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Award Winning, Hall of Fame Resources and Products!

"Remove the weak links in your strength and performance with the most universal and oldest known method for Combat and Sport Specific Physical Preparedness" COACH SONNON, USA National Coach, Master of Sports

www.RMAXInternational.com (www.RMAXi.com)

Are You Looking For a Proven Way to Lose Fat, Feel Great, Boost Your Energy, Skyrocket Your Performance, Reclaim Vibrant Health, and Cut Your Biological Age in Half In Just Minutes a Day, Three Times A Week.100% Guaranteed Results?

Meet Yoga without Contortion; Tai Chi without Complication; Meditation without Boredom; Weights without Pain; Fitness without Machines; Health and Longevity For Life!

Re-vitalize, Re-energize and Re-organize Each and Every Under-Used and Over-Abused Cell in Your Body, Crown to Toe, Core to Extremities, Bones to Skin, with the Award Winning System Acknowledged Worldwide to be the Most Effective, Efficient, and Expedient Fitness Protocol Ever Created!

Surpass your Dreams In Just Minutes A Day!

Evolve your Flow!!!

Scott Sonnon - the "Flow Coach"Who do world class coaches consult and endorse? Ask American Sambo Academy Director Dr Brett Jacques, USA Judo Team Coach Neil Ohlenkamp, SFC Matt Larsen NCOIC at the US ARMY Combatives School, USA Karate Coach Tokey Hill, Canadian Sambo Team Coach Igor Yakimov, World Brazilian Jiujitsu Champion Steve Maxwell, UFC Winners Andrei Arlovski and Elvis Sinosic, strength guru Pavel Tsatsouline, National Law Enforcement Program Director Mike Gillette, Wake Forest University Head Strength & Conditioning Coach Ethan Reeve. Professionals from all fields endorse and consult with Coach Sonnon.Coach Sonnon (pictured on left featured in the World of Martial Arts Magazine) is one of the most trusted resources on physical culture and martial art, as an international champion, USA National Coach, National Physical Conditioning Advisor and a multiple time Hall of Fame inductee.He is a leading national seminar speaker and coach in the martial arts, physical fitness and strength conditioning, having taught and consulted with Olympic athletes, medical professionals, publicly traded corporations, and actors. Coach Sonnon has lectured at Universities, been featured on radio and television shows, and conducts seminars all over the world (pictured below right conducting a seminar for Sweden's largest kickboxing academy - Ironman.) He has been featured in over 20 publications including Black Belt Magazine in which he was the first celebrity to appear three times in nine months. Coach Sonnon's clients have won Ultimate Fighting Championship competitions, run Fortune 500 companies, and train professional sports, law enforcement and military teams.

Coach Sonnon created a new field combining the Tactical, Combatives, Martial Arts and Fitness communities: called Circular Strength Training to reflect the holistic and three dimensional nature of his Performance Enhancement system. His patented Combat Specific Strength Training Tool, the Clubbell, is used by athletes amateur to professional: such as Andrei Arlovski, UFC Heavyweight Champion and 2X World Sambo Champion; Egan Inoue, 2X World BJJ Champion and Superbrawl Champion; and Steve Maxwell, World Masters BJJ Champion and World SOMBO Champion. Coach Sonnons CST System now has certified instructors worldwide, and is the most effective strength training system specifically created for combative physical preparedness.Coach Sonnon pictured left was asked to be a guest speaker to present his revolutionary Clubbell training methods to thousands of onlookers at the 2004 Arnold Schwarzenegger Fitness Expo.With a vision to affect positive evolution on the landscape of physical culture, Coach Sonnon pioneered a path of bridges leading to personal empowerment and he published RMAX Magazine, the largest online martial art fitness magazine with a readership of 200,000 access per hour! His innovations touch every corner of the planet. He travels worldwide conducting motivational and educational seminars for champions and professionals from every field and discipline, such as the NHL's NJ Devils (pictured right with Coach Sonnon during his workshop). Scott has an extraordinary array of learning materials at his companys website, RMAX.tv Productions. Coach Sonnon authored several books including the award winning Body-Flow: Freedom from Fear-Reactivity, patented his own unique piece of strength training equipment, the Clubbell, and has created over 50 other resources which have touched people of all likes worldwide.The Power of FlowAfter the breakup of the Soviet Union in the mid-1990's, why would the leader of the Russian National Martial Art System and the director of Russian Physical Culture invite an American from Pennsylvania, Scott Sonnon, to learn first-hand the training methods used by the former Soviet Union Olympic champions?The short story goes like this: General Alexander Retuinskih had heard that Coach Sonnon (pictured on the right demonstrating a Sambo throw on the Black Sea, Russia) was not only an accomplished international Sambo champion, a form of wrestling unique to Russia combining elements of various martial arts and wrestling styles, but also an assiduous student of human biomechanics, the study of human movement, and psychology.The devil is in these details: a painful loss at an World Sambo competition (Coach Sonnon - top right hand side of photo on right of the USA SOMBO Team - 1994 World Championships) to the Russian opponent became the catalyst for Coach Sonnon's subsequent immersion in peak performance training. To be blunt, something Russians and Americans are known for, Scott asked the victor in Russian why he'd won? "Better training." (To get the long version, ask Scott yourself.)After his "Russian studies," General Retuinskih urged Scott to "Americanize" his Russian training experience. To do this, he assembled a a team of sport psychologists, professional strength and conditioning coaches, psychological warfare and military operations professionals, law enforcement hostile subject control and counter-terrorism specialists, and stress physiologists among others, to take the best of Russian physical culture and martial arts training, and adapt it to American sports, fitness and combat practices for a unique peak performance program tailored designed to each American rugged individual.The result is not a collection of "techniques" but a set of instruction designed to enable the individual, regardless of his or her interest, to develop a regimen that will lead to: progressively increasing, dynamic ranges of strength, flexibility, and motion (moving your body in ways you might not otherwise imagine possible) Dynamic Relaxation (i.e., the ability to focus and concentrate while in motion) "Flow State" Performance (Go with the Flow!)Sonnon has directly trained professional sports teams as well as individual athletes and professional trainers, developing individual and sport-specific programs dramatically increasing performance and reducing or eliminating injuries.Fitness pundits such as Marty Gallaher, World Champion Powerlifter and author of the Washington Post's Strength & Fitness column have endorsed Scott's training as: "Sonnons approach doesnt come in a container and could be called a thinking mans approach to fitness. His system questions long-held basic assumptions about what fitness is, what the goals should be, and offers a unique and iconoclastic methodology as the vehicle to the destination. Sonnon is one of a new breed of thirty-something truth tellers and has staked out an esoteric fitness approach. His no-compromise message is spreading as followers report gains galore. When discussion turns to the new breed of fitness innovators, Sonnons name is continually brought up. Real experts recognize real talent."TABLE OF CONTENTS

I. CIRCULAR STRENGTH TRAININGa. Intu-Flowb. Prasara Body-Flow




Multiple-sport International Champion, multiple-time USA National Team Coach, multiple-time Fitness and Martial Art Hall of Fame Inductee and Nominee, Scott Sonnon created the Circular Strength Training (CST) System after having invested nearly two decades and hundreds of thousands of dollars in research, development and refinement, training in 9 different countries, to design and continue the evolution of this revolutionary methodology.

CST comprises 3 wings or sub-disciplines. Although these appear to be distinct, they are separate only as a coaching convention. The only way to focus on the basics is to ensure sufficient coverage of the material content in the three basic directions to CST:Dynamic, pain-free mobility for myofascial nutrition and lubrication: Intu-FlowIntu-Flow - a combination of the phrase "Intuitive Flow" - refers to the fact that our body-mind knows precisely what it needs for pain-free health and longevity. Intu-Flow, as a result, is an incrementally progressive system of dynamic joint mobility exercise designed to release stored tension and break up calcium deposits, connective tissue adhesions and fascial density. Getting Intu-Flow restores energy by washing our entire matrix of connective tissue in nutrition and lubrication, which in turn vitalizes one's health, removes pain, and promotes longevity, because "We are as old as our connective tissue."

Bodyweight exercise through the 6 mechanical degrees of freedom: Prasara Body-Flow

Prasara Body-Flow is a synergistic physical practice which at first glance can appear to incorporate aspects of yoga, martial arts, acrobatics, break-dance and gymnastics. Prasara - Sanskrit for "Flow without thought" - transforms the self through a uniquely powerful approach to integrating breathing with movement and structure to unlock "flow-state." Body-Flow is a system of somatic engineering to release bound flow. Flow lies beneath the rusty armor of fear, anxiety and trauma that our ego carries around like so much luggage. Prasara Body-Flow is a physical practice of discharging fear, anxiety and trauma, which in turn restores one's natural state of Grace, or Flow. Externally loaded three dimensional strength training: Clubbell Training

Clubbell was designed and patented to be the weighted component of CST; the logical extension of pain-free dynamic mobility. The Clubbell has been called the most inefficient tool, meaning that it demands the most personal physical efficiency and skill to move it gracefully. The Clubbell has its roots in traditional club swinging: the oldest method of strength and conditioning known to humanity, and a former Olympic Sport. Club swinging existed for centuries in ancient Persia, India and Burma. CST lifted the archaic techniques of "fancy" traditional club swinging, combined it with an incrementally progressive system of joint mobility, and systematized it through modern sport science. Clubbell Training is simply the most sophisticated, fun and creative vehicle for strength and conditioning ever conceived. Though they can be practiced independently, in reality these 3 Wings of CST are a seamlessly integrated whole a complete stand-alone health system.HEALTH FIRSTCST values a health first approach as we believe that without health, your fitness is like firing a canon from a canoe. Fitness builds out of, from and back towards health.As a result, the first step you take on CST we call tabula rasa or cleaning the slate. You dont want to build a house on a swamp, and you dont want to exercise on top of residual tension, dense myofascial tissue, fear-reactive patterns, or where the body has not yet remembered its full range of motion.

CST focuses on an intuitive rather than a conceptual method. Its designed specifically to return our attention to the internal experience of physical exercise so that we reclaim autonomy over our vibrant, abundant energy. As part of this intuition, your CST practice will progress under the systematic, scientific process of how we develop neurologically: from head downward and spine outwards (known as the cephalocaudal-proximodistal trend).CST concentrates on incremental baby steps and honors the balancing ratio of stress to rest and recovery. Stress elicits an adaptation, but growth and development happen during rest and recovery. Progression relates directly to increasing health first based upon strengthening ones intuitive connection to the experience.CST reveals that fun and creativity involve more than gratification. Performing a chain of tiny components strung together through your own imagination produces a scientific, synergistic training effect producing greater results in combination than if the individual components were performed independently for the same exact repetitions.CST emphasizes efficiency: in developing physical competency and coordination as a human being, as you, rather than just a collection of random exercises. Teaching you coordination, CST helps you use less total work to accomplish more useful work in every activity: recreational or vocational.CST honors the entire organism through integration of breath, movement and structure the holy trinity of physical excellence. As such in stands in direct opposite to the two dimensional, linear fitness convention. CST uses three-dimensional, multi-planar mobility to realign structural efficiency by allowing breath to lead the way.CST can become much more than an exercise past time, though you will receive 100% of the health benefits, if you merely deepen your personal practice daily. It (re)unifies Body the movement, Mind the structure, and Spirit the breath, though a unique, proprietary formula: the Training Hierarchy Pyramid (THP).TRAINING HIERARCHY PYRAMIDIn this method, we honor that each and ever action conditions us. Every choice we make specifically conditions us, whether or not we prefer the outcome which results! As a result, CST reveals that balancing our fitness programs is an ever-ongoing process of readjustment, compensating for the actions of the previous cycle of activity. In other words, were always in a process of re-cleaning the slate.Through incremental development, we progress towards increased sophistication. We become better at being ourselves. Our physical body is our sport or our art, and we learn how to reclaim our mastery in our most precious discipline: our own humanity. By taking off the brakes (and knowing how to appropriately and timely apply the brakes) we can truly put on the accelerator and cruise safely through our long, uninterrupted, blissful lives.The Training Hierarchy Pyramid (THP) is a specific recipe for using all of the various tools of CST to accomplish what all fitness methods hope to but fall short, what all martial arts aspire to but become lost, and what each of us secretly craves but often dare not wish: flow, the elusive physical state of natural athleticism, that ecstatic experiential field we lived in as a child and which we deserve, have every right to, and can with work overcoming our impediments and with patience in healing, return to.CST at its core is a vehicle for your personal transcendence, for becoming more of your true, best self. Hundreds of thousands of people from all walks of life grannies to grandmasters have embraced CST as their hammer and chisel, going to work on their personal slab of marble, removing all which is not their internally pristine, fluidly adaptable statue of daily perfection.HISTORY OF CIRCULAR STRENGTH TRAININGThe most ancient weapon, the club, evolved over millennia into devastatingly effective martial arts worldwide. Many cultural martial traditions across the planet utilized the club not just for combat, but for restorative health and developed strength: Indian Kalaripayat, Iranian Pahlavani, Okinawan Karate and Russian SAMBO.

Circular Strength Training can be traced to the to strongman competitions in Ancient Persia. "They created a definitive edge in strength and endurance training. During these times, the weight-lifter, wrestler or fighter was called a Pahlavan, or club swinging strongman." This physical exercise existed as far back as Ancient Egypt. The most popularized international form of Circular Strength Training originated in India, though originally derived from Persia and ultimately from Ancient Greece. Regardless of the method, whether with the Indian karela, ekka, jori and gada, Iranian meel, Russian bulava, or Okinawan chishi, Circular Strength Training can be dangerous if not properly learned and practiced.

Sim D. Kehoe brought "Indian Clubs" to USA from Britain. In 1862, he opened a New York shop to manufacture clubs. To spread the word, he sent free samples of his clubs to prominent individuals in the hope of securing positive endorsements.

The famous Civil War era boxer, John Heenan, wrote him that, "as an assistant for training purposes, and imparting strength to the muscles of the arms, wrists, and hands, together in fact with the whole muscular system, I do not know of their equal. They will become one of the institutions in America." US President Grant wrote to thank Kehoe, "Please accept my thanks for your thus remembering me, and particularly my boys, who I know will take great delight as well as receive benefit from using them."

Bornstein stated that Circular Strength Training was, "the most universal method of developing the muscular anatomy of the human body. Schools, colleges and even theological seminaries have adopted their use in their respective institutions with the most beneficial results. For keeping the body in a healthy and vigorous condition there has as yet been nothing invented, which for its simplicity and gracefulness can be favorably compared with club exercises."

In 1866, Kehoe published Indian Club Exercise, A beautifully illustrated book which showing the benefits of HEAVY Circular Strength Training, with two aspects of significance. Firstly, he distinguished between the short, light-weight "bat" - a one to four pound club used in the popular Don Walker's and Dio Lewis' callisthenic drills. Secondly, Kehoe distinguished the "long Club."

Light-weight bats became the Ivy-league vogue in popular Victorian culture, and heavy leverage lifting was eventually phased out through social pressure - ironically simultaneous to the eventual phasing out of Catch as Catch Can wrestling and general Strongman enthusiasm.

Many turn of the century and modern strongmen such as George Jowett, Bob Hoffman, George Hackenschmidt, Paul Von Boeckmann, and "Slim the Hammerman" Farman, and of course, Ghulum "the Great Gama" Mohammed used many different types of clubs (and club variations , such as the Weaver Stick, Thor's Hammer, Fulcrum Bells, Swing Bars and even store-bought sledgehammers as substitutes.)

Circular Strength Training was implemented in the military physical training programs for both the USA. Posse (1894) stated that clubs were "the oldest known implement for military gymnastics." In 1914, the US Army Manual of Physical Training explained that these exercises, "supple the muscles and articulations of shoulders, upper-arms, forearms and wrist. They are indicated in cases where there is a tendency toward what is known as 'muscle bound.'" (There are opposing opinions regarding this statement in the physical culture industry.)

Circular Strength Training became an Olympic Sport called "Rhythmic Gymnastics" in 1904 (St. Louis, USA) which Americans won in all divisions. It endured until 1932 (Los Angeles, USA) which Americans swept again. Rhythmic Gymnastics diminished from the Olympic scene until 1988 when it rose again. Club Swinging is still an Olympic Sport today!

Coach Scott Sonnon created a training methodology called Circular Strength Training using multi-planar, multiple-joint movements. He intended to augment agility, coordination, extreme range strength, and dynamic flexibility. His exercises have tremendous carry over value to all sports, for athletes of all ages (male or female). With his unique training, Coach Sonnon crafted an apparatus for Specific Physical Preparedness, which Girevik Magazine named "the Holy Grail of athletic preparation." Clubbells are simple enough for novices though challenging enough for elite. After many years and several generations of research & development, Coach Sonnon finalized a design. In 2002, he launched the flagship of his Circular Strength revolution

the original patent pending CLUBBELL(.


Linear vs. Circular Strength Training: Most strength training programs focus on enhancing performance and decreasing injury by focusing upon exercises such as squat, bench press, deadlift, clean, etc. These may improve general performance, but execute essentially in a one dimensional plane, which can be understood as Linear Strength Training. Linear Strength transfers to athletes hitting harder, running faster & jumping higher.However, during practice or competition, every sport and physical activity demands movement in one, two and three planes. Circular Strength Training comprises Multi-planar movements which develop rotary and angular/diagonal strength to assist the prime movers. More importantly, prime movers can act with rotary and angular/diagonal strength though most people fail to develop this capacity! Developing multi-planar strength of the prime movers increases stability, enhances injury prevention, multiplies force production abilities and most importantly, stimulates the neuromuscular patterns required of athletes. Only Clubbells were specifically researched, engineered and implemented to target the rotary and angular/diagonal strength. Athletes need Circular Strength Training in order to develop these motor recruitment patterns so that they are both strong and functional. Otherwise, their performance suffers greatly and injury likelihood significantly increases.


Grip Strength & Endurance: One of the single most defining characteristics of athletic performance in sports especially contact sports and tool-using sports, is grip strength & endurance which elite coaches consider the measuring stick of ones total functional strength. The ability to boldly adhere to an opponent or the strength and proficiency with which one wields the implements of ones sport generally determines victory. This is certainly true in contact sports such as wrestling, football, and rugby, but also in tool-using sports such as hockey, baseball, and lacrosse. However, most strength programs overlook hand, wrist and forearm conditioning. Furthermore, medical studies have proven than poor mid-life grip strength predicts old-age disability (Journal of the American Medical Association Vol.281 No.6).

Complex Training: A Combination Routine is a series of two or more basic exercises woven smoothly together after having mastered each basic component. The rationale behind Combination Routines, aside from enhanced coordination and agility, is Complex Training. Combination Routines combine strength and speed/power in the same workout. Complex Training utilizes a grinding exercise followed by a similar, but ballistic exercise, or utilizing a ballistic followed by a similar, but grinding exercise. Athletes increase the high tension of the grind or the power of the ballistic exercise or both, and the increases will be greater than if the exercises were performed consecutively. The performance of a grinding exercise followed by a ballistic exercise elicits a neurological response that enables increased power, thereby creating a greater training effect. Complex Training augments your neuromuscular system by teaching it to fire at a faster rate. It develops strength, speed and technique simultaneously. What this allows is for the Combination Routines to be constructed in the ideal way to improve Specific Physical Preparedness for any particular sport.

Extreme Range Strength: In order to prevent injury and perform at extreme ranges of motion, athletes need to train slightly outside the range and depth of "expected" movements. Circular Strength Training conditions athletes slightly outside the range and depth of the movements of their sport so when (not if) movements deviate from the expected a safety valve prevents injury and restores normal work capacity without performance interference (Yessis). The competitive athlete needs to have these motor recruitment patterns in place to facilitate shoulder synergy for both performance and injury prevention.Shoulder synergy: The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the human body, but unfortunately, great mobility comes at the expense of stability. It is a complex arrangement of structures working together to provide the movement necessary for almost all athletic activities. Bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles produce shoulder movement and keep the joint in place while it moves through extreme ranges of motion. Sports, especially contact, throwing and racquet/stick sports, place great demands upon the shoulder, and injury can occur when athletes exceed or overload these movement limits. High-energy activities such as found in throwing and overhead sports often result in rotator cuff tears.

Conservative Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation: Forceful, repetitive, or sustained static activities occurring over time with insufficient recovery periods may cause or aggravate Cumulative Trauma Disorders, affecting soft tissue of both musculoskeletal and peripheral nervous systems. Any sport or job using the arms can be associated with Cumulative Trauma Disorders. The most commonly described and diagnosed disorders are Rotator Cuff Impingement, Tennis Elbow, and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Circular Strength Training may be a conservative injury prevention method for those at risk as well as an important rehabilitative tool to those suffering such common sport-related injuries.


Clubbell Equipment are the ONLY Combat and Sport Specific Equipment for Circular Strength: Only Clubbells were specifically researched, engineered and implemented to target the rotary and angular/diagonal muscles, to target the grip, wrist and forearm strength, and to target enhancing shoulder synergy, to be used in Complex Training as a conservative injury prevention and rehabilitation tool, as well as sports-specific performance enhancement (SPP).

Displaced Center of Gravity: With dumbbells, the weight can be supported by your skeletal structure, as if sitting on top of a column. With dumbbells your grip is located directly upon the center of gravity which remains constant throughout the exercise for the entire range of motion; a more gross action, power without coordination. The Unique Balance Scheme of Clubbells forces athletes to use proper technique and concentrate on complex skills during the movement. The Displaced Center of Gravity forces you to keep the weight inside of its proper groove throughout the entire lift. At times having the weight pull away from you is desirable. For example, many people do not have the shoulder flexibility to do overhead squats. The Clubbell will pull your arm into the proper position and keep it there.

Leverage Lifting Principle: The unique benefits of leverage challenge include a superior training effect. Decreased leverage of the Displaced Center of Gravity translates force more effectively to develop superior grip strength, as well as lower arm, upper arm and shoulder synergy, stabilization and dynamic flexibility. Additionally, Clubbells have a Thick, Crinkle Coated Neck and a uniquely engineered Phenolic Knob to provide a specialized purchase for the grip in order to facilitate increased inertia and poundage - a better grip workout than any other piece of equipment. NO other apparatus translates this amount of leveraged force! Pendulum Swinging Principle: With Clubbells your grip is at the end of an extension attached to the weighted center of gravity. As you go through the range of motion the weight moves in relation to the fixed point of your grip much the same as a pendulum swings from a fixed point. The leverage and the force constantly change position along with the strength of the pull throughout the range of motion creating resistance and stressing your muscles from varying angles. This gives a totally different dynamic effect to the exercise which is impossible to obtain with any other piece of equipment. This Pendulum Swinging Principle which has been used for centuries and has been lost to modern training reborn through Clubbells, the ONLY equipment of its kind {a patent-pending} breakthrough in combat sport specific training.

Micro-Loading Adjustable Grip: Clubbells are a means of Incremental Resistance Progression. The special design of the handle allows minor increases in weight, never overloading your muscles but always challenging them. Micro-Loading Adjustable Grip is a special design function that uniquely promotes constant progress and strength gains. No other piece of equipment has this versatility!

Clubbells are made from steel, with a Black Urethane Rubber-coating cast around the weight mass and the portion of the handle to protect floor surfaces.


WRESTLING: Increase clinch dominance, strengthen wrist control, and increase static strength for sprawls, jams and shucks.

BOXING: Enhance wrist stability in striking, increase early power generation and arm endurance. MARTIAL ARTS: Strengthen strikes, clinch work, and application of holds as well as prevent loss by submission.

POWER-LIFTING: Add poundage to your max lifts from increased bar grip and forearm strength. Prevent deviation through increased stabilization and synergy.

ICE & FIELD HOCKEY: Strengthen stick stability and agility. Achieve stronger, accurate shots, and prevent shoulder injury. RUGBY & FOOTBALL: Increase ball handling, blocking and tackling skills which rely on coordinated arm force generation.

GOLF: Strengthen fingers to remove handedness bias, and wrist snap to increase distance, accuracy and consistency. RACQUETBALL & TENNIS: Improve racket control & strengthen wrist action for all strokes. ROCK CLIMBING & RAPPELLING: Develop & maintain hand, wrist & forearm strength and endurance. BASEBALL: Develop stronger grip & wrist snap for increased accuracy and velocity in ball throwing; increase bat control and swing speed and power. MOTOCROSS & BMX: Diminish arm-pump to enhance bar control and endurance. BASKETBALL: Shoot, dribble & pass with a higher level of consistency & accuracy. As well as other sports such as swimming, kayaking, gymnastics, bowling, javelin-throwing, volleyball, power-lifting, Olympic lifting, shot-put, fencing, windsurfing, water skiing, bodybuilding, jet skiing, or any sport using the arms.



Ask your physician permission to begin this type of strenuous and circular resistance exercise. Physically fit adult males get started with the Big Book of Clubbell Training, the video of the same name, and a pair of 10lbs. clubbells. Physically fit adult females get started with the book, the video, and a pair of 5lbs. clubbells. For both men and women, these weight selections of clubbells have been challenging at first but they adapted over the first two weeks or so and some were even ready for a heavier size within the first month or two.

Men with thorough strength training experience and above average strength have begun with a pair of 15lbs. clubbells; women a pair of 10lbs clubbells. Competitive male power-lifters, Olympic style lifters, or experienced Iron Game Knuckledraggers have begun with a pair of 20lbs. clubbells. We would not recommend starting with anything larger than 20lbs. clubbells regardless of your background since you will always use for lighter clubbells in your training.I ALREADY OWN MY FIRST CLUBBELL. WHICH SHOULD I PURCHASE NEXT; ANOTHER OF THE SAME WEIGHT OR HEAVIER WEIGHT?

The usual guideline for adult men is building your home gym to own at least one pair of any weight for the complex combination routines and to own at least one each of the 10, 15, and 20lbs. clubbells. After that, start over from the bottom, working on your second pair, and purchase the 5 and 25lbs Clubbells to complete your gym. Clubbells pairs add variety, challenge and significant gains to your programs. You can and should begin with a pair of clubbells. Different weights help you progress in strength and fitness.

For most adult women, the guidelines are the same but one division lighter. Begin with one pair of 5lbs. clubbells, and then collect one each of 10, and 15lbs. clubbells then start working on pairs of both.

The exception to this general guideline is the person who is focused more on coordination, agility, and strength-endurance than on explosive/ballistic strength. It is perfectly possible for a male tennis player, baseball player, or wrestler to do all their work with a pair of 15lbs. clubbells and never use a larger size. It's equally fine to stop with a pair of 20lbs. clubbells, though the physiological and psychological benefits of incrementally increasing heavier weight should not be underestimated. Some people prefer to own the heaviest clubbells they can manage, even if for only low repetitions.


Do not be fooled by the light-weight sound of 45lbs. clubbells. They are Steel Sadists, the Iron Monsters of Circular Strength Training! Consider these a goal, the horizon of your strength. He who swings these with form and ease is one of the strongest of all men!


No one will use all weights immediately, so in that regard you only ever begin with one particular weight of clubbells. However, these questions only comprise a general guideline. There is no way to compare with dumbbells, barbells, and kettlebells weights, since clubbells involve not linear strength, but Circular Strength Training. Therefore, without a personal trainer present, you must guess which weight you can handle. The advantage of purchasing a Clubbell Total Gym or Clubbell PRO Gym is the ability to personally discover which weight you need to start; plus you can work incrementally through each weight division immediately as your strength and fitness skyrocket. Additionally, you will save a considerable amount of money in both cost and shipping by outfitting your personal home fitness with a complete clubbell gym.TESTIMONIALS

"...increase your power, agility, flexibility and endurance using Circular Strength Training... to become a better athlete and martial artist." - Black Belt Magazine DEC 02 Issue

"I also have 2 of Coach Sonnon's 15 pound Clubbells. They are, without question, some of the best money on fitness equipment I have ever spent. How serious am I that I think Clubbells are TRUE strength tools that aren't replicated anywhere? I'm awaiting the arrival of a set of 10 and 5 pounders next week so I can start using them during training sessions with clients" - Wayne Fisher, AKA "Scrapper" US Navy Diver, NHB/MMA Champion (Superbrawl 13) www.trainforstrength.com"Coach Sonnon, since receiving the clubbells we have been experimenting with them on ourselves as a coaching staff as well as with our athletes. Basically, we are helping our athletes develop functional strength. The clubbells will develop those pockets of weaknesses that the other three miss. The clubbells are great for sports such as wrestling, tennis, baseball, softball, golf and soccer. And we are sure all other sports will be able to use the "Circular Strength" developed by the clubbells. The parts of body we experience being strengthened are: hands, wrists, forearms, upperarm, shoulders, rotator cuffs, upper back, upper chest and especially the core of the body. Coach, you have a great product in the clubbells. Also, we are very impressed with the video. It is well made and very informative. Having you demonstrate and explain the fine points of each exercise is excellent." - Coach Ethan Reeve, Head Strength & Conditioning Coach Wake Forest University

"Clubbells are excellent for combat athletes to develop and improve specific strength & endurance." -

Coach Stephen Maxwell, World BJJ Champion & World SOMBO Champion www.maxercise.com

"The Circular Training with the Clubbells covers a huge gap in this aspect of physical preparedness created by complex fitness machinery isolating the grip strength from the rest of the body in favor of quickly noticeable 'visual' results." - Oleg Yakimovich, Russian Martial Art R.O.S.S. Instructor

"I've since been experimenting with them for about a month and a half and have noticed viable non-related performance enhancement within my job activities as a SRT Police Officer. I feel the leverage based grip enhancement has allowed me to maintain both a firmer, yet more relaxed grip in my firearms training, as my personal clubbell training tends to move in the same direction as felt recoil, with the end result being more accurate fire. Furthermore, after being on an operation three nights ago, I did not feel the fatigue normally associated with posting on a door with a long arm in the ready position for over and hour, due to some of the static hold training that I've been trying. Will clubbells make me bigger? I don't know or care. I made the conscious decision to focus on practical performance goals rather than aesthetic appearance when I realized that being bigger simply meant more target area for my adversary..." - Devon Reynolds, SWAT Tactical Officer www.legionconsulting.com

"I'm very impressed by the quality, weight and design of the Clubbell. I can't wait to get the video to learn what exercises to do with it." - Harry Fuller, U.S. Secret Service, National Fitness Coordinator

"Well made and useful. It would be useful to have various sizes. I also think that two would be better than one." - SFC Matt Larsen, NCOIC of US ARMY Combatives

" I am seeing my Clubbell opening up a new corridor of fitness. It is very different from any type of exercise I have done before. The heavy circular motion stress the shoulders in a positive way. Once I get my wrists stronger this thing will fill in gaps the kettlebells miss. It's nature is different from anything else I have worked with." - Chuck Fair, Russian Kettlebell Challenge Instructor www.kettlebell.net"If you practice any martial art or racquet sport, this is for you. Biomechanically, kettlebells were the first form of weight training apparatus that didn't bind me up and make my muscles so tight my performance was actually degraded. Clubbells, on the other hand, while lighter, seem to be half-way between KB's and actual MA applications, a "missing link" if you will. I now understand EXACTLY why heavy club swinging was a core exercise for warriors around the world. Swinging a horizontal figure-eight with this thing

in a sort of "Russian full contact twist" manner created a sensation of elastic muscularity, a kind of stretching a rubber-band feeling that IMMEDIATELY translated into a jump in martial arts performance--and after only two sessions! The video is clear, clean, packed with information, and Sonnon's performance is the kind of stunning competence that immediately quells doubts: this man knows his stuff. Period. The video is pure gold.." - Steve Barnes, Sci-Fi Author & former Kung-fu Columnist for Black Belt Magazine



Training Hierarchy Pyramid: Coach Sonnon developed the Training Hierarchy Pyramid - a pyramid with General Physical Preparedness (GPP, or increasing fundamental work capacity) on the bottom, Specific Physical Preparedness (SPP, specific performance enhancement) next, Physical Skills (PS, refining the movements of your sport) on the third rung, and Mental/Emotional Skills (MES, fostering the psychological attributes critical to your sport) on the top. He structured this as a pyramid because each level requires more substantial foundation than the level above, in order for the higher levels to concretely hold. These are not clean distinctions, but involve a very gradual transition from one to the next.

General Physical Preparedness: The primary goal of GPP irrespective of activity or sport is enhanced working capacity. If work capacity increases, combat athletes will adapt more readily to the sustained increases in mental and physical demands. GPP holds priority as the BASE of all solid programming because without this level of readiness the mind and body cannot effectively absorb specificity. Coach Sonnons theory relates to Maslow's Pyramid in that an athlete cannot effectively address higher levels of training without the lower level fulfillment. One can practice MES, but without GPP, it's a house on quicksand.

Specific Physical Preparedness: Next up on the pyramid is SPP. This training converts the unrefined, nonspecific GPP gains made into sport specific attributes. SPP builds upon the GPP foundation by furthering development within the exact physiological profile of your sport. SPP refers to the principle of specificity, or transference, which states that strength and conditioning (training) must approximate as closely as possible your sports conditions and variables in order to maximize learning and training effects; in other words, how much your training effect transfers to the performance in your specific sport. You adapt specifically to stresses placed upon you; you improve according to the exact type of training you do. Therefore, your training needs to be as specific as possible.

Unfortunately, many athletes utilize the same training methods regardless of the physiological profile of their activity. Training must stimulate but not simulate the biomechanics, neuromuscular patterns and energy system requirements of your sports skills. Specific Physical Preparedness requires your training play a physiological role in accessing the following characteristics (SPP extends beyond these, but the following most obviously exemplify Circular Strength Training):

Range and Depth: It is difficult to mimic the technical skill of a given sport in training. Therefore one must try to approximate the dynamic structure of the range and depth of your sports skills. On the other hand care must be taken to avoid exercising in such a way that the main motion pattern (the sport skill) is substantially altered. An example would be a sprinter running while wearing a weighted vest. The additional weight makes the runner have to fight gravity to a greater extent, creating more of an upward push, than a forward thrust. A fighter doing punches and kicks with elastic bands attached to the wrists and ankles is also risks compromising technique by altering the natural rate of force development.

Specificity vs. Simulation: Specificity should not be confused with Simulation training. Specificity refers to an expression of your skills physiological profile a stimulation of the biomechanics, neuromuscular patterns and energy system requirements of your sports skills. Simulation attempts to use resistance to mimic the exact movements of the skill. Although Simulation works during certain aspects of training, if overused it may cause neuromuscular confusion due to differences such as center of gravity, rotation and inertia. Specific Physical Preparedness does not mean merely grabbing a clubbell and swinging it like a baseball bat for increased batting power. SPP regards a systematic program rendering the skills expression. Follow the program design guidelines and use the program samples as a template for crafting SPP through Circular Strength Training.


The difference is about 200 years and tens of thousands of dollars of technology, research, testing, experimentation and experience. Clubbell Equipment was designed specifically as the physical manifestation of Circular Strength Training. No expense was spared for this innovation. The difference between Indian Clubs and Clubbell Equipment is analogous to the difference between a Model-T and a Hum-V.CERTIFICATION

The next CST Instructor Certification seminar is scheduled for

August 3-5, 2007 in Bellingham, WA, USA.

RMAX.tv Productions will gladly place you on the waiting list for the next seminar if you do not register in time to participate in this seminar.

CST Instructor Certification (http://www.RMAXI.com)

- Official CST Instructor Certificate authorizing you to instruct CST clients.

- Detailed CST Instructor's Manual mapping technique tips, tools and components, as well as an overview on the entire CST program.

- Online and offline Marketing Support, including a free website and email address and a referral network of clients generated by RMAX.tv.

- Free Monthly Magazine with special articles on marketing, training and teaching guidance from the coaching staff.

- Discounted Rates at Seminars: 30% on Books, Videos, and 15% on Equipment. Volume discounts available through RMAX.tv Productions.

- Free Official CST T-shirt.

You MUST be experienced with actual Clubbells in Clubbell Training for Circular Strength PRIOR to the Seminar. Poor preparation ensures examination failure and no certification. Certification failures will receive NEITHER a full NOR a partial refund.

If you would like to have your school or gym staff certified as Circular Strength Trainers, contact RMAX.tv Productions office for special arrangements (tel. 1-678-867-7629)


Join the CST Affiliate Program today! Sharewith other people an information about the Circular Strength Training System(the worlds leading Athletic Performance Enhancement Training System), which will bring great benefits to them while earning you a healthy commission.http://www.RMAXI.com

For more information on the CST please visit www.RMAXi.comINTU-FLOWINTU-FLOW SETThe Intu-Flow and Xtension kit includes:2 Mini-Clubbells, 2 Posters, 3 Instructional DVDsFun Easy Effective: Intu-Flow produces pain-free, energized results faster than you ever thought possible! Referred to variously as yoga in motion, tai chi without the fluff, or hi-tech gigong, Intu-Flow is a powerful Key, unlocking the door to:

Deep Relaxation Whole Body Tension Release Increased Focus and Concentration Heightened Sensory Awareness Enhanced Joint Mobility Superior Athletic Performance Bioenergy Amplification

As an easy to perform meditation, Intu-Flow is available to everyone, young and old, men and women, without years of arduous study or injury producing excess. These exercises have helped thousands of busy people, from all walks of life, get Intu-Flow every day.

A flowing, intuitive harmony of basic, biomechanically efficient movement, structural body alignment, and simple breathing, Intu-Flow is an exquisite synergy of modern scientific health research and ancient somatic wisdom; an easy to learn, do-it-at-home, playfully fun way to superior health that does not involve weekly classes or regular expenses, year after year. The results are both immediate and profound; once experienced, Intu-Flow helps you feel so good, your day will not feel complete without it. Getting Intu-Flow is easy, but far from superficial. Simple and user-friendly, nothing fancy or complex, it teaches you to maximize your health, throughout your day, with each breath. Combining the best from both Eastern and Western traditions, Intu-Flow is a delightful daily journey into pain-free movement and healthy longevity. More often than not, the most effective approach is the simplest approach. Intu-Flow produces pain-free, energized results without struggle, and with only a few minutes a day.

Youre as old as your connective tissue!Xtension is a comprehensive exercise program specifically designed tomake your Intu-Flow programmore powerful, develop your core strength, enhance yourcardiovascular conditioning, and increase yourdynamic whole-body flexibility.

Using theMini-Clubbell, your Intu-Flow program becomes even more fun and effective as itproduces a stronger, leaner, gracefully flowingand energetic physique.Melting away tension, reducing stress and fatigue, it elminates those aches and pains so often associated with other, more conventional exercise programs.

Through its mindful, deliberate, and dynamic movements, integrated breathing, and connective tissue focus, Xtension uses theMini-Clubbell in easy-to-perform combination routines linked together in a fluid, playful manner that is guaranteed to get you Intu-Flow. US$99.95+ S&H ($25.00 in the U.S.; $37.50 to Canada) Currently RMAX.tv Productions accepts orders onlyto be shipped within the CONTINENTAL USA and Canada! Intu-Flow shipFedEx Ground. No addresses with P.O. Boxes please! CANADIAN SHP: Brokerage fees for Canada + duties & taxes should be paid in Canada. For more information contact your local authorities. PUERTO RICO, HAWAII and ALASKA contact Corporate office at [email protected] to determine shipping costs.My thoughts after a few months with Intu-Flow / Xtension / Mini-Clubbell.First off, what I wanted was something I could do as a habit so I wouldnt have to decide every morning what to do; but also that it not get boring or quit being effective. Doing this near-daily, 57 times a week, I wondered if I would see my progress flatten out. It hasnt happened, no way. Instead, the more I do Intu-Flow, the more opportunities I see to get better form, more range of motion, and move more smoothly. Its like yoga, or dance or gymnastics that way. At the beginning I was so challenged with coordination that I couldnt see refinements, and yet they are coming, just as promised. Im still flipping back and forth with the first two levels of this program with peeks into the advanced. There is plenty both to work on and to look forward to.

I especially like the floor moves (cradles and frog) in Intu- Flow. This is a challenging, interesting way to move, or shall I say, engage the ground, that even I can see can be used in moves in real life not just during exercise time.

As far as mobility, its been months now since I had any excess-tension or joint issues so it really feels great. I can tell right away if Im starting to accumulate tension or stiffness because my morning practice tells me. And its getting easier to take care of.

People are still complimenting me on my coordination and smooth moves, right out of the blue too. Anything from my lightening-fast catches when something drops, to the ease with which I lift heavy things, or skip lightly out of the way instead of getting flattened by crowds at doors and things. Its a little unnerving when that happens but it is, I promise.

XtensionI was originally attracted by the idea of a program that was all I need for fitness. I was aiming too low! Doing Intu-Flow and Xtension not only is restoring my fitness but is making me remember what I wanted fitness FOR in the first place. Its not to check off some health requirement about as interesting as flossing. Its moving for fun and without worry. Keeping up with kids. In fact I havent felt this great in 30 years, seriously.

At first I found a full Xtension circuit a bit too intense and had to take breaks within the circuit. As time has gone on Ive gotten stronger, smoother, and more coordinated, and better in breathing with the circuits. This is another program that I think has a huge range of effectiveness as far as I can see. That is, its got something for people who are just beginning, and yet for the most fit people, it will still be challenging. Again because the more you do it, the more you get into higher-level performance nuances. At the beginning its about, can I do it at all. Then its, okay I can do the moves, now can I keep up with the models. Then, wow, I notice a rhythm here where I dont have to muscle it through all the time; theres a pull-float thing going on. Then you start noticing breathing and how to make the session easier or harder depending on your energy that day. Im nowhere near bored yet.

I also appreciate how space-efficient Intu-Flow is, and that it goes anywhere I do. Ive done sessions at home of course, and at work and on the road. Its reassuring to know I dont have to lose my connection with good movement because its tied to some particular place like a gym (whether home or public).

I would not be without my mini-Clubbells now. I wont even lend one. Cant wait until I can get more!

One downside is that now that I keep the Mini-Clubbell with me, when I travel, I must check bags every time. No more carryon only, so sad.

I know Xtension is challenging strength-wise because when I tried to alternate Xtension workout sessions with heavy CB sessions, it was too much. I needed to wait as long after an Xtension session for recovery, as I did for other heavier CB workouts.

Its hard for me to describe how utterly different this way of exercising has been for me. It feels like ages ago that I was even thinking in terms of cardio, sets, reps, pounds. Those things were interesting measures at the beginning of my reconditioning, but, if I may call myself learning to flow, it is so much more interesting it doesnt even seem like the same thing. Not fitness but playground fun, if I was a kid. Or if I was a teenager, just bumming around with my friends. Hm, must reinvent what that is for 50 plus people. Its not like getting my 30 minutes a day although it was that when I started out. Now its just the time I take to see how my movement is and to make sure I can still do all I want to do and to push it some more.

Or another way to put it you know I used to think that fitness was on the earnest and dreary list of life things, along with things like tooth brushing and getting the car oil changed. But with Intu-Flow and Xtension, fitness becomes movement, and it goes on the fun, play, charming list of life along with things like laughing on the way out the door to work, or dressing for dinner, or getting shellacked at a spa, or going to the store with family to make a celebration meal. I look forward to it and it comes every day. One of these days I shall be revealed as the kind of woman Andrew Greeley writes about as turning heads for 50 years. Not just from just-stand-there appearance either but from the flow and energy from my quality of movement. Come to think of it, its started already, if I can trust some of the feedback Im getting. Just between you and me.

Im sorry this has turned out so experiential and feeling-ish. I wish now I had just hunkered down so we could also get heart rate, blood pressure, inches and pounds feedback. But you know what I so dont care about that that I was a little selfish and only wanted my own experience not thinking that the people I want to share with, DO care about those things. Guess I still could huh!!! - Connie Brown, CST CoachI just received my Mini-ClubbellsTM. Just wanted to send in a quick comment on how well designed they are. They really stick to the hand. Almost safe enough for inside the house workouts. The pictures don't do them justice. Great job and congratulations on your recent victory. - Jim TireyAs advertised it is a comprehensive and incremental program that unifies: Warrior Wellness/Freedom by Degree Vibration Training elements of Prasara Body-Flow elements of Prime Your Bioenergy There is also an in-depth and insightful introduction to the purpose and principles for this training and subsequently RMAX as a whole. The Xtension program which I have watched but not played with yet seems like a good primer for Clubbell training as well as strongly making the connection between joint mobility and training under load. All in all this is an amazing product, and I think of great value to any instructor. Even if your personal mobility practice is beyond the earlier levels this gives a more comprehensive way to introduce the system to someone who is new to it. Slade Billew, CST CoachI just finished watching Intu-Flow beginner level and wow! I was worried that the Warrior Wellness I have grown to love was being cast aside but now I see it is simply being completed. The level of refinement is beyond ANYTHING I have seen anywhere. I dont think there has been a revolution this big in martial arts or health since boddhidarma came to China! I am a little sad to see the hip circles didnt make the cut but there certainly isnt anything lacking in this program. I really like the mini-bells too. They arent anything a knuckle dragger would be embarrassed to poses and they are friendly looking enough to sit comfortably on a shelf next to all the frilly useless stuff found in most fitness stores without frightening away the uninitiated. I'm starting tomorrow morning and I cant wait! - Brian BalesReceived my Intuit Flow Mini-ClubbellsTM package on Saturday. The Mini-ClubbellsTM are great. They beg to be picked up and swung. I think this will be a really big seller. - Roland BeauregardI think this is an excellent product. At the price it was also a steal. Everything about the product was classy and professional. I can see Scott selling these on QVC real soon. Thanks to Scott and RMAX for another winner! - Shane

Ok, I got this cool package in the mail from Rmax today and here are my humble opinions and observation after my first viewing of the Intu-Flow(TM) DVDs. *It is a nice blend of Warrior Wellness with elements of Body-Flow, Prime Your Bioenergy, etc. blended in. The keywords are blended in to be attainable by all who incrementally apply themselves to the material. *Another thing I really liked about these dvds are that they are very detail oriented to the point that the camera shots show all the little details of making things work as a whole. You really see the flow of the joints transitioning from what Coach says to what is being demonstrated. *I noticed some concern from members of the tribe about Intu-Flow(TM) being a replacement to other RMAX products. To that I would like to comment that YES, and NO. Yes, the blend of material is really very cool and a new approach to the way things have been done. No, you shouldn't think other Rmax material is obsolete. In fact, I would go so far as to say that it will help you transition better to other products like Prime your Bioenergy Body-Flow, etc. After playing with the Beginner iIntu-Flow(TM) and watching the other levels I really believe I am going to grasp "Prime Your Bioenergy" as a whole as result of Intuiflow practice. PYB has been a bit of a challenge for me.* MINI CLUBBELLLS KICK ASS, BABY! The extension DVD looks like great fun. My only gripe today is that I wish these darn Mini-ClubbellsTM were around last winter when I was freezing my ass off learning the basics of Clubbells outdoors. Seriously, these Mini-ClubbellsTM are ideal for indoor Clubbell learning. I tried them out down in my rec room and they worked out great. Haha I am still going to have to practice with my regular Clubbells outdoors though. OHio is cold baby! I bought a heater for my garage though. Regular Clubbells are just too long for practicing inside most homes. Last but not least as I watched these videos I kept having flashbacks of my youth practicing Tae Kwon do and the instructors forcing you to stretch further causing unnecessary pain and sometimes damage to the athlete. I also thought about kids who were less talented athletically and who had to endure the emotional pain of being picked last in gym class. How barbaric these ways are compared to the Rmax ways! I can proudly say Intu-flow is progressive program for people of all walks of life. Coach Sonnon layed out 10 solid principles for anyone to succeed by! Coach Sonnon and crew great product. Though I love Warrior Wellness and it has been good to me I really dig this Intu-flow product! - Steve Lardieri

Intu-Flow is the best bargain that RMAX has ever offered. A brilliant evolution of the material in the most user friendly presentation so far. ... something that really stood out for me is the way that the movement principles and ranges of motion studied in the joint mobility program directly and explicitly prime the practitioner for putting those movements under weight. Having coached Clubbells at CST IC and privately, I expect that the nuances and principles will be grasped and assimilated much easier if the athlete first works with Intu-Flow. It's such a well-designed, explicit transition. A great example of this is the first pelvis exercise in the Beginner progression. Mastering the hip fold and extension, and the hip root, in the manner presented will set up the power source of future Clubbell work. Brilliantly designed! - Ryan Murdoc,k RMAX Head CoachI just received my Intu-Flow package today... the Intu-Flow package is truly a bargain. I have had Warrior Wellness for so time now, and I dont what to keep saying the same thing here, but you can not help it, this new package is so much better in its presentation, and value. From the way coach explains the sequence of movements, to the background scenary, the added music, of Course the intergration of the Mini's, it is truely a wonder for its price. For those who have Warrior Wellness understand, you can really see Rmax growth and direction. I have wanted to get started with CST so bad and this has gotten me of to a great start. I was having thoughts about purchasing the 15lb Clubbells, cause I like most, you hear the weight and think to yourself oh that's nothing. Trust folks not just my words but also the words of the other members hear in the tribe, that when it comes to circular strength thats a lot of weight to move, cast, swipe, etc. I could not believe how heavy these 5lb clubs are. The pictures really dont convey how wonderful they are, then again it is only a picture, but the mini is honestly enough weight to challenge you like Connie said 5lb dumbbells are no match and no way to judge the Mini-ClubbellsTM. For those who do not have it consider getting it and for those who have it enjoy. - Thomas ThorntonI have recieved Intu-Flow recently and what a great product. I've been doing Warrior Wellness for awhile now so the transition Intu-Flow was fairly easy. It has also helped in alot of self discovery with my movement and Body Flow. I would suggest this product for anyone who wants to start their CST training, or just for your personal health. - Joe GossI just received Intu-Flow and it is great, you won't be disappointed! - Jarlo Ilano, CST CoachIve been playing with RMAX FlowFitness Health Systems for a number of years, starting with GTB, Zdorovye Series, Warrior Wellness, Maximology, Freedom by Degree and various movement exercises in FlowFighting Martial videos like Prime Your Bioenergy. I purchased the new Intu-Flow as gifts, including one for my wife. Of course she gets it for Christmas, and I get to test-drive it now! Intu-Flow is the best do-it-at-home RMAX product to date. If you never use another RMAX product, Intu-Flow can be your lifetime fitness/health program. Most users should be able to use the beginner program as presented. There have been some questions on this forum about the appropriateness of some of the exercises for beginners. This is where the cadre of knowledgeable RMAX instructors comes into play. My sister and mother (50 and 79 years of age) will use one of my gift sets, and I have been experimenting with modifications of some exercises i.e. Quad Hops and Cradles. Connie is one instructor who has done an outstanding job of presenting Warrior Wellness movements for the newbie. And I sure she will continue to be a great resource. I have previewed all the Intu-Flow and Xtension programs. I am now performing first level Intu-Flow and adding an Xtension exercise every other session (not recommended if you have no prior Clubbell experience). I am impressed by the exercise selection/programming and their synergistic effects/results. Quote:

It's gained so much more refinement, sophistication and simplicity since the old Warrior Wellness days. Moreover, I've added new material to this program never before seen! Intu-Flow is much more and far beyond Warrior Wellness, but it's also much simpler, deeper and easier to follow. (IntuFlow, Xtension and the Mini-Clubbell by Scott Sonnon)

How true! Not only is the content excellent, but so is the production quality. I liked the Xtension chart and would like to have a similar Intu-Flow Chart especially for the Beginner Level. For now, I have made an exercise flow sheet to use as a reference guide. Some participants will want to use their new Mini-ClubbellsTM ASAP. I will recommend at least one Clubbell exercise i.e. beginner level swings. I suppose this is another example of the benefit for hands-on-instruction. I have enjoyed the ride and have great fun playing. Watching the development of RMAX over years has been fascinating. Scott, you have done good. - Paul KarpickI purchased this program for my housemate for Christmas. She has been wanting to lose weight and reduce the joint pain in her knees, back and shoulders; she has also wanted to participate in a low impact, non-threatening exercise program. When I saw Intu-Flow offered, I jumped on it. It sounded perfect for her goals. She opened the box yesterday and I was wishing it was mine! We watched the Flow DVDs - clearly demonstrated, well explained, and presented in a relaxed, friendly manner. Didn't have time to view Extension, but those mini Clubbells are sweet. My housemate has always been intimidated by my Clubbells, but she liked the blue clubs. (She did insist they weighed more than five pounds!). She was impressed by many of the movements and Coach Sonnon's explanations - many of them relate directly to what the most balanced horseback riders do to allow themselves to ride pain-free and to get out of the horse's way to allow natural movement under saddle. As her passion is horses and riding, this really grabbed her attention. Intu-Flow is an excellent product with application for folks serious about balanced riding as well as general health and fitness. - Kelly MooreINTU-FLOW SET4-Part-Complete-Joint-Rejuvenating DVD program as a stand-along DVD title!The Intu-Flow program comes on two DVDs and contains the complete Health system: the Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced and the Master levels.Intu-Flow produces pain-free, energized results without a struggle, and with only a few minutes a day.

Running time: 125 min. US $49.95 + SHP

AGELESS MOBILITYPain-Free Wellness for LongevityAgeless Mobility is an easy-to-learn, follow-along, low-impact, instantly-effective movement program involving a scientific blend of dynamic mobility combined with simple flowing yoga. Ageless Mobility gives you pain-free quality of life, and the ability to move gracefully, effortlessly and play without the dreaded "day after pain." Ageless Mobility is a program from the Circular Strength Training System, a scientific 3 winged system of prehab now so you dont have to rehab later.

This program is designed in a genetically-programmed sequence of lubricating each joint, one after another, until the entire body becomes fully flushed with nutrition. Most people suffer through their lives literally starved for this critical movement! Once each joint is well oiled and ready to move, then soft, flowing yoga movements, easily learned, release the body of chains of tension. This specific process helps prevent daily aches and pains while helping abate the onset of shoulder bursitis, elbow tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck and lower back disc herniation, hip, knee and ankle strain. The simple breathing exercises manage stress at a biochemical level while increasing core strength and helping gastrointestinal health.

It can be performed once or twice a week for 45 minutes and still receive 100% of the medical benefits of the exercise. In the time that most people channel surf throughout the day, any Boomer, anyone of any age for that matter, can again have that energetic zeal of pain-free mobility wellness! BONUS PROGRAMS: X10D Golf-Pro and Tennis-ProIn these bonus programs, you will learn the genetically-programmed sequence of how to flush your connective tissue with crucial nutrition which not only "extends" the pain-free power and injury-free stamina of your game, but increases your energy and slows the aging process. We are literally as old as our connective tissue, so if we starve our joints of nutrition, we accelerate the aging process. Most people are sprinting to injury! But with X10D, you can slow that process, and to a degree even reverse conditions, which have stayed with you such as: tennis elbow, golf elbow, racquetball wrist, shoulder impingement, neck stingers, lower back pain and knee and ankle strain. These unique bonus programs involve a sport-specific mobility program designed to use the tool of your sport: a tennis racquet or a golf club.

What is the difference between the Intu-Flow and Ageless Mobility Programs?Coach Sonnon: Ageless Mobility is a "biggest bang for your buck" follow-along program for increasing the pain-free health of your most important problem areas: neck, shoulders, mid and lower back, hips and pelvis. It has a carefully integrated program of breathing which will help you go deeper into those problem areas. The program is meant to be done once or twice a week for 100% benefit.

Intu-Flow is a comprehensive, if not exhaustive approach to covering every joint in the body, as well as an ever deepening sophistication into each of those joints and them as a synergistic whole. If you have Intu-Flow, you already have access to "Ageless Mobility." However, some people need focus on how to fit it in under one hour, some people don't want to think about sophisticating, and some people need very specific verbal directions on how to breath. I developed Intu-Flow for those who wanted to explore on their own and Ageless Mobility for those who prefer the classroom follow-along format. It's about preference, really. There is overlap as in all RMAX materials. There are unique portions in each as well. But really it's about preference.Running time: 98 min. US $24.95 + SHP .. the benefits I gained from the Ageless Mobility program. My body has never felt so alive, free, fluid, and supple. And it really does happen instantly and effectively. I felt a difference immediately after my Ageless Mobility practiceWhat I love about Coach Sonnon's presentation is that he guides you every single step of the way. Coach walks you through proper form with instruction on performance goals for breathing, movement, structure, as well as effort and discomfort for the full 80 minute program. I find it helpful to hear instruction on how the movement or pose will make my body feel. This reassures me that whatever discomfort or quakes I'm feeling is part of the practice and that I'm performing the movement correctlyI got to say, this is another winner from the Coach! - Jeffrey SamsonJust got Intu-Flow and Ageless Mobility; just wanted to say that they are the stuff. The way I felt after doing Ageless Mobility was unbelievable. I felt complete refreshed. - David L TurnerWhen I got the DVD I didn't touch it for a couple of weeks. I finally tried it last week, and wow! I am bubbling with metaphors: Scott Sonnon is truly to fitness what Eric Clapton is to a guitarI only did the first few exercises, but let me tell you, it's somehow like yoga but standing still, like a self-administered massage, but way more fun. Can't really describe it, but this fella Scott is indeed unique in the way he manages to make this whole field progress in a smooth, simple, yet...sophisticated way... - Peter NguyenI bought this as a present for my Mom but she will have to wait until I am done with it LOL. The neck and thorax are stretches amazing for me...LOVE it. The shoulder rolls are great aswell as the elbow rotations while holding a 5er.These will make excellent additions to my Intu-Flow routine. - Christopher FowlerI've had two session of Ageless Mobility so far and I keep on being amazed with it. What a perfect program you've constructed coach. I've got at least 4-5 people I want to get a copy of this for. I absolutely am sold on this program and I am finding it to be the ultimate in active recovery for me

All I can say is wow! I found cracks and releases I did not know I had. I think this may just be the crowning achievement of Coach Sonnons career(at least so far). I dont care who you are; this program will be of use to you. I am already feeling its benefits. Get Ageless Mobility! This is the new standard for movement health or (maybe especially) active recovery. - Brian BalesI have noticed immediate improvements after only going through this DVD once MiykaelAs someone new to and strongly needing mobility training I have to say that for me this is so much more effective for me.The prompting into the nuances of the movements by Coach Sonnon is Extraordinary!The sequencing of 'stretching'to dynamic mobilization to yoga-type mat movements with integrated breathing cues has had a profound impact compared to the others... Kudo's Coach! - Tim MorrisonEven some of us who've been practicing Circular Strength Training for awhile noticed changes after the first time through Ageless Mobility. To paraphrase what someone said at [seminar], "The first time I did it, I noticed 'holes in my program'." That was my experience too - any area you haven't been reaching will start talkin' to you! Jeanne Gostnell, CST InstructorWhen Coach Sonnon ran us through Ageless Mobility at [seminar], it really kicked my butt in an unexpected way. I was totally beat the next day because my body experienced periods of opening up that were completely amazing. I train a lot and for something to impact me that much, it has to be something powerful. - Geoff Dixon Certified CST Coach PRASARA BODY-FLOWPRASARA Flow without Thought

Prasara is an ancient Sanskrit term meaning "flow without thought." Man's natural state of peak performance is one of relaxation and spontaneity beyond the influence of ego and fear-reactivity. Internationally renowned champion, coach and fitness expert Scott Sonnon presents a unique approach for realizing your creative expression of self. Described by some as "what yoga is supposed to be", this program moves beyond set patterns and static poses to transform the practitioner into a physical artist recreating one's self with each movement.

At times resembling break dancing, yoga, martial arts, gymnastics or other familiar disciplines, Prasara: Flow Without Thought is the next evolutionary step in the painstaking development of biomechanical exercise and Circular Strength Training for Three-Dimensional Physical Preparedness. A giant step forward in physical culture, this 2-DVD set includes instruction in various basic movements with progressions to dynamic flowing kinetic chains.

Flock of Pigeons: hip opener, knee and ankle strengthener

Diving Dolphin: hams and lumbar release, shoulder and neck opener

Spider Monkey: chest, shoulders, arms and upper back strengthener

Forest: leg, glut and core strengthener

Tumbleweed: hip flexor and psoas synergizer, neck relaxer and strengthener

Technical component breakdown of each flow chain

Breath Mastery Scale overview

Two Color Charts for easy reference Flow lies beneath the rusty armor of fear, anxiety and trauma which our ego carries around like so many luggages. Prasara is a physical practice of releasing fear, anxiety and trauma, a practice which releases one's natural state of Grace, one's natural Flow. It is a challenging inner journey, calling forth courage, discipline, and faith in our intrinsic Divinity, the still, small voice within that guides us to transformation and a life of service to all beings.

Unlock your innate Flow and find physical, mental and spiritual expression in motion! Explore and integrate your breath, structure and movement to release tension, strengthen the body and cultivate personal mastery. Prasara: Flow Without Thought is suitable for all levels from beginner to advanced, but prior experience with Body-Flow and/or yoga is recommended.

2 DVDs set + 2 color charts:

A. Technical Component Breakdown of each of the 5 Flow Chains B. Breath Mastery Scale OverviewRunning time: 46 min. US $59.95 + SHP

Blows my brain away!!!!! Just got Prasara....awesome to the max! Customer/student for life here. - Charlie McCarthy

The material on the DVD's is excellent. Both production and content. Tom Hilliard"While at first glance Prasara appears to be a movement routine presumably designed to increase range of motion and core strength, the rewards of the program do indeed meet those goals, and go far beyond them. The heart of the matter is an extremely sophisticated approach to breathing, with potential results that enhance virtually aspects of human life." -Kirik Jenness, Owner MMA.tv, NAGA Commissioner, Author of Fighter's Notebook and Fit to FightMastery is no longer a mere promise, or distant dream of grace and power.This revolutionary new movement incorporates both traditional yoga postures and Vinyasa (meaning "to place in a special way" and refers to consciously synchronizing breath with movement and structure.) Coach Sonnon presents a phenomenal key tobody, mind, and spirit: the Breath Mastery Scale. Both experienced students and newcomers will learn to control breath and motion with exquisite precision, opening the door to improvement in athletic performance, physical and mental health, and the progressive realization of our true spiritual state of being.Prasara extends beyond conscious movement practice,for it intends to create "Flow without Thought." Once the student reclaims flow within the Prasara chains, he or she becomes an intuitive, improvisational physical artist. These chains can be performed for health, fitness, the sheer bliss of creative physical practice or for exploring, targeting and releasing ongoing, daily residual fear, trauma and anxiety. Prasara opens the door to yoga for the athlete, athleticism for the yogi, and the full human birthright of exuberant aliveness to anyone willing to begin, and sustain the journey. Prasara flows may be performed as singular practice sessions, or divided to concentrate upon form in the static component poses, or asana. No matter the current skill or fitness level, there are steps small enough to begin the path. If you can stand, sit, and walk, you can begin Prasara. Although complete, in itself, Prasara is perfectly complemented by BKS Iyengar's classic yoga text Light on Yoga and Coach Sonnon's own work: Body-Flow Biomechanical Exercise.Yoga. Martial Arts. The ecstatic athlete within all of us, revealed at last. The promise, made flesh. Prasara. The time has come." - Steven Barnes, National Best Selling Author and Screen Writer, Yogi and Martial Artist

"Prasara is the closest thing to what yoga is suppose to be. It is very personal. Its not a monkey see/monkey do program, but a template of discovery and recovery of your own natural flow. There is a beginning but not an end. Where traditional yoga aims to create space between two opposing points, Prasara allows you to explore and travel through an number of points to find your natural grace. Its an excellent companion to traditional yogas development of serene and static poise, for it uncovers your authentic grace, which can only be found through movement. Prasara embraces the traditional of ancient yoga practices, yet it is not bound by them. It is a first class ticket to freedom and creativity. Its simplicity welcomes all, yet its sophistication challenges the most seasoned yogi or athlete to confront their egos and flow and grow beyond what they thought was imaginable.My yoga students were excited by the challenge, but not overwhelmed. It caters to the student of Viniyoga, for the practice of Prasara is your idiosyncratic path. There are shades of the powerful vinyasa of Ashtanga yoga and has some of the dynamic qualities of Kundalini yoga. It is an original, yet it maintains the intrinsic qualities of the 8 limbs of yoga. It is your path, your yoga!" - Robert Verdell, Yogi, Dancer, Elementary Education Teacher, Rape Prevention Instructor

"Prasara is the most effective dynamic programs I have come upon. It is the missing link to dynamically loosen yet strengthen the body as a functional unit. Relaxing yet challenging at the same time, the task of performing these flow chains seamlessly and gracefully as they were meant tests both the mind and the body. As an athlete, Prasara is an essential tool for maintaining my strength in flexibility giving me the edge and preventing injury in the many positions I may find myself while grappling and throwing.

Prasara and Clubbell Training together form the ultimate tool for a healthy, top of the line warrior in this day where martial artist are so diverse in their training that only the strong survive." - Reinaldo Novoa Jr., National Judo Team Coach



Body-Flow heralds a new era in human performance enhancement. The emphasis on integrating breath and physical structure with movement allows your body to gently release ingrained tension more efficiently than traditional methods. As the fundamental movements recommended for initial exploration are mastered, exploratory practice is recommended to encourage creative development and joy in practice. Playfully combining basic movements into more complex and challenging combinations called kinetic chains results in fluid, beautiful full-body grace and fitness.

Presented by Coach Scott Sonnon, international martial arts champion and world renowned fitness expert. The content includes:Introduction to Body-Flow

Squat Creep

Shin Twist

Knee Switch

Shin Roll Descending

Shin Roll Ascending

Long Leg Creep

Arm Screw

Rear Leg Swing

Double Shin Roll

Leg Swoop

Elevated Scorpion

Circular Scorpion

Long Leg Roll

Leg Thread

Double Leg Swoop

Spinal Rock

Split Switch

Quad Switch

Quad Hop

Long Arm Roll

Kinetic Chain example: Long Arm Roll+Shinbox Switch

Thread Shoulder Roll

Lateral Shoulder Roll

Neck Roll

Twisting Spinal Arch

Arching High Leg

Springing Tripod Single

Springing Tripod Hopping

Springing Tripod Double

Forward Spinal Wave

Backward Spinal Wave

Spinal Wave Rear Roll

Spinal Wave Forward RollKinetic Chain #1

Kinetic Chain #2

Kinetic Chain #3

Kinetic Chain #4

Kinetic Chain #5

Kinetic Chain #6

Kinetic Chain #7

Kinetic Chain #8

Kinetic Chain #9

Kinetic Chain #10

Body-Flow represents a major step forward in the evolution of progressive mobility training, and is suitable for all levels of ability. Since development occurs at an individual pace, practitioners are invited to play with their movement and enjoy each step along the way rather than rush ahead to ever more advanced exercises. Beginners are cautioned not to attempt the kinetic chains demonstrated before mastering the component exercises for each one. By listening to your body and developing relaxed competency, you will reap the most benefit and joy from your practice.

This video course was filmed during one of the Coach Sonnons Circular Strength Training Instructors Seminars.In Body-Flow Biomechanical Exercises & Kinetic Chains, I teach you to De-SISS-ify your capabilities. I may melt your brain and fry your Central Nervous System (metaphorically, not literally of course.) That's my job - to clear away the cobwebs so that you can REMEMBER Mastery. Yes, you had it as a child, and we're conditioned by fear, trauma and stress to stop moving and PLAYING like a child. Body-Flow may give that back to you Coach Sonnon.

2 DVDs set

Running time: 130 min. US $99.95 + SHP

Later, after really getting into Body-Flow, I realized this is a great way to learn the mechanics of ground engagement. In my exercise classes, I have taught older women and men how to engage the ground without injury by using Scott's Body-Flow techniques. One 63 year old female student recently took a header off her mountain bike. She relaxed and rolled right back to her feet completely unscathed. Prior to that, she said a fall like that might have killed her. She originally came to me because she had tripped and fell several times and had injured herself. She had a great fear of falling. Now she can embrace the ground without fear.- Steve Maxwell, World BJJ and SOMBO Champion, Owner of Maxercise, the largest Brazilian Jiu-jitsu School on the East Coast

"Mr. Sonnon, I can't thank you enough for all the information you share. The Body-Flow book is very insightful into creating positive changes and success in your life. The Body-Flow videos have been a real challenge in learning movement and have transformed my grappling abilities tremendously. - Alan Condon

Thank you for everything, I am in love with Body-Flow!!!! - James Linn "...parallels my view that health and fitness is a lifestyle and is a natural state. Far too many people only see the physical aspect of training be it fitness or combatives. Scott Sonnon clearly understands that training isnt about just the body it involves the whole person - body, mind, and dare I say it; spirit. Sonnon talks about getting out of the way so that we can attain Body-Flow because Boy- Flow isnt something you achieve it is something that you let return. I can see that there will be people out there that will not grasp this. They are looking for training techniques and/or specific exercises to train physical/acrobatic ability. Biomechanical Exercises are actually physical movements which when learned unlock psychological blockages which prevent a person from reaching his natural grace. There is nothing "magical" about these exercises unless you count returning to your natural state of graceful movement "magical". This took years of research for Coach Sonnon to develop a way to express how he connected the dots from his exposure to these experts, travel and training in Russia and his own experience from his Sambo career. ...truly remarkable and a must for those who wish to take a road less traveled to optimal health and fitness."- James Smith, Animal Ability Training BODY-FLOW

Freedom From Fear-Reactivitybook by Scott Sonnon 8.5" x 11" 176 Pages, Fully Photographed Exercises

Armed with the insights of Body-Flow, you can get it back. You can keep up with a 10 year old. You can hop a fence or roll around on the ground for fun. You can bust a move on your friends and be free of joint pain.All it takes is one small choice, one tiny decision. All you need to do is be willing to try a few fun and easy to understand moves that will wake your body up from years of slumber, grant it freedom from the emotional armoring you have trapped your natural movement in, what Coach Sonnon calls Fear-Reactivity.

Unless you live completely free of fear in all areas of your life, Body Flow can help you confront, deal with, and make peace with this facet of being human. These are ways of moving that awaken your long-forgotten abilities to: move like a cat, run like a gazelle, leap like a frog. This is not hype. This is fact. These exercises work.

Body Flow is not about making you stronger, although it will. It is not about making you more agile, although it will do that, too. It is about finding what you thought youd lost.

It is about re-educating your body, mind, and spirit to release whatever muscle tension, emotional blockage, and troublesome habits that inhibit your movement and emotional expression