seller satisfaction with online sales in lightning & appliance market


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Post on 16-Apr-2017



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Page 1: Seller Satisfaction with Online Sales in Lightning & Appliance Market

|Source- RedSeer Analysis

Online marketplace sellers in brown goods

category are the most satisfied with their overall

experience of selling online

Seller Satisfaction with Online Sales

in Lightning & Appliance Market

White Goods


Retail Lighting


Brown Goods


Rating of category with

respect to seller satisfactionRating Rationale

Returns are around 8-10% for Flipkart, while they are ~4-

6% for Amazon; 2-3% products returned without opening

Margins are 1.5-4% lower in online sales compared to

offline due to higher discounting

Returns are moderate but most returned items are

damaged leading to high seller losses

For non-returned goods, margins were comparable to the

offline channels

Besides the issue of damages, sellers feel that this a high

potential category for online sales

Sellers experience higher returns in this category

compared to white goods

For non-returned goods, margins were comparable to the

offline channels

Seller Satisfaction Rating


Future sales expectation Overall Satisfaction

Margin vs Offline

Sales (for non-returned goods)

High Moderate Low