st-fnsf mission and performance dependence on size*

ST-FNSF Mission and Performance Dependence on Size* J. Menard, T. Brown, J. Canik, L. El-Guebaly, S. Gerhardt, A. Jaber, S. Kaye, E. Meier, L. Mynsberge, C. Neumeyer, M. Ono, R. Raman, S. Sabbagh, V. Soukhanovskii, P. Titus, G. Voss, R. Woolley, A. Zolfaghari SOFE June 10 th – Jun 14 th , 2013 San Francisco, CA ST-FN SF operating pointoff Greenw ald = 0.8,H 98y,2 =1.2 chosen to be at/near values anticipated for N S TX -U H 98y,2 1.2 accessed for a range ofG reenwald fractions in N STX – H ow ever,m uch m ore research needs to be carried outin N STX- U to determ ine ifH = 1.2 can be achieved reliably – Note:H 98y,2 ~ 1 w ould require m uch higher P aux (~1.8×) N eed to assess feasibility ofaccess to H 98y,2 ~ 1.2 at k ~ 2.7-2.9 in N STX-U B oundary shape param eters vs.internalinductance A = 1.8 1.7 athigherl i 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 A 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 k l i 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 d -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 z l i High d = 0.5-0.6 m aintained k reduced athigherl i N egative squareness atlow l i S T-FN S F free-boundary elongation is reduced w ith increasing l i to m atch N S TX/N S TX -U trends 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Z [m ] R [m ] Lim iter li= 0.40 li= 0.46 li= 0.52 li= 0.64 li= 0.73 li= 0.84 k = -l i + 3.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 k l i S T-FN S F equilibrium k versus l i ST-FN SF plasm a boundaries ST-FN SF equilibrium inductance,elongation based on values achieved/anticipated in N S TX/N STX -U M ost probable N STX therm al pressure peaking ~ 1.7 – 2.2 Ifsim ilarin N STX-U /FN SF fullnon- inductive l i ~ 0.45 – 0.7 (BS + N BI) •N STX A=1.7, l i = 0.45 – 0.7 plasm as can operate stably at k ~ 2.7 – 2.9 Expect to im prove n=0 control in N STX-U –Anticipate k 3 possible in N STX-U /FN SF Increased device size provides m odestincrease in stability,butsignificantly increases T consum ption Scan R = 1m 2.2m (sm allest FN SF pilotplantw ith Q eng ~ 1) Fixed average neutron w all loading = 1M W/m 2 •B T = 3T,A=1.7, k=3, H 98 = 1.2,f G reenwald = 0.8 100% non-inductive: f BS = 75-85% + N N BI-C D (E NBI =0.5M eV JT60-SA design) LargerR low ers b T & b N ,increases q* C om parable/higher b T and b N values already sustained in N STX Q = 1 3,P fusion = 60M W 300M W increase in T consum ption R =1.6m TB R calculations highlightim portance of shells,penetrations,and top/bottom blankets Extended conform alblanket TB R = 1.1 C onform alblanket TB R = 1.046 TB R = 1.02 10 N B I penetrations N B I penetration at m idplane TB R = 1.07 S tabilizing shell + 3cm thick stabilizing shell Straightblanket TB R = 0.8 Extended straightblanket TB R = 1.0 TB R = 1.047 Straightblanket w ith flattop Extended conform al+ 3cm shell+ N B I FN SF center-stack can build upon N S TX -U design,incorporate N STX stability results Like N STX-U , use TF w edge segm ents (butbrazed/pressed-fit together) – C oolantpaths:gun-drilled holes orN STX-U -like grooves in w edge + w elded tube B itter-plate divertorPF m agnets in ends ofTF enable high triangularity N STX data: High d > 0.55 and shaping S q 95 I P /aB T > 25 m inim izes disruptivity – Neutronics: M gO insulation can w ithstand lifetim e (6 FPY)radiation dose C ostofT and need to dem onstrate self-sufficiency m otivate analysis oftritium breeding ratio (TB R ) Exam ple costs ofT w /o breeding at$0.1B/kg forR =1 1.6m FNS m ission: 1M W y/m 2 $0.33B $0.9B C om ponent testing: 6M Wy/m 2 $2B $5.4B •Implications: TBR << 1 likely affordable forFN S m ission w ith R ~ 1m C om ponent testing arguably requires TBR approaching 1 forall R Perform ed initialanalysis ofR =1.6m FN SF using conform al and straightblankets,AR IES-ST neutron source profiles: Neutron Source 63% 32% 5% N S TX disruptivity data inform s FN SF operating pointw ith respectto globalstability Increased disruptivity forq* < 2.7 Significantlyincreased forq*< 2.5 • Lowerdisruptivityfor b N = 4-6 com pared to low er b N – Higher b N increases f BS , broadens J profile, elevates q min O peration above no-w all lim itaided by: •NBIco-rotation C lose-fitting conducting w all Active error-field and R W M control Strong shaping also im portant –S q 95 I P /aB T S > 30 provides strongest stabilization S > 22-25 good stability S < 22 unfavorable A bstract A FusionNuclearScience Facility(FNSF)couldplayanimportantroleinthe developmentoffusionenergy byprovidingthehighneutronfluxandfluenceenvironmentneededtodevelopfusionmaterialsand components.The sphericaltokamak(ST)isa leadingcandidateforaFNSF due to itspotentialforgenerating high neutron wallloading ina smallmajorradiusdevice.Previousstudieshaveidentified keyresearchneeds anddesignissuesforST-basedFNSF devicesandhavemotivatedadditionalstudiesofthe impactofdevice sizeonneutronwallloading,tritiumbreeding,andelectricityproduction.Forexample,foranST-FNSFwith A =1.7,k=3,B T =3T,500keV N N B Iforheating and currentdrive,H 98 =1.2,f Greenw ald =0.8,andconstrainedto have averageneutronwallloading of1MW /m 2 ,astheplasma majorradiusR isincreasedfrom 1m to2.2m, theimpactisstabilizing,since b T = 19 14% ,b N =4.5 3.8,and q*= 3.5 4.2.However,theoverall fusionpower= 60MW 300MW ,the tritium consumptionalsothereforeincreasesbyafactorof5,andthe electricpowerconsumed increasesfrom 350MW 500MW .W ithrespectto higherperformanceoperation targetingnetelectricityproductionwithfixedB T =2.6T, H 98 =1.5, b N = 6,b T = 35%,and q*= 2.5,as R is increasedfrom1mto2.2mthesmallestpossibleSTdevicethatcanachieveelectricitybreak-even(Q eng =1) hasR=1.6massumingveryhighblanketthermalconversionefficiency h th =0.59.Forh th =0.45,thedevice size increasesto R=1.9-2m,and stilllargerdevicesare requiredforlowerh th . A keyissue understudyisthe impactofdevicesizeontritiumbreedingratio(TBR)wheresmallerdeviceswilllikelyhavemoredifficulty achievingTBR>1sinceahigherfractionofin-vesselsurfaceareamustbededicatedtoauxiliaryheating portsand blankettestmodules.InitialcalculationsforaR 0 =1.6m ST-FNSF with DualCooledLithium Lead (DCLL)blanketsandwallpenetrationsforNBIheatingindicateTBRnear1isachievable. Thedivertor regionisalsoacriticalandchallengingarea.FortheST-FNSFconfigurationsconsideredhere,thedivertor CuPFcoilsareplacedin theendsofthecenter-stacktoenablehigh-triangularityplasmashapescompatible withdemountableTFlegsandaremovablecenter-stack.Conventionalandhigh-flux-expansion“snowflake” divertorconfigurationsdesignedformitigatinghighheatfluxeshavealsobeengenerated,andneutron shielding calculationsforthePF coilsindicate thatceram icinsulators(suchasM gO )would berequired. *This w ork supported by U .S.D O E C ontractN o.D E-AC 02-09C H 11466 R =1.6 device configuration w ith Super-X S /C P F coils housed in V V upper lid V V outer shell expanded to add shield m aterial S /C P F coils housed in V V low ershell structure S /C P F coils pairs located in com m on cryostat Angled DCLL concentric lines to external header R eshaped TF leads Vertical m aintenance approach D esign features Sum m ary PresentSTs (N STX/M AST)providing prelim inary physics basis forST-FN SF perform ance studies U pgraded devices w ill provide m ore extensive and definitive basis N eutron w allloading of1M W/m 2 feasible forrange ofm ajor radii for b and H 98 values at/near values already achieved H igh w all loading and/orpilot-level perform ance require b N ~ 6 and H 98 ~ 1.5 w hich are at/nearm axim um values attained in presentSTs TBR near1 possible iftop/bottom neutron losses m inimized TBR ≥ 1 m ay only be possible forR ≥ 1.6m underactive investigation D ivertorPF coils in ends ofTF bundle enable high d,shaping C onventional,snow flake,super-X divertors investigated,PF coils incorporated to reduce peak heatflux << 10M W/m 2 Verticalm aintenance strategies foreitherfull and/ortoroidally segm ented blankets being investigated Com bined super-X + snow flake divertor configuration has m any attractive features l i = 0.40 k = 3.0 l i = 0.82 k = 2.55 2 nd X-point/snow flake low ers B P ,increases line-length O utboard PF coils shielded by blankets can be SC Possible location forT breeding to increase TB R PF coildesign supports w ide range ofl i values (0.4 – 0.8)w ith fixed strike-pointlocation/region and controllable B -field angle ofincidence (0.5-5˚) D ivertorcoils in TF coilends forequilibrium , high d In-vesselcoils not-required forshaping – w ill be used forverticalcontrol(to be studied in future) Increased strike-pointradius to reduce B and q || , furtherincrease line-length Strike-pointPFC s shielded by blankets N orm ally conducting PF coilfeatures: D ivertorPF coilconfigurations identified to achieve high d ,m aintain peak divertorheatflux ≤ 10M W/m 2 q peak ~ 10M W/m 2 Flux expansion = 15-25 1/sin( q plate ) = 2-3 R strike = 1.15m , d x ~ 0.55 Snow flake Field-lineangleof incidenceat strike-point = 1˚ C onventional S uper-X q peak ~ 3M W/m 2 Flux expansion = 2 1/sin( q plate ) = 15 R strike = 2.6m ,d x ~ 0.56 q peak ~ 10M W/m 2 Flux expansion = 40-60 1/sin( q plate ) = 1-1.5 R strike = 1.05m ,d x ~ 0.62 B eyond neutron w allloading and T breeding,FN S F study is also tracking electricalefficiency Q eng control coils sub pump aux aux pump aux n n th eng P P P P P P P P P M xxxxxx Q h h ) ( ) / 1 ( 5 ) / 5 / 5 1 4 ( fus extra aux fus pump n aux th eng P QP P P Q M Q Q h h h N ote:blanket and auxiliary heating and current-drive efficiency + fusion gain largely determ ine Q eng Electricity produced Electricity consumed h th = thermal conversion efficiency h aux = injected power wall plug efficiency Q = fusion power / auxiliary power M n = neutron energy multiplier P n = neutron power from fusion P = alpha power from fusion P aux = injected power (heat + CD + control) P pump = coolant pumping power P s ub = subsystems power P c oils = power lost in coils (Cu) P control = power used in plasma or plant control that is not included in P inj P extra = P pump + P s ub + P c oils + P c ontrol FNSF assum ptions (from Pilotstudy): •M n = 1.1 •P pum p = 0.03×P th •P sub + P control = 0.04×P th h aux = 0.4 (presently unrealistically high) h CD = I CD R 0 n e /P CD = 0.3 × 10 20 A/Wm 2 For more details see J . Menard, et al., Nucl. Fusion 51 (2011) 103014 H igh perform ance scenarios can access increased neutron w allloading and Q eng > 1 atlarge R D ecrease B T = 3T 2.6T,increase H 98 = 1.2 1.5 • Fix b N = 6, b T = 35% ,q* = 2.5,f G reenwald varies:0.66 to 0.47 Size scan: Q increases from 3 (R =1m )to 14 (R =2.2m ) Average neutron w all loading increases from 1.8 to 3 M W/m 2 (notshow n) Sm allestST forQ eng ~ 1 is R =1.6m requires very efficientblankets Note: Outboard PF coils are superconducting Q eng P electric produced P electric consum ed

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ST-FNSF Mission and Performance Dependence on Size*. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: ST-FNSF Mission and Performance Dependence on Size*

ST-FNSF Mission and Performance Dependence on Size*J. Menard, T. Brown, J. Canik, L. El-Guebaly, S. Gerhardt, A. Jaber, S. Kaye, E. Meier, L. Mynsberge, C. Neumeyer, M. Ono, R. Raman, S. Sabbagh, V. Soukhanovskii, P. Titus, G. Voss, R. Woolley, A. Zolfaghari

SOFE June 10th – Jun 14th, 2013 • San Francisco, CA

ST-FNSF operating point of fGreenwald = 0.8, H98y,2=1.2 chosen to be at/near values anticipated for NSTX-U

• H98y,2 1.2 accessed for a range of Greenwald fractions in NSTX– However, much more research

needs to be carried out in NSTX-U to determine if H = 1.2 can be achieved reliably

– Note: H98y,2 ~ 1 would require much higher Paux (~1.8×)

• Need to assess feasibilityof access to H98y,2 ~ 1.2 at k ~ 2.7-2.9 in NSTX-U

Boundary shape parameters vs. internal inductance

A = 1.81.7 at higher li





0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90









0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90







0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90









0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90



High d = 0.5-0.6 maintained

k reduced at higher li Negative squareness at low li

ST-FNSF free-boundary elongation is reduced with increasing li to match NSTX/NSTX-U trends










0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

Z [m


R [m]


li = 0.40

li = 0.46

li = 0.52

li = 0.64

li = 0.73

li = 0.84

k = - li + 3.4







0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90



ST-FNSF equilibrium k versus liST-FNSF plasma boundaries

ST-FNSF equilibrium inductance, elongation based on values achieved/anticipated in NSTX/NSTX-U

• Most probable NSTX thermal pressure peaking ~ 1.7 – 2.2– If similar in NSTX-U/FNSF full non-

inductive li ~ 0.45 – 0.7 (BS + NBI)

• NSTX A=1.7, li = 0.45 – 0.7 plasmas can operate stably at k ~ 2.7 – 2.9– Expect to improve n=0 control in NSTX-U

– Anticipate k 3 possible in NSTX-U/FNSF

Increased device size provides modest increase in stability, but significantly increases T consumption• Scan R = 1m 2.2m (smallest FNSF pilot plant with Qeng ~ 1)• Fixed average neutron wall loading = 1MW/m2

• BT = 3T, A=1.7, k=3, H98 = 1.2, fGreenwald = 0.8• 100% non-inductive: fBS = 75-85% + NNBI-CD (ENBI=0.5MeV JT60-SA design)

• Larger R lowers bT & bN, increases q*

• Comparable/higher bT and bN

values already sustained in NSTX

• Q = 1 3, Pfusion = 60MW 300MW 5× increase in T consumption

R=1.6m TBR calculations highlight importance of shells, penetrations, and top/bottom blankets

Extendedconformal blanket

TBR = 1.1

Conformal blanket

TBR = 1.046

TBR = 1.0210 NBI penetrations

NBI penetration at midplane

TBR = 1.07


+ 3cm thick stabilizing shell

Straight blanket

TBR = 0.8

Extended straight blanket

TBR = 1.0 TBR = 1.047

Straight blanketwith flat top

Extended conformal + 3cm shell + NBI

FNSF center-stack can build upon NSTX-U design, incorporate NSTX stability results

•Like NSTX-U, use TF wedge segments (but brazed/pressed-fit together)– Coolant paths: gun-drilled holes or NSTX-U-like grooves in wedge + welded tube

•Bitter-plate divertor PF magnets in ends of TF enable high triangularity– NSTX data: High d > 0.55 and shaping S q95IP/aBT > 25 minimizes disruptivity

– Neutronics: MgO insulation can withstand lifetime (6 FPY) radiation dose

Cost of T and need to demonstrate self-sufficiency motivate analysis of tritium breeding ratio (TBR)

• Example costs of T w/o breeding at $0.1B/kg for R=1 1.6m– FNS mission: 1MWy/m2 $0.33B $0.9B– Component testing: 6MWy/m2 $2B $5.4B

• Implications:– TBR << 1 likely affordable for FNS mission with R ~ 1m– Component testing arguably requires TBR approaching 1 for all R

• Performed initial analysis of R=1.6m FNSF using conformal and straight blankets, ARIES-ST neutron source profiles:

Neutron Source63%



NSTX disruptivity data informs FNSF operating point with respect to global stability

• Increased disruptivity for q* < 2.7– Significantly increased for q* < 2.5

• Lower disruptivity for bN = 4-6 compared to lower bN

– Higher bN increases fBS, broadens J profile, elevates qmin

– Operation above no-wall limit aided by:• NBI co-rotation

• Close-fitting conducting wall

• Active error-field and RWM control

• Strong shaping also important– S q95 IP/aBT

– S > 30 provides strongest stabilization

– S > 22-25 good stability

– S < 22 unfavorable


A Fusion Nuclear Science Facility (FNSF) could play an important role in the development of fusion energyby providing the high neutron flux and fluence environment needed to develop fusion materials andcomponents. The spherical tokamak (ST) is a leading candidate for a FNSF due to its potential for generatinghigh neutron wall loading in a small major radius device. Previous studies have identified key research needsand design issues for ST-based FNSF devices and have motivated additional studies of the impact of devicesize on neutron wall loading, tritium breeding, and electricity production. For example, for an ST-FNSF withA=1.7, k=3, BT=3T, 500keV NNBI for heating and current drive, H98=1.2, fGreenwald =0.8, and constrained tohave average neutron wall loading of 1MW/m2, as the plasma major radius R is increased from 1m to 2.2m,the impact is stabilizing, since bT = 19 14%, bN = 4.5 3.8, and q* = 3.54.2. However, the overallfusion power = 60MW 300MW, the tritium consumption also therefore increases by a factor of 5, and theelectric power consumed increases from 350MW 500MW. With respect to higher performance operationtargeting net electricity production with fixed BT=2.6T, H98=1.5, bN = 6, bT = 35%, and q* = 2.5, as R isincreased from 1m to 2.2m the smallest possible ST device that can achieve electricity break-even (Qeng=1)has R=1.6m assuming very high blanket thermal conversion efficiency hth = 0.59. For hth = 0.45, the devicesize increases to R=1.9-2m, and still larger devices are required for lower hth. A key issue under study is theimpact of device size on tritium breeding ratio (TBR) where smaller devices will likely have more difficultyachieving TBR > 1 since a higher fraction of in-vessel surface area must be dedicated to auxiliary heatingports and blanket test modules. Initial calculations for a R0 = 1.6m ST-FNSF with Dual Cooled Lithium Lead(DCLL) blankets and wall penetrations for NBI heating indicate TBR near 1 is achievable. The divertorregion is also a critical and challenging area. For the ST-FNSF configurations considered here, the divertorCu PF coils are placed in the ends of the center-stack to enable high-triangularity plasma shapes compatiblewith demountable TF legs and a removable center-stack. Conventional and high-flux-expansion “snowflake”divertor configurations designed for mitigating high heat fluxes have also been generated, and neutronshielding calculations for the PF coils indicate that ceramic insulators (such as MgO) would be required.

*This work supported by U.S.DOE Contract No. DE-AC02-09CH11466

R=1.6 device configuration with Super-X

S/C PF coils housed in VV

upper lid

VV outer shell expanded to add shield material

S/C PF coils housed in VV

lower shell structure

S/C PF coils pairs located in common


Angled DCLL concentric lines

to external header

Reshaped TF leads

Vertical maintenance approachDesign features

Summary• Present STs (NSTX/MAST) providing preliminary physics

basis for ST-FNSF performance studies– Upgraded devices will provide more extensive and definitive basis

• Neutron wall loading of 1MW/m2 feasible for range of major radii for b and H98 values at/near values already achieved– High wall loading and/or pilot-level performance require bN ~ 6 and H98

~ 1.5 which are at/near maximum values attained in present STs

• TBR near 1 possible if top/bottom neutron losses minimized– TBR ≥ 1 may only be possible for R ≥ 1.6m – under active investigation

• Divertor PF coils in ends of TF bundle enable high d, shaping

• Conventional, snowflake, super-X divertors investigated, PF coils incorporated to reduce peak heat flux << 10MW/m2

• Vertical maintenance strategies for either full and/or toroidallysegmented blankets being investigated

Combined super-X + snowflake divertorconfiguration has many attractive features

li = 0.40 k = 3.0

li = 0.82 k = 2.55

• 2nd X-point/snowflake lowers BP, increases line-length

• Outboard PF coils shielded by blankets can be SC

• Possible location for T breeding to increase TBR

• PF coil design supports wide range of li values (0.4 – 0.8) with fixed strike-point location/region and controllable B-field angle of incidence (0.5-5˚)

• Divertor coils in TF coil ends for equilibrium, high d

• In-vessel coils not-required for shaping – will be used for vertical control (to be studied in future)

• Increased strike-point radius to reduce B and q||, further increase line-length

• Strike-point PFCs shielded by blankets

Normally conducting PF coil features:

Divertor PF coil configurations identified to achieve high d, maintain peak divertor heat flux ≤ 10MW/m2

• qpeak ~ 10MW/m2

• Flux expansion = 15-25• 1/sin(qplate) = 2-3• Rstrike = 1.15m, dx ~ 0.55


Field-line angle of incidence at strike-point = 1˚

Conventional Super-X

• qpeak ~ 3MW/m2

• Flux expansion = 2• 1/sin(qplate) = 15• Rstrike = 2.6m, dx ~ 0.56

• qpeak ~ 10MW/m2

• Flux expansion = 40-60• 1/sin(qplate) = 1-1.5• Rstrike = 1.05m, dx ~ 0.62

Beyond neutron wall loading and T breeding, FNSF study is also tracking electrical efficiency Qeng







h )(




fuspumpnauxtheng PQP



Note: blanket and auxiliary heating and current-drive efficiency + fusion gain largely determine Qeng

Electricity produced

Electricity consumed

h th = thermal conversion efficiencyhaux = injected power wall plug efficiencyQ = fusion power / auxiliary power

Mn = neutron energy multiplierPn = neutron power from fusionP = alpha power from fusionPaux = injected power (heat + CD + control)Ppump = coolant pumping powerPsub = subsystems powerPcoils = power lost in coils (Cu)Pcontrol = power used in plasma or plant control

that is not included in Pinj

Pextra = Ppump + Psub + Pcoils + Pcontrol

FNSF assumptions (from Pilot study):• Mn = 1.1• Ppump = 0.03×Pth

• Psub + Pcontrol = 0.04×Pth

• haux = 0.4 (presently unrealistically high)• hCD = ICDR0ne/PCD = 0.3 × 1020A/Wm2

For more details see J. Menard, et al., Nucl. Fusion 51 (2011) 103014

High performance scenarios can access increased neutron wall loading and Qeng > 1 at large R

• Decrease BT = 3T 2.6T, increase H98 = 1.2 1.5• Fix bN = 6, bT = 35%, q* = 2.5, fGreenwald varies: 0.66 to 0.47

•Size scan: Q increases from 3 (R=1m) to 14 (R=2.2m)•Average neutron wall loading increases from 1.8 to 3 MW/m2 (not shown)

•Smallest ST for Qeng ~ 1 is R=1.6m requires very efficient blankets

Note: Outboard PF coils are superconducting

Qeng Pelectric produced

Pelectric consumed