st. bernard st. bernard catholic community · mr. philip hettich november 19, 2017 33rd sunday in...

Parish and School Offices Parish and School Offices Parish and School Offices Parish and School Offices 239-5178 Mass Schedule Mass Schedule Mass Schedule Mass Schedule Weekend Weekend Weekend Weekend Saturday—5:00 pm Sunday 8:30 am & 11:00 am Weekday & Holyday Mass Weekday & Holyday Mass Weekday & Holyday Mass Weekday & Holyday Mass See inside bulletin Pastor Pastor Pastor Pastor Rev. Robert L. Stuempel Deacons Deacons Deacons Deacons Mr. Michael Edwards Mr. Philip Hettich November 19, 2017 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Bernard community, centered in the Word of God and the traditions of the Roman Catholic Church, is a welcoming and active faith-family, united in our love of God and each other as we work for justice and live out our call to stewardship. St. Bernard St. Bernard St. Bernard St. Bernard Catholic Community Catholic Community Catholic Community Catholic Community 7500 Tangelo Drive Louisville, KY 40228 St. Bernard Catholic Community St. Bernard Catholic Community St. Bernard Catholic Community St. Bernard Catholic Community November 26, 2017 November 26, 2017 November 26, 2017 November 26, 2017

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Page 1: St. Bernard St. Bernard Catholic Community · Mr. Philip Hettich November 19, 2017 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Bernard community, centered in the Word of God and the traditions

Parish and School OfficesParish and School OfficesParish and School OfficesParish and School Offices


Mass ScheduleMass ScheduleMass ScheduleMass Schedule

Weekend Weekend Weekend Weekend

Saturday—5:00 pm

Sunday 8:30 am & 11:00 am

Weekday & Holyday Mass Weekday & Holyday Mass Weekday & Holyday Mass Weekday & Holyday Mass

See inside bulletin


Rev. Robert L. Stuempel


Mr. Michael Edwards

Mr. Philip Hettich November 19, 2017

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

St. Bernard community, centered in the Word of God and the traditions of the Roman Catholic

Church, is a welcoming and active faith-family, united in our love of God and each other as we

work for justice and live out our call to stewardship.

St. Bernard St. Bernard St. Bernard St. Bernard

Catholic CommunityCatholic CommunityCatholic CommunityCatholic Community 7500 Tangelo Drive

Louisville, KY 40228

St. Bernard Catholic CommunitySt. Bernard Catholic CommunitySt. Bernard Catholic CommunitySt. Bernard Catholic Community

November 26, 2017November 26, 2017November 26, 2017November 26, 2017

Page 2: St. Bernard St. Bernard Catholic Community · Mr. Philip Hettich November 19, 2017 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Bernard community, centered in the Word of God and the traditions

SUNDAY, November 26

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

8:30 a.m. Susan Fox Compton

11:00 a.m. Rick Holtman

MONDAY, November 27

8:15 a.m. Rosella Fast

Recitation of the Rosary

TUESDAY, November 28

8:15 a.m. Fr. Bert Rapp

Recitation of the Rosary

WEDNESDAY, November 29

8:15 a.m. Micki Hayden

Recitation of the Rosary

THURSDAY, November 30

St. Andrew, Apostle

6:10 p.m. Recitation of the Rosary

6:30 p.m. Peace

FRIDAY, December 1

8:15 a.m. Mass - 2nd Grade with Foster Grandparents

Poor and Needy

Recitation of the Rosary

SATURDAY, December 2

5:00 p.m. Mass - First Eucharist Celebration

Margie Kirsch

SUNDAY, December 3

1st Sunday of Advent

8:30 a.m. Mass - First Eucharist Celebration

Ann Blandford

11:00 a.m. Mass - First Eucharist Celebration

People of the Parish

SUNDAY, November 26

9:30 a.m. Scripture Study - All Saints Room

12:15 p.m. Youth Choir Rehearsal - Church

7:30 p.m. A.A. Alanon - Middle School

MONDAY, November 27

TUESDAY, November 28

6:00 p.m. Children’s Choir Rehearsal - Church 7:15 p.m. Handbell Choir - Music Room 7:30 p.m. A.A. - Middle School

WEDNESDAY, November 29

7:00 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal - Church 7:30 p.m. A.A. - Middle School

THURSDAY, November 30

FRIDAY, December 1

9:00 a.m. 2nd Grade and Foster Grandparents


SATURDAY, December 2

SUNDAY, December 3

9:30 a.m. Scripture Study - All Saints Room

9:45 a.m. RCIA Session - Preschool Building

12:15 p.m. Youth Choir Rehearsal - Church

12:30 p.m. Koinonia Review Meeting - All Saints Room

7:30 p.m. A.A. Alanon - Middle School

St. Bernard Catholic CommunitySt. Bernard Catholic CommunitySt. Bernard Catholic CommunitySt. Bernard Catholic Community

MeetingsMeetingsMeetingsMeetings Mass IntentionsMass IntentionsMass IntentionsMass Intentions

Page 3: St. Bernard St. Bernard Catholic Community · Mr. Philip Hettich November 19, 2017 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Bernard community, centered in the Word of God and the traditions

This bulletin is furnished to the Parish without charge. The ad-

vertisements that appear completely defray all publishing costs

with which the church would otherwise be burdened. Please pat-

ronize these sponsors as a thank you for their kind generosity.

St. Bernard Catholic CommunitySt. Bernard Catholic CommunitySt. Bernard Catholic CommunitySt. Bernard Catholic Community

Happy Birthday wishes to the following parishioners who have

reached the wonderful age of 70:

Millie Kuhn, Nov. 28th Ted McDonald, Nov. 29th

Barbara Bislich, Nov. 29th George Brangers, Nov. 29th

John Malone, Nov. 30th Grace Gwynn, Dec. 1st

Mary Bradshaw, Dec. 2nd Joseph Hughes, Dec. 2nd

Preparing for Next WeekPreparing for Next WeekPreparing for Next WeekPreparing for Next Week

1st Sunday of Advent God’s Faithfulness

God is faithful; by him you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. (1 Corinthians 1:9) Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7 - Prayer for the return of God’s favor 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 - Thanksgiving Mark 13:33-37 - Need for watchfulness Adults: How do you know when you’re following Christ and living his teachings faithfully? Kids: What good thing might God be asking you to do right now?



CHURCH CLEANERS, DECEMBER: D. Rapson, J. Cooper, T. Stopher, R. Thurman ALTAR LINENS: DECEMBER: E. Johnson BREADBAKERS: T. Marks, J. Cooper CANTORS: 5:00 K. Fleischer, Adult Choir 8:30 B. Rasche 11:00 TBA

LECTORS: First Eucharist Weekend - Special Schedule

HOSPITALITY: 5:00 P. Kearfott, M. Vuncannon, T. Neal, R, Neal, T. Mudd 8:30 P. Huelsman, S. Goins, B. Miller, M. Csernik, D. Brohm, O. Brohm, C. Tellman, C. Tellman 11:00 M. Miles, C. French, K. Dahl, C. Brooks, M. Wilson EUCHARISTIC: 5:00 C. Wojtowicz, D. Steitz, T. Batliner, S. Brinly, S. Stout, P. Miles, W. Bird 8:30 C. Schnell, B. Head, T. Newton, L. Mentzer, E. Putman, C. Felinski 11:00 D. Sanders, B. Boyd, M. Sanders, J. Sanders, T. Schiess, L. Cox, G. Young, B.


HOMEBOUND: Gp. I L. & J. Hughes Gp. II J. Mudd Gp. III J. Baird




Sunday Offering Received - Nov. 19th $ Not Available

Budgeted Amount for Nov. 19th $ 11,770.00

Charity Collection - Nov. 19th $ Not Available

Parish StewardshipParish StewardshipParish StewardshipParish Stewardship


Be gentle with all and stern with yourself.


**Insert Robbins Heating and Air ad here *

“…. inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of

the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty

and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked

and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you

visited me.” Matthew 25:34-36

Stewardship is opening our hearts, schedules and hands to oth-ers. It means being available and willing to listen and give our time and our love to our neighbors and fellow parishioners. In

doing this, we serve Christ.

Page 4: St. Bernard St. Bernard Catholic Community · Mr. Philip Hettich November 19, 2017 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Bernard community, centered in the Word of God and the traditions

St. Bernard Catholic CommunitySt. Bernard Catholic CommunitySt. Bernard Catholic CommunitySt. Bernard Catholic Community


Please keep the following parishioners in your prayers: George Ballard, Pat Bohannon, Joyce Downs, Jessica Drury, Larry Fogarty, Bridget Harman, Jackie Recktenwald Hazelrig, Elana Hohl, Mike & Eileen Kremer, Delores Lawson. Janis & Sonny Lucas, John Manning, Nicholas Man-ning, Carol Montgomery, Irene Mueller, Rita Riggs, Theresa Stopher, Betty Striegel, Nata-

ley Thompson, Tommy Walsh.

Our Parish Target - $56,600

Our Parish Participation Goal - 285 households

Thanks to those who have already responded with a gift to the 2017 Catholic Services Appeal. To date, we have raised $45,733 toward our goal through the support of 175 households. If you have not yet responded with a gift, please do so today. Gifts to the 2017 CSA can be made online at


December 10th - 3:00 p.m. - Regional Reconciliation Service

St. Gabriel Church

December 12th - Advent Christmas Concert

December 17 - December 23 - 7:00 p.m. - O’Antiphons

(6:30 p.m. on Dec. 23rd)

December 23rd - 5:00 p.m./December 24th - 10:00 a.m.

4th Sunday of Advent Mass

December 24th - 7:00 p.m. - Christmas Eve Mass

10:30 p.m. - Lessons and Carols

11:00 p.m. - Christmas Eve Mass

December 25th - 9:00 a.m. - Christmas Day Mass


Lori Hadorn-Disselkamp

Are you interested in Spiritual Direction? Are you looking for a companion to share your faith journey? Lori Hadorn-Disselkamp, is in a Spiritual Direction Internship and is seeking a few people to share the journey. If you are interested, please email Lori

at [email protected] for details.


Congratulations to the following St. Bernard stu-dents who were named to the Honor Roll at Trinity

for the 1st quarter.

Principal’s List - Aaron Abend, Walker Allen,

Dallas Jenkins, Nathan Vessels

First Honors - Sam Batcheldor, Bryan Bradshaw, Enri Diaz,

Kolby Faust, Blake Hurst, Andrew Lanham, Travis Nilest,

2nd Honors - Grant Bohn, Jared Bryant, Kaleb Faust, Jordan

O’Neil, Ethan Whitaker

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, by order of Royal Decree from Caesar Au-gustus, all St. Bernard Families should report for the census with their taxes (donations of canned goods or toiletry items for FCHUM) to the checkerboard room on Monday, December 4 at 6:30 PM. Join us for "A Night in Bethlehem." A family-friendly event, with child-focused activities. We will journey to Bethle-hem to taste, touch and experience just a little of what it was like during biblical times as the Holy Family searches for a place to stay. RSVP is required and must be made at Reserve your place as SPACE IS LIMITED! This event is free, however, we will be

taking free will offerings at the door.

You are welcome to come dressed in your own Biblical attire!

Page 5: St. Bernard St. Bernard Catholic Community · Mr. Philip Hettich November 19, 2017 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Bernard community, centered in the Word of God and the traditions

St. Bernard Catholic CommunitySt. Bernard Catholic CommunitySt. Bernard Catholic CommunitySt. Bernard Catholic Community


We invite St. Bernard parishioners to do the


1. Please take a sealed envelope handed out in the back of Church after Masses that has instructions and a name of one of our Con-

firmation Candidates.

2. Put the name somewhere as a reminder to pray daily, by name for this young per-

son. Ask the Holy Spirit to open this young person’s mind and heart to the Confirmation Journey and to guide them daily to make holy choices that led them closer to Christ, the Church

and their family.

3. Mail a card or note of encouragement on a couple of occa-sions to this young person. Let them know when and how you are praying for them with words of affirmation and support. Build them up, and encourage them to be courageous to make a difference in this world and to witness to their faith in Jesus

Christ and his Church.

The Sacrament of Confirmation will be Thursday, May 10, 2018. Thank you for all the many ways you continue to enrich and make our Confirmation Journey special and meaningful. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Paula

Miles at 239-8681 or [email protected]



The Catholic Education Founda-tion, the Archdiocese of Louisville and the funding partners are help-ing more families than ever who cannot afford the full cost of edu-

cating their children in a Catholic elementary school. All fami-lies with one or more children enrolled in or applying to a Cath-

olic elementary school may apply.

Tuition assistance applications should be submitted between December 15, 2017 and February 28, 2018. A single form, the FACTS management application, will be used for all forms of Catholic elementary school tuition assistance. Families must use

the online application on our website,

To make the application process easier for families, you will submit your 2016 federal income tax return and 2016 W-2 in-

formation. Your 2017 tax information will not be required.

You must reapply for tuition assistance every year. Award let-

ters will be mailed to families no later than June 15, 2018.


Join our parish-wide Advent Study program all done online, from the comfort of your own home, on the day and time you



Our ANGELS have arrived!! Hard to believe that 2017 marks St. Bernard’s 26th year of sponsoring the “Table of Angels” … this being the third year in conjunction with Fern Creek/Highview United Ministries! As you may well know, the tough economic conditions mean more families than ever before are in dire need and turn to FCHUM for help feeding and providing for their families. This is where St. Bernard parishioners and the surrounding community are invited to play a vital role in helping provide a beautiful Christmas for these “angels”—sharing the rich blessings God has given us! The “angels” are ready for your “adoption”. As in the past, you may adopt one “angel” or an entire family (which are rubberbanded togeth-er). If you’d like to choose one from a family, that’s okay as well. Please, PLEASE remember to sign out ALL “angels” in the “Table of Angels” binder on the table. It is very important you include a phone number where you can be reached. Take a red, green, or white flyer as well which lists specifics about “angel” gift return and offers other helpful suggestions. For those who would like to adopt an “angel” but have trouble get-ting around or have time constraints, envelopes have been pro-vided on the “angel” table, AND an ANGEL TREE envelope should have been included in the packet with your tithing enve-lopes. Seal your contribution in the envelope and drop it in the box provided on the table. One of St. Bernard’s small Christian communities has agreed to shop for these angels. ALL “angel” gifts MUST be returned to the back of St. Bernard Church NO LATER THAN SUNDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2017, 2:00 p.m., as gifts must be sorted, accounted for and transported to FCHUM for their distribution. If you have any questions, please call Karen (640-7682) or Tim Schenk, 239-4223, af-

ter 6:00 p.m.

Page 6: St. Bernard St. Bernard Catholic Community · Mr. Philip Hettich November 19, 2017 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Bernard community, centered in the Word of God and the traditions

St. Bernard Catholic CommunitySt. Bernard Catholic CommunitySt. Bernard Catholic CommunitySt. Bernard Catholic Community


The Archdiocese of Louisville requires that all adults who work with children in our parish communities attend a “Honor Thy Children Safe Environment” training session and have a back-ground check. Background check forms are in the Parish Office. The following workshop dates are on the calendar. You do not

need an appointment, just come 15 minutes early and register.

Please note: Children are not allowed to attend this training.

December 4th - 6:30 p.m. - St. Gabriel - Gymnasium


Thanksgiving is over. Let the shopping begin! Or must it? The Friday after Thanksgiving is often called Black Friday - the day

stores start to make a profit. Buying gifts isn't in-herently bad, but giving an experience is often more memorable. Why not stay home and play a

game? By Susan Vogt,



Published January 11, 2018

For weddings January 11, 2018 through July 25, 2018 submit your

free announcement

Two ways to submit:

Mail in the form published in the Record each week


(expanded form)

For questions, contact Rachel Rauh,

Bridal Coordinator

Phone: 502-471-2125

email: [email protected]

Deadline - December 1, 2018 at noon


Ways to Turn Your Beloved Off #5 - Let bargain hunting rob you of time - time to serve those who don't have the money even for a bargain. Let Matthew 25 ring in your ears: "I was hungry, thirsty, a stranger, naked, ill, in pris-on..." Spend some time and money responding to this sales pitch from Christ the King as

Christmas approaches.

By Susan Vogt,


In the midst of the turbulence in the Middle East, the U.S. Con-ference of Catholic Bishops expresses solidarity with Christians and all those who suffer from the conflict and persecution in the region. The Church stands at the service of all people in the

Middle East, both Christians and Muslims.

The Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christian on November 26 is

an opportunity for prayer, advocacy, awareness.

As we are all called to pray for those in need, please see the

Prayer for Persecuted Christians.

O God of all the nations, the One God who is and was and al-

ways will be, in your providence you willed that your Church

be united to the suffering of your Son. Look with mercy on your servants who are persecuted for their faith in you. Grant them perseverance and courage to be worthy imitators of Christ. Bring your wisdom upon leaders of nations to work for peace

among all peoples. May your Spirit open conversion for those

who contradict your will, that we may live in harmony. Give us the grace to be united in truth and

freedom, and to always seek

your will in our lives. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Our Lady,

Queen of Peace, pray for us.

Prayer composed by Archbishop

William E. Lori, Baltimore


Open houses provide opportunities for students and parents to visit Catholic secondary school campuses. Open houses may include tours, special programs and demonstrations. The format of the open house is interactive and parents and students will

have the opportunity to ask questions.

Assumption High School Nov. 30 - 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.

Bethlehem High School Dec. 6 - 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Mercy Academy Dec. 2 - 10:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Sacred Heart Academy Dec. 3 - 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.


Saturday, December 9, 2017

(Students take the test at the high school they plan to attend.)

9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Page 7: St. Bernard St. Bernard Catholic Community · Mr. Philip Hettich November 19, 2017 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Bernard community, centered in the Word of God and the traditions


Mr. Larry Abell—Facilities Manager [email protected]

Mrs. Donna Bruno—Dir. of Early Childhood Educ. [email protected]

Mr. Michael Edwards—Deacon [email protected]

Mr. Philip Hettich—Deacon [email protected]

Mr. Fred Klausing—Principal [email protected]

Ms. Cyndi Marlow—Faith Formation Coordinator [email protected]

Mrs. Denise Meyer—Pastoral Associate [email protected]

Mrs. Paula Miles –Confirmation Coordinator [email protected]

Mrs. Mary Beth Montgomery—Business Manager [email protected]

Ms. Risa Musto-School/Parish Counselor [email protected]

Mrs. Kari Ogle—Youth Ministry Coordinator [email protected]

Mr. Barry Russo—Director of Worship/Music [email protected]

Rev. Robert L. Stuempel—Pastor [email protected]

Mrs. Molly Williams—School Development Dir. [email protected]

St. Bernard Catholic CommunitySt. Bernard Catholic CommunitySt. Bernard Catholic CommunitySt. Bernard Catholic Community


The Rite of Infant Baptism for children, ages 0-7, is celebrated quarterly. Please contact Julie Tobbe Perdue, 641-9290 to register and begin the process. Parish membership and attendance at a preparation class are required. Children above the age of 7 and adults seeking baptism should contact Cyndi Marlow in the parish office, 239-5178 to inquire about the RCIA process.


Please call Fr. Bob Stuempel at 239-5178, ext. 131 at least 6 months before the intended wedding date to allow an adequate amount of time for marriage preparation.

New Member Registration

When moving into our parish, please call the Parish Office at 239-5178 for information on new member meetings and the registration process.


The sacrament of Reconciliation may be celebrated by appointment, 239-5178. Communal celebrations with area churches are held seasonally. Watch the bulletin for more details.

Pastoral Care of the Sick

Arrangements for home reception of Holy Communion and the Anointing of the Sick are made by calling Denise Meyer, 239-5178, ext. 128. Please let us know when a family member is hospitalized or enters a nursing facility.

Bulletin Deadline

Please submit all bulletin items no

later than Monday 12:00 pm.

(Holiday schedules or office closings

may require earlier deadline). All

content is subject to approval. Email

content/request to Janet DeMasters

[email protected].

Parish/School Phone Numbers

Office - 239-5178

Fax - 239-9025

Prayer Line - 239-0757

Office hours

Mon. - Fri 8:30 am-4:30 pm

Parish email address

[email protected] Visit us at