succeeding with technology chapter 4

eding with Technology 4 th ed> The Internet and World Wide Web > Please discontinue use of cell phone and turn off the ringer. Internet Technology Internet Communications Web Technology Web Applications The Internet and Web Chapter 4

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Please discontinue use of cell phoneand turn off the ringer.

Internet Technology Internet Communications Web Technology Web Applications

The Internet and Web

Chapter 4

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Internet Technology Key Terms

Internet Backbone Internet Service Provider

(ISP) Routers Dial-up Connection Cable modem connection DSL connection DSS connection

Binary number system Protocols TCP/IP IP Address Client/server Port Peer-to-peer (P2P)

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The Internet provides high-speed information and communication thoroughfaresbetween individuals and organizations around the globe.

What is the Internet?

Internet is a global, public network of computer networks.

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A Brief History of the Internet

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Internet Hardware

The Internet backbone consists of the main pathways and connections of the Internet owned primarily by telecom companies.

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Internet Hardware Points of Presence (POPs)

Network Service Providers that allow users to connect to the Internet backbone.

Internet Service ProvidersProvide users with access to the Internet.

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Internet Hardware

Routers: computing devices that manage network traffic by evaluating data packets and routing them to their destination.

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Accessing the Internet Dial-up is a low-speed service that

uses a phone line. Transfer rate a high of 56 Kbps per second.

Cable modem is high-speed service provided by cable television providers. Supporting 1 to 50 Mbps rates.

DSL uses the phone line, but there is no dialing up and users can use the Internet and talk on the phone simultaneously. Supporting 1 to 6 Mbps.

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Internet Service Fees & Speeds Other forms of Internet access are emerging

as efforts continue to provide access to everyone, anywhere, anytime.

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Packet Switching

A packet switching network divides all network data into small packets for faster, more efficient delivery.

Dear Joan,

Hi! How’s it goin’? Just finished midterms, and it looks like I might graduate this semester after all! :-) My computer teacher is really great and I guess that I learned more than I thought in those wonderful lectures that I had previously written you about….

Dear Joan,

Hi! How’s it goin’? Just finished midterms, and it looks like I might graduate this semester after all! :-) My computer teacher is really great and I guess that I learned more than I thought in those wonderful lectures that I had previously written you about….

An email message

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Transmission Control Protocol and Internet = TCP/IP

Data is transported over the Internet in packets.

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Internet Protocols Protocols are rules that

govern how data is transmitted and received.

They govern all Network and Internet communications: The InternetThe WebEmailInstant MessagingEtc.

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Internet Protocols TCP/IP

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): Divides data into packets for transmission, and reassembles data from packets upon delivery.

Internet Protocol (IP): Controls the delivery of packets between IP addresses.

IP Address a 32-bit number that identifies each sender or

receiver of information that is sent in packets across the Internet.


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Network Architectures Client/Server

Client/server technology is the basis of Internet services such as e-mail and the Web and uses server computers to distribute data to client applications such as Internet Explorer.

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Network Architectures Peer-to-peer

Do not utilize a central server but facilitate communications directly between clients.

Participants running P2P software make a portion of their file system available to other participants to access directly.

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Key Terms Hyperlink HTTP Web browser Web server HTML

Web Technology

XML XHTML Web authoring software Cookies Plug-in Content Streaming

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The World Wide Web The World Wide Web is an

Internet-based service that provides convenient access to information through hyperlinks.

The World Wide Web was developed by Tim Berners-Lee between 1989 and 1991.

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Linking Together The process of “linking together”

documents from diverse sources requires three components:

1. A defined system for linking the documents.

2. Protocols that allow different computers to communicate.

3. Tools to assist in creating the documents and the links between them.

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Web Protocols & Standards HTML: Hypertext Markup

Language is the formatting language used to define the appearance of Web pages.

XML: New and popular standard for describing and classifying data in Web pages and other Web services.

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Web Protocols & Standards

HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol defines and controls communication between Web server and client (Web browser).

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Web Protocols & Standards URL: Uniform Resource

Locator is the fancy name for a Web address.

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Web Protocols & Standards

XML provides a method for describing and classifying the content of data in a Web page.

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Web-Authoring Software

Web-authoring software allows the developer to create Web pages using HTML code and a WYSIWYG editor.

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Programming the Web

Cookies are data generated by a Web server, and stored on your computer.

Used to target marketing or customize a webpage when you next visit the server.

Dynamic Web Pages are created on the fly, by identifying the user through a cookie ID and accessing user information from a database.

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Programming Languages The four most prevalent programming

languages used to implement interactivity are: JavaJavaScriptActiveXAJAX

flickr was created using AJAX technology

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Web Browser Plug-Ins A plug-in is a program

that works with the browser to offer extended services –typically the ability to view animations or video, listen to music, or interact with the Webpage.Popular plug-ins

include Flash and Quicktime.


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Web Browser Plug-Ins Content streaming allows media files to play

while they are being delivered by the Web server.

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Key Terms Search engine Synchronous communication Asynchronous communication E-mail E-mail attachment Instant messaging (IM) Chat

Internet and Web Applications

SMS Text messaging Blogs Web 2.0 Wiki Social Bookmarking Video Conferencing Telecommuting

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Internet & Web Applications

Information gathering Communication, collaboration,

and social networking News Education and training E-commerce Travel Employment and careers Multimedia and entertainment Research

The Web contains millions of Web sites. Each Web site is unique, and most can be classified under one of the following categories:

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Information Gathering

Search Engines: Helps us find information on the Web through keyword searches of databases

Operators can also be employed for more precise search results. (

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Web Search Market Google holds the

lion’s share of the search market 65%

The partnership of Microsoft and Yahoo! increased their combined market share to 23%

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Web Portals Web portals are

Web pages that are designed to act as entry points to the Web—the first page you open when you begin browsing the Web.

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Forms of Communication Synchronous: people communicate in real time Asynchronous: allows participants to leave

messages for each other to be read, heard, or watched, and responded to at the recipient’s convenience.

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Communication and Collaboration Synchronous Communication

Phone conversationInstant Messaging

Asynchronous CommunicationVoice mailEmailSMS Texting

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Virtual Chat

Virtual chat provides a virtual world for you to enter and chat and interact with others.

Second Life

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Text Messaging Short Message Service

(SMS), more commonly known as text messaging or texting, is a method of sending short messages, no longer than 160 characters, between cell phones.

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Web logs, are Web sites created to express one or more individuals’ views on a given topic.

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Web 2.0 Social Networking

• Facebook (social net), • MySpace (social net), • LinkedIn (pro social net), • Digg (news, bookmarking), • Delicious (bookmarking), • Wikipedia (crowdsourced encyclopedia), • Epinions (consumer reviews), • Flickr (photo sharing), • SmugMug (photo sharing), • YouTube (video sharing), • Second Life (3D social net), • Plaxo (aggregator),

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Web 2.0 Sites

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RSS (Really Simple Syndication) A web-content distribution technology

Social Networking

Web sites provide Web-based tools for users to share information about themselves with others on the Web, and find, meet, and converse with other members. FacebookMySpaceLinkedIn

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Media Sharing Media-sharing Web sites

provide methods for members to store and share digital media files on the Web.

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Video Communication

Video communications make use of small (3- to 4-inch) video windows, slower rates of frames per second (typically 15 fps or less), and sometimes fewer colors or monochrome images use for data.

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Video Conferencing

Video conferencing is a technology that combines video and voice communications along with document sharing.

Telecommunications is the process of working from locations away from the office by using telecommunications technologies.

Telecommunications is the process of working from locations away from the office by using telecommunications technologies.

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News and Information On-line news services allow

you to drill-down into the story to get background information and details.

Webcasting expands the Web’s ability to provide detailed news coverage and can transform Web news services into something resembling interactive TV.

Webcasting expands the Web’s ability to provide detailed news coverage and can transform Web news services into something resembling interactive TV.

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Education and Training

Educational institutions of all types and sizes are using the Web to enhance classroom education or extend it to individuals who are unable to attend.

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E-commerce E-commerce has opened up

opportunities in buying and selling.

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Travel The Web has transformed

the travel industry.

Microsoft Bing Maps provide close-range aerial photography of locations like the beach at Miami Beach.

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Employment and Careers The Web assists us in

researching career possibilities:Selecting a careerResearching companiesNetworking with

colleaguesSearching want adsCreating Resumes &

Professional Websites

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Faster Internet connections and advances in streaming technology have brought a wide range of media and gaming applications to the Web.

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Television and Movies

The television and movie industry is also making the move to Internet distribution.

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Research The Web has become the most popular

medium for distributing and accessing information. Subject Directories and Search EnginesIssues of reliabilityLibrary Web sitesResearch Databases

Consumers are increasingly reliant upon online resources to ease and inform major life events.

Consumers are increasingly reliant upon online resources to ease and inform major life events.

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The Future Internet & Web

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The Future Internet Internet2 is a research and development consortium led

by over 200 U.S. universities and supported by partnerships with industry and government to develop and deploy advanced network applications and technologies for tomorrow’s Internet. Goals include: Create a leading-edge network capability for

the national research community. Enable revolutionary Internet applications. Ensure the rapid transfer of new network

services and applications to the broader Internet community.

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The Future Internet The National LambdaRail (NLR), or Internet3 is a

cross country, high-speed fiber-optic network dedicated to researching high-speed networking applications.

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High-Speed Internet Applications The new and exciting

applications being explored on these super-speed networks fall under four categories: Interactive collaboration Real-time access to remote

resources Large-scale, multisite computation

and data mining Shared virtual reality

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Real-time access to remote Resources

Scientists can control the astronomical telescopes at Gemini observatories in Hawaii and Chile from any location on Internet2.

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Web 3.0 The tremendous

impact that Web 2.0 has had on society has many wondering what major change in Web technology—what paradigm shift—will occur next. What will constitute Web 3.0?Soon your own digital personal assistant may be

handling your online research and tasks.

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Chapter 4 Questions?