survey questions horror

Question analysis Paige marsh

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Survey questions horror

Question analysis

Paige marsh

Page 2: Survey questions horror

Survey monkey I carried out a survey on survey monkey because I felt like this was the best tool to use as I am able to analyse my results in useful bar charts that clearly show the results and there correlations or comparisons. I got a total of 67 results which I was extremely happy about an gave me a good working line. I made my survey available on the social media, Facebook , as I know this is the most diverse social media site that I have, it also enabled family and friends to share the link so there friend could also can answer it. As you can see I had 4 shares and so this widened the available people to answer it.

Page 3: Survey questions horror

Question 1 Question 1 provides me with a baseline about who is answering my survey it also allows me to later explain any anomalies or unexpected results as the ages of people are important with the marketing of a film.

The most popular age group on this survey was 17-20, this means I have a very small percentage of under 18s or people who haven't seen an 18s movie, meaning these people are more likely to pick horrors and thrillers are there genre as they are old enough to see these movies. My second most popular was 30-40 category and the lest popular was the 16 and under.

Page 4: Survey questions horror

Question 2I asked this question to get an idea on what genres people like, and how popular the horror genre is. The genre is the second most popular according to these results. It got 19.40% of my total results which means 13 people out of 67 picked horror, I think this is because I gave man results and people could choose between many genres of film. However I designed my survey like this so I wasn’t asking people to lie or pick there second choice of film trailer.

I made an other box so that people with particular genres were ale to answer truthfully and it also enabled me to see any genres I could have missed.

Page 5: Survey questions horror

Question 3This question made it easier for me to think about the future trailer but also what should be in it. I found that jump scares and scary tension building music where the most important one and had the same score of 37.31%. They where both just as popular , creepy scenes was the next and last most popular as no other category was picked. Giving creepy scenes the score of 25.37%

This gives me a great idea on what should be in my trailer, also what is expected of an audience

Page 6: Survey questions horror

Question 4 This question enabled me to get an idea on what age rating people expect a horror movie to be. The good thing about this survey is that 43.28% of people that answered the survey are 21 and over. Also because I know who answered off the social media site I worked out that at least ¾ of them have children of there own. This shows what an adult parent would expect a horror movie to be, as they put in an opinion heavily based on what they would like there children to see. I can see from the results that 15 is most popular and then 18 is slightly below. This gives me an idea that a lot of people expect the person to mature enough to watch the horror.

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Question 5 This questions was so I had an idea on who was answering my questionnaire. Also because I have some categories that are popularly selected it also gives me an idea if there is a difference between how a female perceives a horror movie to how a male would. For example on question 3 two categories weren't selected at all implying that the males and females all picked the most popular categories and so therefore have similar opinions of that question.