stage 1 home learning grid -

Stage 1 Home Learning Grid Dear Parents and Carers of Stage 1 students, the work below covers Week 1 of Term 3 in a grid-like structure. It covers all key learning areas (KLA) and reflects the work that students will be working on at school within their classrooms. It is a continuation of the current programs that teachers have been using, although adapted for student directed learning. Please work through it at your own pace. We advise that you use a lined A4 workbook or paper should you not have access to a digital device with access to the internet. As you will see there are a selection of activities that we encourage you to engage in daily to allow for practise and consolidation of sound knowledge and reading skills. We love seeing our student's achievements at home and we encourage you daily to upload 1 task that they have completed. It can be in the form of a photo, video recording or even a document they have been working on, on their device or computer. It makes our day that extra special, knowing they are enjoying your learning. Just remember, it is so important to get up, move about and keep your mind and body healthy too! Take advantage of the fitness links and brain break links throughout the day. Most importantly take time out to enjoy each other’s company, the sunshine and your backyard. Student check-ins – Students should check in with their teacher each day on Seesaw. If students do not check-in, school staff will call you at home to check on their ongoing learning. Feel free to also access the Department of Education's free Education Live sessions being run daily from 10am. These are a great resource for students to watch: Week 1 English Daily Must DO’s Grapheme of the Week: Unit 21 (star image) Year 1 Graphemes: ar a Patterns: ard, ark, ast Extra grapheme: are Year 2 Graphemes: ar a Patterns: art, ass, ast, arge Extra grapheme: are Complete one of the following activities daily using your grapheme of the week, Brainstorm a list of words with your grapheme and record these into your workbook. Use 6 words you brainstormed with your grapheme and write a sentence for each one in your workbook, or type the sentences onto your device making your sentences different by changing the font, colour and/or size. Use your Soundwaves log in account to practise your grapheme,

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Post on 15-Oct-2021




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Stage 1 Home Learning Grid

Dear Parents and Carers of Stage 1 students, the work below covers Week 1 of Term 3 in a grid-like structure. It covers all key learning areas (KLA) and reflects the

work that students will be working on at school within their classrooms. It is a continuation of the current programs that teachers have been using, although

adapted for student directed learning. Please work through it at your own pace. We advise that you use a lined A4 workbook or paper should you not have access

to a digital device with access to the internet.

As you will see there are a selection of activities that we encourage you to engage in daily to allow for practise and consolidation of sound knowledge and

reading skills.

We love seeing our student's achievements at home and we encourage you daily to upload 1 task that they have completed. It can be in the form of a photo,

video recording or even a document they have been working on, on their device or computer. It makes our day that extra special, knowing they are enjoying

your learning.

Just remember, it is so important to get up, move about and keep your mind and body healthy too! Take advantage of the fitness links and brain break links

throughout the day. Most importantly take time out to enjoy each other’s company, the sunshine and your backyard.

Student check-ins – Students should check in with their teacher each day on Seesaw. If students do not check-in, school staff will call you at home to check on

their ongoing learning.

Feel free to also access the Department of Education's free Education Live sessions being run daily from 10am. These are a great resource for students to watch:

Week 1

English Daily Must


Grapheme of the Week: Unit 21 (star image)

Year 1

Graphemes: ar a

Patterns: ard, ark, ast

Extra grapheme: are

Year 2

Graphemes: ar a

Patterns: art, ass, ast, arge

Extra grapheme: are

Complete one of the following activities daily using your grapheme of the week,

• Brainstorm a list of words with your grapheme and record these into your workbook.

• Use 6 words you brainstormed with your grapheme and write a sentence for each one in your workbook, or type the sentences

onto your device making your sentences different by changing the font, colour and/or size.

• Use your Soundwaves log in account to practise your grapheme,

Year 1 Students enter this code: shirt207 at

Year 2 Students enter this code: brown178 at

Words of the week:

Year 1 Year 1 Extension Year 2 Year 2 Extension

















afternoon aren’t asked asking banana basket carpet class garden laugh mask party past spark start tomato

are ask far farm part hard mark smart start large fast last pass class glass father party aren’t after asked

aunty banana basket calf calm charge garden guard heart koala laugh mast master parcel partly passed pasta rather staff tomato

Daily tasks:

Practise reading by,

• Accessing Reading Eggs or Reading Express using your log in details

• Choose a book from your bookshelf (OR pick a big book from Reading Eggs) and ask someone at home helping you to read it to

you or read it to yourself.

• You could read your text daily to a parent, sibling, teddy bear, pet or even yourself in the mirror. You might even like to ring a

family member on the telephone and read it to them as a special surprise.

• You could write a summary of the book you have read. Include the Who? Where? When? What happened? Why? In your


Daily Fitness PE with Joe

Kids work out

Take a walk or ride your bike or scooter (don’t forget your helmet) with an adult.

Using a tennis ball play a game of handball with someone at home or if you have a soccer ball practise kicking and dribbling the ball.


Choose a digital or non-digital task per lesson depending on what you have access to

TUESDAY Journal Writing

Look at the picture and write a story about it. You can use the ideas given or come up with your own ideas. Draw a picture when you are finished Digital – Record your learning in your workbook and take a photo of it and upload it to Seesaw. Non Digital- Record your learning in your workbook.


What is a procedure? Can you find the definition in a dictionary? Record the definition in your own words in your workbook so you can go back to remind yourself if you forget.

Listen to!/media/106388/how-seeds-become-plants at this link,

Can you answer the following questions? You can write them in your workbook or ask your helper at home to listen to your answer.

• What was the information about?

• How do seeds spread?

• Explain how to grow new tomatoes.

Now using the following words to help you, write 3 questions about things you would like to know about seeds.

Digital – Record yourself asking the questions and share these with your teacher on Seesaw.

Non Digital - Record your questions into your workbook.

Questions Starters: What, where, who, when, how, why, can, do


Go back and reread your definition of ‘procedure’. Today you are going to view the link from yesterday!/media/106388/how-seeds-become-plants .

Listen to the procedure on how to grow sprouts from seeds towards the end of the link.

Record your procedure writing information under the following headings:

1. What I am trying to do.

2. Things I will need.

3. How I will do it

4. Draw a picture of your results.

Remember to start each new direction with an action verb.

Digital – Record your learning in your workbook and take a photo of it and upload it to Seesaw. You may also like to video yourself

talking your teacher through the procedure.

Non Digital – If you can’t access the link, make lunch with mum or dad. Record the procedure you used to make your lunch. Use the

headings above and record your responses in your workbook.


Let’s practise our handwriting today.

Do you remember our song?

In your workbook, using a lead pencil start with the long date

Friday 16th July 2021

Then complete the following letter practise.

Do not forget your finger spacing, consistent size and shape

when you are writing.

U U U U U U U U U U u u u u u u u u u u Universe underneath utterly unite Unicorns usually use bright umbrellas. (illustrate with a line of umbrellas)

Mathematics Daily


Let’s practise

1. Number A Day – Visit this link each day

Choose a 2-digit or 3-digit option from the interactive grid each day.

Digital – Complete the ten questions online and then snap an image of your answers to send on Seesaw to your teacher.

Non-digital – Complete the questions in your workbook. Make sure you write down what your number of the day is.

2. TENS – follow the link to the TENS YouTube clip. Practise this activity daily.

You may like to play with your mum or dad or siblings.


Choose a digital or non-digital task per lesson depending on what you have access to


Adding Numbers

Ask your family members to give you two, 2-digit numbers. Using the algorithm, add the two numbers together.

Find two, 2-digit numbers around your house. Add them together.

Look outside your house and find two-2digit numbers. Add them together.

Can you think of 5 more examples that you can solve yourself?

Digital – record your questions and answers in your workbook and photograph and upload it to Seesaw.

Non-digital - record your questions and answers in your workbook.



Look around your house and see if you can find any patterns. They might be on the wall, on some clothes or in your garden.

Draw the pattern you can see and describe it.

Using pencils you have, create a pattern. It might be based on colours or sizes of the pencils. You might also use pegs if you don’t have


Digital – Take a photo of your pattern and post it onto Seesaw.

Non-Digital – Record in your workbook the pattern that you have created.


Months of the year

Watch the following two links and answer the questions below:

How many days in each month of the year? Record your answer for each month.

Which months have the most days?

Which month has the least days?

What month is your birthday in?

Find two other family members and list the months they were born in.

Make up a calendar for one month in the year. Draw the dates, days and write the month on top.

Learning help

If you require any learning help with your Mathematics skills, try one of these links.


Left and Right

Let’s have a brain break. Click on one of the follow links and enjoy!

Move and Freeze

Can’t Stop the Feeling


Do you have a jigsaw at home? Let’s make it!

Draw a picture to send in the mail to someone who is special to you.

Go outside and collect some leaves, sticks and rocks.

What picture can you make with these? If you like you can take a photo and share it with your class.


Choose a digital or non-digital task per lesson depending on what you have access to

2nd Step


What is it called when you feel or understand what another person feels? (Second Step answer: Having empathy.)

Read together: Empathy means feeling or understanding what someone else is feeling. Noticing how others feel and understanding that

their feelings change helps you have empathy. Practising helps your brain grow stronger so you can feel more confident about how well

you do something. Try practising noticing how others feel and naming their feelings.

Watch this clip about empathy: What is my child learning? Your child is learning

that people can have different feelings about a situation, and that these feelings can change. Why is this important? Understanding

similarities and differences between their own feelings and other people’s feelings helps children have empathy for others.

Science &



Take a walk out into your garden....or in your house.

Make a list or draw all the things you can see and hear in your workbook.

What I see.... What I hear....

Record all your ideas that you know about sound and light.

Think about how we see and hear.

Answer questions, such as:

Where does sound come from?

How do we hear sounds?

How does sound get to our ears?

How do we see things? What do we need to see?

Where does light come from?

Draw a picture of one of your objects/animals that you see or hear and try to put as much detail into the drawing as possible.

Record your ideas about the sounds and what you see about this object/ animal.

Digital – Upload your photo to Seesaw

Non-digital – record your drawings and answers in your workbook

Creative &

Practical Arts



Go to the following link and complete the directed drawing activity. Colour in your drawing when you are finished it.

Digital – Upload a photo of your drawing to Seesaw.

Non – digital – colour your drawing in and display on your fridge for your family to see.

OR you may choose to do a dramatic activity

Digital - Click on the link below to complete this directed dramatic exercise. Afterwards, you may take a mini video of yourself role-

playing a certain animal or character. Upload the video onto Seesaw.

Non- Digital – Complete the following activity below.

Dramatic Activity - ‘Magic Rocks’ (this activity will help students understand the basics of role-playing and improvisation)

This is an interactive activity that requires at least 2 players. You may play this outside in the garden with other family members. Make

sure that there is enough floor space for players to move around freely.

• Choose a leader. The leader crouches into a low position, covers the face with the hands and pretends to be a ‘rock’.

Everyone else copies the leader and remains silent.

• The leader chants “magic rock, magic rock.....please turn into a dinosaur.” The leader stands up, stomps around and begins

making dinosaur noises.

• Everyone needs to follow the leader and pretend to be a dinosaur.

• Afterwards, the leader gives a cue for everyone to freeze in position (such as two loud claps or saying “FREEZE”).

• The leader pretends to be a rock again and chants the same line. This time, the leader changes the animal. For e.g. the leader

may tell everyone to “turn into a cat”. Take turns being the leader.

Challenge yourself:

- You may use props. For e.g. if you are pretending to be a cat, you may grab a ribbon or pieces of string to make cat whiskers or a

swishy tail. Or, you may also make a paper mask too.

- You may add some adjectives (describing words) to your chants. For e.g. “magic rocks, magic rocks...please turn into a sad baby

tiger” or “please turn into a hungry hippo”.

- You may play some music during this game to help you act. For e.g. You may search up animal sounds on Google or Youtube.



Health & Physical

Education (PDHPE)


Let’s practise our Static Balance.

Balance is a stability skill and an essential part of everything we do. It is very important to focus on the skill of balance as it is an essential

part of everything we do and affects the development of other locomotor and object control skills.

Practicing the static balance,

• Support leg still, foot flat on ground

• Non-support leg bent, not touching support leg

• Can balance on either leg

• Eyes focused forward

• Head and trunk stable and upright

• Arms still, may be extended for extra balance

(You can have a look at this link if you would like to see the static balance in action

Now set-up an obstacle course around your home where you can practise different balancing challenges, for example balancing along a

line, standing on one leg for a period of time, balance a book on your head while using your static balance.

Challenge yourself,

• Try balancing on one leg on preferred and non-preferred leg

• Practice balance on the move by performing different movements:

o Running on tip toes

o Giant steps

o Hopping

o Running backwards

o Changing directions

o Starting and Stopping

HSIE Draw a KWL chart (like the one below and answer the following questions:

What do you know about the past? What are some things you know about the present? (put this in the first column)

What do you want to know? (this is the second column)

The third column will need to remain empty for the time being :)

What’s a KWL chart? Check out the image below for how to set this up.

Battle of the Bugs: Green Ants and a Scorpion

Text written by Peter Szekeres and illustrations by Dick Weigall

Special words live, lives, have, enough, full, some, when, which, would, could, half, they, their, one,

wound, through, chemical, juices, other

Gerty is a green tree ant. She lives in a colony of half a million

ants. Scarp is a tree scorpion. Like spiders, scorpions have 8 legs

and are easily recognised by their pincers and a segmented tail

that ends with a very nasty stinger, full of venom. In some

scorpions there is enough venom to kill a human being. One day

Gerty, a worker ant, was foraging for food on her own, when she

met Scarp. Although the scorpion was much bigger than her,

Gerty knew no fear. She attacked Scarp, biting him fiercely with

her serrated mandibles, then squirting formic acid from the tip

of her tail into the wound. Scarp was enraged as the pain shot

through his system. When he realized that this puny ant had

inflicted the wound, he turned around and stabbed her with his

stinger, killing Gerty almost instantly, but not before she had

sent a strong chemical signal to her sisters at the nest. The other

ants, realizing that Gerty had sacrificed her life for them, set

out to attack the scorpion and bring it back for food. They

followed the chemical trail left by Gerty and soon found Scarp.

They bit the scorpion until he had no resistance left. Then they

sucked up all his life juices as he lay dying and scattered his limbs

all around. They took the best bits back to feed others in the
