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BT. PETER'S m BOME ITS COMPELLING POWER OF WORSHIP AND REVERENCE. A ato«*aala< Mintater'a ACM*B( •! (he War tae m^ltet Ol* Cattail* GMtaaartrt * w c c 4 H*aa 1* His Katw la Prayer la Spite *f Btaaaelf. Curiously enough, in an article writ- ten for the New York Christian Advo- cate (Methodist) by A. B. Tuttle, D . D., we find, along with references to"thou-| sands whose consciences are rocked tcj deep In the cradle of priestly rites"! and who "would never know of a vital' religion' except for the clear testimony! of our (Methodist) people," the follow of It the decision le entirely coufaru able to equity and common sense, am It is to be hoped that tibe precedent It establishes may be very generally fol lowed.—Ave Maria. The Kauai Seal. Toe humaa-soal Is God's highest cre- ation and noblest organ, and His dear- est revelation toast be through that and through the noblest part of toe hu- man soul.' Every form of genius is In- ferior to conscience, to the heart, to faith, sympathy and love. i H E ADVENT SEASON dtul * «* ttent . ana inmu ** ***- i Archbishop Oiennon. sOTfi WHITE FAt •T MARKS THE OPENING OF THE EC-i fattaac*, CLESIASTICAL NEW YEAR. ' We are so apt to be didactic with * God—to say: "See here; we've had IN THE PHILIPPINES. me F T Wteka Are Dedicate* *»««•** long enough. It's time for rootiv- «ae Clare* ,. sntMtm* aa* Pf«yae ™f. «nd If we don't And Joy now yews •as. Preeaaatlae Far ah* Cwatat ad worA '• *****?* My dear friends. It Is Oar Saview* at Carta*-.. Tfaael home »» «pon US, to SOTOfl by tlttW, to _w. L ,. . . aome by bitter aorrow and «*nerl«9«. Advent when marks the opeiungofl m%t e^, m0 rnlug la not alweyg our the ecclesiastical new year and wWcbj^,,,, Q^ ^ a t m ttenc » to in the days of old was kept with al- ^ vmtu m n nme , -; most the same strictness as Lent, la •{ ' time when w e are called upon to give! __—_-_«__-—_«— SHORT SERMONS. VKVi ••is warn Minmm'&'m* the things that are thaws. The season' "~~ of four we«*i is one of prayer andj B*«ry moment of time may be made . . „ . ~ 7~ „ .. . , a little more serious consideration to rw«ta«t«at Mlaaiataarlea a Kailaa-e la' tae Uluts. *£L£*.* T"? r D,ere rL*, 0f r?' Prepiratioirito uW'tav^tVcomln'g to bear the burden of something which tog fine tribute to the glorious pile that ***«*• ° / « » ***«« and Other De^ 0Uf hVmma U r i m , Jy*.** nam-,- ttaroal. rises above the resting place of__the ' J ? 1 ™k ? ? oeld atLake Mohonk, ^ ^ .^^ w ^ ipu Ht 1^ pjptpara-i 8h»ce the sacred heart has no more prince of apostles: "• ,•• UT ^narew »• Draper, former tk>n aR( aajpocaed to reprint*b* *,00<Ji cherished love than meekness, bumll- "One day our little company went P"*™«»t « the University of Illinois, yemn tQat —^pja^-^, Urtt coming oflty and chaHty we most cling to to** by themselves over the .Elian bridge "** at Pf««ent commissioner of eduea cbrist-tbat long period from the •tall-'dear virtues. to that most majestic building In the f 0 0 o f N e w Y o * 8tate > wbo Presided, ,^3, tte Bedteemer cinm to bring man The golden moments In the stream world, 8t Peter's cathedral. Every n ^Peaking of the situation in the Phil 1Ignt „,, nope ^ a,^,^^ 0 f life rush past US, and w e see noth- time I enter It its power grows upon PP J^ lslanda said: ^ onr j n ». these ^Qg centuries thetagbut sand. The angels come to visit me. It Is the house of God not alone "T 06 business of the nour is to de faithful pray«d and. hoped for the Mes- us, and we know them only wheo they tn the sense that it was erected for veIo P ^ e industrial habits and the g i ^ ^ aoes the cbmrdi «xhort us dur-«w gone. His worship. That Is true of every ^o™ 1 Ben8e *** tte political wisdom m fo^ ^^ weeka to pr0 p are f or the To be sympathetic I* to hold the key church. But this one impels to wor- of wese people, so that they may be invent of the 8artour, telling us "the of true charity. He Who la sympa- Bhlp-ln my mind, imperatively com- safely admitted to exercise sovereignty nj^t j, passed, tn* day Is a t band, thetlc has his entrance Into all hearts mands It. Here Is the most perfect and Independence of their own. Let as .therefore cast off the works of and is the solver of all human prob- symbolic expression of the soul's deep- n r Protestant missionaries are as- darkness and put on the armor of leans. To him Is given dominion where est want that human genius has ever sumlng to contest the ground, bat In light" R also reminds Q S of that see- ha thinks to serve, devised. Some may sneer at the idea comparison with the work of the Ro- ona advent when Curia* comes wtti* As the flower Is gnawed by frost, so of any vital union between symbolism man Catholic Church their doings are great power and majesty to Judge theevery human heart is gnawed by faith- and devotion, calling it aestheticism not a delight to us. It seems to be riving and the dead. lessnesa. And as surely, as Jrrevoca- or, what is worse, idolatry. But archl- the fact that the Protestant denomlna in words rrrid and patfeetic St Luke bly, as the fruit bud falls before the tecture, pictures, music and riroal, tlons have agreed upon some division tells how that last day will be ushered! east wind, so falls the power of the which have their origin In t h e BOUI'S of territory so a s to avoid conflicts in—"Signs in the son and In the moon kindest human heart If you meet It aspiration for the divine, cannot be of with one another, so for as may be, and In the stars, the roaring of the with poison, the devil, as the iconoclasts believed, but there is no possibility of avoiding sea, men withering away with fear, - •• It is certain that here this morning rivalry with the Church of Rome In any and expectation of what will come"— Heroic simrra. they forced me to my knees. part of our insular territory. I cannot the sad story of a world's wreckage, A * Valparaiso wheu the earthquake "We walked together under thest help wondering If it Is worth while. the abandonment o f a planet which, occorred 8 bouse of the Slaters Of lofty arches In vast spaces where hu "I have none but Puritan blood lr cast in the great Inane, moves into an' *** 9 Poor rang with cries for help from man beings seemed to shrivel to the my veins, but I no longer fear that any eternity of silence, the sealing of every over * hundred old men who resided stature of a band's breadth. The great church will subvert American political fountain,, the ending of every life, thai t 0 * 1 * 0 !. The good sisters Immediately central dome swells out like the vault institutions. I think that the Roman final undoing of the first "flat" spoken began to attend to the Utter and of the sky and is so perfectly illuml-Catholic Church will be made more by the Almighty, a dream that's over,; brought them out one after another nated that the prophets and the apos- thoroughly American by giving It Amer- a song that is sung, a withered planet.M 11 * 0 ^o afreet. They carried some at them in their arms and placed them la safety. When the last of their pen- sioners had been saved one of the old men was missing, and the religious Im- mediately went tn search of him, but meanwhile the building collapsed, and eight of the devoted and courageous nuns were burled In toe mine. ties painted there seemed to be living lean confidence. N o one c a n doubt Its a falling star, and then the Judgment! realities hovering over us In the air. spirituality or Its Patriotism. the final judgment of a Jaart God on all All around us are the monuments of "I am In favor of Protestantism nations that once peopled the globe. the heroes and saints of the Church, wherever It can be self sustained, but Now, there bo those that say that Incense Is continually ascending. The I d o not fear to express nay misgivings this description of S t Luke's is dra- Maas Is forever being performed, help- about the wisdom of the policy which ma tic. The Judgment Itself Is useless tag the devotion of feeble hearts, just'taxes weak churches In America to and meaningless, for, they say, judg- as a mother helps its child to say lts'support weak churches in our Island ment if judgment there he, is passed pcayarft| Music from some unseen or- possessions, with no prospect of those on each one at death. "Why, then, a gan floats through the spaces Uke a n churches becoming self supporting, so general Judgment? To which the holy Invisible host singing glorias. Brery- long as one strong Church Is on the writers give many reasons In answer, where and In everything are proclaim- ground, Is occupying It forcefully and and we will take only one of these What we want of all things Is our ed the majesty and holiness of God. i a evidently adapted to the situation." reasons, the cogency of -which will, I hearts softened, and sorrow softens H o w Insignificant I felt and how sinful! . think, appeal to yoa and will appeal them sooner and more effectually than before His glory and His power! 1, sundar otiieraaee. all the more'In proportion to the expe-l joy. troubled and alarmed. Who can Nature *-xin:ts certain times for the rlences every year brings to you. j Turn away from the gloom and take functions necessary for the life of the Oftentimes it Is preached to you'up the task of helping others, ^he light Tbe order in quesUon may b^ reatrdt SHORT SERMONS. stand before God? "With such feelings I came to an body. Is It wrong, then, that religion that God Is Just. Sometimes you are' will come again, and yon will grow altar over which hung a picture of the demands fixed times for t h e care of the led to doubt It, because you claim toj strong. Crucified One. His bleeding hands B0U , - t A1I people have had definite see little evidence o f It here below.i Do not believe that all greatness and seemed to be extended to me, and His dnv8 coasoc rnted to the worship of Everywhere you see man's Inhumanity heroism are in the past Learn to diS' eyes of love penetrated my heart His tne jiviuities which they adored. If, to man. You see vice triumphant vlr- cover princes, prophets, heroes and Ups seemed to say, 'I have redeemed then the Third Conamandment reserves tue neglected. Some you soo who ev-'saints among the peoplo about you thee with My blood.' My spirit bowed n particular day for rende^ng exter- ory day struggle beneath a cross and: Bo assured they are there. A HfcTw *** M nal worehl P t0 Oo(1 u on 'y determines eventually go down, hopelessly crush-j Rev. John J. Wynne, 8. J., of New descrtbahle peace. a duty i mpose( i by tbe law of D tare, ed beneath Its shadow. Others, made, York has resigned from the general dl church Sund iy Is rich by accident, glory i n the abnn- And when In the _ v M g _, wv , „„„„ It is a^copnnon^tttog to bear visitors 8nbst | tut ed for the Sabbath the oxlst- dance of life, surrounded by luxuries » rVTf. V^T ? J ?£?* C ° m l n * » a ^ al and d'^e lawr l s n o t »• ,r °- which are oftentimes acquired at cost plain that It falls short of their erpec- gated; lte ob8er vance Is rather .m- of others' tears, sometime, even of £ ^ J^L , TL, ma a ch K 8maler Phased. The Sabbath reminded the their lw&L And thus the weary world £!2 ^S Ha. S?£,. J^ni 8 *- Jew ot the rest of G o d tbe Creator !lU So** on <"*' j ™ a t e * TO^er ^eth- .^. ^L w.ni tt 5 S T Sunday tem,Dd8 the Chri8tlan ot l ,e ,ar the power that rules 1. a fate that Is arises not because the building is Father - B production of light of i >e )0lto< i absolutely heedless of men's re- smaa. but because of Its perfect pro-'Son's triumph over death and sin, .f joicm,, or their despair, portions. Each part is so well adapted the descent of the Holy Ghost up- n to all the rest thatthe gigantic, dimen-, the*postle*< ^s^th^m^sr^lwerTaW-ra^ "wheretiteTlsTto S w ' ^ t o t ^ ^ jat ahelove^lU « ^ ^ in reality It Is difficulty Imagine that ^ l ^ o Z r ^ T t L T ^ y " Z ^ I L ^ ^ l * ^ ^ work la a gallery Hoed with 20,000 .lockers, which contain sticks of silica T^e, inomet_ = itanda^hy^-tbsv open «£-a!^ tbe myriadV varying sheaesTa» the measurements of St Peter's reach the following Immense figures: It i s 614 feet in length. 445 In breadth, 152 In height. Tbe distance from the floor to tbe cross surmounting the done is 448 feet while tbe done Itself Is 189 feet in diameter and 443 In circumfer- may be called the thermometer of Christian piety, the very pul<*e of tbe Christian life.—Catholic Home Companion. Reaa«et tae Ckmrea. Catholics should remember that txtei church is a sacred edifice, wherein our! IA _,__ ,„ ... „„..«, J„_ , f »,«- -i- ence All this, added to the glittering; LOM and Sav iour dwells in the Bless-, 5 Iorte " ,n . W ! wea,th ' ^ m a t h t a ** young woman, Innocent, too confiding, sow betrayed, the rejected of men, stands by river bank where tbe rolling waters call her to oblivion. She may isppeal to darkened akies and turgid waters for justice. They axe silent On the other hand, the man who ornamentation that decks every inch of ed Sacrament While In church one tJms, applauds great nature and, chal- St Peter's, fully Justifies the enthual-j Bho ald wear a devout and recollected ' engln * ° od ' ma ? want t0 **"" " J"^ astic language of a writer of sixty composure, realizing tht -esence o f ^ ha« any meaning except when years ago: "We have before us a scene Christ .Himself 4 heuce »k% . * « w . . a * e . i 5 S a 5?!^ \&^*^.S$.J®m£, which-no- eartBfy edrflce ever present-! coming for any one t o engage in a con-' 8 ™^ 8Uccess > for i m t a ^ ns » • « • ed,. which no imagination can picture,, vernation before the Blessed Sacra- achieved-he also will find no an- no pen describe. The vastness, the sol-! ment and still more so t o turn the 8wer ' He mny g 0 OT l n h l B capeer itude, the symmetry, the richness, the' church Into a bowing school, bowing to applauded by his fellows and when beauty, the grandeur, tbe gorgeous; the right and bowing to t h e left on tte Ume comes ^ buried ^^ honor magnlflceace in a word, that surrounds; the way down the aisle. Catholics In M1 m * ,8 trae - fls your dall 7 ^P*" us on every side enchants the eye., attending Mass should attach much: r)ence ma y testify. True, tie ways of God are silent wayB. He i s merciful here below, though we roay not al ways see His mercies. Each one can work his own way for the few evanes- rectorshlp of the Apostlesblp of Prayer and League of the Sacred Heart and will confine his efforts to editing the Messenger and In preparation of tne Catholic encyclopedia. The Pope maintains a mosaic factory to the Vatican. Here the patient artists quired to reproduce tne tints from canvas. Haaslaess, Don't ask to be hippy all the time. Happiness ln this life Is served ia slices, like cucumbers, and needs lots of pepper and vinegar to make it wholesome. An exclusive diet of bliss would make us regular dyspeptics and pampered nuisances, like overfed poo- dles. Be thankful If yon are served with happiness, then, in the ratio of one tesspoonfol to the entire lemon, or if you find. as much opportunity to den where the scarecrows are thicker than the cherries. expands the mind, warms the heart! importance to being present at the M^ ™e 8 <>al to the lofty objects of 1 commencement of the holy sacrifice. eternity and prompts us to fall downj Coming late not only shows disrespect in spontaneous and grateful acknowl- to God, disobedience to the Church, but edgment to God. who has gifted man! discomforts an< j distracts those who ceat hours that make up life here, but with such sublime conceptions and en-; have a better Catholic spirit and come the hours pass, tbe d a y Is soon over, abled him to call forth such wondrous' in time. It may be good form to go creations."-Catholic Citteen. ; to a theater late In order to show one's ! jewels and apparel, but It Is bad taste, Datr «f the cowrf. ' bad manners and bad Catholic spirit to the life is ended, and then—then the judgment And all these particular judgments set together make ur> the great ac- counting of the last day, where God's 'eternal justice will be plainly vindi- cated. There the child taken i n its Tt is refreshing in these days of come late to Mass.—Church Calendar Iconoclasm," says Judge Brown of! of West Virginia. tte surrogate court of Rochester, N.J T., "to find people to whom their re-j Love. j llglon is of some vital moment, whoj There are few souls so base but some, be given back to them, now one of the earnestly believe that their children fond heart is ready to trust them. God brightest flowers that bloom in the 'first fcJoom from loving parents will should be brought up In their religion, sometimes sends the clinging vine up and we consider that It is the duty of [ the dead trunk of the tree to teach us the courts, so far as it consistently can be done, to see to it that guardians who have charge of the custody of in- fants should be of the same religion as the deceased parents and should be earnest in leading said Infants to fol- low tbe religion of those parents." This statement was made ln the course of a decision transferring to the care of Its grandparents a Catholic orphan hitherto confided to its aunt, who has been married by a Protestant clergy- to .an .EtoisconallakL On _th» face that even in death His grace clings green and vigorous and to remind us that the wretched life, though deform- ed and unsightly, can be made beau- tiful by ever clinging love. garden of God. The one unjustly wronged shall there be rignted. The one who bore a cross faithfully to the end shall see the cross make way for the crown. There shall be "balm of Note T1»U. Many Catholic business men who ask why the Catholic public does not patronize them might perhaps find an answer in the fact that they d6 not advertise in their Catholic newspaper, ."trovidence Visitor. Gilead" for broken hearts and the •mile of God for those who bere below met-only contempt and blasphemy; So tbe final judgment Is that "faroff divine event toward which all creation moves," and in Its alembic will be found the solution of many of fife's mysteries, tbe undoing of alt its wrongs, the coronation ft ev«ry vjttlje and the vlndicatioa of a Saviour, roer Roumania's Population. Roumanla is inhabited by a bewil- dering variety of races, but whether of Greek, Slav sr Teutonic lineage), the modern Roumanian makes It a point of honor to claim descent from the colonists whom Trajan planted tn tbe conquered province of Dacia, A. b. 107. Calling themselves Ro- munl and their language Romunie, the proud citizens seldom draw out a legal document without some allu« sion to their founder, whom they style "the divine Trajan." The Rou- manian language reflects the compo- sition of the race, and now only •d ii the modjfcMi emijOoiratftt oftinL^^.^ \ t ^aiii^r»i"f^m^ r » Knlgnta of Malta and ^'••m^^-S^^STS!KSSmSSi Tsemplica of the crusading d^g/fop tl I ^ ^ Z L ! ^ ** ^ZMT -• " is a military a».w«tt.a|;^-wfl|lo«i<ir; J^JLESZ! ^hatSaM d*rand »ajsometimes bMsfr'fttowilM S ^ S a S a a t *i*2t^•Mati mat of tne''Warrior Hmi&ot tn« Sa- ^S Sr^.^^^-".^^ bars, Tfaa. itael Ikltntt of lbs Xnltfats ! -3!?vSfiSLSl?TlZy% wsung apparatus, in* VMwr» n>-:~rrvj7^-r* stead of )Mlnc!ttt!»V«^«ltiaV *»*• JSE! Sa i!%- Uu? to tboae irdrn by\tbj» Tpifff <ax*ba *2& fc l SL LELHW «* covering! •tn#.«tt«re tow* portion of tb«: * * £ * * £ £ * J S H S K f « face, snd in Ilea of ^^qiuwt3i|tt ^SSSJ&i^mii the soap* of a rap^tla|'tt*tt» ',:• - .. i\&i-P$&8 m } ^HL^u-^ai 1 Their proiramms/ has baen w attnei' ""C^ ^^•"^•^ rt *V.:l* -, ^ B ^ tyinlNlthy *|^'luo*>Hrb^'t^;d^,i./Pa^ •, .^j,:-.', opment of tb* prodneQtaaaii ;&Zito \ axktlng OSIMI and njT ibt creation ol nsnr ouea, wnere. ttatlona h|t#. j^w^..^^,,.- focmed for the relief of the sftfc, (m ' ; #<««»lfl-.*«»•' •-•^f•w«^rj™"^j cC^.W* •'••TWWW ^"^flr^ ^ sCTaemtw aud collet**, do the offer of nospltallty to all coniR^^f^ y ^CW^^^|f, torespectivo of creed and for tne ro^fi!*^ and protection of fugitive ajaves. The) have endeavored to afford; to tba ji- tives practical domonitrsUon of tjjt a ru» r>* . Sat '•if^aa'j; Kit Tjailia^sg^^jba^? simplicity, i*flwxpsut »,od, # « roacEo to. %.um mmoit f*smi a^waaa ar carats LaTic**^ ^^sjfae|#si|ifti m M,^, . - , - J "'-~ •—•'••"- ^^iH^m^fmfM^^- comhlB.lto*! of liMM la taat-^ »»r U »•« Celaafea. MM 0| any Otbw »l4 -Wwtay tff l^tt*fttf*y fu«tet|ittk!t«j| aad *&, ySL - - m W, 'Tit***! 3 SJSS^i^mS^^ Uvlgertetor^orJKIn norjojr* *f*J- uwte quaiitJea in fut.irsl «rm «a, espedaliy along thu southeca bor thait Jit ouV *# |o#^ir _ den of Algeria. Tunis, Tripolifttatiamong ittar «!«••• -W*m Mm Morocco, U»s order has -irec*ft^iy bean CstfctWcj. ^travainttce ifa *$, subjected to a surprising chaagt si &mM*4*»*m "mmm$f$ «Mite«^,a(|oraliMrtothe Mirq.»«*» a* *i*^ 1 ? ********* T*** 1 ^ "^IF yontenjy, . * ««l«r&lw»H|f WM «•*? Itss) il£ For £mm thts irelJ^oWvbedy l(w m^JSS&?1&fSk ^t ^W^fg^^^^****^ ^-»*«-», wsm,**a* t>ott tn* %*m:*!t ')p0v nmt 'Pr*m**i MM #«iptt<rott tiaM t» u»» tat of the mtmm&*l Km* i!*Wft ***W »4 m m i» Jlft th*lr fsfea, Xas the rrtigVtes aswctarloo^ l)*en com aboUtioo ot; ^liaptlfetfcr sad « " ' W^^imApi **••<* -ttriitorar, «|.SJB4 economy 4a, the awarial tiMwit'-itja. imm M%Jte.)m. *«* A to « mm **m<m wWa." notspplyto Alfler*. \ ekswT ot Indigent tsrbaa d Tiklngr'' I4*antaf* thewrf,- Brnptro* which nothing sssew potent WUliara his offerpd a roruge lu bU do swdlcata, '' > furnlihsd tlwm with sltos and subai t*# anwng C«tbo«iQirigpalaers dies for the construction of t femlnip w^ formaistea im *mm also - *n& of Mg nioMstery «fc ^lOttrch*, h ^tlv |#r«r«d mWm <»* Alsice, which is to serr^a* beadquar ^ ^ t ^ , ^ t Aium ^ ^ ten of the, order, and h*i irranree! m \ttng ilabortta floral disjaays SPSS** ? cm m ? % ^^SSmSSS^S SflSm the fttheri to purattein ths-.OsjrftMlppi. gg far1 5 ^ K issEiJ eolonlea % AfrJcs, and slso la Mm& |£r\»ra»crl1]Mkl awnSr «* co, where Qermin influence is-low j^aeh-a ^ZTtdhaJa the paramount, the work*M# th*y *m.JBMSIS *S-*B»«5ri succm Jn,Rr4n^»a African j.peod.p- k ^ ^ a y a ^ j j a a ^ f g ^ oe1, * elusksa of &• xaJigkwp* ~'" aroiUad tat, corner. In tMs a^Aaia'sBaa 1 have encored mafforM benoflts and auvantafai 0? 4?I?Jiuiatloh. 'W t M^M'.SSIgS to prwch by example the elementi -||^J2^5*%%W thereof and to> thus prepsra the around *"?. tTW «' v***?''*** 1' prepsra the ground for ooHferslon to Ch,rktian|tr, Th latter, although the principal object, j* tbe )*it In order, for, lmtsad of pro#> JytJira preparing the ground for tat •sodi of civilisation, with toe "WWU lathers ft it -the elfmeats-** dviina tion which prepare the ground forjlg seeds of Christianity. T*» headquarters of the order ban ^ -^ •* -*.,*.*>.. *„*~.. a xdaatitton known by tiw nam.fcrgal."^n*^**** Ja^ wWcJulg tl»e Arab desismsoosrft, *^" " that 'l»l*cs,of prayer,'' oosaaanasj «> moat wholly off desert Jab* mlaun*) by ths monk*, Tbe Whits Sathsra tska vows i<* only flve years, bat x**y renew tbem frotn period to pvriod. There n*v« has beta any lack of volunteer! or, to speak more wrrectly, of postuiants admiMlon to the order, now over 1 thousand strong. Most Of theitt an men of birth and education^ On tht ^^s^^^tr^^'^^^^^^tf^^^^ Srecourt, Xm Pollgnac, i)e tlgns, Jft> ban, Vrsel, La Kocbefoocanld, 8tol bergr, De Beaumont De Huitet^ XX Montlgny and many others; tbe name* of the French ndbljlty pre&omiaaijng Hitherto an essentially French ordef the> "WAfs FatUewiia* now becomk4f ill intents itud purjiowes a German on( ind will hencfiforth furnlsK to the <3e> man "noblesse" the same Oij&oriuniflc of combining military adtcMure witli relfcg3on tbnt nttrftctod the ktnlgbta 0 dldeii time* to the *orui«i^ wlfttanf but now puiely honorary ardors 'of Malta and St ,Tbhn of ^ertisalem f t tor tbe weeklyftUftouopsraai , ^aaa^^aaawW'-aja-;^* SSwUff- eaUeftarana nltf Till"sisesMsrasa*» W W P V V f J ^Faw aaaaaai ^••aaai aaaaak^aaiaa ^aaaaqeaS ^aaiaaaa^aaai know tbat the QtOk>lkpapy^ SS^SSI% a^Sat S^gSJSaSa; StSwaaag Sa^BaSjSISSjSa^ SjaBBJa^ | ^jrlg TrTp^ssjV*™ srw*; j a^T^a*jSwp™sV I^B>BSSSBSSVJ yaa^beoks asMOBt, to U » M fjOfilsvllle a^wwwp " j | Pasrtle est Ws§4siB»,y aTDBpsrny DSgSQS 'Sat. •*Mki hr «e'iass*i'fiii wskb JsJocrasasd wHk>"tssI •oodf snay not, *Vaft v J Carlsaaui, bet oaly thatj oaa's bJgbsr life at. tverjr, •aSaSSaW aeaaiiSasas/ yf sasaa JpSSy ass ^F# saBjB^aaBBi SSJS^SSJSS^'^ aaefSJl aswSSfSSSJSajBaa^^ vf^t '^sWaS^S' I •nay be swept eat t o sat the rising waves of ttwftoea< aoiiAjttarmony^l^^lsasJrf 1 stmrc. ^ inusIcT TJ^«]g«_a4 heart knows tne dlviw bssart^ sigh anoV complain lfhe 1 pastas Whofluugshi*toysti^laas big motSier Is not at. hesje4*~" niaOMT comes backtobun a* J toys are good stllL What wm Isafl ha our hearts we shall f *v«ryflitng, and moatc wilt hg^ij •laoagh then. Timbnctoofs Big Game. Timbuctoo used to be a region of which most Europeans had beard lit- tle and knew less. But that hazy time is past now. Timbuctoo is bev ing proclaimed to the world as a Nimrod's paradise. Quite recently a small party of. sportsmen bagged five •feiepisants ta-the-Gounadistelefa^t*!* '• declared that In more than one dl»- trlct of eighteen miles square more than.- two hundred" head of elephant, may be found.- Altogether^jit;^ .elaimed * "" " '" """"* MrkHk that The perennial qnastloa of •docatloo u it affacts Oaf day »^ not Shall w , . . school road In profnrtknto-thf1 arhJers* in parochial wkpstl! rather CDMII we tafca MarfH Inflweaee. If CatbolJc Inud-* andT'ftthail^bomei . . , ^ „. , L , 14 today m twialffal 11 fhiir simplicity . , , . . __ fajntly suggests the language w h i c h i ^ TWW to flieinTl fa „, njr p , ™ , ^ onr psmcblsl S^OOIBJ6. Trajan spoke. ^ m m v [)eneiSlt | on It ln Urgelyjf, •*««»» '* Os4*a» dtfe t o tbe «wet memory and s"ec1«l ™* " ^TV** l^udatctloa o(_M.ii tb liKiiber of Baere matter of doOaa TratToace lv ITEM8 OF INI •:•.'•*•'•>'' Vm\. If tlio ChriBthi. mother Is h o c oreS anil % ol>ta|n!»C the obedience love nM aev6Uof/tlat her high and holy pla^e miAiM't^ to It Is because there ama ibe^cKground high above *h • " " « county, la*. Hgs the e x a m p l e gft^T ^ t a c t i o n of Mary •»^o«««h asa lost beish^ $ She has been 'our treats: «h*sajjurt Mmn : tymmmmrj- noast,• and it*»*• ^T**™**** Is axsa^Jbjge^btaW Influence that wo- * " " * •Jft v . man bw emerged from the slavery of * * • » • » WBllgsji |«V dim to tbe white light of virtue, '"'''" A bappldess that today •,-CathoHc Hi I^Hf^^^^ i>

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Page 1: I^Hf^^^^ - lib.catholiccourier.comlib.catholiccourier.com/1905-october-1908-july-catholic-journal... · Toe humaa-soal Is God's highest cre ... faith, sympathy and love. ... symbolic



A ato«*aala< Mintater'a A C M * B ( •! (he War tae m ^ l t e t Ol* Cattail* GMtaaartrt * w c c 4 H*aa 1* H i s K a t w l a Prayer la Spite *f Btaaaelf.

Curiously enough, in an article writ­ten for the New York Christian Advo­cate (Methodist) by A. B . Tuttle, D. D., w e find, along with references to"thou-| sands whose consciences are rocked tcj deep In the cradle of priestly rites"! and who "would never know of a vital' religion' except for the clear testimony! of our (Methodist) people," the follow

o f It the decision le entirely coufaru able to equity and common sense, am It is to be hoped that tibe precedent It establishes may be very generally fol lowed.—Ave Maria.

The K a u a i Sea l . Toe humaa-soal Is God's highest cre­

ation and noblest organ, and His dear­e s t revelation toast be through that and through the noblest part of t o e hu­man soul.' Every form o f genius i s In­ferior to conscience, to the heart, to faith, sympathy and love.

i H E ADVENT SEASONdtul* «*ttent. ana inmu** ***-i Archbishop Oiennon. sOTfi WHITE FAt

•T MARKS THE OPENING OF THE EC-i fat taac*, CLESIASTICAL NEW YEAR. ' We are s o apt to be didactic with

* God—to say: "See here; we've had


m e F T W t e k a Are Dedicate* *»««•** long enough. It's t ime for rootiv-«ae C l a r e * , . sntMtm* a a * Pf«yae ™f. «nd If w e don't And Joy now yews • a s . Preeaaatlae Far ah* C w a t a t ad worA ' • *****?* My dear friends. It Is Oar Saview* at Carta* - . . Tfaael home »» «pon US, to SOTOfl by tlttW, to

_ w . L ,. . . aome by bitter aorrow and «*nerl«9«. Advent when marks the o p e i u n g o f l m % t e ^ , m 0 r n l u g la not alweyg our

the ecclesiastical new year and w W c b j ^ , , , , Q ^ ^ a t m p » t t e n c » to in the days of old was kept with al- ^ vmtu m n n m e ,

- ; most the same strictness as Lent, la •{ ' t ime when w e are called upon to give! __—_-_«__-—_«—



••is warn Minmm'&'m* w «

the things that are thaws. The season' "~~ of four w e « * i is one o f prayer andj B*«ry moment of time may be made

. . „ . ~ 7~ „ .. . , a little more serious consideration to rw«ta«t«at Mlaaiataarlea a Kailaa-e la'

tae U l u t s .

*£L£*.* T " ? r D , e r e r L * , 0 f r? ' Prepirat ioir i to u W ' t a v ^ t V c o m l n ' g to bear the burden of something which tog fine tribute to the glorious pile that ***«*• ° / « » ***«« and Other D e ^ 0 U f hVmma U r i m , Jy*.** n a m - , - ttaroal. rises above the resting place of__the ' J ? 1 ™ k ? ? oeld a t L a k e Mohonk, ^ ^ . ^ ^ w ^ i p u H t 1 ^ pjptpara-i 8h»ce the sacred heart has no more prince of apostles: "• ,•• UT ^narew »• Draper, former t k > n a R ( aajpocaed to r e p r i n t * b * *,00<Ji cherished love than meekness, bumll-

"One day our little company went P"*™«»t « the University of Illinois, yemn t Q a t — ^ p j a ^ - ^ , Urtt coming o f l t y and chaHty w e most cling to t o * * by themselves over the .Elian bridge "** a t Pf««ent commissioner of eduea c b r i s t - t b a t long period from t h e •tall-'dear virtues. t o that most majestic building In the f 0 0 o f N e w Y o * 8tate> w b o Presided, , ^ 3 , tte B e d t e e m e r c inm to bring man The golden moments In the stream world, 8 t Peter's cathedral. Every n ^Peaking of the situation in the Phil 1 I g n t „,, n o p e ^ a , ^ , ^ ^ 0 f life rush past US, and w e see noth-time I enter It its power grows upon P P J ^ l s l a n d a said: ^ o n r j n ». these ^Qg centuries the tag but sand. The angels come to visit me. I t Is the house of God not alone " T 0 6 business o f the nour is t o de faithful pray«d and. hoped for the Mes- us, and w e know them only wheo they tn the sense that it was erected for v e I o P ^e industrial habits and the g i ^ ^ a o e s the cbmrdi «xhort us d u r - « w gone. His worship. That Is true of every ^o™1 B e n 8 e *** tte political wisdom m fo^ ^^ w e e k a t o p r 0 p a r e for the To be sympathetic I* to hold the key church. But this one impels to wor- o f wese people, s o that they may be i n v e n t of the 8artour, telling us "the of true charity. He Who la sympa-Bhlp- ln my mind, imperatively com- safely admitted to exercise sovereignty n j ^ t j , passed, t n * day Is a t band, thetlc has his entrance Into all hearts mands It. Here Is the most perfect and Independence of their own. L e t as .therefore cast off the works of and is the solver of all human prob-symbolic expression of the soul's deep- " ° n r Protestant missionaries are as- darkness and put on the armor of leans. T o him Is given dominion where es t want that human genius has ever sumlng to contest the ground, bat In l i g h t " R also reminds Q S of that see- ha thinks to serve, devised. Some may sneer at the idea comparison with the work of the Ro- o n a advent when Curia* comes wtti* As the flower Is gnawed by frost, so of any vital union between symbolism man Catholic Church their doings are great power and majesty to Judge theevery human heart is gnawed by faith-and devotion, calling it aestheticism not a delight to us. It seems to be riving and t h e dead. lessnesa. And as surely, a s Jrrevoca-or, what is worse, idolatry. But archl- the fact that the Protestant denomlna i n words rrrid a n d patfeetic S t Luke bly, as the fruit bud falls before the tecture, pictures, music and riroal, tlons have agreed upon some division te l l s how that last day wi l l be ushered! east wind, so falls the power of the which have their origin In the BOUI'S of territory so a s to avoid conflicts in—"Signs in the s o n and In the moon kindest human heart If you meet It aspiration for the divine, cannot be of with one another, so for as may be, and In the stars, the roaring of the with poison, the devil, as the iconoclasts believed, but there is no possibility of avoiding sea, men withering away with fear, - •• I t is certain that here this morning rivalry with the Church o f Rome In any and expectation of what will come"— Heroic simrra. they forced me to my knees. part of our insular territory. I cannot the sad story of a world's wreckage, A * Valparaiso wheu the earthquake

"We walked together under thest help wondering If it Is worth while. the abandonment o f a planet which, o c c o r r e d ™8 bouse of the Slaters Of lofty arches In vast spaces where hu "I have none but Puritan blood lr cast in the great Inane, moves into an' ***9 Poor rang with cries for help from man beings seemed to shrivel to the my veins, but I no longer fear that any eternity of silence, the sealing of e v e r y o v e r * hundred old men who resided stature of a band's breadth. The great church will subvert American political fountain,, the ending of every life, thai t0*1*0!. The good sisters Immediately central dome swells out like the vault institutions. I think that the Roman final undoing of the first "flat" spoken b e g a n t o attend to the Utter and of the sky and is so perfectly illuml-Catholic Church will be made more by the Almighty, a dream that's over,; brought them out one after another nated that the prophets and the apos- thoroughly American by giving It Amer- a song that is sung, a withered planet.M11*0 ^ o afreet. They carried some at

them in their arms and placed them la safety. When the last of their pen­sioners had been saved one of the old men w a s missing, and the religious Im­mediately went tn search of him, but meanwhile the building collapsed, and eight of the devoted and courageous nuns were burled In toe mine.

t ies painted there seemed to be living lean confidence. N o one can doubt Its a falling star, and then the Judgment! realities hovering over us In the air. spirituality or Its Patriotism. the final judgment o f a Jaart God on all All around us are the monuments of "I am In favor of Protestantism nations that once peopled the globe. the heroes and saints of the Church, wherever It can b e self sustained, but Now, there bo those that say that Incense Is continually ascending. The I do not fear to express nay misgivings this description of S t Luke's is dra-Maas Is forever being performed, help- about the wisdom of the policy which ma tic. The Judgment Itself Is useless tag the devotion of feeble hearts, just'taxes weak churches In America to and meaningless, for, they say, judg-a s a mother helps its child t o say lts'support weak churches i n our Island m e n t if judgment there he, is passed pcayarft| Music from some unseen or- possessions, with n o prospect of those on each one a t death. "Why, then, a gan floats through the spaces Uke an churches becoming self supporting, so general Judgment? To which the holy Invisible host singing glorias. Brery- long as one strong Church Is on the writers give many reasons In answer, where and In everything are proclaim- ground, Is occupying It forcefully and and we will take only one of these What w e want of all things Is our ed the majesty and holiness of God. ia evidently adapted to the situation." reasons, the cogency of -which will, I hearts softened, and sorrow softens H o w Insignificant I felt and how sinful! . think, appeal to yoa and will appeal them sooner and more effectually than before His glory and His power! 1, sundar o t i i e r a a e e . all the more'In proportion to the expe-l joy.

troubled and alarmed. Who can Nature *-xin:ts certain t imes for t h e rlences every year brings to you. j Turn away from the gloom and take functions necessary for the life of the Oftentimes i t Is preached t o you'up the task of helping others, ^he light

Tbe order in quesUon may b reatrdt


stand before God? "With such feelings I came to an body. Is It wrong, then, that religion that God Is Just. Sometimes you are' will come again, and yon will grow

altar over which hung a picture of the demands fixed times for the care of t h e led to doubt It, because you claim toj strong. Crucified One. His bleeding hands B0U , -t A 1 I p e o p l e h a v e h a d definite see little evidence o f It here below.i Do not believe that all greatness and seemed to be extended to me, and His d n v 8 c o a s o c rnted to the worship of Everywhere you see man's Inhumanity heroism are in the pas t Learn to diS' eyes of love penetrated my heart His t n e jiviuities which they adored. If, to man. You see v ice triumphant vlr- cover princes, prophets, heroes and Ups seemed to say, 'I have redeemed then the Third Conamandment reserves tue neglected. Some you soo who ev-'saints among the peoplo about y o u thee with My blood.' My spirit bowed n particular day for rende^ng exter- ory day struggle beneath a cross and: Bo assured they are there. A HfcTw *** M n a l w o r e h l P t 0 O o ( 1 u o n ' y determines eventually go down, hopelessly crush-j Rev. John J. Wynne, 8. J., of New descrtbahle peace. a d u t y i m p o s e ( i by tbe law of D tare, ed beneath Its shadow. Others, made, York has resigned from the general dl

church Sund iy Is rich by accident, glory i n the abnn-And when In the „ _v M g _ , w v , „„„„ I t is a^copnnon^tttog to bear visitors 8 n b s t | t u t e d for the Sabbath the oxlst- dance of life, surrounded by luxuries

» r V T f . V^T ? J ?£?* C ° m l n * » a ^ a l a n d d ' ^ e lawr l s n o t »• , r ° - which are oftentimes acquired a t cost plain that It falls short of their erpec- g a t e d ; l t e o b 8 e r v a n c e Is rather . m - o f others' tears, sometime, even of £ ^ J ^ L , T L , m a

ac h

K8 m a l e r P h a s e d . The Sabbath reminded the their lw&L And thus the weary world

£ ! 2 ^ S H a . S ? £ , . J^n i 8 *- Jew ot t h e r e s t o f G o d t b e C r e a t o r ! l U So** o n <"*' j ™ a t e * TO^er ^ e t h -. ^ . ^ L w . n i t t „ 5 S T S u n d a y t e m , D d 8 t h e C h r i 8 t l a n ot l , e ,ar t h e power that rules 1. a fate that Is arises not because the building is F a t h e r - B production of l i g h t of i >e )0 l to<i absolutely heedless o f men's re-smaa. but because of Its perfect pro-'Son's triumph over death and sin, .f joicm,, o r their despair, portions. Each part is so well adapted the descent of the Holy Ghost up- n to all the rest thatthe gigantic, dimen-, the*postle*< ^ s ^ t h ^ m ^ s r ^ l w e r T a W - r a ^ "wheret i teTlsTto

S w ' ^ t o t ^ ^ j a t a h e l o v e ^ l U « ^ ^

in reality It Is difficulty Imagine that ^ l ^ o Z r ^ T t L T ^ y " Z ^ I L ^ ^ l * ^ ^

work la a gallery Hoed with 20,000 .lockers, which contain sticks of silica

T^e, inomet_= itanda^hy -tbsv open «£-a!^ tbe myriadV varying sheaesTa»

the measurements of St Peter's reach the following Immense figures: It i s 614 feet in length. 445 In breadth, 152 In height. Tbe distance from the floor to tbe cross surmounting the done i s 448 feet while tbe done Itself Is 189 feet in diameter and 443 In circumfer-

may be called the thermometer o f Christian piety, the very pul<*e of tbe Christian life.—Catholic Home Companion.

Reaa«et t a e Ckmrea. Catholics should remember that txtei

church is a sacred edifice, wherein our! IA_,__ ,„ ... „ „ . . « , J „ _ , f »,«- - i -e n c e All this, added to the glittering; L O M a n d S a v i o u r dwells in the Bless-, 5 I o r t e " , n . W ! w e a , t h ' ^ m a t h t a **

young woman, Innocent, t o o confiding, sow betrayed, the rejected of men, stands by river bank where tbe rolling waters call her to oblivion. She may

isppeal to darkened akies and turgid waters for justice. They axe s i lent

On the other hand, the man who

ornamentation that decks every inch of ed Sacrament While In church one tJms, applauds great nature and, chal-

S t Peter's, fully Justifies the enthual-j B h o a ld wear a devout and recollected ' e n g l n * ° o d ' ma? w a n t t 0 **"" " J"^ astic language of a writer of sixty composure, realizing tht - e s e n c e o f ^ ha« any meaning except when years ago: "We have before us a scene Christ .Himself 4 heuce »k% . * « w . . a * e . i 5 S a 5 ? ! ^ \&^*^.S$.J®m£, which-no- eartBfy edrflce ever present-! coming for any one t o engage in a con-'8™^ 8 U c c e s s > f o r i m t a ^ n s » • « • ed,. which no imagination can picture,, vernation before the Blessed Sacra- achieved-he also wi l l find no an­no pen describe. The vastness, the sol-! ment and still more so t o turn the 8 w e r ' H e mny g 0 OT l n h lB c a p e e r

itude, the symmetry, the richness, the' church Into a bowing school, bowing t o applauded by his fellows and when beauty, the grandeur, tbe gorgeous; the right and bowing to t h e left o n tte Ume c o m e s ^ b u r i e d ^ ^ h o n o r

magnlflceace in a word, that surrounds; the way down the aisle. Catholics In M1 m* , 8 t r a e - fls y o u r d a l l 7 ^P*" us on every side enchants the eye., attending Mass should attach m u c h : r ) e n c e m a y testify. True, t i e w a y s of

God are silent wayB. He i s merciful here below, though w e roay not al ways see His mercies. Each one can work his own way for the f e w evanes-

rectorshlp of the Apostlesblp o f Prayer and League of the Sacred Heart and will confine his efforts to editing the Messenger and In preparation of tne Catholic encyclopedia.

The Pope maintains a mosaic factory to the Vatican. Here the patient artists

quired to reproduce tne tints from canvas.

Haas laess , Don't ask to be hippy all the time.

Happiness ln this life Is served ia slices, like cucumbers, and needs lots of pepper and vinegar to make it wholesome. An exclusive diet of bliss would make us regular dyspeptics and pampered nuisances, like overfed poo­dles. Be thankful If yon are served wi th happiness, then, in the ratio of one tesspoonfol to the entire lemon, or if you find. a s much opportunity to

den where the scarecrows are thicker than the cherries. •

expands the mind, warms the heart! importance to being present at the M ^ ™e 8<>al to the lofty objects of1 commencement of the holy sacrifice. eternity and prompts us to fall downj Coming late not only shows disrespect in spontaneous and grateful acknowl- to God, disobedience to the Church, but edgment to God. who has gifted man! discomforts a n <j distracts those who ceat hours that make up l i fe here, but with such sublime conceptions and en-; have a better Catholic spirit and come the hours pass, tbe day Is soon over, abled him to call forth such wondrous' in time. It may be good form to g o creations."-Catholic Citteen. ; to a theater late In order to show one's

! jewels and apparel, but It Is bad taste, Datr «f the cowrf. ' bad manners and bad Catholic spirit t o

the life is ended, and then—then the judgment

And all these particular judgments set together make ur> the great ac­counting of the last day, where God's

'eternal justice will b e plainly vindi­cated. There the child taken i n its

T t is refreshing in these days of come late to Mass.—Church Calendar Iconoclasm," says Judge Brown of! of Wes t Virginia. tte surrogate court of Rochester, N.J T., "to find people to whom their re-j Love. j llglon is of some vital moment, whoj There are few souls so base but some, be g iven back to them, now one o f the earnestly believe that their children fond heart i s ready to trust them. God brightest flowers that bloom in the

'first fcJoom from loving parents will

should be brought up In their religion, sometimes sends the clinging vine up and we consider that It is the duty of [ the dead trunk of the tree t o teach u s the courts, so far as it consistently can be done, to see to it that guardians who have charge of the custody of in­fants should be of the same religion as the deceased parents and should be earnest in leading said Infants to fol­low tbe religion of those parents." This statement was made ln the course of a decision transferring to the care of I ts grandparents a Catholic orphan hitherto confided to its aunt, who has been married by a Protestant clergy-

to .an .EtoisconallakL On _th» face

that even in death His grace clings green and vigorous and to remind u s that the wretched life, though deform­ed and unsightly, can be made beau­tiful b y ever clinging love.

garden of God. T h e one unjustly wronged shall there b e rignted. The one who bore a cross faithfully to the end shall see the cross make way for the crown. There shall be "balm of

Note T1»U. Many Catholic business men who

ask w h y the Catholic public does not patronize them might perhaps find an answer in the fact that they d6 not advertise in their Catholic newspaper, ."trovidence Visitor.

Gilead" for broken hearts and the •mile of God for those who bere below met-only contempt and blasphemy;

So tbe final judgment Is that "faroff divine event toward which a l l creation moves," and in Its alembic will be found the solution of many of fife's mysteries, tbe undoing of alt its wrongs, the coronation ft ev«ry vjttlje and the vlndicatioa of a Saviour, roer

Roumania's Population. Roumanla is inhabited by a bewil­

dering variety of races, but whether of Greek, Slav s r Teutonic lineage), the modern Roumanian makes It a point of honor to claim descent from the colonists whom Trajan planted tn tbe conquered province of Dacia, A. b . 107. Calling themselves Ro-munl and their language Romunie, the proud citizens seldom draw out a legal document without some allu« sion to their founder, whom they style "the divine Trajan." The Rou­manian language reflects the compo­sition of the race, and now only

•d ii the modjfcMi emijOoiratftt of tin L ^ ^ . ^ \t^aiii^r»i"f^m^r» Knlgnta of Malta and ^'••m^^-S^^STS!KSSmSSi Tsemplica of the crusading d^g/fop tl I ^ ^ Z L ! ^ ** ^ZMT -• " is a military a».w«tt.a|;^-wfl|lo«i<ir; J^JLESZ! ^hatSaM d*rand »ajsometimes bMsfr'fttowilM S^SaSaat *i*2t^•Mati mat of tne''Warrior Hmi&ot tn« Sa- S S r ^ . ^ ^ ^ - " . ^ ^ bars, Tfaa. itael Ikltntt of lbs Xnltfats !-3!?vSfiSLSl?TlZy%

wsung apparatus, in* VMwr» n>-:~rrvj7^-r* stead of )Mlnc!ttt!»V«^«ltiaV *»*• J S E ! Sa i !%-Uu? to tboae irdrn by\tbj» Tpifff <ax*ba *2& fc

lSL LELHW «* covering! •tn#.«tt«re tow* portion of tb«: * * £ * * £ £ * J S H S K f « face, snd in Ilea of ^^qiuwt3i | t t ^SSSJ&i^mii the soap* of a rap^tla|'tt*tt» ',:• - .. i\&i-P$&8m} ^HL^u-^ai1

Their proiramms/ has baen w attnei' ""C^ ^^•"^•^rt*V.:l*-,^B^ tyinlNlthy * | ^ ' l u o * > H r b ^ ' t ^ ; d ^ , i . / P a ^ •, . ^ j , : - . ' , opment of tb* prodneQtaaaii ;&Zito \ axktlng OSIMI and njT ibt creation ol nsnr ouea, wnere. ttatlona h|t#. j ^ w ^ . . ^ ^ , , . -focmed for the relief of the sftfc, (m ';#<««»lfl-.*«»•'

•-•^f•w«^rj™"^j cC^.W* •'••TWWW ^"^flr^

^ sCTaemtw aud collet**, do the offer of nospltallty to all coniR^^f^ y ^CW^^^| f , torespectivo of creed and for tne ro^fi!*^ and protection of fugitive ajaves. The) have endeavored to afford; to tba ji-tives practical domonitrsUon of tjjt

a ru» r>* . Sat ' • i f^aa' j ; Kit

Tjai l ia^sg^^jba^?

simplicity, i*flwxpsut »,od, #


roacEo to. %.um mmoit f*smi

a^waaa ar carats LaTic**^ ^^sjfae|#si|ifti m M,^, . - , - J"'-~ •—•'••"- ^^iH^m^fmfM^^-

comhlB.lto*! of l i M M la taat-^ » » r U » • « Celaafea. MM 0 | any Otbw »l4 -Wwtay tff l tt*fttf*y fu«tet|ittk!t«j| aad *&,

ySL - - mW, 'Tit***! 3 SJSS^i^mS^^ Uvlgerte tor^orJK • In norjojr* *f*J- uwte quaiitJea in fut.irsl «rm «a, espedaliy along thu southeca bor thait Jit ouV a « *# | o#^ir _ den of Algeria. Tunis, Tripoli fttati among ittar «!«••• -W*m Mm Morocco, U»s order has -irec*ft iy bean CstfctWcj. ^travainttce ifa *$, subjected to a surprising chaagt si &mM*4*»*m "mmm$f$ «Mite« ,a(|oraliMr to the Mirq.»«*» a* *i*^1? ********* T***1^ "^IF yontenjy, . • * ««l«r&lw»H|f WM «•*? Itss) il£

For £mm thts irelJ oWvbedy l(w m^JSS&?1&fSk ^t ^W^fg^^^^****^ ^-»*«-», wsm,**a* t>ott tn* %*m:*!t ' ) p 0 v nmt 'Pr*m**i MM #«iptt<rott tiaM t» u»» tat of the mtmm&*l Km* i!*Wft ***W »4 mm i» Jlft th*lr fsfea, Xas the rrtigVtes aswctarloo^ l)*en com aboUtioo ot; liaptlfetfcr sad « " ' W^^imApi **••<* -ttriitorar, «|.SJB4 economy 4a, the awarial tiMwit'-itja. imm M%Jte.)m. *«* A to « mm **m<m wWa." notspplyto Alfler*. \ ekswT ot Indigent tsrbaa d

Tiklngr'' I4*antaf* thewrf,- Brnptro* which nothing sssew potent WUliara his offerpd a roruge lu bU do swdlcata, '' > furnlihsd tlwm with sltos and subai t*# anwng C«tbo«iQi rigpa laers dies for the construction of t femlnip w ^ formaistea im *mm also -*n& of • Mg nioMstery «fc lOttrch*, h ^ t l v |#r«r«d mWm <»* Alsice, which is to serr^a* beadquar ^ ^ t ^ , t Aium ^ ^ • ten of the, order, and h*i irranree! m\ttng ilabortta floral disjaays

SPSS** ?cm m? % ^SSmSSS^S SflSm the fttheri to purattein ths-.OsjrftMlppi. gg far 1 5 ^ K i s s E i J eolonlea % AfrJcs, and slso la Mm& |£r\»ra»crl1]Mkl awnSr «* co, where Qermin influence is-low j aeh-a ^ZTtdhaJa the paramount, the work*M# th*y *m.JBMSIS * S - * B » « 5 r i succm Jn,Rr4n »a African j.peod.p- k ^ ^ a y a ^ j j a a ^ f g ^ o e 1 , * elusksa of &• xaJigkwp* ~'"

aroiUad tat, corner. In tMs

a ^ A a i a ' s B a a 1

have encored mafforM

benoflts and auvantafai 0? 4?I?Jiuiatloh. 'WtM^M'.SSIgS to prwch by example the elementi - | | ^ J 2 ^ 5 * % % W thereof and to> thus prepsra the around *"?. tTW«' v***?''*** 1' prepsra the ground for ooHferslon to Ch,rktian|tr, Th latter, although the principal object, j* tbe )*it In order, for, lmtsad of pro#> JytJira preparing the ground for tat •sodi of civilisation, with toe "WWU lathers ft it -the elfmeats-** dviina tion which prepare the ground forjlg seeds of Christianity.

T*» headquarters of the order ban ^ -^ •* -*.,*.*>.. *„*~..

a xdaatitton known by tiw nam. fcrgal. "^n*^**** Ja wWcJulg tl»e Arab desismsoosrft, * ^ " " that 'l»l*cs,of prayer,'' oosaaanasj «> moat wholly off desert Jab* mlaun*) by ths monk*,

Tbe Whits Sathsra tska vows i<* only flve years, bat x**y renew tbem f rotn period to pvriod. There n*v« has beta any lack of volunteer! or, to speak more wrrectly, of postuiants f« admiMlon to the order, now over 1 thousand strong. Most Of theitt an men of birth and education On tht

^^s^^^tr^^'^^^^^^tf^^^^ Srecourt, Xm Pollgnac, i)e tlgns, Jft> ban, Vrsel, La Kocbefoocanld, 8tol bergr, De Beaumont De Huitet XX Montlgny and many others; tbe name* of the French ndbljlty pre&omiaaijng Hitherto an essentially French ordef the> "WAfs FatUewiia* now becomk4f ill intents itud purjiowes a German on( ind will hencfiforth f urnlsK to the <3e> man "noblesse" the same Oij&oriuniflc of combining military adtcMure witli relfcg3on tbnt nttrftctod the ktnlgbta 0 dldeii time* to the *orui«i^ wlfttanf but now puiely honorary ardors 'of Malta and St ,Tbhn of ertisalemf


tor tbe weekly ftUftouo psraai , ^aaa^^aaawW'-aja-;^*


eaUeftarana nltf Till"sisesMsrasa*» W W P V V f J ^Faw aaaaaai ^••aaai aaaaak^aaiaa ^aaaaqeaS ^aaiaaaa^aaai

know tbat the Q t O k > l k p a p y ^ SS^SSI % a Sat S^gSJSaSa; StSwaaag Sa^BaSjSISSjSa^ SjaBBJa^ |

^jrlg TrTp^ssjV*™ srw*; j a^T^a*jSwp™sV I^B>BSSSBSSVJ

yaa^beoks asMOBt, to U » M fjOfilsvllle a wwwp " j |

Pasrtle est Ws§4siB»,y aTDBpsrny DSgSQS 'Sat.

•*Mki hr «e'iass*i'fiii wskb JsJocrasasd wHk>"tssI •oodf snay not, *Vaft v J

Carlsaaui, bet oaly thatj oaa's bJgbsr life at. tverjr, •aSaSSaW aeaaiiSasas/ yf sasaa JpSSy ass F# saBjB^aaBBi

S S J S ^ S S J S S ^ ' ^ aaefSJl aswSSfSSSJSajBaa^^ vf^t '^sWaS^S' I

•nay be swept eat to sat the rising waves of ttw ftoea <

aoiiAjttarmony^l^^lsasJrf 1 stmrc. ^ inusIcT TJ «]g«_a4 heart knows tne dlviw bssart sigh anoV complain lfhe 1 pastas Who fluugs hi* toys t i^ laas big motSier Is not at. hesje4*~" niaOMT comes back to bun a* J toys are good stllL What wm Isafl ha our hearts we shall f *v«ryflitng, and moatc wilt hg ij •laoagh then.

Timbnctoofs Big Game. Timbuctoo used to be a region of

which most Europeans had beard l i t ­tle and knew less. But that hazy time is past now. Timbuctoo i s bev ing proclaimed to the world as a Nimrod's paradise. Quite recently a small party of. sportsmen bagged five

•feiepisants ta-the-Gounadistelefa^t*!* '• declared that In more than one dl»-trlct of eighteen miles square more than.- two hundred" head of elephant, may be found.- Altogether^jit;^ .elaimed * " " " '" """"* MrkHk that

The perennial qnastloa o f •docatloo u it affacts Oaf day » not Shall w , . . school road In profnrtkn to-thf 1 arhJers* in parochial wkpstl! rather CDMII we tafca

MarfH Inflweaee. I f CatbolJc Inud-* andT'ftthail^bomei

. . , ^ „. , L , 1 4 today m twialffal 11 fhiir simplicity . , , . . __ fajntly suggests the language w h i c h i ^ T W W to flieinTl f a „ , n j r p , ™ , ^ onr psmcblsl S ^ O O I B J 6 . Trajan spoke. ^ m m v [ ) e n e i S l t | o n I t ln U r g e l y j f , • * « « » » ' * O s 4 * a »

dtfe t o tbe « w e t m e m o r y and s"ec1«l ™ * " ^TV** l udatctloa o(_M.ii tb liKiiber of Baere matter of doOaa

TratToace lv ITEM8 OF INI


Vm\. If t l io ChriBthi. mother Is h o c oreS anil % ol>ta|n!»C the obedience love nM a e v 6 U o f / t l a t her high and holy pla^e miAiM't^ to It Is because there ama ibe^cKground high above *h • " " « county, l a * . Hgs the example gft T t a c t i o n o f Mary • » ^ o « « « h asa lost beish^

$ She has been 'our treats: « h * s a j j u r t Mmn:tymmmmrj- noast,• and i t * » * • • ^ T * * ™ * * * * Is axsa^Jbjge^btaW Influence that wo- * " • " * • J f t v . man b w emerged from the slavery of * * • » • » WBllgsji |«V

dim t o tbe white light o f virtue, '"'''" A bappldess that today

•,-CathoHc Hi

I ^ H f ^ ^ ^ ^ i >