social media ethics - central texas prsasocial media is not replacing traditional communications. it...

Does anyone remember where they were on September 10, 2001? Neither can I. But just about everyone can remember where they were on the morning of September 11. How did you hear about the attacks on the World Trade Center? 1

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Page 1: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

Does anyone remember where they were on September 10, 2001? Neither can I. But just about everyone can remember where they were on the morning of September 11.  How did you hear about the attacks on the World Trade Center?


Page 2: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

This is how 9/11 was reported. It was live on CNN and other TV networks. It was reported on the radio. It was on web sites. It was in newspapers. You may remember some of these images. 


Page 3: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

This is how some people remmeber 9/11 today. Do you remember these images? You mean they’re not real? They’re fakes? But I got them off the Web! They must be true! The blogs said so! They were on Flickr! There’s videos on YouTube! My Facebook Friend has them posted in a scrapbook. One of my Twitter followers sent me a tweet about them. I got it on my iPhone just now.

Actually, all of these photos are fake, ripped from conspiracy theory blogs. 


Page 4: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

You see before 9/11 if I wanted to communicate I had fewer channels. Mail, phone, fax, e‐mail, website. Maybe text, maybe chat, maybe point‐to‐point videoconference.

To get news I had to rely on the news media. The networks on TV, radio and newspapers, and their web sites. News from the common man trickled out on cell phones and texts, and many of the towers were jammed.

Today I have a blog I could have a Myspace but that’s so last week I have a YouTubeToday I have a blog. I could have a Myspace, but that s so last week. I have a YouTube channel. I have a Facebook fan club. I have a Twitter. I have multi‐point videoconferencing with Windows Live.


Page 5: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

You can be your own media conglomerate. You are the editor, director, producer and publisher. You can say anything you want to say.


Page 6: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

I can broadcast all I want, but that is not what Social Media is all about. Social Media is about creating shared experiences. 9/11 became a shared experience because of its enormity. Now there are many little shared experiences going on all the time.

In PR our ultimate goal is two‐way communication to develop mutually beneficial relationships. News is one‐way, I inform you. Publicity is one way, you look at me. Advertising is one way, you need to buy this. Only PR has the ability to adapt to social media Social media puts the PR practitioner and the audience on a level playing field Inmedia. Social media puts the PR practitioner and the audience on a level playing field. In fact, now the audience may have more control because they can avoid the interruptions that news, publicity and advertising cause. In PR, we don’t want to interrupt, we just want to talk over a cup of coffee or whatever. Watch CNN Headline News as they try to work out how to do this on an international scale. 


Page 7: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

Our advantage as PR pros is that we are usually a jack‐of‐all‐trades, master of none. Whenever we have a message to communicate, we need to think in a mini‐PR campaign. It used to be RACE – Research, Audience, Communicate and Evaluate. And back to the beginning. Has that changed? How?

Part of our challenge is the speed of communication now. We have little time to build trust. Are you the expert in your field? Do you know your organization inside and out? Or do you at least know who to go to for the answers?at least know who to go to for the answers?


Page 8: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

See – anyone can broadcast. We all have the power. But is anyone listening? And if they are, what are their reactions?

As professional public relations practitioners (say that 10 times fast) we are concerned as much about the reaction as we are the message. We are about dialog that produces win‐wins.

What separates us from the rest?What separates us from the rest? 


Page 9: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

Professional quality and ethics.

I’m going to assume we’re all professionals, since we’re here at PRSA. I want to encourage all of you to get your APR letters, they will mean more in today’s wild west, shoot from the hip, social media blogosphere. It means you know how to make a plan and execute it to produce results.

So let’s look at the Ethics for the rest of our time today I want to touch on these itemsSo let s look at the Ethics for the rest of our time today. I want to touch on these items because we’re going to have to stand up for what’s right as our organizations attempt to navigate social media.


Page 10: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

You’ve already seen some of the Revisionist History circulating about 9/11. There will be people who attempt to publish revisionist history about your organization. Now everyone has “spin.” Wikipedia has to fight this all the time, and they just announced a push to purge revisionist history from their articles. Personally, I’ve tried to edit an official Wikipedia entry about Glass Doctor 5 times in the past 2 years and they keep rejecting it as “company advertising.” All I’m trying to do is post my press release boilerplate. Is that so bad? But anyone can get on there right now and say Glass Doctor put lasers in people’s eyes when measure them for eyeglasses And we don’t even use lasers anymore So don’t go revising ameasure them for eyeglasses. And we don t even use lasers anymore. So don t go revising a competitor’s history, you wouldn’t want someone to do it to you. Has your organization been a victim of revisionist history?


Page 11: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

How about rumors? They happen all the time. Let’s look at some recent fodder in the rumor mill.


Page 12: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own


Page 13: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

As the PR pro, how would you fight the rumors? Even worse, what if the rumors are true? What if the story got out and your boss never told you? 

How do we even know the story is true? I found a story in the Arizona Republic that corroborates the story. Assuming that is true.‐sweets0213 htmlsweets0213.html

By the way – Hershey’s CEO  at the time of the plant closings announced his retirement effective the end of 2007.  The new CEO got a 40% raise in 2008 to $6.2 million for improving the company’s bottom line. 


Page 14: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

No, no, no, ??? As the economy squeezes ad dollars for the news media they are falling into this grey area trap. At the same time, companies looking for bargains are going with them. I hope the last one was ethical, we have some Glass Doctor franchises doing that.


Page 15: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

Let’s look at how PRSA’s ethics and values apply in this case. Information gets limited only those who can pay. Sources can be hidden. The media’s conflict of interest damages the public trust. It hurts the reputation of both journalists and PR professionals. From a values standpoint, most pay for play stories are not fact checked and usually full of opinion. If you’re in a PR agency, you lose your objectivity.


Page 16: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

A recent example of Pay for Play is the controversy over mommy bloggers accepting free samples in exchange for favorable product reviews on their blogs. The FTC is even considering regulating bloggers, because essentially Pay for Play is a deceptive trade practice. A journalist must disclose whether or not they received a free sample and how much the sample is worth. So is a mommy blogger a journalist? A PR pro? A consultant? A hired gun? Child’s Play Communications is very open about the companies they represent and that you can be paid for reviewing their products. But is it ethical?


Page 17: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

Pay for Play is big on PRSA’s ethics agenda right now. Flogs are another hot issue nationwide. Are these actions ethical? They are all true. Hopefully you think the last one is ethical. Yes, that’s me again.


Page 18: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

Here’s the official PRSA definition of a flog. Basically it goes beyond propaganda to deceptive trade practices. There are federal laws against that.


Page 19: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

These are some famous flog cases. Most reputable companies learned from these mistakes. Most floggers learned from these mistakes. But not all.


Page 20: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

There’s pressure to flog because everyone is trying to drive up their SEO. Now that consumers have more power to pick and choose their products and vendors, and there is a greater variety of products and vendors, the competition to be the 1st organic pick on Google is intense. All of these things may not be unethical, but they can be unprofessional if the content is low quality.


Page 21: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

Google is changing its search technology and I’m already seeing it in the organic searches. I’m seeing individual blogs and articles being picked up before companies and respected official sources such as government and education. Google better watch what they are doing because now they have the power to shift the economy, how products and services are bought and sold. 


Page 22: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

Eventually someone will come to you to develop the Social Media Employee Use Policy. Hopefully they give it to you and not the lawyers. This is your chance! You are the organization’s conscience. These are the main points from our Social Media Policy at The Dwyer Group.


Page 23: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

At the same time we gave everyone a Netiquette guide. With the policy, you can enforce that, it’s more specific. This is more vague. You may not have the ability to put a policy in place. But you can at least guide people with the Netiquette.


Page 24: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

Another good idea is to create your own job description as it relates to using Social Media. This slide is general guidance.


Page 25: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

This slide is more strategic. At some point you will have to be intentional. You have to think about not only your messages you want to communicate, but how you will solicit responses to create conversation. Why did I throw those ads and YouTube videos in this presentation? Because that’s the attitude of a lot of folks about Social Media. It was irritating, wasn’t it? You can’t just interrupt a conversation with an ad or a press release. You have to start a conversation or enter a conversation. Let’s look at an example of a new Social Media PR campaign.


Page 26: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

The Allstate social media PR campaign is a great example of what is possible. However, this i d ’t i t bli th Q t t li t All t t ’ i b it 1 2campaign doesn’t even register a blip on the Quantcast list. Allstate’s main web site averages 1.2 

million visits a month. So what are they doing wrong? This is not an INTEGRATED marketing/PR campaign. This is solely driven by who discovers it through the social media. It wants to be “viral.” But if you want to reach people faster, you still need the advertising, the traditional PR, the publicity, the news. Social media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own. It is “word of mouse.” And it’s not going away. I like to think those of us who use Social Media professionally, ethically and responsibly will be successful. 

To help you get started, here are some of the books I’ve read this summer. I’m not quite done with Solis yet, he does a great job of explaining all the tools and he comes at it from a sociology mindset – not a PR/marketing/advertising mindset – which is interesting. David Meerman Scott was eye opening for me when I read it in January and I’ve been trying to get there ever since, it’s been tough because I still have to do a lot of old job. He is looking at it from the PR/marketing perspective, similar to Customer Relationship Management and online guru Seth Godin. This Facebook book is now a year old and Facebook has changed some since then, but it’s a good guide 

i h b i i h i i i f i dl i f I ’ ll lto getting on there because it is not the most intuitive, user‐friendly interface. It’s really pretty lean and mean and text link dependent. Social Media Marketing is the next on my list because I want to see how this guy does it in an hour a day. I’m spending 2 or 3 on Twitter, blogs and Facebook.

But here’s my dilemma – without advertising or publicity announcing our presence, attracting curiosity seekers, Social Media is a slow grow. You have to have a really sexy product or service. Unfortunately, being sexy is playing with fire, and we are being cautious as we try to get a handle on the changing landscape.


Page 27: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

In the interest of full disclosure, I must let you know where my information came from.


Page 28: Social Media Ethics - Central Texas PRSASocial media is not replacing traditional communications. It is adding the direct feedback component and it can give life to things on its own

And this photo is from the official AMC Mad Men web site.