spring 2015 the magazine of green valley baptist...

The Magazine of Green Valley Baptist Church encourage! Spring 2015 IN A TRAP Ron Lundwall beat the odds and found a brand new life

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The Magazine of Green Valley Baptist Churchencourage!Spring 2015


TRAP Ron Lundwall beatthe odds and founda brand new life

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1 | encourage! spring 2015

Pastor RobBe encouraged,

To answer this question, I want to share with you a literary classic. One of my favorite books of all time is The Giving Tree, by Shel Silverstein. The story revolves around a tree and a little boy. Every day the boy would come and play on the tree, climb its branches and play in its leaves. The boy loved the tree, and the tree was happy. As the boy grew older, he did not come to the tree as often as he did before. The tree said, “Come and play with me. Climb my branches and play in my leaves.” The boy replied, “I am too big to climb branches and play. I want money to buy things.” The tree replied, “I don’t have any money. I have only leaves and apples. But you can take my apples and sell them in the city. Then you will have money and be happy.”

And the boy took all the apples from the tree and sold them in the city. And the tree was happy. But the boy stayed away for a long time. When he finally came back the tree said to him, Come and play with me. Climb my branches and play in my leaves.” The boy replied, “I am too big to climb and play. I want a house to keep me warm. Can you give me a house?” The tree said, “I have no house. But you can cut down my branches and build a house.” So the boy cut down all the branches and built a house. And the tree was happy. But the boy stayed away a long time. When he returned the tree said “Come and play with me.” The boy said, “I am too old and tired to play. I want a boat that will take me far away from here. Can you give me a boat?” The tree said, “I don’t have a boat. But you can cut down my trunk and make a boat.” So the boy cut down the trunk, made a boat and sailed away. And the tree was happy…..….but not really.

After a long time the boy came back. The tree said, “I am sorry but I have nothing left to give you. My apples are gone. My branches are gone. My trunk is gone. I wish I had something else to give to you. All I have left is my stump.” The boy said, “I am old and tired. I just need a quiet place to sit and rest.” The tree said, “Well, an old stump is good for sitting and resting. Come, boy, sit down. Sit down and rest.” And the boy did. And the tree was happy.

I am aware that this little story has many different interpretations. But for me, it paints a beautiful picture of unconditional love. The kind of love my mother shared with me when she sacrificed everything so that I could be happy in life. And her happiness in life comes from the knowledge that I am happy. But even more than the unconditional love of a mother, it describes the unconditional love of God.

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son. Thatwhosoever beleiveth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

John 3:16

God loves you and me so very much that He willingly gave everything so that you and I could have eternal live. And regardless of how ungrateful we are, and how long we stay away, His love remains. He loves and He gives and He gives and He loves. His one desire is for you to cometo Him, spend time with Him, and find rest in Him.When you do this, God is happy.

How do you make God happy?


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encourage!Green ValleyBaptist Church270 N Valle Verde DriveHenderson, NV 89074702.434.1906www.mygvbc.com

CREDITSEDITORDavid SimpsonASSOCIATE EDITORTerri JupinSTORY EDITORMichele JurichPHOTOGRAPHYDavid SimpsonMichelle Scottwww.scott-shots.comMAGAZINE LAYOUTJennifer Dufek

ON THE COVERRon Lundwall reflects on his career as a casino executive and God’s grace that reached through the casino walls to change his life (P. 5).

5CAUGHTIN A TRAPRon Lundwall’sVegas Story

Green Valley makes these booklets available to you. If you’d like a copy of this booklet for yourself, or to give to friends, please come by the church office.

9A CUP OFCOLDWATERMinistering to Teensin a Simple Way

11THE EXTRAMILESinger ChrisLockwood Reflectson Ministry

12“THELONGERI SERVE HIM...”Meet Dave Vagnoni

“Knowing Christ: Understanding what it means to be a Christian” is a booklet written by Pastor Rob Boyd, explaining clearly and by God’s Word how a person can know God through faith in Jesus Christ. We also have a version in Spanish!

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We usually reserve this spot in our magazine to report good news of things happening around our church, but in this edition, we report with some sadness that after eight years of ministry at Green Valley, Mark Winkler will be moving on, and leaving us as Student Pastor.

Mark and his wife Deb moved here in February of 2007 to join our staff. He has served faithfully over the years.

“Mark and Deb have been a huge influence in our family’s lives. They not only led our student ministry but have become close family friends. They took the time to build relationships with the students and showed the kids how important they are to them,” said Diane Mason.

Aaron Cagle, a 10th grade student, added, “Pastor Mark has encouraged us to be young men of integrity. He opened up his home so we could study the Bible about becoming men of God.”

Mark and Deb, and their 1 year-old son Shane, will be moving to Richmond, Kentucky. Mark has accepted a position as the High School/College Pastor at Eastside Community Church in Richmond.

We pledge to pray for the Winklers as they follow God’s lead.

Thank you, Pastor Mark!

Mark and Deb have been a huge influence in our family’s lives.

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Mark, Deb,and ShaneWinkler

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Video images play from an overhead digital canopy. Tourists zip-line down the block on a cable overhead, while men and women drinking from oversize novelty glasses are amused by all sorts of odd and unusual street entertainment. Neon flashes at every casino entrance.

This is a far cry from Ron’s salad days in old Vegas.

Walking down Fremont Street, dressed immaculately in a double-breasted blazer and white turtleneck, Ron stands out among the t-shirt and shorts crowd, and draws almost as much attention as the myriad of costumed characters angling for a photo op at a dollar apiece. At six-foot-six, with a full head of white hair, he looks like he just stepped out of central casting, as a casino owner, or maybe one of the wiseguys he used to come in contact with on a regular basis.

“Back in the day, you couldn’t even walk into a casino without a coat on,” says Ron. “And what’s with this word, ‘Gaming’? Back then everybody knew it as gambling, and that’s it.

“The old guys would have a fit if they could see this place now.”

There was a day when he reveled being in the middle of all this. All he can do now is look down the street, shake his head, and thank the Lord for helping him get out.

Ron Lundwall was a newlywed welder from Milwaukee. He had recently married June after a short stint in the service, and had dreams of playing pro football. A car-accident injury thwarted a tryout for the Green Bay Packers, and he felt discontented with his life. So with nothing to lose, the Lundwalls thought they might as well take a chance and make a move from the snowy winters of Wisconsin to the golden sunshine of Los Angeles.


Entering the downtown tourist area, which has now become known as the Fremont Street Experience, Ron Lundwald can hardly believe his eyes. It’s been over two decades since he’s last been to Fremont, and over fifty years since he started his career here, just up the street at the Las Vegas Club.

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By David Simpson

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Driving in to Hollywood on the same day Marilyn Monroe died, Ron’s dream was to be an actor, like he had been on stage back in Milwaukee. The young couple lived just down the street from Desilu Studios, where Ron would go to audition, but his best plans for an acting career were derailed when he got involved with some bad characters. Two years flew by, marked by run-ins with the law and a job as a gas station attendant, so he once again was willing to make a move.

A chance meeting with a friend led Ron to give Las Vegas a shot. “The thought of Vegas intrigued me,” he said. “I came to town and went to work for a dollar an hour as a shill, now called a game starter. I would use house money to help start a game, and then give the money back if I won. It was a start, but it was during this time that I kept my eyes open, and learned my business.”

He went to work on the Strip as a dealer at the newly opened Aladdin Casino in 1966. He learned the business inside and out. He could spot cheating by watching eyes. If a man was looking at him more than his cards, he knew he was dirty. He learned how to read people, how to

pretty.” His marriage was on the rocks, his life littered with empty encounters and broken promises. His drinking was getting out of control, and now he was considering ending it all -- just like his buddies.

Ron’s life changed the day a friend of his, a true friend who cared about him, brought him a gift.

“I had been hired by the Desert Inn as a games manager. I had six games I was responsible for --two roulette wheels and four 21 tables, making sure payouts were done correctly, watching closely to make sure no thieving was going on.

“This day, a dear friend brought me a book. It was called ‘The Late, Great Planet Earth.” (An extremely popular book of its day, the book by Hal Lindsey was a runaway national bestseller, about the second coming of the Lord Jesus.) “I had never read a book in my life. But during my break, I read the whole thing. It was as if I was speed reading.”

Overwhelmed by what he had just read, but with his break over, Ron went

grease a palm, how to give a favor to get a favor back later. As he got more situated, he made a lot of friends, who would be willing to do most anything for him. It wasn’t long until Ron was heavily involved, connected with just about everything the Las Vegas Strip had to offer.

This was the Las Vegas of the late ‘60s. It wasn’t uncommon for Ron, on any given day, to interact and rub shoulders with celebrities, athletes, politicians -- and gangsters. He recalls conversations with Sammy Davis Jr., Bob Hope. He dealt cards to Elvis the day before Elvis married Priscilla. He had cocktails with Cary Grant. In his capacity, Ron could comp you a sweet room, buy you a T-bone steak, or get you choice seats for the Wayne Newton Show, as long as you were playing. It was a privilege for high rollers, and once you were in, he could get whatever you wanted.

But as exciting and interesting as it once was to go to work each day, it was taking a toll on his family, his health- and his sanity. “I hung around with people who ended up committing suicide, guys who overdosed on drugs -- it wasn’t

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Since the time of his salvation, Ron has been active in churches in Las Vegas, and passionate about sharing his faith in Christ. He’s led many to the Lord, and loves to serve in the church. “I’m 77 years old, and today, instead of greeting people at a casino, I greet them at the door of Green Valley Baptist Church, which has done so much to feed me and my family the word of God.” Ron worked for 39 years in Las Vegas. His career led him through many casino properties -- The Las Vegas Club, the Horseshoe, the Showboat Hotel, Desert Inn, The Frontier, Caesar’s Palace -- and through many unusual experiences, many of which stay with him.

He’s a natural-born storyteller. Of all his stories, the most meaningful and lasting one he loves to share the most is the story of how one day, a forgiving God forever changed the life of a casino executive on the floor of a Las Vegas casino.

back to work. “I remember standing in the middle of the 21 Pit, with my arms crossed, looking at a game, and I started to cry. I hadn’t a clue what was going on, but it was at that time that God’s spirit was touching my heart.

“From that day on, I was never the same. Never.”

He took the book home to June. She read it, and not long after, she gave her life to Christ. His son watched the dramatic change in Mom and Dad, and he gave his heart to Christ. Ron’s mother also saw the change, and she was saved. They were all baptized together at Trinity Temple, now known as Trinity Life Center.

“Most people don’t find the Lord in a casino, yet I did.” Armed with a case of books, Ron would give them to street people, prostitutes, anyone he came into contact with. “I went into adult book stores and gave them out to guys. ‘Here, you want something to really read?’ I’d have people throw them back in my face. I wasn’t bashful.”

Ron’s newfound faith had an adverse impact on his career at the casino. As a casino executive, part of his job was to entertain high rollers with dinners and golf -- as well as providing escorts. Ron’s newfound faith in Christ would not allow him to do that. “When I became a born-again Christian, I wouldn’t do that stuff. I was demoted back to a line man, where I finished my career. I wouldn’t change it for the world.”

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WATER9 | encourage! spring 2015

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Each fall as school begins, there’s excitement in the air. Kids get new clothes, new books, new friends. In Las Vegas, however, the beginning of a new term and the coming of the fall season doesn’t mean cooler weather. Greenspun Middle School, which is two long blocks from our church, dismisses their classes in the early afternoon, at the peak heat of the day. Students ride bikes and scooters, or walk by Green Valley each day on their way home.

A small group of students stopped in to the church office one September day and asked for water. They were thirsty, and needed to use the restroom. Michele Fellows, our church receptionist, gave them ice water. She struck up a conversation and asked them about their day at school.

As the days passed, these students began to make a stop at Green Valley part of their walking-home routine, and it wasn’t long before Michele was on a first-name basis with most of them.

Occasionally, there are left-over snacks in our kitchen from a church fellowship or a youth activity. At these times, Michele would give the kids these snacks - a glass of lemonade, a bag of chips or a cookie. The snacks became very popular, and before long, news of our open door spread quickly, and the group started to grow.

Says Michele, “I always extend an invitation for each one of them to join other students on Sunday night for SURGE, our youth group. I share with them the fun activities that Green Valley has for students and the meaningful Bible teaching that goes along with the great meal that is served every Sunday night for the youth. I sometimes ask them how their classes are going, what their favorite subject is, what instruments or sports they play and, of course, ask them if they have homework.”

The conversations with the students are usually brief, but enjoyable to Michele. There are many times when a connection is made and opportunities to encourage a young person appear. “I had a conversation with a young man one day about his choice of songs for the ringtone on his phone. He apologized, and admitted it was inappropriate to play in a church. I was able to ask him what he thought about that song outside the walls of the church and why he thought it was appropriate there. I thank God for those moments.”

“I have had the opportunity to connect with one particular family - three beautiful girls who attend Greenspun, and their brother, who attends Gibson Elementary. These kids are funny, love to laugh - they brighten my day when they stop by. They’re facing struggles common to most young people today. They have questions about God. Young people are influenced by so many things and they have many important decisions to make. They need someone willing to listen for a minute and take an interest in what’s going on in their world.”

Ministry often happens quite unintentionally and without a great deal of planning. A group of young people found our open door and came in. To many of them this is just a place to get a drink and a snack, and they may not think of it as much more than that. To one special family, Green Valley Baptist Church may be a place they remember for the rest of their lives; as the place where they were introduced to Jesus and His saving grace. And it all started with a cup of cold water.

If you call the church office or stop by during the week, chances are you will be greeted by Michele Fellows, our church receptionist and Youth Ministry assistant. Michele is an example of ministry in action in the everyday activities of life.

Mark 9:41

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Truly I tell you, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to the Messiah will

certainly not lose their reward.

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When reflecting on over nine years as part of the Christian group 33Miles, Chris Lockwood can easily check off some impressive milestones.

“Our first year together, we were nominated for New Artist of the Year at the Dove Awards. That same year we sang the national anthem at the NASCAR race in Atlanta for over 100,000 people. One of our songs was played in space on the Shuttle as their morning wake-up song.”

Chris’ music career took off when he was asked to play guitar for TRUTH, a very popular touring group based out of his hometown of Mobile, Alabama. His days there led him songwriting, collaborating with other musicians, and into 33Miles.

But a life spent on the road, even in ministry, has its drawbacks.

“What starts out exciting became old really fast. It’s really great to have loyal fans, who buy your CDs and support you so well. It’s great to minister and sing for Jesus. It just got too hard for me and (fellow 33Miles member) Jason Barton to leave our families every weekend.

“A year ago my wife and I had a baby girl, and it has been so great being able to be here and watch her grow. I wasn’t really home for my first two kids.”

Chris is now dreaming of the future, and redirecting his love for music, and Jesus, into songwriting. His latest song, “Throne of Praise,” was recorded by Phillips, Craig, and Dean, and was released on Christian Radio this month.

“It’s really heavy when people tell you how much your music has meant to their lives. When they tell you that a song you recorded was played at their wedding, or as the song played when the casket was carried out of a funeral, it’s an awesome feeling.”

Make sure to be here at Green Valley on April 19 as Chris Lockwood leads our morning worship in all three services.


Chris Lockwood reflects on the difficulties of life ministering on the Road




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Each Sunday morning before the 8AM Gospel Service starts, Dave Vagnoni sits down at the piano and begins to play. Tunes such as “In the Garden”, “He Touched Me”, and “The Old Rugged Cross” fill the auditorium as people gather for worship. Many come early just to hear Dave play.

“I always wanted to have someone play prelude music from the piano,” says Worship Pastor Dave Simpson, “and when I met Dave four years ago, he said, ‘That’s what I love to do!’”

Originally from Pittsburgh, Dave’s career has taken him from the Pennsylvania coal mines, to the U.S. Army, to working as an executive in a computer company. But his lifelong love of the Lord, and music, has kept him by a piano most every Sunday.

Dave has been playing in churches for over 40 years. He was the pianist for a southern gospel group, and learned to play a Hammond B3 organ when his church organist left.

When he sold his company to Scott Trade, he relocated to Las Vegas, just around the corner from the museum of his favorite musician, Liberace.

In addition to playing at our service, Dave also plays before the start of our service at our McDonald Ranch Senior Fellowship, which meets each Sunday at the Sun City McDonald Ranch Clubhouse.

He’s become a favorite to many attending the Gospel service, and he’s hinted that a CD of his favorite hymns and gospel songs might be around the corner.

Says Dave, “For someone who relocated 3,000 miles away, the Lord has brought me a wonderful church family, including good music and excellent Bible preaching.”


The Longer I Serve Him…

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Ultimate TuesdaysApril 7 & May 22On April 7, teens will go see the new Christian-themed film, Let Hope Rise, about the ministry of Hillsong United. (Parents, you are invited too!) On May 22 (actually not a Tuesday- it’s a Friday!), teenagers will attend a Las Vegas 51’s vs. the Oklahoma City Dodgers baseball game. There’s also a fireworks display after the game! Teens, come and have a great time, and make some new friends! Tickets for the movie and the game can be purchased through the church office.


There’s somethingfor everyone at

Green Valley this spring!In addition to our Church

service gatherings and Bible studies, we have some really fun

activities where you can meet other people just like you.No matter your age or

stage, there’s a place foryou to plug in.

FX - The Family ExperienceMay 3FX, the Family Experience, is an interactive, fun, high energy production for parents and their 1st-5th grade children. Honesty is the hot topic for May. Parents, don’t miss bringing the whole family to FX! Sunday morning at 9:30AM in the Student Center


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If you want to come and be a part of something fun with some fun

people, come and join us!

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Out and About Date NightApril 17Married People Ministry is designing events just for you and your spouse! On April 17, we’re giving you a night out! Register your children, and drop them off Friday night with experienced childcare providers while you and your spouse enjoy an evening out together. Keep on the lookout for more Married People events!

MARRIED PEOPLEPrime Time LuncheonMay 21Join the 55+ crowd for a beach-themed lunch and entertainment in the Fellowship Hall May 21. It’s always one of the most fun events of any week, and a great time for senior adults to visit and meet new friends. Admission is free for the lunch, but you need a ticket! You can get a ticket at the Growing Kiosk or by calling the church office.


Spring TeaApril 9A recent addition to our ministries roster is “Widow Windows”, a program designed specifically for widows. Attend their spring tea, and join other women facing similar life circumstances and learning to give and receive.


For detailed information about any of these events,call the church office at 702-434-1906.

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MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)April 14Moms from all over the valley attend our MOPS meetings- and we want to invite you, too! Moms will enjoy a breakfast, hear from an inspirational speaker, and participate in a craft especially for moms. If you want to know if MOPS is the place to be, just ask a mom who attends! Remaining Spring MOPS Dates: April 28, May 12, May 26


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It’s a couple’s thing.


Friday, May 17 PM

DENVERBIERMANof Denver and the Mile High Orchestra

“This will be the best free concert you’ll go to this year.It’s as good as any show you’ll see in Vegas. Denver isamazing, and his guys will blow the roof off!”

Pastor Dave SimpsonGreen Valley Baptist Church

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2015CHILDREN’S CAMP@ Forest HomeJuly 26-31

FAMILY CAMP@Forest HomeJuly 12-18

STUDENT LIFE CAMP@Durango, COJuly 5-10

children’s choir spring musical


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“Cast your cares on to the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken.” Psalms 55:22

DID YOU KNOW that God created the world? The Bible tells us He created everything. God is a perfect, loving ruler. God created us to bring glory to Him. (See Genesis 1:1; Revelation 4:11; Colossians 1:16-17.)

ADAM AND EVE CHOSE to disobey God. Since then, we all have chosen to disobey God. The Bible calls this sin. Sin separates us from God. Thankfully God had a plan to save us from our sin. (See Romans 3:23.)

OUR LOVING GOD provided the only way to save us - Jesus. God sent Jesus to earth. He lived a perfect life. Because He loves us, He took the punishment we deserve. (See John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 6:23.)

JESUS DIED ON THE CROSS in our place. Our sins were punished through Jesus dying on the cross. It’s all been paid for! In God’s eyes, it’s as if we never sinned. God welcomes us into His family as children of God.

When Jesus died, He did not stay dead. God brought Him back to life. People even saw and touched the risen Jesus. Jesus went to be with God and to rule over the world forever as King, even today.

One day Jesus will return to earth. God will welcome into His kingdom all people who have accepted His free gift of eternal life. (See Romans 5:8; 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 Peter 3:18; Ephesians 2:8-9.)

This is the gospel. Gospel means “GOOD NEWS!” Because of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, we can be part of God’s family forever. That’s good news!

WE CAN RESPOND to the good news by understanding who God is (holy) and who we are (sinners.) Tell God you know you messed up and are sorry. Repent, turning away from your sin. Turn to Jesus, trusting only Him to save you through His life, death and resurrection. (See John 14:6; Romans 10:9-10,13.)

If you are ready to respond to the good news by becoming a Christian, simply pray and tell God something like this:

Dear God, I know I have disobeyed You and gone my own way. My sin separated me from You. I am sorry that I have disobeyed You and earned Your punishment, but today I turn back to You. I believe that Jesus died on the cross in my place so that my sins can be forgiven. I believe Jesus rose from the dead and is alive. I trust Jesus to save me. Thank You for sending Jesus to live a perfect life and to take away my punishment. God, please forgive me and help me to obey You and to live for You the rest of my life. Thank You. Amen

TELL others that you are a Christian.

TALK to your pastor about your faith decisions and about how being baptized shows others that you are a Christian.

READ the Bible to learn more about what it means to livefor God.

TALK to God every day.

ATTEND church where others can encourage you in your faith.

If you’ve found yourself lost in Las Vegas, there’s good news…

God is looking for you.


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W. Warm Springs Rd.

N. G






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Hymns and Gospel songs, andPastor Rob’s encouraging sermons

9:30AM & 11AMSongs of the day, by artists such as

Chris Tomlin and Matt Redman,and Pastor Rob’s timely teaching


Dr. Rob Boyd Senior Pastor

[email protected]

David Simpson Worship Pastor

[email protected]

Barry Anderson Administrative [email protected]

Cheryl Burford

Director of Family [email protected]

Tom DevenishCounseling [email protected]

Green Valley Baptist Church270 N Valle Verde DriveHenderson NV 89074702.434.1906


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270 N. Valle Verde DriveHenderson, NV 89074







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