siddhi times-fortnight edition - march 2009 - dr.commander selvam


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Publisher Hindu Temple of Georgia

Precious Islamic Short Stories 4Spirituality 8The Tempest II 14Swamiji’s Tours 18 Sports 20Alternative Medicines 26One Religion Is As True As Another 34Joks Corner 38Failure is common 41Asana 45Vedic Astrology 50Zodiac Connection 56

(Also Known as Shiva Vishnu Temple of Georgia)

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Hindu Temple of Georgia(Also Known as Shiva Vishnu Temple)

Temple Festivals

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“There are some such children; they seek the help of God to punish somebody whom they don’t like.”

If you develop such wicked thoughts, it is only out of your own bad temperament. Such an attitude shows jealousy. You are fit to be termed a “Green Eyed Monster.” This attitude reveals your inability and lack of perseverance in your own endeavors. On the other hand, the friends you decry are endowed with abilities and skills superior

to your own. In fact, they are helped by God to earn success on account of their good nature and righteousness.

The Wicked Brother and the Pious BrotherIn the city of Baghdad there lived a pious family. There were two sons in the family, Salim and Alibaba. Salim, the elder to Alibaba always despised Alibaba because he was so well liked by all. Alibaba was very upright by nature and was

a God-fearing man. Salim was always found in bad company and he was condemned by all for his evil thinking. The family made its living from the firewood cut from the forest. The brothers would go to forest to cut wood and they helped the family to survive with the money they got from the sale of firewood. On his way to forest Salim would often advise Alibaba to flee from their parents with the money received from the sale of the firewood. But Alibaba by nature was very kind, compassionate, and sympathetic towards his aged father and mother, so he did not accept the suggestions of Salim.

This made Salim hate Alibaba even more. He was just waiting for an opportunity to eliminate his younger brother. Once, while returning home from the forest, the brothers saw a band of robbers sitting under a tree who were sharing the booty stolen from a village. The robbers wrapped in pieces of cloth their shares of the stolen wealth and hid them under the tree and left the place. Salim wicked by nature, compelled Alibaba to take for themselves the hidden treasure. But Alibaba, as was usual, said, “Dear brother, this is ill-gotten money. God will punish them for their sin. We should not share in any part of the robbery. Please drop this evil thought.” But Salim did not take heed of what Alibaba had said. He stayed behind to carry out his wicked plan. After two days when the brothers came back to the forest, they were suddenly surrounded by the robbers.

Precious Islamic Short Stories

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The head of the band caught hold of the brothers and wielded a knife to kill them if they failed to surrender the treasure. But Alibaba pleaded his innocence and begged the robbers to spare their lives for the sake of their aged parents. Salim was all the while keeping quiet. His behaviour raised some doubt in the minds of the robbers. When the robbers started beating them, Alibaba cried bitterly and said that he was not aware of their treasure. But suddenly Salim said. “Sir, I saw my brother digging out bundles from the earth under the tree. He took them and hid them somewhere!” Salim thought that was the opportune time for him to do away with his brother and live happily. But Alibaba stood on his point firmly and said, “In the name of God, I am not aware of any bundles.”

The head of the robbers suddenly thought of a plan. He said to the brothers that he would give them five minutes time. If they failed to return their six bundles, they would kill them. Alibaba continued to stand on his innocence. But Salim said, “Woe sir, there were only five bundles!” This was sufficient for the robbers. They beat Salim severely and chopped off his right hand. Salim faced wrath for his wickedness.

The main cause of suffering is thus rooted in man’s own actions. Man’s greed, avarice, pride, sensuality, the suffering caused to his fellow man and to himself, revenge, jealousy, and craning for power cause such results. Much suffering could be avoided if this cause were removed. To do this we must pray and understand God’s plan for us. The presence of evil and the wickedness in man is a challenge to God’s love for him. Many people find it difficult to reconcile the presence of evil with a loving God who cares for the world. They see the wonderful creations of God on the one hand and on the other they are faced with misery and unbearable suffering.

The Three CowsAn Amazing Story of Caring FriendshipThere was a green and fresh pasture in which three cows lived, a white cow, a black cow and a reddish-brown one.

The cows were always very nice and kind to each other. They would graze in the meadow together and they would sleep near each other. Till it happened one day, a reddish brown colored lion from the forest happened to pass that way. The lion was unhappy. It was hungry and was looking for a prey. On catching sight of the cows it became glad; but it could not attack them, because they were together. So the lion sat in a corner and waited for the cows to separate from each other. However, the cows were together and wouldn’t part from each other, because they knew that, if they were together, no predator could attack them! The lion lay in ambush nearly three days. But the cows would not part and continued to remain together. And the lion became unhappy.

Then a plan occurred to it. It went towards the cows greeted them and said, “How are you my friends? Are you fine? I have been remembering you for a long time, but because I am so busy, I haven’t come to you to ask about your health. But today I said to myself, “Anyhow, I should come and see and visit you!”The reddish-brown cow said, “Sir, your coming has really pleased us and has brightened our pasture.” The Lion said, “I have always remembered you, and have even ordered a better pasture made ready for you.”

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The reddish-brown cow said, “Sir you have really obliged us and we are very thankful to you.” Now both the white and black cows were troubled by what their friend the reddish-brown cow said, and were grieved at its thoughtlessness. They feared lest it should be deceived. They said to each other, “Which forest has got a better pasture? Why does the reddish-brown cow believe what the lion says? Doesn’t it know that lions only seek other animals to prey on them?

The reddish-brown cow each day became more and more a close friend of the lion. The black cow and the white cow advised it as much as they could, but to no avail. One day the lion said to the reddish-brown cow, “You know that the color of our bodies is dark and that the color of the body of the white cow is light and you also know that light is apposite of dark. It would be very good if I eat the white cow. The reddish-brown cow accepted the words of the selfish lion and started talking to the black cow to keep it busy, so that the lion could eat the white cow with more ease. The white cow was left alone and was killed while the black and the reddish-brown cows were busy with idle talk.

Two or three days passed since the lion had devoured the white cow. The lion became angry and uneasy. He was lying in a corner while the reddish-brown cow was grazing and moving around the lion. The lion called the reddish-brown cow. The cow answered, “Yes sir.” The lion said it would now eat the black cow. Then the lion attacked and devoured the black cow too. And as for the reddish-brown cow, it was so filled with joy that it did not know what to do. It roamed, and grazed, and said to itself, “It is only me

who has the color of the lion!”

A few days passed since the black cow had been devoured by the lion. Then the lion roared and ordered the reddish-brown cow to come forward. “Today it is your turn. Get yourself ready. I am going to eat you!” The reddish-brown cow then said with fear and horror, “I am your friend, please allow me to cry out three times before you eat me!” The Lion said, “Quickly, Quickly.” The reddish-brown cow then cried out, “I was eaten the very day the white cow was eaten. I was eaten the every day the black cow was eaten. I was eaten the very day I made friends with you!” The lion then devoured the reddish-brown cow very quickly, and said to itself, “Now, I had better go to other forests!”

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Pandit L.V. Sharma

O v e r t h e past issues we have discussed a few points about Spirituality as explained in the Upanishads, the Bhagavad-Gita, and the Ramayana. In this issue we will

discuss the Spirituality found in the Mahabharata. I

whole heartedly thank the Almighty and

my Swamiji for blessing me

w i t h

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more opportunities to express my thoughts on Spirituality.

The Mahabharata is one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, the other being the Ramayana. This epic is part of the Hindu Itihasa, and forms an important part of Hindu Philosophy. It is of immense importance to the culture of the Indian Subcontinent, and it is a major text in Hinduism. Its discussion of the human goals: Dharma (duty), Artha (purpose), Kama (pleasure), and Moksha (liberation), takes place in a long-standing tradition, attempting to explain the relationship of the individual to society, the world and to the workings of Karma.

With more than 74,000 verses, the Mahabharata is one of the longest epic poems in the world. It is about four times the size of the Ramayana. Including the Harivamsa, the Mahabharata has a total length of more than 90,000 verses. Besides its epic narrative of the Kurukshetra War and the fates of the Kauravas and the Pandavas, the Mahabharata contains much philosophical and devotional material, such as the Shrimad Bhagavad-Gita, and a discussion of the four goals of life (purusharthas). They are enumerated as Dharma (right action), Artha (purpose), Kama (pleasure), and Moksha (liberation). This great epic was dictated to Lord Ganesha by the great sage Veda Vyasa. Since Lord Ganesha could not find the proper writing materials, he broke one of his tusks and wrote the epic on the hill called Meru. The Mahabharata is divided into eighteen “parvas” or books. The parvas are again subdivided into chapters. The last two chapters are called the Harivamsa and it tells about the life and death of Lord Krishna. Among the principal works and stories that are a part of the Mahabharata, the following eighteen books that I will describe are the most famous.

1. Adi Parva The Book of the Beginning (The word “adi” means first) explains how the Mahabharata came to be narrated by Sauti to the assembled rishis at Naimisharanya. Vaishampayana recited the Mahabharata at the Sarpayaga, which was conducted by Janamejaya. (Vaishampayana is the other name of sage Veda Vyasa.) The history of the Bharata race is told in detail, and the book also traces history of the Bhrigu race - The birth and early life of the Kuru princes.

2. Sabha Parva The Book of the Assembly Hall describes Maya Danava erecting the palace and court (sabha), at Indraprastha, the life at the court, Yudhishthira’s Rajasuya Yajna, the game of dice, and the eventual exile of the Pandavas.

3. Vana Parva (also Aranyaka-parva) The Book of the Forest covers the twelve years of exile in the forest (aranya).

4. Virata Parva The Book of Virata recounts the year in incognito spent at the court of Virata.

5. Udyoga Parva The Book of the Effort (“udyoga” means effort or work) tells of the preparations for war and the efforts to bring about peace between the Kurus and the Pandavas which eventually fail.

6. Bhishma Parva The Book of Bhishma goes over the first part of the great battle, with Bhishma as the commander for the Kauravas and his

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fall on a bed of arrows.

7. Drona Parva In the Book of Drona, the battle continues, with Drona as commander. This is the major book of the war. Most of the great warriors on both sides are dead by the end of this book.

8. Karna Parva In the Book of Karna, the battle is narrated again, now with Karna as the commander.

9. Shalya Parva This means “The Book of Shalya.” Here is the description of the last day of battle, with Shalya as the commander. Told in detail, is the pilgrimage of Balarama to the fords of the river Saraswati and the mace fight between Bheema and Duryodhana, which ends the war when Bheema kills Duryodhana by smashing him on the thighs with a mace.

10. Sauptika Parva (The Book of the Sleeping

Warriors) Ashvattama, Kripa and Kritavarma kill the remaining Pandava army in their sleep. Only seven warriors remain on the Pandava side and three on the Kaurava side.

11. Stri Parva (The Book of the Women) Here, Gandhari, Kunti and the women (stri) of the Kurus and the Pandavas lament their dead.

12. Shanti Parva (“Shanti” means peace) The Book of Peace covers the crowning of Yudhisthira as king of Hastinapura, and the instructions from Bhishma for the newly anointed king on society, economics, and politics. This is the longest book of the Mahabharata.

13. Anushasana Parva In the “Book of the Instructions” are the final instructions from Bhishma (“anushasana” means rules and regulations).

14. Ashvamedhika Parva The Book of the Horse Sacrifice is the royal ceremony of the Ashvamedha (Horse

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Sacrifice) conducted by Yudhisthira. Also covered is the world conquest by Arjuna. And the Anugita (the supplement to the Srimad Bhagavad-Gita) is told by Krishna to Arjuna.

15. Ashramavasika Parva (The Book of the Hermitage) In this book we have the eventual deaths of Dhritarashtra, Gandhari, and Kunti in a forest fire when they are living in a hermitage in the Himalayas. Vidura predeceases them and Sanjaya on Dhritarashtra’s bidding goes to live in the higher Himalayas.

16. Mausala Parva The Book of the Clubs describes the infighting between the Yadavas with maces (mausala) and the eventual destruction of theYadavas.

17. Mahaprasthanika Parva (The Book of the Great Journey) This is the great journey of Yudhisthira and his brothers across the whole country and finally their ascent of the great Himalayas where each Pandava falls except for Yudhisthira.

18. Svargarohana Parva (The Book of the Ascent to Heaven) Here is Yudhisthira’s final test, and the return of the Pandavas to the spiritual world (svarga).

Out of these eighteen great books, the morality to be adopted by an individual is mostly taught. The rules and regulations told in these great books are applicable from the topmost to the bottommost in society. By adopting the rules, regulations, and morality of the Mahabharata, one can become a practical example to the entire world. The intellectual giants like Bishma, Drona, Yudishtira, and Lord Krishna showed the path that leads to a peaceful and spiritual life. They are the important rules and practical lessons for leading a calm, peaceful, and brave, spiritual life.

In Book 6 (Bhishma Parva) of The Bhagavad-Gita, Krishna advises and teaches Arjuna when he is riddled with doubt. These teachings are not only meant for Arjuna but for one and all in

the universe. The teachings match from the day of epics until today. It will also match well for the future also. As a great epic, the Mahabharata has put forth an enormous effort to cultivate spirituality and moralities into the regular lives of human beings. There is no spiritual partiality in the human race from emperor to the last citizen.

The core story of the work is that of a dynastic struggle for the throne of Hastinapura, the kingdom ruled by the Kuru clan. The two collateral branches of the family that participate in the struggle are the Kaurava and the Pandava. Although the Kaurava is the senior branch of the family, Duryodhana,

the eldest Kaurava, is younger than Yudhisthira, the eldest Pandava. Both Duryodhana and Yudhisthira claim to the first in line to inherit the throne. The struggle culminates in the great battle of Kurukshetra, in which the Pandavas are ultimately victorious. The battle produces complex conflicts of kinship and friendship, instances of family loyalty and duty taking precedence over what is right, as well as the converse. The Mahabharata itself ends with the death of Lord Krishna, and the subsequent end of his dynasty, and ascent of the Pandava brothers to heaven. It also marks the beginning of the Hindu age of Kali (Kali Yuga), the fourth and final age of mankind, where the great values and noble ideas have crumbled,

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and man is heading toward the complete dissolution of right action, morality and virtue.

By reading and understanding the Mahabharata one can easily understand what humanity is and what all the essentialities of humanity are. By being the best human the Yudishtira has shown himself to be the best example for human beings. Even though he was hurt in many ways, he never backed away from his Dharma. That’s why he is remembered as Dharmaputra. He stands as an example of Dharma. He never cared for anything other than Dharma. The next is Bheema. He stands as an example for his dedicated devotion. For wherever he was, he used to worship Lord Shiva. He got a lot of boons from Lord Shiva. And even though he got lot of boons from Lord Shiva, he never misused them. The next is Arjuna. He had the closest relationship with Lord Krishna. Even though he had Lord Krishna’s closest relationship, he never misused it either. The next celebrity in the epic is Karna. He is the practical example of thankfulness and friendship. He even sacrificed his life for the sake of friendship and thankfulness.

Just like the aforesaid, there are lots of examples in the entire epic. These are all on the positive side. The epic has plenty of examples on the negative sides as well. These examples are Duriyodana, Duchathana, Sakuni, and many more people. By looking at these people one can clearly understand how one should not behave in society.

Out of these eighteen books the 1st to 5th explain the complete life of the prince, princess, kings and queens. The 6th book to 11th book talks about the battle. The 12th book tells about the peace. The book number 13 has the standard rules and regulations formulated by the greatest scholar Bishma. By following these rules and regulations one can set a practical example to society, and one can be the best spiritual human being possible. The same book contains the “Vishnu Sahasranamam” (one thousand eight names of Lord Mahavishnu).

Book 14 tells the duties of an emperor or a king. It also details the procedure of the greatest ritual, the Ashvamedha, conducted by Yudishtira. Book 15 details the retired life of Drutarashtra and his wife. It also describes the last minutes of Drutharashtra, his wife, and Padava’s mother, Kunti. Book 16 tells about the war between the Yadhavas. It is a family feud. Because of this infighting, the Yadhava dynasty was ruined. Book 17 explains the journey of Pandavas across the whole country and it contains discussions of Yudishtira with the god of Dharma. It is considered one of the most important parts of the great epic. This section tells about the basic morality to be followed by mankind. Book 18 is the ending of the great epic. It explains the results of Yudishtira and the return of Pandavas to the spiritual world. One cannot become great by simply reading through the books of spirituality. However, if everybody tries to follow the basic moralities taught in the holy books; then, society will become great. There will be no struggles at all. The entire universe will be a “universe of peace.” As per the

sayings of Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar, we all can have a very comfortable living. I thank the Almighty and Swamiji for giving me this opportunity to share my thoughts on spirituality. I pray that they continue to bless me with more and more chances to share my thoughts on spirituality. Om Shanti.

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Would none of them be drowned, and the ship too, would be saved? “But why are you doing this?” Miranda asked. “These men have done to you no harm!” Prospero smiled at her sadly, “Many years ago they did me great harm, my child!” he said gently. “The time has come for me tell you all about it. Let us sit down on this rock while you listen to my story.”

So Miranda sat at her father’s feet and he told her about their life in Milan, and the reason why they were now lining on this lonely Island. “I am still the rightful Duke of Milan!” He finished, “And now my opportunity has come to revenge myself on my enemies. They are all on board that ship rolling in the waves. Alonso, the King of Naples arranged for his daughter to marry a foreign king, and he hired this ship to carry them across the sea to Africa. The wedding is over and they are now returning to Naples. The king’s son Ferdinand is with his

The TempestPart 2

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father on board and my brother Antonio and the king’s brother, Sebastian are also with them.”

Prospero had learned all this through his strange magic powers and he had planned the storm. With Ariel’s help he arranged that the ship should be driven towards the island by the Winds and that it should seem to be wrecked on the rocky shore.

“Nobody will be hurt!” he promised his daughter. “But they must be punished and made to regret their unkindness to us both!”

Miranda trusted her father and knew that he would not break his promise to her. Tired with all the excitement of the storm, she lay down and went to sleep. Then Prospero called Ariel to him, for he had more work for him to do.

Ariel had a very busy morning and he felt tired. He began to complain to his master, “What? Is there more work?” he said. “Don’t you remember that you promised me my liberty if I serve you faithfully in this matter? I have brought the ship to the island, and now I want to be free!”

“The time has not yet come.” Prospero said. “Have you forgotten how I saved you from a terrible imprisonment? Do

you want to be locked in that tree again? If you will serve me for two more days, you shall be freed to go where you will.”

“That is my noble master!” said Ariel gratefully. “What shall I do? Say what shall I do?” Prospero told him, to take the shape of a sea fairy. Only Prospero must be able to see him, but all others should hear his voice. “Bring Ferdinand here.” Prospero told him. And Ariel went in search of the king’s son.

Ferdinand had been washed ashore alone on one side of the island, and he was filled with sorrow and despair, because he thought that his father and all the others in the ship must have been drowned. Suddenly he heard a mysterious voice singing to him. And the words made him more miserable still. For the voice was telling him that his father was drowned, and lying at the bottom of the sea. (This was Ariel’s idea of a Joke and rather unkind.) Poor Ferdinand walked in the direction of the voice, and led him on and on through the woods. What was this strange music? Surely this must be a magic island! Where can this music be? Ferdinand wondered. “Is it in the air or earth? Miranda saw Ferdinand walking towards them, and she was astonished. She had

never seen such a beautiful person and she felt sure he must be a fairy. No he wasn’t a fairy, prospero told her. He eats and sleeps just as we do. He was on the ship, and now he is looking for his father and his friends.

Ferdinand looked up and saw Miranda and he was certain, too, that she was no human being.

“This must be the fairy who was singing so sweetly.” he thought, and he asked her if this was so.

“No, I am a human just as you are.” Miranda answered.

Ferdinand was greatly astonished to hear her speak the same language as he did. Her gentleness, and beauty made him love her at once, and she from her side side, loved him too.

When Prospero knew that his daughter Miranda and Ferdinand were in love with each other, Prospero tested Ferdinand, to know whether the love was true or not.

Ferdinand proved that his love was true. He told Ferdinand, “As soon as you return to Naples, you may marry Miranda.” Ferdinand and Miranda were overjoyed.

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Meanwhile, things had not been going so well on the other side of the island, where the rest of the ship’s party had been washed ashore. The King of Naples thought his son had been drowned. Gonzalo, the kind old man who had helped Prospero twelve years before, tried to comfort his king by saying that Ferdinand was an excellent swimmer. The sailors had seen the young man swimming strongly towards the shore, and Gonzalo was sure that Ferdinand must have reached land some where. But, Alonso would not be comforted. It seemed to him that they must have searched the whole island for hours, yet they had not found his son. The king said sadly, “Let us sit down and rest, and not search any more.”

Prospero’s brother, Antonio and the king’s brother, Sebastian, were with them, and they all sat down together on the grass. They had been constantly followed by Ariel, who made loud and frightening noises around them, and their hearts were filled with fear and confusion. They were thirsty and hungry too, but they had nothing to eat or drink. So, Alonso and Gonzalo wrapped their coats around themselves and were soon fast asleep.

The wicked Antonio however, was up to his old tricks. This time he was planning to kill his former friend, Alonso, and make Sebastian king of Naples in his place. Here was their chance. But Prospero through his magic powers knew what Antanio and Sebastian were planning to do. He sent Ariel to protect the king.

Ariel saved the king through magic powers and said, “You are thee wicked men and you have been brought to this lonely island because you are too wicked to live with other men.” Ariel went on to tell them that this was their punishment for their crime against Duke Prospero, and that only one thing could save them from death on the island. They must show sincere regret for their wickedness and promise to lead a better life in future.

Then Ariel disappeared with lightning flaming all around and a roll of thunder. Alonso, Antanio, and Sebastian were filled with fear and sorrow. Many violent and terrible things had happened to them within the last twenty four hours, and they knew that the punishment was a just one. They swore they would be better men in future.

Then at last, Prospero appeared before them in his magic coat. He thought that they had been punished enough by all they had suffered since the beginning of the storm. At first they could not recognize him, but when he removed his magic coat and they saw who he was, they all begged for his forgiveness and asked him to come back as Duke of Milan.

Prospero turned to Alonso, “Since you have given me my dukedom,” he said, “I will repay you with as good a thing and he took him to the entrance of the cave which had been his home for so long. How thankful Alonso was when he looked inside, and saw Ferdinand sitting there with a beautiful girl. When he was told that the girl was Miranda, Prospero’s daughter, Alonso begged her forgiveness for his former treatment of her father.

And when he heard that Ferdinand was to marry this lovely girl, his happiness was great indeed. “Give me your hands,” said Alonso to the two young people, “and may all those who do not wish you well suffer pain and sorrow for the rest of their lives!”

And now the faithful Ariel led the lost sailors to their king, and they brought the news that the ship was not wrecked as every one feared. The next day they all sailed back to Milan, where Ferdinand and Miranda were married and Prospero ruled again as Duke, to the great rejoicing of all his people.

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Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar who is considered as a Living God to his followers worldwide. His holiness is accompanied by his 18 priests and visiting the following countries between March 4TH 2009 TO June 10th 2009 to give his personal blessings, to give satsang, to participate and to perform few Weddings and House warming ceremonies for his followers in the following countries and cities.

Please make a prior appointment with the organizers in your cities to get to talk to Swamiji personally or to get his Darshan and for his personal blessings. Kindly contact the following e- mails of the organizers for Swamiji’s visit in your city. The personal consultation with Swamij will be only with prior appointments, Please make sure that you get prior appointment set with the organizers of Swamiji’s Tour in your city, since swamiji is traveling extensively to bless his world wide followers.

Please note that Swamiji would be available in the mandir in Georgia- USA ,just for a day (only on the Poornima day- Full moon) for the Durga transformation on his body in the month of March to June 2009 , in the middle of his World wide blessing Tour .

Swamiji is giving personal blessings after his satsang in the local Temples/ and organizations. All days Indian Vegetarian food would be served as Maha Prasad Thanks to the following Sponsors & Organizers all over the world:

Swamiji’s tour dates to your country and Contact Details for the Organizers are as follows:-

SwitzerlandMarch 5th 2009 to March 14 th 2009- ( Zurich, Geneva, Berlin)

Please Contacts the following organizers :Sevalkodiyon Dharnmalingam - [email protected] Dr.Padmaja Rangabashyam - [email protected] Murti Srinivasan [email protected] [email protected]

Happy News for the Devotees of Swamiji Sri Selvam “ Siddhar”in

Switzerland, England, Germany, Australia, Fiji, Caribbean Islands (Netherlands Antilles, St Lucia, Dominica, Grenada, Antigua , St Kitts, St Nevis, US Virgin Islands,

Cayman Island, The Bahamas, Barbuda Aruba, and Puerto Rico)

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Panna Ben [email protected] Praba- [email protected] Annamalai - [email protected] Ramanujam - [email protected] Quicho - [email protected] Stewart- [email protected]

England(London, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Manchester) Between March 15th 2009 to March 26 th 2009(Kindly contact the following e- mails for the Temple/ Venue/ Organization

Dr.Jaiprakash Bhai Patel - [email protected] Kannan - [email protected] Bhasin - [email protected] Rohin Saluja - [email protected] Raghu Srinivasan - [email protected] Chitra Iyer - [email protected]. Yesnia Haddur - [email protected]. Manpreet Kaur - [email protected]. Gurvinder singh Bindra - [email protected]. Tania Hossain - [email protected] Kanagasabai - [email protected] Pillai - [email protected] Iyengar - [email protected]

Germany ( Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich, Stuttgart) Between March 29 th 2009 to April 10 th 2009 . Kindly contact the following e- mails for the Temple/ Venue/ Organization:-

Mr Satish Kanna - [email protected]. Nalini Poonkodi - [email protected]. Manju Ganguly - [email protected] Satyam Nagendran - [email protected]. Rama Kollupodi - [email protected]. Reka Shetty - [email protected] Reddy - [email protected]. Nelli Vasan - [email protected] Ram Ganesan - [email protected] Sebastin Alexander - [email protected] Manjit Singh Devra – [email protected]. Priya Arora - [email protected] Dr Annamalai Kartikeyan - [email protected] Vincent Immanuel - [email protected]

Australia(Sydney, Darwin, Canberra, Perth,Melbourne,Hobart,Adelaide,Brisbane) From April 12 th to April 18th 2009Dr. Vaityalingan Sarabeswaran- [email protected]. Indirakrishnan Shanmugapandiyan [email protected] Geeta Narsiman- [email protected] Julie Violet- [email protected] Anita Iyer- [email protected] Nallukdi Peravu- [email protected] Dr. Dhanasekar Sambasivam- [email protected] Karuppiha Chettiar- [email protected] Dr. Harbinder Singh Bains- [email protected] Nila Desai- [email protected] Ramani Kannan- [email protected] Poocha Reddy- [email protected] Malini Singh- [email protected]

Fiji Islands ( Suva, Nandi) From April 20 th to April 27 th 2009Dr. Meena Mehritra- [email protected] Dhna Venugopal- [email protected] Sanjay Garg- sanjay. [email protected] Sundar Kumar Manocha- [email protected] Amjan Khan Alim- [email protected] Dr. Saroj Saberwal - [email protected] Dr. Veni Sugandan- [email protected] Dr. Bimlesh [email protected] Dr. Kala [email protected] Panna Parekah- [email protected]

Caribbean Islands –Antigua & St Lucia - April 29th May 3rd 2009 Dr. Hemalata Sharma- [email protected] Olivian Hiarise- [email protected] Dr. Nathw Qwosisd- [email protected] Dr. Suda Nambiar- [email protected] Sundar Bodiyani- [email protected] Tarun L Kanani- [email protected]

Caribbean Islands – Netherland Antilles & Grenada – May 4th 2009 to May 9th 2009 Mahesh Singh Kumar - [email protected] Dr. Prabahar Velautham - [email protected] Dr. Richa Sharma- [email protected] Anand Midiani- [email protected] Vedchandani Kismu- [email protected] Dr. Niolpher [email protected] Dr. Reddy Dharam Narender- [email protected] Vatsala Naidu- [email protected] Dr. Kumaragurubaran [email protected] Islands- Aruba- May 10th to May 14 th 2009 Krish Kenayani- [email protected] Shailesh Patel- [email protected] Dr. Veda Sharma- [email protected]. Rahul Punjabi- [email protected]

Caribbean Islands – St. Kitts & Nevis From May 16h May 22nd 2009Dr. Valsala Menon- [email protected] Dr. Joaan Perdur- [email protected] Sita Singh Grover- [email protected] Dr. Kevin Grover- [email protected]

Caribbean Islands- Dominica, Barbados, Antigua & Barbuda -From May 24 th to May 29 th 2009 Dr. Renu Ram- [email protected] Purohini Nanda- [email protected] Vatsala Sharma- [email protected] Dr. Stephen Qolweri- [email protected] Dr. Vadui Nawnuuscase- [email protected] Nawnuuscase- [email protected]

Caribbean Islands:-Puerto Rico & US Virgin islands ,The Bhamas and cayman islands From May 30 th to June 10th 2009Sekar [email protected] Naiya Moiyed [email protected] Dr. Vinayaga Hehde- [email protected] Dr. Ana Prwet [email protected] Dr. Mahalingam [email protected]. Porkodi SahadevanDr Bahiyam IyengarNityanandan SundresanDr Seema PatelMr Jai shuklaMahalakshmi Sachidandan

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Back IssuesMany people have been requesting copies of previous issues of our Siddhi Times USA magazine. So, we have decided to make them available, while supplies last, at no cost, other than a small shipping and handling fee of $5.95.

We only keep a few back issues on hand for cataloguing purposes, so depending on demand; we might not have every month available. We hope you understand.

Just mail a check or money order for $5.95, made out to Hindu Temple and Community Center of Georgia. Inc., and let us know which month and year to send you. It’s that’s simple. Our address is: Siddhi Times USA, Attn: Archives, 5900 Brook Hollow Parkway Norcross, GA 30071 Om Nama Shivaya.

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In this issue we will discuss an interesting game. It is Kabaddi. Kabaddi is a team sport originally from the Indian Subcontinent. Two teams occupy opposite halves of a field and take turns sending a “raider” into the other half in order to win points by tagging or wrestling the members of the opposing team. The raider then tries to return to his own half, all the while holding his breath during the whole raid.

Kabaddi is popular throughout South Asia, and has also spread to Southeast Asia, Japan, and Iran. It is the national game of Bangladesh, where it is known as Hadudu. In India it is the state game of Punjab, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Maharashtra. It is played by the British Army for fun, to keep fit, and as an enticement to recruit soldiers from the British Asian community.

In the team, or transnational, style of Kabaddi, two teams of seven members each occupy opposite halves of a field 12.5m × 10m (roughly half the size of a basketball court). Each has five supplementary players held in reserve. The game is held in two 20-minute halves, with a five-minute half-time break during which the teams switch sides. The teams take turns sending a “raider” to the opposite side, where the goal is to tag, wrestle, or confine members of the opposite team before returning home. Tagged members are “out” and sent off the field. Meanwhile, defenders must form a chain, for example by linking hands; if the chain is broken,

Sports Page

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a member of the defending team is sent off. The goal of the defenders is to stop the raider from returning to the home side before taking a breath. If the raider takes a breath before returning, the raider is sent off the field.

A player can also get out by going over a boundary line or if part of their body touches the ground outside the boundary - except during a struggle with an opposing team member. Each time a player is out, the opposing team earns a point. A team scores a bonus of two points, called a “lona,” if the entire opposing team is declared out. At the end of the game, the team with the most points wins. Matches are staged on age and weight. Six officials supervise a match: one referee, two umpires, a scorer, and two assistant scorers. The name “Kadaddi” is sometimes chanted during the game. It is derived from a Hindi word meaning “holding of breath,” which is a big part of the game.

The History and Development of the Game

The sport has a history dating to pre-historic times. It was probably invented to ward off group attacks. The game was popular in southern Asia in different forms and under different names. A dramatized version of the Mahabharata has made an analogy of the game to a tight situation faced by Abhimaneu, heir of the Pandava Kings, when surrounded by the enemy. Buddhist literature speaks of the Gautama Buddha playing Kabaddi. History

reveals that princes played to display their strength and win their brides! The game, known as Hu-Tu-Tu in Western India, Ha-Do-Do in Eastern India and Bangladesh, Chedugudu in Southern India, and Kaunbada in Northern India, has changed through the ages. Modem Kabaddi is a synthesis of the game played in various forms under different names.

Kabaddi received international exposure during the 1936 Berlin Olympics, demonstrated by an ancient sports team from

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Maharashtra in India.

The game was introduced to the

world in the 1938 Indian Olympic Games held in Calcutta. By 1950 the All India Kabaddi Federation came into existence and compiled standardized rules. The Amateur Kabaddi Federation of India (AKFI) was latter founded in 1973. After formation of the Amateur Kabaddi Federation of India, the first men’s nationals were held in Madras (now named Chennai), while the women’s nationals were in

Calcutta in 1955.The AKFI has given new shape to the rules and has the right to modify them. Kabaddi was introduced and popularized in Japan in 1979. The Asian Amateur Kabaddi Federation sent a great Indian sportsman to tour Japan for two months to introduce the game.In 1979, a return test between Bangladesh and India was held at different places of India including Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Punjab. The Asian Kabaddi Championship was arranged in 1980 and India emerged as the champion and


as the runner-up. Bangladesh became runner-up again in 1985 in the Asian Kabaddi Championship held in Jaipur, India. The other teams in the tournament were Nepal, Malaysia, and Japan. The game was included for the first time in the Asian Games in Beijing in 1990. India, China, Japan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Bangladesh all took part. India won the gold medal and has won gold at all of the following three Asian Games in Hiroshima in 1994, Bangkok in 1998, and Bussan in 2002. India won the gold medal in the 2006 Asian Games at Doha.

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Attempts to popularize Kabaddi in Great Britain saw the British TV network Channel 4 commission a program dedicated to the sport. The show, “Kabaddi,” on Channel 4 in the early 1990s, failed to capture viewers despite fixtures such as the West Bengal Police versus the Punjab. Kabaddi was axed in 1992, but not before its presenter Krishnan Guru-Murthy suffered a collapsed lung while participating in the sport. In the 1998 Asian Games the Indian Kabaddi team defeated Pakistan in a thrilling final match at Bangkok, Thailand.

The first World Kabaddi Championship was in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, when 14,000 at the Copps Coliseum watched top players from India, Pakistan, Canada, England, and the United States. The next edition was in Surrey, British Columbia, which was hosted at the first all Kabaddi stadium. India has remained the world champion ever since it was included in the Asian Games and the South Asian Federation Games.

In 2008, a great man started a professional world Kabbadi league with sponsorships to attract the best players. This league will be based in India with tournaments in Canada as well. The current Kabaddi Championship Team consists of several local Indian players. Kabaddi is now a very

popular game and is a regular sport in Asian Games, Asian Indoor Games, and Asian Beach Games, apart from the SAF Games. Kabaddi will be a demonstration sport during Commonwealth Games at New Delhi in 2010.

There are two major forms followed in this game. They are Surjeevani and Gaminee. Let me explain a little bit about both of these forms. In Surjeevani Kabaddi, one player is revived against one player who is out. One out; one in. The duration, the number of players, dimensions of the court, etc. have been fixed by the Kabaddi Federation of India. This form of Kabaddi is the closest to the present game. In this form of Kabaddi, players are put out and revived and the game lasts 40 minutes with a 5-minute break in between. There are nine players on each side. The team that puts out all the players on the opponent’s side scores four extra points for a ‘Iona’. The winning team is the one that scores the most points after 40 minutes. The field is bigger in this form of Kabaddi and the chant is different in various regions. Modem Kabaddi resembles this form of Kabaddi especially with regard to the “out and revival system” and the “Iona.” The present form of Kabaddi is a synthesis of all these forms with changes in the rules.

The Gaminee form of Kabbadi is played with nine players on

each side, in a field of no specific measurements. The characteristic is that a player put out has to remain out until all his team members are out. The team that is successful in putting out all the players of the opponent’s side secures a point. This is akin to the present system of Iona. After all the players are put out, the team is revived and the game continues. The game continues until either five or seven Ionas are secured. The game has no fixed time. The main disadvantage of this form of Kabaddi is that the player is not in position to give his best performance, since he is likely to remain out for the better part of the match until an Iona is scored.

The following skills are required for a Kabbadi player - by generating these skills one can become a great player (This can be achieved easily by continuous practice): Holding the breath, raiding, dodging, movement of hand and foot, formation, safe raid, holding, kicking, side kicking, front kicking, round kicking, sitting kick, offensive skills, starting a raid, body position during a raid, movements during a raid, penetration, touching with the hand, vertical and horizontal swinging of the arms, defensive skills, wrist catch or lock, crocodile hold, over the shoulder catch, ankle catch and lock. This is a wonderful team sport. One can experience a great team spirit in this game. Even though this is one of the most ancient games, it has taken a modern shape to fit today’s world. In the next issue we will examine some other game.

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The transformation of godly powers (Transmigration) is both similar, and foreign in some ways, to the philosophy of reincarnation. The idea of the transmigration of the soul comes from the Vedas. Even though it is explained in the Vedas, no one has experienced this transformation during the 21st century. The planets play a vital role in making a person a transmission medium of gods, souls, as well as evil spirits. In India there are only a few people noted as physical mediums for the gods’ transformation. But in the western countries there is only one person. He is Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar.

Before telling you about Swamiji, I wish to explain a little bit about the human body and mind. Even though the physical body is one, it is has different names according to its age and its various functions. It is classified into three types, each with four principles, making a total number of seven.

The first body is called Sthula-Sarira (Sanskrit - from “sthula” meaning coarse, gross, not refined, matter, plus “sarira,” from the verbal root “sir” meaning to waste away). A gross body is impermanent because of its wholly compounded character. The physical body is usually considered the lowest substance-principle. The physical form is the result of the harmonious co-working on the physical plane of forces and faculties streaming through their astral vehicle or Linga-Sarira, the pattern or model of the physical body. The second body is called Linga-Sarira, (Sanskrit - from “linga” meaning characteristic mark, model, or pattern, plus “sarira”). A pattern or model that is impermanent; the model-body or astral body, is only slightly more ethereal than the physical body. It is the astral model around which the physical body is built, and

from which the physical body flows, or develops as growth proceeds. The third body is Prana (Sanskrit - from “pra” before, plus the verbal root “an,” to breathe, to live). In theosophy, the breath of life. This life, or Prana which works on, in, and around us, is pulsating unceasingly during the term of physical existence. Prana is “the radiating force or energy of Atma. The first principle is Kama (Sanskrit - from the verbal root “kam,” meaning to desire). Desire, or the desire principle, is the driving, impelling force. It is

born from the interaction of Atman, Buddhi, and Manas. Kama is a colorless force; it is either good or bad according to the way the mind and soul use it. It is the seat of the living electrical impulses, desires, and aspirations, considered in their energetic aspect.

The second principle is Manas (Sanskrit - from the verbal root “man,” meaning to think). The seat of emendation and ego

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consciousness in humanity, Manas is the human person, the reincarnating ego, immortal in essence, enduring in its higher aspects through the entire period of life. When embodied, Manas is dual, gravitating toward Buddhi in its higher aspects and in its lower aspects toward Kama. The first is intuitive mind, the second the animal, ratiocinative consciousness, the lower mentality and passions of the personality.

The third principle or vehicle is Buddhi (Sanskrit - from the verbal root “budh,” to awaken, enlighten, and know). The vehicle of pure, universal spirit, hence an inseparable garment or vehicle of Atman, which is, in its essence, of the highest plane of Akasa or Alaya. In man, Buddhi is the spiritual soul, the faculty of discriminating, the channel through which streams divine inspiration from the Atman to the ego, and therefore that faculty which enables us to discern between good and evil - spiritual conscience. The qualities of the Vedic principle when awakened are higher judgment, instant understanding, discrimination,

intuition, love that has no bounds, and consequent universal forgiveness.

The fourth principle is called Atman, which is the Self, or pure consciousness, that cosmic self which is the same in every dweller on this globe and on every one of the planetary or stellar bodies in space. It is the feeling and knowledge of “I am,” pure cognition, the inate idea, or experience of self as pure consciousness. It does not differ at all throughout the cosmos except in degree of self-recognition. During incarnation the lowest aspects of Atman take on attributes, because it is linked with Buddhi, as the Buddhi is linked with Manas, as the Manas is linked with Kama, etc. During transformation, or transmigration of gods’ or super human power, the soul, or shade loses all past and present memories of their life and then moves (or transforms or transmigrates) into a human body.

The believed nature of the soul (Jiva or Atman) has a significant impact on the Hindu belief of transmigration. The gods will not transmit or transmigrate to a common human body. It will transmit only to the body of a person who has enjoined all the three bodies and four principles, but never has an ambition for those. The only visible person in all the Western Countries is Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar. Those who are blessed can only feel or visualize the transformation. The more blessed can even see the god in a physical or human shape. The vibration or energy can be felt by each and every one, especially those who come to the temple on full moon days (Poornima).

During the noon time of Poornima, a special Pooja for the Yakshini Devathas, Sri.Atharva Soolini is performed. That Pooja is being performed by the specialized pundits. That Pooja is called “Padayal.” During that time Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar gets the transformation of Sri Atharva Soolini’s power. At that that time all his modes will be changed. It is the best time to get the blessings of Sri Atharva Soolini. The experience and the vibration felt with Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar and Sri. Atharva Soolini is beyond words and expression. Come to Hindu Temple of Georgia on Poornima (full moon day). Feel the great energy and vibrations. Get the fullest blessings of Sri Atharva Soolini and Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar to solve all kinds of problems.

Om Shanthi Om Shanthi Om Shanthi

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The term alternative

medicine, as used in the modern western world, e n c o m p a s s e s any healing practice “that does not fall within the realm

of conventional m e d i c i n e . ”

During the past issues we discussed about a few

food products, that are vital in medicinal contents. In this issue we will see about sesame seeds and asafoetida.

Sesame is a flowering plant. It is widely naturalized in tropical regions around the world and is cultivated for its edible seeds, which grow in pods. It is an annual plant growing to 50 to 100 cm (2-3 feet) tall, with opposite leaves with an entire margin; they are broad lancelets. The flowers are white to purple, tubular, with a four-lobed mouth. In India, where sesame has been cultivated since the Harappan period, there are many names for it. But the Sanskrit name “tila” is the base root for all the names. But all of those words have generalized meaning “oil; liquid fat” are derived. Similar semantic shifts from the name of an oil crop to general word “fat, oil” are also known for other languages, e.g., “olive” has given rise to English “oil”.

Hindu legends and beliefs, tales are told in which sesame seeds represent a symbol of immortality and the God Mahavishnu created these seeds and plant from his body. The oil of the sesame seed is considered as the most auspicious oil next to Ghee used in Hindu rituals and prayers, the black sesame seeds are used in ancestral homage rituals called Tarpanam. The oil is used to pacify the malefic effect of Lord Sani (Saturn). In Tamil literature and medicine it has been mentioned as the “very good healthy”

oil as such it is called Nala + Ney (nallennai or Good Oil). Old Tamil medicinal proverbs such as “ilaythavannakku yellum koluthavanukku kollum”; meaning – “prescribe sesame for underweight/unnourished to boost up and prescribe horse gram to reduce overweight”. According to Tamil medicine, gurgle with sesame oil in the mouth after brushing teeth reduces gum disease, mouth ulcer and eliminates plaque and colorless film. Taking a sesame oil bath with a simple self massage is considered mandatory in Tamil tradition at least once in a week either on Wednesday or on Saturday for male and Fridays for female. This is as quoted by a Siddha Yogic Tamil medicine philosopher Auvaiyaar as “Sani Neeraadu”. A full shower once a week with sesame oil will reduce one’s body heat. Hindu legends and beliefs, tales are told in which sesame seeds represent a symbol of immortality and the God Mahavishnu created the sesame seeds from his body. The sesame seeds are capable of removing all sorts of sins from one’s life. His consort Sri Devi also called and known as Mahalakshmi represents the properties of the sesame oil, as such it is considered as the most auspicious oil next to Ghee. The oil is used in Hindu rituals and prayers, the black sesame seeds are used in ancestral homage rituals called Tarpanam and the oil is used also to pacify the malefic effect of the planet Lord Sani (Saturn). In Tamil literature and medicine it has been mentioned as the “very good healthy” oil as such it is called Nala + Ney (Good Oil), old Tamil medicinal proverbs such as “ilaythavannakku yellum koluthavanukkum kollum”; meaning “prescribe sesame to underweight and horse gram to overweight”. In Tamil medicine gurgle with sesame oil in the mouth after brushing teeth will reduce gum disease, mouth ulcer and eliminates plaque and colorless film. Taking a sesame oil bath with a simple self massage is considered mandatory in Tamil tradition at least once in a week either on Wednesdays or on Saturdays for male and either Tuesdays or Fridays for female as per quoted by a Siddha Yogic Tamil medicine philosopher Auvaiyaar. She has quoted as “Sani Neeraadu” means take a full shower once a week with oil, which will reduce one’s body heat. Sesame oil is used for massage and health treatments of the body in the ancient Indian ayurvedic system with the types of massage. Ayurveda views sesame oil as the most viscous of the plant oils

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and assures that the oil pacify the health problems associated with Vata aggravation.

Asafoetida.The next we are going to discuss is asafoetida. Asafoetida is also known as devil’s dung, stinking gum, asant, food of the gods is a species of Ferula native to Iran. Asafoetida has a pungent garlic smell when raw, but in cooked dishes, it delivers a smooth flavor, reminiscent of leeks. This spice is used as a digestive aid, in food as a condiment and in pickles. Its odor is so strong that it must be stored in airtight containers; otherwise the aroma will contaminate other spices stored nearby. However, its odor and flavor become much milder and more pleasant upon heating in oil or ghee, acquiring a taste and aroma reminiscent of sauted onion and garlic. In India, it is used especially by the merchant caste of the Hindus and by adherents of Jainism and Vaishnavism, who do not eat onions or garlic. It is used in many vegetarian and lentil dishes to both add flavor and aroma and reduce flatulence. It is mainly grown in Iran and Afghanistan.

Asafoetida has certain medicinal uses and most commonly is used as a digestive aid. It is reputed to lessen flatulence and is often added to lentil or eggplant dishes in small quantities. It is also said to be helpful in cases of asthma and bronchitis. A folk tradition remedy for children’s colds: it is mixed into a pungent-smelling paste and hung in a bag around the afflicted child’s neck. In the Asian countries it is used to aid babies’ digestion and is smeared on the child’s stomach in an alcohol tincture.

Asafoetida has also been reported to have contraceptive/abortifacient activity, and is related and considered an inferior substitute to the ancient Ferula species Silphium. Asafoetida gum resin has been reported to be antiepileptic in classical Unani system of medicines. It is also used as one of several possible scent baits, most notably for catfish and pike. In some part of the world, asafoetida is traditionally applied to a baby’s anterior fontanel in order to prevent spirits from entering the baby through the fontanel. In some traditional Hoodoo traditions, asafoetida is used in magic spells as it is believed to have the power to curse. It is also used as an onion and garlic replacement in cooking, as those ingredients are considered grounding, and can impede levitation. It was familiar in the early Mediterranean, having come by land across Iran, and was popular in any self-respecting classical kitchen. Though it is generally forgotten now in Europe, it is still widely used in India (commonly known there as Hing). The resin-like gum which comes from the dried sap extracted from the stem and roots is used as a spice. The resin is grayish-white when fresh, but dries to a dark amber color. The asafoetida resin is difficult to grate, and is traditionally crushed between stones or with a hammer. Today, the most commonly available form is compounded asafoetida, a fine powder containing 30% asafoetida resin, along with rice flour and gum Arabic.

Asafoetida’s English and scientific name is derived from the Persian word for resin (asa) and Latin foetida, which refers to its strong sulfurous odor. Even though asafoetida has a lot of

medicinal powers it is considered only as a food product. The consumption or intake of asafoetida helps digestion and other systems to a great extent. In the next issue we will discuss about some different products. During the next issue we will discuss about some different plants that has got very good medicinal effects.

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1. Kaur Lahwinder: W Windsor, NJSwamiji, I came to this country along with my wife. We both had jobs but in different cities. Even though we were married, we had to live as bachelors. We had much confusion in our life. We approached your good self to fix these problems. You fixed the problems in a wonderful way with your Atharva Veda Thantric rituals. Now we are leading a peaceful and wonderful life. Thank you very much and namaskarams. I am very happy to say that me and my family members are the regular readers of the magazine Siddhitimes.

2. Alkesh Sharma: Vancouver, WASwamiji, I am an Insurance agent. Even though I work very hard I was not able to make good money. I approached you for remedy. You performed excellent rituals and gave me some mantras to chant. Now all my pain has gone. I am working more hours now than I worked earlier. My financial position is also getting better. My life is indebted to your lotus feet.

3. Sanjivbhai Goel: West Springfield, MAParampujya Siddharji, I had many problems caused by evil spirits. I had no sleep at all during the nights. I consulted many people and nothing helped me to get rid of my sleepless nights’ problem I consulted you. You performed a great ritual based on Atharva Veda and now I am free from all the troubles. Now my life is wonderful. Thanks and pranams Swamiji.

4. Iyengar R: Saratoga, CASwamiji, Namaste. I approached you after reading the magazine Siddhitimes, to solve the problems of my son. He got involved in some affairs and he was imprisoned. Even after the arguments of many attorneys, he was not let free. I approached you to solve this problem. You performed wonderful Thantric rituals. Now he has come out of the case. My entire family is surrendered to your lotus feet.

5. Bhaskara: Elmhurst, NYI am a poor man. I have two daughters. Even though my wife and I work very hard we were not able to get a good job. We approached you. You found that we have some black magic problems. You solved the problem very easily with your wonderful mantra power. Now we are getting well in all our affairs. Salutes to you and your wonderful mantra power.

6. Mishrepar: Artesia, CASwamiji, I am a young man. Even though I study hard, I was not able to do well in my examinations. I was unable to get a good job also. After reading the magazine Siddhitimes I consulted you. You did some wonderful rituals and by your gracious and auspicious blessings, I am doing well in my studies. I have got a job also. Thanks and Namaskars.

7. Kaul Pillai: Buford, GAI approached you to correct the mental problem of my husband. Even after the consultations from many astrologers and several prayers, his mental strength never improved. You performed some

Thantric rituals and now his mental strength is getting better. Thanks and Namaskars.

8. Lakshmanan Sachit: Orlando, FLEven though I am a Hindu, I had no faith in gods and astrology. Accidentally I read your article on Vedic Astrology in the magazine Siddhitimes. It is very informative and educative. I understand what astrology is. Thank you very much for this. I will be your devotee until the end of my life.

9. Babulal: Bethlehem, PASwamiji, after seeing the magazine Siddhitimes, I approached you to solve the problems in my family, my financial position and problems in all walks of life. You came to my family personally and performed rituals. Now the problems are being solved gradually. Thank you very much for your wonderful prayers and rituals. Please shower your continuous blessings on me and my family.

10. Sindhu Bajaj: Henderson, NVSwamiji, my parents are living in a different state of USA. I am the only daughter of my parents. Even though I am good in all aspects, my marriage is being delayed due to the problems in my horoscope. My father and I consulted you and by the power of your wonderful rituals, my marriage is being settled now. Thank you very much for your wonderful mantra powers.

11. Shanti Alwar: Lexington, SCRespected Siddhar Swamiji, I approached you to solve the problems in my job and career. You preferred

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Letters to the Editor

some Thantric rituals and you performed those rituals. By the power of the mantras and rituals, now I am in a good job. Thank you very much for making my life a wonderful one. Thanks for the fantastic spiritual magazine Siddhitimes.

12. Prakash Desai: Novi, MISwamiji, even though I am old, I had an unsatisfactory life with my wife. I had financial and health problems also. After reading the magazine Siddhitimes I approached you to solve these problems. By the power of your mantras, the problems are going down gradually and I am on my path of success and peaceful life. Thank you very much Swamiji for making my disastrous life a wonderful one.

13. Vivek Jain: Plano TXParampujya Swamiji, Namaskars. I am from a very good Sri.Vaishanvate Brahmin family. Few years back the problems started coming up in my family life due to the black magic done on my family and me. Even though my family members consulted many astrologers here and in India, the problems were not solved. Finally, I came to you through the wonderful magazine Siddhitimes. . You analyzed my horoscope and performed wonderful rituals. Now I am getting alright. Thanks and Namaskars to you and your wonderful holy magazine Siddhitimes.

14. Rahul Shankar: Toronto Canada Swamiji, I am terribly shocked to know the terrorist attack on the priests through the website of the magazine Siddhitimes. I am ready to join my hands in the holy war of anti terrorism.

15. Leena Mehta: Dayton, OHSwamiji, I love to read the articles in the wonderful magazine Siddhitimes. As I am a poor lady working in a small restaurant I cannot donate a big sum of money. Out of my earnings I wish to donate $51.00 every month towards this holy cause. Please accept this.

16. Devan Chelian: Chandler, AZSwamiji, I came to know about the terrorist attack on the priests by the jealousy Tamilians of Atlanta. Please bless and order me to come to Atlanta to join my hands with you to fight against the terrorism on the Hindu Temple. On seeing you I proud to be a Tamilian and on seeing these terrorist Tamilians I feel ashamed. Hats off to Mr.Santhanam Bajagovindam.

17. Vidyasagar Kumar: Somerville, MA Swamiji, my wife was affected by some kind of evil spirits and black magic twenty years back. After a prolonged suffering, I consulted you for the remedy. You prescribed some kind of Thantric rituals and started performing those rituals. By the result of those rituals and your mantra power, my wife is getting her position back. Thanks for making my family and me happy. Thanks for the wonderful magazine Siddhitimes.

18.Arvind Sharma: Prattville ALI had problems related to my job and peace of mind. I approached you after reading the magazine Siddhitimes. You checked my horoscope and performed some rituals. I also participated in the rituals through phone. By the power of the mantras and the Thantric rituals I am happy and I have got a secured job. Thanks a lot for making my life very happy.

19. Paramjith Parikh: Tallahassee SLSwamiji, I am an ardent devotee of Sri.Durga Mata. I came to know about you through the magazine Siddhitimes. I approached you to have your blessing for peace in my family and in success in my business. You performed wonderful rituals. After taking part in the rituals, I am very happy now. My family life and business are very smooth. I am seeing Sri.Durga Matha in your shape. I humbly submit my pranams to you.

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Great penance will give you peace, and contentment will come with ease. Your great ailment is your own desire, and your religion bears kindness attire.

“Why should I follow any religion at all? Where am I led by it?” These questions may have been

tormenting your thoughts for a long time, but the answer could be very simple. Follow the path of humanism. - It is a religion.

You may have already been practicing it for a long time, and you have already adopted humanism as your way of life. If so, then why should you identify with a religion at all?

The answer is that it has actually been thrust on you by your parents and fore fathers. It has the significance of your

history, heritage and culture.

You may find after close observation of all the historical evidence around Him that there had to be a “Great Being from whom all things in the world came into existence. You owe your homage to Him. This thought has been the origin of God and religion.

“Religion,” a great scholar points out, “is a

unique institution.” All other


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institutions can be traced back to the animal needs of man and to his physical characteristics. All social organizations are based on the physical: acts of sex, infancy, and life in groups. It is however, difficult to ascertain the basis of religion in animal life. Thus, religion has become a part of man’s culture. It is a body of attitudes, ideas, and techniques, where by man explains and adjusts to the unknown, the mysterious and the mighty. By means of various elements of religion, man tries to achieve a harmonious relationship with his physical, social, emotional, and mental environment.

In fact, this thought process provoked the great Mughal emperor Akbar to establish a new religion during his reign. He gave it the name “Din-i-Ilahi.” It was actually a blend of all the religions in the world during the 15th century, chiefly Islam and Hinduism, with elements also taken from Christianity, Jainism and Zoroastrianism. Its tenets included a total harmony between men. It preached humanism in character and behavior. It completely avoided rituals of any sort and the concentration of dogmas. It expected man to live like an institution and to adjust himself to his environment. But man’s belief of superstitious and mysterious powers, over shadowed the principle of oneness in man. Din-i-lahi had a silent death, proving the words of Chesterfield, “Religion is by no means a proper subject of conversation...”

The religion actually had its origin in the court of the great Mughal Emperor Akbar. It has

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its strength only in the discussion between the king and his courtiers the courtiers, which took part in the discussion only to please the King. But their lack of belief in the king’s directive proved to be a disasterous affair for the growth of a religion, which could be considered very practical in this modern world. Another big thing in the fall of Din-i-lahi was due to the dead contrast between Hinduism and Islam’s aspects. Hinduism accepts many gods with many names, while Islam only accepts “Allah.” In the lands of Bharath, Hindustan, and present day India, Hinduism has been dominant ever since pre-historic times. Hinduism

had no historical founder like Jesus Christ, Mohammed the prophet, the Buddha, Mahavira, Guru Nanak, or Zoroaster. It is the belief that the Aryan invaders from Persia brought with them the Vedic scriptures and gave Hinduism its first trace.

Like the Bible, the holy scriptures of the Vedas and the Upanishads (a latter derivation) say in the beginning, there was no created thing, there was death, there was the soul, and there was Brahman. Brahman is the divine power, the holy power of energy. From Brahman all works, all desires, all sweet powers and tastes proceed.

The Upanishads emphasize that in the beginning there was the Atman or the Soul alone. Then Brahman enters the Soul and thus Man appears in the Universe. Hence the Soul is Brahman knowledge of this takes man beyond gods.

In the Upanishads a wise man tells his son to put some salt in water and taste it in the next day. Taste it from the surface, from the middle, and from the bottom. The water is salty everywhere, yet the salt is invisible. So it is with the one reality, which exists in the body, though you do not perceive it. That is Reality; that is the Soul, and you are That.”

In the later days, to make man involved in spiritual activities various rituals and idols were created by the seers who propogated the religious codes. Each one tried to have their own followers in strict austerity. But, because of the flexibility in the religions rites, other religions came into existence, according to the convenience of man and his beliefs. Man gradually started going against religion. His belief in idol worship, superstitions, and witchcraft gave rise differences among his own class. He forgot that religion is a virtue, and that we act on faith, hope, and love of God.

Thus, man created a barrier in his relationships between men. His religious beliefs for personal gains and dominance eroded the valuable peace and harmony all over the world. Today man has forgotten the virtue of kindness. He has no faith in love. He fails to attempt right living. Thus, religion

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has resulted in spreading suffering and chaos all over the world.

Giving his disciples grape juice, the Divine Apostle of Christianity, Jesus Christ said “This is my blood. Drink it. It is shed for you, for the forgiveness of sins.” That was at the time of his last supper on earth. By becoming a human sacrifice, he showed mercy to all sinners, by offering redemption to all human beings. He advised people to shun selfishness and that you have only to love. “Love your neighbor as your self.” The Holy Bible and the New Testament stand firmly on this belief.

Hazrat Mohammed, the prophet of Islam, showed a new light to the world. He himself suffered, but he had compassion for humanity and its suffering. He showed the way of mercy forgiveness and tolerance. Islam is a religion of peace. It is submission to the will of God. It emphasizes the existence of only one God. There is no idol worship. The Holy Book Quran says “Let there be no compulsion in religion. A true Musalman must be tolerant.” Islam teaches that every religion is true.

It is rather strange that the founder of Buddhism never tried to establish a new religion. Yet millions of people accept and follow it. He tried only to suggest measures by which one could be rid of sufferings in the world. Born in India, Buddhism accepted certain core philosophical values of the Hindu religion. The secret of the success of Buddhism as a world religion is that it advocated non–violence and place.

Vardhman Mahavira the founder of the Jainism also spread the message of non-violence, renunciation, kindness, and good conduct. Like the Buddha, he believed that desire is the root cause of all suffering. Both believed in non-violence. Mahavira followed a different style from Buddha in advocating his principles. He laid more emphasis on rigorous penance and fasting.

The Parsis, the descendents of the Persians who fled the conquering armies of Islam in the 7th century, have been the followers of Zoroaster. He set out to proclaim faith in one God and denounced idolatry and evil-living. His teachings have been laid down in the holy book “Zendavesta”. The Parsis consider the three elements in the world sacred i.e.: Earth, Water, and Fire.

Sikhism is one of the latest world religions. It has its origin in the Punjab in the 15th century. Guru Nanak the founder of the Sikh religion has mingled the practices of the Hindu and the Muslim. That is worshipping the Almighty five times a day. Their Holy Book is AdiGranth, which is in the form of songs and hymns. Sikhism has many links with Hinduism in the practice of births, marriages, funerals.

To sum up all religions have only one goal. Follow the principles of peace, kindness, love, and mercy. These can be ideal forces to lead man for his well being. Only in such a society can humanism exist.

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Jokes Corner

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What does the lion say to his friends before they go out hunting for food? ‘Let us prey.’

Why is the desert lion everyone’s favorite at Christmas? Because he has sandy claws!

What did the lions say to his cubs when he taught them to hunt? ‘Don’t cross the road until you see the zebra crossing.’

Why is a sofa like a roast turkey? Because they’re both full of stuffing!

What do you call a very rude bird? A mockingbird!

Where do birds meet for coffee? In a nest-cafe!

What do you call a bunch of chickens playing hide-and-seek? Fowl play!

“When’s your birthday?” “July 23.” “What year?” “Every year!”

What did one candle say to the other?“Don’t birthdays just burn you up?”

Where do you shop for a birthday present for a cat? In a cat-alogue!

Why don’t elephants ride bikes?They don’t have a thumb to ring the bell.

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A Sardar, a German and a Pakistani got arrested consuming alcohol which is a severe offense in Saudi Arabia , so for the terrible crime they are all sentenced 20 lashes each of the whip. As they were preparing for their punishment, the Sheik announced: “It’s my first wife’s birthday today, and she has asked me to allow each of you one wish before your whipping.” The German was first in line; he thought for a while and then said: “Please tie a pillow to my back.” This was done, but the pillow only lasted 10 lashes & the German had to be carried away bleeding and crying with

pain. The Pakistani was next up. After watching the German in horror he said smugly: “Please fix two pillows to my back.” But even two pillows could only take 15 lashes & the Pakistani was also led away whimpering loudly. The Sardar was the last one up, but before he could say anything, the Sheikh turned to him and said: “You are from a most beautiful part of the world and your culture is one of the finest in the world. For this, you may have two wishes!” “Thank you, your Most Royal and Merciful highness,” Sardar replied. “In recognition of your kindness, my first wish is that you give me not 20, but 100 lashes.” “Not only are you an honorable, handsome and powerful man, you are also very brave.” The Sheik said with an admiring look on his face. “If 100 lashes is what you desire, then so be it.” And what is your second wish?” the Sheik asked. Sardar smiled and said, “Tie the Pakistani to my back” !!!


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The Cracked Pot An Inspiring Story A water bearer in China had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it, while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water. At the end of the long walk from the stream to the House, the cracked pot arrived only half full. For a full two years this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of water to his house.

Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, perfect for which it was made. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of it’s own imperfection. And miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do.

After two years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer

one day by the stream. “I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologize to you. I have been able to deliver only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house. Because of my flaws, you have to do all of this work, and you don’t get full value from your efforts,” the pot said.

The bearer said to the pot, “Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of the path, but not on the other pot’s side? That’s because I have always known about your flaw. So I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you’ve watered them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table.

Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house.

Moral: Each of us has our own unique flaws. We’re all cracked pots. But it’s the

cracks and flaws we each have that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding. You’ve just got to take each person for what they are, and look for the good in them. Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.

Remember to appreciate all the different people in your life. Blessings to all my cracked pot friends.

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We worship the Gods and learn the stories of Gods. Lord Vigneshwar came to the world because of Goddess Parvati. On an occasion, Parvathi wished to swim in a stream waters in the forest. She created a strong and powerful young boy and asked him to govern all around the stream and instructed him to protect the area with out any body’s entrance. She was happily engaged in her bath in the stream. Little latte the God Easwara came there to meet his wife goddess Parvati.

The young boy stopped Easwara and told him about the orders of Goddess Parvathi. Easwara being the husband of Parvathi and also the Lord of all the divine bodies could not tolerate the interference of this boy. The exchange words and orders between them, led to the extent of quarrel. Young boy with the powers created by Parvathi, fought severely with Lord Easwara who was filled with excitement to notice the enormous strength of the boy.

Easwara’s anger went beyond the limit and he took the great axe and cut of the head of the boy. Goddess Parvathi rushed to the spot of battle and found the boy as two picces. She begged Lord Easwara and said the whole story of the boy’s creation. Since she created with all her powers she becomes the mother to the child. Easwara is the husband to Parvathi. And that the true relation confirms the Lord as the father to the child. Parvathi begged her husband to give life to the boy. Easwara then became calm and fixed the body of the boy with the head of an elephant. The boy Vigneshwar came alive and worshipped the Lord Easwara.

Then the Lord took the boy with love and blessed him to be the first divine for worship; that too the inaugural ceremony, the first and foremost prayers to be given only to the God Vigneshwara. From that time on wards the world is following this procedure of prayer. Even at the temple of Easwara, the first pooja is done to God Vigneshwara only. The great creation of God Vigneshwara, in his first attempt had to meet the failure with his father Easwara. After that incidence, Vigneshwara started to shine with all the brilliancy and cleverness. In continuation of this event vigneshwara was taken to the abode of “Kailash” the dwelling place of Lord Easwara. The divines, Indra and all the sages of universe came to see the Lord Easwara. The cruelty of the Padmaasura a demon king on the world was reported to the knowledge of Lord Easwara and the divines begged for the destruction of the ferocious Asura.

Then Lord Easwara created a divine boy from his third eye in the fore head, a strong and unbeatable personality. The third eye is the eye of burning flames. Six sparks of the flame fell on the ground and six great powers came to the world as six children. To look after the children, “Karthika”

maids, six in number were then formed. They embraced the children with affection and to their astonishment the six bodies of children united as one body with 12 hands and six heads. The name “Subramanian” was suited. Subramanian is incomparable mega power which came from the third eye of Lord Easwara. To put an end to the atrocities of an Asura, God created “Subramanian”. So, the God Vigneshwara had the chance to get his younger brother “Subramanian”.

On one day the great saint Naradha came to Kailash. He brought one ‘Mango’. Two brothers Vigneswara and Subramanian were playing in the garden. Looking to the arrival of saint ‘Naradha’ they came close by. Naradha offered the fruit ‘Mango’ to the brothers, but he put a condition there. The condition was that the person who makes one full round around the earth and reach him first will be granted with the fruit.

On hearing the condition Subramanian ran closer to his mount ‘Peacock’. He started his journey around the world. Then Vigneshwar thought a while and made a circle of walk around his parents. Subramanian completed his round through his speedy mount ‘Peacock’. When he reached near his parents, he saw his brother ‘Vigneshwar’ was there with the fruit ‘Mango’. He told the saint Naradha that the jouriney around the earth was completed and he was the genuine winner to claim the fruit. Saint replied him politely that “Entire universe is owned by Lord Easwara and his wife Parvathi; Vigneshwar

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knowing this truth, made one full round of walk. Worshipping his father and mother; therefore the true winner did the job prior to the arrival of peacock; and that the mango was offered to him as a prize.

Subramanian could not bear this failure; but he understood the theme in it. On the spot, he turned himself as ‘Sanyasi’ threw away his rich clothing, jewels and went to the mount ‘Palani’. His dejected mood turned to meditation. He was then able to know the full theme of wisdom. His great powers were added with wisdom, gave him all the incomparable strength to beat the “Padmasura”. To kill the demon king it was not possible until otherwise the particular day, year and time reach in accordance. Boy hood of Subramanian was going on.

One day Lord Brahma came to kailash to see Lord Easwara. The Boy Subramanian was on the door side. Lord Brahma was with a view to cross the boy with out any conversation. But the boy Subramanian stopped Brahma and asked the meaning for “Pranav-Manthra”. Lord Brahma was on all that time used to write “Om” whenever he happened to commence or write any thing. But did not know the full meaning of “Om”. He was with shame and fear before Boy-God Subramanian. Finally he told no answer. For this purpose of inability Subramanian punished Lord Brahma. The punishment was one ‘Kottu’. Kottu means a knocking on head by folding the five fingures of right hand and hit the head with pressure. Lord Brahma is the great creater of worlds and lives; but he met the failure before a small boy.

In this comparison, Lords Vigneswar, Subramanian and Brahma, all the three are erroring some how. So, the human race should understand them first. Every one should try to be keen on their subjects; one should be very thorough of their dealings. More Knowledge is essential. Every one can gather more power. With all the carefulness if any thing mistake happens, it is regretted for the doings; but at last in future that can be averted. The learned persons say “error is human’. That need not be taken as execuse. The measure of care, ought to be implemented. Best understanding is the neady seed here. For that the good attention is waiting to help in time.

One and all can omit, sorry, beg your pardon, and excuse me.

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The old man was standing on his front porch waiting for the auctioneer to arrive. He would not have to wait long, for by ten O’clock the auctioneer

showed up; along with a good sizable crowd. They were all waiting to bid on every thing he owned. The old man was selling out. He was selling every thing that he and his wife Sara had ever owned. All of his land would be sold as well. Yes soon it would no longer be his crop field It was a small field. Yet it had been good to him and had yielded many a good corn-crop over all these years.

This was it. He was about to lose everything he had, had taken years of hard work to get the land, the farm everything. After his wife Sara had died, the old man had been lonely. It just was not the same without Sara around to share it all with. But he knew that his Sara was now with the God. Sara was a Christian when she left this earth, and he too was a Christian. He loved the Lord with all of his heart.

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Through all of the years they had been married, they had always enjoyed reading their Bible together each night before going to sleep. They would always pray together every night, they always had a love for the Lord. Years ago, before they even got married, they both have invited Jesus Christ into their hearts and had made the commitment. So he knew where his Sara now.

The old man had become rather sick in his old age, so his oldest son had decided that it would be the best for him to live out the rest of his days in a Nursing Home. The old man had not given him any argument about it either, when he had come over to talk to him about selling out. His eyes now rested on the crowd of people that had gathered. Where had they all come from? He recognized only a few faces among the large crowd. He could see the anticipation on their faces. He knew that his and Sara’s home and belongings held no special meaning to them.

They all were strangers. Strangers who had come there are only to buy as much cheaper as they could. The old man was talking to himself, “well I could take none of this with me when I leave this earth one day. So they can take it they can take it all …all except one thing that is Sara’s rocking chair! Why by wholly. If I have to I will fight them for it”. It was just about the only real present he had ever been able to buy for his Sara; and this memorable chair I should not separate from me the old man said little loudly. She had sure enough loved that rocker. And why she had ever married a poor old dirt farmer like me, I just can’t figure out. Me, who never had more than three or four years at school in my whole life”. I still cannot talk good English can not spell better. But I do not need much school to know that I sure love my saviour and I know He lives right here in my heart.

And I know that Sara always loved me too. I sure do not know what she ever saw in me. Guess only the good Lord can answer that one. But she sure enough loved her rocker (chair).why

I still remember the first day I brought home to her. “Nearly forty years ago I think, when I brought her rocking chair tied it in my pick-

up truck set it on the porch there. Back ‘n’ front raising up and slopping down she would fall

right asleep. I had sneaked up behind her as a “yell snake” (to frighten her). One time she came running out to the field. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. Yelling ‘Some body have stolen bronze vessels.

Why, I felt like a useless. She knitted for our young ones while sitting in

that rocking chair. I did not want any new fancy one. Time came she could not rock any more. One last time before she died she sat in her rocker – her Bible was in hand. I felt deadly lonesome for my Sara. Sweet- smile now had gone for ever. Sara always called me her “Pumpkin” and called her my “Sugar fly”. The paint coated up on her rocker wore off. So I touched it up just to surprise her. But I forgot to mention the paint would not dry. She sat unknowingly and made a comic drama. I remembered before she died she said “pumpkin”. I will be waiting for you now. Dear pumpkin you take good care of my rocker. Do not go out to town side. The memories were filled in the mind of the sorrowful farmer. All of a sudden the old man was stirred back to the present by the Auctioneer’s loud voice when he looked up, he saw a whole slew of trucks all loaded up and getting ready to drive off. Yes they were carrying off the pieces of his and Sara’s life. The crowd was thinning out now. Every one was leaving. He breathed a long pause and felt the good old days could never reach him then. All the buyers of things and articles were happy as they acquired their needs.

There found nothing, no tractor, no plough and not even the cows. Nothing left in the house nothing left in the barn. “Yes sir every thing gone except Sara’s rocker. I guess they did not want the rocker any how” said the Auctioneer. The old man felt sad watching all of his and Sara’s belongings being hauled off “Well that’s okay. God, when I leave this earth I am not going to take any thing with me”. He looked over at the rocking chair still sitting there on the porch. He could not help but smile just then. He had never sat in it before. He decided right then, at that very moment, that he had just go sit down in Sara’s rocking chair for the first time.

That is were his son found him too, when he showed up that very same evening. He had come to pick his dad up and take him over to the Nursing Home. He found the old man on the front porch still in the rocking chair. He was with no reaction. But he was gone. Just his earthly shell was left. He had gone to be with the Lord and with his Sara.

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Different School of yoga classified asanas in different types. One method of classification is on the

starting position of the asanas. This is the major type of classification. The asanas are classified into four types.

1. Standing, 2.Sitting, 3. Prone and 4. Supine.

Some schools of yoga classified on the basis of the movements of final pose of the asanas. Thus the asanas are classified into three types.

1. Meditation Asanas 2.Relaxation Asanas and 3. Cultural Asanas.

Meditation Asanas: These asanas are aimed to prepare the practitioner to sit for extended periods of time without moving the body and without discomfort. When the body is steady and still in the sitting position for a long period, then only the meditation is experienced. Deep meditation requires the spinal column to be straight and very few asanas can

satisfy this condition. In higher stages of meditation, the practitioner loses control over the muscles of the body. Initially, people find it difficult to sit in one asana for a long period. However, through the regular practice, the legs and hips will become flexible enough to comfortably maintain a steady posture. Some of the meditation asanas are Sukhasana, Ardha Padmasana, Padmasana and Siddhasana.

Relaxation asanas: These asanas are meant for the relaxation of the body and mind. The asanas in this type appear very easy at first, yet to do them properly is quite difficult, because the tension in all the muscles of the body must be consciously released to get complete relaxation. The important asanas for relaxation are Savasana and Makrasana.

Cultural asanas: These asanas are meant for culturing the body and mind. Cultural postures are mainly aimed to physical culture and thereby maintain the health of the body. Most of the asanas come under the category of the cultural postures. The organs of human body are made up of

tissues. Thus the health of the body depends on the health of the tissues. The circulatory system can be kept in efficient condition through cultural postures, which ensure constant supply of proper nourishment and of the internal secretions of the endocrine Glands, elements necessary for nourishment of tissues. Thyroid, pituitary and the pineal glands are best taken care

K. V. PathyTechnical Officer Centre for Yoga studies Annamalai UniversityIndia

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of by Sirasasana and Sarvangasana. The smooth functioning of the digestive system requires the gentle and automatic massage of the digestive organs. Cultural postures like Bhujangasana, Salabhasana and Ardha Matsyendrasana are excellent in keeping the abdominal organs in good health and effective removal of waste products. Inverted asanas like Sirasasana and Sarvangasana, by sending a richer blood supply to the brain, ensure its health and also the health of the cranial nerves serving the different organs of senses. Yogic postures are excellent spinal exercise. These postures preserve the health of the nerves.

On the basis of final position and movements, cultural asanas can be further classified as

1. Backward bending Asanas, 2. Forward bending Asanas, 3. Spinal twisting Asanas, 4. Inverted Asanas and 5. Balancing Asanas.

On a physical level, the backward bending asanas stretch the abdominal muscles, tone and strengthen the muscles controlling the spine, helping prevent slipped disc and other back conditions. The spinal nerves, which emerge from between the adjoining vertebrae, are also toned. This has beneficial repercussions throughout the body since these nerves

give energy to all the other nerves, organs and muscles in the body. Forward bending asanas loosen up the back, maintain good health and increase vitality. During a forward bending asana, each of the vertebras is separated, the nerves are stimulated, blood circulation around the spine is increased and the spinal cord is being nourished. This group of asanas are very important for making the back muscles supple and strong, compressing and massaging the abdominal organs, including the liver, kidneys, pancreas and intestines and stretching the leg muscles and tendons.

Most of the spinal twist asanas enhance the pranic flow in the samana region, around the naval. This also nourishes the organs such as the pancreas, kidneys, stomach, small intestines, liver and gall bladder, relieves associated disorders and rejuvenates the tissues generally. Inverted asanas reverse the action of gravity on the body, instead of everything being pulled towards the feet, the orientation shifts towards the head. Generally these practices improve health, reduce anxiety and stress, and increase self confidence. They also increase mental power, concentration and the capacity to sustain large workloads without strain. Inverted asanas encourage a rich supply of blood to flow to the brain, nourishing the neurons and flushing out toxins. Blood and lymph, accumulated in the lower limbs and abdomen, are drained

back to the heart then circulated to the lungs, purified and recirculated to all parts of body. This process nourishes the cells of the whole human organisms. The enriched blood flow allows the pituitary gland to operate more efficiently turning the entire endocrine system. This has a positive effect on the metabolic processes and even on ways of thinking.

People suffering from high blood pressure and worse back conditions, especially slipped disc should not practice these asanas. Those with illnesses that make the blood impure should not perform inverted asanas until the blood is purified. Those who are uncertain about their blood should seek the advice of a yoga teacher or a doctor. Women should not practice inverted postures during pregnancy or menstruation.

Balancing asanas develop the cerebellum, the brain centre that controls the body in the work of motion. These asanas induce physical balance, stilling unconscious movement. As the moving body attains balance it becomes increasingly free to rely on other forces, such as gravity, to support and propel it. This group of practice develops a balanced mind and is especially noted for balancing the nervous system and removes stress and anxiety.

Pranayama is the yogic technique to bring the breathing in regularity, rhythmic and

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balanced. Lot of techniques are involved in pranayama. The word pranayama is comprised of two roots: prana plus ayama. Prana means ‘vital energy’ or ‘life force’. It is the force, which exists in all things, whether animate or inanimate. Although closely related to the air we breathe, it is subtler than air or oxygen. Therefore, pranayama should not be considered as mere breathing exercise aimed at introducing oxygen into the lungs. Pranayama utilizes breathing to influence the flow of prana in the nadis or energy channels of the pranamaya kosha or the body of energy. The word Ayama is defined as ‘extension’ or ‘expansion’. Thus, the word pranayama means ‘extension or expansion of the dimension of prana’. The techniques of pranayama provide the method whereby the life force can be activated and regulated in order to go beyond one’s normal boundaries or limitations and attain a higher state of vibratory energy. Pranayama practices establish a healthy body by removing blockages in the pranamaya kosha, enabling an absorption of prana. The spiritual seeker however, requires tranquility of mind as an essential prelude to spiritual practice. To this end, many pranayama techniques utilize- Kumbaka, breath retention, to establish control over the flow of prana, calming the mind and controlling the thought process.

There are different types of pranayama such as Sensitizing pranyama, Tranquilizing pranayama, Vitalizing prnayama and balancing pranayama etc. Pranayama done with the awareness of lungs or any other parts of the body are sensitive pranayama. The practice brings more sensitiveness to that part. Mudra pranayamas are example for this. Here the practitioner uses various mudras like Chinmudra, Chinmaya mudra, Brahma mudra etc. To get more awareness and thereby channelize the energy properly. The practice of Ujjayi and Brahmari pranayama awakens awareness in the inner psychic. The sound vibrations in the brahmari produce a soothing effect in the mind and nervous system. Sheetali and Sheetkari pranayama are unique because, rather than breathing through the nose, inhalation takes place through the mouth, where the cooling effect occurs. These types of practices tranquilize the pranamaya kosha. Nadi sudhdhi pranayama is a singularly important pranayama for bringing the balance. By the practices of this pranayama, the pranic channels are purified and enhance the proper flow of pranic energy throughout the body. Alternating the inhalation and exhalation, between the left and right nostrils, nadi sudhdhi pranayama is to be practiced. Thus by influencing the Ida and Pingala nadis, the constrolling oscillation of the body/mind network and to bring balance and harmony throughout the system. Nadi sudhdhi pranayama is truly a balancing pranayama because it corrects the imbalance both in mental and physical body and restores the equilibrium.

Mudra means gesture or attitude. Mudras can be described as psychic, emotional, devotional and aesthetic gestures. Yogis have experienced mudras as the attitudes of energy flow, intended to link individual pranic force with univiersal or cosmic force, mudra is also defined as ‘seal’, ‘short-cut’, or ‘circuit by – pass’. Mudras are a combination of subtle physical movements, which alter mood, attitude and perception, which deepen awareness and concentration. A mudra may involve the

whole in a combination of asana, pranayama and bandha or it may be a simple hand position. Mudras are introduced after some proficiency has been attained in asana, pranayama and bandha, and gross blockages have been removed. Mudras are higher practices which lead to awakening of the pranas, charkas kundalini and which can bestow major siddhis, psychic powers to the advanced practitioner.

There are four bandhaas: Jaladhara Bandha, Moola Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha and Maha Bandha. Maha Bandha is a combination of the first three bandhas. These three bandhas directly act on the three grandhis or psychic knots. Moola bandha is associated with brahma grandhi, uddiyana bandha with Vishnu grandhi and jaladhara bandha with rudra grandhi. The grandhis prevent the free flow of prana along sushmna nadi and thus impede the awakening of the charkas and the rising of kundalini.

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Kriyas are the Yogic techniques to cleanse the internal organs. According to Hatha yoga pratipika of Swatmaram, there are six cleansing techniques called shat kriyas. They are Kapalabathi, Trataka, Neti, Dhouti, Nauli and Basthi. Yogic kriyas remove the waste materials of our internal organs which are not expelled normally. Therefore, the aims of Hatha Yoga and of the Shat kriyas are to cleanse the internal organs and thereby create harmony between the major pranic flows, Ida and Pingala, and attaining physical and mental purification and balance.


It is, therefore, important to introduce yoga to children at the very young age in order to make them a better citizen and thereby create a better world. The need of the hour is to inculcate a disciplined way of life at the beginning of their life and there is no better way than introducing the yoga for the children at the

school level, which will guide them to lead a healthy, peaceful and blissful life.

Yogic exercise includes wide range of practices. These practices provide the practioner good health and vigor. To cope with the modern social problems, stress and tensions, the practice of yoga is highly essential. For most of the people, yoga is a means of maintaining health and well-being in the increasing stressful society. If one practices all the techniques mentioned above, he or she can achieve good health and well being. Yoga practices have succeeded as an alternative form of therapy in diseases such as asthma, diabetes, blood pressure, digestive disorders and other ailments of chronic nature. Thus the practice of yoga helps the individual to lead a happy and healthy life. Salutation to the great saint His Holiness Pathanjali.

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During the past issues we have

discussed a lot about Vedic Astrology. In this issue I wish to give a short discourse on Vedic Astrology. This will serve as a refresher to all the readers.

Indian Astrology as described in Atharva Veda is popularly referred to as “Vedic Astrology.” There is no mention of astrology in the other three Vedas. However, it is explained in detail in the Atharva Veda. Several of the rituals and remedial measures are prescribed only in the Atharva Veda. Hence, it is called Vedic Astrology.

It is impossible ascertain the exact time of origin of our Atharva Vedic Astrology. Even the most famous historians differ widely in trying to fix the Vedic period. A lot of them, especially the Westerners, still study India based on the discoveries of the 1920’s! Several recent archeological discoveries date our culture to 7,500 BC, making it the ancient most civilization in the world. Our astrology has details of the horoscopes of Lord Krishna, Lord Rama, and many other ancient Indian kings and queens, recorded thousands of years ago. The Bhishma Parva and Udyoga Parva chapters of Mahabharata mention many astrological descriptions and omens just before the Mahabharata War. It also describes a period of

draught with several planetary combinations. There is also a very clear reference concerning two eclipses occurring, a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse, creating a rare 13 day lunar fortnight. Various texts attribute the origin of Vedic Astrology to various gods and rishis. It is futile to attempt to ascertain who the originator was.

The most popularly followed astrological classics today are the ones written by rishis like Parashara, Varahamihira, Garga, Jaimini, and their followers. People in those days had no satellites or telescopes and yet the planetary positions and their motions recorded by them are as accurate as the planetary positions and degrees recorded today using the space satellites. Our ancient

Sri Sri Selvam “Siddhar”

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astrologers used their divine intuition to record these planetary movements and their effects on us. Sage Agasthya is the latest among those rishis. He exposed the astrology mentioned in the Atharva Veda. He paved the way for the modern method of Vedic Astrology. He established the Agasthya Siddhar Peetam and initiated new research and development in Vedic Astrology, Atharva Veda, and the Yaksha/Yakshini Devatha Upasanas. As his 26th successor, I am blessed by the almighty to continue the work of the great sage Agasthya.

Astrology has a twofold purpose. On the one hand it is used as a tool to select the right month, the right day, and the right time to start various aspects of an individual’s life. Yet, such results are obtained better through the rituals to the Yaksha/Yakshini Devathas. On the other hand it is used as a guide to study the destiny of an individual. According to the Atharva Veda the Karma or Destiny of an individual cannot be changed. However, it can be altered through rituals so that one can enjoy their destiny in a more comfortable


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Atharva Vedic Astrology is based on the theory of Karma (Destiny). The good and the bad actions of the past life determine one’s Destiny in the present life, and the actions of one’s present life determine their future Karma. According to Vedic Astrology a person is born in the place, on the day and moment when his individual fate is in perfect mathematical harmony with the progress of the stars in heaven. However, it does not preach total dependence on Karma. Astrology lets one know what they were born with, what their possibilities and limitations are, their strong points and drawbacks. The suitable type of life partners and professions, and what to expect is also indicated. It also prescribes various remedial measures to ward off the bad effects and to enhance the good results.

Vedic Astrology is the roadmap

of one’s Karma, while their fate is also in one’s hands. The scriptures guide us by telling us what is good and what is bad, what to do and what not to do, how to do and how not to do. Everybody is given a piece of land and the seeds to sow. How much effort to put in to it, what amount of manure and water to add, when and how to reap the produce, that is our job. After that, one has to act by using their knowledge, intelligence, discrimination, and experience. Fate is like a game of cards where one cannot help the cards that have been dealt to them, but how to play them is in their hands. One may get good cards, but if they play badly, they will lose. Even if one gets bad cards, they may still win if they play carefully. Don’t blame the roadmap if one gets drunk, drives badly, and has an accident! In the Mahabharata, Lord Krishna gave advice to Arjuna, and also to

Duryodhana. One listened and the other did not!

In other systems of Astrology, only the Birth Chart is cast to give predictions. This is hopelessly inaccurate and insufficient. For example, the Moon, the fastest moving of the nine planets, remains in one sign for only two and half days. The Ascendant, or Lagna, extends for a period of roughly two hours or more. In these two plus hours, according to the present birth rate, several thousand people are born in the world with the same birth chart! All of them cannot have the same destiny. Hence, their predictions based on this and the monthly transits tend to be inaccurate. They are somewhat accurate about the nature of signs etc., but when it comes to predicting the actual events in one’s life and their timing,

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they are nowhere. One doesn’t really need an Astrologer to tell that, for example, if they are a Scorpio, they tend to be jealous and possessive! Vedic Astrology has a multi-dimensional approach.

Firstly, we have the divisional chart system. Based on the planetary degrees at the time of birth, many divisional charts are prepared, by dividing the degrees of the planets. These

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divisional charts are studied to ascertain the strength and weakness of planets and houses, and also to study various aspects of ones life. For example, one-ninth divisions called Navamsa to study spouse and married life, one tenth divisions to study profession, one seventh for children, and so on. A chart is prepared by dividing the planet’s degrees in to one-sixtieth parts!

Second is the Dasa system. Based on one’s Moon degrees at birth, we calculate the Dasas, or the ruling periods of various planets, which keeps changing during one’s life. It is not just one planet’s Dasa but the “Maha” Dasa, or Main Dasa, of a planet, Antardasa, or sub-period, of another planet, and so on, until we arrive at a fifth level Dasa to study each day.

Third is the Gochara, or Transit of planets. Planets transiting various houses produce various results. But a planet transits a sign for quite some time. For example Saturn transits a sign for two and half years. During this entire period its results cannot be totally good or bad. Atharva Vedic Astrology further pinpoints its good and bad periods, even during its entire transit through one sign. The Atharva Veda has some different calculating systems, which divides a planet’s transit in a sign into eight parts, and then shows which part is good and which part is bad.

Lastly, there is the Prasna Kundali System. It is a chart based on the time of the query. This is studied as an add-on chart to give predictions. Modern scientists do not accept astrology. But it is a known fact that planets do have their effects on us. The doctors of almost all mental asylums accept the fact that during the Full Moon and the New Moon periods, the mental patients behave erratically. The police record the same effects on many criminals. Modern scientists know some of the effects of ultraviolet rays, gamma rays, and beta rays of the stars and planets; but unfortunately, they don’t fully accept the divine wisdom of our ancient Vedas. A lot of professionals have approached me to solve their personal problems. To the external world they say that they do not believe Astrology or Astrologers, but in their inner life they do each and every aspect, only after consulting an Astrologer. How one can alter their Karma or Destiny? Only by performing the proper Atharva Vedic Rituals for the Yaksha/Yakshini Devathas can one accept and allow their Karma in a comfortable way. Hindu Theology is based on the theory of Karma (fate). The good and the bad acts done by one, has a positive or negative effect on their soul. This Karmic “balance sheet” is carried forward from life to life. Only on this basis does one have good and bad experiences in their life. One may commit a major criminal offence and may get away from the law. Or one may cheat their partner or spouse, and hoodwink him or her. But there is no escaping from God’s cosmic x-ray. One’s account gets debited and the law of Karma is as certain as Newton’s third law of motion: “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Sometimes one experiences the effects of their Karma in this life and sometimes in the next life. According to the Vedic Scriptures and the learned saints, performing Mantra-japa, Stotra Recital, Dana, Pooja/

homa, etc., are auspicious as they produce positive effects and counteract and remove, or at least reduce, negative Karma and improve one’s life. The detailed and continued performance of Pooja is called a Ritual. In other words the prayer to the special Devathas (Yaksha/Yakshini Devathas) is called a ritual.

The rituals work, only when performed properly, reciting the prescribed mantras, using the prescribed ingredients, by making the required sacrifices, and by doing the prescribed number of chantings by properly learned pundits. Unfortunately, a lot of people and pundits perform them in such a way as to either to cut time or cost, and the results are not what one would expect. To counteract the negative influences of the planets, or to improve and attain various desired objectives, the scriptures have prescribed several rituals for various deities. The deity is worshipped in the prescribed ritualistic manner with mantras and offerings, the Brahmins are given Anna-dana (food offerings), Vastra-dana (cloth offerings) and Dakshina (giving money) etc. The positive influence of these rituals, gives the positive results. One can experience better results and get an inner strength and confidence. Sometimes the results are instant, and sometimes they are slow. But they are certain. I say it with confidence because I have got the blessings of Yaksha/Yakshini Devathas only through these rituals and sacrament.I am blessed with the construction of the greatest temple for Lord Shiva, with 108 Shiva Moorthies, only through the blessings of the Yaksha/Yakshini Devathas. I have well trained and well learned priests with me and they are capable of performing every kind of ritual prescribed. Anybody can approach me or the Hindu Temple of Georgia at anytime and get salvation from their problems.

I pray Lord Shiva, Vanadurga Matha, and Yaksha/Yakshini Devathas to shower all their blessings on all of us to have a more comfortable living. In the next issue we will learn about some more good points from Atharva Vedic Astrology.

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Rasi Reding, BySri Selvam “Siddhar”Kind Attention: Zodiac Connection is based upon moon and not upon sun

Mesham The planetary position in the 10th sign is good. Lord of your sign is in exalted position. Some thing more beneficial and advantageous will take place in your attempts specifically in the affairs of job and profession. Since the Lord of your sign is associated with Lord Raaghu, your health and strength will reduce to an

extent. But it is coverable by proper food habits. Lord Jupiter is given full support by Lord Mars. This is guiding to the paternal relations and their up comings. The expenditure is more but it is done on essential need.

Women and children at home: Will need extra funds for their needs. The things are still pending. They can have the pleasure to get only the half of their expectations.

Students: Will be doing good. They take only a little pain to read the subjects. Most of the lessons will not be kept in memory stock properly. Take essential step to study properly.

Business persons and professionals: Are given good chance to exhibit their full talents. During this month they will get good benefits.

Lovers: Their trend will be better and Lord Venus is in exalted position. This month will show good progress in their approaches and decisions.

Married persons and spouses: Will be with freedom to determine their wants. Since Lord Saturn looks the 7th House, that is their companion’s spot, some kind of slow moments, delays and little hesitating scenes may occur.

The dates 17th and 18th may cause little different of opinion. These two days are not so good for important matters.

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Rishabam This month is a month of mixed trends. Your status and prestige are governed

well by Lord Venus. You are getting the benefits from Lord Jupiter also. So, the major events are with happy and progress. Due to the look of Lord Saturn Some delay and objections may appear in one or two events. Having occupied the 4th sign, Lord Saturn permits only a limited happiness amidst several debacles. Any way Lord Sun gives a good boosting to profession and job. So this month is only a better month.

Women and children at home: Will be having their own demands which may need full financial assistance. But the circumstance and mood will prevail only to go on travel and to attend the domestic affairs and school. In some matters, the expected things are partly secured. Yet some things will be post poned to next month.

Students: Have great opportunities to cover so many subjects. All it seems little by little. They have to concentrate properly on the subject wise.

Professionals and the business people: Will be facing challenges in their way. Good opportunities are there; but some kind of resistances will be entering then and there.

Lovers: Their trend, this month will be enthusiastic. When one subject is taken for consideration there will several matters to finalize. They are getting good shape.

Married persons and the spouses: Are having many engagements. All will be attended with speed. Some are bringing good results. In few a scene of insufficient attempt will prevail. Take good time and decide. This will be a good month for them.

Dates 19th and 20th will not do much good. You can restrict sanctioning loans and financial helps.

Mithunam Your ability is being tested. Many occasions, you are involved in

competition. You are feeling little bit weak in your affairs. Some time the fear, some time the finance back ground all are crossing to put you as a tiny figure. You have to try and work hard. A gap of time is awaiting to grant you the fruits you expected.

Women and children at home: Will be with half minded satisfaction. Their needs and longings are more. The elders in family should show grace and keep them entertained.

Students: Are facing disturbances in their studies. Some subjects are not fully under stood. They have to fresh up their lessons once again. They are going to find some new matters in research, and that will help them a lot to register their ability.

Professionals and business people: Are mounted with more burdon and they have to get suitable rewards in final. A kind of change with luck is likely to happen.

Lovers: Their trend in this March, will be little complicated. A final decision or a program will give them a proper way to get the happiness. Lord Venus is all alone in Meena to grant the way.

Married persons and spouses: Will be facing extraordinary matters on their way and some may lead for utter confusion. The events will be with difficulties and challenges. Some how the results will be as per the shape they planned. Financially little worried and the expenses are beyond control. This kind of influence is a lesson to learn how to manage.

Dates 21st and 22nd will not be favourable for important decisions. So the decision making shall be post poned.

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Your sign is occupied by Lord Kethu who keeps you brisk and

active. Your work load will be doubled. Certain times the tension will dominate extremely. Your finance Lord Sun is connected to education and family also. All are with excitement to face unforeseen activities. It is a dark side of easy movement of money. You are going to spend too much, but that much will not be recovered in anticipated matters. Lord Sun and Lord Saturn’s opposition will keep you in a puzzled manner.

Women and children at home: Will be powerless to put their demands before the elders. The grip of status will continue and their enthusiastic moods are curtailed. Lord Jupiter is accompanied with Lord Mars. This scene will give the rays of hope to recover from the grim situations.

Students: Will be totally upset to know their progress in studies are blocked. They should set aside all the extra curricular activities and pay more attentions for lessons.

Business men and professionals: Are supported a little by Lord Mars. The out come will give sudden progress in the following weeks. But the finance is hopeless by held up. They have to be very careful to maintain the book of expenditures.

Lovers: Their trend in this month will be answerable for lot of questions. The proposals are un steady. Confusions prevail on their way. Since the Lord of their sign, Lord Sun is facing opposition from Lord Saturn. Keep the activities in control. They should not insist for immediate clearance which will not reach all of sudden. Time will take its own course.

Married persons and spouses: Are with lot of affairs for settlements. They do not hare leasuirely times to engage in happy mood. The month March will spell them with challenges and trouble. Better to be vigil and avoid sudden involvements. Take slow steps and even if it is late they can execute it later. Don’t show importance for immediate clearance.

Dates 23rd, 24th and 25th will be with more difficulties. You have to pass it diplomatically.

Simham Your sign Lord Sun is occupying the Lord Saturn’s House and

Lord Saturn is occupying the House of Lord Sun. This interchange of planet in alternative houses will cause some set back and you have to be very very careful in all your deals. Lord Jupiter in 6th House is also not good for easy and flexible moments. Vigil and scrutiny in all the way is needed. Little grace of Lord Jupiter to your 10th sign may support for the essential progress. But the definite supporter is Lord Saturn. The lively hood is guarded prominently.

Women and children at home: May have some set back and their plannings are likely to be delayed. Traveling or doing the duties with over speed are restricted. Lord Venus does his support for all your financial and educational needs.

Students: Are with grace to continue their studies in good manner. They have to be smart and brisk. Laziness will be prevailing in their activities. Lord Jupiter and Lord Venus are aspecting the spot of education with good omen.

Business persons and professionals: Are with proper guidance. Some tines the thoughts are diverting them away from their engagements. Such easy talkings are to be avoided. On a final finish, the matters are coming good to the hand.

Trend of Lovers: In this month will be disappointing. Their plans are not comming to the correct shape. Unnecessory quarrels or arguments are likely ahead. Pass the time with calm mood. The time is likely to teach them certain lessons.

Married persons and spouses: Are not feeling with peace terms. There are many matters to be finalized. They have to make their attempts slowly. Ever if it fails, they need not worry much. The trend wave is not set and they have to wait. Some how the routine and family affairs are moving softly.

The dates 26th and 27th may cause disappointment.

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Kanya Your sign Lord Mercury and his in between- position involving

Lords Sun, Mars ,Jupiter and Raaghu will keep you in a critical position which may need extraordinary skill to mingle with circumstances. This indicates a crucial role for you. This month, you have to employ so much of diplomacy to come out successfully. Lord Venus is favouring for the first two weeks and guide the proper way of planning Lord Saturn Keeps a check on finance position as well as the family management. It is a month to be with all carefulness and vigil. Women and children at home: Will be aspected by Lord Venus. They have the grace from Lord Jupiter also. The owner of the 8th house, Lord Mars is highly powerful for further 2 weeks. They should be cared well by the elders and the health question is also to be with perfect attendance.

Students: Attendance in classes may be disturbed. They should take initiative care in all subjects. Otherwise the scoring of marks will go down. Lord of Tulam and Rishaba is in good form and supports suitably for their all attempts.

Business persons and professionals: May feel a down ward trend. Some times it is trouble some also. They have to calculate in prior state and follow their schedules. The handling of the job may focus certain changes and alterations.

Lovers: Their trend in this month is with liberty. For few people it will create fear and confusion to take decisions. The events are also expected to mingle with arguments and clashes. They have to pass this month with skill.

Married persons and spouses: Are expected to execute well. Some situations rise and interupt the program. Orderly plannings and arrangements are essential. Lord Venus is powerful and guides their affairs well. The self confidence should be increased. Several involvements are likely to link.

Dates 28th and 29th may cause small failures.


Your Lord of sign is Venus. He is granting half the way good and the other half as

commitment with lot of things. Outward look and the external positions are elaborated, but to maintain the words, you have to face difficulties. You have to be very careful this month. The routine and as usual, the professional works may continue. Limited profits are there and the maintenance will be carried out with best efforts.

Women and children at home: Are likely to be in the normal trend. The health and strength will be in a moderate way. Children are to be cared with perfect medical care. They will be facing very ordinary and controlable problems.

Students: Are improving well and can show a better way of progress. The combination of four planets in the sign Magara will promote their efforts in studies. In the exams, they will be shining good and compared with good rank students.

Professionals and business persons: Are given certain preference to exhibit their capacity. Reasonable improvement and profits are there. Some new proposal or changes are likely to come.

Lovers: Their trend in this month will be normal to good. Lord Mars looks the 7th House and trying to cause either ill-health or some postponement in programs.

Married persons and the spouses: Are feeling some times freedom continued by anxiety. Their health is likely to be affected. Peace of mind and smooth going will be in disturbance. Any way the self control and adjustment will be prevailing well.

The dates 30th and 31st may be causing unwanted expenditure and it is lean the recovery will not be casy.

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Viruchigam Lord Mars is in fine position. Your status, prestige and performance are

likely to be in a good and proper beneficial ways. Lord Mars is also the Lord of sixth house. Some dispute or enemity also likely to develop. It may even a court affair and charges. In village side people some kind of enquiries may reach. Regarding profession, a good progress will come. The expected profit will be reduced due to the disturbed executions. Any way this month is adjustable.

Women and children at home: Will be managing themselves with what is available. The health may not be so good. For children, the medical assistance or checkup will be in need. Since Lord Jupiter is in debilitation, the finance needs and disappointment to buy the desired articles will be worrying their brain.

Students: Are little backward and trying for good marks. Some times the rank will be going down and at the same time the minimum marks will be acquired.

Business persons and professionals: Will be managing to maintain well. The opposition of Lords Sun and Saturn will affect their profits and benefits to an extent. Their expenses and the claim from tax department will be rising with in 3 to 4 weeks. It is advised to rule out disputes. Have nice trend with all and pass this month.

Trend of Lovers: Will be at the moments to get the happiness. Lord of the 7th house is in exalted position. The health and moments are quite easy. This is an agreeable month. Time will pave good bridge between lovers.

Married persons and spouses: Will be in a mood to expand their activities. The needs of articles to home and new purchases are likely to come soon. The health will be maintained good. During the first half of the month good happenings are expected.

The Dates 1st 2nd and 3rd of this month may spell failures. Better postpone other dates for important matters.

Dhanur So many changes you could feel now. Some of them about your

own physique which gets influence of inability and strengthlessness. Some time the pills and medicines are not proving to be beneficial. Lords Mercury and Jupiter are very close to each other in the constellation Shravana 3rd and ‘Dhanishta’. The body may show improvement of health after one more week. Since the 10th House is aspected by exalted Lord Venus, the profits and gains of professions will reach you shortly. Women and the children at home: Will be feeling mixed trend of mood and uneasiness. The stability, they are not enjoying. They need good medicine and tonics for their health. Since Lord Mars and Jupiter are accommodating in 2nd House, some benefits in finance and education are likely to come. The domestic needs may be obliging in unexpected times.

Students: Will be restlessly engaged in gathering information about lessons. Their enthusiasm will be rewarded with good benefits. Some lessons they prepare now will be useful for the tests in next time.

Business persons and professionals: Are favorably seen by the Lord Venus. Hard work with influence of repeted attempts are going to be rewarded with profits. The business which showed a dull trend is likely to improve shortly.

Lovers: Their trend will be reaching to the under standing, which gave lot of confusions lost month. All faults are to be illusions and helpless, may turn to a point of good faith. This month is a better month to them.

Married persons and spouses: Are feeling little bit better than last month. Their domestic and internal needs are many. They have to give the priority and do the job in order. The flexibility between mates will be good; some times the expected result will come on an unexpected scene. This month is not discouraging for them. It seems to be like that, the day is coming shortly to keep them with happiness. Dates 4th and 5th will not be so good. The important matters to be postponed.

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Magaram Lord of your sign is yet in a grim situation at the enemy’s house,

Simmam. Your ability and efforts are still blocked by the planetary positions. You are unable to feel the freedom. The brain is occupied with lot of proposals. The guide and supports are far away and yet. One occasion will prove to be successful. That occasion will come shortly.

Women and children at home: Are with little confusion and disturbed mind. The elders should show sympathy to keep them smart and busy. They have lot of demands and expect at least one or two to be fulfilled immediately.

Students: Are unable to judge the important lessons. They should read A to Z to cover good marks. This is a big task for them. Some subjects they are now facing lackness in under standing. They have to approach the guidance from their desk mates and clever students.

Businesspeople and professionals: Will prove with heavy load. There are new proposals and ideas in their brain. They can execute step by step. But they will not be feeling fully with suitability. Think sharply and take final decision for success.

Lovers: Their trend will be still under a gloomy mood. They are unable to look clear picture. Some time they are focusing enthusiastically to the subject but the braveness to put in action is less. Their opportunities are more this month.

Married persons and the spouses: Are with too many proposals. Nothing seems to be concluded. Such a scene of mixed state you are going to witness. The domestic and needs for home are big in list. Even to attend that matters, the time is not permitting. The decisions and ventures are still lacking in their mind. All that is because of Lord Saturn, who is on 8th house to their sign.

Dates 6th and 7th are not good to commit financially.

Kumbam The occupant of your sign is Lord Sun. Your sign Lord Saturn has occupied the house of

Lord Sun. This inter change of houses by the Lords concerned will create a peculiar disturbance. You have to influence this new event with excitement. Program your self, under stand the external activities and go flexibly to avoid unforeseen incidents. It will be in different forms according to the strength of your birth charts. It is better to have a safety position in the critical hours.

Women and children at home: Will be actually with lot of confusions and behave aimlessly. Lord Venus is good and keeps the comfort and lucks then and there. Their sign Lord Saturn is unwillingly sitting in the 7th house. Up to September a gloomy atmosphere will be ruling. After that the ashtama Sani (Lord Saturn in the eighth house) will begin to give some losses. Even the health may be spoiled. Knowing all these things they have to program with their diets and keep the health in good form.

Students: Are facing certain disturbance. Unwanted events will cross and their involvement in those unwanted events may cause difficulties in their studies. The other comfort and gay times are there. Concentration is studies should he given first preference.

Business people and professionals: May be engaged with full time but the benefits are less with big expenditures. Lord Venus is in exalted position to show a good improvement. But the hard work gives only little benefit.

Lovers: Their trend in this month will be unstable. Exact decisions and perfect plans are far away from them. There are hurdles and debacles also in their way. Only after three to four weeks a little grace is there. Decision taking is getting late.

Married persons and spouses: Are suffering with dissatisfaction and grim trend. No easy and smooth moments are surrounded now. Even though Lord Venus is in healthy and exalted position, the heart and mind is suffering. That is due to occupation of Lord Sun for whom Lord Saturn sits in opposition. This month should pass to have moderate atmosphere. Dates 8th, 9th and 10th are not so good. The involvement in financial matters may disappoint them.

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Meenam Lord of your sign is Lord Jupiter and he is combined with Lord

Mars. Lord Mars is the in charge of the 2nd and 9th houses. Not only that, Lord Mercury, the Lord of 4th and 7th houses also joins to make new way and proposals. You can witness some major influence which could support your life this year. Lord Venus is upon his crown or Exaltation. As per this position the houses 3rd and 8th may also spell difficulties. Mixed scene and notables are likely to be faced. The exaltation power of Lord Venus is there for another fortnight. You have to pass the time, which influence the new things slowly. Vigil is most important on every action to welcome a good event shortly.

Women and children at home: Are attending the affairs with little bit specd. They should take care of their health and life. They have to do every thing steadily and slowly. The Lord Jupiter is in debilitation and at the same house Lord Mars is in exaltation. This will support your career and position to a stable and progressive manner.

Students: Are going to do their best possible to get a good record and name. Their studies are slightly disturbed by new comers’ arrival. Better avoid new friends. Try to spend the maximum of your time with lessons.

Business persons and professionals : Are making their way with enthusiasm. They can reap good harvest also. They should not feel over speed. The matters are shapping to the mature and give them better time. They have to accept it with slow trend of action. Don’t drive the brain fast.

Lovers: Their trend in this month is with more and important topics. They have to sit and sort out the priorities. At the same time they have to pay respect to the elders also. Some thing new way is seen. You have to use the times suitably.

Married persons and the spouses: Are meeting with new problems. It is a nature of first influence. They have to consult with their mate and exchange opinions for the betterment. Some times the outwardly appearance will misguide them. Think slowly and twice before every attempt. The health question is also little weak but they can find the recovery by suitable diet and easy means. Cautions should be there on travel and drivings.

Dates 11th and 12th will not be suitable to involve with most important and financial matters.

Deity Adorning the cover page.There are three types of poses to each and every deity. They are santham, ugram and maha ugram. Sri Atharva Soolini Durga comes under the “Maha ugram” category. Maha Ugram means “most fearful:. Even though she is very fearful, she is the most blessing deity. She is the consort of Lord Shiva. When Lord Shiva took the most fearful pose as “Sri.Sabeswara”, Sri.Atharva Soolini stood as the best companion of Lord Shiva. She is known as “Gist of Atharva Veda”. The Hindu Temple of Georgia is the only temple in the entire North America to have Sri.Atharva Soolini as one of the main deities. To know more about this wonderful deity come to Hindu Temple of Georgia or contact Hindu Temple of Georgia.

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