sps scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables l. mether on behalf of the liu-sps e-cloud team...

SPS scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables L. Mether on behalf of the LIU-SPS e-cloud team LIU SPS scrubbing review, September 8, 2015

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Page 1: SPS scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables L. Mether on behalf of the LIU-SPS e-cloud team LIU SPS scrubbing review, September 8, 2015

SPS scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables

L. Mether on behalf of the LIU-SPS e-cloud team

LIU SPS scrubbing review, September 8, 2015

Page 2: SPS scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables L. Mether on behalf of the LIU-SPS e-cloud team LIU SPS scrubbing review, September 8, 2015


• Outline

• Electron cloud • Electron cloud monitors• Electron cloud evolution during cycle• Electron cloud evolution over scrubbing

• Arc pressures• Pressure gauges• Pressure evolution during cycle• Pressure evolution over scrubbing

• Summary

Page 3: SPS scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables L. Mether on behalf of the LIU-SPS e-cloud team LIU SPS scrubbing review, September 8, 2015

Electron cloud monitors• Large aperture dipole magnets installed in a

straight section• Vertical magnetic fields, set to B = 0.12 T, field

in SPS bends at injection

• Each magnet is equipped with a liner…• Stainless steel MBA/MBB type vacuum

chamber, with holes drilled along the side

• …with a strip detector on the outside• 48 channels

• Signal integrated over multipleturns (20 – 200 ms)

• Provide transverse profile of electron distribution

• Help to understand the e-cloud evolution and scrubbing process in SPS bends

Page 4: SPS scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables L. Mether on behalf of the LIU-SPS e-cloud team LIU SPS scrubbing review, September 8, 2015

Electron cloud during SPS cycle• Nominal SPS 25 ns cycle

• 4 batches of 72 bunches, 1.2x1011 p+/bunch

Page 5: SPS scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables L. Mether on behalf of the LIU-SPS e-cloud team LIU SPS scrubbing review, September 8, 2015

Electron cloud during SPS cycle• Electron cloud signal along nominal 25 ns cycle

• E-cloud signal low, but still visible• Large enhancement during ramp to flat top, mainly due to bunch shortening


Nominal intensityMBBMBA

Page 6: SPS scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables L. Mether on behalf of the LIU-SPS e-cloud team LIU SPS scrubbing review, September 8, 2015

Electron cloud during SPS cycle• Horizontal profile of electron cloud signal



Page 7: SPS scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables L. Mether on behalf of the LIU-SPS e-cloud team LIU SPS scrubbing review, September 8, 2015

Electron cloud with high-intensity beam• During the four scrubbing runs this year, the machine was run mainly

with a high-intensity beam, with around 2x1011 p+/bunch

• For this purpose a scrubbing cycle with up to 4 batches of 72 bunches, at flat bottom was used

Page 8: SPS scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables L. Mether on behalf of the LIU-SPS e-cloud team LIU SPS scrubbing review, September 8, 2015

• E-cloud signal in MBA and MBB monitors along scrubbing cycle


• Electron cloud twice as strong as for nominal intensity beam

• Significantly more electron cloud in MBB chamber than in MBA

High intensity

Nominal intensity

Electron cloud with high-intensity beam



Page 9: SPS scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables L. Mether on behalf of the LIU-SPS e-cloud team LIU SPS scrubbing review, September 8, 2015

Electron cloud with high-intensity beam• Horizontal profile of electron cloud signal

• Electron cloud extends beyond region scrubbed with nominal intensity beam

High intensity

Nominal intensity


Page 10: SPS scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables L. Mether on behalf of the LIU-SPS e-cloud team LIU SPS scrubbing review, September 8, 2015

Electron cloud with high-intensity beam• Horizontal profile of electron cloud signal

• This region has been effectively scrubbed!

High intensityW50

Nominal intensity


High intensityW25

Page 11: SPS scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables L. Mether on behalf of the LIU-SPS e-cloud team LIU SPS scrubbing review, September 8, 2015

Electron cloud evolution during scrubbing• Study the evolution of signal in electron cloud monitors over scrubbing period

• MBA and MBB chambers• Two observation points:

− Signal after first injection− Maximum signal along cycle


Page 12: SPS scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables L. Mether on behalf of the LIU-SPS e-cloud team LIU SPS scrubbing review, September 8, 2015

Electron cloud evolution during scrubbing• E-cloud signal in MBA monitor after injection of first batch

W16 W17 W23 W25

Page 13: SPS scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables L. Mether on behalf of the LIU-SPS e-cloud team LIU SPS scrubbing review, September 8, 2015

Electron cloud evolution during scrubbing• Maximum e-cloud signal in MBA monitor

First batch


W16 W17 W23 W25

Page 14: SPS scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables L. Mether on behalf of the LIU-SPS e-cloud team LIU SPS scrubbing review, September 8, 2015

Electron cloud evolution during scrubbing• E-cloud signal in MBB monitor after injection of first batch

W16 W17 W23 W25

Page 15: SPS scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables L. Mether on behalf of the LIU-SPS e-cloud team LIU SPS scrubbing review, September 8, 2015

Electron cloud evolution during scrubbing• Maximum e-cloud signal in MBB monitor

First batch


W16 W17 W23 W25

Page 16: SPS scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables L. Mether on behalf of the LIU-SPS e-cloud team LIU SPS scrubbing review, September 8, 2015


• Outline

• Electron cloud • Electron cloud monitors• Evolution during cycle• Evolution during scrubbing

• Arc pressures• Pressure gauges• Evolution during cycle• Evolution during scrubbing

• Summary

Page 17: SPS scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables L. Mether on behalf of the LIU-SPS e-cloud team LIU SPS scrubbing review, September 8, 2015

Arc pressures• Pressure gauges located between dipole magnets in each arc

• We follow two families of gauges:






• Located between an MBA and an MBB dipole

• Located between 2 MBB dipoles

Page 18: SPS scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables L. Mether on behalf of the LIU-SPS e-cloud team LIU SPS scrubbing review, September 8, 2015

Arc pressures along cycle• Pressures during nominal intensity cycle with ramp

and high-intensity flat-bottom scrubbing cycle• Gauges X0660 (MBB-MBB)

High intensityNominal intensity


Page 19: SPS scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables L. Mether on behalf of the LIU-SPS e-cloud team LIU SPS scrubbing review, September 8, 2015

Arc pressure evolution during scrubbing• Pressure rise over scrubbing cycle at gauge 40660

• Located between two MBB dipoles

W16 W17 W23 W25

Page 20: SPS scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables L. Mether on behalf of the LIU-SPS e-cloud team LIU SPS scrubbing review, September 8, 2015

Arc pressure evolution during scrubbing• Pressure rise over scrubbing cycle at gauge 42940

• Located between an MBA and an MBB dipole

W16 W17 W23 W25

Page 21: SPS scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables L. Mether on behalf of the LIU-SPS e-cloud team LIU SPS scrubbing review, September 8, 2015

Summary & conclusion• Electron cloud with high-intensity beam

• Electron cloud is more than doubled with high intensity vs nominal intensity at flat bottom− MBB type chamber more prone to e-cloud than MBA type chamber

• Scrubbing efficiency • Based on data from electron cloud monitors and pressures:

− Conditioning seen mainly in the first week of high-intensity beam− Full suppression not seen over four batches

• E-cloud monitors provide information also along the cycle:− Significant improvement seen after the injection of one batch:

full suppression in MBA, significant reduction in MBB

• Conclusion • SEY lowered during scrubbing, but not sufficiently to fully suppress e-cloud • Effect of scrubbing seems to level off

− If further scrubbing can be done, required timescales much longer than days/a few weeks

Page 22: SPS scrubbing experience: electron cloud observables L. Mether on behalf of the LIU-SPS e-cloud team LIU SPS scrubbing review, September 8, 2015

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