horror movie survey

Horror Movie Survey Results collected on Survey Monkey

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Post on 27-Jan-2017



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Horror Movie SurveyResults collected on Survey Monkey

Page 2: Horror movie survey

What’s the purpose of the survey?For the best results, me and my group

made a survey filled with questions based on horror films. We would use the results to make our opening sequence resemble these views. Also we could gain a bigger audience because it’s what the majority of viewers want to see.

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How Old Are You?We used this question because this would give us a clear indication of who to aim our audience at. The most popular age group are teenagers aged between 15-20. In our short clip. We have decided to use teenage actors instead of adults because teenagers could relate more to the feelings and emotions of the characters, making the watching experience more thrilling.

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What Is Your Gender?This question we found important to ask because we wanted to know which gender is more into horror. More females took our survey then males. This shows that maybe females are more interested in horror then males therefore took the time to take the survey.

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Do You Like The Genre Horror?This question to gives me and my group an outline of how we can attract a wider audience. According to this question, more people are into this genre. From this, we can make our opening quite scary and thrilling rather than dull and not interesting.

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What Attracts You To Horror Films?People love to watch horror films, but why were people drawn to them? What makes them want to watch them? 52% said that the thrill is what draws them to the film. This was the highest response. The lowest response was the location. Some responders left comments, on saying that it’s better than watching another RomCom.

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What Sub-genres(s) Do You Like?With this question, we knew what type of sub-genre to base our opening on. Most responders like the genre ‘Supernatural.’ Examples of supernatural films are Paranormal Activity and The Conjuring. The second highest response was a ‘Comedy Horror.’ From this, we can tell people like to be entertained rather than be sat on the edge of their seats the entire film.

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How Often Do You Horror Films?Rarely do individuals watch horror films. This maybe because they come on late at night or people would rather watch something that’s more entertaining. Also, during the day our main audience, teenagers, are at school and when then come home they to do homework. When they get spare time, it’s usually in the evening when it’s dark which some people don’t want to do. in addition, watching a horror film is the last thing some people want to watch before going to bed.

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Where Do You Watch/Prefer to Watch Films?We asked this question to know what type of an audience we should aim our short clip at. This question shows that most people like to watch their films in the comfort of their own homes, on a TV. We also know if our audience should be a mass audience or a niche one. We also know who to aim it at based on the most popular age group taking this survey.

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Do You Prefer To Watch Horror Films Alone?Most people don’t like to watch horror films alone. 6 out of 50 people said that they like to watch them alone. Watching them alone gives you more excitement and pleasure watching the film. If your watching it someone else, you feel safe.

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What Do You Do While The Film?While watching a film, like a cinema these results show that most people like to watch movies while eating snacks. Others like to hide behind a pillow to keep themselves safe and so they don’t jump when something pops up on the screen the unexpectedly. Quite a few go on their phones.

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Are You More Likely To Watch A Movie If It Has Your Favourite Actor/Actress In It?Most peoples said yes to this question. They would be more interested because it’s someone they like, therefore making the film more enjoyable. 20 people said that it doesn’t bother them. The thing that would matter is how appealing is the actual film itself. However, only 2 people said no.