s j1s manafsctarer of blivor vyare jew

••• BROOKOT, MON DK&i J^^U^RY); 12V; IfPf. - ItVAMAIAU, Jofi.Vfrrod f*srMr ewrts per week, payableto ta* 4»rmr». JM- Tsia PAW* kM tie piperpubltofced la tSiUM. " general adrertislac ,. LAMS** OlMVUnO* Of ajay mmbMt iiHt anipaaasd by savlethe* PiUJMVina OF JfiVKRY DBffJIUPVIOM, rmoxrmr AIW ximt uaorsris, I^A«re*lrt<ltteU<>nfr(miformej'r*»e».-*» .' ; »!55 SK (From the London Journal) TOO LATE. ^.^».«. BT MM* MABGDBBJM POWWt, Authorew of "Evelyn Vorrestor," "The Pojjstwe," Ac. •"-i • (Continued.) .*"""•'* Julian apologised, coaxed and carressed the irate little dame, till ber brow relaxed, and her tone softened. •'iBDOilyon, I.«poUyoa,boj! and yon take adamrtage of it. Well, the picture—when am I to see itl When are yon going again? I'll go with you." Julian had a means now of driving the danger off for the moment. "Not next time, mother. I shall not go till Saturday, and then Mr dall'Asto and his daught- er will be out all the afternoon, and I am going to dine with them afterwards," Ho knew she would be. angry, but he knew also-that she would .control her displeasure much more if he boldly and at once announced the fact in a matter of course way, than if he broke it timidly and by degrees, She reddened violently, and remained silent for spine moments. . "And where is Mr. dall'Aste going to take his daughter, pray?" "To Carlyn castle. He has consented to give singing legBons to Miss Morton-, to oblige an old friend and pupil of his; and~IIWy-Eftrc6oliftVhas invied Miss Regina"— (he always. called her so his mother)—"to the castle." "Bless us! to-the castle! I hope she had a whole gown on, and had darned her stockings I I suppose Miss will be growing so grand that she will be wanting a lord for a husband— noth- iiglessl" burning on the hearth; this prevented his moth- er's sidelong glance reaching his face; it was the same causet aLso, probably, that had flashed it wbeffTieTMSV up fgSffir ~"~ • --*.-— -k-. —.-. "I suppose, Mr. dall" Aste is proud enough of bis daughter being asked to the oastlef"" •No, f don't gee tbat ne nas any particular res- -T3nrtrHjtFpKmd^o'fA4Bg4oi^ tfons; he certainly confers on Lady Karnscliffe and her daughter a much greater favor in givihg them his assistance in the way he does, and for nothing, than they do in ( asking MUaBtgins to Oarljn- Bcoido, ho is not the man to bg proud tnat sort ot tnmg.' '3rfthrd5light7- I'm Burei-faoo 1 -whata-thiDg-for-herj-to gO-among.thiLnQblliLyJ_ •£lie takes it quietly enough; I saw no symp- toms'of violent T 0\T, leFme alone foung grriB aTe cuanTng enough tc take you meu in. Bho'a hor father's Mary Leigh to support her, «u4 she aagely eoough conjeetured this Wf?KwosoMfle nor the other inmates, teasbority or pwmtoent, of the ewtle, would think it worth whlteta emtattY rasa a oonntry girl of sixteen with an oppressive amount of attention: - ; But then came Julian's iharked dislike to and; dlaapbroval of tte L wfepm& Why dlrJ,he,opp:»©' it i ^£riF.nimearSfti\v. itjplt^bj^ilcm" tbMn»Vfc> - r W-\ puzBled #»tMit. wIUi wondering : and the more she wWwred, the greater In her mind grew the, importance of the 0 subject, and the greater her regret athtt disapprobation; till now, when the momentbf the fulfillment of her wishes had ar- rlv<d, she>rpul4 have gtyeha good deal never to have cowo In contaot, with these new ac- quaintances, never to have had her solitude disr turbed by. them, and by this conflict oi opposing wills and desires. But the space for indulging In such medita- tions was not long allowed her; Martha's step creaking up the stairs made her start to her feet and resume her hairdreaslng operations with all due diligence. "Why, child!"—Miss was reserved for the outer world-r"not dressed yet! Mr. Julian's been here this quarter of an hour, and I expect* ed'ye'd be ready to receive him. Sure I don't want bim to think that you oonsither going to the castle such a grand affair that ye spend half the morpin' preparing for it! And look here,— yer coller'that I Ironed so beautiful, on tho flare! Have ye got yer boots ohl No.nothln' but yer ould slippers)' Child, child, ye take as much looking afther as when ye were five years Ould! NoW, if the masther calls ye, what'll ye dol Not a pit o' ye'll be dhresed this half hour!" And scolding and grumbling, Martha went about her self-imposed task of. lady's maid, chiefly disturbed i>y the Impression the non-ap- pearance of her charge would make on Jailan'^ mind that she deemed it necessary to enter upon any unusual preparations for her visit to the castle. At last, seeing the operations of the toilette nearly completed, the nurse consented to go down stairs; it being the cu torn of the dogs, ^when her back was turned for any length of 'lime, to make a foray into the kitchen and its ^oependenclesj and as few of the dpors and on p- boards presented any but the most trifling resis- tance to the intruders' inspection of what might be behind or within them, the result told fearful- ly on the Stock of provisions. As It wag, tho sound of a skirmish, mingled with yells, b'lo»», and exclamations, suggested an idea of pillage, begun or at least 'attempted jAlJiRn.tiaa^topr^ ^ tt ^oy^ aT tl i at 3 4bgeiie9i : deeidedly WavoramV im mx#w w*> ACRES OHOiOB FARMING rasai V lKSflr?^?^2^S'£S^S7 o/*'no < uA Village* te the V*Uey Of UM DM MotM*, Will be Sold opOO <*>•« *• " " ' "-' --•-'-• •• Iber, Bro nit tax credit, or «xchu«ed for f ood r»»l tttUo U Brooklvi, by •nb^b«%5irWU)l*m MrMt. SewTortc, or UO * ' " "' K K. B. utcanauD. Ofi SALE 0& EXCHANOB-IN SOtjTtt- __, . Brockljn. WloUr4tu»t«donl8Ji»nill9Ui»tae«U»n >T«nu«. Apply 1o JU.U« THOMAS MAOKABLAN k 80N8, lit Vq. jgg Tmth ft, gew vWfc. irom Peck Vwp T*nr IMOieae street Brockl LAN A SONS, Ho, "Xoik 180 •Un*Ud and It only 6 inmate* l»a5k. Apply toOEOROB W. 1CJELSKT. Ke? ilrn, B. D., or to TW()«A» MAOfAR- Xenth *<reet, netur T i l r d ( r t o a t , K » w . rtreet, c«fr Tilrd «r«tia», H»w JUlw* TDATBNr I0B H0U8B FOR 8ALK—THE XT' Urge building »ttu»t«d In Water •trtet, near Bridge, Brooklyn, opponUo the BxceUlor OdrdM* M*nafwk«-l»», r*-< contly u««d fori fruit pr«i erring eattbltahmcnt. BnlldtDg W foot by ICO foot, two storioi high, with T»nit U fast doep below the «arb. exUndtog orar th« wools ground. Would be a suita- ble pUoe for a brewery, or for storage. Will be sold eheap and on easy terms. Enquire of J. V. MBiBBOLH.TJKeeond street, nl , cne door south oT Soqtn 7»lu F OR PALE OB EXCHANGE FOR BROOK- LYN WTi-m aorw Of Undln WcodOo , Wlteonsln, Apply to . j.li »t» H. BDWAEQ3. ti Doaaast.,N.Y. m o LET—A LARGE, WELL LIGHTED ROOM 1 orer the Long Island Insurance Company; alto smaller rooms, suitable for ofuoes.. > Kor partloalam apply In the ontee Of the Uompany, pomar.of Fulton and Kroat sts., Brooklyn. . OR SA.LK-BRQOKLYN AND WE8TBRIT PROPELTY—Thesubsorlbsr offtrs for sale on the moist- tavorsble Irrmt, and In quantities or plots to salt purchasers, Ue following: t three siory brick house with 10 lots, oorner of «h arniue and 6* street. 4 frame asd 1 stone houeo, tilth 10 lots on 0th street near Bth atenue. 1C0 lois on BtU and f>h •<reels, and tth and 6 J» kV*nuej. 24 lots fronting on 6'.h arenie, between 6'.h and 8.h s reels •J& do do 4h kTeuuo tnd 7thand 8tb sts " 2S do' t'e Wha»entteand7th, SthandSKh sts. 23 do do 7Ui avenue and 7th and 8th gt». 67 do do 9 h avmue und 7th, &b, UJi and 12-h pts. hi do do lOlh and llth avenues and 14hnidl&b StrteU. 5 frame dweUlngs and8 lots on Columbia atreet, 1st ward. 3 lots in Hicks street, Ao. 24S and 347, with party walls on e*oh side. 3d ward.-. . 1 four story.brick dwelling, on Rtato street, [all modern hrr pro*<m'enis] lOth.ward. 23 C00 acres of superior land, raring 12 miles frontage on the White JUver, absut 10.miles bslow Boiesrille, In the utate of Arkansas Prloe from $2 to $10 per acre, owing to location, Por particulars apply to TBO.. U. 1'ALMA QK, No-249 III. ki st, or \ dSOSm ,i 74 Wall gy, ut floor back room. m o LET—THE LARGE DOUBLE BUILDING JL known as the Waring residence, situated on Washington street, near Johnson street, in the Immediate Tlclaity oC the City Hall. The above premises may be laassd advaatageoosly npon applloatlou to 09 tf T. A. 4 L. P- KKWMAN, MIFaUjnst COAi, AH» WOOU. <M/tv9ana* 0*(or«jstre»t»m4 Paltoa aveaatv labandrwi theciUii! , . old stand, PlynuXithat. C r OmAx0fl'«<J$UO.i Proprietor*, 7TT. r^t>^SniiSffb«7»undiS'th» tf Catharine Potry, All kinds al with Al N COAL, as *• has renewed eoragemeBt* ^S**-^*^ f 1 "? 1 .? 0». toraJOrilMpply far the srasenl ;7«ir» The quality oMiis Coal cannot be surpassed, U • Bfontkt dlrett froak the wtnas^gnaraoteesits he geatulBs artisle. Coal cannot be surpassed, il belni as,roaraute*«ttsbeingapw#aa3 •nOHKHTJOHMOBK, - »lTi»,oqtli 4_ w t r Oatkada* Psrrr to the prospects of the dinner of whioh Julian had b sen invited to partake. Antonio hating, as was his wont, got consid- erably eveT the hor^^ppTrfntedtorr^itrrd u flparture for the castlt, began to bethink himself of the nrnfflfllty.pf ge^JRg. .Kftdy to.,grQffCPd,.tMLh,a but quite leisurely, and with n > uaeasy haste in his preparistionaT^--=^^-=—-^.; ,--.-_..„^^.^^^^ Ikuownomeans in this world of obtaining certain privileges and indulgenoiea so easy and efftcjual, as that ox making it Undaiatood, mtuer by our ptaolios than by.our expression, that we aapfflt thgm to bg rooorrlorj nii~r.that.we intendto. avail ourselves of them. MEDtCiL, !?aTA3£rI0SES-IBU3afcg=r 'E _d&ng*terY-fmdrthink&it graitd—rtot=to appear-to^ care about those thlDgs/ • The conversation was becoming so peculiarly 'difBg'reeaBIe—Julian sSw Uffplalnly thaV "hi8 -rnothCT irerrheroould-nor would- umierstandVthe THIRIIBTH ANNIVERgARY o r t i i i 0n> KMABLwnap •filB.H T — M B P. I 0 I W B iDUPOI PZKPU KB n charaottr ol his frlendH—that hepei^ared there~ was nothing for it but-to-retreat;-so making a move, the mother and son piboeeded to their re- spective rooms. CHAPXHB XL GaTTINO OCT OP BHAOH. From Tueiday till faturday Jalian abstained from going to Antonio dall" Aste's; he alio man- aged to avoid any inrther discussion oh th« Fulject of him or Regina with hia mother; and )i« contrived to make himself so useful to the little dame that she had not tho conscience to {•xpress to him any iurthbr dissatisfaotion with his arrangements for the conclusion of the week. , &H fnllan htrcde along, egainrosein his hewt tho jealous ropugoanoo ho thought he had ul- mcsi cenquered to R'.gifla's introductson to the castle. fle battled with it; he accused himiolf of selfishneta, of narrowness of view; but though his reason yielded to the justness of Antonio's impressions of the case, bis feelings continued their determined revolt. On MA arrival Antonio,only was visible He longed to eee Regina, but something forbade his afskicg for her; and Antonio in the arranges ment, such as it was, of his collection of engra- vings, which was the tmpleymmt that just DOW chU fly occupied him, had found two or threes wLciie morits he particularly wished to point out to Juliau, and so abs)ibed was ho on this sub- ject that ho mado no allusicn to the topio of tho visit to Oarlyn. Wiuie was Regina the while f Sitting in her attic, from the window of which she- had unseen watched Julian's arrival. On the bed lay the dress Martha had carefully picpared for the great and Important ceremony In which her foster child was about to perform the principal p*rt. A. few hints thiown out by Lady Maty L*?gh, who was very desirous that R«- glrm should not appear at the csa-le in a guise too Htiocgly marked with tho provincial stamp, had been turned to wonderful account; and the *implo dark drtfs and straw bonnet withwhito ribbons, could have no hing—especially when worn by Reglua—to give decided umbrage to tho sensitiveness of a practised eye on this all- important point. Before Jolian's appearance sho had begun to dress, so that, if called down, she might bo able to present herself in all tho elegance of her new costume; but when she saw him onter the court her preparations, instoAd of being hastened, were interrupted. Letting fall from her grasp tho rippling volumes of hair she bad been combing, the rich mass fell in divided torrorjts down her back, shoulders and bosom, lower than her knee, half yelling, half revealing tho undulations of ' her alender figure, clad in tho thin disguise of stays and petticoat. Sho seated herself on a cr«?.y rnshbottomed chair, with hor elbows on her knoea, and hor bead on her hands. . I suppose it has happened to ua all, at least once in our girlish or boylnh days, to have an in- tense desire to go to aootfi-parilcnlftr or delight- ful fete, even in opposition to the wishes of one whono inflnenco was habitually powerful over onr doniros and actions. Tho day and the hour have arrived, tho oppo- sition have Iwn moved, allthn dtfflr.nltin* have disappeared, and when wo have gone to make our preparations for tho long-wished for delight, an almost, overpowotlug sense of lassitude, of nhtlnklng, offtclf-reproach.has fallon npoh ns, and wo wl«hod tho fete had never been talked of, nnd felt that wo should do ranch better to go quietly to bed than to attire onrselvos for it, 8nch was Uogina'a fooling; now. The ardent desire for change, for any break in a lite whose monotony afforded no food sad r><> » An t %& i, er «xcitablo foel'ngs arid lffiAgirmk>«, had so far overcome her natural timidity that ahe was wlU ling even to bravo the ordeal of going among strangers to obtain it. True, she Bad momenta of trembling misgiving at the Idea of encounter- ing such an ordoal; but, on tha whola, tha d«*tr* to make trial of those uaw sansatioas deofdadly preponderated. bhe would have har father, Oil?*, uA IMj . - - .;:4: -J«aV--lfe--tt**«8F-=>~—-=---=™ 175 Ptniojr Ptaii*, Btcottr*. -"--- =*= Taealllfg the attaattoa of tha P^>'"""^tt''- adrertlsemei. nrtart hor thanks.for theItberal msnatr In wStea~Ee?«t6>sR" bssppa-rOoJi^dsruigtheputTllifty fari, art trualsbyhw rudearora to meet. Usft wjiata of her anstonura, to marlta coo. Uaaanec of the same. ' THB PA-THWr MBDICrWH PaPABTjIBlTT comprises all the principal Medietas* in uses combining the greatest assortment to be toand m any store In the Union, areaf artlele of which is warranted, ta be genuine and received dlreet from the proprietor*. \ THB P8SPUMBKT DKPAUTMBKT I KmbraoseaU the most popular Preneb, Kngllsh and AaaorUan Kxtraete, Oolornes, Hair Dyes, Hair Bsslorers, Oils, Poarfdes, Poaps, Bandotoe Cosmeties, Lnbln's and other Toilet Powders, Iitlj-Wblte Liquid and fowder Bouge, Phalon's Paphlan Lo- Uon, Balm of Thousand Flowers, Godfrey's Cxtrset of Elder Flowers, Priee's Kalydor, Vondersmlth'sKilraot ef Bosss and Bldar Flowers, Jones', Gou'and'sand Badway's i^oaps, Row- land's Kaljdor, Qooriud's Oriental Cream, Hi.k of KM si, C«mphor lee, Amandine Cold Orean, Sharing Oream, and In laet ersry artlole I* Ik* Perfumery line, which wtll be warrant •d 10 be asrspresen'el. THB MOST CUOIOR SSLKOriOK OP PAKCY GOODS, Cases, Combs, Brushes, Fine Cutlery, to. AlaJ a large as sorknsatof PANS, wnioa CiitMOT BR SUBPAISBD, sompristng the most splendid raiietr of Paney "Goods. 80ITABIJJ FOB PBBaKMrs. ereri^fered to the publle, at prices which oszinot fal to gire saUsfaottoa, MB8, M. HAVB8, 171 POITOM 8taasiT. Baoosarw, Third store below Nassau street. dlavjtf »•'—"" — ••«*« Mnsieal Hate. . mo WIVES AND MOTHERS TAKE X JACKSON'S CKLXBBA.TBD MAM CKKAM—For ladles aursing, wbe experience a ssanty supply of the lacteal Quid, It Is mratuable; also for weakness, narrousness, and general debility, It has no equal. For sale, prloe U cents a bottle, at the Depot and Warehouse 71 Prlnse st. Brooklyn. n9 3m> B B 8 1 R A B L K BUILDING LOTS Tjr "Biooitfif Thn subscriber offers for sale, in parcels to snit put chasers, four blocks of laud, situate on Gates, Greene ana Lafayette avenues, and Byerson place, In the immediate vicinity or the beat improvements on Clinton and Washington avenues Tbe streets and arennes are all seventy feet wide, Indspend* ent^f'eoiurrTardstTtffo>diiy-"alI- =: T6» TtuVBmagsaTjreny'an?" country oomDinod, easily aceesalble by the City Railroads. Ah». ; - . . " ' aalatsof liadsa Wsihlnglnaav^faaajParth. . - ———- 20 do do Park avenue. 10 do do DrKalb av. aad Eaymond si • >. ^--•-4- do • .do- —-jflV>.,————.-Jtavy-street. ..— ^^-^-- With the best City Railroad system la use, and an abundant supply of the purest water enjoyed by any other elty on tha continent, a large accession to the population and' advane* in valuo of prepsrty must result. e easy to those who wish to make good improve- Terms Bunts. Por mips and other particulars, anply to PI8HBB HOWH, It nil WuW-iurgtn, Breotiya ar J "— Yoik. ^fout st, SUF nl9tf I ODGE ROOM TO LEt^OlTTOrFCORTrEK J L i of Wyrtl*-»-w*»«ittsa.titWitftti»-*i at, froro. thn lat of Mnj uext. iUmlovr. In^ulrd of UA.MUUI* a t u m i M . . - : . j7 \f iOAL ! ' OOAL ! ! OOAL I I l-GJSORGE XJ KcKAHON tsnow selliagthe beat quality of Purnaee, OKejtge, Stove, and Crate COAL, at *t,W aad W,7» per toa oi ySfiglb*, weight gtta«u»ta«d. Orders reoelved at Messrs. «CBAHT0S a CO?$, corner ofjjtenrjr and Atlantto streets, and at Coal office corner of Van Kntntitreet and Hamilton av. PurehaserswUldoweUtooaU oefbre buying elsewhere as I will not be undersold, by any dealer in this city. , ,K.B.—Terms tnv>ri*bly cash. " f C ^AL AND WOOD;—WM. B. WALTERS J larornu the uiUiena of Brooklyn that be has opened his new yard on the oorder of Kevins and Carroll streets, South .Broeilyu, where he will continue to a>ep constantly on hand the best Coal of every description st u e lowest cash, price*.— Xards—llatbuah avenue, junctionFultonaveriue, between Ne- ..vlns and Powers streets; Ploshlnjf avenue corner Washlagtoa avenue; and Netlns street corner CturroU. . N- B.—Th« celebrated IiOcuat Koontain Coal eonstantly oa .NW. Also Vlrgtola Pbae, Oak and Hickory Wood of thebejri Vtfo*T. jaXly WHAIAMB. WALTKKR. tllltOOKLYJ? OOAL YAUDSWffilE $0B- Xj seriber has recently opened for the convenience of tha Brooklyn residents, Coal Tarda, as follows, for the sale or Heekseler's celebrated Anthracite, BUck Heath, Bearer Mea do». Broad Mountain, Ac, *o., eonwaonly called. White ana OKed Ask Cos's, the only coals, suitable for panors, ranges, all kinds of stoves, beators, machlaery, Ac., ki., warranted ths *ery beslqaalllv, and for tale at the lowest market prices and ulf.wtlghL AU*o, CannelCoal, llalllbttrton's Orrof Coal, at educed urlceg. Also Oak and Pine Wood. Also, Coal deliv- ; red from boats at lees price. Onr HALL YAKD, NO. 171 Joralemon street, rear of the City Flail, fornierlv occupied as the "Anll^Monopoly toal Yard." BaoozLvx Colli xaod, Pulioh, corner of Kurman street, at Pulton Ferry. : Kroiuiott TJJUO, in Degraw street, (on the Canal,) 13th "Ward, near fcot of Bond street. T - - T, ki. JKBOMTE- P » « « » i * u * . Urooklyu. July H,,1868. ~ JJBJNfTJLBTKl. ' I \ENT18TBY- 248 FULTON BTRKEr—WIL- XJ LI AM H. YOUUG begs to return thanks to his friends upon him ' his usual •a BBX 9Q0P8, H a^:.'<» QHIRTS AND'DRAWERS—FOB ALL AOEfl In rmnrenso ' quantity and variety d2S W at . COTTftELL5J. , Til Falton, opposite Tlllary. /^tLOVESI GLOVES! I- VT" Ptoieoed Sllkr« bnlytt cenu a pair.' ' •' ' ^ 1 «^^n«d%?o^fra£a^rr. Ai«L«verjr thing elac at the samec*dBeed»ilees, at djgy ' ^riJion;t>ppo»He Hilary st, C LVIUTr, ATTENTION, FAIR DEALING, one prioe, and that always reasonable. All thaae, t* bo looodaji WTiBkLI?6 HOolBBT^MPQBHW. . dr«- ' J721 p W , o|i,oppOBlta ttnArr*, n i ill,;' il I ,i ii i Z EPHXR WOOL HOODS, ABULET8, KIT- taoa, Scarfs, *o.. of very eboice aiuJHy an* mj\t, knitted «j.pressly for.ui, at . I " ••* COTTRttXL'S. rtl Vnhon st. LKCTTTSJE3 Chlot =Pf8> usv orraicM. Pull upper sets teeth on gold ..... Partial — ••'- '• per tooth .... PUBng,.:.; ........ .... i ........... Xitraottag lotoform administered , $2*00 .*IOOto500 , oO t o l fO 25 1 AU-wqrt"w*mme d tonproveTBTepresemedr" n2J-ry*^ rjhEETH EXTRACTED BY THE APPLIOA- JL lion of electriolty, without the slightest pain or lnconvsni- eiioe being oiperienced by the patient Having for som* years past used the benumbing process, and after having fairly test- yHha^l«3triM«i^ppli»aUonyafeeljast.Ul«d in. say iafcttfeaLlJeJs- farsaperior to any other method ot axtractiog teeth without »sta. •••••" This elaf of artificial denture uosiesses vast superiority orer all athsr stylts of work, pressiiUng one coolinnous gum. with- joutseams-or ertlieesjmd made to give any derived fullness to the face, and for streMtS^ulSblBTy »n^«^ntrnSis7"*nd»t»m^ fjrt m wearing cannot be equalled. This work is made on puro- pia,ina plate, which aerer tarnlthea, and is not affected by the a<ri(1«of ihe mon'h T »m qi^o manufacturing all styles of ar- tltidal teeth at the"lowest possible priori, LIST or raicits. Full upper or under reus of teeth, on silver, $10 00 V5 10 'aad rmiimhaisuuss, and ou Warren, Baltic Bal 'aw streets in the 6th Ward of Brooklyn uniuiitv IsuniUlua- sronneV Tho- a n a in Ina most- dr sirs ble part of thvetty - - ——f e Also, the three story brlek house, with besement and tub- eellar, 296 Pacific street near Court it eet, with gas fistares, Jafl'u" —-'.= •"-^^---Vo'rilo^eTtrMVflw'Cetir^ FUJASCIAL. oarefnlly mad»stoek-of-Fln» wat:has—Jawalri._-aUvjBr_w*te,- spfmscHs, fys-glaases, ettL^rQ. 'ad'd-teh to original work m etch department, which he is engaged in maaulaoturing after A OTH DIVIDEND.-BROOKLYN FIRE IN- *jt\j 8TJBANCK OOiiPANT. ice B»ard of Dirsotora have dee'sred a semt-Anna* 1 Divi- dend of TenflOlperoant oa the Capital Stock, out of the prof- its of the last stx months, payable at their office. No. 16 Mer- chant's Exchange, Mew York, on and after tho first day of January, ISM. Transfer books will be closed until the above dat*. Alio, Basolved, That application be made to tha Legisla- ture for permission to increase Ihe Capital (f the Company the sum of Aftf one ($51,000) thousand dollars. By Order, dl83m WM. P. LHGGBTT, Secretary. IV I D E N D-WILLIAMSBTJRGH CITY PIRK«IK8UBANClt CO., BrJOklvn, Jan 7,18W. S Boirdof Directors have ihl« da» d-c'ar(d a »ml annual dividend of t*n pet sent, payable on and after the 10* Instant. JaSflt , H. UIKO0X, Secretary. Thi |\R. RICHARD'S COD LIVER OIL JELLY, JL/ made from pure Oil, and pleasant to take. '-A. thoronga- iTthirapeauo and rslUbla artlele, w o r h y of pnbl>o ooefl- denoe." tSse letters trotn ITof. Wlllard Parker, M. D., and Vr T. W. Otlraadsr, In stronlar.") ''After two years constant use, the Oil often turpria's me by the wonders It works In bad ealis of Oontumptiou, Sortrfuw, BhtumaU»m, Ac"—f>r. J O. B. Wllllamt. WhoUsale Agent for Brooklyn, B J. DAVIlit, |Stf oorner of Pulton ana Clinton lis. C UiHATE OF MAGNr3SIA—PREPARED DX J P. D. LHYS.MaautactaringDrorgiat, 0«r. Main aod Vork streets. Brook rm. Price t% a doseo. Jel ly ; 1 5 STKTJOTIOir. f>ROOKLYN IN8TTTUTR—THE DBAW1NG JL) Clastes of tho Brooklyn lostltnte will eommencn ou TUKSKAV KVENlKO, Oct. «k, and oonUoue every Tuesday and Friday evenings durlrur lb* **««»». fra* 7 toBo'claek.- Tw-m» «r uarter »»< tf S PANISH LANGUAGE-PRIVATE LES- soas and Otaaaes, by Prof. Aisaavo D» TORiros, 7J Fallon Svssue, Brooklyn. Professor at the Foljteehni and Packer Iostllnte«, and at tha Mercantile Utu-ary Asaocaiiou, Iirook- Ijn Alao, TranslationsfrORt iCog'lth 'o Hpxnlah, or ApanUn to KngUth, by Prof, de Toraoa and G. P. 1 apllng, Aos oontant ef Newapapan, Documents. Mercantile CormsDonssose. sU>. CUties a*e now forming at the rooms oY the Mercantile Library Aasaclailrsv nJnSra* laau^Awcx. ton stre«L ». U W a l J f AFAYKTrK FIRK 1N8UBANOK OOMPA. Li NT or BBOOKl.TN, U I.-OflW, Ho. 147 FuBoii rooklyn, opposite tho Oily Hall. Bransh Office, Bo. " Creel, N»w York. OAHH OAPltAK 1KVX* DOI,t.A»S. This Oooipany laaure* Proix»rty of all kinds amlnst ft-ota at iNsaageby tre oa asravorsbletermsas staatlar Iasutattots. MtwrfOn W»ar<t(V>p1ai»a. Andrew Fliararald, John H. Funk, Kara Young, Tennta J, Bergen, Kamnnl 8. rowrll,' Mward r. Backaoaas, JcsiM Harper, Lewis Hurst John I.. Spader, Johnson L«aV«, Hanrv J.<MII<w, I«r*rilt H. Dun, True W. Rollfti*, rklHp 8. Oro^ke, Jamas It. (.Wipat, John O. RchnmaVar, Jshn J. Vanderbtli, Henry Tl«»kea, Jem*e Orelkskauk, John K, Pruy a, Garrett P. Berj Ram Alei Ottarles A. River, leiaadsr Ms Cne. Fltwva. ItasyM—- Karnual Van Wjrot, I Step&sn A. Dod/re, Alfred Kmaanei, D. a. Veorhaea, Was. Bnrrell, Jama* V, gekeoamekw, Wehasl Ksvia, Martin Ryarson, Atarajadtr TJadarklU, fm. B. Wsbb, ifcory N. Oonklla. Jerrwilah MunoXI Saauet ttarrtada, . Alfrnd M. Wood, ! Jaraal D. Velsor, MI«bar4B.Uv*riAk, , JOH» H. F0HK, TitJA*&. \ FIBH INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL $i*\eoa. Olae*, Mo. atWalliatraat, .ndrsw BHodgaa. I Hwerd BtroM. 1 trahaMS PotVy, ' bAmas C KnorA, ajnaa B Bearaa, klwards W rtsk4, 'MltsaOfOOk<M \*o.\. Oehh, J6kaLJSMIro»^ * SLir«o*nre /as. 11. KMsora, a*6rg* W Prt«*a, AOeM>, Wea. A< /ohsiMtN Saredlty M r a m a e , J « * f. W<rfa*i L.H. Oodwta, 1 V Hehocamakar, AAjftltMMOM L, Me&lr*. Mew Tor*. Jakaa A DnrWa, t»as B Wklla, A J Aludr*. Wtt Mnlllraa. M F HMgea. B AlaaeaaH, Bf rmmir L nna««4, tTha*. R rValta, Xot>«ri mtmteV«, /as. M. l i n m , —»• „- JftMJt « u w > « , # a r r a r e r m v i^iavwHiaam. P-I-^'T^S niim™^. •utrbaMadato J. S.MAOKAT, Ha. tCoari W. A. 0OBB, PresMegt, A, B> H O D O N , Y M PrasMasH. rVM LOB FllIj^Q^EXsX^TKrD WrOljntAX- O FPI0E OF THE MERCHANTS' INSURANCE COMPANY, corner of Fultoo and Greenwich streets, Hew York, Jan. J 186©. The Board of Directors have this day declared a s »ml- annual divided t or fifteen (15) per cent, payable on and after the 10th dav of January, 1869. j«2w J. L. DOUGLASS, Secretary. M 0NTAUK FIRE INSURANCE 0O1IPANY, No. T Court stf set, Brooklyn, January 5, 1839. ice Beard of Directors have this day declared a semi-annual dividend ef seven per seat, payable on demand. J»«2w EDWIN B*Kas,8ocretary. O FFICE OF THE NASSAU FIRE INS. CO. Brooklyn. January S, 1M9, J)IVIDS»D —The Board of Dlrso'ov* have this day declared a semi annual dividend of Ten (lOy per cent, payable oa de- mand at their ofiloe, Mo. 10 Court at, Brooklyn. Jo 1m A. J. BBkKMAN, gsoretary, TDROOKLYN SAVINGS BANK, JANUARY X> J, ltoo. Interest at the rata of six per cent per annum on acsoanta not txceedlng five hundred dollars; and five per cent per an- num on accounts of greater amount, has this'day be^nct-e^lted to snen depositors in ibts Bank, as were by iuhy-Uwiandregu- laMons entitled to the sums. Interest p*) able after the 17ih Inst., and when not withdrawn, will be entitled to Interest upon the same ocnditlons as depoaim. Bank open dally from 10 A. M. lilt 2 P. M. Aliw, every Non- day evening from 6 to 7 o'clock. Br order j»Jw nO*F.A WKBHTRR, Preal. plattua,. -£arUaLs«ttaof-teeth on *Uverypert©othr ^TT^g^gg^ .. go rrorpratlns— Teeth inserted on pivot. •tJ:-JUtod-irthgphfci*v> extracted.. "snsr S-flO- 1 00 . . i*'iw.^. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV 1 No anargerorexiracting where artlflolal teeth are inserted, C LINTON LITERARY ASSOCIATION—PflO- gramme oi a Course of P. O U R liK^TTJKKS To be delivered in the CuKTojt AvHxua CoaasMiTfoxil. CHUKCH; corner Cbntoa and Lafayette avenue*, cotrmwoctpg P81DAY BVBM1NG, D*e. Ill, lii-a. Dee- 10-OKO. W. CTJBTI5, Ksq. ' : 8ul>jeet—Demoeraey vndBdaoatlon. Dee. a0-Bev. itKNBY WABD BKKCUKK. Bnklect—The l a w of Sympathy. Jan,»-Bav.K. H. OOAPIN. ^ Buhlfcl-"Ord«rs of NobUily." Feb. at-Bev. THOMAS 8TABB KINO. Subject—Subslanoe and Show. lecture to eonuueuee at 7)4 6-eloolp. lltkeu to the Cqarse, admtmn* a geaUeman and lady $1 W Single Tickets S5 touts, to be had at the door. JOHN P. MoCOY, JOHN HDrtJISK, . JOSKPH P. BKACH, : d9t30 Uctura Committee. X>ROOKLYN INSTITUTB.r- JLJ Annual Course" of LKCTUBBS, to eommeaee THCB8- DAV KTBNINO. Nov. II, with Poetie and l>ramaao KcwUngs an*Be«ilationsbyaeorae Yandenboff, A M. Jan. 6.—Bev. K. H. Chapln, 'Orders of Nobllitf.* ••* 18.—nr. Davis, 'American Antiquities.'. " 30.—Prof. E. L. YoUBaana, 'Ande»t Philoaophy.' ^' «.—Prof.B. 1.. \oumans.'Modern.Sslenoa.* . ., P*b.3.—G. W. Curtis, Bsq., 'Democraeyand KdueaUon. Tickets to the Course, admitting a gentleman and lady, ot minor, S3. An sdliuonsllisdy.or minor, 11 extra. By a resolution of the Board of DhecUore, no morel 0 tekeU will uadsr any eireumstanocs be sold. - No tickets sold lor panieaUr Lectures . ........ ..^ Tickets may be had of oither of tho Directors, or at r tut*. -• - Doors open at ta.—Lectures isommenee at7W. -DAHCDiQ. C H. RIVERS* ACADEMY FOR DANCING _ a —Halsey's Buildings, No. 853 Pulton street.—Location moflt oentrsl;.rooms oommodious and well ventilated. Appli- cation maybe made daily from 10 o'clock A. M. to 10 P. M. Classea'&re"constantly rorming—each pupil's quarter com- mi-uces fromthe date ot entry. ^Jays/or.Claaaes••LadlesouTnesda^ andPrfalay.-at-STydock" P. M. Gentlemen Tuesday and Friday, at 8 P. M. Children on Wednntday and isaturday afternoons. Private lessons given when not occupied with classes. School* attended on reason* ble terms. Soirees will be given monthly for the pupils and their friends. Parties wishing to engage tha rooms fur balls or «->)«»• wt ^ - » l v 14 ahovft .- . ^-_.._____r ,_ . ——^_ -4-i_ mm** rMf&m O'REILLY; £tio, • w r w i i F b ? ^ * *^ BBAND1V8, Q1N8 WIMKg, *o. "?| i .il. mPJK>«sttjurr, ,M».i« '»»(.*;: L OUIS a-D'ttOMrJKQDEW , »- M y ^, . FAMILY LIQUOB W)BJB,M8TABLI8HSD IN 18*, . »i.. ~ A ,* 7 « p uBon street, now In T6, [next door.t UUUabmrul. u daaUous of sUl retaining the oeoU»P*see«< ra* r^fT k r^e te ^M%^^^ V^ry lowest orlcej, a* a f l W s S i iirtu™. £lf. OoexanUnt^irwfoUowiag u«t it will be nsnetvva *tW his aasortment is of tho vary oeat aid embraoes agrSTvarSt o: favorito brauda, v» : . iST.ZTTT- ••-TTZIV^, 1 a^ a LaS^ >t * rd ' DttpU:r, ^ e l ^^tJf w *™«. ttisifc f. N ^ X *"**- °^ Le4f ' ^^Wt^BshJ.itamiaad" BoM-Jamalca, St Cms and N. B.»ua. " '' ~'° ^WHisxwr-^BttgToand Malt arid Boyal^5 m 1 n ltf ' TJiiMdM I Jameison's, I W i U Bourbon, MonongahelVandTCorn » ?fW8,J * Maderia's, Sherry's. Oporto's ej^CtaretlA wood -_ also, Champsgne-a, Stock, Moselle, Rhine or HungaYtaA Aioohols, Cologne Pplriu. Pure Kplrlu and all doneaQTUoy-„ at market vrkee. W s stock of imported Liquors will beaoM nor out of Bond, Whu.waJeandBelaU, 10suit purchasers asT delivered tree of co»:\a au partsof the cKv^ N. B.—Physicians nr* parttcoJarly refjteatad to noOco tha ail liquors for medkinal UM arts warraaiad as rspresesiad. T^INE WINrlS AND LIQUORS.—j T* H. B. PEBKINd. 211 Pnllon street, cor Tulary. lt-5 Mirrtle avenue, cor. Prince st, 17» Bridge street, cor. Coneord, BBOOKLYN. lUrORTSU AKD DSiLIB nr. POBKJON AND SMKRrOAN FINfi WINKS. MtANDIBS. GINS. WHI«KIK8, BDMSL^ OOKDIAL8, POBTKB, ALE, ci»lB. BAY BUM, 8KdABS. ' y ' Woods delivered. rJ0Saa» J ""~ACKSON'd. CELEBR ATED MALT QEEAM for Ladles nurang. price 25 cents a battle. Dr. Le Botes pure French Brandy bit-era, /or .tndtgeetlon, lost of appethe, n-rvomneaa ami general weakness. Price SO cents abottia. For sale at the depot 71 Prince street, BifooklyD. a warn* flj> RU nyWlNES, ALE«, &c—NICHOLAS QOB- JL NKLL late of 161 Atlantic at. has opened a store 77W PaL toa street. Tor ihe ssle of cHoice Frditssnd Nuls, foreign And dboieatlc; also tfinea, Brandiaj, Bootoh Ales, London Porter. Sugars; &«. Jnst received, a; fresh lot 'of' new vffiyrni Ptta.' McUga lirapes, Baisma and Citron, wholesale and reUlL at a e lowest cash prices. '" " "" ~" November lit, 1868. Citron, wholesale and reUlL 1 NIOHOLAS CORNMLIV^ 77K Fulton street, Brooklya. mllF BO BABCPT3 PipRR HglDStCK CHAMPAONK, at Daportera' prices. • WBAKKKla CHAS. HEIDSICK rTJAMpAONB. US B A K K t S C S M A X S U r A l N K OHAMPAGNB. W 251b BOX Kg ITALI \.N MACCABONI, for family u « , » iscentaprtt iXXXJ lbs 55IISLLKD ALMONDS. laOBxSllKLLBD PKA NUTAfor Oonfeetlonera. -'•' SSbblsXANTlu CDBBANT". Wholesale and retail at NIOHOliAS COB«MLI/8,' ITU Fullon street. Brooklys. «: CORPORATION NUTICES- OJICJB t g=IN J JfaaLMATTEJUffi=^ ttKIXUSKlEk BITE MALaGA GRAPES—100 KEGS for-saie br i °"- J = ? ' --r^r=—^.—— -- W. H. COBNKLL, 380 Pulton. FETER CCOPJER'B KfeiFlNhl) 8BEKT ^KD PURBD ISINGLASS, A Patas AiiTicuB, Vpry nvrpnolvflv nvpn fnr ?(?K, 31 Bt.ANC MABUB, TABLK AND WINK JJLJJKS, AND roK N. B, GRIFFIN, Manufacturing and Operative Dentist, ""nTailnn al—»^n™i>« n i i i , ^ f j iSv JEWKLEY. W M. WISE, JR., CESTABUSHED AT 79 Pulton street, Brooklyn, sinoe 1834.) offers a targe and his own and other aporoved des gns, Spoc-'al orders faithfully and promptly executed. dls Cm' Watcnl OLID AY * PRE8ENT8-WATCHES AND __ JKWBIiBY.—The subsoribere oflhr their entire slock of ktchaa, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware, Ac, at 26 ran OSKV. uas taax va» r/tuax rxioie, for cash only. WATOUKS OoloHnuung, NngHah Levers,from M0 00 to ISO 00 Gold Hunting DoUched I^vers, frcni Zl 00 to 75 00 Gold Hunting Lepinea. from 23 00 to S3 it) Gold open faced iMtached Levers, from: ....... 17 Ot) to Ss 0 > Gold open faced Leplnc-s 4t 00 to 33 00 Miver Bunting Kngllah Levers 25 00 to 65 00 gilrar Hunting Detached Leieru 13 00 to Z5 00 Silver Hunting lupines.. 11 00 to 20 00 Sllveropeofaceddeao>,edLevers ...... 10 00 to 16 00 14 00 SOU to Silver open faced Lepines JKWKI.RTV L»4IesCameo. Fruit aad t oral ants 15 00 to 76 00 Bracelets, Gold Cameo, Fruit Coral and llalr.. 6 00 to £6 00 Ladies Guard and Chatelaine CUatns lo 00 to 40 00 Geals Fob, Vest and Gear! Chains 7 00 to 60 00 Gold Spectacles and Eye Classes 8 00 to 8 00 Pold Thiuoles 8 00 to 7 00 Ooid Armlets 8 00 lo 10 00 Gold Studaand Sleeve Buttons 2 t>> i s 8 00 Gold Lockets, 1,2,4 and 7 glasses , 1 50 to 15 00 OoM P e n c i l s . . . 1 26 to 10 00 CLOCK*. *d»y Clock*; : .... SOOto 1800 1-day Clocks 1 00 to 600 AUrmOtock* 1 60 to 600 8ILVKB WAUK. Silver tea -spoons, per sett 5 60 to 10 00 " table " " 14 00 to 2800 " orks, " 1500t» 3000 " desert " " 13(«to 2000 > Also Silver Plated Forks. Spoons, Cake and Card Baskets, Cirtors. Oops. Goblets, Pitchers, Walters. Ac. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired aud warranted. JAMK3 H. HART A CO., 146 Fullon s'reet, Brooklyn, aud dlO m Greenwich atrsat, N. Y. ••JRLIdFYme FttggHRVBS.-'-"• -' IJ - - 4 -- "" The Shred, with directions for iuin2, ta put in small packages fo. (u»u> <IM, M i l« told by all tho principal Grocers and Drugglaw throughout tbnTJ.b. ~ - I'tttKB, COCVKa, WBuWinBSHB. N e w Vc d6 U a c 16 ifoik. MPORTANT TO yAMTT.TlrS *^T> ATT, WTTO _ 'wtsh'genulne TKA, COPTEr! and HPlUKg, tud alvrices Is suit the times, should call uoos HARDING * CO., ^.CoBsafi.af Faiton^aBdMattt-atreets? Besl Oovtrument Java. 18 eta. or 6 lbs for one dollar, -." Maracaibcs:i6?ts,or,6.1b*rur76ceaia,.. =. " Laguayra, 14 s ' " "65 " '±-fU. Domlngo^S-i'—«—!i_<6- d - __i* in " " " so " TBAB. We hare reoeired by the tate arrivals the most oho'co assort- ment of new teas, whicn we offer 26 per cent cheapo; >nan usu- ally charged by New York dealers. • 3Sf. B.—Ix Prvx rooao Bozas OK B A M At WBOC < BALI PBIOH SPICKS. We have fitted up the moat improved maoh'oery for mana- facvaring SiirsraBo, COOOA, CHOOoura" and irioas, which we * arrant pure and of the best quality, and at a cheaper rate than ever before offered. HARDING A CO., TlA OoiTEB A» SPJCS DEILESS, •Carner of Futton and - alu streets, Brookl; toOds dsUvared W all Diria r>f ta- il- Clty or Brooklyn to lower ihe grade of rlatbish avenue from Eighih to Eleventh avenue, by reducing it ai its highest point twUve (12; feet—the Common Council have fixed the Dis- .Hrtet^bcyomi Jarhica- tile^--a'^W•'*^^^w^v^ft^^ ragdgiarfaasanoBt- eltall not extend, to wit: one hundred feet In depth on either' -sUeol^lathuih-avena^/rora H*hthto-Klevjnhavran« 1 ="" -' Bemonstr&nces (tf anylagainaithe said imD'ovemtnt, musiba 'reaen-edHo^he-t^mtmon-eomgctl uu ur bufora tho 7CS day of" •jehrwLxf, laa, ssthar will finally oolnpon tha sams attbetr- iyn. F IRST QUALITY FAMILY GROCER**B- W. H. CORNELL, 230 Fullon s'ree*, cor. Clark street, Offer to families \hc. moat complete -1 sortment of GROCKRIKS AM) PttCITS, lobe found in tha city, embracing erery article of necessity or luiury kept by family grocers In expensive trade, incluuing OHOICB WINfo LIQUORS AND SrfGARS, aud every variety of Foreign and Domestic Fruits, +o., 4o, OARDKN, FIFLD AUD FUOW«K SKKDH, Amsrican and imported, of the most approved klads and varieUt-s, earrfully pnt up and pnefced for all climates. W. U. Cornell solicits the uatronige hitherto extended to him from theavenot sal the oiders v e attended lo dally as usual. Goods delivered to any part of the oily. nl 3m SPECIAL mncE$. TiUS BAIR. J OY TO THE ADMIRERS OF A FINE HKAD OF RICH GL08SY HAIR. fine head of hair, more, aee circular CIOUTH BROOKLYN 8evVINOS INSTITUTION O 170 AllanUc atreet. J»n. Int. ISfO. D'FOaltora ar« hrreby noua«d that Inlcreat at the rats of sit per cent per annum on all snmt frjn. f-j to ISO), and of fivd per e*nlonsnn)« ovr tMX), will be r^'d to depositors entitled thereto, on and after 3u-.h inat. 'li'ereat no; called for will draw !ntfr»at ai t'rlnotpa'. AH monies dep sited on cr before the 10th Inat., will draw interest from 1st January. Bank open dally from 10 to 2, and on Monday and flalorday evenings, from 6 to 8 o'clock. IRA SMITH, Prsaldat.l. C DDXHIXO, Kserelary, 13 3w F'YmCB OF THE IX)NG ISLAND 1N8UR- \_r ANOH CO., Brooklyn, DM. 1\ WA. IMVIDRND— The Hoard of IHractofs have thh dav declared a aetal-annual dividend of 10 par cent, payableon and after ibi St (*ay of January next. The transfer oobk will be closed unul that dale. dnim WM. W. nKHSUAW.Reeretary. mDKNl)-0Fr*ICEOFTHB MECHANICS FIRR IN8URANCK COMrANY, Rrooklyn, No. 1 Moo- ne street l>ec. »Oi, 1»<M. i'«e Dlrectora nave declared a semiannual dividend of Prran r*r oenl, payableon and after Wof January nan. dip let . ,, WAI.IP,R NlCHOI^.Soor^Ur). | ^rvIDEND—LAFAYETTK FIRE 1N8UR- XJ ANrit CO.. No, .*4f Falton sUeet, January «, lf*«. ^Tl»e R*ard ef Directors have ihl« day oeeltrad a aeral annml Dtridaoa of itrnt per esnl,payableon oematd. >7S0iia ANrtON « PALMAR, rXiretarjf. H<\ BUSIMEWt IIOTICBB. ( X Jr* R O No. w M U M B Y WhaJaia'a aril retail daaler la FLOUR ARD ORAIM. Id Fri-VMI Ptcsav, near Atlantis Biav, Rrooklyn. AjJ 1NOTON RANK -Tn» ut>a>f*t«TM bara <hr aaleln loato sjju»iuroBae«ra.<»»aTgs W. Kdwarrla' eelehratsd City tNired Waaalngton Hams Thase Hami are mIM. sored «Hh «bti< sugar, wall flavored and are unrqnalod for broiling. Gr»»«r» aad dealers wbnd#alreto glva aauafaotlon to thatr •u*tnm*rtarer*q,«ta(»dto tlrstlxm a w*l. Bach Him w branded "Q W- Bdwaroa,'" .. -. « WM B. RARTtKH A CO., At D. B, A W. Maaaa Old Uttnd, 64 Ctaeawteh and (A ^«J^ytt>p a reeta, asar Pcoth Ferry, )tir lork. Ja.a in* (\\TTTA PEBOHA OEME¥T"~R^FTNa" V A. Tk* ehaapest and most durable rooong In OM. Caa U appUed to M W or «M aMngie roots, witarmt ree»ovlag ifcrra. »iVi«»o«iTii Roera mated and taeaifea wiu UOTTS raacaa t!m«a»t. an4 warraaud water pnxrf. •peersaaas *aa be seen al the eAea, .„ K» PnHoa ttreei. Breath*. »* tf H. W. JOB Kg A <XV I^NOLiatl HiAIK POWUltK-tHlNiUtftLi J L s e^e*t»t*d e««r<Mr)U*a Impar u(Aall khtds ot tKli a »r« rt*o« a»d peraaanent [«Mra. ltbu|mt*.n owl M K'Mtu4 U prKaraace lo aar oih<sr artieda. KaaaAaelared and for »»J« *t TP. P . L I T * , mtfmn aad Ohmtal. _ t W . Main M 4 I S l t X n i a s . F r ~ * l r a . «MSUp«kM ^— Ttlkef^ beanly. It cannot extut wlihonl tho read ihe fo'iowlng, and If you aik ar<jjnd eaoh bo*tie ana no one can donbt i-KOFuKSOR WnOD'd DAltt hK^TORATIVK-We call lh« ultent'on Of all. old and jorntf, lo tins wonJflr.'ul pre[ ara- tlon, which turns t ark lo Its original colcr. gray halt—covers the head of the bald with a loxor.ant growth—r.raore.1 tbe daii- ctril itching aud all sntanrona ernptlona—oaiuea a continual no* or the natural fluidt; and hence, if us*d as a regular droning for the. hair, wilt preserve IU color, and koep II rrom faling toexlreme o.d ate, in all its natura' haaciy. We call the -. upon the bald, the gray, or dlmse.1 In tra?p, to use it; and mrf'y las young will not, »a they vati'e tt-.o flawing locks, or wi.thlngonrl, ever be without It. Its praise ta upon the tonxn* oiuoustnda. Tie Agentfcr Prcf. Wood's Hair Res'crV.Ire In Now Haven, rc.-'ivad the fo-.lowlog lvlier la regard to the Reiterative, a few wrrUsiaee i Dsiir Kivar, Ooa*.,Jnlj ffl. 18#6. V* l^avsnworth—Sir : lru\»ebeen tronhled with d«ndrnn* lenrf en my head f r mars than a >iar, my balr beg»nto eome cut,Morf aud hair logethor. I saw in a New Haven paper atn-.i ''Wood'a Hair Ksstoratlve" >i> emo. I railed al y.ihr nor-on the flr»t of April la<l. and ptireh»»e«l one bottla to Iry It, and lfonod to my •atla/aetioa it waa Au> thing, It removed the •curt and new hair besan ti grow: il i» now two or three. InefM In longihwh-re il wia ktUrtf. I have gr.\«t faith In IL I »l«iyon»C'Send me two biu:cemore. by Mr. 1' *t, tho bearer of tiia. I don't know an any of tho kind la uitd lo this place. cia may have a market tor many bottles after it I*known here. Votrs, WllSr«ep*ct, RtlVUi PRATT. FmrltDnrati, Pepi. 9, i>i*A 1'ier. Weot>—Dear Sir : Yonr llalr KoatoraUva ta pMving H«f '. befteflolaUome. The front, and ahw lh.> ba<-k p»rt of my tr«." 'lrnast lost llacovarinj—In fact sit-'o. I have u»ed bat tir.iiialf p| a t heU-'os ol jour R«s.oratlv^, and n»w the top of h«<<U wall studded with a promising <r,>p ol jnung hair, and lh« ront iaalsorteetvlng Ita bensftt 1 have tried aihar prepa- f»tl^>ai.fchrmt»ny benefit wbauv»r. I think from my own p»r«nal raaorameiKlailon, I can indue* man/ ethers to try It. YoR-stespecirnily, D. R. THOMAS, M. D., Kfi. **4 Vinaatreel. risfl»jOi»s, la , Jons 2*. 1F*A r»«r. O. J. WO>">r> -As yirt are a^ollt to manufacture and vent n o r rwenUy dl.covered HaJr Ra«t•ratlv^ I will sUi«, for whnasotVMr ttsniy eonaern, that t have u»ed it and kno»n o'Ji»»lo n»« It— that f bava for tevrral je*ral>o*n In ISe habll of r.<'«g othwh.tr r**tftrauvea. and that 1 And yonra vastly mr^lo'' to aoj otkar I knaw. It snliraly e.aanaot tb« head of da>.i>ao*,a«4 anih ase moo;h'» proper ua« wilt restore aay party's hair V> tha orHlnal e.iior ar.d laivprs, slv.ng It a k*» »y. Soft aid glcany appearaneo; »nd all ibts withoat dto- p,^Vvtag Ihahanita that appiy R, or ihf> dr»«« »a which It drops, I weald, thsrelore reeotnsaand »• oa« lo avary ona aeairouaof WT og a fie« «c4or aad tsalura to Uir. RespeMfull epsjtruuy youri, WlLSOR KIRO. O. t* WOOD A tX)„ l*roprittOT», *H Rroaiway. R. t.} ,U l§e|f*a«t,f. Wits i*tllng K»»*bH»ha«*al) aad 114 Mart.I ttrrt, «. tonta. Mo. j<aa Ajrf taM hv all rood Prostata / *• KKAX OF WILD FLOW ErlrJIlT~Hia \>E V , llghtral tumiarsticsj tor dr*»«tng and bearUfytag ihe half »»A N-^ptaaiiii ta a.^w preparwt o«ir br , P. D. LtYH, Raaulastariait DrMglst, Car, Rain and Vork ala., flrooktya. Tti sate wWoteaaUaad retail. » * " g ^ bM>l<> ; '»* lr TOST RKTOETVEITZA, FBE5H SUPPLY OF • I itarri's Trts»ph*»ow lttoa )1 eanli par botUs; 10a. par aotm. Par »al» by _ jf J ly J D. Ltrtf, <wr. Main aad York m l .'J»;"» i i " a i i P ' ' " >—*mmmgmmmmj V^OTIOR OF onmNAN"CK TO DIR3WT DOTS >f.*« ta {Mrahygrrnt to all paHi^a lr.tareaie.1. of |h« at«n- Hon of « * OouMOn Oouw* of this ctty lo raaa an orMlnanee la «r^» M*t£b« Ameed on and adjoining ihe northea* eorner of HirV. artel Wt*t*o streaU. W ATER-THE MElTSi AND HYDRANT COMPANY of Bro-kljn. a-e nowoffericg to landlrrds and plumbers, tbe only KOH-WJSTI.SU, KOS ratKitso and sxur- cu.>isu Hydrant In auoceMfu operation, known as the WASHINGTON HYDRANT. When once set there Is no digging up to repair. These Hy- drants are now tn u«e In Klchmond, 1'hlladciphla, St. I^juis, Nsw Tork »nd Jersey City. Mmtifactured and for sale at thiofQce of the METKR A ? D HIDRAKT Co«Pi.«r, Ros.66and 57 First street, Willlamtborgh, near Peck Slip Fsiry. d2s6m A RK YOU A JUDGK OF GOUD BRANDY, WOISKKY OR WINE* f-Tf so, o.ll a» No. 41 Fulton street. New York, up atalra, and get s-\mplee before you pur- ehaso elsewhere. dM / , tRACKER8-NU^ , PICKS& NUTCRACKERS V ^ »t J. D. 0HA8K'K, 203 Fullon si. folishlng Powder of Silver, and Diamond Oment, a first rl te»»'J«'» dS OW PRICED OL')CKS~C[AOCKS FROM $1 tsflO al J. D. Chatc's. French, Kngllah ar.d Yankee I'iccka sent f#r, rci aired «nd returned In perfVctnrdsr. JOHN D iH<*R SOI Fullon s'., J1S Manafsctarer of Blivor VYAre Jew<siry, Ac. s TKRESCOPES-SIKRESCOPKS AND 7IK W$ many and pfc'.ty views ran at »U llroesbe aesaal J. D, (tbasa's We are conttoully leccivlng new onea, and Invite all lo examine even If th«y dono ftUhtopurebtse JOHN D. OHAfFiieiPuinntf. Wate'iei, Jawelrv, Silvrr Ware, Ao. W>.trnca and Clocki repaired In the beat manner. jlS QniRTSl "8HIR18~r!" l^lRTSTTf~ CJ Thrse good ShIHs for H, — yoke shoulders, 1-tien boism* audcuffa. F l n e S i l r s gnar»nt«f>I t,i fit Brgllsh Wool Travell'ng Nhirla two for J4 W Warm Miffl>rt. a taran ataorlment, &v. lo $1 ?5. tVarfs, Sl.k and Wosl, BOa lot!. Winter 'lovfa. iAtnb lioed, fur, ralf lined. Ac. Itoyt Shirt", Suspendern, Wint.-r Hiulcrr, Ac, T H, FAUf-KNKRM R1IIRT8 AND G&NT8' FI'RHIRHING KTORR, \*3 Knwoit HiRsxr, 1m Rstween vandt and High itre«w». B OUDOIR SEWING MACHINES- PRICK frJO. TI1K BFJ^T MACHINK FOR FAMILY USR. Will »nw carpet or lace; Any one oan nnderaland its n e In Iwrtnty tnlniUM. I is per'rc'.ly rlmple and n,>t lianl* lo g»l onl of order. For sala by Jtlm S. W.SMU11, 6^11rovi*ay. d>f W"J .,. ..DDING &T"YIftITlNG CARDS-CARDS if af anparlor (jn»)lty, and of tha neaieal atyle ef angrav. log. Alio Vnvelorea, C»»» llitM, Ac , at JOHrV 0. CHASR*«, if» Fult/n street, naitio Oone»rd, Mannfactarrr r>f Pilvar Ware, .towe'r; Ait. liar work of all kind* made to order, fma R*r ftrata, Jtraoe- leu, Kiafar RlDga. Charms. Indies aat Uenia Chain*, naw pat'ar-Tta. J" J. M H O P P R R , (lata of) ttl.L tt. R. BURBtt.t. A Co.. r»e«»s*«n», We«l< isapsetrnlly Inform the publlo ibat bs baa spsned his Warrcwra at 5o IS COltftT MSKKT, corner of JoraUmon, oppnaltA ihe CUT Hall, where ean he had evarjihtng r*i»aalt« for th« bnrtal of ths LHad. J, M. HOfPRR having had m^ah axparianoe for tha last l*n yoara as an Uad^naVar, wtTl giv* bis paraooal MMBIIOD ta raasrata la allaaaea, R. B.--CVn b» found at ail koura of tha nUAt at Ro. 1* Ooart tlraal. •* Ji JLLS OK ItXOHANGI t)N ENGLAND, Irataad, Pootlaad and W»lea, la Wrns K e*e poand ana -inwards for sals at I tn,Uff Rvohange Om'« Confl M Riooltyu. I In. H HI HUM PLUMBING PMIICMNG THE snRrJWRiRR IS PRYC- I pared to t-»**tTO order* for 0>e Int rv>d«rUrt« of U>a Wat .an Waer Imo faetoriaa. stores aad privet* dwajlmg* A larga aacortmant of plumbarl' muerlata c.-natantly on han i and far- nliaad at ft* loweat prteas TKa ira/< sMppHsa. Jobslng pro-pit, a*endsd£. oKAS ^ p ^ ^ ^ ^ (j?9 dm oppoatle D"**"-'*"**•- [OB PRINTING OF EVERY DESORLPnOM k ai»anl*t vriflt oaatnaasaad r*mtkmati attF*tP.n < _. . plication of tha Common Council ot the City of Brooklyn In relation to opening Madl-on. street from Classon avenue to Tompklna avenue, tu ihe City of Brooklyn. To all whom ii may concern : '. The Report of the Commissioners- of Estimate and Assess- ment in the shove entitled matter, has been completed, and filed _tn_ihfl Ofllce^oC U t a C l e r l t M-5tho.C^nntj- JiLKiagarVthef*- TTIs openTor tna rnspectton oTatl persons interested. Application wilt be made on behalf of the sAid Common Ooun- eililoihii llonniy OijniHrf limes Ou.,uuMumlai;tliB ggTBay W Janua'y.lJ'f.S, at 10 o'clock inthe forenoon of that day, eras soon thereafter ns Counsel can u<>. heard to have said Report confirm. ed-DaiedJan 7 * . 1859. „^frtoA=^=^=^ -BAMfc=fe=JOgN80Nr AiUlrntrj."^ Z^UTY CLERK'S OFFICE, BROOKLYN, DEC. * \J 31, 185S. , . , —AS^VSSMENTS-Notloe Is beraby given thatlhe Assessment Committee will meet at the Committee Room, City Hall, on Wndnflsiiny, thi.'lO-.h of Jaauary, IgflO lo honr objections, if any thexa he, a&alnai tha rnnflimaion of the followlag an "" HITIi n . . » f » m n i n . . n r n , m.-iifi, a ; ; . ) . WHWWf I'lWI menta, vis: Q\& Laraos and Pora In Frank 1 !" a-vennn,Jjttgfina FirrtOP^ venue and r'-cllic atreet; Flagging Thlrdavenue ~""* •IIIB l»mi •tiiliila in uin amjiiiij AI\A ji\l"i Fu vtil-, frtuu MtaaiHB 9lltWW»rftad5gl aide txonr 1*>'K ,!.,«>. Mir n^tiar- nf 11, m * h.frm.^ > 12'b Bireets. d31td Ky order of the cbalrmao, WJ1. Q. BI8HOP,~City Clerk." XI ttrRPOKS-HOJS NU'l'IOW.— Lowering . iK« grada of Flahtmh avenna fw^wi Vtghiy, in Bl^ttri'-lt %A \ rotlUon bm boqn pfosnetKii to the Eausmk eamBQ iffThs 1 next ensainz meeting, or as socn thereafter as convenient.— Dated Brooklyn, Jan-11th, U69. JU12w CHAS. 1TNNRY, Street CommlSIbner. T AXES OF 1867 AND ASSESSMENTS^ T.i rajera are hereby notified that all tares remaining unpaid on ih"5 Tax Roils oi 1857, wUl be a«rarilsed for Sap* on tho fourte?nth day of Febmary next After which. In addition to tha default aud interest now due, the expense of advertising will be added. . . As.'oism'.nts for oponini? s'Jeit"., gradlngand paving, sewers, wells and pomps, gas lsmos, H'gglag, fencing digging down ana grading lots, e o , will bs advnlted on tbdlsldspof February. AUFRKD M. WOOD. Collector of Taxes and At*e<tmen'f', jAlltd R-.om No. 7 City Hall. , A SSESSORS' NOTICE.—In the matter of ap- per lonmg and H8.-csiiu? ihi expense of nigging side- walks in Bapelyea slrett between Hamilton av»nue and Yam Brunt streot*. The Board of Astesiors of HefCity cf Brooklyn, pursuant tb the provjions of a > Act of ths Leg s'atore of the .State of New York, entitled "an Act to consolidate De :lties of Brook- lyn .<-nd Wtlliamabnrgb. and tin town ofBushwIek, iQto one Municipal G-vernment. and 10 lnco-porate the same,' htreby glvrt noice, that the B?port of the A Sfssment In the above er.tilled matter ha» bsen nftde. atdihat said Report is now de- E o itcdiutlie rfflce ofih^tad Board, at the City Hail In the ity of Brooklyn, where the same can be ex&min d by all per- ' sons Interesltd, and iha'th» caid Board will meet In said on>oe on the 72i day of January inst,. at 4>i o'clock P. M., to hear Objections, (if any J from the parfes interested, and lo coat* pie e and sign our said report Parties having objections ta make will pleasj pressct Ihcin in writing. Da'ed Brooklyn, JanuAry 7tb, 1819. By order of the Board of Assessors. j«812t Z. B. CQMBt, Presd?nt. •VTOTICEOF ORDINANCE TO DIRECT LOT J w tob'di-gdown Notice Is hereby given lo all parties interested, of lhe>,Inten- tion of the Commoij '"ouacfl of this city to pass an ordinance U direct lot to be dug down on Amity atresl "ncr.h aide," between Hlckiand Henry atr«e(«. • Dated Brooklyn, January l.tih, 185R. i a l 5 lOd CHAS. UNNKY, Strest Comn-issloper. X^'LANTIC AVBNUK AND SCHUYLER" XX ttreeL ItJ »ll wliont It may concern : Wo t'te Oimmi53K>ncn« of CHtlroato and asseesmtnt itt tho matter of extending Atlantic avenue And widening vC ' Schuyler street from Classon avonuo to the oily line, here- by give notice that they will rneel dally at the offloa of tb» Con>or.\tion Count el, City UAH, Urooklyu, at 10 o'ok>ok.A. kf., to boar tho views of pwiio* intoresited in the above mattor, ami to ascortain from owners of adjoining prtipw ly whether lli^y are willing to take the land now oc- cupied by tho Railroad. THKODORK F. KING,) WM: II'"'WRIGHT, [• C o m m i s s i o n e r s . QKORtiK HAL BrouVlyti, January 12, 1S50. Jal4 lot O FFICE OF Tll« CITY OLEIiK.No. 2 OlTY , Hall, Rrooklyn, JKII 14 1 8 « ..O'JCQ t» hcrrby givnn. thM t^i A«»a»raent CammlUeawUi m'«. olt Wednealay, Jarinar? 27, \V>9 at 7>^ o'cToek P. M., ai ihe ofilee of th« Co'leoto-, ui hAar ibo %.antes anoon»trallag a«»in»loir,fl-min|{ theaveeamenti for the following irbprov* aunts ;—Oradlng and paving Degraw atre-t from lloyl to Hind itrcetjand w.^ll ami p life P OTner of Fourth av. and Fifteenth s reot. ity order of ihe Cnalrmait. JilS td WM. G. BISHOP, Oily Clerk, i lORrOiUTION NOTICE.-— ASSESSMENTS V > CONTiRKPJ). PAtilfle street (lagging hetwben Flat-' Jm"! and t:i»a«on avenuaa. 1 Kt>nt avenue and Olymer »treet well and parap. Tar- (waewcnen'sln the a^ove entitled matter* were duly een. Uinip-I on tho l.1«h dav of D<»c , Dw, and the original asseoS' ment n>lls or fair copies ihoreof, will bo-delivered lo the Col- j lector <f TatfN* and Aa»'«smenta r>n th» Jl'.h of Dreember, IMS. Hotlco It hereby glrrn fo Ml parM-a interM'ed, that by parti* ihfir »everal a.Mewnnenu to Alfred M. Wood. Colfsotor ec Ta»«« «nd Aa«'«m»nls, »( hl« offle* lo the Hty Hall, withta Uslrti .!»>-« »fi<T ihe del very of a»ld AAaesamant reUs to WW, ibey rao pty thn same without any additional charge. AUas- i^«.rn»nu not ao paid, will bo cilleeied b> him or oaaefhta Depaty collectors, with additional charges lharaon provtdad hrlaw. DalMt Brooklyn, Dts 17 h, lSfA. ' CHARLRfl T1RNKY. dtO lawtwM Street Comrnlaatrwer. ~k SBE^R*^ NOTIt^E. - - In tho mfttt^r of £V. apportioning andaweaalng the etpense of fanetng kuaon ih- noftnweat cr>nier of lliet-i nud Rapelyea ureeia. lh-i R<^Ml of A.aeMora of toe City of Brooklyn, pursoant In he previa oris of an A el of the l^gUlature of the Stale of Raw York. enUtieii "an Actio CooaolMate the Clue*of Brcokiy*s*d WllilarnabnrKh, and Ihe i.iwn of Huahwtck, Into Ofin Munlolpa Qovernmeni, and Ui Incorporate the aama,'' hereby givs antl-ca. that th« Report oflha Aaion.ment In the above enuilcd matter has be»nmade, »nd that aald report la now dapoasMd In iha oTtVe of th.> aaM Hoard, at the Cltj Hall In the Uly of hrooaljn. »»hcreihn lame can be examined by all p*f»o«!A lotafeatad. aiag thai tho aaid Boird will meet tn said oulce on tn* ¥>& day or January Inat., al \yt o'nlook, PM., to hear obJejUpsia. (if any, ) from the partlea interewud, and to evs*pl«M and *»n o«r aaM report- Fartlea hATlnr objeeuona to make, will PJ^** praaant mam In wrlilng. l>at*d, Hrooklya, January i A, *«•• Hy order of tha Board of Aaaeasors - J«S lit V- B- COMBR. Praawaai. C " CORPORATION NOTICE—R^r««i»g ,fi*t- J bn«h avenue trcm * h >o D<h a r s o u ^ naumMla*** Apeiltw.nha«b^npre«>rit*,l i » A * CV>mnvo« l r™ tt ****« J** Mv,. !,f Hrookiyn, lo r.grado » laibn.h aveoqe JftJ*g"t£ Rlevsnth iverna aftJl t V f mmon Conneljk.ve«>«< tfca Ms. IfVtbayondwhieh th, a^essmenl for « . I ^ r< 25»*«'*•« notailand, to wit: on«!B(i»drei-l ( et in lepta on Me* aoe of FDtbo.h avenue, fioa. Wh I . ink aveanj^ .- ^ •« Remw.traoeca, (If ant>ag*m« i«i' " M ^™/"*'£;•*? orrwenlAd to the lV.mm.>n « ouoell OJ Or befors IM SnaVof February, l » « , »',""•-» *' n ftoally ae-apoa tba .im* at their n e v i a n s W meeting or aa soon iharaanar as »ir»ei Oomealsateaae. •ir in ui as I - ' '•' - * - * - ^ ^ ) Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: s J1S Manafsctarer of Blivor VYAre Jew

• • •


- I t V A M A I A U ,

Jofi.Vfrrod f*srMr ewrts per week, payableto ta* 4»rmr».

JM- Ts ia PAW* kM t i e piperpubltofced la t S i U M .

" general adrertislac

, . LAMS** OlMVUnO* Of ajay mmbMt

iiHt anipaaasd by savlethe*

P i U J M V i n a O F J f i V K R Y D B f f J I U P V I O M ,

r m o x r m r AIW x i m t u a o r s r i s ,

I^A«re*lrt<ltteU<>nfr(miformej'r*»e».-*» .';

» ! 5 5 S K ( F r o m the London J o u r n a l )



Authorew of " E v e l y n Vorrestor," "The Pojjstwe," Ac.

•"-i • (Continued.) .*"""•'* Julian apologised, coaxed and carressed the

irate little dame, till ber brow relaxed, and her tone softened.

•'iBDOilyon, I.«poUyoa,boj! and yon take adamrtage of it. Well, the picture—when am I to see itl When are yon going again? I'll go with you."

Julian had a means now of driving the danger off for the moment.

"Not next time, mother. I shall not go till Saturday, and then Mr dall'Asto and his daught­er will be out all the afternoon, and I am going to dine with them afterwards,"

Ho knew she would be. angry, but he knew also-that she would .control her displeasure much more if he boldly and at once announced the fact in a matter of course way, than if he broke it timidly and by degrees,

She reddened violently, and remained silent for spine moments. .

"And where is Mr. dall'Aste going to take his daughter, pray?"

"To Carlyn castle. He has consented to give singing legBons to Miss Morton-, to oblige an old friend and pupil of his; and~IIWy-Eftrc6oliftVhas invied Miss Regina"— (he always. called her so his mother)—"to the castle."

"Bless us! to-the castle! I hope she had a whole gown on, and had darned her stockings I I suppose Miss will be growing so grand that she will be wanting a lord for a husband— noth-iiglessl"

burning on the hearth; this prevented his moth­er's sidelong glance reaching his face; it was the same causet aLso, probably, that had flashed it wbeffTieTMSV up fgSffir ~"~ • --*.-— -k-. —.-.

"I suppose, Mr. dall" Aste is proud enough of bis daughter being asked to the oastlef""

•No, f don't gee tbat ne nas any particular res--T3nrtrHjtFpKmd^o'fA4Bg4oi^

tfons; he certainly confers on Lady Karnscliffe and her daughter a much greater favor in givihg them his assistance in the way he does, and for nothing, than they do in (asking MUaBtgins to Oarljn- Bcoido, ho is not the man to bg proud

tnat sort ot tnmg.' '3rfthrd5light7- I'm Burei-faoo1

-whata-thiDg-for-herj-to gO-among.thiLnQblliLyJ_ •£lie takes it quietly enough; I saw no symp­

toms'of violent T0\T, leFme alone foung grriB aTe cuanTng

enough tc take you meu in. Bho'a hor father's

Mary Leigh to support her, «u4 she aagely eoough conjeetured this Wf?KwosoMfle nor the other inmates, teasbority or pwmtoent, of the ewtle, would think it worth whlteta emtattY rasa a oonntry girl of sixteen with an oppressive amount of attention: -; •

But then came Julian's iharked dislike to and; dlaapbroval of tteLwfepm& Why dlrJ,he,opp:»©' it i £riF.nimearSfti\v. itjplt bj ilcm" tbMn»Vfc> - rW-\ puzBled #»tMit. wIUi wondering : and the more she wWwred, the greater In her mind grew the, importance of the0 subject, and the greater her regret athtt disapprobation; till now, when the momentbf the fulfillment of her wishes had ar-rlv<d, she>rpul4 have gtyeha good deal never to have cowo In contaot, with these new ac­quaintances, never to have had her solitude disr turbed by. them, and by this conflict oi opposing wills and desires.

But the space for indulging In such medita­tions was not long allowed her; Martha's step creaking up the stairs made her start to her feet and resume her hairdreaslng operations with all due diligence.

"Why, child!"—Miss was reserved for the outer world-r"not dressed yet! Mr. Julian's been here this quarter of an hour, and I expect* ed'ye'd be ready to receive him. Sure I don't want bim to think that you oonsither going to the castle such a grand affair that ye spend half the morpin' preparing for it! And look here,— yer coller'that I Ironed so beautiful, on tho flare! Have ye got yer boots ohl No.nothln' but yer ould slippers)' Child, child, ye take as much looking afther as when ye were five years Ould! NoW, if the masther calls ye, what'll ye dol Not a pit o' ye'll be dhresed this half hour!"

And scolding and grumbling, Martha went about her self-imposed task of. lady's maid, chiefly disturbed i>y the Impression the non-ap­pearance of her charge would make on Jailan'^ mind that she deemed it necessary to enter upon any unusual preparations for her visit to the castle.

At last, seeing the operations of the toilette nearly completed, the nurse consented to go down stairs; it being the cu torn of the dogs,

^when her back was turned for any length of 'lime, to make a foray into the kitchen and its ^oependenclesj and as few of the dpors and on p-boards presented any but the most trifling resis­tance to the intruders' inspection of what might be behind or within them, the result told fearful­ly on the Stock of provisions.

As It wag, tho sound of a skirmish, mingled with yells, b'lo»», and exclamations, suggested an idea of pillage, begun or at least 'attempted

jAlJiRn.tiaa^topr^ ^tt^oy^aTtliat34bgeiie9i: deeidedly WavoramV


rasai V l K S f l r ? ^ ? ^ 2 ^ S ' £ S ^ S 7 o/*'no<uA Village* te the V*Uey Of UM DM MotM*, Will be Sold opOO

< * > • « * • " " ' " - ' - - • - ' - • • •

Iber , Bro

nit tax

credit, or « x c h u « e d for f ood r»»l tttUo U Brooklvi , by • n b ^ b « % 5 i r W U ) l * m MrMt. S e w T o r t c , or UO * ' "

"' K K. B. utcanauD. Ofi SALE 0& EXCHANOB-IN SOtjTtt-

__, . Brockljn. WloUr4tu»t«donl8Ji»ni l l9Ui»tae«U»n >T«nu« . Apply 1o

JU.U« THOMAS MAOKABLAN k 8 0 N 8 , lit

Vq. jgg Tmth ft, g e w vWfc.

i r o m Peck Vwp T*nr I M O i e a e street Brockl LAN A SONS, Ho, "Xoik


•Un*Ud and It only 6 inmate* l»a5k. Apply toOEOROB W. 1CJELSKT. Ke?

i lrn, B. D. , or to TW()«A» M A O f A R -Xenth *<reet, netur Ti lrd ( r t o a t , K»w . rtreet, c«fr Ti lrd «r«tia», H»w

J U l w *

TDATBNr I0B H0U8B FOR 8ALK—THE X T ' U r g e building »ttu»t«d In Water •trtet, near B r i d g e , Brooklyn, opponUo the BxceUlor OdrdM* M*nafwk«-l»», r*-< contly u««d f o r i fruit pr«i erring eattbltahmcnt. BnlldtDg W foot by ICO foot, two storioi high, with T»nit U fast doep b e l o w the «arb. exUndtog orar th« wools ground. Would be a suita­ble pUoe for a brewery, or for storage. Will be sold eheap and on easy terms. Enquire of

J. V. MBiBBOLH.TJKeeond street, n l , cne door south oT Soqtn 7»lu

FO R P A L E O B E X C H A N G E F O R B R O O K ­LYN WTi-m aorw Of U n d l n WcodOo , Wlteonsln,

Apply to . j.li »t» H. B D W A E Q 3 . t i D o a a a s t . , N . Y .

m o LET—A LARGE, WELL LIGHTED ROOM 1 orer the Long Island Insurance Company; alto smaller

rooms, suitable for ofuoes.. > Kor partloalam apply In the ontee Of the Uompany, pomar.of Fulton and Kroat sts. , Brooklyn. .

OR SA.LK-BRQOKLYN AND WE8TBRIT PROPELTY—Thesubsorlbsr offtrs for sale on the moist-

tavorsble Irrmt, and In quantities or plots to salt purchasers, U e following:

t three siory brick house with 10 lots, oorner of « h a r n i u e and 6 * street.

4 frame a s d 1 stone houeo, tilth 10 lots on 0th street near Bth atenue .

1C0 lois on BtU and f>h •<reels, and tth and 6 J» kV*nuej. 24 lots fronting on 6'.h a r e n i e , between 6'.h and 8.h s reels •J& do do 4 h kTeuuo tnd 7thand 8tb sts

" 2S do' t'e Wha»entteand7th, SthandSKh sts. 23 do do 7Ui avenue and 7th and 8th gt». 67 do do 9 h a v m u e und 7th, &b, U J i and 12-h pts. hi do do lOlh and l l th avenues and 1 4 h n i d l & b

StrteU. 5 frame dweUlngs and8 lots on Columbia atreet, 1st ward. 3 lots in Hicks street, Ao. 24S and 347, with party wal ls on

e*oh side. 3d ward.-. . 1 four story.brick dwell ing, on Rtato street, [all modern hrr pro*<m'enis] lOth.ward.

23 C00 acres of superior land, raring 12 miles frontage on the White JUver, absut 10.miles bs low Boiesrille, In the utate of Arkansas Prloe from $2 to $10 per acre, owing to location, Por particulars apply to

T B O . . U. 1'ALMA QK, No-249 III. ki s t , or \ dSOSm ,i 74 Wall gy, u t floor back room.

m o L E T — T H E L A R G E D O U B L E B U I L D I N G J L known as the Waring residence, situated on Washington

street, near Johnson street, in the Immediate Tlclaity oC the City Hall. The above premises may be laassd advaatageoosly npon applloatlou to

09 tf T. A . 4 L. P- KKWMAN, M I F a U j n s t


<M/tv9ana* 0*(or«jstre»t»m4 Pal toa a v e a a t v


theciUii! , . old stand, PlynuXithat.

C r OmAx0fl'«<J$UO.i Proprietor*, 7TT.

r ^ t > ^ S n i i S f f b « 7 » u n d i S ' t h » tf Catharine Potry , A l l kinds al

with Al N COAL, as *• has renewed eoragemeBt* ^ S * * - ^ * ^ f 1 " ? 1 . ? 0 » . toraJOrilMpply far the srasenl

;7«ir» The quality o M i i s Coal cannot be surpassed, U • Bfontkt dlrett froak the wtnas^gnaraoteesits he geatulBs artisle.

Coal cannot be surpassed, il belni a s , r o a r a u t e * « t t s b e i n g a p w # a a 3

•nOHKHTJOHMOBK, -»lTi»,oqtli 4 _ w t r Oatkada* Psrrr

to the prospects of the dinner of whioh Julian had b sen invited to partake.

Antonio hating, as was his wont, got consid­erably eveT the hor ^ppTrfntedtorr itrrduflparture for the castlt, began to bethink himself of the nrnfflfllty.pf ge JRg. .Kftdy to.,grQffCPd,.tMLh,a but quite leisurely, and with n > uaeasy haste in his preparistionaT --=^ -=—- .; ,--.-_..„^^.^^^^

Ikuownomeans in this world of obtaining certain privileges and indulgenoiea so easy and efftcjual, as that ox making it Undaiatood, mtuer by our ptaolios than by.our expression, that we aapfflt thgm to bg rooorrlorj nii~r.that.we intendto. avail ourselves of them.


!?aTA3£rI0SES-IBU3afcg=r 'E _d&ng*terY-fmdrthink&it graitd—rtot=to appear-to^ care about those thlDgs/ • The conversation was becoming so peculiarly 'difBg'reeaBIe—Julian sSw Uffplalnly thaV "hi8 -rnothCT irerrheroould-nor would- umierstandVthe

T H I R I I B T H A N N I V E R g A R Y o r t i i i 0n> KMABLwnap

• f i l B . H T — M B P. I 0 I W B

i D U P O I P Z K P U K B n

charaottr ol his frlendH—that hepei^ared there~ was nothing for it but-to-retreat;-so making a move, the mother and son piboeeded to their re­spective rooms.



From Tueiday till faturday Jalian abstained from going to Antonio dall" Aste's; he alio man­aged to avoid any inrther discussion oh th« Fulject of him or Regina with hia mother; and )i« contrived to make himself so useful to the little dame that she had not tho conscience to {•xpress to him any iurthbr dissatisfaotion with his arrangements for the conclusion of the week. , &H fnllan htrcde along, egainrosein his hewt tho jealous ropugoanoo ho thought he had ul-mcsi cenquered to R'.gifla's introductson to the castle. fle battled with it; he accused himiolf of selfishneta, of narrowness of view; but though his reason yielded to the justness of Antonio's impressions of the case, bis feelings continued their determined revolt.

On MA arrival Antonio,only was visible He longed to eee Regina, but something forbade his afskicg for her; and Antonio in the arranges ment, such as it was, of his collection of engra­vings, which was the tmpleymmt that just DOW chU fly occupied him, had found two or threes wLciie morits he particularly wished to point out to Juliau, and so abs)ibed was ho on this sub­ject that ho mado no allusicn to the topio of tho visit to Oarlyn.

Wiuie was Regina the while f Sitting in her attic, from the window of which she- had unseen watched Julian's arrival.

On the bed lay the dress Martha had carefully picpared for the great and Important ceremony In which her foster child was about to perform the principal p*rt.

A. few hints thiown out by Lady Maty L*?gh, who was very desirous that R«-glrm should not appear at the csa-le in a guise too Htiocgly marked with tho provincial stamp, had been turned to wonderful account; and the *implo dark drtfs and straw bonnet withwhito ribbons, could have no hing—especially when worn by Reglua—to give decided umbrage to tho sensitiveness of a practised eye on this all-important point.

Before Jolian's appearance sho had begun to dress, so that, if called down, she might bo able to present herself in all tho elegance of her new costume; but when she saw him onter the court her preparations, instoAd of being hastened, were interrupted. Letting fall from her grasp tho rippling volumes of hair she bad been combing, the rich mass fell in divided torrorjts down her back, shoulders and bosom, lower than her knee, half yelling, half revealing tho undulations of

' her alender figure, clad in tho thin disguise of stays and petticoat. Sho seated herself on a cr«?.y rnshbottomed chair, with hor elbows on her knoea, and hor bead on her hands. .

I suppose it has happened to ua all, at least once in our girlish or boylnh days, to have an in-tense desire to go to aootfi-parilcnlftr or delight­ful fete, even in opposition to the wishes of one whono inflnenco was habitually powerful over onr doniros and actions.

Tho day and the hour have arrived, tho oppo­sition have Iwn moved, allthn dtfflr.nltin* have disappeared, and when wo have gone to make our preparations for tho long-wished for delight, an almost, overpowotlug sense of lassitude, of nhtlnklng, of ftclf-reproach. has fallon npoh ns, and wo wl«hod tho fete had never been talked of, nnd felt that wo should do ranch better to go quietly to bed than to attire onrselvos for it,

8nch was Uogina'a fooling; now. The ardent desire for change, for any break in a lite whose monotony afforded no food sad r><> »Ant %& i,er «xcitablo foel'ngs arid lffiAgirmk>«, had so far overcome her natural timidity that ahe was wlU ling even to bravo the ordeal of going among strangers to obtain it. True, she Bad momenta of trembling misgiving at the Idea of encounter­ing such an ordoal; but, on tha whola, tha d«*tr* to make trial of those uaw sansatioas deofdadly preponderated.

bhe would have har father, Oil?*, uA IMj

. - - . ; :4: - J « a V - - l f e - - t t * * « 8 F - = > ~ — - = - - - = ™ 175 P t n i o j r P t a i i * , Btcottr*. - " - - - =*=

Taea l l l fg the attaattoa of tha P^>'"""^tt''- adrertlsemei. nrtart hor thanks.for theItberal m s n a t r In wStea~Ee?«t6>sR"

b s s p p a - r O o J i ^ d s r u i g t h e p u t T l l i f t y f a r i , a r t t rua l sbyhw rudearora to meet. Usft wjiata of her anstonura, to m a r l t a coo. Uaaanec of the same.

' T H B PA-THWr MBDICrWH PaPABTjIBlTT comprises all the principal Medietas* in uses combining the greatest assortment to b e toand m any store In the Union, areaf artlele of which is warranted, ta be genuine and received dlreet from the proprietor*. \

THB P 8 S P U M B K T DKPAUTMBKT I KmbraoseaU the most popular Preneb, Kngllsh and AaaorUan

Kxtraete, Oolornes, Hair Dyes , Hair Bsslorers, Oils, Poarfdes, Poaps, Bandotoe Cosmeties, Lnbln's and other Toilet Powders, Iit lj-Wblte Liquid and f o w d e r Bouge, Phalon's Paphlan Lo-Uon, Balm of Thousand Flowers, Godfrey's Cxtrset of Elder Flowers, Priee's Kalydor, Vondersmlth'sKilraot ef Bosss and Bldar Flowers, Jones', Gou'and'sand Badway's i^oaps, Row­land's Kaljdor, Qooriud's Oriental Cream, Hi.k of K M si , C«mphor lee , Amandine Cold Orean, Sharing Oream, and In laet ersry artlole I* Ik* Perfumery line, which wtll be warrant •d 10 be asrspresen 'e l .


Cases, Combs, Brushes, Fine Cutlery, to. AlaJ a large as sorknsatof

PANS, wnioa CiitMOT BR SUBPAISBD, sompristng the most splendid r a i i e t r of Paney "Goods.

80ITABIJJ F O B PBBaKMrs. ereri^fered to the publle, at prices which oszinot f a l to gire saUsfaottoa, MB8, M. HAVB8,

171 POITOM 8taasiT. Baoosarw, Third store below Nassau street.

dlavjtf »•'—"" — ••«*« Mnsieal Hate. .


aursing, wbe experience a ssanty supply of the lacteal Quid, It Is mratuable; also for weakness, narrousness, and general debility, It has no equal. For sale, prloe U cents a bottle, at the Depot and Warehouse 71 Prlnse s t . Brooklyn. n9 3m>

B B 8 1 R A B L K

B U I L D I N G L O T S Tjr "B ioo i t f if

Thn subscriber offers for sale, in parcels to snit put chasers, four blocks of laud, situate on Gates, Greene ana Lafayette avenues, and Byerson place, In the immediate vicinity or the beat improvements on Clinton and Washington avenues

Tbe streets and arennes are all seventy feet wide , Indspend* ent^f'eoiurrTardstTtffo>diiy-"alI-=:T6» TtuVBmagsaTjreny'an?" country oomDinod, easily aceesalble by the City Railroads. A h » . ; • - . • • • • • . " • • '

aalatsof liadsa Wsihlnglnaav^faaajParth. . - — — — -20 do do Park avenue. 10 do do DrKalb av. aad Eaymond s i • >.

^--•-4- do • .do - —-jflV>.,————.-Jtavy-street. . . — ^ ^ - ^ - -With the best City Railroad system la use, and an abundant

supply of the purest water enjoyed by any other elty on tha continent, a large accession to the population and' advane* in valuo of prepsrty must result.

e easy to those who wish to make good improve-Terms Bunts.

Por m i p s and other particulars, anply to P I 8 H B B HOWH, It nil WuW-iurgtn, Breotiya arJ "— Yoik.

^fout st, SUF nl9tf

I ODGE ROOM TO LEt OlTTOrFCORTrEK J L i of Wyrtl*-»-w*»«ittsa.titWitftti»-*i at, froro. thn lat of Mnj uext. iUmlovr . In^ulrd of UA.MUUI* a t u m i M . . - : . j7

\f iOAL ! ' OOAL ! ! OOAL I I l-GJSORGE XJ KcKAHON t s n o w sel l iagthe beat quality of Purnaee,

OKejtge, Stove, and Crate COAL, at *t,W aad W,7» per toa oi y S f i g l b * , weight gtta«u»ta«d. Orders reoelved at Messrs. « C B A H T 0 S a CO?$, corner of jjtenrjr and Atlantto streets, and at Coal office corner of Van Kntntitreet and Hamilton av. PurehaserswUldoweUtooaU oefbre buying e lsewhere as I will not be undersold, by any dealer in this city.

, ,K.B.—Terms tnv>ri*bly cash. " f

C^AL AND WOOD;—WM. B. WALTERS J larornu the uiUiena of Brooklyn that be has opened his

n e w yard on the oorder of Kevins and Carroll streets, South .Broei lyu, where he will continue to a>ep constantly on hand the best Coal of every description st u e lowest cash, price*.— Xards—llatbuah avenue, junctionFultonaveriue, between Ne-

..vlns and Powers streets; Ploshlnjf avenue corner Washlagtoa avenue; and Netlns street corner CturroU. . N- B.—Th« celebrated IiOcuat Koontain Coal eonstantly oa . N W . Also Vlrgtola Pbae, Oak and Hickory Wood of thebejri Vtfo*T. j a X l y W H A I A M B . WALTKKR.

tllltOOKLYJ? OOAL YAUDSWffilE $0B-X j seriber has recently opened for the convenience of tha Brooklyn residents, Coal Tarda, as follows, for the sale or Heekseler's celebrated Anthracite, BUck Heath, Bearer Mea d o » . Broad Mountain, A c , * o . , eonwaonly called. White ana OKed Ask Cos's, the only coals, suitable for panors , ranges , all kinds of stoves, beators, machlaery, Ac., ki., warranted ths *ery beslqaalllv, and for tale at the lowest market prices and ulf.wtlghL AU*o, CannelCoal, llalllbttrton's Orrof Coal, at educed urlceg. Also Oak and Pine Wood. Also, Coal deliv-

; red from boats at lees price. O n r HALL YAKD, N O . 171 Joralemon street, rear of the City

Flail, fornierlv occupied as the "Anll^Monopoly toa l Yard." BaoozLvx Colli x a o d , Pulioh, corner of Kurman street, at

Pulton Ferry. : Kroiuiott TJJUO, in Degraw street, (on the Canal,) 13th "Ward, near fcot of Bond street. T - - T, ki. JKBOMTE- P»««»i*u*.

Urooklyu. July H,,1868.

~ JJBJNfTJLBTKl. ' I \ENT18TBY- 248 FULTON BTRKEr—WIL-XJ LI AM H. Y O U U G begs to return thanks to his friends

upon him ' his usual

•a BBX 9Q0P8, H a ^ : . ' < »


In rmnrenso ' quantity and variety


W at . COTTftELL5J. ,

Til Falton, opposite Tlllary.

/ ^ t L O V E S I G L O V E S ! I -V T " Ptoieoed Sl lkr« b n l y t t c e n u a pair.' ' •' '

^ 1 « ^ ^ n « d % ? o ^ f r a £ a ^ r r . Ai«L«verjr thing elac at the samec*dBeed» i l ee s , at

• djgy ' riJion;t>ppo»He Hilary st,

CLVIUTr, ATTENTION, FAIR DEALING, one prioe, and that a lways reasonable. All thaae, t* bo

looodaji W T i B k L I ? 6 H O o l B B T ^ M P Q B H W . . dr«- ' J721pW ,o|i,oppOBlta t t n A r r * ,

n i i l l , ; ' i l I ,i i i i

ZEPHXR WOOL HOODS, ABULET8, KIT-taoa, Scarfs, * o . . of very eboice aiuJHy an* mj\t, knitted

«j.pressly for.ui, at .

I • " • • * COTTRttXL'S. rtl Vnhon st.


Chlot = P f 8 >

u s v o r r a i c M . Pull upper sets teeth on g o l d . . . . . Partial — ••'- '• per t o o t h . . . . P U B n g , . : . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . Xitraottag lotoform administered

, $2*00 .* IOOto500

, oO t o l fO 25

1 AU-wqrt"w*mme d tonproveTBTepresemedr" n2J-ry*^

rjhEETH EXTRACTED BY THE APPLIOA-• J L lion of electriolty, without the slightest pain or lnconvsni-eiioe being oiperienced by the patient Having for som* years past used the benumbing process, and after having fairly test-yHha^l«3triM«i^ppli»aUonyafeeljast.Ul«d in. say iafcttfeaLlJeJs-farsaperior to any other method ot axtractiog teeth without » s t a . • • • • • "

This e l a f of artificial denture uosiesses vast superiority orer all athsr stylts of work, pressiiUng one coolinnous g u m . with-

joutseams-or e r t l i e e s j m d made to give any derived fullness to the face, and for streMtS^ulSblBTy »n^«^ntrnSis7"*nd»t»m^ fjrt m wearing cannot be equalled. This work is made on puro-pia,ina plate, which aerer tarnlthea, and is not affected by the a<ri(1«of ihe mon'h T »m qi^o manufacturing all styles of ar-tltidal teeth at the"lowest possible priori,

LIST or raicits. Full upper or under reus of teeth, on silver, $10 00

V5 10

'aad r m i i m h a i s u u s s , and ou Warren, Baltic Bal 'aw streets in the 6th Ward of Brooklyn

uniui i tv IsuniUlua- sronneV Tho-

a n a in Ina most-dr sirs ble part of thvetty - - ——f e

Also, the three story brlek house, with besement and tub-eellar, 296 Pacific street near Court it eet, with gas fistares,

Jafl'u" —-'.= • " - ^ ^ - - - V o ' r i l o ^ e T t r M V f l w ' C e t i r ^


oarefnlly mad»stoek-of-Fln» wat:has—Jawalri._-aUvjBr_w*te,-spfmscHs, fys-glaases, ettL^rQ. 'ad'd-teh to original work m etch department, which he is engaged in maaulaoturing after


i c e B»ard of Dirsotora have dee'sred a semt-Anna* 1 Divi­dend of Tenf lOlperoant oa the Capital Stock, out of the prof­its of the last stx months, payable at their office. N o . 16 Mer­chant's Exchange, Mew York, on and after tho first day of January, ISM.

Transfer books wi l l be closed until the above dat*. A l io , Basolved, That application be made to tha Legisla­

ture for permission to increase Ihe Capital ( f the Company the sum of Aftf one ($51,000) thousand dollars.

By Order, d l83m WM. P . LHGGBTT, Secretary.


S Bo irdof Directors have ihl« da» d-c'ar(d a » m l annual dividend of t*n pet sent, payable on and after the 1 0 * Instant.

JaSflt , H. UIKO0X, Secretary.

T h i

| \ R . R I C H A R D ' S C O D L I V E R O I L J E L L Y , J L / made from pure Oil, and pleasant to take. '-A. thoronga-iTthirapeauo and rslUbla artlele, w o r h y of pnbl>o ooefl-denoe." tSse letters trotn ITof. Wlllard Parker, M. D . , and Vr T. W. Otlraadsr, In stronlar.")

''After two years constant use, the Oil often turpria's me by the wonders It works In bad e a l i s of Oontumptiou, Sortrfuw, BhtumaU»m, Ac"—f>r. J O. B. Wllllamt.

WhoUsale Agent for Brooklyn, B J . D A V I l i t , |Stf oorner of Pulton ana Clinton l i s .

CUiHATE OF MAGNr3SIA—PREPARED DX J P. D. LHYS.MaautactaringDrorgiat,

0«r. Main aod Vork streets. Brook rm. Price t% a doseo. Jel ly

; 15 STKTJOTIOir. f>ROOKLYN IN8TTTUTR—THE DBAW1NG J L ) Clastes of tho Brooklyn lostltnte will eommencn ou TUKSKAV KVENlKO, Oct. « k , and oonUoue every Tuesday and Friday evenings durlrur lb* **««»». fra* 7 toBo'claek.-Tw-m» «r uarter »»< tf

SPANISH LANGUAGE-PRIVATE LES-soas and Otaaaes, by Prof. A i s a a v o D» TORiros, 7J Fallon

Svssue , Brooklyn. Professor at the Foljteehni and Packer Iostllnte«, and at tha Mercantile Utu-ary Asaocai iou, Iirook-Ijn Alao, TranslationsfrORt iCog'lth 'o Hpxnlah, or ApanUn to KngUth, by Prof, de Toraoa and G. P. 1 apllng, Aos oontant ef Newapapan, Documents. Mercantile CormsDonssose . sU>. CUties a*e now forming at the rooms oY the Mercantile Library Aasaclailrsv nJnSra*

laau^Awcx. ton stre«L ». U W a l Jf AFAYKTrK FIRK 1N8UBANOK OOMPA.

L i NT o r BBOOKl.TN, U I . - O f l W , Ho. 147 FuBoii rooklyn, opposite tho Oily Hall. Bransh Office, B o . "

Creel, N»w York. OAHH O A P l t A K 1KVX* DOI, t .A»S.

This Oooipany laaure* Proix»rty of all kinds amlnst ft-ota at iNsaageby tre oa asravorsbletermsas staatlar Iasutattots .

M t w r f O n W»ar<t(V>p1ai»a. Andrew Fliararald, John H. Funk, Kara Young, Tennta J, Bergen, Kamnnl 8. rowrll , ' Mward r. Backaoaas, Jcs iM Harper, Lewis Hurst John I.. Spader, Johnson L«aV«, Hanrv J.<MII<w, I«r*rilt H. D u n , True W. Rollfti*, rklHp 8. Oro^ke, Jamas It. (.Wipat, John O. RchnmaVar, Jshn J. Vanderbtli, Henry Tl«»kea, Jem*e Orelkskauk,

John K, Pruy a, Garrett P. Berj Ram Alei Ottarles A. River,

l e i a a d s r Ms Cne.

F l t w v a . ItasyM—-

Karnual Van Wjrot,

I Step&sn A. Dod/re, Alfred Kmaanei, D. a. Veorhaea, Was. Bnrrell, Jama* V, gekeoamekw, Wehasl Ksvia, Martin Ryarson, Atarajadtr TJadarklU, f m . B. Wsbb, ifcory N. Oonklla. Jerrwilah MunoXI S a a u e t ttarrtada, . Alfrnd M. Wood, ! Jaraal D. Velsor, MI«bar4B.Uv*riAk, ,

J O H » H. F 0 H K , TitJA*&. \


Olae*, Mo. atWalliatraat,

.ndrsw BHodgaa. I Hwerd BtroM. 1 trahaMS PotVy, ' bAmas C KnorA,

ajnaa B Bearaa, klwards W rtsk4, 'MltsaOfOOk<M \*o.\. Oehh,

J6kaLJSMIro»^ * S L i r « o * n r e / a s . 11. KMsora,

a*6rg* W Prt«*a, AOeM>, Wea. A<

/ohsiMtN Saredlty

M r a m a e , J « * f. W<rfa*i L.H. Oodwta, 1 V Hehocamakar,

AAjftltMMOM L, M e & l r * .

Mew Tor*.

Jakaa A DnrWa, t » a s B Wklla, A J Aludr*. Wtt Mnlllraa. M F HMgea. B AlaaeaaH, Bf rmmir L nna««4, tTha*. R rValta,

Xot>«ri mtmteV«,

/ a s . M. l i n m , —»• „ -JftMJt « u w > « , #arrarer

m v i ^ i a v w H i a a m . P - I - ^ ' T ^ S n i i m ™ ^ .

• u t r b a M a d a t o J. S .MAOKAT, Ha. tCoari

W. A. 0OBB, PresMegt, A, B> H O D O N , Y M PrasMasH.


LOB FllIj^Q^EXsX^TKrD WrOljntAX-

OFPI0E OF THE MERCHANTS' INSURANCE COMPANY, corner of Fultoo and Greenwich streets, H e w

York, Jan. J 186©. The Board of Directors have this day declared a s »ml- annual

divided t or fifteen (15) per cent, payable on and after the 10th dav of January, 1869.

j«2w J. L. DOUGLASS, Secretary.

M0NTAUK FIRE INSURANCE 0O1IPANY, No. T Court stf set, Brooklyn, January 5, 1839.

i c e Beard of Directors have this day declared a semi-annual dividend ef seven per seat, payable on demand.

J»«2w E D W I N B*Kas ,8ocre tary .

OFFICE OF THE NASSAU FIRE INS. CO. Brooklyn. January S, 1M9,

J ) IVIDS»D —The Board of Dlrso'ov* have this day declared a semi annual dividend of Ten (lOy per cent, payable oa de­mand at their ofiloe, Mo. 10 Court at, Brooklyn.

Jo 1m A. J. BBkKMAN, gsoretary,


Interest at the rata of six per cent per annum on acsoanta not txceedlng five hundred dollars; and five per cent per an­num on accounts of greater amount, has this'day be^nct-e^lted to snen depositors in ibts Bank, as were by i u h y - U w i a n d r e g u -laMons entitled to the sums.

Interest p*) able after the 17ih Inst., and when not withdrawn, will be entitled to Interest upon the same ocnditlons as depoaim.

Bank open dally from 10 A. M. lilt 2 P. M. Aliw, every Non-day evening from 6 to 7 o'clock. Br order

j » J w nO*F.A WKBHTRR, Preal.

plattua,. -£arUaLs«ttaof-teeth on *Uverypert©othr ^ T T ^ g ^ g g ^ .. go rrorpratlns—

Teeth inserted on pivot. •tJ:-JUtod-irthgphfci*v>


"snsr S-flO-1 00

. . i*'iw.^. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV

1 No anargerorexiracting where artlflolal teeth are inserted,


P. O U R l i K ^ T T J K K S To be delivered in the

CuKTojt AvHxua C o a a s M i T f o x i l . CHUKCH; corner Cbntoa and Lafayette avenue*, cotrmwoctpg

P 8 1 D A Y BVBM1NG, D*e. Ill, lii-a. Dee- 10-OKO. W. CTJBTI5, Ksq. '

: 8ul>jeet—Demoeraey vndBdaoat lon. Dee . a 0 - B e v . i tKNBY W A B D BKKCUKK.

Bnklect—The l a w of Sympathy. J a n , » - B a v . K . H. OOAPIN. ^

Buhlfc l -"Ord«rs of NobUily." Feb . a t - B e v . THOMAS 8 T A B B KINO.

Subject—Subslanoe and Show. l e c t u r e to eonuueuee at 7)4 6-eloolp. l l t k e u to the Cqarse, admtmn* a geaUeman and lady $1 W

Single Tickets S5 touts, to be had at the door. JOHN P . MoCOY, JOHN HDrtJISK,

„ . JOSKPH P . BKACH, : d9t30 U c t u r a Committee.

X>ROOKLYN INSTITUTB.r-JLJ Annual Course" of LKCTUBBS, to eommeaee THCB8-DAV KTBNINO. Nov . II, with Poetie and l>ramaao KcwUngs a n * B e « i l a t i o n s b y a e o r a e Yandenboff, A M.

Jan. 6.—Bev. K. H . Chapln, 'Orders of Nobllitf.* ••* 18.—nr. Davis, 'American Antiquities.'. " 30.—Prof. E. L. YoUBaana, 'Ande»t Philoaophy.'

^' « . — P r o f . B . 1.. \oumans.'Modern.Sslenoa.* . ., P*b.3.—G. W. Curtis, Bsq., 'Democraeyand KdueaUon. Tickets to the Course, admitting a gentleman and lady, ot

minor, S3. An sdl iuonsl l isdy.or minor, 11 extra. By a resolution of the Board of DhecUore, no more l 0

tekeU will uadsr any eireumstanocs be sold. -No tickets sold lor panieaUr Lectures. . . . . . . . . ..^ Tickets may be had of oither of tho Directors, or at r

tut*. -• -Doors open at ta.—Lectures isommenee at7W.


C H. RIVERS* ACADEMY FOR DANCING _ a —Halsey's Buildings, No. 853 Pulton street.—Location

moflt oentrsl;.rooms oommodious and well ventilated. Appli­cation maybe made daily from 10 o'clock A. M. to 10 P. M. Classea'&re"constantly rorming—each pupil's quarter com-mi-uces fromthe date ot entry. ^Jays /or .Claaaes••LadlesouTnesda^ andPrfalay.-at-STydock" P. M. Gentlemen Tuesday and Friday, at 8 P. M. Children on Wednntday and isaturday afternoons. Private lessons given when not occupied with classes. School* attended on reason* ble terms.

Soirees will be given monthly for the pupils and their friends. Parties wishing to engage tha rooms fur balls or «->)«»• w t

^ - » l v 14 ahovft .- . ^-_.._____r,_ . ——^_

- 4 - i _ mm** rMf&m O'REILLY;

£tio, • w r w i i F b ? ^ * * ^ BBAND1V8, Q1N8 WIMKg, * o .

"? | i .il. mPJK>«sttjurr, , M » . i «


. » i . . ~ A,* 7 « p u B o n street, now In T6, [next door.t

UUUabmrul. u daaUous of sUl retaining the oeoU»P*see«< ra*

r ^ f T k r ^ e t e ^ M % ^ ^ ^ V^ry lowest orlcej, a* a f l W s S i iirtu™. £ l f . OoexanUnt^irwfoUowiag u«t it will b e n s n e t v v a *tW his aasortment is of tho vary oeat a i d embraoes a g r S T v a r S t o: favorito brauda, v » : . iST.ZTTT- ••-TTZIV^, 1 a ^ a L a S ^ > t * r d ' D t t p U : r , ^ e l ^ ^ t J f w *™«. ttisifc

f. N ^ ™ X • *"**- ° ^ L e 4 f ' ^ ^ W t ^ B s h J . i t a m i a a d " B o M - J a m a l c a , S t C m s and N. B . » u a . " '' ~'°

^WHisxwr-^BttgToand Malt arid B o y a l ^ 5 m 1 n l t f ' TJiiMdM I Jameison's, I W i U Bourbon, MonongahelVandTCorn » ? f W 8 , J *

Maderia's, Sherry's. Oporto's e j ^ C t a r e t l A wood - _ also, Champsgne-a, Stock, Moselle, Rhine or HungaYtaA Aioohols, Cologne Pplriu. Pure Kplrlu and all d o n e a Q T U o y - „ at market vrkee. W s stock of imported Liquors will beaoM n o r out o f Bond, Whu.waJeandBelaU, 10suit purchasers asT

delivered tree of co»:\a au partsof the cKv^ N. B.—Physicians nr* parttcoJarly refjteatad to noOco tha

ail liquors for medkina l U M arts warraaiad as rspresesiad.


H. B. P E B K I N d .

211 Pnllon street, cor Tulary. lt-5 Mirrtle avenue, cor. Prince st , 17» Bridge street, cor. Coneord,



O O K D I A L 8 , P O B T K B , A L E , c i » l B . BAY BUM, 8KdABS. ' y • '

Woods delivered. rJ0Saa»

J""~ACKSON'd. CELEBR ATED MALT QEEAM for Ladles nurang. price 25 cents a battle. Dr. Le Botes

pure French Brandy bit-era, /or .tndtgeetlon, lost of appethe, n-rvomneaa ami general weakness. Price SO cents abottia. For sale at the depot 71 Prince street, BifooklyD. a warn*

flj> RU nyWlNES, ALE«, &c—NICHOLAS QOB-J L NKLL late of 161 Atlantic at. has opened a store 77W PaL toa street. Tor ihe ssle of cHoice Frditssnd Nuls, foreign And dboieatlc; also tfinea, Brandiaj, Bootoh Ales, London Porter. Sugars; &«. • Jnst received, a; fresh lot 'of' n e w vffiyrni Ptta.' McUga lirapes, Baisma and Citron, wholesale and reUlL at a e lowest cash prices. '" " "" ~"

November l i t , 1868.

Citron, wholesale and reUlL 1 NIOHOLAS C O R N M L I V ^

77K Fulton street, Brooklya. m l l F

BO BABCPT3 P i p R R H g l D S t C K C H A M P A O N K , at Daportera' prices. •


i s c e n t a p r t t iXXXJ lbs 55IISLLKD ALMONDS. l a O B x S l l K L L B D PKA N U T A f o r Oonfeetlonera. -'•' SSbblsXANTlu CDBBANT". Wholesale and retail at

NIOHOliAS COB«MLI/8,' ITU Fullon street. Brooklys .

« :


ttKIXUSKlEk BITE MALaGA GRAPES—100 KEGS for-saie br i°"-J=? ' - -r^r=—^.—— --

W. H. COBNKLL, 380 Pulton.



Vpry nvrpnolvflv nvpn fnr ?(?K, 31


N. B, GRIFFIN, Manufacturing and Operative Dentist,

""nTailnn al—»^n™i>« n i i i , ^ f j — iSv


WM. WISE, JR., CESTABUSHED AT 79 Pulton street, Brooklyn, sinoe 1834.) offers a targe and

his own and other aporoved des gns , Spoc-'al orders faithfully and promptly executed. d l s Cm'


OLID AY * PRE8ENT8-WATCHES AND __ JKWBIiBY.—The subsoribere oflhr their entire slock of

ktchaa, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware, A c , at 26 r a n OSKV. u a s t a a x va» r/tuax rx io ie , for cash only.

W A T O U K S OoloHnuung, NngHah Levers,from M0 00 to ISO 00 Gold Hunting DoUched I^vers, frcni Zl 00 to 75 00 Gold Hunting Lepinea. from 23 00 to S3 it) Gold open faced iMtached Levers, f r o m : . . . . . . . 17 Ot) to Ss 0 > Gold open faced Leplnc-s 4t 00 to 33 00 Miver Bunting Kngllah Levers 25 00 to 65 00 gilrar Hunting Detached Leieru 13 00 to Z5 00 Silver Hunting l u p i n e s . . 11 00 to 20 00 S l l v e r o p e o f a c e d d e a o > , e d L e v e r s . . . . . . 10 00 to 16 00

14 00 SOU to Silver open faced Lepines JKWKI.RTV

L»4IesCameo. Fruit aad t oral ants 15 00 to 76 00 Bracelets, Gold Cameo, Fruit Coral and l l a l r . . 6 00 to £6 00 Ladies Guard and Chatelaine CUatns lo 00 to 40 00 Geals Fob, Vest and G e a r ! Chains 7 00 to 60 00 Gold Spectacles and Eye Classes 8 00 to 8 00 Pold T h i u o l e s 8 00 to 7 00 Ooid Armlets 8 00 lo 10 00 Gold Studaand Sleeve Buttons 2 t>> is 8 00 Gold Lockets, 1 ,2 ,4 and 7 glasses , 1 50 to 15 00 OoM Penc i l s . . . 1 26 to 10 00

CLOCK*. *d»y Clock*; : . . . . SOOto 1800 1-day Clocks 1 00 to 6 0 0 AUrmOtock* 1 60 to 6 0 0

8ILVKB WAUK. Silver tea -spoons, per sett 5 60 to 10 00

" table " " 14 00 to 2800 " orks, " 1 5 0 0 t » 3000

" desert " " 1 3 ( « t o 2000 > Also Silver Plated Forks. Spoons, Cake and Card Baskets, Cirtors. Oops. Goblets, Pitchers, Walters. Ac.

Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired aud warranted. JAMK3 H. HART A CO.,

146 Fullon s'reet, Brooklyn, aud dlO m Greenwich atrsat, N. Y.

™ • • J R L I d F Y m e FttggHRVBS.-'-"• -'IJ- -4 - - " " The Shred, with directions for iuin2, ta put in small packages

fo. (u»u> <IM, M i l« told by all tho principal Grocers and Drugglaw throughout tbnTJ.b. ~ -

I'tttKB, COCVKa, WBuWinBSHB. N e w Vc d6 U a c 16 i foik.

M P O R T A N T TO y A M T T . T l r S * ^ T > ATT, WTTO _ 'wtsh'genulne TKA, COPTEr! and HPlUKg, tud a lvr ices

Is suit the times, should call u o o s HARDING * CO.,

^.CoBsafi.af Faiton^aBdMattt-atreets? Besl Oovtrument Java. 18 eta. or 6 lbs for one dollar,

- . " Maracaibcs:i6?ts,or,6.1b*rur76ceaia,. . =. " Laguayra, 14 s ' " " 6 5 "

—'±-fU. D o m l n g o ^ S - i ' — « — ! i _ < 6 - d -_ _ i * in " " " so "

TBAB. We hare reoeired by the tate arrivals the most oho'co assort­

ment of new teas, whicn we offer 26 per cent cheapo; >nan usu­ally charged by New York dealers. •

3Sf. B.—Ix Prvx r o o a o Bozas OK B A M At WBOC < BALI P B I O H SPICKS.

We have fitted up the moat improved maoh'oery for mana-facvaring SiirsraBo, COOOA, CHOOoura" and ir ioas , which w e * arrant pure and of the best quality, and at a cheaper rate than ever before offered.


•Carner of Futton and - alu streets, Brookl; toOds dsUvared W all Dir ia r>f t a - il-

Clty or Brooklyn to lower ihe grade of r la tb i sh avenue from Eighih to Eleventh avenue, by reducing it ai its highest point twUve (12; feet—the Common Council have fixed the Dis-

.Hrtet^bcyomi Jarhica- tile --a' W•'* ^^w v ft ^ ragdgiarfaasanoBt-eltall not extend, to wi t : one hundred feet In depth on either'

- sUeol^lathuih-avena^/rora H * h t h t o - K l e v j n h a v r a n « 1 ="" -' Bemonstr&nces (tf anylagainaithe said imD'ovemtnt, musiba

'reaen-edHo^he-t^mtmon-eomgctl uu ur bufora tho 7CS day of" •jehrwLxf, l a a , s s t h a r will finally oolnpon tha sams attbetr-

iyn .

FIRST QUALITY FAMILY GROCER**B-W. H. CORNELL, 230 Fullon s'ree*, cor. Clark street,

Offer to families \hc. moat complete -1 sortment of GROCKRIKS A M ) PttCITS,

l o b e found in tha city, embracing erery article of necessity or lu iury kept by family grocers In expensive trade, incluuing

OHOICB W I N f o LIQUORS AND SrfGARS, aud every variety of Foreign and Domestic Fruits, +o., 4o,

OARDKN, FIFLD AUD FUOW«K SKKDH, Amsrican and imported, of the most approved klads and

varieUt-s, earrfully pnt up and pnefced for all climates. W. U. Cornell solicits the uatronige hitherto extended to him

from theavenot s a l the oiders v e attended lo dally as usual. Goods delivered to any part of the oily. n l 3m




fine head of hair, more, aee circular


D'FOaltora ar« hrreby noua«d that Inlcreat at the rats of sit per cent per annum on all snmt frjn. f-j to ISO), and of fivd per e*nlonsnn)« o v r tMX), will be r^'d to depositors entitled thereto, on and after 3u-.h inat.

'li'ereat no; called for will draw !ntfr»at a i t'rlnotpa'. AH monies dep sited on cr before the 10th Inat., will draw interest from 1st January.

Bank open dally from 10 to 2, and on Monday and flalorday evenings, from 6 to 8 o'clock.

IRA SMITH, Prsaldat.l. C DDXHIXO, Kserelary, 13 3w

F'YmCB OF THE IX)NG ISLAND 1N8UR-\_r ANOH CO., Brooklyn, D M . 1 \ WA.

I M V I D R N D — The Hoard of IHractofs have thh dav declared a aetal-annual dividend of 10 par cent, payableon and after ibi St (*ay of January next. The transfer oobk will be closed unul that dale.

d n i m WM. W. nKHSUAW.Reeretary .


ne street l>ec. »Oi, 1»<M. i'«e Dlrectora nave declared a semiannual dividend of Prran

r*r oen l , payableon and after Wof January nan . dip le t . ,, WAI.IP,R NlCHOI^.Soor^Ur) .

| rvIDEND—LAFAYETTK FIRE 1N8UR-XJ A N r i t CO.. No, .*4f Falton sUeet, January «, lf*«. ^Tl»e R*ard ef Directors have ihl« day oeeltrad a aeral annml Dtridaoa of i t r n t per e s n l , p a y a b l e o n oematd.

>7S0i ia ANrtON « PALMAR, rXiretarjf.



( X




w M U M B Y WhaJaia'a aril retail daaler la

FLOUR ARD ORAIM. Id Fri-VMI Ptcsav , near Atlantis B i a v ,


AjJ 1NOTON RANK -Tn» ut>a>f*t«TM bara <hr aaleln loato sjju»iuroBae«ra.<»»aTgs W. Kdwarrla' eelehratsd City tNired Waaalngton Hams Thase Hami are mIM. sored «Hh «bti< sugar, wall flavored and are unrqnalod for broiling.

Gr»»«r» aad dealers wbnd#alreto glva aauafaotlon to thatr •u*tnm*rtarer*q,«ta(»dto t l r s t l x m a w * l . Bach H i m w branded "Q W- Bdwaroa,'"

. . - . « WM B. RARTtKH A CO., At D. B , A W. Maaaa Old Uttnd, 64 Ctaeawteh and (A

^ « J ^ y t t > p a reeta, asar Pcoth Ferry, ) t i r l ork . Ja.a in*

(\\TTTA PEBOHA OEME¥T"~R^FTNa" V A. Tk* ehaapest and most durable rooong In OM. Caa U appUed to M W or «M aMngie roots, witarmt ree»ovlag ifcrra.

» i V i « » o « i T i i Roera mated and taeaifea w i u UOTTS r a a c a a t!m«a»t. an4 warraaud water pnxrf.

•peersaaas *aa be seen al the eAea, . „ K » PnHoa ttreei. B r e a t h * .

» * t f H. W. JOB Kg A <XV

I^NOLiatl HiAIK POWUltK-tHlNiUtftLi J L s e^e*t»t*d e««r<Mr)U*a Impar u ( A a l l khtds ot t K l i a »r« rt*o« a»d peraaanent [«Mra. l t b u | m t * . n o w l M K'Mtu4 U prKaraace lo aar oih<sr artieda. KaaaAaelared and for »»J« *t TP. P . L I T * , mtfmn aad Ohmtal .

_ t W . Main M 4 I S l t X n i a s . F r ~ * l r a . « M S U p « k M ^ —

Ttlkef^ beanly. It cannot extut wlihonl t h o read ihe fo'iowlng, and If you a ik ar<jjnd eaoh bo*tie ana no one can donbt

i-KOFuKSOR WnOD'd D A l t t h K ^ T O R A T I V K - W e call lh« ultent'on Of all. old and jorntf, lo tins wonJflr.'ul pre[ ara-tlon, which turns t ark lo Its original colcr. gray halt—covers the head of the bald with a loxor.ant growth—r.raore.1 tbe daii-ctril itching aud all sntanrona ernptlona—oaiuea a continual no* or the natural fluidt; and hence, if us*d as a regular droning for the. hair, wilt preserve IU color, and koep II rrom faling toexlreme o.d a t e , in all its natura' haaciy. We call the -. upon the bald, the gray, or d lmse .1 In tra?p, to use it; and mrf'y las young will not, »a they vati'e tt-.o flawing locks, or wi.thlngonrl, ever be without It. Its praise ta upon the tonxn* o iuoustnda.

Tie Agentfcr Prcf. Wood's Hair Res'crV.Ire In N o w Haven, rc.-'ivad the fo-.lowlog lvlier la regard to the Reiterative, a few wrrUsiaee i

Dsiir Kivar, O o a * . , J n l j ffl. 18#6. V* l^avsnworth—Sir : lru\»ebeen tronhled with d«ndrnn*

lenrf en my head f r mars than a >iar, my balr beg»nto eome cut,Morf aud hair logethor. I saw in a New Haven paper atn-.i ''Wood'a Hair Ksstoratlve" >i> emo. I railed al y.ihr nor-on the flr»t of April la<l. and ptireh»»e«l one bottla to Iry It, and l f o n o d to m y •atla/aetioa it waa Au> thing, It removed the •curt and new hair besan t i grow: il i» now two or three. InefM In longihwh-re il wia ktUrtf. I have gr.\«t faith In IL I »l«iyon»C'Send m e two biu:cemore. by Mr. 1' *t, tho bearer of tiia. I don't know an any of tho kind la ui td lo this place. • cia may have a market tor many bottles after it I*known here. Votrs, WllSr«ep*ct, Rt lVUi PRATT.

F m r l t D n r a t i , Pepi. 9, i>i*A 1'ier. Weot>—Dear Sir : Yonr llalr KoatoraUva ta pMving

H«f '. befteflolaUome. The front, and ahw lh.> ba<-k p»rt of my tr«." 'lrnast lost llacovarinj—In fact sit-'o. I have u»ed bat tir.iiialf p | a t heU-'os ol j o u r R«s.oratlv^, and n»w the top of h«<<U wall studded with a promising <r,>p ol jnung hair, and lh« ront iaalsorteetv lng Ita bensftt 1 have tried aihar prepa-f»tl^>ai.fchrmt»ny benefit wbauv»r. I think from my own p»r«nal raaorameiKlailon, I can indue* m a n / ethers to try It. YoR-stespecirnily, D. R. THOMAS, M. D.,

Kfi. **4 Vinaatreel.

risfl»jOi»s, la , Jons 2*. 1F*A r»«r. O. J . WO>">r> -As yirt are a^ollt to manufacture and

vent n o r rwenUy dl.covered HaJr Ra«t•ratlv^ I will sUi«, for whnasotVMr ttsniy eonaern, that t have u»ed it and kno»n o'Ji»»lo n»« It— that f bava for tevrral je*ral>o*n In ISe habll of r.<'«g o t h w h . t r r**tftrauvea. and that 1 And yonra vastly mr^lo ' ' to a o j otkar I knaw. It snliraly e.aanaot tb« head of da>.i>ao*,a«4 anih a s e moo;h'» proper ua« wilt restore aay party's hair V> tha orHlnal e.iior ar.d laivprs, slv.ng It a k*» »y. Soft a i d glcany appearaneo; »nd all ibts withoat dto-p, Vvtag Ihahanita that appiy R, or ihf> dr»«« »a which It drops, I weald, thsrelore reeotnsaand »• oa« lo avary ona aeairouaof WT og a fie« «c4or aad tsalura to Uir . RespeMfull epsjtruuy youri ,


O. t* WOOD A tX)„ l*roprittOT», *H Rroaiway. R. t.} ,U l § e | f * a « t , f . Wits i*t l lng K»»*bH»ha«*al) aad 114 Mart.I ttrrt, « . tonta. Mo.

j<aa Ajrf taM hv all rood P r o s t a t a

/ *• KKAX OF WILD FLOW ErlrJIlT~Hia \>E V , llghtral tumiarsticsj tor dr*»«tng and bearUfytag ihe half »»A N-^ptaaiiii ta a.^w preparwt o«ir br

, P. D. LtYH, Raaulastariait DrMglst , Car, Rain and Vork ala., flrooktya.

Tti sate wWoteaaUaad retail. » * " g ^ bM>l<>; ' » * l r

TOST RKTOETVEITZA, FBE5H SUPPLY OF • I itarri's Trts»ph*»ow l t toa )1 eanli par botUs; 10a. par aotm. Par »al» by _

jf J ly J D. Ltrtf , <wr. Main aad York — m l.'J»;"» i i " a i i P ' ' " >—*mmmgmmmmj

V^OTIOR OF onmNAN"CK TO DIR3WT DOTS >f .*« ta {Mrahygrrnt to all paHi^a lr.tareaie.1. of |h« at«n-

Hon of « * OouMOn O o u w * of this ctty lo raaa an orMlnanee la «r^» M * t £ b « Ameed on and adjoining ihe northea* eorner of HirV. artel Wt*t*o streaU.

WATER-THE MElTSi AND HYDRANT COMPANY of Bro-kljn. a-e nowoffericg to landlrrds

and plumbers, tbe only KOH-WJSTI.SU, KOS r a t K i t s o and sxur-cu.>isu Hydrant In auoceMfu operation, known as the

WASHINGTON HYDRANT. When once set there Is no digging up to repair. These Hy­

drants are now tn u«e In Klchmond, 1'hlladciphla, St. I^juis, Nsw Tork »nd Jersey City.

Mmtifactured and for sale at thiofQce of the METKR A ? D H I D R A K T Co«Pi.«r, Ros.66and 57 First street, Willlamtborgh, near Peck Slip Fs iry . d2s6m

ARK YOU A JUDGK OF GOUD BRANDY, WOISKKY OR W I N E * f-Tf so, o.l l a» No . 41 Fulton

street. New York, up atalra, and get s-\mplee before you pur-ehaso elsewhere. dM

/ ,tRACKER8-NU^, PICKS& NUTCRACKERS V ^ »t J . D. 0HA8K'K, 203 Fullon si.

fol ishlng Powder of Silver, and Diamond O m e n t , a first r l t e » » ' J « ' » dS

O W P R I C E D O L ' ) C K S ~ C [ A O C K S F R O M $ 1 t s f lO al J. D. Chatc's. French, Kngllah ar.d Yankee

I'iccka sent f#r, rci aired «nd returned In perfVctnrdsr. JOHN D i H < * R SOI Fullon s'.,

J1S Manafsctarer of Blivor VYAre Jew<siry, Ac.

s TKRESCOPES-SIKRESCOPKS AND 7IK W$ many and pfc'.ty views ran at »U llroesbe aesaa l J . D ,

(tbasa's We are conttoully leccivlng new onea, and Invite all lo examine even If th«y d o n o ftUhtopurebtse

JOHN D. O H A f F i i e i P u i n n t f . Wate'iei, Jawelrv, Silvrr Ware, Ao. W>.trnca and Clocki

repaired In the beat manner. jlS

QniRTSl "8HIR18~r!" l^lRTSTTf~ C J Thrse good ShIHs for H , — yoke shoulders, 1-tien boism*

audcuffa. F l n e S i l r s gnar»nt«f>I t,i fit Brgllsh Wool Travell'ng Nhirla two for J4 W Warm Miffl>rt. a taran ataorlment, &v. lo $1 ?5.

• tVarfs, Sl.k and Wosl, BOa l o t ! . Winter ' l o v f a . iAtnb lioed, fur, ralf lined. Ac. Itoyt Shirt", Suspendern, Wint.-r Hiulcrr, Ac,


\*3 Knwoit HiRsxr, 1m Rstween vandt and High itre«w».


TI1K BFJ^T MACHINK FOR FAMILY USR. Will »nw carpet or lace; Any one oan nnderaland its n e In

Iwrtnty tnlniUM. I is per'rc'.ly rlmple and n,>t lianl* lo g»l onl of order. For sala by

J t l m S. W.SMU11, 6 ^ 1 1 r o v i * a y .


W"J . , . ..DDING &T"YIftITlNG CARDS-CARDS i f af anparlor (jn»)lty, and of tha neaieal atyle ef angrav.

log. Alio Vnvelorea, C»»» l l i t M , Ac , at JOHrV 0 . CHASR*«,

i f» Fult/n street, na i t i o Oone»rd, Mannfactarrr r>f Pilvar Ware, .towe'r; Ait.

l i a r work of all kind* made to order, fma R*r ftrata, Jtraoe-leu, Kiafar RlDga. Charms. Indies a a t Uenia Chain*, naw pat'ar-Tta. J "

J. M H O P P R R , (lata o f )

t t l .L tt. R. BURBtt . t . A C o . . r » e « » s * « n » , We«l< isapsetrnlly Inform the publlo ibat bs baa spsned his

Warrcwra at 5 o IS COltftT MSKKT, corner of JoraUmon, oppnaltA ihe CUT Hall, where ean he had evarjihtng r*i»aalt« for th« bnrtal of ths LHad.

J, M. H O f P R R having had m^ah axparianoe for tha last l*n yoara as an Uad^naVar, wtTl giv* bis paraooal MMBIIOD ta raasrata la allaaaea,

R. B.--CVn b» found at ail koura of tha nUAt at Ro. 1* Ooart tlraal. •*

Ji JLLS OK ItXOHANGI t)N ENGLAND, Irataad, Pootlaad and W»lea, la Wrns K e*e poand ana

-inwards for sals at I t n , U f f Rvohange Om'« Confl M Riooltyu.


PLUMBING PMIICMNG THE snRrJWRiRR IS PRYC-I pared to t-»**tTO order* for 0>e Int rv>d«rUrt« of U>a Wat .an

W a e r Imo faetoriaa. stores aad privet* dwajlmg* A larga aacortmant of plumbarl' muerlata c.-natantly on han i and far-nliaad at ft* loweat prteas TKa ira/< sMppHsa. Jobslng p r o - p i t , a * e n d s d £ . o K A S ^ p ^ ^ ^ ^

(j?9 dm oppoatle D"**"- '*"**•-

[OB PRINTING OF EVERY DESORLPnOM k ai»anl*t vriflt oaatnaasaad r*mtkmati a t t F * t P . n <

_. . plication of tha Common Council ot the City of Brooklyn In relation to opening Madl-on. street from Classon avenue to Tompklna avenue, tu ihe City of Brooklyn. To all whom ii may concern : '. The Report of the Commissioners- of Estimate and Assess­ment in the shove entitled matter, has been completed, and filed _tn_ihfl Ofllce^oC UtaCler l t M-5tho.C^nntj- JiLKiagarVthef*-

TTIs openTor tna rnspectton oTatl persons interested. Application wilt be made on behalf of the sAid Common Ooun-

eililoihii llonniy OijniHrf l imes Ou.,uuMumlai;tliB ggTBay W Janua'y.lJ'f.S, at 10 o'clock inthe forenoon of that day, e r a s soon thereafter ns Counsel can u<>. heard to have said Report confirm. e d - D a i e d J a n 7 * . 1859. „^frtoA=^=^=^ -BAMfc=fe=JOgN80Nr AiUlrntrj."^

Z^UTY CLERK'S OFFICE, BROOKLYN, DEC. * \ J 31, 185S. , . ,

—AS^VSSMENTS-Not loe Is beraby given thatlhe Assessment Committee will meet at the Committee Room, City Hall, on Wndnflsiiny, thi.'lO-.h of Jaauary, IgflO lo honr objections, if any thexa he, a&alnai tha rnnflimaion of the followlag a n " " H I T I i n . . » f » m n i n . . n r n , m . - i i f i , a ; ; . ) . W H W W f I ' l W I menta, v i s : Q\& Laraos and P o r a In Frank1!" a-vennn,Jjttgfina FirrtOP^ venue and r'-cllic atreet; Flagging Thlrdavenue ~""* • I I IB l »mi •tiiliila in uin amjiiiij AI\A ji\l"i Fu vtil-, frtuu MtaaiHB 9 l l t W W » r f t a d 5 g l aide txonr 1*>'K , ! . , « > . Mir n^tiar- nf 11, m * h . f r m . ^ > 12'b Bireets.

d31td Ky order of the cbalrmao,

WJ1. Q. BI8HOP,~City Clerk."

XI t t r R P O K S - H O J S N U ' l ' I O W . — L o w e r i n g . i K « grada of Flahtmh avenna fw^wi Vtghiy, in Bl^ttri'-lt %A

\ rotlUon bm boqn pfosnetKii to the Eausmk eamBQ iffThs

1 next ensainz meeting, or as socn thereafter as convenient.— Dated Brooklyn, Jan-11th, U69.

J U 1 2 w CHAS. 1TNNRY, Street CommlSIbner.

TAXES OF 1867 AND ASSESSMENTS^ T . i rajera are hereby notified that all tares remaining

unpaid on ih"5 Tax Roils oi 1857, wUl be a«rarilsed for Sap* on tho fourte?nth day of Febmary next After which. In addition to tha default aud interest now due, the expense o f advertising will be added. . .

As.'oism'.nts for oponini? s'Jeit"., gradlngand paving, sewers, wells and pomps, gas l smos , H'gglag, fencing digging down ana grading lots, e o , will bs a d v n l t e d on t b d l s l d s p o f February. AUFRKD M. WOOD.

Collector of Taxes and At*e<tmen'f', j A l l t d R-.om No. 7 City Hall. ,

ASSESSORS' NOTICE.—In the matter of ap-per lonmg and H8.-csiiu? ih i expense of nigging side­

walks in Bapelyea slrett between Hamilton av»nue and Yam Brunt streot*.

The Board of Astesiors of H e f C i t y cf Brooklyn, pursuant tb the provjions of a > Act of ths Leg s'atore of the .State of New York, entitled "an Act to consolidate D e :lties of Brook­lyn .<-nd Wtlliamabnrgb. and tin town ofBushwIek, iQto one Municipal G-vernment. and 10 lnco-porate the same,' htreby glvrt noice , that the B?port of the A Sfssment In the above er.tilled matter ha» bsen nftde. atdihat said Report is now de-

Eo i tcdiut l ie rfflce o f i h ^ t a d Board, at the City Hail In the ity of Brooklyn, where the same can be ex&min d by all per- '

sons Interesltd, and iha'th» caid Board will meet In said on>oe on the 72i day of January inst,. at 4>i o'clock P. M., to hear Objections, (if any J from the parfes interested, and lo coat* pie e and sign our said report Parties having objections ta make will pleasj pressct Ihcin in writing. Da'ed Brooklyn, JanuAry 7tb, 1819. By order of the Board of Assessors.

j«812t Z. B . CQMBt, Presd?nt.

•VTOTICEOF ORDINANCE TO DIRECT LOT J w t o b ' d i - g d o w n

Notice Is hereby given lo all parties interested, of lhe>,Inten­tion of the Commoij '"ouacfl of this city to pass an ordinance U direct lot to be dug down on Amity atresl "ncr.h aide," between Hlckiand Henry atr«e(«. • Dated Brooklyn, January l.tih, 185R. i a l 5 lOd CHAS. U N N K Y , Strest Comn-issloper.

X^'LANTIC AVBNUK AND SCHUYLER" X X ttreeL ItJ »ll wliont It may concern :

Wo t'te Oimmi53K>ncn« of CHtlroato and asseesmtnt itt tho matter of extending Atlantic avenue And widening vC ' Schuyler street from Classon avonuo to the oily line, here­b y give notice that t h e y will rneel dally at the offloa of tb» Con>or.\tion Count el, City UAH, Urooklyu, at 10 o'ok>ok.A. kf., to boar tho v i ews of pwi io* intoresited in the above mattor, ami to ascortain from owners of adjoining p r t i p w ly whether lli^y are willing to take the land now o c ­cupied b y tho Railroad.

THKODORK F. KING, ) WM: II'"'WRIGHT, [• Commissioners. QKORtiK HAL

BrouVlyti, January 12, 1S50. Jal4 l o t

OFFICE OF Tll« CITY OLEIiK.No. 2 OlTY , Hall, Rrooklyn, JKII 14 1 8 «

..O'JCQ t» hcrrby givnn. thM t^i A«»a»raent CammlUeawUi m'« . olt Wednealay, Jarinar? 27, \V>9 at 7>^ o'cToek P. M., ai ihe ofilee of th« Co'leoto-, ui hAar ibo % .antes • anoon»trallag a«»in»loir,fl-min|{ theaveeament i for the following irbprov* aunts ;—Oradlng and paving Degraw atre-t from l l o y l to Hind itrcetjand w.^ll ami p life P OTner of Fourth av. and Fifteenth s reot. ity order of ihe Cnalrmait.

JilS td WM. G. BISHOP, Oily Clerk,

i lORrOiUTION NOTICE.-— ASSESSMENTS V > CONTiRKPJ). PAtilfle street (lagging hetwben Flat-' Jm"! and t:i»a«on avenuaa. 1 Kt>nt avenue and Olymer »treet well and parap.

Tar- (waewcnen'sln the a^ove entitled matter* were duly e e n . Uinip-I on tho l.1«h dav of D<»c , D w , and the original asseoS' ment n>lls or fair copies ihoreof, will bo-delivered lo the Col- j lector <f TatfN* and Aa»'«smenta r>n th» Jl'.h of Dreember, IMS. Hotlco It hereby glrrn fo Ml parM-a interM'ed, that by p a r t i * ihfir »everal a.Mewnnenu to Alfred M. Wood. Colfsotor ec Ta»«« «nd Aa«'«m»nls, »( hl« offle* lo the Hty Hall, withta Uslrti .!»>-« »fi<T ihe del very of a»ld AAaesamant reUs to WW, ibey rao pty thn same without any additional charge. AUas-i^«.rn»nu not ao paid, will bo ci l leeied b> him or o a a e f h t a Depaty collectors, with additional charges lharaon provtdad hr law. DalMt Brooklyn, D t s 17 h, lSfA. '

CHARLRfl T1RNKY. dtO lawtwM Street Comrnlaatrwer.

~k SBE^R*^ NOTIt E. - - In tho mfttt r of £V. apportioning andaweaalng the etpense of fanetng kuaon ih- noftnweat cr>nier of lliet-i nud Rapelyea ureeia.

lh-i R<^Ml of A.aeMora of toe City of Brooklyn, pursoant In he previa oris of an A el of the l^gUlature of the Stale of Raw York. enUtieii "an Act io CooaolMate the Clue*of Brcokiy*s*d WllilarnabnrKh, and Ihe i.iwn of Huahwtck, Into Ofin Munlolpa Qovernmeni, and Ui Incorporate the aama,'' hereby givs antl-ca. that th« Report oflha Aaion.ment In the above enuilcd matter has be»nmade, »nd that aald report la now dapoasMd In iha oTtVe of th.> aaM Hoard, at the Cltj Hall In the U l y of hrooaljn. »»hcreihn lame can be examined by all p*f»o«!A lotafeatad. aiag thai tho aaid Boird will meet tn said oulce on tn* ¥>& day or January Inat., al \yt o'nlook, P M . , to hear obJejUpsia. (if any,) from the partlea interewud, and to evs*pl«M and * » n o«r aaM report- Fartlea hATlnr objeeuona to make, will PJ^** praaant mam In wrlilng. l>at*d, Hrooklya, January i A, * « • •

Hy order of tha Board of Aaaeasors -J«S l i t V- B- COMBR. Praawaai.

C" CORPORATION NOTICE—R^r««i»g ,fi*t-J bn«h avenue trcm * h >o D<h a r s o u ^ n a u m M l a * * * Apeiltw.nha«b^npre«>rit*,l i » A * CV>mnvo« lr™tt****« J**

• Mv,. !,f Hrookiyn, lo r.grado » laibn.h aveoqe JftJ*g"t£ Rlevsnth iverna aftJl t V f mmon Conneljk.ve«>«< tfca M s . IfVtbayondwhieh t h , a^essmenl for « . I ^ r < 2 5 » * « ' * • « notai land, to wit: on«!B(i»drei-l ( et in lepta on M e * a o e of FDtbo.h avenue, f ioa. Wh I . ink aveanj^ . - ^ •«

Remw.traoeca, (If ant>ag*m« i«i' " M ^ ™ / " * ' £ ; • * ? h« orrwenlAd to the lV.mm.>n « ouoell OJ Or befors IM S n a V o f February, l »« , »',""•-» * ' n ftoally ae-apoa tba . i m * at their n e v i a n s W meeting or aa soon iharaanar as

»ir»ei Oomealsateaae. •ir in ui as I - ' '•' - * - * - ^ ^


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