republic 1&2

Plato’s Republic Republic 的的的的的的 Politeia: From Polis Polis: the city, the community of men sharing a way of life and governing themselves, waging war, and preserving the peace. 幾幾 () 幾幾幾幾 Piraeus _ 幾幾 411 幾 幾 ,,404 幾幾幾 幾幾 幾幾幾幾 Socrates S 幾幾幾幾 Cephalus C 幾幾幾幾幾 Polemarchus P 幾幾 )( 「」 Thirty Tyrants Lysias 幾幾幾 Plato’s 幾幾幾, Ariston 幾幾幾幾 幾幾幾 Glaucon G 幾幾幾幾 Ademanuts A 幾幾幾 :西(Thrasmachus T1

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Post on 23-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Platos Republic Republic Politeia: From Polis Polis: the city, the community of men sharing a way of life and governing themselves, waging war, and preserving the peace. Piraeus 411 404 Socrates S Cephalus C Polemarchus PThirty Tyrants Lysias Platos , Ariston Glaucon G Ademanuts A Thrasmachus T 1

2. Socrates: I went down ()to the Piraeus went down? down Piraeus? Piraeus 327c Cephalus Cephalus331d 330d-331c 331a-c 331d Cephalus: Justice: giving back what a man has taken from another That it is just to give to each what is owed. (331e) S 332d Polemachus The one that gives benefits and injuries to friends and enemies S S 1. P 2. P 2 3. 3. Do horses that have been injured become better or worse? Worse. Then it is not the work of the just man to harm either a friend or anyone else(335d) S or some other rich man who has a high opinion of what he can do(336a). 338c Thrasymachus The just is nothing other than the advantage of the stronger. S S T 341b The one who is the ruler in the most precise sense. S (341c) T 343b S No art or kind of rule provides for its own benefit 347e S S Is any musical man who is tuning a lyre in your opinion willing to get the better of another musical man in tightening and relaxing the strings , or does he claim he deserves more?(350a) == The wise, just, good vs. the unjust, bad, unlearned S mighty350d if its members acted unjustly to one 3 4. another?351c 352d But whether the just also live better than the unjust and are happier? S 1. Whether the work of each thing is what it alone can do, or can do finely than other things? 2. also to be a virtue for each thing to which some work is assigned 3 is there some work of a soul that you couldnt accomplish with any other thing that is? For example, managing, ruling, deliberating, and all such things 4. then, will a soul ever accomplish its work well if deprived of its virtue, or is that impossible? Then, justice is virtue of soul, injustice vice. The just soul, the just man will have a good life T 352d Nevertheless, this must still be considered better: for the argument is not about just any question, but about the way one should live. 354b 4 5. 5 6. Glaucon For Glaucon is always most courageous in everything (357a) G G G restore Ts argument 358C 1. ?? compactthe law commands lawful and just 2. 3. seem to Adeimantus362D G358b A367a-e S G A I had always been full of wonder at the nature of G and A.(367e) S 368c-d Perhaps there would be more justice in the bigger and it would be easier to observe closely.(369a) If we would watch a city coming into being in speech(369a) need one man one art370b 6 7. . S healthy city G luxurious one S feverish city 372e They must be gentle to their own and cruel to enemies. 375c a lover of learning 376c lets educate the men in speech 337e-338a cf.1 360a 347b 1 Cf. 7 8. one man one art 369b 370b different men are apt for the accomplishment of different job. One man one art(370b) 394E, 423d one man one job 433a 8