scripted reality presentaion

Scripted reality – Towie

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Page 1: Scripted reality Presentaion

Scripted reality – Towie

Page 2: Scripted reality Presentaion

Definition of a scripted reality show -

A scripted reality show is made by everyday people (not professional actors), based onEveryday life but exaggerated and made more dramatic to create humorous situations and to entertain the audience.

An example of this is in Towie when ‘Gemma’ goes over to ‘Arg’ at a pool party and takes offHer sarong and says ‘you cant have this candy’ showing the humiliation and exaggerated effect the directors have over the stars.

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Media languages -

M.E.S – costume -

The costume in Towie is glamorous / upper class London. The girls are Always wearing dresses and heels, this makes the characters appear Aspirational to the audience as they wish to look like them. The guys in Towie always look clean cut and stylish to attract a female Audience.

In all scripted reality shows the costume represents the social class and their identity and background.

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Media languages -

M.E.S –make up-

All the stars in Towie wear make up, even the guys. The girls tend to wear moreGlittery eye make up with eye lashes and lots of fake tan. Where as the guys just wear Fake tan to make them look more tanned and appealing to the audience.

In scripted reality shows all the characters wear makeup to enhance their looks and status. Fake tan is a common product used in most scripted reality tv shows.

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Media languages -

M.E.S – props -

The props used represent the characters identities, these are shown through expensive jewellery, Little dogs and big handbags.

Props are used in scripted reality shows to exaggerate the roles of the characters and add to their personality.

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Media languages -

M.E.S – roles -

In Towie like most scripted realities there are; bimbo (Amy Childs), player (Mark Wright), on off couple (Arg and Gemma), bitch (Lauren Goodger), two-some (Billie and Cara) . These roles are common in scripted realities because it adds humorous situations and creates a good story line and helps the audience escape from their everyday life.

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Media languages -

M.E.S – setting -

Towie is filmed in a very upper class part of London, where most of the people that live there have money and are wealthy. This is shown through the big flash houses, cars and salons. Because it is filmed in London, the directors play on London’s stereotypes in the program.

Settings in scripted realities allow a catalyst to spark off the stereotypes within the program.

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Media languages -

Lighting -

High key lighting is used in Towie which represents wealth, glamour and happiness. When the show is opening with the theme tune, the lighting creates a diamond effect whichSymbolises how rich the characters are and their lifestyle.

The lighting in scripted realities sets the mood of the program, for example – if the mood was miserable the lighting would be dark and grey, where as if the scene was a happy scene, the lighting would show this through using bright lights to create a warm feeling.

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Sound -

Non diegetic – the opening theme tune is upbeat which represents the happy and social life style they have. The words ‘the only way is up’ are used, which connotes how high up they are in the social scale.

Diegetic – all the characters have a very strong Essex accent which links to the program and the Essex stereotype. Words such as ‘Well Jel’, ‘Reem’ and ‘shut up’ are associated with the program ‘Towie’ and are well-known for it, therefore creating its own brand.

In scripted realities there is always an opening theme tune which helps to set the mood and makes the audience familiar with the program, this is non diegetic sound. The diegetic sounds isn't always scripted, as the characters don't have a script but have a role to play.

In Towie -

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Camera -

The camera shots used are ‘close ups’ – to show the make up and glamour of the characters.‘wide shots’ – to show the different social groups and the separation of them. ‘long shots’ – to show the setting and scene.‘two shots’ – to show the tension in arguments on the program.