sds podcast episode 191 with tristen blake€¦ · allows us to do good and benefit as a result of...


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Page 1: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 191 WITH TRISTEN BLAKE€¦ · allows us to do good and benefit as a result of that, whereas in history you had to make compromises. Kirill Eremenko: Yeah, yeah





Page 2: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 191 WITH TRISTEN BLAKE€¦ · allows us to do good and benefit as a result of that, whereas in history you had to make compromises. Kirill Eremenko: Yeah, yeah

Kirill Eremenko: This is episode number 191 with founder of the

Machine Learning Society, Tristen Blake.

Welcome to the Super Data Science Podcast. My name

is Kirill Eremenko, data science coach and lifestyle

entrepreneur. And each week we bring you inspiring

people and ideas to help you build your successful

career in data science. Thanks for being here today

and now let's make the complex simple.

Welcome to the Super Data Science Podcast, ladies

and gentlemans. Super excited to have you on this

show today. And today I bring to you a friend of mine.

Somebody who I met just recently, but we instantly

connected, Tristen Blake. Tristen is the founder of

Machine Learning Society and the creator of the CO

Network. And this podcast is full of adventure. You will

hear courageous stories of going from finance into data

science. Going from not knowing anything about

analytics to founding the Machine Learning Society

and creating social networks for data scientists and

many, many more.

Tristen is a great example of a person who doesn't

have the background in the field of machine learning

or statistics or data science, but can see the value of

this field and how it is growing and is fearless about

jumping straight into it and doing things about it.

We'll even talk in this podcast about how Tristen is

working with San Diego to create a smart city in San

Diego to make it one of the most progressive cities in

the world. So this podcast is full of various

courageous, exciting stories about machine learning,

Page 3: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 191 WITH TRISTEN BLAKE€¦ · allows us to do good and benefit as a result of that, whereas in history you had to make compromises. Kirill Eremenko: Yeah, yeah

data science, technology, smart cities, social networks

and much, much more. So buckle up for an exciting

ride. We're going to jump straight into it.

But before, I wanted to let you know that this podcast

is also available in video version. So if you want to see

the video of our conversation and might feel a bit more

personal to you, if that's your preference, you can find

on YouTube. We don't often record video podcast but

in this case we did. So if you have the opportunity to

do so maybe head on over to youtube and you'll finally

the link there or you can go just straight to and the video will be

available there. If not, it's totally cool to listen to the

podcast on audio. So let's dive straight into it. I bring

to you founder of Machine Learning Society, Tristen


Welcome to the Super Data Science Podcast, ladies

and gentlemen. Very excited to have you on the show

today. On the show I've got a very interesting, a

fascinating guest I'd say, a good friend of mine, Tristen

Blake. Tristen, welcome to the podcast. How are you

doing today?

Tristen Blake: Doing good. Doing good. Thank you for having me.

Kirill Eremenko: It's so, so exciting man. For our listeners, I wanted to

say that when we actually met, and this was in San

Diego a couple months ago. And it was, if you

remember, it was the Fourth of July. So there was

supposed to be fireworks.

Tristen Blake: Yeah. That's right. That's right.

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Kirill Eremenko: And I was so looking forward to seeing those fireworks.

I've never seen Fourth of July fireworks. But Tristen

and I, we caught up, and also Paulo was with us, our

event manager at DataScienceGO. We caught up and

we were at this bar just chatting and we chatted all

through the night. We finished, I think it was almost at

midnight so I missed all the fireworks, man. You owe

me some fireworks, right?

Tristen Blake: All right. It's fair. I'll give them to you on this podcast.

Kirill Eremenko: Sounds good. Well, just maybe like as a bit of a

background. I read article that was written or like an

interview with you. And it was fascinating. I didn't

actually know this part of your story so I'll just quickly

mention it, if you don't mind, and then maybe you can

take [inaudible 00:04:08]

Tristen Blake: Sure. Sure.

Kirill Eremenko: As I understand, you don't have a background in

machine learning or data science. You studied

international finance-

Tristen Blake: International relations and diplomacy.

Kirill Eremenko: International relations and diplomacy. And then you

decided all of a sudden to get into machine learning.

You came to San Diego. You had severe stage fright

and you didn't know anything about machine learning

and yet, you organized a meetup about machine

learning and got 50 people in the room, got a panel of

machine learning experts. And from there it went. Now

you're in the head of the Machine Learning Society,

which has thousands of members in over four different

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cities and has had over a hundred different meetups

and all these crazy things. So take us from there. How

did this all happen? Why machine learning?

Tristen Blake: So the story, it's hard to pinpoint exactly where it

starts. And I think actually it often changes, where the

origin point is. But I remember getting this feeling in

New York. I was working in finance, in a family office

world. And I was managing a lot of money for a very

wealthy Chinese family. And I would go to these really

interesting meetings where there would be billionaires

from some of the biggest and most well-known families

in the world and they would talk about investing.

But when I'm talking about investing they would

invest in 100 million in this project. They would buy a

building for 200 million. And I'm the only guy in this

room that didn't come from Oxford or any one of these

schools. I'm not from a rich family. Quite the contrary.

So I was basically working with these family offices,

helping them invest. And anyway, I watched a story on

the TED talk from a gentleman who did some really

interesting drone work. And he would navigate his

hand and the drone would move and I just got this

impression that there was almost an unlimited source

of power hidden in this technology.

But power to change the world in profound and in

really positive ways, to make all of the things that

people struggle to do seem ... Just technology would

disappear into the fabric of your life. It wouldn't be

something that you struggle to pull out and charge

your phone. It would always be charged. So anyway I

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went to this meeting and I wanted to see what were

they investing in and were they really holding a secret

on some really interesting companies in artificial

intelligence or genomics for example. And I asked

these family offices, there's a little semicircle of people

around me, "What are you investing in?" And they

looked at me and they said, "Just core real estate. We

just bought a hospital and we're converting it to a


And they were so proud of this investment portfolio,

product. And I just thought, "Oh my God, the

wealthiest people on earth are missing the biggest

opportunity in history to invest in human quality of life

and also make a lot of money." There's a lot of wealth

to be generated. And a lot of good to be done. And

that's the power of this revolution, I think, that it

allows us to do good and benefit as a result of that,

whereas in history you had to make compromises.

Kirill Eremenko: Yeah, yeah. I know. I totally agree. That inspired you,

if I'm not mistaken, for the fourth time to start your

life again, get a ticket to San Diego and start into

machine learning. Where do you get the courage to do

something like that?

Tristen Blake: So yeah, leadership and courage. That's two of the

things that I've been working on and thinking about

for quite some time. Those are learnable skills. I think,

one of the benefits of going from a good family or

coming from a family that has a lot of success is

actually they teach you how to be a good leader and

they teach you when to have urge. I think that is the

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most important discipline to teach your kids, quite

frankly. Because everything stems from there. All

right. Your confidence. Your aggression when

necessary. Your creativity directly applied. So getting

back to it, I came to San Diego because I felt some

kind of energy here.

Kirill Eremenko: Gotcha. So tell us about the Machine Learning Society.

You started off. First meetup. 50 people attended.

Fantastic result. And how did you grow from there to

thousands of people nationwide, more than four

different cities, hundreds of meetup?

Tristen Blake: So the reason that I started the Machine Learning

Society in the first place was actually because I didn't

have the necessary grades to get into UCSD. I mean, it

was bad. My GPA. I'm not a traditional student. I'm

not very good at mathematics actually. But I am very

good at networks and human behavior. The social

thing. The invisible threads that bind human

relationship. So that's a different type of math or

abstraction. And I practiced that my entire life, hence

diplomacy, international relations.

But I wanted to contribute to science. And I wanted to

get a degree and a potentially a PhD in data science so

that I could start contributing to the whole data

science world. I know the power of this. But I wouldn't

be able to do it through a mathematical approach

because I'm simply too weak in that. I don't think I

have a strength, a natural one. But I am an artist

essentially and I am a community organizer

historically. So I decided to create community so that I

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could learn data Science from the people that practice

it by putting on the events. I mean, think about it, you

create an event and you marvel at the knowledge that

is exchanged to you directly and to the entire

audience. So it's almost crowdsourcing your own

education. If that makes sense?

Kirill Eremenko: Yeah. No, fantastic. It's learning on steroids.

Tristen Blake: Exactly.

Kirill Eremenko: And you network at the same time. You hit two birds

with one stone. Fantastic idea, man. That's very cool.

That's kind of like nicely brings us to your new project,

which you are wearing a logo of right now, the CO

Network. Super excited man. Congratulations. We just

launched the Kickstarter. By the time this podcast is

out, it's going to be about like two weeks into the

Kickstarter. Really, really excited for you. I highly

encourage everybody watching to go and check it out.

It's going to be revolutionary and Tristen, tell us why.

What is the CO Network and why is it going to change

the world?

Tristen Blake: The answer is in the Machine Learning Society. When I

was hosting events in New York and Boston and the

Bay Area in San Diego. People would reach out to me

from Florida, from Israel, Japan on occasion. And they

would say, "Hey, I would love to participate in this

event. How do I get a link? How do I just meet the

people that are there? How do I participate?" And it

was sad that this person from Africa, I believe there

was a gentleman from Tanzania who reached out. He's

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using mobile networks to predict the crop, yields.

Fascinating stuff.

And this person is reaching out to me, trying to

connect to this community. And I didn't really have a

way to plug them into this ecosystem unless I opened

up the Lagos chapter or the Beijing chapter. And that's

a lot of work on my part, to organize and to essentially

make it like a franchise. So I decided that instead of

focusing only on physical events, I would create a

digital experience or connect them digitally so that we

could have a physical digital and one of the early

names that I thought of the project was Physidigital

because it has to blend seamlessly between meeting

people in the physical world and then digitally

exchanging information with them and then meeting

back in the physical world again. It has to be

seamless. It has to be done in the right way.

So I don't know. It was one night. I was laying there

and I just realized that I wasn't building a community

anymore. I was actually building a social network. And

that realization, it stunned me because just the

change of words from community to social network

truly changed the entire scale of the project. And I

realized I'm not only focusing on data scientists. I'm

focusing on data plus scientists. That's anybody who

works with data or science. And that's lot of people.

And that's a lot of subjects, which are currently

entirely uncoordinated. Not enough communication

going on between those. We can break down those

silos with modern tools like a colloquium as a

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chatroom for example on a [inaudible 00:13:52] flow.

Or a variety of other tags.

Kirill Eremenko: Gotcha. We were just talking about this before the

podcast, that even though they are existing social

networks. Facebook, there is LinkedIn. There's a

couple others. LinkedIn, for instance, is great. You'd

think it's a good opportunity for scientists to connect

through, but scientists, from my experience, don't

really use LinkedIn. They don't. There's an active

professional network. People go there to get jobs, to

make connections or talk about like developing skills.

But in terms of science and data science as well, it's

not really a place where people go to hang out and do

projects together. Like for instance maybe they even do

a project [inaudible 00:14:34] there. I think you guys

found a very interesting niche to really connect science

together. So tell us a bit about that. How is it going to

be different to the existing social?

Tristen Blake: Sure. So LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, all those guys.

Just like humans ... I think you're a millennial. Is that


Kirill Eremenko: Yeah.

Tristen Blake: Okay.

Kirill Eremenko: Definitions vary.

Tristen Blake: Yeah. I think we're late millennials. We're late

millennials. Companies are just like people in that

they're born to a certain cohort. So the IBMs, Microsoft

and Oracle's. They're part of this cohort of companies

that live and operate on a similar premise, from a

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similar age. GE, it's very different in age and approach

and culture. The Tesla. I find that these companies,

especially the new ones that are being born, they have

a totally different set of values. We're building

platforms that are appealing to a person not only from

a use case and quality perspective and price, but also

on whether we share their values and share their


So you wouldn't go on my network if you didn't believe

in open data exchange and hiring people not based on

a resume, which is a very old and frankly a broken

system. You can't really put too much information on

a page and most of the stuff isn't relevant anyway. It's

been so formalized for an ancient industry that it

doesn't really matter anymore today. Today you want

to see somebody's projects and their code review, not

necessarily how much time they've spent at Google.

That doesn't really matter. And I think we're going to,

not to be [inaudible 00:16:39] but to kill the resume,

particularly in the sciences and the technology world.

So one of the things that LinkedIn for example fails to

take into consideration or do is create a specific type of

profile for scientist, that appeals to them and asks

them science type of questions. And that's because it's

a professional network and it has a professional

culture to it. You put on your suit and tie when you're

on LinkedIn. On our network you bring your mother

board and a few soldering wires. You don't need to

have a suit and tie on. And I think that culture

difference is very important to consider when building

this out.

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I want to ask people the questions that they are

looking to exchange with others and how they evaluate

each other. We still haven't figured out what rules or

methods do scientists use besides peer review or their

academic credentials, to recognize whether another

person is a good fit or a project or for their team. And

that's really some of the territory that we want to go

into in terms of behavioral research and studies on

high performance technical teamwork. We really want

to write some new literature through our social

network and that'll be actually by giving access to

many behavioral psychologist to our network so that

scientist can study a scientific network.

Kirill Eremenko: Wow. That's so cool, man. I'm just changing [inaudible

00:18:22] just walking through this real fast, I think.

But man, that is a really interesting idea. So I can

definitely see how scientists can benefit. When we met

up, you talked about co-researching things and

working on research papers together and sharing

research papers together. That's definitely a massive

need right now. But what about data scientists. Tell us

a bit more about that. If I'm a data scientist, I'm

listening to this podcast. What's benefit would I get

from joining the CO Network? And who are the people I

can meet there? Maybe I can work on projects, get

jobs, attend conferences. What are the things that are

going to be available?

Tristen Blake: This is going to be ready in about three weeks or so.

So you're going to open the home page and you're just

going to see a map with people's kind of ... Almost like

a conscious map. There are some of the dots on the

Page 13: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 191 WITH TRISTEN BLAKE€¦ · allows us to do good and benefit as a result of that, whereas in history you had to make compromises. Kirill Eremenko: Yeah, yeah

map that are going to represent people that just made

an action or created something, created an event or a

job or posted a data story on their profile. You're going

to see an organic community of people that are

creators, particularly in the computational science,

let's say. This is a computational science focus

network. We accept social science, but we will lean

towards computational behavioral sciences.

If it's psychology, then it's behavioral. Psychology with

a computational component. So you would be able to

log in and see all the upcoming events around the

industry. Are you going to be in New York between the

February 7th and February 14th? Perfect. When you

search February 7th through 14th for New York you'll

see all of the upcoming events, all the available jobs

that many of the companies have posted there. We

have many partners actually can't wait to post some of

their open positions. They're, quite frankly, desperate

to find CTOs and technical talent like data scientists

and deep learning engineers.

Big and small companies. We're talking about some of

the big boys. And we're also talking about some really

novel and exciting new competitive platforms that are

going to solve problems and compete with Google for

solving maps. Or a new company that we're

collaborating with, it's actually doing events. And it's

quite a powerful platform. So distributed computing.

So using your GPU on your computer and using your

browser extension to funnel GPU power, you earn

credits and then share them with a network. It's just

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type of companies that are going to be joining the CO

Network. And you could talk to them right there.

You'll be able to look at the innovator directory and

find not only all kinds of data scientists, but also

engineers of all kinds. So when you have a

bioinformatics question, you can ask it in the

bioinformatics colloquium, which is our version of a

forum. So it's really cool. Yeah, jobs. Data stories. Data

stories are kind of like medium. You post your own

articles and people can read them, review them, rank

them. And soon the academy as well, where we're

going to post popular books, movies and lectures that

are technical in nature. So that people can rank them

and you can have an organic sort of ranking system

for this academic literature papers that people post.

Kirill Eremenko: Okay. Wow. Very cool. First question, is this going to

be free? And second, can you share the website where

people can find this, once it is live.

Tristen Blake: So average accounts will cost about a million dollars a

piece. No. Look, the reality is, for me, and this is very

important. It's not only marketing. It's actually just

values and the purpose of why this is all happening.

We want to increase the speed of scientific innovation.

The law that governs ... The rate at which your battery

in your phone changes or the rate at which we're able

to dissect the DNA and discover new treatments, new

cancer drugs. We want to change that speed. And I

think my hypothesis is the speed of innovation is

dependent upon how people meet and coordinate and

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collaborate and what kind of incentive structures are

in place to bring them together.

And today, well, it's not very much different from

4,000 years ago where you had to bump into a former

classmate or a roommate to potentially launch of

project due to that trust being already built. What if

our network could append a layer of trust, as being the

third party, for a trusted marketplace for the exchange

of ideas. Think of it that way. We're essentially a

marketplace for the exchange of powerful new ideas

and community. And it's architected around

community as a service.

Kirill Eremenko: Okay. Cool. Very cool. And the website?

Tristen Blake: So this is interesting. I've been toying around with a

few different ideas. There's one website. It's And that's that's our CO

Innovation Labs website. I call it the cortex because

that's where our ideas live. That's kind of an

explanation of what the whole purpose behind this

website is and most importantly, all of our projects, all

of our initiatives. So that lives on that website. But the

website that we're talking about, the CO Network.

You'll be able to visit it in the near future, but I don't

want to give out the link right now because I have a-

Kirill Eremenko: You want it to be a surprise.

Tristen Blake: Exactly. Yeah. Kirill, I'm telling you, it's not going to be

kind of like a software that you just launch and you're

like, "Oh, this is cool. A few things here and some

things work, some things don't." This is going to be

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almost like a fully fledged product. It's just going to

allow people to do things that they've been trying to do

for decades and it's going to open up an entirely new

just ... Brain space for people to say, "Oh my god, I can

use this to do anything I want." And that's how it's

been architected. So free for members.

And if you want to start organization on there, it's also

free. But we charge about 6% or any ticket sales that

we do for your events. So let's say you have $1,000

conference that you're hosting. We take 6% of every

ticket. And 3% of that is actually for payments

processing for like Visa and stuff and the other three is

in order to continue building the site. While recruiting,

and I call that technical recruiting. Actually precision

recruiting. That costs $100 a month for five jobs

posted. 100 bucks a month, five jobs. And anything

more than that, and we kind of go to our internal

database and have our team help you get the right

talent through our internal network.

Kirill Eremenko: Fantastic. For our listeners, I've actually had the

privilege of seeing this in beta when I was in San

Diego, Tristen pulled out his laptop. And I was so

impressed by the speed and just eloquence of

execution. It was just so natural. It was nothing like

what I've seen. Most social networks, they have kind of

like the standard website layout. In the middle you've

got what's been happening, type of homepage and so

on. On the left, you got a bar on the right. This is

completely different. The colors. I don't know if you've

changed it, but the whole black and white was

amazing and apps, really, really impressive.

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How swiftly you got it off the ground. You said

development can take that long, just shows how

organized everything is. So very, very excited about

that. And it sounds like, as well, you mentioned

recruiting, events, careers and people getting together

to get a project. It's like win-win for everybody in the

sense that you got the recruiters recruiting data

scientists who want jobs. That's kind of what we're

trying to do at Super Data, bridging that whole data

science gap where recruiters often don't even know the

correct requirements that they have to post. They post

data scientists with eight years of experience when

data science hasn't even been around for that long.

Those types of things. So really, really excited about it.

Tristen Blake: Actually one of the cool things is I've just started

recording the first few episodes of our software

development reality show.

Kirill Eremenko: Wow.

Tristen Blake: And basically, really just think about it as just some

regular guy who is from the finance and has done a lot

of traveling. But just some dude, me, with no scientific

background whatsoever, with no development

background, basically decided that he's going to build

a platform that he sees in his dreams. I see something.

I know it's going to work. And I want to release it to

the world. And I just basically started building it on

WordPress, the initial ML society. A couple of people

came to me and said Tristen, "How many users do you

have?" And I'm like, "800." And they're like, "How did

you do that? Because it's so hard to sign up on your

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page, on your WordPress." And I'm like, "Oh yeah,

they're hacking again. Oh yeah, that plugin must have


I literally had broken plugins that were solving a

problem in another plugin because they would break

the right part. It was really unstable system initially.

And then they said, "Tristen, we should build this

professionally and do it the right way." And I'm like,

"I've been waiting for you for a year and a half now.

Thank you." And that's what we did. We started

building it and actually our team is out of Cuba, which

is really cool. Fascinating. They see it. When you have

a kind of an imagination, you show it to them they get

it and it snaps with them. And that's really hard.

That's the difference between living in that project,

whether your development team actually understands

why you're doing this.

Kirill Eremenko: Very cool. Okay. That's a very interesting and exciting

description of the platform and totally appreciate like

what you don't want to spoil the fun right now. You

want to wait until everything is ready and release then.

I wanted to say to our listeners, very excited Tristen. Is

it right you're joining us for DataScienceGO this year


Tristen Blake: That's correct. Yes. And I'm sharing it with my


Kirill Eremenko: There we go. So if anybody wants to meet Tristen in

person and torture him a bit more about the details of

this, then you can catch up with him at

DataScienceGO. By the way, I'd love for you to share

Page 19: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 191 WITH TRISTEN BLAKE€¦ · allows us to do good and benefit as a result of that, whereas in history you had to make compromises. Kirill Eremenko: Yeah, yeah

your thoughts on our events, with the audience.

Because Paulo and I give you quite a lot of details on

this as goes about when we met up in San Diego. What

did you think? What was your first impression? And

you haven't been to the event yet. What are you


Tristen Blake: I went to that one event that you guys hosted. And I

really just saw passion in people's eyes. The moment I

walked upstairs I saw people focused and learning and

really paying attention, which means something that

you're doing is working because the room was full. I

think there was like 160 people or something. And

everybody was really intent on learning. So I saw a lot

of familiar faces and a lot of friends were there. I

thought that was done splendidly. I really enjoyed it. I

think you guys had extraordinary poise. And for this

conference I'm really excited because I host

conferences too.

So I kind of like to see my "competition". Let's talk

about competition in a second because I think that's

the relevant point. But when I look at other

conferences, the ones that are not created out of

[inaudible 00:31:39] I always look at how are they

doing it? What culture do they have? Are the people

connecting after the event? Are they actually building

relationships post event or is this just a one time thing

and do they go back home and almost as if it never

happened. I think that's the organizers responsibility,

to be person that connects all the people there and

makes them feel comfortable enough to exchange

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information and go to the next day and take that idea

and start transforming it into a reality.

Kirill Eremenko: Awesome.

Tristen Blake: I want to see that. I want to see you guys do that and

I'm happy to help in any way. Because I think in San

Diego, you guys are doing it in the right place.

Everybody here knows my thoughts about that. But

San Diego is the next capital or a science and

technology, almost like a classical Athens in the

making. One of the cool things that we just launched

and you could actually go and register to be a

volunteer or just to learn more about it. And actually,

you've never heard about this. We didn't have it the

ready at that time. So you know how there's the Nobel

prize in Sweden and Norway every year. Right?

Kirill Eremenko: Yeah.

Tristen Blake: I mean, number one, it's been around for 130 plus

years or something. And it also takes place very far

north, in a place where science and technology, it

really isn't the center of discovery or scientific

revelation. But San Diego, Orange County, LA, San

Francisco, Seattle, China, Asia, Japan. All these

places. This almost like a ring of fire or this circle of

the specific nations are creating most of the science

that's coming out right now in almost every field. So I

think what we need is a new award ceremony called

ReCOGNITION. The COGNITION is capitalized. So it's


Page 21: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 191 WITH TRISTEN BLAKE€¦ · allows us to do good and benefit as a result of that, whereas in history you had to make compromises. Kirill Eremenko: Yeah, yeah

And it's an awards ceremony that's going to be focused

on awarding not only discoveries of this technology or

branches of science, particularly emerging tech. We're

talking neurotechnology, brain computer interfaces,

new battery systems, new energy paradigm, robotics,

AI, blockchain, cyber security. These are all categories

that we could award in and what we want to give the

prizes every year to not only the discover, but also the

entrepreneur. So in order to get a prize, you must

apply this invention or innovation to something

practical. And that really pushes entrepreneurship as

well as academic creativity.

Kirill Eremenko: Wow. I never failed to marvel at so many things that

you are in. From Machine Learning Society to CO

Network to prizes. Very exciting.

Tristen Blake: The CO Network. The people on the CO Network are

going to nominate the winners and vote on it using

their weight. So if you're an expert in let's say

quantum physics, your vote would be much higher

weighted for the quantum physics prize than the

blockchain prize.

Kirill Eremenko: Okay. Very, very cool. I wanted to touch on San Diego.

You mentioned, and I totally agree. And actually you

put me onto this kind of mindset of San Diego being ...

What's that?

Tristen Blake: That's my cup. From the things I don't understand

very well, but love still.

Kirill Eremenko: Nice. So San Diego, you mentioned like it's a new tech

hub. It's kind of like the new Silicon Valley. And you

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are personally involved in building a smart city in San

Diego with the government of San Diego. Tell us a little

bit about your vision for San Diego. Why is it the next

Silicon Valley?

Tristen Blake: Number one, it's just location. As the center of power,

political, social, economic, artistic I think, as well,

creative. Leads into the West and goes far West. You

always go West in order to discover uncharted

territory. And I think this time we jumped from the

West Coast of the US and go all the way across that

huge Pacific Ocean into Asia. The science from there

will dominate the next 30 to 50 years.

But I think San Diego can be this incredible conduit of

ideas into the North American sphere of influence. And

essentially, if we build a fantastic relationship with the

Asian giants today, we can position ourselves to not

only absorb ideas, but also technology, investment.

And share with them to have an economic partner in

Asia. Potentially one of the biggest empires in the

world. And when I say empires, I don't mean in the

classical sense, I mean in a technology sense.

Somebody that creates a lot of innovation just from the

sheer size of their population. And their focus on

education and mathematics. I think the Chinese are

doing that right and there's lessons to learn for all the

nations of the world.

Kirill Eremenko: Wow. I just have some quick stats to support it. Peter

Diamandis from Abunda ... We all know Peter, but

from his Abundance Insider, he sent one recently

which was titled China Spotlight: Next AI Superpower.

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And he's actually saying China is, between 2017 and

'19, it's predicted to nearly to account for over 35% of

global economic growth, which is double of what the

US is predicted, at 18%. And also, China, in 2017, so

last year, China accounted for 48% of the world's total

AI startup funding, compared to America's 38%. So

just some of those-

Tristen Blake: Yeah. They're investing.

Kirill Eremenko: ... stats put it into perspective. You're absolutely right.

That is [inaudible 00:38:43]

Tristen Blake: I worked for a Chinese family often. So I was aware of

this phenomena as it was happening. We had 1.5

billion in assets under management and much of it

was for investment into cloud computing technologies

and some distributed computing software that we were

acquiring. I kind of saw that the Chinese were not

afraid of this technology and they were quite

aggressive towards acquiring these companies. Good

for them. I think they're doing a great job and I want to

say that publicly. And I think we should learn from

them in that particular scenario.

One of the other things that ... What makes San Diego

special is number one, it's culture first of all. It has

this fascinating culture where essentially we compete

in order to discover collaboration. So the competition

is who collaborates the most. And that is a reality you

can only find in tech cities. Like New York or San

Francisco, where you compete on a zero sum game

theory because there are limited finances, there are

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limited funds, limited resources in general and you

must crush your opponent to get their market share.

Here, if you build a technology or some sort of

scientific process, there's always room to build on top

of that and improve. And every new company can

effectively be two new companies born to satisfy that

scientific demand or that product demand. So I think

science is fundamentally different than finance. And

that will become omnipresent in the coming decade.

And another thing is, right now there's a lot of

intelligence arms race going on. I'd like to talk about

this because the world right now is changing and

people are finding where they belong. And they are

moving to cities for example where the culture is

scientific so they're moving there.

And essentially, if you've already won the intelligence

arms race, you're only going to get more scientists and

technologists and data scientists. And then are going

to start building local companies and your economy

will flourish. The cities that lose the data scientists

that don't appeal to them, they are unfortunately

destined to buy our technology in perpetuity or an

interest, if you want to put it that way. So right now is

a very important time for city administrators and

government people to develop the proper incentives

that attract data scientists particularly, but scientists

in general, to attract them to come. Or else, they won't

be able to keep up in the coming years.

Kirill Eremenko: I hope everybody on the podcast is listening to this.

Data science is our, not just in a business sense, but

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in a global economic and government/cities and

regions. And that's very, very exciting to be in.

Tristen Blake: I'm in international relations and diplomacy. I wanted

to be a diplomat for a long time. There is a reason why

I believe being a representative of a data science

industry or sector or set of values is far more powerful

than being any potential president of any government.

I think you wield the power to create anything

imaginable. And that goes far further than money or

military power. Intelligence, ownership of intelligence

and ideas and data is a type of power that has only

recently become available. And it's important to use

this power to create good and to establish fair and

equitable environments that promote not academic


Universities, I'm looking at you. Just because

somebody is smarter than somebody else doesn't make

them better necessarily. Tenured professors, they're no

more special than non-tenured. They simply have a

designation. What I believe is there is a caught up

point for intelligence or activity. If you're intelligent

enough I only care about what you do, not how much

more intelligent you are than me or you or any other

physicists. I don't care about intelligence. I care about

how you've done. And that's what our social network,

the CO Network, is going to promote. Yeah, that's what

we're focusing on. That's the culture. Culture tech.

Kirill Eremenko: In a way culture of results?

Tristen Blake: Yes. Paradigm shift there.

Page 26: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 191 WITH TRISTEN BLAKE€¦ · allows us to do good and benefit as a result of that, whereas in history you had to make compromises. Kirill Eremenko: Yeah, yeah

Kirill Eremenko: Fantastic. And that's, for instance, what we're building

at our own company at Super Data Science. At the end

of the day, results are what matter. Yes, efficiency.

Yes, knowledge. And those are tools in your toolkit.

But at the end of day, results is what you bring to this

world and that's ... Okay. Tell us a bit about, while

we're on the topic of cities. This podcast has been all

over the place. I like how we about machine learning,

networking and events and stuff like that. Well, while

we're on the topic of cities, tell us a bit more about

what is a smart city and if you can disclose anything

about San Diego. Why do you see that is becoming a

smart city and what does that mean?

Tristen Blake: I have this intuition that the future of our economy,

particularly in San Diego, is a city that sells city

services to other cities. So imagine the entire grid

infrastructure, electric or water grid. Imagine an entire

almost ... I call it a synthetic infrastructure that

communicates and an intelligence that lives inside the

wires is able to coordinate civil activity, traffic and

parking, pollution. It's able to manipulate all this in

real time and ingest this data. Emergency services.

Some cities are going to figure out how this works very

well and they're going to start growing quite rapidly.

And then they're going to realize, and this is something

that I've been talking to the San Diego Government

about, is they'll actually be able to sell this service to

other cities. Cities that need a better way to manage

their sewage system or water resources, crop yields.

You can literally give them an entire framework on

which they can build and they could rent that from

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you. So the project that I'm involved in is called a

Silicon Road and the Smart Border. And that's a

project that I launched in tandem with a lot of these

other things. It's a long-term project. And the effective

goal of that is to make San Diego the first fully

autonomous city on the planet.

Kirill Eremenko: Wow.

Tristen Blake: Yeah, Now, many of the listeners might be thinking,

"This guy, where is he getting his money or time or is

this even possible?" I would just say the following. This

technology today allows you to leverage at an

unimaginable ways to coordinate literally millions of

people online. You create a viral video, it can touch a

billion people and you could change the world by being

in front of a billion people. So I think that powerful

media is going to be able to make San Diego appreciate

its true economic value as the capital of artificial

intelligence and biotech and some other fields like

robotics, actually, I would say.

And it's already been successful. It's just a matter of

helping San Diego appreciate its incredible scientific

diversity. And once you give the data scientist

competence, I think they start to explore this new

territory and build on top of it and truly start to

appreciate the benefits that come from being a data

scientist in the 21st century.

Kirill Eremenko: Wow. Thank you. Very cool description, and it will be

interesting to see how quickly that takes on form

because I totally agree that it's all possible. It's just a

matter of time how-

Page 28: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 191 WITH TRISTEN BLAKE€¦ · allows us to do good and benefit as a result of that, whereas in history you had to make compromises. Kirill Eremenko: Yeah, yeah

Tristen Blake: Kirill, it's inevitable. It's inevitable.

Kirill Eremenko: When do you think it will happen? For instance for

San Diego.

Tristen Blake: It doesn't matter. And that's an important point. When

will this recognition prize happen? As soon as possible.

And that is actually dependent upon how much the

community wants it. So I launch a project and I leave

it to our community to decide whether that is

something that they want to support. We have, I think,

over 250 volunteers that have signed up to support

this vision and to support what we're doing. And it's

only a matter of time before you reach a tipping point.

And as a network's guy, as a person who explores

human, social networks, very kind of different types of

scientific networks, financial networks, I think that

once you align enough people and make them feel like

it's inevitable, it becomes inevitable. It's kind of a law

of the universe. It's something that you learn by

creating smaller things and then you just see how the

bigger things can be done. It's just scaling a very small

project. Launching this podcast is the same thing of

launching that award ceremony. It's just a matter of


Kirill Eremenko: Okay. I gotcha. But then like, I would like to argue

that what happens to technology? You're in the space

of technology and when you say, "I leave this project

for the community to decide if they want it or not." By

the time they decide, the technology might be

outdated. So inevitably you still have to update it

yourself. Don't you think?

Page 29: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 191 WITH TRISTEN BLAKE€¦ · allows us to do good and benefit as a result of that, whereas in history you had to make compromises. Kirill Eremenko: Yeah, yeah

Tristen Blake: I'm more interested in pushing and motivating people

to think bigger, dream bigger, imagine larger. That's

the goal of our software development project, the one

that we're recording right now, is basically to show you

that if you have a dream, you can create it. You need a

little bit of capital, you need to be creative about that,

but otherwise a dream can become a reality through

very specific steps. If you want to achieve a goal,

whether it's lose weight or get a job at Google or build

a global social network, it's important to outline a

vision of what exactly you want, arrange your values.

What is the basis of how this is all going to work when

it's done? And then create a plan. And once you have

that. Again, there's a tipping point towards inevitability

that you reach once you've actually committed yourself

entirely to making this happen, which I personally

have. So it's only a matter of time. Hell or high water.

Kirill Eremenko: Gotcha. Okay. Cool. I usually ask this question at the

very end, but I'll ask it now because I have something

else in my mind that I want to ask you. Is there a book

that you can recommend to our listeners? I know you

read a ton of books. And just even right now, you

mentioned two really good ones that you recommended

to me. What's a book that you would want to

recommend to those that are [inaudible 00:51:07]

Tristen Blake: Sure. So a couple of days ago I came up with a list of

books that guide our values at the CO Network. I

actually posted them into our team page on our

website. So If you go to the team.

So it's press kit and then team. You'll actually scroll

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down. After you read about the team, you'll see all the

books that we put together. I think there's about 40 of

them actually. Each one is linked to our Amazon

account. So if you buy a book, I think we get a dollar

or something. It's just a way for people to support us

and also to find some really cool books and podcasts,

which I'll add yours there, by the way, after this

conversation. They could find really valuable content

all in one place. The book that I want to recommend is

The Square and the Tower by Niall Ferguson.

Kirill Eremenko: That's exactly the one I was thinking about man.

That's why I asked this question because I was like, "I

got to ask him about The Square and the Tower." Tell

us about it. When we were catching up you told me

about Square and Tower. It's about the value of

networks and how they grow. I think it's essential

knowledge because it will give people more like a push

to build their own networks, their own, not social, but

build a network of connections and grow their career

that way. What's a summary of this book? What's the

most valuable stuff that you learned?

Tristen Blake: He starts it off, Niall Ferguson, he's this famous

Harvard Don, this historian. He just has incredible

books. The West and the Rest, The Rise of China. He

has a lot of work on China. I think he wrote a book

about Henry Kissinger, an entire account of his life.

Truly this political historian. A beautiful historian.

One of the people that, when you read the Dan Brown

novels, you're reading about this guy's character. So

the main character. He's like this explorer, a modern

day explorer and he takes you to a journey of how

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networks have existed for a millennia and they're the

ones that drive human phenomena.

So for example this is on personal account, but I

would imagine the World War II was not a war between

two people. It was a war between living and dying

network. the Thucydides's Trap, which is a famous

situation in political theory where arising power

threatens a current power. It's a Thucydides's Trap,

that it's inevitable that they war. That's part of this

network analysis, his network theory. And if you really

get into studying this stuff, there's a lot of fabulous

methods. There's mathematics behind it and the

visuals are spectacular and you really get to see how

ideas spread from place to place, how culture


It's the study of population-wide behavior that we are

quite literally ... We know about it just as much as we

know about DNA, which is less than a percent, I think.

And in the next coming years, and what he outlines is

that we're going to start seeing the world in a much

more networked fashion. And I totally agree with that

because the moment my community became a social

network I understood its true power and potential. And

by treating it like a network, you give it essentially

these new capabilities. You start to provide it with the

ability to connect to itself. You can architect the nodes

in the communication systems in it. And you could

even layer it over other networks.

I'll tell you this much. He also talks about networks

collaborating with each other and attacking each

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other. And I find that today is a great example of in the

morning my network essentially attacked 23 [inaudible

00:55:32] network for turning off their API, for

scientific research. A really, a move that was based on

revenue and not on responsibility. And our network

tonight, it's collaborating and blending together and

creating value for this intersection. So if you look at

the world through networks. you start to see that

they're alive. They're conscious. They exist and they

govern governments, they govern small towns, they

govern corporations. A corporation is almost a living

entity. It's kind of consciousness. It has its own

consciousness behind it. And that's what a network is

to me.

Kirill Eremenko: Fantastic. And even in legal terms, corporation is

mistreated just like as a human.

Tristen Blake: Exactly. Exactly.

Kirill Eremenko: So why is the book called The Square and the Tower?

Tristen Blake: I think he was talking about a particular city in

Florence or Tuscany, where the Square is where

commerce is done, it's where the market takes place.

It's where people come from all over and share and

exchange goods. The wine seller sells to the bread

maker. The bread maker bakes bread, which is used to

do this and then the sword maker sells it to this

person to protect the bread maker. So it's just a

marketplace. The tower is this hierarchical structure.

So that's a network of kind of like interactions that are

almost a marketplace of exchange. Well, hierarchical-

Page 33: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 191 WITH TRISTEN BLAKE€¦ · allows us to do good and benefit as a result of that, whereas in history you had to make compromises. Kirill Eremenko: Yeah, yeah

Kirill Eremenko: That's a square?

Tristen Blake: Yeah, that's a square. The tower is a hierarchical

structure. We're talking about the military, the

government, we're talking about universities. We're

talking about systems that have a distinct leadership

infrastructure and cannot bend or breed or create as

fast as networks, but they're safer. And in different

parts of history and it's time, it's better to be a square

than a tower and I think the ... Or a tower than a

square. I think today it's obvious that it's better to

build digital communities or digital networks in the

square. Because the tower is simply, it's unable to

leverage this opportunity, this width, this eight billion

person and soon 10 billion person intellectual

capability that's trapped in there. The tower can't

leverage that. It doesn't have enough hierarchical

layers to layer all of that. While the square can invite

billions digitally or millions.

Kirill Eremenko: Yeah. Wow, very-

Tristen Blake: It's scalable. The square is scalable.

Kirill Eremenko: Tower, at some point is going to start falling over.

Tristen Blake: That's it. Right. How high can you build a tower? And

there's also a little bit of the tower can see the square

and dominate it. And it was very high up and far away

from the action. The king lives in the tower so he's

unable to speak with the commoners or the people

that are exchanging. He or she doesn't really know

what's going on there and they make decisions based

on a higher view that affect the square. And the square

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affects the tower in return. So that's kind of the

fascinating thing. But the reading is absolutely

necessary. I would truly encourage you to pick that up

and explore the hidden world of these invisible

networks. They walk around. They're among us if you

really look.

Kirill Eremenko: I just looked up Metcalfe's law.

Tristen Blake: Metcalfe's law

Kirill Eremenko: ... which is value of a network. And I just had a

thought. Maybe the word square comes from the fact

that the value of a network is proportional to the

square number of the nodes, the number of nodes

square. That's kind of like an interesting, fun word.

Tristen Blake: That's interesting, yeah.

Kirill Eremenko: But basically, I guess, for me and for our listeners the

takeaway is that first of all, great [inaudible 01:00:05].

I looked it up. either. I did get it as an audio book, but

it's huge man. It's like a really big book. It's not one of

those quick reads.

Tristen Blake: Yeah. It talks about illuminati. It talks about secret

societies. It talks about financial networks and modern

social networks. It talks about how to design them and

how to architect them as different types. It's scientific

treaty [inaudible 01:00:33] on this type of new

technology. Networks are technologies by all means.

Kirill Eremenko: Gotcha. So basically the takeaway is, get the book if

you're interested to learn more, but in general,

networks have a lot of power. And if you're not as

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passionate as Tristen about building your own social

network, build a network of professionals around you

or scientists, data scientists, who will give you that

power to leverage your career. A good example that

70% of jobs are filled, job places are filled behind the

scenes. They're never advertised. They always happen

through referrals, connections, people who each other,

internal hiring and so on.

Tristen Blake: Personal network.

Kirill Eremenko: The job listings are like 30%. Well Tristen, this has

been an hour. A very, very exciting hour. I know we've

got like a ton of other stuff that we can be talking

about and so many things. I think we should do a

follow-up podcast and maybe a bit after your CO

Network launches. You have some initial user

feedback and some stories, some success stories to

share. Would love to get you onboard. Want to say a

huge thank you for coming today.

Tristen Blake: Thank you.

Kirill Eremenko: What are the best ways for our listeners to get in touch

and follow you or maybe join the CO Network and

other ways that they can get more info about your


Tristen Blake: Sure. So visit our website And the

reason we use .co, we want to have a little play on

words and basically communities, they're born out of

conversation and collaboration. While corporations,

they're born out of competition and conquest. These

are two types of co's. We want to hybridize operations

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and essentially make them like communities. So

imagine a corporation that lives and breathes off of

collaboration and conversation. And if you want to

support that visit our Kickstarter campaign. It's up for

another 30 days. Support us there. Share it. Send 25

bucks or something. You'll get this T-shirt right over

here with a hoodie.

And also just tell your friends about it. We plan to

release it in about three weeks from now. And it's

going to be fully fledged. I mean, it's going to work in a

way that you're actually going to be able to use it to

search for jobs. And in the next six months or so we

actually plan to add artificial intelligence to do it.

Because we are a data science community. So we're

actually going to host on a hackathon on the user data

that we generate. We're gonna host a hackathon to see

if we can improve compatibility, that's name of our

engine for discovering opportunities between people

and talent and companies. So join us for that

hackathon. I'll be sharing information. Check us out

on that website and follow us and follow our articles.

That will be lovely.

Kirill Eremenko: Perfect. Make sure to follow Tristen on LinkedIn as

well to grow your network through his.

Tristen Blake: Exactly, yes.

Kirill Eremenko: We'll sharing all of links on the show notes. Tristen,

thanks so much, again, for coming on this show.

Really appreciate your time and all the comments and

all the ideas you shared today and I can't wait to meet

you again in person in San Diego in October.

Page 37: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 191 WITH TRISTEN BLAKE€¦ · allows us to do good and benefit as a result of that, whereas in history you had to make compromises. Kirill Eremenko: Yeah, yeah

Tristen Blake: Yeah, I look forward to it. I'm going to share an update

on our social about the event. I'm really excited about

what you guys are doing. I saw you have Pablos

Holman coming. I've heard some really great things

about that guy. So congratulations on getting him.

That's actually a pretty interesting talk. I think it's

worth it to go see just him. So look him up. I think

he's like Microsoft's lead ... Public stuff. But there's

private stuff that's really cool, which you can just ask


Kirill Eremenko: Yeah. He's worked with Bill Gates and Microsoft on ...

He's behind like the laser that shoots down

mosquitoes or something.

Tristen Blake: Precisely. Yeah.

Kirill Eremenko: Really cool.

Tristen Blake: Very cool.

Kirill Eremenko: And then he's talking about data science, so it'll be


Tristen Blake: I love it. I love it. Well, thank you so much and I

appreciate it. We got to do this more often, man. It's

going to be a lot of fun.

Kirill Eremenko: Thanks. Thanks a lot.

Tristen Blake: All right. Talk to you soon. Bye-bye.

Kirill Eremenko: So there you have it ladies and gentlemen. Hope you

enjoyed this podcast. Once again, it's available on

video so if you listen just the audio version you can

always come and refresh later on and watch the video

at I don't know

Page 38: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 191 WITH TRISTEN BLAKE€¦ · allows us to do good and benefit as a result of that, whereas in history you had to make compromises. Kirill Eremenko: Yeah, yeah

about you, but personally my favorite part of this

podcast was just the general fearlessness of the way

how Tristen approaches things. Without a background

in machine learning or data science or even

technology, he sees the value in this and he jumps

straight into it. And that is a huge testament that

anybody can do it, with any kind of background of any

kind or whatever you were doing before. If you see the

value in this field you can jump and you can replicate

Tristen's success.

You can create your own meetups. If you have a vision,

you can create really cool things in this space because

you have technology and the data on your side. That

was my favorite part. I'm sure there are lots and lots of

things, lots of valuable things that you got out of this

podcast. As Tristen mentioned, he will be coming to

DataScienceGO 2018, which is in October this year.

It's precisely on 12th, 13th, 14th October. So if you're

coming, you will get to meet him there and network

with him and he's a really cool guys to chat to. When

we met for the first time we met on the Fourth of July

in the US. I really wanted to see the fireworks, but we

got so carried away. We were chatting for four hours


So I am really excited for you if you're coming to,

because you're gonna get to meet him along with lots

of other influencers. We've got 25 talks and that

means over 20 speakers that are coming from all over

the world to DataScienceGO. If you haven't picked up

your ticket yet, this might be one of your last chances

to do so. Head on over to

Page 39: SDS PODCAST EPISODE 191 WITH TRISTEN BLAKE€¦ · allows us to do good and benefit as a result of that, whereas in history you had to make compromises. Kirill Eremenko: Yeah, yeah

That's DataScienceGO, all one word, and .com. And

pick up your ticket there today. Secure your

opportunity to network with some of the most forward

thinking, influential data thought leaders in this


And as always, you can get the show notes for this

episode at Make

sure to connect with Tristen and check out some of the

exciting projects that he's working on, including the

CO Network. And on that note, thanks so much for

being here today. Can't wait to see you back here next

time. And until then, happy analyzing.