stellenbosch gazette 22 apr 2014

8 Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore Year 16 • Tuesday 22 April 2014 | Tel. 021 887 2840 ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN ’n Polisieman is Donderdagaand in die Klapmuts-polisiekantoor waar hy alleen diens gedoen het tydens ’n rooftog geskiet Volgens lt.gen. Arno Lamoer, die provinsiale polisiekommissaris, is ao. Steven Britz (44) Woensdagaand terwyl hy aan diens was, doodge- skiet. Lamoer het Donderdag tydens ’n perskonferensie op Klapmuts gesê drie mans, wat hulself as klaers voorgedoen het, het om omstreeks 22:40 die stasie binnegekom. Hulle het Britz doodgeskiet waar hy alleen aan diens was in die aan- klagkantoor en vyf vuurwapens uit ’n kluis gebuit voor hul op die vlug geslaan het. “Twee ander offisiere wat ook aan diens was, was in dié stadium uit op ’n klagte en het die stasie gebel, maar die telefoon is doodgedruk. Hulle het teruggekom na die stasie waar hulle hom dood aangetref het.” Volgens Lamoer is hulle besig met die ondersoek om die motief agter die voorval te probeer bepaal. “Ons sal alles in ons vermoë doen om die verdagtes wat verantwoorde- lik is vir die dood van ao. Britz so gou as moontlik in hegtenis te neem. Ons doen ’n dringende beroep op enigiemand wat ons kan help met in- ligting om die Valke se ondersoek- beampte, ao. George Ainslie, te kon- tak op 0 082 522 1260 of 082 463 8706. “Ons sal nie toelaat dat die misdadi- gers toegelaat word om vry te loop nie.” Britz was vir 22 jaar in diens van die polisie en laat sy vrou en twee seuns (19 en 11 jaar) agter. Die provinsiale polisiekommissaris lt.gen. Arno Lamoer spreek die media toe ná ao. Steven Britz se skietdood in Klapmuts. FOTO’S: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Die Klapmuts-polisiekantoor waar ao. Steven Britz doodgeskiet is. Polisieman doodgeskiet by Klapmuts-kantoor

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Stellenbosch gazette 22 apr 2014


Page 1: Stellenbosch gazette 22 apr 2014

Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 16 • Tuesday 22 April 2014 | Tel. 021 887 2840


’n Polisieman is Donderdagaandin die Klapmuts-polisiekantoorwaar hy alleen diens gedoen hettydens ’n rooftog geskiet

Volgens lt.gen. Arno Lamoer, dieprovinsiale polisiekommissaris, isao. Steven Britz (44) Woensdagaandterwyl hy aan diens was, doodge-skiet.

Lamoer het Donderdag tydens ’nperskonferensie op Klapmuts gesêdrie mans, wat hulself as klaersvoorgedoen het, het om omstreeks22:40 die stasie binnegekom.

Hulle het Britz doodgeskiet waarhy alleen aan diens was in die aan-klagkantoor en vyf vuurwapens uit’n kluis gebuit voor hul op die vluggeslaan het.

“Twee ander offisiere wat ook aandiens was, was in dié stadium uit op’n klagte en het die stasie gebel,maar die telefoon is doodgedruk.Hulle het teruggekom na die stasiewaar hulle hom dood aangetref het.”

Volgens Lamoer is hulle besig metdie ondersoek om die motief agterdie voorval te probeer bepaal.

“Ons sal alles in ons vermoë doenomdieverdagteswatverantwoorde-lik is vir die dood van ao. Britz so

gou as moontlik in hegtenis te neem.Ons doen ’n dringende beroep openigiemandwatonskanhelpmet in-ligting om die Valke se ondersoek-beampte, ao. George Ainslie, te kon-tak op 0 082 522 1260 of 082 463 8706.

“Ons sal nie toelaat dat die misdadi-gers toegelaat word om vry te loopnie.”

Britz was vir 22 jaar in diens vandie polisie en laat sy vrou en tweeseuns (19 en 11 jaar) agter.

Die provinsiale polisiekommissaris lt.gen. Arno Lamoer spreek die media toe ná ao.Steven Britz se skietdood in Klapmuts. FOTO’S: ELBÉ VAN HEERDEN Die Klapmuts-polisiekantoor waar ao. Steven Britz doodgeskiet is.

Polisieman doodgeskiet byKlapmuts­kantoor

Page 2: Stellenbosch gazette 22 apr 2014

Stellenbosch Gazette News - Nuus Tuesday 22 April 20142

Idasvalleiers keelvol virdewlmmisbruik in areaDie inwoners van Idasvallei het Sondag ’noptog teen dwelmmisbruik by GratitudePark (Kreefgat) gehou.

Die gemeenskap word geteister deur diedwelm tik, en feitlik elke gesin word daardeurgeraak. Of ’n gesin het al iemand verloor aandié dwelm, of daar word by hulle huise deur

tikverslaafdes ingebreek.Die doel van die optog was om die jeug uit

die kloue van die dwelmmonster te red, om diedwelmbase bewus temaakdat die gemeenskapgenoeg gehad het en dat daar dringend iets ge-doen moet word, sodat die gemeenskap kanversoen en meer betrokke raak.Oud en jonk het aan die optog deelgeneem.

Die inwoners van Idasvallei het ’n optog teen dwelmmisbruik gehou. FOTO: ANDRICUS VAN DER WESTHUIZEN

Municipal programme for SMMEsThe CapeWinelands District Munici-pality in association with Stellen-bosch Entrepreneur and EnterpriseDevelopment (SEED) has completedthe Stellenbosch leg of the CWDMTraining and Mentorship Develop-ment Programme.On 11 April CWDM awarded the 22

entrepreneursthatcompletedthepro-gramme in Stellenbosch with theircourse certificates.The CWDM Training and Mentor-

ship Development Programme offersnot only business support to micro orsmallentrepreneursbutalsotheculti-vation of a fresh entrepreneurialmindset.Theprogrammeoffersa rareopportunity to those who are willingto put forth effort and commitment byfirstsharpeningtheiremotional intel-ligence followed by improving busi-ness behaviour and skills.“After I registeredmy business and

received all documentation, I had noideawhere to start. I thenheard of the

CWDM Training & Mentorship Pro-gramme for SMMEs and started to at-tend classes. Now I am able to draftmy ownbusiness plan,work on finan-cials and have gained confidence. Ican even approach clients now!” saidNicholas Mtaki, entrepreneur in theStellenbosch area.The programme structure is de-

signed with a four-pillar foundationsystem that first implements the en-trepreneurial mindset shift followedby business theory and experientialapplication.The four pillars focus and build

around: personal characteristics (op-timistic value and belief system),onterpersonal skills (building greatrelationships), critical and creativethinking skills (fresh ideas and gooddecisions) and practical skills (skillsand knowledge).The formal accredited business

training includes writing a winningbusiness plan, financial management

(offered by the Stellenbosch Univeri-ty’s Department of Accounting andspecifically designed for SMME’s byCorinna Kirsten (a lecturer at SU),and marketing for success.The accredited training is further

supported through the offering oftoolkit workshops and networkingsessions that break down and rein-force aspects of budgeting, recordingincomeandexpenses, perfectingyourelevatorpitch, andcraftingyourbusi-ness vision and ission statements.In addition to the three accredited

training programmes, eight of the topentrepreneurswereselected topartic-ipate in additional training and men-toring that was offered by Universityof Stellenbosch Business School-Ex-ecutive Development (USB-ED): Cen-tre for Applied Entrepreneurship.This two-day workshop further

challenged the entrepreneur to suc-cessfully implement improved busi-ness processes and practices.

National Epilepsy Week aims to educateyou about the rights of epilepsy­sufferersEvery year National Epilepsy Week is cele-brated to raise awareness about epilepsy, aneurological condition characterised by un-usual electrical activity in the brain.Even though it is themost commonneuro-

logical condition in the world, it is still verymuch misunderstood.This year, National EpilepsyWeekwill be

celebrated from 16 to 22 June.Although South Africa has ratified inter-

national treaties, established various poli-cies and guidelines and recognised the righttonon-discriminationon thebasisofdisabil-ity in the Constitution, the rights of peoplewith epilepsy and other disabilities are fre-quently violated in domestic, communityand employment contexts.The saddening fact is that people with epi-

lepsymostly experience the effects of stigmaand discrimination from people who knowabout their epilepsy and seizures – i.e. thoseclosest to them. If you didn’t know about aperson’s epilepsyyouwould treat himorherexactly the same as everybody else? Thisraises the question: Who has epilepsy? Doyou really know?The main aim of National Epilepsy Week

is to dispel themyths, social stigmas anddis-

crimination attached to the condition.People are considered to have less value

to their community and are seen as only de-pendent on welfare. Together with a senseof vulnerability when it comes to seizures,this view places persons with epilepsy at se-vere risk.Marina Clarke, national director of Epi-

lepsy SouthAfrica, says: “National EpilepsyWeek focuses on educating the public aboutthe rights of people with epilepsy. We decid-edon this theme toencouragepeople toques-

tion their ownattitudes towardspeopleliving with epilepsy.”There are a variety of human rights

policies available for persons with epi-lepsy and other disabilities, most nota-bly in SA the South African Constitu-tion and other relevant legislation, andthe United Nations Convention on theRights of Persons with Disabilities(UNCRPD), ratified by South Africa.It is important for all people to know

about and understand these rights tobetter protect themselves and theirloved ones from discrimination, abuseand unfair practice.

These policies and principles are there toprotect therightsofpeople, includingallpeo-ple with epilepsy.They are the structure to what society

needs to adhere to and there are very realimplications for breaching them.Youneed to know that your rights are pro-

tected and that people who infringe on yourrightsare liable to face thepenaltyof the law.For more information about Epilepsy

South Africa and National Epilepsy Week,call0 0860 EPILEPSY (0860 374t537) or

CADDIES STANDOUT THANKS TO DONATION: Caddies who participated in the 2014 Zone VI GolfTournament were hard to miss thanks to a donation of 100 reflective bibs from a local securitycompany. The tournament was held from Monday 14 April at the Devonvale Golf and Wine Estate,which has been safeguarded by ADT Security since 2006. From left are: Nazeem Fredericks (ADTregional estates manager), Riyaan Parker (residential guarding estates area manager), Ethan vanHeerden (caddy) and Patrick Elder (estate security manager).

Page 3: Stellenbosch gazette 22 apr 2014

Stellenbosch GazetteNews - NuusTuesday 22 April 2014 3

Familie­pret by FamFestDie jaarlikse FamFest het Sondag by TheWildClover-plaas, Stellenbosch plaasgevind.Meer as 1 000 mense het die dag bygewoon.

Oud en jonk het saam gekuier, na die ver-maakgeluister, endiekindershethopeaktiwi-teite gehad om hulself mee besig te hou.

Die gesigverf vir kinders was baie gewild.Kinders het na hartelus saam gedans by die FamFest op die Wild Clover-plaas.

Die jaarlikseFamFesthetSondagby WildCloverplaas-gevind. Meer as 1 000 mense het die dag bygewoon.Die hula-hoop was ’n gewilde tydverdryf.

Page 4: Stellenbosch gazette 22 apr 2014

Stellenbosch Gazette News - Nuus Tuesday 22 April 20144


) AA Stellenbosch­Sentraal kom om20:15 bymekaar by die NG kerkStellenbosch-Wes in Alexander-straat. 0 084 293 3967.


)AlkoholisteAnoniem (AA)enAlanon (vir vriende en familievan verslaafdes) kom om 20:15 bydie NG kerk Stellenbosch-Wes,Alexanderstraat, bymekaar. Virmeerinligtingbel0 084 293 3967of021 889 5791.


) La Motte RFC, Franschhoek biedaan Piekniekdans: Stofpad seWha-ni Jansen by La Motte burgersen-trum. Kaartjies is R50. Eie plattersen kontantkroeg. Kom dans saamvan 19:00 tot laat.


) Single Parents In Action (SPA

presents a Workshop for Parents:Your emotional statewill affecthowyouraiseyourchildren. 11:00 - 14:00.Legacy Centre Kayamandi. Guestspeaker: Councillor Suzette Little(Mayco Member Social Develop-ment & Early Childhood Develop-ment). Pre-book in order to secureyour seat. Bookings: 2 [email protected].

25-26 APRIL

) Laerskool Cloetesville-kar-naval - 45ste bestaansjaarvierin-ge. Cloetesville Sportterrein. Vol-wassenes (R15) en kinders (R10).Stalletjies is beskikbaar teenR350.Bel mnr. Van Rensburg0 021 889 5329.

26-29 APRIL

)SA Kaasfees - Sandringham-plaas. Hekke open daagliks vanaf10:00 tot 18:00, laaste dag oop van10:00 tot 17:00. Kaartjies (R130) byComputicket, Shoprite, Checkers,Checkers Hyper enHouse &Homewinkels (geen kaartjies by die hek-ke nie). Seniors (R100) en kinders13-jaar en jonger (GRATIS). Be-soek Agri-Expo 0 021 975 4440of 2 [email protected].

Star­studded ‘dark’ comedyIf you need guidance on how tovote in the General Electionthen don’t miss David Kau’sBlacksOnlyComedyShowattheGrandWest Grand Arena onTuesday 6 May, the day beforethe elections.

Publicdemandfollowing thesuc-cessful Bling Bling Tour last yearhas led David to join up withSkhumba Hlope, Thapelo “Tips”Seemise, Loyiso Madinga, SifisoNene, Alan Committee, DonovanGoliath, and KG.David began his comedy career

bybeing the firstblackstand-upco-median in the 1998 Smirnoff Come-dy Festival in Cape Town.He has since headlined at many

local and international comedyshows also appearing overseas atcomedy festivals.For the past decade he has fo-

cusedonhishugelypopularBlacksOnly Comedy Shows.Hlopeisanactor, radiopresenter

and stand-up comedian. He is wellknown on SABC1 as a contributorto the youth talk show, Mzanzi In-sider and as Dlamini in the TaxiRide series.Seemise trained as a dancer and

choreographer before breaking in-to stand-up comedy.

Since then he has appeared atmany comedy festivals includingthe Tshwane Comedy Festival, theKings of Comedy in Botswana,Dia-monds and Dorings Comedy Showin Kimberley, as well as in a fewBlacks Only Comedy Shows.Winner of the first So You Think

You’re Funny award in 2009, SifisoNenehaswon theAudienceChoiceaward at the Comics ChoiceAwards and also the SATMAaward as Best IndigenousComedian.

He starred as Bhakabhaka in theTaxi Ride tv-series together withHlope and Seemise.Oneof themostversatile comedi-

ans in South Africa, Alan Commit-tee is equally adept at stand-up ashe is on the stage.For the past few years he has en-

joyed huge success touring thecountry in the hilarious one manshow, Defending the Caveman.Add to thishisnumerousappear-

ances at comedy festivals, and youshould be in no doubt that Alan isa very funny man indeed.Donovan’s comedic career start-

ed in 2010 at the Comedy Under-ground in Johannesburg and sincethen has become an establishedname on the comedy circuit.He has been nominated both for

the Newcomer of the Year andBreakthroughcategoriesatsucces-sive Comics Choice Awards.Completing the line-up isKagiso,

or KG as he is better known.KGwas inCapeTownearlier this

year in his one man show, Heavy.Inaveryshort timehehasmoved

from being an open-mic comedianto being featured in club, theatreand corporate comedy.The show starts at 20:00 and tick-

etsareavailable fromComputicketbetween R113 and R227.


Enter Mr & Miss Idas Valley nowEnigma Von Hamburg, director of anumber of pageants within the WesternCape, will present the first Annual Mr &Miss Idas Valley Stellenbosch 2014.

This pageant is not only for schoollearners,but isopentothewholeIdasVal-ley community.

The female categories are as follows:toddler: 5 – 9 years ; junior 10 – 13 years;teen 14 – 17 years and senior 18 and older.

Themale categories are as follows: tod-dler 7 – 11 years, junior 12 – 15 years; sen-ior 16 and older. Big prices like a model-ling contract and a professional photo-shoot are included in the winning price.

Entries for contestants are free andopen until 25 April. The event will takeplace on Saturday 17 May at LuckhoffHigh School Hall. The ticket cost for sup-porters is only R30 and limited seats areavailable.

The top threewinners of each categorywill also automatically be a finalist ofMr&MsStellenbosch thatwill takeplace lat-erthisyearattheStellenboschTownHall.

To enter the pageant, make a sponsor-ship or any other queries relating to theevent you can contact Enigma on0 073 707 1851, BBM 293345C8 or send anemail to [email protected]. Pageant director, Enigma Von Hamburg.

Page 5: Stellenbosch gazette 22 apr 2014

Stellenbosch GazetteNews - NuusTuesday 22 April 2014 5

Ma studeer suksesvol byMaties en inspireer dogterFiela Snell, ’n inwoner van Kaya-mandi, het deur middel van dieVolwasse Onderrig en Opleiding(VOO)-program by Maties Ge-meenskapsdiens ’n beter pos byhaar werk gekry en sien uit daar-naomvolgende jaarhaarmatriekte doen.

Snell is onlangs as die top VOO-leerder gekroon tydens ’n seremoniewat in Idasvallei gehou is.Sy het haar vlak 4-sertifikaat, ge-

lykstaande aan graad 9, voltooi envier A’s behaal met ’n gemiddeldepersentasie van 80%.“Ek wou al lankal terugkeer skool

toeenmystudiesvoltooi,wantekhetnooit destyds skool klaargemaaknie,” vertel Snell.Sy het tóé as algemene werker by

’nwinkel inStellenboschbeginwerken daar van die VOO-program ge-hoor.Tydenshaar studieshetdaar ’n ge-

leentheid vir ’n toesighouerspos bydie winkel opgeduik en Snell is deur’n kollega aangemoedig om aansoekte doen vir die pos.As deel van die keuringsproses

moes sy ook ’n toets aflê. Sywas baieverbaas toe sy hoor dat sy die pos ge-kry het.“Ander kandidate het matriek ge-

had, maar ek het nog steeds beter ashulle gevaar. Ek dink dit is te dankeaan Maties (Gemeenskapsdiens) enhoe hulle ’n wêreld van moontlikhe-de vir my oopgemaak het.As ek nie by Maties was nie, sou

ek nie die wiskunde wat in die toetswas, kon voltooi nie, want dit was

nogal moeilik.”Sy gaan in Augustus inskryf vir

diematriekprogramenhoop omver-der te studeer in ’n bestuurspos by’n restaurant of die verpleegkunde.Dié program was nie net vir Snell

voordelig nie.Sy en haar gewese man het altwee

die program voltooi, en dit het hultienerdogter, Conré, ’n oud-leerderaan Lückhoff Sekondêr, so geïnspi-reer, dat sy harderwouwerk in haarmatriekjaar.Haar harde werk is tóé beloonmet

’n A-simbool in die 2013 NasionaleSertifikaat-eksamen.Vanjaar is sy as eerstejaar by die

Universiteit van die Wes-Kaap inge-skryf omdie LLB (Regte)-program tevolg, danksy ’n NSFAS-beurs wat syontvang het.

Conré Snell (links) en Fiela Snell. Fiela het danksy Maties Gemeenskapsiens suksesvol verder studeer.

Skryf nou in vir gewilde Maties Wetenskap Winterweek“’n Mens dink teen die tyd dat asjy ingraad11 is, jyminofmeerweethoe die wêreld werk. Maar ná hier-dieweekhetekbesef ekweeteintliknog niks!”Dit is hoe Peter Joubert, tans ’n

gr. 12-leerling aan Hoërskool Gars-fontein in Pretoria, verlede jaar seMaties Wetenskap Winterweek er-

vaar het. Volgens sy ma, MarinaJoubert, self ’n oud-Matie, is hynoumeer as ooit vasbeslote om in Stel-lenbosch te kom studeer.“Hy het die persoonlike kontak

met navorsers en nagraadse stu-dente baie geniet, veral die na-graadse studente by bewaringsbio-logie en herpetologie. Hy was ook

baie beïndrukmet al diemoeitewatdr. Theo Nell van die departementfisiologiese wetenskappe gedoenhet,” het sy gesê.Die Maties Wetenskap Winter-

week vind vanjaar van 29 Junie tot3 Julie plaas. Dit word elke jaardeur die US se fakulteit natuurwe-tenskappe gereël en gee aan graad

11- en 12-leerders met ’n belangstel-ling in wiskunde, die fisiese weten-skappe en lewenswetenskappe diekans om meer te leer oor BSc-ver-wante studieprogramme en loop-baanopsies.Die Winterweek word in same-


vir Voornemende Studente van dieUS aangebied. Leerders kry ookkans ommet dieUS-kampuskenniste maak. Die inskrywingsgeld isR1 400 en sluit etes en verblyf in ’nuniversiteitskoshuis in. Die slui-tingsdatum vir inskrywings is 19Mei. Kry aansoekvorms

New church openedThe Executive Mayor of Stellen-boschMunicipality,ConradSide-go, was the guest of honour at theofficialopeningof theLifeChang-ing Ministry on Sunday.He welcomed the founder, Pas-

tor M. Gobizembe, in Stellen-bosch, and spoke about the im-portant role the church plays inthe community.He urged the Life Changing

Ministry (LCM) to live as lifechangers in the community andalso wishes that LCM not onlyends in Kayamandi but spreadsout intoStellenboschandabroad.He closed off by welcoming

LCM into the neighbourhood ofchurches in Stellenbosch.PastorMaqeba spoke on behalf

of theKayamandiPastorsFrater-

nal and said PastorGobizembe ofLCM does not have problems inworking with other pastors inspreadingtheWordofGodinStel-lenbosch.He said that the churches in

Kayamandi are facing a seriouschallenge of not having sites toserve the Lord.On behalf of the pastors he

asked the mayor and the munici-pality permission to grant thechurches a site where they canworship God, instead of prayingin a tent on somebody else’s prop-erty.The LCM was officially

launched with 48 new membershailing from Kayamandi. Theguest preacher at the servicewasApostleMthethwa fromPretoria.

Pastor Gobizembe(left) awards Exec-utiveMayor ConradSidego, with a cer-tificate of appreci-ation in recognitionof valuable com-munity interest.

The members of the church hold up a cake in celebration of their official opening.

Page 6: Stellenbosch gazette 22 apr 2014

Stellenbosch Gazette General - Algemeen Tuesday 22 April 20146






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St. Idas Primary celebrates 75 with lots of cakeSt. Idas Roman Catholic PrimarySchool in Idas Valley turned 75years old this year.

In a bid to help the school becomefinancially sustainable, staff at theschool has embarked on a fund rais-ing campaign to raise R75 000 by theend of 2014.

The school was established by agroup of Dominican nuns, and at theend of completion in 1941, 143 learn-ers from across Stellenbosch were al-ready enrolled there as early as 20February 1939.

St. Idas’ first principal was SisterBaptiste and one of its first teachers,Sister Henry.

The R75 000 raised will be used toprovide education resources – be itbooks or teaching staff – and facili-ties – from upgrading classrooms tobuilding a reading room – for learn-ers, many from underprivileged are-as in Idas Valley, Jonkershoek, Wel-gevallen Experimental Farm, Kaya-mandi and Cloetesville.

The school recently celebrated itsmilestone with teachers, learnersand community members and cake- a lot of cake!

*If you want to get involved in St.Idas’ fund raising campaign by offer-ing your skills or time, contact theschool at 0 021 886 6021 or 2 [email protected]

The huge cake donated to the school.

The principalGlynis Rip-penaar (right)hands out caketo the learners,with local DA-councillor forWard 6,NateshiaMCombringhelping out.

Learners and teachers at St. Idas Roman Catholic Primary School hold up 7 and 5 fingers to show their dedication to a fundraising campaign to raise R75 000 this year.

Page 7: Stellenbosch gazette 22 apr 2014

Stellenbosch GazetteGeneral - AlgemeenDinsdag 22 April 2014 7

Light for the F’hoek ValleyCommunity Sports CentreConstructionwillsoonstartontheFranschhoekVal-ley Community Sports Centre (FVCSC) inGroendal.Hope Through Action (HTA) made thsi announce-ment recently. The FVCSC will open in early 2015and will provide a state-of-the-art multi-purpose in-door pitch, training and meeting rooms, a resourcecentre, showers and kitchen facilities. In additionHTA is constructing a four-classroom school, whichwill be operated by the Kusasa Project.

HTA is a charity registered in both South Africa andtheUKand supportsdisadvantagedyoungpeople,partic-ularlyusingsports todevelop life skills. In2010, it openeda similar facility in Mbekweni, which provides sportsactivities, life skills programmes and guidance to over1 700 young people every month. Through the two facili-ties, HTAwill have invested almost R50 million in thesetwo communities.Philip Green, founder of HTA, commented: “We are

veryexcited tobeable tomake thisannouncement today.Our sports centre inMbekweni has been a great successand has made a significant impact in the communitysinceopening in 2010.Wehave strong local partners, par-ticularly SCORE, who are responsible for delivering theprogrammesinMbekweni,andwearedelightedthat thatrelationship will continue in Franschhoek. It has takenfour years of effort to develop the plans and raise thenecessary funds, but we are delighted that the same con-struction team of Fred Laker, from Lyners Consulting,

and Power Construction will be working with us inFranschhoek.We still require some funding to completethe project and I hope that the local community in Fran-schhoekwill help us to raise the financial support neces-sary”.Phil Bland, chairman of HTA said, “We are committed

toworkingwith localpartnersandrecognise thecommit-mentandcontributionmadebyStellenboschMunicipali-ty and, in particular, mayor Sidego and councillor Smit.We are very excited to beworkingwith the local commu-nity and playing a part in helping the young people ofthe area achieve their potential. Our ambassadors, Re-uben Riffel, Ryk Neethling and Gary Kirsten, have allbeen involved in getting the project to this point and Ilook forward to working with them in the future”.HTA is grateful tomany people who share their vision

andwhohavemade this initiative possible, in particularWesternCapePremierHelenZille forher invaluablesup-port.Premier Zille added, “I am delighted that Hope

Through Action is continuing to invest in the lives ofour young people. I have been aware of their projectssince 2009 and am impressed by their vision and workof creating opportunities through sport to help youngpeople nurture their talents, develop crucial life skillsand improve their lives. I look forward to visitingFranschhoek and seeing this new centre for myself,whichcanmakeagreat impact in benefiting the commu-nity”.

Reuben Riffel, Philip Green and Ryk Neethling, ambassadors ofHTA.

Philip Green, founder of HTA (right) with the executive mayor ofStellenbosch Conrad Sidego.

Die Maties-netbalspan hetdie seisoen met ‘n oortuigen-de sege oor die Victoriane be-gin. Maties het sy mede-klub-spanmet 57-17 afgeransel indie eerste wedstryd van dieBoland Superliga.Dit was dieenigste sege vir die Maties-klub. Ander uitslae op die dagwas: US III 25, Trinity A 50;US IV 29, Trinity B 30 en USVI 27, Chrysalis A 34. In aksieis Thea Stemmet (hulpdoelvan Vics), Juline Rossouw(hulpdoel-verdediger vanMa-ties) en Rulanda Pretorius(verdediger van Maties).

Sasha-Lee Petersen (VV van Maties) en Abeline Olivier van Vics.

Haike Brink met bal (AV van Maties) en Stefanie Burger (senter van Vics) spooksake uit in hul taai eerste wedstryd van die seisoen.

Let’ Playsoek nuwesportsterNominasies is nou oop vir Eikestadnuus enSuperSport se Let’s Play Sportster van dieMaand-kompetisie.Die kompetisie is slegs oop vir leerders. Dui

ook alle prestasies aan op jou nominasie, ver-gesel deur ’n sterk motivering.Stuur benoemings virApril per faks naMy-

ron Weyers by 0 021 883 9538 of e-pos [email protected] sluit op Maandag 28 April. Vir

meerbesonderhedebelhomby0 021 887 2840.Die wenner van die maand word in Eike-


Page 8: Stellenbosch gazette 22 apr 2014

Stellenbosch | Franschhoek | Pniel | Kylemore

Year 16 • Dinsdag 22 April 2014 | Tel. 021 887 2840

Pniel Villagers het op Saterdag 12 April teen die gedugte span van Sir Lowrians met 32-28 verloor. Uit die staanspoor was dit duidelik dat die manne van Pniel geensins sou terug staan vir die ligagunstelingenie. Die Sir Lowrians-span, wat dikwels verteenwoordig word deur spelers wat óf provinsiale óf nasionale ondervinding het, is vinnig onder druk geplaas deur die veel jonger span van Pniel. Die twee drieëin ’n bestek van slegs 20 minute het Sir Lowrians gou onder druk geplaas. Flink spel deur Stephanus Sedras sowel as die jong Kyle Marthinussen, het tot twee prag-drieë deur Affie Fisher gelei. DicksonMentoor het weer gewys dat hy sy plek verdien, terwyl Edwin Meyer se ervaring telkens die Sir Lowrians laat les opsê het. Byron Schoeman en Granville Petersen het goed gekombineer en het telkemaledie opponente laat bontstaan. Die Pniel Villagers-span kan met volgehoue harde werk, toegewydheid en samewerking vir seker ’n krag in die Super Liga B-kompetisie wees. Die derde span het met 5-5gelykop gespeel, terwyl die tweede span ongelukkig was om sy wedstryd te verloor. Hier is Byron Schoeman en Melrick Thomas wat albei goed in die losskrums vertoon het.

Villagers in naelbytstryd

Edwin Meyer op een van sy talle lopies wat die verdedigingvan Sir Lowrians laat bontstaan het