s a tffis hickmafir courier - chronicling...

ft m Ifir V - i r l lEL l Tf I I -- S t T 5 I i Jv1 jj THE HICKMAN COURIER FUILISHED EVERY FRIDAY GEORGE WARREN 3FE1 olcjn xa SJy r f VrS OtflceJackson Strcot nxt door to Cify Hall GEORGElyVARREN Editor- - y Price of Subscription 6130 P At CURRENT TOPICS A KxoxviLus uegro doctor has Jnhcritod IXCOMHUSTIULE laCC France is a new from Ex Suxatou DoitsErsJvas ncvoxshavpu lnliilifoVTY- - f f T Qlebn iVjcroniAs court physrcian gctj tiZiflM a year rtTnCsbipHcolSSI cclory from Kiilama zoo rvcra0 fiftv tons dailv Oxn faclorr in Newark ri J turns IDOjOCOjcorkscjajvaJnaycarf jtt r TnTiaSsciannt Fort SBiUhbas pur plpclpfut uiurJcrcrjib death f IJv thclast of -- Octobsr 200 men wIllTA at work in the Brooklyn navy yard Qikkx Knoixi has bestowed upon Bcvcral Hostou oftlcials TTio vKIcF6f Knpi olpnL Tnnvcry largo yield of nutathU year pressages a cold winter So say the jiropbcts 1aoes jump of six feet four inches over of tbo streets thing otft 10 record is a re-- ESS tS tlieTreedOm A FiMsxnA nyllionairc offers toivc 100 C00 at res of plno lands in Georgift to evict ¬ ed Irish famjUcs Tjirke arc tow In uSo infrW nautical miles of cablo Kino cable j connect Eu ¬ rope and America Cnivnsr troops stationed on tbo Russian fromicr have mutinied and murdered a number of tbcr oClccrs The day is rapidly artpsitaciiing jvbon the Lasc ball bulletins board vUl bp nipped by the early frosts England compltins that Ambrlciiis have one fishing policy for the Atlautic and another for he Pacific Tim Dominion Government will soon sen J a carload of lobsters to thpPacilic Coast for propagating purposes Nrw Yoiu has eight 8atc tickets in the field The last to wheel into lino calls itbolf the 1erional Liberty party Diu HenkvD Cocosweli of San Fran- cisco ¬ has endowed unihdustrial school in lhiicily to the extent of lWJft 1obTON Coitrrrrthc man who shot John Wilkes Booth liasbccn placed in U13 Kan- sas ¬ atatc Insane Asylum as Incurable A Xw Yomc bank teller Is missing and yet his accounts arc all straight How surprised the directors must hayq been Tuu epidemic or scarlet fever in Lon ¬ don coutinucs to spread There are now nineteen hundred cases in the hospitals Jln lli oiiEs mothernrThomas Hughes TomJirown of Uugby died at her residence at Rugby Tciin a few days ago Tnc London TrfcjrujJi thinks i hat out ol SVJ members of the House of lordi only about one hundred amount to any thing iTisueportcd thata being with a face thati half man and half dog lives near Oil Citj- - la He or it goes uion all fours A house that recently Jell on and killed an Indian near Garlield Idaho was made the subject or a barbecue by the surviving relatives Mns Wiwrn F Stoket has refused 37JU4 for her interest in the Chicago Timrx She aspires to obtain coiapletc control of it SiiEnimx receives as Lieutenant Gen- eral ¬ or lliii Army a salary of f llOJU a yoar with allowances which bring this amount up to 130X The organiu the new auditorium build ¬ ing in Chicago will ba the largest in the United States It will contain 0000 pipc3 and cost SUWO The play geors of Xcw York aro to have a big Chinese theater which will cost S5 CX 1qw York and vcinity has nbout 10iOo Celestials LENvri has arranged for Gilmores band riwi tfnrt t a tf a LUluuiatlUH I1UA the thirtieth of orados settlement 3Iount WuiAtos in Inyo Cal is the grandcsfjicik in tho UniU d States It blands I5o feet high Two of tho three summits arc inaccessible Minnie Jtnouns of Chenango N Y shot herself rather than dig potatoes enougn ior uinner as sjio Had been or dcrcd by lnyprojiaie father I It in estimated that the discoveries in- ventions ¬ and compounds patented each year in uic unueu states ana never amounting to any thing cost G0O0i A 1niLAUELrniv woman Mrs Lottio FarkcrjMMiothcr victim to the tight lac- ing ¬ haKiaSpiphysIcians testify that her death TroeHilnrt disease was due to that cause In Memphis so many people have taken out their telephones that tho few remain- ing ¬ subscribers have ordered out their in- struments ¬ on the ground that they have no one to talk to Xoiitii Carolina is sparsely settlcdand it is a strange fact that although it is thrco times as large as Massachusetts its larjc3t cit Wilmington boasts of only l0fO inhabitants Tuiur Honet of Stafford Va owns a mulcrwhich is said to have attained the age or Ulty ono ycirs- - Tlie animal onco brown is now a beautiful gray aud is only a trifle sway backed A niTFALos head in bronzo metuL weighing iJXX pounds will decorato tho castoin entrance of the Union- - Faciflo railroad bridgd over the Miseouri river i ounceling Council luffs with Omaha The corn palace in Sioux City Iowa is constructed entirely of cars of and Is lt nniforftil nffnir All tlin ilnntinn - insideare niadcoiAori audattUn laach counter corned beef is the piece do resist- ance ¬ Motrins is in themidst of a telephone warovcr otio thousand persons having or- dered ¬ tho instruments removed from their houses The present charges are 100 per annum which the company proposes to raise to 72 The grave of Charlotte Temple in Now York is visited by more tourists than any other jsepulchcr with tbo single exception of General Graut It is in Trinity church- yard ¬ tho entrance on the north side and is covered with a large brown stone bearing the unfortunate girls name Theke arc Jour great accumulated masses or gold f in the world 382000000 in the United States Treasury SSOJOOOO in the National Bank or France 4107003000 in tho National Bank of Germany and 10iy0Jdin the Bank of England The Chicago Anr printed welcomes to Cleveland in Algonquin German French Hebrew Norwegian Swedish Bohemian Gaelic Welsh Spanish Russian Turkish Arabic Flemish Italian Japanese and Servian each properly translated for his benctit Chicago ir to haTC a new water tunnel four miles long and eight feet diameter AValifokxia millionaire who tflol not long ago IOW000 to thetwo daughters of a lawyerat Nashville Tcnnj as a testimonial of gratitude to the law yerwho loaned him 10 when he first went to California and was greatly in need of funds A woman living near Moweaqua 111 aiscovcrcd aurious looking white wornv nearly two feet long between the leaves ot a cabbage A local physician in whose pecscsslon it now is says it is something aUfelyccw to him in anjmal life His theory that it camclu the recent rains A AHMHiyN Y syndicate Jo encour- - ag tfce of English sparrowi iftra oae dollar a hundred for the lire i r irtrrO Qs Tit S v mwmu 1 fr A T 1S69 T r ItO tP 1 JV f - - - How nn Infected Vcssol isMadb Yt Clean Jf The Whytbe Jtallaii stpnnu r AIcaIi AVa ITew- - Yonit Oct 13 Thoroughly disin ¬ fected and placed in qnaraiitliis a longeutf nee but it eausa good dear after U1- - To Ik obliged to lie idlbtvo waks waiting to seo if a horrible diaeais is fong to bicak1 out on carrj men off by the dozn or bcoro is not an agreeable experience Yet it is partJof tue- - programme awaiting tho luckless vessel which nrrves at pprt cnrrylng gerrs of InfecCl us diVasos But that is not nil There is a good denl more Disinfection1 is a more tcrioiw than is generally supposed Hero f s a samp o case and ino Armcu mnKintnrnr mnsr wiin hjirn nrtnr ajtM rriTi iHHrtHiu LWK 0STThe steamer Alesin recent ly arriving in New York with cholera on board was haudlt d Tho passengers were first removed tho sick to tho hopitalfor epidemic diseases tho others to a quaran- tine ¬ station whero they wero watched care- fully ¬ by competent physicians Tben tho work of getting lid of tho germs of Jha disoao began The entire steamrr was twice washed with scald ing water ami then washed ntain with a fcolution corrosivo sublimate Think of washing every accessible part of a big ocean kteamcr twice with boiling water then with a tolution of corroshe subli- mate ¬ Butlhat was only a beginning As soon as this was done tho hatches wcr--close- and tho decks covered with tarpau lin and ICO pounds of sulphur burned iu tho bold the hatches being hep- closed twelve hours TLen every accessible part of tho vessel was again washed with brooms aud sponges with tho solution of corrosive sublimate Then tho hatches wero again closed aud 150 pounds of sulphur burned Every textile fabric mats carpets clothing of tho crow led8 and bedding wero subjected to a long boiling process Clothing of tbo passengers was cooked with hot strain inside jx closo tank Tho baggage every piece of it subjected to hot steam and sul- phurous ¬ acid gas many hours Tho veel was kept fourteen days in tho lower bay a way from all otherxessels and finally as a parting precaution all exposed por- tions ¬ except tho snloons wero repainted and the baggngo of the passengers again disinfected by tho means above indicated Scheming or a Milk Moncjcly Chicago Oct 13 farm- ers ¬ of Illinois Indiana and VVisconlin aro in session hrc to day to decid j upeS tho advisability of establishing a greit trust company to regulate the sale and price of mUk They contend that if the coal deal- ers ¬ can combine those Interested in tho production of so staple aud an article of food as milk might rapidly come to an to enhance tho price of ihc lacteal fluid for the coining winter at all events as an experiment al4 though they might meet with serious con petition by the milk condensers i Ycllovr Fever al Palalka Jacksonville Fla Oct 13 The that a death from icllow fever occurred at 1alntka lcamc known hero to day Tbo President of the County Health Ioaul im med atcly declared quarantino against Falatka and sent out a special tram with extra officers tobtop the train from Falatka at the Lorlcr of tho county Tho trxln was met at Orange 1nrk ami all pas scngorfc from Palatka scntbacti A special from Tampa gays thore have been six new v vmu uuunyi ttiu June of anniversary Col- - caes l daJ atl l deaths J5 corn a near in biiqucathcd i extirpation 5 of fact Million Dollar Wdiing Present New Yoik Oct 13 Mi s Frances Isabel MorriB only daughter of John A Morris the proprietor of the Louisana Ljtiory was marticd atnoou to dtiy to Mr Tliur loV Weed Barne a grandson of the late Hon Thurlow Wee 1 The cmplpycs in the brides fathers ofllco in Now Orleans sent a chest containing a solid silver dinuor senrice From her father she received a check for 100000 and a handsomely fur ¬ nished icsidcnco at Bar Harbor Notorious Mctinshincrs Captured Little Rock Aujc Oct 13 This morn- ing ¬ LTnitcd States Marshal Faulkiiibtirg convoj cd to Memphis Rerry Hill and bis two sons Green and William the notor- ious ¬ moonshiners The Government has spent thousands of dollars trying to capture them They were taken in Poin- sett ¬ County Ark They operated in Hardin County Tern for yeariZ They arc charged with murder China Crawfishes London- - Oct 13 Tho 77m t publishes a dispatch from Tientsin stiting that the Chinese Government has definitely with- drawn ¬ from its agreement with tho Amer- ican ¬ syndicate authorizing the establish ¬ ment of a Chinese American bank and other enterprises and revohel the conces ¬ sions granted under it Official Vole in Tennessee Nashville Tknn Oct 13 Tho last two counties sent in their ofllcial returns to day of the election on tho prohibition amen -- xnent September 20 Tho official majority against the nmendment is 2TC03 L America Gets Indemnity JlArnin Oct 13 Tho Spanish Go em inent being convinced that tho revolt of tho natives of Fonapc was tho result of religious persecution has ordered that only thoso convicted of murdering Span- iards ¬ punished nnd that the indemnity demanded by America bo paid Noted Criminal Escapes St Pacl Oct 13 Frank l Landers alias Wilber James a noted ctnfldenco man sentenced M33 19 lbS to twenty four years in tho Stillwater Minn Peniten ¬ tiary escaped Wednesday evening Telescoped Kansas Citt Oct 13 An accommoda ¬ tion trnin on the Missouri Pacific was tele- scoped ¬ from the rear by the Wichita ex- press ¬ near Rock Creek Station Mo Ono woman was killed and threo men injured The trains were carrying excursionists to ivansas City to seo Grovcr Cleveland Vessel and Crew Lest Gloucestee MASHOct 13 The schooner Thomas L Fair which sailed from this port August 10 with a crew of fourteen men bound on a fishing voyago h given up as lost with all on board A Bad Girl Manciiestek Mien Oct 13 Minnie De morse aged seventeen adopted daughter of James Henderson of this place smcthered the baby because she did not want to nurse it poisoned tho cows to get rid of milking them and set fire to tho houso five times before she was sarpected and forced to confess her c inies Ccrro the Gas FJeld Fixdlat O Oct 13 Ths city has pur- chased ¬ tbo plant oLtho Findlay Gas light and Coke Company for 75000 and thui cimuvis me enure ueid includinc ti 4fiL 3 - J fSj i u - - Mm- - - -- - - -- - fcSfflffl- - t - 4 - 5v- - - Y j T in BOLD ACT- - i 1 X n Train from IJcuir VI Holll on the Missouri rnctllc HBSTov Tex Oct H To night as passenger trnin 453 ITngtueer Converse was pulling out of Spring Station twenty eight miles from Houston on th Missouri Pacific railway two uu n jumped aboaid oue getting on -- tho CmLot thu bagcago car and the other 011 tho engine As soon as tho man- - got a footing on the engine ho covered tho engineer wjth a sir shooter and ordered him fb obey death Tlie indi- - vidual who boarded tho baggage car then made engine with cocked pistol Jliofii email Geor j Jyne jumped from the enguc and caught on tho rear cud ot the train ns it wa pass- ing ¬ Tho armed men feaniij that thd lireman had boarded tho train in tlfo rear and notified tho passengers and the trains crow ordeiol tho uncinccr to check up As oou as the train slacked her peed they sprang from tho oii jjr7 JUV IT YJf-v-w- fore Ihoy left of them said Its no go The robbers leaped from tho train nbout a milo and a halt north of Spring station It is believed that tho niain body of the train robber ns fin ther out on tho road awaiting the coming pf the train Tho bold net ot ttio liretnan saved the tniiii fioni robberr EGGS Tatal llrsult or UrocerVi llriltLuit Itat Killing Sclirine PHiiDEinin Oct II Mrs Margaret Itulz ngfl iifty cight years vns found dend in her led this inorning at her home 2 JU7 North Front strcot and the police Were notified that her d atu was dnq to poison An investigation sh wed that on Tuesday lait Mrs Rut August HoiTman fort--ig- ht year of age Cora HefTiiian aijed eight years Benj HoiTman six j ears old and Hairy liirifinan aged four years wero taken ill after eating some eggs purchased from the store of James McCurJy No 21 Fiont street Several physicians wero called in and an noiiacud that the pat cuts were suffering from arsenical poisoning All of tho fam- ily ¬ with ths exception or M s Rutz im ¬ proved gradually but -- she was greatly prostrated and continued toink until this morning when she was found dead in bed by one ot tho family McCunly who wSs arrested stated that in onlar to rid him scir of rats h j hid takou several egs filled them with aicnic and pkicod them in ttfo barrels with the other Mrs Ruts hem in the habit or purchasing cracked oK was given some oT them by the boy in mistake Tor good ones with the nbovu result Three Men Killed by an Explosion PiiiKcnuiitn W Va 0t 11 A mon- ster ¬ saw uill engine boiler exploded at Ccntervillo lnsb uigbt tearing ev tj thing loose in the neighborhood killing lhrJp men and w rocking the engine and null completely A man named Erwine wns torn to pieces having been caught between tho end of the boiler nnd 11 Iarga log A man named Kent Evaus was aho killed Sumo time of cr these two inuii wre found a man named Tompkins was taken out from IrtsUind a jiilo ofluiuber and soon died of his w ouuds - x OT - Now Its a Lead Trust LotlS Oot 14 Tho Go Jnnr ri this morning publishes an account of tho prolmblo organization of tho lend smelt in firms of the West with a view to form- ing ¬ a compact to sustain the American lead marKcts Die niocment has been very quietly pushed to a siiccsful issue and tho details are now being perfected It is said that the Eckstein Whito Iend Com ¬ pany of Cincinnati and four other largo companies will not go into tlie trust Cholera Scare 0r New Yokk Oct 14 Tho health author- ities ¬ issued a notice yesterday that there was no danger whatever to tho city from cholera from tho patients brought here on fio steamer Alosia Theio have lcon no new cases developed on Hoffman Inland since tho night of October 7 nrd tho AleMat passengers there aro in an excep iionally favorablo sanitary conlition v Lady Suffocated in a Burning Store FmLADELrniA Oct 14 Fi e broke out this morning in Murray fc Wilsons chil drens dress goods establishment but was extinguished bcToro it had made much pro gross Mrs George Goodman who was in the fourth story of the building when the fire broko out attempted to escape but was suffocated after reaching the first floor Kilpalricks Burial New YorK Oct 14 The remains of Gen- eral ¬ Kilpatrick wero to day placed in a catafalque In a room in City HalL Tlie room was decorated with a largo American flag and guards of honor Pot G A It were placed in charge The Secre- tary ¬ of War has authorized the burial of tho remains at West Point Two Men Burned to Death Toledo O Oct 14 Tho largo plaining mill and saw mill at Cignct burned this morning Four men were sceping in tho third story of the mill JTwo leaped to the ground nnd escaped with severe bruises but the other two wero binned nnd their charred bodies wero recovered from tho ruins this forenoon Virginia Officials tRecascd Richmond Va Oct 11 Attorney Gen eral Ayres and Commonwealth Attorneys McCabo and Scott were released from jail to night by U S Marshal Thomas W Scott They aro at the Exch ngallotcl on their patole and in tho cus- tody ¬ of the marshal - m Sisters ot Charity as Teachers PiTTsnnncii Pa Oct 11 Eleven Sisters of Charity have applied for certificates to teach in the public schools of this ci 13- - If successful they will be given positions in the school where Rev Father McLigheis PrincipaL A Great Mill Destroyed PnoviDENCE It I Oct 11 The Baltic Mill in Baltic Conn owned by H L Aid rich Co of Providence was burned last night The fire broke out nt threo oclock this morning The loss is estimated at f 1 250000 insurance tii000 The mill was built in 1S57 by Amasa and William Spraguo Negro Executed Cukksville Ga Oct 1 1 Charles Ed ¬ ward colored was hanged here for tho murder of William Echols last May Verdict in the Railway Disaster Logansiout Ind Oct 14 Tho Coro ncrs verdict in tho Kouts railway disaster is of negligence and carelessness against the railroad management Tlie Porter County grand jnry has been called to¬ gether for next Monday charged with a thorough investigation of tho case Cotton Crop Estimate New Yokk Oct 14 Latham Alexander Cos Cotton Movemint nnd Fluctua tions for tho past year which has just tho United States for tho year 1SS7 S3 will amount to 0550000 as against CJ50500 bales for 1SSC S7 B ifA WITJI One of tho Villains Shot to Doath i and Anothor Lynchod I1oof tho AsuilUnp rirtj- - Wounded fctill After Otliur Chuileston W Va Oct 10 Fully three hundred citizens started out yester- day ¬ morning after tho robbers who mur- dered ¬ Mr Ryan near Walton Roane Cpunty last Thursday night after tho house was robbed and the old man shot Tiib robbers thirteen in number ccni iwllcd tho family to send him upstairs and to got breakfast for them Tho officers and citizens ran into tho robbers Inst night at George DufTs residence eight miles from Sisonville this county and wore warned to keep oir by tho robbers who had taken rcfuco in tho house fitted un nort holas prolcc I tion The murderers were flrod upon and George Duff jr was killed and Jake Coon captured nnd lynched Five of the oWcers and citizens iu tho battle wero wounded among whom arc Peter and William Skicn brothers The informa- tion ¬ received is vry meager There nre about twenty robbers in tho gang who have lieen carrying on at a high rato It M Duff Gtforgj Drake and Frank Shambling nre prisoners and await tho pleasure oflhe Vigilance Committee for their disposal Coon is tho man who kill- ed ¬ Rev Thomas P Ryan rfnd shot live of tho Vigilance Committee It is believed that a full confession will be made and tho whole 1nng lynched The vlgilants aro still after others A large number ot rob- beries ¬ have been commlttel by this gang during the past few months Frightful Death of a Child Toledo O Oct 10 The three-year-ol- d daughter of H W Compton ¬ of tho Toledo public schools mot with n horrible death hist evening Tho little ono was playing 111 the parlor of the family res- idence ¬ Her mother loft tho room and in a few momcats she heard a scream from tho child Returning to the room sho discov ¬ ered that the littlo girl had fallen into tho open natural gas lire w hich was burning in a grate The child was rescued but was found to bo horribly burned her face and tho upper portion of her body beini liter ally roasted by tho intense hcit Sho died in a few tnomoutx Dig Robbery ot Goods HtfKsMLLE O Oct It Uurglars en- tered ¬ tho clothing store of Strauss tk Hccht about throe oclock this inorning by re- moving ¬ a glass from a rear door nnd car- ried ¬ off over one thousand dollars worth oTgiKKlS by moans of vAigon nnd horses A posse ofcit zens sarted in pursuit ns soon as the burglary was discovered but up to this hour midnight no clow has been found to tho perpetrators of tho rob- bery ¬ English Language in Ihc Mines SiiAMiiMX P Oct 10 The Union Coal Company hns issued orders to their frr -- men to remove all persons working in their mines who are unable to speak and tho English language of mbn nqtfnmlor stnnding English orders are frequently misunderstood causing serious accidents and endangering tho lives of all Hungar- ians ¬ and PoLindcrs will sulTr most An Angry Chinamai New Youk Oct 10 Wong Chn Ioo of New Yorrf an enlightened Chinaman nnd tho wi iter or a lute essay iu the VbrA A mrricirji Jrrifieon Why I am a Heathen is in Kingston Out towe ing with rag Ho is an Assistant Inspector of tho Now York port nnd yot on his entry to Canada he was duly appraised tagged and taxed by Customs ofll ials and condemned to pay 50 duty Boodle Contractor Refunds 13500 Ciucxoo Oct 15 -- A t cltloniMit with E A Robinson on tho basis of State Attor ¬ ney Gnnnclls recommendation was rati fled by the Financi Committee to day Robinson is to relinquish all claims on 2Q0 held back by thu Finance Committee and tin ns in warrants to the amount of 7371 making in all 13500 which ho ac ¬ knowledges is the amount out of which the county is swindled Defaulting Indian Agent Washington Oct 10 Indian Agent Jesse Lea Hall appointed July 2S l5 has been found to be a defaulter for over 20- - 000 aud the Secrctnry of the Interior has instructed the Attorney General to insti- tute ¬ criminal proceedings against him A Brides Good Luck Faiumocxt III Oct 10 Miss Florence J Hep of this place wns married to Levi Wilcox a young farmer last Thursday evening Since tho wedding tho bride has fallen heir to 550000 which was left her by a rich aunt of Coshocton O Imoorls and Exports New Yomc Oct 15 The imports of gold this week amounted to 383345 The ex- ports ¬ of specie were 8107021 chiefly sil- ver ¬ Tho Import of merchandise for tho week amouuted to 7S12S01 iucludiug li i5205 dry goods Diphtheria Epidsmie RAuro N Y October 15 Diphtheria is raging as an alarming opidcmlc m thls place nnd vicinity nnd all the schools hero and at Stnatsburg havo been closed Many children have died of the disease and others are dying The whole community is agitated greatly over tho epidemic m Burglars Kill a Preacher Wheeling W Va Oct 10 Burglars entered the house of Iter Thomas P Ryan near Walton W Va and shot him dead Large rewards are offered for tho murderers and If caught they will doubt- less ¬ bo lynched Caught From a Grab Chattaxoooa Tenx Oct 16 A littlo two-year-ol- d child of Charles Gossett was fatally burned this evening It was play ¬ ing with the fire in a grate when its clothes were ignited nnd it was horribly burned from the shoulders to tho feet It can not recover t Sailors Drowned Machias Me Oct 10 During tho voy ago of tha schooner A McMichacl from Boston Captain Libboy and two sailors Melvin Holmes and Elbrldgo Foster were lost overboard A Bad Wife Tifkix O Oct la Taylor Perdue liv- ing ¬ near hero sold his property and went West to look for a location havng depos- ited ¬ tho money in his wifes name so sho could draw and follow him when he had found an investment After his departure she drew the money and it is believed with anothor man The Lick Telescope Finished Cleveland O Oct 10 Tho great tele scope for tho Lick Observatory cauior- - bcen published estimates that tho crop- - of fnia which was being in this citv has been completed and Will M shipped in a few days v r - e - - jiiMMiSiHHHRHI - - r- - - - j -- i TffiS HiCKMAfir COURIER Newspaper feegern KeWcky ESTABLISHED JILCKMAN FIiON COUNTY KENTtY ERIDAY OCTOBER 2Iil8ffl VOL XXIU KILLING CONTAGION bipboardbtnil undertaking Representative indispensable understanding tfrj Oldest S OXaJlrfinanSas ordeisundeiypenaltyof hisnppcarancoontho thdciigineone ARSENICAL fromKdpatrick constructively FIGHT ItOBDETtS andttnillehcrnirraligemontsfor superintend- ent jimlorsjand TrhrtTugriThcMhiibillty disappeared manufactured ii K3rrriTTT mcomnn to- - -- - ivjagiaiw rUeMKIOe latiiiaScore More or row InJurrtlEaU of a UmiulnB U Course ol rctln4f 4 Oct 17 A building intend ed for apchlal school house fell to day wheijhalfmipleted and five mens lives were crushed out in the wreck A score of otoer mtin were more or less injured TlioAcho61house was to havo boon at tachql toM Mission church of Our Lady of JfouHCannel fin One Hundred nnd fFUtectith jjtreot whoso pastor tho JfVFatherKlrncr was - This TriJamifSB with zeal but was incom patibte wISafety in building operations Tho 5powbiHty for the disaster it can scargjy hgvallcd an accident i3 directly pine lJtho tev Fathers shoulders by ujtjthat ho was warned of tho dnnuJcaturcs of his melhod of buildu5rv fRrerslsted in thenu- - That ho kfVrrljitegtprcdnUoriof tho risk- - J10 JiliSesT wwltHiii ho vJa itantly m nna auout the -- bajldlmTjfkile tho work was going onTSind yns one of those seriously in jured IjrYs fall He was up at the top of the stucturo whoa it fell and was dug out ofthe ruins very nenr to thp body or a man kllcd in the wreck A radical dereit in comtiuction was iu the length or tbo span f floor beams which reached tho whole- thirty feet across tho building withoit centrnl support Tho wnll origirully sixteen inches thick wns in plncesf cut down to only eight by rc ccssov for building In book cases Too many window openings still further wcakmed tho walls Twenty seven men in all aHtelioved to have been the entire forco at work in the building With a slight prcmcaitory rumble and shake thestiuc turc vent down with them An instant later u clotl of dust aud a shapeless mnssof brick ind broken timbors lay heaped up in place ci tho towering walls and half-complet- building Fire at Chautauqua Tame town Oct IT Firo totally con ¬ sumed the six story Kent Houso aud dam ¬ aged sir or oight cottages Tho burned hotel was tho finest on the lake Tho loss will rach f 125000 on which thie is nn insurnrio of SJ00iXilividd among twonty six cojipanics Tlio llnmes originated by a lamp ctplosion in tho laundry of the hotel nt 530 oclock this morning The flames i piCiidgo rapidly that tho employes of tho buildup escaped with dilllculty About a dozen cottages on Lake View avenue wero damagtd Thievish Gang Broken Up WiLKLsnvuiiE P Oct 17 A big gang Of thicrcs who havo been robbing froight cars onthc Pennsylvania railroad for years wore captured this morning in a cav on the North Mountain The thieves would make tieir raids at night and carried tho stolen joods to their cave which is a ijuarterof a mile long Lanterns Imd to bo used to penetrate tho hiding place of tho thiives who wero caught whilo asleep The thieves would sell their stolen property to peddlers Goods to tho value of thousands ot dollars were recov- ered ¬ New Temperance Move at Chicago Cm- - Uo Oct 17 P titions were present-- signuturo and presentation to thoebm mon council to night asking for tho clos- ing ¬ of snloons within ono block of every church and school building in tlie city Catholic and Episcopalian ministers alike 1ki o joined In this effort and it is believed that faiorablo action will Ijctnkcu by tho mayor and common council Wanderings of an Old Man Bkookltn N V Oct 17 Elmer J Miles tho missing rcnl estate dealer who is seventy years of age has returned to his home During a temporary alcrration of mind he wandered off and as tiea as can lie learncdiias been going through tho different cemeteries reading tho inscrip- tions ¬ on the tombstones in order to find his sons grave His sou is in nn insauo asylum i Settlers Removed Washington Oct 17 By direction of tho Washington uuthorili3 General Grierson has removed about fifty squat- ters ¬ with twenty thousand head of cattlo and ten thousand sheep from tho aban- doned ¬ Jicarilla Apache reservation iu Northwest Mexico on the Colorado bor ¬ der Many of these alleged Settlers were simply employes of cattle com- panies ¬ - Powdcrly Triumphs MiNXEtroLH Minn Oct 17 Powdcrly has triumphed in the National Assembly K or I at Minneapolis General confi- dence ¬ lias been voted in the Master Work- man ¬ and the resignations or Bailey and Barry have been demanded II they aro not rorthcoming nioro trouble is antici- pated ¬ Strange Case LtxcASTEn Pa Oct 17 John Rnnnols aged ixty four died at Mechanicksburg this coutity on Saturday Fifty one days previous to his djatb ho was atackedby dysentery and since the boginning of his illness not a particlo of food reached his stomach Dr Carpenter Weidler is mak- ing ¬ an autopsy js Brothers Drowned Foxneu Oct 17 A skiff contain-jpg- - six men was capsized In tho Alle ¬ gheny river to day and two brothers J ami II Neville were drowned The others managed to keep up until rescued Tho men were engaged in repairing the Fox burg bridge I But Just Married and Killed lIlAimtstit no Pa Oct 17 William aged twenty three years of this town was instantly killed at three oclock this afternoon by being run over by a shifting engine in the yards of thoPennsylvania Itailroad Company Deceased was mar- ried ¬ only two months ago Ministers Little Boy to widow who has buried four husbands Pa sent me up to ask you if it was Wednes ¬ day or Thursday that Mr Smith wanted him to perform the weddin ceremony Hes forgot and didnt like to say soto Mr Smith Widow Wednesday little boy Little Boy what pa thought but ho wasnt sure cause Thursday he said has always been your day for marry iaV iV r Sun Wife I hear that ltev Mr G of New York who has been spending a few days here will be asked to preach Mrs Bs funeral sermon to- morrow ¬ Husband O I forgot to tell you The report of Mrs Bs death was premature She is still alive Wife Is it possible And I was so anxious to hear Rev Mr GS A cow created a panic tho other day by onterin g a Washington saloon It was a mulcy cow probably and went in for a couple of horns m A dog owiiol near Boston chews gum THE PRESIDENTIAL JOURNEY Arrival of lho Dlstlngnliuied Party at SU Jaul Curitlnlly Welcomed i St Pa cL Minn Oct 11 tho Prcslden- - tiaf- - party arrived hero shortly after ij - - r- - r i r o ciociw lass evening on me inp iroui juwv Isou a twenty minntastop wns made asli En Lccas a colorcdnreoivict sent td Crosse Wis au4aW4Mfaafecityin car- - the State pjsonfrom IAn tinielBrlct r4An wirt nt rlS n imlllPtfe nages also iocennied the mado at Portage Now Lis- - April until o few fayfm incapable of bon Sparta and Lake At 1 motion and only0ncaltcjipting to Speak Thing at St Paul the travoie s wcro - worj He has cutirjljecovcred but eiiUiupIa6tIcalJy greetedifc Hie depot A f thotinvo of straugJniMUs aperfoct procession was luriuciL niiu iivy wcia - tlmj to him- - - cortcu iq ins iiotci lyan itenucg until vi d cheering crowds to Brulgo Square where j ol ncr on Hortl JO the President rcvrweil a monyt--- r torch liarht parade freituontlv cxpiessinr his do- - light at tho gorgeous spoeiaclc After the nrocess on had lKiased tbo iirry returned to the hotel where a publlurcctm- - j member of Cougres tioif wasjwld until a late liour Mra Ctevei j Cassiti j tljlsclty and dcig hervlfcit here lraiptecu calfcdVn nriiiwnyoidacointidifwRHoni leaving ht rani tno ionnstsgotoMinncapo Ias Omaha Kansas Cty 5IcniphL Tcnn Atlanta Ga Montgomery Ala CJiatti nooga Tenn Nashville Tcnn KnoxvJllc Tenn and thence to Washington hoping to icacli there by the -- 2d Inst MOBBING A CARDINAL A Iliniiict nt a Toronto llotol in Honor ur Ciriluial TiscluT au IiitL rriiptiol liy a Cruvil ol Oriiiicnii ii smenil TIhmi haml Ivi huiis KoiriL oil in Tlirmilnir Stonrs j TonoxTo Ont Oct lJ Cardinal Taechc- - rcau the mv Carillnnl who ever vMteI i was a grand banipiet double their natural and an in- - Jlomlay night by Lath-j appearance Two three men at tho Uossiu and it tecum f routined to thiiia tho iIimmso iiinL urangemen nan uetennincu not to let the ocoasion pass without making their disapprobaton of the Popoh ac tion in having made Bishop Taschnreau a Prince of the Roman Catholic Church An I Orange band from a suburb of the city ac- - J cjuipaulcd by a large crowd of bloodthirsty roughs wont to tho hotel where the banquet was being held By playing party tunes and hurling filthy and insult ¬ ing cpithctn thry managed to provoko a tight Tho light f oon grew into a not and as wev ral thousand wero engaged In it at one time serious rosnlU w ere anticipated Stones wero thrown by the rioters who must have brought tio mlsurct with them and a number wen in ¬ jured but their friends managed to get them away before the police made arrestn The police after an exciting light wth tho mob managed to dispone the roughs A number of arrests were made by the pollre In every instance but one the prisoner rescued by friends after being arrested THE POSTAL SERVICE Inrreiisc In the ISiistne- or Tlilrty Iargo Tost O Mce During the 1ast Year WisiiiNciTOV Oct ll A stitemeiit of the post il I uhiv done at thirty of the larger cities for tlie quarter ending Septem ¬ ber 10 has been prepared in the otliee of tho Third Ablstant Potmastr GeneraL The statement shows the Increase tin corresponding period of the previous year i at the thirty oitics to hive been Jig per cut lac quarter peptemiier is the dullest perlo I of the year in potal biiliieR The business at Cincinnati equal to last vear A decrease was own at Baltimore ot 00 and at Bochester of ll per cipt The lucreasoby vhifc s Is TSFimmmm hieoROlTOMlhllallclphia C9 Boston Ci St Iiuis CJj Sun l rancisco f5 Brooklyn 3 H- - 1itnburgh llC Clcvolanil CI Datrot 3 New Orleans 73 Washington iJ- - lluflnlo ia0 Loulsrlle 12 Milwaukee 7 S rrnvkl nce 3S Kansas C 30s intlian-nili- - s Albany X4 Sl Iaul 17 3 Hartford 2 Newark 102 Troy 45 Minneapolis U7 byracuse US Tolclo 21 UichmonJ 111 LAMARS LUCK The Seon tary ofthe Interior to Sit Upon tho ltiich Vilas Mentioned us His hiic ecssor Ne v Youk Oct 15 According to tho mofct excellent speculation over the to the seat on tho bench of the United Statis Supreme Court mado vacant by tho death of Justice Wood of Lou maun may as well end for L Q C Iimar Secretary of the Interior has been selected for the place Tlie matter Is to have gone so far that the appointment has been tendered to Mr Lamar who has consented to accept it Ho is already ar- ranging ¬ hfs affairs w ith a view to tho prom ¬ ised change in his olflcial position The ap ¬ is likely to be formally an ¬ nounced by a nomination quite early in tho frocfion of the Seuata Valivkuso Ind 15 Judge EC Field who is now- - presiding at tlie fall term of the circuit court here has it sued a sum ¬ mons to the grand jury to convene next Monday and charges them with a thorough investigation of the Kouts disaster The judges ehrrgc is thorough and the pnblio can now hojic to see the matter sifted to the bottom GARRETT STEPS OUT Ho KesIgiiK the Ireslileuey or the llaltl more fc Ohio Ioiul Tlie TelcKniph Deal CoilHlllllllllltf- - Baltimore Md Oct lt At the meet- ing ¬ of the B A- - O railroad d rectors Wednesday Mr ltobert Garrett tendered by Icttr his rcsigmtlon of the presidency it was accepted William F will act ns president of the compiny until the annual meeting It was decided to pay no dividend on the main but a dividend of per cent on the Washington branch was declared The passing of tho main lino dividend tho price of tho i tock to fall to ll The directors ap- proved ¬ the of the telegraph lines to tho Western Union Their action consummates the deal m m Falsr Humors or nn Karthqunkc New Yokk Oct 15 A dispatch was re- ceived ¬ about 11K this morning from At- lanta ¬ Ga announcing that an earthquake shook at Charleston S C had interrupted telegraphic communication that tho extent of the damage done could not then bo learned Considerable was felt until at a later honr communication was It was then learned that the wires bad been disorganized by a fire the report of an earthquake having originated with a operator It is a curious feature of the Aztec houses which still exist in New Mex- ico ¬ that the rooms have no window save two littlo square port holes and there are no doors on tho inside open- ing ¬ from room to room Many rooms are sealed up for some unknown reason Omaha Man Will you reopen your summer hotel next season Summer Landlord I shall bo here but not as the lessee I have obtained a job as head waiter Eh You dont say so Who will be the lesseo then The head waiter Iliad this ason Omaha World v A bee tree which contains six hun- dred ¬ pounds of honey was recently discovered near Truckcc Cal Three hundred pounds of sweet were ob- tained ¬ the balance of the honey be ¬ ing by an accidental fire wife play the piano I amsorry to say she does nt Doessho play any musical instrument Nono whatever Hey Thats a rare ac complishmeut N Y Commercial THE 2f sC JF SiK COMMOWfAiTH UN lli pivnrod l3lrIL Hafn of ral WS1 Itcctloii Vr niinf Jmllrfoiiv TarllTi Liouisvmt buiuu iTK- - uuj a largo nuinucr 7J Ma ui- - soon after ujTiueiorniurdor j4ui-t-v- j his the Other mornifg was the mother t 1 I Brigadicr GcnerXl the wUpwf ucnor M CIay3Hft ty succcstorshlp destroyed Doesyour Jughtcr of Gen fi in tho Craci ms - fe S Fv k i - - m o - i - 1 tr frem last City at the homo Richmond styycafs She J lay Smith ederal army Speed Smith 01 licnoral to Kussia aud Clay lkiga- - l i not kKcT TT if - W oiuui mmivu ima cnirnsw aiSP rroiu a horse at Hlchnfoufk and his foot - hanging iu the stirrup wav dragged to death Deceased was about twelve years old Colonel Tevis retenlly lost his wire and a child Aimn HoiHNMix conrrontcd Go Barnes on the street at Sharpsburg and shot him dead Both were negroes Barnes cow bided Robinson about a year ago The new disease with which tho men at work on tho caissons Covington aro af ¬ fected is called the Binds lt twist3 their limbs similar to a bad case of rheuma tism and causes their hands to swell - loronto given Hero size have prominent Itoman flammable or ollcs House wth were over enteii as authority baid pointment Oct and Burns htem caused sale and alarm telegraph The section of the L St L tc T It it be ¬ tween Oweusboro and Stephensport will be In running order by January At Henderson a negro named Tom Sher- man ¬ become Involved in a quarrel with n young negro bootblack in a barbershop and getting enraged in a fit of blind pas- sion ¬ lie sezed a chair nnd dealt tho boy a fearrul blow crushing in his skull and in- flicting ¬ injuries which will prove fatal Afcrhis cowardly deed Sherman fled to tho river and taking possession of akiff crossed over to the Indiana shore It is thought he is in Evansville and detectives are looking for him The murder was biutal and entirely unprovoked Geoeoe W Livelt who bad been gam- bling ¬ aud lost committed suicide by hang- ing ¬ himself in a strip of woods ulong tho Ohio Valley ruilroad near Henderson GovEitNoi Bcckneu has refused togrant a pardon to George C Buchnnnn formerly of Louisville but now resident iu Canada Buchanau h under six indictments in tho Jefferson Circuit Cour for violation of the laws In relation to warehouse receipts The Governor refuses to pardon him in ad ¬ vance of a trial and conviction by a court of competent jurisdiction because it is only iu exceptional cases that this ex- traordinary ¬ power of the Executive should be exercised before the courts shall have had an opportunity of deciding upon tho guilt or innocence of an ncfu cd party Ho also ilecines to interfere because tho WJl3 i accused has placed himself beyond the reach both of the courts and of the Ex ecutive and defeated all legitimate inter- ference ¬ by pi eaistlng in his nbsoncf To The Louisville Legion won the first prizo of 3000 in cash and 500 in gold medals nt tho International Drill held in Chicago recently Wn vr cr me very near being a fatal acci dmtatthe Fair Grounds at Oncnsboro oiy resulted in a iciious hurt A J Coleman of Harrodshurg who was show ¬ ing oue of his horses in the harness ring fell from tho vehicle and was run ovor by the turn out just to his rear The hoof of the horse struck Coleman on the head rendering him unconscionsfor au hour At Louisville a three year olrtgirl named Mary Mathews washorribly turned by her clothing taking lire from Bv the death of hcrfunclc at M lboarhe f Australia Newport 51500 K articles C0liX 5t The wore the John tiJ repeal Sutt Eden Marcaret A ol yet I Benjamin A iAUVUl I war Maria L widow of Gullion Carrollton John Owenton rrJk- - Mexican Wyanl O AV KniMi Originals Davis Huffman Prcachersvillc Joslah J Bcatty- - vllle Increase Daniel Armstrong Milton Hailkoad construction in Kentucky has never reached sucha pitch as at pres- ent ¬ mosf valuable woodland and mineral sections of the State lines havo boon projected and ia many in- stances ¬ prcliminarysurveys made Local capital been invested in nearly every case and more interest manifested in the development of tbe various sec- tions ¬ than for years- Along the Hue of the L St L and T tbo improvements and ¬ arc rapidly and projectors feel much encouraged at their prospects for an early completion In Eastern Kentucky Abe same condition is reported every indication pointsthat line will be openfor trafllc 1n short while The commercial congress that at Louisvillo recently was treated to some interesting estimatefon of iron making in the Souttcrn which it correct would appear to indicate that re gion as the home of very im- portant ¬ induntryC John It Proctor State Geologist or Kentucky stated that at a place on Grccnriver where ore contain- ing ¬ fifty four Cfint iron coal and limestone Ho ia close juxtaposition pig iron can bo made at a cost of ton and the cost of getting it to Louisville or Evansville by water would bo mora thau la ton In Edmonson County In same State it can be made for 10 a ton The lowest cost of making pig iron in Middlo Pennsylvania is stated at 1GG0 ton at 1010 and In tho Lower Susquehanna region 17 Leon Prestos fatally stabbed in abdomon at a church meeting in coun- try ¬ miles cast of Madisonville other night by Bud Bryan aged seventeen years Preston who is about nine- teen ¬ old had accidentally spit upon Bryan at church the night before but had apologized for It and thought nothing more about the occurrence until accused by Bryan and cut in fearful and cowardly manner without warning Bryan escaped in the dark and has not yet been cap- tured ¬ John T Losglet has been appointed postmaster at obo Hopkins County Charles J SiIlman an old and wealthy citizen Garrard County is dead after a lingering illness A paktt Kentucky farmers number- ing ¬ fifty left Louisville other morning for Dcrmont Stevens County Kan a new town being built Kcntuck ians Tho excursion party is of citizens from Jefferson Bullitt Nelson Warren Hart Shelby and Pike Counties Governor Bucknek has appointed Hon Albert S Willis of Louisville Hon John Fcland of Hopkinsville and Hon James A McKenzle of Christian County delc- - nniu fnr tho State at aiu v - - -- hv u tuu i Mid ¬ ways to be held Memphis October 30 andSl t t - s klrV J J JJBB- - M -- v With Maafness 2i SALESJLLS -- JL M ENVEUQitCt i vrnm BILLHEADS W fiiii ad- ditions - HK SVV jMKaM - -- j 4ri - WVlTATtOK3B m i33Lc3L SeeITis DECEIVING daBJ i THE FA9MCRS S5il AaInU W Urn The niTvocati s ofhijfk ppotetion have many pretenses jrhiek the ad vance to convince thelarmflrakHt the Avar tariff is a real lcnefit f titbit iro t vulcs Inni wuli a liomIraatjketViro- - tccta liis products fromforefcrn1 ediu petifioii ami advances tlie jpncc of farming lant i Kut ono of theso ciaiiHS wiTljKJar cx antination oflk Jjinxp- - thej been exposed that the woutlvt Ishat any man uu me leuierity wu ge iiioiu at M Ti r ii5fSf isth j iiu uteui il iiivn i AVe must havo J fUXxfftJf SSHS1 rsMMiriTl is lustrfes -- t f Tl hut vritler ordinirvsailititNI with Ianil cheap ind ointoallwdB will - 1 avanitnn Uienwniirto4workwinUio TOVl8li J i i JlfciJit3nuejranitit6iaiVonscrtenv lTTTnS7ACSirtfcli u theratc Harrison the factories must be much higher than the rewards cf agriculture and this difference- in tfie wages must bo made good by heavy t nation on arti ¬ cles of consumption1 This is a statement of whole case It is the argument of ever intelligent advoeatoof ultra protection Casuist to make the doctrine more attractive adorn it -- vith all kinds of rhetoric but si ripped of all falsehoods and absurdi- ties ¬ the paragraph embodies tho w hole argument The farmers havtto decide whether or not they are willing to submit to heavy taxation for the benefit of fhcsc special industries the working men should know tha heir high wages are not due to the tariff but that the taitll is a device by which their employers make the farmer pay the manufacturer the difference between wages in Amcr- - ica anil wages in England or iu Europe o These facts aregrulunlly lvcognicd and now we notice in the Atlanta Con iliition and other of our tariff ex changes this new argument Here Is something we our frco tradr contemporaries to digest Nine tenths of all mauufactu cd articles used by farmers aro chespcr m the Uuited Slates than ta Kugland Tnis is not true The manufactured articles Used on the farm are field ma ¬ chinery household utensiU household furniture ami clothing The protective tariff on manufact- ured ¬ cottons is 10 per cent That is for every doll r invested in cotton goolis abroad the farmer would have to pay 10 cents at the custom house and -- 10 per cent extraym domestic cotton goods This 1 peu renL is collected to to keep liin from buying any cotton goods abfoait If he could buy thee aLat home cheaper than in England thyproiivtioniits would not insist on Maintaining this tax Tho import lax on woolens that is the penalty imposed for purchasing tluurflotiinJMigluudaiSjda to li ucr cotirrM irewavcnir6TlciiaJirfor oiivinjr flannel blankets hats and knit goods in England is 70 per cent Manifestly the high protcctionivs would otiscnt to the repeal of tin duly if these goods were cheaper iu the United States than iu England but they are far dearer On the metals that enter into tho manufacture of farm mahiticiy and household utensils the average pfiii- - ally for purchasing abroad is 55 per cent If prices abroad were as high as tt home fiis protection would not bo required but they are a third less a The purpose of the tariff is to enable HO A 1 1 1 i1km nT IlinlllllHul- - Mrs William Listci raai ot O rcl to t than hns fallen heir to I higher rnet following Keatuckians pcnVl thv l bi wc iM sioned on 10th Emily widow of fl0 uo ilit i wilHleraaml its Mt widow i6hts not failed0 Moore - Walton In tho has progressing the and tho a met tho cost States future this per of y50 per not the per was tho the two the only years a of of about the by composed InrmiiAiuiri Convention in - - So diVfe the want tax o But the demonstration docs not end horelf as -- ome of our exchanges claim nine-tent- h- of the manufactured articles consumed by the farmers nre cheaper in the United States thau in England our export of these articles would bo greater under a high than under a low tariff ltisnotso In 1800 with a tirlffof IS per cent our exports of cotton goods amounted to 10l00 000 in lS7- - with a tariff of IS per cent these exports had fallen to 2300000 wealing apparel and wool ¬ ens exported had in the same period fallen offi2 pur cent leather and manu ¬ factures 23 per cent other manufact ¬ ured articles 21 per cent showing that the mill bosses pocketed a bounty about equal to the tariff Still further If these articles arc cheaper here than in England our ex- port ¬ trade should be larger than En- gland ¬ yet in lfO we sent to Mexico and South America our own ncigh borsrL9J 100 of cotton against En- gland ¬ ol 235000 These barbarians do not know which is the cheapest mar ¬ ket Still further Our total cxpoitt in 1880 of metals wcie 14116000 En ¬ glands 237300000 In textiles our exports were 10216576 Englands were 53 1500000 Englands exports of textile fabrics exceeded our total pro duction by 13000000 and her exports of metals were more than one third of our total product These figures aro sufficient to expose the falsehood of tho argument that the manufactured arti- cles consumed by the American farmer are cheaper here than in England But a short and conclusive tcsfc of the point at issue is to compare the En- glish prices and American prices of a list of leading manufactures including woolens clothing hats and caps cot- ton ¬ linen and silk goods iron steel implements glass china pottery etc when it will be found that the Ameri- can ¬ prices exceed the English practi ¬ cally by the amount of the tariff which the former add to their icHing prices and the fanners have to pay itTaud that in Ihe face of two irnpof tantfacts first tho Government doesnt need half the tariff revenues it receives and sec- ond ¬ the protected manufacturers do not furnish a home market for one tenth of the food pradt ctsof thefarms Louis vile Courier Journal Good progress is being made in the work of constructing a building for our groat National library but the vastness of the structure will necessi- tate the expenditure of at least fivo rears in its construction Pnhlic Opin- ion Si i x c x r t i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ r i i -- O u V jF1 t X s v Lrl A ft- - -

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Page 1: S A TffiS HiCKMAfir COURIER - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85052141/1887-10-21/ed...ag tfce of English sparrowi iftra oae dollar a hundred for the lire i r




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r f


OtflceJackson Strcot nxt door to Cify Hall


yPrice of Subscription 6130



A KxoxviLus uegro doctor has Jnhcritod


Franceis a new from

Ex Suxatou DoitsErsJvas ncvoxshavpulnliilifoVTY- - f f T

Qlebn iVjcroniAs court physrcian gctjtiZiflM a yearrtTnCsbipHcolSSI cclory from Kiilamazoo rvcra0 fiftv tons dailv

Oxn faclorr in Newark ri J turnsIDOjOCOjcorkscjajvaJnaycarf jtt r

TnTiaSsciannt Fort SBiUhbas purplpclpfut uiurJcrcrjib death f

IJv thclast of --Octobsr 200 men wIllTAat work in the Brooklyn navy yard

Qikkx Knoixi has bestowed uponBcvcral Hostou oftlcials TTio vKIcF6f KnpiolpnL

Tnnvcry largo yield of nutathU yearpressages a cold winter So say thejiropbcts

1aoes jump of six feet four inches over

of tbo streets



10 record is a re--

ESStS tlieTreedOm

A FiMsxnA nyllionairc offers toivc 100C00 at res of plno lands in Georgift to evict ¬

ed Irish famjUcsTjirke arc tow In uSo infrW nautical

miles of cablo Kino cable j connect Eu ¬

rope and AmericaCnivnsr troops stationed on tbo Russian

fromicr have mutinied and murdered anumber of tbcr oClccrs

The day is rapidly artpsitaciiing jvbonthe Lasc ball bulletins board vUl bpnipped by the early frosts

England compltins that Ambrlciiishave one fishing policy for the Atlauticand another for he Pacific

Tim Dominion Government will soonsen J a carload of lobsters to thpPacilicCoast for propagating purposes

Nrw Yoiu has eight 8atc tickets in thefield The last to wheel into lino callsitbolf the 1erional Liberty party

Diu HenkvD Cocosweli of San Fran-cisco


has endowed unihdustrial school inlhiicily to the extent of lWJft

1obTON Coitrrrrthc man who shot JohnWilkes Booth liasbccn placed in U13 Kan-sas


atatc Insane Asylum as IncurableA Xw Yomc bank teller Is missing and

yet his accounts arc all straight Howsurprised the directors must hayq been

Tuu epidemic or scarlet fever in Lon ¬

don coutinucs to spread There are nownineteen hundred cases in the hospitals

Jln lli oiiEs mothernrThomas HughesTomJirown of Uugby died at her

residence at Rugby Tciin a few days agoTnc London TrfcjrujJi thinks i hat out ol

SVJ members of the House of lordi onlyabout one hundred amount to any thing

iTisueportcd thata being with a facethati half man and half dog lives nearOil Citj-- la He or it goes uion allfours

A house that recently Jell on and killedan Indian near Garlield Idaho was madethe subject or a barbecue by the survivingrelatives

Mns Wiwrn F Stoket has refused37JU4 for her interest in the Chicago

Timrx She aspires to obtain coiapletccontrol of it

SiiEnimx receives as Lieutenant Gen-eral


or lliii Army a salary of fllOJU a yoarwith allowances which bring this amountup to 130X

The organiu the new auditorium build ¬

ing in Chicago will ba the largest in theUnited States It will contain 0000 pipc3and cost SUWO

The play geors of Xcw York aro to havea big Chinese theater which will cost S5CX 1qw York and vcinity has nbout10iOo Celestials

LENvri has arranged for Gilmores bandriwi tfnrt t a t f a LUluuiatlUH I1UA

the thirtieth oforados settlement

3Iount WuiAtos in Inyo Cal is thegrandcsfjicik in tho UniU d States Itblands I5o feet high Two of tho threesummits arc inaccessible

Minnie Jtnouns of Chenango N Yshot herself rather than dig potatoesenougn ior uinner as sjio Had been ordcrcd by lnyprojiaie father I

It in estimated that the discoveries in-


and compounds patented eachyear in uic unueu states ana neveramounting to any thing cost G0O0i

A 1niLAUELrniv woman Mrs LottioFarkcrjMMiothcr victim to the tight lac-ing


haKiaSpiphysIcians testify that herdeath TroeHilnrt disease was due to thatcause

In Memphis so many people have takenout their telephones that tho few remain-ing


subscribers have ordered out their in-struments


on the ground that they have noone to talk to

Xoiitii Carolina is sparsely settlcdandit is a strange fact that although it isthrco times as large as Massachusetts itslarjc3t cit Wilmington boasts of onlyl0fO inhabitants

Tuiur Honet of Stafford Va owns amulcrwhich is said to have attained theage or Ulty ono ycirs-- Tlie animal oncobrown is now a beautiful gray aud is onlya trifle sway backed

A niTFALos head in bronzo metuLweighing iJXX pounds will decorato thocastoin entrance of the Union- - Faciflorailroad bridgd over the Miseouri riveri ounceling Council luffs with Omaha

The corn palace in Sioux City Iowa isconstructed entirely of cars of and Is

lt nniforftil nffnir All tlin ilnntinn- insideare niadcoiAori audattUn laach

counter corned beef is the piece do resist-ance


Motrins is in themidst of a telephonewarovcr otio thousand persons having or-


tho instruments removed from theirhouses The present charges are 100 perannum which the company proposes toraise to 72

The grave of Charlotte Temple in NowYork is visited by more tourists than anyother jsepulchcr with tbo single exceptionof General Graut It is in Trinity church-yard


tho entrance on the north sideand is covered with a large brown stonebearing the unfortunate girls name

Theke arc Jour great accumulatedmasses or gold

f in the world 382000000in the United States Treasury SSOJOOOOin the National Bank or France 4107003000in tho National Bank of Germany and10iy0Jdin the Bank of EnglandThe Chicago Anr printed welcomes to

Cleveland in Algonquin German FrenchHebrew Norwegian Swedish BohemianGaelic Welsh Spanish Russian TurkishArabic Flemish Italian Japanese andServian each properly translated for hisbenctit

Chicago ir to haTC a new water tunnelfour miles long and eight feet diameter

AValifokxia millionaire who tflol notlong ago IOW000 to thetwodaughters of a lawyerat Nashville Tcnnjas a testimonial of gratitude to the lawyerwho loaned him 10 when he firstwent to California and was greatly in needof funds

A woman living near Moweaqua 111

aiscovcrcd aurious looking white wornvnearly two feet long between the leaves ota cabbage A local physician in whosepecscsslon it now is says it is somethingaUfelyccw to him in anjmal life His

theory that it camclu the recent rainsA AHMHiyN Y syndicate Jo encour- -

ag tfce of English sparrowiiftra oae dollar a hundred for the lire

i r




mwmu 1 fr




ItO tP 1 JV f -


How nn Infected Vcssol isMadbYt Clean Jf

The Whytbe Jtallaii stpnnu r AIcaIi AVa

ITew- - Yonit Oct 13 Thoroughly disin ¬

fected and placed in qnaraiitliis a

longeutf nee but it eausa good dearafter U1- - To Ik obliged to lie idlbtvowaks waiting to seo if a horrible diaeaisis fong to bicak1 out oncarrj men off by the dozn or bcoro isnot an agreeable experience Yet it is

partJof tue-- programme awaiting tholuckless vessel which nrrves at pprtcnrrylng gerrs of InfecCl us diVasosBut that is not nil There is a gooddenl more Disinfection1 is a moretcrioiw than is generallysupposed Hero fs a samp o case and inoArmcu mnKintnrnr mnsr wiin hjirn nrtnrajtM rriTiiHHrtHiu LWK

0STThe steamer Alesin recently arriving in New York with cholera onboard was haudlt d Tho passengers werefirst removed tho sick to tho hopitalforepidemic diseases tho others to a quaran-tine


station whero they wero watched care-fully


by competent physicians Tben thowork of getting lid of tho germs of Jhadisoao began The entire steamrrwas twice washed with scalding water ami then washed ntain with afcolution corrosivo sublimate Think ofwashing every accessible part of a bigocean kteamcr twice with boiling waterthen with a tolution of corroshe subli-


Butlhat was only a beginning Assoon as this was done tho hatches wcr--close-

and tho decks covered with tarpaulin and ICO pounds of sulphur burned iutho bold the hatches being hep- closedtwelve hours TLen every accessible partof tho vessel was again washed withbrooms aud sponges with tho solution ofcorrosive sublimate Then thohatches wero again closed aud 150

pounds of sulphur burned Everytextile fabric mats carpets clothing oftho crow led8 and bedding wero subjectedto a long boiling process Clothing of tbopassengers was cooked with hot straininside jx closo tank Tho baggage everypiece of it subjected to hot steam and sul-


acid gas many hours Tho veelwas kept fourteen days in tho lower baya way from all otherxessels and finallyas a parting precaution all exposed por-


except tho snloons wero repaintedand the baggngo of the passengers againdisinfected by tho means above indicated

Scheming or a Milk MoncjclyChicago Oct 13 farm-


of Illinois Indiana and VVisconlin aroin session hrc to day to decid j upeS thoadvisability of establishing a greit trustcompany to regulate the sale and price ofmUk They contend that if the coal deal-ers


can combine those Interested in thoproduction of so staple audan article of food as milk might rapidlycome to an to enhance thoprice of ihc lacteal fluid for the coiningwinter at all events as an experiment al4though they might meet with serious conpetition by the milk condensers i

Ycllovr Fever al PalalkaJacksonville Fla Oct 13 The

that a death from icllow fever occurred at1alntka lcamc known hero to day TboPresident of the County Health Ioaul immed atcly declared quarantino againstFalatka and sent out a special tram withextra officers tobtop the train from Falatkaat the Lorlcr of tho county Tho trxlnwas met at Orange 1nrk ami all passcngorfc from Palatka scntbacti A specialfrom Tampa gays thore have been six new

v vmu uuunyi ttiuJune of anniversary Col- - caes l daJ atl l deaths











Million Dollar Wdiing PresentNew Yoik Oct 13 Mi s Frances Isabel

MorriB only daughter of John A Morristhe proprietor of the Louisana Ljtiorywas marticd atnoou to dtiy to Mr TliurloV Weed Barne a grandson of the lateHon Thurlow Wee 1 The cmplpycs in thebrides fathers ofllco in Now Orleans senta chest containing a solid silver dinuorsenrice From her father she received acheck for 100000 and a handsomely fur ¬

nished icsidcnco at Bar Harbor

Notorious Mctinshincrs CapturedLittle Rock Aujc Oct 13 This morn-


LTnitcd States Marshal Faulkiiibtirgconvoj cd to Memphis Rerry Hill and bistwo sons Green and William the notor-ious


moonshiners The Government hasspent thousands of dollars trying tocapture them They were taken in Poin-sett


County Ark They operated inHardin County Tern for yeariZ Theyarc charged with murder

China CrawfishesLondon-- Oct 13 Tho 77m t publishes a

dispatch from Tientsin stiting that theChinese Government has definitely with-drawn


from its agreement with tho Amer-ican


syndicate authorizing the establish ¬

ment of a Chinese American bank andother enterprises and revohel the conces ¬

sions granted under it

Official Vole in TennesseeNashville Tknn Oct 13 Tho last two

counties sent in their ofllcial returns to dayof the election on tho prohibition amen --

xnent September 20 Tho official majorityagainst the nmendment is 2TC03


America Gets IndemnityJlArnin Oct 13 Tho Spanish Go em

inent being convinced that tho revolt oftho natives of Fonapc was tho result ofreligious persecution has ordered thatonly thoso convicted of murdering Span-iards


punished nnd that the indemnitydemanded by America bo paid

Noted Criminal EscapesSt Pacl Oct 13 Frank l Landers

alias Wilber James a noted ctnfldencoman sentenced M33 19 lbS to twenty fouryears in tho Stillwater Minn Peniten ¬

tiary escaped Wednesday evening

TelescopedKansas Citt Oct 13 An accommoda ¬

tion trnin on the Missouri Pacific was tele-scoped


from the rear by the Wichita ex-press


near Rock Creek Station Mo Onowoman was killed and threo men injuredThe trains were carrying excursionists toivansas City to seo Grovcr Cleveland

Vessel and Crew LestGloucestee MASHOct 13 The schooner

Thomas L Fair which sailed from thisport August 10 with a crew of fourteenmen bound on a fishing voyago h givenup as lost with all on board

A Bad GirlManciiestek Mien Oct 13 Minnie De

morse aged seventeen adopted daughterof James Henderson of this placesmcthered the baby because she did notwant to nurse it poisoned tho cows to getrid of milking them and set fire to thohouso five times before she was sarpectedand forced to confess her c inies

Ccrro the Gas FJeldFixdlat O Oct 13 Ths city has pur-


tbo plant oLtho Findlay Gas lightand Coke Company for 75000 and thuicimuvis me enure ueid includinc ti


3 - J fSji u - - Mm- - -

-- - - -- - fcSfflffl- - t - 4 - 5v- - - Y

j T in


i 1 X

n Train from IJcuirVI Holll on the Missouri rnctllcHBSTov Tex Oct H To night as

passenger trnin 453 ITngtueer Conversewas pulling out of Spring Station twentyeight miles from Houston on th MissouriPacific railway two uu n jumped aboaidoue getting on -- tho CmLot thu bagcagocar and the other 011 tho engine As soonas tho man- - got a footing on the engineho covered tho engineer wjtha sir shooter and ordered him fb obey

death Tlie indi- -

vidual who boarded tho baggage car thenmade engine withcocked pistol Jliofii email Geor j Jynejumped from the enguc and caught ontho rear cud ot the train ns it wa pass-ing


Tho armed men feaniij that thdlireman had boarded tho train in tlforear and notified tho passengers and thetrains crow ordeiol tho uncinccr tocheck up As oou as the train slackedher peed they sprang from tho oiijjr7 JUV IT YJf-v-w-

fore Ihoy left of them saidIts no go The robbers leaped from tho

train nbout a milo and a halt north ofSpring station It is believed that thoniain body of the train robber ns fin therout on tho road awaiting the coming pfthe train Tho bold net ot ttio liretnansaved the tniiii fioni robberr

EGGSTatal llrsult or UrocerVi llriltLuit Itat

Killing SclirinePHiiDEinin Oct II Mrs Margaret

Itulz ngfl iifty cight years vns founddend in her led this inorning at her home2 JU7 North Front strcot and the policeWere notified that her d atu was dnq topoison An investigation sh wed thaton Tuesday lait Mrs Rut AugustHoiTman fort--ig- ht year of age CoraHefTiiian aijed eight years Benj HoiTmansix j ears old and Hairy liirifinan agedfour years wero taken ill after eatingsome eggs purchased from the store ofJames McCurJy No 21 Fiont streetSeveral physicians wero called in and annoiiacud that the pat cuts were sufferingfrom arsenical poisoning All of tho fam-ily


with ths exception or M s Rutz im ¬

proved gradually but -- she was greatlyprostrated and continued toink until thismorning when she was found dead in bedby one ot tho family McCunly who wSsarrested stated that in onlar to rid himscir of rats h j hid takou several egsfilled them with aicnic and pkicod themin ttfo barrels with the other Mrs Rutshem in the habit or purchasing cracked

oK was given some oT them by the boyin mistake Tor good ones with the nbovuresult

Three Men Killed by an ExplosionPiiiKcnuiitn W Va 0t 11 A mon-


saw uill engine boiler exploded atCcntervillo lnsb uigbt tearing ev tj thingloose in the neighborhood killing lhrJpmen and w rocking the engine and nullcompletely A man named Erwine wnstorn to pieces having been caught betweentho end of the boiler nnd 11 Iarga log Aman named Kent Evaus was aho killedSumo time of cr these two inuii wrefound a man named Tompkins was takenout from IrtsUind a jiilo ofluiuber and soondied of his w ouuds

- x



Now Its a Lead TrustLotlS Oot 14 Tho Go Jnnr ri

this morning publishes an account of thoprolmblo organization of tho lend smeltin firms of the West with a view to form-ing


a compact to sustain the American leadmarKcts Die niocment has been veryquietly pushed to a siiccsful issue andtho details are now being perfected Itis said that the Eckstein Whito Iend Com ¬

pany of Cincinnati and four other largocompanies will not go into tlie trust

Cholera Scare 0rNew Yokk Oct 14 Tho health author-


issued a notice yesterday that therewas no danger whatever to tho city fromcholera from tho patients brought here onfio steamer Alosia Theio have lcon nonew cases developed on Hoffman Inlandsince tho night of October 7 nrd thoAleMat passengers there aro in an excepiionally favorablo sanitary conlitionv

Lady Suffocated in a Burning StoreFmLADELrniA Oct 14 Fi e broke out

this morning in Murray fc Wilsons childrens dress goods establishment but wasextinguished bcToro it had made much progross Mrs George Goodman who was inthe fourth story of the building when thefire broko out attempted to escape butwas suffocated after reaching the firstfloor

Kilpalricks BurialNew YorK Oct 14 The remains of Gen-


Kilpatrick wero to day placed in acatafalque In a room in City HalL Tlie roomwas decorated with a largo American flagand guards of honor PotG A It were placed in charge The Secre-tary


of War has authorized the burial oftho remains at West Point

Two Men Burned to DeathToledo O Oct 14 Tho largo plaining

mill and saw mill at Cignct burned thismorning Four men were sceping in thothird story of the mill JTwo leaped to theground nnd escaped with severe bruisesbut the other two wero binned nnd theircharred bodies wero recovered from thoruins this forenoon

Virginia Officials tRecascdRichmond Va Oct 11 Attorney Gen

eral Ayres and Commonwealth AttorneysMcCabo and Scott were released from jailto night by U S Marshal Thomas WScott They aro at the Exch ngallotcl ontheir patole and in tho cus-tody


of the marshal- m

Sisters ot Charity as TeachersPiTTsnnncii Pa Oct 11 Eleven Sisters

of Charity have applied for certificates toteach in the public schools of this ci 13-

- Ifsuccessful they will be given positions inthe school where Rev Father McLigheisPrincipaL

A Great Mill Destroyed

PnoviDENCE It I Oct 11 The BalticMill in Baltic Conn owned by H L Aidrich Co of Providence was burned lastnight The fire broke out nt threo oclockthis morning The loss is estimated at f 1

250000 insurance tii000 The mill wasbuilt in 1S57 by Amasa and WilliamSpraguo

Negro Executed

Cukksville Ga Oct 1 1 Charles Ed ¬

ward colored was hanged here for thomurder of William Echols last May

Verdict in the Railway DisasterLogansiout Ind Oct 14 Tho Coro

ncrs verdict in tho Kouts railway disasteris of negligence and carelessness againstthe railroad management Tlie PorterCounty grand jnry has been called to¬

gether for next Monday charged with athorough investigation of tho case

Cotton Crop EstimateNew Yokk Oct 14 Latham AlexanderCos Cotton Movemint nnd Fluctua

tions for tho past year which has just

tho United States for tho year 1SS7 S3 willamount to 0550000 as against CJ50500 balesfor 1SSC S7



One of tho Villains Shot to Doath

i and Anothor Lynchod

I1oof tho AsuilUnp rirtj- - Woundedfctill After Otliur

Chuileston W Va Oct 10 Fullythree hundred citizens started out yester-day


morning after tho robbers who mur-dered


Mr Ryan near Walton RoaneCpunty last Thursday night after thohouse was robbed and the old man shotTiib robbers thirteen in number ccniiwllcd tho family to send him upstairs andto got breakfast for them Tho officers andcitizens ran into tho robbers Inst night atGeorge DufTs residence eight miles fromSisonville this county and wore warnedto keep oir by tho robbers who had takenrcfuco in tho house fitted un nort holas

prolcc I

tion The murderers were flrod upon andGeorge Duff jr was killed and JakeCoon captured nnd lynched Five of theoWcers and citizens iu tho battle werowounded among whom arc Peter andWilliam Skicn brothers The informa-tion


received is vry meager There nreabout twenty robbers in tho gang whohave lieen carrying on at a high rato ItM Duff Gtforgj Drake and FrankShambling nre prisoners and await thopleasure oflhe Vigilance Committee fortheir disposal Coon is tho man who kill-


Rev Thomas P Ryan rfnd shot live oftho Vigilance Committee It is believedthat a full confession will be made and thowhole 1nng lynched The vlgilants arostill after others A large number ot rob-beries


have been commlttel by this gangduring the past few months

Frightful Death of a Child

Toledo O Oct 10 The three-year-ol- d

daughter of H W Compton ¬

of tho Toledo public schools mot withn horrible death hist evening Tho little onowas playing 111 the parlor of the family res-idence


Her mother loft tho room and in afew momcats she heard a scream from thochild Returning to the room sho discov ¬

ered that the littlo girl had fallen into thoopen natural gas lire w hich was burning ina grate The child was rescued but wasfound to bo horribly burned her face andtho upper portion of her body beini literally roasted by tho intense hcit Sho diedin a few tnomoutx

Dig Robbery ot Goods

HtfKsMLLE O Oct It Uurglars en-


tho clothing store of Strauss tk Hcchtabout throe oclock this inorning by re-moving


a glass from a rear door nnd car-ried


off over one thousand dollars worthoTgiKKlS by moans of vAigon nnd horsesA posse ofcit zens sarted in pursuit nssoon as the burglary was discovered butup to this hour midnight no clow hasbeen found to tho perpetrators of tho rob-bery


English Language in Ihc MinesSiiAMiiMX P Oct 10 The Union Coal

Company hns issued orders to their frr --

men to remove all persons working intheir mines who are unable to speak and

tho English languageof mbn nqtfnmlor

stnnding English orders are frequentlymisunderstood causing serious accidentsand endangering tho lives of all Hungar-ians


and PoLindcrs will sulTr most

An Angry ChinamaiNew Youk Oct 10 Wong Chn Ioo of

New Yorrf an enlightened Chinaman nndtho wi iter or a lute essay iu the VbrAA mrricirji Jrrifieon Why I am a Heathenis in Kingston Out towe ing with ragHo is an Assistant Inspector of tho NowYork port nnd yot on his entry to Canadahe was duly appraised tagged and taxedby Customs ofll ials and condemned to pay

50 duty

Boodle Contractor Refunds 13500Ciucxoo Oct 15 --A t cltloniMit with E

A Robinson on tho basis of State Attor ¬

ney Gnnnclls recommendation was ratifled by the Financi Committee to dayRobinson is to relinquish all claims on

2Q0 held back by thu Finance Committeeand tin ns in warrants to the amount of7371 making in all 13500 which ho ac ¬

knowledges is the amount out of whichthe county is swindled

Defaulting Indian AgentWashington Oct 10 Indian Agent

Jesse Lea Hall appointed July 2S l5 hasbeen found to be a defaulter for over 20- -000 aud the Secrctnry of the Interior hasinstructed the Attorney General to insti-tute


criminal proceedings against him

A Brides Good Luck

Faiumocxt III Oct 10 Miss FlorenceJ Hep of this place wns married to LeviWilcox a young farmer last Thursdayevening Since tho wedding tho bride hasfallen heir to 550000 which was left her bya rich aunt of Coshocton O

Imoorls and ExportsNew Yomc Oct 15 The imports of gold

this week amounted to 383345 The ex-ports


of specie were 8107021 chiefly sil-ver


Tho Import of merchandise for thoweek amouuted to 7S12S01 iucludiugli i5205 dry goods

Diphtheria EpidsmieRAuro N Y October 15 Diphtheria is

raging as an alarming opidcmlc m thlsplace nnd vicinity nnd all the schools heroand at Stnatsburg havo been closedMany children have died of the disease andothers are dying The whole communityis agitated greatly over tho epidemic


Burglars Kill a PreacherWheeling W Va Oct 10 Burglars

entered the house of Iter Thomas PRyan near Walton W Va and shot himdead Large rewards are offered for thomurderers and If caught they will doubt-less


bo lynched

Caught From a GrabChattaxoooa Tenx Oct 16 A littlo

two-year-ol- d child of Charles Gossett wasfatally burned this evening It was play ¬

ing with the fire in a grate when itsclothes were ignited nnd it was horriblyburned from the shoulders to tho feet Itcan not recover

t Sailors DrownedMachias Me Oct 10 During tho voy

ago of tha schooner A McMichacl fromBoston Captain Libboy and two sailorsMelvin Holmes and Elbrldgo Foster werelost overboard

A Bad Wife

Tifkix O Oct la Taylor Perdue liv-


near hero sold his property and wentWest to look for a location havng depos-


tho money in his wifes name so shocould draw and follow him when he hadfound an investment After his departureshe drew the money and it isbelieved with anothor man

The Lick Telescope Finished

Cleveland O Oct 10 Tho great telescope for tho Lick Observatory cauior--

bcen published estimates that tho crop- - of fnia which was being inthis citv has been completed and Will Mshipped in a few days

vr -


- jiiMMiSiHHHRHI- -r- - - -


-- i

TffiS HiCKMAfir COURIERNewspaper feegern KeWcky







tfrj Oldest SOXaJlrfinanSas













iiK3rrriTTT mcomnn

to- - -- - ivjagiaiwrUeMKIOe latiiiaScore More or row

InJurrtlEaU of a UmiulnB U Course olrctln4f4 Oct 17 A building intend

ed for apchlal school house fell to daywheijhalfmipleted and five mens liveswere crushed out in the wreck A scoreof otoer mtin were more or less injuredTlioAcho61house was to havo boon attachql toM Mission church of Our Ladyof JfouHCannel fin One Hundrednnd fFUtectith jjtreot whoso pastortho JfVFatherKlrncr was

- ThisTriJamifSB with zeal but was incompatibte wISafety in building operationsTho 5powbiHty for the disaster it canscargjy hgvallcd an accident i3 directlypine lJtho tev Fathers shouldersby ujtjthat ho was warned of thodnnuJcaturcs of his melhod ofbuildu5rv fRrerslsted in thenu- - Thatho kfVrrljitegtprcdnUoriof tho risk- -

J10 JiliSesT wwltHiiiho vJa itantly m nna auout the

--bajldlmTjfkile tho work was goingonTSind yns one of those seriously injured IjrYs fall He was up at the top ofthe stucturo whoa it fell and was dugout ofthe ruins very nenr to thp body or aman kllcd in the wreck A radical dereitin comtiuction was iu the length or tbospan f floor beams which reached thowhole- thirty feet across tho buildingwithoit centrnl support Tho wnllorigirully sixteen inches thick wns inplncesf cut down to only eight by rcccssov for building In book cases Toomany window openings still furtherwcakmed tho walls Twenty seven men inall aHtelioved to have been the entire forcoat work in the building With a slightprcmcaitory rumble and shake thestiucturc vent down with them An instant lateru clotl of dust aud a shapeless mnssofbrick ind broken timbors lay heaped up inplace ci tho towering walls and half-complet-


Fire at ChautauquaTame town Oct IT Firo totally con ¬

sumed the six story Kent Houso aud dam ¬

aged sir or oight cottages Tho burnedhotel was tho finest on the lake Tho losswill rach f125000 on which thie is nninsurnrio of SJ00iXilividd among twontysix cojipanics Tlio llnmes originated by alamp ctplosion in tho laundry of the hotelnt 530 oclock this morning The flamesi piCiidgo rapidly that tho employes of thobuildup escaped with dilllculty About adozen cottages on Lake View avenue werodamagtd

Thievish Gang Broken Up

WiLKLsnvuiiE P Oct 17 A big gangOf thicrcs who havo been robbing froightcars onthc Pennsylvania railroad for yearswore captured this morning in a cav onthe North Mountain The thieves wouldmake tieir raids at night and carried thostolen joods to their cave which is aijuarterof a mile long Lanterns Imd tobo used to penetrate tho hiding place oftho thiives who wero caught whiloasleep The thieves would sell theirstolen property to peddlers Goods to thovalue of thousands ot dollars were recov-ered


New Temperance Move at ChicagoCm- - Uo Oct 17 P titions were present--

signuturo and presentation to thoebmmon council to night asking for tho clos-


of snloons within ono block of everychurch and school building in tlie cityCatholic and Episcopalian ministers alike1ki o joined In this effort and it is believedthat faiorablo action will Ijctnkcu by thomayor and common council

Wanderings of an Old Man

Bkookltn N V Oct 17 Elmer JMiles tho missing rcnl estate dealer whois seventy years of age has returned tohis home During a temporary alcrrationof mind he wandered off and as tiea ascan lie learncdiias been going through thodifferent cemeteries reading tho inscrip-tions


on the tombstones in order to findhis sons grave His sou is in nn insauoasylum i

Settlers Removed

Washington Oct 17 By direction oftho Washington uuthorili3 GeneralGrierson has removed about fifty squat-ters


with twenty thousand head of cattloand ten thousand sheep from tho aban-


Jicarilla Apache reservation iuNorthwest Mexico on the Colorado bor ¬

der Many of these alleged Settlerswere simply employes of cattle com-


-Powdcrly Triumphs

MiNXEtroLH Minn Oct 17 Powdcrlyhas triumphed in the National AssemblyK or I at Minneapolis General confi-


lias been voted in the Master Work-


and the resignations or Bailey andBarry have been demanded II they aronot rorthcoming nioro trouble is antici-pated


Strange CaseLtxcASTEn Pa Oct 17 John Rnnnols

aged ixty four died at Mechanicksburgthis coutity on Saturday Fifty one daysprevious to his djatb ho was atackedbydysentery and since the boginning of hisillness not a particlo of food reached hisstomach Dr Carpenter Weidler is mak-ing


an autopsy

js Brothers Drowned

Foxneu Oct 17 A skiff contain-jpg- -

six men was capsized In tho Alle¬

gheny river to day and two brothers Jami II Neville were drowned The othersmanaged to keep up until rescued Thomen were engaged in repairing the Foxburg bridge

I But Just Married and KilledlIlAimtstit no Pa Oct 17 William

aged twenty three years of this townwas instantly killed at three oclock thisafternoon by being run over by a shiftingengine in the yards of thoPennsylvaniaItailroad Company Deceased was mar-ried


only two months ago

Ministers Little Boy to widowwho has buried four husbands Pasent me up to ask you if it was Wednes¬

day or Thursday that Mr Smithwanted him to perform the weddinceremony Hes forgot and didntlike to say soto Mr Smith Widow

Wednesday little boy Little Boywhat pa thought but ho

wasnt sure cause Thursday he saidhas always been your day for marryiaV iV r Sun

Wife I hear that ltev Mr Gof New York who has been spendinga few days here will be asked topreach Mrs Bs funeral sermon to-


Husband O I forgot totell you The report of Mrs Bs deathwas premature She is still aliveWife Is it possible And I was soanxious to hear Rev Mr GS

A cow created a panic tho otherday by onterin g a Washington saloonIt was a mulcy cow probably andwent in for a couple of horns


A dog owiiol near Boston chewsgum


Arrival of lho Dlstlngnliuied Party at SUJaul Curitlnlly Welcomed

i St Pa cL Minn Oct 11 tho Prcslden- -tiaf- - party arrived hero shortly afterij - - r- - r i ro ciociw lass evening on me inp iroui juwvIsou a twenty minntastop wns made asli En Lccas a colorcdnreoivict sent tdCrosse Wis au4aW4Mfaafecityin car-- the State pjsonfromIAn tinielBrlct r4An wirt nt rlS n imlllPtfenages

alsoiocennied the

mado at Portage Now Lis- - April until o few fayfm incapable ofbon Sparta and Lake At 1 motion and only0ncaltcjipting to SpeakThing at St Paul the travoie s wcro - worj He has cutirjljecovcred buteiiUiupIa6tIcalJy greetedifc Hie depot A f thotinvo of straugJniMUs aperfoctprocession was luriuciL niiu iivy wcia - tlmj to him-- -cortcu iq ins iiotci lyan itenucg until vi d

cheering crowds to Brulgo Square where jol ncr on Hortl JO

the President rcvrweil a monyt--- r torchliarht parade freituontlv cxpiessinr his do--light at tho gorgeous spoeiaclc

After the nrocess on had lKiased tbo iirryreturned to the hotel where a publlurcctm- - j member of Cougrestioif wasjwld until a late liour Mra Ctevei j Cassiti j

tljlsclty and dcig hervlfcit here lraiptecucalfcdVn nriiiwnyoidacointidifwRHoni

leaving ht rani tno ionnstsgotoMinncapoIas Omaha Kansas Cty 5IcniphL TcnnAtlanta Ga Montgomery Ala CJiattinooga Tenn Nashville Tcnn KnoxvJllcTenn and thence to Washington hoping toicacli there by the -- 2d Inst


A Iliniiict nt a Toronto llotol in Honorur Ciriluial TiscluT au IiitL rriiptiol liya Cruvil ol Oriiiicnii ii smenil TIhmihaml Ivi huiis KoiriL oil in TlirmilnirStonrs j

TonoxTo Ont Oct lJ Cardinal Taechc- -rcau the mv Carillnnl who ever vMteI

iwas a grand banipiet double their natural and an in- -Jlomlay night by Lath-j appearance Two three men

at tho Uossiu and it tecum f routined to thiiia tho iIimmsoiiinL urangemen nan uetennincu notto let the ocoasion pass without makingtheir disapprobaton of the Popoh action in having made Bishop Taschnreau aPrince of the Roman Catholic Church An I

Orange band from a suburb of the city ac-- J

cjuipaulcd by a large crowd of bloodthirstyroughs wont to tho hotel where the banquetwas being held By playing partytunes and hurling filthy and insult¬

ing cpithctn thry managed to provokoa tight Tho light f oon grew into anot and as wev ral thousand weroengaged In it at one time serious rosnlUw ere anticipated Stones wero thrown bythe rioters who must have brought tiomlsurct with them and a number wen in ¬

jured but their friends managed to getthem away before the police made arrestnThe police after an exciting light wth thomob managed to dispone the roughs Anumber of arrests were made by the pollreIn every instance but one the prisoner

rescued by friends after being arrested


Inrreiisc In the ISiistne- or Tlilrty IargoTost O Mce During the 1ast Year

WisiiiNciTOV Oct ll A stitemeiit ofthe post il I uhiv done at thirty of thelarger cities for tlie quarter ending Septem ¬

ber 10 has been prepared in the otliee oftho Third Ablstant Potmastr GeneraLThe statement shows the Increase tincorresponding period of the previous year i

at the thirty oitics to hive been Jig percut lac quarter peptemiier isthe dullest perlo I of the year in potalbiiliieR The business at Cincinnatiequal to last vear A decrease was ownat Baltimore ot 0 0 and at Bochester ofll per cipt The lucreasoby vhifc s IsTSFimmmm hieoROlTOMlhllallclphia

C9 Boston Ci St Iiuis CJj Sun l ranciscof5 Brooklyn 3 H- - 1itnburgh llC ClcvolanilCI Datrot 3 New Orleans 73 WashingtoniJ- - lluflnlo ia0 Loulsrlle 12 Milwaukee7 S rrnvkl nce 3S Kansas C 30s intlian-nili- -

s Albany X4 Sl Iaul 17 3 Hartford2 Newark 102 Troy 45 Minneapolis U7byracuse US Tolclo 21 UichmonJ 111


The Seon tary ofthe Interior to Sit Upontho ltiich Vilas Mentioned us His hiicecssorNe v Youk Oct 15 According to tho

mofct excellent speculation overthe to the seat on tho benchof the United Statis Supreme Court madovacant by tho death of Justice Wood ofLou maun may as well end for L Q CIimar Secretary of the Interior has beenselected for the place Tlie matter Isto have gone so far that the appointmenthas been tendered to Mr Lamar who hasconsented to accept it Ho is already ar-ranging


hfs affairs w ith a view to tho prom ¬

ised change in his olflcial position The ap¬

is likely to be formally an¬

nounced by a nomination quite early in thofrocfion of the Seuata

Valivkuso Ind 15 Judge ECField who is now- - presiding at tlie fall termof the circuit court here has it sued a sum ¬

mons to the grand jury to convene nextMonday and charges them with a thoroughinvestigation of the Kouts disaster Thejudges ehrrgc is thorough and the pnbliocan now hojic to see the matter sifted tothe bottom


Ho KesIgiiK the Ireslileuey or the llaltlmore fc Ohio Ioiul Tlie TelcKniph DealCoilHlllllllllltf- -

Baltimore Md Oct lt At the meet-ing


of the B A-- O railroad d rectorsWednesday Mr ltobert Garrett tendered byIcttr his rcsigmtlon of the presidency

it was accepted William Fwill act ns president of the compiny untilthe annual meeting It was decided topay no dividend on the main but adividend of per cent on the Washingtonbranch was declared The passing of thomain lino dividend tho price of thoi tock to fall to ll The directors ap-proved


the of the telegraph lines to thoWestern Union Their action consummatesthe deal

m m

Falsr Humors or nn KarthqunkcNew Yokk Oct 15 A dispatch was re-


about 11K this morning from At-lanta


Ga announcing that an earthquakeshook at Charleston S C had interruptedtelegraphic communication that thoextent of the damage done could not then bolearned Considerable was felt untilat a later honr communication was

It was then learned that the wiresbad been disorganized by a fire the reportof an earthquake having originated with a


It is a curious feature of the Aztechouses which still exist in New Mex-ico


that the rooms have no windowsave two littlo square port holes andthere are no doors on tho inside open-ing


from room to room Many roomsare sealed up for some unknownreason

Omaha Man Will you reopenyour summer hotel next seasonSummer Landlord I shall bo herebut not as the lessee I have obtaineda job as head waiter Eh Youdont say so Who will be the lesseothen The head waiter Iliad this

ason Omaha World v

A bee tree which contains six hun-dred


pounds of honey was recentlydiscovered near Truckcc Cal Threehundred pounds of sweet were ob-


the balance of the honey be¬

ing by an accidental fire

wife play the piano Iamsorry to say she does nt Doesshoplay any musical instrument Nonowhatever Hey Thats a rare accomplishmeut N Y Commercial






UN lli pivnrod l3lrIL Hafn of ral WS1 Itcctloii Vr

niinf Jmllrfoiiv TarllTiLiouisvmt buiuu iTK- - uuja largo nuinucr 7J Ma

ui- - soonafter



the Other mornifgwas the mother t 1

I Brigadicr GcnerXlthe wUpwf ucnor

M CIay3Hft





Jughtcr of Genfi in tho




fe S


- - m





tr frem last


at the homoRichmond

styycafs SheJ lay Smith

ederal armySpeed Smith

01 licnoralto Kussia aud

Clay lkiga- -l

i notkKcT TT if- Woiuui mmivu ima cnirnsw aiSPrroiu a horse at Hlchnfoufk and his foot-

hanging iu the stirrup wav dragged todeath Deceased was about twelve yearsold Colonel Tevis retenlly lost his wireand a child

Aimn HoiHNMix conrrontcd Go Barneson the street at Sharpsburg and shot himdead Both were negroes Barnes cowbided Robinson about a year ago

The new disease with which tho men atwork on tho caissons Covington aro af ¬

fected is called the Binds lt twist3their limbs similar to a bad case of rheumatism and causes their hands to swell-

loronto given Hero size haveprominent Itoman flammable or

ollcs House wth









and Burns







The section of the L St L tc T It it be ¬

tween Oweusboro and Stephensport willbe In running order by January

At Henderson a negro named Tom Sher-man


become Involved in a quarrel with nyoung negro bootblack in a barbershopand getting enraged in a fit of blind pas-


lie sezed a chair nnd dealt tho boy afearrul blow crushing in his skull and in-flicting


injuries which will prove fatalAfcrhis cowardly deed Sherman fled totho river and taking possession of akiffcrossed over to the Indiana shore It isthought he is in Evansville and detectivesare looking for him The murder wasbiutal and entirely unprovoked

Geoeoe W Livelt who bad been gam-bling


aud lost committed suicide by hang-ing


himself in a strip of woods ulong thoOhio Valley ruilroad near Henderson

GovEitNoi Bcckneu has refused togranta pardon to George C Buchnnnn formerlyof Louisville but now resident iu CanadaBuchanau h under six indictments in thoJefferson Circuit Cour for violation ofthe laws In relation to warehouse receiptsThe Governor refuses to pardon him in ad ¬

vance of a trial and conviction by a courtof competent jurisdiction because it isonly iu exceptional cases that this ex-


power of the Executive shouldbe exercised before the courts shall havehad an opportunity of deciding upon thoguilt or innocence of an ncfu cd partyHo also ilecines to interfere because tho

WJl3 i accused has placed himself beyond thereach both of the courts and of the Executive and defeated all legitimate inter-ference


by pi eaistlng in his nbsoncf To

The Louisville Legion won the firstprizo of 3000 in cash and 500 in goldmedals nt tho International Drill held inChicago recently

Wn vr cr me very near being a fatal accidmtatthe Fair Grounds at Oncnsborooiy resulted in a iciious hurt A JColeman of Harrodshurg who was show ¬

ing oue of his horses in the harness ringfell from tho vehicle and was run ovor bythe turn out just to his rear The hoof ofthe horse struck Coleman on the headrendering him unconscionsfor au hour

At Louisville a three year olrtgirl namedMary Mathews washorribly turned byher clothing taking lire from

Bv the death of hcrfunclc at M lboarhe f

AustraliaNewport 51500 K articles

C0liX 5tThe worethe John tiJ repeal

Sutt Eden Marcaret A ol yetI

Benjamin AiAUVUl I

war Maria L widow ofGullion Carrollton JohnOwenton

rrJk- -

MexicanWyanl O

AV KniMiOriginals Davis Huffman

Prcachersvillc Joslah J Bcatty- -

vllle Increase Daniel ArmstrongMilton

Hailkoad construction in Kentucky hasnever reached sucha pitch as at pres-ent


mosf valuable woodlandand mineral sections of the State lineshavo boon projected and ia many in-


prcliminarysurveys made Localcapital been invested in nearly everycase and more interest manifested inthe development of tbe various sec-tions


than for years- Along the Hue of theL St L and T tbo improvements and ¬

arc rapidly andprojectors feel much encouraged at theirprospects for an early completion InEastern Kentucky Abe same condition isreported every indication pointsthat

line will be openfor trafllc 1n shortwhile

The commercial congress that atLouisvillo recently was treated to someinteresting estimatefon of ironmaking in the Souttcrn which itcorrect would appear to indicate that region as the home of very im-portant


induntryC John It Proctor StateGeologist or Kentucky stated that at aplace on Grccnriver where ore contain-ing


fifty four Cfint iron coal andlimestone Ho ia close juxtaposition pigiron can bo made at a cost of tonand the cost of getting it to Louisville orEvansville by water would bo morathau l a ton In Edmonson County In

same State it can be made for 10 aton The lowest cost of making pig ironin Middlo Pennsylvania is stated at 1GG0

ton at 1010 and In thoLower Susquehanna region 17

Leon Prestos fatally stabbed inabdomon at a church meeting in coun-try


miles cast of Madisonvilleother night by Bud Bryan aged seventeenyears Preston who is about nine-teen


old had accidentally spit uponBryan at church the night before but hadapologized for It and thought nothingmore about the occurrence until accusedby Bryan and cut in fearful and cowardlymanner without warning Bryan escapedin the dark and has not yet been cap-tured


John T Losglet has been appointedpostmaster at obo Hopkins County

Charles J SiIlman an old and wealthycitizen Garrard County is dead after alingering illness

A paktt Kentucky farmers number-ing


fifty left Louisville othermorning for Dcrmont Stevens CountyKan a new town being built Kcntuckians Tho excursion party is ofcitizens from Jefferson Bullitt NelsonWarren Hart Shelby and Pike Counties

Governor Bucknek has appointed HonAlbert S Willis of Louisville Hon JohnFcland of Hopkinsville and Hon JamesA McKenzle of Christian County delc--nniu fnr tho State ataiu v - - -- hv u tuu i Mid ¬

ways to be held MemphisOctober 30 andSl

t t-

s klrV J J

JJBB- - M --v

With Maafness 2i







jMKaM ---j 4ri





S5ilAaInUW Urn

The niTvocati s ofhijfk ppotetionhave many pretenses jrhiek the advance to convince thelarmflrakHt theAvar tariff is a real lcnefit f titbit iro t

vulcs Inni wuli a liomIraatjketViro--tccta liis products fromforefcrn1 ediupetifioii ami advances tlie jpncc offarming lant

i Kut ono of theso ciaiiHS wiTljKJar cxantination oflk Jjinxp- - thej beenexposed that the woutlvt Ishat anyman uu me leuierity wuge iiioiu at

M Ti r ii5fSf isthj iiu uteui il iiivn i

AVe must havo





-- tf T lhut vritler ordinirvsailititNI withIanil cheap ind ointoallwdB will

- 1 avanitnn Uienwniirto4workwinUioTOVl8li J i iJlfciJit3nuejranitit6iaiVonscrtenvlTTTnS7ACSirtfcliu



the factories must be much higherthan the rewards cf agriculture andthis difference- in tfie wages must bomade good by heavy t nation on arti ¬

cles of consumption1This is a statement of whole case

It is the argument of ever intelligentadvoeatoof ultra protection Casuistto make the doctrine more attractiveadorn it -- vith all kinds of rhetoric butsi ripped of all falsehoods and absurdi-ties


the paragraph embodies thow hole argument

The farmers havtto decide whetheror not they are willing to submit toheavy taxation for the benefit of fhcscspecial industries the working menshould know tha heir high wages arenot due to the tariff but that the taitllis a device by which their employersmake the farmer pay the manufacturerthe difference between wages in Amcr- -

ica anil wages in England or iuEurope o

These facts aregrulunlly lvcognicdand now we notice in the Atlanta Coniliition and other of our tariff exchanges this new argument

Here Is something we our frco tradrcontemporaries to digest Nine tenths of allmauufactu cd articles used by farmers arochespcr m the Uuited Slates than ta Kugland

Tnis is not true The manufacturedarticles Used on the farm are field ma ¬

chinery household utensiU householdfurniture ami clothing

The protective tariff on manufact-ured


cottons is 10 per cent That isfor every doll r invested in cottongoolis abroad the farmer would have topay 10 cents at the custom house and--10 per cent extraym domestic cottongoods

This 1 peu renL is collected toto keep liin from buying any cottongoods abfoait If he could buy thee

aLat home cheaper than in Englandthyproiivtioniits would not insist onMaintaining this tax

Tho import lax on woolens that isthe penalty imposed for purchasingtluurflotiinJMigluudaiSjda to li ucrcotirrM irewavcnir6TlciiaJirfor oiivinjrflannel blankets hats and knit goodsin England is 70 per cent Manifestlythe high protcctionivs would otiscntto the repeal of tin duly if thesegoods were cheaper iu the UnitedStates than iu England but they arefar dearer

On the metals that enter into thomanufacture of farm mahiticiy andhousehold utensils the average pfiii- -ally for purchasing abroad is 55 percent If prices abroad were as high astt home fiis protection would not borequired but they are a third less a

The purpose of the tariff is to enableHO A 1 1 1 i1km nT IlinlllllHul- -

Mrs William Listci raai ot Orcl to t thanhns fallen heir to I higher rnetfollowing Keatuckians pcnVl thv l bi wc iM

sioned on 10th Emily widow of fl0 uo ilit i wilHleraaml itsMt widow i6hts not failed0




In tho


progressing the

andtho a


tho costStates

future this

per of

y50 per




was thothe

two the




ofabout the


InrmiiAiuiriConvention in









But the demonstration docs not endhorelf as -- ome of our exchangesclaim nine-tent- h- of the manufacturedarticles consumed by the farmers nrecheaper in the United States thau inEngland our export of these articleswould bo greater under a high thanunder a low tariff ltisnotso In 1800with a tirlffof IS per cent our exportsof cotton goods amounted to 10l00000 in lS7- - with a tariff of IS percent these exports had fallen to2300000 wealing apparel and wool ¬

ens exported had in the same periodfallen offi2 pur cent leather and manu¬

factures 23 per cent other manufact ¬

ured articles 21 per cent showingthat the mill bosses pocketed a bountyabout equal to the tariff

Still further If these articles arccheaper here than in England our ex-


trade should be larger than En-


yet in lfO we sent to Mexicoand South America our own ncighborsrL9J 100 of cotton against En-


ol 235000 These barbariansdo not know which is the cheapest mar ¬

ketStill further Our total cxpoitt in

1880 of metals wcie 14116000 En¬

glands 237300000 In textiles ourexports were 10216576 Englandswere 53 1500000 Englands exportsof textile fabrics exceeded our total production by 13000000 and her exportsof metals were more than one third of

our total product These figures arosufficient to expose the falsehood of thoargument that the manufactured arti-cles consumed by the American farmerare cheaper here than in England

But a short and conclusive tcsfc ofthe point at issue is to compare the En-

glish prices and American prices of alist of leading manufactures includingwoolens clothing hats and caps cot-


linen and silk goods iron steelimplements glass china pottery etcwhen it will be found that the Ameri-



prices exceed the English practi ¬

cally by the amount of the tariff whichthe former add to their icHing pricesand the fanners have to pay itTaudthat in Ihe face of two irnpof tantfactsfirst tho Government doesnt need halfthe tariff revenues it receives and sec-



the protected manufacturersdo not furnish a home market for onetenth of the food pradt ctsof thefarms

Louis vile Courier Journal

Good progress is being made inthe work of constructing a buildingfor our groat National library but thevastness of the structure will necessi-

tate the expenditure of at least fivo

rears in its construction Pnhlic Opin-



i x

c x r







ri i

-- Ou








Aft-- -