soccer goes to regionals!

May 10, 2013 / 1 Sivan 5773 IHSA Soccer Regionals In This Issue IHSA Soccer Regionals This Week in Sports Yom Yerushalayim The ARK World Zionist Congress The Great Gatsby Alumni in the News Bike the Drive Studio Art Speaker College Updates STAND UPdate Sponsored Breakfast A Taste of Torah Alumni Trivia Women's Soccer Wins in IHSA Tournament! After finishing behind Chicago

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Page 1: Soccer Goes to Regionals!

May 10, 2013 / 1 Sivan 5773

IHSA Soccer Regionals

In This Issue

IHSA Soccer Regionals

This Week in Sports

Yom Yerushalayim


World Zionist Congress

The Great Gatsby

Alumni in the News

Bike the Drive

Studio Art Speaker

College Updates


Sponsored Breakfast

A Taste of Torah

Alumni Trivia

Women's Soccer Wins in IHSA Tournament!

After finishing behind Chicago

Page 2: Soccer Goes to Regionals!

Counting the Omer

Save the Date

Monday, May 6 -

Friday, May 17

AP Exams

Tuesday, May 14

Erev Shavuot

1:15 p.m. dismissal

Wednesday, May 15 -

Thursday, May 16

Shavuot - No School

Wednesday, May 22

AP US History Exam

AP Economics Exams

Thursday, May 23

Grandparents and Special

Friends Day

Sunday, May 26


Monday, May 27

Memorial Day - No School

Wednesday, May 29

Siyum and Graduation

Thursday, May 30

Physics Expo

Monday, June 3 -

Friday, June 7


P. O. Corner

Gelt Program The P.O. is pleased to once again introduce the gift card "Gelt program" to our families and we have made it much easier (look for upcoming email with details on how to register). Faculty and staff can also buy Gelt that will

Hope in the Chicago Prep Conference, the CJHS women's

soccer team took Goodman field by storm in the IHSA

regional semifinals! On Tuesday, we won the first

round of the regional tournament 4-3 against North

Chicago! Elizabeth Barras scored 3 goals, and Alana

Spellman scored once. Annie Schrayer reports,

"Everyone played really well together-- it was a team

effort!" Congratulations, Lady Tigers, on our first ever

postseason victory!

In true 2013 fashion, Thursday's

regionals were almost rained off

the field, but our Lady Tigers

defied the gray clouds to take on

Woodlands Academy for the

championship. Despite many

heroic saves by senior goalie

Caroline Dreifuss and a great

game played by the whole team,

the regional title went to

Woodlands 3-0. Congratulations

to departing seniors Ceren

Maeir, Dani Sery, Rachel

Rubinstein, and Annie

Schrayer and the rest of the

team on the best women's soccer

season CJHS has ever seen!

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help to support programs provided for the school by the P.O. This program is designed to help families earn money toward their children's junior year Panim program and/or the Senior Israel Experience. The program is a passive earning system, in which you buy the things you ordinarily purchase anyway, and earn money which will be credited to your family for designated school trips. If you have any questions, contact Sheri Sandrof at [email protected] or call her at 847.324.3723.

Community News

and Events

Fire In My Heart: The

Story of Hannah


Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center May 14 - September 8, 2013

The inspiring 23-year-old Hannah Senesh died by firing squad in 1944, but has endured as one of Israel's most iconic heroes. This first-ever major exhibition tells how this Budapest-born poet, diarist, and author of the hymn Eli, Eli discovered her love for the Land

Senior Night: Men's Volleyball

Men's volleyball is heading into

postseason play after a fabulous

win against

Holy Trinity


night. Senio

r team





Sacks, Gabe




and the unstoppable Jake

Newlander are thrilled to end on a

high note after a tough week against

Lake Forest, St. Edward, and North Chicago. We play in

conference on Sunday, May 19, and head into the IHSA

tournament in Vernon Hills the next day. Stay tuned for

tournament results after Shavuot!

Yom Yerushalayim

On Wednesday, CJHS celebrated Yom Yerushalayim

(Jerusalem Day) by taking the opportunity to learn about

the long-standing controversies for women to have a

prayer service at the Kotel on Rosh Chodesh each month.

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of Israel, courageously volunteered for a mission to rescue downed Allied fliers and Jews from Nazi-occupied Hungary, and ultimately became a lasting symbol of courage and determination. Click here to receive a certificate for Two Admissions for Twenty Dollars to the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center through September 8, 2013:

Sponsor Breakfast

What's better than a birthday celebration with friends? Celebrate your student's birthday or other milestone with a special

breakfast at CJHS. For a donation of $180 (10x chai), bagels, cream cheese, and orange juice will be served to everyone. An announcement will be made in Tefillah and in the dining hall, and the occasion will also be listed in our weekly E-News and on the school announcement board. If you have any questions, please call 847.324.3713 or email [email protected]. Order forms are available online here.

Quick Links






Calendar Tips

Rabbi Debra Newman Kamin, a CJHS parent and the rabbi

of Am Yisrael Congregation, presented her personal views

on the 23-year struggles of Women of the Wall. While

Rabbi Newman Kamin personally prefers developing

egalitarian prayer settings, she explained why the efforts

for women's prayer services at the Kotel ought to

transcend personal and denominational feelings and why

the right of women to pray communally at the Kotel is

important for the entire nation of Israel. She outlined the

recent proposals by Natan Sharansky for the future of the

Kotel plaza, as well as the decision by the Israeli court

which declares that women wearing talitot does not

constitute disturbing public order. Following the moving

presentation, we communally sang Naomi Shemer's iconic

song, "Yerushalayim shel Zahav" and "HaTikvah."

The ARK Book Club

On Wednesday evening, fifteen CJHS students,

accompanied by Ms. Frankel and Mr. Marchenko, trekked

all the way to the ARK in

Chicago for the last meeting

of the year with our good

friends, the ARK's clientele.

Celebratory cake and lots of

laughs helped us conclude

another fabulous year

together. Wednesday night

was also the final hurrah for

our seniors Daniel

Fishbaum, Ceren Maeir, and

Nate Swetlitz. Thank you for

your years of service and

dedication. You will be missed!

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Lunch Menu

Join the Tiger


World Zionist Congress

On Thursday, in Rabbi Silver's Jewish history class, distinguished

delegates met for the World Zionist

Congress. From the perspectives of

Theodor Herzl, Rabbi Abraham Isaac

Kook, Ahad Ha'am and Vladimir

Jabotinsky, the tenth graders debated

some of the central questions from the

early twentieth century about the building

the Jewish state. Using visual aids and

inhabiting the characters in creative

costumes, the students took ownership of particular positions and

addressed central questions about Zionism that people are still asking in

21st century Israel.

Premiere Night: The Great Gatsby

Well, there wasn't any red carpet, but that didn't stop

seven of our students from turning out to attend last

night's premiere of The Great Gatsby! That's Shelly

Dekalo, Zahava Vales, Daniel Fishbaum, Josh and

Steven Sacks, Ranan Vales, and Daniel Warshawsky

('11) out for a night on the town, dressed to the nines

and looking for the green light on the dock. Look for more

of Dr. Miller's and Mr. Griffith's students in the theater

later this month!

Alumni in the News

Guess who's going to the 19th Maccabiah games in Israel?

Jeremy Hipps ('10) swam, ran cross country, and played

frisbee and badminton at CJHS. He fondly recalls, "My

Page 6: Soccer Goes to Regionals!

coaches were great, always encouraging me and helping

me become a better athlete," and now, having risen to the

presidency of the St. Andrew's University badminton club,

he is off to play for Team USA!

The Maccabiah Games (the Jewish

Olympics) take place every four years

in Israel. Thousands of athletes from

around the world participate; it is the

third largest sporting event in the

world! To learn more, click here, or go

to Jeremy's personal athlete page here

to donate funds, shop at the thrift

store, participate in the raffle, and otherwise support Jeremy and Team USA.

Having brought home the Philip Merill Presidential Award,

Rebecca Silverman ('10) has been chosen as one of 10

finalists in Intel's Smart

Girls=Smart World

contest, designed to

promote access to

education and technology

for girls and women

worldwide. Intel will

announce three winners on

May 21, each of whom will

travel to one of three

countries India, Ecuador,

or Kenya to learn about local culture, examine the barriers

to girls' education, and engage with members of the

community. Why not head over to Intel for Change to view

Reby's video and cast your vote to help her win? (It's

legal to vote once per day, plus each time you vote, you

are entered in a drawing to win an Intel UltraBook. So

let's show the world how we do business in Chicago, and

vote for Reby!)

Alumni Trivia

Which IFYC chair, Model U.N.

maven, VTO leader, and Write

On For Israel fellow has recently

added a fellowship at the Israeli

embassy and an invitation to the

presidential inauguration to her

list of diplomatic honors?

Bike the Drive

Page 7: Soccer Goes to Regionals!

In only two

weeks, Eli






Ranan Vales,

Seth Wein,

Alex Cope, and

Ruli Warner-

Rosen will join

Dr. Gary

Auslander and dozens of other Chai Cyclists in Chicago's

Bike the Drive, a thirty-mile biking trip from Buckingham

Fountain to the Museum of Science and Industry. Our

cyclists are raising money for Chai Lifeline to assist very

sick children and their families. Our objective is to raise at

least $180 for each rider, and we are hoping that the CJHS

community will help all riders reach this goal. Click here to

sponsor our team! Click on "sponsor a rider" and write in

the riders' name followed by the amount you wish to donate. Any amount would be helpful.

Studio Art and Graphic Design

Lisa Deluca from the American Academy of

Art came to visit Studio Art and Graphic

Design classes yesterday afternoon. She

displayed a fascinating portfolio of work and

discussed careers in the art world, graphic

design, commercial art applications,

illustration, and graphic novels. Thank you, Ms. Deluca, for

a very engaging session!

Correction: the student artist depicted with her mixed

media collage in last week's E-News was Dani

Lewittes. E-News apologizes for the misattribution.

College Updates

Last week, Lynn University was inadvertently omitted

from the list of colleges our seniors will be attending. E-

News apologizes for the omission.

Page 8: Soccer Goes to Regionals!

In addition to those colleges our seniors will be attending,

members of the Class of 2013 were also admitted to:

Boston University, Bradley University, Bryn Mawr College,

Butler University, University of California at Berkeley,

University of California at San Diego, University of

Chicago, Colby College, DePaul University, Emory

University, George Washington University, Illinois State

University, Illinois Wesleyan University, University of Iowa,

Jewish Theological Seminary, University of Kansas, Lake

Forest College, Loyola University, McGill University, Miami

University of Ohio, Michigan State University, University of

Minnesota, University of Missouri, University of Nebraska,

Northern Illinois University, Purdue University, University

of Rochester, Tulane University, and University of Washington.


STAND secretary Yadid Licht reports, "Various human

rights organizations have been protesting the use of

conflict minerals in various technologies. With the Dodd-

Frank Bill in 2011, Congress mandated that electronic

companies release information about their supply chain of

various metals used in their products. Now, the Enough

Project is extending its outreach while raising awareness

about the use of conflict minerals in gold jewelry. Here's a

video explaining the implications of jewlery on the conflict in Congo."

Sponsored Breakfast

Happy birthday to Adam Taitz. Many thanks to

Page 9: Soccer Goes to Regionals!

his family for sponsoring bagels.

A Taste of Torah: Shavuot and B'midbar

At CJHS, we ask our students to discuss the big-picture questions: What really happened at Sinai? What does it mean to

be a chosen people? How do we use the Bible as a historical text and in turn how does that affect our religious outlook?

Our dual approach of learning specific skills while asking thematic questions is highlighted by a midrash about the generation wandering in the desert: the main

topic of both this week's parasha and the entire book of B'midbar. So

often we refer to these people as the lost generation, doomed to wander the desert without any reward. But Midrash Tanchuma suggests that this itself is the reward, as the Rabbis play out a

monologue that God might have:

God said: If I were to take them the simple way now, each person would cling to their [own] fields and vineyards and would waste the Torah. Rather, I take them the way of the wilderness, and they will eat the manna [from heaven] and drink the waters of [Miriam's magic] well, so the Torah will

inhabit their bodies. This is a generation that saw the initial revelation at Sinai, that saw thunder and heard lightning. They should not have needed any additional inspiration. But Torah must be more than one moment of radical amazement. It must be a teaching that is durable enough and pliable enough to survive a journey through

the wilderness and be useful along the way. This is what we wish do at CJHS: to inspire wonder and excitement through moments of learning, and also give students the tools to travel through the wilderness of their lives. The midrash suggests that this journey through life is itself the

greatest teaching tool of all.

--Rav Beit Sefer Zach Silver

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Alumni Trivia

Naseem Parsa ('10) is

majoring in International

Relations (with a focus on the

Middle East) and pre-medical

studies at American University.

Naseem reports, "I've been

pretty busy with typical end-of-

the-year finals prep. Other than

that, I've been running the

Women in Science club and a

sub-group of the Women's

Initiative called Women's Health

and Sex Education. I've enjoyed being in DC for the past

few years and have been so lucky to do a fellowship with

the Israeli Embassy last year. I was especially excited that

I finally got to see something extra-historical with a fancy

diplomatic ticket this year: I got to attend the presidential inauguration, Beyoncé performance and all!"

Don't Forget to Count the


Today is 45 days, which is six weeks and

three days of the Omer. The kabbalistic

feature of the day is Tiferet shebeMalchut,

leadership with compassion. In preparation

for Shavuot next Tuesday night, review an

area where you wield authority and see if you

can polish it up and increase its effectiveness

by curtailing excesses and consolidating forces.

Shabbat Shalom

Candlelighting this Friday, Shabbat B'midbar,

will be at 7:42 p.m. Shabbat shalom!