socialization and the transcendence (24 slides) creatively compiled by dr. michael farnworth

Socialization and the Transcendence (24 slides) creatively compiled by dr. michael farnworth

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Page 1: Socialization and the Transcendence (24 slides) creatively compiled by dr. michael farnworth

Socialization and the Transcendence(24 slides)

creatively compiled by dr. michael farnworth

Page 2: Socialization and the Transcendence (24 slides) creatively compiled by dr. michael farnworth

It is impossible to know what you do not know

If some knowledge is outside of our culture, world, or paradigm of consciousness, it is impossible to even make comment about it as it does not exist for us.

The process of education is to systematically expose one to all the information and knowledge that he or she has ignored, thereby bringing it into the stage of awareness.

If that occurs then, it is possible to come to know, at least

on some small level, some of the things one has been ignorant of.

Page 3: Socialization and the Transcendence (24 slides) creatively compiled by dr. michael farnworth

The tendency to static life…

Life is in a state of flux and changing all the time.

Space, time, energy, all are in a state of constant change and variance.

To embrace life means to embrace change.

Most of us try to static and kill change in our life in the name of power and control.

Our culture teaches us well.

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The paralysis of our paradigms will ensure that we remain as prisoners of our man made culture for the rest of our lives.

We need to awaken to our true identity and state which can only be had in the domain of the heart.

Our heads don’t get it!

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Research as recent as 1991 (Neurocardiology) has shown that the heart has a neural and memory capacity separate from the


The heart communicates with the body 4 different ways: via hormones, the vegal nerve connecting to the old brain,

pressure, and frequency waves generated by the heart.

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The heart produces an electrical field that is 60 times more powerful than that of the brain and an electromagnetic field

that is 5000 times more powerful than the one created by the brain!

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Now, put 2 and 2 together…

The memory and neural energy (electromagnetic frequency) of the heart is much more powerful and long lasting than the memory and neural

energy of the brain.

That is why the images and wounds of childhood are so powerful even years later when we like to think our childhoods’ are a long

forgotten memory.

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Read carefully the following idea from:

Edward T. Hall, Beyond Culture, p.57

“Language is not (as commonly thought) a system for transferring thoughts or meaning from one brain to another, but rather a system for organizing information and for releasing thoughts and responses

in other organisms.”

This releasing-triggering process of language is pivotal in parent-child interactions.

The feelings of the child’s heart will forever dominate and have influence over the intellect of the adult’s mind.

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In other words, you will teach your children more by virtue of how you treat them

(using support, kindness, respect, listening to them, seeing them, etc)

than anything you might say to them in lecturing, yelling, or punishing them.

But that does not mean you are permissive and let them get away with anything because you are trying to be a friend.

You can be a kind and friendly parent without being irresponsible as an adult in teaching another little human.

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The kind of phenomenon where…

“People may not remember what you teach them but they will forever remember how you made them feel in your


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Simply put, this means that how a child is made to feel about themselves, by the way they are treated and talked to is grounded deep within their powerful hearts and will not be changed by the weaker frequency field of the brain and it’s intellectual ideas and


The best example of this is intellectually knowing we may be unique but who still feel of little value and worth (despite potent fantasy

bonds) and often see our self as the enemy and part of the problem!

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How can we break out of historical childhood systems that entrap us and hold us hostage?

Only by breaking up old paradigms…

“When patterns are broken new worlds can emerge.”

Tuli Kuperberg

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Our culture teaches us self sufficiency and independence!

We become self-reliant, proud and vain.

We want help but only in times of great distress when what we do all the other times isn’t working.

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“All things are subject to interpretation- whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power

and not truth.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

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How we may choose to interpret our own childhood experiences will reflect the power and control we may have

achieved at any one point of our life.

But the implication remains that it may not be based upon reality and truth.

We have great abilities to ignore, pretend and deceive our self.

Living truthfully is difficult and often times painful.

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“Transcendence is a breaking in, a breathing of the Spirit of Love into the heart of our existence, a literal in-spiration that allows us to regard ourselves and our world with more trust

and hope than ever before.

To experience transcendence means to be removed, not from self and world, but from that hall of mirrors in which the two

endlessly reflect and determine one another.

Prayer takes us out- not out of self and world, but out of their closed, circular logic.”

Joseph Chilton Pierce, The Biology of Transcendence, p.13

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Transcendence can only come for those who are willing to awaken from the slumber of the deep cultural sleep of


This can be the greatest gift that you can give to your children even if they are grown and gone.

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Please Read (which follows):

Held Hostageby Rachel Naomi Remen

Kitchen Table Wisdom

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Those who don’t love themselves as they are rarely love life as it is either. Most people have come to prefer certain of life’s experiences and deny and reject

others, unaware of the value of the hidden things that may come wrapped in plain or even ugly paper. In avoiding all pain and seeking comfort at all cost, we

may be left without intimacy or compassion; in rejecting change and risk we often cheat ourselves of the quest; in denying our suffering we may never know our strength or our greatness. Or even that the love we have been given can be


It is natural, even instinctive to prefer comfort to pain, the familiar to the unknown. But sometimes our instincts are not wise. Life usually offers us far

more than our biases and preferences will allow us to have. Beyond comfort lie grace, mystery, and adventure. We may need to let go of our beliefs and ideas

about life in order to have life.

The loss of an emotional or spiritual integrity may be at the source of our suffering. In a very paradoxical way, pain may point the way toward a greater

wholeness and become a potent force in the healing of this suffering.

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A woman with heart disease and chronic angina once told me of the downside of the surgery which had relieved her symptoms. Before this surgery, she had

suffered frequent chest pain from her disease. Over the years she had modified her diet, learned to meditate, and had been successful in controlling most of her

pain. Yet some of her pain had been resistant to her efforts.

Paying very careful attention to this, she had been shocked to notice that she experience pain when she was about to do something that lacked integrity, that really wasn’t true to her values. These were usually small things like not telling her husband something that he did not seem to want to hear, or stretching her values a bit in order to go along with others. Times when she allowed who she

really was- to become invisible.

Even more surprising, sometimes she would know this was happening but sometimes the chest pain would come first, and then, examining the

circumstances which provoked it, she would realize for the first time that she had been betraying her integrity and know what it was that she really believed. She

had learned a great deal about who she was in this way, and though she was physically more comfortably now, she missed her “inner adviser.”

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This is actually not so surprising. It is known that stress can affect us at the weakest link in our physical makeup. It raises the blood sugar in people who have

diabetes, precipitates headaches in those with migraines, and stomach pain in people with ulcers. It causes people with asthma to wheeze and people with

arthritis to ache. What is new in this story and so many others that I have heard is that stress may be as much a question of a compromise of values as it is a

matter of external time pressure and fear of failure.

Unexplained pain may sometimes direct our attention to something unacknowledged, something we are afraid to know or feel. Then it holds us to

our integrity, claiming the attention we withhold. The thing which calls our attention may be a repressed experience or some unexpressed and important

part of who we are. Whatever we have denied may stop us and dam the creative flow of our lives. Avoiding pain, we may linger in the vicinity of our wounds,

sometimes for many years, gathering the courage to experience them.

Without reclaiming that which we have denied, we cannot know our wholeness or have our healing. As St. Luke wrote in Acts of Apostles 4:11- the stone rejected by the builders may prove in time to be the cornerstone of the


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What we believe about ourselves can hold us hostage. Over the years I have come to respect the power of people’s beliefs. The thing that has amazed me is

that a belief is more that just an idea- it seems to shift the way in which we actually experience ourselves and our lives. According to Talmudic teaching, “We

do not see things as they are. We see them as we are.” A belief is like a pair of sunglasses. When we wear a belief and look at life through it, it is difficult to

convince ourselves that what we see is not what is real. With our sunglasses on, life looks green to us. Knowing what it real means that we remember that we

wear glasses, and can take them off.

One of the great moments in life is the moment we recognize we have them on in the first place. Freedom is very close to us then. It is a moment of great power.

Sometimes because of our beliefs we may have never seen ourselves or life whole before. No matter. We can recognize life anyway. Our life force may not

require us to strengthen it. We often just need to free it where it has gotten trapped in beliefs, attitudes, judgment and shame.

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What ever else we learn about parenting, we need to learn it is more about our self and what happened to us growing up than it

is about the behavior of our children.

Parents who remain asleep and unconscious of their own histories will be dangerous to their own offspring in ways that

will pass on the pain to them.

We all need to awaken and be willing to suffer our own wounds which will be painful no doubt but much better than passing on

that pain to the next generation.

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