siren challenge - coach rori raye · 2017-12-05 · your 7-day rori raye siren challenge welcome to...

Your 7-Day Rori Raye Siren Challenge Welcome to Siren School Live! You deserve - just because you're a woman (yes, I believe you're entitled) - to have the romance, relationship, and lifelong, committed love you want. And Siren School Coaches and I are here to coach you, personally, to get what you want - fast. This Siren Challenge is your introduction to the Rori Raye Coaching Method, jammed with quick and powerful Steps and Assignments for you to try out in your unique situation. The Rori Raye Method is unique. We work from your Inside OUT - AND from your Outside IN. All at the same time! * This looks like "Inner Feeling Steps" that dramatically change what men see and feel about your entire OUTSIDE "vibe" - combined with "Outside Steps" (like the words you use, your body positioning, Circular Dating) that quickly change how you FEEL on your INSIDE. This way, changes on your Inside constantly shift your Outside, and those changes on your Outside shift your confidence and good feelings on your Inside. Everything gets better all at once. The “Primary Coaching Assignment” of Your Siren Challenge is to “Fall In Love With It.”

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Page 1: Siren Challenge - Coach Rori Raye · 2017-12-05 · Your 7-Day Rori Raye Siren Challenge Welcome to Siren School Live! You deserve - just because you're a woman (yes, I believe you're

Your 7-Day

Rori Raye



Welcome to Siren School Live!

You deserve - just because you're a woman (yes, I believe you're entitled) - to have the romance, relationship, and lifelong, committed love you want.

And Siren School Coaches and I are here to coach you, personally, to get what you want - fast.

This Siren Challenge is your introduction to the Rori Raye Coaching Method, jammed with quick and powerful Steps and Assignments for you to try out in your unique situation.

The Rori Raye Method is unique. We work from your Inside OUT - AND from your Outside IN. All at the same time!

* This looks like "Inner Feeling Steps" that dramatically change what men see and feel about your entire OUTSIDE "vibe" - combined with "Outside Steps" (like the words you use, your body positioning, Circular Dating) that quickly change how you FEEL on your INSIDE.

This way, changes on your Inside constantly shift your Outside, and those changes on your Outside shift your confidence and good feelings on your Inside.

Everything gets better all at once.

The “Primary Coaching Assignment” of Your Siren Challenge is


“Fall In Love With It.”

Page 2: Siren Challenge - Coach Rori Raye · 2017-12-05 · Your 7-Day Rori Raye Siren Challenge Welcome to Siren School Live! You deserve - just because you're a woman (yes, I believe you're

* At the same time, we help you expand what might seem like another set of opposites:

Your "Warmth" - which is about your openness, willingness to be seen and exposed as vulnerable; AND

"Distance" - which is the deliberate sense of space YOU set up in every interaction, at every moment, with everyone and throughout your relationship.

• Distance is what allows you to feel safe being vulnerable, feel sane without an iron-clad relationship commitment, and effortlessly create the safety and thrills a man needs in order to commit to emotional intimacy.

• Warmth is what invites, welcomes and draws in a man no matter what you're feeling, or what's going on.

The core of "Warmth" is Feeling Messages, which we not only teach you - but SCRIPT you personally as you go along and get used to this new language.

The core of "Distance" is Circular Dating, which, as you'll learn in this Siren Challenge is NOT about "dating" at all!

The “Theme” of Your Siren Challenge is To “Fall In Love With It.”

This means: You Fall In Love With “It” (just exactly the way you’d imagine truly falling for a man you adore) – NO MATTER WHAT “IT” IS, AND NO MATTER WHAT!

The Challenge will give you an "Assignment" for each of 10 Days to “Practice” both “on your Inside” – AND “on your Outside.

(The “Outside” would be the world and all of “existence….”)

You’ll be practicing the Assignment Steps on both your Inside and Outside at the same time.

There’s no “order,” no “procedure.”

You’ll practice however you like, however you feel.

The challenge will introduce you to the inside out and outside in concept, and give you some very extraordinary baby-steps to practice.

Then, you’ll be introduced, if you’re not already doing it, to Circular Dating - the arena OUTSIDE, in the world, where you practice the Steps and Assignments.

Page 3: Siren Challenge - Coach Rori Raye · 2017-12-05 · Your 7-Day Rori Raye Siren Challenge Welcome to Siren School Live! You deserve - just because you're a woman (yes, I believe you're

This is similar in a way to meditation practice.

Circular Dating is where you interact with human beings in public, wherever you are, and however you’re feeling - Even if you’re deep in grief from the heartache of a break up, or a personal loss, or work stress, or just a dip in your self-esteem.

I look forward to hearing from you about how your challenge is going! Siren School Live is all personal.

We’re all answering you through The Siren Island Facebook group, and we’re here to take your hand and guide you down your Bridge to Happy Every After.

The idea here is to bring your desires to the front! To find out what moves you, uniquely, and bring that forward.

You’ll begin to notice what your WANT is in every given moment, and begin to trust and follow that WANT.

You’ll begin to move from your inner Feminine.

You’ll begin to recognize the difference between feeling compelled by heady, masculine thinking (figuring things out, deciding what’s “best”), and feeling genuinely inspired from your organic, chaos-driven, feeling-based Feminine.

You’ll begin to feel how your natural Inspiration moves through your Feminine Feeling Self in a way that simply moves your feet forward, opens the awesome creative pipes coursing through your body and mind, bypasses all orders, training and conditioning from masculine “civilization,” and creates an environment for you where you feel propelled by a cloud of your own desire.

Let me know how your daily Challenge is going on Siren Island – I’ll be there! Love, Rori

Day 1: Love Is In The Mirror

Fall In Love With What You See In You

1. Stand in front of a mirror, a glass window, your smartphone camera set as a selfie – and smile at you.

Who do you see?

You see the one person in this entire world you possess.

Page 4: Siren Challenge - Coach Rori Raye · 2017-12-05 · Your 7-Day Rori Raye Siren Challenge Welcome to Siren School Live! You deserve - just because you're a woman (yes, I believe you're

The one person in this entire world you can totally trust, totally count on to be on your side.

The one person you can put makeup on, dress up, order around, pet, moon over, sing to...a million little things...without checking with anyone else first.

You are your treasure.

There's no real way to argue with this…. No matter how crappy things might be right now, or perhaps you're starting to feel like things might actually be changing for you for the better...! - you still have YOU.

>> Go reach out your hand and pet your image in the mirror.

> Now run your hand down your other arm - slowly and sweetly, and watch yourself in the mirror. There's no limit to how long and how lovingly you can do you can never get bored or run out of parts of you to pet.

2. Now Look carefully at your eyebrows, and fall in love with them

Then your eyelashes

Then the center of your eyes

Then your nose

Your cheeks

Your lips

Your teeth

Your chin

Your neck

Your hair…

Say: I love you eyebrows, eyelashes, eyes, nose, cheeks, lips, teeth, chin, neck, hair…

Now Take It To Your OUTSIDE:

1. Take a walk outside, somewhere where there are people,

Keep your eyes open, and imagine the mirror in front of you.

Page 5: Siren Challenge - Coach Rori Raye · 2017-12-05 · Your 7-Day Rori Raye Siren Challenge Welcome to Siren School Live! You deserve - just because you're a woman (yes, I believe you're

Say the words to yourself in a quiet voice (yes, you are muttering to yourself…you can say it in your head if you like, but out loud is best!):

Nose – I love you

Eyes, I love you

Hand, I love you

Person walking by, I love you; I love your walk, I love that you’re alive, I love the part of me that loves you walking by…

*Then look at another person, and say it all again – as if you’re saying it to THEM!

Now, try it with a friend, your boyfriend or husband when you’re alone with them. Feel how scary it feels to give in to that feeling of open love, instead of girding up with “shut down defense.”

If you have any of my programs, from The Modern Siren to Love Scripts to Heart To Heart – you've already seen amazing success just from applying these tools you've learned in your own life, without any help from anybody at all.

Siren School is the extra I saw you needed: Live, personal coaching with me and Rori Raye Coaches was taking women SO much farther so much faster to the love they wanted - and I saw that it was financially out-of-reach for way too many women.

So, enter Siren School and Siren Island, specifically. On Siren Island, you can begin to work personally with me and Rori Raye coaches on your unique situation, with Baby-Steps custom designed for your unique personality and background. We're all different! And it works.

Then, Siren School offers live classes on video Zoom, so you can SEE your teacher and be seen BY her if you like, and get personal coaching in a very small (10 women) environment.

What we can do for you, live, by working with you in writing on the Siren Island Facebook group, custom designs all of the Rori Raye Coaching Method for you – specifically. Not only with your unique situation, but your personality and background.

Yay!!! You’ve completed DAY 1!

Love, Rori

Page 6: Siren Challenge - Coach Rori Raye · 2017-12-05 · Your 7-Day Rori Raye Siren Challenge Welcome to Siren School Live! You deserve - just because you're a woman (yes, I believe you're

Day 2: The Siren Tank -

Fall In Love With What You Think And Feel!

We're going deeper today!

On Day 1, you began "Noticing" what you see on the Outside of YOU, and then began Noticing what you felt and thought about what you saw.

What you saw was on your Outside, yet what you felt and thought was on your Inside.

All Interpretations of what you "saw" - the things you noticed seeing - were all Inside Interpretations.

In other words - very little of what you thought you "saw" was "real."

Other people would see those things completely differently.

Perhaps the color of your hair or eyes might seem easy to categorize - and yet, how many shades of brown or blonde or red or grey or blue or green or hazel ARE there?

Most important to know: There's no such thing as "neutrality" or "objectivity" where we're concerned.

We're always INTERPRETING ourselves, and we're almost ALWAYS interpreting what we believe we see.

All we can really say is, "I'm standing here, according to this map, at the corner of 5th and Main, longitude, latitude..."

We ourselves make up what that "means."

Page 7: Siren Challenge - Coach Rori Raye · 2017-12-05 · Your 7-Day Rori Raye Siren Challenge Welcome to Siren School Live! You deserve - just because you're a woman (yes, I believe you're

Now we're in The Siren Tank, where all those thoughts and feelings are swirling around.

And instead of trying to "organize" it all, in a masculine way - or trying to "Interpret" what it means or where it is on the "importance scale" - we're going to embrace CHAOS as "The

Origin," as "The Feminine," and let it all swirl!

What you'll learn today is how to begin to notice what's going on inside you, take yourself deeper into a state of grace, acceptance, love, peace, calm, Sirenity! - and then take that "state" of "noticing" outside into the world.

We're beginning a 7-Day step-by-step process (and this is just a small sequence of Rori Raye Method steps) to shift how you think and feel about yourself on your Inside, and experience how that shifts the way men see you on the Outside.

I know this is a lot to throw at you over only 7 days - so save the emails, and download the PDF when it arrives on Day 7, and then move exactly at the pace that feels best to you.

* Moving at your own speed is key to ALL "Feminine" energy: YOU discover how things feel for YOU, and then you "act" from THERE (instead of "thinking" with your masculine organizing patterns and trying to "plot" your way to what you truly want).

These baby-steps are meant to feel nice-and easy, so we can "slide" by your old defenses and patterns. Just remember - there's no "finish line." There isn't even a "goal." There's just learning to feel through things, to trust yourself, and let love in. It will!

To Fall In Love with your busy thoughts and intense and nagging feelings – you first have to “Catch” them!

The CATCH Assignment:

Go out in the world – at work, before and after work, in the evening – where there are people.

Anywhere – the market, the drugstore, coffee house, market, the gym…

Page 8: Siren Challenge - Coach Rori Raye · 2017-12-05 · Your 7-Day Rori Raye Siren Challenge Welcome to Siren School Live! You deserve - just because you're a woman (yes, I believe you're

Look at everyone you see and catch your thoughts about that person, about yourself, about where you are.

* Really HEAR the stream of conversation coming from your brain.

* Really HEAR the part of you that keeps INTERRUPTING the stream of conversation, telling you that a thought is bad or good, builds on it or tears it down.

* Now really HEAR the voice in you that comments on THAT comment, and builds a chain of thoughts just like Facebook comments build on each other!

* Now – NOTICE how your body feels with each round of comments, conversation, messages, judgments from the voices coming your head.

* Now- NOTICE how every moment you notice a body feeling, another comment jumps in from your head, and then the feelings in your body change.

Let’s call this “MOVEMENT.”

Let’s call this the SIREN TANK.

*NOW – Make this simple choice: Choose to Fall In Love With The Feelings AND the Thoughts, and let them “roll.”

With EVERYTHING floating around in there, in the Siren Tank – it’s hard to tell which comes first: the thoughts or the feelings.

And it doesn’t even MATTER!!!

STILL, it’s easy to see which ones have all the power!

Page 9: Siren Challenge - Coach Rori Raye · 2017-12-05 · Your 7-Day Rori Raye Siren Challenge Welcome to Siren School Live! You deserve - just because you're a woman (yes, I believe you're

It’s the thoughts from your head completely ignoring the feelings in your heart and body.

SO – let’s reverse that!

* You DO have the power to decide where your attention goes, and which part of you has the “power” at any moment!

* Yes, you can’t control what’s happening around you – and you don’t WANT to “control” what’s happening INSIDE you (this is absolutely “core” Siren Method, not wanting to control what’s inside you…) – yet you CAN make choices about where to put your attention, where

to funnel your energy.

You can choose what to “feed.”!!!

Now - Take it OUTSIDE:

Outside means - outside! Where there are people, men, women, all hanging around.

This could be the outside area at work, a coffee house, a hopping bar where you can sit on a stool, lean your back against the bar and see the room. It can be a class, a meeting...doesn't matter where, and it doesn't matter if there are "eligible men" there (though you'll get more value from every Tool if there are men around to practice with).

Now - Practice The Unsqueeze Assignment:

You do this by checking in with your body, acknowledging where you are, what you're sitting on, how the weather feels, how you're feeling just being there - and then let the thoughts and feelings flow. Let 'em roll.

Every time the same old same old thought comes up, Fall In Love With It and let it just wisp away like this:

Instead of focusing on it, commenting on it inside your head, building on it - simply don't "feed" it. Just like an animal at the zoo, don't feed it.

Page 10: Siren Challenge - Coach Rori Raye · 2017-12-05 · Your 7-Day Rori Raye Siren Challenge Welcome to Siren School Live! You deserve - just because you're a woman (yes, I believe you're

* Imagine your hand is around that thought, squeezing it. That's how we are with thoughts!

• We squeeze the and hold onto them and then build imaginary castles of thoughts onto -

* Now let go of the "squeeze."

* Don't try to "let go" of the thought, or the idea, or the feeling - just let go of the squeeze, just as if it were your hand squeezing.

* You're catching a thought or feeling or sensation - and then you're catching yourself squeezing on it, and then you pour love on the thought AND on the squeezing, then you let the squeeze dissolve. That's it!

The next thought and feeling - same thing!

The Siren Tank is always moving, always churning, always awesomely filled with YOU!

When you find yourself only getting what floats up to you from the Siren Tank, try diving in!

Swim around in the vapors and chains and memories and intense feelings. They're all yours!

* They all have amazing energy to give you, gifts to bestow, and experiences to treasure - all amid the sameness of everyday life swirling along with the once-in-a-lifetime joys and horrors.

Sirens have wings to fly up, and fins to dive deep. Use the "Catch" as your flying-up big view - and then use your Siren fins to dive deep into your own Siren Tank.

Love what's there, and let it move.

Brava! You’ve completed DAY 2!

Love, Rori

Page 11: Siren Challenge - Coach Rori Raye · 2017-12-05 · Your 7-Day Rori Raye Siren Challenge Welcome to Siren School Live! You deserve - just because you're a woman (yes, I believe you're

Day 3: Fall In Love With Where You Are

“Results” are about somebody else, not you.

Results and Goals are designed by someone else’s ideas, they are not necessarily coming from your own, unique desires.

Instead, “feed” and “entertain” your OWN moment-by-moment process and forget about results.

Leave them to someone else.

Okay, so if I’m not focused on a “goal” – how am I going to get where I want to go!!!!?

How frustrating!

Yes, it does feel frustrating to Leanback, let the world unfold as it will, give up trying to control things, and be “in the moment” instead of our “plans.”

And - who said that “plans” had to be results-oriented?

Ah – sounds like a trick, and it’s not. It’s your Feminine Energy coming through you. It’s the Rori Raye version of “Manifesting” – without the “man/masculine” part.

Sort of “Feminifesting…”

So – how do I make plans, write out my dreams, create steps to GET to my dreams of love, of money, of a man, of a job – and STILL be “not about the goal”?

Its easy. Your feminine energy has no interest in goals.

Your gut, your feelings, your intuition all tell you where to go next.

Your organic, chaotic, emotional feminine self simply feels desire, know what it wants to have, what it wants to share, is overflowing with inspiration and love – and so it naturally LEADS you to all those things you want.

Plans come naturally, because your feminine energy can feel all the pieces of your unique puzzle at once, can lay it all out at once, see it all at once.

The plan is in the pieces, and if you look at those pieces with the desire you have in your body – the pieces will naturally gather together in the order that most pleases you.

Page 12: Siren Challenge - Coach Rori Raye · 2017-12-05 · Your 7-Day Rori Raye Siren Challenge Welcome to Siren School Live! You deserve - just because you're a woman (yes, I believe you're


The Challenge is, to move forward from Day 2 – to FEEL your way into what you want.

It’s not enough to be boxed in by attraction, chemistry and a desire to NOT be something – like “alone.”

What you want is to feel into the WHOLE dream. The whole harmony, juicy, sexy, open to where you can say ANYTHING to a man and be loved even MORE.

By jumping to the end goal, we live entirely in our heads, and no man can connect with you there.

Try This Today, Day 3 - Your INSIDE:

Sit In A Chair

* Look around the room, wherever you are.

* Feel what you feel.

Panic at being stuck in an office? Frustration at being sick when you want to be at a party? Regret for whatever you said or did that you’re sure caused a chain reaction of misery? Fury for what HE said or did that makes you want to kick him off a cliff, even while grabbing him for dear life at the same time?

Sadness at being in the same chair day after day, with nothing changing? Frustration because going out and getting on Bumble and Match and Tinder turned up only ghosters and players and unappealing, immature boys?

When we’re here, in this stuck place, the last thing we want to do is mill around there, in “process.”

And yet – that’s what we have to do – only we need to do it RIGHT.

• If we sit in the same chair, go to the same place, do and say the same things, we FEEL stuck, even though the landscape is always shifting.

• The concept that Mr. Right will just “show up” conflicts with the need to “do something” that we all feel.

And here’s the thing:

Any number of Mr. Rights can show up, brush arms with you, dance with you, buy you a drink – and never, ever even fathom WHO YOU ARE.

Page 13: Siren Challenge - Coach Rori Raye · 2017-12-05 · Your 7-Day Rori Raye Siren Challenge Welcome to Siren School Live! You deserve - just because you're a woman (yes, I believe you're

THING f in there, in the Siren Tank – it’s hard to tell which comes first: the thoughts or the feelings.

They can’t see you, unless you LET them see you.

And if you’re in your head thinking about stuff, doggedly planning out steps to your goals - there’s no space, moment, or way he can see you.

“This is who I am” openness - requires practice.

And you have to BE in that practice space as much as possible - because when the high stakes moments come around (and they do ALL THE TIME!) – your vulnerability and openness need to be on AUTOMATIC.

You need to just be there, uncovered, unprotected, free and open. You have to be seeable.

You have to - no matter what’s going on - be you. You, soft, open, in the present moment, hearing what a man is saying, picking up on his vibes, and letting your real vibe out.

So – Day 3 is “Process Practice.”

Sit in that chair and just be with the room. With the furniture. If you start to feel panic, or loneliness, or fear, or frustration, or rage – BE with those feelings! Just hang with them.

They’re actually kind of interesting…because YOU are interesting!

* There is no “garden variety,” “ordinary” emotion. We’re all unique, and your flavor of emotional expression is yours alone – like a fingerprint!

* As you discover, in that chair, all the emotions and thoughts running around your brain, you’ll begin to notice if your deeper feelings feel in a rut of only sadness, pain and crying, or stuck in anger and resentment, or stuck in an empty, blank, shutdown place – AND when they drop even deeper into a peaceful feeling place.


Take your rage, frustration, fear, sadness, happiness, desire, hope, and everything you encountered in that chair out in the world, and catch INSPIRATION!

Take a walk, drive yourself to a coffee house or a market or a bar – anywhere with people.

Page 14: Siren Challenge - Coach Rori Raye · 2017-12-05 · Your 7-Day Rori Raye Siren Challenge Welcome to Siren School Live! You deserve - just because you're a woman (yes, I believe you're

A it doesn’t even MATTER!!!

Now, sit in a chair wherever you are – or just stand somewhere! - and Be wherever you are.

Be in that space, and see where your thoughts and feelings GO…

If you catch yourself going into wanting to “do” an ACTION – like calling a man, or texting him, or thinking about what’s going to happen on Saturday night – and it feels goal-like (or like a step TOWARD a “goal”), see if that impulse feels like a DISTRACTION from your feelings, or if it feels INSPIRED by them!

That’s what Day 3 is about – learning to tell INSPIRATION from DISTRACTION, and FUTURE THINKING from the experience of BEING right here, right now.

There is no way to play the piano without practice. Or to speak a new language, or to take great photographs.

And so it makes sense that there’s no way to be who you truly are when we’ve all taught each other to cover up who we are – without practice.

So, make it a low-stakes challenge. See if you can just be there for an hour (without liquor or sugar, please – we need you to be sharp!).

See if you can be “in the moment.”

When you feel bored, go somewhere else.

Follow not just an “impulse” – follow an INSPIRATION!

Yayyy – you’ve completed Day 3!

Love, Rori

Page 15: Siren Challenge - Coach Rori Raye · 2017-12-05 · Your 7-Day Rori Raye Siren Challenge Welcome to Siren School Live! You deserve - just because you're a woman (yes, I believe you're

TILL, it’s easy to see which onehat! You DO have the power to decide where your attention goes, and which

part of you

Day 4: Get Free Therapy: Circular Date And

Fall In Love With The World

Circular Dating is not about dating.

It doesn’t even need to INCLUDE "dating."

Circular Dating is a therapeutic step in the Rori Raye Method. It's an "arena" where you can interact with men out in the world and practice all the Siren baby-steps and Assignments.

This can look like an encounter with the butcher at the market, a short conversation with a man at Starbucks, or an actual date.

It’s about learning to open your heart, feel steady when your heart is open, trust yourself and stay sane.

The thing is this: Some women are just naturally "cool."

They can tolerate "limbo" in a relationship, and in life in general.

They somehow know, deep inside, that a man is going to come through - and they can "wait him out" peacefully.

Most of us, however – are NOT like that.

So – we’re now about: How do you stay “cool” when you’re in “limbo” ? (With "limbo" defined as being in an exclusive dating situation with a man who's still in the process of deciding if you’re the right one for him...)

So, Siren Island can be, for you, about feeling so good that you can be "cool" - No matter what!

But – what if it’s not easy for you?

What if waiting a man out feels like torture and, like most of us, you start to feel weird and insecure and scared?

No matter HOW lovely he is most of the time?

Page 16: Siren Challenge - Coach Rori Raye · 2017-12-05 · Your 7-Day Rori Raye Siren Challenge Welcome to Siren School Live! You deserve - just because you're a woman (yes, I believe you're

That’s where Circular Dating can save you. You just have to know how to do it so you’re not wrecking your relationship.

* If you’re "holding your tongue," and not asking the guy every few minutes whether he wants to marry you, or if he’s in love with you – even though you WANT to – where do you go with those feelings?

Yes, you can go to your girlfriends. You can go to therapy. You can find hobbies and get involved in other things that make you feel good and like you’re contributing to the world.

Or – you can do what I did and go to another city for the weekend to sit and think and walk around.

You can go out with your girlfriends and sing karaoke in a bar where there are tons of men and talk to them – without dating them.

You can go out for coffee with people you meet at a lecture.

You can go to an art class where there are 10 men drawing the nude model…and you can talk to them.

There are many ways to use Circular Dating.

Where Does Trust Figure In, Here?

Trust happens all throughout the day. Different men have different levels of trust available to them. They are also different in the levels of "danger" they’re attracted to.

My husband told me this last night: “I think every man is looking for his dream girl.”

And that, to me is the closest assessment of all this: He’s looking for his dream girl.

And so we’re always asking ourselves, and wanting to ask him - am I “her”? Am I your dream girl?

And what if he doesn’t know? Then what exactly are we supposed to do?

For me, Circular Dating is the way to get clarity.

Page 17: Siren Challenge - Coach Rori Raye · 2017-12-05 · Your 7-Day Rori Raye Siren Challenge Welcome to Siren School Live! You deserve - just because you're a woman (yes, I believe you're

Intimacy is a terrifying thing for most of us. It’s a condition where we get closer emotionally to another person than we’re used to – and closer than we think we can bear.

It takes bravery and practice to go outside our comfort zones.

And I know this for sure: If we women cave into our fears and insecurities and start demanding a level of intimacy a man is not ready to handle – we lose.

If, instead, we work on our OWN fear of intimacy, open our hearts to allow a man in, with as much warmth as possible whenever he DOES venture in close – and use Circular Dating to stay sane and centered and self-appreciative while the process is unfolding – we have a huge chance of having what we truly want with a man.


Make a list of 5-10 things you might find exciting. Some ideas:

1. An acting class

2. An Improvisation class.

3. A dance class (Salsa, Swing, Ballroom)

4. A golf clinic

5. A wall-climbing class

6. A political, environmental, neighborhood, charity meeting

7. A church, temple, ashram or any spiritual, meditation center meeting, class or event

8. A lecture about something you’re interested in

9. Whatever interests YOU!

10. Errands! The market, drugstore, anywhere!

All a Circular Date is – Is a conversation with anyone in public. Man, woman, child. In any situation.

The only requirement is that you use Feeling Messages, and have the “Free Therapy” attitude.

Page 18: Siren Challenge - Coach Rori Raye · 2017-12-05 · Your 7-Day Rori Raye Siren Challenge Welcome to Siren School Live! You deserve - just because you're a woman (yes, I believe you're

This means noticing when your mind goes to goals, to future-thinking, to figuring things out in your head – Then, once you've noticed - it means Falling In Love with all of that familiar stuff.

It means that Circular Dating is your PRACTICE. Just like a "meditation practice."

This is where you consider every man, woman and child who show up in front of you, on any day, at any time, as an agent of Free Therapy there just for you!

– and then, with them, in what I call a "Circular Date," you practice the Steps and Assignments you’ve learned so far in the Siren Challenge.

If you’re on Siren Island, Circular Dating may be the thing that needs the most support for you to get it going in the most effective way. This is where Siren Island coaches and I will "Script" you so you’ll get the most out of ANY Circular Dating encounter.

Please let me know how Circular Dating in this totally unique "Free Therapy" way is challenging you, how it feels, and what you've noticed happening around you.

I know you'll begin to feel many moving parts you may not have noticed before, and begin to see all kinds of things shifting around you in ways that will feel good to you!

Love, Rori

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Day 5: You’re Already Brave! – So Fall In Love With Fear

Learning anything new is not for the faint-of-heart –and if I know anything about you – it's that you're BRAVE.

You wouldn't be taking this Challenge if you weren't brave, because "aha" moments can go both ways:

* "Aha" moments can make you feel filled with glory that you finally "get" something that's been eluding you your whole life. You can suddenly and forever feel empowered.

* And "aha" moments can make you feel at "fault."

Just for being willing to take that 50/50 chance – you're ALREADY brave!

So – now – I want a solemn agreement between us that you will FEEL any bad feelings you feel. That you'll allow yourself to cry, feel anger, feel regret, feel whatever you feel.

And that you'll then say to yourself:

> "I made an agreement with Rori to never beat myself up no matter what - and to LOVE the part of me that beats myself up if I DO!"

> "I agree to choose the "glory" option of the 'aha' 50/50 chance...and to love the part of me that chooses the 'fault' side if I do..."

> " I agree to say to myself – 'Just because it's happened, it was supposed to happen...,' and to love the part of me that argues with that..."


Now - Is there something scary and awful you feel afraid is going to happen with a man, or with men in general, or in your relationship? Something that keeps coming to your mind and "haunting" you?

It might not even be something we'd consider terrible and awful - It could be something intimate, something you feel vulnerable about. For instance, telling the truth about something you've been hiding can be terrifying!

So see what comes to you, and then – try this:

Run Toward It!

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Not in a masculine way, from your head.

Not because you're being a good client, a good student, an evolving person wanting to "face" your fears….NO!

1. Run like a deeply feminine, organic, chaos-driven, emotion-based woman following her DESIRE!!!!

Let Desire compel you towards fear.

You already feel that a lot of the time! We ALL do!

We wouldn’t be so transfixed by dangerous, edgy men if we weren’t drawn to danger and fear. We're all moths drawn to flame, just like all creatures.

We can call it many things, including "self-destructive" if you like that perspective (I don't) – so let’s make it up "good," rather than icky-feeling!

We're drawn to what we fear - and also repelled by what we fear.

We're both terrified of our fear and compelled to experience it.

So – it makes no difference "WHY" we're afraid of something.

We don't have to look in the dumpster of the past to find out the "Why" of our feelings and thoughts.

We can't "fix" the "why" - but we can fix the "now" and the "next step"!

Most important for "fixing" - we don't need to UNDERSTAND the Why.

We don't need to understand the feelings and the thoughts or where they came from.

Instead, we can help the feelings and thoughts that are upset and making our bodies tense up.

We can help them feel better.

We can help them "heal."

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When thoughts and feelings from the dumpster files wind us up and start to close down our hearts - we can help the healing by falling in love with them - no matter how icky they seem.

And what about the "great memories" files! Those affect us deeply, too, creating patterns we feel compelled to follow in order to re-create them! We don't want to be "run" by ANYTHING but our deep, inner voice of desire, pleasure, good feelings. Once step at a time.

Once you begin to notice these parts, senses, feelings and thoughts that belong to you in any moment, once you get familiar with them - you'll understand the only thing you need to understand - that those thoughts and feelings love YOU!

All those pesky feelings and thoughts cram our brains and bodies because they love us and want to keep us safe.

If we can remember that...we heal. The dumpster of the past turns to a grassy meadow. It just is. It's where we came from when we were "there" - and now we're here.

The thoughts and feelings - even intense ones like rage and terror - are just THERE!

Fear just IS.

Feel it, let it pull you, let it inspire you, let it open doors, let it get your feet wanting to dance.

2. Then DANCE with fear, because you'll want to learn to tell the difference between: The intuitional prick of fear that guides you where to take your next step and where to not take that step - and the fear from the dumpster past that isn't real anymore.

* Dance with the "dumpster past" fear that makes us all afraid, every moment, of hearing the voices of love in us and around us, and instead tries to close us down and protect us from that same love.

* Dance with it, and it'll be there - as simple, pure energy - for you to use however you want.

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You can "drop down" below the fear and find different feelings and different thoughts.

You have the power to feed or not feed emotions and thoughts that don't feel good.

Try Running Toward the scary ones with love in your heart and open arms - and see if they dissolve like clouds in your gentle adoration.

Siren Island coaches know about fear, and they know how to help you "do" these seemingly small Tools in a big way.

They know how to teach you to dissolve the judging voice inside you - not by slamming it down, but by loving it ceaselessly.

You'll know that the coaches know how to do this, because you'll feel the love coming from them. The hallmark of a Rori Raye coach is a complete lack of "judgment."

A Rori Raye Coach doesn't even think "what is she doing?" in a judgmental way. It's just foreign to her. Instead, she's curious about what you're doing, and will wrap you in unconditional acceptance while teaching you how to "pour love" on yourself.

Go here to try Siren Island for 7 full days for only $1 - and then $29/month as long as you like->

Love, Rori

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Day 6: You Are Profound

How awful would it sound to read here: Fall In Love With Pain?

It seems like a slap in the face, to not acknowledge pain as pain, as a horrible thing.

And yet, poets have poured their pain into poems from the beginning of civilization.

Painters have been painting emotional and physical pain, desolation, heartache, illness, rage since the beginning of civilization.

We have come to name this "The Dark Night Of the Soul" – and we've come to see this in great men and women as profound.

So – what about you?

Is your pain pedestrian, ordinary, just not worth considering as "epic"?

Is it not worth a book, a play, a poem, a movie, many "dark nights" and soul-searching?

Of course it is!!!!!

Your pain is immense, important, and powerful.

It may be running the course of your life, or someone else's.

Your physical pain may turn you into a doctor. Your relationship pain may turn you into a coach. Your emotional pain may turn you into an author. OR:

All that pain may turn you into the deepest, most human version of yourself.


Let's honor your pain by…yes, Falling In Love With It.

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Ignoring it doesn't help.

Medicating it buries it just under the surface.

Distracting from it just brings it back tomorrow.

Loving It makes it epically profound and important – because it is.

Pain is fuel for your desires – not just to be OUT of pain, but to be somewhere where there is JOY.

To be someplace where pain fades to the background all on its own.

The strongest pain, the one that knocks us over, is the resistance we put up to it.

Dukes up, you'll hurt more than you will if you sink INTO the pain.

Muscles know that. Sensibilities know that.


Put your pain in front of you.

What does it look like? Is it a person, a young or old person? Is it an object, a "thing"?

What's it look like, what's it wearing or carrying or surrounded by… what color is it…and, most important:

* What's it doing?

* What do you feel when you experience what it's doing?

* Is there something you want to do?

Notice your instinctive reaction.

* Is it to protect yourself?

* To run away?

* Perhaps, to run TOWARD it, now that you've done Day 5 of the Siren Challenge?

* Is your main instinct to NOT FEEL it?

* Do you feel anger, hatred, fear?

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These are the kinds of questions to begin to ask yourself when you're feeling or fearing emotional pain in a relationship.

Instead of just jumping to the "self-soothing" processes (a nice bath, a walk, food...) go DEEPER INTO the pain.

If you've ever calmed a headache by sinking into it instead of medicating it, sinking into the muscles of your head and neck with your fingers, sinking into the feeling, the tension, the stiffness - you already know this method works in many ways and situations.

Let's say he says or does something that completely sets you off: He flirts with another woman right in front of you, or, even worse - he ignores and neglects you day after day.

* You can pretend to not be enraged, terrified of losing him, frustrated and confused.

* You can jump at your first instinct: to scream at him, reasonably "tell" him how "wrong" he is, complain, tell your friends, try to make him jealous...or,

* You can fall back to your second instinct: completely "Spirtually Bypass" all your intense feelings and tell yourself to "relax." (When someone tells me to "relax," my first instinct is to hit them!)

Instead, take the Siren Challenge to be WITH the pain, instead of confronting it, spewing it, trying to get rid of it.

1. HONOR the pain. Sit with it.

Let it fill you with feelings.

* Let it start the "Feelings Riff" in your mind, heart, spirit and body, where thoughts, feelings and sensations just roll through.

*Let the Feelings be a rollercoaster. Let them change directions on a dime, run in confusing circles, jump around, float by - let them do what they do.

*"Track" it all, notice it all, sit in the Siren Tank and let it all "percolate."

2. When you can feel even a moment of openness through your body - where you feel alive below your neck, can move your arms without tightening up your shoulders, and unclench your pelvis, just move wherever you want to move.

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If it's a scream, or a complaint, or a spew - do it to the mirror in a bathroom.

If it's an instinct to bottle-up everything you feel - just notice that.


This is where you learn to Sing Like The Siren You ARE - in Feeling Messages, and in your own, unique voice (not the voice someone else made up and taught you to use long ago).

The Final Siren Challenge Day 7, tomorrow, will focus on how to Sing in your own voice, in Feeling Messages. Then, if you like, on Siren Island on Facebook, we help you "Script" what you sing from your own heart - and say it in a way that will heal any situation.

If a man sets you off, first HONOR it.

Step away from him, into another space if you have to, to really do the Assignment.

Then, put together a "Script" that expresses what you feel.

If he's flirting: "I feel so tense and upset to see you connecting with another woman. Wow. I feel embarrassed to feel so insecure and jealous...and want to keep you all to myself...hmmm..."

You may even say, "I feel so off balance, I"m going to walk away for a moment..." and you go to the bathroom to give it Honor.

If he's neglecting and ignoring and withdrawing: "I feel lonely." He'll likely say something, perhaps a "grunt."

You can say: "I feel so much love and affection for you. I feel turned on with you. And I feel lonely and disconnected from you even when we're in the same room. It would feel amazing to talk, or go for a walk, or do anything together. What do you think we can do to get connected again?"

And you can even ask: "Is there something going on with you that you'd like me to know about?"

To get more help with Scripting, with the Honor Tool, with sitting with your pain and speaking what you feel, join me and brilliant Rori Raye Siren School coaches on Siren Island. You can try it out for 7 full days for only $1 here-->

Love, Rori

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Day 10: Sing – Find Your Voice And Open It Out...

We are all terrific at Making Stuff Up.

We know how to take any information we see or hear, and turn it into something that feels meaningful to us.

Only it isn't really meaningful. It doesn't mean anything

The only time something means anything is when we give it a meaning. When we Make It Up.

Until we make up a meaning, everything is just information. Period.

And so it's really easy for us to take any passing feeling or thought and go down the rabbit hole with it.

It's really easy to start dredging up memories, to remember what people once said to us about what it is we want to do.

What people said about our dreams and ideas for the future. What people said about love and about men.

All made up. All coming from the experience of the person telling us. And all coming from our past experience.

When we interpret something, anything – it's as though we're stuck back in the logjam of the past. We're seeing everything through the filter of what once happened to us. What we once heard.

This is where you want to simply SING - In your own voice.

To remember that, here on Siren Island, you are mesmerizing exactly as you are.

Your voice is inborn, a part of your nature, a unique gift like your fingerprint.

When you're on Siren Island, every single step you take is a step into the utter and complete unknown.

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I call this "Walking The Feminine Trail" - And after awhile of walking it, you stop instinctively focusing on being all worried about every step.

You'll stop focusing on worrying and planning and strategizing - because you'll begin to get that you can't know what's up next! EVER!

And so, you'll get used to it! You'll start trusting YOURSELF, and start feeling more adventurous.

You'll get used to using Day 5's Assignment of Running To Fear, and you'll just keep on moving....

The newness of this Challenge is that now - you're not following a charted road, or instructions, and no one's telling you what to do (well, they try...).

Instead, you're walking, one step at a time, into the total unknown at every second, following your OWN heartbeat. Your OWN instinct. Your OWN inner voice.

It's not possible to be on Siren Island and be interpreting.

It's simply not possible, because here on the Island we see too much, we know too much, we hear too much, we become aware of how much time we spend interpreting.

And then we become aware of how much time we spend triggering feelings from those interpretations.

And then how much time we spend interpreting those feelings the triggering evokes.

Until we might as well be spending our lives on the hamster wheel of cyclical thoughts and memories.

So Make It Your Mantra To Interpret Nothing. To simply feel what you feel, experience what you experience, and use that incoming information to become more aware of yourself. To step more solidly and confidently into the unknown along The Feminine Trail.

And what does this do for you with a man?


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* We're constantly interpreting a man's behavior. Interpreting his words, his body language, his texts.

* We're constantly interpreting our own thoughts and behavior and feelings. We're always asking "Why?"

* And then, while we're "waiting for the Why" – we're always thinking up more Whys: Why did that happen? What does that mean? What's going to happen next?

Try Turning The Why Around This Way:

Instead of asking "Why" a thing happened, or why someone did something, or why this came up for you, or why you feel so sad or tired or angry, try asking yourself this: "For What Reason am I thinking this thought." Or...

"For What Reason am I choosing to dwell on this thought." Or...

"For What Reason am I choosing to dwell on this feeling." Or...

"What was it that triggered me?"

Though the questions sound similar, the intent of the words are very different: Here, I'm asking for more information. I'm asking for more awareness. I am asking to understand my own interpretation. When I'm asking why somebody did something or why this happened to me – I'm asking impossible questions. I'm asking questions that can only be answered by an Interpretation.

Instead of interpreting what a man, woman, boss, friend, stranger says or does – ask.

• Ask him what he needs.

• Ask her what she means.

• Observe where you're coming from when you ask these questions: Are you asking genuinely for genuine information? Or do you have another, deeper agenda? Do you WANT something from him?

Just remember: It doesn't mean anything. It just is.

So - let's ask ourselves some questions:

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1. What am I interpreting about what a man just said or didn't say?

2. What am I interpreting about what a man just did or didn't do?

3. What am I interpreting by the feelings I'm experiencing in reaction to what the man said or did?

4. What am I imagining as a result of what he said or did and the way I feel

5. What am I interpreting about the result I'm imagining?

6. What am I feeling when I imagine the result I'm imagining?

7. What am I interpreting about the feeling I'm experiencing when I imagine this result, this future?


1. I'm standing here, thinking this_______________________.

2. I interpret it to mean____________________________.

3. Am I looking for the "why?"

4. Am I looking for what happens next?

5. Am I figuring it out?

6.What does it all mean to me?

Now, the Scripting begins!

A Script is simply taking a moment to put your feelings (not your thoughts!) into words, and then speaking those words out loud to the people you're interacting with.

Scripting is how we use, in your daily life, the core of the Rori Raye Method: Feeling Messages

It's about speaking as a "Poet of you" instead of as a "Reporter of him and the situation."

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* A Feeling Message begins with the words "I feel," or "I'm feeling," or "I can feel myself...," or even "I felt...."

* It SHARES your Feeling STATE, and never, ever "blames" HIM (or the other person) - or puts ANYONE, ever "at fault." (There IS no fault!!! - we can talk about that more on Siren Island...)

* If you need to state "context" - you can say "...when this (the event) happened..." or "...when I heard...___(fill in what he said here).

Scripting takes some practice, and when you're beginning to learn how, it'll take you a moment to put a Script together - which is why the Honor Assignment from Day 6 is so important. It gives you a moment to breathe and discover what you're truly feeling in a high-stakes situation with intense feelings.

This is how you find your Siren Voice, your OWN voice, and learn how to speak in it. Literally: Siren Singing!

Once you stop trying to Interpret everything that passes through your life and your mind – your true YOU voice will begin to get louder.

Trust that it’s there! It’s always BEEN there!

It’s just getting drowned out by all the masculine voices around you, by civilization in general.

Remember – you are NOT "civilized." You never needed to BE civilized. You are "life" itself, in the form of woman, in the package of your unique fingerprint of heart, body, mind and – emotions.

You are a pattern of your experiences – yes.

And this pattern came to be from training of civilization, family, school, friends, what you saw on TV and had read to you as a child.

None of this has absolutely ANYTHING to do with YOU – and as you begin to sing in your OWN voice, amazing things will happen.

You’ll be quite shocked at first.

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You perhaps didn’t know you could hold so much rage! So much eloquence, so much POETRY!!

And you DO hold all of that!

It’s not something you ever had to "learn."

It’s something you came into this world with – and something you continue to "channel" your whole life long.

Your parents and ancestors gave you genes and chromosomes and DNA – yet, no one taught you how to sing as YOU – only to sing as THEM.

So – here is your Challenge:

Let your own Siren Voice be heard. Hear it.

Now SPEAK it.

Now SING it!

Do Days 1-7 Assignments of the Siren Challenge as often as you can, and see if the voices of "civilization" begin to quiet down.

Your "opening" to this new awareness of the differences between YOUR Voice and the voices of everyone else from everywhere in your life begins with The Catch" From Day 2's Siren Tank.

Use it non-stop, hundreds of times a day, until it feels natural and automatic (this can happen in days!).

See if you can hear yourself come through loud and clear as DESIRE and INSPIRATION – even if it feels quite chaotic at first.

Chaos, remember, is the beginning of the Universe. AND, Chaos is all feminine.

This is where we ALL began.

You ARE the beginning.

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To Join Siren Island->

Love, Rori

And – the beginning never stops beginning, each moment anew, so YOU are "new" at every moment!

When you've completed the Challenge, let me know how it’s gone for you – what’s changed, what you've learned about your possibilities…

I’m on Siren Island nearly every day, along with several Siren School coaches, and right along with consistently and beautifully getting your questions answered - you can get immediate help with whatever you need, whatever situation you’re finding yourself in!

Siren Island is especially here to help you with "Scripts" to find your Siren voice and give it words to speak your feminine truth, no matter what.

To get on Siren Island for only $1 for a 7 full-day "try-out" (and to read one of my own "Siren Stories") – Click here: