semester one exam review nouns definition a noun is a word that names a person, a place, a thing, or...

Semester one exam review Nouns

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Post on 29-Mar-2015




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Slide 2 Semester one exam review Nouns Slide 3 Definition A NOUN is a word that names a person, a place, a thing, or an idea. person place thing idea ? Slide 4 Common Nouns A COMMON NOUN names a general person, place, thing, or idea. It does not refer to something specific. cat house shoe Slide 5 Proper Nouns A PROPER NOUN names a specific person, place, thing, or idea. It refers to a NAME of a noun. Felix White House Nike Slide 6 CONCRETE NOUNS CONCRETE NOUNS are nouns that you can see, hear, touch, smell, or taste. Slide 7 Abstract NOUNS ABSTRACT NOUNS are nouns that you cannot see, hear, touch, smell, or taste. They are ideas, qualities, and feelings that cannot be seen or touched. RESPONSIBILITY FAIRNESS JUSTICE Slide 8 Classify these Nouns: COMMONPROPER CONCRETE ABSTRACT bike planet desk scissors Jupiter justice judge dollar Christian snow city Islam Roaring Spring Pennsylvania friendship bike planet desk scissors Jupiter justice judge dollar Christian snow city Islam Roaring Spring Pennsylvania friendship Slide 9 COMMONPROPER CONCRETE ABSTRACT bike planet desk scissors Jupiter justice judge dollar Christian snow city Islam Roaring Spring Pennsylvania friendship Check your chart: Slide 10 Practice Write the plural form of each noun. 1. teacup A: teacups 2. goose A: geese 3. Iroquois A: Iroquois 4. class A: classes 5. auto A: autos Slide 11 Practice 6. Department of Justice A: Departments of Justice 7. daughter-in-law A: daughters-in-law 8. leaf A: leaves 9. hobby A: hobbies 10. donkey A: donkeys Slide 12 Semester one exam review Possessive Nouns Slide 13 Definition The POSSESSIVE form of a noun shows ownership or relationship. man laptop mans laptop Slide 14 Rule ONe Singular nouns always add an apostrophe s (s) to make them possessive. the shoe of Mary Marys shoe the egg of the bird birds egg Slide 15 Rule two Plural nouns that end in s only add an apostrophe () to make them possessive. windows of the buses buses windows branches of the trees trees branches Slide 16 Rule three Plural nouns that do not end in s always add an apostrophe s (s) to make them possessive. horns of deer deers horns hands of people peoples hands Slide 17 Practice Change the following nouns into possessive form. 1. the bat of the boy A: boys bat 2. the feathers of the geese A: geeses feathers 3. the brooms of the witches A: witches broom Slide 18 Practice Continued 4. the tail of the dog A: dogs tail 5. the children of the parents A: parents children Slide 19 Semester one exam review Pronouns Slide 20 Definition A PRONOUN is a word that is used to take the place of a noun. Pronouns keep us from having to repeat the same noun. Charlie has a pencil, but Charlie needs a piece of paper. Charlie has a pencil, but he needs a piece of paper. Slide 21 Practice What pronoun would you use to replace the underlined part of each sentence? 1. Tom and Wendy walked quickly. Tom and Wendy were eager to get home. A: They 2. Nancy wanted a piece of cake, but Nancy was full after dinner. A: she 3. The class enjoyed recess. The class played dodgeball. A: They Slide 22 Definition A pronoun takes its meaning from the noun it replaces. The noun that the pronoun refers to is called the ANTECEDENT. A pronoun must agree with its antecedent. That is, it must be the same in number (singular or plural) and gender as the noun it replaces. Slide 23 antecedent When Daniel had enough money, he bought a bike. Daniel left the bike out in the rain, and it rusted. Slide 24 Practice Identify the pronoun and its antecedent. 1. Deborah is reading about Charles Dickens. He is a famous British author. 2. Thomas read Oliver Twist, a novel by Dickens about a poor boy. He enjoyed the story. 3. When Dickens died in 1870, he had not finished the novel The Mystery of Edwin Drood. Slide 25 Semester one exam review Verbs Slide 26 Definition A VERB shows action or state of being. laughing running dancing thinking dream Slide 27 Action Verbs An ACTION VERB is a word that expresses action. It may be made up of more than one word. The director shouts at the members of the cast. The lights are flashing above the stage. The audience arrived in time for the performance. Several singers have memorized the lyrics of a song. Slide 28 Practice Identify the action verbs in each sentence. 1. Heather and Lisa heard a crashing sound. 3. The girls turned on the outdoor lights. 2. They ran to the kitchen window. Slide 29 LINKING VERBS A LINKING VERB connects the subject of a sentence with a noun or an adjective in the predicate. Juanita Ortiz was the director. Ms. Ortiz is imaginative. Slide 30 HELPING VERBS A HELPING VERB helps the main verb express action or make a statement. Tonya is acting in another play today. She has learned the lines for both plays. Helping Verb + Main Verb = Verb Phrase A VERB PHRASE consists of one or more helping verbs followed by a main verb. Slide 31 HELPING VERBS To the tune of When the Saints Go Marching In Is Am Are Was Were Be Being Been Has Have Had Do Does Did Shall Will Should Would May Might Must Can Could These are the helping verbs! Slide 32 Practice Identify the helping verb, main verb, and verb phrase in each sentence. 1. Miss Frizzle may have saved some cake for you. 3. Should she give you a large piece? 2. She did wait to have some also. Slide 33 Semester one exam review Adjectives Slide 34 Definition An ADJECTIVE describes, or modifies, a noun or pronoun. One adjective can change the meaning of a whole sentence. We take exciting trips. We take boring trips. Slide 35 Adjectives ADJECTIVES can tell what kind, which one, or how many. What Kind? We climbed steep, rocky trails. Which One? Those hikers met this stream. How Many? Several boys carried two canteens. Slide 36 Practice Identify the adjectives in each sentence. 1. Ten puppies are playing in the tall, green grass. 3. Sams apple is sour. 2. Sam has a blue racing bicycle. Slide 37 Semester one exam review Adverbs Slide 38 Definition An ADVERB describes, or modifies, a verb, adjective, or another adverb. VERBS People handle old violins carefully. ADJECTIVES Very old violins are valuable. ADVERBS Orchestras almost always include violins. Slide 39 adverbs ADverbS can tell how, when, or where. HOW? Chan happily plays ball. WHEN? Often the team travels on the bus. WHERE? My sister ran downstairs. Slide 40 Practice Identify the adverbs in each sentence. 1. The glacier crept gradually toward the sea. 3. Do you often go to the movies? 2. Knock gently on the green door..