squat analysis


Upload: janlee97

Post on 24-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Squat analysis
Sticky Note
When I was doing the pretest, what I did wrong was that I did not go down as much as I needed to. My butt was not really down and out, and my legs did not make 90 degrees. My weight was on toes, rather than heels. Also, I did not push myself through the heels. My form was little awkward, and did not look like I was sitting in a chair. My knees and toes were not in line as well. When I was doing the post test, my head was up, back was straight and I made close to 90 degrees as my butt was down and out. I put my weight on heels and pushed up through them. I did the squats like if I was sitting in a chair, and my knees and toes were in line.