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  • 8/14/2019 Smart TV Report


    Smart TV

    Prepared By:

    11BIC040-Sagar Sevak

    11bic049-Kush Vyas

    Guided By: Prof. Vidita Tilva

  • 8/14/2019 Smart TV Report


    Table of content:

    DefinitionHistoryTechnologyFeaturesComparison with traditional TV and ComputersGoogle TVAdvantage and DisadvantageConclusion

  • 8/14/2019 Smart TV Report



    Asmart TVdevice is either a television set with integrated Internetcapabilities or a set-top box for television that offers more advanced

    computing ability and connectivity than a contemporary basic televisionset.

    Smart TVs may be thought of as an information appliance orthe computer system from a handheld computer integrated within a

    television set unit, as such smart TV often allows the user to install and

    run more advanced applications or plugins/addons based on a specific


    Smart TVs run complete operating system or mobile operatingsystem software providing a platform for application developers.

    A smart TV device is either a television set with integrated Internet capabilities

    or a set-top box for television that offers more advanced computing ability and

    connectivity than a contemporary basic television set. Smart TVs may be

    thought of as aninformation applianceor thecomputer system from ahandheld

    computer integrated within a television set unit, as such smart TV often allows

    the user to install and run more advanced applications orplugins/addonsbased

    on a specific platform. Smart TVs run completeoperating systemormobile

    operating system software providing a platform for application developers.

    Smart TV platforms or middleware have a publicSoftware development

    kit (SDK) and/or Native development kit (NDK) for apps so that third-party

    developers can develop applications for it, and an app store so that the end-users

    can install and uninstall apps themselves. The public SDK enables third-party

    companies and other interactive application developers to write applications

    once and see themrun successfully on any device that supports the smart TV

    platform or middleware architecture which it was written for, no matter of who

    the hardware manufacturer is.

    "Smart TV"s:

    1.Deliver content from other computers or network attached storagedevices on a network like photos, movies and music using either

    aDigital Living Network Alliance /Universal Plug and Play media

    server or similar service program likeWindows Media

    Player orNetwork-attached storage (NAS), or viaiTunes.,_run_anywhere,_run_anywhere
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    2.Provide access to Internet-based services including traditional broadcast

    TV channels,catch-up services,video-on-demand,Electronic program

    guide,interactive advertising, personalisation, voting, games,social networking,

    and other multimedia applications.

    Televisions that integrate the Internet andWeb 2.0 features to provide a more

    interactive experience for users. Also known asconnected TVs,Smart TVsprovide features likeWeb browsing;video-on-demand and videostreamingvia

    services such as YouTube, Netflix and Hulu Plus; Internet radio from services

    likePandora andRhapsody;social networking from sites

    likeTwitterandFacebook;apps and games and more.

    Smart TVs are also typicallyDLNA certified, enabling the sharing of movies,

    photos, music and similar multimedia content from other DLNA-compliantPCs,tablet computers,smartphones and similar devices.

    While a number of television manufacturers are now selling Smart TVs,

    consumers with traditional TVs can receive Smart TV capabilities on their

    existing TVs via Smart TV-capableBlu-rayplayers andset-top boxes. Other

    examples of Smart TVs includeGoogle TV,Ubuntu TV and LG Smart TV.


    The "smart" television has a long history reaching back three decades and therecan be no single person or company credited with an "invention" as such.

    The first televisions to have data services added were European domestic

    televisions with a broadcast text display service called teletext. It made anappearance in the 1970s and remained in use until digital television replaced

    analog broadcasts.

    In 1979, "Viewdata" was launched - an online data service that used televisions

    to access data services. It used the same display systems as teletext but was an

    interactive service and used a telephone line for data transfer.

    Since those times, television and computing have been moving ever closer. In

    the 1990s Web-TV was introduced as a television based Internet service.

    Lacking many of the features of PC based Internet clients, it had a mixed

    reception but nonetheless, it represented a fully interactive system although still

    used telephone lines (the only option for Internet access for most people at the


    In more recent years, from around 2008 onward, televisions have had network

    features being added. The current smart televisions feature high speed Internet
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    access with a range of apps, browsers and video on demand services. While

    significantly more advanced, the latest smart televisions all follow from the

    early data capable televisions f the 70s and 80s.


    The concept of smart TVs is still emerging, with bothproprietary andopen

    sourcesoftware frameworksbeing commercially promoted. Some have the

    ability to run applications (sometimes available via an 'app store'digital

    distributionplatform), interactive on-demand media, personalized

    communications, and social networking features.

    The 46F7500 runs on a quad-core processor which helps its multi-taskingcapabilities. It also enables you to use the large screen, while connected and

    streaming content from different devices. The company says the processor also

    delivers better voice and motion controls, while decreasing the download timefor apps and multimedia contents.

    The concept of smart TVs is still emerging, with both proprietary and open

    source software frameworks being commercially promoted. Some have the

    ability to run applications (sometimes available via an 'app store' digital

    distribution platform), interactive on-demand media, personalized

    communications, and social networking features.

    Four advance technology:

    1.Micro Dimming 2.Clear Motion Rate

    3.Ultra Clear Panel 4.HyperReal Engine

    Organic user interface:

    InHuman-Computer Interaction, an Organic User Interface (OUI) is auser

    interface designed using a non-flat


    AfterEngelbart andSutherland'sGraphical User Interface (GUI),

    based on theCathode Ray Tube (CRT), andKayandWeiser'sUbiquitous

    Computing,based on theLiquid Crystal Display,OUI represents the third waveof display technology interaction paradigms: that offlexible and multi-shaped
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    displays. In an OUI, the display may actively or passively change shape via

    analog physical inputs,[1]

    and its surface or the deformation thereof functions as

    a primary means of input. Input in OUIs is provided through direct

    physicalgestures, rather than through indirectpoint-and-click controllers. The

    term organic in OUI was derived fromFrank Lloyd Wright's definition

    ofOrganic Architecture, but also refers to theorganic electronics with

    whichflexible displays are typically manufactured.

    Holman andVertegaalpresent three design principles that can be applied to any


    Input Equals Output: In the GUI input and output are separate: based on input

    by a control device such as a mouse, output is generated graphically on the a

    separate device, the screen. A key feature of OUI is that input actions from theuser are performed with an on the display, e..g, through tough or deformation ofdisplay shape.

    Function Equals Form: Coined byFrank Lloyd Wright,the shape of a

    functional artefact determines its physical functionality and vice versa. Holman

    and Vertegaal argue that when the display can take physical shape, this shape

    determines what function they are most suited for. An example is the spherical

    multitouch interface,[3]

    which is useful for presenting geographical data

    normally distorted on flat display devices.

    Form Follows Flow: This principle states that it is important for OUIs tophysically follow the context of the user's activities, e.g., through shape

    changes. An example of this is the "clamshell" phone, where the physicalmetaphor of altering the phone's shape (through opening it) alters the state of

    the user interface (to open communication). More generally, this principle refers

    to the ability of OUIs, through shape deformation, to adapt to different physical

    contexts. E.g., paper tablets can be folded into smaller, pocket-sized

    smartphones when pocketed.

    Early examples of OUIs includeGummi,a rigid prototype of a flexible credit

    card display, PaperWindows, featuring active projection-mapped pieces ofpaper, the MicrosoftSphere,one of the first spherical multitouch

    computers, andDisplayObjects(rigid objects with displays wrapped around

    them). PaperPhone was one of the first OUIs to introduce bend gestures using a

    real flexible screen. It featured a flexible e-ink electrophoretic display and an

    array of 5 bend sensors that allow for user input. The Nokia Kinetic, a flexible

    smartphone that allows input techniques such as bend, twist and squeeze, and

    the Samsung Youm prototypes are early commercial prototypes of flexible andrigid OUIs. It is widely expected that OUIs will be introduced on the market by

    the year 2018. Example actuated OUIs include shape changing prototypes likeMorePhone and Morphees.
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    Note that OUIs differ from aNatural User Interfaces (NUI) in that NUIs focus

    on physical or remote gestural interaction with flat displays. Although remote

    gestural interaction violates the principle of Input Equals Output, OUIs

    generally subsume NUIs. Also note that OUI is a successor to and form

    ofTangible User Interface that always features a bitmapped display skin aroundits tangible shape. All OUIs are examples ofhaptic technologies,as their

    physical shape provides passive tactile-kinaesthetic feedback even in non-

    actuated cases.

    Natural Language User Interface:

    Natural Language User Interfaces (LUI or NLUI) are a type ofcomputer human

    interface where linguistic phenomena such as verbs, phrases and clauses act as

    UI controls for creating, selecting and modifying data in software applications.Ininterface design natural language interfaces are sought after for their speed

    and ease of use, but most suffer the challenges to understanding wide varieties

    of ambiguous input.[1]

    Natural language interfaces are an active area of study in

    the field ofnatural language processing andcomputational linguistics.An

    intuitive general Natural language interface is one of the active goals of theSemantic Web.

    Text interfaces are 'natural' to varying degrees. Many formal (un-natural)programming languages incorporate idioms of natural human language.

    Likewise, a traditionalkeyword search engine could be described as a 'shallow'Natural language user interface.

    A natural language search engine would in theory find targeted answers to user

    questions (as opposed to keyword search). For example, when confronted with a

    question of the form 'whichU.S. state has the highestincome tax?',

    conventional search engines ignore the question and instead search on

    thekeywords 'state, income and tax'. Natural language search, on the other

    hand, attempts to use natural language processing to understand the nature of

    the question and then to search and return a subset of the web that contains the

    answer to the question. If it works, results would have a higher relevance than

    results from a keyword search engine.

    From a commercial standpoint, advertising on the results page could also be

    more relevant and could have a higher revenue potential than that of keyword

    search engines.

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    Smart TV also provide access touser-generated content (either stored on an

    externalhard drive or incloud storage)and to interactive services and Internet

    applications, such as YouTube.

    Smart TV devices facilitate the curation of traditional content by combining

    information from the Internet with content from TV Providers. Services offerusers a means to track and receive reminders about favorite shows or sporting

    events, as well as the ability to change channels for immediate viewing.

    Some devices even features additional interactiveorganic user

    interface /natural user interface technologies fornavigation controls and

    otherhuman interaction with your Smart TV, with such assecond

    screen companion devices.

    It comes with Smart Hub from where the users can access several features such

    as viewing movies, open web browser for surfing or launch apps that weredownloaded on the LED TV.Supports many applications like netflix, youtube,huluplus, skype.It gives access to Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, etc.

    Recording Features:

    1. Record instantly:It allows the user to record the show or program with just a push of a button.

    2. Record by show:If we want to record by name smart tv allows us to do so.

    3. Record by time:If we want to record the show by its timing we can do it also. To do so there isa timer which starts to record the program.

    Eco sensors :It measures the intensity of rooms light and automaticallycalibrates the image brightness on the screen.

    Clear Motion Rate(CMR)-240:It is determined by the thinnest line a TV candisplay in a moving image. Higher the CMR higher the clarity .

    Swivel Stand: It allows user to turn TV around 10 degrees left or right to ensurethe direct view of TV.

    Ultra Clear Panel: With it we can get amazing picture even with reflective sun

    light.It supports many games as well as apps. Some TVs comes with preinstalled apps like angry birds , Stick Tenis etc.
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    Every function on the TV that supports motion gestures will have a hand sign

    flashing next to it. So you can swipe through windows of apps and between the

    main screens on the telly. It is also capable of converting a regular 2D video

    into 3D, so we watched a couple of HD trailers with this mode on.The

    most important feature desired in Smart TVs is the Internet-based televisionprogramming.

    Comparison with traditional TV:


    The smart TV costs around 1,00,000 INR. Whereas the normal LCD or LED

    TVs cost around 50,000 INR. So smart TVs is not cup of a middle class men.But it can be compensated by the way of EMIs.


    The Smart TVs come with a very fast processing processor as compared to

    normal TV there are slow processors because it only is a TV with no externalfeatures like many user interaces.

    Can run many apps:

    You can run many apps like facebook,twitter.Or you can play angry birds on it

    by using its remote. In normal TV there is no app supporting feature except theUSB port on it.


    The Smart TV uses many technologies like Organic User Interface(OUI),

    Natural Language User Interface(NLUI), Motion Sensors etc.Where as LCD

    TVs have no such things.


    The Smart TV supports many widgets like Google TV. There is launched a newplatform which is calles the Apple TV.

    Picture Quality:

    Smart TV s picture quality is much more better than the traditional TVs.The

    reason for it is Swivel Stand, which allows it to rotate the screen 10 degrees leftor right.

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    Noise filters:

    The Smart TV contains many noise filters which improves the pictire

    quality.And its screen is also made like it can not aloow the noise to passthrough it.

    Comparision eith Personal Computers:

    PC Smart TV

    Interactive and Active - Lazy and passive

    Creating - Consuming, time killing

    Mouse, keyboard - Remote

    Personal - Family

    Short distance - Long distance

    Office - Living room

    Full resource - Limited resource

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    Google TV:

    Google TV is a Smart TV platform from Google co-developed by Intel, Sony,

    and Logitech that was launched in October 2010.Google TV integrates

    the Android operating system and the Google Chrome browser to create

    an interactive television overlay on top of existing Internet television

    and WebTV sites to add a 10-foot user interface.Googles Chrome browser

    provides a gateway to the Internet, allowing consumers to browse web sites and

    watch television. Android and Apple smartphones and tablet computers may be

    used as remote controls for Google TV.

    ASmart TVplatform from Google and co-development partners Intel, Sony and

    Logitech that provides anAndroid-powered interactive television system for

    users. While Google TV is integrated into some newer televisions andBlu-


    Live TV

    App Launcher
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    rayplayers, consumers that don't have Google TV built into their systems can

    purchase a separateset-top box that provides Google TV functionality.

    Google TV brings "the Web to the TV" in the form of theAdobe Flash-capable

    Google Chrome Web browser, which enables access tovideo-on-demandfrom

    content providers such as Netflix, YouTube, HBO and CNBC. Google TVusers can also use their Android-powered or AppleiOS-poweredsmartphones as

    a remote control for the system. In October 2011 Google launched Google TV

    2.0, which features theAndroid 3.1 OS ("Honeycomb") as well as access

    toGoogle Play,which is the renamed and rebrandedAndroid Market.

    Features of Google TV:

    Android 3.1(Honeycomb)Chrome browserApp friendlyFull web experience on the TV

    Generations of Google TV:

    1.First generation(Mfg by: Logitech,Sony)

    2.Second Generation(Mfg by: Sony,LG,Asus)

    3.Third Generation( Mfg by:LG)
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    NBC,ABC,CBS andHulu have blockedGoogle TV-enabled devices from

    accessing their Web content since Google TV's launch. As of November 22,

    2010, Google TV devices are blocked from accessing any programs offered

    byViacoms subsidiaries.
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    Advantages of Smart TV:

    Ability to search online on a big screen.

    Access to downloadable apps very much like the apps available formobile phones.

    Smart TVs are generally able to access an infinite amount ofentertainment possibilities.

    Ability to connect to social networking sites while watching yourprograms or movies on the same TV interface.

    Basic website browing functions can be performed instead of using PC.Common Email sites can be accessed with ease from the Smart TV itself,

    to Check / Send / Receive emails.

    Supports various Graphic Effect based on GPU (Web GL , CSS3).

    Screen Zoom function available.

    Improved 30% speed of graphic processing and Flash Player.Built in Page Scroll bar and Control bar.


    Costly as compared to personal computer and LCD TVs.More bulkier than the computer.Computer connected internet is easier to access than Smart TV.Watching too much TV is injurious to eyes.

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    Today if you buy Smart TV today after six months the technology of thatwill be outdated as compared to the previous one. In future smart tv is going to be the next generation of tv and computer

    and expectations are very high from its technology.

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