sr?^^c^^d^fg^^^^ -...

'<:f J ?k?&^ ;-b< ,! f •-3$*"* ^m •*^.?0 !:* ,- 'V •*»/•» } v Is V _„ _J 4 , ~f\ •<*- l j MI^ tr rddti* i* '•wtvasi-.S'S5t.3Ha»^ffi^ !2gpWUKJig5!SS5»?«g!K; ilstf^ It filsUae J« ftjet StttiW Advocate P*ay fbi* the dead! Their prisoned souls \Vhefc JSdetT* gates on "pearly turning Sfil4r#tfotepeace. fma ptly, oh prav f HM fet the dead! On gulden hinges turning •the*fe^stfef-nportals open to the day, While bell peals out on wlhgs offnorn- <«fhe< groves of Blarney they loo* 60 eharmfffg tfewtifcy the purling of §weet silent! streatt*. 1 * - - - there is an _ additioiiaLvefSfi to "i s >' I ^?9«^4^"S3'EsV*^>^J^^^ri»B8i™~iL-*S^.^=« pyiiiinr-rir- pray! in- •u Pray, o r-#ray~^rtlm''^eSd! While jiootii3J3e chimes are ringing "Aves" Once ttiore by angels taught t?e *a?r Afid tender thoughts are purely gently oh pfay I bringing Tiife longed for hour. Pray fbr thg dead! O'er hill and valley «e<^h&tJs^-«£ew & rv &K&«g day. The Ittit s^eet "Aves" fcoftly now are ^resting f guhiet splendor. Fray, oh pray! song by Father Pttmt, relating to the famous- ^ stoned Ssffltre! Loter sp that any editor who would omit i | & Serves to be bung to<. dry OH his 'own lines. So to avoid this fate here they are: ^ Tfee#@~4sE-3- s l o » s - ^ f e ^ r -^sl-^h#§^##- klsses, -©ift-tfe-TWtfre? ' MiMes to grew fttotgttaffff itliiQTljiiitlirri'jiiaiigii^ TTiTWliTfTHibi ii§3ri 'Tie he may chnfcber to I lady** enaiwber, rfis - -*S MS, iff k. ato o* BLAftNEY CASTLE. ns* m* Ah tttterfcfcthig Hesertptfea of this FitiGotM! Spot Stt heland. Tbe drive from Cork to Blarney— | the Milesian Mecca—runs through a edtltitty 4 beautified by every variety of sylvan scenery. Keeping to the | bastes ctf the Lee the visitor soon ? domes Upon Carrigrohane Castle, a y^tjf^gs jfbtinded by the U^Omthys of BBttitt*^-V«ry little of-tbe-^i4^iaee now remains. The view from a little .bridge -within the grounds is very rtoeftntM, #ar beneath rolls the bfeftd fi¥er« The fomridable height dfjasfc is deoentive^ no read apjtear's; tiftlMtif on looking down hot the [diJK^ height and the rnshing vvater below j while beyond, as far a» the e^4 £&n itret^h, the scene is lovely-— W&jverdant-banks of green^ brows* riH|f cattle, and wooded heights in* terspersed with stately mansions, and ? gldlfiotis-hued clumps of foliage in the L^dfedemesnes. : A mile from St. Ann's stand the celebrated ruins of Blarney Castle, ;tbe grounds about which and the \ other points near the castle are taste- fully laid out and adorned. The cas- ftlev itself was a seat, previous to the English invasion, of the princely house ofJicCarthy, Kings of Desmond and Cork, as they were sometimes styled. It was .built in the fifteenth century by~0oraaac McCarthy,, and must* be- fore the introduction of gunpowder, have been an impregnable fortress. W& principal remaining potions is the maasive donjon tower, ISO feet Mgh, wMcb is ascended by a spkal stone ifcftireage* The view .ftom the sum- v^yy fine* The peep4tt>K.»feo> q& %\m bildge* originaBy * breach m$M ly Cromwell kskttaic^lng the «*itl% Jtwei » T^ry ohajfmln^ vfew of : , $%lm w& immm of Mmm$+ e etipfo it»^f» om of the mw§m im$m to MtA^tm \tt» tiajkeft 0jft^e|l i$%% mi tmw %k® took y affil* tQ \\%%$$$ i#to4 m ^ titim Mm* w <$m pm ^ Or heeome & metnher of Pasrliaittent! A.4lA*e«u^ottf&^he^tJ-i»Rft.6&V 6 ^ - - Aft otrt-aft-otitef~*to letfeettt&ttit?. Don't hope to hinder him, or to bewilder hfmr,— ^_ Sure he's a pilgrim fromIhelBlrlfey qaence to mortals is placed beneath the battlements, on fe western side- f»f fh$ tower, tho^g& Snofhef st6Be r •said to b e of equal virtue, is kept by way of con&golatiotr in the castle. To obtain the silver-toned wheedling elo- quence which comes in the kfsTdf the Blarney stone, the bold aspirant had, until lately, to be- snspentfetf^; tffe heels or by ropes over the battle- ments, an experience which I am not disposed to believe that many visitors have been feeen about. That the genuine stone conld, until lately, ever have been kissed from the inside, nn^ less hy ffeeai# of seme" elaborate contrivance, is, from its peeniiar posi- tion, preposterous, it is both beyond [CONfTNTDTBD.] O&tiSm OF iTESFERSt intends &> B&k ffi^ fope lo use his authority to pmmi^interference #ith her work. It- may not be so, bat tfiere is that -atootrt g&ttoe ol fShstet Kose's mgtfadr-Tftgt-"^l'mits the: ' pfdirttoa^i^^stMSl.' : Ikmg M Mum $f Mm? fe:^5^™^J^^ ^eytrnd^^wTnw^eW^ w&fls %m$m, ®e4t dangMers of Lord F§Wf, S 5 5^r2SS amo%ifee %&& ol WoW, is W-"U&im&,tafrlfWlft, a *"-• •>••******** « ^ r *»«^ satisfied .wifflfe % sitaato* tee, a^d ; | oth^i* ladies o^ stteilaf r^anfe ai'e also s^ovefal-ddiH'iffl^ The «lm^rimatnr J ^ ^iveii to a p # per, pmphUt or wotlr by a* bishop mea&s only that sneh w^tfng^ ^o** x«s y BiibKn, on j!«^t«# S#»^ noticed jr% w««r tbe" poW eVer>thia|ritt A&t^fiifefo resolved, so lon^ m « M •ffoyef^mt^iuss fresh.* She utderto^fe ai^ort she knew bwt v^ry MtU $)6m% astf al- __ _ ^, TOTO ^^. -lowed- ftfr-dWotteir^^ the world with a very audibly flour- offry in her imagina^on. As Mght have been expected she seemsik) harve. scor% of dbctrine or morais- it m no mantief impiim M approiml 6f iM$ writ^s^^ojles^vie^ of o^faion^ ^y^-^i?^..^^^^^^*^^^^^^^^^ Just before his death of Cardinal Kewinan joined' the tondofi C^tfnelf Sr?^^c^^d^fg^^^^ w be tfeat fee? prodsce^fsors" in m& work are>. Bx>C willing to ster> ftside SWvfttT I JtHJtfrl «si^s whicW ar^aStn|K'te^il^- and let her boss the situation, Eose may be all .rights bat i as if her* mnch advertised demotion bad fallen abort of the d^marid&t on. ft. (We will not say anytliirig abewt the merrlts of the abo^tf contro* versy. This young womfan- is^ jo^tr'taffe* i^ 58 ^nearly in atttuma and never has? been a member <sf airy religous coffimuni^f and tfss n^ttfee slightest p«st%s of claim t& t t e titles et Sister " as- usesd" in- at- CathevSc 1 ff 'American generosity te t&/i& again- tbe^ aseans^ ^f sav%gfB^la^f frtwn- a- frl^tlisHKBiiiiey ir W6uf^P"»- pdrters; The Council have <feeidM to hold a series of meetings in tbe 5 Ijmvi4ences during the- autffisffl: fi*rr .-_ ^ ^^^tthtf-forltt^th^db^ jects' of the 1 Leagare. The consecration of the S i tor- ime® O^bole dhureh, St Louis, will mwm mmp d^a#- Attpit 2St|-- romaini#'w«rf> -Misr#t-ifc Mshops^ Eyat^ . antf FeeMn- wffi be^ {{jpestintt to|^tier' with Bisho!# Hen^ nesfsey oflDtt^uqBe, d*f awelt of T t o ^ tfeisV^ar®- j^as^; _. oMerT. projiuncat eeeMa**ie«>~ : '^ preachi Stf Jtlawre^c^ 0 ^ o o f e ^ S f fee^ tflf a t e Callolicf ch^rlib> ribnpjfe Latin, Vespera^ which signifies the evening star. The Cbureb commands Catholics to attend Mass, but the at- tendance at Vespers is voluntary, ft is by its nature an expression of gratitude to God. It is a recognition of the command of God to Moses to 'praise BBtn in_' ^ e ereniag.' In the evening the Lord called EGs disciples together. I n t h e e v e n i n g Se«^vaa^^fed£?3g? a fiRJnT the cross and buried. These are the reasons for, and the origin of, the service of Vespers;. There are five dSviaiona of Psalms sung, commemo- rative of the? five wounds; of our Saviour, also m thft-fiver, senses of mait wMebt should all untie sa graasmg €fedt Sfe Aai^istine-, a*| general^ darif! ®f ^^KrotestanJ^bMi^istes t&e establishment of m Anfie^icaa Frctectorarte over that- besiutifut but sshanpy ialsa#. Saeli- &'Pmt&smrk%&~ has^existed^in^^ct; if not m^w^f&t over a hundred yeaan3; and mightvery well now be given infeemationml! sanction. It would be of even morje benefftto Inland than- t&e- B^ene& ProteofeQi^a*e exf Madagascar o r t h e German ~ sbar: necessi^- beepingi ferty thbusaud: troops tied up therer in garrisonV and remove-fisom h e r much- of4he^ obloquy of Koches«erSniid«.y Timoci The Sew Fork Snt declares thoes crated in Bt Louis, the otter* 8; •Sfr; Blirott- w | E itt$8%8&gi8qgNti& CB^tt' t& Am%rie% beis*u*er of" a B is^be-hojpedthisv arwelf &v)fKijioni6 BaHour% other scbenwr to prevemt 'y&am& tfierlrisb members of ParKansettt com* ingd^ AjneriBavwh^faCtn3coii^~ Tfigr^^ Church: ISmm* of^ l^n€onire*^^®« i ^ ; -*< '*./ k f b W^|i of feesa oM g|^| ^ere, of imtwm %mh * r%*i n§Y Cas^e, my d^rtiwg 1 lllmlnorodivYl ^i* A Biahopof Hippo, while explaining 1 to bis people* what was the nature and" eharaeter of this service^ said :- * He who^r^*dsilA6^sahns>aad: finds not- Jeeus Ghr&t, reads not aright/ At the beginning of & serjaefe the priest comes to the front of the- altar, and roQite* the- worda of Jesjos^ wherein Be taught Bis disciples how to pray, amd follows with t^e, pray^ye known a& the l a j l Majy^ ^%®n n#ej% tbe prayer t Qh T j o ^ come tsMn$ aj83fija»c%* a^ ; the choir for ^ e ©eople? responds 'Qh Lord^ mafee ha&te; ^ help us* r ^he, %st %ml$& re^ ci^b*o«i 'The; bo?4 m$ anto i»y %QK4 4% %Q» « J P ^ W* % b j ^ hm^ siool.^ Qlumt re|tr& to- ikm. wJhen %u,rronade<| % %*• ^*^^ftes, as^ toM in'tho r ^4 oaa,|ttf; of ^ ^WiMwEi w,b§reji& ^ # ^ w „ Hi&.€tne.mlej. .an4 nroxod & s own divinity. This l^alna cloaea with the prater to the Ble^se^Trinity, 'Glory betotb^Fa- •&» a^t4 to tbeSon. aa,4th.e> Holy! w^t insfc, promted fiomi the- M ni aerga3B4^^* to ^* t ^ 1 #^ den- of earths to to»^^8«tool^-'- , w^Ei8S;-fB3i .Earadipe',. .th&. sw&^^mduoiZ.Wut3^ i' SopbiSf, Ibrsk^ wiffeof - I&KrJCVi^ < .Bbrstes ' 3SK%- ISmityy Woois«fehjr W3^^,o^|^ ^e^sn^stion^^Se^EenE:. a*susiiij^iE p V ^ "' " ""* '*"" school^ 'cojmnenlai: thei JSasmr. Xorfel^^* 1 ^ EKune# I a B ^ conunenaiiii r^.whOir u|ionih^enia«,aiiQn^. vasatro; li«ssetol of eairtk monthsnilttdforth®mp©s« ©jfijoai^X tesoul ©Mfihu: Eoyte 0«Beilfe t o o f ptettK-aot ^fcUBBE.- Oatfeedr^of thji fely^ Ccos%. o wani^ ITnifeariada- BhweFS«l&ffla^ ®ad.*fe*- ward the- seatimendr tih&fc religfeuasi teachings shall not hfedogrjoat^btife shall be^ Saent ^itbi& tbe &ift «§:"fcafe aiaa reason and jastafle^ SSuai%L ThsL ^aeisaL drh% of esteemer ^fe testeantismi. i& to spEt into two One of takesr the Ibm twmudfr TfaftajrjajHgnit Baddhisjo^ Unit^sife ism,, etc., the other tendk p^wer#% baefe t@mad4; the Eomj» G^ybjuq^JK chftrch,^ j u s t as 4 , Cardinals; I^BP^UM^' and,- Manning, di& We d(*; no4;.,.b5^. gin to hea* mu><jfe from> tfce a^ncis^ %& as. we di^ seme yeas&..agp. Arm. ftey. beginning te* afeandpft thefe g«ouu4f _ The following iairaw- OM P » M ' h ^ ^ ^ ^ Fl AbCy IWMM^ m € ^ h a * , o l ^ S f ^ ^ ftw^-€ifi..Bw*ta»ft.M^I^^aC>^»SiS th«J - 'ni JM?"*M*4*:ii.** ? ^ ' M ivk^^mml^ *t c-^£?;* fi*ti%pfoq^ fb^ meinorlal tQ t V to i DiBy^.Seni.IS.—Johnl>ai ( oa and Sarden^ Heji "E%3^ . 'Tn a m j i p ^ * n^,^i« tt t •\e oto »»; » * |f. erejett^ by [ tfilliam. O'Brjife,^were. arrested. Uf4^ : \ '^4-^^^^%^^^ F v ^ a ^ »*, %g^ o|'^wbu^fo^, deiM^nj; of; fc 'm£fr tex Joh%^Pord r , snperJaien*.; deal of ^; ; tie¥la»gb0y^.Hi glortted. The third oaK# u^Qa ^A|l list of habituydrunltax4siuhla apecial train enro«^ for Tippera „,,.-..JMjn. to. ignite in praising B a n J ^ a-^misnit^e . of $0 wpj^e^ ' of^thQ.^ ... ...... >K .,. „ ^h'ite ihe ser.ysco of tl»'C^ar^.i^itt:^iD^.regatioii. Reform must; ^nsSN^iH^ was accompanied by a lar^e m^- Latln, each worshipper has A or ajioul4' at^S follow^ or they'will be. o^traqfe Iitary. escjort 0*^BA WM...t.ifip h^sL' weere he U4^v'R>iwvv th^ service w,ord altar. Yusuug n^u whq fre,^uet*t fS . ,., lF „ , .,.,. ^or word in \m O\FJ*^ natlxe language, aatoonj are on, thq \hl, two, suud s^a^ ^.^aet. "^^- r The ruurtiv-B«a^ PsaUu oi" oeraonal thajik'V Cardinal Kewnaan , , s , „.„ ... _, .... ^. ,..., ,. .^, . .. .. fc . -r ,,,... ..^ T< ^. non-CathoK« aijmir^rs^we- doft^t- se^t, tor yjeir-reQen,^ut$e.ra|!.ce^ia Ireland^' «/infiraajLSKB^. BS^»\ ^ ^ w^t^s^iJ.iiaoflonr^ ' ' ^ " ' ^ f i ^ ^ t a ^ ^ '<»^ ^, , ^.o^.t,'' 'JBi^ s^J^a, rsaini. oi t&ei KIBV. IE^I^IS^W-^.I^K^^J^^ i©r\noe, tells why CM should, be' pe's churcik a^ S^ Louis.ha^giv^» ; a; ; 'mflately' 'escorted, to- th€3'.,'"rall%y S 4 « . ^ a R 4 ^ 4 i ^ f „ ^ W w » t0l >. stalion,, where ws& ?edoa a ™ ' ^ftA *^^*C •SI^WftTf ^r ^ff% V "P^.FW^. blight the exce: It^melfafmTau? conveyed Uhe ^taTto Qro| to Corki Wacranfis of arrest for Pafe- thro« w v . , rick'. O'Brien, Conuapncw. Thomas'j". ' ob^r^SS&ft.; f Condon-, . a n d ^ y i d Sbecfey, w d ; t t e f , *^8$|i^ ''to^lW^'Hw^ibKeyai, orapperari; mountaMm |b^ebe^n'issttea"\ "• '--.\ " '{^g^tj^ ... •*:•,• . y , . y . - . i cara%I| ? #s^| ,-=*^- -#T: 1 r*. t^f***>•«ff,**^*k* *H«*-""

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Page 1: Sr?^^c^^d^fg^^^^ - ·

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tr rddti* i* tfo. si . '•wtvasi-.S'S5t.3Ha»^ffi^ !2gpWUKJig5!SS5»?«g!K;

ilstf I t filsUae J« ftjet StttiW Advocate P*ay fbi* the dead! Their prisoned souls

\Vhefc JSdetT* gates on "pearly turning

Sfil4r#tfotepeace. fma ptly, oh prav f HM fet the dead! On gulden hinges

turning •the* fe^stfef-n portals open to the day, While bell peals out on wlhgs offnorn-

<«fhe< groves of Blarney they loo* 60 eharmfffg

tfewtifcy the purling of §weet silent! streatt*.1* - - -there i s an _ additioiiaLvefSfi to





• u

Pray, o r-#ray~^rtlm' '^eSd! While jiootii3J3e

chimes are ringing "Aves" Once ttiore by angels taught t?e

*a?r Afid tender thoughts are purely gently

oh pfay I bringing

Tiife longed for hour. Pray fbr thg dead! O'er hill and valley

«e<^h&tJs -«£ew&6£rv&K&«g day.

The Ittit s^eet "Aves" fcoftly now are ^resting

f guhiet splendor. Fray, oh pray!

song by Father Pttmt, relating to the famous- ^ stoned Ssffltre! Loter s p that any editor who would omit i | & Serves to be bung to<. dry OH his 'own lines. So to avoid this fate here they a re : ^ Tfee#@~4sE-3- slo»s-^fe^ r -^sl-^h#§^##-

klsses, -©ift-tfe-TWtfre? ' MiMes to grew fttotgttaffff

itliiQTljiiitlirri'jiiaiigii^ TTiTWliTfTHibi ii§3ri

'Tie he may chnfcber to I lady** enaiwber, rfis

- -*S


iff k.

a to

o* —




Ah tttterfcfcthig Hesertptfea of this FitiGotM! Spot Stt heland.

Tbe drive from Cork to Blarney— | the Milesian Mecca—runs through a edtltitty4 beautified by every variety of sylvan scenery. Keeping to the

| bastes ctf the Lee the visitor soon ? domes Upon Carrigrohane Castle, a y^tjf^gs jfbtinded by the U^Omthys of BBttitt*^-V«ry little of-tbe-^i4^iaee now remains. The view from a little

.bridge -within the grounds is very rtoeftntM, #ar beneath rolls the bfeftd fi¥er« The fomridable height dfjasfc i s deoentive^ no read apjtear's; tiftlMtif on looking down hot the

[diJK^ height and the rnshing vvater below j while beyond, as far a» the e^4 £&n itret^h, the scene is lovely-— W&jverdant-banks of green^ brows*

riH|f cattle, and wooded heights in* terspersed with stately mansions, and

? gldlfiotis-hued clumps of foliage in the L^dfedemesnes. : A mile from St. Ann's stand the celebrated ruins of Blarney Castle,

; tbe grounds about which and the \ other points near the castle are taste­fully laid out and adorned. The cas-

ftlev itself was a seat, previous to the English invasion, of the princely house of JicCarthy, Kings of Desmond and Cork, as they were sometimes styled. I t was .built in the fifteenth century by~0oraaac McCarthy,, and must* be-fore the introduction of gunpowder, have been an impregnable fortress. W& principal remaining potions i s the maasive donjon tower, ISO feet Mgh, wMcb is ascended by a spkal stone ifcftireage* The view .ftom the sum-

v^yy fine* The peep4tt>K.»feo> q& %\m bildge* originaBy * breach m$M l y Cromwell kskttaic^lng the «*itl% Jtwei » T^ry ohajfmln^ vfew of

:, $%lm w& immm of Mmm$+ e etipfo it»^f» om of the mw§m

im$m to MtA^tm \tt» tiajkeft b» 0jft^e|l |« i$%% mi tmw %k® took ya f f i l * t Q \\%%$$$ i # t o 4 m ^

titim Mm* w <$m pm ^

Or heeome & metnher of Pasrliaittent! A.4lA*e«u^ottf&^he^tJ-i»Rft.6&V6^ - -

Aft otrt-aft-otitef~*to let fee ttt&ttit?. Don't hope to hinder him, or to bewilder

hfmr,— ^ _ Sure he's a pilgrim fromIhelBlrlfey

qaence t o mortals is placed beneath the battlements, on fe western side-f»f fh$ tower, tho^g& Snofhef st6Ber

•said to be of equal virtue, is kept by way of con&golatiotr in the castle. To obtain the silver-toned wheedling elo­quence which comes in the kfsTdf the Blarney stone, the bold aspirant had, until lately, t o be- snspentfetf^; tffe heels or by ropes over the battle­ments, an experience which I am not disposed to believe that many visitors have been feeen about. That the genuine stone conld, until lately, ever have been kissed from the inside, nn^ less hy ffeeai# of seme" elaborate contrivance, is, from its peeniiar posi­tion, preposterous, it is both beyond



intends &> B&k ffi^ fope lo use his authority to pmmi^interference # i th her work. It- may not be so, ba t tfiere is that -atootrt g&ttoe o l fShstet Kose's mgtfadr-Tftgt-"^l'mits the:

' pfdirttoa^i^^stMSl.' : Ikmg M Mum $f Mm? fe:^5^™^J^^ ^eytrnd^^wTnw^eW^ w&fls %m$m, ®e4t dangMers of Lord F§Wf, S 5 5 ^ r 2 S S

amo%ifee %&& o l W o W , is W-"U&im&,tafrlfWlft, a *"-• ••>••******** « ^ r * » « ^ satisfied .wifflfe % s i t a a t o * tee, a^d; | oth^i* ladies o^ stteilaf r anfe

ai'e also s^ovefal-ddiH'iffl^ The «lm^rimatnrJ^ ^iveii to a p #

per, pmphUt or wotlr by a* bishop mea&s only t h a t sneh w^tfng^ ^o**


y BiibKn, on j ! « ^ t « # S # » ^ noticed jr% w««r tbe" poW eVer>thia|ritt A & t ^ f i i f e f o resolved, so lon^ m « M

•ffoyef^mt^iuss fresh.* She utderto^fe a i ^ o r t she knew bwt v^ry MtU $)6m% astf al- _ _ _ ^,TOTO^^.

-lowed- ftfr-dWotteir^^ the world with a very audibly flour-

offry in her imagina^on. As Mght have been expected she seemsik) harve.

scor% of dbctrine or morais- it m no mantief impiim M approiml 6f iM$ w r i t ^ s ^ ^ o j l e s ^ v i e ^ of o^faion^

^ y ^ - ^ i ? ^ . . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Jus t before his death of Cardinal Kewinan joined' the tondofi C^tfnelf

Sr?^^c^^d^fg^^^^ w be tfeat fee? prodsce^fsors" in m& work are>. Bx>C willing to ster> ftside

SWvfttT I JtHJtfrl


whicW a r ^ a S t n | K ' t e ^ i l ^ -

and let her boss the situation, Eose may be all .r ights b a t i as if her* mnch advertised demotion bad fallen abort of the d^marid&t on. ft. (We will not say anytliirig abewt the merrlts of the abo^tf contro* versy. This young womfan- is^ jo^tr'taffe* i^58^nearly in atttuma and never has? been a member <sf airy religous coffimuni^f and tfss n^ttfee slightest p«st%s of claim t& t t e titles et Sister" as- usesd" in- at- CathevSc1

ff 'American generosity te t&/i& again- tbe^ aseans^ ^f sav%gfB^la^f frtwn- a- frl^tlisHKBiiiiey i r W6uf^P"»-

pdrters; The Council have <feeidM to hold a series of meetings in tbe5

Ijmvi4ences during the- autffisffl: fi*rr . - _ ^ ^^^tthtf-forltt^th^db^ jects' of the1 Leagare.

The consecration of the S i tor-ime® O^bole dhureh, S t Louis, will

mwm mmp d^a#-A t t p i t 2S t | - -romaini#'w«rf> -Mis r# t - i f c

Mshops^ Eyat^ . antf FeeMn- wffi be^ {{jpestintt t o | ^ t i e r ' with Bisho!# Hen^ nesfsey oflDtt^uqBe, d*f awelt of T t o ^ tfeisV^ar®- j^as^ ; _. oMerT. projiuncat eeeMa** ie«>~ : ' ^ preachi Stf Jtlawre^c^ 0 ^ o o f e ^ S f fee^ tflf a t e Callolicf ch^rlib> ribnpjfe

Latin, Vespera^ which signifies the evening star. The Cbureb commands Catholics to attend Mass, but the at­tendance at Vespers is voluntary, ft is by i ts nature an expression of gratitude to God.

It is a recognition of the command of God to Moses to 'praise BBtn in_' ^ e ereniag.' In the evening the Lord called EGs disciples together. In the evening Se«^vaa^ fed£?3g?afiRJnT the cross and buried. These are the reasons for, and the origin of, the service of Vespers;. There are five dSviaiona of Psalms sung, commemo­rative of the? five wounds; of our Saviour, also m thft-fiver, senses of mait wMebt should all untie sa graasmg €fedt Sfe Aai^istine-, a* | general^ darif! ®f ^^KrotestanJ^bMi^istes

t&e establishment of m Anfie^icaa Frctectorarte over that- besiutifut b u t sshanpy ialsa#. Saeli- &'Pmt&smrk%&~ has^existed^in^^ct; i f not m^w^f&t over a hundred yeaan3; and mightvery well now be given infeemationml! sanction. It would be of even morje benefftto I n l a n d than- t&e- B^ene& ProteofeQi a*e exf Madagascar or t h e German ~ sba r : necessi^- o£ beepingi ferty thbusaud: troops t ied up therer in garrisonV and remove-fisom h e r much- of 4he^ obloquy of

Koches«erSniid«.y Timoci The S e w Fork S n t declares thoes

crated in B t Louis, the otter*


•Sfr; Blirott- w |E itt$8%8&gi8qgNti& C B ^ t t ' t& Am%rie% beis*u*er of" a

B is^be-hojpedthisv arwelf &v)fKijioni6 BaHour% other scbenwr to prevemt'y&am& tfierlrisb members of ParKansettt com* i n g d ^ AjneriBavwh^faCtn3coii^~

Tfigr ^ Church: ISmm* of l^n€onire*^^®« i^ ;


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k f b W^ | i of feesa oM g | ^ | ^ere, of imtwm %mh

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n§Y Cas^e, my d^rtiwg 1

l l l m l n o r o d i v Y l ^ i *


Biahopof Hippo, while explaining1 to bis people* what was the nature and" eharaeter of this service^ said:- * He who^r^*dsilA6^sahns>aad: finds not-Jeeus Ghr&t, reads not aright/

At the beginning of & serjaefe the priest comes to the front of the-altar, and • roQite* the- worda of Jesjos^ wherein B e taught Bis disciples how to pray, amd follows with t^e, pray^ye known a& the l a j l Majy^ ^ % ® n n#ej% tbe prayer tQh T j o ^ come tsMn$ aj83fija»c%* a ^ ; the choir for ^ e ©eople? responds 'Qh Lord^ mafee ha&te; help us*r ^he, %st %ml$& re^ c i^b*o«i 'The; bo?4 m$ anto i»y %QK4 4% %Q» « J P ^ W* % b j ^ hm^

siool.^ Qlumt re|tr& to- ikm. wJhen %u,rronade<| % %*• ^*^^ftes, as^ toM i n ' t h o r ^ 4 oaa,|ttf; of ^ ^WiMwEi w,b§reji& ^ # ^ w „ Hi&.€tne.mlej. .an4 nroxod & s own divinity. This l^alna cloaea with the prater to the Ble^se^Trinity, 'Glory b e t o t b ^ F a -•&» a^t4 to tbeSon. aa,4th.e> Holy! w ^ t

insfc, promted fiomi the- M n i a e r g a 3 B 4 ^ ^ * t o ^ * t ^ 1 # ^ den- of earths t o to»^^8«tool^-'-,w^Ei8S;-fB3i .Earadipe',. .th&. sw&^^mduoiZ.Wut3^ i' SopbiSf, I b r s k ^ wiffeof - I&KrJCVi^ < .Bbrstes ' 3SK%- ISmityy Woois«fehjr W 3 ^ ^ , o ^ | ^ ^e^sn^s t i on^^Se^EenE: . a*susiiij^iE p V ^ "' " ""* '*"" school^ 'cojmnenlai: thei JSasmr. X o r f e l ^ ^ * 1 ^ EKune# I a B ^ conunenaiiii


u| ionih^enia«,ai iQn^. vasatro; l i « s s e t o l of ea i r tk

monthsnilt tdforth®mp©s« ©jfijoai^X tesoul ©Mfihu: Eoyte 0«Beilfe t o o f ptettK-aot fcUBBE.- Oatfeedr^of thji fely^ Ccos%.


wani^ ITnifeariada- BhweFS«l&ffla^ ®ad.*fe*-ward the- seatimendr tih&fc religfeuasi teachings shall not hfedogrjoat^btife shall be^ Saent ^itbi& tbe &ift «§:"fcafe aiaa reason a n d jastafle^ SSuai%L ThsL ^aeisaL drh% of esteemer ^ f e testeantismi. i& to spEt into two One of takesr the Ibm twmudfr TfaftajrjajHgnit Baddhisjo^ Uni t^s i fe ism,, etc., the other tendk p ^ w e r # % baefe t@mad4; the Eomj» G ybjuq JK chftrch,^ j u s t as4, Cardinals; I^BP^UM^' and,- Manning, di& We d(*; no4;.,.b5^. gin to hea* s» mu><jfe from> tfce a^ncis^ %& as. we di^ seme yeas& ..agp. Arm. ftey. beginning te* afeandpft thefe g«ouu4f _

The following iairaw- OM P » M ' h ^ ^ ^ ^ F l

A b C y I W M M ^ m € ^ h a * , o l ^ S f ^ ^ ftw^-€ifi..Bw*ta»ft.M^I^^aC>^»SiS th«J

- • 'ni JM?"*M*4*:ii .**?^ ' M ivk^^mml^ *t c-^£?;* fi*ti%pfoq^ fb^ meinorlal tQ t V to i DiBy^.Seni.IS.—Johnl>ai (oa and Sarden^ Heji " E % 3 ^ . 'Tn a m j i p ^ * n^,^i« ttt •\eoto»»; » * |f. ere je t t^ by [ tfilliam. O'Brjife,^were. arrested. Uf4^:\ '^4-^^^^%^^^ F v ^ a ^ » * ,

% g ^ o | ' ^ w b u ^ f o ^ , deiM^nj; of; fc 'm£fr tex J o h % ^ P o r d r , snperJaien*.; deal of ^ ; ; t i e¥ la»gb0y^ .Hi

glortted. The third oaK# u^Qa ^A| l list of habituydrunltax4siuhla apecial train en ro«^ for Tippera „,,.-..JMjn. to. ignite in praising B a n J ^ a-^misnit^e . of $0 wpj^e^ ' of^thQ . ^ ... . . . . . . >K.,. „

^h' i te ihe ser.ysco of tl»'C^ar^.i^itt:^iD^.regatioii. Reform must; ^nsSN^iH^ was accompanied by a lar^e m^-Latln, each worshipper hasA or ajioul4' a t ^ S follow^ or they'will be. o^traqfe Iitary. escjort 0 * ^ B A WM...t.ifip h^sL'

weere he U4^v'R>iwvv th^ service w,ord altar. Yusuug n^u whq fre,^uet*t fS. ,., lF „ , .,.,. ^or word in \m O\FJ* natlxe language, aatoonj are on, thq \hl, two, suud s ^ a ^ ^ . ^ a e t . " ^ ^ - r T h e ruurtiv-B«a^

PsaUu oi" oeraonal thajik'V

Cardinal Kewnaan , ,s, „.„ ... _, .... . ,..., ,. .^, . .. ..fc . - r , , , . . . ..^ T<^. non-CathoK« aijmir^rs^we- doft t- se t, tor yjeir-reQen,^ut$e.ra|!.ce^ia Ireland^' «/infiraajLSKB^. BS^»\ ^ ^ w ^ t ^ s ^ i J . i i a o f l o n r ^ ' ' ^ " ' ^ f i ^ ^ t a ^ ^ ' < » ^ ^ , ,

^.o^.t,'' 'JBi s^J^a, rsaini. oi t&ei KIBV. I E ^ I ^ I S ^ W - ^ . I ^ K ^ ^ J ^ ^ i©r\noe, tells why CM should, be ' pe's churcik a^ S^ Louis.ha^giv^» ;a; ; 'mflately' 'escorted, to- th€3'.,'"rall%y S 4 « . ^ a R 4 ^ 4 i ^ f „ ^ W w » t 0 l>.

stalion,, where ws& ?edoa a

™ ' ^ f t A *^^*C •SI^WftTf ^ r ^ f f % V "P^.FW^.

blight the exce:

I t ^ m e l f a f m T a u ? conveyed Uhe ^taTto Qro| to Corki Wacranfis of arrest for Pafe- thro« w v . , rick'. O'Brien, Conuapncw. Thomas'j". ' ob^r^SS&ft.; f Condon-, . a n d ^ y i d Sbecfey, w d ; t t e f , * ^ 8 $ | i ^ ' ' to^lW^'Hw^ibKeyai , o r a p p e r a r i ; m o u n t a M m |b^ebe^n ' i s s t tea" \ "• '--.\ " ' { ^ g ^ t j ^

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