ll have a different outlook by your third or fourth segment.

The goal is simply to complete as many good reps as you can with that weight over the course of the four-minute set and to constantly strive to do more reps with the same weight, or to apply the same tact to progressively heavier loads from one workout to the next. As the reps pile up, your ability to execute them with good form diminishes while your body’s tendency to burn fat increases. It’s the same basic concept with more familiar get-lean techniques such as running the rack or 100s training, only with a more energy-efficient, if very rigid structure. By pushing your rep totals to 50, 60, 70 reps or more, you’re also calling more total muscle fibers in to play, which can also lead to greater fat-burning in the long run since more muscle means more calories burned at rest.

“As you begin performing reps in the 12–15-rep range, your slow-twitch muscle fibers serve as the primary movers,” says Peña. “But as they fatigue, your fast-twitch fibers must come into play to get through a full rep. This greater cumulative breakdown in muscle fiber means more stress, more repair and thus, more growth. This kind of training definitely fatigues both kinds of fibers, which is great for those looking to improve aesthetics.”

This spike in volume also produces a dramatic and sinister pump, placing a growth-inducing stretch on muscle cells that’ll leave little doubt about Tabata’s effectiveness. Also, because the work is performed in interval fashion, you can expect some of the same post-workout spikes in metabolism seen with HIIT training.


Guys looking to get dialed in for a show use every trick in the book to get their bodies more efficient at burning off unwanted bodyfat. Most of their training techniques, however, simply entail doing more of everything. Drastically increasing workout volume, not surprisingly, is an almost universally effective method for getting your body ultra lean because more reps means more calories burned during your workout. That’s great if you have the time and

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dedication. But Tabata is calculated volume, a technique that actually has some hard-science methods to its madness.

Make no mistake, Tabata deserves a spot among its older, more established cousins in the catalogue of advanced training techniques. By knowing how your body uses energy within a set and how that can play into greater fat burning, you can bring about a rapid and dramatic increase in overall body composition.

The pump is unmistakable; the burn is undeniable. The pain is your pleasure. Tabata is the next level.


Here’s how the toughest four-minute set in your routine breaks down

Segment #1: 20 secs Work, 10 secs Rest

Segment #2: 20 secs Work, 10 secs Rest

Segment #3: 20 secs Work, 10 secs Rest

Segment #4: 20 secs Work, 10 secs Rest

Segment #5: 20 secs Work, 10 secs Rest

Segment #6: 20 secs Work, 10 secs Rest

Segment #7: 20 secs Work, 10 secs Rest

Segment #8: 20 secs Work, 10 secs Rest

Total Work Time: 2 minutes, 40 secondsTotal Rest Time: 1 minute, 20 secondsTotal Set Time: 4 minutes


To get the most out of Tabata as a finishing move, it’s important to choose the right exercises. Add one of these Tabata-friendly moves to the end of each bodypart session to write new detail into your physique. Remember to start your workout with mass-building compound moves.

Body part/Exercise

Chest: Chest-Press Machine, Pec-Deck Flye

Back: Wide-Grip Pulldown, Seated Cable Row, Straight-Arm Pulldown

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Shoulders: Smith Machine Overhead Press, Cable Upright Row, Dumbbell Lateral Raise

Quads/Glutes: Dumbbell Walking Lunge, Leg Press, Leg Extension, Hamstrings, Smith Machine Romanian Deadlift, Seated Leg Curl, Lying Leg Curl

Biceps: Barbell EZ-Bar Curl, Seated Dumbbell Curl, Hammer Curl

Triceps: Bench Dip, Pressdown, Lying Dumbbell Extension

Abs: Double Crunch, Crunch, Reverse Crunch, Oblique Crunch


Learning how to reap all of the fat-burning and muscle-building benefits that Tabata has to offer can take some time. Use our MuscleMag cheat sheet to start feeling (and seeing) the burn faster.


Choose a weight that causes failure between 12-15 reps on your first segment of work. Going too light will not allow you to take advantage of Tabata’s power-producing benefits. Going too heavy will prevent you from maximizing your pump by reducing overall workout volume.


If your urge after the first segment of work is to go heavier, don’t. Your total work capacity will diminish with each passing set, so expect a natural drop off of a rep or two in each segment that follows. A pattern of reps might be 15, 15, 12, 10, 8, 8, 5 on your first go round. (Remember, use a fairly fast rep speed because you’re limited to just 20 seconds for each set.) But don’t fret — that’s 73 total reps of fiber-splitting work.


After the third segment or so, it’ll become difficult — though not impossible — to complete reps with good form. Instead of using too much body english, try performing partial reps or simply take a breath or two before continuing with good form.


To make Tabata maximally effective as a finisher, you must keep an accurate journal. Keep records of how many reps you can complete at a given weight

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from workout to workout and strive to incrementally improve those numbers as you gain experience.


Keeping to the 20/10 rule as closely as possible is essential. Perform all your reps within plain view of a clock that has a second hand, keep a stopwatch within view or pick up a timer from


This will burn — a lot. It’ll also likely have you sucking wind harder than any other cookie-cutter workout you’ve completed in some time. Still, keep to the prescribed 10-second rest period. Better to begin the next segment of work and fail early than to extend rest periods too long.


Since some moves may be easier than others under these conditions, it would be easy to get comfortable doing the same ones over and over. But by employing Tabata to a wide range of exercises, you’re increasing your body’s ability to get stronger and leaner.


Your first segment of work should have you approaching failure within the 12–15-rep range. If you’ve gone too light and can do more, or gone too heavy and fallen short of 12 notwithstanding the time limitations, simply scratch the set, adjust as necessary and start fresh. The sooner you get a grasp on the proper weight loading, the sooner Tabata will start working its magic.

9. USE SYNERGYDoing high-intensity interval cardio training (HIIT) on non-weight training days also boosts your body’s ability to produce power, helping you burn through a greater amount of calories throughout the day. To stoke your fast-twitch fibers, make sure that you do 1–2 HIIT sessions per week.

The Tabata Six

Alright, enough talk. Here are my 6 Favorite Tabata Workouts.

Tabata Workout #1 — Barbell Tabata Complex (4 Exercises)

Just about every loyal T NATION reader is familiar with the concept of performing barbell complexes. But how many have performed a Tabata style barbell complex?

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In this complex, you pick four barbell exercises that you can easily transition between. Perform the first exercise for as many reps as you can in 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds, and perform the second exercise as fast as possible for 20 seconds. Now, rest for 10 seconds and repeat this process for the following two remaining exercises.

Once you've completed all four exercises you're only half way done, because you'll only be two minutes into the Tabata. Go back to the first exercise and repeat the entire complex again without ever dropping the bar.

Here's a sample of a four-exercise Barbell Tabata Complex (with each movement done twice):

1. Reverse Lunges (Alternating legs) (rack position)2. Shoulder Press or Thruster3. Romanian Deadlifts4. Hang Cleans5. Reverse Lunges (Alternating legs) (rack position)6. Shoulder Press or Thruster7. Romanian Deadlifts8. Hang Cleans

Tabata #2 — Barbell Tabata Complex (8 Exercises)

This complex is performed exactly the same as the previous complex described above, only you perform eight different exercises once instead of four exercises performed twice.

Here's an example of an eight-exercise Barbell Tabata Complex:

1. Reverse Lunges (Barbell on shoulders; back squat style)2. Good Mornings (Bar still on shoulders)3. Shoulder Press or Thruster4. Hang Cleans5. Front Squats6. Bent Over Row7. Romanian Deadlifts8. Push Ups

Note: When performing barbell complexes like the one above, its okay not to use "perfect" Olympic lifting technique on moves like cleans and snatches. Why?

1. We're not Olympic lifting, we're doing a barbell complex.

2. We're not trying to build peak power, we're trying to build conditioning and lose fat.

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3. Good Olympic lifting form is needed to help you lift heavy loads as fast and efficiently as possible. The loads used in the complexes above are not heavy at all, and therefore don't require you to have "perfect" form. As long as you don't lose optimal spinal alignment and maintain good rhythm, you're fine.

So, all you perfect Olympic lifting form Nazis can relax!

Tabata #3 — Kettlebell Tabata Complex (4 Exercises)

I have to tell you, kettlebells have been growing on me lately. I still think that aside from swings, you can do many of the same exercises with a simple dumbbell. But that being said, I do find myself using KB's more often to get a different feel than I do with dumbbells.

Here's one of my favorite kettlebell Tabata interval workouts:

20 sec 1-arm swings (right arm)10 sec rest20 sec 1-arm swings (left arm)10 sec rest20 sec Front Squats (right arm)10 sec rest20 sec Front Squats (left arm)10 sec rest20 sec Push Press (right arm)10 sec rest20 sec Push Press (left arm)10 sec rest20 sec 2-arm swing10 sec rest20 sec 2-arm swing

You can also do this same KB Tabata workout without switching sides each time like this:

20 sec 1-arm swings (right arm)10 sec rest20 sec Front Squats (right arm)10 sec rest20 sec Push Press (right arm)10 sec rest20 sec 1-arm swings (left arm)10 sec rest20 sec Front Squats (left arm)

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10 sec rest20 sec Push Press (left arm)10 sec rest20 sec 2-arm swing10 sec rest20 sec 2-arm swing

Tabata #4 — Resistance Band Tabata (8 Exercises)

Call me crazy, but I love using resistance bands due to their simplicity, versatility, and low cost/ big return ability. For exercises like the ones below, my bands of choice are JC bands.

Although you might expect to find these little neon-colored bands in a drug store next to the feminine hygiene section, don't be fooled, this JC Band Tabata workout will smash even the fittest athlete!

1. Squat and Row2. Swimmers (back straight, arms straight, touch band to shoulders)3. Tight Rotations (right side)4. Tight Rotations (left side)5. Punches (right leg forward)6. Punches (left leg forward)7. Swimmers (back straight, arms straight, touch band to shoulders)8. Squat and Row.

Tabata #5 — Fighter's Band Tabata (4 Exercises)

This Tabata is a favorite of my fighters because it develops the upper-body conditioning necessary to continually throw punches, push, pull, and clinch with your opponent for the entire fight.

Plus, this Tabata is great for folks who are looking for a non-leg dominant way of improving conditioning and accelerating fat loss. My bodybuilders and figure competitors love to use this Tabata after an upper-body lifting day.

This entire Tabata is performed with a staggered stance. Switch your lead leg each round. Here's how it's done:

20 sec punches (left leg lead)10 sec rest20 sec punches (right leg lead)10 sec rest20 sec alternating row (left leg lead)10 sec rest

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20 sec alternating row (right leg lead)10 sec rest20 sec punches (left leg lead)10 sec rest20 sec punches (right leg lead)10 sec rest20 sec alternating row (left leg lead)10 sec rest20 sec alternating row (right leg lead)

Or, you can alternate each round this way:

20 sec punches (left leg lead)10 sec rest20 sec alternating row (left leg lead)10 sec rest20 sec punches (right leg lead)10 sec rest20 sec alternating row (right leg lead)10 sec rest20 sec punches (left leg lead)10 sec rest20 sec alternating row (left leg lead)10 sec rest20 sec punches (right leg lead)10 sec rest20 sec alternating row (right leg lead)10 sec rest.

Tabata #6 — Bodyweight Tabata (4 Exercises)

Bodyweight training is great for folks who train at home, train outside, or travel frequently and are stuck in a hotel room.

Even if you do have access to gym equipment, sometimes it's nice to get away from all that stuff and just allow your body to move the way it wants.

Here are a few of my most popular bodyweight Tabata workouts among the athletes here at Performance U:

20 sec Speed Squats10 sec rest

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20 sec Burpees10 sec rest20 sec Mountain Climbers (keep neutral spine)10 sec20 sec Speed Skips (in place) (lift knee above hip)10 sec rest20 sec Speed Squats10 sec rest20 sec Burpees10 sec rest20 sec Mountain Climbers (keep neutral spine)10 sec20 sec Speed Skips (in place) (lift knee above hip)

When to Use Tabatas

How and when you use Tabata protocols is largely determined by your training goal.

For Fat Loss — You can use Tabatas up to three times per week. I have used up to three different Tabata intervals per fat loss workout. When training to lose body fat, I always use them after strength training. Doing so will ensure that you have the energy to dedicate to keeping your current level of muscle size and strength while strength training before moving on to your Tabata fat loss training.

For Improved Conditioning — You can use Tabatas throughout your workout, either before, during, or after your strength training. I know this breaks the rules, but sports (and real life) tend to break the rules anyway, so why can't we during training?

During most sports (football, MMA, etc.) you're often required to call upon every ounce of strength you have and explode throughout the entire competition, even when you're tired. So, mixing conditioning and strength work together can help prepare you specifically for this challenge.

This is especially important for MMA fighters and other combat athletes because you have to lift up, take down, and push your opponent around the entire fight, no matter how "gassed" you may be.

To put it simply, in a sports specific conditioning phase you need to throw the old rule of'strength before cardio' out the window if you want to be the last man standing when the smoke clears!

Tabata Workout Progressions

Not everyone is capable of starting out doing the entire 4-minute Tabata. So, you'll need to gradually build up your ability to successfully complete the full Tabata without losing intensity, overtraining, or

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puking up your pre-workout meal all over the hot girl with the glorious set of after-markets doing Swiss ball crunches beside you.

Here's how I progress my Tabata training over a 12-week time frame:

Week 1 — 10/20 x6Week 2 — 10/20 x7Week 3 — 10/20 x8Week 4 — 15/15 x5Week 5 — 15/15 x6Week 6 — 15/15 x7Week 7 — 15/15 x8Week 8 — 20/10 x4Week 9 — 20/10 x5Week 10 — 20/10 x6Week 11 — 20/10 x7Week 12 — 20/10 x8

Just so you understand the chart, here is what each figure means — 10/20 x6 = 10 seconds work / 20 seconds rest x 6 rounds.

Now, if you're a fitter, better-conditioned athlete, you may need only eight weeks to build up to the full Tabata. Here's my eight-week Tabata workout progression:

Week 1 — 10/20 x6Week 2 — 15/15 x4Week 3 — 10/20 x8Week 4 — 15/15 x6Week 5 — 20/10 x4Week 6 — 15/15 x8Week 7 — 20/10 x6Week 8 — 20/10 x8

Some examples are:

Bodyweight Squats


Front Squats

Kettlebell Swings

Alternating Lunges

Jump Squats
