
m. t m ^Moiiio *rotmKMi : ^3a_a^3T^ "-^".' "; f j.--Vr ;^»(f^7^| •'afcv|i^3'it^"Ctii^»""''' t -''' f .'' j?« MM, £* iholieJournal m ilF umavoldafcle in the state schools J But it has been demonstrated by the toeBt possible evidence that equal and superior _ SQCtilar education can >Bw^.4*UiaJ»edi4B : te parochial schools. Therefore, stand by the parochial schools; do not pbject if you have to pay double for your children's educa- tion! you will be -more than repaid for wi« outlay in the future. Do not tiller-estimate the wortc of t h e g*ood S ^ S ^ ^ S t l y r ^ ^ ^fewnsr^y***^ thrfewf tmefe&n ftT. RfcV. J. T. McMAMJS. CONCLUDfe© FROM PAGE t» - The remains lay iu state fmu^JUtt* <br*****WI^^ £»* fi**^* upM tftpptiCftthMl any change In yawt •&- &m iJi _ 3 S i i *Vigry {fls^mec, bjr tat nun* «f tte ,-^.wt ttecesailMly for publication tort •» •** |sS»*n;ic»gda» intended *fcr pttbUcftti** r*tl btMfless <^mmwuc»tk)B« t o X, J. Jtift&g^Jlfciiage*. s<>'mo'hev to agents voles* titty ItiKWfe «r#- "^SCUBW^OK &ATm 1* tecond <dtn aalk-Wiim, of your child, both mentally, morally te^i?^ w t ^ e l i e * j «"«d T&pfHlttafty, at heart and are im- *"•"-"" "*""' bwed with special grace by Almighty God for their work, (rod bless the parochial schools and may their sphere of usefulness be still more en- : larked until it shall extend to every dfoeese in the land, or until justice shall have been done us bv the state. *> Our es+eerrted contemporary, the j Were viewed by hundreds of persona, who had known and loyed the dead pastor In life. His face bore the traces of the.Buffering through which he had passed. The body was cloth- ed in the purple robes of the mon- sjaignjautfs,. office and reposed-in* a handsome casket covered ..with black velvet. The heavy handles were of silver, and on the top were a silver crucifix and a plate bearing the words: " Rt. Rev. Monseigneur James McManus." T h e feneral w a s held Wednesday at 10 o'clock and was probably the largest ever held in this city. The edifice was not nearly large enough to accommodate those who wished to attend. Many were from ont of town Geneva, the bishop said, he need not speak as it was too well known to all. He said the dead pastor was so^ a& bishop promoted him to a flourishing city charge, he begged to be allowed to return to it and did so. There were many moist eyes at the close of the bishop's remarks. The final absolution was pronounc- -edby the -Bishop of- liochesfcer*, -Six priests then bore the remains to the door and six laymen carried it to the hearse. The interment was at St- Frances de Sales cemetery, where now reposes alt that is mortal of the good monsiegnettr. B. DIOCESAN NEWS. #11 iVfr^ferf**^'^ I ,-gfi.v.z &Mt±jLM9mum^, , Philadelphia Freeman and Irxh an< ^ n o t a . Jew..-were prwrtR.-f AUBURN, NOTES AND HAPPENINGS IK OUR SISTER eiTY. All the priests of the city attended Mgr. Mc- mornrng last Rt. Rev. T. MeManus,- Domestic Prelate; ^^.^^mm^.^^S^^rtmm-^&t^O came a long diRtaneo especially ; Ail llK P' 1 * * " nt >' !wck a very full and iiitm'Rting ac'-'^"r*> 1 nvseirt-*t-*h<H*^^ Rev. Icoant of William O'Brien's wedding-. ^ho had been a warm friends in earlier i ^ ani " V { [; nl ljrtmeva . u . j davs ' i Kev. Dean beymour acted as cjiluesday. Rev. Dean Seymour acted as Deacon of r^rfe^palHousehoW, and Vic, ai - j J « w S». t h e H«»ly # Father Jiest..^' E--,^ . « 'ed oordmais'hatsup^>u Mgi. v anntelli, •lieiSd of this diocese, breathed his » At the appointed hour, the long. tl0,1,,t ' procfRsion wendrni its wav from the ', MlSH Jul,a " ,fth ^ty of this place, parochial resident; tp the church. It f hafl " « ^ » » ^ he-r position as teaohor 1»«afllfl-Tp(?aenc^St.!^^(rf"^ Mermir.; comprised one Archbishop,three Bish- j l n Gt ; n ? 1 !l w f l " wh °S L She jf *'» be - - - - * - . . . Other m a n ,0 " m the near Future to Dr. Moore 'of Mt. Morris. Papa] K^acio at Lisbon, Archbishop i l i s ^ ^ e Sales" palish, Oeneva. A j led, of Lausanne ; and BiBhop Puna-j «»ps» about eighty priests ^t-^tttttfi is tasi hnth to th^ fJHnwh iewski of Oracow ! priests who arrived later swelled the J OI i\ 1T M°rris. ^^S^JSiS^«l2*gSJ«S^^-^>^ - ^ . - ^ - ^ ^ B ^ ^ j j g ^ ^ ^ ^ MwfdwiwwIiewT returned [fi-om their bridal trip Monday night. copa altar fi^Soeesey anc[ none feel it more 'tiff* do the Congregation Somewhat ^consistent . v j i j Residents of lromieqn«>it ar«' wag'(^- he HBgor<jd sodong and i. ^ M . iU « ? _ rng a vigorous war against the r>!a,v-, S%. Tfee ^ e s t e s k ^ of his \ hlg . o f b a l l between prof > S8)ona i clubs' *"" ° tt a « !l « hlI >' rai8 «^ ,iais i)fi^% found in the eloquent tribute | at |l;ltf#ar '$&. Hev. Bishop, published in i gf^d WCMlld Bishop MeQnaid oevupied his epis-f Ironi t,1,Mr t^aitnp Monday ipal throne at the <V>spel side of the : Tho >* «*«MV tendered a reception at Bishop Ludden of Syracuse, t th T ° re8,,U>,ll ofthe gloom's parents \ \ e<1n«*silaY e v e n i n g . A very en)V>y- *>n nits > "WenSaii "al^Tniotlii- - felt, *»dsimply conlnde by say %n Pace. f^^fc: BS'-'-iW ^^^^"^iufcfa Oatenflts. ^ir»3faly 1 6^5tb 'Stsndaj after Pente- *£$>*%- l^^el, ^St. Mark viii, 1-9. t* i i||»l:'»t.'m0itl*rec30tis Blood. Fi^^f^^^^ijBQi^nGe »f -BrlndJsi, Conf. ^•5S«5St.^K3Baii, Bishop and Martyr. nfc$«£$t. 3E^hr«m, Boctor. '•iu^M^teWtf Bros. &St. Feiicitas,M. -3£S*»iSt.^itt81„ Fope & Martyr. ^ SdH^St. Vitscent of P«ul, Conf. <WMHkMt£QWrfMp|r«M ^,^~^f^mm.^^&.^mi. schools. ' " ^ ^ ^ p w i f e & "wHTnefooiid ilie names i ^ ' , ^ ^ ? J i y o d i m l ^SGhool -pupils who "^s^®te 7 '*nd'>^rtrahce' es- i?- rjmmmm*aumi&£lw& Wm&ca&emy; also excises >held in the -sev- & pa^asaJ csamot fail •ato be interesting-- ment of Irondequoit why they &> not solon,n ^<l« iem njass was began clean ap tlw public part of their towns' Pontitioal high mass 01 requiem was , a little; For some summer* past the j celebrated by Rt. Rv v. Francis Mc- : Sea Br#ese has be*ea a disgrace toj^irny of Albany; assistant priest, j Wonrne County. It is the rendezvous i Rev. J. F. O'Hare, D. P., Rochester;: and stamping ground for low and dig-' beacon, Rev. Dennis English, Oanan-• solute characters and its nightlv si»-i daigna, sub-doacon; R(»v. Angelo Lu-; , . . a^cesare *> disgusting tirat pe^leI ger«, Boneoye Falls; deaeons of m>\ wh£> bas becn , Y181tm g here for the professing any claim to respectability j mass, R**v. Fathers Sinclair of Roch- j P*** l wwks Earned to his home are never there after nightfall if they 1 " e8ter and Seymour of Auburn; dea- ,** ed nesday can help themselves. Sunday ball: cons of honor t,, Ri«h<,n WHWiH ! About 100 children will receive , g-a^nes jpcro^ilaJFed -thert; last -«easnu- " ^od 3amea^£urigan of Binghaniton^ first master of ceremonies, Very Rev ;diq«orw!&« stm openly 5 brawls •were offre-q^uent occur reEce. This season has witnessed sev- A- freRegge, chancellor of Rochester spend her vacation at Pittsburg Pa. visiting her aum Mrs. OVonnor. Miss .JomiTe» Qmrk of Pev>ria 111. is in the city visiting relatives and friends. Rev. Father Cjnirk of P e o r i a , 111., honor to Bishop McQnaid, About 10 ° cl »Wren will receive $evs. Michael Jd^Manut, <*f B<*stoi- S^t^^^B^^iOB.Sunday_at.the Holy ' t Family church at the 9 o'clock mass. "During the past wee\ a spiritual re- treat was given the children. They attended mass every morning, after era! drownings in the least two' ^diocese, and Rev. Wrn. A. McDonald, . . , , . - of ^whicii -«a£ charged *>*iate3dcatioL i «T Seneca. Falfe.. Among the pxiests ^ m ^ h t h ^ ™*™£. mstracfianafeim A Sunday or so sinee a party was at J present were : | the Rev - ^ n Jseymour. bunday af. Rifle Range and a drunken row took place hn which beer glasses were thrown abomt and several heads cut J. "P. STEWART.F. 0'HANXOK,M. J. CU7NEY, j ternoon at S:8€ o'clock the children place in which beer glasses were | »• LAI-RPKZIS, F. C. OBERHOUER, J. P KIEB- j ^ ll1 °e "»vested in the scapular of Mt thrown abffut and several heads cot.; »AK, E. J . HANKA, D. D., J. MCGRATH, J. | 0armel and J enew their baptismal ~^M&&&«nd.promoters of the paro- \ VYhv do tlw respectable elementalhw I KAK NESS, J. J. Am» J. E. HARTLEY, BOCE- , VOW8 ' aft ^r T hictl a re ^ ce P t1011 o f 30 - -^aal^^j0alsiisve iroTeason to ise {this state ofafikirw to go on? It may be ' ESTER; C. FLAHERTY, MT. UOBRIS; J. A. l J""!\ s la(3ie ^ ln ^°the Society of the '^i«himed43f 4iie xfisahs. In nu case j urged that these thing* are done on ' HIOKEY, GESTESEO; OEORGE EISUER, CALE- ' Children of Mary, will take place. -did ifeeganeiail avearage of tlie part*-1 priTate property. Well so is ball play-' »ONIA; J. M. FTTZ GEEALD, CHARLOTTE: J. ! Daniel Murnan, of ^Syracuse, spent 4th *>*.-...*—i.—3 a- ^11 1--1— - 1 - - -f'l" . T r ^ . . . . . r : ' of Jul j -with his parents on State street. 1^, mmmahMl pupils fall below that of | Ing: . And we are of the opinion that tile J- HITBY, P. J. GLUKE, WM. MCLHEEON, J. T. , 01 i^JiUmL *£££? VmSZlFSfo ,*?, ^telffiMic-aehool sjcholars, while in -i3EianV'--yc«ses it surpassed. This is >aaaMt-.. gratifying',, OLB it demoDBtrateB JbMs$m£kMi£ shadow of a <loubt the ^llHttpeimatiy of dixe parochial ssbooL "^Slry-f. -Memm&tifos in^titntion iiiat ^pcrea ascpiai, if not superior, secular '^•jeducation to tb,at imparted in the state ^^£dks$l5 r ziid in. tidditiori s> thorough, '^p*acjy«ial education in the principles j&&l%m3kBZ>f #teh' Ijoly jreligioa, is .jibe -one in ^hkh children with im- •*+ "^—^jais&ii^-^euls ishoald be ^dueated. Jja^sJtas been done in the parochial \_gvmted ^v-^ddogta. Tbase who Juave isiaiined the ! general public are troubled far less by ! DOTOHEBTY, JOB. NETZEL, AUBURN'; EUGENE class of '90, A. H. H- S., wiU enter the the ball gaane than by the other hap-1 SAGAJa, PEKK tttt; j. J/^HIOKEY, WATER- "Buffalo Medical College Sept 1st -vre bsve noted. It looks asl^oo; J - w - HENBEICS, i^vomi; T. A. HEN^ though Sea Breeze was jealous lest I OBIGK, UNION SPRXHQS; D. J. CUHBAN, Windsor Beach might-, draw away 1 OHUBUHVUXE; JAS. DAY AHD F. RAUBER, some of her custom. But if the Ironde- IDANSVTLLE; ALFRED EVANB, M. R., ITHAOA; people are in earnest perhaps these !o.w. KAVANAUGH, LYONS; M. A. F. HOUSES, MAOEDON; T, J. MCKEY, MORAVIA; THOS. O J O0N2fELL, OVB); JNQ. NKLilGAN, PHSLPS; J€S, G. MAGttf, SPJEHCEEPOBT; M. MADnEN, IStUMAKSBBBG; J . J. JDOfffiraKLLY, VICTOR, S. FTTZ SIMONS, LIMLA; P . MCMAKUS, SORANTON, other miiflaaaces will be abated later. We srast ihey will have courage eaKaugh to continue their good wark until all the summer resorts in Ironde- quoit are sueh that decent people can visit them at any time and not be die-1 PA.; JOHN eosxEijuo, ATHENS, PA. Viear-Greneral Hughes, Hartford, Conn.; P. O'Oonnell, Sheffield, 111.; M. #gesfc «dneafcion in the parochial • DOSAHOE'S MoNTjaxr MAGAZINE, ^n-JAQuiFk, EantouL, 111.; Jos. H .-ifHSupols w a s a o t of *^ual 4*x.celleatje |J«lj. i& =a& ioteresting ©e u&ual. We give a ! HtfMftst m$mm m the state msti- \ ^jfJ^J^S^.^ rlicies: J h \ Sch9 t -,*»Tls- T^ \ M.\. tma^tjers d o b ©f Sosian: bt. Anne 4t i&flmtoJM &atfgHJ»w that pi-op to Saaaira,tfaeAttr»yof CansMtejJDdd Bis- ft^UjuWP^ 11 *# f ^ 11 - ^^M* ^^ ^o ^ imocked j maj-c^Go ta Canossa ? The Aadover Re- h i&famfajkBBi. U'i^an^tlieaew Sciaool Bolicy. fe- ^ -*-W>-ra-mlV»»a tja an mahilitv it, nw. I &M*«di&adandIteIrish fcettlers. Irish Lmz ^ ^^^Btssste^n mfya&y to ^ " r^dustr^ . T fa e JUper Settlement. Irish -*tfpm,mi OftBJSWisoP tetw^en jparo- JHbtary and Utexauue in Our Catholic jQ®jl^jm&.M£,$&-schools. When uur |Scboolbooi!.&. Catholic Press A**j?cktigai, i-dy|toii,ai^ in the former, we know i ^« rr Windthorst Arcbbishoplre^nd on ofxx^Uf ***?* o-r,^ «-i11 ) . ^ r <«»« Color Lbe. CardinalCrifobons Adares jbU- tU i^lKtfi^ to, uur JHbly Church, i ^^ r articles, inciudiOA the J w w f c *!«• A^t« r T « #},Ja i« #li« 1^01 J^;«* * fl },,. .jmrtqasataiwlaoiiesof the snoath. Frigs Alu r ^ to w tot* leal -point to be | ^ ^ j$rfi>r ^ wa ^ 8 AA4wa« - WJmt shall it pi^ofit a \t^^ mm %Mj k &^zmB..Bmt<>n s M%^. •• mm tk& best mmh*i®&$- h ^mmtrj c a n **&>rd ajod of owholyjceli^ion,. _i#a?J^g©'^st is of «#e is t.^s«%#WM» ii|j» ^boire -the < «:wfeiA^<^iniuate« wttii Mh— ^wftfe^Ji#(i l»«ot iai li.gia^» «C Jblcs p.wn 4e- A solemn iiigh mass of re^u-fem ^v#8 celebrated At-St. Mary's at 9 a. jm. Mt>3Ml«y 1** ^ la^e Ficar45«nfr#f Ee^. J. P. .Stewart w^s :v. If. I, <ton$y^d©&e<*2i, ., -0. S, -0., ;$ph>&m- S^rF*4k -^foidon, u&rt&.'iilj$t» i£* gan, Albany, N. ¥,; Woa. Casey, Fa*l- uayra j f m . Sughes, BlooaErSeld ; F, Pascalar and A. 0*Neil, Rochester, were also present. A Gregorian peqaiepa mass was sung by the choir in peculiarly sol- emn and impressive style. The ealogy wm jprtwounced by &'whi*y IMsfcuaid. It wm a simple, y ^ t l ^ t t c h i n g i r i b a t e t o 1^ie d a a d moa,- ^gasttLand a proaf pfism high esteem iffj^ in wtoichr^e jwsfeyp | S I a ~ M s d e a d iricar-geaeral fie prc^oed his re- jaaarks i»y piciurkit|- a jy'wag snla, iajberut to enter ^ e priesthood, the. trials j,«d Jiaj*^hi|)i3 he often had to eMicounter aud saia moh a sight was btiutfiful. J|e siI4 #,u#h »w mm had be or4aia#d #|s w^mi&g aiid S»<J|J an r^er, the .mu wfaoj.m 4%&-'h$&x& gi,$t& $ejid priest .%nr fjbe Mftdpni Branch 59, C M. B. A., has lost an- other one of its metnberB. Wm. F. Lo- gan, a promxnenl member of that branch, and a life-long member of St Mary's church, died from the effects of a $ril from a second story ^window. His funer- al took place last Saturday. I>r. M. P. Conway and Michael Goss, who sailed for Europe June 25th, arrived at Queenstown Julj 2. Miss Mary Bannon, or Rochester, is visiting her mother, Mm. Elizabeth Ban- non of Cottage street. The children of the music class of the Holy Family school, to the number of 25, gave a very fine entertainment to a large -and appreciative audience on July 4th, at their school house. They acquitted thena- *elves very admirably and showed .good training on tlie part of their excellent teacher. Wm. C- Eeslly, who has just re- turned frona-Niagara College, iavofed the audience with some j&ne violin solos • On Wedne5day"ta»t,at the Holy Family church, occurred thefnarriage of Mich^^i McCarth,and Urns Jlatllda Froctor. The witnesses were :Mi«« JKittie Proctor and James fobin. Hey, Father Clune per- formed the cfireKnonjy. Miss MJBrie Calvin deft Wednesday nioraiag for an extjsnded visit with rej(a- i In the west. ^t<\ tO- QStt . ^rf.i.ft'jii: Col4y#t«r« The jfeast of %&. jPeter and JPaul, J\me $9, was F i « t Coittmunion day at Coidiva&yr. I t |ia4 b«#n .announced b y tine p&s$ur ik$,i he yrohed it to fymi lur $he wh*4® nMJBjb in ,tb# 'pqfa $&m. J§## It mly pmy,®4 to hft r | ^ e tfer^f Raffia rirmriAtifi W*4ia '^ast,'lhe & B £ ioni-rnnakmnts were •ifet SS in thoae three days, waking a «^ ceived, that not only the, fits! flQumy$i icantB took part in the^ndly exerciseM! but a large number of eotrimuniea«|p of former years were eager in tnakihS the exercises with the commuui3|j class, thus making it a spiritual i$gj newal of their own happy day, ", ^, - - Thfr#east4feae4f^'p^#i^a ! «t®*^4^^ members of the eongregatlen a mtjg|;^ iyyfulday. The altar and chute!? had been decorated by the pastor hfajp! self, assisted by some twenty tneiBr^ hers of the Altar society. Every ottfcv admitted that never had the chur^jj been so beautifully prepared forH'J feast day. During mass, the chdif sang a new chorus* a composition h j the pastor*himself, and by hfmtnughjj ti> the choir. It was a Latin song ©f rejoicing ^aniLvms^^ ulusieal offering of the choir tu th$ first communicants. In theaftemooa' there was renewal of baptismal vuway-- which proved just as touching as th$ tnorning service. A Inrge number e|- porsons ft'Din Hoclu*ster attendedU^i vine services Sunday. They were friends of the congregation and pagr* tor, Rev. H. J. fitraten. Tliey werj. board to say they wished ag-ain td see their beloved priest on BO .„T em-rfct!toSfoiir^ hut that every one of the parishioners. of the Holy Ghost church were strong* ly impressed by the sermons and cere> monies of that celebration, and m congratulate them on the zeal of both people and pastor. Refrigerators, Refrigerators. At rock bottom prices this hot weather at THE ADAMS," 118 & 11$- State street. Give the Baby a Ride In one of those beautiful carriages, selling so low at "THE ADAMS,*' llfi. and 118 State 3tro«k When in want of any article'ln the house, from the cellar to the tittle^ .he sure, to visit _.«,' The- AuWi8;-f:1-t§? and 118 State street. Any one in need of first-class cray* on work, life size, Would do well .tft; call at J. & MoekV studio,-4-0~Sfeaf" street. The picture can be taken/ from tin-type if necessary, Patrolt ize a responsible firm and do not be* humbugged. Any qu ality of work ac* cording to the price. For the Summer As summer approaches the prudent house-keeper will visit tho Culross Bakery and buy her bread, cakel^j etc., where she will ohtain tbetn, fresh**; pure and delicious. 30 and 499 State street. Dumble's Photographs! _ My childrens' pictnrea are -reaowflti ed everywhere, graceful, brilliantf quickly finished. Bring the hab| belbre hot. weather. Old picture! copied. A, K DUMBLB, ] 44 State sti'eet. '•• Mortgage Sale, •mpnl $ on *mmng* bearing Atom m QflUmwM % Swiuerton, jpf the Gil Mtmroe Gmnft & *«nr ^^l^M^'^^lhAwi y«»ber, &?*, »t f i m ##& & jjL in Wm m HI \W0 i ^ y i«i 1 my? m #p4 mmmw!§»^mfv>v\-m^ JS74, *jtewtea by AmimMi N " IttEV Wl fc . "IP Wt • Wmt 1* v-**

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Page 1: afcv|i^3'it^Ctii^»'''t-'''f.'' · •'afcv|i^3'it^"Ctii^»""'''t-'''f.'' j? MM« , £* iholieJournal

m. t m ^Moiiio *rotmKMi : ^ 3 a _ a ^ 3 T ^

"- ".' "; f j.--Vr ;^»( f^7^ |

•'afcv|i 3'it "Ctii »""'''t-'''f.''

j ? « M M , £*


m ilF

umavoldafcle in the s t a te schools J But it has been demonstrated by

the toeBt possible evidence t h a t equal and superior _ SQCtilar education can >Bw^.4*UiaJ»edi4B:te parochial schools. Therefore, s tand by the parochial schools; d o not pbject if you have to pay double for your children's educa­tion! you will be -more than repaid for wi« out lay in the future. Do not tiller-estimate the wortc of the g*ood

S ^ S ^ ^ S t l y r ^ ^ fewnsr y***^ thrfewf tmefe&n

ftT. RfcV. J. T. McMAMJS.

CONCLUDfe© FROM PAGE t» -The remains lay iu state fmu^JUtt*

<br** * * *WI^^ £»* fi**^*

upM tftpptiCftthMl

any change In yawt •&-

&m iJi

_ 3 S i i *Vigry {fls^mec, bjr tat nun* «f t t e ,-^.wt ttecesailMly for publication tort • »

•** |sS»*n;ic»gda» intended *fcr pttbUcftti**

r*tl btMfless <^mmwuc»tk)B« to X, J. Jtift&g^Jlfciiage*. s<>'mo'hev to agents voles* titty ItiKWfe «r#-

" ^ S C U B W ^ O K & A T m

1* tecond <dtn aalk-Wiim,

of your child, both mentally, morally t e ^ i ? ^ w t ^ e l i e * j «"«d T&pfHlttafty, a t hea r t and are im-

*"•"-"" "*""' bwed with special g race by Almighty God for their work, (rod bless the parochial schools and may their sphere of usefulness be still more en- : larked until it shall extend t o every dfoeese in the land, or until just ice shall have been done us bv the s ta te .


Our es+eerrted contemporary, the j

Were viewed by hundreds of persona, who had known and loyed the dead pastor In life. His face bore the traces of the.Buffering through which he had passed. The body was cloth­ed in the purple robes of the mon-sjaignjautfs,. office and reposed- in* a handsome caske t covered ..with black velvet. The heavy handles were of silver, and on the top were a silver crucifix and a p la te b e a r i n g the words: " Rt. Rev. Monseigneur James McManus."

The feneral w a s held Wednesday at 10 o'clock and w a s probably the largest ever held in this city. The edifice w a s not nearly large enough to accommodate those who wished to attend. Many were from ont of town

Geneva, the bishop said, he need not speak a s i t w a s too well known to all. He said the dead pastor was so^ a&

bishop promoted him to a flourishing city charge, h e begged to be allowed to return to i t and did so. There were many moist eyes a t the close of the bishop's remarks.

The final absolution was pronounc-- edby t h e -Bishop of- liochesfcer*, -Six priests then bore the remains to the door and six laymen carried it to the hearse. The interment was a t St-Frances de Sales cemetery, where now reposes a l t tha t is mortal of the good monsiegnettr. B.


#11 iVfr^fer f**^ '^ I ,-gfi.v.z

&Mt±jLM9mum^, , Philadelphia Freeman and Irxh • an<^ n o t a . J e w . . - w e r e prwrtR.-f


SISTER eiTY. — All the priests of the city at tended

Mgr. Mc-

mornrng l a s t Rt. Rev.

T. MeManus,- Domestic P r e l a t e ;

^ ^ . ^ ^ m m ^ . ^ ^ S ^ ^ r t m m - ^ & t ^ O came a long diRtaneo especially ; Ail l lK P'1* * " ™ ™ n t > ' ! w c k a very full and i i i tm'Rting ac ' - '^"r*>1nvseir t-*t-*h<H*^^

Rev. Icoant of Will iam O'Brien's wedding-. • ^ h o had been a warm friends in earlier i ^ a n i " V • {[; n l l j r t m e v a . u

. j davs ' i Kev. Dean beymour acted as cjiluesday.

Rev. Dean Seymour acted as Deacon of

r ^ r f e ^ p a l H o u s e h o W , and Vic, a i- j J « w S». the H«»ly# Father J i es t . . ^ ' E- - ,^ . « 'ed oordmais'hatsup^>u Mgi. v anntell i , •lieiSd of th i s diocese, breathed his »

At the appointed hour, the long . t l 0 , 1 , , t ' procfRsion wendrni i t s wav from the ', M l S H J u l , a " , f t h ^ t y of this place, parochial r es iden t ; tp the church . It fhafl " « ^ » » ^ he-r position as teaohor

1 » « a f l l f l - T p ( ? a e n c ^ S t . ! ^ ^ ( r f " ^ Mermir.; comprised one Archbishop,three Bish- j l n G t ; n ? 1 ! l w fl" w h ° S L S h e j f *'» b e

- - - - * - . . . O t h e r • m a n , 0 " m the near Future to Dr. Moore ' o f Mt. Morris.

Papa] K^acio a t Lisbon, Archbishop

i l i s ^ ^ e Sales" palish, Oeneva. A j led, of Lausanne ; and BiBhop Puna- j «»ps» about eighty pr ies ts ^t-^tttttfi is tasi hnth t o th^ fJHnwh iewski of Oracow ! priests who arrived la ter swelled the J O I i\1T M°rris. ^ ^ S ^ J S i S ^ « l 2 * g S J « S ^ ^ - ^ > ^ - ^ . - ^ - ^ ^ B ^ ^ j j g ^ ^ ^ ^ MwfdwiwwIiewT returned

[fi-om their bridal t r ip Monday night.

copa altar

fi^Soeesey anc[ none feel i t more 'tiff* do the Congregation Somewhat ^consistent

. v j i j Residents of lromieqn«>it ar«' wag'(^-he HBgor<jd sodong and i. ^ M. i U « ? • _ rng a vigorous war against the r>!a,v-,

S%. Tfee ^ e s t e s k ^ of his \hlg. o f b a l l between p r o f > S 8 ) o n a i c l u b s ' *"" ° t t a « ! l« h l I>' r a i 8 « ^ , i a i s

i)f i^% found in t h e eloquent t r ibu te | a t | l ; l t f # a r '$&. Hev. Bishop, publ ished in i gf^d


Bishop MeQnaid oevupied his ep is - f I r o n i t , 1 , M r t ^ a i t n p Monday ipal throne at the <V>spel s ide of the : T h o>* «*«MV tendered a reception at

Bishop Ludden of Syracuse, t t hT° r e 8 , , U > , l l ' ° o f t h e gloom's paren ts

\ \ e<1n«*silaY evening. A very en)V>y-*>n nits >

"WenSaii "al^Tniotlii--

felt, * » d s i m p l y conlnde by s ay

%n Pace. f ^ ^ f c :

BS'-'-iW ^ ^ ^ ^ " ^ i u f c f a Oatenflts. ^ir»3faly16^5tb 'Stsndaj after Pente-*£$>*%- l ^ ^ e l , ^St. Mark viii, 1-9. t*ii||»l:'»t.'m0itl*rec30tis Blood.

F i ^ ^ f ^ ^ ^ ^ i j B Q i ^ n G e »f -BrlndJsi, Conf. ^•5S«5St.^K3Baii, Bishop and Martyr. nfc$«£$t. 3E^hr«m, Boctor. '•iu^M^teWtf Bros. &St . Feiicitas,M.

-3£S*»iSt.^itt81„ Fope & Martyr. ^ SdH^St. Vitscent of P«ul, Conf.


^,^~^f^mm.^^&.^mi. schools. ' " ^ ^ ^ p w i f e & "wHTnefooiid ilie names

i ^ ' , ^ ^ ? J i y o d i m l ^SGhool -pupils who "^s^®te 7 '*nd '>^rtrahce ' e s -

i?- rjmmmm*aumi&£lw& Wm&ca&emy; a l so exc ises >held in t h e -sev-& pa^asaJ csamot fail

•ato be interesting--

ment of Irondequoit why they &> not s o l o n , n ^ < l « i e m njass w a s began clean a p tlw public part of their t o w n s ' Pontitioal high mass 01 requiem was , a l i t t le ; For some summer* pas t the j celebrated by Rt. Rv v. F ranc i s Mc- :

S e a Br#ese h a s be*ea a d isgrace t o j ^ i r n y of Albany; a s s i s t an t priest , j Wonrne County. It is the rendezvous i Rev. J. F . O'Hare, D. P., Roches ter ; : and s t amping ground for low and dig-' beacon, Rev. Dennis English, Oanan-• solute cha rac te r s and i ts nightlv si»-i daigna, sub-doacon; R(»v. Angelo Lu-; , . . a ^ c e s a r e *> d isgus t ing tirat p e ^ l e I ger«, Boneoye Falls; deaeons of m>\wh£> b a s b e c n , Y 1 8 1 t m g here for the professing any claim to respectabili ty j mass, R**v. Fa thers Sinclair of Roch- j P*** l ™ w w k s E a r n e d to his home a r e never the re after nightfall if they 1 " e 8 t e r and Seymour of Auburn; dea- ,** e d n e s d a y can help themselves. Sunday ball : cons of honor t , , Ri«h<,n W H W i H ! About 100 children will receive

, g-a^nes jpcro^ilaJFed -thert; last -«easnu-" ^od 3 a m e a ^ £ u r i g a n o f Binghaniton^

first master of ceremonies, Very Rev ;diq«orw!&« stm

openly 5 brawls •were offre-q^uent occur reEce. This season has witnessed sev- A- freRegge, chancellor of Rochester

spend her vacation at Pi t t sburg Pa. visi t ing h e r a u m Mrs. OVonnor.

Miss .JomiTe» Qmrk of Pev>ria 111. is in the c i ty vis i t ing relatives and friends.

Rev. Fa ther Cjnirk of Peoria, 111.,

honor t o Bishop McQnaid, A b o u t 1 0 ° c l»Wren will receive $ e v s . Michael Jd^Manut, <*f B<*stoi- S ^ t ^ ^ ^ B ^ ^ i O B . S u n d a y _ a t . t h e H o l y

' t F a m i l y church at t h e 9 o'clock mass. "During the past w e e \ a spiritual re­t r ea t was given the children. They attended mass every morning, after era! drownings in the least t w o ' ^diocese, and Rev. Wrn. A. McDonald, . . , , . -

of ^whicii -«a£ charged *>*iate3dcatioL i «T Seneca. Falfe.. Among the pxies ts ^ m ^ h t h ^ ™*™£. mstracf ianafeim A Sunday or so sinee a party w a s at J present were : | t h e R e v - ^ n Jseymour. bunday af. Rifle Range and a drunken row took place hn which beer g lasses were thrown abomt and several heads cut

J. "P. STEWART.F. 0'HANXOK,M. J. CU7NEY, j ternoon a t S:8€ o'clock the children

place in which beer g lasses were | »• LAI-RPKZIS, F . C. OBERHOUER, J. P KIEB- j l l 1 °e "»vested in the scapular of M t thrown abffut and several heads cot. ; »AK, E. J . HANKA, D. D., J. MCGRATH, J. | 0 a r m e l a n d J e n e w their baptismal

~^M&&&«nd.promoters of the paro- \ VYhv do tlw respectable e lementa lhw I KAK NESS, J. J. Am» J. E. HARTLEY, BOCE- , V O W 8 ' a f t ^ r T h i c t l a r e^ c eP t 1 0 1 1 o f 30 - - ^ a a l ^ ^ j 0 a l s i i s v e iroTeason t o ise {this s ta te ofafikirw to go on? I t may be ' ESTER; C. FLAHERTY, MT. UOBRIS; J. A.

lJ""!\s l a ( 3 i e ^ l n ^ ° t h e Society of the '^i«himed43f 4iie xfisahs. In nu case j urged that these thing* are done on ' HIOKEY, GESTESEO; OEORGE EISUER, CALE- ' Children of Mary, will take place. -did ifeeganeiail avearage of tlie part*-1 priTate property. Well so is ball play- ' »ONIA; J. M. FTTZ GEEALD, CHARLOTTE: J. ! Daniel Murnan, of ^Syracuse, spent 4th *>*.-...*—i.—3 a- ^11 1--1— - 1 - - - f ' l " . T r ^ . . . . . r : ' of Jul j -with his parents on State street.

1 ^ , mmmahMl pupi ls fall below t h a t of | I n g : . And we a re of the opinion tha t tile J- HITBY, P. J. GLUKE, WM. MCLHEEON, J. T. , 0 1 i^JiUmL *£££? VmSZlFSfo


^ t e l f f i M i c - a e h o o l sjcholars, while in -i3EianV'--yc«ses i t surpassed. Th i s i s >aaaMt-.. gratifying',, OLB i t demoDBtrateB

JbMs$m£kMi£ s h a d o w of a <loubt the ^llHttpeimatiy of dixe parochial ssbooL "^Slry-f. -Memm&tifos in^ti tntion i i i a t

^pcrea ascpiai, i f n o t superior, secular '^•jeducation to tb,at imparted in t he s t a t e ^^£dks$l5rziid in. tidditiori s> thorough, '^p*acjy«ial educat ion in t h e principles j&&l%m3kBZ>f #teh ' Ijoly jreligioa, i s

. j i b e -one in ^ h k h children wi th im-•*+ "^—^jais&ii^-^euls ishoald be ^dueated.

J j a ^ s J t a s been done in t h e parochial \_gvmted ^v -^ddog ta . Tbase w h o Juave isiaiined the !

gene ra l public a r e troubled far less by ! DOTOHEBTY, JOB. NETZEL, AUBURN'; EUGENE • class of '90, A. H . H- S., wiU enter the t h e ball gaane than by the other hap-1 SAGAJa, PEKK tttt; j . J/^HIOKEY, WATER- "Buffalo Medical College Sept 1st

-vre b s v e noted. It looks as l^oo ; J- w - HENBEICS, i^vomi; T. A. HEN^

though Sea Breeze was jealous les t I OBIGK, UNION SPRXHQS; D. J . CUHBAN,

Windsor Beach might-, draw a w a y 1 OHUBUHVUXE; JAS. DAY AHD F . RAUBER,

some of her custom. But if the Ironde- IDANSVTLLE; ALFRED EVANB, M. R., ITHAOA;

people are in earnest perhaps these !o.w. KAVANAUGH, LYONS; M. A. F . HOUSES,






other miiflaaaces will be abated later. W e s ras t ihey will have courage eaKaugh to cont inue their good wark unti l a l l t he summer resorts in I ronde-quoit a re sueh that decen t people can visit them a t any time and not be die-1 PA.; JOHN eosxEijuo, ATHENS, PA.

Viear-Greneral Hughes, Hartford, Conn.; P . O'Oonnell, Sheffield, 111.; M.

# g e s f c «dneafcion in t h e parochial • DOSAHOE'S MoNTjaxr MAGAZINE, ^n-JAQuiFk, EantouL, 111.; Jos. H .-ifHSupols w a s a o t of *^ual 4*x.celleatje | J « l j . i& =a& ioteresting ©e u&ual. We give a ! H t f M f t s t m$mm m t he s t a t e msti- \ jfJ^J^S^.^rlicies: J h \ S c h 9 t

-,*»Tls- T^ • \ M.\. tma^tjers d o b ©f Sosian: bt. Anne 4t i&flmtoJM &a t fgHJ»w tha t pi-op to Saaaira,tfaeAttr»yof CansMtejJDdd Bis-

ft^UjuWP^11 *#f^11- ^^M* ^ ^ ^ o ^ imocked j maj-c^Go ta Canossa ? The Aadover Re-h i&famfajkBBi. U ' i ^ a n ^ t l i e a e w Sciaool Bolicy. fe-

^ -*-W>-ra-mlV»»a tja an mahilitv it, nw. I &M*«di&adandIteIrish fcettlers. I r i shLmz ^ ^ ^ ^ B t s s s t e ^ n mfya&y to " r ^ d u s t r ^ .Tfae JUper Settlement. Irish -*tfpm,mi OftBJSWisoP tetw^en jparo- JHbtary and Utexauue in Our Catholic

jQ®jl^jm&.M£,$&-schools. When uur |Scboolbooi!.&. Catholic Press A**j?cktigai, i - d y | t o i i , a i ^ in the former, we know i « r r Windthorst Arcbbishoplre^nd on

ofxx^Uf ***?* o-r, «-i11 ) . ^ r <«»« Color L b e . CardinalCrifobons Adares


t U i ^ l K t f i ^ to, uur JHbly Church, i ^ r articles, inciudiOA the J w w f c *!«• A t« r T « #},Ja i« #li« 1 01 J ^ ; « * *fl },,. .jmrtqasataiwlaoiiesof the snoath. Frigs A lu r ^ to w tot* leal -point to be | ^ ^ j $ r f i> r ^ w a ^ 8 AA4wa«

- WJmt shall i t pi^ofit a \t^^mm%Mjk&^zmB..Bmt<>nsM%^. •• mm tk& best mmh*i®&$-

h ^mmtrj can **&>rd ajod of owholyjceli^ion,.

_ i # a ? J ^ g © ' ^ s t i s of «#e i s t . ^ s«%#WM» ii|j» ^boire -the

< «:wfeiA^<^iniuate« wttii Mh— ^ w f t f e ^ J i # ( i l » « o t i a i

l i.gia^» «C Jblcs p.wn 4e-

A solemn i i igh mass of re^u-fem ^v#8 celebrated At-St. Mary's at 9 • a. jm. Mt>3Ml«y 1** ^ la^e Ficar45«nfr#f

E e ^ . J . P. .Stewart w^s :v. If. I, <ton$y^d©&e<*2i,

., -0. S , -0., ;$ph>&m-S ^ r F * 4 k - ^ f o i d o n , u&rt&.'iilj$t»


gan , Albany, N . ¥ , ; Woa. Casey, Fa*l-uayra j f m . S u g h e s , BlooaErSeld ; F , Pascalar and A. 0*Neil, Rochester , were also present .

A Gregorian peqaiepa mass was s u n g by the choir in peculiarly sol­emn and impressive s ty le .

The ea logy wm jprtwounced by &'whi*y IMsfcuaid. It wm a simple, y ^ t l ^ t t c h i n g i r i b a t e to 1 ie daad moa,-^ g a s t t L a n d a proaf pf ism high esteem i f f j ^ i n w t o i c h r ^ e jwsfeyp | S I a ~ M s d e a d iricar-geaeral fie prc^oed his re-jaaarks i»y piciurkit|- a jy'wag sn la , iajberut to enter ^ e priesthood, the. t r ia ls j,«d Jiaj*^hi|)i3 h e often had to eMicounter aud s a i a moh a s igh t was btiutfiful. J | e s i I 4 #,u#h »w mm had b e or4aia#d # | s w^mi&g aiid S»<J|J an

r^er, the .mu wfaoj.m 4%&-'h$&x&

gi,$t& $ejid priest .%nr fjbe Mftdpni

Branch 59, C M. B . A., has lost an­other one of its metnberB. Wm. F . Lo­gan, a promxnenl member of that branch, and a life-long member of S t Mary's church, died from the effects of a $ril from a second story ^window. His funer­al took place last Saturday.

I>r. M. P . Conway and Michael Goss, who sailed for Europe June 25th, arrived at Queenstown J u l j 2.

Miss Mary Bannon, or Rochester, is visiting her mother, Mm. Elizabeth Ban­non of Cottage street.

The children of the music class of the Holy Family school, to the number of 25, gave a very fine entertainment to a large -and appreciative audience on July 4th, at their school house. They acquitted thena-*elves very admirably and showed .good training on tlie part of their excellent teacher. Wm. C- Eeslly, who has just re­turned frona-Niagara College, iavofed the audience with some j&ne violin solos •

On Wedne5day"ta»t,at the Holy Family church, occurred thefnarriage of Mich^^i McCarth,and Urns Jlatllda Froctor. The witnesses were :Mi«« JKittie Proctor and James fob in . Hey, Father Clune per­formed the cfireKnonjy.

Miss MJBrie Calvin deft Wednesday nioraiag for an extjsnded visit with rej(a-

i In the west.


tO- QStt

• . ^ r f . i . f t ' j i i :


The jfeast of %&. jPeter and JPaul, J\me $9, w a s F i « t Coittmunion day a t Coidiva&yr. I t |ia4 b«#n .announced by tine p&s$ur ik$,i he yrohed it t o b® .» fymi lur $he • wh*4® nMJBjb in ,tb# 'pqfa $&m. J§## It mly pmy,®4 to hft r | ^ e tfer^f Raffia rirmriAtifi W*4ia

'^ast, ' lhe & B £ ioni-rnnakmnts were

• i fet


in thoae three days , wak ing a « ^

ceived, t h a t not only the, fits! flQumy$i icantB took par t in the^ndly exerciseM! b u t a l a rge number of eotrimuniea«|p of former years were eager in tnak ihS the exercises with the commuui3| j class, thus making i t a spiritual i$gj newal of their own happy day, ", , - - Thfr#east4feae4f^ 'p^#i^a !«t®*^4^^ members of the eongregat len a mtjg|;^ i y y f u l d a y . The a l tar and chute!? had been decorated b y the pastor hfajp! self, ass is ted by some twenty tneiBr^ hers of the Altar society. Every ottfcv admit ted that never had the chur^jj been so beautifully prepared forH'J feast day . During mass, the chdif sang a new chorus* a composition h j the pastor*himself, and by hfmtnughjj ti> the choir. I t was a Latin song ©f rejoicing ^aniLvms^^ ulusieal offering of the choir tu th$ first communicants. In theaftemooa' there was renewal of baptismal

vuway--which proved j u s t as touching as th$ • tnorning service. A Inrge number e | -porsons ft'Din Hoclu*ster a t tendedU^i vine services Sunday. They were friends of the congregat ion and pagr* tor, Rev. H. J. fitraten. Tliey werj. board to say they wished ag-ain td see their beloved priest on BO .„T em-rfct!toSfoiir^ hut that every one of the parishioners. of the Holy Ghost church were strong* ly impressed by the sermons and cere> monies of that celebration, and m congra tu la t e them on the zeal of both people and pastor.

Refrigerators, Refrigerators. At rock bottom prices this hot

weather a t • T H E ADAMS," 118 & 11$-Sta te s t ree t .

Give the Baby a Ride In one of those beautiful carriages, selling so low a t " T H E ADAMS,*' llfi. a n d 118 S ta t e 3tro«k

When in want o f any article'ln t h e house, from the cellar to the tittle^ .he sure, to visit _.«,' The- AuWi8;-f:1-t§? and 118 S ta te street.

Any one in need of first-class cray* on work, life size, Would do well .tft; ca l l a t J . & MoekV studio,-4-0~Sfeaf" street . The picture can be taken/ from t in-type if necessary, Patrolt ize a responsible firm and do not be* humbugged . Any qu ality of work ac* cording to the price.

For the Summer As summer approaches the prudent

house-keeper will visit tho Culross Bakery and buy h e r bread, cakel^j e tc . , where she will ohtain tbetn, fresh**; pure and delicious.

30 and 4 9 9 State street.

Dumble's Photographs! _ My childrens ' pictnrea a re -reaowflti ed everywhere , graceful, brilliantf quickly finished. Br ing the h a b | belbre hot. weather. Old picture! copied. A, K DUMBLB, ]

44 State sti'eet. '••

Mortgage Sale, •mpnl $

on *mmng* bearing Atom m QflUmwM %

Swiuerton, jpf the Gil

Mtmroe Gmnft &

*«nr ^^l^M^'^^lhAwi y«»ber, &?*, »t f im ##& & jjL in Wm m HI

\W0 i ^yi«i 1

my? m #p4


JS74, *jtewtea by AmimMi

N " IttEV Wl f c . "IP Wt • Wmt

• 1* v-**