szogi-laszlo elte tortenete

s zögI L  ás zL ó  A z E ötvös L oránd  t udo mányEgyE tEm tört énEtE képEkbEn  t hE I LLustrAtEd h Istory  of t h E E ötvös L oránd u nIvErsIty  b udApEst (ELtE)    A    z    E     ö    t    v     ö    s    L    o    r     á    n    d    t    u    d    o    m     á    n    y    E    g    y    E    t    E    m    t     ö    r    t     é    n    E    t    E    k     é    p    E    k    b    E    n     /    t    h    E    I    L    L    u    s    t    r    A    t    E    d    h    I    s    t    o    r    y    o    f    t    h    E    E     ö    t    v     ö    s    L    o    r     á    n    d    u    n    I    v    E    r    s    I    t    y    b    u    d    A    p    E    s    t

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  • 5/21/2018 Szogi-Laszlo ELTE Tortenete




    thE ILLustrAtEdhIstoryof thEEtvsLorndunIvErsIty

    budApEst (ELtE)








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    Az Etvs Lornd

    Tudomnyegyetem trtnete kpekbenThe Illustrated Historyof the Etvs Lornd

    University (ELTE)

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    Az Etvs LorndTudomnyegyetem trtnete


    The Illustrated Historyof the Etvs Lornd

    University (ELTE)


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    Megjelent:a Nemzeti Kulturlis Alaps az Oktatsi s Kulturlis Minisztrium


    Szgi Lszl 2010.Minden jog fenntartva, belertve

    az elektronikus informcihordozkonval megjelentets jogt is.

    ISBN 978-963-284-147-2

    Kiadja:Etvs Lornd Tudomnyegyetem

    Felels kiad:Dr. Hudecz Ferenc rektor


    Alfldy OrsolyaJohnson Andrea

    Az pletekrl szl fejezetet rta:

    Sle gnes Katalin

    A kpeket vlogatta:

    Kassa Melinda s Szgi Lszl

    A ktetet s a bortt tervezte:

    Bessenyei Jnos


    Quadrat 64 Kft. s a Premier Nyomda Kft.

  • 5/21/2018 Szogi-Laszlo ELTE Tortenete


    Az Etvs Lornd Tudomnyegyetem 2010-ben nnepli alaptsnak 375. vforduljt.1635-ben Pzmny Pter esztergomi rsekhozta ltre Nagyszombatban az egyetemet,amely haznk legrgebbi, folyamatosan m-kd felsoktatsi intzmnyeknt szolglja afelsoktats, a tudomny gyt. 60 vvel ez-eltt vette fel egyetemnk Etvs Lornd, atorzis ingt felfedez vilghr fizikus, korbbirektor s MTA elnk nevt. Bszkk vagyunkarra, hogy az Egyetem korbbi dikjai s pro-fesszorai kzl ten lettek Nobel djasok. Itt ta-nult Kossuth Lajos, Szondi Lipt s EszterhzyPter. Itt doktorlt Erds Pl, Kodly Zoltn sNeumann Jnos. Az 1990-ben ltrejtt Alkot-mnybrsg tagjainak 70%-a ktdik profesz-szorknt egyetemnkhz.

    Magyarorszgon itt tanul a legtbb PhD hall-gat s vente az ELTE adja ki a legtbb PhDoklevelet. Itt jtt ltre az orszg els botanikuskertje (1771), a magyar felsoktats legrgeb-bi folyamatosan mkd Mvszeti Egyttese(1948) s Kzp-Eurpa els Konfuciusz In-tzete (2006). Az ELTE nyolc karral, 32 000 di-kkal s kzel 1800 oktatval az orszg veze-t kutategyeteme, a legnpszerbb magyaregyetem, ahol a legtbben szeretnnek tanul-ni s ahov a legnehezebb bekerlni.

    Ajnlom e ktetet mindazoknak, akik rtk-nek tartjk a tudst, tisztelik a minsget selismerik a teljestmnyt, s segtenek abban,hogy az ELTE a jvben is mrtk s mrce le-gyen.

    Hudecz Ferencrektor

    Etvs Lornd University (ELTE) iscelebrating its 375th anniversary in 2010.Founded by Pter Pzmny, Archbishopof Esztergom, it is the oldest Hungarianuniversity, where teaching has continueduninterrupted since its inception. 60 yearsago it was named after the world-famousphysicist, Lornd Etvs, who invented thetorsion balance, served as Rector of theUniversity and President of the HungarianAcademy of Sciences in the early 20th c. Bythe end of the 19th c. ELTE became one of the15 most prestigious universities in the world.It is proud to have five Nobel laureates amongits former students/professors. In addition, PlErds, Zoltn Kodly and John von Neumannreceived their PhD degrees here and 2/3 of

    the members of the Hungarian ConstitutionalCourt (1990) were or are linked to ELTE asprofessors.

    The number of PhD students and the issuedPhD degrees at ELTE are the highest in thecountry. The first botanical garden (1771),the first Choir and University Orchestra ofthe Hungarian higher education (1948) andthe first Confucius Institute of Central-Europe(2006) were founded at ELTE. With its 8faculties, 32,000 students and nearly 1800professors it is an elite research university,which is the most popular in the country andthe most difficult to enter.

    I wish to recommend this book to thosewho value knowledge, appreciate quality,acknowledge achievements and are readyto support ELTE in its mission to provideguidance for the benefit of the mankind.

    Professor Ferenc Hudeczrector




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    A magyarorszgi felsoktats kezdete mintKzp-Eurpa ms orszgaiban is a 14. sz-zad msodik felig nylik vissza. A pspkiszkhelyeken korbban mr mkd kptala-ni iskolk egyikt I. Lajos magyar kirly 1367-ben Pcsett egyetemm fejlesztette, elnyer-ve hozz a ppai beleegyezst is. A kzpkorimagyar egyetemek gy a pcsi is nem bi-zonyultak letkpeseknek, ltalban az alap-t uralkod hallval mkdsk felttelei ismegszntek. Rvid let volt a Zsigmond ma-gyar kirly ksbb nmet- rmai csszr l-tal 1395-ben alaptott budai egyetem is, amit600 vvel ezeltt 1410-ben jraalaptottak, samelynek tanri kara ott volt 1414-ben a kons-tanzi zsinaton. A magyarorszgi renesznsz shumanizmus kornak alkotsa volt az I. Mtys

    idejn Pozsonyban 1467-ben megnyitott egye-tem, amely azonban eldeihez hasonlan r-vid mkds utn megsznt.

    A 16-17. szzadban a kzp-eurpai fels-oktats a nyugat-eurpaihoz hasonl intz-mnyrendszerre tett szert, az egyms utnnagy szmban alaptott protestns vagy kato-likus nmetorszgi, svjci s ausztriai egye-temek ltrehozsval. Magyarorszgon e ktvszzad a trk hdts elleni, illetve a nem-zeti fggetlensg megrzsrt folytatottharcok jegyben telt el. A korszak teht nemkedvezett a magyar oktatsi rendszer tovbb-fejldsnek. A reformci s az ellenrefor-mci kzdelmei azonban ersen rintettkMagyarorszgot, s elbb a protestnsok,majd a katolikusok is igyekeztek kipteni sa-jt kzp- s felsfok oktatsi hlzatukat.Magyarorszgon s Erdlyben tbb protes-tns kollgium alakult, de sznvonaluk nem r-te el a nmet, holland stb. protestns egyete-mekt, gy a dikok tbbsge klfldn fejeztebe felsfok tanulmnyait. A 16-17. szzad-

    The origins of higher education in Hungary as in other countries of Central Europe dateback to the second half of the 14 thcentury. In1367 Louis I of Hungary, with the approval ofthe Pope, raised one of the already operatingchapter schools in the episcopal see of Pcs touniversity status. Hungarian universities in theMiddle Ages including the one at Pcs failedto survive, however, as after the death of thefounding sovereign they were usually unable tosustain their activities. The university in budaestablished in 1395 by Sigismund of Hungary who later became Holy Roman Emperor and re-established 600 years ago, in the yearof 1410, with an academic staff that took partin the 1414 Council of Constance, also provedto be shortlived. Another university opened in

    Bratislava in 1467 during the reign of MathiasI, as a result of the growing influence of theRenaissance and the spread of humanism inHungary, but it was closed down soon after itsfoundation, just like its predecessors.

    In the 16th-17th centuries the institutionalsystem of higher education in Central Europebecame similar to that in Western Europe, asnumerous Protestant and Catholic universitiessprang up in various parts of Germany,Switzerland and Austria. In Hungary these twocenturies were marked by the countrys struggleagainst the Turkish conquest and the fight forindependence. These circumstances did notfavour the development of the educationalsystem. The fights between the adherents ofthe Reformation and the Counter-Reformation,however, deeply affected Hungary, and thusboth Protestants and later Catholics stroveto create their own secondary and highereducation networks. Several Protestantcolleges were established in Hungary andTransylvania, but the standard of teaching was




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    ban a megjul katolicizmus jelents tma-

    sza a lendletesen fejld, tagjainak mvelt-

    sgre, oktatsi rendszerre igen nagy slyt

    fektet jezsuita rend volt. A rend a 16. szzad

    vgn, a 17. szzad elejn egyms utn hozta

    ltre Kzp-Eurpban fiskolit, amelyek k-zl ksbb tbb is tartsan egyetemi rangra

    emelkedett. Magyarorszgon az els jezsuita

    egyetem ltrehozsra Bthory Istvn erdlyi

    fejedelem s lengyel kirly tett ksrletet, ami-

    kor 1581-ben Kolozsvrott alaptott egyetemt

    a rend kezelsre bzta. Az erdlyi felsoktats

    e korai intzmnye azonban 1605-ben meg-

    sznt, s csak a 17. szzad vgn alakult jj.

    below that of universities in Germany, Holland

    etc, therefore the majority of students went

    abroad to complete their studies. In the 16 th-

    17th centuries the rapidly developing Jesuit

    Order, which attached great importance to the

    education of its members and to developing itseducational system, became a strong pillar of

    the Catholic revival. The Jesuits set up several

    colleges in Central Europe during the end of

    the 16th century and the beginning of the

    17th century, many of which later operated as

    universities for long periods of time. The first

    attempt at establishing a Jesuit university was

    made by Istvn (Stephen) Bthory, Prince of

    Transylvania and King of Poland, who handed

    the operation of his university founded in 1581

    in Kolozsvr (today: Cluj-Napoca, Romania) over

    to the Jesuit Order. This early representative

    of higher education in Transylvania, however,

    closed down in 1605 and was only re-

    established at the end of the 17 thcentury.


    1. Nagyszombat ltkpe. Justus van der Nypoort rzkarca. XVII. sz.

    View of Nagyszombat. Copper engraving by Justus van der Nypoort.17th century.


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    8 8

    2. Pzmny Pter esztergomi rsek (1616-1637),a nagyszombati egyetem alaptja. Ismeretlenfest mve a XVII. szzadbl.

    Pter Pzmny, archbishop of Esztergom

    (1616-1637), founder of the NagyszombatUniversity. Painting by unknown artist fromthe 17th century.


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    A magyarorszgi jezsuita rend, egyben a ma-gyar irodalom jelents alakja, a Krakkban,Bcsben, Rmban tanult Pzmny Pteresztergomi rsek, aki a grazi egyetemen tzvig tantott, 1635. mjus 12-n adta ki egye-

    temnk alaptlevelt. Pzmny nagy sz-szeg alaptvnyval ktkar, blcsszeti steolgiai fakultsbl ll akadmit hozottltre a trkk ltal meg nem szllt Nagy-szombatban, az esztergomi rsekek akko-ri szkhelyn. A ktfakults egyetem ugyannem felelt meg a klasszikus, ngy karbl lluniverzits fogalmnak, azonban pontosan be-leillett a korabeli jezsuita oktatsi rendszerbe,amelyben a blcsszet elkszt tanfolyamvolt a f trgynak, a teolginak a tanuls-hoz. Pzmny megksrelte egyetemalaptsitervt Rmban jvhagyatni, de VIII. Orbn, ahatrozottan Habsburg-ellenes politikt folyta-t ppa, a jogi s orvosi kar hinyra val hi-vatkozssal megtagadta elismerst. A ma-gyar prms ekkor II. Ferdinndhoz fordult, akiviszont kszsggel ruhzta fel az j egyetemetmindazokkal a jogokkal, amelyekkel a biroda-lom rgi, hres univerzitsai rendelkeztek. Acsszri s kirlyi megersts utn 1635. no-vember 13-n kezddtt meg a tants a nagy-szombati Egyetemen, elbb a blcsszeti ka-

    ron, majd a teolgin is.Az j egyetem bels szervezete jezsuita jel-

    legnl fogva hatrozottan klnbztt a klasz-szikus, bels nkormnyzattal br egye-temektl. ln a Rector Magnificus llt, akiegyben a nagyszombati jezsuita rendhz (kol-lgium) igazgatja is volt, gy mindenkor arend generlisa nevezte ki. Az intzmny elsrektora s egyben megszervezje DobronokiGyrgy, Pzmny kzvetlen munkatrsa lett.A kancellr tisztsge a jezsuita egyetemen ke-vsb volt jelents, mint ms intzmnyek-ben. Ksbb a magyar kirlyok az Egyetemkancellrjt cenzori, knyvbrlsi joggal ruhz-tk fel. A karok ln itt is dknok lltak, aki-ket nem vlasztottk, hanem meghatrozotttrgyak professzorai felvltva tltttk be etisztsgeket.

    Az Egyetem e kezdeti korszakban elssor-ban a magyarorszgi ellenreformci szm-ra kpezett teolgusokat. Az intzmny tudo-mnyos fokozatokat (baccalaureus, magister,doctor) is adott, s hazai npszersge gyor-

    The deed of foundation of our Universitywas issued on 12 May 1635 by CardinalPeter Pzmny, Archbishop of Esztergom,a major exponent of the Jesuit Order as wellas of Hungarian literature, who received his

    education in Cracow, Vienna and Rome andtaught at the University of Graz for ten years.With the help of his richly endowed foundationPzmny established an academy with twofaculties a Faculty of Humanities and a Facultyof Theology in unoccupied Nagyszombat(today Trnava, Slovakia), which was the seatof the archbishops of Esztergom during thisperiod of the Turkish rule in Hungary. With itstwo faculties, the university did not conformto the classical university concept, whichrequired four faculties, but it fitted perfectly theJesuit educational system of that age, whichconsidered humanities to be a preparation forstudying the main subject, theology. Pzmnytried to have his plans recognised by Rome,but as a pursuer of a firm anti-Habsburg policy,Urban VIII refused to recognise the universityquoting the absence of the faculties of lawand medicine as the reason. The primate ofHungary then turned to Ferdinand II whowas more than willing to confer on the newuniversity the rights enjoyed by the empires

    well-established, famous universities. On 13November 1635, after the imperial and royalrecognition, teaching began at the University ofNagyszombat, first in the Faculty of Humanities,then in the Faculty of Theology as well.Due to its Jesuit affiliation, the internal

    governance of the new university was markedlydifferent from that of classical universitiesenjoying an internal autonomy. It was lead bythe Rector Magnificus, who was also the head ofthe Jesuit monastery (college) of Nagyszombat,and thus was appointed by the General ofthe Order. The first Rector and organiser ofthe university was Gyrgy Dobronoki, animmediate colleauge of Pzmny. The positionof chancellor was less significant than in otherinstitutions. Later the kings of Hungary investedthe chancellor of the University with censorshiprights. Here too the faculties were lead by thedean, who was not elected, instead the positionwas filled on a rotational basis by the professorsof certain subjects.During this early period the University




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    san ntt. Hallgati termszetesen tbbsgk-ben a trkk ltal meg nem szllt nyugati,szaki orszgrszekbl kerltek ki, de mr ek-koriban is sokan rkeztek Horvtorszgbl saz rks tartomnyokbl. A nagy rdeklds

    rthet, hiszen a nagyszombati Egyetemetrelis igny hvta letre. Az intzmny az im-mr csaknem msfl vszzada hinyz nllmagyar egyetem feladatt ltta el, ha kezdet-ben hinyos szervezettel is. Az Egyetem p-pen ezrt hamarosan jabb karral egszlt ki.Lsy Imre, majd Lippay Gyrgy esztergomi r-sekek vgrendeletei lehetsget biztostottakarra, hogy 1667 janurjban megkezdje m-kdst a jogi fakults is. E fakults kezdet-ben csak az egyhzjog s a rmai jog tants-ra vllalkozott, de hamarosan megkezddtt ahazai jognak s joggyakorlatnak az oktatsa is,s gy Nagyszombatban kialakult a magyar jogimvelds els nagy kzpontja.

    Az oktats az els vszzadban diktls t-jn, nem tanknyvekbl folyt, skolasztikusszellemben. A 18. szzad kzepn rendeltk ela tanrok ltal rt tanknyvek ksztst, s ek-kor a konzervatv szellem munkk mellett ki-sebb szmban ugyan, de nhny korszerfilozfiai, trtneti, matematikai, fizikai s aszt-ronmiai munka kszlt el.

    Az Egyetem sikeres mkdst mr a je-zsuita korszakban is tbb sajt kezelsben le-v gyjtemny vagy intzet segtette. Hresvolt a nagyszombati jezsuita rendhz knyv-gyjtemnybl ksbb nemzeti knyvtrrangjra emelked, 1561-ben az els nagy-szombati kollgium alapts idejn alakultEgyetemi Knyvtr. Hasonlan fontos sze-repe volt az Egyetem, de az egsz magyarknyvkiads trtnetben a 17. szzad kze-pn Pozsonybl Nagyszombatba helyezettEgyetemi Nyomdnak. A 18. szzad kzepnpedig mr csillagvizsgl is plt az egyetemioktats s kutats segtsre.

    A ltvnyos fejlds s ptkezsek ellen-re a jezsuita oktatsi rendszer a 18. szzad k-zepn mr meglehetsen konzervatvv vlt,s sok tekintetben elmaradt az j tudomnyoseredmnyekre s a felvilgosods eszmeiirnyzatra nyitottabb protestns felsoktatsiintzmnyektl, vagy a piarista szerzetes-rend szintn korszerbb, ktetlenebb oktat-si rendszertl. A nagyszombati Egyetem kor-

    mostly educated theologists for the Counter-Reformation of Hungary. The institutionawarded academic degrees too (baccalaureus,magister, doctor) and its popularity withinthe country grew rapidly. Students of course

    came mostly from the unoccupied westernand northern parts of the country, but alreadyat this period many students also arrived fromCroatia and the hereditary provinces of theHabsburg dynasty. The level of interest wasunderstandably high as the establishment ofthe University of Nagyszombat answered a realneed. Although at first the universitys structurewas incomplete, it performed the tasks of anindependent national university, which waswaiting to be set up for 150 years. This is why anew faculty was soon added to the University.The wills of two archbishops of Esztergom,Imre Lsy and later Gyrgy Lippay, providedthe necessary funds for launching the Facultyof Law in January 1667. At first the Faculty onlytaught ecclesiastical and Roman law, but soonit extended its syllabus to include the law andjuridical practice of the country, which leadto Nagyszombat becoming the first importantcentre of legal education in Hungary.During the first one hundred years there

    were no textbooks, the learning material was

    dictated, and the scholastic approach wasapplied. In the 18th century it was decided thatteachers should write textbooks, which meantthat although the majority of textbooks werewritten in a conservative spirit, a few modernworks also appeared in the field of philosophy,history, mathematics, physics and astronomy.

    Even in the period when it was operated bythe Jesuits, the University was supported byseveral collections and institutions managed byit. A famous example is the University Library,which was first a collection of books owned bythe Jesuit monastery and was later awardedthe rank of national library. The University Press,moved from Pozsony to Nagyszombat in the17th century, also played an important role inthe life of the University and in the history ofHungarian book publishing in general. In the18th century an observatory was also built toassist education and research in the University.

    Despite its impressive development and thelarge-scale construction works, by the middleof the 18th century the Jesuit educational




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    szerstst mr nem a feloszlatsa eltt lljezsuita rend, hanem a felvilgosult abszolu-tizmus jegyben a bcsi kormnyhatsgokvgeztk el. A felvilgosult abszolutizmus azoktatsgyet szigoran llami politikai krds-

    knt kezelte, s tbbek kztt az oktats uti-litarisztikus jellegt helyezte eltrbe a neve-ls minden szintjn. Mria Terzia felvilgosulttancsadi, elssorban Gerhard van Swieten,elszr a bcsi Egyetemen szerveztk jj azoktatst 1749 s 1756 kztt, s ennek nyomnkezddtt meg a nagyszombati Egyetem okta-tsi rendjnek talaktsa is.

    1753-ban a kirlyn, az Egyetem fennllsata elszr, rendeleti ton mdostotta a nagy-szombati oktatsi rendet. A Blcsszeti Kartanulmnyi idejt, a bcsi minta alapjn, h-romrl kt vre cskkentettk, s egyben meg-kezdtk a tanulmnyi rendszer korszerstst,j, reltudomnyok oktatst. A hallgatksznvonalasabb kpzse rdekben bevezet-tk a repetensi intzmnyt, ahol a dikok, pl.matematikbl vagy bizonyos mrnki tudo-mnyokbl az tlagosnl magasabb szint ok-tatsban rszesltek. Mria Terzia 1765-bentanulmnyi bizottsgot hvott letre, amelynekfeladata lett a nagyszombati Egyetem fejlesz-tsnek tervt rszletesen kidolgozni. Ennek,

    valamint az udvari tanulmnyi bizottsgnak ajavaslatai alapjn adta ki a kirlyn 1769. jliusiadomnylevelt, amelyben az Egyetemet ki-rlyi prtfogsba vette, vagyis hivatalosan isllami irnyts al helyezte. Oklevelben mrjelezte, hogy szndkban ll az Egyetemet to-vbb bvteni. E szndk jegyben kelt ugyan-ez v novemberben az a rendelete, amelybenOrvosi Kar fellltst hatrozta el, t tanszkszervezsvel. Ezzel 1769-ben az Egyetemszervezete teljess vlt, ltrejtt az els klasz-szikus felpts, ngy karral rendelkez ma-gyar egyetem.

    A teljess vlt Egyetem egyben j szerveze-tet is kapott, mghozz az 1770 szeptembe-rben napvilgot ltott Norma Studiorum for-mjban. Az j szablyzat az intzmny lrea kinevezett elnkt (figazgatt), a karok l-re pedig a szintn kinevezett kari igazgatkathelyezte. Bellk s az Egyetem kancellrj-bl llt a Consistorium, az intzet legfbb ir-nyt testlete. Mellettk mkdtt ugyanaz akadmiai Magistratus, melynek tagjai v-

    system became rather conservative and inmany respects it fell behind Protestant highereducation institutions, which were moreopen to new scientific achievements and thephilosophical ideas of the Enlightment, and

    was also outperformed by the more modernand informal educational system of the PiaristOrder. The modernisation of the University ofNagyszombat was not carried out by the JesuitOrder, which was awaiting dissolution, but bythe Viennese government authorities in thespirit of enlightened absolutism. Enlightenedabsolutism treated education strictly as a statepolicy issue, and promoted, among other things,the utilitarian approach to education at all levelsof the educational system. The enlightenedadvisors of Maria Theresa, primarily Gerhardvan Swieten, first focused on the reorganisationof the Vienna University between 1749 and1756, and then turned their attention to thetransformation of the educational system ofthe University of Nagyszombat along the samelines.

    In 1753, for the first time in the history of theUniversity, the queen issued a decree to modifyits educational system. The length of study at theFaculty of Humanities was reduced from threeto two years, in line with the Vienna model,

    and at the same time the modernisation of theeducational system and the instruction of newfields of science also commenced. To developfurther the standard of teaching, the system ofrepetents was introduced a repentent beingone of a class of students who assisted studentsin their studies and therefore obtained aboveaverage education in some subjects, e.g.mathematics or certain engineering sciences.In 1765 Maria Theresa set up an educationalcommittee, which was charged with preparinga detailed plan for developing the University ofNagyszombat. Based on the recommendationsof this committee and the Court Commission forEducation, in July 1769 the Queen issued a deedof donation, which placed the university underher royal patronage, i.e. put it officially understate management. The deed already signalledthe Queens intention to expand the University.Accordingly, in November of the same year theQueen ordered the establishment of the Facultyof Medicine with five departments, therebycompleting the organisational structure of the




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    lasztottak voltak (rektor, kancellr, dknoks seniorok), de szerepe csak formlis volt. Aszablyzat a blcsszeti karon trtneti s po-litikai-kamerlis, a jogi karon termszetjogi tan-szkeket llttatott fel. Erre az idszakra mr

    csak a kt legsibb fakults maradt a jezsuitkkezn, de 1773-ban, a rend teljes feloszlatsautn mr ezeken is erteljesebben rvnyesltaz llami irnyts. Az ezzel kapcsolatos vlto-zsok sorn jelentkezett az az igny, hogy azEgyetemet Nagyszombatbl az orszg egykorifvrosba, a centrlis fekvs Budra helyez-zk t.

    University and creating Hungarys first classicaluniversity with four faculties.After its completion the University was also

    given a new organisational structure, throughthe introduction of the Norma Studiorum

    in September 1770. According to the newregulations the institution was to be lead bythe appointed chair (director general) andthe faculties were to be managed by theappointed faculty directors. They made up theConsistorium, the supreme governing bodyof the institution, together with the chancellorof the University. A Magistratus Academicuswith elected members (rector, chancellor,deans and seniors) also operated beside thisbody, but it had only a ceremonial role. Thenew regulations established the Departmentsof History and Political Political Science,Government and Economics within the Facultyof Humanities, and a Natural Law Departmentwithin the Faculty of Law. By this time, theJesuits only managed the two oldest faculties,and after the final dissolution of the Order in1773, the influence of the state became morepronounced in these as well. In parallel withthese changes the need arose to move theUniversity from Nagyszombat to Buda, thecentrally located former capital of the country.


    3. Pzmny portrjt s a bborosi kalappal elltott csaldi cmert brzol ezstrem. XVII. sz.

    Silver coin, depicting Pzmnys portrait and the family coat of arms with the cardinals hat. 17th century.



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    4.. Ifj. Vastagh Gyrgy Pzmny szobra a kzponti plet elcsarnokban, 1934.

    Statue of Pzmny by Gyrgy Vastagh jr. located at the lobby of the main building, 1934.



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    5. Az egyetem alaptlevele 1635. mjus 12.

    The universitys deed of foundation. 12th May 1635.

    6. Pzmny Pter alrja az egyetem alaptlevelt. Temple Jnos festmnye, 1885.

    Pter Pzmny signs the universitys deed of foundation. Painting by Jnos Temple, 1885.



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    7. Pzmny Pter stabotja. XVII. sz

    The walking cane of Pter Pzmny. 17th century.

    8. Pzmny Pter rseki s jezsuitabirtuma. XVII. sz.

    Pter Pzmnys archbishopsand Jesuits biretta. 17th century.



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    9. Az egyetem rektori pduma, amit Pzmny ajndkozott 1635-benaz intzmnynek. Tetejn az universitas oltalmazjaknt a Madonna a gyermek

    Jzussal. J. Lencker augsburgi mester mve. XVII. sz.

    The rectors sceptre, donated to the university by Pzmny in 1635.The top shows the universitys protector, Madonna with the child Jesus.

    By the Augsburg artist, J. Lencker. 17th century.



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    10. II. Ferdinnd csszr egyetemalaptst megerst oklevele. 1635. oktber 18.

    Letter by Emperor Ferdinand II, confirming the foundation of the university.18th October 1635.

    11. Az egyetem els zszlaja, Szz Mria s a gyermek Jzus alakjval. Mria bal kezbena Biblit tartja,jobb lbnl Pzmny csaldi cmere lthat. XVII. sz.

    The universitys first flag with the Virgin Mary and the child Jesus. Mary is holding

    the Bible in her left hand and the Pzmny family coat of arms is by her right foot. 17th century.



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    12. Nagyszombat ltkpe. Zamus Jzsef utn Zenger gost rzmetszete. 1778.

    View of Nagyszombat. Copper engraving by gost Zenger after Jzsef Zamus. 1778.

    13. A nagyszombati jezsuita templom homlokzatnak rajza.

    Faade drawing of the Nagyszombat Jesuit church.



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    14. A blcsszkarpduma. A rektori

    jogarhoz hasonlanPzmny ajndka.

    XVII. sz.

    Sceptre of the

    Facultyof Humanities.

    Also donated byPzmny, together

    with the rectorssceptre. 17th


    15. Xavri Szent Ferenc, a blcsszek vdszentje a karpdumnak tetejn, kkvekkel dsztett abroncs ltal vezve.

    The top of the sceptre shows the figure of St Francis Xavier,patron saint of philologists, surrounded by a gemmed rim.



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    17. A teolgiai kar els matrikulja 1638-bl.

    The first register of the Faculty of Theology from 1638.

    16. A teolgiai kar pduma. Gmbjt 1785-iga kar vdszentjnek, Szent Igncnak a szobra

    dsztette. A megronglt dszbotot kestfigurt ezen feljts alkalmval cserltk fel

    a Megvlt alakjval.

    The sceptre of the Faculty of Theology. Until

    1785 the sphere of the spectre featured SaintIgnatius, patron saint of the faculty.

    The damaged sceptre was then restoredand Saint Ignatius figure was replaced by that

    of the Saviour.



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    18. Lippay Gyrgy esztergomi rsek(1642-1666), a jogi kar alaptja.Elias Widemann rzmetszete, 1649.

    Gyrgy Lippay, archbishopof Esztergom (1642-1666), founderof the Faculty of Law. Copper engraving

    by Elias Widemann, 1649.

    19. Lsy Imre esztergomi rsek(1637-1642), a jogi kar alaptja. Jeremias

    Gottlob Rgend rzmetszetea XVIII. sz-bl.

    Imre Lsy, archbishop of Esztergom(1637-1642), founder of the Faculty

    of Law. Copper engraving by JeremiasGottlob Rgend from the 18th century.



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    20. A jogi kar pduma. A kar alaptsakor kszlt jogar tetejn a fakultsvdszentjnek, Szent Ivnak szobra ll. Bcsi mester mve. 1692.

    Sceptre of the Faculty of Law. The sceptre was made at the timeof the facultys foundation and includes the statue of the facultys patron

    saint, St. Ivo. Work by a Viennese artist. 1692.



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    21. A jogi kar alaptlevelnek els oldala.1667.

    First page from the Faculty of Laws deedof foundation. 1667.

    22. A jogi kar alaptlevelnek utolsoldala. 1667.

    Last page from the Faculty of Laws deedof foundation. 1667.



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    23. Egyetemi kalendrium cmlapja. 1676.

    Front page of the University Calendar.1676.

    24. Rektori napl. 1636-1733.

    Rectors diary. 1636-1733.



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    25. Promcis knyv. A fokozatot szerzett hallgatk nyilvntartsa a XVII. szzadbl.

    Promotional book. Register of students with university degrees from the 17th century.

    26. Promcis knyv tziseihez ksztett szemlltet brk. XVII. sz.

    Illustrations for the theses of the promotional book. 17th century.



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    27. Az Egyetemi Knyvtr Kziratok-s Rgi Nyomtatvnyok OsztlynakXVII. szzadi anyagait rz raktra.

    Repository for the 17th centurymaterials of the University Librarys

    Department of Manuscripts

    and Old Prints.

    28. A jogi kar vdszentjnek nnepnmondott beszd. Nagyszombat, 1738.

    Official speech for the celebrationsof the Faculty of Laws patron saint.

    Nagyszombat, 1738.



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    30. Kalendrium 1683-bl, Patrona Hungariaes magyar szentek brzolsval, valamint a magyar

    kirlysg s kapcsolt rszeinek cmereivel. A bort alssvjban Justus van der Nypoort Nagyszombat ltkpe.

    Calendar from 1683, depicting Patrona Hungariae andthe Hungarian saints, as well as the coat of arms

    of the Kingdom of Hungary and its attached territories.The lower part of the cover shows the viewof Nagyszombat by Justus van der Nypoort.

    31. Nagyszombati kalendrium, korabelivroskpekkel. 1688.

    Calendar from Nagyszombat with the contemporaryview of the city. 1688.

    29. III. Krolyoklevele

    a nagyszombatiegyetem

    kancellrjnakcenzori joga

    gyben. 1721.Certificate

    by Charles III for thecensorship rightsof Nagyszombat

    Universityschancellor. 1721.



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    33. Csillagszatimegfigyelsekettartalmaz kalendrium.Nagyszombat, 1763.

    Calendar withastronomical observations.Nagyszombat, 1763.

    32. Kazy Ferencegyetemtrtnetnek

    cmlapja, mely az alaptscentenriumra kszlt.

    Nagyszombat, 1738.

    Cover page from Ferenc

    Kazys Historyof the University, published

    for the 100th anniversaryof the universitys

    foundation. Nagyszombat,1738.



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    34. Szent Lukcs szobra, attribtumval,az krrel, az orvosi kar pdumnak fejn.

    Statue of Saint Luke, with the ox as his symbol,at the top of the Faculty of Medicines sceptre.

    35. Az orvosi kar pduma. 1770.

    Sceptre of the Faculty of Medicine. 1770.

    36. Az orvosi kar pecstje 1772-bl. Mria Terzit brzolja,amint a nagyszombati egyetemi pletet Szz Mrinak ajnlja.

    The Faculty of Medicines seal from 1772. It shows Maria Theresa offeringthe building of Nagyszombat University to the Virgin Mary.



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    37. Az orvosi fakults ltal Augustiny Antal rszrekiadott sebsz oklevl. 1775.

    Surgeons diploma, issued for Antal Augustinyby the Faculty of Medicine. 1775.

    38. A kiadott oklevl fggpecstje.

    Hanging seal from the issued diploma.

    39. Az orvosi kar els anyaknyvnek cmlapja. 1770.

    Cover of the Faculty of Medicines first register. 1770.



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    40. Blcsszkari dirium dkni napl els lapja 1773-bl.

    First page of a Faculty of Humanities Diarium deans diary from 1773.

    41. Sllyei Nagy Ignc, Szkesfehrvr els pspke(1777-1789), a Nagyszombatrl Budra helyezettegyetem els kancellrja. Ismeretlen fest mve.

    XVIII. sz.

    Ignc Sllyei Nagy, first Bishop of Szkesfehrvr(1777-1789), first chancellor of the university after itwas moved from Nagyszombat to Buda. Painting

    by unknown artist. 18th century.



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    42. Mria Terzia (1740-1780) magyar kirlyn.Ismeretlen mvsz alkotsa a XVIII. szzadbl.

    Maria Theresa (1740-1780) Queen of Hungary.By unknown artist from the 18th century.


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    1777 fontos dtum az els magyar egye-tem fejldstrtnetben. Augusztus vgnaz Egyetemet a budai kirlyi palota pletei-be kltztettk. Az ugyancsak ekkor letbelpett orszgos oktatsi szablyzat, a Ratio

    Educationis vltoztatott az j helyn meg-nylt Egyetem szervezetn. A megszntetettConsistorium helybe a Senatus lpett, amelyaz Egyetem elnkbl s a ngy kari igazgat-bl llt, a kancellr teht kimaradt tagjai sor-bl. A Blcsszeti Kar hat j tanszkkel bvlt,kzlk hrom a termszettudomnyokkal (al-kalmazott matematika, ksrleti fizika s mec-hanika, mezgazdasgtan), hrom a trtnetisegdtudomnyokkal foglalkozott. Tbb r-gi tanszk mr korbban differencildott (fel-sbb matematika, termszetrajz, csillagszat).E rendelkezsek, beleszmtva az Orvosi Karonkorbban ltrehozott kmiai-botanikai tansz-ket, mr igen komoly alapot teremtettek a j-vend hazai termszettudomnyos kpzshez.A Jogi Karon mr 1775-ben hrom vre emel-tk a kpzsi idt, s f clknt tztk a fakul-ts el a jl kpzett s a fennll rendhez h-sges llami hivatalnokok kpzst.

    E trekvs mg erteljesebben mutatkozottmeg II. Jzsef idejn, s mindez a nmetes-t trekvsektl itt most eltekintve korsze-

    r elemekkel bvtette az addig meglehet-sen konzervatv, rendi szellem jogi kpzst.Tanszket kapott az eurpai llamok statisz-tikja s ezzel egytt az egyetemes trtne-lem, s a Blcsszeti Karrl ide kerlt t a politi-kai-kamerlis tudomnyok oktatsa is. A MriaTerzia uralkodsnak idejre es risi vlto-zsoknak mintegy vgs sszefoglalsa voltaz az nneplyes killts oklevl, amelyeta kirlyn 1780. mrcius 25-n rt al. Az n.Diploma Inaugurale rszletesen sszefoglal-ta az Egyetem jogait, bels szervezett, felso-rolta birtokait, amelyekbl nll egyetemi ala-pot kpezett. E nevezetes okiratot 1780. jnius25-n nagy nnepsg kzepette adta t azEgyetem vezetinek Plffy Kroly alkancellra budai Vrpalotban. Ezt az nnepsget egy-ben a budai Egyetem megnyitsnak is szn-tk.

    Az oly sokszor brlt II. Jzsef-fle mvel-dspolitika a magyar felsoktats, de kln-sen az Egyetem szempontjbl egyltaln nemvolt kros, st az uralkodsnak idejre esik

    1777 is an important date in the history ofthe first Hungarian University. At the end ofAugust the University was moved to the royalpalace buildings of Buda. At the same timethe national educational reform document,

    the Ratio Educationis entered into force andchanged the organisational structure of theUniversity. The Consistorium was supersededby the Senate, which consisted of the chair ofthe University and the four faculty directors,thus the chancellor was no longer a memberof the governing body. Six new departmentswere added to the Faculty of Humanities, threeof which dealt with natural sciences (appliedmathematics, experimental physics andmechanics, agronomy) while the other threetaught auxiliary sciences of history. Several ofthe former departments had already becomemore specialised (higher mathematics, naturalhistory, astronomy). These measures, togetherwith the earlier establishment of the Chemistry-Botany Department within the Faculty ofMedicine provided a solid basis for teachingnatural sciences in Hungary. The Faculty of Lawalready increased the length of study to threeyears in 1775, and expressed as its primaryaim the training of well educated governmentofficials loyal to the regime.

    This aim became even more pronouncedduring the reign of Joseph II, which meant that if we now disregard Germanisation attempts this period introduced several modern elementsinto a previously conservative, feudalistic legaleducation system. European state statisticsand world history were both given separatedepartments and the Department of PoliticalScience, Government and Economics was alsotransferred from the Faculty of Humanities.This period of enormous change during thereign of Maria Theresa was concluded by theissuance of the so-called Diploma Inaugurale,signed by the Queen on 25 March 1780, whichdetailed the rights and the internal structureof the University and listed its estates, turningthem into an independent university fund. Thissignificant document was handed over by ViceChancellor Kroly Plffy in the framework ofa large ceremony held in the Buda Castle on25 June 1780. The ceremony was also theopening ceremony of the Buda campus of theUniversity.



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    nhny igen fontos j egyetemi intzmny fel-lltsa. A jozefinista nevelsi koncepci nagyslyt fektetett a trsadalom szmra hasznos,gyakorlati ismeretek oktatsra. II. Jzsef 1782szn a blcsszkari alkalmazott matematika

    tanszk tovbbfejlesztsvel nll egyetemimrnkkpz intzet ltrehozst rendelte el.Az Institutum Geometrico-Hydrotechnicum h-romves, egyetemi oklevelet ad polgri mr-nkkpz intzmnyknt kezdte meg munk-jt, ebben a formban elsknt Eurpban. Aselmeci akadmin kvl itt tantottak elszregyetemi fokon mszaki tudomnyokat, s braz intzet csak e tudom nyok viszonylag szkspektrumban a vzptszet s fldmrsterletn volt kpes sznvonalasabb oktats-ra, ezzel is nagy hasznra volt a gazdasgilagmg fejletlen Magyarorszgnak. Az Institutumletkpessgt bizonytja, hogy a II. Jzsef ha-lla utni vekben is fenn tudott maradni, ami-kor rendi srelmei miatt a magyar nemessgkevsb felvilgosult tagjai a jozefinizmus in-tzkedseit is igyekeztek semmiv tenni. Az1790-es vek elejn az intzet vlsgba ke-rlt, de vgl is csak tanulmnyi idejt csk-kentettk egy vvel, megszntetsre nem ke-rlt sor.

    Az tves kpzsi idej Orvosi Kar mr fenn-

    llsnak els kt vtizedben szp ered-mnyeket rt el. Az elmleti termszettudo-mnyos kpzs volt az ersebb, ami nemcsoda, hiszen a gyakorlati gygyt munkamegtantshoz mind Nagyszombatban, mindBudn rendkvl szegnyesek voltak a krh-zi, klinikai felttelek. Ennek ellenre a vgzetthallgatk tbbsge jl megllta a helyt. AKaron kln tanfolyamot szerveztek a sebsz-mesterek, s kln a gygyszerszek szm-ra, amelyek igen ltogatottak voltak, s eze-ken kezdtk el elszr nemzeti nyelven oktatniaz orvosi tudomnyok alapjait. Ugyancsak azOrvosi Kar keretben szervezdtt egy m-sik fontos szakoktatsi intzmny is. A ki-rlyn mr az 1770-es vek kzepn tervezteMagyarorszgon llatorvosokat kpz intzetltestst, de ez akkor elmaradt. II. Jzsef1786 vgn llatorvosi tanszk fellltst ren-delte el az Orvosi Karon, s 1787 nyarn megis kezddtek az ilyen trgy eladsok. A tan-szk, amelyet 1799-ben llatgygyintzettelkapcsoltak egybe, a ksbbiekben a magyar-

    The oft-criticised educational policy of JosephII was not damaging to higher educationin Hungary or from the perspective of theUniversity, in fact several important universityinstitutions were actually established during his

    reign. The Josephinist educational concept putgreat emphasis on teaching practical knowledgethat is useful for society. In the autumn of 1782Joseph II ordered that the Applied MathematicsDepartment be developed further to create anindependent engineer training institute withinthe University. The Institutum Geometrico-Hydrotechnicum, which started out as asecular engineer training institute running athree-year course that resulted in a universitydiploma, was the first of its kind in the wholeof Europe. Besides the Selmec Academy (inSelmecbnya, currently Banska Stiavnica,Slovakia), this was the only place for pursuingtechnical studies at a university level, andalthough the institute offered a high standardin only a narrow spectrum namely in the fieldof hydraulic architecture and land surveying its operation was nevertheless very beneficialin Hungary, which was economically greatlyunderdeveloped at the time. The viability ofthe Institutum is evidenced by the fact that itwas able to survive after the death of Joseph

    II, when the less enlightened members of theHungarian nobility, because of the grievancesof their estate, tried to reverse all Josephinistmeasures. At the beginning of the 1790s theinstitute did suffer a crisis, but finally only thelength of study was reduced by one year, it wasnot wound up.

    With its five-year university courses, the Facultyof Medicine already achieved impressiveresults in the first two decades of its existence.It was stronger in theoretical science education,which is not surprising given that hospitals andclinics were extremely under-equipped bothin Nagyszombat and in Buda, which made theteaching of practical medical work very difficultindeed. Nevertheless most alumni coped well.The Faculty held separate courses for masters ofsurgery and for pharmacists, which were bothvery popular. These were the first courses heldin Hungarian. Another important specialisededucational institution was also set up withinthe Faculty of Medicine. The establishment ofan institute to train veterinarians was already



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    orszgi llatgygyszat orszgos hr kzpont-jv vlt.

    II. Jzsef az orszgos hatsgokat Pozsony-bl Budra helyezte t, ezrt az Egyetemnek1784-ben el kellett kltznie a budai Vrbl. Az

    j szkhely a szomszdos Pest lett, ami fek-vsnl fogva a ksbbiekben jobb elhelye-zst, lnkebb gazdasgi s szellemi let-nl fogva kedvezbb krlmnyeket biztostottaz Egyetem mkdshez. Pestre azonbanmr csak hrom fakults kltztt t, mert azuralkod jabb mdostst hajtott vgre azUniversitas szervezetben. tmenetileg azegyetemi irnyts is vltozott; ennek lnye-ge a kari igazgati funkci megszntetse sa dknok hatskrnek bvtse volt. A vl-tozsok elssorban a Teolgiai Kart rintettknagymrtkben, amelynek konzervatv, rsz-ben mg jezsuita szelleme amgy is szlka voltaz uralkod szemben. II. Jzsef a papkpzstis teljesen llami irnyts al kvnta vonni, azltalnos szeminriumokon mr a felvilgoso-ds szellemben nevelkedett, hasznos ismere-tekkel is br klrust akart kpezni. E ksrletjegyben az orszgban hrom j, n. generlisszeminriumot lltott fel, amelyek egyike volta Budrl Pozsonyba thelyezett HittudomnyiKar, amely azrt elvileg az Egyetem keretben

    maradt. Kt vvel ksbb, 1786-ban a kt m-sik (egri s zgrbi) generlis szeminriumotviszont pesti szkhellyel egyestette, gy aza furcsa helyzet llt el, hogy a Teolgiai Karngy ven t kt szkhelyen mkdtt, risihallgati ltszmmal. 1790-ben megszntet-tk a generlis szeminriumokat, de ezzel egy-idben msfl vtizedre maga a Teolgiai Karis megsznt mkdni, s visszalltsrl csak1805-ben intzkedett I. Ferenc.

    A felvilgosult abszolutizmus s a 18-19. sz-zad forduljnak idszakbl mr sok egyete-mi professzorrl elmondhatjuk, hogy maradan-dt alkotott a magyar tudomny trtnetben.Kzlk emeljk ki Mak Pl matematikust,Sajnovics Jnos csillagszt s nyelvtudst,Horvth Nep. Jnos fizikust, Pray Gyrgy,Cornides Dniel s Koppi Kroly trtnsze-ket, Winterl Jzsef Jakabot, az egyetemi k-miai s botanikai oktats megalapozjt, BeneFerenc klinikus orvost, a himlolts egyik ma-gyarorszgi bevezetjt, Lakits Gyrgy jogszts Tolnay Sndort, az llatorvoskpzs meg-

    planned by Maria Theresa in the mid-1770s, butwas not achieved at the time. Finally, at the endof 1786, Joseph II ordered the establishment ofa Department of Veterinary Medicine within theFaculty of Medicine, and lectures in this field

    began in the summer of 1787. The Department,which was linked up with an animal hospitalin 1799, later became an important, nationwidecentre of veterinary medicine.Joseph II transferred the administrative bodies

    of the country from Pozsony to Buda, thus, in1784 the University had to move out of theBuda Castle. It established its new headquartersin neighbouring Pest, which later turnedout to be a more favourable location for theUniversity due to its more active economic andintellectual life. Only three faculties moved toPest, however, because the monarch modifiedthe organisational structure of the University yetagain. Temporarily the university governancealso changed, which meant primarily theelimination of the position of faculty directorand the extension of the scope of authority ofthe deans. The changes were most intensivelyfelt by the Faculty of Theology, which stillpreserved some elements of Jesuit spiritualityand its conservative approach, and thus was aneyesore to Joseph II. The Emperor wished to

    place theological education under direct statesupervision too, and wanted to train a clergythat embraced the views of enlightment andwas also equipped with practical knowledge.As part of this experiment he set up three so-called general seminars, one of which wasthe Faculty of Theology relocated from Buda toPozsony, which theoretically remained underthe umbrella of the University. Two years later,in 1786, the two other seminars (in Eger andZagreb) were united with the new headquartersset up in Pest, which created a strange situationwhereby for four years the Faculty of Theologyoperated and served its great number ofstudents from two headquarters. In 1790 thegeneral seminars were closed down, whichmeant that for fifteen years the Faculty ofTheology also ceased to exist and was onlyreopened by Francis I in 1805.

    From the period of enlightened absolutismand after the turn of the 18thcentury a numberof university professors made their mark in thehistory of science in Hungary. They include the



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    alaptjt. A 18. szzad utols vtizede vlto-zatlanul nem kedvezett a nyugodt, tudom-nyos egyetemi munknak. A nemzetkzi shazai politikai viszonyok nagy vltozsai ershatst gyakoroltak az orszg kzpontjba ke-

    rlt Egyetem letre. A II. Jzsef rendszer-nek bukst kvet nagy rendi-nemzeti fellen-dls pozitv kvetkezmnynek tekinthetjka magyar nyelv s irodalom els egyetemikatedrjnak ltrehozst 1791-ben. Annlbizonytalanabb tette az Egyetem helyzett aza huzavona, amely szkhelynek krdse k-rl folyt az 1790-es vek els felben. Sokanvoltak az jonnan sszelt orszggyls tag-jai kztt is, akik a hallgatsgot fltettk a tl-zottan polgri s reformer lgkr Pest vros-tl, s szvesebben lttk volna az Egyetemetegy csndesebb, konzervatvabb vidki kisv-rosban. Szba kerlt Esztergom, Nagyszom-bat, Vc s Eger is, de az uralkod sszerb-ben gondolkod tancsosaira hallgatva vglis a Pesten marads mellett dnttt. Az intzetmegkapta a feloszlatott plos rend pesti p-leteit s templomt, a szzad vgn ide kltz-tettk az Egyetemi Nyomdt, gy a provizrikuskrlmnyek lassan rendezdtek, kialakultak anormlis egyetemi letnek ha nem is j -, demindenesetre elfogadhat felttelei.

    Az egyetemi oktats tartalmrl, a szzad-fordul szellemi lgkrrl mr kevesebbjt mondhatunk. Az 1791-1793-as vekbenaz orszggyls hatrozata alapjn ssze-l Kzoktatsi Bizottsg rszletes javaslato-kat dolgozott ki az Egyetem reformjrl, tan-anyagnak korszerstsrl. Az 1790-es vekmsodik felben, Bcsben azonban a hatro-zottan konzervatv, abszolutisztikus kormnyzathvei kerekedtek fell, s ez nem kedvezettjabb halad szellem egyetemi reformoknak.Az Egyetem negatv megtlsben kzrejt-szott az is, hogy a magyar jakobinus mozga-lomban tbb hallgatja fleg jogszok vettrszt, de a tanrok kztt is sokan szimpatizl-tak a mozgalom trekvseivel. Az udvar a ma-gyar jakobinusok kivgzse utn tisztogatstrendelt el a tanri karban, s hozzltott a trsa-dalomtudomnyok, a jogi s teolgiai kpzskonzervatv tformlshoz.

    Az 1806-ban kiadott j orszgos tangyi sza-blyzat, a II. Ratio Educationis, eldjnl sokkalbsgesebben foglalkozott az Egyetemmel. E

    mathematician Pl Mak, the astronomer andlinguist Jnos Sajnovics, the physicist JnosNepumuki Horvth, the historians Gyrgy Pray,Dniel Cornides and Kroly Koppi, the founderof university level education of chemistry and

    botany, Jzsef Jakab Winterl, the clinicianFerenc Bene, who was one of the introducersof vaccination in Hungary, the lawyer GyrgyLakits and the founder of veterinary training,Sndor Tolnay.

    The last decade of the 18th century was stillnot conductive to uninterrupted academicendeavour. The profound changes occurringin the international and domestic arena hada significant impact on the centrally locatedUniversity. A positive consequence of the greatnational and feudal revival after the reign ofJoseph II was the establishment of the firstuniversity Department for Hungarian Languageand Literature in 1791. On the other hand, theprotracted debate in the first half of the 1790sabout where to establish the headquartersof the University, created much uncertainty.Many members of the reassembled Dietwere worried about the University being inbourgeois and reform-oriented Pest, andwould have liked to see the University ina quieter, more conservative, rural town.

    Esztergom, Nagyszombat, Vc and Eger wereall considered as possibilities, but finally, themonarch listened to his more rational advisorsand decided to keep the University in Pest.The University received the buildings and thechurch of the dissolved Paulist Order, and atthe end of the century the University Presswas moved to these premises, and thus slowlythe state of transition ended, and though theconditions of operation were not ideal, theybecame acceptable.

    The content of university curriculum and theintellectual climate of the turn of the centurywas, however, less favourable. Between 1791-1793 the Public Education Committee, whichwas set up based on a parliamentary decision,developed detailed proposals for reformingthe University and modernising the curriculum.The second half of the 1790s, however, wasnot conductive to further progressive universityreform as the supporters of firmly conservative,absolutistic government gained the upperhand in Vienna. The negative view about



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    szablyzat elksztsnl nagymrtkben t-maszkodtak az egykori Kzoktatsi Bizottsgjavaslataira, gy rszben pozitv intzkedse-ket is tartalmazott. A Blcsszeti s OrvosiKaron, klnsen a felsfok termszettudo-

    mnyos kpzst segt rendelkezsek szlet-tek, br ezek is ellentmondsosan, hiszen pl.a blcsszeti kurzus II. Jzsef ltal felemelt ta-nulmnyi idejt jra kt vre cskkentettk, sez visszavetette a hallgatk elkpzettsgneksznvonalt. Egybknt a Kar elkszt jelle-gt e rendelet is vltozatlanul fenntartotta. Atananyag rszleteire is kiterjed szablyzat ajogi s hittudomnyi kpzst szigoran kon-zervatv keretek kz szortotta, s a Jogi Kartanulmnyi idejt is cskkentette. ltalban a19. szzad els felben az egyetemi oktatslegnagyobb kerkktje a szigor szablyo-zs volt. A tanroknak termszetesen latinnyelven meghatrozott tanknyvek anyagaalapjn volt szabad eladniuk, s minden el-trs bntetend cselekmnynek szmtott.A korbban sem igen ltez egyetemi auto-nmit mg inkbb formliss tette, hogy bra II. Ratio Educationis fenntartotta az egyetemiMagistratust, mint vlasztott irnyt testle-tet, de az egsz intzmny lre a kinevezettelnkt helyezte. 1819-ben ismt visszalltot-

    tk a kari igazgati intzmnyt, gy minden fa-kultst mg szigorbban llami irnyts alvontak. Az oktats hatkonysgt mg az iscskkentette a 19. szzad els felben, hogya rosszul javadalmazott tanszkek nha vekigresen lltak, s ilyenkor fontos trgyakat he-lyettesek tantottak.

    A korszak nagy srelme volt mg, hogy apesti Egyetem nagyon nagymrtkben a b-csi Universitas hatsa al kerlt. Az udvar mga felvilgosult abszolutizmus idejn vezette beazt a rendszert, hogy a magyar egyetem okta-tsi rendjt bcsi minta alapjn korszerstette.E gyakorlat akkoriban lnyegben pozitv vlto-zsokat hozott, de a ferenci abszolutizmus ide-jn ez mr csak a bcsi vl toztatsok szolgaimsolst jelentette. Az Egyetem tanszkei-nek betltsre kirt plyzatokhoz a tziseketBcsbl kldtk el, s eredmnykrl a vgsdntst szintn Bcsben hoztk meg. Az ilyengyakorlat srtette az egyre erteljesebben je-lentkez nemzeti rzseket, s a magyar ren-dek mr a reformkor kezdetn, az 1825-27-es

    the University was partly due to the fact thatseveral students mainly lawyers took partin the Hungarian Jacobinist movement, andmany teachers were also sympathetic to thecause. After the execution of the Hungarian

    Jacobinists, the royal court removed unwantedmembers of the academic staff and started totransform the teaching of social sciences, lawand theology based on a conservative model.

    The new national regulations on education,called the second Ratio Educationis, issuedin 1806, paid much more attention to theUniversity than the first one. To a large extent theregulations were based on the proposals of theformer Public Education Committee, thereforethey included some positive measures too.In the Faculties of Humanities and Medicinepositive measures appeared to assist university-level instruction of natural sciences, though themeasures were contradictory as the length ofstudy in the field of humanities, after havingbeen extended by Joseph II, was reduced againto two years, which had a detrimental effect onthe standard of education. The auxiliary characterof the Faculty remained. The regulations dealtwith the details of the curriculum too, andcreated a strictly conservative framework forlegal and theological education, and reduced

    the length of study in the Faculty of Law. In thefirst half of the 19th century strict regulationspresented the biggest obstacle to universityeducation. Teachers had to teach from centrallydefined textbooks and in Latin of course and any digression was punishable. Althoughthe second Ratio Educationis retained theMagistratus, i.e. the elected governing body ofthe university, it placed the institution under thesupervision of the appointed chairman, whichmeant that the autonomy of the university,which was not very well established anyway,became just a formality. In 1819 the facultydirector position was re-established, leadingto even tighter state control over all faculties.The effectiveness of education was furtherdecreased by the fact that in the first half ofthe 19th century teaching positions were badlypaid and were therefore often unoccupied foryears, and as a result important subjects weretaught by substitutes.Another undesirable development of this

    era was that the University in Pest came under



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    orszggylsen feliratot intztek az uralkod-hoz a magyar Egyetem fggetlensge trgy-ban. Mr az orszggylsi trgyalsok sorntbb javaslat hangzott el arrl, hogy az egyete-mi alap jvedelmeinek hovafordtsrl az in-

    tzmny maga dnthessen, s nagyobb sz-szegeket fordtsanak a professzorok fizets-nek emelsre vagy j tanszkek alaptsra.Az udvar, amely a nevelsgy egszt felsg-jognak tekintette, rdemben ekkor sem s k-sbb sem foglalkozott a rendek javaslatval.

    Az Egyetem kiemelked tehetsg profesz-szorai a kedveztlen krlmnyek ellenre isesetenknt szp eredmnyeket rtek el a re-formkorban, s tantvnyaik kzl tbben k-sbb a magyar tudomnyossg neves alakjailettek. E tanregynisgek kzl emelhetjk kia Blcsszeti Karrl Schedius Lajos nyelvszt,Jedlik nyost, a dinam Siemenset megelzfeltalljt, Petzval Jzsefet, a fnytan eur-pai hr szakrtjt, aki ksbb a bcsi egye-tem tanra lett, Petzval Ott matematikust, sa mrnki intzet tanrt, Petzelt Jzsefet. AzOrvosi Karon is sikerrel oktatott a kezdetlegesklinikai krlmnyek kztt Lenhossk Mihly,Sthly Ignc s Balassa Jnos, hogy az inkbbtudomnyos tren mara dandt alkot KitaibelPlrl, a kitn botanikusrl ne is beszljnk.

    A korszak neves jogszai kzl Frank Igncots Virozsil Antalt emlthetjk meg.

    A reformkor vgn, az 1840-es vekben egy-re erteljesebben jelentkezett az Egyetem mo-dernizlsnak ignye. A korabeli sajtbantbb ilyen trgy cikk jelent meg, s az 1843-44-es orszggyls frendi hzban igen szi-gor brlatok hangzottak el az egyetemi ok-tats sznvonalrl. Batthyny Lajos, az orszgksbbi els miniszterelnke gy nyilatkozott,hogy az Egyetem minden rszben reformokraszorul, mert a tudomnyos kzvlemny mostaz elavultsg fszknek tekinti. Msok mrutaltak a lehetsges megoldsok kzl a tan-tsi szabadsg bevezetsre is.

    Az egyetemi hallgatsg ebben az id-ben szigor fegyelmi szablyzatok betarts-ra volt ktelezve, csekly eredmnnyel. Tbbkar hallgati is krvnyeztk a nemzeti nyel-v oktats bevezetst, s sorra alakultak legtbbszr hivatalos jvhagys nlkl azegyetemi nkpz irodalmi vagy ppen politi-kai jelleg dikegyesletek (Egyetemi Magyar

    the influence of the Vienna University to agreat extent. The practice of modernising theeducational system of the Hungarian Universitybased on the Vienna model started duringthe era of enlightened absolutism, leading

    to a number of positive changes at the time.During the absolutist rule of Francis I, however,this practice effectively entailed a mindlessimitation of all changes introduced in Vienna.The theses submitted for the competitionsinvited to fill vacant positions in the facultieswere sent from Vienna and the final decisionswere also taken there. This practice offendedgrowing Hungarian national sentiments, andthe Hungarian estates addressed the monarchin connection with the independence of theHungarian University right at the beginningof the Age of Reform, as early as the Diet of1825-27. The parliamentary debates alreadyincluded several proposals about allowing theUniversity to decide on how it would spend theincome from its fund, and about allocating moremoney to improving the pay of professors andto establishing new departments. However,the court considered education to be its royalprerogative and thus did not give substantialthought to these proposals and continued todisregard them later as well.

    Despite these unfavourable circumstancesmany professors of remarkable talent managedto achieve impressive results during the Ageof Reform, and several of their students laterbecame famous members of the Hungarianscientific community. These professors includethe linguist Lajos Schedius from the Facultyof Humanities, the pre-Siemens inventor ofthe dynamo nyos Jedlik, the optics expertof European fame, Jzsef Petzval, who laterbecame a professor of the Vienna University,the mathematician Ott Petzval, and the teacherof the engineer training institute, Jzsef Petzel.In the Faculty of Medicine, Mihly Lenhossk,Ignc Sthly and Jnos Balassa were successfulat teaching, despite the poorly equipped clinic,and we must not forget to mention the botanistPl Kitaibel, who made scientific advancesof lasting value. Famous lawyers of the ageincluded Ignc Frank and Antal Virozsil.

    In the 1840s, at the end of the Age of Reform,there was increasing demand for modernisingthe University. Several articles appeared in



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    Trsulat, Irodalmi Kr stb.). A hatsgok tbbilyen ifjsgi egyesletet tiltottak be 1848 eltta pesti Egyetemen. A reformkor nehz krl-mnyei kzepette is tbbek kztt a pestiUniversitason felntt egy olyan nemzedk,

    amely vezetni tudta az 1848-49-es polgri for-radalmat s a magyar szabadsgharcot.

    the press at the time and at the Diet of 1843-44 severe criticisms were voiced in the upperchamber with regard to the standard ofuniversity education. Lajos Batthyny, who laterbecame the first prime minister of Hungary,

    stated that all parts of the University were in direneed of reforms, as the scientific communityconsidered it to be a seat of obsolete ideas.Others referred to the introduction of thefreedom of teaching, as a possible solution.

    In this period university students wererequired to adhere to strict disciplinaryregulations, to little avail. The students ofseveral faculties petitioned for the introductionof Hungarian-language instruction and studentsset up numerous literary societies and politicalstudent associations mostly without officialapproval (Hungarian University Society, LiteraryCircle etc.). Before 1848 several of these youthassociations were banned in the University.Despite the difficult circumstances of the Ageof Reform, however, a generation grew up partly thanks to Pest University that was ableto lead the 1848-49 Revolution and War ofIndependence.

    43. A pesti egyetem1807/08. vi tanrendje.

    The universitys 1807/08curriculum.



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    44. Than Mr: Mria Terzia kora. A kirlyn legfontosabb intzkedseivel, kztk az egyetem tszervezsrlszl okirattal. A kp a Magyar Nemzeti Mzeum 1875-1876-ban elkszlt falkpciklusnak rsze. Fnynyomat.

    XIX. sz. harmadik harmada.Mr Than: Maria Theresas age. Listing the Queens most important measures, including the document about theuniversitys reorganisation. The painting is part of the Hungarian National Museums wall painting cycle, made in

    1875-1876. Heliograph. Last third of the 19th century.

    45. A magyar egyetem 1777-es nagypecstjea szentkorona orszgainak cmervel.

    he great seal of the Hungarian university from 1777with the coat of arms of the countries of the holy

    crown of Hungary.



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    46. A Nagyszombatrl Budra kltzs alkalmbl az egyetem jjalaktsi nneprefelvonulk. 1780. jnius 25. Az 1935-s jubileum alkalmbl kiadott kpeslapsorozat egy

    pldnya, Schmutzer Jakab egykor tusrajza utn.

    People participating in the reorganisation celebrations after the move from Nagyszombatto Buda. 25th June 1780. Copy of a postcard set, issued for the 1935 jubilee, based on the

    contemporary tint-drawing by Jakab Schmutzer.

    47. Az egyetem Budra kltzsnek nnepsge. 1780. jnius 25.Kpeslap Schmutzer Jakab egykori tusrajza utn.

    Celebrations of the universitys move to Buda. 25th June 1780. Postcard based on thecontemporary tint-drawing by Jakab Schmutzer.



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    48. Az 1780-ban szletett Diploma Inaugurale egyik pldnynak cmlapja, Arisztotelsz alakjval.

    Cover of a copy of Diploma Inaugurale, issued in 1780, depicting Aristotle.



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    49. A Diploma Inaugurale msik pldnya, Pitagorasz brzolsval.

    Another copy of Diploma Inaugurale, depicting Pythagoras.



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    50. A Diploma Inaugurale dszes kezdlapja.

    Frontispiece of Diploma Inaugurale.



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    53. II. Jzsef (1780-1790) csszr. Gerard van derPuyl festmnye. 1784.

    Emperor Joseph II (1780-1790). Painting by Gerardvan der Puyl. 1784.

    51. Az egyetem jjalaptsa alkalmblkiadott emlkrem Mria Terzia s II. Jzsef

    portrjval. Johann Nepomuk Wirt mve, 1780.

    Medallion, issued for the re-establishment ofthe university, with the portraits of Maria Theresaand Joseph II. By Johann Nepomuk Wirt, 1780.

    52. Az egyetem jjalaptsa alkalmbl kiadott

    emlkrem a budai kirlyi palota nyugatihomlokzatnak brzolsval. Johann NepomukWirt mve. 1780.

    Medallion, issued for the re-establishment ofthe university, depicting the Western faade ofthe Royal Palace of Buda. By Johann Nepomuk

    Wirt. 1780.



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    54. A budai kirlyi palota, mint egyetem. 1779. Johann Mansfeld rzmetszeteFerdinand Pichler rajza utn.

    The Royal Palace of Buda as the university. 1779. Copper engraving by Johann Mansfeld,based on the drawing of Ferdinand Pichler.

    55. A budai egyetem ltal kiadott oklevl, Czuppen Gyrgy szombathelyi teolgus rszre. 1782.

    Diploma issued by the University of Buda for theologist Gyrgy Czuppen. 1782.



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    56. Az 1777-ben kiadott Ratio Educationis cmlapja.

    Cover of Ratio Educationis, issued in 1777.

    57. rmnyi Jzsef, az egyetem elnke (1806-1825).Wilhelm Egger festmnye. 1825.

    Jzsef rmnyi, president of the university(1806-1825). Painting by Wilhelm Egger. 1825.



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    58. A jogi kar aranyknyvnek dkni lapja. XVIII. sz.

    Deans page from the Faculty of Laws golden book.18th century.

    59. A jogi kar aranyknyvnek igazgati lapja. XVIII. sz.

    Principals page from the Faculty of Laws goldenbook. 18th century.



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    60. A jogi kar 1777-tl vezetett aranyknyvnek fedlapja.

    Cover of the golden book of the Faculty of Law, kept from 1777.



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    61. Az egyetem felirata az orszggylsnek, azzal a krssel, hogy az univerzits kpviseli is helyet kaphassanak

    az als tbln. 1790. jnius 27.The universitys address to Parliament, requesting the representatives of the university to be given seats

    in the Lower House. 27th June 1790.



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    62. Az Egyetemi Knyvtr ex librise 1781-bl. Binder Jnos Flp metszete.

    The University Librarys ex libris from 1781. Engraving by Jnos Flp Binder.



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    63. Tanrend az 1792/93-as tanvbl.

    Curriculum from the academic year of 1792/93.



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    64. A II. Ratio Educationes egyetemrevonatkoz fejezete. 1806.

    Chapter from the 2nd Ratio Educationes,concerning the university. 1806.

    65. A II. Ratio Educationes cmlapjnakbrzolsa. Czetter Smuel metszete.


    Illustration of the title page of the 2nd RatioEducationes. Engraving by Smuel Czetter.




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    66. A Ferenciek tere az 1840-esvekben. Frdric Martens s Josef

    Kuwasegg mve, sznezett aquvatinta.

    Ferenciek square in the 1840s.Coloured aquatint by Frdric Martens

    and Josef Kuwasegg.

    67. Petrovich Jzsef egyetemitanrnak, az egyetem alelnknek(1811-1818) halotti cmere, 1818.

    Funeral coat of arms for the vicepresident of the university (1811-1818),professor Jzsef Petrovich, 1818.



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    68. Herbriumos knyv rszlete. XVIII. sz.

    Extract from a book of herbs. 18th century.

    69. A magyar nyelv- s irodalomtudomnymvelsnek s fejlesztsnek rdekben fellltott

    Pesti Magyar Trsasg alaptlevele. 1791.

    Deed of foundation for the Hungarian Society of Pest,established for the education and development

    of Hungarian linguistics and literature. 1791.



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    70. Az egyetem kzponti plete a XIX. sz. elejn. Leopold Zechmeyer metszete Carl Schwindt rajza utn.

    The universitys main building at the beginning of the 19th century. Engraving by Leopold Zechmeyer,based on the drawing of Carl Schwindt.



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    71. Egyetemi zszl 1817-bl. A lobogt egy jrvny elmlta utn ksztettk,ezrt hlaad zszlnak is tekinthetjk.

    University flag from 1817. The flag was made after the pass of an epidemic, so it can beregarded as a thanksgiving flag.



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    72. A blcsszkar dkni lnca, amelyetI. Ferenc 1819-ben adomnyozott az


    Chain of office for the Dean of the Facultyof Humanities, awarded to the university by

    Francis I of Austria in 1819.

    73. A dkni jelvnyellapja I. Ferencportrjval. 1819.

    Front of the deansemblem with the

    portrait of Francis I.1819.



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    74. rmnyi Jzsefnek, az egyetem elnknek(1806-1825) halotti cmere. 1825.

    Funeral coat of arms for Jzsef rmnyi, presidentof the university (1806-1825). 1825.

    75. A pesti teolgushallgatk ltal eladott szndarabsznlapja. 1816.

    Programme for the stage play, performed by theologystudents from Pest. 1816.



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    76. Bhm Karolina bbanvendk rszre kiadott oklevl. 1831.

    Diploma issued for student midwife Karolina Bhm. 1831.



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    77. Czirky Antalnak, az egyetem 1828-ban kinevezettelnknek portrja. 1839-ig tlttte be ezt a tisztsget.Id. Lieder Friedrich s Ehrenreich dm rzmetszete.

    XVIII. sz.

    Portrait of Antal Czirky, appointed to the position

    of the universitys president in 1828. He served inthis position until 1839. Copper engraving by LiederFriedrich Sr. and dm Ehrenreich. 18th century.

    78. dvzl vers Czirky Antal elnki szkfoglaljnakalkalmbl. 1829. mrcius 2.

    Congratulatory poem on the occasion of AntalCzirkys inauguration as president. 2nd March 1829.



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    79. Az llami egyetem tvenves fennllsa alkalmbl kiadott emlkrem kt oldala. Ellapjn I. Ferenc portrja.1830. Bhm Jzsef Dniel alkotsa.

    Two sides of the medallion, issued for the 50th anniversary of the state universitys foundation. The front shows theportrait of Francis I. 1830. By Jzsef Dniel Bhm.

    80. Az egyetem fennllsnak ktszzadikvforduljra Fejr Gyrgy ltal rt latin nyelv

    egyetemtrtnet. 1835.

    History of the university, written in Latin byGyrgy Fejr for the 200th anniversary of the

    universitys foundation. 1835.

    81. A ktszz ves vfordulra, Pzmny Pteremlkre rt vers. 1835.

    Poem, written for the 200th anniversary,commemorating Pter Pzmny. 1835.



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    82. Az orvostanhallgatk tncestlyrl szl tudsts a Honmvsz c. lapbl. 1840.

    Report from the periodical Honmvsz (Hungarian Artist) about the dance party of medicalstudents. 1840.

    83. A joghallgatk bljrl szl tudsts a Honmvsz c. lapbl. 1839.

    Report from the periodical Honmvsz (Hungarian Artist) about the ball of law students. 1839.



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    84. Egyetemi nvtr 1830-bl.

    University register from 1830.

    85. Sachs Salamon orvostanhallgat

    vizsgaigazolsa 1846-bl.Exam certificate of medical student Salamon

    Sachs, from 1846.

    86. A joghallgatk jelvnye 1845-bl.

    Emblem of law students from 1845.



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    87. Fekete Lszl mrnki oklevele az Institutum Geometricumbl. 1843.

    Engineers diploma of Lszl Fekete from Institutum Geometricum. 1843.



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    88. Az egyetem kzponti pletnek kpe, reformkori rajzon. Veduta egy XIX. sz. eleji trkprl.

    The universitys main building, pictured on a drawing from the reform era. Veduta from a map from the early19th century.



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    89. Az Egyetemi Knyvtr plete 1876 eltt. Cserna Kroly vzfestmnye, 1896.

    The University Librarys building before 1876. Water-colour by Kroly Cserna, 1896.

    90. Az Egyetemi Knyvtrszablyzata 1774-bl.

    The statutes of the UniversityLibrary in 1774.



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    91. Etvs Jzsef az els felels magyar kormnyvalls- s kzoktatsgyi minisztere.(1848. prilis 7 1848. szeptember 11.)Stetka Gyula festmnye. 1884.

    Jzsef Etvs, minister of public instructionand religious affairs in the first responsiblegovernment of Hungary. (7th April 1848 11thSeptember 1848) Painting by Gyula Stetka. 1884.


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    Egyetemnk trtnetnek legszebb korsza-kai kz tartozik 1848 tavasza. A pesti, mrcius15-i forradalom megvvsban dnt szerepevolt az egyetemi ifjsgnak. Petfi Sndorhozs a forradalmi demokratkhoz elsknt az or-

    vos-, mrnk-, jogsz- s blcsszhallgatkcsatlakoztak nagy szmban, s a diksg lel-kesedse a pesti polgrokat is cselekvsre br-ta. Msnap a hallgatk mr az egyetemi zsz-lval vonultak az utcra, az egyetemi tancsjvhagysval. Termszetesen azonnal sz-bakerltek az egyetemi oktats gondjai is, sa dikok mr mrcius 17-n nyilvnossgrahoztk kilenc pontbl ll reformkvetels-ket, amivel a halad gondolkods tanrok isegyetrtettek. A kvetelseket kldttsg vittePozsonyba az lsez orszggylsre, gy sz-mos rszletk belekerlt az Egyetemrl szl1848-as trvnycikkbe. A forradalom gyzel-me teljess tette az 1844-tl rszben megkez-dd nemzeti nyelv oktatst. A hatsgokknytelenek voltak elrendelni a magyarul nemtud tanrok nyugdjazst vagy thelyezst.E tavaszi napokban azonban alig folyt oktatsaz Egyetemen. A dikok lzas vitkon trgyal-tk az orszg s az Egyetem jvjt, mrlegretettk tanraik tehetsgt, s vrtk az j pol-gri kormnyzat, benne a valls- s kzokta-

    tsgyi miniszter kinevezst. rdemes meg-jegyezni: mrcius vgn az egyetemi Tancsbeleegyezett abba, hogy tovbbi lsein a hall-gatsg kpviselje is rszt vehessen. Az jrakezdett eladsokat mr csak azrt sem lto-gattk, mert a hallgatk jelents szmban lp-tek be az jonnan alaktott nemzetrsgbe,amelynek kezdetben nll egyetemi szzadais volt. Hasonlan nagy szm jogsz- s mr-nkhallgat lpett be 1848 mjusban a Pes-ten szervezd honvdzszlaljakba, s kzlktbben letket is ldoztk a magyar szabad-sgharcban. Az orvostanhallgatk egy rszekatonaorvosi szolglatot vllalt a honvdsereg-ben.

    A mrciusi forradalom egyik vvmnya voltaz 1848. vi XIX.. trvnycikk a magyar Egye-temrl. E rendelkezs csupn rviden foglaltassze az j korszaknak az egyetemi kpzsrevonatkoz alapelveit, kimondva az intzmnyfggetlensgt s a ksbb annyit emlegetettliberlis alapeszmt: a tants s a tanuls sza-badsgt. Az egyetemi reform rszleteit a k-

    The spring of 1848 is one of the mostillustrious periods in the history of the University.University students played a key role in therevolutionary events in Pest on 15 March 1848.Sndor Petfi and the revolutionary democrats

    were first joined by medical, engineer, law andphilosophy students from the University, andtheir enthusiasm spurred the burghers of Pestinto action. The next day students carried theUniversity flag on the streets with the approval ofthe University Council. Naturally, the problemsof university education immediately surfaced,and on 17 March the students already publishedtheir nine demands for educational reform,which were also supported by progressivemembers of the University staff. A delegationtook the demands to the Diet in session inPozsony, thus several of these demands wereincorporated into the 1848 act on the University.The triumph of the revolution completed theshift to Hungarian-language instruction, whichstarted in 1844. The authorities were forced toorder the retirement or relocation of teacherswho did not speak Hungarian. Students tookpart in heated debates about the future of thecountry and the University, weighed the talentof their teachers and waited for the appointmentof the new independent government, including

    the minister of religion and public education.It is worth noting that at the end of March theUniversity Council agreed to the participationof the students representative at its sessions.Lectures resumed, but few students attended asmany of them joined the newly formed nationalguard, which at first even had a separateuniversity squadron. A great number of law andengineer students joined the Hungarian Armythat started enlisting recruits in Pest in May1848, and many of them sacrificed their livesin the War of Independence. Some medicalstudents became army surgeons.

    Act XIX of 1848 on the Hungarian Universitywas one of the achievements of the Revolution.This legal regulation provided a brief descriptionof the fundamentals of university education infuture, declaring the oft-quoted liberal principleof the freedom of teaching and learning. Theparliament intended to elaborate the detailsof university reform at its next session. JzsefEtvs, the first Public Education Ministercalled upon the various faculties to submit their




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    vetkez orszggylsen kvntk kidolgozni.Etvs Jzsef, a kzoktatsi trca els vezet-je 1848 tavaszn a tanv korbbi befejezstrendelte el, az Egyetem klnbz fakultsa-it pedig felszltotta, hogy nyjtsk be rszle-

    tes reformjavaslataikat. A tervezetek kidolgo-zsban mr az Etvs Jzsef ltal kinevezettj professzorok is rszt vettek. Olyan szem-lyek kaptak katedrt a klnbz karokon, akikmr a reformkorban elkteleztk magukat anemzeti szellem, korszer tudomnyos kp-zs mellett. Kzlk most a Blcsszeti Karrlcsak Vllas Antalt, a szabadsgharc utn azEgyeslt llamokba emigrlt matematikusts a klt Garay Jnost, a Jogi Karrl KornisKrolyt, a radiklis gondolkods, s ksbb azUSA-ba s Brazliba meneklt bntetjogszt,a ksbbi kultuszminisztert, Pauler Tivadart, azOrvosi Karrl a kmikus Nendtvich Krolyt em-ltjk meg.

    Az orvosi fakults mr a felszlts eltt el-ksztette korszerstsnek tervt, s ebben amodern orvoskpzs alapelveit fektette le. AJogi Kar tervezete rszletesen rtelmezte a tan-szabadsg elvt, hatrozottan prtolta a ma-gntanri intzmnyt s javasolta a jogblcse-let, st az sszehasonlt jogtan oktatsnakbevezetst is. A Blcsszeti Kar vlemny-

    bl a szervezeti talaktsra tett javaslatokatrdemes kiemelni. A Kar egyenjogstsa mel-lett itt mr felmerlt a fakults kettosztsnakjavaslata Matematikai (Termszettudomnyi)s Philosophiai (Blcsszettudomnyi) szak-ra. A mrnki tudomnyok nllstst is j-nak lttk. Utolsknt a Teolgiai Kar dolgoz-ta ki a fakults j tanulmnyi rendszert. Ezzelkapcsolatban az volt a legdntbb krds,hogy az orszgban honos, nem katolikus fe-lekezetek juthatnak-e nll hittudomnyi fa-kultshoz Magyarorszg egyetlen Egyetemn.

    Etvs Jzsef a legklnbzbb reformja-vaslatokat sszegezve elksztette a magavgs tervezett, amely azonban nem kerlhe-tett az orszggyls el. A honvd hborbaknyszertett Magyarorszgon egy vig nemfolyt egyetemi oktats, ennek ellenre 1848szn nem rlt ki teljesen az Egyetem p-lete. A honvdsg elltsa s segtse rde-kben katonaorvosi, hadmrnki stb. tanfo-lyamok nyltak, melyeken az Egyetem tanraioktattak, gy szolglva a szabadsgharc gyt.

    detailed recommendations for reform. Thedrafts were elaborated with the participationof the newly appointed professors selectedby Jzsef Etvs. Several scholars who havealready committed themselves to national

    ideals and modern scientific education duringthe Age of Reform were given teachingpositions, including, among others, themathematician Antal Vllas who taught in theFaculty of Humanities and later emigrated tothe United States of America, the poet JnosGaray, the prosecutor Mihny Kornis from theFaculty of Law, a radical thinker who first fledto the USA then to Brazil, the future Ministerof Culture, Tivadar Pauler, and chemist KrolyNendtvich from the Faculty of Medicine.

    The Faculty of Medicine already had amodernisation plan, which laid down theprinciples of modern medical training. Thedraft prepared by the Faculty of Law gavea detailed interpretation of the freedom oflearning, firmly supported the use of privatedocents (lecturers who were not universitystaff) and proposed the introduction of thephilosophy of law and comparative law inthe syllabus. From the opinion submittedby the Faculty of Humanities, the proposalsconcerning organisational changes deserve to

    be mentioned here. Besides the issue of givingequal rights to the Faculty, the document alsoincluded a proposal to divide the Faculty intotwo parts: a Faculty of Mathematics (Science)and a Faculty of Philosophy (Humanities). Theyalso favoured the separation of engineeringsciences. The Faculty of Theology was the lastto submit a proposal. The most critical issuehere was whether non-Catholic denominationsestablished within Hungary should get anindependent faculty in the only university of thecountry.After assessing the reform suggestions

    submitted by all parties Jzsef Etvs preparedhis own final plan, which, however, wasnot presented to the parliament. Hungarywas forced to fight for its independence anduniversity instruction was suspended for a year.Despite these circumstances, the premises ofthe University were not completely vacated inthe autumn of 1848. In order to treat and assistthe Army several courses for medical surgeonsand military engineers etc. were started by




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    Az 1849 elejn mg csak ideiglenesen gyz-tes ellenforradalom mr megkezdte a tan-rok fellvizsglatt, de a honvdsereg dics-sges tavaszi hadjrata egy idre elhalasztottaa megtorlsokat. Az Egyetem tanri kara 1849.

    jnius els napjaiban nneplyes nyilatkozat-tal ktelezte el magt a fggetlen magyar kor-mny mellett. E nyilatkozat alrsrt, a ma-gyar forradalom melletti killsrt ksbbtbb egyetemi ta nrnak slyos rat kellett fi-zetnie.

    Mivel a magyar forradalomnak nem adatottmeg a lehetsg az Egyetem korszerstsre,a nlklzhetetlen vltoztatsokat a gyztesbcsi abszolutizmusnak kellett elvgeznie. Aszabadsgharc leverse utn alapos tisztoga-tst vgeztek a tanri karban, s tbb profesz-szort elbocstottak, nhnyat brtnbntets-re tltek, s az Etvs ltal tett kinevezseklegtbbjt hatlytalantottk. 1850-ben a pes-ti Egyetemet tanulmnyi gyekben kzvetle-nl a bcsi valls- s kzoktatsgyi miniszteral rendeltk. Leopold Thun, bcsi kultuszmi-niszter Magyarorszgon is bevezette az oszt-rk egyetemeknl elfogadott reformokat. Ezzelolyan ellentmondsos helyzet llt el, hogyaz eredetileg liberlis tanszabadsg eszm-jt egy alapjaiban konzervatv s abszolutisz-

    tikus kormnyzat valstotta meg. Mindebblnyilvnvalan kvetkezik, hogy a szmos hala-d s korszer elemet tartalmaz Thun-fle re-form az Egyetem szempontjbl ellentmond-sokkal, flmegoldsokkal volt terhes. A bcsikormny felfggesztette az Egyetem nkor-mnyzatt, br a karok testleti jogait igaz,szkebb terletre szortva megtrte. A tr-gyak tbbsgnl visszatrtek a latin, majda nmet nyelv oktatshoz. Megkezdtk azegsz birodalomban egysges tanterv kialak-tst, amely az egyetlen magyar egyetemnl ismellztt minden nemzeti szempontot. A tan-rok kinevezsbe az Egyetem nem szlhatottbele, a tanri kar pedig szmos j, a dinasztiairnti hsgrl ismert, esetenknt nem ma-gyar professzorral egszlt ki.

    A Thun-fle reform ugyanakkor megvals-totta az 1848-ban tervezett reformok egy r-szt. A mrnki intzet s az llatorvoskp-zs nllsult, elvlt az Egyetemtl. Megsznta Blcsszeti Kar elkszt jellege, s fel-emelt tanulmnyi idejvel mr a tbbi fakults-

    the teachers of the University, thereby helpingthe cause of the War of Independence. At thebeginning of 1849 the counter-revolution startedto check up on teachers, but the glorious springcampaign of the Hungarian forces delayed

    retaliation for a while. In the first days of June1849 the academic staff of the Universityceremoniously declared its commitment tothe independent Hungarian government.Later several university teachers had to pay aheavy price for signing the declaration and forstanding by the Revolution.

    As the modernisation of the University couldnot be carried out by the Hungarian Revolution,the essential changes were left to the victoriousabsolutist power. After the defeat of the War ofIndependence many professors of the Universitywere dismissed, a few were even jailed, andmost appointments approved by Etvs wereinvalidated. In 1850 the educational issuesof the Pest University were placed under thedirect jurisdiction of the minister of religion andpublic education of the Vienna government.Minister Leopold Thun introduced the Austrianuniversity reforms in Hungary as well. Thislead to a contradictory situation where thefreedom of teaching which is a liberal ideal was actually implemented by a fundamentally

    conservative and absolutist government. Allthis naturally meant that the implementationof Thuns reforms, which included severalprogressive and modern elements, waswrought with contradictions and half-solutionsin respect of the University. The Viennagovernment suspended the autonomy of theUniversity, although it did tolerate the corporaterights of the faculties with some restrictions.Most subjects were again taught in Latinand later in German. They started to developa uniform curriculum for the entire empire,without regard to national characteristics, evenin the case of the only Hungarian University.The University had no say in the appointmentof professors and the academic staff wassupplemented by many new members knownfor their loyalty to the Habsburg dynasty, andseveral non-Hungarians.

    Thuns reforms, however, did implementa number of reforms planned in 1848. Theengineer training institute and veterinariancourses became independent from the




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    sal egyenjogv vlt. Az egyetemi felvtelt et-tl kezdve gimnziumi rettsgihez ktttk,ktelez s meglehetsen szigor vizsgasza-blyzatot lptettek letbe, lehetsg volt ma-gntanrok kinevezsre, vagyis kialakultak a

    modern egyetemi kpzs szervezeti keretei.Az Orvosi Karrl a Blcsszeti Karra kerltekt a nem orvosi jelleg termszettudomnyitanszkek, s megreformltk a gygyszersz-kpzst is. A pozitv szervezeti vltozsok mel-lett az oktats tartalmi rsze azonban f-leg a trsadalomtudomnyok terletn nemkorszersdtt, a tants konzervatv szellem-ben, sszbirodalmi jelleggel folyt. Egyes te-rleteken azonban gy is komoly eredmnyekszlettek. Elg, ha csak Semmelweis Igncra,az Orvosi Kar 1855-ben kinevezett tanrra, avilghr szlsz-ngygysz professzorra sCzermk Jnosra, a ggetkr feltalljra uta-lunk.

    Az Egyetem hallgatsgnak tbbsgt vl-tozatlanul a jogszok tettk ki. Ennek oka nem-csak a jogi plya hagyomnyos npszer-sgben rejlett, hanem abban is, hogy az j,centralizlt kzigazgats nagyszm jogi vg-zettsg hivatalnokot ignyelt. Ezzel szem-ben a hazai tanrkpzst visszavetette, hogyaz abszolutizmus korban tbb mint egy v-

    tizedig kzpiskolai tanri oklevelet csak azrks tartomnyok egyetemein letett vizsgaalapjn lehetett szerezni. A pesti Egyetemencsak 1862-ben lltottk fel a TanrvizsglBizottsgot, amely ettl kezdve jogosult lett ta-nri oklevl kiadsra.

    A politikai v