skyfall trailer analysis still images


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Page 1: Skyfall Trailer Analysis Still Images

Skyfall Trailer Analysis Still Images

Dale Richardson

Page 2: Skyfall Trailer Analysis Still Images

The film trailer uses a low angle shot during this stunt to show the car flipping over. The use of a low angle shot then allows for the car to give the illusion that it is landing on the camera later on in the sequence. The mise-en-scene in the trailer shows a desert like setting. Due to the film being based on spying and detectives the use of this setting helps to show the foreign villain character that the hero is after.This relates to the conventions of the genre as fast paced car chases are expected to be in action films as they add intensity and excitement to the audience. Car chases are in most action films now as they are an easy method of creating excitement and intense action.

Page 3: Skyfall Trailer Analysis Still Images

The film trailer uses a low angle shot again to show the explosion occurring in the background and the characters in the foreground being shocked by the explosion. This low angle shot looks up slightly at the building in the background and shows weakness for the characters as their headquarters has been destroyed.The mise-en-scene in the trailer shows a conventional idea of action films as the explosion in the background is expected to happen. Also the use of the man in police uniform shows respect and authority but also weakness due to him being powerless against the situation. This relates to conventions of action films as in almost every action film there is expected to be an explosion of some sorts. The use of explosions tries to create a sense of defeat for the heroic characters but they will overcome the odds.

Page 4: Skyfall Trailer Analysis Still Images

The film trailer uses a wide shot to show all the different high-tech gadgets. The use of high-tech gadgets is conventional of action films of this style as it shows the resources available to the characters to find their target. The use of these high-tech gadgets will be superior to what the villain has but somehow they always have drawbacks and work in the villains favour.The film trailer uses mise-en-scene to show all the high-tech gadgets used, this is a convention of action films as the resources available for the heroes are endless and it is hard to believe that they will fail.This film trailer relates to conventions of genre as the use of mise-en-scene in the form of props shows the wide arsenal available to the character showing them to be resourceful in contrast to the villainous characters.

Page 5: Skyfall Trailer Analysis Still Images

This wide shot shows a contrast to the previous image as this shows the difference in technology and location between the heroes and the villains. This shot shows the cluttered wiring and dull room, compared to the previous image which showed an organised layout and brighter lighting. The mise-en-scene in this shot also contrasts between the previous image as this shows the props to be worse looking than the heroes technology. However this technology doesn’t look good to the eye it has the same capabilities as the heroes technology. This tries to signify that the heroes are trying to make their gadgets look better than the villains.This relates to the conventions of the genre as the heroes technology looks very good compared to the villains, the capabilities of each sides technology has minimal to no difference.

Page 6: Skyfall Trailer Analysis Still Images

The trailer uses an establishing shot to show the setting and how good it looks. As well as that it uses a high angle shot to look down on the setting to offer connotations that it is dangerous for the heroic character. The use of mise-en-scene in the trailer shows a big city setting and a aesthetically pleasing view. This big city setting is conventional for action films as the heroic character is expected to live or visit luxurious and wealthy places.This relates to conventions of the action film genre as the big city setting is used to show the contrast between the heroes and villains, the heroes will live and visit these sorts of places while the villains will more than likely live underground in secret lairs. This relates to the conventions of form for action film trailers as often in action film trailers the different settings are shown in them to show the way they look before anything happens to after.

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This mid shot shows the character after he has jumped from the roof of a train adjusting his attire. This shows the characters desire to look good as well as overcome his challenge.This is conventional of action films as the heroic characters are expected to be resourceful and have a witty humour about them, especially in the James Bond franchise where one liners are expected after defeating the enemy.The mise-en-scene in this shot shows the character in a suit, this shows the characters sophistication despite his line of work. This is conventional of this style of action films as in spy/crime action films the heroic character is expected to wear this style of clothing when working.This relates to conventions of the action genre as the character is worrying about his look despite the carnage behind him that he has caused.

Page 8: Skyfall Trailer Analysis Still Images

This point of view shot shows the intensity of the situation, the characters are so close together that firing the shot will potentially not hit the desired target. This is conventional of action films as we expect the heroic character to get shot but somehow still be alive later on in the film.The mise-en-scene in the trailer shows the two characters in the same attire, suits, but the characters being very different. Although both of the characters are wearing similar attire their motives are very different. This relates to conventions of the action film genre as the tension between the time she is ordered to shoot until the time she fires adds intensity to the situation and clearly shows that the heroic character is going to be shot by accident instead of the villain, leaving the villain to escape from the situation.