roman empire timeline

Timeline of the Roman Empire From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This not is a timeline of the history of the Roman Empire and only includes important legal and territorial changes and political events in the Empire from its founding in 27 BC by the Roman Emperor Augustus until the fall in the West in 476 AD and the transition in the East in 610. To read about the background to these events, see History of the Roman Empire. Octavian, great-nephew and adoptive son of Julius Caesar, defeated Roman general Mark Antony and Egyptian Queen Cleopatra VII at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC, becoming the sole master of the Roman world. After a series of constitutional settlements between Octavian and the Roman Senate, Octavian was named "Augustus": the first Roman Emperor. The Roman Empire, and the successors of Augustus, would rule the ancient world, stretching across three continents, for almost five centuries. Contents 1 United Empire (27 BC to 394 AD) 1.1 Julio-Claudian Dynasty (27 BC to 70 AD) 1.1.1 30s BC 1.1.2 20s BC 1.1.3 10s BC 1.1.4 0s BC 1.1.5 0s AD 1.1.6 10s AD 1.1.7 20s AD 1.1.8 30s AD 1.1.9 40s AD 1.1.10 50s AD 1.1.11 60s AD 1.2 Flavian Dynasty (69 to 96) 1.2.1 60s 1.2.2 70s 1.2.3 80s 1.2.4 90s 1.3 Nerva–Antonine Dynasty (96 to 192) 1.3.1 90s 1.3.2 100s 1.3.3 110s 1.3.4 120s 1.3.5 130s 1.3.6 140s 1.3.7 150s 1.3.8 160s 1.3.9 170s 1.3.10 180s 1.3.11 190s 1.4 Severan Dynasty (193 to 235) 1.4.1 190s 1.4.2 200s 1.4.3 210s 1.4.4 220s 1.4.5 230s 1.5 Crisis of the Third Century (235 to 285) 1.5.1 230s 1.5.2 240s 1.5.3 250s 1.5.4 260s 1.5.5 270s 1.5.6 280s 1.6 Diocletian and the Tetrarchy (285 to 313) 1.6.1 280s 1.6.2 290s 1.6.3 300s 1.6.4 310s 1.7 Constantinian Dynasty (313 to 363) 1.7.1 320s 1.7.2 330s 1.7.3 340s 1.7.4 350s 1.7.5 360s 1.8 Valentinian Dynasty (364 to 395) Timeline of the Roman Empire - Wikipedia, the free enc... 1 of 14 08/11/2015 01:27 PM

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Roman empire - history


Timeline of the Roman EmpireFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThis not is a timeline of the history of the Roman Empire and only includes important legal and territorialchanges and political events in the Empire from its founding in 27 BC by the Roman Emperor Augustus until the fall inthe West in 476 AD and the transition in the East in 610. To read about the background to these events, see History ofthe Roman Empire.Octavian, great-nephew and adoptive son of Julius Caesar, defeated Roman general Mark Antony and Egyptian QueenCleopatra VII at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC, becoming the sole master of the Roman world. After a series ofconstitutional settlements between Octavian and the Roman Senate, Octavian was named "Augustus": the rst RomanEmperor. The Roman Empire, and the successors of Augustus, would rule the ancient world, stretching across threecontinents, for almost ve centuries.Contents1 United Empire (27 BC to 394 AD)1.1 Julio-Claudian Dynasty (27 BC to 70 AD)1.1.1 30s BC1.1.2 20s BC1.1.3 10s BC1.1.4 0s BC1.1.5 0s AD1.1.6 10s AD1.1.7 20s AD1.1.8 30s AD1.1.9 40s AD1.1.10 50s AD1.1.11 60s AD1.2 Flavian Dynasty (69 to 96)1.2.1 60s1.2.2 70s1.2.3 80s1.2.4 90s1.3 NervaAntonine Dynasty (96 to 192)1.3.1 90s1.3.2 100s1.3.3 110s1.3.4 120s1.3.5 130s1.3.6 140s1.3.7 150s1.3.8 160s1.3.9 170s1.3.10 180s1.3.11 190s1.4 Severan Dynasty (193 to 235)1.4.1 190s1.4.2 200s1.4.3 210s1.4.4 220s1.4.5 230s1.5 Crisis of the Third Century (235 to 285)1.5.1 230s1.5.2 240s1.5.3 250s1.5.4 260s1.5.5 270s1.5.6 280s1.6 Diocletian and the Tetrarchy (285 to 313)1.6.1 280s1.6.2 290s1.6.3 300s1.6.4 310s1.7 Constantinian Dynasty (313 to 363)1.7.1 320s1.7.2 330s1.7.3 340s1.7.4 350s1.7.5 360s1.8 Valentinian Dynasty (364 to 395)Timeline of the Roman Empire - Wikipedia, the free enc... of 14 08/11/2015 01:27 PM1.8.1 360s1.8.2 370s1.8.3 380s1.8.4 390s2 Western Empire (395 to 476)2.1 Theodosian Dynasty (395 to 455)2.1.1 390s2.1.2 400s2.1.3 410s2.1.4 420s2.1.5 430s2.1.6 440s2.1.7 450s2.2 Non-dynastic (455 to 476)2.2.1 450s2.2.2 460s2.2.3 470s3 Eastern Empire (395 to 1453)4 See alsoUnited Empire (27 BC to 394 AD)Julio-Claudian Dynasty (27 BC to 70 AD)The Julio-Claudian dynasty was a family of ve emperors that governed the Empire during its formative years. Allmembers of the dynasty drew political power from their family ties to Julius Caesar and Augustus. While membersoften acted in despotic manners, the key principle of the dynasty was upholding the Republic facade of the Empire,known as the Principate, in which the Emperors were not seen as monarchs but as "rst citizen".Augustus (27 BC14 AD) 1. Tiberius (1437) 2. Caligula (3741) 3. Claudius (4154) 4. Nero (5468) 5. 30s BC31 BC - Octavian defeats Marc Antony and the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra VII at the Battle of Actium, becomingthe undisputed master of the Roman world30 BC - Octavian is named "Pharaoh", annexes Egypt, and bring the Final War of the Roman Republic to a close20s BC29 BC -Marcus Licinius Crassus, under orders from Octavian, annexes Moesia into the EmpireOctavian begins the Cantabrian Wars to complete the conquest of Hispania27 BC - Octavian is proclaimed "Augustus" by the Roman Senate and becomes the rst Roman Emperor.25 BC -Marcus Claudius Marcellus, Augustus' nephew by his sister Octavia Minor, is married to Augustus' onlydaughter Julia the Elder. Marcellus becomes Augustus' apparent choice as successor.Following the death of Amyntas of Galatia, a Roman client king, Augustus annexes his kingdom into theEmpire as the province of Galatia.23 BC - Marcellus dies of illness at age 19, leaving Augustus without clear successor.21 BC - Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, Augustus' close friend and chief military commander, is married to Julia theElder. Agrippa becomes Augustus' apparent choice as successor.10s BC19 BC - The Cantabrian Wars come to an end, completing the Roman conquest of Hispania17 BC - Augustus adopts his grandsons by Agrippa and Julia, Gaius Caesar and Lucius Caesar, as his sons16 BC - Under orders from Augustus, general Tiberius annexes Raetia and Noricum into the Empire12 BC -Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa dies of fever at age 51, leaving Augustus without clear successor.Under orders from Augustus, general Nero Claudius Drusus, step-son of Augustus, crosses the Rhine riverand begins the conquest of Germania11 BC - Augustus forces his stepson by Livia, the general Tiberius, to divorce his beloved wife Vipsania Agrippina,a daughter of Agrippa, and to marry his Julia the Elder. Tiberius becomes Augustus' apparent choice as successor.Timeline of the Roman Empire - Wikipedia, the free enc... of 14 08/11/2015 01:27 PM0s BC9 BC -Under orders from Augustus, general Tiberius annexes Pannonia into the EmpireUnder orders from Augustus, general Nero Claudius Drusus extends Roman domination in Germania to theElbe river. Returning to Gaul, Drusus dies from injuries he sustained after falling from his horse.6 BC - Augustus grants Tiberius tribunican power and military command over the eastern half of the Empire,guaranteeing his position as Augustus' designated successor. Tiberius, however, retires to the island of Rhodes,leaving Augustus without a clear heir.2 BC - Julia the Elder, Augustus' only daughter and wife of Tiberius, is convicted of adultery and treason. Tiberiusdivorces her and Augustus exiles her to the island of Pandateria, where she would remain until her death in 14AD.0s AD2 - Lucius Caesar, adoptive son of Augustus and a presumptive heir, dies of illness at age 19. In response,Augustus allows Tiberius to return from retirement as a private citizen.4 - Gaius Caesar, adoptive son of Augustus and a presumptive heir, dies of wounds from military campaign at age24. With no other possible candidate for succession, Augustus adopts his stepson Tiberius as his son and full heir.Tiberius is made second only to Augustus.6 -Augustus deposes Herod Archelaus, Roman client king of Judea, and annexes the kingdom into the Empire asthe province of JudeaThe native inhabitants of Illyricum revolt against Roman rule9 -Under orders from Augustus, the generals Tiberius and Germanicus crush the Great Illyrian Revolt, restoringRoman control to the Balkans. Illyricum is divided into the provinces of Pannonia and DalmatiaGeneral Publius Quinctilius Varus is killed at the Battle of Teutoburg Forest, destroying the Roman armypresence in Germania10s AD10 - General Tiberius assumes command of Roman forces in Germania and begins a two-year counterattackagainst Germanic tribes13 - Tiberius returns to Rome, where his powers are made equal to those of Augustus, eectively making him"Co-Emperor" in all but title.14 -Augustus dies of natural causes at age 75 after a 40-year reign. His step-son and adoptive son Tiberiusbecomes Emperor.Following Augustus' death, soldiers in Germania and Pannonia protested their terms of military service. Thenew Emperor Tiberius sends Germanicus, the son of Tiberius' brother Nero Claudius Drusus and Tiberius'adoptive son, to Germania and sends his biological son Drusus Julius Caesar to Pannonia to put down therespective revolts.15 - Sejanus becomes Prefect of the Praetorian Guard and a close advisor to Tiberius.16 - General Germanicus defeats Germanic tribes at the Battle of Weser River, reasserting Roman domination inGermania lost after the Battle of Teutoburg Forest17 -Following the death of Archelaus of Cappadocia, a Roman client king, Tiberius annexes Cappadocia into theEmpireFollowing the death of Antiochus III of Commagene, a Roman client king, Tiberius annexes Commagene intothe Empire, incorporating its territory into the province of Syria18 - Tiberius grants Germanicus, who is immensely popular with the Roman people and Tiberius' heir apparent,military command over the Eastern half of the Empire.19 - Germanicus dies under mysterious circumstances at the age of 33.20s AD22 - Drusus Julius Caesar, Tiberius' son, is granted powers second only to Tiberius, becoming his clear successor.23 - Drusus dies under mysterious circumstances at the age of 36. Tiberius is left with no clear successor.26 - Tiberius withdraws to the island of Capri, where he would remain until his death in 37. With Tiberius absent,Sejanus, Prefect of the Praetorian Guard, is left as de facto ruler of Rome.29 - Livia, widow of Augustus and mother to Tiberius, dies of natural causes30s AD31 -Caligula, son of the deceased general Germanicus and Tiberius' grandson by adoption, joins the agingEmperor on Capri.On orders of Tiberius, Sejanus is stripped of his ocial position and executed.35 - Tiberius names Caligula and Tiberius Gemellus, Tiberius' biological grandson, as his joint-heirs37 - Tiberius dies of natural causes at age 77 after a 23-year reign. His adoptive grandson and designated heirCaligula becomes Emperor.38 - Caligula orders Tiberius Gemellus executed for treasonTimeline of the Roman Empire - Wikipedia, the free enc... of 14 08/11/2015 01:27 PM40s AD40 - During a state visit to Rome, Ptolemy of Mauretania, Roman client king of Mauretania, is murdered byCaligula. Mauretania revolts against Roman domination.41 -Caligula sends the general Gaius Suetonius Paulinus to suppress the revolt in MauretaniaCaligula is assassinated by the Praetorian Guard at the age of 28 after a 4-year reign. His uncle Claudiusbecomes EmperorClaudius names Agrippa I as Roman client king of Judea, restoring the province to its status a client kingdom43 -Claudius orders an invasion of Britain, beginning the conquest of the island.Claudius annexes Lycia into the Empire44 - General Gaius Suetonius Paulinus crushes the revolt in Mauretania, annexing the kingdom into the Empire.Claudius divides the territory into the provinces of Mauretania Caesariensis and Mauretania Tingitana46 - Rhoemetalces III, Roman client king of the Odrysian Kingdom, is assassinated in an anti-Roman revolt.Claudius suppresses the revolt and annexes the kingdom into the Empire as the province of Thracia48 -Clausius executes his third wife, Valeria Messalina for her countless adulteries and alleged plot to usurp thethrone.Claudius names Agrippa II as Roman client king of Judea49 - Claudius marries his niece, Agrippina the Younger (mother of the future Emperor Nero).50s AD50 - Claudius adopts Nero, the son of his fourth wife Agrippina the Younger53 - Claudius accepts Nero as his heir, to the detriment of Britannicus, his son by his third wife Valeria Messalina54 - Claudius is poisoned by his fourth wife Agrippina the Younger at the age of 63 after a 14-year reign. Hisstep-son and adoptive son Nero becomes Emperor.55 - Britannicus dies on the very day before his proclamation as an adult is set, solidifying Nero's claim to thethrone.58 - War breaks out with Parthia when the Parthians begin a full-scale invasion of the Armenian kingdom.59 - Nero orders the execution of his mother, Agrippina the Younger.60s AD63 - Nero secures a peace deal with Parthia which gains him popularity with the eastern provinces of Rome aswell as with Parthia. Nero's peace would last for 50 years, until Emperor Trajan invades Armenia in 114.64 -The Great Fire of Rome takes place.Nero begins construction of the Domus Aurea, a lavish entertainment house of 300 rooms with extensivegold leang and jewel-encrusted ceilings, whose grounds would display a colossal bronze statue of Nerohimself.65 - Nero discovers a conspiracy against him, organized by Gaius Calpurnius Piso, a Roman Statesman. As aresult, the conspiracy fails, and its members are executed. Among these casualties is Nero's previous advisor,Seneca, who is ordered to commit suicide after admitting he discussed the plot with the conspirators.66 - The inhabitants of Judaea revolt against Roman rule, beginning a seven-year war with the Empire. Neroappoints the general Vespasian to suppress the revolt68 - Nero, following a revolt by provincial governors and the Praetorian Guard, commits suicide at the age of 30after a 14-year reign. A civil war begins to determine his successor.Flavian Dynasty (69 to 96)The Flavian dynasty rose to power during the civil war of 69, known as the Year of the Four Emperors. Although thedynasty proved to be short-lived (with three emperors reigning only 27 years), several signicant historic, economicand military events took place during their reign.Vespasian (69-79) 1. Titus (79-81) 2. Domitian (81-96) 3. 60s69 - Following the civil war of 68, general Vespasian emerges victorious and is proclaimed by the Senate asEmperor70s70 - As part of the Roman response to the Great Jewish Revolt, the general Titus lays siege to Jerusalem,destroying the Great Jewish TempleTimeline of the Roman Empire - Wikipedia, the free enc... of 14 08/11/2015 01:27 PM73 - Lucilius Bassus, military governor of Judea, lays siege to Masada, ending the Great Jewish Revolt77 - Gnaeus Julius Agricola is appointed military governor of Britain, consolidates Roman control over the island,and expands Roman domination into Wales and Scotland79 -Vespasian dies of natural causes at the age of 69 after a 10-year reign. His eldest son, the general Titus,becomes EmperorMount Vesuvius erupts, destroying the Italian cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum80s81 - Titus dies of fever at the age of 41 after a 2-year reign. His younger brother Domitian becomes Emperor.85 - Gnaeus Julius Agricola, military governor of Britain, returns to Rome after successful campaigns in Britain andits honored by Emperor Domitian.86 - Dacians under King Decebalus cross the Danube river and invade the Roman province of Moesia, beginning atwo-year war with the Empire88 - Following a Roman victory against the Dacians at Tapae, the Dacian King Decebalus sues for peace. Domitiangrants favorable terms to Decebalus, with Dacia becoming a Roman client kingdom and receives massive annualsubsidies89 -Lucius Antonius Saturninus, military governor of Germania Superior, revolts against Domitian's ruleUnder orders from Domitian, the general Trajan defeats Saturninus and restores imperial control overGermania Superior90s96 - Domitian is assassinated by members of his own court at the age of 44 after a 15-year reign. The Senateproclaims the elderly Nerva as EmperorNervaAntonine Dynasty (96 to 192)The NervaAntonine dynasty were seven Emperors who ruled the Roman Empire from 96 to 192. The dynasty beganwhen the Senate proclaimed Nerva as Emperor following the assassination of Emperor Domitian. The rst ve of thesix successions within this dynasty were notable in that the reigning Emperor adopted the candidate of his choice tobe his successor. The Emperor Marcus Aurelius would be the only Emperor of this dynasty to be succeeded by hisbiological son, the Emperor Commodus. Commodus' assassination would plunge the Empire into a civil war, known asthe Year of the Five Emperors.Nerva (96-98) 1. Trajan (98-117) 2. Hadrian (117-138) 3. Antoninus Pius (138-161) 4. Marcus Aurelius (161-180) 5. Lucius Verus (161-169) 6. Commodus (180-192) 7. 90s96 - Following the assassination of Domitian, the Senate proclaims the elderly Nerva as Emperor97 - Facing military opposition to his reign, Nerva adopts the popular and successful general Trajan as his son andheir98 - Nerva dies of natural causes at the age of 67 following a 2-year reign. His adoptive son, the general Trajan,becomes Emperor without opposition100s101 - As part of his conquest of Dacia, Trajan crosses the Danube river and launches an invasion of Dacia,defeating the Dacian King Decebalus at Tapae102 - Trajan approves a peace treaty unfavorable to Decebalus, though Dacia remains a Roman client kingdom105 - Unhappy with his peace treaty with Rome, Dacian King Decebalus crossed the Danube river and raidsRoman cities in Moesia. In response, Trajan crosses the Danube and launches an invasion as part of his conquestof Dacia,106 - Defeating the Dacians at the Battle of Sarmisegetusa, Trajan brings his Dacian wars to an end with theannexation of Dacia into the Empire as a province107 - Rabbel II Soter, Roman client king of Nabataea, dies. Trajan annexes his kingdom into the Empire as theprovince of Arabia Petraea110s113 - Trajan begins his invasion of the Parthian EmpireTimeline of the Roman Empire - Wikipedia, the free enc... of 14 08/11/2015 01:27 PM114 - Trajan deposes Parthamasiris of Armenia, a Roman client king, and annexes his kingdom into the Empire116 -Trajan captures the Parthian capital of Ctesiphon, annexing Mesopotamia and Assyria into the EmpireTrajan deposes King Osroes I of Parthia, installing Parthamaspates of Parthia as his puppet king over thewhole of the Parthian Empire117 -Trajan dies of natural causes at the age of 63 after a 20-year reign. His adoptive son, the general Hadrian,becomes EmperorOsroes I of Parthia, the deposed Parthian king, deposes King Parthamaspates of Parthia, reclaiming theParthian throne118 - Hadrian withdraws from the Parthian Empire, returning the recently acquired provinces of Armenia,Mesopotamia, and Assyria to their status prior to Trajan's war119 - Hadrian arrives in Britannia to suppress a revolt120s122 - Construction of Hadrian's Wall in Britannia begins123 - Hadrian arrives in Mauretania to suppress a revolt124 - Hadrian arrives in Greece to experience Hellenistic culture126 - Hadrian returns to Rome and his ordered reconstruction of the Pantheon begins130s131 - Hadrian's anti-Jewish policies while in Judea sparks the Bar Kokhba revolt135 - Hadrian defeats the Bar Kokhba revolt, suppressing Jewish political autonomy and religious freedom,renaming "Judea" as "Syria Palaestina"136 - Hadrian names Lucius Aelius Caesar as his adoptive son and heir138 -Lucius Aelius Caesar, Hardian's adoptive son and heir, dies of natural causesHadrian names Antoninus Pius as his adoptive son and heir on the condition that he, in turn, adopt MarcusAurelius and Lucius Verus as his heirsHadrian dies of natural causes at the age of 62 after a 21-year reign. His adoptive son Antoninus Piusbecomes Emperor140s150s160s161 - Antonius Pius dies of natural causes at the age of 74 after a 23-year reign. His adoptive sons MarcusAurelius and Lucius Verus become Co-Emperors169 - Lucius Verus dies of plague, leaving his adoptive brother Marcus Aurelius as sole Emperor170s177 - Marcus Aurelius names his son Commodus as Co-Emperor180s180 - Marcus Aurelius dies in Danube War at the age of 58 after a 19-year reign. His son Commodus becomes soleEmperor190s192 - Commodus is assassinated on December 31 by members of his court at the age of 31 after a 15-year reign.193 - A civil war begins to determine Commodus' successor as EmperorSeveran Dynasty (193 to 235)The Severan dynasty ruled the Empire between 193 and 235. The dynasty was founded by the general SeptimiusSeverus, who rose to power as the victor of the civil war of 193, known as the Year of the Five Emperors. AlthoughSeverus successfully restored peace following the upheaval of the late 2nd century, the dynasty was disturbed byhighly unstable family relationships and constant political turmoil.Septimius Severus (193-211) 1. Caracalla (198-217) 2. Timeline of the Roman Empire - Wikipedia, the free enc... of 14 08/11/2015 01:27 PMGeta (209-211) 3. Macrinus (217-218) 4. Elagabalus (218-222) 5. Alexander Severus (222-235) 6. 190s193 - Following the civil war of 193, general Septimius Severus emerges victorious and becomes Emperor198 - Septimius Severus names his eldest son Caracalla as Co-Emperor200s209 - Septimius Severus names his youngest son Geta as Co-Emperor with himself and Caracalla210s211 - Septimius Severus dies of natural causes at the age of 65 after an 18-year reign. His sons Caracalla andGeta rule the Empire jointly as Co-Emperors211 - Geta is assassinated by his brother Caracalla at the age of 22 after an 11-month reign. Caracalla becomessole Emperor217 - Caracalla is assassinated by members of his bodyguard at the age of 29 after a 19-year reign. His Prefect ofthe Praetorian Guard, Macrinus, becomes Emperor218 - Following a military revolt, Macrinus is executed at the age of 53 after a 13-month reign. Septimius Severus'great-nephew Elagabalus becomes Emperor220s222 - Elagabalus is assassinated by the Praetorian Guard at the age of 18 after a 4-year reign. His cousinAlexander Severus, another great-nephew of Septimus Severus, is proclaimed Emperor by the Guard.230s235 - Following a military revolt, Alexander Severus is assassinated by his own troops at the age of 26 after a13-year reign. The army proclaims the general Maximinus Thrax as Emperor, beginning a fty-year political andmilitary crisis.Crisis of the Third Century (235 to 285)The Crisis of the Third Century was a period in which the Roman Empire nearly collapsed under the combinedpressures of invasion, civil war, plague, and economic depression. The Crisis began with the assassination of EmperorAlexander Severus at the hands of his own troops, initiating a fty-year period in which dozens of claimants to theImperial throne (with dozens more usurpers and pretenders), mostly prominent Roman Army generals, assumedimperial power over all or part of the Empire. In 260, the Empire split into three competing states: the western GallicEmpire, the eastern Palmyrene Empire, and the Roman Empire proper in the center. The Emperor Aurelian reunited thethree states into a single Empire by 274. The Crisis ended with the ascension and reforms of Diocletian.The Crisis resulted in such profound changes in the Empire's institutions, society, economic life and, eventually,religion, that it is increasingly seen by most historians as the transition period between the historical periods ofClassical antiquity and late antiquity.Maximinus Thrax (235-238) 1. Gordian I (238) 2. Gordian II (238) 3. Pupienus and Balbinus (238) 4. Gordian III (238-244) 5. Philip the Arab (244-249) 6. Decius (249-251) 7. Herennius Etruscus (251) 8. Trebonianus Gallus (251-253) 9. Volusianus (251-253) 10. Aemilian (253) 11. Valerian (253-260) 12. Gallienus (253-268) 13. Claudius Gothicus (268-270) 14. Timeline of the Roman Empire - Wikipedia, the free enc... of 14 08/11/2015 01:27 PMQuintillus (270) 15. Aurelian (270-275) 16. Marcus Claudius Tacitus (275-276) 17. Florianus (276) 18. Probus (276-282) 19. Carus (282-284) 20. Carinus (282-285) 21. 230s235 - Following the assassination of Severus Alexander during a military revolt, the army proclaims MaximinusThrax as Emperor238 - Maximinus Thrax is assassinated in a military revolt at the age of 65 after a 3-year reign. His assassinationresults in a civil war to determine his successor:Gordian I and his son Gordian II become Co-Emperors for one month, ending with a military revolt in whichGordian II died in battle and Gordian I committing suicide following the military defeatPupienus and Balbinus become Co-Emperors for three months, ending with their assassination by thePraetorian GuardGordian III, grandson of Gordian I, is proclaimed Emperor by the Praetorian Guard, ending the civil war of238240s244 - Gordian III dies from unknown causes after a military defeat at the age of 19 after a 6-year reign. HisPrefect of the Praetorian Guard Philip the Arab proclaims himself Emperor.249 - Following a military revolt, Philip the Arab dies at the age of 45 after a 5-year reign. The general Decius isproclaimed Emperor by his troops after defeating Philip the Arab in combat250s251 - Decius names his son Herennius Etruscus as Co-Emperor.251 - Decius and Herennius Etruscus are killed in battle by the Goths. Trebonianus Gallus and his son Volusianusare proclaimed Emperor by the army253 - In a military revolt, Trebonianus Gallus and son Volusianus are murdered by their own troops. The armyproclaims Aemilian Emperor253 - In a military revolt, Valerian is proclaimed Emperor by the army. He names his son Gallienus Co-Emperor260s260 - Valerian is captured by the Sassanid Empire after a military defeat, becoming a Persian prisoner of war,ending his 7-year reign. His son Gallienus becomes sole Emperor260 - The Gallic Empire (the provinces of Britainnia, Hispannia, and Gaul) and the Palmyrene Empire (theprovinces of Syria, Egypt, and Asia) secede from the Empire, becoming separated from Imperial control268 - In a military revolt, Gallienus is killed at the age of 50 after a 15-year reign. His general Claudius Gothicus isproclaimed Emperor by the army270s270 - Claudius Gothicus dies of illness at the age of 56 after a 2-year reign. His brother Quintillus proclaimshimself Emperor with the support of the Senate while Claudis' general Aurelian is proclaimed Emperor by thearmy. Aurelian defeats Quintillus in battle and is recognized as Emperor by the Senate273 - Aurelian defeats Queen Zenobia, ruler of the Palmyrene Empire, and reunites the eastern provinces into theEmpire274 - Aurelian defeats Emperor Tetricus I, ruler of the Gallic Empire, and reunites the western provinces into theEmpire275 - Aurelian is assassinated by the Praetorian Guard at the age of 60 after a 5-year reign. The Senate elects,with ratication by the army, Marcus Claudius Tacitus as Emperor276 - Marcus Claudius Tacitus dies of fever at the age of 76 after a 9-month reign. His Prefect of the PraetorianGuard, Florianus, is proclaimed Emperor by the army276 - In a military revolt, Florianus is assassinated by his own troops after a 3-month reign. Marcus AureliusProbus, former Emperor Tacitus' half-brother, is proclaimed Emperor by the army280s282 - In a military revolt, Probus is assassinated by his own troops at the age of 50 after a 6-year reign. HisPrefect of the Praetorian Guard, Carus, is proclaimed Emperor by the army. Carus names his sons Carinus andNumerian as junior Emperors, with Carinus in the West and Numerian in the East.283 - Carus dies of natural causes at the age of 59 after a 1-year reign. His son Carinus and Numerian becomeCo-Emperors284 - Numerian dies of disease while on military campaign, allowing his older brother Carinus to become soleEmperor284 - Diocletian begins a revolt against Carinus, proclaiming himself Emperor with the support of the Easternarmy.Timeline of the Roman Empire - Wikipedia, the free enc... of 14 08/11/2015 01:27 PM285 - Diocletian defeats Carinus in battle, with Carinus killed by his own troops. Diocletian is proclaimed Emperorby both the western and the eastern armies. The fty-year military and political crisis comes to an end.Diocletian and the Tetrarchy (285 to 313)When Diocletian was proclaimed Emperor, he ruled the entire Empire as sole Emperor. Diocletian named Maximian ashis Co-Emperor in 286, through Diocletian remained the senior partner. He then established a system for governingthe Empire by four rulers known as the Tetrachy: two Senior Emperors (Augustii) and two Junior Emperors (Caesars'),with one Senior and Junior Emperor (the designated heir) in the West and East respectively. Diocletian, and hissuccessors, become Senior Emperor of the East and Maximian, and his successors, Senior Emperor in the West. TheTetrachy was relatively stable until the death Constantius Chlorus in 306, which started a civil war to determine thetrue successor to the Western throne. The Tetrarchy system ended in 313 with the death of Eastern EmperorMaximinus II, when internecine conict eliminated most of the claimants to power, leaving Constantius' sonConstantine I as Western Emperor and Licinius as Eastern Emperor.Diocletian (285-305) 1. Maximian (286-305) 2. Galerius (305-311) 3. Constantius Chlorus (305-306) 4. Flavius Valerius Severus (306-307) 5. Constantine the Great (307-337) 6. Maxentius (307-312) 7. Maximinus II (310-313) 8. Licinius (313-324) 9. 280s285 - Diocletian defeats Carinus in military combat, ending a fty-year military and political crisis and becomessole Emperor285 - Diocletian appoints Maximian as "Caesar" and Junior Emperor286 - Diocletian elevates Maximian to "Augustus" and Co-Emperor, with Diocletian as Eastern Emperor and SeniorEmperor and Maximian as Western Emperor290s293 - With Diocletian's blessing, Constantius Chlorus is appointed by Maximian as "Caesar" and Junior Emperor inthe West.293 - Diocletian appoints Galerius as "Caesar" and Junior Emperor in the East.300s304 - Galerius convinces Diocletian to designte Galeriuss nominees Flavius Valerius Severus and Maximinus II as"Caesars" upon Constantius Chlorus and Galerius elevation to "Augustii".305 - Diocletian and Maximian retire simultaneously from their Imperial thrones. Constantius Chlorus becomes"Augustus" and Senior Emperor in the West and Galerius becomes "Augustus" and Senior Emperor in the East.Severus becomes "Caesar" and Junior Emperor in the West and Maximinus II becomes "Caesar" and JuniorEmperor in the East.306 - Constantius Chlorus dies of natural causes at the age of 56 while on military campaign in Britannia. Heconvinces his army to proclaim his son Constantine his successor as "Augustus" of the West instead of the"Caesar" Severus.306 - Eastern "Augustus" Galerius recognizes Constantine as "Caesar" in the West and elevates Severus to"Augustus" of the West306 - Maxentius, son of the former Western "Augustus" Maximian, rebels against the legitimate Western"Augustus" Severus307 - Severus is defeated and killed by the usurper Maxentius, who assumes the title "Augustus" of the West308 - Eastern "Augustus" Galerius rearms Constantine as Western "Caesar" and appoints Licinius as Western"Augustus" with instructions to defeat the usurper Maxentius309 - The former Western "Augustus" Maximian and his son the usurper Maxentius have a falling out, withMaximian eeing to the protection of Constantine310s310 - Following a failed revolt against Constantine, the former Western "Augustus" Maximian commits suicide311 - Eastern "Augustus" Galerius dies of natural causes at the age of 51. His nephew and the Eastern "Caesar"Maximinus II succeeds him as Eastern "Augustus"Timeline of the Roman Empire - Wikipedia, the free enc... of 14 08/11/2015 01:27 PM311 - Maximinus II, the Eastern "Augustus", and Licinius, the Western "Augustus", enter a power-sharingagreement, both becoming Co-Emperors of the East311 - Constantine and Licinius declare an alliance through the marriage of Licinius to Constantine's half-sisterFlavia Julia Constantia311 - Following the alliance of Constantine and Licinius, Maximinus II enters a secret alliance with the usurperMaxentius312 - Constantine defeats and kills the usurper Maxentius, becoming undisputed Western Emperor. Following hisvictory, Constantine converts to Christianity313 - Licinius defeats his Co-Eastern Emperor Maximinus II, becoming undisputed Eastern EmperorConstantinian Dynasty (313 to 363)Constantine the Great (313-337) 1. Licinius (313-324) 2. Constantine II (337-340) 3. Constantius II (337-361) 4. Constans (337-350) 5. Julian the Apostate (360-363) 6. Jovian (363-364) 7. 320s324 - Constantine I defeats Licinius in battle and becomes sole Emperor330s337 - Constantine I dies of natural causes at the age of 65 after a 31-year reign. His sons Constantine II,Constantius II, and Constans become Co-Emperors and divide the Empire among themselves:Constantine II rules the provinces of Britannia, Hispannia, Gaul, and IllyriaConstantius II rules the provinces of Asia, Syria, and EgyptConstans rules the provinces of Italy and Africa, with Constans placed under the guardianship of ConstantineII338 - Constans, unhappy with the division of power, petitions his brothers to redivide the Empire, with Constansreceiving Illyria from Constantine II340s340 - Despite Constans reaching adulthood, Constantine II refuses to relinquish guardianship over his youngerbrother. Constantine II marches to Italy to enforce his authority, where he is defeated in battle by Constans, whoassumes control over his deceased brother's territory.350s350 - In a military revolt led by the usurper Magnentius, Constans is murdered by his own troops at the age of 27after a 14-year reign.353 - Constantius II defeats the usurper Magnentius in battle and becomes sole Emperor360s360 - Julian the Apostate is proclaimed Emperor by the western army361 - Constantius II dies of natural causes at the age of 44 after a 24-year reign, averting a civil war with Julian.Constantius' will names Julian as his lawful successor, making Julian sole Emperor363 - While campaigning against the Sassanid Persians, Julian as mortally wounded in battle and dies at the ageof 31. The commander of his Imperial Guard, Jovian is proclaimed Emperor by the army364 - Following the signing of a peace treaty with the Persians on humiliating terms, Jovian dies under mysteriouscircumstances. The army proclaims the general Valentinian I as EmperorValentinian Dynasty (364 to 395)Valentinian I (364-375) 1. Valens (364-378) 2. Timeline of the Roman Empire - Wikipedia, the free enc... of 14 08/11/2015 01:27 PMGratian (375-383) 3. Valentinian II (375-392) 4. Theodosius I (378-395) 5. 360s364 - Following the mysterious death of Jovian, the army proclaims Valentinian I as Emperor. To prevent asuccession crisis, Valentinian I appoints his younger brother Co-Emperor, with Valentinian I as Western Emperorand Valens as Eastern Emperor370s375 - Valentinian I dies of a stroke at the age of 54 following a 12-year reign. His sons Gratian and Valentinian IIsucceed him as Co-Emperors of the West376 - Fleeing Hunnic aggression, the Goths under the leadership of Fritigern cross the Danube River and enter theEastern Empire as political refugees377 - Following harsh treatment by the Romans, the Goths revolt and begin the Gothic War378 -Eastern Emperor Valens is killed in battle by the Goths during the Battle of Adrianople at the age of 50 aftera 15-year reign.The Western Emperor Gratian names the general Theodosius I as Eastern Emperor380s382 - Following a joint east-west military campaign, the Goths and the Empire conclude a peace treaty in whichthe Goths are allowed to settle along the southern Danube frontier in the province of Thrace and are grantedsignicant self-governance383 - In a military revolt, Gratian is murdered by his own troops at the age of 24 after an 8-year reign. His halfbrother Valentinian II becomes sole Western Emperor390s392 - Valentinian II dies under mysterious circumstances (either suicide or murder) at the age of 21 after a17-year reign. Eastern Emperor Theodosius becomes sole Emperor395 - Theodosius dies of illness at the age of 48 following a 16-year reign. Theodosius' death permanently dividesthe Empire into Western and Eastern halves, with his oldest son Arcadius as Eastern Empire and youngest sonHonorius as Western Emperor.Western Empire (395 to 476)The Western Roman Empire existed intermittently in several periods between the 3rd and 5th centuries, after EmperorDiocletian's Tetrarchy and then after the reunications associated with Emperors Constantine the Great and Julian theApostate. Emperor Theodosius I was the last Emperor to rule over an unied Empire. After his death in 395, the Empirewas permanently divided into Eastern and Western halves. Following the nal division, the Western Empire wouldsurvive for eight decades under increased barbarian invasions, eventually falling under the pressure of internal revoltand foreign invasion in the mid-5th century.Theodosian Dynasty (395 to 455)The Theodosian dynasty ruled the Western Empire for fty years. Following the death of Emperor Theodosius I in 395and the permanent division of the Empire, Theodosius' eleven-year-old son Honorius became Western Emperor. TheEmperor Honorius named Constantius III the Supreme Commander of the Western Army and husband of the Emperor'ssister Galla Placidia, as Co-Emperor in 421. He reigned alongside Honorius briey until he died suddenly after onlyseven months as Emperor. Following Honorius' death in the rst quarter of the 5th century, a brief interim existedduring which the Western throne remained legally vacant, though usurpers attempted to claim the throne. Supportedby the Eastern court, six-year-old Valentinian III, the son of Constantius and Placidia, became Emperor. Both membersof the Theodosian dynasty were mostly ceremonial gureheads as both Emperors were dominated by powerful militarycommanders, who were the power behind the throne in the West.Honorius (395-423) 1. Constantius III (421) 2. Valentinian III (425-455) 3. 390s395 -Following the death of Emperor Theodosius I, the Western and Eastern halves of the Empire are divided withTheodosius ten-year-old son Honorius becoming Emperor in the WestTimeline of the Roman Empire - Wikipedia, the free enc... of 14 08/11/2015 01:27 PMGiven Honorius' young age (11 at the time), the Supreme Commander of the Western Army, the half-VandalStilicho, becomes the Emperor's regent and power behind the throne398 - Supreme Commander Stilicho puts down the Gildonic revolt led by Count of Africa Gildo to defect to theEastern Empire.400s402 - The capital of the Western Empire moves from Milan to Ravenna406 - On New Year's Eve, the Vandals, Alans, and Suebi cross the frozen Rhine River and invade the Empirethrough Gaul410s410 -Following failed negotiations with the Western Emperor Honorius, the Visigoths under Alaric I sack Rome, therst time the City had been sacked since 384 BC by the Gauls.The last Roman military forces leave Britain, completing the Roman withdrawal from the island420s421 -Honorius names the Supreme Commander of the Western Army Constantius III as his Co-EmperorAfter only seven months as Co-Emperor, Constantius III dies suddenly423 - Honorius dies of edema at the age of 39 after a 28-year reign. With no heir to the Western throne, the Westexperiences an interregnum in which the usurper Joannes takes power in Rome424 - Eastern Emperor Theodosius II names his cousin Valentinian III, son of Galla Placidia and Constantius III, asWestern Emperor425 - The usurper Joannes is defeated by Eastern General Aspar, who installs the six year-old Valentinian III asWestern Emperor. Due to his minority status, the Emperor's mother Placidia becomes his de facto regent as thetrue power behind the throne.430s440s450s455 - Upon the orders of Senator Petronius Maximus, Valentinian III is assassinated in Rome at the age of 35 aftera 29-year reign.Non-dynastic (455 to 476)Following the assassination of the Valentinian III, the western branch of the Theodosian dynasty ended. The nal 21years of the Western Empire would witness the imperial throne change hands nine times with a two-year interregnum,with each Emperor ruling on average a little over two years each. The central gure during the nal two decades ofthe West was the Supreme Commander of the Western Army Ricimer who, despite being unqualied to hold the tile"Emperor" himself due to his barbarian heritage, eectively ruled the Western Empire for sixteen years as the powerbehind the throne. He routinely elevates and deposed a series of puppet Emperors. The Eastern Empire attempted torestore stability to the West, twice sending an Eastern-backed Emperor to claim the Western throne. The lastlegitimate Western Emperor was Julius Nepos, who was sent by Eastern Emperor Zeno. Despite initial success, JuliusNepos was deposed by his own general, who in turn appointed his son, the child Romulus Augustulus, as WesternEmperor. Romulus Augustus, who was never recognized as Emperor by the East, was forced to abdicate following abarbarian revolt on September 4, 476. The Senate then sent Eastern Emperor Zeno the Western regalia, legally endingthe separate Western Empire.Petronius Maximus (455) 1. Avitus (455-456) 2. Majorian (457-461) 3. Libius Severus (461-465) 4. Anthemius (467-472) 5. Olybrius (472) 6. Glycerius (473-474) 7. Julius Nepos (474-475) 8. Romulus Augustus (475-476) 9. 450sTimeline of the Roman Empire - Wikipedia, the free enc... of 14 08/11/2015 01:27 PM455 - Following his assassination of Valentinian III, Senator Petronius Maximus is declared Emperor by the Senate,through the Eastern Emperor refuses to recognize his positions and considers him a usurper455 - After a two-month reign, Maximus Petronius is deposed by an angry mob who stoned him to death as heattempted to ee Rome as the Vandal's advanced on the City455 - The Vandals under King Geiseric sack the City of Rome455 - Upon hearing of the deposition of Petronius, Visigothic King Theodoric II proclaims General Avitus asWestern Emperor.456 - In a military rebellion led by Count of the Imperial Guard Majorian and Supreme Commander of the WesternArmy Ricimer, Avitus is deposed and forced into exile after a fteen-month reign457 - Following his appointment as General of the Western Army by the Eastern Emperor Leo I, Majorian isproclaimed Western Emperor by the Western Army and is begrudgingly recognized as such by the EasternEmperor460s461 - Majorian is deposed and murdered by Ricimer at the age of 40 following a four-year reign. Ricimer waitedthree months before installing the weak Senator Libius Severus as his puppet Western Emperor. The new emperorwas not recognized by the Eastern Emperor Leo I, nor by any of the generals who had served under Majorian.465 - Libius Severus dies of natural causes at the age of 45 following a four-year reign. Ricimer proceeds to rulethe Western Empire without an Emperor.467 - Under increased assault from the Vandals, Eastern Emperor Leo, with the consent of Ricimer, names theEastern General Anthemius as Western Emperor. Anthemius leads an Eastern Army to Italy with orders torecapture North Africa from the Vandals.470s472 -In a military revolt lead by Ricimer, Anthemius is killed at the age of 52 following a ve-year reign. Ricimernames Olybrius as puppet Western EmperorRicimer dies of plague at the age of 67 after eectively ruling the Western Empire for sixteen years. Hisnephew Gundobad becomes Supreme Commander of the Western Army and the power behind the WesternthroneAfter only a seven-month reign, Olybrius dies of dropsy at the age of 41. Despite the objections of theEastern Emperor Leo I, Gundobad installs Count of the Imperial Guard Glycerius as puppet Western Emperor473 - Following the death of his father Gondioc (King of the Burgundians), Gundobad abandons his positions asSupreme Commander of the Western Army to claim his father's vacant throne474 -Eastern Emperor Leo I names the Governor of Dalamtia Julius Nepos as Western Emperor and orders him todepose the usurper GlyceriusWithout the support of Gundobad to protect him, Julius Nepos defeats Glycerius and forces his abdicationand, though unpopular with the Senate due to his family ties to the Eastern Empire, becomes undisputedWestern Emperor475 -Julius Nepos appoints Orestes as Supreme Commander of the Western ArmyOrestes, at the head of foederati units, marches on the capital of Ravenna and forces Julius Nepos to eeItaly for Dalmatia. Though he continued to be recognized as the legitimate Western Emperor by the EasternEmpire, Juliius Nepos never returned to Italy nor exercised any authority outside of Dalamtia.Over the objections of the Eastern Emperor Leo I, Orestes names his 12-year-old son Romulus Augustulus asWestern Emperor476 -After refusing to grant land to his foederati units, the foederati units under Odoacer rebell and kill Orestes.Odoacer advanced to Ravenna, capturing the city and forces Romulus Augustus to abdicate the throne onSeptember 4, de facto ending the Western EmpireThe Senate, at Odoacer's request, sends the Western regalia to the Eastern Emperor Zeno, making Zeno thede jure Emperor of a reunited Empire. Odoacer de jure rules Italy as Zeno's representative but de factoexercises independent authority.Eastern Empire (395 to 1453)The Eastern Roman Empire was permanently established following the death of Emperor Theodosius I in 395, in whichthe united Empire was permanently divided into Eastern and Western halves. The Eastern Empire existed as acounterpart to the Western Empire until the West's fall in 476. Following the West's fall, the East and West were de jurereunited as a single Empire. Following the fall of the West, the Eastern Empire would survive for another thousandyears, and is known to modern historiography as the Byzantine Empire. During most of its existence, the Eastremained one of the most powerful economic, cultural, and military force in Europe, despite setbacks and territoriallosses, especially during the RomanPersian and RomanArab Wars.See alsoHistory of RomeHistory of the Roman KingdomHistory of the Roman RepublicTimeline of the Roman Empire - Wikipedia, the free enc... of 14 08/11/2015 01:27 PMHistory of the Roman EmpireHistory of the Byzantine EmpireRetrieved from ""Categories:History of the Roman EmpireThis page was last modied on 2 July 2015, at 03:15.Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. Byusing this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Wikipedia is a registered trademark of theWikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-prot organization.Timeline of the Roman Empire - Wikipedia, the free enc... of 14 08/11/2015 01:27 PM