script final draft new

Immune by Jessica Owen Name Address Phone Number

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Script  final draft new


byJessica Owen

NameAddressPhone Number

Page 2: Script  final draft new




Pans across a silent media class, showing students working. Tracks across a row, the first student coughing, as it moves onto the next student (the immune one, Thomas), you see him staring with disgust at the first student. The camera carries on moving to the next student to see them coughing as well. The camera goes back to Thomas with a close up of the same disgusted reaction. Wide shot of the classroom showing all the students starting to cough. Bell rings indicating the end of school.



Some of the students from the media class are standing outside school, after the crowds of school children have dispersed. They are just talking and laughing when Thomas’s phone rings, its his sister, Carly.

THOMAS (Phone rings) hey guys, shh, it’s my sister.

THOMAS’S FRIENDS ooo, tell her I said hi (laughs)

THOMAS(Sarcastically) Haha. No


CARLY(Over the phone)(Crying) Thomas… Its Mom… I don’t know what happened… she just started coughing…

THOMASCarly, slow down, what happened

CARLYIts Mom, she's dead

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Close up on Thomas to show his emotions and his reaction to the news. Almost instantly, Thomas’s friend starts coughing uncontrollably and Thomas looks at him with a shocked and scared expression on his face lowering the phone from his ear. You see the friend drop to the floor holding his chest and the scene cuts to black after showing Thomas’s reaction of fear and confusion because he doesn't know whats going on.


INT. HOUSE - Day (9:30)


(Actions and voiceover happens simultaneously)

Focuses on Thomas’ face as he slowly starts to open his eyes. The camera shot switches to a wide shot showing him sitting up in bed rubbing his eyes. He stands up and walks out of his bedroom, and stumbles downstairs because of how tired he is. He enters the kitchen and opens up cupboards showing the lack of food in there and you can see both the disappointment and fear in his eyes. He climbs back up the stairs into the bathroom and splashes his face with water and just stares into nothing as his thoughts overtake him. He walks out the bathroom and back into his bedroom and closes the door behind him. (Flashback of him finding his mother lifeless on the floor) (Flashback of him being with a friend, on xbox and he starts to cough and dies)

(Cuts to next scene)

(VOICEOVER) THOMAS It’s been a year since everyone in the world died. Well as far as i know. My mom was one of the first, it was horrible going home and seeing her lying there, lifeless. (Flashback) Everyone else started to go the next few months. The rest of my family, my friends (Flashback), everyone. I knew it was my turn soon, but it just didn't happen. No-one knew what this disease was, or how it affected so many people. Scientists or doctors didn't even have chance to try and figure it out, they died to quickly. But why didn't it kill me? Why am I immune? Why me?

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(VOICEOVER) THOMASMy family always used to joke about how I wouldn't survive living on my own, I always said I could. They always said I was too lazy and dependant on others. Obviously they meant living on my own in a house, where I would have to pay my own bills and cook my own food. They didn't mean it this literally, at least I proved them wrong. After all the movies about apocalyptic events and diseases you would think we would be prepared, but no. Actually, this was nothing like the movies, there was no zombie attacks, no big explosions, was just me. Alone.


EXT. Street - Day (11am)

Cuts to Thomas walking out his front door, he doesn't lock it. He adjusts the his backpack and then shoves his hands into his jacket pocket and walks down the deserted street, looking at his feet as he walks. He gets to the end of the street and looks both ways like he's making decision of which way he’s gonna go. He carries on his journey looking for food and other resources in order for his survival.

(VOICEOVER) THOMASI haven’t locked my door in a year, there’s no need, no-ones gonna break in or anything. Kind of an advantage of being the only one left in the world. Im not really sure why I’m still here or what I’m meant to be doing. I’m just trying to survive.

Thomas gets to a particular house and looks around for a spare key. He finds one under the matt and enters the house.

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INT. House - Day (2pm)

He walks into the house, looking around cautiously. He see a family photo and looks it with a sad expression, thinking how that just a year ago, they was here living. He carries on looking round the house, walks into the kitchen and looks through the cupboards for food or anything that would be useful. He comes across a few tin food cans and he opens his backpack and starts placing resources into it. He carries on searching the house and he finds wallet with some money, and he just throws it down because of how useless it is now. He walks towards the fridge and opens it but its turned off, the are some old food in there but the bottles of water catches his eye. He opens his back pack again and places the bottles of water into it. He looks out the window and realises it gone quite dark. He heads towards the door.

THOMAS (VOICEOVER) It gets quite lonely now, being the only person on earth, theres no-one to talk to. I go weeks without using my voice because who’s gonna hear me. When i do actually talk, sometimes i don’t recognise my own voice, it’s changed a lot from what i can remember. My days have just turned into going through other people’s houses hoping i can get enough food and water to survive, i don't know why i bother though.

(When he finds the money) Ah, money. its funny because this is what everyone worked all day and all week for, but now its the most useless thing on earth, well except if you wanted to start a fire, i suppose it might come in handy.

All the supermarkets were cleared out within the first few months when the disease first started to spread food and water supplies were getting very low quickly but then everyone died, so it was just me who need them. I just have to find them. oh, its starting to get dark..I should head home.

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EXT. street - 7pm

Thomas is walking down the street with his backpack on one shoulder. The emotions of being alone are really showing on his face. He strolls down the road looking at the floor, not bothering to look at his surroundings.

THOMAS (VOICEOVER) I’m not sure why I go home, I could sleep anywhere and in anyones home, but being at home is like the most normal thing that is happening, I guess it just makes me feel kinda normal. I’ve actually walked a lot further than I usually do, its probably cause theres nothing left in any of the houses near me.

When you have this much time on your hands, you have plenty of thinking time. I always think about how many opportunities I’m going to miss in life. How much stuff I’m not going to experience. Like I’m never gonna get my first job, I’m never gonna have my own family, I wont even get to go on a lads holiday. I’m just never gonna be able to live life to the fullest, and there’s nothing I can do about it.


INT. Home - Night

Thomas walks through his unlocked door and heads for the kitchen to put away the food and water he found. He begins to walk back through towards the living room and is stopped when something knocks at the door.

Back when everything was normal, I used to be so cautious about walking home alone in the dark. You never know what used to be around the corner. But now danger isn't a prob-.