southwark life winter 2013

Your magazine from Southwark Council Life Southwark Winter 2013/14 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you from Southwark Council Getting ready for winter Shop local Free events for the family

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Page 1: Southwark Life winter 2013

Your magazine from Southwark Council


Winter 2013/14

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you from Southwark CouncilGetting ready for winter

Shop local

Free events for the family

Page 2: Southwark Life winter 2013

3 Winter 2013/14


Peter JohnLeader of Southwark Council


As we approach Christmas and the end of 2013 it is worth reminding ourselves of all that is happening across Southwark, and the many opportunities which exist to ensure that we all stay safe and secure.

This edition of Southwark Life contains details of our Grand Salt Giveaway, as we ask you to play a part in helping to keep our roads and pavements safe this winter; and the groups that work hard at this time of year to make sure that nobody needs to spend Christmas on their own.

By Christmas I hope that all of the businesses affected by the burst water main in Herne Hill will have reopened for business. As a council we have worked hard to help businesses hit by the devastating flooding and some of their stories appear in this edition.

And we talk to Joan Driscoll from the London Mutual Credit Union – a genuine and affordable alternative to many payday lenders.

Finally, I hope that you enjoy the festive period and that 2014 brings health, happiness and prosperity for you and your loved ones.

Focus4 Need to know... Dulwich art,

youth council elections, Cleaner, Greener, Safer funding, lollipop lady celebrates 40 years and much more

6 No business like snow business Find out about our winter preparations

8 Don't be lonely this Christmas Supporting those in the community who are spending the festive season alone

Life 10 Jingle all the way to your

local shops Check out our fantastic local shops and markets

12 After the flood Getting back to business in Herne Hill

14 Credit Union Senior manager Joan Driscoll talks to us about London's biggest credit union and how they help members manage their money

16 Keeping Southwark safe Find out about the different ways we are working with you to keep Southwark a safe place to live

18 Events East Dulwich Christmas Cracker, Christmas shows and lots more

Info20 How to... Make a difference to a

child in need of a loving home

22 Get healthy and happy for 2014 Find out more about leisure centres in Southwark and healthy recipe tips

23 Christmas opening hours Rubbish and recycling collection services, cash offices and customer service centre

24 Youth funding Supporting young people through university in Southwark

The Southwark Life team

Editors Wendy Foreman, Catherine Simonds

Contributors Nazarine Aiken, Kim Bowers, Paul Cowell, Kim Hooper, Florence Igbokwe, Subira Massell, Miriam McGrath, Fariah Nanhoo, Louise Neilan, Louise Timms

Photography Jamie Simonds

Design Whatever Design Ltd

Print Headley Brothers

Printed on 100% recycled paper

Distribution London Letterbox

Contact us

Do you have something to say about Southwark Life? Write to: Your letters, Southwark Life, Communications, Southwark Council, 160 Tooley Street, Second floor, hub 5, SE1 2QH or email [email protected]. We will print a selection of letters but will edit those that are long. We won’t print anonymous letters but can withhold your name and address if you request it.

Keep in touchSouthwark Life is a quarterly magazine with the next issue due out in the spring. You can contact the magazine at [email protected]. For more regular updates on council news and events, follow us on social media at and at

Our cover star is Sophie Brookes, manager of Organic Life Teas, of Borough Market.

Cleaner, greener Southwark

Homes, jobs and growth

Invest in libraries

Encourage healthy lifestyles

Support vulnerable people

Improve educational attainment

Improved customer service

Warm, dry, safe homes

A safer borough

Value for money

The council plan outlines ten Fairer Future promises. These promises are the council’s vision and demonstrate our commitment to transparency, outlining specifically how we intend to create a Fairer Future for all Southwark residents.

Promise 1 Promise 6

Promise 2 Promise 7

Promise 3 Promise 8

Promise 4 Promise 9

Promise 5 Promise 10

Provide improved value for money and keep council tax increases below inflation.

Work with residents and the police to make the borough safer for all by cracking down on antisocial behaviour and implementing our new violent crime strategy.

Deliver the first three years of our five year plan to make every council home warm, dry and safe.

Improve our customer service with improved online services, including delivery of a better housing repairs service, independently verified by tenants.

Introduce free healthy school meals for all primary school pupils and champion improved educational attainment for our borough’s children.

Support vulnerable people to live independent, safe and healthy lives by giving them more choice and control over their care.

Encourage healthy lifestyles by transforming Burgess Park, opening a new swimming pool at Elephant and Castle and awarding £2m to local sports projects to leave a lasting Olympic legacy.

Open Canada Water Library in autumn 2011. Open a library in Camberwell and conduct a thorough review of the library service.

Bring the full benefits and opportunities of regeneration to all Southwark’s residents and build new family homes on the Aylesbury Estate and at Elephant and Castle.

Double recycling rates from 20 per cent to 40 per cent by 2014 and keep our streets clean.

This is a summary of our promises and achievements. To find out more about our progress, please visit

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4 5 Winter 2013/14

Need to know...

A new ‘Southwark Plan’ is being put together, which plans how land is used and developed. It sets down how the area you live and work in is protected and developed over the next 15 to 20 years. What do you think about your local high street and how it might change? Get involved at

Over the winter period our local A&Es and hospitals are very busy. When you are feeling unwell sometimes it is better to see your GP, go to your pharmacy or treat yourself at home. Look out for adverts around your local area or go to for more information.

Launched by Southwark councillors in November, a new Guide for Faith Premises is available which provides practical advice to the diverse array of faith groups which are setting up a place of worship in Southwark. It includes examples of best practice, advice on how to comply with relevant laws and how to keep worshippers and the public safe.

Nominations are now open for the 2014 Southwark Youth Council elections. Candidates will need to complete a nomination form and have it signed by two other young people who support their nomination. For more information visit The closing date for nominations is 20 January 2014, elections will be held in February.

London's first combined heat and power network launched

Dulwich art

Worried about keeping warm this winter?

For news and events follow us on Facebook and Twitter, find out more at

For news and events follow us on Facebook and Twitter, find out more at

A Peckham Rye-based school crossing patrol lady is proudly celebrating 40 years’ assisting children on their journeys to and from school. Margaret Middleton began work in 1973 and has helped thousands of children cross the road safely outside St Mary Magdalene CoE Primary School ever since. Her work has seen her notch over 1,900 miles to date.

Do you rent your home? Are you a landlord who rents to private tenants? Both tenants and landlords have rights and responsibilities that protect everyone. By knowing what you are expected to do to play your part, you can help ensure that renting a property is a positive experience. Find out more here

A combined heat and power network has launched in Southwark. The new scheme, one of only four nationally, will see five estates switch from the traditional boiler system to a heating system fuelled by heat generated through the South East London Combined Heat and Power energy recovery facility. The network will bring savings to residents in the pilot and is environmentally friendly. Visit

One of the UK's top artists has been selected to produce a new piece of artwork for Dulwich Park, after the Barbara Hepworth sculpture was stolen. Conrad Shawcross’s Three Perpetual Chords was chosen following extensive public consultation. The new artwork will be installed in the park next year. Follow the story at

Are you concerned about fuel prices? Worried that you can't afford to keep warm this winter? Call the Southwark Winter Warmth line to get help to apply for financial support, advice on how to save energy and support if you are going through fuel debt. Call 0800 090 1948 from a landline and 03333 218 323 from a mobile, free, and the team will get in touch.

Lollipop lady celebrates 40 years

Is hospital really necessary?

Practical advice for faith groups

Get voting, kidsIf you applied for Cleaner, Greener, Safer or community council funding, make sure you attend the January/February community council meetings where award decisions will be announced. You can also find out what is happening in your area and influence how council services are delivered here

Did you apply for funds?

Send us your Southwark in pictures

Know your renting rights

Local council elections are in May 2014. Councillors make decisions about what matters to you and your family: local schools, jobs, homes, taxes and much more. How you vote changes the future. If you haven't done so already, make sure you complete and send back the voting registration form. Find out more at

You matter and your vote does too

Let’s talk about your local high street

Share your favourite photos of the borough with our new Southwark Photo Group on Flickr. Upload your favourite photos, whether it’s the changing seasons in our parks, a snapshot of our vibrant streets, or anything else that captures what you love about Southwark. View and join the group at

Follow us onTwitter


Pop down to Borough Market for lots of winter goodies and visit Sophie Brookes, manager of Organic Life Teas of Borough Market, seen on our front cover preparing some warming tea for shoppers. See our great markets feature on page 10/11.

Tasty teas

Page 4: Southwark Life winter 2013 Winter 2013/14

No business like snow business

When the temperature drops, we can all help keep the borough moving

My kids love the snow, but me, I find it frustrating when you want to get to work but it’s too icy to get

the car out of the driveway,” says John Adeiran, who lives in Canada Water. “So this winter, if I hear it’s going to be icy, I’m going to be putting salt down the night before”.

Snowy weather can be lots of fun – there’s nothing like stomping through crisp snow first thing in the morning. But unfortunately, ice and snow can cause disruption to services and problems for older residents.

There are lots of things the council and its partners are doing to keep the borough moving. From making sure traffic hotspots not covered by TfL get gritted, to a Grand Salt Giveaway for local residents, to making every effort to ensure our rubbish collection services continue in bad weather. We refuse to let a little – or a lot – of the white stuff slow us down.

We’ll get out and do our bit if it's snowy, but we can’t get to all the smaller roads in the borough, so we’re asking residents to lend a hand if snow or ice is forecast.

Cleaner, greener Southwark

Promise 10

6 7


A pinch of sAlt

seen someone sleeping rough?

True grit• We can’t grit all roads, we prioritise the busiest roads to reduce accidents.• Residents can use any of the 180 grit bins around the borough.• Visit to see if we grit your road.

School’s out• Southwark schools do their best to stay open in bad weather. To find out if

your child’s school is open, call the school office directly.

Rubbish weather• As long our trucks can get around safely, our refuse and recycling collections

continue as normal. If it snows, our street cleaning teams will clear snow from the pavements near hospitals, schools and public transport first.

Here are our top tips for clearing ice by your house or on your road:

Being on the streets in winter can be really dangerous. If you’re worried about a rough sleeper near you, call the outreach team, St Mungo’s Street Population Outreach Team, (SPOT) on 020 7902 7941 or email [email protected] 24 hours a day. Please let the team know the exact location and the time you saw the person. Our new gritters are going out to

treat the roads before the snowfalls, which helps stop ice on the roads before it gets a chance to freeze over.

• Sprinkle salt on paths when a freeze is coming to stop

them getting icy• Don’t use boiling water to melt ice as it can refreeze

• If it’s snowed, put salt over the first layer of snow

• The best time to put down salt is in the evening

before the ice arrives• Use about a tablespoon of salt per square metre

• Avoid getting salt on plants and trees• Give your steps and any steep bits extra attention

• Look out for salt bins; they’re for you to use on your road

(our gritters only cover the busier roads)And don’t forget, if you’ve got elderly or vulnerable

neighbours, do see if they want you to salt their paths as well.

Cllr Barrie Hargrove

christmAs cheerNobody likes being stuck inside during bad weather, especially at Christmas. Someone coming around to say hello and ask if you need help with shopping or clearing pathways makes all the difference. If you have elderly or vulnerable neighbours, check in with them when the weather’s bad, or even when it’s not.

020 7902 7941Cllr Barrie Hargrove and driver Jason Lockett

Cabinet member for transport, environment and recycling

grAnd sAlt giveAwAyCome and get a free 5kg bag of salt to treat your home in case of frosty weather, plus get cold weather advice from the experts.

Saturday 7 December

Times: 9am to10.30am, 11am to 12.30pm, 1pm to 2.30pm, 3pm to 4.30pm

Locations: Walworth Road, Lower Road, Southwark Park Road, Tower Bridge Road

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Don’t be lonely this ChristmasSome people in the borough face spending the festive season alone and isolated from the community

The holidays tend to be a time to spend with family and friends but for some people it can, sadly, be a lonely time. Southwark

Safe and Independent Living (SAIL) is a brand new service from the council and Age UK Lewisham and Southwark, which reaches out to older people in their own homes. It helps them to maintain their own independence, safety and wellbeing and access the services they choose. Anyone who visits an older person as part of their day-to-day work

can make an assessment to spot someone who might need extra help - from isolation to financial issues.

The Consortium of Older Peoples Services also provides a range of services throughout the year from home visits to community group activities.

Catherine McDonald, cabinet member for health, adult social care and equalities, said: “If you know an older person in your community who might need some support please take some time to offer to help them or put them in touch with one of our partner services so they can help.”


“There is no reason why our older community should feel isolated. We have a thriving befriending service with trained volunteers. Any help older people need we advise them and support them as much as we can.”

Message from Age UKA new directory, for older people to find traders they can trust, is being launched by Age UK London and Age UK Lewisham and Southwark on Friday 6 December.

The Age UK London Business Directory only lists reputable traders, checked by Age UK staff.

You can access the directory online at or by calling free on 0800 334 5056. A dedicated member of staff will search the directory for you.

Business enquiries please email [email protected] or phone 020 7820 6773. Winter 2013/14

The Blackfriars Settlement:

020 7928 9521Age UK Southwark and Lewisham:

020 7358 4077Southwark People Care Association:

020 7703 2163or

Dulwich Helpline:

020 8299 2623 email [email protected]

The Riverside Livetime helpline:

0345 155 90330845 155 9033 email [email protected]

Full list of community support

For activities and services

Southwark Council has reduced the price of Meals on Wheels

by 50%. The price per meal is now £1.71,

half the price in 2010/11.

Support vulnerable people

Promise 6

Members of the Blackfriars Settlement's drop in sessions for older people.


“I used a befriending service. He got me out of the house, anywhere I needed to go.”

Member of Blackfriars Settlement

Coordinator for older people at Blackfriars Settlement

Page 6: Southwark Life winter 2013

Homes, jobs and growth

Promise 9


Bankside, Borough and London Bridge

Bermondsey Canada Water

Elephant and Castle Aylesbury




East Dulwich


11 Winter 2013/14

something to eat and drink, enjoy some carol singing and there’s even a Santa’s grotto and fairground rides for children.

Cllr Victoria Mills, cabinet member for communities and economic wellbeing said, “In these tough economic times it's really important to support our local traders by using our local shops and markets. It's also a great way to enjoy the sense of community that we have in Southwark and to get into the Christmas spirit. I am very proud of Southwark's high streets and markets and I’ll certainly be shopping local this year.”

Check out the other festive bargains and activities on offer at Southwark’s markets this Christmas.

W ith so many great local shops, boutiques and markets on offer, you can find everything you need

for a fun and stress-free Christmas right here in Southwark. Whether you’re looking for that special gift for friends or family, buying food and drink for a delicious Christmas feast or just looking to soak up some of the Christmas atmosphere at exciting events, you can do it all without having to go far.

This year, get your Christmas shopping at Peckham Square Christmas market while watching the switching on of the Christmas lights on Friday 6 December. As well as all sorts of festive gifts, arts and crafts and organic produce, you can get

Forget the hustle and bustle of the West End; try your fantastic local shops and markets for a spot of festive shopping

Jingle all the way to your local shops


The Blue Market is at the heart of Bermondsey and has all you need for a perfect festive celebration, including fresh food, flowers and Christmas gifts. Open Monday to Saturday from 9am to 5pm.

The Blue Market

The Blue, Southwark Park Road SE16

North Cross Road MarketThis popular market is full of fantastic food, homemade produce and vintage clothes and furniture. This year, along with nearby Lordship Lane, the market will be part of the East Dulwich Christmas Cracker on Saturday 7 December where the whole family can enjoy music, dancing and carol singing while you shop. See pages 18 and 19.

North Cross Road, off Lordship Lane and Crystal Palace Road SE22

This is one of London’s oldest markets and provides a wide range of goods from all over the world. Usually open Tuesday to Sunday, there will be a special Christmas opening on Monday 23 December for last minute Christmas shopping. Opening times vary.

East Street Market

East Street, Walworth Road SE17

NEED TO kNOWFind out more about this year’s Christmas markets and other festive activities by visiting

For more information about markets in Southwark including opening times, visit


I’ve been a visitor of this market for the past couple of years and have been a trader since last year. I’ve tried other markets but this one has a really good vibe and community feel. Everybody is really friendly and there’s a real sense of community spirit.

This famous antiques market is open every Friday from 6am to 2pm but you can enjoy a special Christmas night time treat on Friday 6 December when the market will be open from 4pm to 11pm. Shop through a treasure trove while listening to live jazz and blues.

Bermondsey Square antiques market

Trader at North Cross Road Market

Adding to the vibrancy and cultural identity of Peckham, with a wide range of handmade arts, crafts and specialist foods. Open Sundays from 9am to 1pm. There’s also a special Christmas opening on Saturday 7 December.

Peckham Square Market

Bermondsey Square SE1

Peckham Square SE15

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12 13 Winter 2013/14

On 7 August this year, many Herne Hill residents awoke to find their street submerged in several feet of water

The scene was so extreme, and so unexpected, that images spread quickly across the internet and the media. The water, caused

by a burst Thames Water main on Half Moon Lane, was drained away quickly, but the damage to local businesses has been far more enduring. Flooded basements, ruined stock and machinery and saturated floorboards are just some of the problems that local favourites like Café Provençal, Kindred Bakery, Fourway Pharmacy and Number 22 have had to battle with.

Southwark Council acted quickly, setting up a £100,000 fund to help businesses with interim payments while they wait for their insurance payouts, which have been slow coming. Fourteen businesses successfully applied for a £5,000 grant, with some using it to pay their staff and others buying equipment to keep their

Herne Hill dries out and gets back to business

After the flood...

businesses going. The council also appealed to Thames Water to match the fund, and they recently agreed. This will mean more money is available to help businesses and to bring customers back to the area.

Local restaurant owner and caterer Chris Adnitt, of Number 22, said, "It's been a really tough few months but somehow we've managed to keep things going. I run a catering business from the restaurant premises so the flood almost took out two birds with one stone. Two days after it happened, I had a wedding and a big event at the British Museum to cater for. All of our equipment was underwater and all of our stock had to go in the bin, but somehow we managed to pull through and both events went off without a hitch. I'm grateful to the council for the provision of the hardship fund, and I'm really excited about reopening, hopefully early in the new year."

Cllr Victoria Mills, Dame Tessa Jowell MP, and local businessmen

Conor G


All local residents are urged to come down to Herne Hill on Saturday 14 December

and support their local businesses at a Christmas fair organised by Southwark Council and the Herne

Hill Forum.

Giles Gibson, Chair of the Herne Hill Forum, said: "The traders have been magnificent in tackling this disaster. They are drying out their premises, re-decorating and are reopening over the coming weeks and months. The Herne Hill Forum has been working with Southwark Council and Lambeth Council to plan how the area can be put back on its feet and get it back

to being the heart of Herne Hill. The Christmas fair will provide a great opportunity to meet all the traders who have survived the flood and are back up and running again along with numerous stalls, crafts and arts and

activities for the children."


Christmas Fair


See more on page18

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Value for money

Promise 1

Joan Driscoll has worked for the London Mutual Credit Union for 13 years and is the senior manager based at their Peckham branch. She tells us all about London’s biggest credit union, which has 20,000 members across four London boroughs, and has been helping Southwark members manage their money since 1982

Not everyone knows what a credit union is. Can you explain what it does? London Mutual Credit Union is a savings and loans cooperative. We’re like an old-fashioned, friendly building society – people sign up to save with us, and we then use the money they save to offer loans to people in need. We don’t make any profit.

What different services do you offer to people? We offer safe savings, affordable and ethical loans, payday loans, ISAs, current and junior accounts. We offer most things that a normal bank would offer, but we offer choice to people on low incomes or benefits who may not get credit elsewhere. Often people on benefits think they have to go to

I love all our parks and open spaces, especially Burgess Park. It’s huge and the new BMX track is brilliant, it’s a really good thing in Southwark.


To join the London Mutual Credit Union, call them on 020 7787 0770 or visit their website The closest branches for Southwark residents are in Peckham, Denmark Hill, Brixton and Bermondsey.

The council offers support for those who are struggling financially and need assistance including an emergency support scheme. Visit or for more information.


a high interest loan company or a hire-purchase firm and pay two or three times the amount they need to. If people borrow from us they can shop around and get the best deal on a freezer or washing machine, and pay very little interest.

The Southwark Credit Union has been around for a long time. What changes have you noticed since then?The major change has been the growth of money shops and payday lenders which are putting a huge strain on people. It has meant that more and more people are coming to us too. If someone is going to get a loan we’d rather they get it from us. We make sure it’s not at a scandalous interest rate and that they don’t borrow more than they can pay back.

You market yourselves as the ethical alternative to payday lenders but aren't you also encouraging people to get into debt rather than live within their means?The reality is that many people have no-one to turn to in an emergency. If you’re a single mum relying on benefits and your cooker breaks down, you can’t just buy another one on a credit card and you can’t do without because your kids would go hungry. We help people with these short-term needs, without allowing them to get into more and more debt.

Can you tell me about some of the people you've helped for whom you felt you really made a difference? We have people come to us in many different situations. Some are parents who want to send their children on a school trip, or replace their school uniform, others are families who need to travel abroad unexpectedly to visit a sick relative, or pay for a funeral. For those people we can make a huge difference.

You've had some high-profile visitors to the Credit Union, can you tell us about them, and why you think they are so supportive of your work?Camilla, HRH the Duchess of Cornwall, is very supportive of our work. She came to see us in May, talked to lots of our members, and signed up as a member herself. Ed Miliband MP also came to see our work, and joined our Credit Union.

I think a lot of people are really concerned about payday lenders taking over our high streets, and can see the benefits of the Credit Union as an alternative, it’s a no brainer.

Christmas is coming, a time when people are more likely to get into debt. What's your Christmas message to Southwark residents?Our simple message at any time of year is that there is a choice – if you find yourself in financial difficulty, don’t get trapped in a high-interest loan, come to us instead. I know times are tough, but we’d also encourage people to save with us, even if it’s just a small amount. If you start putting a couple of pounds away each week, you’ll be amazed at how quickly it adds up. Next Christmas could be a much happier one as a result.

020 7787 0770 or 020 7525 0200

“ I want people to realise that payday lenders are not their only option”

“ I want people to realise that payday lenders are not their only option”


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16 Winter 2013/14


Keeping Southwark safe

Southwark is a safe place to live, and here's how we work with you to keep it that way

W hether it’s a mention in the news or in everyday conversation between friends,

issues around community safety surround us.

But what is being done to keep us safe and how can we help contribute to a safer community? The council works with a mix of voluntary organisations, the police, local community groups and young people to help deal with the sometimes complex issues of community safety.

But that’s not all. Every week, local residents do their bit by reporting crimes or issues of concern to the council or the police. This ranges from antisocial behaviour to the sales of counterfeit products on local

high streets. We want to encourage many more residents to get involved in community led initiatives to help tackle local issues.

Cllr Richard Livingstone, cabinet member for finance, resources and community safety, said: "Southwark is a safer place now than it has ever been. In the council we work with the police, fire service, probation service and the NHS, as well as our voluntary sector organisations and local residents, to keep it that way. Our violent crime strategy has seen us deliver a 25% reduction in violent crime already over the last three years and we are continuing to improve all the time."

Read on to find out more about what the council is doing to keep you safe.

NEED TO kNOW• Find out more about how we’re keeping

Southwark safe and how you can too:

• Report antisocial behaviour: 020 7525 5777 (24hrs)

• Protecting your home:• Read our violent crime strategy: • In an emergency call 999, for non-emergencies call 101• Under 16 and need to ask something? or 0800 1111



Southwark is undergoing the biggest programme of

improvements to its CCTV. To date 121 cameras have been installed on 19 housing estates, parks, open spaces and high streets across Southwark. Cameras are monitored 24/7, 365 days a year by a dedicated CCTV team. If you see something suspicious in your local area and would like our CCTV team to look into it please call 020 7407 9553.

We provide support to those experiencing domestic abuse or assist if you have concerns about a family member or friend you think is in a vulnerable situation. For confidential and impartial advice, call the Southwark Advocacy and Support Services (SASS) on 020 7593 1290, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The comprehensive service is available to women and men, over 16 years old. It offers a breadth of support including counselling and legal advice to exploring accommodation and benefits options with specially trained staff members.

• Pre-book a taxi with a registered company – never use an unlicensed minicab.

• Cyclists: check your bike lights and wear high visibility clothing.

• Don’t leave high value valuables on show e.g. MP3 player, mobile phones, and laptops when out and about or in your car.

• Watch your own drink and never accept a drink from anyone you do not know or trust.

• Look after your friends. Don't let a drunk friend go home alone.

• Think fire risk: don’t leave your Christmas lights on overnight.

Community wardens patrol the streets to help keep Southwark safe. Our teams are located in the town centres of Elephant and Castle, Peckham and Camberwell. You can contact our community wardens by calling 020 7525 5846. Our winter hours (October to March) are 8.30am to 7.30pm weekdays and 9.30am to 5pm Saturdays.


Victim Care Points offer impartial support and advice for victims and witnesses of crime regardless of whether the crime has been reported or not. Working together with national charity, Victim Support, a number of face-to-face contact points are available at various locations across Southwark including Canada Water Library and Dulwich Library. For more information visit

Our trading standards and food safety team works to protect your consumer rights and enable responsible businesses to thrive. The team helps to keep Southwark’s lively high streets free from rogue traders. They deal with illegal, fake and unsafe products, underage sales of age restricted goods as well as regulating your favourite eateries and food stores. If you have a trading standards or food safety enquiry or want to report a problem please contact 020 7525 2000.



PromiseA safer borough

Promise 2

Are you concerned about a friend or family member aged 16 to 25 who you think may be involved in or at risk from gang related activity or serious violence? The Southwark Anti Violence Unit (SAVU) can help. SAVU is an established team of experts who can provide advice and assistance, including mentoring, housing and access to employment and education. You can call the team in confidence on 07960 025 680.


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18 19 Winter 2013/14

Events calendar Winter 2013

Christmas at Borough MarketDate: 11 December to 24 DecemberTime: Various, extended opening hoursAdmission: FreeVenue: Borough MarketWeb: 020 7407 1002Info: The market’s arches will be brimming with festive treats including gourmet buys, mulled wine, gingerbread and the best pick of fruits and vegetables, with local community groups performing seasonal songs. Don’t miss out on an exciting line up of guest chefs at the Demonstration Kitchen to help you prepare the most amazing Christmas and New Year’s feasts you can imagine.

Go CrackersDate: 14 DecemberTime: 2.30pm to 4pmAdmission: FreeVenue: The Crypt, St Peter’s church, Liverpool Grove, SE17 2HHWeb: 020 7525 2332Info: Make your own special Christmas crackers complete with a paper hat, joke, gift and a bang.

Art AssassinsDate: 12, 19 DecemberTime: 5pm to 7pmAdmission: FreeVenue: South London GalleryWeb: www.recreativeuk.comTel: 020 7703 6120Info: The Art Assassins are a group of young people aged between 14 and 20 who meet every Thursday afternoon and work together with contemporary artists, designers and filmmakers to create a programme of events for other young people and a wider audience. To find out more about joining the Art Assassins, please contact [email protected]

Shakespeare’s Globe exhibitionDate: Monday to SundayTime: 10am to 5.30pmAdmission: Adults £13.50, Children (5-15) £8, Under 5s go freeVenue: Shakespeare’s GlobeWeb: www.shakespearesglobe.comTel: 020 7902 1500Info: Open all year round, the Globe Exhibition and Tour gives you an opportunity to learn more about this unique building and its most famous playwright, Shakespeare.

Cinderella: A FairytaleDate: 26 November to 5 JanuaryTime: VariousAdmission: Tickets £15 to £22 (family and multibuy discounts available)Venue: Unicorn TheatreWeb: www.unicorntheatre.comTel: 020 7645 0560Info: When Ella's mother dies, she is brought up by her devoted and loving father who teaches her the names and calls of the woodland birds that surround her home. But when her father marries again, Ella's peaceful life is turned upside down by a host of new and unpleasant relations. It appears her only allies are the feathered friends who roost in the trees, but they are no ordinary birds...

Is it (still) behind us?Date: Sunday 29 DecemberTime: 3pm and 6pmAdmission: Airline pricing (£5 / £7 / £9)Venue: Bubble HQ, 5 Elephant Lane, SE16 4JDWeb: Tel: 020 7237 4434Info: A take on the classic pantomime, London Bubble present a rehearsed reading of one of the fondly remembered Bubble pantomimes. For this script-in-hand performance you can relax, listen to the awful jokes, unpick the tortuous plot, and create your own stage pictures.

LibrariesSouthwark’s libraries have a great range of activities for all the family to celebrate Christmas. Make a Christmas card for relatives and friends, listen to festive stories and sing your favourite Christmas songs. Pop into your local library for a full programme.

Remember you can follow our libraries on Twitter @SouthwarkLibs

All the events below are free

Blue Anchor LibraryFestive stories and craftsThursday 19 December 20132.30pm to 4pm. For all the family

Stories and crafts to bring in the new yearThursday 2 January 20142.30pm to 4pm. For all the family

Camberwell LibraryNew Year's craft calendar 2014, games and festive storiesFriday 27 December 2013 3.30pm to 4.30pm Age 6 to 14 and families

Canada Water LibraryChristmas stories and crafts. Make cards and gift tags.Saturday 21 December 20132.30pm to 4pm. For all the family

Dulwich LibraryBaby Christmas Rhyme Time, babies will love the festive songs and rhymes.Wednesday 18 December 201311am to 11.30am. For under fives parents and carers

Nunhead LibraryFriday 20 December 2013Friday 27 December 2013Baby Rhyme Time Christmas Special11am to 11.30am For under fives, parents and carers

Peckham LibraryChristmas fun time, with storytelling, singing and crafts Saturday 21 December 20132pm to 4pm. For all the family

Father Christmas is visiting our libraries

Dulwich LibraryBaby and Toddlers Christmas Party, featuring Father Christmas, your favourite stories and rhymesThursday 12 December 201310.30am to 12pm. For under fives

John HarvardChristmas Extravaganza, with Father Christmas, stories and crafts, Tuesday 17 December 2013, 10.30am to 12pm. For under fives

IWM Contemporary: Mike Moore and Lee CrakerDate: 24 October 2013 to 5 January 2014, closed 24, 25 and 26 Dec.Time: 10am to 6pm Admission: FreeVenue: Imperial War MuseumWeb: 020 7416 5000Info: This new photography exhibition contrasts the works of two pioneering photographers, presenting two striking perspectives of Iraq from 1991 to 2011.

©Lee Craker ©Mike Moore

Herne Hill Christmas FairDate: Saturday 14 December Time: 11am to 5pm Admission: Free Venue: Half Moon Lane, Junction of Herne Hill Web: Contact: [email protected] Info: Herne Hill comes together to celebrate Christmas and the gradual return to business as usual on Half Moon Lane after the flood. There will be a huge arts, crafts and food market and festive events from carol singing to street entertainers, a Santa’s Grotto and fun activities for children.

£3 Christmas BazaarDate: 14 DecemberTime: 12pm to 6pmAdmission: Free Venue: Nunhead’s Salvation Army and Nunhead GreenWeb: Get into the Christmas spirit at this market which sits somewhere between a fete and an art show. Around 40 cutting-edge artists and makers will host stalls, where everything is £3 or less. The £3 Christmas Bazaar offers all the best bits of a Christmas fair with an arty twist.

Globe Education, Read not Dead: The Widow’s Tears (1605) by George ChapmanDate: 8 DecemberTime: 3pmAdmission: £10, £8 concs and studentsVenue: Sackler Studios, Shakespeare’s GlobeWeb: www.shakespearesglobe.comTel: 020 7401 9919Info: This satirical comedy is based on the story of the widow of Ephesus, a widow sets out to demonstrate her love for her dead husband.

The Last MarchDate: 11 December to 4 JanuaryTime: VariesAdmission: £10 previews | £16 | £14 concessions Venue: Southwark PlayhouseWeb: 020 7407 0234Info: Dog sleds, icy adventure, and a bitter race to the end; The Last March is the thrilling comedy of Captain Scott’s last daring bid to conquer the South Pole.

BMW Tate Live: Daniel LinehanDate: 12 December Time: 8pmVenue: Online eventWeb: 020 7887 8888Info: Part of the series BMW Tate Live 2013: Performance Room. Daniel Linehan presents a new karaoke-style performance. Its aim, as in any good conversation, is to generate a continual emergence of difference.

Cuming ExplorersDate: 12 and 19 DecemberTime: 10am to 11.15amAdmission: FreeVenue: The Crypt, St Peter’s church, Liverpool Grove, SE17 2HHWeb: 020 7525 2332Info: For under fives. Music, performance, storytelling and crafts inspired by the museum collections. In partnership with Victory Primary School and Children’s Centre.

Into the ForestDate: Until 22 December, Tuesdays to SundaysTime: Morning, matinee and evening shows. See the website.Admission: Adults £9, children £6, Family of four, £25 (discounts available for schools) Gala tickets £10Venue: Theatre PeckhamWeb: 020 7708 5401

Info: When a little boy takes the forbidden path through the forest to Grandma’s house, it becomes a journey full of storybook friends and foes hidden in a surreal, magical, all dancing and singing landscape.

East Dulwich Christmas CrackerDate: Saturday 7 DecemberTime: 10am to 5pmAdmission: FreeVenue: North Cross Road Market and Lordship LaneWeb: 020 7525 2000

Info: Treat the family to a day filled with fabulous gifts, delicious food and local produce available in the local shops and at North Cross Road Market. Take the chance to indulge in very merry Christmas entertainment including carol singing, dancing and vibrant street performances in and around East Dulwich.

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1How to...

make a difference to a child in need of a loving home

Southwark has over 500 children who need a family to care for them. They come from families who are unable to look

after their child. Their ages range from babies to teenagers.

Some need short-term fostering but many will need families who can care for them until they reach adulthood. At any one time we have around 40 younger children who require people to become their permanent families.

If you are thinking about adoption, there aren’t as many barriers as you might think. You can have your own children or none, you can be married, single or in a relationship, gay or straight, over 40 and you don’t have to be wealthy or own your home.

Most people are assessed within six months and most of our adopters find a match with a child within six weeks of approval.

For an informal chat, please call 020 7525 4497 or 07946 447 654, or come to one of the informal sessions held locally. For details visit

Most people find seeing a child thrive under their care a joyous, rewarding experience. We are looking for a loving home for our Southwark children. Above all, we need kind and caring people who want to experience the joy and challenges that adopting and fostering will bring. Your ethnicity, sexual orientation or marital status is not important, but being patient and dedicated is.

Here’s how you can give a child the best start in life.

Have you got room in your heart to care for a child? Maybe you can offer a stable and nurturing home to a Southwark child

In Southwark, you'll be assigned your own personal support worker from day one to help you through the process. We’ll also give you a full support package which can include specialist parenting advice and therapeutic, educational, financial and emotional support.

Adoption, becoming the legal parent of a child

Become a foster carerIf you feel you can’t commit to adoption, why not consider fostering a child? Fostering is a way of looking after a child when their own family cannot care for them. All foster carers are paid and receive a high level of support and training from a team of social workers and health and educational experts.

Help a disabled childFamily Link is a service for disabled children and their families that links them with another family or individual to give them a short break on a regular basis. The Family Link carers receive full training and an allowance to cover expenses. Family Link carers usually have their linked child stay at their home one weekend a month.

Some people might confuse fostering with ‘private fostering’. When a child is cared for 28 days or more by someone who is not a close relative, this is a private fostering arrangement. If you are privately fostering a child or know someone who is, you need to notify the council. We can offer you help and advice on whether you can claim benefits.

Private fostering NEED TO kNOWContact the adoption team on [email protected] on 0800 952 0707 or visit

• Get in touch with the Family Link service by emailing [email protected]

• To report a private fostering arragement call 020 7525 1921• To find out more about fostering email [email protected]

or call 0800 233 5022

0800 952 0707

Top tips

Sandra, adoptive parent“I am encouraging others to contact Southwark Council, based on our good experience. I feel so lucky to have found my child and for all the support I've received in adopting him.”

“I would encourage people to contact Southwark Council as a first choice for adoption. Come along to one of our friendly drop in events.”

Cllr Dora Dixon-Fyle, Cabinet member for children's services

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INCOmE COLLECTION CASH OFFICE OPENINg TImESDate Opening timesMon 23 Dec 2013 8.30am to 4pm Tues 24 Dec 2013 8.30am to 12.30pmWed 25 Dec 2013 ClosedThurs 26 Dec 2013 ClosedFri 27 Dec 2013 8.30am to 3pmMon 30 Dec 2013 8.30am to 3pmTues 31 Dec 2013 8.30am to 12.30pmWed 1 Jan 2014 ClosedThurs 2 Jan 2014 8.30am to 4pmFri 3 Jan 2014 8.30am to 4pm

Our customer service centre is open 24 hours a day throughout the holidays. Ring 020 7525 2000 for environment enquiries or 0800 952 4444 for housing repairs. Outside normal working hours, out of hours services run as normal and staff will deal with all emergencies.

my SOuTHWARk CuSTOmER SERVICE POINTS Open as usual except as follows: Open Monday 23 December 9am to 5pm, Tuesday 24 and 31 December 9am to 2pm, Friday 27 December 9am to 5pm. We will be closed on Wednesday 25, Thursday 26 December 2013 and Wednesday 1 January 2014.

23For more information on opening hours and ways to pay visit 23 Winter 2013/14

Overindulged this Christmas? Fight the food overload and get fit for new year

And we’re still investing money in our fantastic leisure services by building a brand new leisure centre at Elephant and Castle. Currently under construction near St Mary’s Churchyard, this new council leisure centre promises state of the art facilities for everyone in the community. As well as a six lane, 25 metre swimming pool, the new centre will offer a sports hall with four badminton courts, a fully equipped gym and cycle studio, two exercise class/dance studios, a crèche and a cafe. Work is underway and the centre is set to open in spring 2015.

Think gyms are intimidating? Think again; your local Southwark leisure centre is a great way to take

the first steps towards improving your physical and mental wellbeing. The friendly centres offer a range of indoor sport and fitness activities.


“I’ve used my local leisure centre in Camberwell for ages, so I was really happy when it was fully renovated last year. Now it’s great and I can’t wait to see what the new centre at Elephant and Castle will be like.”

NEED TO kNOWVisit for more information about sport and leisure in Southwark including your local leisure centre and activities for all ages. Search for fun fitness activities in your area simply by entering your postcode.

Do you love sport and are aged between seven and 18 years? Then we’re calling you to represent Team Southwark in the 2014 London Youth Games. If you think you’ve got what it takes to get the borough to the top in 2014, register your interest at Deadline for entries is 5pm on 16 March 2014.


Encourage healthy lifestyles

Promise 7

centre user

Get healthy and happy for 2014




300g chicken breast strips

3 tablespoons lemon juice

2 teaspoons chopped garlic

2 teaspoons chopped thyme

Salt and black pepper

2 teaspoons oil

Half an onion, sliced

One and a half tomatoes, chopped


1. Coat the chicken in the mixture

of lemon juice, garlic and

thyme; season to taste with salt

and pepper.

2. Heat the oil in a frying pan

over medium-high heat. Add

onion and tomatoes; cook

for two minutes. Then add

chicken and cook for a further

four minutes.

Serve with a salad or

steamed vegetables.

For more healthy recipes and

lifestyle tips online visit

If you’re looking to add some

light healthy meals to your new

year fitness regime, why not

try our quick and easy recipe...

Waste collection 2013

Normal collection day Revised collection day2013 Wed 25 Dec 2013 Fri 27 Dec 2013Thurs 26 Dec 2013 Sat 28 Dec 2013Fri 27 Dec 2013 Sun 29 Dec 2013Mon 30 Dec 2013 Mon 30 Dec 2013Tues 31 Dec 2013 Tues 31 Dec 2013Wed 1 Jan 2014 Thurs 2 Jan 2014Thurs 2 Jan 2014 Fri 3 Jan 2014Fri 3 Jan 2014 Sat 4 Jan 2014Mon 6 Jan 2014 collections return to normalMon 13 Jan 2014 collections return to normal

Clear bag collection 2013

Normal collection day Revised collection dayWed 25 Dec 2013 Fri 27 Dec 2013Thurs 26 Dec 2013 Sat 28 Dec 2013Fri 27 Dec 2013 Sun 29 Dec 2013Sat 28 Dec 2013 Mon 30 Dec 2013Mon 30 Dec 2013 Tues 31 Dec 2013Tues 31 Dec 2013 Thurs 2 Jan 2014Wed 1 Jan 2014 Fri 3 Jan 2014Thurs 2 Jan 2014 Sat 4 Jan 2014Fri 3 Jan 2014 Sun 5 Jan 2014Sat 4 Jan 2014 Mon 6 Jan 2014Mon 6 Jan 2014 Tues 7 Jan 2014Tues 7 Jan 2014 Wed 8 Jan 2014Wed 8 Jan 2014 Thurs 9 Jan 2014Thurs 9 Jan 2014 Fri 10 Jan 2014Fri 10 Jan 2014 Sat 11 Jan 2014Sat 11 Jan 2014 Sun 12 Jan 2014


REAL CHRISTmAS TREE COLLECTIONS Southwark Council’s recycling and waste partner Veolia Environmental Services, will be on hand to ensure all Christmas trees are recycled.

If you have a brown bin, real Christmas trees can be collected as part of your food and garden waste collection. Please remove all decorations and the pot then put your Christmas tree next to your brown bin.

If you do not have a food and garden waste collection, we can provide a one off collection for real Christmas trees. To organise this please contact the customer service centre on 020 7525 2000 or email [email protected] We have also set up temporary Christmas tree collection points, which are located at the following places around the borough

• Reuse and recycling centre, at Devon Street, (off Old Kent Road) SE15

• Belair Park Gallery Road, SE21

• Peckham Rye Park, Strakers Road, SE15

• Southwark Park, Gomm Road, SE16

No collections will take place on Christmas Day, Boxing Day or New Year’s Day


berwell Leisure C

entre: © D

avid Mackenzie

Christmas opening hours

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24 25 Winter 2013/14

Off to uni and backed by Southwark

The council’s scholarship scheme, introduced in 2011, was the first of its kind in the country. Designed to remove

the financial burden of going to university for high achievers who might not otherwise have been able to afford it, it covers the cost of tuition so that students can concentrate on their learning.

Every year we have increased the number of scholarships awarded. This year we are funding 11 and we’ve partnered with St Olave’s United Charity Trust to fund an additional one. The scholarships are part of the council’s multi-million pound Youth Fund, investing in education and employment opportunities for young people in Southwark.

Cllr Dora Dixon-Fyle, cabinet member for children’s services, said: “All our applicants this year were exceptional with a very high level of academic grades, which is a testament to Southwark’s wonderful schools and continuing improvements in attainment.

“It is getting more and more difficult to pick the successful applicants as we have so many of such high quality, not only in their grades but with their community spirit and commitment.”

Students can apply for funding for an arts, science or vocational degree. Current students are studying a range of subjects. Jade is studying choreography at Falmouth University while Fitzroy is studying chemistry at Oxford University. Funding lasts for the duration of the course.

As part of the application process we ask applicants to show how they have positively contributed to their local community. This year’s applicants did community work in a variety of areas. Aysha, who is studying geography at the University of London, was a volunteer police cadet. Rada, who is studying English at King's College, used her love of language to set up and run a poetry group. Nabila, who took a year off and volunteered with Operation Raleigh, is now studying medicine at Southampton University. She said “I want to use my skills to benefit not just me but the wider community. I hope to work in international aid or global health in the future.”

Despite the increase in tuition fees, university is within reach for some lucky Southwark students



“I was nervous about being able to afford a degree, especially as I have a one-year-old son depending on me and I didn’t want to come out with a massive debt. It’s a relief from that stress. I would say to anyone who meets the criteria to go for it.”

studying a degree in advertising

studying a degree in economics

“It makes all the difference not having to worry about debt. I can focus on my studies and getting good results. There are so many other things to think about

now. You have to work harder and keep up with the deadlines.”

For more information about our scholarship scheme and how to apply online visit

Are you thinking of going

to university in 2014?

Cllr Peter John, Leader of the council and Cllr Dora Dixon-Fyle, cabinet member for children's services with some students awarded scholarships. Left to right:Cllr Dixon-Fyle, Foridha, Mohammed, Rada, Aysha, Daniella, Nabila, Abubakar, Cllr Peter John

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If you’re aged 16 to 25 and live in Southwark, you can apply to receive funding and support to help get your business off the ground.

Visit our Facebook page or our website to find out more or apply. The closing date for applications is midnight,Sunday 5 January 2014.



